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Imm Jalluddin Suyi (849-911 AH / 1445-1505 AD)

Biography and Works
by abu Hasan


1. Suyi's autobiography in usn al-Muarah (vol.1/p.335)
2. Suyis semi-autobiography : At-Taadduth bi Nimatillh
3. The biographical notes from Suyi's own works:
a) Al-Itqn (Dar al-Fikr edition) [derived from Sakhawi's A-aw al-Lmi]
b) Al-Hw lil Fatw (Dr al-Kutub al-limiyyah) ) [also derived from Sakhawi's
A-aw al-Lmi]
c) usn al-Muarah
d) Shadhart adh-Dhahab
e) Al-Kawkib as-Syirah
f) ydarss An-Nr as-Sfir.
4. Biographical note on Suyi in Kashf ad-Dhunn, (vol.5/p.434)



Chapter Pg

1. His Birth 3
2. Imm Suyi on himself 3
3. Imm Suyi commenting on his autobiography 6
4. His Demise 6
5. His Works 6
6. Imm Suyi's books as he mentions them in usn al-Muaarah 7
Tafsir, Qirt and Related Sciences 7
adth and Related Sciences 8
Fiqh and Related Sciences 10
Miscellaneous Sciences 10
Arabic and Related Sciences 11
Fann al-Usl wal Bayn wat Taawwuf 12
Fann at-Trikh wal Adab 12


Bismillhir Ramnir Ram

Imm Jalluddin Suyi

His Birth:

Imm afi Jalluddin bd ar-Ramn Ab Bakr as-Suyi was born in the month of Rajab, 849
AH [1445 AD]. His father took him to Shaykh Muammad al-Majdhb, a saint living close to the
tomb of Sayyidah Nafsah
. He prayed for this child to be blessed.
Imm Suyi on himself:

Imm Jalluddin Suyi writes about himself thus:

[I am] bd ar-Ramn ibn al-Kaml Ab Bakr ibn Muammad ibn Sbiquddn ibn al-Fakhr
thmn ibn Niruddn Muammad ibn Sayfuddn Khir ibn Najmuddn Abis al Ayyb
ibn Nsiruddn Muammad ibn Shaykh Hummuddn al-Khuayr al-Asy.

My great grandfather [shaykh] Hummuddn was a Sufi shaykh and among the folk of the
, Others held positions in government; one was an officer in the city [Asyt], another in
Hisbah, another was a businessman alongside the Emir Shaykhn and built a school in Asyt
and gave it as an endowment
. Among my forebears were rich men but none (among them) I
know who served Islamic sciences as my father did.

Concerning our surname al-Khuayri, I dont know what it means other than a relation to al-
Khuayriyyah an area in Baghdd. Someone, whose word I trust, told me that he heard my
father say raimahullh that his great grandfather was an jam
or that he came from the
affirming the above.

Sayyidah Nafsah raiyallhu nh, a saintly lady from the Ahl al-Bayt; contemporary of Imm Shfi.
In Asuy, Egypt. Asyt is one of the governorates of Egypt. It is in the south of the country, and covers a stretch of the
Nile. Its capital goes by the same name. [Wikipedia]
Non-Arab; It also means mute; it is said that the ancient Arabs were so proud of their language that anyone who didnt
speak it, would as well be mute.
Iraq falls to the east of Egypt.


I was orphaned at a very young age. I memorized the Qurn when I was a little older than
eight. I also memorized the books: Al-mdah, Minhj al-Fiqh, Usl and Alfiyah of Ibn Malik.

ydarsi says: Suyi's father died on Monday, the 5th of Safar, 855 AH. He made Kamluddin
ibn Humm
as the guardian of his son; Ibn Humm took good care of Suyi."

ydarsi and Sakhw have both written that his mother was a Turkish lady.

Suyi says: I traveled widely and visited the cities in Shm
, Hijz
, Yemen, India, Morocco
and Takrur
. He also visited the major cities of Egypt at that time: Fayym
, Dumy
among others.

