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U U U U U (u) m. first letter of Gurmukhi alphabet, it

forms these vowels when joined with specific
signs U (u), ,, ,, U (), U (o)
U m U m U m U m U m (u) m. sound of an infant's cry
U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl (u) intj. a spontaneous utterance denoting
grief, pain etc. O! oh! ah!
(us) a. that
~ S (~ tarh ) adv. in that way, like that,
likewise, similarly
U H S ( use tarh) same, like that;
likewise, similarly

pron. he, she
~ U/Ul (~ d/d) pron. his, her
~ /UJ (~ n /uhn ) pron. him, her
~ (~ ne) pron. he, she
U HSS/U HSSl U HSS/U HSSl U HSS/U HSSl U HSS/U HSSl U HSS/U HSSl (ustat/ustat) f. reverence, praise,
eulogy, laudation; prayer, orison
U HS U HS U HS U HS U HS (ustar) m. razor
~ = (~ phern) id. to cheat, to swindle;
to shave
U HS|m Ul uY U HS|m Ul uY U HS|m Ul uY U HS|m Ul uY U HS|m Ul uY (ustarI d ml) f. an uphill
task, difficult work, troublesome matter
U HSU U HSU U HSU U HSU U HSU (ustd) m. teacher, master, tutor; coach,
a. expert, skilful, adept; over-clever, shrewd,
crafty, tricky, deceitful
U HSUl U HSUl U HSUl U HSUl U HSUl (ustd) f. teachership, tutorship; guidance;
mastery, expertness, skill, adeptness;
shrewdness, craftiness artfulness
~ H|TUl (~ shgIrd) f. teacher-pupil
relationship; instructor-trainee relationship
~ |UHU (~ dIkhaua) id. to try to be over
U HFlm U HFlm U HFlm U HFlm U HFlm (usra) m. architect; promoter of a nation,
institution etc., pioneer; builder, maker
U H U H U H U H U H (usarn) v.i. to be built up, to be constructed;
to be developed; to develop; to grow
U HY = J U HY = J U HY = J U HY = J U HY = J (usal va) m. the act of changing sides
- UHY =J Y (usal vae le) v.t. to turn
sides while lying or sleeping restlessly; to toss
and turn
U H U H U H U H U H (usrn) v.t. to build, to construct; to
develop, to promote
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (usr) f. the act or process of building,
U H U H U H U H U H (usr) a. creative, constructive
! !! !!
(oh) a. that
~ |WJ=l TYl |H FT Jl HYl (~ keh gal
JItthe bhgo nah khal) id. think of the devil
and devil is there
(oh) pron. he, she, it, they
~ H S UJU Wu H (~ Je te ohd km
Jne) prov. that is his headache
~ |= ==U , S ~ |= W =VU (~phIre
natth ghau n ,te ~phIre nakk vahau
n ) id. she is going about to get a nose-ring
made and he is prepared to cut off her nose
a aa aa
(oh) intj. an expression of grief or pain or
regret etc., o! oh!
~ J (~ ho) intj. o! oh!
~ H(~ Je) intj. never mind, don't bother
U J/U U J/U U J/U U J/U U J/U (ohn/onha ) pron. they
U Jl/U JlU U Jl/U JlU U Jl/U JlU U Jl/U JlU U Jl/U JlU(oh/oho) a. same, ibid
~ T mYl H (~ rg alp J) id. to
harp on the same tune
U WHU U WHU U WHU U WHU U WHU (uksu) v.t. to instigate, to incite, to
provoke, to excite, to stimulate; to tempt, to
U WHU U WHU U WHU U WHU U WHU (uks) a. instigative, inciting, provocative,
exciting, tempting
m. stimulator; instigator, tempter
U WHJJ U WHJJ U WHJJ U WHJJ U WHJJ (uksha) f. instigation, incitement,
provocation, excitement, temptation
U W U W U W U W U W (ukka) v.i. to make a mistake, to err;
be unsettled, to be unhinged; to be disjointed,
to become disinterested
U H=/U H = U H=/U H = U H=/U H = U H=/U H = U H=/U H = (ukhn/ukhen) v.t. to
uproot; to pull out; to disjoint, to dislocate; to
unsettle; to tear up
~ U H=lm U H=lm T Y Wlm(ukha /
ukha galla karna ) prov. to speak dryly,
to talk in a disinterested and disjointed manner
U T U T U T U T U T (ugga) v.i. to grow, to shoot forth, to
germinate, to crop up, to sprout; to rise (sun,
U Tu U Tu U Tu U Tu U Tu (ugam) v.i. to sprout, to shoot forth; to
rise (sun, moon etc.); to appear, to emerge
U T U T U T U T U T (uggar) a. severe, intense; terrible, fierce
violent, furious, austere
U TS U TS U TS U TS U TS (uggart) f. ferocity, fierceness, terror,
austerity, intensity
U T=U U T=U U T=U U T=U U T=U (uggarvd) m. terrorism
U T=Ul U T=Ul U T=Ul U T=Ul U T=Ul (uggarvd) a. & m. terrorist, militant
U TJl U TJl U TJl U TJl U TJl (ugrh) f. money collected, collection
(donation-etc); realisation (of dues)
U TJ U TJ U TJ U TJ U TJ (ugrhu) v.t. to collect, to realise, to
U TY/U TYl U TY/U TYl U TY/U TYl U TY/U TYl U TY/U TYl (ugal/ugal) f. finger
~ Wl (~ karn) id. to lay the blame on , to
accuse, to defame; to point out
~ SW |JYU (~ tak n hIlu) id. not
to lift a finger, to make the least effort
~ Ul(~ de) id. to instigate , to incite, to
~ l(~ dharn) id. to blame, to blot
~ == W U ==(~ pha ke poch phan)
prov. give him an inch and he'll take the all
~ ==l (~ phan) id. to take under one's
protection; to extend a helping hand
~ F (~bhar) id. too small, tiny
~ uJ |=U Ul (~ m h vIch pu) id. to
be amazed, to be astonished, to wonder
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to lay one's finger
on, to choose
~ YU (~ lu) id. to provoke, to incite
-W |=U ~ U (kn vIch ~ de) id. to
to miss an opportunity, to misfire, to omit; to forget
U WS U WS U WS U WS U WS (ukat) a. aforesaid, as above mentioned, the
said, as said before, as above
U WSU U WSU U WSU U WSU U WSU (uktu) v.i.t. to be bored, to be fed
up, to be tired of; to feel dejected, to feel
melancholy, to be weary
U WSJJ U WSJJ U WSJJ U WSJJ U WSJJ (uktha) f. boredom, ennui
U WSl U WSl U WSl U WSl U WSl (ukt) f. maxim, phrase, saying; quotation,
extract, excerpt, dictum
U W U W U W U W U W(ukkarn)v.t. to engrave, to carve, to
inscribe, to intaglio, to etch (wood, metal etc.)
U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl (ukkarn) f. tool for engraving on copper,
U W= U W= U W= U W= U W= (ukkarv) a. engraved, inscribed
U W=Fl U W=Fl U W=Fl U W=Fl U W=Fl (ukkarv) f. process of or wages for
engraving or carving, embossing
U WU U WU U WU U WU U WU (ukkaru) v.t. to get engraved, to
made to be carved, to get inscribed
U W U W U W U W U W (ukkre) m. words inscribed on the wooden
board or note-book of a child to train in the art
of writing
U W U W U W U W U W (ukk) a.&.adv. utter, quite, total; utterly,
totally, wholly
~ Jl (~ h) adv. utterly, totally, absolutely,
wholly, out and out
~ Jl Jl (~ h nah ) adv. not at all
~ W (~ pukk) a. & adv. a sum covering
all items, as a whole, in lump-sum, the whole,
complete, in all; only
U WFl U WFl U WFl U WFl U WFl (uk) f. omission; mistake, error, default,
blunder, lapse
U W U W U W U W U W (ukb) m. eagle, Aquila rapacous
U W U W U W U W U W (uker) m. engraver, carver
U HY/U HYl U HY/U HYl U HY/U HYl U HY/U HYl U HY/U HYl (ukkhal/ukkhal) m. wooden or
stone's big mortar; lubber
~ |=U |H |US S uJ|Ym U Wl (~vIch sIr
dItta t mohlea da k ar) prov. over shoes
over boots
~ |=U |H U (~ vIch sIr de) id. to take
risk deliberately, to ask for trouble
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (ukkhan) v.i. to be uprooted, (tree etc.);
to be pulled out (pole etc.); to be dislocated; to
eminent, celebrated, well-known, distinguished,
popular, reputed
U ==/U = = U ==/U = = U ==/U = = U ==/U = = U ==/U = = (ughn/ughen) v.t. to
unveil, to uncover; to expose; to reveal, to
disclose, to divulge (secrets)
U U U U U U U U U U (ucch) a. high, lofty (ideas); exalted, elevated;
superior, grand
~ WJl U (~ ko d) a. of high order; of fine
quality; super, superior
U U W U U W U U W U U W U U W (uchakk) m. thief, pick-pocket, robber;
swindler, rogue, villain
U USu U USu U USu U USu U USu (ucchtam) a. highest; super, supreme,
superb, excellent; maximum
U US U US U US U US U US (ucchtar) a. higher
U US U US U US U US U US (uccht) f. excellence, dominance,
superiority; greatness; transcendency
U U U U U U U U U U (ucharn) v.i. to utter, to say, to speak, to
pronounce, to sermonize
U U|S U U|S U U|S U U|S U U|S (ucharIt) a. uttered, said, pronounced
U U= U U= U U= U U= U U= (uchan) v.i. to be flayed, to be stripped
off (skin); to be bruised; to be separated
U U U U U U U U U U (ucch) a. high; tall; lofty, elevated, exalted;
loud (voice); eminent, noble
~ UJ (~ uha) id. to rise, to progress;
to rise above
~ H (~ suan) v.i. to be hard of hearing
~ J J (~ hatth hoa) . to have an upper
hand, to be winning
~ W (~ karn) v.t.& id. to raise; to bring
honour to
~ l= (~ nv) a. uneven, rugged, craggy,
bumpy (road etc.); high and low
~ l= J (~ nv ho) id. to have a quarrel
~ Y (~ bol) ph. proud utterance
~ Y m T mUU J (~ bol agge auda he)
prov. bragging often brings shame
~ Y YlF WS lF (~ bol n bole
kartro are) prov. don't talk big be afraid
of God
~ Yu (~ lma) a. of good height, tall
~ Yu TF Y JlWlm (~ lma gabbhar
palle hkr ) prov. white jackets empty
someone to dance to one's tune, to make one
a puppet of
~ U |H (~ de nIshn) m. finger prints
-H ~ |=U |=U J (pJe ~ ghIo vIch ho)
id. to have one's bread buttered on both sides
U TYU U TYU U TYU U TYU U TYU (uggalchh) v.t. to vomit, to spew, to
U TY U TY U TY U TY U TY (ugala) v.t.i. to vomit, to spew , to
disgorge; to spit; to disclose, to reveal (secret
etc.); to get dissolved (dirt etc. from clothes)
U TY=U U TY=U U TY=U U TY=U U TY=U (ugalvu) v.t. to get some secret
or information disclosed or revealed; to cause
to vomit
U TU U TU U TU U TU U TU (ugu) v.t. to grow, to cultivate, to plant
U TYU U TYU U TYU U TYU U TYU (ugldn) m. cuspidor, spittoon
U TYl/H TYl U TYl/H TYl U TYl/H TYl U TYl/H TYl U TYl/H TYl (ugl/Jugal) f. rumination, cud
~ W(~ karn) v.t. to ruminate, to chew the
U =/U =HH = t U =/U =HH = t U =/U =HH = t U =/U =HH = t U =/U =HH = tuggh/uggh-suggh) f. where-
abouts; clue; hint, inkling; information, news,
~ Ulm SY u(~ da patal marna) v.t.
travel out of the record
~ |uYl/~ YTl(~ mIla/~ lagg) v.i. to
get a clue, to get some information
~ Yl (~ le ) v.t. to enquire; to find out
U ==- U ==/U == - U == U ==- U ==/U == - U == U ==- U ==/U == - U == U ==- U ==/U == - U == U ==- U ==/U == - U == (ugha-dugha/
ugha-dugha) a. helter-skelter, disordered
U == U == U == U == U == (ugghan) v.i. to be unveiled; to be
uncovered ; to be exposed; to be revealed; to
become vivid or distinct (colour)
U = U = U = U = U = (uggh) a. famous, renowned, prominent,
turn a deaf ear to, to pay no heed to
-|WH US ~ (kIse utte ~ dharn) id. to
blame someone, lay the blame on
- -- --UU |=U ~ U (dd vIch ~ de) id. to
be taken aback, to be wonderstruck
-UTYlm UJ (u gala chaa) id. to lick
one's fingers, to relish food
~ S |T HT J (~ te gIan Joge ho)
id. to be very few in number
~ S UU (~ te nachu) id. to make
to defame (someone)
U U Y U U Y U U Y U U Y U U Y (uchhl) m. emotional excitement;
upward jerk; overflow; jump
U UYl U UYl U UYl U UYl U UYl (uchhl) f. vomit, spew
~ mUl (~ u) v.i. to feel like vomiting , to
U U= U U= U U= U U= U U= (uchh) m. cover, covering cloth, casing
(of pillow, quilt etc.)
U H/U H Jl U H/U H Jl U H/U H Jl U H/U H Jl U H/U H Jl t tt ttuJ/ u J h 1 11 11 adv. by the way, casually,
just for nothing; in the same manner, the same;
free of charge, gratuitously, gratis
UH UH UH UH UH (uJa) a. stupid, idiot; unrefined, uncivilized,
rustic, uncultured, clownish
U H U H U H U H U H (uzar) m. objection, plea, excuse
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to raise objection, to
U HS U HS U HS U HS U HS (uJrat) f. wages, remuneration, charges,
emoluments, pay
U HY/U HY U HY/U HY U HY/U HY U HY/U HY U HY/U HY (uJJal/uJl) a. bright, sparkling, clear,
shining; neat, clean (cloth); spotless white;
brilliant, elegant
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (uJJan) v.i. to be displaced, to be
uprooted; to become uninhabited, to be
deserted, to be desolate; to be destroyed, to
be ruined; to become a pauper; to be laid waste
- UH= H (uJJa J) m. an inoffensive
~ H= H (~ puJJa J) v.i. to be ruined,
to be destroyed; to be deserted; to leave a
place for ever, to be displaced
- UH|=m H|=m (uJe puJe) a. ruined,
destroyed; deserted, desolate, uninhabited
U HT U HT U HT U HT U HT (uJgar) a. famous, eminent, popular,
renowned; conspicuous, obvious; revealed,
~ J (~ ho) id. to come to light; to become
~ W (~ karn) id. to let the cat out of the
bag, to reveal
U HY U HY U HY U HY U HY (uJl) m. light; daybreak, dawn; splendour
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (uJ) f. uninhabited place, wilderness,
deserted/desolate place, lonely place, desert;
-U Ul U Ul (ucch ucch) adv. loudly,
~ UW |=W W=(~dukn phIkka pakvn)
prov. much cry and little wool, much ado and
little fruit
- - - - - UUlm Ulm F /u ( ucch ur
bharna/mrn) id. to fly high
UUFl UUFl UUFl UUFl UUFl (uch) f. height, altitude; elevation; loudness,
pitch (for sound); eminence
U UJ U UJ U UJ U UJ U UJ (uch) a.&.m. bored, fed-up; boredom,
depression, dejection, disgusted, disestranged,
restlessness; indifference
U U U U U U U U U U(uchra) m. pronunciation, enunciation;
accent, articulation
~ W/U U (~ karn/uchrn) v.t. to
pronounce, to articulate; to enunciate; to utter,
to speak
U U= U U= U U= U U= U U= (uchv) a. portable, moveable
~ UY (~ chullh) a. portable oven; fickle-
minded, inconsistent, wavering
U | US U | US U | US U | US U | US (uchIt) a. proper, appropriate, apt,
reasonable, accurate, correct, just, justified;
U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U (uchech) f. formality, ceremoniousness
U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U (uchech) adv.&. a. specially, particularly,
special, particular
- U U U S S (ucheche to r te) adv.
specially, formally
U U U U U U U U U U (ucher) a. higher , loftier ; taller ; senior
U U = U U = U U = U U = U U = (uchen) v.t. to separate or remove
something forcibly; to flay, to strip off (skin)
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (uchhal) v.i. to jump, to leap, to hop,
to spring up; to overflow; to spew, to vomit; to
~ WU (~ kudda) v.i. to play; to frolic, to
- UUY UUY (uchhal uchhal pe)
id. to snap out, to snap at
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (uchhl) m. toss; surge, overflow; jump
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (uchhl) v.t. to throw upwards; to
make to spring; to toss up; to publicize a matter,
a. desolate, deserted, ruined
~ FYl (~ bhal) id. to have a liking for
loneliness or solitude, to long for solitude
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (uJn) v.t. to root out; to devastate, to
ruin, to destroy; to spend wastefully, to squander
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (uJ) m. squander ; ruination, destruction,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to spend wastefully; to
ruin (crop etc.)
~ YU (~ lu) id. to spend extravagantly,
to squander
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (uJ) a. extravagant, wasteful, spendthrift,
wastrel, squanderer
U J U J U J U J U J (uha) v.i. to get up, to wake up; to
rise; to progress; to stand up
- -- -- UJ H (uh J) id. to pass away, to
breathe one's last, to expire, to die
UJ J= S |=J uJ T|m U(uh na hove
te phIe m h god Ia da ) )) )) prov. a bad
workman quarrels with his tools
UJ J(uh beha) )) )) id. to jump up, to
sit up; to awake; to recover (from illness)
- U J H T U (uha Jog n
chhaa) id. to beat black and blue, to
thrash; to reduce someone to pauperdom, to make
penniless; to make to suffer a severe set-back
~ |J/~ J (~ beh/~ be ha) f. close
association; company
UJ|Um |J|Um (uhdIa be hdIa ) )) )) adv.
at every moment, all the time, always; at one's
ease, conveniently
-UJU(uhu) v.t. to awaken, to rouse;
to lift (curfew etc.), to raise; to make to stand
up; to assist (someone) to rise; to elevate; to
make to vacate (seat etc.); to remove, to
abolish; to bear, to suffer
UJ Y H(uha le Jaa ) )) )) id. to take away,
to abscond with, to abduct, to kidnap
U Jm U Jm U Jm U Jm U Jm (uha) m. any abnormal swelling, eruption
U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl (uh) f. the work of or wages for carrying
U JFlTl U JFlTl U JFlTl U JFlTl U JFlTl (uhgr) m. petty thief, pilferer,
U JY U JY U JY U JY U JY (uhl) m. last rites, obsequies, last
ceremony or last prayer of mourning
U HJ Y U HJ Y U HJ Y U HJ Y U HJ Y (ua khaol) m. a mythological bed-
shaped air glider or air chariot
! !! !!
(ua) v.i. to fly, to glide; to be flown
by the wind (clothes etc.); to be scattered
(clouds); to run fast/swiftly; to be circulated,
to be spread (rumour etc.); to evaporate; to
vanish, to disappear, to fade; to fail
U W ( u ke) adv. quickly, hurriedly,
hastily; with great fervour, eagerly,
~ W |uY (~ ke mIl) id. to give a warm
welcome, to receive warmly
~ H (~ J) id. to fly away, to flee ; to
lose colour; to evaporate; to disappear
~ H (~ pu J) id. to vanish, to
m. an inoffensive abuse
- -- -- UUl UUl/UUl H (ud ud/ud
khabar) a.&.f. hearsay, gossip, rumour, an
unconfirmed news
- UU Ul =J (ude pchh phhu)
id. to do the impossible
~ |= (~ phIrn) id. to be in high spirits , to
be overwhelmed with joy, to be overjoyed
(una ) a.&m. quick (in movement), swift
nimble, agile; likely to fade, not fast (colour);
U =U U =U U =U U =U U =U (uvu) v.t. to make or cause to fly;
to make to blow up; to make to squander
U U U U U U U U U U (uu) v.t. to fly (kite); to spend
extravagantly, to waste, to dissipate; to spread
a rumour; to shoot; to evaporate; to bleach; to
delete; to abolish (post etc.); to blow up (with
explosive); to drive very fast; to let fly
U U U U U U U U U U (u) a. spendthrift, squanderer,
extravagant, wasteful
U W U W U W U W U W (uk) m. rod of a pulley
U /U l U /U l U /U l U /U l U /U l(u/ua r) m. flight, act of flying,
U l U l U l U l U l (ur) f. the act of flying, sortie
~ F (~ bharn) v.t. to take off, to fly
~ u (~ mrn) id. to slip away; to flee,
to run away from; to pass away, to expire
! !! !!
(ur) a. capable of flying; able to take
care of one self, grown-up; vagabond,
~ J (~ ho) id. to fly on one's own wings
z zz zz
(uar) m. pilot, aviator, airman, flier,
U lW U lW U lW U lW U lW (uk) f. wait; expectation
~ W/UlW ( ~ karn/uka) v.t. to
wait for, to await; to expect, to look forward
~ W=U l (~ karvu) f. to make
(someone) to cool one's heels, to keep one
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (uJv ) a. & m. forty-ninth
U H U H U H U H U H (uJ) a. & m. forty-nine
U S U S U S U S U S (uattar) a.&.m sixty nine
U S= U S= U S= U S= U S= (uattarv) a. sixty ninth
U SYl U SYl U SYl U SYl U SYl (utl) a.&.m. thirty nine
U SYl= U SYl= U SYl= U SYl= U SYl= (utlv) a. thirty ninth
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (uat) f. the process of knitting ; pattern
of knitting , texture
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (uatt) a.& m. twenty nine
U Sl= U Sl= U Sl= U Sl= U Sl= (uattv) a. twenty ninth
U U U U U (un) v.t. to knit (with needles); to weave
U =U U =U U =U U =U U =U (uvu) v.t. to get something knitted
or woven; to help in knitting/weaving/stringing
U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl (u) f. the act or process of knitting; the
way of knitting; wages for knitting
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (us) a.&m. seventy nine
U Hl= U Hl= U Hl= U Hl= U Hl= (usva) a. seventy ninth
U JJ U JJ U JJ U JJ U JJ (uha) a.&.m. fifty nine
U JJ= U JJ= U JJ= U JJ= U JJ= (uhav ) a. fifty ninth
U = U = U = U = U = (unv) a. eighty-ninth
U = U = U = U = U = (unve) a. & m. eighty nine
U SH= U SH= U SH= U SH= U SH= (utsav) m. an auspicious occasion,
celebration, function; festival, rejoicing; fete,
U SHJ U SHJ U SHJ U SHJ U SHJ (utshh) m. zeal, fervour , zest, enthusiasm,
ardour, encouragement, incentive, eagerness
U SHJl U SHJl U SHJl U SHJl U SHJl (utshh) a. enthusiastic, encouraging,
EHinspiring, ardent
U SH W U SH W U SH W U SH W U SH W (utsuk) a. eager, keen, curious, agog,
U SH WS U SH WS U SH WS U SH WS U SH WS (utsukt) f. eagerness, keenness, anxiety,
curiosity; yearning
U SW J U SW J U SW J U SW J U SW J (utkt h) f. craving, longing, yearning,
U SSl U SSl U SSl U SSl U SSl (utpat) f. genesis, origin, produce, yield,
production; birth; growth
U S U S U S U S U S (utpn) a. born; produced
U SUW U SUW U SUW U SUW U SUW (utpdak) m. grower; producer
U SU U SU U SU U SU U SU (utpdan) m. produce, yield, output,
U Su U Su U Su U Su U Su (uttam) a. best, excellent, superb
~ H (~ purkh) m. first person i.e., I, We
U S U S U S U S U S (uttar) m. North (direction); answer,
~ m|FYHl (~ abhIlsh) a. R.S.V.P. repondez
s'il vous plait [(please answer (in invitation
~ Wl (~kp) f. answer sheet, answer book
U SU|FW, U SUFl U SU|FW, U SUFl U SU|FW, U SUFl U SU|FW, U SUFl U SU|FW, U SUFl (uttardek,uttard) a.
responsible, accountable, answerable
U S U S U S U S U S (utrn) v.i to descend, to come down
(stairs etc.); to alight, to disembark, to land
from train etc.; to lose, to fade; to bleach
(for colour); to be dislocated (bone); to dismount;
to subside, to lessen; to decrease, to come down
(price etc.); to recede, to subside (flood water
level, river)
H ~(khara ~) id. to rise to the occasion,
to be true to one's word
U S=U /U SU U S=U /U SU U S=U /U SU U S=U /U SU U S=U /U SU (utarvu/utaru) v.t.
to help to descend or assist in something taken,
brought or carried down, to unload
! !! !!
(utra ) f. the wages for unloading,
unloading charges
z zz zz
(utra ) f. downward, descent, slope,
U S | W U S | W U S | W U S | W U S | W (uttardhIkr) m. succession,
U S|Wl U S|Wl U S|Wl U S|Wl U S|Wl (uttardhIkr) m. successor, heir,
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (uttar) a. relating to north, northern
U SY U SY U SY U SY U SY (uttla ) a. upper, over head; superior, senior,
high ranking
m. God, the Almighty
~ HJ US S JJY HJ JJ |J H (~ sah
utte te hehl sah heh reh Jn) id. to
be taken aback, to be scared; to be frightened,
to get scared
- - - - - USYl JJ S JJYl US W ( utl heh te
hehl utte karn) id. to play havoc, to create
a stir, to create a turmoil, to make everything
topsy turvy
-USY u (- utle mano) adv. perfunctorily,
formally, half-heartedly
U SJ U SJ U SJ U SJ U SJ (utah) adv. up, upward, above
U S U S U S U S U S (utr) m. subsiding, receding (of water)
~ U= ( ~ chah) m. ups and downs; rise
and fall, fluctuation (prices)
~ S (~ ptar) m. cast off clothes, old and
worn out clothes
U S U S U S U S U S (utarn) v.t. to assist/help in descending,
alighting/dismounting; to dislocate (joint,
bone); to pacify; to take off (clothes); to copy,
to imitate; to unload, (from train, ship, wagon
etc.); to draw (picture); to dethrone; to give
vent to (rage); to pay off (debt); to exorcize
(an evil spirit etc.)
U S U S U S U S U S (utr) m. stay, sojourn, encampment;
copy, facsimile; offerings made to ward off
an evil spirit
~ US (~ utrn) v.t. to make an offering
to ward off an evil spirit; to clear the accounts
U S U S U S U S U S (utr) a. bent, intent, determined, resolute
U S=Y U S=Y U S=Y U S=Y U S=Y (utvl) a. anxious, impatient, eager,
quick, hasty, swift, speedy
U S=Yl U S=Yl U S=Yl U S=Yl U S=Yl (utval) f. haste, hurry, hastiness
U S U S U S U S U S (utte) adv. over, on, upon, above
~ US (~ utte) adv. superficially
~ Jl US (~ h utte) adv. higher & higher
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to overbear, to
overawe; to try to come close, to try to become
intimate; to ride on, to climb
~ |TU |= (~ Igde phIrn) id. to make
efforts for intimacy
U S U S U S U S U S (utto) adv. from above; overhead; from the
higher authorities; in addition to
~ US (~ utto) adv. superficially, formally;
from the very surface; outwardly, seemingly,
~ Ul (~ d) adv. from above, over
U S HW U S HW U S HW U S HW U S HW (utteJak) a. exciting, provoking,
provocative, stimulative, inspiring
U S H U S H U S H U S H U S H (utteJn) f. excitement; incitement,
actuation, provocation, stimulation
U S |HS U S |HS U S |HS U S |HS U S |HS (utteJIt) a. excited, provoked, incited,
actuated, agitated
U Y- Y U Y- Y U Y- Y U Y- Y U Y- Y (utthal-putthal) f. upheaval,
commotion, great-disturbance, turmoil,
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (utthal) v.t. to reverse, to change; to
turn over
U U U U U (utthan ) m. rise, progress
U U U U U (utthe) adv. there, thither, yonder, at that
place, over there
~ Jl (~ h) adv. at the very place; on the spot
~ |WS (~ kIte) adv. somewhere there
U U U U U (uttho ) adv. from there; from that place
U U=J U U=J U U=J U U=J U U=J (udghan) m. inauguration, opening
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to inaugurate
U U=Jl U U=Jl U U=Jl U U=Jl U U=Jl (udgha an) a. pertaining to an opening,
U Uu U Uu U Uu U Uu U Uu (uddam) m. effort, endeavour, exertion,
industry, assiduousness, enterprise, diligence
~ W (~ karna) v.t. to make effort, to strive
U Uul U Uul U Uul U Uul U Uul (uddam) a. industrious, assiduous,
enterprising, diligent
U UU T U UU T U UU T U UU T U UU T (udyog) m. industry, enterprise
U UU TW U UU TW U UU TW U UU TW U UU TW (udyogak) a. pertaining to industry,
U UU TSl U UU TSl U UU TSl U UU TSl U UU TSl (udyogpat) m. industrialist
U U U U U U U U U U (udar) m. stomach, belly, abdomen
~ Sl (~ prt) f. subsistence, living
U U = U U = U U = U U = U U = (udrev) m. nostalgia; home-sickness
U UH U UH U UH U UH U UH (uds) a. sad, gloomy, dejected, melancholy,
depressed, morose; worried, anxious
U UHl U UHl U UHl U UHl U UHl (uds) n. sadness, gloominess, dejection,
melancholy, depression; a sect which was founded
by Baba Sri Chand s/o sri Guru Nanak Dev; a
member of 'Udasi' sect; one of the four religious
journeys of sri Guru Nanak Dev
~ U H (~ chha J) id. to become
depressed/ sad, to be out of spirits
UUHl UUHl UUHl UUHl UUHl (udsn) m. indifferent, detached, apathetic,
nonchalant, neutral
U UHlS U UHlS U UHlS U UHlS U UHlS (udsnt) f. indifference, apathy,
nonchalance; depression, dejection
U U J U U J U U J U U J U U J (udhra) m. example, instance,
illustration; proof, evidence
U U /U U | US U U /U U | US U U /U U | US U U /U U | US U U /U U | US (udr/udrchIt) a. broad-
minded, liberal; generous, bountiful,
U US U US U US U US U US (udrt) f. broadmindedness, liberality;
generosity, bounty, magnanimity
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (udl ) m. surroundings, environment,
milieu, neighbourhood
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (udle) adv. around, on all sides, all around
~ J (~ ho) id. to press, to insist; to make a
request, to beseech; to aim at, to make a target
U U U U U U U U U U (ude) m. rise (of sun, moon etc.), dawn
U U H U U H U U H U U H U U H (udesh) m. aim, object, goal; motive, purpose
U U U U U (uddhar) adv. there, on that side, thither
~ |W (~ kIddhar) adv. where, whither;
somewhere there
U U U U U (uddhro) adv. from there, from that side
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (uddhal) v.i. to elope; to run away with
U =-T = U =-T = U =-T = U =-T = U =-T = (udhar-gudha r) a. disorderly,
unsystematic; unsymmetrical
U = ul U = ul U = ul U = ul U = ul (udha dhm) f. hubbub, noise, uproar
U = U = U = U = U = (udhan) v.i. to be untwisted, to be
unwounded/ unravelled; to be unrolled
(bundle); to be opened out (scam); to come
out (stitches)
U =Fl U =Fl U =Fl U =Fl U =Fl (udh) f. the wages for unroofing (a
house); untwisting, unwinding
U U U U U (udhr) m. loan, credit; debt
~HS (~ kht) m. credit-account,credit-
~ Y|J (~ leha) id. to be out of debt
~ Y (~ le) v.t. to borrow, to take loan,
to buy on credit
U U U U U (uddhr) m. redemption, salvation,
deliverance, emancipation, reformation
~ W/U (~ karn/uddharn) v.t. to
rescue, to save; to liberate, to emancipate; to
U U U U U (udhr) a. borrowed, on loan, on credit
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (udhln) v.t. to take away, to abduct
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (udhl) n. abduction, elopement
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl (udhl) f. giddiness, dizziness
U = U = U = U = U = (udhen) v.t. to expose (scam); to take
out (stitches); to untwist, unravell, unwind
U = U = U = U = U = (udhe bu) f. doublemindedness,
indecision, dilemma, ambivalence, perplexity
U U U U U (unn) f. fleece of sheep; yarn prepared from
fleece wool, wool
U S U S U S U S U S (unnat) a. developed, advanced, improved
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (unnat) f. progress, advancement;
promotion; development; improvement; uplift
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (unatt) a. & m. twenty nine
U Sl= U Sl= U Sl= U Sl= U Sl= (unattv) a. twenty ninth
U uU U uU U uU U uU U uU (unmd) m. ecstasy, frenzy; derangement,
U = U = U = U = U = (unvn) m. heading, title; subject
U U U U U (unn) a. that much
U /U U /U U /U U /U U /U (unh/unh ne) pron. he/she; they
U U/Ul/Ulm U U/Ul/Ulm U U/Ul/Ulm U U/Ul/Ulm U U/Ul/Ulm (unh d/d/d) pron. has/
her; their
U U U U U (unb) m. jujube tree and its fruit, Zizyphus
U l U l U l U l U l (unb) a. maroon, blackish red
U l U l U l U l U l (unn ) a. & m. nineteen
~ |FWl t=lJ1 J (~ Ikk(vh)hon) id. to be
slightly more or less; to have slight difference
~ |FWl U =W (~ Ikk da phark) prov. it is six
of one and halfadozen of the other
U l U U l U U l U U l U U l U (unda) a. sleepy, somnolent, drowsy
m. insomnia, sleeplessness
U l l U l l U l l U l l U l l (unh per ) adv. immediately, instantly
U l= U l= U l= U l= U l= (unnv) a. nineteenth
U H U H U H U H U H (unes) f. love, affection, attachment, affinity
U U U U U (up) pref. a prefix when joined to a word
denotes subordinate position or rank (post:- sub,
deputy, vice etc.)
~ HWS (~ sakattar) m. deputy secretary
~ T|J (~ greh) m. satellite
~ uY (~ mal) m. sub-division
U H|S U H|S U H|S U H|S U H|S (upasthIt) a. present
U H|Sl U H|Sl U H|Sl U H|Sl U H|Sl (upasthIt) f. presence, attendance
U JH U JH U JH U JH U JH (uphs) m. fun, ridicule, derision
U J U J U J U J U J (uphr) m. gift, present
U W U W U W U W U W (upkr) m. beneficence, benevolence,
benefaction; favour, kindness
U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl (upkr) a.& m. beneficent, benevolent,
benefactor, benign, kindly
U U U U U U U U U U (upchr) m. treatment, cure, remedy
U -U U -U U -U U -U U -U (up-chon) f. by-election
U H U H U H U H U H (upaJ) f. produce, crop, yield
U H U H U H U H U H (upaJan ) v.i. to grow, germinate or sprout,
to be produced or grown
U HU U HU U HU U HU U HU (upJun) v.t. to grow; to produce, to
cause to yield
U HU U HU U HU U HU U HU (upJ) a. fertile, fecund, productive (land)
U Hl=W U Hl=W U Hl=W U Hl=W U Hl=W (upJvk) f. livelihood, subsistence;
means of livelihood
U U U U U U U U U U (upaddar) m. turbulence, turmoil, riots,
disturbance, trouble, disorder, rowdism;
tyranny, oppression
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (upaddar) a. rowdy, turbulent
m. rioter
U U H U U H U U H U U H U U H (updesh) m. advice, teaching, counsel,
exhortation; preaching, sermon, precept
U U HW U U HW U U HW U U HW U U HW (updeshak) m. preacher, sermonizer,
preceptor, preacher
U S U S U S U S U S (updht) f. metalloid
U U U U U (updhra) f. subclause
U u U u U u U u U u (upnm) m. surname, family name
U |mH U |mH U |mH U |mH U |mH (upnIs) m. novel, fiction
U |mHW U |mHW U |mHW U |mHW U |mHW (upnIskr) m. a novel writer,
novelist, fiction-writer
U |HU U |HU U |HU U |HU U |HU (upnIshad) m. philosophical books
written to explain Vedas
U |Uu U |Uu U |Uu U |Uu U |Uu (upnIyam) m. bye-law, sub-rule
U |= H U |= H U |= H U |= H U |= H (upnIvesh) m. colony
U FH U FH U FH U FH U FH (upbhasha) f. dialect
U u U u U u U u U u (upma ) f. simile; comparison; praise, eulogy,
commendation; figure of speech
U u U u U u U u U u (upmn) m. an object with which some
thing is compared
U u U U u U U u U U u U U u U (upmey) m. the thing or person which is
U U WS U U WS U U WS U U WS U U WS (upyukt) a. apt, proper, appropriate,
suitable, fit
U U WSS U U WSS U U WSS U U WSS U U WSS(upyuktata ) f.aptness, appropriateness;
utility, usefulness, suitability
U U T U U T U U T U U T U U T (upyog) m. use, utilization
U U Tl U U Tl U U Tl U U Tl U U Tl (upyog) a. useful, utilizable; useable,
employable, serviceable
U U U U U (uppar) adv. atop, on top; above, up; on,
upon; over, on the top
~ U= (~ chahn) v.t. to climb up, to mount,
to ascend
id. to progress, to advance, to rise; to over-
awe, to over-bear, to importune
~ Yl(~ thal) adv. one after another; in quick
succession, continuously, successively
~ Y (~ thalle) adv. one above the other; up
and down; disorderly
~ Y J H (~ thalle ho Jn) id. to be
misplaced; to scuffle
~ Y W (~ thalle karna) id. to misplace,
to derange
~ U W u (~ de km) m. extra work,
superfluous works
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (upparchhal) f. vomit, spew
U S U S U S U S U S (uprt) adv. after, afterwards, next
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (upparl) a. upper, top; higher, senior;
superficial; external
m. God, the Supreme being, the Almighty;
Moon; attendant
~ HJ U JJY JJ |J H (~ sah uppar
hehla heh reh Jn) id. to catch one's
~ HU (~ kharch) m. overhead charges,
overhead cost, overheads
U Yl muU ( upparal mdan) f.
income through unfair means; extra income
U u U u U u U u U u (uprm) a. apathetic, disconsolate; sad,
dejected, disgusted
U uS U uS U uS U uS U uS (uprmt) f. apathy, disconsolation,
sadness, dejection, distraction, despair
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (uprl) m. effort, endeavour, attempt;
means, method; suggestion
U U U U U (upparo) adv. from above, from the roof;
by unfair means; outwardly; superficially,
~ U (~ upparo ) adv. superficially, formally,
as a formality; from the upper surface
U WS U WS U WS U WS U WS (uprokat) a. above-mentioned, aforesaid
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (uplabdh) a. available
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl (uplabdh) f. availability; achievement,
attainment, acquisition
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (upl) m. cowdung cake
U U , U m U U , U m U U , U m U U , U m U U , U m (upu, upa) m. remedy, way-out,
solution; expedient; steps; means, measures
U HW U HW U HW U HW U HW (upsak) m. worshipper, adorer, devotee;
U H U H U H U H U H (upsna) f. worship, adoration, devotion.
U l U l U l U l U l (updh) f. title, appellation; rank, status,
designation, position, office; degree; epithet
U V U V U V U V U V (uf) intj. an utterance made in grief, surprise
etc., oh!, ah!
~ W (~ n karn) id. to bear patiently, not
to utter even a sigh
U = U = U = U = U = (uphann) v.i. to ferment (flour etc.); to
rot, to putrefy (vegetables, fruit etc.)
U W U W U W U W U W (ubak) m. vomit, retch
U S U S U S U S U S (ubatt) m. nausea; sickness
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ubaln ) v.i. to boil, to simmer; to ferment,
to boil and overflow
U YU U YU U YU U YU U YU (ublun) v.t. to get something boiled
U |Ym U |Ym U |Ym U |Ym U |Ym (ublI) a. boiled
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (ubs) f. yawn, gape
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ubl) m. the act or process of boiling,
ebullition, effervescence; sudden outburst of
passion (anger, grief etc.)
