Galileo, The Scientist Galileo, The Scientist: Grade Level Passage Rating Sheet Prompt

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Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: __________


Prompt: What does it take to be a scientist? Read and find out.
Gr. VI
No. of Words: 83
Literal: 1. What did Galileo enjoy doing as a child? ______
Invent toys that move. Read
science books.
$. What Galileo%s in&ention #as mentioned? ______
"ns#er: Telescope
SY 2012-2013
Galileo, The Scientist
Galileo #as different e&en as a !oy. 'e in&ented toys that mo&ed.
"t yo(ng age) Galileo li*ed Science !oo*s #ritten !y "ristotle. In one of
his !oo* "ristotle said) +'ea&y o!jects fall faster than the lighter o!jects.,
Galileo dis-ro&ed "ristotle%s theory. 'e tested the theory) -ro&ed it #as
#rong and disco&ered that o!jects fell at the same rate of s-eed.
.(ring Galileo%s time) s(n #as !elie&ed to tra&el aro(nd the earth. /o -ro&e
the !elief) he in&ented a +s-yglass, and called it +telesco-e,.
Galileo, The Scientist
Galileo #as different e&en as a !oy. 'e in&ented toys that mo&ed.
"t yo(ng age) Galileo li*ed Science !oo*s #ritten !y "ristotle. In one of
his !oo* "ristotle said) +'ea&y o!jects fall faster than the lighter o!jects.,
Galileo dis-ro&ed "ristotle%s theory. 'e tested the theory) -ro&ed it #as
#rong and disco&ered that o!jects fell at the same rate of s-eed.
.(ring Galileo%s time) s(n #as !elie&ed to tra&el aro(nd the earth. /o -ro&e
the !elief) he in&ented a +s-yglass, and called it +telesco-e,.
Phil-IRI orm ! " Post Test
3. What theory of "ristotle did Galileo dis-ro&e? ______
"ns#er: #That heavy ob$ects fall faster
than li%ht ob$ects.&
Interpretive: 0. What #ere Galileo%s contri!(tion to science? ______
"ns#ers: 'e proved a theory (ron%.
'e invented a machine for
observin% heavenly bodies.
1. 'o# #o(ld yo( descri!e Galileo? ______
"ns#ers: In)uisitive
+pplied: 2. If you (ere ,alileo- (hat (ould you invent? Why? ______
I.ll invent a time machine.
I.ll (ork on invisible ob$ects for
3. If yo( #ere Galileo) ho# #o(ld yo( react if yo(
ha&e -ro&ed that one theory #as #rong) !(t no one
!elie&ed in yo(?
/ho( the evidences that the
theory (as (ron%.
0on.t %ive up- convince the
people about the theory.
SY 2012-2013

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