When I went to ajj, I drank from the well of Zamzam and prayed for many things
. Among
them: I prayed to attain the rank of Sirjuddin Bulqni in fiqh and fi ibn ajar al-sqalni in

Al-mdah al-Akm : Ibn Daqq al-d, d.702 AH
Minhj at-Talibn : An-Nawaw, d.676 AH
Minhj al-Wul f lm al-Ul : Al-Bayw, d.685 AH
Alfiyah fin Naw was arf : Ibn Mlik al-Andalus, d.672 AH
The peerless anafi jurist and the author of Al-Fat al-Qadr lil jiz al-Faqr, a masterpiece of anaf fiqh.
Ad-aw al-Lmi 4/45
The Levant: The area comprising Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine (including what is called Israel nowadays) and parts
of present day Iraq. The Levant is an approximate historical geographical term referring to a large area in Southwest Asia
south of the Taurus Mountains, bounded by the Mediterranean Sea in the west, and in the east, the north Arabian Desert
and Mesopotamia. The Levant does not include Anatolia (although at times Cilicia may be included), the Caucasus
Mountains, or any part of the Arabian Peninsula proper. The Sinai Peninsula is sometimes included, though more
considered an intermediate, peripheral or marginal area forming a land bridge between the Levant and northern Egypt.
Al-ijz: the western part of todays Saudi Arabia Jeddah, Makkah, Tyif and Madinah
Takrr was one of the minor Iron Age states of West Africa, which flourished roughly parallel to the Kingdom of
Ghana. Located in the Senegal Valley, along the border of present-day Senegal and Mauretania, it was a trading center,
where gold from the Bambuk region, salt from the Awlil, Sahel grain, and slaves from the south all passed. Takrur
apparently adopted Islam in the eleventh century, before Ghana, and sided with the Berber Almoravids in their war with
that kingdom. As early adherents of Islam, Takrur played an important role in the introduction of that religion into West
Africa. []
Al Fayym is one of the governorates of Egypt located in the centre of the country. Its capital is a city also called Al
Fayyum. Having an area of 490 mile (1,270 km), Al Fayyum is an oasis and a distinctive region in character between the
main Nile Valley and other desert oases: its fields are watered by a channel of the Nile, the Bahr Yussef, as it drains into a
desert depression to the west of the Nile Valley.[Wikipedia]
Damietta: Damietta is a port in Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the Nile delta, about 200 kilometres north of Cairo. In
ancient Egypt the city was known as Tamiat, but it became less important in the Hellenic period after the construction of
Alexandria. Damietta was important in the 12th and 13th centuries during the time of the crusades. In 1169 a fleet from
the Kingdom of Jerusalem, with support from the Byzantine Empire, attacked the port, but it was defeated by Saladin.
During preparations for the Fifth Crusade in 1217, it was decided that Damietta should be the focus of attack. Control of
Damietta meant control of the Nile, and from there the crusaders believed they would be able to conquer Egypt. From
Egypt they could then attack Palestine and recapture Jerusalem. The port was besieged and occupied in 1219, but by 1221
the crusaders had been defeated outside Cairo and driven out of Egypt. Damietta was also the object of the Seventh
Crusade, led by Louis IX of France. His fleet arrived there in 1249 and quickly captured the fort, though he refused to
hand it over to the nominal king of Jerusalem, to whom it had been promised during the Fifth Crusade. However, Louis
too was eventually defeated in Egypt and was forced to give up the city. Because of its importance to the Crusaders, the
Mameluk sultan Baibars destroyed the city and rebuilt it with stronger fortifications a few kilometres from the river.
Today there is a canal connecting it to the Nile, which has made it an important port once again. The modern city has a
population of about 1 million.[]
El-Mahalla El-Kubra is one of the most important cities in Egypt, famous for its textile industry and located in the
middle of a delta. [Wikipedia]


Suyi studied under many scholars; he has compiled a directory of 150 of them and among those
who gave him authorizations
. He studied under Bulqn extensively and he granted him
authorization to teach and issue fatw in the year 876 AH. He then completed readings of
Shfi fiqh under Sharafuddn Munw. He studied Arabic and adth under Taqyuddin Shibl
al-Hanaf for four years and Muiyuddin al-Kfiy-jiy for fourteen years.