~ UJ (~ uhn) id. to get excited
~ mU (~ un) v.i. to boil, to simmer
~ WV (~ kah) id. give vent to one's
pent up feelings
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ubl) v.i. to boil
U Y/U Yl U Y/U Yl U Y/U Yl U Y/U Yl U Y/U Yl (ubl/ubl) m. the act or process
of boiling, ebullition; excitement, effervescence
- - - - - UY H (uble khn) id. to boil
(in fury)
U F U F U F U F U F (ubbharn) v.i. to rise; to swell, to become
conspicuous, to come out, to protrude
U F= U F= U F= U F= U F= (ubbharv) a. rising; having swelling or
bump; bouncing ; protruding
U F=-H= U F=-H= U F=-H= U F=-H= U F=-H= (ubbha-khba) a. uneven, rough
UF==J UF==J UF==J UF==J UF==J (ubbhar vhe) adv. with a start, startlingly
U F HJ U F HJ U F HJ U F HJ U F HJ (ubbh sh) m. gasp; deep breath, sigh
U F U F U F U F U F (ubhr) m. bulge, swelling, protuberance;
U F U F U F U F U F (ubhrn) v.t. to raise, to lift, to elevate;
to instigate, to incite; to bring to light, to expose;
to make conspicuous
U u T U u T U u T U u T U u T (umg) f. yearning, longing, ambition,
aspiration, desire; enthusiasm, fervour, zeal,
U u U u U u U u U u (umada) v.i. to gush out, to be poured
out, to overflow (river, stream); to well up
(tears); to over cast (clouds)
U u S U u S U u S U u S U u S (umatt) f. followers of Mohammed Sahib; a
sect of Mohammed Sahib's followers
UuU UuU UuU UuU UuU (umd) a. superior, of good quality; excellent,
superb, first rate, nice, better
U u U u U u U u U u (umar) f. age, life-time, life-span, duration
of life, life
~ HSl (~ set) adv. according to age
~ WJ (~ ka) id. to pass time, to pull on,
to drag on life
~ W U (~ ke d) f. life sentence, life imprisonment
~ WUl (~ ke d) m. prisoner, life convict
~ H J (~ kh behna) id. to be too old, to
be at the fag end of life
~ VY H (~ hal J) id. to enter the fag
end of life
~ Ul m Jl m Wu U l m (~ d rot
kamu ) id. to make a fortune, to earn
enough for one's whole life
~ J (~ patt) m. lease for life
~ F (~ bhar) adv. throughout life
~ F U (~ bhar d) adv. life-long
~ F U T (~ bhar d rog) ph. a source of
constant trouble
~ F Ul WuFl (~ bhar d kam) ph. life's
earnings; off spring, issue
~ F FY (~ bhar n bhulln) id. to
remember for life
~ YT (~ laggan) ph. a wish/blessing for
longer life
U uU U uU U uU U uU U uU (umro) m. noble men, aristocrats, courtiers
U u Y U u Y U u Y U u Y U u Y (umhaln) v.i. to gush out, to spring forth
U uJ U uJ U uJ U uJ U uJ (umh) f. fervour, exuberance, enthusiasm,
excessive joy
U ulU U ulU U ulU U ulU U ulU (umd) f. hope, expectation, reliance,
~ K (~ baJJh) id. to have hope
- - - - - UulU S l |= H (umd te p phIr
Jn ) id. to have all hopes dashed to the ground
~ S l = U (~ te pan pher den) id. to
throw cold water on someone's hopes
U ulU= U ulU= U ulU= U ulU= U ulU= (umdvr) m.& a. candidate (exam., job,
election etc.); applicant; expectant, hopeful
U ulU=l U ulU=l U ulU=l U ulU=l U ulU=l (umdvr) f. candidature; pregnancy;
U H U H U H U H U H (uras) m. death anniversary of a Muslim saint
U U U U U U U U U U (urdu) m. name of an Indian language; the
official language of Pakistan
U V U V U V U V U V (urf) m. alias
U Yu Yu U Yu Yu U Yu Yu U Yu Yu U Yu Yu (urlam parlam) m. sundry items, odds
and ends; absurd, useless, meaningless (talks)
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (url) a. of this side; (person or thing); on
this side, on the nearer side
~ Y (~ parl) a. miscellaneous (work etc.);
Tom, Dick and Harry; rag-tag
U Ylm Ylm ulm U Ylm Ylm ulm U Ylm Ylm ulm U Ylm Ylm ulm U Ylm Ylm ulm (url parl mrn ) id.
to beat about the bush
U U U U U (urh) adv. on this side, here; near
~ (~ parh) a. here and there
~ J (~ parh ho) id. to hide oneself,
to be lost
~ W (~parh karn) id. to conceal, to
hide, to steal
U U U U U (urr) adv. on this side, on this bank, cis
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (urrla) a. belonging to this side, of this
side, cis
U |U U |U U |U U |U U |U (ureo) adv. from a nearer place, than that
very city/village etc.
U U U U U (ure) adv. just here, near; on this side
U U U U U (ureb) a. bias, diagonal, slant (cut)
U U U U U (urere) adv. to be more near, nearer
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ull) f. severe headache with pain in the eye
U YW U YW U YW U YW U YW (ulk) m. meteor, shooting-star
U Y = U Y = U Y = U Y = U Y = (ulghn) f. violation, contravention,
infringement of law, rule; transgression,
trespass (bounds and limits etc.); disobedience
~ W (~ karna ) v.t. to violate, to contravene,
to infringe; to transgress, to trespass; to disobey
U YK U YK U YK U YK U YK (ulJhan ) f. complexity, complication,
intricacy; problem, entanglement; dilemma,
quandary; tangle
U YK U YK U YK U YK U YK (ulJhn) v.t. to tangle, to get involved; to
be entangled; to quarrel
U YKU /U YK U YKU /U YK U YKU /U YK U YKU /U YK U YKU /U YK (ulJho/ulJh) m. involvement,
entanglement, perplexity, intricacy,
complication; confusion
U YKU U YKU U YKU U YKU U YKU (ulJhun) v.t. to involve, to entrap, to
entangle, to cause to tangle; to make to quarrel,
to brawl
U Y|Km-U Y|Km U Y|Km-U Y|Km U Y|Km-U Y|Km U Y|Km-U Y|Km U Y|Km-U Y|Km (ulJhe-ulJhe) adv. confused,
U YK = U YK = U YK = U YK = U YK = (ulJhev ) m. problem, tangle, involvement,
complication; entanglement, imbroglio
U YJ U YJ U YJ U YJ U YJ (ul) a. opposite, against; contrary; converse,
~ YJ (~ pul) adv. higgledy piggledy, topsy
turvy, disorderly
U YJ U YJ U YJ U YJ U YJ (uln ) v.t. to overturn; to reverse, to change
side, to turn (pages etc.); to vomit, to spew
U YJ U YJ U YJ U YJ U YJ (ul) a.& adv. contrary, opposite; inverse,
reverse, perverse; rather, on the contrary
~ |H(~ sIddha) a. inappropriate, irrelevant,
absurd; haphazard
~ UW UYU (~ chakkar chalau) id. to
turn the tide
~ Hu (~ zamn) m. time unworthy for
virtue and uprightness
~ J =U (~ pah parhun). to teach
a wrong slate, to poison the ears, to misguide
somebody, to mislead
~ YJ (~ pul) a. topsy turvy, upside down
UYJU (ulaun) v.t. to turn (inside out/
upside down) to revert, to converse, to inverse
- -- --UYJl J= UY (ul hav challa) v.i.
prevalence of contrary values, degradation of
~ H=l tHuK1 (~ khop (samJh) f. perverse
~ TT =JU (~ gg vahun) id. to put
cart before horse, turn the tables
- -- --UYJ m WV (ulte arth kaha) id.
to get the wrong end of the stick
~ H Yl (~ bs barel n ) prov. owls
to Athens, to carry coals to New Castle
U YJl U YJl U YJl U YJl U YJl (ul) f. vomit, spew, disgorgement
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ulatth) a. dull-headed, block-headed,
careless, unconcerned, impertinent, impudent
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ulathn) v.t. to translate, to render
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ultha) m. translation, rendition
U YW U YW U YW U YW U YW (ulthkr) m. translator
U Y U U Y U U Y U U Y U U Y U (uladdn ) v.t. to pour, to effuse, to tip into;
to reveal (secrets)
U YVS U YVS U YVS U YVS U YVS (ulafat) f. love, attachment, liking, affection
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ullarn) v.i. to bend, to lean, to tilt, to
U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y= (ulagh) f. stride, step, pace, long step
U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y= (ulghn) v.t. to stride, to step out
U YF U YF U YF U YF U YF (ulbh) m. complaint, grouse
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ulr) a. unbalanced, off-balance, depressed
by weight on one side, lopsided, tilted, inclined
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ulrn) v.t. to cause to tilt / incline, to
swag ; to throw upwards (talk etc.)
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl (ull) f. fungus, mould, mildew
~ YT (~ laggn) id. to become useless
v.i. to be affected with fungus
U YlW U YlW U YlW U YlW U YlW (ulkn) v.t.. to draw, to trace, to outline,
to draft
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (ull) m. owl
~ |H W (~ sIddha karn) id. to grind
one's own axe, to serve one's own purpose
~ U J (~ d pah) m. idiot, foolish, dullard
~ (~ ban n) id. to become a fool, to be
befooled (by someone), to be cheated; to
become a laughing stock
~ U (~ banun) id. to make a fool of,
to befool
~ Y (~ boln) id. to become deserted/
U Y J U Y J U Y J U Y J U Y J (ullub) a.&m. foolish, idiot, stupid;
simpleton, mug
U Y H U Y H U Y H U Y H U Y H (ulekh) m. mention, reference
U Y = U Y = U Y = U Y = U Y = (ulehn) v.t. to hem
U = U = U = U = U = (uve) adv. likewise, similarly, by the way, in
that way
~ |H= (~ JIve) adv. in the similar manner,
~ U U= (~ d uve) adv. as it is, exactly the
same, in the same way, similarly
U =U U =U U =U U =U U =U (ud) m. a variety of pulse, horse bean,
Phaseolus radiatus
U =Ul U =Ul U =Ul U =Ul U =Ul (ud) f. rumour, hearsay
U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl (u) intj. a sudden utterance due to pain etc.,
oh! ah!
~ UFl W (~ u karn) id. to weep; to cry
without any rhyme or reason
U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl (u ) intj. & adv. for nothing, without any
reason; without charge, gratuitously, gratis
U Fl U U Fl U U Fl U U Fl U U Fl U (u o) intj. without any reason, by the way,
U H U H U H U H U H (usar) m. barren land, waste-land
U J U J U J U J U J (h) intj. an utterance out of pain etc.
U J U J U J U J U J ( h ) intj. no, never
U = U = U = U = U = (gh) f. doze, slumber, drowse; drowsiness,
U = U = U = U = U = (ghn) v.i. to doze, to drowse, to slumber
U U U U U U U U U U (ch) f. high (caste/rank/status etc.)
U U l U U U l U U U l U U U l U U U l U (ch nch) f. high and low (caste
distinction); ups and downs of life
U H U H U H U H U H (J) f. false accusation, charge, imputation,
aspersion, allegation, blame, slander
U J JT U J JT U J JT U J JT U J JT ( pa g) a. nonsensical, absurd,
preposterous, irrelevant (talks)
U J U J U J U J U J (h) m. camel; very tall man
~ =T uJ U Wl mU (~ vg m h chukk
un) id. to move ahead aimlessly
UH ~ |WH W=J JU J ( dekho ~ kIs karva
behda he ) prov. let us see which way the
wind blows
U JW JW U JW JW U JW JW U JW JW U JW JW (u hak be t hak) f. exercise by
repeatedly sitting and standing, sit-ups;
unnecessary exertion
U J U J U J U J U J (uhna) m. log of the front part of the cart
which supports in keeping balance, front rest
of bullock-cart
U J= U J= U J= U J= U J= (uhvn) m. cameleer
U U U U U (un) f. deficiency, shortage, lack, want
U SFl U SFl U SFl U SFl U SFl (unt) f. shortage, want, lack
U U U U U (un) a. not quite full (vessel); deficient,
~ JF S H=-H= Y, F|m JF S WU Y
(~ hoe t khah khah bole, bharI hoe
t kade n ole) prov. an empty vessel makes
much noise, the shallow murmurs the deeps
are dumb
~ K (~ Jh) a. sad, dejected, depressed,
U S U S U S U S U S (u t) a. foolish, stupid, idiot, rude; childless
U U Ym U U Ym U U Ym U U Ym U U Ym (ud bla) m. an aquatic cat, otter
U U U U U U U U U U (ud) a. of the colour of brinjal, violet
U u U u U u U u U u (udham) m. clamour, rampage, uproar, hub-
bub, noise, furore, pandemonium
U U U U U (udh) a. prostrate; up side down
U l U l U l U l U l (un) a. woollen
U H U H U H U H U H (urJ) f. energy, power
U /U l U /U l U /U l U /U l U /U l (u r/r) m. a frame for winding thread,
U Y-HY Y U Y-HY Y U Y-HY Y U Y-HY Y U Y-HY Y (ul-Jall) m. senseless or absurd talk,
nonsense, absurd, rigmarole
~ Y (~ bolan a) v.t. to twaddle, to talk
U = m = H U = m = H U = m = H U = m = H U = m = H(ura er n Jann) id. to
have no knowledge of A, B, C, to be illiterate,
to be uneducated
U = m = S H W U = m = S H W U = m = S H W U = m = S H W U = m = S H W (ue ee to shur karn)
id. to start from the beginning
UmW UmW UmW UmW UmW (Okr) m. God, the Almighty, the Supreme
being, Saviour of all
U|F U|F U|F U|F U|F (oe) intj. hey! O!
~ U|F J (~ oe hon) id. to be disgraced ,to
be degraded
~ S|F mH (~ toe n kh) id. not to
say even a harsh word
~ S|F Y (~ toe bol) id. to talk rot
UH UH UH UH UH (o s) f. dew
UJY UJY UJY UJY UJY (ohla ) m. concealment; anything that
conceals cover, screen, veil etc.; protection,
refuge, shelter; secret
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to conceal, to hide; to veil
UJY UJY UJY UJY UJY (ohle) adv. behind the screen; under the
cover, behind; at the back of
~ |U (~ chhIpe) adv. secretly, clandestinely
UJ= J= UJ= J= UJ= J= UJ= J= UJ= J= (ohr poh) m. household remedy or
treatment; first-aid
U=Y U=Y U=Y U=Y U=Y (oghl) m. a kind of cereal whose flour is
used in fasts
UH UH UH UH UH (oJ) m. radiance, effulgence, glow; strength,
UHH=l UHH=l UHH=l UHH=l UHH=l (oJasv) a. & m. glowing, effulgent
UKl UKl UKl UKl UKl (oJhr) f. entrails, bowels
UKY UKY UKY UKY UKY (oJhal) a. out of sight, invisible, not visible
~ J H (~ ho Jn ) id. to disappear, to
vanish, to be out of sight
UK UK UK UK UK (oJh) m. exorcist, witch-doctor,
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (ot ) m. screen, veil, cover, concealment;
protection, shelter, refuge; shade, shadow
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (on) v.t. to endure, to tolerate, to bear; to
bear the onus, to own; to shelter, to give refuge
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (ot) m. a small wall which separates an
open kitchen from the courtyard
U U U U U (od) m. a tribe which rears sheep for their
livelihood; a member of this tribe
U U U U U (od ) a. of the same size; of the same
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (od ) f. a specific type of basket made of
bamboo or reed
UV UV UV UV UV (odhan) v.t. to cover oneself with dupatta
etc.; to wear dupatta etc.
US S US S US S US S US S (ot pot) a. mixed, like warp and woof
U U U U U (othe) adv. at that place, there
U U U U U (otho) adv. from there
UU UU UU UU UU (odan) adv. on that day
UU/UU H UU/UU H UU/UU H UU/UU H UU/UU H (odarn/odar Jn) v.i. to be
home sick, to long for, to yearn, to become sad
in separation
UU|m UU|m UU|m UU|m UU|m (odarI) a. home sick
UU = UU = UU = UU = UU = (odrev) n. homesickness, longing for
UU UU UU UU UU (od) adv. that way, like that, in that way, in
a particular manner; otherwise
UU UU UU UU UU (odo) adv. at that very time; then, at that
~ S (~ to) adv. since then, from then
U U U U U (opar) a. unknown, stranger, unfamiliar,
outsider, alien
Ul WH Ul WH Ul WH Ul WH Ul WH (opr kasar) f. the effect of an evil
U U U U U (oper) m. opera
~ JUH (~ hus) m. opera-house
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (om) m. a holy word which is the symbol of
divinity and is used in the beginning of vedic
mantras; the primordial word; God, the
Supreme being
U U U U U (ora ) m. a narrow trench made by plough,
! !! !!
(ola) m. hail, hailstone
z zz zz
(ola) m. protection, refuge
U= U= U= U= U= (ovar) m. over
~ FH (~ eJ ) f. overage
~ WJ (~ ko ) m. overcoat
U= U= U= U= U= (ove) adv. likewise, in that way, in similar
~ |H= (~ JIve) adv. likewise, as it is ,in the
similar manner, similarly
U=W U=W U=W U=W U=W (oak) adv. at last, finally, in the end
m. extreme, climax

m m m m m (ea) m. second letter and second vowel of
Gurmukhi alphabet, it represents vowels sounds
m (a), m (a), m (e), m (o)
mU H mU H mU H mU H mU H(ausar) m. occasion, opportunity, time
mU T mU T mU T mU T mU T(augan ) m. vice, defect, fault, demerit, short-
mU mU mU mU mU (odh) f. age, life span; duration, period, term,
m|Fm m|Fm m|Fm m|Fm m|Fm(aIn ) a. innocent, ignorant; child, infant
m|FmYl m|FmYl m|FmYl m|FmYl m|FmYl(aIl) m. shepherd
mFl mFl mFl mFl mFl(a) intj. a spontaneous utterance out of pain
and grief, o! oh! ah!
~ mFl W (~a karn) id. to beseech
earnestly, to supplicate, to entreat
m H m H m H m H m H(s) f. off spring, progeny, issue
m H m H m H m H m H(sh) m. part, portion, share; degree of a
circle; the numerator of a fraction; element
mHmHW mHmHW mHmHW mHmHW mHmHW(ash ash karn) v.t. to appreciate, to
praise highly, to applaud, to acclaim, to commend
mH|J mH|J mH|J mH|J mH|J(ase h)a. unbearable, intolerable, unendurable
mH|JuSl mH|JuSl mH|JuSl mH|JuSl mH|JuSl(asehmat) f. disagreement, dissent,
mHW mHW mHW mHW mHW(ashke) intj. bravo! well done!
mH H mH H mH H mH H mH H(askh)a.numberless, countless,innumerable
mH TS mH TS mH TS mH TS mH TS(asgat)a. irrelevant, absurd, incompatible
inconsistent, incoherent
mH TSl mH TSl mH TSl mH TSl mH TSl(asgat) f. irrelevancy; inconsistency,
mHT mHT mHT mHT mHT (asgdh) m.a medicinal herb, Physelis
mHTJ mHTJ mHTJ mHTJ mHTJ(asgh) a. unfathomable, fathomless,
abysmal, abyssal
mHUH mHUH mHUH mHUH mHUH(ascharaJ) m. wonder, surprise, astonish-
ment , marvel
a. wondrous, surprising, marvellous,
amazing, astonishing
mHUHHW mHUHHW mHUHHW mHUHHW mHUHHW(ascharaJJanak) a. wondrous,
surprising, amazing, astonishing, miraculous
mH Hu mH Hu mH Hu mH Hu mH Hu(asJam) m. intemperance, immoderation,
incontinence; extravagance, thriftlessness
mH Hul mH Hul mH Hul mH Hul mH Hul(asJam) a. intemperate, immoderate,
inconsistent; extravagant, thriftless
~J(~ho) id. to wear one's heart
upon one's sleeve
mHJUl mHJUl mHJUl mHJUl mHJUl(aspad) f. a metre of eight verses, octet,
a poem of eight verses or stanzas
mHJul mHJul mHJul mHJul mHJul(asham) f. the eighth day of each half of
the lunar month
- - - - -Hu~(Janam~) f. the eighth day of the
dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapad
(Bhadon), birth anniversary of Lord Krishna
mHJu mHJu mHJu mHJu mHJu(ashm) m.stamp paper, a paper bearing
a Govt. revenue stamp and is used for legal
~VH(~ farosh) m. the person who deals in
stamp papers
mHS mHS mHS mHS mHS(ast) a.& m. setting (of the Sun)
~J(~ho) v.i. to set
mHSY mHSY mHSY mHSY mHSY(astabal) m. stable
mHS mHS mHS mHS mHS(astar) m. lining (of garments); a weapon
that is thrown at a target, missile
~HHS(~shastar) m. weapons, armaments
mHS-|=mHS mHS-|=mHS mHS-|=mHS mHS-|=mHS mHS-|=mHS(astvIast) a. scattered, disorderly
mH|S S= mH|S S= mH|S S= mH|S S= mH|S S=(astIttav) m. existence, entity, being,
personality, individuality
- -- --mH|SS==U(astIttavvd) m. existentialism
mHSl mHSl mHSl mHSl mHSl(ast) f. bone
mHSlV mHSlV mHSlV mHSlV mHSlV(astf) m. resignation
mH S HJ mH S HJ mH S HJ mH S HJ mH S HJ(astush)a. dissatisfied, discontented,
disgruntled, displeased
m mm mm
mH S HJl mH S HJl mH S HJl mH S HJl mH S HJl (astsh) f. dissatisfaction,
mH S Y mH S Y mH S Y mH S Y mH S Y(astulan) m. disequilibrium, unbalance,
mH S |YS mH S |YS mH S |YS mH S |YS mH S |YS(astulIt)a. unbalanced, not balanced
mH S H mH S H mH S H mH S H mH S H(astokh) m. discontentment, dissatisfaction
mH S HW mH S HW mH S HW mH S HW mH S HW(astok hJanak) a. unsatisfactory,
mH S Hl mH S Hl mH S Hl mH S Hl mH S Hl(astokh)a. discontented, dissatisfied
mHFl mHFl mHFl mHFl mHFl(asath)a. temporary, momentary,
mH mH mH mH mH(asthn) m. place, site; dwelling, residence,
lodging; place of pilgrimage, sanctuary; space;
mH| mH| mH| mH| mH|(asthIr)a. unstable, unsteady, fickle
inconstant, fluctuating, astatic, indecisive
mH|S mH|S mH|S mH|S mH|S(asthIrt) f. instability, unsteadiness,
fickleness, inconstancy, fluctuation
mHl m mHl m mHl m mHl m mHl m(asth ) f. charred bones, ashes (of
cremated person)
mH mH mH mH mH(asadhra)a. extraordinary, exceptional,
unusual, uncommon, unfamiliar
mH -H mH -H mH -H mH -H mH -H (ashne-pashne)m. titivation/ tittivation
~YU (~lune) id. to dress up to the nines
mHHJ mHHJ mHHJ mHHJ mHHJ(aspash) a. not clear, ambiguous; in distinct,
inexplicit, hazy, vague; illegible
mHHJS mHHJS mHHJS mHHJS mHHJS (aspasht) f. ambiguity,
indistinctiveness, inexplicitness, vagueness;
mHS mHS mHS mHS mHS(aspt) m. steel
mH=Y mH=Y mH=Y mH=Y mH=Y(asaphal) a. unsuccessful, abortive, vain
(efforts), failed, plucked
~J(~ho) v.i. to fall through, to fail
mH=YS mH=YS mH=YS mH=YS mH=YS(asaphalt) f. unsuccessfulness, failure
mH mH mH mH mH(asbb) m. luggage, baggage, goods
mH F= mH F= mH F= mH F= mH F=(asbhav) a. impossible, not possible,
improbable, impracticable
~WuUHSW(~ km d Jatan karn)
id. to try to square the circle
~B{z HF=W(~ n sbhav karn) id. to
square the circle
mH|Fm mH|Fm mH|Fm mH|Fm mH|Fm(asabhIa) a. uncivilized, uncultured barbarian,
unmannerly, savage; boorish, rustic
mHu mHu mHu mHu mHu(asamarth) a. helpless, incapable, unable,
incompetent; weak, impotent
mHu mHu mHu mHu mHu(asamarth) f. helplessness; incapability,
incompetency, inability, incapacity
mHuHW mHuHW mHuHW mHuHW mHuHW(asamJak) a. unsocial, non-social, asocial
mHu mHu mHu mHu mHu
! ! ! ! !
(asmn) m. sky, empyrean, firmament
~USU(~ ute udda) id. to think
highly of oneself, to roam in the lands of
~ |H S UW (~ sIr te chukka ) id. to
create a ballyhoo, to make much noise, to create
~JJt t t t t~ u pe) id. to be struck by
~ SU=U(~te charhun) id. to exalt to
the sky, to praise highly
~SW (~ te thukkan) id. to blame the
innocent, to try to humiliate the nice person;
pick holes in another's coat
~S|WmuJSUJ (~te thukkIa m h
te ped he) prov. he that blows into the wind
fills his own eyes
~USS=(~ de tre torn) id. to attempt
the impossible, to try to do the impossible
~ J YU(~ n hatth lun) id. to be
very tall; to have steep rise in prices
~ JWl YU(~ n k lun) id. to be
very cunning, to be very crafty/ tricky; to be
too skilful
Hul ~ |F W W U (zamn ~ Ikk kar
de) id. to leave no stone unturned, to
move heaven and earth
mHul(asmn1 1 1 1 1a. pertaining to the sky,
ethereal, celestial, heavenly; sky blue, azure
~mVS/TY1(~ fat/gol)f. natural calamity
~l=(~pgh) f. rainbow, iris
mHumT=( asmno agg varhn)
id. to be extremely hot (weather)
~||TmHHSmJ|Wm(~ IgI khaJr te
akI) id. out of the frying pan into the fire
mHu mHu mHu mHu mHu
z z z z z
t tt ttasamn) a. unequal, unlike, dissimilar;
mHuS mHuS mHuS mHuS mHuS(asamnt) f. inequality, unlikeness
dissimilarity; unevenness
mH mH mH mH mH(asar) m. effect; impression, impact, influence;
result, reaction
~mU(~ u) id. to be under the effect
of evil-spirit
~U(~pu) id. to affect, to influence,
to impress upon
~H H(~raskh)m. influence; approach,
access, contacts
mH mH mH mH mH(ashardha) f. scepticism, profanity
mHVl mHVl mHVl mHVl mHVl(asharf) f. gold coin, mohur
-mHVlmUlYJ,W|YmSuJ(asharfa d
lu, kole te mohar) prov. penny wise pound
mHY mHY mHY mHY mHY(asrl) m. python, dragon
mHY mHY mHY mHY mHY(asal) a. original, true, real; genuine, pure,
unadulterated; unalloyed
m. capital, principal (amount); original (copy/
matter etc.)
~U(~d) a. born in lawful wedlock,
~uU=YmU(~mudde val u)id. to get
down to brass tacks, to come to the main point
~|=U(~vIch)adv. in fact, in reality, in sooth,
de facto
U~( dar~)adv. in fact, in sooth, de facto
! !! !!
(asl) m. ammunition, armaments, weapons
~H(~khan) m. armoury, arsenal
z zz zz
(asl) m. origin, lineage, family
mHYl mHYl mHYl mHYl mHYl(asl) a. pure, unadulterated; unalloyed;
genuine, real, original
mHYlmS mHYlmS mHYlmS mHYlmS mHYlmS (aslat) f. reality, truth, fact, actuality,
mHYl Y mHYl Y mHYl Y mHYl Y mHYl Y (ashll) a. obscene, smutty, vulgar,
immodest, indecent
~ H|JS (sa hIt) m. pornographic literature,
mHYlYS mHYlYS mHYlYS mHYlYS mHYlYS(ashllt) f. obscenity, smuttiness, vulgarity,
mH=lW mH=lW mH=lW mH=lW mH=lW(asavkr) a. unaccepted, unacceptable
mH=l | W Sl mH=l | W Sl mH=l | W Sl mH=l | W Sl mH=l | W Sl (asavkrIt) f. refusal, denial,
unacceptance, disapproval, rejection
mH S mH S mH S mH S mH S(ash t) a. restless, upset, perturbed,
agitated, disturbed, irritated, disquiet
mHSl mHSl mHSl mHSl mHSl(asht)f. restlessness, turmoil, turbulence,
perturbation; absence of peace,
disturbance, unrest, disorder, agitation
mH mH mH mH mH(asdh) a. incurable, irremediable;
refractory, unmanageable, incorrigible
mH mH mH mH mH(asn) a. easy, simple, facile, convenient
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl (asn) f. easiness, facility, convenience,
mHul mHul mHul mHul mHul(asm) f. post, vacancy; client, customer;
debtor; the language of Assam, Assamese;
native of Assam
~F(~bharn) id. to fill up the vacancy
- -- --Hl~(khar~) m. a person whose dealings
are fare
- -- --Wl~(pakk~) f. permanent post; permanent
- -- --u Jl~(mo~) m. a rich man, a wealthy person
mH mH mH mH mH(asr) m. signs and symptoms, ways and
manners, traces, characteristics
mH= mH= mH= mH= mH=(asvdhn) a. inattentive, careless,
inadvertent, heedless, not alert
mH=l mH=l mH=l mH=l mH=l(asvdhn) f. inattentiveness, inattention,
carelessness, inadvertence, heedlessness
m|H |HmS m|H |HmS m|H |HmS m|H |HmS m|H |HmS(asIkkhIat) a. uneducated, illiterate,
unlettered; untrained, unskilled
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl (as ) pron. we
~SHl (~tus ) pron. all of us, you and me, we
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl(ass) m. eighty
mHlH mHlH mHlH mHlH mHlH(ass) f. blessing, benediction, benison, best/
good wishes
- -- --mHlHYT(ass lagg) id. to enjoy the
fruit of someone's blessings
- -- --UmHlH(durass) f. curse, malediction
mHlu/mHluS mHlu/mHluS mHlu/mHluS mHlu/mHluS mHlu/mHluS(asm/asmat) a. limitless, unlimited,
boundless, unbounded; infinite
mHl=U mHl=U mHl=U mHl=U mHl=U (ashrvd) m. blessing, benediction,
benison, best/ good-wishes
mHlY mHlY mHlY mHlY mHlY(asl) a. gentle, tractable, docile
mHlY mHlY mHlY mHlY mHlY (aslpu) f. gentleness, tractability,
m Hl= m Hl= m Hl= m Hl= m Hl=(assv) a. eightieth
mH H= mH H= mH H= mH H= mH H=(asukhv )a. uncomfortable, comfortless,
unsoothing, unsuitable, discomforting, harmful
mH mH mH mH mH (ashuddh) a. incorrect, inaccurate,
erroneous, wrong; impure, adulterated
mH l mH l mH l mH l mH l(ashuddh) f. mistake, error; impurity,
adulteration; misprint
mH F mH F mH F mH F mH F(ashubh)a. inauspicious, ominous, unlucky,
unpropitious, ill-omened, unfavourable,
- -- -- H F ~ (shubh~) a. auspicious and
inauspicious; good and evil
mH mH mH mH mH (asur) m. devil, demon; giant, ogre; Satan
mH |HmS mH |HmS mH |HmS mH |HmS mH |HmS (asurakkhIat) a. unsafe, insecure
mH |Hm mH |Hm mH |Hm mH |Hm mH |Hm(asurakkhe) f. insecurity, unsafeness,
lack of protection
m H m H m H m H m H (ass) m. the seventh month of Bikrami year
mH Y mH Y mH Y mH Y mH Y(asu l) m. principle, rule; theory, doctrine, law,
rule, canon
- -- --mHYSUY(asl te chal) id. to
abide by the principles
mH Yl mH Yl mH Yl mH Yl mH Yl(asl) a. principled, righteous
- -- --mHY(beasl) a. unprincipled
mH W mH W mH W mH W mH W(ashok) a. without sorrow, happy, carefree,
cheerful, free from sorrow
m. ashoka tree, Polyathia longifolia, Saraca
indica; Emperor Ashoka
~UW(~chakkar) m. wheel consisting of 24
spokes in blue colour in the centre of the white
band of National flag of India, which has been
taken from the Ashoka pillar at Sarnath (India);
one of the known gallantry awards of India
mJ W mJ W mJ W mJ W mJ W (ahkr) m. pride, vanity, conceit, ego,
mJ Wl mJ Wl mJ Wl mJ Wl mJ Wl(ahkr)a. proud, haughty, self-conceited,
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(ah )intj. an expression of denial, disagreement,
refusal etc.
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(ahr) m. food, meal, diet, aliment, victuals
m|J HW m|J HW m|J HW m|J HW m|J HW (ahsak) a. non-violent, peaceful, peace-
m|J H m|J H m|J H m|J H m|J H(ahsa ) f. non-violence
m|JHH m|JHH m|JHH m|JHH m|JHH(e hss) m. realization; feeling
m|JH m|JH m|JH m|JH m|JH(e hsn) m. favour, obligation
~W(~karn) v.t. to do a favour, to oblige
~U=(~chahn) id. to be under someone's
~HSU(~ Jatu) id. to remind someone
of the favours conferred
~VuH(~frmosh) a. thankless, ungrateful
~u(~mnan ) v.i. to feel obliged
m|JHu U m|JHu U m|JHu U m|JHu U m|JHu U(ehsnmd) a. thankful, grateful
m| JH u Ul m| JH u Ul m| JH u Ul m| JH u Ul m| JH u Ul (e hsnmd) f. thankfulness,
gratefulness, gratitude
m|JU m|JU m|JU m|JU m|JU(ehad) m. time; period of rule, reign; vow,
m|JUut-ehadnm)m. formal agreement;
treaty especially between states or countries
m|Ju m|Ju m|Ju m|Ju m|Ju(eham) a. important, significant, essential
m|JuW m|JuW m|JuW m|JuW m|JuW(ehmak) a. stupid, senseless, foolish, silly,
m|JuW m|JuW m|JuW m|JuW m|JuW (e hmakpun ) m. stupidity, foolishness
silliness, senselessness
m|JulmS m|JulmS m|JulmS m|JulmS m|JulmS(ehmat) m. importance, significance
m|J m|J m|J m|J m|J(ahIra) f. ironsmith's block, anvil
m|J Y m|J Y m|J Y m|J Y m|J Y (ahIll) a. immovable, stationary, firm,
motionless, fixed
m|JYW m|JYW m|JYW m|JYW m|JYW(ehalkr) m. employee, petty official
mJlSJl mJlSJl mJlSJl mJlSJl mJlSJl(ah tah) f. indignity, insult, affront, slight
~=(~phern)id. to cause a great harm to
someone; to give one a piece of one's mind, to
reprimand, to upbraid
mJl mJl mJl mJl mJl(ahr) m. a caste of Hindus whose usual
occupation is rearing cows and selling milk
mJ U mJ U mJ U mJ U mJ U(ohad) m. designation, rank, post
mJ = mJ = mJ = mJ = mJ =(oharn) v.i. to strike, to come to mind, to
occur (idea)
mJ =J = mJ =J = mJ =J = mJ =J = mJ =J =(ohur pahur) m. means suitable to an
end, expedient; unprofessional remedy,
domestic remedy
mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl(aht) f. sacrifice, immolation; oblation
m W m W m W m W m W(akk) m. a wild plant of sandy region,
Calotropis procera
~U (~chon ) id. to inflict suffering; to cause
mW==W(akk n var karn) id.
to take care of thorns
m W m W m W m W m W(k) m. digit, numerals, figure; number (of page,
vehicle etc.); issue (journal); act (drama);
mark; degree
~T|S(gaIt)m. arithmetic
mWH mWH mWH mWH mWH(aks) m. reflection, reflected-image
m WH m WH m WH m WH m WH(kash) m. goad, prod; restriction
~YTU (~lagun ) id. to restrict, to restrain
mWH mWH mWH mWH mWH(aksar) adv. usually, generally; often, mostly,
frequently, for the most part
mWHl mWHl mWHl mWHl mWHl(aksr) f. a chemical used in converting a
cheap metal into gold ; a remedy for all
diseases, panacea, cure-all
mW|J mW|J mW|J mW|J mW|J(akeh) a. inexpressible, unspeakable,
unutterable, ineffable, indescribable,
mW J mW J mW J mW J mW J(aka) a. irrefutable, incontrovertible
m W m W m W m W m W(akkan) v.i. to be fed up, to be bored; to
be weary of, to be tired of
-|UY~(dIl~) id. to be fed-up with
m W m W m W m W m W(kan) v.t. to evaluate, to appraise; to
estimate, to assess
m WS m WS m WS m WS m WS(kat) a. written, scribed; marked; engraved,
inscribed; described; endorsed
mWS mWS mWS mWS mWS (aktbar) m. October
mW mW mW mW mW (akatth) a. inexpressible, unspeakable,
unutterable, ineffable, indescribable,
mWuW mWuW mWuW mWuW mWuW(akarmak) a. intransitive; inactive,
passive, inest
mWY mWY mWY mWY mWY (akal) f. intelligence, sense, mind,
understanding, wisdom, sapience,
sagacity, wit, reasoning faculty, reason
~US=U(~ utte pad pe) id. to
be bemused, to be at one's wits end ,to be
~ |T|Jm|=UJ (~ gII vIch ho)id. to
be devoid of wisdom
~UH(~charan J ) id. to take leave
of one's senses
~|JWmU(~Ike u) id. to come to
one's senses
~ |JW YTU (~Ike lagu) id. to
set some one right
~S(~te patthar pe) id. to be at
one's wits end, to be obfuscated, to be bemused,
to be out of one's wits
~ SWuY (.~to km n le)id. to act
unwisely, to act foolishly
~Um/UHu (~d nh/dushman)
a. & m. devoid of commonsense, duffer, stupid,
foolish, idiot, silly
~U=J(~d gh) m. lack of intelligence,
lack of wisdom
~U=(~dh) f. wisdom tooth
~ U=U (~ duu) id. to cudgel one's
brain, to deliberate, to reflect
~U==U=U(~de ghoe duu) id. to
cudgel one's brains
~ U J YJ (~ de nah lhue) id. to
sharpen one's wits
~=l|WFH(~ba kI bhes)prov. knowledge
is more powerful than mere strength
mWYu U(akalmd) a. wise, brainy,
intelligent, sagacious, witty, sapient
mWYu Ul(akalmd) f. wisdom, intelligence,
sagaciousness, sapience
mWYW mWYW mWYW mWYW mWYW(akalk) a. perplexed, confused,
m W=/m W= m W=/m W= m W=/m W= m W=/m W= m W=/m W= (ka/kae) m. numeral, digit ;
data; statistic
~|=|Tm(~vIgIn) m. statistics
~|=|Tml(~vIgIn) m. statistician, statist
mW=U mW=U mW=U mW=U mW=U(ako) m. stiffness, anchylosis
mW=U mW=U mW=U mW=U mW=U (akaun) v.t. to stiffen; to starch
mW=m mW=m mW=m mW=m mW=m(aka) m. stiffness, stiffening, anchylosis
mW= = mW= = mW= = mW= = mW= =(akeva ) m. stiffness; conceit, pride
mWU mWU mWU mWU mWU (akun) v.t. to pester, to vex, to bore, to
make weary, to be fed up, to irk; to exhaust,
to tire
a. boring, monotonous, dreary
mWU (aka) a. boring, weary, irksome,
mW u (ak mrn) id. to fed up, to
pester, to irk
mWU J J mWU J J mWU J J mWU J J mWU J J(ake) m. accountant
mWH mWH mWH mWH mWH(aksh) m. sky, empyrean, firmament; one
of the five elements of which human body
is composed, ether
~TT(~gg) f. milky way, galaxy
~ l (~b) f. revelation, a voice from
heaven, afflatus, apocalypse; All India Radio
mWHl mWHl mWHl mWHl mWHl(aksh) a. celestial, heavenly, ethereal
mWU|uW mWU|uW mWU|uW mWU|uW mWU|uW (akdmk) a. academic
mWUul/mW ul mWUul/mW ul mWUul/mW ul mWUul/mW ul mWUul/mW ul(akam/akdam) f. academy
mW mW mW mW mW(akr) a. shape, size, form, figure, magnitude
mW mW mW mW mW(akrth) adv. without effect, in vain, no
purpose, unprofitable, useless, fruitless
mW mW mW mW mW(akran) adv. without any rhyme or reason,
without cause, groundless, baseless
mWY mWY mWY mWY mWY(akl) a. Timeless; Immortal,
m. The Timeless one, God
~UHSS(~ ustat) f. eulogy of God; 'Bani' of
'Dasam Granth'
~UY(~chal ) m. death, demise
~UYW(~chal karn) id. to breathe
one's last, to die, to expire, to pass away
mWYl mWYl mWYl mWYl mWYl(akl) m. a nihang Sikh; a member of Akali
Dal (a political party of the Sikhs); a sect of
the Sikhs
m|WS= m|WS= m|WS= m|WS= m|WS=(akIratgha) a. ungrateful, ingrate,
mWlU mWlU mWlU mWlU mWlU(akda) m. faith, belief, conviction
mW = mW = mW = mW = mW =(akev ) m. boredom, ennui; wearisomeness,
m H m H m H m H m H (akkh) f. eye; attention, care; the sprout at
the joint of sugar-cane etc.
