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Figurative Language Reading Test

Read the following poem. Then answer the questions.

Rain Poem
The rain was like a little mouse,
quiet, small and gray.
It pattered all around the house
and then it went away.
It did not come, I understand,
indoors at all, until
it found an open window and left tracks across the sill.
- Elizabeth Coatsworth

1. Write two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
___________________ _____________________
___________________ _____________________
2. What is the poet comparing the rain to?


3. Read the line The rain was like a little mouse, what figurative language was used in
this line?
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Alliteration

4. The poet describes the rain by saying it pattered all around the house, and left
tracks across the sill. The poet is giving the rain human characteristics. This type
of figurative language is called


5. Write an example of a metaphor:
6. Write an example of a simile:
7. Write a sentence using alliteration:
8. Write a sentence that uses personification:
9. Turn the simile My love is like a red rose, into a metaphor. Write it on the line.

Read each sentence. Decide what type of figurative language is used. Put the correct
letter for the figurative language on the line.
M - Metaphor A Alliteration
S - Simile P - Personification O - Onomatopoeia

10. _____ The rain danced on the roof.
11. _____ Meow
12. _____ Tim tickled Toms toes.
13. _____ I feel as sick as a dog.
14. _____ All the world is a stage.
15. _____ The trees shivered in the winter wind.

Write your own poem in the space below. Be sure to use at least 3 different types of
figurative language. (Rhyme, alliteration, simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia,
personification, repetition)

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