Suyi says: Shaykh Shibli wrote recommendations to my books: Shar Alfiyatu Ibn Mlik and
Jam-l Jawmi fil rabiyyah. He would [always] consider my opinion in matters related to
adth. In his marginalia of [Qi ys] Shif he attributed the adth of Ab Hamr about the
Divine Journey [Al-Isra] to Ibn Mjah. I checked Ibn Mjah completely and couldnt find it. I
thought it must have been my oversight and checked it thoroughly the second and thereafter a
third time. But I found that adth in Mjam as-abah of Ibn al-Qni. I went to the shaykh
and informed him. Just on my word he picked up his pen and scored the word Ibn Mjah from
the marginalia and wrote Ibn al-Qni instead. It increased my respect of the shaykh immensely
and made me feel very small. I suggested that perhaps he should verify it before he made the
change. He replied, I had simply copied Burhn al-alab when I said Ibn Mjah I never left
the shaykh as long as he lived.

He says: I have been granted a mastery of these seven sciences: Qurnic exegesis, tradition,
jurisprudence, grammar, literary sciences
in the fashion of the eloquent Arabs; not in the
manner of non-Arabs or the philosophers.

Apart from these seven, are: principles of jurisprudence, debate, morphology, composition,
inheritance, recitations - though I didn't learn that from any teacher - and medicine.
mathematics for me, has been a very tough subject. It is the farthest from my understanding.
Whenever I try to solve a mathematical problem, it seems like moving a mountain.

In my early days, I used to dabble with logic. Allh made me detest it and I heard that ibn al
ruled that it was forbidden, hence I abandoned it. Allh granted me the mastery of adth
instead, which is the noblest of all subjects.

Suyi also claimed that he had reached the grade of ijtihad.

Najmuddin Ghazzi says: When Suyi was forty years of age, he chose solitude and retreated to
worship Allh without any distraction. It was in these days that he wrote most of his books.
Even though, by then, he had already renounced his occupation as a teacher and a mufti. He has
written a book At-Tanfs wherein he describes the reasons and the excuse for his becoming a

Praying at zamzam is considered sure to be answered as mentioned in the tradition.
Tafsr, adth, Fiqh, Naw, Mn and Bayn
Usl al-Fiqh, Jadal, Tarf, Insha, Tarassul, Faryi, and the Qirt
The second grade also known as Mujtahid fil-Madhhab as reported by Ibn bidn al-Hanafi. Imm Sharani writes in
Meezan: "Suyi classified Mujtahid Mulaq in two categories: Mujtahid Mulaq Ghayr Muntasib, and Mujtahid Mulaq
Muntasib. The former is an absolute mujtahid without any restriction or orientation; and the latter is a mujtahid who is
restricted by the rules of the former. Suyis claim was contested and eventually he wrote a book on the necessity of
ijtihad: Ar-Radd Liman Akhlada fil Ar wa Jahila annal Ijtihda f Kulli rin Far. He clarifies that he never claimed
the same grade as the four Imms, but rather the second.


It is reported from Suyi: I saw a dream in which I was in the presence of RaslAllh allAllhu
layhi wa sallam. I mentioned my book Jaml Jawami and asked him whether I could read out
from it. RaslAllh allAllhu layhi wa sallam said, "Bring it here, O master of the adth"
[Shaykh al-adth]. This dream is a glad tiding which I treasure more than anything in this

Imm Suyi commenting on his autobiography [usn al-Muarah]:

I have written my autobiography in the manner of earlier adth scholars; rarely has anyone
compiled a book of history without including their own history. Among those who have done so
are: Imm bd al-Ghaffr al-Fars in Trkh Nishpur; Yqt al-Hamaw in Mjam al-Buldn;
Lisnuddn ibn al-Khab in Tarkh Gharna
; fi Taqyuddin al-Fs in Trikh Makkah;
afi Abul Fal ibn ajar in Qutul Mir and Ab Shmah
in Ar-Rawatayn inspite of
him being the most Godfearing and austere amongst them all.