~U UlWW = H(~ ucch kar ke n vekh)
id. to be bashful, to be coy, to feel shy; to be
abashed, to be ashamed of
~ mU (~u) id. to suffer from
ophthalmia, to have sore eyes
~HY (~khull) id. to rise from sleep, to
wake up, to awake; to become conscious, to
~ UW W =H (~ chukk ke vekh) id. to
look attentively; to cast a glance
~UWW=H(~chukk ke n vekh) id.
to take no notice of; to be shy
~UU(~ churu) id. to avoid exchange
of looks
~KuWl(~ Jhamka) ph. to wink ,to blink
~YJ(~ thalle hanehr )ph. the darkest
place is under the candlestick
~UWHJ(~ d kakkh ho) id. to be a
mole in one's eye
~UJm(~ d o) m. eye socket
~US(~ d tr) id. apple of the eye, most
dear , pupil of one's eye
~Ulu(~ d p marn) id. to lose
all sense of shame
~UlHu(~ d sharam) f. respect, regard,
~UlSYl(~ d putal) f. pupil
~UKuW|=U/YW|=U(~ de Jhamke vIch/
palkre vIch) adv. in the twinkling of an eye,
in a wink, in a trice
~|uYU(~ n mIlu) id. to avoid
exchange of looks; to feel shy; to be ashamed
of; to care a damn
~YmHYU(~ nl akkh n lu)id.
not to have a wink of sleep
~YmHY=(~ nl akkh la) id. to fall
in love with
~l=lJ(~ nv ho) id. to be under some
one's obligation; to be ashamed of
~|UUH(~ pIchchhe pardesh) ph.
out of sight out of mind
~JW=H(~ pu ke n vekh) id. to
lie unconscious/senseless
~ =W (~ phark) id. flickering of the
eyelid; to have an indication of good or bad
~UW (~bach ke) adv. secretly, stealthily,
~ =U (~bavu)v.t. to get cataract
~FW=H(~bhar ke vekh) id. to look
with malice, to give a malign look
~ uUYl (~machol) f. hide and seek, blind
man's buff
~ uJ W (~maakk) m. the act of making
coquettish gestures with eyes
~u(~mrn) id. to wink, to cock one's
eye, to make eyes, to give some one the glad
~uYlJ(~ mel ho) id. to bear a malice,
to develop ill will
~H(~ rakkh) id. to keep an eye on, to
keep a watch; to have an eye to; to expect
help from someone
~YT(~lagg) id. to fall asleep; to fall in
love (with)
|FW~Y=H (Ikk ~ nl vekhn ) id.
to treat all alike
Wl~Y=H(- ke r~ nl vekhn) id. to
give some one a black look, to look black at
some one, to cast an angry glance, to glare
mHUSU(akkh utte pard
pe) id. to lose power of discrimination, to
lose one's wits, to be blinded
~mTmU(~agge au) id. to flash upon
one's inward eye, to come to the mind, to
recollect, to recall
~mTH=Y(~ agge saro phull) id. to
be non plus, to become perplexed; to be unduly
~mTJmU(~ agge hanehr u)id.
to get confused/ puzzled; to feel giddy/dizzy
~mTSU(~agge tre nach) id. to
see stars floating before the eye; to be
perplexed, to be confused; to feel dizzy/ giddy
~ mU == (~ dar vana) id. to become
very weak/feeble
~ HJu (~ shme) adv. before one's eyes,
in the presence of
~ WV (~ kah) id. to stare angrily, to
glare, to give an angry look; to make someone
blind by tearing the eye balls
~ HYlmUlmHYlm|JHlm(~ khullh d
khullh re h J) id. to remain aghast,
to be wonderstruck, to be taken aback, to be
~ HYW (~ kholh ke) adv. carefully, cautiously
~ T(~ gaa) id. to stand at gaze, to
look fixedly
~ U=JU (~ ch gha pu) id. to throw
dust in one's eyes, pull the wool over person's
~ U |m H (~ chdhI J) id. to be
dazzled; to be amazed, to be dazed, to be
~ JJW=H(~ a a ke vekh)id.
to stare with wide open eyes
~ SHU= (~ te khope chah) id. to
lose power of discrimination, to be out of one's
~ SJl(~ te pa bnh) id. to shut
one's eyes, to keep one's eyes closed ; to act
blindly, to act thoughtlessly
~ S|JU (~ te bIhu) id. to receive
with open arms, to give a warm welcome
~ YTYW (~ nl gall karn) id. to
be very active and clever, to be over smart
~ l=lmWY(~ nv kar le) id. to feel
shy, to be bashful; to be ashamed of, to feel
~WH(~ pakk J) id. to cool one's heels,
to wait for a long time, to have a long wait
~H(~ pathr J) id. to be petrified;
to be wonder struck; to be on death bed
~ = = =H (~ p pa vekh) id. to
~|=U=H(~ vIch vasn) id. to be always
present in one's heart; to fall in love with
~|=UU|Tm=|WY(~ vIcho chgIe
nIkaln ) id. to boil with anger, to be hot and
red; to have high fever
~ |=U = (~ vIcho parhn) id. to judge
from one's eyes, to read from one's face
~ |=UU(~ vIchhun) id. to give a red
carpet welcome, to receive with open arms, to
give a warm welcome
~HHU( ro ro ~ suJun) id. to cry
one's eyes out
mHl( akkh ) adv. with one's own eyes
~=|Hm(~ vekhea) a. seen with one's own
m H UJY / H 1 W (akkho ohle/
parokhe) karna) id. to conceal, to hide; to
shut one's eyes to, to over look
~ UJY |UY U (~ohle dIlo dr) id. out of
sight out of mind
~mHH(~ na na ne sukh) id.
to call a black man Mr. White
mH mH mH mH mH (~ akhd) a. complete, indivisible, entire,
undivided, whole; uninterrupted, continuous,
~ J(~ pth ) m. uninterrupted and continuous
recitation of a religious scripture; uninterrupted
and continuous recitation of sri Guru Granth
Sahib which concludes in forty eight hours
m|Sm m|Sm m|Sm m|Sm m|Sm(akh tIr) m. authority, power, disposition,
competency, right; choice
~ J (~ ho) id. to have right; to have
control, to have command
m|Sml ( akh tIr) a. open to choice;
optional; discretionary
~U(~ parch) m. optional paper
m m m m m( akh br) m. newspaper, journal
~ W V (~ kah) vt. to bring out a
~=lH(~ navs) m. journalist
~=lHl(~ navs) m. journalism
stare with wide open eyes, to set eyes on ; to
look viciously; to look with excessive anger
~=JlmJ(~ phu ho) id. to shut one's
eyes, to turn a blind eye to
~=YtUY1(~ pher le(badl)id. to
change one's attitude, to withdraw favour
from, to turn one's eyes
~ U WW (~ bd karke) adv. blindly,
~UWYtuU1(~ bd kar le (md)
id. to act blind foldly, to shut one's eyes, to
take no account of
~ J =YYTlmJ (~bhe vall lag ho)id.
to wait eagerly, to wait anxiously
~ F mU (~ bhar u) id. to become
sentimental; to have eyes filled with tears
~|uY(~ mIl) id. to fall in love with;
to have exchange of glances with someone
~ ulU/ulJ (~ mch/m) id. to
breathe one's last, to pass away, to expire;
to become careless, to shut one's eyes to
~ulUlm(~ mch ) id. to feel sleepy, to
~ulJWWuW(~m ke km karn) id. to
act blindly and carelessly
~ul|JmHuY=(~ me sam lgh)id.
to pass away time swiftly
~ YY lYlm W (~ll pl karn) id. to
wild with rage
~ |=HU (~ vIkhu) id. to cast angry
looks; to over awe, to threaten, to frighten; to
get the eyes examined
~|=U=JU(~ vIch gha pu) v.i.
to throw dust in one's eyes, to cheat, to deceive
~|=UUlWV(~ vIch d kaddhn) id. to go
through, to have an bird's eye-view, to have a
cursory glance
~|=UlmU(~ vIch pn un) id. to
have eyes filled with tears, to be moved by
~ |=U S WJl (~ vIch rt kaan) id. to
have a sleepless night
~=Y(~vl) m. news man, newsboy, news
ml ml ml ml ml(akhbr) a. pertaining to newspapers
~ WTH (~ kgaz) a. paper for printing
newspaper, newsprint
~FH(~ bhsh) m. journalese
m H m H m H m H m H(akkhar) m. letter, syllable
~mH(~ akkhar) adv. word for word, verbatim
~Wu(~kram) m. alphabetical order
~ mU (~n u) id. to be illiterate/
H=~ (savar~ ) m. vowel
-U S~(dutt~) m. compound letters , dipthong
|=mH~(vIJan~) m. consonant
mH mH mH mH mH(akharn)v.t. to look odd, to be displeasing,
to be unpleasant
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl( akkhr) adv. pertaining to letters, literal;
word by word
Sl~ (pet~ ) a. alphabet of Gurmukhi
- -- --=~(bvan ~) a. poetical composition
based on fifty two letters of Sanskrit alphabet
m J m J m J m J m J(akhro) m. walnut, Juglans regia
m H= m H= m H= m H= m H= (akkhar) a. bearish, brusque, pugnacious,
perverse, difficile; stupid, foolish, impolite; rude,
uncivilized , haughty
mH mH mH mH mH(akh) m. proverb, aphorism, adage, saying,
mH = mH = mH = mH = mH = (akhr h) m. a place for wrestling,
amphitheatre, arena; a monastery of Hindu
~ Tu J (~ garam ho) id. to have a
great muster
- - - - - |FU U ~ (dar d ~) m. god Indera's-
- - - - -mH=|=UUS(akhe vIch utarn)id.
to step into the arena for a bout
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl (akhr) m. end, extreme, limit, boundary;
last moment, death time, latter end; result,
a. at last, ultimate
~ SW(~ tak) adv. till last
~ S S S S S (~ te) adv. in the last, last, in the end
~ (~ n ) adv. at last, finally, at long-last,
in the end, lastly, ultimately
~ |=U(~ vIch) adv. in the end, in the long run
mHl Y /mHl l mHl Y /mHl l mHl Y /mHl l mHl Y /mHl l mHl Y /mHl l (akhral/akhr) a. last,
ultimate, final
~ Hu(~ sam ) m. time of demise, last hours
of life; old age
mH J mH J mH J mH J mH J(akhu) a. inexhaustible, abundant, boundless
mH S mH S mH S mH S mH S(akho t) f. saying, proverb, adage, maxim,
mH Sl mH Sl mH Sl mH Sl mH Sl(akhot) a. so called, putative; alleged;
m T m T m T m T m T(agg) f. one of the five elements of which
physical body is composed, fire; anger, rage,
wrath, fury; heat, very hot, very warm; fiery;
blaze, fire, flame, conflagration; carnal appetite,
passion; jealousy
~UTY(~ ugal) id. to spit fire
~ HmJ(~ suh) f. useless thing, worthless
~ UH|=mJJ|JS=lUJ (~ d sar e
aehae to v d ard he) prov. once
bitten twice shy, a burning child dreads fire
~UF=(~ d bhbar) m. ferryman, hot-
headed fellow, hot-tempered person
~UlmYJ|WY(~d l nIkal) id.
to burn with fever, to have high temperature;
to blaze, to flame
~ Ul Y/=1 (~ d nl/n) a. fiery, hot-
tempered, hot headed
~U(~de) id. to lit the pyre, to give fire
to a pyre; to fire off (brick kiln)
~UFm/uY(~de bhaa/mull)a. very costly,
high priced, very dear
~YH(~nal khed) id. to play with
fire, to put oneself in jeopardize
~lUuY(~ p d mel) m. utterly
impractical thing
~lU=(~ p d ver) m. innate
enmity, antagonism, severe hostility
~==(~phana) id. to catch fire
~TY(~bagola) a. wrathful, hot-tempered,
hot- headed, furious
~TYJ(~ bagol ho) id. to be wild
with rage, to flare up
~Yl(~bl) v.t. to kindle fire
~|mm=JlUU(~bIn dh eve
nah udda) prov. no smoke without fire
~KU(~ buJhu) id. to extinguish
fire, to put out fire; to quench one's thirst; to
satisfy (one's) passion; to avenge
~F=W(~ bharka) id. to blaze, to flare
up; to have outbreak of violence; to get
~F=WU(~bharku) id. to fan the fire;
to arouse passion, to excite, to put oil in the
~YT(~ lagg) id. to catch fire; to be
angry, to be wrathful; to be jealous
~YTlJ(~ lagg ho) id. to work as a
round trot, to work hastily/ hurriedly; to be
at ablaze; to be extraordinary fashionable
~YU(~ lu) id. to set fire to, to set
on fire, to set ablaze; to provoke, to instigate,
to incite, to enrage
~ YU (~ l) a. provocative, arousing
~YmFl==YlJl(~le ghar
vl ba beh) prov. give him an inch and
he takes them all
~=(~ varhan) id. to have sweltering
~ |=UWU(~ vIch kudda) id. to take
peril, to emperil/endanger oneself
~|=UKW(~ vIch Jhoka) id. to jeopardize,
to hurl someone into fire
- - - - -HTYUl~=T=Y(Jgal d~ v g
phel) id. to spread like a wild fire
|l~(nIr~) a. fiery, hot-tempered
- -- --l|=U~YU(- pa vch~ lu) id.
to set the Thames on fire, to milk the ram
- -- -- YUl ~S S Y U (-bald ~te tel
pu)id. to add fuel to the fire
m T m T m T m T m T(g) m. any part of the body, organ, limb;
part and parcel (of life); part, portion; branch,
~mT(~ g) m. each and every limb of the
body, the whole body
~mTJJ(~g u) id. to be too tired,
to be completely exhausted
~HT(~ sg) adv. always accompanying
~ HTHJFlJ(~ sg sah ho) id. to
stand by, to be always a helping hand
~ HW(~ sk) m. relatives, relations , kith
and kin
~Jl(~ h) a. cripple, handicapped, maimed,
~Y(~ pl) m. body guard
~Y(~ pl) id. to be a true/ sincere
friend, to be a faithful friend, to prove trust
~|HmW(~ rakkhIak) m. body guard, escort
~YU(~ lu) id. to own, to patronise; to
touch; to embrace, to hug
mTHS mTHS mTHS mTHS mTHS(agast) m. August
mT mT mT mT mT(agan) f. fire
~ W (~kd ) m. a fire pit or fire-pot for
sacrificial offerings or fire
~l|Hm(~ prkhI) f. ordeal, acid test
~(~ b) m. a type of arrow which emits
fire after it is shot
~J(~bo) m. steam-boat
mTu/mT u mTu/mT u mTu/mT u mTu/mT u mTu/mT u(agam/agm) a. inaccessible, beyond
reach, unapproachable, unlimited, impervious
~mTU( ~ agochar) a. God, the Almighty;
an epithet of God
mT mT mT mT mT(agar) conj. if, incase, however
~uTW(~ magar karn) id. to make
lame excuses, to prevaricate, to vacillate, to
dilly dally
m. dilly dallying, ifs and buts
mT Sl mT Sl mT Sl mT Sl mT Sl(agrbatt) f. incense-stick
m T H m T H m T H m T H m T H(grez) m. the English, Englishman; British,
an inhabitant of England
m T Hl m T Hl m T Hl m T Hl m T Hl(grez) f. English (language)
a. pertaining to English or England
~|FYH(~ IlJ) m. Allopathy
~ HWY(~ skul) m. English medium School
~H(~ sharb) f. English wine
~ HY(~sl) m. Anno Domini, A.B.
~U=Fl(~ dav) f. Allopathic medicine
~uJl(~ mahn) m. one of the twelve
conventional divisions of the English calendar
~H(~ rJ) m. British rule, British reign
mTY mTY mTY mTY mTY(agl) a. next, following, coming, impending
(year); fore (part etc.); the other person
~=(~ ghar) m. the next world; jail, prison,
~Hu(~ Janam) m. next birth
~ U(~poch) m. coming generation, posterity
~YW(~ lok) m. the other world, the next
mTYlm|UYlmWHWV( agl
pIchhl kasr kaddh) id. to pay off old
debt, to settle the scores
~|UYlm=Y(~pIchhl phol) id. to
rip up old sores, to pay off old scores
mTY|UY (agle pIchhle) a. forefathers,
m TYlH TYl m TYlH TYl m TYlH TYl m TYlH TYl m TYlH TYl(gal sgal) f. relationship, kinship
mTY mTY mTY mTY mTY (agler)a. next, subsequent, forthcoming;
mT= mT= mT= mT= mT= (agv) m. kidnapping, abduction; hijack,
mT=Fl mT=Fl mT=Fl mT=Fl mT=Fl(agv) f. guidance, lead, leadership
~Wl(~ karn) v.t. to take the helm, to
guide, to lead
m T=-U T= m T=-U T= m T=-U T= m T=-U T= m T=-U T= (agga-dugga) adv. at sixes and
sevens, haphazardly
- -- -- mT=-|U= (agga-pIchchha) adv. one
after another, one followed by the other
m T=Fl m T=Fl m T=Fl m T=Fl m T=Fl(g) f. stretching of one's limb or body
for relaxation
mT=-U T= mT=-U T= mT=-U T= mT=-U T= mT=-U T=(agaa-dugaa) a. uneven, bumpy;
unarranged and scattered
m T m T m T m T m T(agg) m. the foremost part; the facing
portion, front portion; future; the hereafter
~H=(~ svrn) id. to perform virtuous
deeds for the here after, to better one's future
~U=|UU=(~ do pIchchh cho ) prov.
haste makes waste
~|U(~ pIchchh) m. front and rear (of
body); relatives, kith and kin, relations;
~ | U H U/= H (~pIchchh sochaa /
vekh) id. to weigh pros and cons, to be
careful and cautious
~|UHK(~pIchchh n suJh) id. to
be at one's wits end, to be at a loss
~|U(~ pIchchh puan) id. to
call name's to the whole family
mTU mTU mTU mTU mTU (agu ) adv. prior, before, in advance, before
a. anticipatory, advance
mTJ mTJ mTJ mTJ mTJ(agh) adv. ahead; next; in future, onward
~U(~ pu) v.t. to postpone, to defer,
to stand over
~=(~ vadh) a. progressive, advanced
mT=l mT=l mT=l mT=l mT=l(ag) f. front side, front portion, forepart;
rope with which forefeet of a horse are tied
~|U=l(~ pIchh) adv. one after the
other, one behind the other; sooner or later
m|TU m|TU m|TU m|TU m|TU(ageo) adv. from the front side; henceforth,
in future
m| Tm S m| Tm S m| Tm S m| Tm S m| Tm S (agIt) a. unknown, unacquainted,
unfamiliar, unrecognized, anonymous
m|Tm m|Tm m|Tm m|Tm m|Tm(agIn) m. lack of knowledge, ignorance;
lack of education, nescience
m|Tml m|Tml m|Tml m|Tml m|Tml(agIn) a. ignorant; unwise; unlettered,
unenlightened, illiterate; rustic; foolish, stupid
m |Tm/m |Tm m |Tm/m |Tm m |Tm/m |Tm m |Tm/m |Tm m |Tm/m |Tm(gIr/gIr) m. small piece
of burning coal, embers, live coal; spark, cinder
~ =(~varhn) id. to be too hot, to be
extremely hot
m Tl m Tl m Tl m Tl m Tl(g) m. bodice, brassiere
~H Tl(~sg) m. kith and kin, relatives, relations
m TlW m TlW m TlW m TlW m TlW(gkr) a. accepted, assented, approved,
m TlJ m TlJ m TlJ m TlJ m TlJ(gha) m. funeral place of Gurus and
Saints; monument raised over place of
m TlJl m TlJl m TlJl m TlJl m TlJl(gh) f. brazier, portable hearth, fire-
place; mantel piece, mantel shelf
~ H(~posh) m. a cloth to cover and decorate
a mantel piece or shelf
m T J m T J m T J m T J m T J(gh) m. thumb (hand); the great toe
(foot); thumb impression
~ Y=U(~ lavu) id. to get someone's
thumb impression on a document
~ |=HU (~vIkhu) id. to refuse point-
blank; to reject (a proposal), to show the thumb
m T Jl m T Jl m T Jl m T Jl m T Jl(guh) f. ring
m T m T m T m T m T (g r) m. grapes; scab
m T l m T l m T l m T l m T l(gur) a. light green, of grapes colour
m T m T m T m T m T(agge) adv. ahead; in front; formerly; before;
~mT (~agge) adv. ahead; in future, in the
days to come
~(~pe) id. to snap at, to jump upon,
to fly at; to insult, to answer back, to pick up a
mT U mT U mT U mT U mT U(agochar) a.&.m. Imperceptible,
Indiscernible, God, the Supreme being
mUW mUW mUW mUW mUW(achkan) m. long, tight-fitting coat having
high neck
mUU S mUU S mUU S mUU S mUU S(achachet) adv. suddenly, abruptly,
all of a sudden, unexpectedly; casually
mUU Sl mUU Sl mUU Sl mUU Sl mUU Sl(achachet) adv.& a. casual; suddenly,
abruptly, unexpectedly
mU F mU F mU F mU F mU F(achbh) m.&a. surprise, astonishment,
amazement; strange (happening); wonder
mU |FSJ mU |FSJ mU |FSJ mU |FSJ mU |FSJ (achbIt ho) v.i. to be taken aback;
to have a miracle
~ W ( ~ karn) surprise, to amaze ,
to astonish
mUY mUY mUY mUY mUY(achal) a. immovable, stationary, static
m U=l m U=l m U=l m U=l m U=l(acchav) f. restlessness; uneasiness, fidget
mUW mUW mUW mUW mUW(achnak) adv. suddenly, all of a sudden,
abruptly; by chance, per chance, casually
~muW(~ dhamka) id .to breeze in
~uHlS(~ musbat) f. a bolt from the blue
mU mU mU mU mU(achr) m. pickle
mUH mUH mUH mUH mUH(achraJ) m. a low cast of Brahmins which
performs the last rites of the dead and accepts
offerings (in Hindus)
m|U S m|U S m|U S m|U S m|U S(acht) adv. without warning, unexpectedly
a. thoughtless, careless, unconcerned, rash
m|U SH(achte bz)m. sudden calamity;
mU S mU S mU S mU S mU S (achet) a. unconsciously done, not
deliberate, unintentional; senseless,
unconscious; careless, inattentive
mU S mU S mU S mU S mU S(achetan) a. unconscious, senseless
~u(~ man) m. unconscious mind
m U =Fl m U =Fl m U =Fl m U =Fl m U =Fl(acchov) f. restlessness, uneasiness
m U m U m U m U m U (achchh) a.good, nice; kind, benevolent,
virtuous; pure, unadulterated; well, fine,
healthy; proper, pleasant, suitable
intj. okay, right, very good, alright
adv. all right, yes
~ J(~ ho) id. to recover, to restore to
~W(~ karna) id. to do good; to cure or
~mU(~ ua) id. to bear the fruit of
one's deeds, to lie in the bed one has made;
to come forward; to come near, to come
close; to confront, to face
~Fl/~ Jl(~ /h) adv. already
~WU(~ kar de) id. to put one's
liabilities on other's shoulders; to forward; to
push forward
~UYW (~chal ke) adv. in future; here after
~UY(~chal) id. to lead, to guide; to
remain in the front row
~|T(~Ig) id. to take shelter, to take
refuge; to beg pardon, to seek forgiveness,
to apologize
~S S S S S (~to) adv. henceforth, in future, now
~SWJ(~to kn hoa) id. to learn a
lesson, to become aware of
~UlmT (~d agge) adv. one after another
~ (~nu )adv. in future, in the times to come
~U(~pu) id. to put off, to postpone,
to defer
~|U (~pIchchhe) adv. turn by turn, by turn,
one after another; one behind the other, on the
heels of the other, back and forth, to
and fro; at any other time
~|U|=(~pIchchhe phIrna) id. to
fawn upon, to flatter, to make a dead set at
~Y(~bola) id. to answer back, to
argue with an elderly person
~=(~vadh) id. to make progress,
to rise, to surpass, to excell; to move
forward; to advance, to march forward
~=HS (~vste) adv. in future, henceforth,
now onwards; hereafter
mT S mT S mT S mT S mT S(aget) f. priority, preference; advance
, early time (in relation to sowing operation ) ;
before time, action, work etc.
mT S/mT Sl mT S/mT Sl mT S/mT Sl mT S/mT Sl mT S/mT Sl(aget/aget) a. prior, previous;
advance, early
m T m T m T m T m T (aggo) adv. henceforth, in future, now
onwards; before time; before hand; from
the front, from the opposite direction
~m T (~aggo ) adv. in future, in times to come
~Ult tt tt~d) adv. from the opposite direction,
from the front
~HH(~ khs) a. hale and hearty, healthy,
fairly good; well enough, sufficient
~Hl(~ J) intj. okay, yes, well, all right
m U S ~(achchhe to ~)a. of the best
quality, of the first quality, excellent, superb
mUFl mUFl mUFl mUFl mUFl(achh) f. goodness, virtue
mU S mU S mU S mU S mU S(achhut) a. untouchable
m. one belonging to the lowest class of Hindu
mU S mU S mU S mU S mU S (achhu ta ) a.&m.clean, untouched,
unpolluted; fresh, brand new, unused, not used
mU U mU U mU U mU U mU U(achhed) a. impenetrable, inaccessible
mU J mU J mU J mU J mU J(achhoh) a. untouched; virgin
mU Y mU Y mU Y mU Y mU Y (achhople) adv. noiselessly, stealthily,
m H m H m H m H m H(aJJ) adv. today, this day
~Jl(~ h) adv. today
~ WY(~kal) adv. now-a-days, these days,
in a few days, soon; at present
~WYW(~ kal karn) id. to put off, to
delay, to prevaricate
~WYU(~ kal d) a. modern, recent
~WY|=U(~kal vIch) adv. in a day or two,
very soon
~S (~ to) adv. from today, from this day
~ U W u WY S U (~d km kal te n
chhado) prov. don't put off till tomorrow,
what you can do today
~FYW (~ bhalke) adv. in one or two days,
in a short time, soon
~YFl(~ la) adv. only for today, only for this
mHT mHT mHT mHT mHT(aJgar) m. python, dragon
mH mH mH mH mH(aJab) a. wonderful, surprising, astonishing;
strange, rare, extraordinary
mHuU mHuU mHuU mHuU mHuU (azmu) v.i. to try, to test; to make
an experiment
mHu|FH mHu|FH mHu|FH mHu|FH mHu|FH (azmIsh) f. trial , test , probation,
mH mH mH mH mH(aJar) a. unbearable
mHY mHY mHY mHY mHY(aJal) m. death, demise
mHY mHY mHY mHY mHY(azal) m. the time of world's beginning
mHYl mHYl mHYl mHYl mHYl(azal)a. related to the beginning of the world
mH=|F mH=|F mH=|F mH=|F mH=|F(aJvae) f. bishop's weed, thyme
mH|F= mH|F= mH|F= mH|F= mH|F=(aJaebghar) m. museum
mHFl mHFl mHFl mHFl mHFl (aJ ) adv. for nothing, to no purpose, in
vain; purposelessly, needlessly
a. purposeless, needless; fruitless, worthless
~HSW (~ Jatan karne ) id. to flog a
dead horse
~H(~ J) id. to go waste, to run waste
~JWulm(~ akar mrn) id. to
look for a needle in heap of hay
~uS(~ mot) f. unnatural death
mHU mHU mHU mHU mHU(azd) a. independent, free; careless
~|mY(~ kh Il) a. liberal, freethinker
mHUl mHUl mHUl mHUl mHUl(azd) m. independence, freedom,
mH mH mH mH mH(azn) f. Muslim's call for prayer, Aazan
mH mH mH mH mH(azb) m. suffering, pain, torture
m Hu m Hu m Hu m Hu m Hu(Jm) m. consequence, result, outcome
mH mH mH mH mH(azr) m. contract, agreement, lease; rent;
~J(~ paa) m. agreement; documents of
m|HJ m|HJ m|HJ m|HJ m|HJ(aJeh) adv. such, like, similar to; like this,
m| H S m| H S m| H S m| H S m| H S (aJItt) a. invincible, unsurmount,
unconquerable; unconquered, unsurmounted,
mHlH mHlH mHlH mHlH mHlH(azz) a. dear, darling, near and dear,
relation; youngster
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl (aJb) a. strange, curious, wonderful,
peculiar; unique, matchless, peerless
mHl -Tl mHl -Tl mHl -Tl mHl -Tl mHl -Tl (aJbo-garb) a. extra-ordinary,
uncommon, unusual, strange
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl(Jr) f. a tree and its fruit, fig, Ficus carica
m HlY m HlY m HlY m HlY m HlY(Jl)f. Bible
mH l mH l mH l mH l mH l(aJn) a. Unborn, Uncreated, God
mH mH mH mH mH (aJb) m. wonder, miracle, marvel
mH mH mH mH mH(aJe) adv. till now, yet, still
~mH (~ a aa aaJe) adv. just now, recently
~SW(~ takk) adv. till now, yet, even now
~|UYlUJ (~ dIll dr he) prov. there is
many a slip between the cup and the lip,
don't hallo till you are out of the woods
m H m H m H m H m H (aJJo) adv. this very day, today
~mH(~aJJ) adv. only today, today itself
mH W mH W mH W mH W mH W(aJok) a. present, recent, modern
mH = mH = mH = mH = mH =(aJor ) a. unequal, unique, matchless ; without
! !! !!
(aak) m. Indus river
z zz zz
(aak) f. obstacle, hindrance, hitch,
obstruction; disruption, interruption;
complication, complexity
~mJWW(~ aak ke) adv. by fits and starts,
~W (~ ke) adv. after a short while ; after a
break or stop
~H(~ J) v.i. to stop, to halt ; to stay;
to rest
~uJW(~ maak) f. coquetry, artful-prettiness,
fond tricks and gestures
mJ W mJ W mJ W mJ W mJ W(ak) a. detached, indifferent, aloof
~J|J(~ ho beh) id. to retire into
mJW mJW mJW mJW mJW(aaka) v.i. to stop, to halt ; to stay ; to
take stand , to stick
mJWY mJWY mJWY mJWY mJWY(akal ) f. conjecture, guess; trial and error
~U(~pacch) m. conjecture, a wild guess,
guesswork; random
mJW mJW mJW mJW mJW(ak) m. halt, stay; obstruction, interruption;
obstacle, hindrance, impediment, hitch
mJWU mJWU mJWU mJWU mJWU (aku) v.t. to make to stop, to cause
to halt; to make to stay (guest); to detain; to
cause hindrance; to keep back
m J m J m J m J m J(aa) m. corn
m J m J m J m J m J(aa) v.i. to be filled up, to be glutted
m Jl m Jl m Jl m Jl m Jl(aa) f. the notched end of the bow
mJ Y mJ Y mJ Y mJ Y mJ Y(aall) a. inevitable, unavoidable; imminent,
immutable, steadfast, unchangeable;
everlasting, abiding, never ending
m JH J m JH J m JH J m JH J m JH J(a sa) m. rough estimate, conjecture,
guess, random
mJl mJl mJl mJl mJl(ar) f. attic, loft, garret
m Jl m Jl m Jl m Jl m Jl(a) f. skein, coil, hank
mJ J mJ J mJ J mJ J mJ J(au) a. unbreakable, lasting; constant,
continuous; inviolable
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ (aeran) m. a wooden frame on which
thread is reeled, filature
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ (aeran) v.t. to reel up thread on a frame,
to make hanks of yarn
m J m J m J m J m J(ah) a. eight
~|J(~pehar) m. the whole day and night;
period of twenty four hours
~ |Jl (~ pehar) a. after the whole day
and night
~|Jlm(~pehar) a. one who takes food
once in twenty four hours
~W /F H(~ko/bhuJJ) f. octagon;
mJH Yl mJH Yl mJH Yl mJH Yl mJH Yl(ahkhel) f. playfulness, wantonness
mJ S mJ S mJ S mJ S mJ S(ahattar) m. seventy eight
mJ S= mJ S= mJ S= mJ S= mJ S=(ahattarva) a. seventy eighth
mJSYl mJSYl mJSYl mJSYl mJSYl(ahtl) m. forty eight
-mJSYl=(ahtlva ) a. forty eighth
mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl(ahatt) m. thirty eight
-mJSl=(ahattva) a. thirty eighth
mJJ mJJ mJJ mJJ mJJ (ahrh) f. a disease of women which
causes abortion or death of offspring in infancy
mJ= H mJ= H mJ= H mJ= H mJ= H(ahvJ) a. fifty eight
-mJ=H=(ahvJava ) a. fifty eighth
m J= m J= m J= m J= m J=(ahava) a. eight
mJ= mJ= mJ= mJ= mJ=(ahvr) m. a period of eight days, days
from Sunday to Sunday
m J=l m J=l m J=l m J=l m J=l (ahav ) f. eighth class; the eighth day of
a lunar half month
m J= m J= m J= m J= m J= (ahave ) adv. on the eight day, after eight
mJFl mJFl mJFl mJFl mJFl(ah) m. twenty eight
-mJFl=(ahv) a. twenty eighth
mJHl mJHl mJHl mJHl mJHl(ahs) m. eighty eight
-mJHl=(ahsva ) a. eighty eighth
mJJJ mJJJ mJJJ mJJJ mJJJ(ahhh) m. sixty eight
-mJJJ=(ahhhava) a. sixty eighth
mJ= mJ= mJ= mJ= mJ= (ahnve) m. ninety eighth
-mJ=(ahnv ) a. ninety eighth
mJ l mJ l mJ l mJ l mJ l (ahn) f. coin of eight annas (old
currency); fifty paisa coin (new)
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ (ahrha) m. eighteen
- -- --mJ=(ahrhva) a. eighteenth
m |JU m |JU m |JU m |JU m |JU (aheo ) f. the eighth day of a lunar half
m Jl m Jl m Jl m Jl m Jl(ah) f. a card with eight pips
mJ J mJ J mJ J mJ J mJ J(ahh) m. scorpion
mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl mJ Sl(ahotar) f. string rosary having one
hundred & eight beads
m m m m m (add) a. separate, apart; different, distinct
~m/mm(~ add/ad o add) adv.
separately, individually , apart, asunder
- - - - -m|V(add bIddh) a. separate, apart,
- -- --m=Jl(add o pha ) f. discord, wrangle
m W m W m W m W m W(dkr) a. oval, egg-shaped
m W H m W H m W H m W H m W H(dkosh) m. male reproductive glands ,
testicles ; ovary(woman)
m H m H m H m H m H(d az) m. a creature born from egg
m m m m m (ad da) v.t. to open wide, to agape
(mouth); to spread , to stretch (hand etc.)
m m m m m (ad bar) m. display , tinsel , ostentation ,
showing off; hypocrisy, sanctimoniousness,
pretentiousness, pomposity, pomp
m l m l m l m l m l(adbar) a. hypocrite , sanctimonious,
pretentious , overwrought
m m m m m (addar) a. different ; separate ; apart
m m m m m (ad d ) m. a permanent residential or business
place; stand , stop (bus, taxi, tonga etc.); hide-
out , (thieves, gamblers); a meeting place
(labourers, etc.); an apparatus for weaving
yarn, textile loom
~ HuU (~ Jamu) id. to stick to a
place for an unusually long time;
to settle down; to get a footing
~ J(~ pua) id. to uproot someone's
running business
~ (~ bn) m. site, situation; where-
about; address
-mU=(~ ad d e charhn) id. to fall into
some one's trap, to become some one's tool,
to be misled
~ S (~te) adv. at one's place; at the bus
m m m m m (d ) m. egg; ovum
m m m m m(d) m. egg
- m = W =W = J Sl (-d e thor e kurkur
bahut) id. much cry and little wool, great
boast little roast
-mU(-d e de) v.t. to lay eggs
m| J m| J m| J m| J m| J(ad Ih) a. invisible, unseen, unperceivable,
imperceptible; undesired, unperceived
m l m l m l m l m l(add) f. heel, clax
~UJlUHYU(~choI d zor lu)
id. to strain every nerve, to move heaven and
~U=/J(~chhaapp/app) m. a
game of children ,cockalrum
~YT(~ n lagg) id. to be busy as a
bee , to be over busy; to be overwhelmed
with pleasure
~ YU(~ lu) id. to make the horse
run fast, to set spurs to
- - - - -mlm=HU(adda ghasu) id. to
run from pillar to post, to run about persistently;
to make fervent request, to entreat
~UWUW=H(~ chuk chuk vekha) id.
to wait for someone eagerly
~ WYWFH(~ nu thukk l ke
bhaJJa) id. to flee , to take to one's
heels, to show a clean pair of heels
~T=T=Wu(~raga raga ke marn)
id. to die a dog's death , to die by inches,
to die like a dog
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y(ad ol) a. immovable; fixed, unfaltering ,
unwavering, firm, determined , steady; calm ,
tranquil, serene
m m m m m(a) pref. a prefix indicating not or without;
un, in, non
~UHU (~upJ) a. infertile, unproductive
~HU (~sarde n ) adv. under compulsion,
under duress, due to helplessness
~HlS(~ st) a. unstitched
~H|m(~ sue) a. unheard , unsung;
unheeded, neglected
~J|Fm(~ hoe) m. good for nothing, good
for nought, useless, worthless
- -- --mJ l(aho) a. improbable, unfamiliar,
seemingly impossible, (event); unusual, unheard
~TY(~ gall) f. a blue dahlia
~TYW(~ gall karn) id. to make bricks
without straw
- - - - -mJU(aho d) f. non-existence; absence;
want; shortage, scarcity
- - - - - m|WJ (akeh) a. unuttered, unsaid,
- - - - -m|TS(agIt) a. innumerable,
numberless, countless
- - - - -mT|Ym(agole) a. neglected,
ignored, unnoticed
- - - - -m==/m==S/m=|=m(aghar/
aghar at/aghaI) a. unchiselled;
rough, unlicked, rugged;
m=|Ym (aghule) adv. which is not
dissolved, undissolved
mU|Sm(-uchhatte) a. unroofed,
without roof
mU|m(achhape) a. unpublished,
- -- --mU|mtachhn I1a. unstrained,
unsifted, unsieved, unhusked
mU |Jm mU |Jm mU |Jm mU |Jm mU |Jm(achhohI) a. untouched, intact, brand
new; unstarted
mH mH mH mH mH(aJ) a. ignorant; unwitting, unaware;
stranger; unfamiliar; innocent, simple,
mH /mH|m mH /mH|m mH /mH|m mH /mH|m mH /mH|m(aJe/aJaI) a.
unconsciously, unknowingly
mH |Hm/mS |Ym mH |Hm/mS |Ym mH |Hm/mS |Ym mH |Hm/mS |Ym mH |Hm/mS |Ym(aJokhe/atolI) a.
not weighed, unweighed
mH = mH = mH = mH = mH =(aJor ) a. incompatible, ill-assorted
~H=l(~ Jo) f. an ill assorted couple
m| J/m| JtU |Hm1 m| J/m| JtU |Hm1 m| J/m| JtU |Hm1 m| J/m| JtU |Hm1 m| J/m| JtU |Hm1( adIh/andIh
(dekhIa ) a. unobserved, unseen,
unperceived, unnoticed
~W(~karn) v.t. to overlook, to ignore
mW mW mW mW mW(athak) a. tireless, untiring, industrious,
mU= lm mU= lm mU= lm mU= lm mU= lm(adrha) a. beardless, juvenile
m S/ m Sl m S/ m Sl m S/ m Sl m S/ m Sl m S/ m Sl(adhot/ adhot) a.
unwashed, dirty, unclean; brand new,
unused (cloth); covered with
husk, husky (pulses etc.)
m|Um m|Um m|Um m|Um m|Um(apachI) a. indigested, undigested
m= m= m= m= m= (an pah) a. illiterate, unlettered, uneducated
m |m m |m m |m m |m m |m (an puI) a. unstrained, unsifted
m m m m m(anban) f. rift, dissension, estrangement;
quarrel, crash
~ Jl(~ hon ) id. to be at odds, to be on bad
m|FH m|FH m|FH m|FH m|FH (anbhIJ) a. dry, unwetted, undrenched;
mF |Hm mF |Hm mF |Hm mF |Hm mF |Hm(anbhuJe) a. not parched, unroasted
mF Y mF Y mF Y mF Y mF Y(an bhol) a. naive, simple, artless
adv. unconsciously, unaware, unintentionally
m|u|m m|u|m m|u|m m|u|m m|u|m(anmIn I) a. unmeasured
m| u| m m| u| m m| u| m m| u| m m| u| m (an mIthe) a. not determined,
indefinite, uncertain
mu Y/mu Y mu Y/mu Y mu Y/mu Y mu Y/mu Y mu Y/mu Y(anmulla/anmol) a. invaluable,
mu Y mu Y mu Y mu Y mu Y(an mel) a. ill-matched, incompatible
m. disharmony
mYT mYT mYT mYT mYT(anlag) a. brand new, unused
m= Jl /m= | Jm m= Jl /m= | Jm m= Jl /m= | Jm m= Jl /m= | Jm m= Jl /m= | Jm (anvh/anva hI) a.
m|=m|Jm m|=m|Jm m|=m|Jm m|=m|Jm m|=m|Jm(an vIhe ) a. unmarried, unwedded,
m|mFl m|mFl m|mFl m|mFl m|mFl(anIa) a. unexpected, untimely
m|mY m|mY m|mY m|mY m|mY(anIl) a. sharp, pointed (arrow)
m m m m m (an u) m. atom, molecule
m S m S m S m S m S(att) f. extreme, extremeness, too much, limit;
a. extremely, excessively
~ UW(~ chukkn ) id. to play the tyrant, to
commit atrocities, to badger, to pester
-JUlHUl~lJUlJ(har chJ d ~ bur
hd he) prov. excess of everything is bad
m S m S m S m S m S (t) m. end, last, result, out come; death,
demise; limit, terminus
~ Hu(~ sam ) m. time to death, last moments
of life
~ W(~ karn) v.t. to end, to finish, to kill
~ SW(~ takk) adv. to the last
~ (~ n ) adv. to last, lastly, finally;
ultimately, eventually; in the end
~ U(~ pau) id. to solve a mystery, to
come to know the secret
~ FYHFY (~ bhal so bhal) prov. all is
well that ends well
~ Y(~ le) id. to get to the bottom of; to
grieve, to distress
~ |=U(~ vIch) adv. in the long run, ultimately,
in the end
-mSU( t d) a. extreme, immense
m S|JW m S|JW m S|JW m S|JW m S|JW(te hkara) m. conscience, inner man,
heart, mind
m SWl m SWl m SWl m SWl m SWl(attkthn) f. exaggeration, overstating;
a rhetoric (in literature), hyperbole
m SW m SW m SW m SW m SW(taka) f. appendix, appendage
m Su m Su m Su m Su m Su(tam) a. last, final; ultimate, eventual
~ mUH (~ ards) f. last prayer, requiem,
~ HHW (~ saskr) f. funeral rites and
solemnities, last rites, obsequies
~ HHWW(~ saskr karn) id. to perform
the last rites
~ =S(~ pahat) f. final reading (of a matter
before the printing order)
~ U (~ rp de) v.t. to give the finishing
touch to, to finalize
mS mS mS mS mS (atar) m. otto, attar, scent, perfume; gist,
essence, substance
~ =H(~ frosh) m. a person who sells scents,
otto vendor
~ =YY(~ phulel) m. perfumed (scented oil
m S m S m S m S m S(tar) m. difference; discrimination; distance,
space; innermost, heart, innerself
~ mSu(~ tm) f. conscience, inner man
~ TSl(~ gat) adv. internally, inwardly
~ HSl(~ Jt) a. inter-caste
~ Hul(~ Jm) m. God, The Almighty
~ |UHJl(~ drIsh) f. insight, intuition
~ UHl(~ des) a. inland
~ UHlS(~ des pattar) m. inland letter
~ |m (~dhIn)m. meditation, contem-
~ (~ prer) f. intuition
~ uHl(~ mukkh) a. introvert
~ HJl(~ rshr) a. International
m S T m S T m S T m S T m S T(trg) a. inner, internal; intimate, close
~ WuJl(~ kame) f. executive committee
m S m S m S m S m S (tr) m. a part of a song or hymn sung
after refrain or burden
m|S S m|S S m|S S m|S S m|S S (atr Ipt) a. unsatisfied, discontented,
m S|u m S|u m S|u m S|u m S|u(trIm) a. interim
m Sl= m Sl= m Sl= m Sl= m Sl=(trv) a. inner, internal; hidden
m SY m SY m SY m SY m SY(tl) a. last, final, concluding, ultimate
~ uJS=(~ par mahattvpuran) adv.
