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This is a macro utility to generate the vacation planner for the team. Once the calendar is
generated, further action on populating the team details can be done.
This is a MS Excel 200 sheet !ith macro.
The filled in vacation planner !ill loo" li"e the belo!#
$irst go to the instruction guide and follo! the instruction given to generate the calendar for an
%. Enter the year number in &% cell to generate the calendar.
2. Once the 'alendar is generated, based on the O() calendar mar" the holidays by typing
*+, for the dates in the second ro! of the header of the each of the months and it !ill be
colored differently.
-. Type the name of the team members in the column & for each of the months.
.. 'olumn / is for auto calculation of the number of hours mar"ed for vacation.
0. Team members can enter 1 for full day vacation and . or 2 for respective hours of
2. One sheet should be used for only one location only in case there is different holidays
based on location.
So follo!ing !ould be responsibilities#
3M or the o!ner of the planner#
%. )enerate the yearly planner.
2. 4ocation based +olidays need to be mar"ed based on the published one !ith comments
to mention !hich this holiday is for.
-. Mar" holidays as given above.
Team members#
%. Mar" your vacation beforehand as per the instruction given.
2. 5ou are responsible to enter 1 or . as vacation hours.
-. 6o not enter any value for holidays.
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%. One sheet can only cater to one location if people multi7location have different holiday
2. 8o chec" of hours entered 9 as this is a planner.
-. $or change in year, 3M needs to !ipe out the previous year:s holidays and vacations
and mar" ne!ly.
Macro ena#le$ %!S.
MS Excel &''(
8one as such.
Tec*nolo+, an$ Version -
MS Excel . VBA.

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