Associate Program Material: Peer Review Checklist

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Yvette Cantu

Peer Review Checklist

COM/150 Version 6
Associate Program Material
Peer Review Checklist*
What is the main point of this
The main point of this essay is to inform the reaer how
!reey ins"rance companies are in the #nite $tates an
why the "nite states sho"l have "niversal healthcare like
in other places aro"n the worl%
What is the greatest strength
of this essay?
The !reatest stren!th of the essay was how the writer
incorporates his personal e&periences or past e&periences
in the writin!%
Does the introduction grab
your interest and make you
want to read on? !plain your
The intro"ction oes !ra' the reaer(s attention 'eca"se
it e&plains an !ives e&amples of other places aro"n the
worl that !et "niversal healthcare%
What material does not seem
to fit the main point of the
essay or does not seem to be
appropriate for the audience?
)ll the material fits in ri!ht in the place it is s"ppose to
Where should the author add
more details or e!amples?
!plain your answer"
The writer !ives eno"!h an !reat e&amples%
Where is the writing unclear or
The writin! is clear an "nerstanin!%
What is your favorite part of
this piece of writing?
My favorite part of the writin! was how he informs the
reaer an !ives clear e&amples so the reaer can
"nerstan the writer(s point of view%
What other comments might
you provide for the author?
*reat writin!% *reat way to "se compare an contrast%
Yvette Cantu
Peer Review Checklist
COM/150 Version 6
*$dapted from Reinking% &" $"% 'art% $" W"% ( )on der *sten% R" +#,,1-" Strategies for successful
writing: A rhetoric, research guide, reader, and handbook ed"-" /pper 0addle River% 1&2

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