last but not the least
- m SY H mH S W Y= (tle sus takk
larn) id. to fight to the utterance
mSS mSS mSS mSS mSS(at pt) m. whereabouts; information,
m|S m|S m|S m|S m|S(atI) a. excessive, extreme
m. excess
m|SmU m|SmU m|SmU m|SmU m|SmU (atechr) m. tyranny, oppression,
atrocity, cruelty, barbarity
m| Sm U l m| Sm U l m| Sm U l m| Sm U l m| Sm U l (atechr) a. & m. tyrannical,
oppressor, cruel, atrocious
m| SWl m| SWl m| SWl m| SWl m| SWl (atkathn) f. exaggeration, over
~ W(~ karn) id. to draw the long bow
m|Sl m|Sl m|Sl m|Sl m|Sl(atIth) m. guest
mSlS mSlS mSlS mSlS mSlS(att) a. & m. past, gone by; by gone times
mS J mS J mS J mS J mS J(atu) a. inexhaustible, plentiful; continuous,
mS Y mS Y mS Y mS Y mS Y (atul) a. peerless, matchless, unique,
unparalleled, incomparable, incommensurate
mS Y mS Y mS Y mS Y mS Y (atull) a. immeasurable, measureless,
inestimable; incomparable, unparalleled
mS mS mS mS mS (ate) conj. and, as well as
m W m W m W m W m W (athakk) a. tireless, untiring, untired,
indefatigable, fresh
m m m m m (atthr) a. bobbery, mischievous, naughty,
m m m m m (atthru) m. tear, tears
~ H W (~ n sukn ) id. to weep
~ K (~ pJhn) id. to console, to give
~ =JU(~ vahun) id. to shed tears
m J m J m J m J m J (athh) a. unfathomable, fathomless,
abyssal, bottomless, immeasurable, very deep
mU mU mU mU mU(adn) a. low ranked, of inferior status or
quality, paltry, trivial, petty, small, poor; mean;
mU mU mU mU mU (adab) m. regard, respect, reverence;
literature, letters; civility
~ mU(~ db) m. etiquette, manners, civility
mUl mUl mUl mUl mUl(adb) a. literary
mUF S mUF S mUF S mUF S mUF S (adbhut) a. wonderful, surprising,
astonishing, marvellous, strange, queer,
marvellous, peculiar, admirable, spectacular
~ H (~ ras) m. one of nine sentiments;
sentiment of wonder
m U m U m U m U m U(dar) m. inside, innerpart (of a house etc.);
heart, mind
a. inside, within
~ mU(~ dar) adv. internally, inwardly
~ W/U(~ karn/den ) id. to put behind
the bars, to imprison
~ HS (~ khte) adv. secretly, confidentially;
~ ==W (~ vake) adv. secretly
-m U m U/m Ul (dro dar/dr) adv.
secretly, internally, inwardly
~ J|FWJ(~ bhro Ikk ho) id. to be
clear-hearted, to be true to one's appearance
m UH m UH m UH m UH m UH(dras) m. lining (of garments), inner lining
m UH/m H m UH/m H m UH/m H m UH/m H m UH/m H (dras/bras) m. a kind of
sweet- meat made of rice flour
mUW mUW mUW mUW mUW(adrak) m. ginger
m UY m UY m UY m UY m UY(darl) a. inner, internal, intertive
m. inner man, conscience
m|U HJ m|U HJ m|U HJ m|U HJ m|U HJ(adrIsh) a. invisible, imperceptible; out of
m U l m U l m U l m U l m U l(dru n) a. inner, internal; personal, private
(issue, matter etc.)
m U m U m U m U m U (dro) adv. from inside, within; internally,
mUY mUY mUY mUY mUY(adal) m. justice, rightfulness, righteousness,
mUY-UY mUY-UY mUY-UY mUY-UY mUY-UY(adal-badal) m. exchange, interchange
mUY-UYl mUY-UYl mUY-UYl mUY-UYl mUY-UYl(adl-badl) m. barter, commutation;
alteration, change
mUY U UY ( adle d badl) prov. tit
for tat
mUYl mUYl mUYl mUYl mUYl(adl) m. justice , judge
a. impartial, just, upright, equitable
mU= S mU= S mU= S mU= S mU= S(advet) m. non-duality, oneness; God, the
Supreme being
mU= S=U mU= S=U mU= S=U mU= S=U mU= S=U (advetvd) m. the theory that denies
the duality of God and Soul, Monism
mU mU mU mU mU (ad) f. amorous or coquettish gestures,
coquetry; style of expression; style of
presenting something; grace, beauty
a. paid, cleared (debt etc.)
mU | FTl mU | FTl mU | FTl mU | FTl mU | FTl (adIg) f. style of expression or
presentation;, performance, acting; payment,
defrayal, refund
mUW mUW mUW mUW mUW(adkr) m. actor, historian
mUWl mUWl mUWl mUWl mUWl(adkr) f. acting, performance
m UH m UH m UH m UH m UH(dz) m. way, method, style, mode; manners
m UH m UH m UH m UH m UH (dzan) adv. approximately, roughly,
m UH m UH m UH m UH m UH(dz) m. estimate, approximation, guess,
conjecture, surmise
mU mU mU mU mU (adr) m. institution, establishment,
mUYS mUYS mUYS mUYS mUYS (adlat) f. a court of law and justice,
tribunal, judicatory
~ U=(~ chahn) id. to knock the door of
the court
mUYSl mUYSl mUYSl mUYSl mUYSl(adlt) a. pertaining to court or justice,
~ W=Fl(~ krv) f. legal proceedings; legal
mU=S mU=S mU=S mU=S mU=S(advat) f. enmity, hostility, animosity
m|U H m|U H m|U H m|U H m|U H(adIkkh) a. invisible, imperceptible, hidden
mU Sl mU Sl mU Sl mU Sl mU Sl(adutt) a. unique, peerless, unparalleled,
matchless, incomparable
mU Y mU Y mU Y mU Y mU Y(adul) m. the act of refusing to obey
- -- --JWu-mUYl(hukam-adul) f. the act of not
obeying an order, refusal to obey, disobedience
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to refuse to carry out
the order, to disobey
m U H m U H m U H m U H m U H (desh) m. doubt, suspicion, anxiety,
trepidation, apprehension, fear, scare
m U Y m U Y m U Y m U Y m U Y(dolan) m. movement, agitation, stir
m U YWl m U YWl m U YWl m U YWl m U YWl(dolankr) m. agitator
m m m m m (addh) m. mid, middle
pref. a prefix when headed before a word
gives the meaning of half as m WU (half-ripe),
m|=U (half-way)
~ U (~ pachaddh) adv. nearly half,
~ (~ p) m. eighth part of a seer (an old
Indian weight)
~ u|m/u |Fm1 (~ mare/moe) a. half-
dead, semi-dead
~|=W(~rIr k)m. partly churned curd, butter
milk containing butter in it
~ =J(~ve) adv. half-way, mid-way, in the
middle; without completing (something)
~ |=UY(~ vchle) a. half-way, midway, in
the middle; without completing (something)
m m m m m (dh) pref. a prefix which signifies darkness,
blindness etc.
~ T(~ gubr) m. darkness caused by dust
- storm
~ =(~ ghor) m. pitch dark
~ |=H=H(~ vIshvas) m. superstition; blind-
faith, blind-belief
~ |= H=Hl(~ vIshvs) a. superstitious
mW mW mW mW mW(adhak) f. a sign t1in Gurmukhi alphabet
used for doubling the sound of the letter on
which it is placed
m W m W m W m W m W (dhkr) m. murk, darkness; anarchy;
mH= mH= mH= mH= mH=(adhkha) a. middle-aged
m T m T m T m T m T(adhrg) m. paralysis, hemiplegia, palsy
mu mu mu mu mu(adharm) m. irreligion, impiety, sin, injustice
mul mul mul mul mul (adharm) a. irreligious, sacrilegious,
atheist, non-believer; impious, wicked, unjust
m S m S m S m S m S(dhrt) m. night blindness, nyctalopia
m m m m m (addh) a. half
~ JH/|J(~ ho J/n reh) id.
to be reduced to skelton, to become very weak
~ U(~ pachaddh) a. just half, nearly half,
-ml S(addh rt) f. the middle of the
night, mid night; late night
mm(addho addh) a. half and half,
fifty fifty
~ Hl(~ suddh) a. about half, nearly-half
m m m m m (dh) a. blind ,sightless; visionless,
m m m m m (dhddh) adv. indiscriminately, blindly;
rashly, recklessly, ignorantly
m/m1 m/m1 m/m1 m/m1 m/m1(adhr/dhr) m. base, ground,
foundation; support; appeasement (of hunger)
m|S m|S m|S m|S m|S(adhrIt) a. based; dependent
m Yl m Yl m Yl m Yl m Yl(dhl) f. dizziness, giddiness
m|m|F m|m|F m|m|F m|m|F m|m|F(adhIe) m. portion, chapter
~ =(~ vd ) m. chapterisation
m|mSu m|mSu m|mSu m|mSu m|mSu(adhItam) m. spiritual knowledge
m|mSuW m|mSuW m|mSuW m|mSuW m|mSuW(adhItmak) a. spiritual, metaphysical
m|mSu=U m|mSu=U m|mSu=U m|mSu=U m|mSu=U(adhI tmvd) m. spiritualism,
m|mW m|mW m|mW m|mW m|mW(adhIpak) m. master, teacher, tutor,
pedagogue, professor, educator
m|mWl m|mWl m|mWl m|mWl m|mWl(adhIpak) f. teachership, teaching
m|m m|m m|m m|m m|m(adhIpan) m. teaching (profession)
m|m m|m m|m m|m m|m (adhIen) m. study, perusal, learning
m|H U m|H U m|H U m|H U m|H U(adhIschn) f. notification
m|W m|W m|W m|W m|W(adhIk) a. excessive, more, plentiful, much,
abundant, surplus, excess; extra, additional
m|WWW m|WWW m|WWW m|WWW m|WWW(adhIkarn karak) m. locative (gr.)
m|W m|W m|W m|W m|W(adhIkr) m. right; authority, power,
privilege, claim, potency
m|Wl m|Wl m|Wl m|Wl m|Wl(adhIkr) m. rightful, claimant; officer,
authority; ruler; deserving, entitled
m||Uu m||Uu m||Uu m||Uu m||Uu(adhInIyam) m. bye-law/ bylaw
ml ml ml ml ml (adhn) f. subordinate, subject to,
subservient, dependent; submissive, meek,
docile, humble, obedient
mlTl mlTl mlTl mlTl mlTl (adhng) f. subordination, subjection;
humility, humbleness, submissiveness, docility,
ml ml ml ml ml(adhr) a. impatient, anxious, eager
m m m m m (adhr) a. incomplete, unfinished, half-
finished; nearly half; imperfect, defective
m m m m m (dher) m. darkness; injustice, misrule, law-
lessness, anarchy, tyranny
~ WJl(~ kohr) f. dungeon, black-hall
~ Tl(~nagr) f. a place where there is no
m = m = m = m = m =(adhe) a. middle aged
m TSl m TSl m TSl m TSl m TSl(adhogat) f. miserable condition, sad
plight, down fall, decline, degeneration
m m m m m (adhor) a. second hand, half-user,
m m m m m (n) m. cereal, corn, grain; food, victuals
~l(~ pa ) m. food , sustenance, victuals;
destiny, fate, lot
~ HYUJ(~ Jal uh) id. to breathe one's
last , to pass away, to expire; to shift from one
place to another
~ UWl=(~ d k) m. man, human being
-mWJ(nku) m. a festival celebrated by
Hindus on the next day of Diwali when a large
quantity of curry, boiled rice, vegetables, sweets
etc. are offered to God and served to all
- m US(-ndt) m. employer, master;
sustainer, supporter; farmer, peasant; God, the
Supreme being
mJUU mJUU mJUU mJUU mJUU(anhadnd) f. a divine or mystic
melody produced from within and is
experienced in deep meditation
m S m S m S m S m S(ant) m. the Almighty, God
a. Infinite, Endless, Eternal, Boundless
m U m U m U m U m U(and) m. bliss, ecstasy, rapture; pleasure,
joy, delight, happiness; satisfaction, gratification,
comfort, ease
-m U H|J(and shIb) m. name of a
sacred composition of the third Sikh Guru sri
Amar Das recorded in Adi Granth
~ WH(~ krJ) m. a wedding ritual of Sikhs ,
Anand Karaj
~ uT(~ magan) a. immersed in bliss ,
absorbed in ecstasy
~ uTY(~ mgal) m. happiness and welfare,
well being; pleasure, bliss, ecstasy
m U U |FW m U U |FW m U U |FW m U U |FW m U U |FW(and dek) a. pleasure giving,
pleasing, delightful
m U m U m U m U m U (andpu ran) a. delightful, joyful
m m m m m(anarth) m. unjust, injustice, excesses;
contrary meaning
mYJ W mYJ W mYJ W mYJ W mYJ W(analhakk) ph. I am God
m m m m m (nh) a. blind, beetle-eyed, visionless;
reckless; thoughtless
~ W(~ k) a. deformed, handicapped
~ Wl H H S Ul J(~ kI Je bast d
bahr) prov. a blind man is no judge of colours
~ W W= H U u Jl(~ kukka khud d e d
mohar) prov. tail wags dog
~ HUW(~ kharch karn) id. to spend
money like water, to spend extravagantly/
~ HS(~ kht) m. irregular and improper
~ HJ(~ khu h) m. ruined or deserted well
~ U(~ chn) a. blear-eyed, dim-
sighted, purblind; having small eyes, mole-
~ S(~ dhut) a. totally/completely blind
~ U(~ baau) id. to throw dust in
one's eyes, to cheat someone
~ u=(~ mo) m. blind corner
m|m|=UWH( nhe vIch k
rJ) prov. a figure among cyphers
mlTYl( nh gal) f. blind street
-mmTUlUTY( nhe agge dde
gln) id. to lament before a tyrant
~mTmHlmUH(~agge ro akkh
d khoa) prov. to cast pearls before a swine
~HJ|=UWU(~ khh vIch kuddn) id.
to act blindly, blindfoldly
m=J( nhevh) adv. thoughtlessly,
recklessly, rashly, blindfoldly
~HTmU(~ pes guun) id. to burn
the candle at both ends
mH mH mH mH mH( ana J) m. food-grains, cereals, corn
m m m m m ( anth) a. bereaved of parents, orphan;
devoid of near and dear ones
mYU mYU mYU mYU mYU(anthlay) m. a place for the orphans,
mU mU mU mU mU(andar) m. insult, affront, disrespect,
disgrace, disregard, irreverence, abasement
m|U m|U m|U m|U m|U(andI) a. having no beginning , without
beginning, uncreated, existing from the ages,
Ever-existent, Eternal
m. the Eternal, God
m|uW m|uW m|uW m|uW m|uW (anmIka ) f. the finger between the
middle and the little finger, ring finger
m m m m m(anr) m. pomegranate; a kind of pyrotechny;
a kind of firework
|FW~Hlu(- Ikk ~ so bmr) prov.
one post and one hundred candidates, one pill
many ill
mU (anrd) m. dried seeds of
mUTY=H(anr d glhr rkh)
prov. when the fox preaches look to your geese
m =l m =l m =l m =l m =l (anr ) a. untrained, inexpert,
inexperienced; ignorant, simple
m|m m|m m|m m|m m|m (anI) m. injustice, oppression, inequity
m|mFl m|mFl m|mFl m|mFl m|mFl (anI) a. unjust, unfair, tyrannical,
m|H|US m|H|US m|H|US m|H|US m|H|US(anIshchIt) a. uncertain, not sure;
indefinite; undecided, dubious, doubtful
m| H== m| H== m| H== m| H== m| H==(anIkkhar v) a. integral, inseparable,
m|U|uS m|U|uS m|U|uS m|U|uS m|U|uS(anIyamIt) a. irregular; contrary or not
according to rules, unprincipled
mlu mlu mlu mlu mlu(anm) m. enema
m H m H m H m H m H (anusaran) m. the act of following
someone, following, pursuit
m H= m H= m H= m H= m H=(anusvar) m. nasal sound pronounced after
m HHW m HHW m HHW m HHW m HHW(anushsak) a. disciplinarian
m HH m HH m HH m HH m HH(anushsan) m. discipline; restraint,
mHHl mHHl mHHl mHHl mHHl(anushsn) a. pertaining to discipline,
discipline, disciplinary
m H m H m H m H m H(anusr) adv. according to, in accordance
with, in conformity with
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl(anusr) a. who follows someone,
follower; corresponding
m H |USHSl m H |USHSl m H |USHSl m H |USHSl m H |USHSl(anuschIt Jt) f. scheduled caste
m H Ul m H Ul m H Ul m H Ul m H Ul(anusch) f. schedule
m W m W m W m W m W(anukar) m. imitation, copy
m W Y m W Y m W Y m W Y m W Y(anukl) a. suitable, favourable, agreeable,
m |US m |US m |US m |US m |US (anuchIt) a. improper, inappropriate;
undue, unjust; wrong, unreasonable
m U m U m U m U m U(anudn) m. financial aid, grant
m HW m HW m HW m HW m HW(anunsak) a. nasal
m H m H m H m H m H(anuprs) m. the repetition of similar sound,
m S m S m S m S m S(anupt) m. ratio, proportion
m Sl m Sl m Sl m Sl m Sl(anupt) a. proportionate, proportional
m F= m F= m F= m F= m F= (anubhav) m. experience; perception;
feeling, sensation; cognition
m F==U m F==U m F==U m F==U m F==U(anubhavvd) m. empiricism
m F=l m F=l m F=l m F=l m F=l (anubhav) a. having experience,
m F Sl m F Sl m F Sl m F Sl m F Sl (anubht) f. sensation, experience;
perception; realization
m u m u m u m u m u(anumn) m. estimate, assumption, guess,
conjecture; supposition, presumption,
m u|S m u|S m u|S m u|S m u|S (anumnIt) a. estimated, guessed,
conjectured, supposed, presumed, speculated
m UFl m UFl m UFl m UFl m UFl(anuy) a. follower, disciple, votary
m T m T m T m T m T(anurg) a. love, affection, attachment
m m m m m (anurp) a. resembling, similar; befitting,
m YT m YT m YT m YT m YT(anulag) m. enclosure, annex
m = U m = U m = U m = U m = U (anuvd) m. translation, rendering,
m =UW m =UW m =UW m =UW m =UW(anuvdak) m. translator, renderer
m =|US m =|US m =|US m =|US m =|US(anuvdat) a. translated, rendered
m J m J m J m J m J(anuh) a. queer, quaint, curious; unique,
peerless, unparalleled, rare, peculiar, marvellous
m /m u m /m u m /m u m /m u m /m u (anu p/anupam) a. unequalled,
incomparable, matchless, peerless, unparalleled
m W m W m W m W m W(anek) a. several, various, many, numerous;
m WS m WS m WS m WS m WS(anekt) f. diversity, plurality
m |SW m |SW m |SW m |SW m |SW(anetIk) a. immoral, not moral
m |SWS m |SWS m |SWS m |SWS m |SWS(anetIkt) f. immorality
m H m H m H m H m H (anokh) a. strange, wondrous, queer,
peculiar, marvellous, extraordinary
m m m m m(ap) pref. a prefix denoting badness, inferiority
etc. as- mHH,mHTetc.
mHT mHT mHT mHT mHT(apshagan) m. ill omen, inauspiciousness
mH /mU mH /mU mH /mU mH /mU mH /mU (apsar/apchhar ) f. fairy,
nymph, pixy
a. extremely-beautiful, very charming woman
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(apharn) m. kidnapping; hijacking
mHH mHH mHH mHH mHH(apJas) m. ignominy, illfame, defamation,
infamy, disrepute, slander
m S m S m S m S m S (apatt) f. friendly feeling, familiarity,
intimacy; love, affection, attachment
mU mU mU mU mU (apu) v.t. to own, to adopt, to
espouse, to accept, to acknowledge
mU mU mU mU mU(apd) f. calamity, disaster, adversity, trouble
mF H mF H mF H mF H mF H (apbhrsh) f. corrupted from of word,
phrase etc.; an old Indo-Aryan language,
mFH mFH mFH mFH mFH(apbhasha) f. slang
mu mu mu mu mu (apmn) m. insult, disrespect, disgrace,
indignity, dishonour, slur, stigma
muHW muHW muHW muHW muHW(apmnJanak) a. insulting, disgraceful,
derogatory, degrading
m-m m-m m-m m-m m-m (apar-apr) m. God, the Eternal, the
Supreme being
a. Infinite, Boundless, Limitless
m H m H m H m H m H (aprasn) a. unhappy, displeased;
dissatisfied, discontented
m H S m H S m H S m H S m H S(aprasnt) f. unhappiness, displeasure;
dissatisfaction, discontentment
m W|HS m W|HS m W|HS m W|HS m W|HS(aprakshIt) a. unpublished, unprinted
m UYS m UYS m UYS m UYS m UYS(aprachalat) a. out of fashion, out dated,
m S H m S H m S H m S H m S H (apratakkh) a. indirect, not direct; non-
evident, inapparent, invisible
m= m= m= m= m=(aparvn) a. unproved, rejected
m= Tl m= Tl m= Tl m= Tl m= Tl (aparvnag) f. disapproval,
disapprobation, rejection, disallowance
m m m m m (aprdh) m. crime, offence; guilt, fault;
ml ml ml ml ml(aprdh) m. criminal, culprit; offender;
convict, guilty, defaulter; sinner
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y(aprel) m. April
m=U m=U m=U m=U m=U(apvd) m. exception; infamy, slur, slander;
m|= S m|= S m|= S m|= S m|= S(apvIttar) a. impious, impure, unchaste,
desecrate, unholy; not clean, dirty, defiled
m = m = m = m = m =(appan) v.i. to reach, to arrive
m=U m=U m=U m=U m=U (apau) v.t. to carry and deliver
(a thing); to convey, to deliver (message etc.)
mJH mJH mJH mJH mJH (aphaJ) a.&m. disabled, handicapped,
crippled, maimed, invalid
mUWW mUWW mUWW mUWW mUWW(apdn krak) m. an ablative case
m m m m m (apr) a. infinite, limitless, measureless;
innumerable, countless
mlY mlY mlY mlY mlY(apl) f. appeal
m m m m m (apran) a. incomplete, unfinished;
imperfect, deficient
m = m = m = m = m = (aprav) a. unparalleled, extraordinary,
unprecedented, unique
mVH mVH mVH mVH mVH(afsar) m. officer
~HJl(~ shh) m. bureaucracy, officialdom
mVH mVH mVH mVH mVH(afsarn) a. officer like
mVHl mVHl mVHl mVHl mVHl(afsar) f. the work or duty or status of an
~ = J = J = J = J = J (~ gho) id. to show one' s
mVH mVH mVH mVH mVH(afsn) m. story, tale
mVH H mVH H mVH H mVH H mVH H (afsos) m. sorrow, grief; regret, remorse;
mourning, condolence
mVH HW mVH HW mVH HW mVH HW mVH HW(afsosnk) a. sad, sorrowful, remorseful
mVH |Hm mVH |Hm mVH |Hm mVH |Hm mVH |Hm(afsose) a. sad, grieved, mournful
mVU mVU mVU mVU mVU (afrun) v.t. to surfeit; to puff up, to
inflate, to pump, to bloat
mV-SVl mV-SVl mV-SVl mV-SVl mV-SVl(afr-tafr) f. confusion, chaos, turmoil;
m= = m= = m= = m= = m= = (aphrev ) m. bloating, bloat (the
Philocpher) flatulence; pride, arrogance
mVYS mVYS mVYS mVYS mVYS (afltun) m. Plato; clever person, crafty
fellow; wise/ intelligent person
mV=J mV=J mV=J mV=J mV=J(afvh) f. rumour, hearsay, canard, gossip
~=YUl(~ phelun) v.t. to spread rumour
m= m= m= m= m=(aphr) m. flatulence, bloat, bloating
mVlu mVlu mVlu mVlu mVlu(afm) f. opium
mVluUl/mVlulm mVluUl/mVlulm mVluUl/mVlulm mVluUl/mVlulm mVluUl/mVlulm (afmch / afma ) m. opium
taker or addict; idler, lazy fellow
m m m m m (b) m. mango, Magnifera indica
m U m U m U m U m U (bchr) m. fine powder of dried flakes of
raw mangoes
m m m m m (b) v.i. to have pain and stiffness in the
body or limb due to exertion, wound etc.; to
get numb (for a limb or muscle)
m = m = m = m = m =(bppar ) m. sweet and sour thin layered
cake made of condensed mango pulp, mango-
m m m m m (bar) a. sky, empyrean, firmament
mW mW mW mW mW(abrak) m. mica, talc
ml ml ml ml ml (abr) f. a decorative thin paper used in
bookbinding; wall paper
m l m l m l m l m l(br) a. sky blue, azure; pertaining to the
mY mY mY mY mY(abl) f. weak, powerless, frail (woman)
m =l m =l m =l m =l m =l(b) f. mother, mummy, mom, mama
mUS mUS mUS mUS mUS(abdat) f. worship, prayers
m m m m m (abb) m. father, dad, papa, daddy
m-S m-S m-S m-S m-S(ab tab) m.meaningless talks, nonsense,
babble; abuse, filthy language; scolding
mU mU mU mU mU( (( ((abd) )) )) a. inhabited, colonised, populated;
cultivated (land)
mUl mUl mUl mUl mUl(abd) f. population, habitation; colony
mlY mlY mlY mlY mlY(abbl) f. swallow, kite
m m m m m (br) m. pile, heap, lump, multitude, stock
m l m l m l m l m l(br) m. a seat for riding (an elephant),
m|Hl m|Hl m|Hl m|Hl m|Hl (abInsh) a. Eternal, Indestructible,
Immortal, Imperishable; an attribute of God
m l m l m l m l m l(b) f. small unripe mango
m K m K m K m K m K(abuJJh) a. unquenchable; inextinguishable;
incomprehensible, unintelligible
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y(abol) a. quiet, silent, mute
m F==J/m F==|Jm/m ==J m F==J/m F==|Jm/m ==J m F==J/m F==|Jm/m ==J m F==J/m F==|Jm/m ==J m F==J/m F==|Jm/m ==J (abbhavh/
abbhar vhe/abbhavhe) adv. with a start,
suddenly, all of a sudden, abruptly (awakening)
~UJ(~ uh) v.t. to start up
mF T/ mF T mF T/ mF T mF T/ mF T mF T/ mF T mF T/ mF T (abha g/abha g) a. unlucky,
unfortunate, ill-fated, hapless, luckless
mF= mF= mF= mF= mF=(abhv) m. lack, scarcity, want, deficiency,
m|FmH m|FmH m|FmH m|FmH m|FmH(abhIs) m. practice; rehearsal; exercise;
meditation, concentration
m|F H m|F H m|F H m|F H m|F H(abhIJJ) a. impervious to water, waterproof;
stone-hearted; unabsorbent
m|F U m|F U m|F U m|F U m|F U (abhIndan) m. felicitation, honour,
welcome, greeting (ceremonial); applause,
~T(~ grth) m. commemoration-volume
~S(~ pattar) m. welcome address
m|F S m|F S m|F S m|F S m|F S(abhInet) m. actor, thespian
m|F Sl m|F Sl m|F Sl m|F Sl m|F Sl(abhInetr) f. actress
m|F m|F m|F m|F m|F (abhIne ) m. acting
m|Fu m|Fu m|Fu m|Fu m|Fu (abhImn) m. pride, vanity, conceit,
arrogance, haughtiness, ego
m|Ful m|Ful m|Ful m|Ful m|Ful(abhImn) a. proud, conceited, arrogant,
m|FY H /m|FY H m|FY H /m|FY H m|FY H /m|FY H m|FY H /m|FY H m|FY H /m|FY H (abhIlsh/abhIlkh) f.
desire, wish, aspiration, longing, yearning
m|FYHl m|FYHl m|FYHl m|FYHl m|FYHl(abhIlsh) a. desirous, wishful, aspirant
m|F|=mWSl m|F|=mWSl m|F|=mWSl m|F|=mWSl m|F|=mWSl(abhIvIakt) f. expressia
m| F| =m H m| F| =m H m| F| =m H m| F| =m H m| F| =m H (abhIvIJan) m. manifestation,
mF Y mF Y mF Y mF Y mF Y (abhull) a. unforgettable, memorable;
unerring, errorless
mF U mF U mF U mF U mF U (abhed) a. integral, inseparable;
unfathomable, immeasurable, profound
mF Y mF Y mF Y mF Y mF Y (abhol) adv. unconsciously, ignorantly,
unintentionally, unknowingly
muW muW muW muW muW(amk) a. so-and-so, such-a-one, such-and-
such, Tom, Dick and Harry
~VuW/|VuW(~ dhamka/dhImk) m.
petty-fellow, trifling-fellow, any Tom, Dick or
mu mu mu mu mu(aman) m. peace, absence of war
~mu(~ amn) m. complete-peace,
~U(~ che n) m. peace; quietness
mu mu mu mu mu(amar) a. Immortal, Imperishable; Deathless,
Everlasting, Eternal
~=Y(~ vel) f. a fast growing parasitic climber,
dodder, Cuscuta reflexa
muSl muSl muSl muSl muSl(amart) f. a kind of Indian sweetmeat
m |u S m |u S m |u S m |u S m |u S (mrIt) m. nectar, elixir, ambrosia; holy
water (of a sacred river, tank etc.); consecrated
water prepared in the presence of sri Guru
Granth Sahib
~UW(~ chhakn) v.i. to undergo initiation
ceremony of khalsa panth
~l(~ dhr) m. duly baptised Sikh
-m|uS(mrItdhra) f. an ayurvedic
medicinal used for stomach pain, vomiting
mulW mulW mulW mulW mulW(amrkan) a. American
mu U mu U mu U mu U mu U(amrd) m. guava, Pisidium guajava
muY muY muY muY muY
! !! !!
(amal) m. act, action; conduct, habit;
practice, execution
~W(~ karn) v.t. to act upon; to carry out,
to execute
~|=U|YmU(~ vIch lIu) id. to put into
practice, to carry into effect, to implement
- -- --muYU=J (-aml de naber e ho)
id. to get the fruit of one's deeds
muY muY muY muY muY
z zz zz
(amal) m. addiction, addictness; intoxicant,
~lW(~ p karn) id. to use drugs
~ (~ pe) id. to become addicted to
some intoxicant or drug
muYSH muYSH muYSH muYSH muYSH(amalts) m. a tree bearing long thick bean
like fruit, Catharto Carpus-fistula, Cassia fistula
muY muY muY muY muY(aml) m. staff, personnel; establishment
muYl muYl muYl muYl muYl(aml) a. addicted, addict; practical
~U(~ rp de) id. to put into practice,
to put into action
m u=l /m =l m u=l /m =l m u=l /m =l m u=l /m =l m u=l /m =l (mr /br ) f. mother, mama,
mummy, mom
muS muS muS muS muS(amnat) f. anything entrusted for safe
custody, deposit (on trust); trust, faith; charge
~ |=U|HmSW (~ vIch khInat karn)
id. to breach the trust by misappropriation
muSU muSU muSU muSU muSU(amnatdr) m. trustee
a. trustworthy
mu=H mu=H mu=H mu=H mu=H(amvas) f. the last day of the dark half of
the lunar month
m|uJ m|uJ m|uJ m|uJ m|uJ(amI) a. indelible, ineradicable, ineffaceable;
Immortal, Permanent, Everlasting, Eternal;
unavoidable (destiny etc.)
mul mul mul mul mul (amr) a. rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent;
noble, chief
~HU(~ Jada ) m. son of the chief or rich
man; noble man
~ HUl (~ Ja d) f. daughter of the chief or
the noble man; rich woman
mul mul mul mul mul(amrn) a. lordly, aristocratic, princely,
mull mull mull mull mull(amr) f. richness, wealthiness, opulence,
mu W mu W mu W mu W mu W(amukk) a. inexhaustible; unending, endless
mu Y mu Y mu Y mu Y mu Y(amull) a. invaluable, precious, priceless,
mu S mu S mu S mu S mu S(amurat) a. abstract, formless, incorporeal
mu lm mu lm mu lm mu lm mu lm(amon) m. ammonia (gas)
mu YW mu YW mu YW mu YW mu YW (amolak) a. precious, invaluable, costly,
mu = mu = mu = mu = mu =(amor ) a. obstinate, persistent, unrestrained,
pithead, self-willed, disobedient, incorrigible,
mUHl mUHl mUHl mUHl mUHl (aysh) f. dissipation, voluptuousness,
profligacy, dissolution, licentiousness, lewdness,
mUY mUY mUY mUY mUY(ayl) f. the hair on the neck of a horse/lion,
mane; flock of sheep or goats etc.
mUYl mUYl mUYl mUYl mUYl(ayl) m. shepherd, herdsman
mU T mU T mU T mU T mU T (ayog) a. inappropriate, improper; inept,
unskilled, undeserved; incapable, incompetent,
mH mH mH mH mH (arsh) m. sky, empyrean; heaven; the abode
of God (according to Mohammedans' belief)
~SVH(~ te farsh) ph. heaven and earth
- -- --mHl (arsh) a. heavenly, empyrean,
celestial, ethereal; divine
mH mH mH mH mH(ars) m. time; duration, period, span
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ (arhar) f. a variety of pulse, pigeon pea,
Citicus cajan, Cajanus indicus
mW mW mW mW mW
! !! !!
(ark) m. distilled, extract, distillate;
perspiration, sweat
~WV(~ kaddh) id. to tire out; to distil
mW mW mW mW mW
z zz zz
(ark) f. elbow
m= m= m= m= m=(argh) m. libation
m= m= m= m= m= (argh) m. fish-shaped special spoon of
copper, silver etc. used for performing libation
mH mH mH mH mH
! !! !!
(arz) m. breadth, width (cloth)
mH mH mH mH mH
z zz zz
(arz) f. request, appeal, entreaty, supplication;
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl(arz) f. application; a written appeal, request
mHl=lH (arznavs) m. & a. petition-
-mHl=lHl (arznavs) f. the work or
profession of a petition writer
mH Fl mH Fl mH Fl mH Fl mH Fl(arzo) f. request, appeal, entreaty
m m m m m
! !! !!
(arth) m. meaning; interpretation; purport,
object; sense, intention; significance
m m m m m
z zz zz
(arth) m. wealth, money, riches, finance
~HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS(~ shstar) m. economics
~HHSl HHSl HHSl HHSl HHSl(~ shstar) m. economist
~Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T(~ lagg) id. to be of some use
~|=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm(~ vIgIn) m. semantics
~|==H |==H |==H |==H |==H(~ vIvastha) m. economic system,
~|=|Tml |=|Tml |=|Tml |=|Tml |=|Tml(~ vIgIn) m. economist
mS mS mS mS mS(artht) adv. i.e. , that is, viz; as, in other
words, that is to say; e.g., for example, for
instance, namely
ml ml ml ml ml(arth) f. bier, hearse
mUY mUY mUY mUY mUY(ardal) f. service, attendance
~ |=U |J (~ vIch re h) id. to dance
attendance upon
mUYl/mUYlm mUYl/mUYlm mUYl/mUYlm mUYl/mUYlm mUYl/mUYlm (ardal/ardal) m. orderly,
batman, attendant, peon; servant
mUH mUH mUH mUH mUH (ards) f. prayer, request, supplication,
orison; a specific method of supplicatory prayer
of Sikhs; an offering to a deity, God, Guru etc.
mUHlm mUHlm mUHlm mUHlm mUHlm (ards) m. a Sikh priest who offers
prayers in the presence of sri Guru Granth
Sahib; supplicant
m m m m m(ardh) a. half; semi
~HWl(~ sarkr) m. demi-official, semi-
~ HWl S (~ sarkr pattar) m. demi
official letter, d.o.letter
~US(~ chetan) a. semiconscious
~US(~ chetan) f. semi-consciousness
~|=mH(~ vIs) m. radius
~|=Hu(~ vIshram) m. semicolon
~|=u(~ vIrm) m. comma
mTl(ardhagn) f. wife, better-half,
m m m m m(arn) m. bison, the wild buffalo, Bubalus,
m m m m m(arpa) m. dedication, offering
~W(~ karn) v.t. to dedicate, to offer, to
present, to relinquish
m|S m|S m|S m|S m|S (arpIt) a. dedicated; devoted; offered;
entrusted; sacrificed
m m m m m
! ! ! ! !
(arab) a.& m. one hundred crore, one
thousand million, billion
m m m m m
z z z z z
(arab) m. a native of Arabia, an Arabian;
Arabia (country)
ml ml ml ml ml
! !! !!
(arb) m. Arabian language, Arabic
a. Arabian
ml ml ml ml ml
z zz zz
(arb) f. an esculent root used as vegetable,
Arum, Colocacia-antiquorum
m F m F m F m F m F(arbh) m. beginning, initiation, inception,
commencement, start, opening; origination;
introduction, prelude
m FW m FW m FW m FW m FW(arbhak) a. initial; primary, preliminary,
rudimentary, elementary
m F m F m F m F m F(arbh) v.t. to begin, to initiate, to start
mu mu mu mu mu(arma n) m. desire, longing, wish, aspiration;
sorrow, regret
~ W V (~kad d h) id. to fulfil one's
cherished desire; to give vent to (one's) pent
up feelings
~YYH(~nl le Ja) id. to die without
fulfilling one's desires, to die with one's
longings unfulfilled
~ Y T (~lagg) id. to regret, to feel
~YJ(~lhu) id. to fulfil one's cherished
desires, to gratify one's desires
mY mY mY mY mY(aral) m. a wooden bar used as fastening, latch,
mYW J/mYH J mYW J/mYH J mYW J/mYH J mYW J/mYH J mYW J/mYH J/m=W J m=W J m=W J m=W J m=W J(arla ko/arla kho/
ara ko) m. a 'y' shaped wooden post fixed
on the entrance point of a field to prevent the
entry of cattle
~T(~ gadd) id. to create hurdles, to
create obstacle, to obstruct
mYl mYl mYl mYl mYl(aral) f. an iron or wooden pin used at either
end of a yoke
m=U m=U m=U m=U m=U (arua) v.t. to low, to moo (cattle); to
weep loudly, to blubber; to make noise (of
m=J m=J m=J m=J m=J(ar) m. low, moo; mooing sound; a loud
crying or weeping, painful cry
mHWS mHWS mHWS mHWS mHWS (arJakt) f. disorder, lawlessness,
anarchy, absence of government; confusion,
mW mW mW mW mW(ardhak) a.worshipper, devotee, adorer
m m m m m (ardh) v.t. to worship, to adore; to
meditate, to contemplate; to repeat the name
of a deity
m m m m m( ardhn) f. worship, devotion, adoration
mu mu mu mu mu(arm) m. rest, repose ; relaxation; comfort,
ease; restoration of health, recovery
~ mU (~ u) v.t. to recover (from
illness); to feel relieved
~JuJ (~ harm he) prov. rest is rust
~JuJ(~ harm ho) id. to toil hard
~JuW (~ harm karn) id. to get on
one's nerves
~ SY (~ talab) a. comfort-seeking, ease-
loving; lazy, inert, idolent, slothful , sluggish
~ SYl (~ talb) f. state of being seeking
comfort; laziness, indolence, sluggishness
~U J(~ deh) a. comfortable, easeful, soothing
~Y(~nl) a. comfort-seeking, ease-loving;
lazy, indolent, slothful, inert
-mu HSl (-armprast) f. state of being
seeking comfort; laziness, indolence,
slothfulness, inertness
m J/m J m J/m J m J/m J m J/m J m J/m J (arr/arro) m. arrowroot,
Maranta arundinacea
m| m| m| m| m| (ard ) m. castor plant, Ricinus communis
m Ul m Ul m Ul m Ul m Ul(aruch) f. distaste, dislike; disinterestedness,
disinclination, aversion
m T m T m T m T m T (arog) a. healthy, hale, sound, free from
m TS m TS m TS m TS m TS(arogt) f. good health, sound body
m UW m UW m UW m UW m UW(arochak) a. uninteresting, boring
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y
! !! !!
