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The SSI Activator and Unikey parallel security devices are timing

dependent devices. The keys can only read or write data at a particular
rate and newer machines sometimes perform these operations faster than
the key can keep up with. Because of this, the SSI_ACT setting was
created to provide a time delay for faster machines. In general, the
faster the machine, the larger the setting.
Unfortunately the method of the system drivers retrieving the SSI_ACT
values is inconsistent. Even though it might be set in the
autoexec.bat, different values might be read out of the system's
registry. Rainbow Technologies has come up with a solution to ensure
that the correct settings are passed onto the driver.
SetACT.exe will send the values set as the SSI_ACT environment variable
to the system drivers. It is designed to be run automatically at system
startup so that the correct values are always sent to the system
drivers. To facilitate this you must first create the SSI_ACT
environment variable as follows:
Win 3.x/Win 95/Win 98:
Add a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT that looks like this:
SET SSI_ACT=xxx,xxx,xxx
Where xxx,xxx,xxx are the three values you are setting it to.
Values of 10,10,20 are default. The values should be increased
for faster machines.
Win NT:
Open up the Control Panel and select System. Click the
Environment tab.
Under the "Variable:" setting, type in SSI_ACT, then under the
"Value:" setting enter in the values you would like to set SSI_ACT
to, it should be in the format of xxx,xxx,xxx. For example,
200,200,300. Then press the "SET" button, and exit by clicking
After the SSI_ACT environment variable is set, then add the SetACT.exe
program to the Startup folder. In Windows 95/98 and NT 4 this is in the
Start menu under Programs | Startup. In Windows 3.x and NT 3, there is
a folder called Startup that you can add the SetACT.exe as an item.
This will allow the settings you created to be sent to the driver every
time you boot up the machine. For this change to take effect, you must
re-boot your computer.

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