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London, Britains capital city and home to some of the most famous tourist attractions.

The Houses of Parliament in Westminster have been the home of government since
medieval times.
Big Ben is probably the best knon clock toer in the orld. But he name Big Ben
actually refers to the massive bell housed inside.
!e"t door to the Houses of Parliament is Westminster #bbey, sights of every royal
coronation since $%&&. 'uch of the current building is over seven hundred years old.
(ust across the river from Westminster is one of the citys most modern structures) The
London *ye. +tanding at $,- metres tall is the orlds largest observation heel. #nd
since it opened for the millennium its become Britains most popular paid for visitor
attraction, the vies across London stretching for miles.
!earby is the West *nd, famous for its shopping and night life. .egent +treet and Bond
+treet are home to leading fashion names as ell as some very e"clusive stores.
There are plenty of great photo opportunities.
/ovent 0arden used to be a fruit and vegetable market. !o its an open pia11a ith
bistros, bouti2ues and bars3 a great place to rest your feet from all that shopping.
The West *nd comes alive at night. !o more so than in theatre live around +haftesbury
#venue. Here there are nearly -% theatres of the idest choices, stage productions
anyhere in the orld.
4ver in the *ast *nd, /olumbian .oad is famous for its morning floer market and
bouti2ues. Whilst +pitalfields market is great if you are looking for fresh food and some
clothes bargains. #nd Brick Lane is the home of the great British curry.
#t the heart of it all, is the city the oldest area of London, but also its commercial part
ith some stunning modern architecture.
The +iss .e Building or gherkin is one of the citys neest landmarks and has
already become a popular film location. Here there are also some of the best vies of
the river Thames. 5rom one classic landmark, Toer Bridge, to one of its neest, the
millennium Bridge, hich leads from +aint Pauls cathedral on one side, to the Tate
modern gallery on the other.
6t all makes London one of the most varied tourist destinations in the orld.

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