(all) f. bottle-gourd
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y
z zz zz
(all) f. nick-name, by name, alias
mYHU mYHU mYHU mYHU mYHU (alsu) v.t. to be lazy, to be lethargic
v.i. to make lethargic
mYHl mYHl mYHl mYHl mYHl(als) f. linseed, flaxseed
mY| JU mY| JU mY| JU mY| JU mY| JU (ale hd) a. separate, apart, aloof,
mY|JUTl mY|JUTl mY|JUTl mY|JUTl mY|JUTl (alehdg) f. separation; separateness,
mYW mYW mYW mYW mYW(alak) f. lock of hair, love lock, tress
mYWH mYWH mYWH mYWH mYWH(alkas) f. laziness, lethargy, sluggishness
mYWS mYWS mYWS mYWS mYWS(alkat) f. a feeling of repulsion or irritation
mY W mY W mY W mY W mY W (alkr) m. figure of speech, literary
ornamentation, figurative expression , rhetorics
mY W|W mY W|W mY W|W mY W|W mY W|W (alkrIk) a. figurative, metaphorical,
rhetorical; ornamental
mYH mYH mYH mYH mYH(alkh) a. Invisible, Imperceptible
m. God, the Supreme being
mY H mY H mY H mY H mY H (al kh) m. a respectful from of addressing
(among Nath yogis)
~HTU(~Jagu) id. to beg in the name
of God
~H(~nrJan) m. a word used by the Nath
yogis to beg alms
~uWU (~muku) id. to do away with,
to annihilate, to obliterate, to eradicate, to kill
mY T mY T mY T mY T mY T (alagg) a. separate; detached, unattached;
unconnected, distinct, different, not alike; lonely
adv. at a distance, aloof
~mYT/YT(~alagg/thlagg)adv. separately,
individually, apart; isolated, aloof
~ W (~karn) v.t. to separate; to
disconnect, to detach; to isolate; to sort out
mYTHl mYTHl mYTHl mYTHl mYTHl(algarz) f. carelessness, inattentiveness,
negligence, indifference
mYT H mYT H mYT H mYT H mYT H(algoz) m. a flute like musical instrument
of Punjab, bassoon
mYH mYH mYH mYH mYH(alJabr) m. algebra
mYS mYS mYS mYS mYS (alt) m. a red dye used by women for
painting feet
mY mY mY mY mY(alp) a. small, a little (quantity etc.) meagre,
scanty; insignificant
~mJl(~ hr) a. abstemious
~H|HmW(~ skhIak) a. minority
~ WYW/WYl (~klak/kl) a. short term;
ephemeral, short lived, temporary
mYV mYV mYV mYV mYV(alf) m. the first letter of Arabic, Persian and
Urdu alphabets
~T(~ng) m. fully naked, nude
~ (~be) m. Persian script; alphabet of a
~H(~be n Jn) id. to be illiterate
mY S mY S mY S mY S mY S(albatt) adv. for sure, of course, certainly;
mY Y mY Y mY Y mY Y mY Y (albel) a. smart, handsome, attractive;
spruce; foppish, carefree, nonchalant, jaunty
mY F mY F mY F mY F mY F (alabbh) a. rare, scarce, unobtainable,
unattainable, unprocurable, unavailable
mYuHS mYuHS mYuHS mYuHS mYuHS (almast) a. happy-go-lucky, devil-may-
care, carefree
mYuHSl mYuHSl mYuHSl mYuHSl mYuHSl(almast) f. state of being carefree
m Yu-T Yu m Yu-T Yu m Yu-T Yu m Yu-T Yu m Yu-T Yu (allam-gallam) m. knick-knack,
miscellaneous; useless talk, nonsense, vain talk,
mYul mYul mYul mYul mYul(almr) f. almirah, cup board
mY|=U mY|=U mY|=U mY|=U mY|=U(alvId) m. farewell, departure
m.&intj. good-bye, adieu
~W|J(~keh) id. to take one's adieu, to
bid farewell, to say good-bye
m Y= m Y= m Y= m Y= m Y= (allah) a. callow, immature, not grown up;
inexperienced, untrained; young, adolescent
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y
! !! !!
(all) m. God, the Almighty, Allah
~ m Y WW (~all karke) adv. with great
difficulty, hardly
~YW(~lok) m. saint, fakir; innocent-person,
|FH~ (sh~1 11 11 ph. God-willing, if God wills
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y
z zz zz
(all) a. raw; tender; unhealed (wound);
mYU H mYU H mYU H mYU H mYU H(als) m. allowance
mYJ mYJ mYJ mYJ mYJ(al) a. allotted (property, plot, project etc.)
mYJu J mYJu J mYJu J mYJu J mYJu J(alme) f. allotment
mY mY mY mY mY (al) a. unsaddled (horse etc.); bed
without a bedding, bare bed
mY mY mY mY mY(alp) m. modulation of voice preparatory
to singing, augmentation, intonation
mY mY mY mY mY (alpa) v.t. to tune/ modulate one's
voice before singing
-|FW T mYl H (Ikko rg alp J)
id. to harp on the same tune
mY uS mY uS mY uS mY uS mY uS (almat) f. symptom, indication,
characteristic, sign, symbol; omen, portent
mYu mYu mYu mYu mYu(alrm) m. alarm
mY m mY m mY m mY m mY m(al) a. callow, beardless, adolescent,
mY U mY U mY U mY U mY U (alch) m. plum, greengage, Prunus
mY mY mY mY mY (al) a. without salt, saltless; tasteless,
-mYl |HY UJ (al sIl cha) id. to
do a boring job
mY Y mY Y mY Y mY Y mY Y(alel) a. a young bullock which has never
been yoked; a colt which has never been
ridden , unridden; immature
mY W mY W mY W mY W mY W(alokr) a. curious, strange, marvellous,
wonderful; unusual
mY |WW mY |WW mY |WW mY |WW mY |WW(alo kIk) a. supernatural, ethereal, celestial;
uncanny, unworldly; metaphysical
mY UW mY UW mY UW mY UW mY UW(alochak) m. critic, reviewer
mY U mY U mY U mY U mY U(alochn) f. criticism, critique; review
mY mY mY mY mY (alop) a. vanished, disappeared, invisible,
concealed, extinct
~J J J J J (~ ho) v.t. to vanish, to disappear
m= H m= H m= H m= H m= H(avassh) adv. certainly, surely; undoubtedly
must, definitely, of course
a. definate, sure, certain
m= HW m= HW m= HW m= HW m= HW(avasshak) a. essential, necessary
m= HWS m= HWS m= HWS m= HWS m= HWS (avasshakt) f. need, essentiality,
necessity, indispensability
m=H m=H m=H m=H m=H (avasth) f. condition, state, position;
situation; stage, phase; age
m=H m=H m=H m=H m=H(avasar) m. opportunity, chance; moment,
occasion, time; leisure
m=J Y m=J Y m=J Y m=J Y m=J Y (avheln) f. neglect, ignominy;
disobedience, contumacy
m=WH m=WH m=WH m=WH m=WH (avksh) m. leisure, free time; leave;
m= |Tm m= |Tm m= |Tm m= |Tm m= |Tm(avagge) f. disobedience, contumacy ,
defiance, breach of rule ,law or order
m=U S m=U S m=U S m=U S m=U S(avchetan) m. sub-conscious
m=S m=S m=S m=S m=S(avtr) m. an embodiment of God in human
form, incarnation; great soul
m=l m=l m=l m=l m=l(avdh) f. duration, time, limit; term, tenure
m= Jl m= Jl m= Jl m= Jl m= Jl(avroh) m. descender
m =Y m =Y m =Y m =Y m =Y(avval) a. first, foremost, topmost; supreme,
excellent; number one
~UHU(~ darJe d) a. of the first water, of
the finest quality; of the highest rank
m= Y m= Y m= Y m= Y m= Y (avall) a. perverse, wayward; awkward,
clumsy, crazy, outraged
m=Fl m=Fl m=Fl m=Fl m=Fl(av) f. rumour, hearsay
m= W m= W m= W m= W m= W (avk) a. stunned, wonder-struck,
speechless, dumb -founded
m=H m=H m=H m=H m=H(avz) f. voice ; sound; call
~UJU(~uhu) id. to oppose, to make
a protest
~WV(~ kaddh) id. to say something, to
~ Wl (~ kn n pe) id. to have
great din to noise
~UU(~ dab de) id. to crush a revolt,
to suppress the opposition
~U(~ de) v.t. to call, to hail
~WV(~ n kaddh) id. not to let the
cat out of the bag ; to bear patiently
~ |WY (~ n nIkal) id. to be
~J(~ beh) id. to become hoarse, to
~F(~ bharn) id. to record one's or some
one's voice
m=H m=H m=H m=H m=H(avzr) a. tired (up) ; weary (of), fed-up
m=u m=u m=u m=u m=u (avm) m. the common people, public,
masses, people
m=/m=TU m=/m=TU m=/m=TU m=/m=TU m=/m=TU (avr/avrgard) a. & m.
loafer, vagabond, loiterer; profligate, licentious
-m=TUl(avrgard) f. loaf, loitering,
m|=H=H m|=H=H m|=H=H m|=H=H m|=H=H(avIshvsh) m. distrust, disbelief, lack of
faith, nonconfidence
m|=WHS m|=WHS m|=WHS m|=WHS m|=WHS(avIksat) a. undeveloped, backward
m|=|Um m|=|Um m|=|Um m|=|Um m|=|Um (avIdI) f. illiteracy, illiterateness;
m| = Hl m| = Hl m| = Hl m| = Hl m| = Hl (avInsh) a. immortal, eternal,
everlasting, indestructible; an attribute of God
m.God, the Almighty, the Eternal
m=H/m=H m=H/m=H m=H/m=H m=H/m=H m=H/m=H(avesh/a vesh) m. flurry of excitement;
m= HY m= HY m= HY m= HY m= HY (avesl) a. heedless, careless, negligent,
m= m= m= m= m= (aver) f. lateness, delay, late hour
~H=(~ saver) adv. at odd hours; in season
and out, untimely
m= m= m= m= m= (avere) adv. late
m= = m= = m= = m= = m= = (aver) a. perverse, difficile, wayward,
obstreperous, obstinate, headstrong, wilful,
m= m= m= m= m=(ar) f. obstruction, hindrance, balk; obstinacy,
stubbornness; ban, taboo/tabu
m=W m=W m=W m=W m=W(aak) f. tangle (of hair)
m= T m= T m= T m= T m= T(ag) v.t. to thrust the corner of sari/
dupatta etc. around the waist; to fasten
m= T m= T m= T m= T m= T (ag) m. obstacle, obstruction, hitch,
hindrance; difficult situation; leg trick in
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to put obstacles; to
create problems
m= m= m= m= m= (an) v.t. to be hooked; to be blocked/
obstructed, to balk; to take a firm stand, to put
one's foot down
m=U m=U m=U m=U m=U(ar chan) f. hindrance, obstacle, impediment,
hitch, difficulty
m= m= m= m= m=(ar ab) a. stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, wilful
m=U m=U m=U m=U m=U (aru) v.t. to involve, to entangle; to
hook; to block; to provide a temporary job; to
shut (door etc.); to moo; to low ; to weep loudly,
to cry
m=U l m=U l m=U l m=U l m=U l(ar u) f. riddle, puzzle, quiz, crossword;
obstruction , obstacle, problem
m=J m=J m=J m=J m=J(ar) m. moo, low; cry, shriek (pain etc.)
m|=m m|=m m|=m m|=m m|=m(are) intj. a term of address for someone
near or for a dear friend, mate etc.
~|=m(~ thur e) a. needy, necessitous
m|= W m|= W m|= W m|= W m|= W(arIkk) m. stumbling - block, clog; hitch,
impediment; interruption, obstruction,
hindrance; leg trick(in wrestling)
-m|= W U= (aIkke char hn) id. to be
~J(~ dhu) id. to put a spoke in one's
~|=U(~ vIch) ph. in deep waters
m|= T m|= T m|= T m|= T m|= T(arg) m. to moo, to low ; to weep loudly
(of child)
m|= T m|= T m|= T m|= T m|= T(ag) m. the act of tripping someone, chip
m|=Y m|=Y m|=Y m|=Y m|=Y(aIl) m. a metre
m=l m=l m=l m=l m=l(a) f. obstinacy, persistence, stubbornness,
m=lmY m=lmY m=lmY m=lmY m=lmY(aal) a. obstinate, persistent, stubborn,
m= H-= H m= H-= H m= H-= H m= H-= H m= H-= H (aro s-pro s) f. adjoining houses,
neighbourhood, vicinity
-m=Hl-=Hl(- aos-pos) m. neighbours
m/mU m/mU m/mU m/mU m/mU ( /u ) m. white viscose secretion, mucus
mU -H mU -H mU -H mU -H mU -H(u-J) m. frequent visits (of visitor),
coming and going; close acquaintance,
mU mU mU mU mU (u) v.t. to come, to arrive; to come back,
to return; to know (reading, writing etc.)
m|FmWm|Fm(e ke e) adv. about
to come , just coming
~|Tm(~ ge) a. guest, visitant
~ |TmWU (~ ge kar chhadd) id.
to pay no heed, to turn a deaf ear to , not to
give ear to
mFlTFlW( ga karn) id. to put off
~UYFlJ(~ chal ho) id. to live from
hand to mouth, to make both ends meet
~SmU(~ te u) id. to be bent upon
mFuJl (- e mahne) adv. every month;
~|U/H(~ dIn/roz) adv. every day, daily
mU U mU U mU U mU U mU U(ud) a. coming, next
~HU(~ Jd) m. wayfarer, passer-by; guest,
visitant; knowledge, understanding, intelligence
mUUHU (ude Jde) adv. at any time
mU FTS mU FTS mU FTS mU FTS mU FTS (ubhagat) f. hospitality, welcome,
mU Y/m=Y mU Y/m=Y mU Y/m=Y mU Y/m=Y mU Y/m=Y(ul/ // // vl) m. small seagreen, sour
tasted fruit, Emblic myrobalan
mU J mU J mU J mU J mU J() a. out
m|Fm m|Fm m|Fm m|Fm m|Fm(e) f. governess, nurse, ayah, baby-sitter
m|FS m|FS m|FS m|FS m|FS
! !! !!
(eat) f. rectangle
m|FS m|FS m|FS m|FS m|FS
(eat) f. a verse of the Quran
m|F U m|F U m|F U m|F U m|F U(d) adv. in future
m|F m|F m|F m|F m|F(In) m. looking-glass, mirror
mFl mFl mFl mFl mFl() f. death; calamity, adversity
~ YJYUl (~ bal l de) id. to save
the situation
mH mH mH mH mH (s) f. hope, expectation; ambition, desire,
longing; trust, faith, reliance
~J(~ ho) id. to be in the family way, to
be pregnant
~ S Hl= |F J (~ te Jvan nrbhar he)
prov. hope sustains life
~ U (~ n chhad d ) id. to hope
against hope
~lJ (~ pr ho) v.i. to have one's
hopes be fulfilled
~ u U (~ murd) f. offspring, progeny,
~ H (~ rakkh) v.t. to keep hope, to
have expectation, to look for
~YJJ(~ lh be h) id. to lose all hope,
to be disappointed
mH=U( svd) a. hopeful, expectant
mHSl|=(s te p phIrn) id.
to have one's hopes dashed to the ground
~Sl=(~ te p phern) id. to throw
cold water on some one's hopes, to dash
someone's hopes to the ground
mHW mHW mHW mHW mHW (shak) m. lover; sweet heart, paramour,
~J(~ ho) id. to fall in love, to be sweet
~|uHH(~ mIzz) a. amorous
mHW mHW mHW mHW mHW(~ shkn) a. lover like, amatory;
mHWl mHWl mHWl mHWl mHWl(shak) f. love, love-affair, amour
mH mH mH mH mH (sa) m. a posture of sitting; seat (of
trousers, pants etc.); postures of yoga
~ HuU (~ Jamu) id. to pitch tents, to
settle/stay somewhere for a long period
~ Y (~ d ol) id. to feel insecure (for
position, status etc.)
|H ~ (sIddh ~ ) m. a yogic posture,
Uu~ (padam ~) m. a cross legged yogic
posture, padamasan
mHSWS mHSWS mHSWS mHSWS mHSWS(stakt) f. theism
mHSl mHSl mHSl mHSl mHSl(stn) f. sleeve (shirt)
~UH(~ d sapp) ph. a treacherous friend,
a snake in the grass, a snake in one's bosom
~ U H J (~ d sapp ho) id. to be a
snake in the grass
mH mH mH mH mH(sth) f. faith, belief, trust
mH-H mH-H mH-H mH-H mH-H(s-ps) m. neighbourhood; vicinity
adv. near about; all around
m|HU -|HU m|HU -|HU m|HU -|HU m|HU -|HU m|HU -|HU (seo -pseo ) adv. from near by; from
all sides
mHu mHu mHu mHu mHu(shram) m. cloister, hermitage, monastery;
four stages of life (according to Hindu religion);
home for the sick, destitute etc., asylum
mH mH mH mH mH(sr) m. support; shelter, protection
mH|S mH|S mH|S mH|S mH|S(shrIt) a. dependent
m H m H m H m H m H(sh)f. hope, expectation; ambition,
aspiration; desire, longing; motive; purpose
mH=U(shvd) m. optimism
mH=Ul(sha vd) a. optimist, optimistic
mH=(shvan) a. hopeful
mHUl= mHUl= mHUl= mHUl= mHUl=(s d vr) f. Bani of sri Guru Nanak
Dev & sri Guru Angad Dev recited in the
morning in the 'Asa rag'
~T(~ rg) m. a famous musical mode sung
in the morning
mH mH mH mH mH(sr) m. symptoms, signs, characteristics
mH=l mH=l mH=l mH=l mH=l (svar) f. one of the Indian musical
modes of 'Sri Rag' which is sung before dawn
up to sunrise
m|Hm m|Hm m|Hm m|Hm m|Hm(shIn) m. nest; home, abode, dwelling
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(a h) f. sigh
intj. ah!, oh!, oho!,
~Fl(~ bharn) v.i. to heave a sigh
~ YT (~ lagg) id. to be imprecated, to
have the effect of malediction
mJJ mJJ mJJ mJJ mJJ(ha) f. light sound of foot steps, foot-fall
mJu -HJu mJu -HJu mJu -HJu mJu -HJu mJu -HJu (hme-shme) adv. facing each
other, face to face; opposite
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(har) m. work, activity; business
~ J W (~ phar karn) v.t. to make
mJYT (- hre lagg) id. to become
m|JHS m|JHS m|JHS m|JHS m|JHS (hIst) adv. slowly, gradually; gently,
a. slow; low pitched
~m|JHS(~ hIst) adv. by and by, step by
step, gradually; slowly and gently
mJ YJ mJ YJ mJ YJ mJ YJ mJ YJ (h lhu) id. to kill in great number,
to massacre
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ (ho) intj. yes, yea, yah
mWHlH mWHlH mWHlH mWHlH mWHlH(ksJan) f. oxygen
mW mW mW mW mW( k) v.t. to assess, to evaluate, to estimate
mWHW mWHW mWHW mWHW mWHW(karshak) a. attractive, appealing, pretty,
m WH m WH m WH m WH m WH (karsha) m. attraction, appeal,
mW u mW u mW u mW u mW u(krma) m. attack, invasion
m|W Sl m|W Sl m|W Sl m|W Sl m|W Sl(krIt) f. shape, form, figure
mW= mW= mW= mW= mW= (ka) f. stiffness; haughtiness, pride,
arrogance, conceit, vanity
~( ~pe) id. to fly at upon , to snap, to
jump upon
~H(~bz) a. haughty, arrogant, proud, vain,
conceited, fop
~F(~ bhna) id. to prick the bladder/
mW=H(kakha) a.&m. snobbish, high-
hat, upstage, conceited, stiff necked, on a high
- -- -- mW=H (-kakhn) a. proud, haughty,
arrogant, conceited; rude, rough, harsh
v.t. to stretch one's body to get relieved, to
- mW= |= (-ke phIrn) id. to hold up
one's horn
mW= mW= mW= mW= mW= (kan) v.i. to become hard; to be
arrogant, to be conceited/prouded; to be
obstinate, to be rigid; to become stiff, to stiffen
mW= =/mW=m mW= =/mW=m mW= =/mW=m mW= =/mW=m mW= =/mW=m (kr ev/akra) m. anchylosis
clonus; arrogance, pride; stiffness
mW mW mW mW mW(k) m. lord, master, owner, boss
mW mW mW mW mW (kr) m. size, dimension; form, shape,
mWl mWl mWl mWl mWl(k) a. disobedient; rebel, defiant, recalcitrant
mH mH mH mH mH (kh) v.t. to say, to tell; to inform, to
relate; to approach, to recommend
mH mH mH mH mH(khar) adv. at last, ultimately; limit, in the
~W(~kr) adv. at last, ultimately, eventually;
after all
~UWl (~ chukka) v.t. to do excesses, to
cross the limits, to be mischievous
-mH U (khar d) adv. extremely,
excessively, too much
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl(khr) adv. last, final, ultimate
~UuSW(~ dam tak) ph. to the bitter end, to
the last breath
~UuSJ(~ dam te ho) id. to be at the
death bed, to be near death
~=WS(~vakat) m. last moments, death time
mT mT mT mT mT(gan) courtyard, compound, yard
m Tu m Tu m Tu m Tu m Tu (gam) m. an augment in grammar,
induction; coming near, approach
a. augmentative; birth, origin
mTu mTu mTu mTu mTu (gman) f. arrival, entrance, coming,
advent; birth; induction
mTJ mTJ mTJ mTJ mTJ(gh)a. informed, knowing, knowledgeable
~W(~ karn) v.t. to inform , to report,
to warn
mTH mTH mTH mTH mTH(gz) m. beginning
m|Tm m|Tm m|Tm m|Tm m|Tm (ge) f. command, order, injunction,
directive; edict; permission, allowance, sanction
~ mH (~ anusr) adv. as per order, as
ordained, by command
~ S (~ paar) m. letter of authority,
permit, licence , passport
~uTl (~ mga) v.i. to seek order or
permission, to beg leave, to take leave
~Y(~ le) v.t. to take leave of
~ |=U |J(~ vIch re h) ph. to be
obedient/subservient , to be loyal
- -- -- m|TmW (gekr) a. obedient,
acquiescent, biddable, submissive, dutiful
- m|TmWl (- gekr)f. dutiful, dutious,
docile, obedience, compliance, submissiveness
mT mT mT mT mT (g) m. leader, guide, fore-runner; pilot;
mU mU mU mU mU ( ch) f. heat, fervour; loss, disadvantage;
harm, damage
m U m U m U m U m U (chara) m. character, conduct,
demeanour; behaviour; established rule of
conduct, custom
mU mU mU mU mU(chr) m. conduct, behaviour, ethos
m U = m U = m U = m U = m U = (chrvn) adv. of good moral
character, virtuous, noble,, gentle
mUlm mUlm mUlm mUlm mUlm (chr) m. teacher, preceptor, tutor,
scholar; highest examination in Sanskrit; a
person who holds the degree in acharya
- ~(pardhn~) m. principal of a college
or institute
mHH mHH mHH mHH mHH(Jaz) adv. submissive, humble, docile; needy,
indigent, helpless, incapable
mH=l mH=l mH=l mH=l mH=l(Jr ) m. shepherd, herdsman
m Hl =W m Hl =W m Hl =W m Hl =W m Hl =W (Jvka ) m. means of livelihood,
subsistence; vocation, profession, employment, job
mHl= mHl= mHl= mHl= mHl=(Jvan) m. throughout life, for life ,lifelong
mK mK mK mK mK(Jh) adv. dependent, depending on a person
or a thing for help, aid, support etc.;
handicapped, disabled, crippled
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ() f. knot, knag; knusr (of wood)
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ() m. flour
~ UWl(~chakk) f. flour mill
-Tll |=U~ |TY(garb vIch ~ gIlla ) id.
misfortunes seldom come alone, it does'nt rain
but pours
- mJUYUFmuYuJ(-e dl d bha
malm ho) id. to face the difficulties of
-mJ|=UYJ(-e vIch l ho) id. to
have mite in the cheese
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ (harn) v.i. to become partially dry
(clothes etc.)
mJ|m mJ|m mJ|m mJ|m mJ|m(hre) a. semi-dried, half-dried
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(h) m. eight
m m m m m(d) f. small water channel, small irrigation
channel, aqueduct
mY mY mY mY mY( dal) a. big/ large eyed
m m m m m(d) a. oblique, cross, transverse
-mlWJ(-d k) f. cross cut (of cloth)
mV-T m V mV-T m V mV-T m V mV-T m V mV-T m V ( d h-gu d h) m. neighbourhood;
surroundings, environment, vicinity
mV mV mV mV mV(d h) m. argumentation, disputation; quarrel,
wrangle, brawl
~/YU(~ bnh /lu) id. to pick
up a quarrel
mS mS mS mS mS(t) f. intestine, bowel; gut (of animal)
mSH mSH mSH mSH mSH(tash) f. fire
mSH Hl (tash bz) f. firework,
mSHW mSHW mSHW mSHW mSHW(tshak) f. name of a disease, syphilis
mSHl HlH mSHl HlH mSHl HlH mSHl HlH mSHl HlH (tsh shsh) m. magnifying glass,
mS W mS W mS W mS W mS W(tk) m. terror
mS W=U mS W=U mS W=U mS W=U mS W=U(tkvd) m. terrorism
mSW=Ul(-tkvd) a. terrorist
mS mS mS mS mS (ta) m. a group of girls/ladies gathered
for spinning, bevy
m Su m Su m Su m Su m Su (tam) pref. a prefix which gives the
meaning of self as in mSu-J|Sm,mSu
~HHu(~ sJam) m. self-restraint, self-control
~HSH(~ stosh) m. self-satisfaction
~Hu(~ sanman) m. self-respect
~Hu(~ samarpa) m. surrender
~ HY= (~ shlgh) f. self-praise, self-
~H=U(~ svad) m. soliloquy
~ H(~ sdhna) f. self-realisation, self-
correction; self-practice
~J|Sm(~ hatte) f. suicide
~W(~ kath) f. autobiography, memoirs
~W|US(~ kedrIt) a. self-centred
~ |Tm (~ gIn) m. self-knowledge, self-
~|Tml(~ gIn) m. one who has attained
~=S(~ ght) m. suicide
~=SW/=Sl(~ ghtak/ght) a. suicidal
m. one who commits suicide
~|US(~ chtan) m. self-contemplation
~ |SmT (~ tIg) m. self-sacrifice, self-
renunciation, self-abandonment, self-
abnegation, self-denial
~ |SmTl (~ tIg) a. self-sacrificing, self-
~|F(~ nIrbhar) a. self-dependent, self-
sufficient, self-supporting, self-reliant
~|FS(~ nIrbhart) f. self-dependence,
self-sufficiency, self-reliance
~|lH(~ nIrkha) m. introspection
~ (~ bodh) m. self-knowledge, self-
~H(~ ras) m. spiritual pleasure
~ |Hm (~ rakkhea) f. self-defence, self-
~|=H=H(~ vIshvas) m. self-confidence
~ |=|Um(~ vIdIa ) f. spiritual knowledge,
knowledge of the soul
mSu mSu mSu mSu mSu(tm) f. soul, spirit; psyche, conscience;
mind, heart
mS|uW mS|uW mS|uW mS|uW mS|uW(tmIk) a. spiritual
m S m S m S m S m S (tar) a. needy, indigent; impatient,
perplexed; afflicted, grieved
mS|W mS|W mS|W mS|W mS|W(trIk) a. internal, inner
mS=l mS=l mS=l mS=l mS=l(t) f. intestine, bowel
m m m m m(tha) f. evening, sunset
mUS mUS mUS mUS mUS(dat) f. habit, wont, nature, addiction
~ J l (~ ho) v.i. to be habitual, to be
~SuHJ(~ to maJbr ho) id. to be a
slave of one's nature
~Ul(~ pu) v.t. to develop a habit
~Hl (~ pe Ja) id. to become habitual/
used to, to catch up a habit, to become addicted
mUS mUS mUS mUS mUS(dtan) adv. due to habit, habitually
-mUS|uY(~ data milna) id. to de chips
of the same block, to be birds of the same
mUu mUu mUu mUu mUu (dam) m. the first man created by God,
Adam; man, human being
~J=(~ hava) m.& f. Adam and Eve
~WU(~ kadd) a. life-sized, life-size
~H(~khor) m. cannibal, man-eater
~ HS (~ zt) m. mankind , human species,
homo sapien
~mUuW(~ bo dam bo karn) id.
to be always in violent mood, to be always
-~U=YU(- bbe~ de vele d) a. of
olden times, primitive, ancient
mUul mUul mUul mUul mUul (dam) m. man, person, human being;
male; husband, spouse
~ mUul |UH (~dam n dIs) id. to
look down upon others, to be very proudy/
~mUul|=UmSWFlJlWFlWW(~ dam
vIch tar ko hra ko kkar) prov. there are
men and men but every stone is not a gem
~|HSJ(~ sIr te n ho) id. to be a
~SmUulU=(~ te dam charhn) id. to
be overcrowded; to be over congested
~US(~ d puttar baan) id. to
be mended/ improved; to be reformed
mU mU mU mU mU (dar) m. respect, reverence, veneration,
regard, honour
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to respect, to hold in
esteem, to revere, to venerate, to honour; to
pay homage
~ F= (~ bhv) m. respect, reverence,
veneration, regard, honour, homage; reception,
hospitality, warm feeling
-mUF/u( dar bh/ m) m. respect,
honour, reverence, regard, warm feeling;
reception, hospitality
mUU T mUU T mUU T mUU T mUU T (daryog) a. respectable, reverend,
venerable, honourable, estimable
mU mU mU mU mU(dar) f. intestine, bowel; gut (animal)
~WV(~ kaddh) v.t. to eviscerate
~UHWJ(~ d sk ho) id. to have blood
relation, to be a close relative
~UJJ(~ d o) m. offspring, issue, child
-mUH=(-dr srn) id. to be grieved,
to be distressed; to grieve, to distress
~S(~ tap) id. to be too distressed, to
be highly grieved
~Ul|HUJ(~ d khIcch ho) id. to have
affection for one's children
~ HW YT (~ n sek lagg) id. to be
agonized, to be grieved
~ JV (~ n hdh pe) id. to be
very pleased, to be very happy
~YJ(~ luh) id. to writhe in pain
v.t. to cause pain, to inflict sufferings
mUH mUH mUH mUH mUH(darsh) m. ideal, example; aim, goal,
mUH=U(adarshvd) m. idealism
mUH=Ul(darshvd) a. idealist
mUHW mUHW mUHW mUHW mUHW (darshak) a. ideal, exemplary, best,
excellent, superb
mUY mUY mUY mUY mUY(dal) m. justice, judge
mU mU mU mU mU(d) m. ginger
mU-U mU-U mU-U mU-U mU-U(dn-parda n) m. exchange , give-
and take , trade, barter
m|U m|U m|U m|U m|U(dI) intj. etc. (etcetera), and so on, and so
forth; origin, beginning, primitive
a. initial, primitive
~mS(~ t) m. beginning-and end
a. first and last
~WYl(~ kln) a. primitive, primeval
~T(~grth) m. the first scripture of the
Sikhs in which ' Bani' of Sikh Gurus, Bhagats
(saints) and Bhattas have been compiled by
sri Guru Arjun Dev
~H T|U(~Jugd)adv. from times immemorial,
from the very beginning
~H(~ purakh) m. God, the Almighty, the
Supreme being, the Supreme soul
~ =Hl (~ vs) m. aboriginal, tribesman,
autochthon; aborigine (under-developed tribes
of orisa, M.P. etc.)
m Ul m Ul m Ul m Ul m Ul (d) a. habitual, habituated, addicted,
accustomed; primitive, ancient, primeval; old
mU H mU H mU H mU H mU H (desh) m. ordainment, dictate, order,
command, injunction, bidding, decree
m |W m |W m |W m |W m |W (dhunIk) adv. present, modern, new,
recent; new-fashioned, current, up-to-date
m |WS m |WS m |WS m |WS m |WS(dhunIkta) f. modernity, modernness
m m m m m
! !! !!
(n) m. an old Indian coin worth sixteenth
part of a rupee in value, Anna
m m m m m
z zz zz
(n) m. eyeball
m-Wl m-Wl m-Wl m-Wl m-Wl (n-kn) f. deliberate delay or
neglect, prevarication, procrastination, finding
excuses, avoidance
m J m J m J m J m J (ane bahane) adv. with one excuse or
the other
m m m m m (p) pron. second person, you, reverential
addressing word for second person as you,
yourself, one's self, sir
~JU(~ hudr) a. self-willed, head strong,
impulsive, high-headed, unbridled
~ WUHl |=J= UH (~ kuchaJJ vehar e nu
dosh) prov. a bad workman quarrels with his
~=KlHJYWuSlU(~ n vJh sohre lok
matt de) prov. example is better than percept
~lSl(~ bt) f. personal experiences, one's
own experiences; memoir, autobiography
~FYHTFY(~ bhal Jag bhal) prov. good
mind good find
~uHTY(~ mare Jag parlo) prov. death
day is doom's day
~ u J (~muhr) a. head-strong, self-
willed, high-headedness, unbridled
adv. automatic; spontaneous
~ uJ (~ muhre) adv. automatically,
spontaneously, unintentionally
mH U mH U mH U mH U mH U (ps d) a. mutual, reciprocal; related,
mHUl mHUl mHUl mHUl mHUl (pasdr) f. mutuality; reciprocity,
mutual, relations; brotherhood, fraternity
~|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U(~ vIch) adv. with one another, mutually,
reciprocally; between, amongst
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl(pas) a. mutual, reciprocal
f. personal, private
m m m m m(pa) a. personal, own, ours, pertaining to
~mT|UHm(~ agg pIchchha surn)
id. to make the best of both the worlds
~ m (~ p) a. respective, everyone's
own, personal
~ m |Fm |Fm (~ p pre
pre) prov. blood is thicker than water
~JWHSU (~ hakk Jatu) id. to assert
~JlTmY(~ h rg alp) id. to blow
one's own trumpet
~WlSU(~ kt pu) id. to lie in the
bed one has made
~=HuK(~ ghar samJha) id. to feel at
home, to feel easy, to become informal
~ = F (~ ghar bharn) id. to feather
one's nest; to make money
~H|HW(~ pakkh sIddh karn) id. to
make out one's case
~YUU(~ pall bachu) id. to save
one's skin
~U(~ bau) id. to win over
~uJYW|JH(~ m h le ke re h J)
id. to cut a sorry figure
m( ppa) m. feeling of oneness
with others
-mlmFlW(- p a karn) id. to go
one's own way
~ |FU Y (~ Ichchh nl) adv. of one's
own accord
~|FHSmJ(~ Izzat ape hatth) prov.
respect yourself and you will be respected
~WmJ(~ kabar p pu) id. to
dig one's own grave
~ |HU=l mYT WU l (~ khIcha alag
paku) id. to cook one's own broth
~TYl|=UW S=lH (~ gal vIch kutt v sher)
prov. every cock fights best in his own dunghill
~HUU (~ Jn bachu) id. to save
one's own house in order
~ UJl WFl HJ Jl W|JU (~ dah nu ko
kha nah ke hd) prov. every potter
praises his own pots, everyone thinks his own
geese are swans
~lHlm=Vl(~ bJ pe vaddh) id. to
lie in the bed one has made
~uSu(~ mot marn) id. to die a natural
death, to die in one's bed
-mlmHSlmSmJl|H(-ap Jutt
te ap h sIr) prov. fry one in one's own
~u(~ mrn) id. to go on prating all the
time (without listening others)
mm( ape p) adv. on one's own
~m|HU(~ p nu khIch) id. to give
oneself airs
~mSlHuHHuK(~ p nu ts mr kh
samJh ) id. to talk like Robinhood
~m|=UJ(~ p vIch n ho) id. not
to be in one's senses
~J=V(~ hatth vaddh) id. to give in
writing (agreement)
~JH|JWH(~ hosh Ike rakkh )
id. to keep one's wits about
~SY(~ te le) id. to own responsibility
~ l m W J= u (~ per p kuh
mrn) prov. to cut one's own throat, to foul
one's own nest
~YSS(~ balbtte te) adv. of one's own
~ u J ulm |u J (~ mu h ma mIh
ban na )prov. self praise is no-recommendation
~ (~ roe ro) id. to relate one's
woes and sorrows
m Sl m Sl m Sl m Sl m Sl(patt) a. calamity, adversity; objection
m m m m m(p) m. self, self-hood; ego, egotism
~ W W (~ kurbn karn) id. to
sacrifice oneself
m m m m m (pe) adv. by oneself
~ S J J (~ to bhar ho) id. to be
beside oneself with rage; to go berserk
~==lFSWU=F (~ phthe ten ko
chhue) prov. let a person stew in his own
mm( -po ap) adv. own
ml (podhp) f. rat race for selfish
motive; confusion, hurry, disorder, tumult,
personal anxiety
mVS mVS mVS mVS mVS(fat) f. calamity, adversity
~SmVSmU(~ te fat u) id. to have
a succession of misfortunes
~Uu|m(~ d mre) a. distress-stricken
~|=U(~ vIch pe ) id. to get into trouble
mVS mVS mVS mVS mVS(ftb) m. Sun
mV mV mV mV mV(farn) v.i. to suffer from flatulence; to
bloat; to overeat; to swell with indignation or
with riches, to be conceited
m|VH m|VH m|VH m|VH m|VH(fIs) m. office
m m m m m(b) f. shine, lustre, sheen; water
~ T=U (~ gavu) id. to lose respect/
~ ul H (~mr J) id. to become
lustreless, to become faded
mH mH mH mH mH(bshr) f. waterfall, cascade
mWl mWl mWl mWl mWl(bkar) f. excise
m H m H m H m H m H(bns) m. ebony, Diospyros ebonum
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl(bns) a. jet black; of ebony wood
m m m m m (br) f. honour, dignity; character
m|m m|m m|m m|m m|m(bIn) m. water-cess, water-rate, canal
ml ml ml ml ml(b) a. pertaining to water, watery; aquatic,
m JUS m JUS m JUS m JUS m JUS(behayt) m. elixir, ambrosia, nectar
m -J= m -J= m -J= m -J= m -J=(bo-hav) f. climate
mF mF mF mF mF(bh) f. lustre, brightness, sheen, brilliance,
shine, tint, resplendence; splendour, glory
mu mu mu mu mu(m) a. ordinary; common, public, general
~mUul(~ dam) m. common man, layman
~WW(~ kar ke) adv. generally, usually
~ S S (~ tor te) adv. mostly, generally,
~|FYUY(~ re nl chal) id. to go
with the tide
H~ ( share~) adv. openly, publicly, in
HY~ ( khulhe~) adv. openly, publicly, in
mu -Hu mu -Hu mu -Hu mu -Hu mu -Hu (mhn e-smhn e) adv. opposite, face
to face, facing each other
muU muU muU muU muU (mad) f. arrival, coming
muU/muUl muU/muUl muU/muUl muU/muUl muU/muUl (mdan/mdan) f. income,
earnings; gain, profit
mU mU mU mU mU(y) f. governess, aya, baby-sitter
mUS mUS mUS mUS mUS(yt) a. imported
m. things/goods brought from abroad
~|US(~ nIryt) m. import-export
mU = U mU = U mU = U mU = U mU = U(yurved) m. an ancient Indian medical
science, Ayurved
mU = |UW mU = |UW mU = |UW mU = |UW mU = |UW(yurve dIc) a. pertaining to Ayurveda,
mU mU mU mU mU (yu) f. age, life-span, life-time
mUH mUH mUH mUH mUH(yoJan) m.the act of organising/ convening
mU |HS mU |HS mU |HS mU |HS mU |HS(yoJIt) a. organised, arranged, convened
m m m m m (r) f. a pointed hand tool of shoe maker,
awl; prod, pricker
suff. a suffix
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl(rs) f. mirror set in a ring, looking glass
mW HJ mW HJ mW HJ mW HJ mW HJ(rkesr) m. orchestra
mHl mHl mHl mHl mHl(rz) a. temporary, ad-hoc
mH mH mH mH mH (rz) f. wish, desire, longing, yearning
mJ mJ mJ mJ mJ(r) m. art
m|JHJ m|JHJ m|JHJ m|JHJ m|JHJ(rIs) m. artist
mJlWY mJlWY mJlWY mJlWY mJlWY(rkal) m. article
m m m m m(rdar) m. order
ml H ml H ml H ml H ml H(rdness) m. ordinance
mSl mSl mSl mSl mSl (rt) f. ritual worship performed with
lighted lamps; hymn of praise (God's)
mW/m|W mW/m|W mW/m|W mW/m|W mW/m|W (rthak/rthIk) a. financial,
economic, monetary
mWS mWS mWS mWS mWS(rthakt) f. economy
m- m- m- m- m-(r- pr) adv. from one side to another,
across, athwart; on both sides (of river etc.)