His Demise:

ydars while mentioning the events of the year 911 AH (1505 AD): Suyi suffered a brief
illness and after the third day, at the time of evening prayer [r], on the 19
of Jamdiy al-l,
911 AH, the great scholar [and erudite imm] passed away. His funeral was held in the African
mosque, below the citadel and buried near the eastern gate of the Qurfah cemetry. He was sixty

Najmuddn Ghazz writes: He passed away in the wee hours of the morning of Friday, the 19
Jamdiy al-l, 911 AH in his place in Rawah al-Miqys after being unwell for seven days due
to a swelling in his left arm; he was about two months short of being sixty two. A prominent
mausolem was built on his grave near the Qurfah door. A funeral (in absentia) was held in the
Umawi mosque in Damascus.

His Works:

He was one of the most prolific writers, and is perhaps the most well-known author of the latter
times. He has left behind atleast a book in every branch of Islamic science that include both short
monographs of few pages and tomes spanning volumes. Some of his books are also first of their
kind and standards for those that were written after.
Many of his books are published; they are easily and widely available. This in itself is a
testimony of his acceptance among the people and a lofty rank with Allh.

Ibn md writes: "Most of his works become world famous right in his lifetime. His ability to
write was phenomenonal. His student Dwdi says: I was with the shaykh [Suyi] once, and
he wrote three volumes on that day. He used to dictate annotations on adth, and answer my
objections at the same time. He was the most knowledgeable scholar in his time of the adth

Ab Shmah is the teacher of Imm Naww.
An-Nr as-Sfir, p.51


and associated sciences, knowledge of the narrators including the uncommon ones [shdh], the
text of the adth [matn], its chain of narrators [asnd], the derivation of ruling from adth
[istinba]. He has himself told me, that he had memorized a hundred thousand adth.

Imm Suyi's books as he mentions them in usn al-Muaarah

Tafsir, Qirt and Related Sciences

1. Al-Itqn f lmil Qurn
2. Ad-Durr al-Manthr f Tafsril Ma'thr
3. Tarjumn al-Qur'n fit Tafsril Musnad
4. Asrr at-Tanzl (Quuful Azhr f Kashfil Asrr)
5. Lubbun Nuql f Asbbin Nuzl
6. Mufhamt al-Aqrn f Mubhamt al-Qur'n
7. Al-Muhadh-dhab fm Waqa fil Qur'ni minal Murrab
8. Al-Ikll f Istinbit Tanzl
9. Takmalatu Tafsri Shaykh Jalluddin al-Maall (the other part of
10. At-Tabr f lmit Tafsr
11. shiyatu l Tafsr al-Baywi
12. Tansuq ad-Durar f Tansubis Suwar
13. Marid al-Mali f Tansubil Maqi wal Mali
14. Majmal Barayn wa Malal Badrayn fit Tafsr
15. Mafti al-Ghayb fit Tafsr
16. Al-Azhr al-Fyiah l al-Ftiah
17. Shar Al-Istidhah wal Basmalah
18. Al-Kalm l Awwalil Fat'
19. Shar ash-Shibiyyah [irz al-Amn wa Wajhut Tihn]
20. Al-Alfiyyah l Qir't al-shar
21. Khamyil az-Zahr f Fayil as-Suwar
22. Fat al-Jall lil bdidh Dhall fil Anwil Badiyyah al-
mustakhrijati min qawlih tl: Allhu walliyyul ladhna
manu.." [about 120 different facets of the superlative eloquence in the verse]
23. Al-Qawl al-Fa f Tayyun ad-Dhab
24. Al-Yad al-Bus fis altil Wus
25. Mutarikil Aqrn f Mushtarikil Qur'n

