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Activity Plan Template 1

Zeliha Solak
zde Nur Kulak
Glbahar Demirta
!"te#ratio" o$ math a"d #ame
Unit Title
%"dersta"di"# "umber se"se (u"dersta"di"# &ua"tit' o$ "umbers( )hih o"e is
Grade Level
+reshoolers( ,-. /0 mo"ths
12 Mi"utes
Learning Outcomes [ASSU! "State O#$ectives%&
3$ter atte"di"# ati4it'( hildre" )ill estimate orret "umber to math ob5ets $or "umbered
ob5ets $rom 6 to 0-7
'nstructional (aterials ) (edia [ASSU! "Select Strategies* Technology* (edia and (aterials%&
8ra'o"s( 9e"ils( 9a9ers( bo:( )orksheet( ;outube
Learning+Teaching (ethods [ASSU! "Select Strategies* Technology* (edia and (aterials%&
<here are stude"t.e"tered strate#ies )hih are disussio" a"d 9roblem based lear"i"#7
Teaching Activities [ASSU! "Utili,e Technology* (edia* and (aterials and e-uire Learner
<eaher sho)s a 4ideo i" order to attrat the atte"tio" o$ hildre" a"d direts them to the
3$ter attrati"# atte"tio" o$ hildre"( the' are read' to start the ati4it'7 <eaher be#i"s to the
ati4it' b' telli"# a short e4e"t: she sa's( Bm' ousi"( brother( mother a"d $ather )a"ts me to
#i4e them di$$ere"t amou"ts o$ a99le7 Mother )a"ts C a99le( brother 2( dad D( a"d ousi"
)a"ts 07 So 9ai"t these a99les a"d hel9 me to ha4e e"ou#h a99les $or m' belo4ed o"es7E
She #i4es C.1 a99les $or eah hild a"d )a"ts them to 9ut these a99les i" a"' bo:7 <here are 1
bo:es (o"e $or eah relati4e like mum dad et)
<he" the' ou"t the a99les i" eah bo: a"d disuss the amou"tFs ade&uate"ess7 Gor e:am9le:
i$ there are less or more a99le the" "eeded( the' disuss a"d deide )hat to do7 <he' a" add
or remo4e a99les to ha4e the true "umber b' ou"ti"#7
3$ter $i:i"# the a99le amou"ts i" bo:es she #i4es a ha"dout $or hildre" to make them a)are
o$ same.ou"ted )ords7
'ndividual Learning
!t is a )hole lass ati4it' but hildre" are res9o"sible to a"s)er
&uestio"s i"di4iduall' i" ati4it' 9roess a"d also i" )orksheet7
Group Learning Activities
<he ati4it' is do"e b' )hole lass7
Girst( hildre" reall "umbers )ith the artoo" a"d the" the' tr' to sol4e the 9roblem is #i4e"
i" the stor'7 <he' make their a99les a"d 9ut the a99les i"to the bo:7 Hater( the' disussed
)hether bo:es ha4e ri#ht "umber o$ a99les7
(easurement ) !valuation
<eaher takes "otes )hile hildre" are )orki"#7 3 9re9ared )orksheet is #i4e" a"d teaher
e4aluates eah hild7
(easurement )
Assessment Activities
.or 'ndividual
8hildre"Fs lear"i"# is measured )ith )orksheet a"d teaher assess eah
hildFs lear"i"# a"d takes "otes7 !" the $ollo)i"# da's( teaher a" )ork
)ith the hild i"di4iduall' i$ "eessar'7
(easurement )
Assessment Activities
.or Group
/ome0or1 "optional%
!t is 9are"t i"4ol4eme"t ati4it'7 3" i"$o#ra$i is se"d to home )ith
hildre"7 3"d it is asked to $ollo) i"strutio"s o" it7 3lso( i"stead o$
se"di"# it i" +DG $ormat( teaher a" se"d a li"k to 9are"tFs e.mail7 !t is
said that to i"rease hildre"Fs abilit' to u"dersta"d math( 9are"ts are
"eeded to hel9 them7 3lso( i$ hildre" see their 9are"ts are i"terested i"
