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Hunger games movie

By: Brianna trumble
Synopsis of the movie
This movie follows a girl by the name of Katniss who lives in a society that try's to use the past to
say that the horrible thing that they do are ok. She has her world sent flying when she volunteer's
to take her sisters place at the !reaping"# a day when they go to each district a place where people
struggle to survive. They take one boy and girl from their home and tell them that if they want to
live they have to kill the others to go home. $ts a action packed adventure that not only has you on
a roller coaster of who will win and die but the emotional one that proves that love can con%uer
&eople who helped create the movie
The movie is based on a book by Su'anne (ollins with a big cast of actors including but not
limited to )ennifer *awrence# )osh Hutcherson# *iam Hemsworth +ust to name a few. The people
who had a hand in the movie is so big that would include everyone for the actors# to the director#
costume designers# script makers# lighting# sound# and the list could go on.
But there are some human rights that
were violated,
-rticle number one
This article was violated because the people who are born and live in the districts are not treated
e%ual as the people who are born and live in the capital. The people who are in the capitol live the
high life where as# the people who live in the districts are forced to kill each other in the hunger
-rticle number three
This article was abused when they were put in the arena a the other tribes started killing. They
were never suppose to have to face that and know that they could be ne.t because they are
suppose to be able to live their lives in a safe environment and here they are dying either from the
other tributes or the environment.
-rticle number si.
They are not seen the same when they are brought to the capital they are their for the people of
the capitals amusement. They are used as a doll before the games to dress up and play with then
are put to the test.
-rticle number thirteen
The people are not allowed to move around they can not even go outside their district cause they
had put a fence that is suppose to be full of electricity that if you touch it will electrocute you.
-rticle number nineteen
The people are not allowed to tell the capitol that they do not want to fight and
themselves. They can only act in a way that pleases the capitol and if they do not follow that model
bad things will happen to them.

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