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book by Robert Shroud

Robert shroud is an 40 years old writer and he isnt very famous because his career is just beginning, he consider
his-self like an indie writer. His first book called Irony is about a city scared for a cruel serial women murder,
and the main character is Reginald Thomas Williams, is a policeman with a complicated personal life, a broken
marriage and unsatisfactory job life. He is looking for the killer.
Chapter 1 & 2.-
Reginald walked through an alley at the middle of the night looking for the killer, when an old lady started to
argue with him an making a lot of noise, so he upset went back to home. He got drunk remembering his wife.
Hours later he turned on the TV listened news about last assault of the killer, he recognized the alley and the
old lady, who was arguing with him hours ago, saying that she discussed and saw the animal in the alley. He
made plans to see his partner.
Chapter 3.-
Is about the mind of one of the killers, he think like a child. He talk about his childhood and hes new parental
figure: Jeremy. And he explain the pleasure of murder a pretty lady.
Chapter 4.-
This show the relationship of Reginald and his little sister Krissy, they are very close and he can turn to her if
have any trouble.
Chapter 5 & 6.-
Reginald had a meal with Reuben, who explained and showed him all the evidence, they went out looking for
clues. The chapter 6 is about a short physical description of Reuben and Reginald.
Chapter 7.-
This is about the same killer in chapter 3 saying how much rules have Jeremy, and talking about his traumas.
Chapter 8.-
Reuben and Reginald related the crimes with a sect and made conclusions about possible suspects, one of them
carols father.

I chose this book because is a about a killer, personally I liked a lot. Some chapters are a little short. The story is
very attractive to me and I suggest to people who like psychological wefts to read it.

Xochitl Gallardo Monroy

Descriptive essay

Period: Fall 2012

First evaluation
Book: Irony by Robert Shroud

School: Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras (CELEX)

Level: Level 6 - Saturdays

Teacher: Edgar Andres Cabrales Vera

Group: G

Classroom: 202

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