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Nm hc 2012 2013
Mn thi: TING ANH (khng chuyn)
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng k thi gian pht
M thi: 524

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks from 1 to 10.
The Ugly Capital of the World
Italy is one country where beauty is prized more than any other virtue. That is, except in the small town of
Piobbico, the self-proclaimed World Capital of Ugly People. The road (1) _____ at the edge of the town even warns
visitors that they are entering the ugly zone. People who consider (2) _____ ugly have been gathering in Piobbico
since the 1960s. Thats when Ugly Club president Telesforo Lacobelli (3) _____ a dating agency for women who
believed they were too ugly to (4) _____ husbands. Lacobelli believes that he is ugly himself because he has a short
nose in a country where long or large noses have always been (5) _____ beautiful.
People from (6) _____ the world travel to Piobbico to tell their sad stories of ugliness. During the (7) _____
Festival of the Ugly, which occurs on the first Sunday of every September, (8) _____ people gather in Piobbicos town
square to (9) _____ the president of the Ugly Club.
The Ugly Club has over 20,000 members. They carry ID cards that (10) _____ their ugliness from bearable to
extreme. A prize is awarded to Ugly Club members who qualify as extremely ugly.
1. A. signing B. sign C. signature D. signal
2. A. it B. itself C. themselves D. them
3. A. created B. built C. established D. invented
4. A. interest B. attract C. propose D. afford
5. A. believed B. assumed C. supposed D. considered
6. A. about B. in C. on D. around
7. A. daily B. weekly C. yearly D. monthly
8. A. hundreds of B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundred
9. A. appoint B. approve C. select D. elect
10. A. line B. level C. grade D. mark
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. _____ I ask Martha for a date and she laughs at me?
A. What should B. What would C. What if D. As if
12. A law that prohibits tobacco advertising in newspapers and magazines has just been made _____.
A. public B. publicly C. publicity D. publicized
13. During freshman or sophomore year of high school, our French teacher _____ us the task of writing a short story.
A. divided B. assigned C. signed D. shared
14. Since Martha broke her foot, she hasnt participated in her favorite pastime, _____.
A. modern dancing B. to modern dance C. her modern dancing D. being modern dance
15. In declining this offer, Pierce expressed regret that he himself did not have the necessary time or the proper _____
to undertake employment in this enterprise.
A. experiments B. qualifications C. experiences D. functions
16. Her grandmother lives in _____ house.
A. a big old wood brown B. a bog brown old wood C. a big old brown wood D. an old brown big wood 2012 | Page 2 of 6

17. _____ in the 1940s reported that one person in every five over sixty was receiving some form of financial support
from a son or a daughter.
A. An invention B. A study C. An interrogation D. A research
18. Dans shirt needs _____. There are many tears and holes in it.
A. to mend B. to be mending C. being mended D. mending
19. My house _____ so I have to stay at a hotel until the painting is completed, Alice told us.
A. is being painted D. was painted C. has been painted D. is painted
20. The _____ century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy, and this in the number of readers.
A. latest B. later C. last D. late
21. We arrived at the airport to find our friends _____ for us.
A. waiting B. wait C. being waiting D. waited
22. The Olympic Games are held _____ four years in a selected country.
A. each B. every C. all D. once
23. His emotional problems stem from the attitude he encountered _____ a child.
A. like D. as C. while D. when
24. We must reduce the amount of carbon dioxide _____ into the atmosphere.
A. accessed B. transferred C. transmitted D. emitted
25. At this point someone suggested that each defeated boy carry his victorious partner on his shoulder, and every
readily fell _____ with the suggestion.
A. in B. behind C. around D. back
26. After Henry _____ a rough outline of the model, he will begin painting.
A. has drawn D. is drawing C. drew D. had drawn
27. That smell always reminds me _____ hospital.
A. for B. of C. with D. about
28. Prestel customers will be able to buy a wide _____ of goods and services using credit cards to pay.
A. range B. level C. bargain D. board
29. I dont think it very expensive to buy a laptop here. Really? Ill buy _____ next week.
A. one B. the one C. it D. that
30. Theres nothing _____ your tongue. Its perfectly normal.
A. the matter with B. the matter for C. matter of D. that matters
31. The Green Garden Restaurant uses fresh produce in it dishes, _____ the owners grow in their own garden.
A. much of which B. much of these C. much of those D. much of them
32. _____ of my friends wants to see the film again.
A. No B. Not C. None D. No one
33. Would you like a drink? Oh, yes, _____ a Coke. Thank you.
A. Ill be having B. Im having C. Im going to have D. Ill have
34. She got to the office early, rushed through her tasks, then _____ an excuse and left.
A. made B. found C. did D. worked
35. Such schools are places of tremendous enthusiasm in learning in which the great majority of children make _____
progress in academic studies and in social skills.
A. straight B. steep C. rapid D. instant
36. Frank works too hard. He had better give up one of his part-time jobs, but Im sure he _____.
A. doesnt B. mustnt C. hadnt D. wont
37. Since the company doesnt charge a late fee until after the twenty sixth, you _____ pay until a day or two before
A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. couldnt
38. Only then did she and her staff ___ to a decision and fax a statement to news organizations.
A. made B. arrived C. come D. reached
39. He was used to being the one who took care of his family, and his _____ was hurt in not being able to do that.
A. honour B. satisfaction C. pride D. respect
40. The people _____ the kidnapping have demanded a million dollars in small bills.
A. which responsible for B. responsible for C. who responsible for D. that responsible for 2012 | Page 3 of 6