their ati4ities( the' )ill be more )illi"# to 9artii9ate a"d u"dersta"d7
<he address:
3lso( a$ter home)ork( hildre"Fs re$letio"s should be take"7
<eaher takes "otes o$ hildre" i"di4iduall' $or $urther ati4ities7
!2planation regarding to the implementation o. the plan
!$ the artoo" $rom the !"ter"et does "ot o9e" or "ot aess( )e ould si"# the so"# o$
JSa'lar Kre"i'orumF $or starter7 Lther tha" this( there ould "ot be a"' obstale7
Activity Plan Template 3
Zeliha Solak
zde Nur Kulak
Glbahar Demirta
Unit Title
%"dersta"di"# "umber se"se (u"dersta"di"# &ua"tit' o$ "umbers( )hih o"e is
bi##er*smaller) )ith reati"# Gra9hi
!"te#ratio" o$ math a"d 9h'sial ati4it'
Grade Level
+reshoolers( ,-. /0 mo"ths
12 Mi"utes
Learning Outcomes [ASSU! "State O#$ectives%&
3$ter atte"di"# ati4it'( hildre" )ill ide"ti$' "umber relatio"s $rom 6 to 6-7 ()hih o"e is
'nstructional (aterials ) (edia [ASSU! "Select Strategies* Technology* (edia and (aterials%&
+rezzi( Gour a"imal 9itures )hih are red olored hike"( 'ello) olored bird( #ree"
olored s&uirrel( ora"#e olored rabbit a"d 'ello)( red( #ree"( ora"#e ards7 (3ll materials
are 9re9ared be$ore the hildre" ome to lass)
Learning+Teaching (ethods [ASSU! "Select Strategies* Technology* (edia and (aterials%&
<here are stude"t.e"tered strate#ies )hih are disussio"( #ames a"d 9roblem based
Teaching Activities [ASSU! "Utili,e Technology* (edia* and (aterials and e-uire Learner
<eaher takes atte"tio" o$ hildre" b' )eari"# rabbit masks (it )as used be$ore)7 <he"( asks
that a"' hild a" 5um9 to her ha"d7 She li$ted her ha"ds aordi"# to their hei#hts7 <o a4oid
$eeli"# u"suess$ul( teaher li$ts her ha"ds aordi"# to eah i"di4idual hildFs hei#hts7
Mo)e4er( it should be do"e "ot letti"# hildre" k"o)7 3lso( duri"# 5um9i"#( there is "o
9ro9er 9lae to 5um97 8hildre" are ati4e a"d $ree to mo4e7
<he"( she o9e"s the musi a"d asks them to da"e like rabbits7 ?hile 9rete"di"# to be
rabbits( teaher sho)s a"imalsF 9itures o" the )all a"d the" asks olor o$ those a"imals a"d
also their mo4eme"ts (i" that )hile( musi a" be sto99ed)7 Hater( the' imitate those a"imalsF
mo4eme"ts to#ether7 3$ter that( she sa's that Jthere are ards o" the $loor a"d )e are #oi"# to
use them i" our ati4it'7 No)( ! am #oi"# to o9e" the musi a"d ! )a"t 'ou to da"eF7 ?hile
the' are da"i"#( it a" be asked that to da"e like rabbit( hike"( s&uirrel or birds7 <he"(
)he" musi is sto99ed( it is asked to 9ik o"e o$ the olored ards7 <hose ards )ill be
9laed u"der the orret olored a"imal but )ith those a"imalFs mo4eme"ts7 Gor e:am9le( i$
hild 9iked a red ard( he )ill 9lae it u"der the red olored hike" a"d the" )alked to
9iture b' da"i"# like hike"7 <his #ame #oes like this7 Musi is o9e"edN the' da"e( 9ik
the ard a"d the" 9lae it7 3$ter re9eati"# it $or se4eral times( teaher sho)s the #ra9h a"d
starts to talk )ith them7 Gra9h is i"troduedN a"imals a"d ards are ou"ted a"d om9ared7
Mere( some e:am9les o$ &uestio"sN
Mo) ma"' #ree" ards are there=