Al-Kawkib as-Syirah 1/228
Biographers note that his works doubled in number after he compiled this list and are hence not included here.


adth and Related Sciences

26. Kashf al-Mugha f Sharil Muwa
27. Isf al-Muba bi Rijlil Muwa
28. At-Tawsh l Jmiis ai
29. Ad-Dbj las aii Muslim ibn al-ajjj
30. Mirqt as-Sd il Sunani Ab Dawd
31. Shar ibn Mjah
32. Tadrb ar-Rw f Shar Taqrb an-Naww
33. Shar Alfiyyatul rqi (Qaar ad-Durar, the Shar of Nam ad-Durar f lmil Athar)
34. At-Tahdhb fiz Zawyid lat Taqrb
35. yn al-Ibah f Marifatis abah
36. Kashf at-Talbs n Qalbi Ahlit Tadls
37. Tawh al-Mudrik f Ta-il Mustadrik
38. Al-Lali al-Manh fil Adthil Mawh
39. An-Nukat al-Badt lal Mawdt
40. Adh-Dhayl l Qawlil Musaddad (Fidh Dhabb l Musnad Imm Amed by Ibn ajar al-
41. Al-Qawl al-asan fidh Dhabbi las Sunan
42. Lubb al-Lubb f Tarril Ansb
43. Taqrb al-Gharb
44. Al-Mudraj ilal Mudrij
45. Tadhkiratul Mutas bi man addatha wa Nas
46. Tufatun Nbih bi Talkhil Mutashbih
47. Ar-Raw al-Mukallal wal Ward al-Mullal fil Muali
48. Muntahal ml f Shari Hadth Innamal Aml
49. Al Mjizt wal Khayi an-Nabawiyyah
50. Shar as-udr bi Shari lil Mawt wal Qubr
51. Al-Budr as-Sfirah n Umril khirah
52. M Rawhul Wn f Akhbrit n
53. Fal Mawtil Awld
54. Khayi Yawmul Jumuh
55. Minhjus Sunnah wa Miftul Jannah
56. Tamhd al-Farsh fil Khilil Mjibti li illil rsh
57. Buzgh al-Hill fil Khilil Mjibti liz ill
58. Miftul Jannah fil Itimi bis Sunnah
59. Mala al-Badrayn f man Yu Ajrayn
60. Sihm al-Ibah fid Dawtil Mujbah
61. Al-Kalim at-ayyib
62. Al-Qawl al-Mukhtr fil Mathri minad Dawti wal Adhkr
63. Adhkr al-Adhkr
64. At-ibb an-Nabaw
65. Kashfus alalah n Wafiz Zalzalah
66. Al-Fawyid al-Kminah f mni Sayyidah minah (also named as: At-Tam wal Minnah f
Anna Abawayy an-Nabiyyi allAllhu layhi wa sallam fil Jannah)
67. Al-Musalsalt al-Kubr
68. Jiyd al-Musalsalt


