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A1 General Aspect [6%]

- Appropriate title (1)
- Content page (1)
- Systematic presentation (2)
- Creativity (2)
A2 Introducton [!%]
- Comprehensive introduction
- may include history, values and other information relevant to the task including pictures and caption.
"1 Spec'( t)e tas* (&%)
- dentify and state all given information and re!uired results in effective mathematical statements.
% PRO"+E, SO+-ING (61%)
%1 Procedure (.2%)
- "vidence of making and proving con#ectures ($)
- n-depth understanding of the !uestions.
% &se very efficient pro'lem-solving strategies
%Ans(er all !uestions correctly (2$)
- Concise and efficient communication using sym'ols % ta'les % diagrams (hen necessary. (12)
%2 $ndn/s (20%)
- Ans(er all !uestions correctly.(12)
- )etail discussion of findings. (*)
%12 E3ploraton (10%)
- "+plore the task concisely and efficiently.
4 %ON%+5SION (&%)
412 %oncluson (&%)
- )ra( relevant conclusions % generalisation
E RE$+E%TION (&%)
- Comprehensive reflection

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