Course Pro Forma: Pengajaran Kemahiran Menulis Dalam Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa Kedua Di Sekolah Rendah)

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Course Pro Forma

Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian

Course Title
Teaching Writing Skills in the Primary S! Classroom
Pengajaran Kemahiran Menulis Dalam Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Bahasa
Kedua di Sekolah Rendah)
Course Code TSL3107
Credit 3(3+0)
Contact "ours 45 hours
Pre#re$uisite Nil
%ear Two
Semester One/Two
1. Demonstrate an unerstanin! o" the a##roa$hes an te$hni%ues o"
tea$hin! writin! s&ills. (1.3' (.3)
(. Sele$t' esi!n an e)aluate materials "or tea$hin! writin!. (1.*' (.()
3. +lan an tea$h lessons to e)elo# writin! s&ills. ((.1' 3.1)
4. ,se a##ro#riate e)aluation strate!ies in assessin! writin!. (1.4' (.4)
5. -ssess an re)iew #ra$ti$e .ase on mi$ro tea$hin!. (4.5' 7.()
Synopsis This $ourse "o$uses on the nature an #ur#ose o" writin!' e)elo#mental
sta!es o" writin!' a##roa$hes in tea$hin! writin! s&ills' te$hni%ues o" tea$hin!
writin!' sele$tion an aa#tation o" materials an a$ti)ities' assessin! writin!
s&ills' #lannin! "or tea$hin! writin!' lesson #lannin!' remeial an enri$hment
a$ti)ities "or e)elo#in! writin! s&ills' an mi$rotea$hin!.
Kursus ini berfokus pada membina kefahaman terhadap tujuan menulis,
peringkat perkembangan kemahiran menulis, pendekatan pengajaran
kemahiran menulis, teknik pengajaran kemahiran menulis, pemilihan dan
penyesuaian bahan, pentaksiran kemahiran menulis, merancang untuk
pengajaran kemahiran menulis,perancangan pelajaran, aktiviti pemulihan
dan pengkayaan kemahiran menulis dan pengajaran mikro.
Topic Content "ours
' (ature and Purpose o) Writing
* De+elopmental Stages o) Writing
/ritin! reainess
0 me$hani$s
0 #enmanshi#
1arl2 writin!
0 senten$e .uilin!
0 #ara!ra#h writin!
De)elo#mental writin!
0 s#ellin! an i$tation (senten$e an #ara!ra#h le)els)
0 !rammar
0 te3t or!ani4ation' $ohesion
, -pproaches to Teaching Writing
Techni$ues )or Teaching Writing Skills
. Selection and adaptation o) materials and acti+ities
6a$tors to $onsier in material sele$tion
+rin$i#les o" aa#tation
7riteria "or e)aluation o" material an tas&
/ -ssessing Writing Skills
-ssessment strate!ies
0 Planning )or Teaching Writing
8nter#retin! the writin! s&ills in the
Sele$t an #re#are a$ti)ities "or tea$hin! i""erent le)els o"
writin! s&ills
!esson planning
Sta!es o" a writin! lesson
+ea!o!i$al #rin$i#les
Topic Content "ours
1 2emedial and nrichment -cti+ities )or De+eloping Writing
Skills 3
3 Microteaching
6ee.a$& an 9e"le$tion
T&T-! ./
-ssessment 7oursewor&; 50<
13amination; 50<
Main 2e)erences =rown' >.D ((007). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to
anguage Pedagogy. /hite +lains' New ?or&; +earson 1u$ation.
Latham' D. ((000). !o" #hildren earn to $rite: %upporting and
&eveloping #hildren's $riting in %chool. Lonon; +aul 7ha#man
9eill2' @ A 9eill2 B. ((003). $riting "ith #hildren. O3"or; O3"or ,ni)ersit2
=a&er' @. an @ /estru#. ((000). The (nglish anguage Teacher's
!andbook: !o" to Teach arge #lasses "ith )e" *esources. New
?or&; 7ontinuum.
7ameron' L. ((005). Teaching anguages to +oung earners. 7am.ri!e;
7am.ri!e ,ni)ersit2 +ress.
7hitra)elu' N. Sitham#aram' S. A Teh' S.7. ((005). (T ,ethodology:
Principles and Practice -.
edition/. Shah -lam; 6aCar =a&ti.
>armer' @. ((007) The Practice of (nglish anguage Teaching (4
>arlow; Lon!man.
>armer' @. ((007) !o" To Teach (nglish. >arlow; +earson.
>e!e' T. ((003) Teaching and earning in the anguage #lassroom.
O3"or; O3"or ,ni)ersit2 +ress.
D$Donou!h' @. A Shaw' 7. ((003). ,aterials and ,ethods in (nglish
anguage Teaching: A Teacher's 0uide -Applied anguage %tudies/.
O3"or; =la$&well +u.lishin! Lt.
Doon' @. ((005). #hildren earning anguage. Lonon; Da$millan
>einemann 1LT.
+inter' -. ((00*). Teaching +oung anguage earners. O3"or; O3"or
,ni)ersit2 +ress.
9ea' 7. ((007). 122 Activities for the Primary #lassroom. O3"or;
/oowar' T. ((005). Planning essons and #ourses: &esigning
%e3uences of $ork for the anguage #lassroom. 7am.ri!e;
7am.ri!e ,ni)ersit2 +ress.

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