Mo) ma"' more #ree" ards do )e "eed to e&ualize the "umbers o$ red ards=
?hih ards are olleted mostl'=
?hih ards are olleted less=
!$ the' a""ot a"s)er the &uestio"s( teaher #i4es some lues7 Gor e:am9le( i$ ! 9ut three
#ree" ards i" here( )ill their "umber be e&ual to red ards=
3t the e"d o$ the e:ami"i"# #ra9h( teaher reates a #ood disussio" e"4iro"me"t a"d asks
them to sit o" the ar9et7 <he" o"4ersatio" starts7 ?hih a"imalsF mo4eme"ts the' did( ho)
the' did( ho) the' $elt( )hih olored ards the' 9iked a"d )hih olored ards ha4e more
i" #ra9h are talked7 O4er' hild should talk a"d also i" se&ue"e7 O'e o"tat should be made
a"d $elt to hildre"7
'ndividual Learning Activities
!t is a )hole lass ati4it' but hildre" are
res9o"sible to a"s)er &uestio"s i"di4iduall'
i" ati4it' 9roess7
Group Learning Activities
<he ati4it' is do"e b' )hole lass7
8hildre" are re&uired to math the ri#ht olor )ith the ob5et )ith a99ro9riate a"imal
mo4eme"ts7 <he"( there )ill be #ra9hi $ormed i" the ati4it' 9roess7 Hater( the' )ill
disuss about &ua"tit' o$ ards7
(easurement ) !valuation
Ae$ore the ati4it'( teaher 9re9ares assessme"t ati4it' b' usi"# +rezzi tool7 ;ou a" aess
)ith this address htt9:**9rezi7om*dh9isId5$sk1*u"titled.9rezi* !t hel9s to reate di$$ere"t
9rese"tatio" b' usi"# 9itures te:t a"d other medias but teaher uses o"l' 9itures a"d te:t
due to hildre"Fs a#e7 <his 9rese"t i"ludes di$$ere"t "umbers o$ )i"#ed a"imals like
hike"( duk( 9i#eo"( s)a" 7<here is a #ra9hi )hih o"sist / duks( , hike"s( 1s)a"s
a"d C 9i#eo"s7 <eaher asks &uestio"s about this #ra9hi like ho) ma"' 9i#eo"s i" the
#ra9hi or ho) ma"' s)a"s should )e add $or e&ual "umber )ith hike"7 8hildre" #i4e
a"s)ers a"d teaher sho)s a"s)ers7 <here$ore( teaher a" assess hildre" about #ra9hi
issue a"d take $eed bak )ith 9rezzi 9rese"tatio"7
Aeause our ati4it' alread' i"4ol4es a"imals a"d assessme"t 9art( aordi"# to hildre"Fs
)illi"#"ess a"d to a4oid bori"# hildre"( teaher a" 9rese"t it i" a"other da'7
(easurement ) Assessment Activities .or
'ndividual Per.ormance
<eaher asks &uestio"s about #ra9hi $or )hole
hildre" a"d )ho k"o) the a"s)ers re9l'
&uestio"s )he" the' raise 'our $i"#er to assess
their lea"i"#s about this to9i7 3lso (teaher a"
use 4oie reorder to reord hildre" a"s)ers
(easurement ) Assessment Activities .or
Group Per.ormance
<eaher asks &uestio"s about #ra9hi to )hole
hildre" a"d it is asked to )ho k"o) the a"s)ers
ha4e to re9l' &uestio"s )he" the' raise their
/ome0or1 "optional%
<eaher a" 9re9are )orksheet )hih a" be
om9leted b' hildre" )ith their 9are"t at home7
3lso( i"stead o$ 9rese"ti"# +rezzi at shool(
teaher a" se"d the li"k to 9are"ts to do at
home7 3lso( i"strutio"s a"d the )a' ho) the'
should ask &uestio"s should be e:9lai"ed i"
detail to 9are"ts7
<eaher takes "otes o$ hildre" i"di4iduall' $or $urther ati4ities7
!2planation regarding to the implementation o. the plan
!$ eletriit' is tur" o$$ or teaher $or#et materials( teaher a" use hu#e artoo" to dra)
#ra9his or to use blakboard a"d 9e"il to dra) #ra9his a"d 9itures a"d ask &uestio"s
