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Twilight Eclipse- Kiya Hailu

C onquering a large team of newborn vampires would be tough for our
family to handle.As long as Bella is safe, we would risk anything. ch. 9
U niting with the Werewolves will help our chances of defeating
Victorias group. Even though we both will never make amends. ch. 17
L eaving Bella under the security of the Werewolves for a while was a
hard decision to make because we dont fully trust the Werewolves.
L etting Bella stay home was no option. She needed safe security with
her at all times, so she wont be found by Victoria. ch. 18
E scaping the wrath of the Volturi was not easy. Bella was still human
and we now have a deadline as to when she must change to a vampire.
ch. 24
N ewborns are strong vampires and Victorias army is made of nothing
but newborns.Riley Biers is the rst newborn made by Victoria. ch. 13
S cattered around were newborn vampires ghting against the
Werewolves and us Cullens. We expected nothing less of the scenery.
N othing will stand in the way of my revenge for my love, James. ch.21
E dward will pay for what he did and I know just how. ch.18
W hithin Forks would be a great place to make my army. The people
there know the area, the area in which Bella lives in. ch.13
B ella will be my target. Edward took James life away from me, so I will
take Bellas away from him. ch.21
O utside of forks I will be attracting the Wolves attention by making
them chase me around. This will distract them from Bella. ch.10
R unning with speed is my specialty and will soon be my armys
specialty, once I begin training them. ch.10
N avigating Bellas scent is quite hard. She seems to never be present.
A venging my true mate, James, was the only way for me to cope.
R iley Biers my rst and strongest Newborn is a fool. He thinks we
really are in love. ch.19
M ourning for James wasnt going to bring him back. I must ght.
Y earning for James justice lead to my idea of revenge. ch.1
The main theme of Twilight Eclipse was... an eye for an eye.
This old adage means that a person who has been injured or
hurt in any form by another person returns the o!ending
action to the original person who rst caused harm. In the
beginning, Charlie grounded Bella. Charlies reason for
grounding Bella was because she chose to stay with Edward.
Charlie warned her that if she stayed with Edward it wouldnt
be good for her. Since Bella stayed with Edward, who Charlie
hates, Charlie grounded Bella.(This part of the book was
found in chapter 2) This relates to the theme because it shows
that Bella did something that annoyed Charlie and so Charlie
did something to annoy Bella. In the middle of the book, Bella
nds out that Jacob is going to ght against the Newborns.
Edward told Bella that Jacob wasnt going to ght, but he was
lying and Bella found out. After nding this out, Bella runs to
Jacob and tries to convince him to not go, but he refuses.
Since Bella couldnt convince him, she kissed Jacob. (This part
of the book was found in chapter 15). This is an example of
the theme because Edward lied and hurt Bellas feelings and
Bella hurts Edwardss feelings by kissing Jacob. In the end,
Edward nds out that Victoria tried to kill Bella, Edwards true
mate, because Edward killed Victorias true mate, James.
(This part of the book was found in chapter 22)This is an
example of the theme because Edward broke Victorias heart
by killing her mate, James, and Victoria tried to break his heart
by killing his mate Bella.

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