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Pro Justice Retreat Workshop 2012-2013


Venue: Parsons Lodge (smaer area!"
Roes: Assign one PJ student to each agreement so that they ensure during the whole workshop that
students are following through on their commitment.
#V circe: make sure that there are no energy leaks, no one is leaning against the wall and everyone can
see each others face. Always sit/stand next to the person they have interacted with the least.
$ statements: nsure that students are using ! statements at all times. !f a student does not kindly ask, can
you rephrase that in an ! statement" nsure that they are only drawing from their own personal
experiences and no those of other people.
%tep up& step 'ack: ensure that the same students are always speaking, if you notice that some students
are speaking significantly more than others remind the group of their commitment and the importance of
hearing everyones voice as it contri#ute significantly to the experience of the entire group.
(imekeeper: $ake sure we are on time for each activity.
,:30 pm Arrive at the %auntleroy &est 'eattle %erry (erminal )#ring *+.+, for the %erry-
-:00 pm %erry .eaves/ start running the film on the %erry.
-:20 pm 0rive to 1amp 'ealth )$itchell/Annie-
.:00 pm Arrive at 1amp 'ealth/ meet together to continue to 2(% on %riday night in the main lodge.
/:30-0:1- !mperialism Activity
ach PJ mem#er will #e introducing one 'eattle organi3ation that works against a certain component of
imperialism towards the end of the activity.
0:1- pm $ntroduction
.ee: 'chedule for workshop. 'ome activities are fun/silly, others are more serious.
4elen: 'tay engaged / this is an important time to get to know each other/prep for 5uate/learn more a#out
(heater of the 6ppressed:
developed in 789:s in ;ra3il #y Augusto ;oal
goal: give voice to the powerless )< poor/landless, oppressed-
5et out of your head, into your #ody
&e=re going to use these techni>ues throughout the weekend /? ex. power shuffle
Outline: Who are we and what we are doing tonight and tomorrow (you will have a large agenda)
0:2- pm )greements and 34pectations
7. 1onfidentiality
@. A!A statements/ only share personal stories.
B. 0o (hat (hing )listen respectfully-
+. 'tep Cp, 'tep ;ack/ hearing from everyone.
,. 2espect the 5D 1ircle/ lava.
9. veryone has the right to pass
E. Agree to 0isagree
F. G$Hs altoI/ we want to hear everything you have to sayJ
0:3- $ntroduce ke+ terms
)&ith oppression chart and e>uation-
'tacey: 1an someone remind me what an )agent, target- is"
/ &hat does the oppression e>uation mean" 6ppression< PreKudice L Power
/ 2eview systematic oppression chart )write on the white #oard the isms with target and agent on top. %ill it
in as students respond.- &ho can #e oppressive in each situation"
/ xplain allyship.
/'ystematically not powerful, does not make you a less powerful person, Kust how the system is created
/Ally meaning/ power, using for good, to support and take action with targets
/&almart strike example
/'ympathy/guilt is not an effective way to make change, #eing an ally means taking concrete action to
0:,0 Waking #raphs
Walking graph: Classism- 1947-1979 n!ome !hanges vs" 1979-#$11
Walking %raph: &a!ism- Wealth gap #$$9
6e'rie7 Waking #raph :
&hat are your reactions to seeing this"
&hat is wrong with this picture"
&hy is this happening"
&hat can the person in this income #racket do to support the person in the lower #racket"
&hat can you do a#out it )on either end of the spectrum-"
0:-- 8onnecting to the chart o7 oppressions
/ &hat GismI makes you the angriest"
/ &hich one do you feel personally guilty a#out"
%aturda+: &ill #e at main lodge, adKust accordingly
0:00- 9reak7ast )eat #reakfast right away and head to lower camp immediately when finished-.
::30/ !f students are ready at this point, #egin the workshopJ
10:00- 8ontinuums

