Specific Examination Questions: For The Computer Based Training Program

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Specific Examination Questions

For the Computer Based Training Program

1. The emulsifier is replaced when:
1. It has been used for longer than 2 months.
2. It has been used for longer than 1 month.
3. The concentration of immersion solutions eceeds two percentage points.
!. "emo#abilit$ less than that of the reference s$stem is obser#ed.
2. %elded components ha#ing openings where residual penetrant cannot be remo#ed shall be:
1. Tan& dipped
2. 'pra$ed
3. Brushed
!. (n$ of the abo#e can be used
3. )r$ing time shall not eceed:
1. 1* minutes
2. 2* minutes
3. 3* minutes
!. !* minutes
!. Parts which ha#e been shot peened prior to penetrant inspection:
1. 'hall be machine prior to the application of penetrant.
2. %ill re+uire etching after the penetrant process.
3. Can be etched prior to the penetrant inspection.
!. 'hall be re,ected.
-. ( rounded indication shall be re,ected when it eceeds:
1. ( longest dimension greater than 1.1/ inch.
2. 'i or more indications in line and an$ two are separated b$ less than 1.1/ inch.
3. Ten or more scattered indications in an$ one s+uare inch of surface.
!. (ll of the abo#e
/. ( blac& light should be allowed to warm up for at least:
1. - minutes
2. 1* minutes
3. 1- minutes
!. 2* minutes
0. The water content of a water washable penetrant shall not eceed:
1. - percent
2. 1* percent
3. 1- percent
!. 2* percent
1. %hen inspecting internal surfaces a minimum blac& light intensit$ of 2222 m%.cm
shall be
maintained at the inspection surface.
1. 2**
2. -**
3. 0**
!. 12-*
3. %hen using a method C penetrant the minimum dwell time is:
1. - minutes
2. 1* minutes
3. 1- minutes
!. 2* minutes
1*. The dwell time of the emulsifier shall not eceed:
1. 3* seconds
2. /* seconds
3. 3* seconds
!. 12* seconds
11. %hen performing a final inspection for fluorescent penetrants4 the ambient white light
bac&ground shall not eceed 222 foot candles
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
!. !
12. 5ow often shall dr$ de#elopers be chec&ed in order to ensure it is fluff$ and not ca&ed6
1. )ail$
2. %ee&l$
3. 7onthl$
!. %hen sensiti#it$ is reduced
13. The part4 penetrant and ambient temperature shall all be within a range of:
1. -*81** degrees F
2. /*811* degrees F
3. /*81** degrees F
!. -*811* degrees F
1!. )r$ de#elopment time shall not eceed:
1. /* minutes
2. 12* minutes
3. 3/* minutes
!. 2!* minutes
1-. Castings shall be etched for a minimum of:
1. 1* minutes
2. 1- minutes
3. 2* minutes
!. 9one of the abo#e
1/. The blac& light lens shall be cleaned:
1. )ail$
2. %ee&l$
3. Bi8wee&l$
!. 7onthl$
10. The thermostat accurac$ of the dr$er shall be chec&ed:
1. %ee&l$
2. 7onthl$
3. :#er$ si months
!. ;earl$
11. The sensiti#it$ of in8use penetrants shall be chec&ed:
1. )ail$
2. %ee&l$
3. Bi8wee&l$
!. 7onthl$
13. The maimum temperature of the dr$er in an automated s$stem shall not eceed 222 degrees
1. 12*
2. 1/*
3. 2**
!. 22*
2*. <#er remo#al of the surface penetrant shall re+uire the component to be:
1. "eprocessed.
2. Cleaned and reprocessed.
3. "e8dipped in the penetrant.
!. "eplaced
21. (ll materials used for penetrant inspection shall conform to and be +ualified per:
1. 7il8I82-13-
2. 7il8'td82-13-
3. ('T7 'ection =
!. (PI 11*!
22. The blac& light intensit$ at a distance of 1- inches shall pro#ide a minimum of 222 micro8
1. -**
2. 14***
3. 142-*
!. 24***
23. :cess dr$ de#eloper ma$ be remo#ed after the de#elopment time b$:
1. (ir blowers
2. Tapping
3. "insing
!. <nl$ 1 and 2
2!. If the nona+ueous wet de#eloper coating is too hea#$ such that the metallic surface is
completel$ mas&ed the component shall be:
1. Inspected and post8cleaned
2. Cleaned and reprocessed.
3. "insed and the de#eloper reapplied
!. (n$ of the abo#e is acceptable
2-. Penetrant products from a different famil$:
1. Can be mied
2. Can ne#er be mied
3. Can onl$ be mied with a nona+ueous de#eloper.
!. (n$ of the abo#e is acceptable.
1. !
2. 3
3. 3
!. !
-. !
/. 3
0. 1
1. 2
3. 2
1*. !
11. 2
12. 1
13. 1
1!. !
1-. !
1/. 3
10. 3
11. 2
13. 3
2*. 2
21. 1
22. 2
23. !
2!. 2
2-. 3

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