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Kedai Pulau Osi

+6285331820547 (with Mama Okan)

Visitors may order food efore !omin" to this #$a!e% Mama Okan a$so said she mi"ht he$#
those who are interested in doin" a homestay in the &i$$a"e%
Resor My Moon Daud Pulau Osi
('#dated ('ne 2013)
)he resort offers fi&e rooms with *+, 300-000 rate #er ni"ht% .a!h room is for two ad'$ts
ma/im'm% ./tra #erson wi$$ e !har"ed for *+, 100-000% 0reakfast is #ro&ided (!offee + tea
and sna!ks)% )he resta'rant is 751 !om#$ete%
)o ook rooms and "et more information ao't the resort- #$ease !onta!t the n'mers e$ow2
+628134220533 (3tan$ey)
+6281343254472 (5armin)

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