69. Abwb as-Sdah f Asbbish Shahdah
70. Akhbr al-Malyikah
71. Ath-Thughr al-Bsimah f Manqibi Sayyidah minah
72. Manhij a-af f Takhrji Adithish Shif (Kitbush Shifa of Qai y)
73. Al-Ass f Manqibi Ban al-bbs
74. Durr as-Sibah f man Dakhala Misra Min as-abah
75. Zawyid Ash-Shub al-mn li Bayhaqiy
76. Lumm al-Arf wa amm al-Atrf
77. Irf al-Ashrf bi Ishrfi lal Arf
78. Jmi al-Masnd
79. Al-Fawyid al-Mutakthirah fil Akhbril Mutawtirah
80. Al-Azhr al-Mutanthirah fil Akhbril Mutawtirah
81. Takhrj Adthi ad-Durratul Fkhirah
82. Takhrij Adthi Al-Kifyah : Tajrubatil nyah
83. Al-ar wal Ishh li Ashris Sh
84. Ad-Durar al-Muntathirah fil Adthil Mushtahirah
85. Zawyid ar-Rijl l Tahdhb al-Kaml
86. Ad-Durr al-Munaam fil Ismil Muam
87. Juz'u fis alt lan Nabiy allAllhu layhi wa sallam.
88. Man sha minas abati Miah wa shrn
89. Juz'u f Asm'a al-Mudallisn
90. Al-Lam f Asmyi man Waa
91. Al-Arban al-Matbnah
92. Durar al-Bir f Adthil Qir
93. Ar-Riy al-Anqah f Shari Asmyi Khayril Khalqah
94. Al-Mirqt al-liyyah f Sharil Asm'a an-Nabawiyyah
95. Al-yatul Kubr f Qiatil Isr'a
96. Arban adth min Riwyati Mlik n Nfi n ibn mar
97. Fahrist al-Marwiyyt
98. Bighyatur Ryid fidh Dhayli l Majma az-Zawyid
99. Az'hr al-km f Akhbril Akm
100. Al-Hibatus Saniyyah fil Hay-atus Sunniyyah
101. Takhrj Adth Shar al-qyid
102. Fal al-Jalad
103. Al-Kalm l adth ibn bbs ifaillah yafak
104. Arban adthan f Fal al-Jihd
105. Arban adthan f Raf al-Yadayn fid Du
106. At-Trf bi dbit Talf
107. Al-shriyyt
108. Al-Qawl al-Ashbah f adth man rafa nafsahu fa qad rafa rabbah
109. Kashf an-Niqb nil Alqb
110. Nashr al-br f Takhrji Adtish Sharil Kabr
111. Man Wfaqat Kunyatuhu Kunyata Zawjuhu Minas abah
112. Dhammi Ziyrat al-Umar'a
113. Zawyid Nawdir al-Ul lil akm at-Tirmidhi
114. Falaq as-abh f Takhrji Adthi i
115. Dhammil Muks
116. db al-Mulk


Fiqh and Related Sciences

117. Al-Azhr al-Ghuah f awsh ar-Rawah
118. Al-awsh a-ughr
119. Mukhtaar ar-Rawah (Al-Qunyah)
120. Mukhtaar at-Tanbh (Al-Wf)
121. Shar at-Tanbh
122. Al-Ashbh wan Naayir
123. Al-Lawmi wal Bawriq fil Jawmi wal Fawriq
124. Nam ar-Rawah (Al-Khulah)
125. Shar of the above named: Raf al-Khaah
126. Al-Waraqt al-Muqaddamah
127. Shar ar-Raw
128. shiyatu lal Qit lil Isnaw
129. Al-dhb as-Salsal f Ta-il Khilfil Mursal
130. Jaml Jawmi
131. Al-Yanb fm Zda lar Rawati minal Fur
132. Mukhtaar al-Khdim (Tan al-Khdim)
133. Tashnf al-Asm bi Masyilil Ijm
134. Shar at-Tadrb
135. Al-Kfi Zawyid al-Muhadhdhab lal Wf
136. Al-Jmi fil Faryi
137. Shar ar-Ruabiyyah fil Faryi
138. Mukhtaar al-Akmus Sulniyyah (of Al-Mward)