~ W (~karn) id. to murder, to kill; to
complete a work, to accomplish a task; to take
a decision
m-|= m-|= m-|= m-|= m-|=(r-parIvr) m. family, household
m= m= m= m= m=(raph) m. saint, sage, enlightened person
m m m m m(r) m. saw; sawing machine; lumber-mill,
mWH mWH mWH mWH mWH(rkash) m. sawyer, lumberer
ml ml ml ml ml(r) f. hand-saw
m m m m m (rop) m. charge, allegation, accusation,
~ YTU (~ lagu) v.i. to charge , to
accuse, to blame
mY mY mY mY mY(l) f. issue, offspring, progeny; descendants
through daughter
~mYU(~ old) f. issue, offspring; family
mYH mYH mYH mYH mYH(las) f. laziness, sloth, sluggishness, lethargy,
~Uu|m(~ da mre) a. lazy, lethargic,
mYHl mYHl mYHl mYHl mYHl(ls) a. lazy, lethargic, slothful, sluggish,
mY mY mY mY mY(la) m. maize or gram floor mixed with
green leafy vegetable (saag) to make it thicker
and tastier
mY mY mY mY mY (lha) m. nest
mY-SY mY-SY mY-SY mY-SY mY-SY (l-patl) m. earth and sky; useless,
nonsense (talk), rigmarole
mYu mYu mYu mYu mYu(lam) m. world, universe, cosmos; condition,
mYuTl mYuTl mYuTl mYuTl mYuTl(lamgr) a. conqueror of the world
-mYuJ a. king, emperor; your majesty
mYul mYul mYul mYul mYul(lam) a. related to world, universal, global,
mY mY mY mY mY(l) m. niche, alcove, a recess in the wall
~U mY(~dul)m. surrounding, environment;
neighbourhood, vicinity
~F Y(~ bhol) a. simple, ingenuous, guileless,
-mY WY uJ u (-a le kole mu h mrn)
id. to beat the air
~ JY W (~ ole karn) id. to put off, to
~UmY(~ dule) adv. around; nearby, close
at hand
~ U mY KW (~dule Jhk) id. to be
nonplus, to feel perplexed
mYlH mYlH mYlH mYlH mYlH (lshn) a. grand, splendid, majestic,
magnificent, gorgeous
mY mY mY mY mY (l) m. potato, Solanum tuberosum
mY U mY U mY U mY U mY U(lch) m. plum, Prunus domestica
m Y H m Y H m Y H m Y H m Y H (lbukhr) m. plum, Prunus
m= m= m= m= m=(v) m. potter's kiln, kiln
~ US (~ t) id. to have the whole lot
~YU(~ lu) v.t. to lay unbaked bricks
in the kiln for baking
m= Ul m T =T S ( ve d agg vg
tap) id. to smoulder
m=Tu/m=TU m=Tu/m=TU m=Tu/m=TU m=Tu/m=TU m=Tu/m=TU (vgama/vgau) m.
transmigration, metempsychosis, cycle of birth
and death
m=HFl m=HFl m=HFl m=HFl m=HFl(vJ) f. transport, transportation; traffic
~ U H (~de sdhan) m. means of
m= T m= T m= T m= T m= T(veg) m. excitement, fervour, vehemence,
impulse, paroxysm, emition
m= m= m= m= m=() f. cover, screen, hide, protection, shelter
m=S m=S m=S m=S m=S (at) f. brokerage, broker agency for
purchase and resale; commission earned in
m=Sl m=Sl m=Sl m=Sl m=Sl(t) m. broker, commission-agent
m=l m=l m=l m=l m=l() m. friend, buddy; team-mate, play-mate,
companion; friendship, friendliness
m= m= m= m= m= () m. peach, Prunus persica
m H m H m H m H m H (e sh) f. luxury; comfort, ease, pleasure,
delectation, merriment, enjoyment, fun and
~|FHS(~ Isharat) f. luxuriousness, luxury,
pleasures and comforts; voluptuary
~W(~ karn) id. to enjoy, to live in luxury
~ H U/ HS (~ pasd/prast) a. luxurious;
voluptuous, voluptuary, light, pleasure-seeker
m H m H m H m H m H(es) a. like this, such, similar to, resembling
to; of this type
~SH(~ te s) a. so, average, insignificant
mHlSHl( es tes) f. miserable condition/
plight; disrespect; insult; an abusive phrase
m WH H m WH H m WH H m WH H m WH H (e kaspre s) a. express train; express
m WH m WH m WH m WH m WH (eksare) m. x-ray; x-ray machine
m WJ m WJ m WJ m WJ m WJ(e ka) m. act (drama or play); ordinance, act
m WJ m WJ m WJ m WJ m WJ(e kar) m. actor, stage artist
m W|J T m W|J T m W|J T m W|J T m W|J T(e kg) f. the art of acting, acting
m THlu m THlu m THlu m THlu m THlu(e gzm) m. skin disease, eczema
m Ju m Ju m Ju m Ju m Ju(eam) m. atom
mWS mWS mWS mWS mWS m H m H m H m H m H
m Ju m Ju m Ju m Ju m Ju (e am bb) m. atom bomb
m JYH m JYH m JYH m JYH m JYH(elas) f. atlas
m J m J m J m J m J (eth) f. arrogance, hopishness, haughtiness,
obstinacy, presumptuousness; stiffness,
cramps; convolution
m lH m lH m lH m lH m lH(edshan) m. edition
m lJ m lJ m lJ m lJ m lJ (edar) m. editor (magazine, newspaper
m lJl m lJl m lJl m lJl m lJl(e d ar) f. editorship, editing; compilation
m lJ lmY m lJ lmY m lJ lmY m lJ lmY m lJ lmY(edoral) m. editorial (of newspaper,
magazine etc.)
m SW/m SWl m SW/m SWl m SW/m SWl m SW/m SWl m SW/m SWl(etak/etak) adv. this time; on this
occasion; this year, this season
m S= m S= m S= m S= m S=(etvr) m. Sunday
m m m m m (e n) a. exact, same, just accurate
adv. exactly, absolutely, totally
m W m W m W m W m W(e nak) f. spectacles; sun glasses, goggles
~HH(~ sz) m. optician
~HHl(~ sz) f. the work of an optician, trade
or skill of an optician
-=Yl~(dhupp vl~) f. goggles, sun
m m m m m (epar) conj. but, however, never-the less
m m m m m (epran) m. apron
m m m m m (eb) m. drawback, defect, short coming, flaw,
blemish, fault; addiction
~ W V (~ kaddh) v.t. to find faults, to
criticise, to carb, to cavil
m l m l m l m l m l(eb) a. addicted to bad habits, addict
m Y H m Y H m Y H m Y H m Y H(ebules) f. ambulance
m u.m H. m u.m H. m u.m H. m u.m H. m u.m H. (e m.e s) m. master of surgery (degree),
m u.m H.Hl. m u.m H.Hl. m u.m H.Hl. m u.m H.Hl. m u.m H.Hl.(e m.e s.s) f. master of science (degree),
m u.m . m u.m . m u.m . m u.m . m u.m .(em.ed) m. master of education (degree),
m u. W u. m u. W u. m u. W u. m u. W u. m u. W u. (e m. master of commerce
m u.l. m u.l. m u.l. m u.l. m u.l. (e m.d ) f. Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of
Medicine); Managing Director
m u.l. m u.l. m u.l. m u.l. m u.l.(em.p) m. member of parliament, M.P.
m u.|=Y. m u.|=Y. m u.|=Y. m u.|=Y. m u.|=Y. (e m.phIl) m. master of philosophy
(degree), M.phil.
m u.l.l.m H. m u.l.l.m H. m u.l.l.m H. m u.l.l.m H. m u.l.l.m H.(e m.b.b.e s) f. bachelor of medicine
and bachelor of surgery (degree), M.B.B.S.
m u.|YJ. m u.|YJ. m u.|YJ. m u.|YJ. m u.|YJ.(em.lI) f. master of literature (degree),
m uH Hl m uH Hl m uH Hl m uH Hl m uH Hl(emarJes) f. emergency
m T H m T H m T H m T H m T H (er ger nath kher) m. Tom,
Dick and Harry, all and every man
m Yu m Yu m Yu m Yu m Yu (elbam) f. album, a book consisting of
photographs, stamps etc.
m Yu lmu m Yu lmu m Yu lmu m Yu lmu m Yu lmu (elmonam) m. aluminium, a silver-
white metallic element
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y (e ln) m. declaration, announcement,
promulgation, proclamation
m Ylm m Ylm m Ylm m Ylm m Ylm(eln) adv. openly, publicly
m Y l m Y l m Y l m Y l m Y l(e lope th) f. Allopathy, English medicine
m = m = m = m = m = (e ve ) adv. for nothing, by the way;
purposelessly, fruitlessly; in vain; free, without
paying any money, gratis
~m=(eve) adv. falsely
~|W= (~ kIve ) adv. ordinary; so as, like this
m H m H m H m H m H(os) m. ounce
m HS m HS m HS m HS m HS(o sat) f. average, medium
m HS m HS m HS m HS m HS (ostan) adv. averagely, on the average;
roughly, approximately
m H m H m H m H m H(o sar) a. infertile, unproductive, unprolific;
barren (land, cow, buffaloes etc.)
m. time, opportunity, occasion
m H/m H m H/m H m H/m H m H/m H m H/m H(o s/o sn) m. consciousness, senses
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl(os) f. wait, longing, waiting eagerly
m J m J m J m J m J(oh) pron. that, those (pl.)
m J m J m J m J m J(o har) f. disease, illness, ailment, trouble
~HJ (~ sohar) f. disease, illness, ailment,
trouble, malady
m W= m W= m W= m W= m W=(o kar ) m. difficulty, hardship; trouble, misery
calamity, adversity, quandry, distress
~|=U(~ vIch) adv. at a pinch, in hot water
m WS m WS m WS m WS m WS(okt) f. status, position, standing; capacity
- ml ~ m H (-a p ~ anusr) adv.
according to one's capacity/position
-ml~SJH(-pa ~to ba har J)
id. to cross the limits; to cut one's coat beyond
one's cloth
-ml~S=(- a pn ~ to vaddh) adv. above
oneself, beyond one's means
m H m H m H m H m H(o o o o o kh) f. difficulty, hardship; calamity, adversity;
trouble, discomfort; inconvenience, botheration
~HH(~ so kh) f. weal and woe, ups and downs
of life, the rough and the smooth
-mH=Y( okh vel) m. rainy days
-mH =Y Wu mU (-okhe vele km u)
id. to stand in good stead
~ =Y J= (~ vele bohrn) id. to help a
lame dog over a still
m HU/m HUl m HU/m HUl m HU/m HUl m HU/m HUl m HU/m HUl(okhad/okhad) f. medicine, drug,
m H m H m H m H m H(okh) a. difficult, hard, arduous; ill at ease,
uncomfortable; distressed, grieved;
problematic, knotty, intricate
m |HmFl m |HmFl m |HmFl m |HmFl m |HmFl(okhI) f. difficulty, hardship; trouble,
-mHHH (okhe sokhe) adv. somehow
~HHTHW(~ sokhe guJr karn) id.
to keep the wolf from the door
m T m T m T m T m T (o gu) m. demerit, shortcoming, vice, flaw,
defect, foible, blemish
- T ~ (gu~)m. merits and demerits;
qualities and disqualities
m H m H m H m H m H (o zr) m. tool, implement, instrument,
m K= m K= m K= m K= m K=(oJhar) m. wrong, devious path
a. difficult, wrong, devious
m JY m JY m JY m JY m JY(oal) v.t. to be misplaced
m S/m S m S/m S m S/m S m S/m S m S/m S(o tra /o tr) m. issueless, childless; an
inoffensive abuse
m S m S m S m S m S(orat) f. woman, female, lady; wife, better
half, spouse
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y(o l) f. abhorrence, repulsion; placenta; impulse,
m YU m YU m YU m YU m YU(old) f. offspring, issue, progeny, posterity
m Ylm m Ylm m Ylm m Ylm m Ylm(o l) f. holy man, seer
m Y m Y m Y m Y m Y (ol) m. a pit or reservoir in which water of
irrigation well is stored
m Y W Y m Y W Y m Y W Y m Y W Y m Y W Y (ole kole) adv. here and there, hither and
m = m = m = m = m =(o ) m. drought, long dry-spell, drouth; want,
scarcity, shortage, dirth, dire need, deficiency
~ H = H = H = H = H = (~ so ) m. weal and woe; time of
adversity, difficult time
m = m = m = m = m =(o) m. hitch, obstacle
v vv vv
|FHSWY |FHSWY |FHSWY |FHSWY |FHSWY (Istkbl) m. welcome, formal reception
~W (~karn) v.t. to welcome, to receive
|FHSTH |FHSTH |FHSTH |FHSTH |FHSTH (Istgs) m. prosecution; a statement in
writing on grounds of complaint made to a
court of law, plaint, demand of justice from a
court; a suit, complaint; criminal case filed by
the aggrieved party
|FHSl |FHSl |FHSl |FHSl |FHSl (Istar) f. woman, female, lady; wife, better-
half; smoothing iron, press
~HS (~Jt) f. woman kind, womenfolk
~T |=|Tm (~rog vIgIn) m. gynaecology
~|YT (~lg) m. feminine gender
| FH| SJ | FH| SJ | FH| SJ | FH| SJ | FH| SJ (IshtIhr) m. poster, hand bill;
advertisement; notice
|FH|SJHl |FH|SJHl |FH|SJHl |FH|SJHl |FH|SJHl (IshtIhrba z) f. cheap publicity,
|FH|SJl |FH|SJl |FH|SJl |FH|SJl |FH|SJl (IshtIhr) a. pertaining to advertisement,
advertised, announced; proclaimed, declared,
~uH|u (~muJrI II IIm) m. proclaimed offender
|FHS uY |FHS uY |FHS uY |FHS uY |FHS uY (Isteml) m. use, utilisation, application
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (Ishnn) m. bath; holy bath
~W (~karn) v.t. to take bath, to bathe
|FHT Y |FHT Y |FHT Y |FHT Y |FHT Y (Isbgol) m. the name of a medicinal seed,
Plantago ovata or Ispaghula, fleawort
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (Isrr) m. insistence, stress, urging
~W (~karn) v.t. to insist, to stress, to
| FHY u | FHY u | FHY u | FHY u | FHY u (Islm) m. a religion followed by
Mohammedans, Islam
|FHYul |FHYul |FHYul |FHYul |FHYul (Islm) a. pertaining to Mohammedan
religion, Islamic
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (Ishr) m. hint, indication, signal, sign
~W (~karn) v.t. to give a hint, to point
F F F F F (r) f. third letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,
it represents vowel sounds | F (I ), Fl
(), F (e)
|FU |FU |FU |FU |FU (Iu) a. like this, in this way, in this manner, thus,
|Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm (In) m. child, kid, baby, babe, infant
a. ignorant, innocent
|FmYl |FmYl |FmYl |FmYl |FmYl (Il) m. shepherd, goatherd
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (Is) pron. this, it
~J U UH J Y (~hatth de us hatth le)
prov. early sow early mow
~WU (~kadar) intj. to such an extent, so
~S (~tarh) adv. like this, in this way, in
this manner, this, so
~S =l (~te v) adv. in spite of, despite,
~YFl (~la) adv. therefore, hence, so; for this
purpose, for this reason
- |FHl (-Is) pron. this very
- |FH =WS/ =Y (-Ise vakt/vele) adv. this very
moment, just now, at once, immediately
|FHW |FHW |FHW |FHW |FHW (Ishak) m. love, amour
~JWlWl (~hakk) m. love for God, Divine
love, Transcendental love
~U u|m (~d mre) a. bitten with love,
love sick
~U (~pech) m. a creeper having dark red
flowers, ivy, Herdera helix; love affair
~|uHHl (~mIJz) m. earthly love, temporal
love, mundane love
~u HW (~mushak) m. love, affection, passion
|FHJU = |FHJU = |FHJU = |FHJU = |FHJU = (Ishdev) m. favourite deity, favourite god;
idol, patron
~|uY (~mIln ) id. to get clearance, to get
signal ,to go ahead
- |FH|m S UY (- Ishre te chaln) id. to
play a second fiddle
- |FH S U (Ishre te nacchn) id. to
dance to one's tune/pipe, to be at one's beck
and call
~Y TY W (~nl gall karn) id. to
talk secretly; to talk with eyes or gestures
|FJ |FJ |FJ |FJ |FJ (eh) pron. this, it
~uJ S uH Ul UY (~mu h te masur d dl)
prov. first deserve and then desire
|FJ|SmS |FJ|SmS |FJ|SmS |FJ|SmS |FJ|SmS (ehtIt) f. precaution, safety-measure,
preventive-measure, cautiousness, carefulness
|FJl/|FJ |FJl/|FJ |FJl/|FJ |FJl/|FJ |FJl/|FJ (eh/eho) pron. this one, this very; only
~|HJ (~Jeh) pron. such as this, such like,
of that sort, like this
|F W |F W |F W |F W |F W (Ikk) a. the lowest cardinal number, one, single;
a, an
m. number or figure
~mH FU (~akkh n bhun) id. to
hate the very sight of, to dislike
~mH Y =H (~akkh nl vekhn) id. to
treat all alike
~m/m (~addh/addh) a. a few, rare
~m H lu (~anr so bmr)
prov. one post and hundred candidates, one
pill many ill
~|FW WW (~Ikk karke) adv. one by one,
turn by turn; singly, individually
~|FW S U |Tm (~Ikk te do gIr) ph. two
heads are better than one
~HJ (~she) adv. in a single breath,
without taking breath, nonstop, continuously
~HF U (~subh de) prov. birds of same
~H (~sur) a. harmonious, concordant,
symphonious, in unison
~J Y S=l Jl =HUl (~hatth nl tr
nah vaJd) prov. it takes two to make a
~ J (~hon) id. to mix, to become one, to
unite; to be of the same opinion, to be like
minded, to be in tune
~W Y U H | u U|= m (~karel du Je nm
char he) prov. a pimple has grown on an ulcer
~TY |=U (~gall vIch) adv. in short, in nut
shell, in brief
~|US (~chItt) a. concentrated, determined,
resolute, single hearted, keen, attentive
~U H HH (~chupp so sukkh) prov. silence is
golden, no wisdom like silence
~JW (~akk) adv. unwinkingly, unblinkingly,
with fixed look
~JW (~ukk) a. final, ultimate
~|V U (~dhIdd de) a. born of the same
mother, uterine
~SV (~tarf) a. one sided, unilateral; one
way (traffic); ex-parte (decision)
~S (~tr) m. a musical instrument with
one string, monochord
~Yl U UJ J (~thel de chae bae) prov.
chips of the same block cast in the same mould,
birds of same feathers
~Uu (~dam) adv. at once, immediately;
suddenly, abruptly
~|U J UH |U J, SlH |U UU
u=U (~dIn prhun duJe dIn dhrhun,
tIJe dIn dde maghun ) prov. wear out/
out stay one's welcome
~H (~nazar) f. look, glance
~ |FW (~n Ikk) a. one or the other
~ UY (~n chalan) id. to have no say
~ U WH (~pth do kJ) prov. to kill two
birds with one stone
~H (~pse) adv. on one side; aside
~|U |FW (~pIchchho Ikk) adv. one after
another, one by one, turn by turn; continuously,
constantly, consecutively
~VHY (~fasal) a. field yielding one crop
~Fm (~bha) m. fixed price/rate
~u Ul H SYm T U W |U Ul J (~machchh
sre tala nu gd kar dd he ) prov. a single
sinner sinks the boat, a single sheep infects the
whole flock
~uS (~matt) a. like minded, unanimous
~uS J (~matt hon) v.i. to be of the same
view, to see eye to eye with, to be unanimous
~u (~man) a. concentrated, single-hearted,
single-minded, resolute, determined
~uS (~mtar) a. only, sole
~|um |=U U SY= Jl HuUUlm (~mIn
vIch do talvr nah samud) prov. two of
a trade seldom agree
~|uW (~mIkk) a. mixed
~uJ (~mutth) a. united
~uY (~mull) m. fixed price/rate
~H (~ras) adv. constantly, continuously,
~T = J (~rag vdhu hon) id. to be
over clever or very mischievous
~YS (~lak ht) adv. at once, immediately,
instantly, suddenly, all at once
~Y= (~la) a. single-stringed
~Y=l |=U F J (~la vIch paroe hon)
id. to be united, to incorporate
~YJl Y JW (~lth nl hakkn) id. to
treat all alike, to rule all with the same rod
~=U (~vachan) m. singular number (gr.)
~=|VU (~vdh eo) adv. from one side, from
the one end
~=l (~vr) a. once, at one time
|FW UW ( Ikka dukk) a. one or two, very
|FW/|FW (Ikke/Ikko) a. only one
|FW |FW ( Iko Ikk) a. only, lonely
~HJ (~ sah) a. continuously, uninterrupted
without pause, in the same breath, non stop,
~HU |=U VY J (~sache vIch hale hon)
id. to be the chip of the same block
~ JY |=U/~= (~halle vIch/~vr) adv. at
a single blow, at one blow with
~TY == W |J H (~gall pha ke beh Jn)
id. to harp on the same string, to become rigid
on a point
~T U UY J (~guru de chele hona) id.
to be the chip of the same block, to be the birds
of the same feathers
~|HJ (~Jeh) a. alike, similar, same; equal
~lW (~dke) a. in a single draught
~=l U H= J (~ber de savr hon) id.
to be in the same boat
~|uJl U /== J (~mI de bane /ghae
hon) id. to be the chip of the same block, to
be the birds of the same feathers
~H = (~rasse nuran) id. to serve with
the same sauce
~T mYl H (~rg alp Jn) id. to harp
on the same tune, to harp on one string
~YlW |Jl H/~TY Wl H (~lk pI Jn/
~gall kar Jn) id. to follow the beaten track,
to harp on the same tune
~=WS (~vakat) a. at the same time;
|FW|J |FW|J |FW|J |FW|J |FW|J (Ikehr) a. single stringed, single folded;
slim, lean, slender
|FW J |FW J |FW J |FW J |FW J (Ikah) m. assembly, gathering, congregation;
unity; crowd, throng
~W (~karn) id. to bring together one's
friends and relatives on some occasion
|FW J |FW J |FW J |FW J |FW J (Ikat t h) a. whole, entire; united, joined, joint,
combined; collected, gathered
~J (~hon ) v.i. to gather, to assemble; to
~W (~karn) v.t. to collect; to garner, to
accumulate; to gather, to assemble
|F W |F W |F W |F W |F W (Ikkan) a. in this way, in this manner
|FW S |FW S |FW S |FW S |FW S (Ikattar) a. gathered, assembled; collected
|FW SS |FW SS |FW SS |FW SS |FW SS (Ikattart) f. assembly, gathering; meeting
|FW S= |FW S= |FW S= |FW S= |FW S= (Ikattarv ) a. seventy first
| FW S| S | FW S| S | FW S| S | FW S| S | FW S| S (IkattrI II II t) a. gathered, collected,
|FWSYl |FWSYl |FWSYl |FWSYl |FWSYl (Iktl) a. forty one
|FWSY l= |FWSY l= |FWSY l= |FWSY l= |FWSY l= (Iktlhv) a. forty first
|FW Sl |FW Sl |FW Sl |FW Sl |FW Sl (Ikatt) a. thirty one
|FW Sl= |FW Sl= |FW Sl= |FW Sl= |FW Sl= (Ikattv) a. thirty-first
|FW|uWH |FW|uWH |FW|uWH |FW|uWH |FW|uWH (IknmIks) f. economics
(Ikbl) m. glory, grace, greatness; good-
luck, good-fortune
(Ikbl) m. confession, admission
~W (~karn) v.t. to confess, to admit
|FWYl |FWYl |FWYl |FWYl |FWYl (Ikbl) m. confessor
|FWYlm |FWYlm |FWYlm |FWYlm |FWYlm (Ikbl) a. confessional
~|m |m |m |m |m (bIan) a. confessional statement
|FW|uW |FW|uW |FW|uW |FW|uW |FW|uW (IkmIk) a. mixed-up, inter-mingled
~J (~hon ) v.t. to intermingle
|FW |FW |FW |FW |FW (Ikrr) m. promise, commitment, word;
~U W (~d pakk) a. & m. man of one's
~ W (~pur karn) id. to fulfil one's
promise, to keep one's word
|FWu |FWu |FWu |FWu |FWu (Ikrrnm) m. written agreement
|FW Y |FW Y |FW Y |FW Y |FW Y (Ikall) f. lonesomeness, aloneness; solitude,
loneliness, solitariness
|FW Y= H/|FW Y= K |FW Y= H/|FW Y= K |FW Y= H/|FW Y= K |FW Y= H/|FW Y= K |FW Y= H/|FW Y= K (IkallvJ/IkallvJha) a. lonely,
|FW Y=H /|FW Y=K |FW Y=H /|FW Y=K |FW Y=H /|FW Y=K |FW Y=H /|FW Y=K |FW Y=H /|FW Y=K (Ikallva Je/Ikalallva Jhe) adv. in
solitude, in an isolated place; in privacy, behind
the curtain
| FW Y | FW Y | FW Y | FW Y | FW Y (Ikall) a. only, sole; alone, lonely,
unaccompanied, without company
~|FWY (~Ikall) adv. only, sole, one at a time,
one after another, one by one, separately
~UWY (~dukall) a. few, sporadic
-|FWYW (-Ikallkr) adv. alone
|FWY S |FWY S |FWY S |FWY S |FWY S (Iklot) a. only, sole
|FW= H= |FW= H= |FW= H= |FW= H= |FW= H= (IkvJv) a. fifty-first
|FW= H |FW= H |FW= H |FW= H |FW= H (IkvJ) m. & a. fifty one
|F W=-U W= |F W=-U W= |F W=-U W= |F W=-U W= |F W=-U W= (Ikkar -dukkar ) a. sporadic, few
|FWFl |FWFl |FWFl |FWFl |FWFl (Ika) f. unit; the first and the smallest digit,
one; unitary method (maths.)
|FWHl |FWHl |FWHl |FWHl |FWHl (Iks) m. & a. eighty-one
|FWH l= |FWH l= |FWH l= |FWH l= |FWH l= (Ikshv) a. eighty-first
|FWJJ |FWJJ |FWJJ |FWJJ |FWJJ (Ikhah) m. & a. sixty one
|FWJJ= |FWJJ= |FWJJ= |FWJJ= |FWJJ= (Ikhahv) a. sixty-first
|FWT |FWT |FWT |FWT |FWT (Ikgar) a. concentrated, concentrative
~|US (~chItt) a. concentrated, fully attentive,
single minded
| FW TS | FW TS | FW TS | FW TS | FW TS (Ikgart) f. concentration,
|FWTl |FWTl |FWTl |FWTl |FWTl (Ik g) m. one-act play
|FWS |FWS |FWS |FWS |FWS (Ik t) m. loneliness, solitude, solitary place
|FWUHl |FWUHl |FWUHl |FWUHl |FWUHl (Ikdsh) f. eleventh day of the lunar
|FW= |FW= |FW= |FW= |FW= (Iknv) a. ninety-first
|FW= |FW= |FW= |FW= |FW= (Iknve ) a. ninety-one
|F Wl |F Wl |F Wl |F Wl |F Wl (Ikk) a. twenty-one
|F Wl= |F Wl= |F Wl= |F Wl= |F Wl= (Ikkv ) a. twenty-first
|FW |FW |FW |FW |FW (Iker) adv. once, once upon a time
|F H |F H |F H |F H |F H (Ikkh) m. sugar-cane
|F|Sm |F|Sm |F|Sm |F|Sm |F|Sm (Ik htIr) m. right; authority; power; control
|FH|Sml |FH|Sml |FH|Sml |FH|Sml |FH|Sml (IkhtIr) a. optional, non-compulsory
~U (~parch) m. optional paper
|FYW |FYW |FYW |FYW |FYW (Ikhlk) m. morality, manner; politeness
|FYWl |FYWl |FYWl |FYWl |FYWl (Ik hlk) a. moral, ethical
|F T|YH |F T|YH |F T|YH |F T|YH |F T|YH ( glIsh) f. English
| F T| YHS | F T| YHS | F T| YHS | F T| YHS | F T| YHS ( glIshtn) m. England, United
Kingdom, Great Britain
|F U |F U |F U |F U |F U (ch) m. inch
|F U |F U |F U |F U |F U (Icchar) adv. for this period/duration, up till
that period
|F UW |F UW |F UW |F UW |F UW (Ichchhak) a. desirous, wishful
|F US |F US |F US |F US |F US (Ichchhat) a. desired, wished, longed;
wanted, required
|F U/|F|Um |F U/|F|Um |F U/|F|Um |F U/|F|Um |F U/|F|Um (Ichchh/Ichhe) f. desire, wish; will
|F H/|F K |F H/|F K |F H/|F K |F H/|F K |F H/|F K (J/Jh) adv. in this way, in this manner,
like this
| FHJ | FHJ | FHJ | FHJ | FHJ (Izhr) m. expression, manifestation,
|F H |F H |F H |F H |F H ( Jan) m. engine
|F HS |F HS |F HS |F HS |F HS (Izzat) f. respect, regard, esteem; honour, self-
respect; dignity, grandeur
~US (~utrn) id. to treat with indignity,
to insult, to affront; to dishonour, to molest, to
~W (~karn) id. to hold in estimation, to
show respect, to give regard
~U H=Y (~d savl) m. matter of prestige/
self-respect, prestige question
~U (~den) id. to confer honour; to exalt
~ J U (~nu hatth pun ) id. to
dishonour, to show disrespect
~ = J Y T (~nu va laggn) id. to have
one's reputation sullied, to lose one's name and
~ = J YTU (~nu vatt lagun) id. to
cast a slur on one's name
~|U u (~pIchchhe marn) id. to stake
everything for one's honour
~u (~mn) m. respect, honour
~|uJl |=U |uY (~mItt vIch mIln ) id. to be
put to disgrace
~H (~rakkhn) id. to save one's or other's
~Y J (~lun) id. to molest, to rape, to
|F Hlm |F Hlm |F Hlm |F Hlm |F Hlm ( Jnar) m. engineer
|F Hlm| T |F Hlm| T |F Hlm| T |F Hlm| T |F Hlm| T ( Jnarg) f. engineering
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (IJr) m. execution, issue (of an order, law
|FHYH |FHYH |FHYH |FHYH |FHYH (IJls) m. session; meeting, sitting
|F H= |F H= |F H= |F H= |F H= (IJJa) m. flock, herd
~|FWJ W (~Ikatth karn) id. to invite all
and sundry, to invite Tom, Dick and Harry
|FHHS |FHHS |FHHS |FHHS |FHHS (IJzat) f. permission, allowance; sanction,
|FH U |FH U |FH U |FH U |FH U (IJredr) m. monopoliser, licensee
|FH Ul |FH Ul |FH Ul |FH Ul |FH Ul (IJredr) f. monopoly, monopolization
|F J |F J |F J |F J |F J (I) f. brick; diamond (in playing cards)
~|FJ W U (~It kar den) id. to demolish,
to smash, to destroy
~WS U = (~kutte d ve r) m. sworn enmity
~WS U = J (~kutte d ver hon) id. to
be at daggers drawn
~U H= Y U (~d Javb patthar nl
den) id. to repay one's insolence in kind, to
pay back in the same coin
~Y |FJ H=WUl (~nl I kharkun) id.
to play havoc with, to work havoc upon
~H (~rakkhna) id. to lay the foundation
|F WH t |F WH t |F WH t |F WH t |F WH t eks) m. index
|F SJ |F SJ |F SJ |F SJ |F SJ (tah) f. limit, extreme
a. excessive, too much
|F SWu |F SWu |F SWu |F SWu |F SWu ( tkm) m. revenge, retaliation, reprisal,
|F SWY |F SWY |F SWY |F SWY |F SWY( (( ((tkl) tkl) tkl) tkl) tkl)m. record of transfer (of property),
mutation; death, demise
~J (~hon) v.i. to expire, to pass away, to
breathe one's last
|F SHu |F SHu |F SHu |F SHu |F SHu ( tzm) m. arrangement, management,
|F SH |F SH |F SH |F SH |F SH (tzr) m. wait, waiting for, looking for
|FS/|FS |FS/|FS |FS/|FS |FS/|FS |FS/|FS (Itn/Itne) adv. so much, this much,
so many
~W (~ku) adv. this much
|FS |=U (Itne vIch) adv. in the meanwhile,
in the meantime
(Itfk) m. unity, concord, oneness
(Itfk) m. coincidence, chance,
~Y (~nl) adv. per chance, fortuitously,
|FSVW |FSVW |FSVW |FSVW |FSVW (Itfkan) adv. per chance, by chance,
coincidentally, accidentally
|FSVWlm |FSVWlm |FSVWlm |FSVWlm |FSVWlm (Itfk) adv. by chance, per chance,
incidentally, coincidentally, casually
~UJl (~chhutt) f. casual leave
|FS |FS |FS |FS |FS (Itbr) f. trust, faith, belief, credence;
confidence, reliance
- |FSl (-Itbr) a. trustworthy, credible,
reliable, dependable
|FSul |FSul |FSul |FSul |FSul (Itmnn) m. satisfaction, full confidence;
|FSH |FSH |FSH |FSH |FSH (Itrz) m. objection, demur
|FSYJ |FSYJ |FSYJ |FSYJ |FSYJ (Itlh) f. information, intimation
- |FSYJu (Itlhnm) m. written intimation
|F|Sm|U/|F|Sm|UW |F|Sm|U/|F|Sm|UW |F|Sm|U/|F|Sm|UW |F|Sm|U/|F|Sm|UW |F|Sm|U/|F|Sm|UW (ItId/ItIdIk) adv. and so on,
and so forth, etcetera, etc.
|F|SJH |F|SJH |F|SJH |F|SJH |F|SJH (ItIhs) m. history, chronicle
~mH (~anusr) adv. historically
- |F|SJHW (ItIhsak) a. historical, historic
-|F|SJHW(ItIhskr) m. historian, chronicler
|F |F |F |F |F (Itthe) adv. at this place, here
~U (~utthe) adv. here and there, hither and
- |F (Ittho ) adv. from here, from this place
|F U |F U |F U |F U |F U ( dar) m. the god of rains, king of gods, Lord
~HY (~Jl) m. illusion; magic, witchcraft; trap,
~H (~dhanush) m. rainbow, iris
|F U l/|F UY W |F U l/|F UY W |F U l/|F UY W |F U l/|F UY W |F U l/|F UY W ( darpur/ darlok) f. abode of
Lord Indra, heaven
|F Ul |F Ul |F Ul |F Ul |F Ul ( dar) f. one of the five senses; organs;
sexual organ, reproductive organ, generative
- Wu ~(- karam ~) f. physical organ (such as
hands, feet etc.)
- |Tm ~(- gIn ~) f. sense organ (such as
ear, nose etc.)
|F U |F U |F U |F U |F U (Idd ) adv. thus, like this, in this manner
|F |F |F |F |F (Iddhar) adv. on this side; here, hither
~U (~uddhar) adv. here and there, hither
and thither
~U W (~uddhar karn) id. to misplace,
to mislay; to settle (matter etc.)
~U Ulm u (~uddhar d mrn) id. to
talk through one's hat, to travel out of the record
~Ul TY U, U Ul TY |F W (~d gall
uddhar, uddhar d gall Iddhar karn) id.
to instigate, to provoke, to incite; to backbite
- |F U (- Iddhro uddhro) adv. from
anywhere/any place; from all sides
|FH WJ |FH WJ |FH WJ |FH WJ |FH WJ ( spekar) m. inspector
~HY (~Janral) m. inspector-general
- H ~(- sab ~) m. sub-inspector
- |FHWJl (- spe kar) f. inspectorship
|FHFlWY llm |FHFlWY llm |FHFlWY llm |FHFlWY llm |FHFlWY llm (Ins klopd) m. encyclopedia
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (Insn) m. human being, man, mankind
- |FHl (- Insn) a. pertaining to human being,
humanitarian, humane
- |FH l mS (- Insnat) f. humanity,
humanitarianism; gentlemanliness
|FHV |FHV |FHV |FHV |FHV (Insf) m. justice, fair play, equity
|FWu |FWu |FWu |FWu |FWu (Inkam) f. income
~JWH (~teks) m. income-tax
|FWY |FWY |FWY |FWY |FWY (Inklb) m. radical change, revolution
- |FWYl (-Inklb) m. revolutionary
|FW |FW |FW |FW |FW (Inkr) m. dissension, refusal, denial,
|FWl |FWl |FWl |FWl |FWl (Inkr) m. gainsayer
|FUH |FUH |FUH |FUH |FUH (InchrJ) m. incharge
|FH WH |FH WH |FH WH |FH WH |FH WH (InJe kshn) m. injection
|F=Y m H |F=Y m H |F=Y m H |F=Y m H |F=Y m H (Influ e z) m. influenza
|F -| |F -| |F -| |F -| |F -| ( n-b n) adv. exactly, similar, identical
|F |F |F |F |F (Inh) adv. these
~|SY |=U SY Jl (~tIl vIch tel nah ) prov.
it is futile to expect anything from a person
|F |F |F |F |F ( n) adv. so much, this much
~H (~sr) a. too much; so much
adv. in large quantity
~W (~ku) a. a bit, a little
adv. this much
- |F ( - ne n ) adv. in the meantime, in
the mean while
| F | FS | F | FS | F | FS | F | FS | F | FS (Ineat) f. favour, kindness, grace,
|Fu |Fu |Fu |Fu |Fu (Inm) m. prize, award; reward, gift
- |Ful (- Inm) adv. pertaining to prize
|F |F |F |F |F ( nu ) m. a ring shaped cushion kept on the
head for carrying weight
|FUS |FUS |FUS |FUS |FUS (Ibdat) f. worship, adoration, prayer
|FS |FS |FS |FS |FS (Ibrat) f. written matter, text, writing;
dictation; statement (maths.)
|Fu|SJ |Fu|SJ |Fu|SJ |Fu|SJ |Fu|SJ (Imtehn) m. examination; test, trial;
~U (~den ) v.t. to take the test; to go
through an ordeal
~Y (~len ) v.t. to give a test; to try, to test
-WU~(-kacch~) m. test
- W~(-pakk~) m. final exams, annual
|FuUU |FuUU |FuUU |FuUU |FuUU (Imdd) f. help, assistance, aid, support
|FuUUl |FuUUl |FuUUl |FuUUl |FuUUl (Imdd) a. one who helps
m. helper, supporter
|Fu J |Fu J |Fu J |Fu J |Fu J (Impor) m. import
|Fu |J |Fu |J |Fu |J |Fu |J |Fu |J (ImporI) a. imported
|Fu lmu |Fu lmu |Fu lmu |Fu lmu |Fu lmu (Imporam) m. emporium
|FuYl |FuYl |FuYl |FuYl |FuYl (Iml) f. tamarind, Tamarindus Indica
|Fuu |Fuu |Fuu |Fuu |Fuu (Imm) m. Muslim high priest; major bead of
|FuuUHS |FuuUHS |FuuUHS |FuuUHS |FuuUHS (Immdast) m. a mortar and pestle of
iron or brass used for pounding purposes
|Fuu= |Fuu= |Fuu= |Fuu= |Fuu= (Immbr) m. the yard in which Shia
Muslims keep and bury their Tazias; residence
of the Mohammadan Priest or a place where
the priest preaches his faith
|FuS |FuS |FuS |FuS |FuS (Imrat) f. house; building, edifice
|FuSl |FuSl |FuSl |FuSl |FuSl (Imrt) adv. pertaining to building
~YW=l (~laka) f. timber
|FU |TU |FU |TU |FU |TU |FU |TU |FU |TU (Ird gIrd) adv. around, on all sides, all
|FU |FU |FU |FU |FU (Ird) m. intention, purpose, aim; mind;
determination, resolve; wish, desire
-|FUS/|F|UU -|FUS/|F|UU -|FUS/|F|UU -|FUS/|F|UU -|FUS/|F|UU (Irdtan/Irdeo ) adv.
intentionally, deliberately, wilfully, purposely
- |FU Y (Irde nl) adv. intentionally,
deliberately, wilfully, purposely
|F Y |F Y |F Y |F Y |F Y (Ill) f. a hawk like bird, kite
~WW= mU/H (~kukka n un /
Jnn) id. to be totally illiterate or ignorant, to
know not 'B' from bull's foot
~U U W W H (~d nu koko n Jn n)
id. to be totally illiterate/ignorant
| FYJ u | FYJ u | FYJ u | FYJ u | FYJ u (Ilhm) m. divine communication of
knowledge, afflatus, divination, revelation,
prophecy, prophetic
|FYJul |FYJul |FYJul |FYJul |FYJul (Ilhm) a. pertaining to afflatus, divine
|FYHu |FYHu |FYHu |FYHu |FYHu (Ilzm) m. accusation, charge; allegation,
|F YS |F YS |F YS |F YS |F YS (Illat) f. mischief, devilment; bad habit,
|FYSH |FYSH |FYSH |FYSH |FYSH (IltJ) a. request, solicitation, entreaty
|F YSl |F YSl |F YSl |F YSl |F YSl (Illat) a. mischievous, naughty
|FYu |FYu |FYu |FYu |FYu (Ilam) m. education; knowledge, learning:
~J (~hon ) v.i. to possess knowledge
|FYul |FYul |FYul |FYul |FYul (Ilm) a. pertaining to education/knowledge/
|FY|FUl/|FYUl |FY|FUl/|FYUl |FY|FUl/|FYUl |FY|FUl/|FYUl |FY|FUl/|FYUl (IlIch/Ilch) f. cardamom,
Alpinia cardamum
~U (~dn ) m. sugar coated seeds of
- UJl ~(-chho ~) f. cardamom, Alpina or
elettaria cardamomum
- = l ~(-vadd ~) f. cardamom, Amomum
|FYJl |FYJl |FYJl |FYJl |FYJl (Ilh) a. divine, celestial
m. God, the Almighty
|FYW |FYW |FYW |FYW |FYW (Ilk) m. region, territory; area; jurisdiction
|FYWFl |FYWFl |FYWFl |FYWFl |FYWFl (Ilk) a. regional, territorial
|FYH |FYH |FYH |FYH |FYH (IlJ) m. medical treatment, therapy; remedy,
cure; way out, solution; punishment
~W (~karn) id. to mend, to improve, to
~Y JH UT (~nlo parhez chg) prov.
prevention is better than cure
|FY= |FY= |FY= |FY= |FY= (Ilv) adv. besides, in addition
|F=H |F=H |F=H |F=H |F=H (Ivaz) m. return, reward; replacement,
adv. in lieu of, in place of, in return, in reward
|F=H |F=H |F=H |F=H |F=H (Ivzn) m. compensation, recompense,
|F=Hl |F=Hl |F=Hl |F=Hl |F=Hl (Ivz) m. substitute, replacement
a. compensatory
|F= |F= |F= |F= |F= (Ive) adv. in this way, in this manner, like this
~|W= (~kIve) adv. how; somehow
FlH/FlH= FlH/FlH= FlH/FlH= FlH/FlH= FlH/FlH= ( shar/shvar) m. the Supreme being,
God, Providence, the Almighty
- FlH=l (shvar) a. pertaining to God
FlH=l/FlH=l H FlH=l/FlH=l H FlH=l/FlH=l H FlH=l/FlH=l H FlH=l/FlH=l H (sav/sav sn) m. year of Christian
era, Anno Domini, A.D.
