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Jazmin Williams

32910 Celeste St., White Castle, Louisiana 70788 United States

(225) 716-1725 !"
$ull-ti%e u&&e'-ele%enta'( tea)hin* &osition.
Louisiana State Uni+e'sit( ,aton -ou*e, Louisiana
,a)helo' o. S)ien)e, /le%enta'( 0'ades /du)ation (,.S.) GPA: 3.36 1a( 2012
1ino' in So)iolo*(
/le%enta'( /du)ation Content 3no"led*e4 162
5L64 0'ades 3-64 178
5L64 0'ades 7-124 170
Student 6ea)he'
Cohn /le%enta'( S)hool
78se'+ed, &a'ti)i&ated, and tau*ht in .ou'th *'ade )lass'oo% o. 16 and 22 .o' %ath, s)ien)e, and
5'e&a'ed edu)ational o8!e)ti+es and lesson &lans.
5a'ti)i&ated in 9./.5. %eetin*, and ad%iniste'ed indi+idual tests as an a))o%%odation.
5a'ti)i&ated in "ee:l( %ath and 'eadin* 5LC %eetin*s.
Se'+i)e Lea'nin*
5o't ;llen, Louisiana
<anua'( 2012-1a( 2012
,aton -ou*e, Louisiana
=oluntee's in 5u8li) S)hools (=95S) <anua'( 2012 - 1a( 2013
;ssisted tea)he's in )lass'oo% 8( *'adin* &a&e's, 'unnin* )o&ies, %onito'in* *'ou& "o':, and
Leadin* s%all *'ou& lessons.
6uto'ed %ath and 'eadin* to se)ond, thi'd, .ou'th, and *'ade students
;d%iniste'ed se+e'al 'eadin* s:ills tests to students
6au*ht .i+e )lasses 'eadin*, %ath, o' s)ien)e .'o% *'ades 3-2th o. 20 students o' %o'e
78se'+ed and 9nte'+ie"ed students in %ath "ith tas: anal(sis
Content 6uto' ,aton -ou*e, Louisiana
LSU Co> Co%%uni)ations ;)ade%i) Cente' .o' Student ;thletes ;u*ust 2013 - ?e)e%8e' 2013
6uto'ed th'ee )olle*e student athletes in ,iolo*( 9 @ 99, and %ath du'in* .all se%este'
Co%&leted detailed 'e+ie"s on ea)h student a.te' ea)h session
6uto' ,aton -ou*e, Louisiana
Student Su&&o't Se'+i)es ;u*ust 2012 - <ul( 2013
6uto'ed t"o )olle*e students in %ath
7ne student 'e)ei+ed the hi*hest ; in he' )lass at the end o. the )ou'se.
Student Wo':e' ,aton -ou*e, Louisiana
Ca'ee' Se'+i)es ;u*ust 2012 - <ul( 2013
;ssisted students %a:in* a&&oint%ents in one o. the 3 8'oad se'+i)e a'eas Ca'ee' Se'+i)es o..e'
;ssisted at Ca'ee' />&os
Chan)ello'As Bono' -oll, ?eanAs List, ,la): S)hola's ;"a'd, 6a(lo' 7&&o'tunit( 5'o*'a% .o' Students (675S) ;"a'd 'e)i&ient
=oluntee' LSU, LSU Wo%enAs La)'osse s&o'ts )lu8, Cational So)iet( o. Leade'shi& and Su))ess, Student Su&&o't Se'+i)es

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