Miscellaneous Sciences

139. Az-afar bi Qalmiz ufar
140. Al-Iqtin fi Masalatit Tam
141. Al-Mustarifah f Akmi Dukhlil ashfah
142. As-Sullah fi Taqqil Muqirri wal Istilah
143. Ar-Raw al-r fi ahril Ma
144. Badhl al-sjid li Sulil Masjid
145. Al-Jawb al-azm n adthit Takbri Jazm
146. Al-Qidhdhah fi Taqqi Maallil Istidhah
147. Mzn al-Mdalah f Sha-anil Basmalah
148. A booklet on altud u
149. Al-Mab f altit Tarw
150. Bas al-Kaff f Itmm as-aff
151. Al-Lumh f Taqqir Rakti li Idrkil Jumuh
152. Wul al-Amn bi Ulit Tahn
153. Bulghatul Mutj fi Mansik al-jj
154. As-Sulf fit Tafl baynas alt wat awf
155. Shadd al-Athwb fi Sadd al-Abwb f Masjid an-Nabawiy
156. Qaa al-Mujdalah nda Taghyr al-Mumalah
157. Izlatul Wahn n Masalatir Rahn
158. Badhlul Himmah f alabi Baratudh Dhimmah


159. Al-Inf fi Tamzil Awqf
160. Unmzaj al-Labb f Khayi al-abb
161. Az-Zahr al-Bsim fm Yuzawwiju fhil kim
162. Al-Qawl al-Mu fil inth fil Ma
163. Al-Qawl al-Mushriq f Tarmil Ishtighl bil Maniq
164. Fal al-Kalm f Dhammil Kalm
165. Jazl al-Mawhib f Ikhtilfil Madhhib
166. Taqrr al-Isnd f Taysr al-Ijtihd
167. Raf Manrud Dn wa Hadmi Binyil Mufsidn
168. Tanzh al-Anbiya n Tasfhil Aghbiya
169. Dhammul Qa
170. Falul Kalm fi ukmis Salm
171. Natjatul Fikr fil Jahri bidh Dhikr
172. ayy al-Lisn n Dhammi at-aylisn
173. Tanwr al-alak f Imkni Ruyatin Nabiyyi wal Malak
174. Adabul Futy
175. Ilqmul ajar liman Zakka Sibbi Ab Bakrin wa mar
176. Al-Jawbul im n Sulil Khtim
177. Al-ujaj al-Mubnah fit Tafli Bayna Makkati wal Madnah
178. Fatul Mughliq min Anti liq
179. Fal al-Khib f Qatl al-Kilb
180. Sayfun Nar fil Farqi Baynath Thubti wat Takrr

Arabic and Related Sciences

181. Shar Alfiyatu ibn Mlik : al-Bahjatul Muiyyah f Sharil Alfiyyah
182. Al-Fardah fin Nuri wat Tarfi wal Kha
183. An-Nukat lal-Alfiyah wal Kfiyah wash Shfiyah wash Shudhr wan Nuz-hah
184. Al-Fat al-Qarb l Mughniyyil Labb
185. Shar Shawhid al-Mughn
186. Jam al-Jawmi
187. Shar of the above: Ham al-Hawmi
188. Shar al-Mulah
189. Mukhtaar al-Milah
190. Mukhtaar al-Alfiyyah wa Daqyiquh
191. Al-Akhbr al-Marwiyyah f Sababi Wayil rabiyyah
192. Al-Maid al-liyyah fil Qawaid an-Nawiyyah
193. Al-Iqtir f Uslin Nawi wa Jadlih
194. Rafs Sinnah f Nabuz Zinnah
195. Ash-Shamh al-Muiyyah
196. Shar Kfiyah ibn Mlik
197. Durr at-Tj f Irbi Mushkil al-Minhj
198. Masalah: arb Zaydan Qyiman
199. As-Salsalatul Mwashiah
200. Ash-Shahd
201. Shadh al-rf f Ithbti al-Man lil arf
202. At-Tawsh l at-Taw


203. As-Sayfus aql f awsh ibn ql
204. shiyah l Shar ash-Shudhr
205. Shar al-Qadah al-Kfiyyah fit Tarf
206. Qarun Nad f Wurd al-Hamzah lin Nid
207. Shar Tarf al-zz
208. Shar arriyyut Tarf li ibn Mlik
209. Tarful Ajam bi urfil Mjam
210. Nukat l Shar ash-Shawhid lil yn
211. Fajruth Thamd f Irbi Akmalil amd
212. Az-Zandul Wariyy fil Jawbi nis Sulis Sakandariyy