Read the following letters written to a newspaper on the subject of work and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50.
Im at a real crossroads in my career. At 27, Ive already built a reasonably useful career as a university librarian,
but six months ago I gave it up and have been doing temporary work ever since. Im now job hunting and have been
offered a chance to work in a library in a top-class university. On the face of it, this is a great opportunity. The
problem is I cant get rid of the crazy idea that what I really want to do is something creative, like writing for radio or
television. I know that dreams wont pay the rent, but I feel Im at a stage where I dont necessarily want to commit
myself to a career path Im not sure about. And I dont want to do temporary work forever, either.
I enjoy my work as a school kitchen assistant. My boss is a friend and we have been on holiday together. We get
on really well away from work, but at work my boss is always picking on me. My work is not up to her standard and
she complains that I talk too much and work too slowly. I feel all these complaints are unfounded. I have done this job
perfectly well for 13 years. I dont understand how my boss can be like this and then be my friend the minute work is
over. I have no confidence to go for another job and I am afraid my age will soon be against me.
Im a secretary in a fairly small office where two of us carry out secretarial duties. The woman I work with in
incredibly moody and lazy and does hardly any work. The trouble is whenever there is work from our boss she jumps
on it straight away, which makes it look like I do no work and she does everything. I have tried speaking to her about
it, but I dont get anywhere. She has also started sneakily changing work I have done on the office computer to make it
look wrong. Everyone else in the office has noticed it except the boss but he is not interested what he considers petty
office squabbles.
I have recently started a job as an office manager, but I worry whether I am becoming too friendly with the other
staff. My bosss secretary told me in private that she has applied for another job, which offers a much better salary
than our company could offer. I feel in a bit of a dilemma. If she gets the position, then I am concerned that senior
managers may find out and ask why I didnt tell them. If I tell them, and she doesnt get the job, I may ruin her
working relationship with her boss and turn the other office staff against me.
41. What is the purpose of these texts?
A. To get advice about work-related problems B. To complain about job conditions
C. To give advice about work-related problems D. To share experiences about job problems
42. Who has had his/her jobs for a short time?
A. Beryl B. Eugene C. Chris D. Kim
43. Who knows something his/her boss doesnt know?
A. Chris B. Beryl C. Kim D. Eugene
44. Who has been made an attractive job offer?
A. Eugene B. Kim C. Chris D. Beryl
45. Who has a boss who criticises his/her work?
A. Beryl B. Chris C. Eugene D. Kim
46. Who may do something that threatens his/her relationship with other staff?
A. Kim B. Chris C. Eugene D. Beryl
47. Who is not sure he/she has chosen the best career?
A. Chris B. Eugene C. Kim D. Beryl
48. Who may be too old to find another job?
A. Beryl B. Kim C. Chris D. Eugene 2012 | Page 4 of 6

49. Who is made to look inefficient by a colleague?
A. Beryl B. Kim C. Chris D. Eugene
50. Who has managerial responsibilities?
A. Chris B. Beryl C. Kim D. Eugene
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
51. The biologist found some pollutants, a little of which can be considered very harmful to fish and other living
organisms in the river.
52. When the children realized that they were by themselves in the dark, they became really frightening.
53. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to steam.
54. The college newspaper prints only the news that are of interest to the students and faculty.
55. She finds the work she has to do quite easily; boredom is her biggest problem.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closet in meaning to the sentence
printed in italics.
56. Ill be polite to him but he must be polite to me.
A. Ill be polite to him unless he is polite to me. B. Ill be polite to him provided he is polite to me.
C. Ill be polite to him in case he is polite to me. D. Ill be polite to him so that he is polite to me.
57. I havent seen a good play for one year.
A. The last time Ive seen a good play was one year ago.
B. The last time Ive seen a good play was one year.
C. The last time since I last saw a good play was one year.
D. The last time I saw a good play was one year ago.
58. Its been two years since she started learning English.
A. She has been learning English for two years. B. She started to learn English for two years.
C. She has started learning English for two years. D. She has been starting to learn English for two years.
59. Although she was very old, she was very graceful indeed.
A. In spite of being old age, she was very graceful indeed.
B. Despite being old age, she was very graceful indeed.
C. Despite her being old age, she was very graceful indeed.
D. In spite of her old age, she was very graceful indeed.
60. This is a very interesting book. I can hardly put it down.
A. This is a so interesting book that I can hardly but it down.
B. This is so an interesting book that I can hardly but it down.
C. This is such the interesting book that I can hardly but it down.
D. This is such an interesting book that I can hardly but it down.
61. Even though theyve lived here for years, they dont know the place very well.
A. Theyve lived here for years, even so they dont know the place very well.
B. Theyve lived here for years, however they dont know the place very well.
C. Theyve lived here for years, yet they dont know the place very well.
D. Theyve lived here for years, nevertheless they dont know the place very well.
62. Doctors have treated many people for burns and shock.
A. Many people have been treated for burns and shock.
B. Burns and shock have been treated for many people.
C. Burns and shock have been treated for many people by doctors.
D. Many people for burns and shock have been treated. 2012 | Page 5 of 6

