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Harry Potter & Its Global Marketing

Presented by -:
Rashmi Saini
Shreya Deb
Naveen Gupta
Shubhi Aggarwal
Karunesh Premchand
Punit Vaghasia


J.K Rowling is a British novelist, best known as the
author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The
Potter books have gained worldwide attention,
won multiple awards, and sold more than 400
million copies. She has given birth to Harry Potter
character played by Daniel Radcliffe and also other
characters like Ronald Weasely and Harmione
It all started
The process of
conceptualizing and
then conveying a final
or service worldwide
with the hopes of
reaching the
marketing community
Growing Globally
Fourteen years, seven books and blockbuster films later, the Harry
Potter brand, valued at over $15 billion, is still going strong.
Over 400 million copies of the Harry Potter books have been sold
worldwide and translated into 67 languages, making Rowling the first
billionaire author.
Perpetual & Tease Marketing
Heighten the online buzz & word of mouth
Watch this space hooks online.
Countdown clocks online & in stores.
Midnight release parties & embargoed book deliveries.
Movie details released in bits & pieces.
Casting information.
Set stills.
Limited appearances by J.K Rowling.
Integrated Marketing
Unify efforts through consistent communication & messaging
Surround consumers with branded experiences so they can self select how they
want to interact with or exist the brand.
Time square Jombotron ads.
Knight bus in London.
The Apprentice.
Artificial supply limitation led to massive pre orders.

Other Strategies
Rowling avoided media interviews & planned to present herself live before the
waiting audience at Edinburgh castle, Scotland
Number of libraries & newspaper competition were launched for promotions.
Crowdsourcing through Facebook community & other online communities.

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