Fann al-Usl wal Bayn wat Taawwuf

213. Shar Lumtul Ishrq fil Ishtiqq
214. Al-Kawkab as-Sti f Nami Jaml Jawmi
215. Shar of the above
216. Shar al-Kawkab al-Waqqd fil Itiqd
217. Nukat l at-Talkh (Al-If)
218. qd al-Jumn fil Man wal Bayn
219. Shar of the above
220. Shar Abyt Talkhs al-Mift
221. An abridgement of the above
222. Nukat l shiyatul Muawwal li ibn al-Fannaryy raimahullh
223. shiyah l al-Mukhtaar
224. Al-Badiyyah
225. Shar of the above
226. Tayd al-aqqatul liyyah wa Tashydit arqatush Shdhiliyyah
227. Tashyd al-Arkn f Laysa f al-Imkni Abdai Mimm Kn
228. Daraj al-Mli f Nuratil Ghazl lal Munkar al-Mutaghl
229. Al-Khabarud Dl l Wujdil Quubi wal Awtdi wan Nujabyi wal Abdl
230. Mukhtaar al-Iya
231. Al-Mn ad-Daqqah f Idrkil aqqah
232. An-Niqyah f Arbati Ashara lman
233. Shar of the above
234. Shawridul Fawyid
235. Qalyidul Faryid
236. Namut Tadhkirah named as al-Falak al-Mashn
237. Al-Jam wat Tafrq f Anwil Badiyyah

Fann at-Trikh wal Adab

238. Trikh as-abah
239. abaqt al-uffa
240. abaqt an-Nutul Kubr
241. abaqt an-Nutul al-Wus
242. abaqt an-Nutul as-ughr
243. abaqt al-Usliyyn


244. abaqt al-Mufassirn
245. abaqt al-Kuttb
246. ilyatul Awliya
247. abaqt Shur al-rab
248. Trikh al-Mir (usn al-Muarah f Akhbril Miri wal Qhirah)
249. Trikh al-Khulafa
250. Trikh Asy
251. Full encyclopedia of his teachers: tibu Layl wa Jrifu Sayl
252. Mini encyclopedia: Al-Muntaq
253. Tarjamah an-Nawaw
254. Tarjamah al-Bulqayni
255. Al-Multaqi minad Durar al-Kminah
256. Trikh al-mar as an appendix to Inba al-Ghumar
257. Rafl Baas n Bany al-bbs
258. An-Nafatul Miskiyyah wat Tufatul Makkiyyah
259. Durar al-Kalim wa Ghurar al-ikam
260. Dwn Khuab
261. Dwn Shir
262. Al-Maqmt
263. Ar-Rilatul Fayymiyyah
264. Ar-Rilatul Makkiyyah
265. Ar-Rilatud Dumytiyyah
266. Al-Wasyil il Marifatil Awyil
267. Mukhtaar Mjamul Buldn
268. Yqt al-Mashriq f lmit Trikh
269. Al-Jumnah
270. Maqiul ijz
271. Nr al-adiqah
272. Al-Mujmal fir Raddi ala'l Muhmal
273. Al-Man fil Kan
274. Fal ash-Shita
275. Mukhtaar Tahdhb al-Asma lin Naww
276. Al-Ajwibatuz Zakiyyah nil Alghzis Subkiyyah
277. Rafsh Shn al-abshah
278. Asinul Aqbs f Masinul Iqtibs
279. Tufatul Madhkir fil Muntaq Min Trkh ibn skir
280. Shar Bnat Sud
281. Tufatu urafa bi Asmyil Khulafa
282. Qadatur Riyah
283. Mukhtaar Shifa al-Ghall f Dhammis ibi wal Khall.

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