63. Let me give you the money, my aunt said.
A. My aunt begged me to give me the money.
B. My aunt promised to give me the money.
C. My aunt asked me to allow her to give me the money.
D. My aunt asked me if she could give me the money.
64. I prefer not to answer these questions.
A. Id rather I do not answer these questions. B. Id rather I did not answer these questions.
C. Id not rather answer these questions. D. Id rather not answer these questions.
65. He is too short to be a volleyball player.
A. He isnt enough tall to be a volleyball player. B. He isnt high enough to be a volleyball player.
C. He isnt enough high to be a volleyball player. D. He isnt tall enough to be a volleyball player.
Read the following article about ways of dealing with waste and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 75.
You have a lot of rubbish. You do not know what to do with it. So, there is an answer to you.
Come on, admit it. Weve all got clothes in our wardrobe that we havent worn for years and we know well never
wear again. Taking your old clothes to the local charity shop or recycling bin is a great way of getting rid of a load of
rubbish and creating extra space at the same time! And its all for a good cause. Charities such as The Salvation
Army, Oxfam, TRAID and Scope are big collectors of old clothes, either through charity shops and recycling banks or
for sorting and selling on, often abroad.
Buying second-hand clothes is now definitely in vogue too, with dedicated followers of fashion such as Kylie and
Geri Halliwell leading the way. Vintage boutiques offer ranges of designer classics, but can be a bit on the expensive
side, so why not raid your local charity shop to pick up a real bargain? You can create your own distinct look and feel
good about your recycling effort.
Hate junk mail? Around one million tons of junk mail and magazines get binned each year! But its easy to cut
down on the rubbish in your bin by registering with the Mailing Preference Service. Send them your details and theyll
make sure that you dont receive piles of unwanted offers and advertisements through your letterbox.
A massive 60% of the contents of your dustbin can be recycled. So why not give your bin a break and drop off
your paper, card, glass bottles, jars and cans at the recycling banks located at most supermarkets? By doing this youll
reduce your household waste by nearly one third!
Did you know that if youre really clever, theres 34 million worth of empty aluminium drink cans in the UK just
waiting to be collected and recycled? The reason is that aluminium is really valuable and the sort thats made into the
billions of drinks cans we see on our supermarket shelves can be recycled and used time and time again to make new
drinks cans.
We produce over 26 million tons of household rubbish in the UK every year, so theres plenty of scope for us to
Rethink Rubbish in the home! By thinking about the types of goods we buy, how we use them and where we dispose
of them, we can dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish our homes produce. Whilst we cant get rid of rubbish
altogether, there are hundreds of ways in which we can cut down on what we throw away. So, whether were
recycling, finding new uses for junk or simply reducing what we create in the first place, with a little effort, we can
all make our homes cleaner and greener!
66. The writer suggests that getting rid of old clothes can _____.
A. benefit you and other people B. cause a problem with rubbish
C. only be done through recycling bins D. save you time
67. The word cause in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. reason B. necessity C. action D. aim 2012 | Page 6 of 6

68. The phrase in vogue in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. customary B. fashionable C. charitable D. traditional
69. What does the writer say about buying clothes second-hand?
A. It is expensive and you can end up being a fashion victim.
B. All of todays top stars do it.
C. You save money, look different and it helps with recycling.
D. It is a fashionable thing to do but ordinary people cant afford it.
70. The Mailing Preference Service _____.
A. provides your details to advertisers
B. helps you to reduce the amount of rubbish you throw away
C. collects paper from your home to be recycled
D. keeps you informed about environmental issues
71. Many of the things we throw in our dustbins _____.
A. are made of recycled material B. can easily be recycled
C. come from the local supermarket D. can cause the bin to break
72. What does the figure of 34 million represent?
A. The cost of recycling all the drinks cans in the UK
B. The annual cost of the aluminium used to make drinks cans
C. The amount spent by supermarkets on recycling schemes
D. The amount spent on soft drinks each year in the UK
73. The phrase time and time again suggests that _____.
A. a huge number of cans are made every year B. the cans we use now will last forever
C. aluminium may be recycled more than once D. time is running out for the environment
74. What point does the writer make in the last paragraph?
A. There are many ways to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce.
B. Our homes are too dirty because of all the rubbish.
C. If we follow this advice, we will have no rubbish at all.
D. Nobody tries to reduce the amount of rubbish they produce.
75. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A. it is possible to keep your home completely free from rubbish
B. it is difficult to deal with junk mail
C. you can buy second-hand clothes from vintage boutiques
D. even famous people buy second-hand clothes
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

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