FlHFl FlHFl FlHFl FlHFl FlHFl (s) m. follower of Christ, Christian
FlH uHlJ/FlH FlH uHlJ/FlH FlH uHlJ/FlH FlH uHlJ/FlH FlH uHlJ/FlH (s mash/s) m. J esus Christ
- FlH U T=J uH (- se d gavh mus) prov.
they agree like pickpockets
FlHU FlHU FlHU FlHU FlHU (Jd) f. invention, discovery, creation
FlU FlU FlU FlU FlU (d) f. a Mohammedan festival, Id; festivity,
rejoicing, happy occasion
~U U J (~d chn hon) id. to be seen
once in a blue moon
~|U J (~pIchchhe aru) id. a day after
the fair
FlUTJ FlUTJ FlUTJ FlUTJ FlUTJ (dgh) f. the place where Mohammedans
assemble for Id prayers
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl ( dhan) m. fuel, fire-wood
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl ( n) f. submission, surrender; subordination
~ ul (~n mnn) id. to hold the field
~ul (~mnn ) id. to submit, to surrender,
to yield
Flu Flu Flu Flu Flu ( mn) m. religion; faith, belief (in God);
conscience; honesty, integrity
~TmU (~guun ) id. to lose honesty
FluU FluU FluU FluU FluU (Imndr) a. honest, fair and square,
conscientious, faithful
Fl u U l Fl u U l Fl u U l Fl u U l Fl u U l ( mndr) f. honesty, integrity,
faithfulness, fair dealing
~H uS (~so nemat) prov. honesty is the
best policy
Flulm Flulm Flulm Flulm Flulm ( mn) adv. on faith, with all honesty
- Flu Flul (-mno mn) adv. with all
honesty, on oath
FlH FlH FlH FlH FlH ( rkh) f. jealousy, heart-burning, green-eye,
envy, malice, spite, grudge, ill-will
FlHY FlHY FlHY FlHY FlHY ( rkhlu ) a. jealous, green-eyed, envious
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl ( rn) m. Iran, Persia
Fll Fll Fll Fll Fll ( rn) a. Persian
F W F W F W F W F W (ek) suff. a suffix when added to word gives
the meaning of one, single etc.
F WS F WS F WS F WS F WS (ekt) f. unity, oneness, harmony
~|=U Y J (~vIch bal he ) prov. union is
F Wu F Wu F Wu F Wu F Wu (ekam) f. the first day of the lunar fortnight
~U U (~d chn) m. crescent
F W= F W= F W= F W= F W= (ekar) m. a measure of land (about 4840 sq.
yards), acre
F W F W F W F W F W (ek) m. the numeral 1, one; unity, oneness
F WS F WS F WS F WS F WS (ek t) m. solitude, aloofness, isolation; privacy
F WY F WY F WY F WY F WY (eklap) m. monologue
F WlW F WlW F WlW F WlW F WlW (ekkarn ) m. unification, integration,
consolidation, amalgamation
F H Hl F H Hl F H Hl F H Hl F H Hl (eJs) f. agency
F H Jl F H Jl F H Jl F H Jl F H Jl (eJ) f. the work or post of an agent,
agentship; brokerage, broking
F F F F F (ed) adv. so much, this much
F F F F F (etho) adv. from here, from this (place)
F U F U F U F U F U (ed ) adv. this way, like this, likewise
F F F F F (edhar) adv. towards this side
F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y (edharla ) a. belonging to this side, of this
F F F F F (ena) a. this much
F F F F F (erna) m. dried cowdung cake
F YUl F YUl F YUl F YUl F YUl (elch) m. emissary, envoy, ambassador, elchee
F Y m F Y m F Y m F Y m F Y m (elu ) m. aloe

H H H H H (sass) m. fourth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet, it
represents the sibilant consonant sound
HU HU HU HU HU (shaur) m. manners, etiquette; intelligence
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (sa) f. female friend
H H H H H H H H H H (sass) f. mother-in-law, husband's or wife's
H HW H HW H HW H HW H HW (sskarn) m. edition; issue (of paper,
magazine) etc.
HHW HHW HHW HHW HHW (saskr) m. obsequies, cremation, last rites
HHW HHW HHW HHW HHW (sskr) m. impression or influence of ancestral
faiths, cultural traditions, which become a part
of one's personality, mental impression,
sacrament; purification, refinement; rite, ritual,
H H|W S H H|W S H H|W S H H|W S H H|W S (sskrIt) f. the classical language of India
which is the source of Indian languages,
H H|W SW H H|W SW H H|W SW H H|W SW H H|W SW (sskrItak) a. pertaining to culture, cultural
H H|W Sl H H|W Sl H H|W Sl H H|W Sl H H|W Sl (sskrIt) f. culture
HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS (shastar) m. weapons, arms; instrument
~WY (~kal) f. skill to wield arms, martial-art
~= (~ghar) m. armoury, arsenal
~l (~dhr) a. equipped with arms, armed
m. warrior
~ (~badh) a. armed; arms
~|=|Um (~vIdI) f. knowledge or skill in using
arms, science of arms, weapon training
HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS (sast) a. cheap, inexpensive; second-rate, low-
priced; of low standard, cheap (literature); trivial;
of little value
- HHS Fm (- saste bha) adv. dirt-cheap, at throw
away price, dog-cheap
~Fm H J (~bha su) id. to sell at a throw
away price
H H H H H H H H H H (ssth) f. institution, organisation,
establishment; society, body, concern
H HFl/H HW H HFl/H HW H HFl/H HW H HFl/H HW H HFl/H HW (ssth/ssthnak ) a. pertaining
to institution, institutional
H H W H H W H H W H H W H H W (ssthpak) m. founder, institutor,
H H S H H S H H S H H S H H S (ssthpat) a. established, founded,
H H H H H H H H H H (ssthpan) m. establishment, founding,
H HU H HU H HU H HU H HU (ssad) m. Parliament
H HUl H HUl H HUl H HUl H HUl (ssd) a. Parliamentary, Parliamentarian
H HY H H HY H H HY H H HY H H HY H (sslesha) m. synthesis
H HY H SuW H HY H SuW H HY H SuW H HY H SuW H HY H SuW (ssleshntmak) a. synthetical,
H H H H H H H H H H (ss) m. uncertainty, doubt, suspicion; anxiety,
H H H H H H H H H H (ssr) m. world, earth, universe
H HW H HW H HW H HW H HW (ssrak) a. worldly, earthly, mundane,
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (ssr) a. worldly, earthly, mundane
H H W H H W H H W H H W H H W (sshodhak) a. modifier
H H S H H S H H S H H S H H S (sshodhat) a. amended; revised, modified,
H H H H H H H H H H (sshodhan) m. amendment; revision,
HH H HH H HH H HH H HH H (shashopJ) m. dilemma, quandary, double-
mindedness, irresolution, indecision, hesitancy,
~|=U (~vIch) adv. on the horns of dilemma
HH FS HH FS HH FS HH FS HH FS (sashobhat) a. well-adorned, ornamented
HJH/HJ H HJH/HJ H HJH/HJ H HJH/HJ H HJH/HJ H (sahasar/sahsar) m. one thousand,
a. innumerable, countless
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sah) m. rabbit, hare
HJ|FW HJ|FW HJ|FW HJ|FW HJ|FW (sahek) m. assistant; helper, supporter, ally
a. helpful, supporting
~H (~se n) f. auxiliary force
~Ul (~nad) f. tributary
HJ|FS HJ|FS HJ|FS HJ|FS HJ|FS (sahaet) f. help, assistance, aid; support
HJFl HJFl HJFl HJFl HJFl (sah) a. helper, supporter
~J (~hon) id. to stand (a person) in good
stead, to come to one's rescue, to help, to support
HJUS HJUS HJUS HJUS HJUS (shahdat) f. evidence, witness, testimony;
~U Hu l (~d Jm pn) id. to die a
martyr, to sacrifice one's life
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (shahn) a. royal, kingly, imperial;
magnificent, splendid
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sahrn) v.t. to tolerate, to bear, to endure,
to suffer
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sahr) m. support, succour, aid, assistance,
help; refuge, shelter; patience; pillow, support;
dependence, mainstay
~W (~karn) id. to keep patience, to wait
~U (~den) v.t. to lend a helping hand, to
give one a leg up
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (seh) pref. a prefix which denotes the meaning
of 'co' as in 'H|J-|H|Hm' 'co-education', 'H|J-HUW'
prep. co, with, alongwith, simultaneously
~ ml (~ apra dh) m. co-accused,
~T (~gn) m. chorus
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (she h) f. abetment, instigation, incitement; check
(in chess)
~U (~den) id. to encourage for doing
H|JH F H|JH F H|JH F H|JH F H|JH F (sehsubh) adv. instinctively, naturally,
H|JW H|JW H|JW H|JW H|JW (sehak) f. yearning, longing, urge
H|JW H|JW H|JW H|JW H|JW (sehakn) v.i. to pine, to yearn, to long
H|JWS H|JWS H|JWS H|JWS H|JWS (sehkrt) f. co-operation; collaboration
H|JWl H|JWl H|JWl H|JWl H|JWl (se hkr) a. & m. co-operative; co-operator,
co-worker, fellow-worker, associate
~HF (~sabh) m. co-operative society
~W (~be k) m. co-operative bank
H|JU H|JU H|JU H|JU H|JU (sehchr) m. co-operation, association
H|JH H|JH H|JH H|JH H|JH (se haJ) a. easy, simple; even-tempered, patient;
natural, spontaneous
~H FU (~subhu) adv. instinctively, naturally,
~W H |uJ JF (~pake so mIh hoe) prov.
slow and steady wins the race
H|JHU H|JHU H|JHU H|JHU H|JHU (shehzd) m. son of a king or emperor,
H|JH H|JH H|JH H|JH H|JH (se hJe) adv. slowly, gradually, without efforts,
~H|JH (~se hJe) adv. by and by, gradually
H|JHWSl H|JHWSl H|JHWSl H|JHWSl H|JHWSl (sehanshakt) f. patience, tolerance,
forbearance, endurance
- H|JHlY (sehanshl) a. tolerant, forbearing
- H|JHlYS (se han shlt) f. tolerance,
patience, forbearance, endurance
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (sehn) v.t. to put up with, to tolerate, to
endure, to sustain, to bear
- H|JU= (se hdar) a. habitual of bearing, used
to enduring (injustice, cruelty, sufferings etc.)
m. sufferer, endurer, one who bears the burnt
- H|JU H|JU ( se hd se hd) a. tolerable,
- H|JU H|JU (se hde se hde) adv. slowly,
gradually, leisurely
H|JS H|JS H|JS H|JS H|JS (sahIt) prep. with, along with, accompanied
H|JS S H|JS S H|JS S H|JS S H|JS S (shehtut) m. mulberry tree and its fruit
H|JU H|JU H|JU H|JU H|JU (shehad) m. honey
~=Y (~gholn ) id. to talk sweetly, to speak
softly and gently
~YT W UJ (~lag ke chat t n ) id. to bother
much over a vain thing , to be of no use
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (se han) m. yard, court, courtyard
H|JHWSl H|JHWSl H|JHWSl H|JHWSl H|JHWSl (sehanshakt) f. toleration, tolerance,
endurance, patience
- H|JHlY (sehanshl) a. tolerant, patient,
- H|JHlYS (se hanshlt) f. tolerance,
toleration, endurance, patience
- H|JUT (sehanyog) a. tolerable, bearable,
H|JHJ H|JHJ H|JHJ H|JHJ H|JHJ (shehanshh) m. king of kings, emperor,
H| H| H| H| H|JHJl JHJl JHJl JHJl JHJl (shehanshh) f. emperorship
H|JFl H|JFl H|JFl H|JFl H|JFl (she hn) f. a wind wood instrument,
H|JJl H|JJl H|JJl H|JJl H|JJl (se hph) m. class-fellow, class-mate
H|Ju H|Ju H|Ju H|Ju H|Ju (se ham) m. fear, fright, terror ; worry, anxiety
- H|J|um H|J|um (se hme se hme) a.
scared, terrified ,afraid
H|Ju H|Ju H|Ju H|Ju H|Ju (sehman) v.i. to be afraid, to get scared,
to be frightened
H| JuS H| JuS H| JuS H| JuS H| JuS (se hmat) a. agreeing, concurrent,
consentient, in agreement ,willing
~J (~hon) v.i. to see eye to eye with, to
settle for, to agree
- H|JuSl (se hmat) f. consent, assent,
concurrence, agreement, consensus
H|JU T H|JU T H|JU T H|JU T H|JU T (se hyog) m. co-operation, collaboration; help,
~U (~den) v.i. to lend co-operation, to
H| JU Tl H| JU Tl H| JU Tl H| JU Tl H| JU Tl (se hyog) a. & m. co-operative, co-
operator; associate, colleague; co-worker,
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (shehar) m. city, a big town
- H|J ~(shehro ~) adv. from one city to
- H|Jl (- shehar) a. urban
m. citizen
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (se hr) m. desert
H|JY H|JY H|JY H|JY H|JY (sehal) a. easy, simple, facile
~U (~banu) v.t. to make easy, to
simplify, to facilitate
H|JYU H|JYU H|JYU H|JYU H|JYU (sehlun) v.t. to rub gently, to caress
! !! !!
(sah) f. signature
~W (~karn) v.t. to attest, to testify
z zz zz
(sah) a. correct, right, accurate, apt, proper,
~HJl (~sah) adv. correctly, accurately
~HYuS (~salmat) a. safe and sound,
~W (~karn) id. to correct
HJlU HJlU HJlU HJlU HJlU (shahd) m. martyr
~J (~hon) v.t. to lay down one's life
HJlUl HJlUl HJlUl HJlUl HJlUl (shahd) f. martyrdom
a. pertaining to martyr or martyrdom
~T (~gn bnhan ) id. to be ready
to lay down one's life, to be ready to sacrifice
~ (~purb) m. martyrdom day
! !! !!
(shahu) m. husband, life-partner, spouse; lover
z zz zz
(shahu) m. courage, boldness
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sah) f. swear, oath; pledge; vow
~Hl (~khn ) v.t. to swear; to take a vow
~UWl (~chukkan) v.t. to take oath
~Ul (~pun) v.t. to take a vow; to forbid
in the name of God or some dear one
~ Ul (~rabb d) ph. bedad, begad, begorra,
by God
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sohr) m. father-in-law
f. an unoffensive abuse
HJ l/HJ lF HJ l/HJ lF HJ l/HJ lF HJ l/HJ lF HJ l/HJ lF (so hr/so hre) f. an unoffensive abuse
HJ l HJ l HJ l HJ l HJ l (sohr ) f. in-law's-house/residence, in law's
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sohre) m. in-laws
HJ YS HJ YS HJ YS HJ YS HJ YS (sahu lat) f. facility , comfort , ease,
convenience ,privilege
HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y (sehelpun ) f. companionship among girls
HJ Yl HJ Yl HJ Yl HJ Yl HJ Yl (sahel) f. female friend or companion
HJ = HJ = HJ = HJ = HJ = (saher ) f. selection of bride or bridegroom made
by others
HJ = ( saher n) id. to undertake a difficult
HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J (sahot ) m. youngone of hare, leveret
HW HW HW HW HW (shak) m. name of an ancient race or tribe that
invaded India
- HW HuS (-shak smat) m. a national calendar
of India introduced by Raja Shalivahan after 78
years of Christian era
H W H W H W H W H W (sakk) m. bark, rind; the bark of walnut tree
used by women for cleaning teeth and colouring
their lips
H W H W H W H W H W (shakk) m. doubt, suspicion, disbelief, suspense
~H (~shubh) m. doubt, suspicion, disbelief,
~W (~karn) v.t. to doubt, to suspect, to
smell a rat; to call in question
~Ul H Y =H (~d nazar nl vekhn)
id. to look askance at
HW H=l HW H=l HW H=l HW H=l HW H=l (shakJv) f. a soft drink prepared by mixing
lemon and sugar in water, lemonade
HW H/HW H HW H/HW H HW H/HW H HW H/HW H HW H/HW H (sakJ/shakJ) m. clamp, vice/vise;
clutches, grip, grasp
~WH (~kass) id. to clamp down on
- HWH |=U mU (shakJe vIch un ) id. to
fall into the clutches of
- H ~|=U J (Jn ~vIch hon) id. to be in
hot water, to be in trouble
H WJ H WJ H WJ H WJ H WJ (ska) m. crisis; hard-time; peril, danger;
calamity, adversity
- HWJWY (skakl) m. emergency
- H WJWYl (skakln) a. pertaining to
emergency, emergent
- HWJ (skapurn) a. critical
HW HW HW HW HW (sakn) v.t. to have the ability or skill to do a
work, can, may
HW S HW S HW S HW S HW S (skattar) m. secretary
- U ~(up ~) m. deputy-secretary
- HY ~(gernal ~) m. general secretary
- |Hl ~(nIJ ~) m. personal secretary
- uH ~(mukkh ~) m. chief-secretary
HW Sl HW Sl HW Sl HW Sl HW Sl (sakattar) f. the work or post of secretary,
HW S S HW S S HW S S HW S S HW S S (sakattret) m. secretariat
! !! !!
(sakt) m. a kind of disease, catalepsy
z zz zz
(sakt) m. strong, powerful, authoritarian
HWSl HWSl HWSl HWSl HWSl (shakt) f. power, strength, might, energy,
vigour; capacity, ability; potency; authority;
- HWSlHYl (shaktshl) a. powerful, strong,
mighty, vigorous
H W H W H W H W H W (shakkar) f. raw sugar; jaggery
~H H W |uY Jl HUl J (~khore n shakkar
mIl h Jad he) prov. spend and God will send
~ (~pr) m. a kind of sweetmeat
~T (~rog) m. diabetes
- HW (shakkarkhor) a. fond of eating,
HWW Ul HWW Ul HWW Ul HWW Ul HWW Ul (shakarkd) f. sweet-potato, Batatas
H W |S H W |S H W |S H W |S H W |S (shakkarpItan) m. a kind of herb used
for purgation
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (sakrn) f. screen
HWl| T HWl| T HWl| T HWl| T HWl| T (sakrng) f. screening
HWY HWY HWY HWY HWY (shakal) m. face; shape, form; figure, structure,
countenance, looks, diagram
~H S (~su rat) f. countenance, looks,
~ |=HU (~n vIkhun) id. to avoid
meeting or visits
~|WY (~nIkaln ) id. to look smart, to look
~|uY (~mIln ) be after (some one)
~|=HU (~vIkhun) id. to meet, to visit
~|=T= (~vIgr n) id. to disfigure, to
- Ju ~(- ham ~) a. resembling in appearance,
H WYS H WYS H WYS H WYS H WYS (skalt) a. compiled, collected
H WY H WY H WY H WY H WY (skalan) m. compilation, collection,
H WY H WY H WY H WY H WY (skalp) m. resolve, determination, resolution;
solemn promise made before one's deity; idea,
concept; volition, will, vow
~W (~karn) v.t. to resolve, to determine
~|=WY (~vIkalp) m.. indecision, dilemma
HW HW HW HW HW (sak) a. real (brother, father etc.),uterine, blood
relation; near relative, cognate, consanguine
~HWY (~sakel) a. near or close relatives,
- HW |U U =l |YJH W (- sake peo d v
lIhz n karn) id. to be very impartial
H W H W H W H W H W (sakk) m. water-carrier who carries water in
leather bag
H W H W H W H W H W (shk) f. doubt, disbelief, distrust, suspicion;
fear, apprehension
HW/HW HW/HW HW/HW HW/HW HW/HW (sakrath/sakrth) a. of some use,
meaningful, fruitful, purposeful
HW HW HW HW HW (sakran) m. honour of a bill of exchange or
HW HW HW HW HW (sakrn) v.t. to honour a bill of exchange,
to cash
H|W J H|W J H|W J H|W J H|W J (sak) m. sixtieth part of a minute, second;
very short time
- H|WJ |=U (sak vIch) adv. in no time, in a
wink, in the twinkling of an eye
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (shakk) a. sceptical, mistrustful, suspicious,
doubtful, sceptic
~|uHH (~mIzJ) a. of suspicious nature,
sceptical, suspecting, mistrustful
HWlu HWlu HWlu HWlu HWlu (sakm) f. scheme, plan; plot, conspiracy
HWlul HWlul HWlul HWlul HWlul (sakm) a. scheming, tricky, designing; plotter,
H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl (skran) a. narrow, parochial, narrow-
H Wl S H Wl S H Wl S H Wl S H Wl S (skrant) f. narrow-mindedness,
parochiality, narrowness
HWll HWll HWll HWll HWll (sakr) f. relationship
HWl=l HWl=l HWl=l HWl=l HWl=l (sakv) m. skeevy
H W |US H W |US H W |US H W |US H W |US (skuchIt) a. contracted, limited, narrow,
~|U HJl (~drIsht) f. narrowness, narrow-
minded, narrow-view
~|=U (~vIchr) f. narrow outlook, narrow
HW SY U HW SY U HW SY U HW SY U HW SY U (shaktl chen) f. an ornament of feet,
anklet (women)
HW J HW J HW J HW J HW J (sakuar) m. scooter
HW Jl HW Jl HW Jl HW Jl HW Jl (sakar) f. moped
HW HW HW HW HW (saku n) m. peace, tranquillity
~|uY (~mIln ) id. to feel relieved
HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y (sakul) m. school
HW Yl HW Yl HW Yl HW Yl HW Yl (saku l) a. pertaining to school
H W S H W S H W S H W S H W S (sket) m. signal; hint, clue; gesticulation,
gesture; symbol, emblem
~|Yl (~lIp) m. notation, short-hand
- HWSW (-sketak) a. symbolic
HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y (sakel) m. scale
HW U HW U HW U HW U HW U (sakech) m. sketch
HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y (sakedal) m. scandal
H W U H W U H W U H W U H W U (skoch) m. shyness, bashfulness, modesty,
hesitation, reluctance; economy, frugality, thrift
- HWU= (-skochvn) a. shy, bashful, modest;
hesitant, reluctant; economical, frugal, thrifty
H W Ul H W Ul H W Ul H W Ul H W Ul (skoch) a. shy, bashful, modest; hesitant,
reluctant, thrifty
HW HW HW HW HW (sakop) m. scope
! !! !!
(skh) m. conch-shell, chank
z zz zz
(skh) a. one lac billion
HH HH HH HH HH (shak hs) m. person, individual
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (shak hs) a. personal, individual
HHlmS HHlmS HHlmS HHlmS HHlmS (shak hsat) f. personality, individuality
! !! !!
(sakkhn ) a. empty, hollow; vacant,
unoccupied; blank, inane (of wisdom)
z zz zz
/H Hl /H Hl /H Hl /H Hl /H Hl (sakkhn /sakkhn ) m. & f. a
weaver's quill from which warp is taken
HS HS HS HS HS (sak ht) a. hard, firm; stern, severe (pain etc.);
strict, rigid; rigorous; hard-hearted, callous
~WUu UJU (~kadam uthun) id. to take
a stern action
HSl /HS Fl HSl /HS Fl HSl /HS Fl HSl /HS Fl HSl /HS Fl (sak ht/sak ht) f. hardness,
firmness, sternness, strictness, stiffness
~S HSl W (~te sakht karn) id. to get
on one's nerves, to be too strict, to oppress
~Y (~nl) adv. strictly, harshly, severely
HH HH HH HH HH (sakh) m. friend, buddy, chum
HH U J HH U J HH U J HH U J HH U J (sakhut ) f. incitement, instigation,
H =S H =S H =S H =S H =S (sak hvat) f. munificence, bounty,
bounteousness, generosity, benevolence
H |HmW H |HmW H |HmW H |HmW H |HmW (skheak) a. numerical, numerary
H |Hm H |Hm H |Hm H |Hm H |Hm (skhe) m. number; sum, calculation
~Wu (~kram) m. numerical order
~=UW (~vchak) a. quantitative
H | HS H | HS H | HS H | HS H | HS (s ss sskhIpt) a. brief, concise; abridged,
summarised, abbreviated form
~ (~rup) m. an abbreviated form, short
! !! !!
(sakh) f. a female friend
z zz zz
(sakh) a. munificent, bounteous, bountiful,
generous; liberal, magnanimous, philanthropist
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (s ss sskh) f. piece of meat with bone
H Hlm H Hlm H Hlm H Hlm H Hlm (s ss sskh) m. a kind of poison, arsenic
H H H H H H H H H H (s ss sskhep) a. brief, nutshell; abridged; concise
~|=U (~vIch) adv. in short, in nut shell, briefly
H H S H H S H H S H H S H H S (s ss sskhept) f. conciseness, brevity,
succinctness, terseness, briefness
! !! !!
(s ss ssg) f. shyness, bashfulness, modesty,
coyness; hesitation, hesitancy, diffidence
~H T (~sg) f. shyness, hesitation,
~HY (~khulhn) id. to get mixed up with
- |H T (nIsg) adv. without hesitation,
unhesitatingly, without hitch
z zz zz
(sg) m. company, companion, friend,
comrade, companionship; companions of a
journey, a group of pilgrims
~H (~sth) m. company, companionship
~WHT (~kusg) m. good or bad company
a aa aa
(sg) m. stone
~SH (~tarsh) m. stonemason, stone-cutter,
~|UY (~dIl) a. hard-hearted, cruel
- HTuu (sgmarmar) m. marble
H TJ H TJ H TJ H TJ H TJ (sgahan) m. organisation, federation,
confederation; unity, union
H T|JS H T|JS H T|JS H T|JS H T|JS (sgahIt) a. organized
H T H T H T H T H T (sgan ) v.i. to feel shy, to be bashful; to
H TS H TS H TS H TS H TS (sgat) f. society, company; friendship,
associ ati on; rel i gi ous congregati on;
correspondence (maths.)
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to keep company, to
associate with
~W (~kon) m. corresponding angle
- H ~(- sdh ~) f. congregation of religious
H TS H TS H TS H TS H TS (sgtar) m. orange, Citrus aurantium
HT HT HT HT HT (shagan) m. omen, augury, presage,
bodement; betrothal; money given to bride or
bridegroom or a child or a person on marriage
or birthday or any auspicious occasion as a
~WHT (~kushagan) m. good or bad omens
~U (~pun) id. to betroth, to engage;
to give a monetary gift on an auspicious
~uU (~manun ) id. to wish for
someone's welfare
~u= (~morn) id. to break the betrothal
~|=U (~vIchrn) id. to consider the
- HT F|m (shagan bhare) a.
auspicious, propitious
H Tu H Tu H Tu H Tu H Tu (sgam) m. confluence (of rivers);
conjunction, union, conjuncture; meeting
H T |J H T |J H T |J H T |J H T |J (sgre h) m. collection, compilation; hoard,
stock, store
~WS (~kart) m. collector; compiler;
~W (~karn) v.t. to collect, to gather; to
compile, to hoard, to stock, to store
H T|Jl H T|Jl H T|Jl H T|Jl H T|Jl (sgrehn) f. a disease, sprue
H T |JS H T |JS H T |JS H T |JS H T |JS (sgre ht) a. collected; compiled; hoarded,
H TU H TU H TU H TU H TU (sgrd) f. the first day of a month of
Bikrami year
H Tu H Tu H Tu H Tu H Tu (sgrm) m. battle, warfare, fight; struggle
- HSSS ~(suttarta ~) m. freedom struggle
- Hl= ~(-Jvan ~) m. life struggle
H T ul /H T ul m H T ul /H T ul m H T ul /H T ul m H T ul /H T ul m H T ul /H T ul m (sgrm/sgrm) a.
struggler; fighter
- HSSS ~(-suttart ~) m. freedom fighter
HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY (sagal) a. whole, all, entire, total, complete
H TY H TY H TY H TY H TY (sgal) m. thick chain of iron or steel
~S =U (~tur un ) id. to crave for freedom
~U (~pun) id. to curtail the feathers,
to enslave, to enchain
~ (~pe n ) id. to lose one's freedom, to
be enslave
HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY (sagl) m. an ornament of ankles
H TYl H TYl H TYl H TYl H TYl (sgl) f. light chain; an ornament of ankles,
anklet; sequence, series
H TU H TU H TU H TU H TU (sgu ) a. shy, bashful, modest, coy
HTFl HTFl HTFl HTFl HTFl (sag) f. engagement, betrothal
H |Tm H |Tm H |Tm H |Tm H |Tm (sge) f. noun
H|TU H|TU H|TU H|TU H|TU (shagIrad) m. follower; disciple; pupil,
H|TUl H|TUl H|TUl H|TUl H|TUl (shagIrd) f. disciplenship; pupilage
H Tl/H Tl = Y H Tl/H Tl = Y H Tl/H Tl = Y H Tl/H Tl = Y H Tl/H Tl = Y (sagg/sagg phull) f. a dome shaped
ornament worn by women on the top of the
~Y U (~nl pard) prov. to be a
mother's child, hang on
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl (sg ) m. friend, buddy, companion; fellow
~Hl (~sa th) m. friends, companions
H TlS H TlS H TlS H TlS H TlS (sgt) n. music
~HHS (~shstar) m. the art of music
~HHSl (~shstar) m. musicologist
~JW (~ntak) m. opera
H TlSW H TlSW H TlSW H TlSW H TlSW (sgtak) a. musical
H TlSW H TlSW H TlSW H TlSW H TlSW (sgtkr) m. musician, melodist; music
H TlS T H TlS T H TlS T H TlS T H TlS T (sgtagg) m. musician
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl
! !! !!
(sgn) a. grave, serious (crime); severe,
intense; capital
~HH (~saz) f. capital punishment
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl
z zz zz
(sgn) m. bayonet
HT V HT V HT V HT V HT V (shaguf) m. unblossmed flower, bud
H T = H T = H T = H T = H T = (sgev) m. shyness, bashfulness
HT HT HT HT HT (sago ) adv. rather, on the contrary, but
H T = H T = H T = H T = H T = (sgor) m. contraction, shrinking, contracting
H T = H T = H T = H T = H T = (sgor n) v.t. to draw together, to contract
H = H = H = H = H =
! !! !!
(sgh) n. throat, gullet, gorge
~HW (~sukkaa) id. to feel very thirsty
~= (~pana) id. to shout one's voice, to
speak very loudly
~ J (~be t han a ) v.i. to get hoarsen (voice),
to have a hoarse voice
H = H = H = H = H =
z zz zz
(sgh) m. organisation, association, union,
H = H = H = H = H = (sghn) a. dense, thick
~W (~karn) v.t. to thicken, to make thick
H =S H =S H =S H =S H =S (sghat) m. code
H =H H =H H =H H =H H =H (sgharash) m. struggle, strife; conflict,
clash, confrontation
~W (~karn) v.i. to struggle, to strive
- Hl= ~(-Jvan~) m. struggle of life
H == H == H == H == H == (sghr) m. water chestnut, water caltrop,
Trapa bisapinosa
H =l H =l H =l H =l H =l (sgh) f. the front part of throat, gullet
~= J (~ghut t aa ) id. to pressurize
(someone) to do something
~J U (~nah de) id. to compel
(someone) to do something
- H= Wl Y|J (sgho burk n lehn)
id. to be over worried
H U H U H U H U H U (sacch) m. truth, reality, fact; true, right, correct
~HU (~sacch) adv. truthfully
~W W u (~kar ke mn) id. to trust,
to rely, to believe
~H (~khd) m. the abode of Brahma or
~KJ (~Jhu h) m. partly true partly false,
mixture of true and false
~U YY, K J U u J WY (~d bolbl, Jhu t h
d mu h kl) prov. truth conquers a lie falls,
truth always triumphs, truth is evergreen
~Ul = Y Jl (~d vel har) prov. truth is
~ mU Jl (~n ch nah ) prov. truth
fears no examination, truth is evergreen, truth
knows no test
~uU (~mucch) adv. truly, indeed, really, in
reality, actually, in truth
- HUl TY W =l YTUl J (- sacch gall ko lagad
he) prov. truth is always bitter
~TY S |FJ J (~gall t eh he) ph. this is the
reality, the truth is this
H U H U H U H U H U (sacch) a. truthful; veracious
~HU (~succh) a. truthful, right-minded;
honest, fair and square; blameless, faultless
~HU (~sod) m. fair deal, honest business
H U/H U H U/H U H U/H U H U/H U H U/H U (sch/sacch) m. mould, cast, matrix
- HU |=U VY (- s ss ssche vIch hlan) id. to
mould (someone's personality)
HUFl HUFl HUFl HUFl HUFl (sach) f. truth, truthfulness, honesty;
actuality, reality, fact, veracity
H U H U H U H U H U (schr) m. communication
~ H (~ sdhan) m. means of
communication, the media
~W (~karn) v.t. to communicate, to
~ u Sl (~ m mm mmtr) m. minister of
communication, communication minister
H UYW H UYW H UYW H UYW H UYW (s ss sschlak) m. administrator; director;
manager, conductor
H UY H UY H UY H UY H UY (schlan) m. administration; direction;
~W (~karn) v.t. to administrate; to
manage, to direct
H|Um H|Um H|Um H|Um H|Um (sacher) m. honest man, fair and square
person, righteous
a. true
H |US H |US H |US H |US H |US (schIt) a. accumulated, collected, amassed
H|U S H|U S H|U S H|U S H|U S (sachIttar) a. illustrated, pictorial
HU S HU S HU S HU S HU S (sachet) a. alert, vigilant, cautious, conscious
~J (~hon) v.i. to be on the alert
~W (~karn) v.t. to put (someone) on the
alert; to forewarn, to caution; to awaken, to
~|J (~rehn) v.i. to be beware of
HH H HH H HH H HH H HH H (saJ Jn) id. to take one's seat, to be
~ H (~dhaJ) f. ornamentation;
decorativeness, decoration, pomp and show,
H H H H H H H H H H (saJJan ) m. gentle, noble person; friend;
husband; lover
~|uS (~mIttar) m. friend, buddy
HH HH HH HH HH (saJan ) v.i. to look attractive, to look
charming; to decorate oneself; to match, to suit
(clothes, jewellery etc.)
HH |=m|Jm/|=mJl HH |=m|Jm/|=mJl HH |=m|Jm/|=mJl HH |=m|Jm/|=mJl HH |=m|Jm/|=mJl (saJ vehe/vea hI ) a. newly
married, newly wed
- H|Hm HH|Fm (- saJe saJe) a. well
! !! !!
(saJd) a. befitting, suitable; handsome,
z zz zz
(saJd) m. the act of paying obeisance,
bowing down in veneration, genuflexion
H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu (sJam) m. restraint, abstinence, austerity
temperance; frugality, thrift
H Hul H Hul H Hul H Hul H Hul (sJm) a. abstinent, austere, temperate;
frugal, thrifty
H H H H H H H H H H (saJJar) a. fresh, verdurous; recent
HH HH HH HH HH (shaJr) m. illustrative table
~H (~nasab) m. family tree, genealogical
tree, lineage; a map showing agricultural land
HH HH HH HH HH (saz) f. punishment, sentence, penalty,
chastisement; imprisonment, jail
~Ul (~den) v.t. to punish, to penalize, to
~FTS (~bhugatn) id. to bear loss; to
undergo punishment
~|uY (~mIln ) v.i. to get punishment
~UVS (~yft) m. & a. who has under
gone legal punishment in the past ,legally
punished, convict, convicted
~U (~yb) m. a person serving a prison
sentence, convict
H H H H H H H H H H (saJJ) a. right
~J (~hatth) m. right hand; chief supporter
~H (~khabb) m. right and left; surrounding
~H U H (~khabb dekhan) id. to be
nonplus, at a nonplus, to be puzzled; to be wary;
to hesitate
~H UH (~khabb n dekhan) id. to
act recklessly
~ = H , H = H H (~dhove khabbe n
, khabb dhove saJJe n ) prov. scratch my
back and I will scratch yours
HHU HHU HHU HHU HHU (saJun) v.t. to decorate, to beautify, to
adorn, to ornament; to bedeck, to embellish
HH|Fm HH|Fm HH|Fm HH|Fm HH|Fm (saJe) a. new born, newly born
H HV H HV H HV H HV H HV (sJf) m. hem, fringe
HH =J HH =J HH =J HH =J HH =J (saJvat ) f. decoration, adornment,
beautification, embellishment
HH =Jl HH =Jl HH =Jl HH =Jl HH =Jl (saJvat ) a. decorative, decorated,
ornamental, adorning
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (saJJ) f. soluble base, alkali
HHlUTl HHlUTl HHlUTl HHlUTl HHlUTl (sJdg) f. sobriety, soberness, seriousness;
earnestness, sincerity
H HlU H HlU H HlU H HlU H HlU (sJd) a. sober, serious, earnest, solemn
~YT (~laggn) id. to receive a blow, to
get a shock, to be shocked; to sustain injury
- |H S ~ (- sIr te ~pen) id. to have
befall of sudden calamity
- Wl ~(- karr ~) f. severe blow, serious
set back
- TKl ~(- guJJh ~) f. contusion, bruise
HJW HJW HJW HJW HJW (sak) m. anaemia
HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J (sa) m. stunt
HJJU HJJU HJJU HJJU HJJU (sapaun) v.i. to be surprised, to be
H J H J H J H J H J (sa) m. speculation, business at stock
exchange; gambling; wild guess, bluff
~H (~bazr) m. stock exchange
~Hl (~bazr) f. speculative trade
~YU (~lun) v.t. to gamble; to make a
wild guess
- mJ ~(- a ~) m. rough estimate
- H J H (-saebz) m. speculator; bluff,
- H J Hl (-saeba z) f. speculation,
speculativeness; a commercial undertaking
characterized by risk of loss as well as
opportunity for profit, venture
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sapu) m. a kind of game
HJlW HJlW HJlW HJlW HJlW (sak) m. text with annotation, text with
HJlu HJlu HJlu HJlu HJlu (sam) f. steam
HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y (saul) m. pegtable, stool
HJ m| T HJ m| T HJ m| T HJ m| T HJ m| T (saerg) m. steering
HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H (saeshan) m. railway station; posting place;
HJ Hl HJ Hl HJ Hl HJ Hl HJ Hl (saeshnar) f. stationery
HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H (seJ) f. stage
H J H J H J H J H J (sah) a.& m. sixty
H J= H J= H J= H J= H J= (sahv) a. sixtieth
H|JmU /H|Jm H H|JmU /H|Jm H H|JmU /H|Jm H H|JmU /H|Jm H H|JmU /H|Jm H (saheun/sahe Jn)
v.i. to be indotage, to dote, to become senile
H|Jm|Fm H|Jm|Fm H|Jm|Fm H|Jm|Fm H|Jm|Fm (sahee) a. doted, sexagenarian
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (sah) f. a kind of paddy which ripens in
sixty days; coarse kind of rice
~VHY (~fasal) f. catch crop
H Hl J H Hl J H Hl J H Hl J H Hl J (saJJ bh) f. right arm, sword arm; close
helper, chief supporter
HH H W U ( saJJe khabbe kar den)
id. to misplace a thing intentionally
~H KW (~khabbe Jhkan) id. to be
non-plus, to be perplexed; to ogle, to cast
glances around
~|HU (~pseo) adv. from the right side
~H (~pse) adv. right side, right hand,
HHlY HHlY HHlY HHlY HHlY (saJl) a. handsome, good-looking, comely,
HHl= HHl= HHl= HHl= HHl= (saJv) a. lively, alive, vivacious, animate
~W (~karn) v.t. to revive, to resurrect
HHl=S HHl=S HHl=S HHl=S HHl=S (saJvt) f. liveliness
H Hl=l H Hl=l H Hl=l H Hl=l H Hl=l (sJvn) f. an elixir; a mythical herb which
revives the dead
~HWSl (~shakt) f. life giving power
~Jl (~bu) f. a mythological life saving
H H H H H H H H H H (saJJu) a. right-handed
m. right-hander
H H H H H H H H H H (sJo) m. armour, coat of mail
H H T H H T H H T H H T H H T (sJog) m. chance, coincidence; luck, fate;
marital relation
~|F= (~bhIrn) id. to settle marriage
~=H (~vas) adv. by chance, per chance,
coincidentally, accidentally
~|=UT (~vIyog) m. union and separation
H H Tl H H Tl H H Tl H H Tl H H Tl (sJog) a. coincidental, accidental
adv. coincidentally, accidentally
~uY (~mel) m. providential meeting; a
term of farewell
H K H K H K H K H K (sJh) f. evening, dusk
~H= (~savera) m. dawn & dusk, evening
and morning
~H= (~savere) adv. at odd hours
H J H J H J H J H J (sa) f. injury, wound, lesion; blow, set back,
shock; stroke, whack
~H (~khaa) id. to suffer a blow, to get a
shock; to sustain loss
~=J (~phe) f. injury, hurt, wound, lesion
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sad o l) a. shapely, well-proportioned, elegant
H V H V H V H V H V (s ss ssh) a. incapable of bearing children, barren
(woman); infertile, farrow (buffalo); splice, joint
of strings
H V H V H V H V H V (s ss ssdhn) v.t. to twist together the two ends
of a string, to splice
H V H V H V H V H V (s ss ssd h) m. bull
a. stout, strong, robust
H H H H H (sa) m. hemp, jute, Crotolaria juncea
HW W= HW W= HW W= HW W= HW W= (sankukar) m. a coarse kind of hemp,
jute, flax
H H H H H (sae) adv. along with, together with, including
~W= (~kapar e) adv. with clothes
~WHl (~kes) adv. including hair
~J (~tabbar) adv. with family, together
HS HS HS HS HS (sat) m. essence, juice, extract; strength, vigour;
fidelity, virtue; restraint over senses; chasity
~FT W (~bhg karn) id. to deflower, to
~H/Y (~rakkhan/pla) id. to
preserve one's chastity
H S H S H S H S H S (satt) m.& a. seven
~HuU (~sam dar pr) ph. across the
seven seas, very far off
~S U S J (~pattan d tru hon)
id. to be an old stager, to be an old timer, to
have varied experiences
- HSH (- sattnJ) m. mixture of seven
- HSuJ (- sattmh) a. premature, born
after seven month's pregnancy; slow at
- HS= (-sattv) a. seventh
- HS U|Ym Ul HmJ J/|uY (-satt
chule d suh n hon /mIlan ) id. to have
nothing, to get a naught
- HSl W=l mT YT (- satt kappar agg
laggan ) id. to get enraged, to fly into passion,
to become furious
H S H S H S H S H S (s ss sst tt tt) m. saint, sadhu, saintly person; innocent
~|HJl (~sIph) m. saint soldier
~HF (~subh) a. saintly, virtuous, gentle
~YW (~lok) m. gentle-man, saintly person
- H ~(- sdhu ~) m. saints and seers
HSH T HSH T HSH T HSH T HSH T (satsg) m. company of good and religious
persons, assembly
HSH Tl HSH Tl HSH Tl HSH Tl HSH Tl (satsg) m. companion of religious
HSJ HSJ HSJ HSJ HSJ (sateh) f. surface
HSJl HSJl HSJl HSJl HSJl (sateh) a. surfacial; superficial
HSH T HSH T HSH T HSH T HSH T (satJug) m. the first era of Hindu aeon, the
Golden age, age of truth and righteousness
HSH Tl HSH Tl HSH Tl HSH Tl HSH Tl (satJug) a. pertaining to the first aeon of
Hindu belief; good, virtuous
HS S HS S HS S HS S HS S (satattar) m. a. seventy seven
HSH HSH HSH HSH HSH (satnJa ) m. mixture of seven cereals
HS HS HS HS HS (satbar) m. September
HS F HS F HS F HS F HS F (satbh) m. pillar, column
! !! !!
