Mander Selvam

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Letters to Swamiji.

Delfa, Barnegat, N J
Swamiji May all the happiness you give to others be returned to you is a great saying
by one of the greatest sholars! " wish to repeat these words to you! " #han$ you very
muh for the prayers and rituals you performed for me! %nly beause of those prayers
and rituals, " am healthier by mentally and spiritually! Swamiji one again than$s to you,
your prayers and rituals! &s a result of those prayers and rituals " am doing well in my job
also! 'lease ontinue to bless me!
(ama N 'rasad, Douglas, M&
Swamiji, even though " wish to e)press a lot, " wish to tell the same only in few words!
#han$ you and 'lease bless me and my family!
&! #homas, *est 'alm Beah, +,
(evered Siddhar, " am ama-ed with your $nowledge! " am a regular reader of the
maga-ine .arma! 'lease provide me with a opy of Sri! &tharva Soolini Durga/s
photograph! +rom your artile on Sri! &tharva Soolini Durga " understood that, you are
the only person to remove the evil spirits from me! 'lease remove that evil spirits from
me and ma$e me as one of the best human beings in the entire worlds!
Bushan ,al .aw, 0dison NJ
(espeted Swamiji, " am on an offiial visit around New 1or$! " ame to aess your
monthly maga-ine .arma at the hotel where " stayed! "t is really a fantasti maga-ine
having all the spiritual information! 'lease bless me and my family and please be $ind
enough to mail a opy of the maga-ine to my "ndian address! #han$ you very muh and
Namas$ars Swamiji!
Marellus 2ooper, Sarborough, %ntario, 2anada!
Swamiji, two months ba$ " wrote you a letter stating that " and my family are affeted
by the spell of some evil spirits! #a$ing that letter as an emergeny petition, you
performed some wonderful #hantri (ituals to remove the spell of those evil spirits! Now
we all are doing %.! " and my entire family submit our worships to your lotus feet daily!
#han$ you very muh for ma$ing our life very fine!
Jayanth Nathan, Buffalo 3rove, ",
Swamiji, only beause of your wonderful #hantri (ituals, " am having a smooth family
life now! " than$ you very muh for ma$ing my life a peaeful one! 0ven though there is
no limit for your blessings, one again than$ you very muh Swamiji!
(amhandra ,a$hani, Dublin, %4
#han$ you very muh and Namas$ars Swamiji! 1ou have made our gone down business
as the best! %ur entire lives are dediated to your golden feet! %m Namashivaya!
(ani ,a$$shmi 5adhwani, .aysville, 6#
Swamiji, only beause of your blessings and prayers my marriage is settled! My
Namas$ars to your golden feet!
&sha (atan ,al, ,os &ngels, 2&
Dear Swamiji, Namas$ars! %nly beause of the wonderful maga-ine .arma, " ontated
you! &fter your powerful #hantri rituals, my business is growing vigorously! #han$s for
ma$ing me as the happiest businessman! #han$s and Namas$ars one again!
Siddharji you have done a great mirale with my son, who was addited to drin$s! Now
he is fine! %ne again than$s Swamiji!
2hristina Doopraj, 4elena, M#
" am a 3uyanese living in M#! #han$ you very muh for the wonderful onsultation
given to me! 1our words, ations and thoughts on the humanity are ama-ing! %nly
beause of your holy thoughts you are leading a great and e)emplary life! %nly beause
of your &tharva 5edi #hantri rituals, " ame out of the bla$ magi problems! #han$
you very muh for you and your wonderful spiritual maga-ine .arma!
Swathi 3addam, .ahului, 4"
Maharaj, Namas$ars! " used to read the maga-ine Siddhitimes through the website! &fter
reading the artiles on astrology, " approahed you to solve the problems aused by my
lose relatives! 1ou leared everything with your wonderful mantra, thantra and yantra
powers! Now " am very happy!
Suresh Mathigadda, ,a$e 2ity, M"
#han$s a lot Swamiji for your wonderful ontribution of the maga-ine .arma to
enlighten the entire human rae!
(adhe$rishna, Dayton, %4
#han$ you very muh Swamiji for bringing out an ego free temple in my town! " ame to
the #emple after learning the news from the maga-ine .arma!0ven though " wish to
ontribute a lot to the #emple and the maga-ine! " am not able to do so beause of my
poor earnings! 'lease $indly aept me as a volunteer to the #emple!
Baba *ilman, 2amden, S2
Swamiji, Namas$ars! 0ven though " have spo$en with a lot of sholars, saints and mon$s,
" have never felt the energy from anybody! *hile tal$ing to you, " felt a great energy and
aura from you! #han$ you very muh for giving suh a wonderful e)periene to me!
&nna &ndrews 0agle (iver, *"
My entire family is indebted to Siddhar! My only son has ome out of his drug addition
only due to the miraulous spiritual healings from Swamiji Siddhar! #han$s for the
wonderful maga-ine .arma for onneting our family with Swamiji!
3eorge 2hen Mattawan, 2hoteau, M#
Dear Swamiji, #han$s for bringing out a great spiritual maga-ine .arma to enlighten the
ommunity! " am very happy to read the artile 5edi &strology! &fter reading that, "
re7uested you to lear off the problems in my areer! *ith the power of mantras, you
leared off all the problems in my areer! " and my family members are very happy now
and we all have beome the regular readers of the maga-ine! *e have also beome as
your ardent devotees!
(ajase$ar, Beltsville, 5&
" got married five years ba$! " had no $ids! &fter reading the maga-ine .arma, "
approahed Swamiji Sri Siddhar to solve the problem! 4e found that due to some bla$
magi we were unable to get good $ids! 4e performed some #hantri rituals and blessed
us! Now my wife is pregnant! #han$s to Swamiji for blessing us!
.etan Shah, 'ueblo, 2%
Swamiji, " ame to $now about your good self and the temple through the wonderful
maga-ine Siddhitimes! " approahed you to fi) the marriage problem of my daughter!
Swamiji My daughter/s marriage is fi)ed now after a long time only by your blessings!
2harles Misty, ,a +ayette, 3&
Dear Dr! 2ommander, " am a regular reader of the maga-ine .arma! Due to some $ind of
ill spirits, my only son has beome a drug addit! By your great power, you brought my
son out of his bad habit and you have given him a new life! #han$ you very muh for
this! " do not $eep any $ind of photographs other than yours in my prayer! &s " do not
$now to say than$s in your language, " say as my entire family/s lives are surrendered to
you! #han$s!
Naya$ . 'atel 4ouston #8
Swamiji, even though " am a multi millionaire, " had no peae of mind! %nly after your
onsultations, " am getting peae of mind! 'lease bless me and my family with the same
ontinued piee of mind! Namas$ars!

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