)ithout a"' 9re9ared 4isuals7
Activity Plan Template 4
Zeliha Solak
zde Nur Kulak
Glbahar Demirta
Unit Title
%"dersta"di"# "umber se"se (u"dersta"di"# &ua"tit' o$ "umbers( )hih o"e is
bi##er*smaller) a"d reati"# #ra9hi
!"te#ratio" o$ math a"d art
Grade Level
+reshoolers( ,-. /0 mo"ths
12 Mi"utes
Learning Outcomes [ASSU! "State O#$ectives%&
3$ter atte"di"# ati4it'( hildre" )ill ide"ti$' "umber relatio"s $rom 6 to 6-7 ()hih o"e is
'nstructional (aterials ) (edia [ASSU! "Select Strategies* Technology* (edia and (aterials%&
;outube( Goa"imate( ati4it' 9a9ers( olors a"d #lue
Learning+Teaching (ethods [ASSU! "Select Strategies* Technology* (edia and (aterials%&
<here are stude"t.e"tered strate#ies )hih are disussio"( #ames a"d 9roblem based
Teaching Activities [ASSU! "Utili,e Technology* (edia* and (aterials and e-uire Learner
<eaher 9rete"ds as she is talki"# a"d mo4es her li9s but does "ot s9eak a"d 9rete"d to be
4er' e:ited7 3$ter all hildre"Fs atte"tio" is take"( she sa's that ! ha4e a &uestio" a"d ! am
urious )hether 'ou k"o) or "ot7 Do 'ou k"o) )here a"imals li4e= ?hile taki"# their
a"s)ers( she )a"ts them to sit o" their hairs a"d liste" a"d talk i" se&ue"e7 !t is im9orta"t
that all hildre" liste" to eah other a"d are res9et$ul7 3$ter taki"# a"s)er o$ J$armF( teaher
sa's that ! ha4e a artoo" a"d letFs )ath it to#ether7 3ll hildre" bri"# their hairs "ear to
smart board or a"' teh"olo#ial meha"ism7 <eaher o9e"s the artoo" )hih is Jthe
a"imals o" the $armF (be$ore arto"( it is o9e"ed a"imate:
htt9:**#oa"imate7om*4ideos*-DGel2+HSzos a"d the" htt9:**)))7'outube7om*)ath=
4>zPO&.QLC:<# )7 3$ter )athi"#( teaher asks:
?hih a"imals did 'ou see i" artoo"=
Mo) )ere their sou"ds=
Do 'ou remember their olors= Ot7
?hat the' eat=
3ll hildre" are liste"ed but sh' hildre" should also 5oi" the disussio" time7 <eaher should
e"oura#e them a"d make sure the' are i"4ol4ed ati4it' 9roess7 3$ter that( she sa's that
lets make our $arm7 ! brou#ht lots o$ a"imals but the' lost their olors so letFs 9ai"t them7
8hildre" are su99osed to hoose t)o a"imals to 9ai"t but $ast o"es a" hoose more7
Mo)e4er( beause hildre" are #oi"# to reate a #ra9h( "ot to ha4e same amou"t a"imalsN
teaher should ha4e #i4e" di$$ere"t amou"t o$ a"imals to them7 3$ter 9ai"ti"#( teaher tells
them )e are #oi"# to make a #ra9h )ith our a"imals so letFs #rou9 them( $irst7 8hildre" bri"#
to#ether same a"imals a"d ou"t them7 Hater( teaher #lue them o"e u"der the other7
8hildre" a" also do that7 3$ter seei"# a"imals i" #rou9s( teaher asks(
Mo) ma"' hike"s*horses*do#s*o)s are e:isted i" our $arm= (it is o9e"ed the 4ideo
a"d $roze" the "eessar' dis9la'7)
?hih a"imal is more*less*same=
Mo) ma"' hike"s*horses do )e "eed to make them be e&ual to do#s= Lr et7
?ith this )a'( teaher tries to de4elo9 their "umber se"se a"d u"dersta"di"# o$ o"e9ts o$
$e)*ma"' e&ual7 !$ hildre" are i"terested i"( teaher a" do subtratio" a"d additio"7 !t is so
