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Test paper-VII th

1)First or second conditional

1.If I was offered the job, I think I _______________(take) it.
2. If she ______________(be) hungry, she would eat something.
3. If he studied, he ___________________ (pass) the exam.
4. I _________________(send) you a postcard, if I had your address.
5. What _____________________(happen), if you didnt go to work tomorrow?
6. If she has enough money, she _________________(buy) a new car.
7. What will John do, if he ___________________(not get) the job?
8. She would be terribly upset, if I ___________________(lose) her ring.
9. Many people would be out of work, if the factory ____________________(close)
10. What would you do, if you ____________________(be) the president of your
2) Complete the following sentences in column A using the correct choice from column B.
1. Youll get tired a) you cant have it.
2. If you go to a football match, b) If students make a lot of noise.
3. You cant hear the teacher c) you must take your umbrella with you.
4. Ill help you with your lesson, d) If you stand up for a long time.
5. If the soup is too hot, e) If youre at home tonight.
6. If it rains, f) If you want to study.
7. His family may go on holiday g) you wont find a seat.
8. A man cant buy what he needs h) If they save enough money.
9. If youre on a crowded bus, i) If he doesnt have enough money.
10. Well come to visit you j) Ill come with you.

3) Circle the most appropriate word(s).
1 He's only had two hours sleep. He must / can't be
2 That answer might / can't be right because 50% of
12,000 isn't 3,000!
3 I'm not sure at the moment but I may / must be free
on Saturday to help you.
4 A: Sue's late, isn't she? B: Yes. She often works late
so she may not / could have missed the bus.
5 Phil was very nervous before the exam so he might /
might not have done very well in it.

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