7. 4ow did you sleep last night"
@. 4ow are you feeling this morning"
B. 4ow do you feel participating in the retreat this weekend"
+. 4ow interested are you in learning a#out social Kustice issues"
'n a!tivity (or gauging parti!ipant)s e*perien!e in so!ial +usti!e and e*!itement level: parti!ipants
pla!e themselves on a line whi!h represents a spe!trum"
10: 1- Warm-;p
rish ,uels: -tudent get into pairs and ea!h person puts one arms .ehind their .a!k and must prote!t their
arm (rom .eing tou!hed/ while trying to tou!h the other person)s arm .ehind their .a!k"
10:30 Po<er shu77e
/5D circle
/5et into a line #etween $aya and 6livia
/2eading statements, show example for stepping forward and #ack, 7 foot steps
/'ilent activity, think a#out the statement=s meaning for yourself, M6 NC'(!6M', step across the room if
this statement pertain to you.
'(A($M(': Motice who is with you, notice who is not.
' silent a!tivity in whi!h parti!ipants hear a list o( statements and step (orward to those that apply to them"
0veryone who the statement applies to steps (orward (reminded that they !hoose when they would like to
step (orward)"
10:,0 Po<er shu77e 6e'rie7
/4ow was this experience for you" &hat feelings were #rought up"
/2aise your hand if you felt uncomforta#le at any point during this exercise
/&ere you ever surprised at yourself and/or others throughout the power shuffle
/4ow did it feel stepping forward/#ack with a lot/few people"
/&ere there ones that were harder to admit/easier" &hich ones/why"
/&hat was the purpose of this exercise"
/4ow do you feel a#out the group now"
' de.rie( dis!ussion o( the power shu((le 1 what did people noti!e/ what stru!k them/ did they (eel awkward
or estranged at any point2
10:-- -8oum'ian 1+pnosis
7. 'ilent 0emo, (alk/through demo, #o! / #reak into pairs '!.M(.O )B mins per partner, @ rounds-
/ %irst round < person with whom you=ve interacted least
/ After the first round, do another demo emphasi3es the space #etween the persons face/hand and the
importance of going slow.
/ 'econd round < person of different demographic )gender, race-
??)nnounce the 'reak: #et 7ood& go to the 'athroom and 'e 'ack in a #V circe '+ 11:,, am
11:3--11:,- - 9reak
11:,- - 8arni>a in Rio
Annie: /$eaning of penguin/ get in to groups o( three )the people you know the least-, assign '/ 3/ C )show
how to with PJ mem#ers-, and then sit down
$aya: /4O 560-7O4-, show repeating sound and motion with A;1, no talking/ repeating motion until
whole group is uni(ied into one sound and motion )example-, sit down when unified
Annie: 6ni(y as a .ig group )example ish- no talking
0iscussion Nuestions/Prompts:
/&hy do you think we did this exercise"
?? 6ismiss the students 7or unch and instruct them to 'e 'ack in a #V circe '+ 1:12 pm
12:,--1:1- 864C9
1:15 -tep up/ step .a!k !he!k: have the students get into a %: !ir!le and ask the students that have
spoken on!e or less to step into the !ir!le" 3ring to the attention to the group that they are not (ollowing
through with their agreement" 7hese are their .rothers and sisters and all o( their stories are valua.le and
need to .e heard"-
1:20 - Warm-up
-!reaming 4in+as: / 0emo w/ PJ mem#ers at center of circle. $ake sure everyone does every aspect of
the game and point out when they dont #y clapping and then demonstrating the correct way to do it.
ncourage high energyJ
/ Pass around the AninKa power,A add in side chops
1:30 A 8ut-outs
5itche2a o7 PJ
0*plain the a!tivity (or the whole group" %ender !au!uses gather around male or a (emale !ut-out (ea!h
group gets .ut!her paper and draws the (igure)" On the inside o( the !ut-out/ write or draw things their
gender is e*pe!ted to .e" On the outside are things that happen i( they do not (it the e*pe!tations"
;arti!ipants here are .roken into groups o( <-1$"
1:,-- 6iscussion on 8ut-outs
2:00 A %e4ism %tatistics

$aya: $aya: / After the stats are read girls speak, guys listen
/opportunity for targets to share, agents to listen
/&e will #e #reaking up into smaller groups where everyone will #e a#le to share
/5irls and 5uys, reflect what these statistics mean to you, #ut girls think a#out some reactions you can
/'ilence is okay, sometimes silences are more powerful than words
/Please do not leave the circle
/! statements
/'tep up, step #ack
'tacey: /Mow we will #e reading se*ism statisti!s
/ 'tats might make you uncomforta#le
/(hink a#out your personal relationship to them
' set o( se*ism statisti!s that is read (with !itations)"
2:10 =ne Wa+ %haring
/4ow did these statistics make you feel, often as a target"
/&hat is something that you=ve wanted to say to guys, regarding these statistics, and not
/!n your daily life, when was a time that you had to #e aware of sexual assault or rape as a threat"
/&alking down the street, have you ever had to think a#out this"
/&ord, emotional reaction
$aya: &hat does this all mean"
/systematically not powerful, does not make you a less powerful person, Kust how the system is created
7his will give the girls an opportunity (target) to share how they (eel in regards to the statisti!s"
2:2- #ender 8aucuses 5itche B(uha2
#irs pair up
7his is a spa!e where we !an .e open and honest a.out our rea!tions to what +ust happened"
Con(identiality is as important here as anywhere else" 7his is a spa!e where you !an ask =uestions/
re(le!t/ say things you were not !om(orta.le saying .e(ore" 'nd there is no +udgement in this spa!e"
>>0ndure the silen!e (or two minutes- i( no one shares you !an share an e*perien!e"
3:10 (<o <a+ diaogue on se4ism statistics and gender caucuses
1" Con(identiality
#" ?? statements
@" -ilen!e
1" One word a.out how you (eel right now
#" What are you taking away (rom this2
@" What is !oming up (or you right now2
4" 9ow did you (eel when the .oys !ouldn)t talk2
A" What is your role in these issues2
??)nnounce the 'reak: #et 7ood& go to the 'athroom and 'e 'ack in a #V circe '+ ,:0: pm
,:00-,:10 9R3)C -u.stantial sna!k provided"
,:10 Warm ;p
;ass the Clap
,:30 8osing 8irce
-:00 *ind the hand (i7 <e ha>e time" 5itche2(i77an+
-:30 6=@3 (i7 <e end ear+ students <i go to the ne4t acti>it+" - 8ee'rate success
L3)V3 *=R (13 *3RRD (either at .:30 or /:1-""
$aterials Meeded: 'ystematic oppression chart, #utcher paper for cutouts ), last year-, thick markers.
$ake sure the students are talking more than you are, interact with them, walk into the group.
Ask for ela#oration from #oth sides and the middle one from each group. Ask if any#ody feels the same way
and raise their hands. One end is an e*treme ((or e*ample they)re super e*!ited to .e at the workshop) and the
other end is the opposite e*treme ((or e*ample/ they)d rather .e anywhere else)"
4ave the cut outs prepared #eforehand
After the sharing of each statistic count )7/, $ississippi- even if it feels long to the reader, students need to
process each statistic.

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