im9orta"t that hildre" are 9artii9ati"#7 !t is su99osed to hoose t)o a"imals to 9ai"t but
$ast o"es a" hoose more to reate a #ra9h( "ot to ha4e same amou"t a"imals7 3lso( teaher
should ha4e #i4e" di$$ere"t amou"t o$ a"imals to them7 3$ter 9ai"ti"#( teaher tells them )e
are #oi"# to make a #ra9h )ith our a"imals so letFs #rou9 them( $irst7 8hildre" bri"# to#ether
same a"imals a"d ou"t them7 Hater( teaher #lue them o"e u"der the other7 8hildre" a"
also do that7 3$ter seei"# a"imals i" #rou9s( teaher asks(
R Mo) ma"' hike"s*horses*do#s*o)s are e:isted i" our $arm=
R ?hih a"imal is more*less*same=
R Mo) ma"' hike"s*horses do )e "eed to make them be e&ual to do#s=
!" disussio" time( hildre" should 9artii9ate i" ati4it'7 <eaher a"s)ers hildre"Fs
&uestio" about ati4it'7 3t last( teaher a" ha"# their $arm o" the )all $or hildre"Fs
'ndividual Learning Activities
!t is a )hole lass ati4it' but hildre" are
res9o"sible to a"s)er &uestio"s i"di4iduall'
i" ati4it' 9roess7
Group Learning Activities .
!" this ati4it'( to teah smaller a"d bi##er o"e9ts a"d u"dersta"d "umber se"se( 3"imate
a"d 'outube 4ideos are used7 <here are $arm a"imals i" 4ideo7 !t is asked ma"' &uestio"s
about "umber o$ a"imals7 <he"( hildre" 9ai"t t)o a"imals )hih hildre" hoose7 <he"( a
#ra9hi is $ormed a"d the" &uestio"s are asked about #ra9hi
(easurement ) !valuation
<eaher measures hildre"Fs lear"i"# )ith take" "otes a"d obser4atio"( too7
Hike the earlier ati4it'( hildre" are res9o"di"# &uestio"s i" se&ue"e so teaher a" see
easil' )hih hildre" had di$$iult' i" a"s)eri"#* u"dersta"di"# the &uestio"s7 More
im9orta"tl'( to ha4e 4aluable results( it should be asked to hildre" that the' should res9o"d
&uestio"s )he" their tur" is ame7
(easurement ) Assessment Activities .or
'ndividual Per.ormance
<eaher has ha"d book7 Duri"# the ati4it'( s*he
takes "ote hildre"Fs a"s)ers a"d reatio"7
3ordi"# to hildre"Fs a"s)ers( teaher a"
e4aluate )hether hildre" lear" or ho) muh
the' ould u"dersta"d the issues7
(easurement ) Assessment Activities .or
Group Per.ormance
3ll hildre" are ati4e duri"# the ati4it'( )hih
mea"s that )hole lass does to#ether7
/ome0or1 "optional%
Gor home)ork( hildre" a"d $amil' talk about
$arm a"d its a"imals7 <he"( hildre" 9ai"t $arm
a"imals )hih must be e&uall' "umbered i"
9ai"t7 <here$ore( $amil' o"trol a"d hel9 their
hildre"Fs )ork7 Hast( their 9ai"ts are se"t to
ki"der#arte" to hek 9are"tFs 9artii9atio"7
!" earl' hildhood eduatio"( obser4atio" a"d "ote taki"# are the most im9orta"t to e4aluate
a"d assessme"t hildre"Fs de4elo9me"t7 <here$ore( i" our ati4it'( it is used these teh"i&ues7
<eaher obser4es a"d takes "ote are$ull'( )hile the ati4it' is do"e7
!2planation regarding to the implementation o. the plan
!$ thi"#s do"Ft #o as 9la""ed suh as 9o)er ut( teaher a" 9re9are )orksheet about $arm
a"imals a"d teah hildre" a so"# about $arm a"imals7 !" )orksheet( hildre" look at them
a"d disuss that ho) ma"' there are a"imals a"d )hih a"imals are a lot or less7

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