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Semarang, August 13
Miss Yuen Yee Pang
Assistant, Professional Affairs
The Royal Institution of Naval Arhitets
!ear Miss Yuen Yee Pang
I am "riting to formally notify RINA that I am resigning from RINA Stu#ent
mem$er% I an&t ontinue my mem$ershi' $eause in my reor# in#iate that
I gra#uate from my #egree in Shi' !esign of !i'onegoro (niversity in this
year )A'ril 2013*% I an&t e+ten# my free stu#ent mem$ershi' $eause, to#ay
I am finishing my 'a'er, an# at ,to$er I "ill gra#uation%
Than- you for all RINA maga.ines, also information via email that RINA has
I "ish RINA suess in the future
Yours sinerely
/mel Mi+sa Muslimy

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