(satar) f. line, row
z zz zz
(satar) f. standard, level
H S H S H S H S H S (sattar) a. seventy
- HS|m JS|m (sattare bahattare) a.
sexagenarian, senile
HSW HSW HSW HSW HSW (satark) a. alert, cautious, vigilant, careful
HSWS HSWS HSWS HSWS HSWS (satarkt) f. alertness, caution ,watch
fullness, carefulness
HS T HS T HS T HS T HS T (satrg) a. of seven colours, iridescent,
- HSTl l= (- satrg p gh) f. rainbow, iris
HS H HS H HS H HS H HS H (shatrJ) chess
H S= H S= H S= H S= H S= (sattarav) a. seventieth
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl
! !! !!
(star) m. sentinal, sentry, guard; policeman
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl
z zz zz
(star) a. orange coloured
H S H S H S H S H S (shattru) m. enemy, foe
H SY= H SY= H SY= H SY= H SY= (sattla) a. of seven strands
HS= H= HS= H= HS= H= HS= H= HS= H= (satvJv ) a. fifty seventh
HS= H HS= H HS= H HS= H HS= H (satvJ) a. fifty-seven
HS= S/HS= S HS= S/HS= S HS= S/HS= S HS= S/HS= S HS= S/HS= S (satvt/satvt) a.& m. celibate,
celibatarian; virtuous
HS= Sl HS= Sl HS= Sl HS= Sl HS= Sl (satvt) f. faithful (wife); chaste (woman)
H S=l H S=l H S=l H S=l H S=l (sattav ) f. the seventh day of each lunar
half month; seventh class, seventh standard
! !! !!
/H Sl /H Sl /H Sl /H Sl /H Sl (satt/satt) m.& f. the seven of playing
cards, a playing card with seven pips
z zz zz
(satt) m. government; power, authority
- F ~(prabhu ~) f. sovereignty
- H ~(- rJ ~) m. legal power; sovereignty
- HSl (-sattdhr) a.& m. one who is in
power, a man in power, in authority; ruling;
powerful, strong
HSU HSU HSU HSU HSU (satun ) v.t. to oppress, to afflict; to vex,
to irritate, to tease; to bore, to tire
- H|Sm (ste) a. sufferer, afflicted; vexed,
irritated; bored, tired
HSFl HSFl HSFl HSFl HSFl (sat) a. f. twenty seven
HSFl= HSFl= HSFl= HSFl= HSFl= (satv ) a. twenty seventh
HSHl HSHl HSHl HSHl HSHl (sats) a. eighty seven
HSHl= HSHl= HSHl= HSHl= HSHl= (satsv) a. eighty seventh
HSJJ HSJJ HSJJ HSJJ HSJJ (sathath) a. sixty seven
HSJJ= HSJJ= HSJJ= HSJJ= HSJJ= (saththv ) a. sixty seventh
H S H S H S H S H S (stn) m. issue, offspring, progeny
~HHu (~sJam) m. family-planning
HS= HS= HS= HS= HS= (satnv) a. ninety seventh
H S H S H S H S H S (stp) m. anguish, agony, torment; remorse,
HSUl HSUl HSUl HSUl HSUl (shatbad) f. century, centenary
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (shatb) a. haste, hurry
adv. hastily, quickly, hurriedly, speedily
~uUU (~machun)id. to make haste
HS= HS= HS= HS= HS= (satrv ) a. seventeenth
HS HS HS HS HS (satr) a. seventeen
H SYl H SYl H SYl H SYl H SYl (stl) a. forty seven
H SYl= H SYl= H SYl= H SYl= H SYl= (stlv ) a. forty seventh
H|S H|S H|S H|S H|S (sat) m. truth; a prefix which denotes the
meaning of truth or God, as in 'H|Su',
'H|ST' etc.
~Hl mWY (~sr akl) f. a term of salutation
or greeting prevalent among Sikhs
~Wu (~karam) m. good deed, virtuous deed
~T (~guru) m. the true preceptor or Guru,
God, the Supreme being
~u (~nm) m. the Supreme being, God
~U (~bachan) adv. all right, yes sir
~uT (~mrag) m. path of truth, path of
righteousness, right path
~=Ul (~vd) a. righteous, truthful, veracious,
H|Sm H|Sm H|Sm H|Sm H|Sm (sate) f. power, energy, strength, vigour
- H|SmJl (-satehn) a. weak, exhausted
- H|SmT |J (-sategre h) m. passive,
resistance, moral resistance, satyagrah
- H|SmTJl (-sategre h) a. passive and moral
H| Sm H H| Sm H H| Sm H H| Sm H H| Sm H (satensh) m. annihilation,
extermination, total destruction, utter ruin
H|SW H|SW H|SW H|SW H|SW (satIkr) m. reverence, respect; honour,
veneration; hospitality
~U T (~yog) a. reverend, respectable,
venerable, honourable, honoured
H|SW H|SW H|SW H|SW H|SW (satIkarn) v.t. to honour, to revere; to
welcome, to respect
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (sat) f. faithful wife, chaste woman; a woman
who voluntarily burns herself alive on her
husband's pyre
a. chaste, undefiled, virtuous
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (satt) f. playing card with seven pips
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (shatr) m. wooden beam, wooden girder,
HSll HSll HSll HSll HSll (shatr) f. small wooden beam or girder
H S HJ H S HJ H S HJ H S HJ H S HJ (stusht) a. satiated, satisfied, gratified;
contented; happy, pleased
H S HJl H S HJl H S HJl H S HJl H S HJl (stush) f. contentment, satisfaction,
contentedness, propitiation, satiation
H S YS H S YS H S YS H S YS H S YS (stulat) a. balanced, poised
H S Y H S Y H S Y H S Y H S Y (stulan) m. balance, equilibrium, poise
H S H S H S H S H S (sattu) m. flour of parched barley used as a
dish by adding sugar and water
~ W |U (~bnh ke pIchchhe pen)
id. to harass someone pertinaciously, to hound
~uW H (~mukk Jn) id. to lose vigour,
to be totally exhausted
HS S/H|JS S HS S/H|JS S HS S/H|JS S HS S/H|JS S HS S/H|JS S (shatut/shehtut)) m. mulberry tree
and its fruit, Morus Indica
- WY ~(- kl ~) m. black mulberry, Morus
- |UJ ~(-chI~) m. mulberry, Morus alba
HS HS HS HS HS (satu n) m. pillar, post, column
HS HS HS HS HS (satu p) m. stupa, tope, monument (Budhistic)
H S H S H S H S H S (satte) f. the seventh day of each lunar half
H S H H S H H S H H S H H S H (stokh) m. contentment, satisfaction,
gratification, patience, complacence
- HSHHW (stokhJanak) a. satisfactory
H S H H S H H S H H S H H S H (stokhn ) v.t. to wrap the holy sri Guru
Granth Sahib in a cloth (with reverence)
H S Hl H S Hl H S Hl H S Hl H S Hl (stokh) a. contented, satisfied, gratified,
satiated, patient
HS T HS T HS T HS T HS T (satogun ) m. the first of the three
characteristics (of Maya) according to the
Indian philosophy of life, representing purity,
nobility and goodness, element of purity
HS T l HS T l HS T l HS T l HS T l (satogun ) a. having good qualities, pious,
virtuous etc.
HS S HS S HS S HS S HS S (satotar) m. an euology of God in verse,
hymn, psalm; euology
~HU (~sunun) id. to call names, to
use insulting language
H H H H H (satth) f. a common place of a village where
people assemble; meeting place of village
panchayat; a common place where cattle
assemble in the morning
H H H H H (satthar) m. straw mat; bedding and clothes
which a deceased was wearing at death; a
custom prevalent in Hindus according to which
the relatives of the deceased sleep on floor for
thirteen days
~|J (~behn) v.t. to sit on the ground
for mourning
HY HY HY HY HY (sathal) m. place, spot; land
H /H |m H /H |m H /H |m H /H |m H /H |m (sth/sthe)) f. lesson
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (sath) a. permanent, lasting, stable, durable;
refrain (of a song) etc.
H H H H H (sathn) m. place, spot; space; seat
- Hu ~(- Janam ~) m. birthplace, native
place, place of birth
HW HW HW HW HW (sathnak) a. local
HW HW HW HW HW (sathpak) m. founder
HS HS HS HS HS (sathpat) a. installed, founded, established
H H H H H (sathapn ) f. installation, foundation,
H|Sl H|Sl H|Sl H|Sl H|Sl (sathIt) f. situation, condition; state, position
H| H| H| H| H| (sthIr) a. stationary, fixed, motionless, stable,
steady, immovable
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sthul) a. tangible; concrete, solid; bulky, fat
H U H U H U H U H U (sadd) f. a kind of meter (in poetry); call, shout
~ U (~puchchh) f. say, importance;
H U H U H U H U H U (sd) m. tool, implements, instrument
~HU= (~sder) m. tools, implements etc.
HUW HUW HUW HUW HUW (sadk) m. sacrifice, alms
prep.because of, for the sake of, due to
HUW HUW HUW HUW HUW (sadke) intj. a term of affection and blessing
~ W (~karn) v.t. to wave offerings
around someone; to sacrifice
~H= (~Jv) ph. may I be a sacrifice to
- Hl ~(- J ~) adv. with great pleasure, by all
HUTSl HUTSl HUTSl HUTSl HUTSl (sadgat) f. liberation, emancipation;
salvation, deliverance, redemption
HUT HUT HUT HUT HUT (sadgun) m. good and admirable quality,
H U H U H U H U H U (saddn) v.t. to call, to summon, to send
for, to invite
- HUl YFl u Y= Ul SFl (- sadd n bul
me lre d t) prov. trespass on one's
HU HU HU HU HU (sadan) m. house of Parliament or legislative
assembly, Parliament house; literary centre
HUF= HUF= HUF= HUF= HUF= (sadbhv) m. good-feelings, kindly feelings
HUF= HUF= HUF= HUF= HUF= (sadbhvn) f. good-will, benevolence
HUu HUu HUu HUu HUu (sadm) m. shock, blow; distress, sorrow,
HU HU HU HU HU (sadar) m. & a. chairman, chair person,
president; head; main
~U=H (~darvz) m. main gate
~u Wu (~mukm) m. head quarter, head
office; capital
H UF H UF H UF H UF H UF (sdarbh) m. context, reference
H UY H UY H UY H UY H UY (sdal) m. sandal wood, Santalum album
H UYl H UYl H UYl H UYl H UYl (sdl) a. made of or pertaining to sandal
wood; of the colour of sandal
HU HU HU HU HU (sad) adv. always, ever; continually,
~HU S (~sad to ) adv. from the very
~HU YFl (~sad la) adv. for ever and ever
~H JT (~suhga) f. married woman
whose husband is alive; a blessing to enjoy the
companionship of her husband forever; a plant
and its flower
~Ul lU H (~d n dar so n ) id. to breathe
one's last, to expire, to pass away
~J (~bahr) a. evergreen, perennial
m. a plant that lives more than two years,
~YFl (~la) adv. for good, for ever
! !! !!
(sadd) f. call; a medicant's call for alms
z zz zz
(sadd) m. invitation; message, call
~S(~pattar) m. invitation card, written
~ Y= (~bulv) m. invitation; call, message
HUU HUU HUU HUU HUU (sadun) v.t. to send for through another
HUWS HUWS HUWS HUWS HUWS (sadkat) f. truth, truthfulness, reality
HUU HUU HUU HUU HUU (sadchr) m. right conduct, virtuous
conduct, morality; moral character, good
HUUW HUUW HUUW HUUW HUUW (sadchrak) a. moral, virtuous, ethical
HUUl HUUl HUUl HUUl HUUl (sadchr) a. of good conduct, virtuous
HUS HUS HUS HUS HUS (sadrat) f. presidentship, chairmanship
~W (~karn) v.t. to preside
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUl (sad) f. century, centenary, centennial
- HUlm U (-sad d) a. very old, ancient
~lS (~btn ) id. to have ages passed
HUl= HUl= HUl= HUl= HUl= (sadv) adv. ever , always, eternally ,forever
~WY(~ka l) m. eternity
HUl=l HUl=l HUl=l HUl=l HUl=l (sadv) a. permanent, for ever; eternal, ever
lasting, sempiternal
H U W H U W H U W H U W H U W (sduk) m. box, trunk, ark, chest
H U W=l H U W=l H U W=l H U W=l H U W=l(sdukar) f. a small box, casket
H U H H U H H U H H U H H U H (sdesh) m. message
H U J H U J H U J H U J H U J (sdeh) m. doubt, suspicion
~HW (~Janak) a. doubtful, dubious
~ (~puran) a. doubtful
H U J H U J H U J H U J H U J (sdeh) adv. early in the morning; early,
before usual time
~HUJ (~sdeh) adv. early
HU = HU = HU = HU = HU = (sadev) adv. always, ever
H H H H H (saddhar) f. cherished desire, yearning,
- H YJ (-saddhr lhun) id. to fulfil
one's cherished desires
- HFlm H Y SW (-saddhra nazar
nl takkn) id. to look at greedily, to look
longingly, to crave, to yearn
H H H H H (sadhran) a. ordinary; common, general,
customary; simple
~|=mH (~vIJ) m. simple interest
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW (sadhrnkaran) m. generalization,
H H H H H (sdhr) m. gifts and presents to a married
daughter from her parents on Teej (a festival)
H |m H |m H |m H |m H |m (sdhe) f. twilight, dusk, evening, sunset
time; evening prayer (by Hindus)
H l H l H l H l H l (sdh) f. alliance, treaty, agreement, pact;
reconcilement, reconciliation; combination of
~ U U (~chhed) m. separation of the
constituents in a conjuct word
~S (~pattar) m. deed or document of
H W=l H W=l H W=l H W=l H W=l (sdhu kar ) f. a dialect which is the mixture
of many languages and used by the saints of
medieval age
H H H H H (sdhur) m. red lead, vermilion
~UH= (~uJarn) id. to become widow
~|Km H (~pJhe Jn) id. to lose one's
husband, to become widow
~F (~bharn)id. to marry, to wed
H l H l H l H l H l (sdhu r) a. of the colour of red lead,
m. a variety of mango
H H H H H (sn) m. year of Christian or Hijri or Bikrami
era, year
~|JHl (~hIzar) m. an era which started
when Hazrat Muhammad left Mecca, Hizari
~|Wul (~bIkram) m. an era which started
on the name of Raja Vikramaditya, Bikrami
- FlH=l ~(- sav ~) m. Christian era, Anno
Domini, A.D.
H H H H H (snh) m. hole made in a wall of a house/shop
etc. for theft, burglary
~u (~mr) m. burglar, cracksman
~YU (~lun) id. to break in, to crack a
HmS/H mS HmS/H mS HmS/H mS HmS/H mS HmS/H mS (sanat/snat) f. industry
- HmSW (snatkr) m. industrialist
- HmSl (sanat) a. pertaining to industry,
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (sansan) f. sensation, thrill
~ U W (~pe d karn) v.t. to create
- HHlH H (- sansankhez) a. sensational,
HW HW HW HW HW (sanak) m. craze, whim, maggot; cynicism,
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (sank) a. crazy, whimsical; cynic, ecentric
H U H U H U H U H U (snad) f. testimony, proof; certificate,
H /H H /H H /H H /H H /H (sanaddh/sanaddhbaddh) a.
equipped with armed; ever-ready
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (sanam) m. lover, darling, beloved
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (sanmn) m. honour, respect, esteem,
regard, reverence
~HuJ (~samroh) m. a function organised
to honour some one, felicitational function
~W (~karn) v.t. to honour, to respect, to
esteem, to revere
~U T (~yog) a. honourable, respectable,
esteemable, venerable
- Hu (- sanmnan ) v.t. to bestow
honour, to confer honour upon; to respect, to
- HuS (- sanmnat) a. honoured, esteemed
Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H (sanamukh) adv. in the presence of, in front
of, before, face to face; opposite
HS HS HS HS HS (shank hat) f. identification, identity;
- HSl (- shankht) a. pertaining to
identification, identifying
~W (~krd) m. identity card
~|H (~nIshn) m. identification mark
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sant ) m. pin drop silence, quiet, stillness;
terror, awe
~UU (~chhaun) v.i. to have pin drop
HS HS HS HS HS (santan) a. ancient, very old, primeval;
eternal; classical; traditional
~u (~dharm) m. an ancient and
traditional Hindu religion of India; Religion
~=U (~vad) m. classicism
~=Ul (~va d) a. classicist
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (santan) a. orthodox, conservative; one
who follows Sanatan Dharma
H|mH H|mH H|mH H|mH H|mH (sanIs) m. renunciation, renouncement,
(of the world); one of the four stages
(ashramas) of life according to Hindu
H|mHl H|mHl H|mHl H|mHl H|mHl (sanIs) m. anchorite, recluse, ascetic
H| U H| U H| U H| U H| U (sanIcchar) m. Saturday; the seventh of
the nine planets, Saturn; a sinister person, ill-
omened man
~U= (~charhn) id. to have the advent
of unfavourable time
- H|U= (-sanIccharvr) m. Saturday
H|u H|u H|u H|u H|u (sanImar) a. humble, polite
adv. humbly, politely
H l H l H l H l H l
! !! !!
(snh) f. pincers, tongs
H l H l H l H l H l
z zz zz
(snh) f. mixture of fodder for animals
HlY HlY HlY HlY HlY (shanl) f. a velvet like cloth, chanille
H J H J H J H J H J (saneh) f. love, affection, attachment
H J H J H J H J H J (saneh) m. message; information, intimation
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (saneh) a. & m.. loving, affectionate; friend
H H H H H (sanobar) m. pine tree, Pinus excelsa
H H H H H (sapp) m. snake, serpent
a. treacherous, deceitful
~HYJ (~salu) m. poisonous reptiles like
snakes, centipedes etc.
~H= H (~sgh J) id. to remain totally
silent, to keep mum
~U |Tm Hl S =l U J (~d d ge rass
to v d ard he) prov. a burnt child dreads
fire, once caught/bitten twice shy
~U U HYlm (~d bacch sapol) prov.
bad fruit of an evil stem
~U |H Wl WV (~de sIro kod kaddhn)
id. to try to find a blue dahlia, to milk the ram/
bull, to try to arc the circle
~U =H (~de per vekhn) id. to try to
see stars during the day
~U |Y |=U J U (~de bIl vIch hatth
pun) id. to invite trouble intentionally, to
invite hazard unnecessarily
~U uJ WJ= |WYl, H= S W=l U S WYWl
(~de m h koh kIrl, khve t kohr
chhadd e t kalk) id. to be between the
devil and the deep sea
~ U |YU (~n duddh pIlun) id.
to feed one's enemy, to nurture a foe
~Y= (~lan) id. to be agonized, to suffer
agony; to burn with agony, to seethe with
~=T uY (~vag meln) id. to writhe in
pain, to wriggle like fish out of water
~=T |=H =Y (~vag vIsh gholn ) id. to
smoulder; to simmer with jealousy, to be jealous
~=l u S YJl =l JJ (~v mare te lth v
n ue) prov. to kill a snake without a stake,
to kill a potential enemy at no cost
U ~( un ~) m. a variety of snake
USl S ~YJ (chht te ~le) id. to
feel jealousy, to be jealous
=lm ~(phanar ~) m. a snake with a
hood, cobra
WY U ~( bukkal da ~) m. a snake in the
grass, a viper in the bosom
HHJ HHJ HHJ HHJ HHJ (sapash) a. apparent, clear, evident, obvious;
lucid; blunt
H-H H-H H-H H-H H-H (shap-shap) f. splashing sound
HHJS HHJS HHJS HHJS HHJS (sapasht) f. clarity, vividness; straight
forwardness, lucidity
HHJ=Ul HHJ=Ul HHJ=Ul HHJ=Ul HHJ=Ul (sapashvd) a. one who talks straight,
straight-forward, lucid
HHJl W HHJl W HHJl W HHJl W HHJl W (sapashkarn ) m. clarification,
H H H H H H H H H H (sapJ) m. sponge
HS HS HS HS HS (sapt) a. & m. seven
~|H (~sdhu ) m. seven rivers; land of seven
rivers (between the rivers Indus and Yamuna)
~|Hl (~rIsh) m. the group of stars known
as Great Bear ; the seven sages
HSJ HSJ HSJ HSJ HSJ (sapth) m. week, hebdomad
HSJW HSJW HSJW HSJW HSJW (sapthak) a. weekly, hebdomadal
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (spt) f. property, estate; wealth, riches;
possessions, assets, effects
- mUY ~(- achal ~) f. immoveable property
- UY ~(- chal ~) f. moveable property
- F ~(- bho ~) f. estate
H U H U H U H U H U (spd) f. wealth, riches, property
H H H H H (spn) a. accomplished, finished, completed,
prosperous, well-to-do, well-off, affluent
HH HH HH HH HH (saparsh) m. physical contact, touch
~H (~rekh) f. tangent (geom.)
H W H W H W H W H W (spark) m. contact, liaison; rapport, link
- Y W ~|=FT (lok ~vIbhg) m. Public
Relation Deptt.
H U/H U|F H U/H U|F H U/H U|F H U/H U|F H U/H U|F (spard/sparde) m. sect,
creed, denomination; community; school of
H U|FW H U|FW H U|FW H U|FW H U|FW(spardek) a. sectarian,
denominational; communal
H U | FWS H U | FWS H U | FWS H U | FWS H U | FWS (spardekt) f. sectarianism;
H| T H| T H| T H| T H| T (saprg) m. spring
H J H J H J H J H J (sapre) m. skimmed milk
HYFl HYFl HYFl HYFl HYFl (sapla) f. supply
H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= (sapa sapa) f. sound produced when
a dog licks something
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sap) f. saddle of horse
a. flat, plane
H UW H UW H UW H UW H UW (spdak) m. editor
- uH ~(- mukkh ~) m. chief editor
H UWl H UWl H UWl H UWl H UWl (spdk) a. editorial
f. editorial article
~ ( ~bor) m. editorial board
H U H U H U H U H U (spdan) m. editing
H H H H H (sapdh) m. snake-charmer
H| H| H| H| H| (sapInar) m. spinner
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (sapIrt ) m. spirit
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW (spkar) m. speaker
- YU ~(- lud ~) m. loud-speaker
HlU HlU HlU HlU HlU (sapch) f. speech
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sapd) f. speed
~W (~brekar) m. speed-breaker
H S H S H S H S H S (saputtar) m. dutiful son, obedient son; male
off spring, son
H U H U H U H U H U (sapurd) a. entrusted, consigned (work);
handed over; given
H UTl H UTl H UTl H UTl H UTl (sapurdg) f. custody, charge
H W H W H W H W H W (spurak) a. supplementary, supplemental
~W (~ko) m. supplementary angle
H H H H H (spuran) a. complete, entire, whole, total,
thorough, out and out, absolute; completed,
H H H H H (saper) m. snake-charmer
H HY H HY H HY H HY H HY (speshal) a. special
f. special
~u (~rum) m. special-room
H Ylm H Ylm H Ylm H Ylm H Ylm (sapol) m. young one of a snake; a young
snake; viper, viperous person
a. dangerous, untrustworthy, undependable
HV HV HV HV HV (saf) f. mat of straw, palm leaves etc.
~|=UU (~vIchhun) id. to sit to mourn
the death of someone
HV HV HV HV HV (safar) m. journey, travel; distance; passage
~u (~nm) m. travelogue
~F S (~bhatt) m. travel-allowance, viaticum
- Ju ~(- ham ~) m. fellow-traveller, fellow-
passenger; life-partner
- HVl (-safar) a. pertaining to travel/journey
~T (~be g) m. travelling-bag
HVY HVY HVY HVY HVY (safal) a. successful; fruitful, effectual
HVYS HVYS HVYS HVYS HVYS (safalt) f. success; victory; fruitfulness,
~=W (~purvak) adv. successfully
HV HV HV HV HV (saf) m. page, folio
- HV UYJU (safe ulun) id. to read
~ WY W (~kle karn) id. to do too much
writing work; to write uselessly
HV HV HV HV HV (shaf) f. recovery (from illness), cure,
restoration of health
- HVH (shafkhan) m. hospital
HV|Fm HV|Fm HV|Fm HV|Fm HV|Fm (safe) m. clean-sweep; annihilation,
elimination, eradication
~W U (~kar den) id. to make a clean-
sweep; to annihilate
HVFl HVFl HVFl HVFl HVFl (saf) f. cleanliness, neatness, tidiness;
sweeping and dusting; explanation,
clarification; statement or evidence in defence
(in court)
~H=W (~sevak) m. sweeper, scavenger
~HUFl J (~khud he) prov. cleanliness is
next to godliness
~U T=J (~d gavh) m. defence witness
~ H W (~pesh karn) id. to give
clarification, to defend oneself
- H Y ~ (- sulh ~) m. compromise,
- J Ul ~(- hatth d ~) f. legerdemain, sleight
of hand
HVU J HVU J HVU J HVU J HVU J (safcha) a. empty, totally clean
HVH T HVH T HVH T HVH T HVH T (safJg) m. axe like weapon, halbred,
HVH HVH HVH HVH HVH (safrash) f. recommendation
HVl HVl HVl HVl HVl (safr) m. ambassador, envoy
HV U HV U HV U HV U HV U (safed) a. white; blank, unwritten (paper)
~Jl (~ha th) m. white-elephant; an
expensive person or thing; burdensome person
~KJ (~Jhu t h) m. blatant-lie, sheer or utter
~ H (~posh) m. gentleman; a village dignitary
(during British rules)
~=Y (~vl) m. grey-hair
- |HmJ ~W (- sIh ~karn) id. to act
! !! !!
(safed) m. eucalyptus, Salix tetrasperma;
a variety of mango
z zz zz
(safed) m. white lead
HV Ul HV Ul HV Ul HV Ul HV Ul (safed) f. whiteness; albumen, egg white;
H H H H H (sab) pref. a prefix which gives the meaning
of secondary in rank, standard etc., sub
~mlJ (~e dtar) m. sub-editor
~WuJl (~kamet) f. sub-committee
~HH (~JaJJ) m. sub-judge
~|=HY mVH (~davIJnal afsar) m. sub-
divisional officer
HW HW HW HW HW (sabak) m. lesson; lecture; moral; punishment,
~|HHU (~sIkhun) id. to teach a lesson;
to punish, to reprimand
~WU (~pakun) id. to learn a lesson
by heart
~=U (~parhaun) id. to lead up the
garden path; to poison someone's ears
~|uY (~mIln ) id. to get a lesson
~Y (~len) id. to learn a lesson
HH HH HH HH HH (sabaz) a. green, verdant, greenish
~T |=HU (~bgh vIkhun) id. to give
false hopes, to tempt
HH HH HH HH HH (sabz) m. emerald
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (sabz) f. green vegetable; a vegetable dish
~Ul UW (~d dukn) f. green grocery
~FHl (~bhJ) f. green vegetable; cooked
vegetable, dish
~ul (~md) f. vegetable-market
~=U =Y (~vechan vala) m. vegetable-
seller, greengrocer
HU HU HU HU HU (shabad) m. sound; word, vocable, preceptors;
secret message to a disciple; hymns contained
in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
~USSl (~utpat) f. etymology
~m (~arth) m. meaning
~H T |J (~sgre h) m. glossary, lexicon,
~WlS (~krtan) m. hymn-singing
~WH (~kosh) m. dictionary, lexicon
~HY (~Jal) m. jugglery of words, verbosity
~H= (~Jor ) m. spellings
~F (~bhdr) m. vocabulary
- U ~(- do ~) m. preface, forword
HU HU HU HU HU (shabadrath) m. literal meaning
HU=Yl HU=Yl HU=Yl HU=Yl HU=Yl (shabadval) f. terminology; vocabulary
H /H H /H H /H H /H H /H (sabdh/sbdh) m. concern,
connection; contact, relation, link; relationship,
kinship; marital relationship; love affair
~WW (~krk) m. genitive case
~=UW/=Ul (~vchak/vch) a. relative,
H W H W H W H W H W (sabdhak) a.& m. one who unites in
relationship; conjunction (gr.)
H S H S H S H S H S (sabdhat) a. concerned, connected, linked,
H l H l H l H l H l (sabdh) m. relative, kinsman
adv. in this connection, pertaining to, relating
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (shabnam) f. dew
H H H H H (sababb) m. reason, cause; coincidence
~Y/Hl (~nl/sababb ) adv. per chance,
by chance, coincidentally
- Hl (rabb sababb )adv. coincidentally,
by chance, per chance
H H H H H (sabar) m. contentment; satiation, gratification;
patience, tolerance; curse of a sufferer
~mU (~un) v.i. to be satiated, to be
satisfied, to feel contented
~H S H (~stokh) m. contentment, satisfaction
~H W (~shukar) m. contentment, satisfaction;
tolerance, patience, endurance, forbearance
~U W= JJ (~d kar tun) id. to have
one's patience exhausted
~U = J F (~d ghu bharna) id. to
tolerate, to endure
~ (~pen) id. to bear the effect of a
- H/ H (-besabar/besabra ) a.
discontented, unsatisfied, impatient
- Hl (-besabr) f. impatience
H H J=l H H J=l H H J=l H H J=l H H J=l (sbar shar ) f. clean sweep;
destruction, ruination
~HJ=l |= (~suhar phIrn) id. to have a
clean sweep
HW S HW S HW S HW S HW S (sabarkatt) a. sufficient, enough,
abundant, plentiful
H H H H H (sbarn) v.t. to sweep, to broom
HS HS HS HS HS (shabrt) f. a famous festival of Muslims
HY HY HY HY HY (sabal) a. strong, powerful
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sabbal) m. crowbar
HY HY HY HY HY HY HY HY HY HY (shabal shabal) f. splash
H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm (sabe) a. & m. one and quarter time
HS HS HS HS HS (sabt) f. hall, large room
H U H U H U H U H U (sbd) m. dialogue, conversation; discussion;
- HUW (sbdak) m. reporter, journalist
- H UUS (sbddt) m. correspondent,
H S H S H S H S H S (sabut) m. proof, evidence
~U (~den) v.t. to give proof, to prove
H S H S H S H S H S (sabut) a. whole, complete, entire; in one
piece, uncut, unbroken
H W/H W=Ul H W/H W=Ul H W/H W=Ul H W/H W=Ul H W/H W=Ul (sbodhak/sbodhakvch) a.
vocative (gr.)
H S H S H S H S H S (sbodhat) a. addressed
H H H H H (sbodhan) m. manner or mode of
addressing, address; vocative (gr.)
~W (~karn) v.t. to address
~WW (~krak) m. vocative case (gr.)
HF HF HF HF HF (sabh) pron. every one, every body, all and
sundry, each and everyone
a. all, every, each; whole, entire
~WK (~kuJh) m. everything; all in all
~S U/~S = (~to uppar/~to vaddh)
adv. above all
H FY H FY H FY H FY H FY (sbhaln) v.i. to recover one's balance;
to come to one's self, to pull oneself together;
to recover (illness etc.); to be alert, to be
- H FY W (sbhal ke) adv. with care, carefully,
H F= H F= H F= H F= H F= (sbhav) a. possible, feasible, on the cards;
probable, likely
H F=S H F=S H F=S H F=S H F=S (sbhavt) f. possibility, feasibility;
probability, likelihood
HF HF HF HF HF (sabh) f. assembly, council; meeting,
convention, gathering; society, social body,
- H ~(- rJ ~) f. council of state; Upper
- YW ~(- lok ~) f. the lower house of Indian
Parliament, House of the people
- HFSl (sabhpat) m. chairman, chair-
person; speaker (Parliament or assembly)
H FY H FY H FY H FY H FY (sbhl) f. maintenance, care, upkeep;
supervision, control, management
H FY H FY H FY H FY H FY (sbhln) v.t. to hold someone falling/
stumbling; to support, to prop; to look after, to
take care of; to keep maintenance, to maintain;
to handle carefully or properly; to take over, to
take charge; to give in other's custody; to
preserve, to store (grains etc.); to keep in safe
custody; to protect; to keep under control
H FY H FY H FY H FY H FY (sbhl) m. consciousness, recovery from
illness; the last flicker
~Y (~le) it. to regain consciousness or
to recover bit before death (of a patient); to
evince the last flicker
H F= H F= H F= H F= H F= (sbhvn) f. possibility, feasibility;
probability, likelihood
H F|=S/H F=l H F|=S/H F=l H F|=S/H F=l H F|=S/H F=l H F|=S/H F=l (sbhvIt/sbhv) a. probable,
likely, potential
H| Fm H| Fm H| Fm H| Fm H| Fm (sabhIa) a. civilized, well-mannered,
H|FmS H|FmS H|FmS H|FmS H|FmS (sabhIat) f. civilization; good-manners,
civility, courtesy
H|FmU H|FmU H|FmU H|FmU H|FmU (sabhIchr) m. culture
H|FmUW H|FmUW H|FmUW H|FmUW H|FmUW (sabhIchrk) a. cultural
HF /HF HF /HF HF /HF HF /HF HF /HF (sabhe/sabho) a. all; whole, entire
H F T H F T H F T H F T H F T (sbhog) m. sexual intercourse, coitus,
copulation, coition; mating
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (sam) suff. & a. a suffix which donates the
meaning of similarity, equality etc.; equal,
- Hu mTl (- sam g) a. isomeric
- HuWYl (- samkal) a. & m. contemporary,
- HuW (-samkon) m. rightangle
- HuWl (-samkon) a. equiangular
- HuSY (-samtal) a. level, even, plane
- HuUHl (-samdarsh) a. even-handed,
- Hu|UHJl (-samdrIsh) f. impartiality
- HuFH (-sambhuJ) a. equilateral
- HuS (-samrpt) f. isomorphism
HuH /HuH = J/HuH F ul HuH /HuH = J/HuH F ul HuH /HuH = J/HuH F ul HuH /HuH = J/HuH F ul HuH /HuH = J/HuH F ul (shamshn/
shamshngh/shamshnbhm) m.
cremation-ground, cemetery
Hu |Hm Hu |Hm Hu |Hm Hu |Hm Hu |Hm
! !! !!
(samasse) f. problem; difficulty, dilemma
Hu |Hm Hu |Hm Hu |Hm Hu |Hm Hu |Hm
z zz zz
(samasse) f. a line given to write a
complete poem
~Sl (~purt) f. completing a verse with
the line given for it
HuHl HuHl HuHl HuHl HuHl (shamshr) f. sword
HuH S HuH S HuH S HuH S HuH S (samsurta) m. harmony
HuTl HuTl HuTl HuTl HuTl (samgar) f. stuff, material, things
HuTY HuTY HuTY HuTY HuTY (samaglar) m. smuggler
HuT|Y T HuT|Y T HuT|Y T HuT|Y T HuT|Y T (samaglg) f. smuggling
HuK HuK HuK HuK HuK (samaJh) f. intelligence, sense, understanding,
comprehension, savvy, knowledge; opinion,
~mU (~un) id. to understand, to get
~S J (~to pare hon ) id. to be beyond
(one's) understanding
~|=U mU (~vIch n un) id. to make
neither head nor tail of, to be at a loss
- UYJl ~(- ult ~) f. foolishness, stupidity
- HuK (-besamaJh) a. senseless; foolish,
stupid; ignorant
HuK HuK HuK HuK HuK (samaJhn ) v.t. to understand, to
comprehend, to grasp, to make out; to think
over, to brood; to take revenge; to look upon
(as sister, brother)
HuKU HuKU HuKU HuKU HuKU (samaJhdr) a. sensible, wise; intelligent,
clever, prudent; foresighted
~ |FH Jl WVl J (~n Ishr h kf he)
prov. a nod is enough for a wise
HuKUl HuKUl HuKUl HuKUl HuKUl (samaJhdr) f. sanity, sensibleness,
HuKU HuKU HuKU HuKU HuKU (samJhun ) v.t. to bring round by
persuasion, to advise; to explain, to make to
understand; to warn
HuK S HuK S HuK S HuK S HuK S (samJho t) m. compromise, reconciliation;
settlement, agreement, pact, accord;
negotiation; understanding
H u H u H u H u H u (sman) m. summons
H uS H uS H uS H uS H uS (smat) m. Bikrami year; year
HuS HuS HuS HuS HuS (samt) f. equality; uniformity; similarity,
H uSl H uSl H uSl H uSl H uSl (smt) f. view, opinion; consent, willingness,
- H ~(- sarab ~) m. unanimousness,
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul (samadh) m. father-in-law of son or
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samratth) a. able, capable, competent;
Hu W Hu W Hu W Hu W Hu W (samratthak) a. supporter, advocate, allay
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samartth) f. power, strength; capability,
ability, capacity
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samarpan ) m. dedication, devotion;
- mSu ~(- tam ~) m. self-surrender
HuS HuS HuS HuS HuS (samarpat) a. dedicated, devoted
HuJ HuJ HuJ HuJ HuJ (samrt) m. king of kings, emperor
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samru p) a. similar, alike, identical, uniform;
HuY HuY HuY HuY HuY (shaml) m. one end of a turban left loose
on the shoulders
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (sam ) m. time; duration, period; era; occasion;
season; age; end of life, death
~Hl (~srn) f. time table, schedule
~J (~hon) id. to have some say; time is
~WHu (~kusam) m. good and bad time;
thick and thin; odd time
~|WH Ul UlW Jl WU (~kIse d udk nah
kard) prov. time and tide wait for none
~UY (~badaln) id. to have time and
state of affairs changed; to change the time
~ (~bnhn) id. to spell bound the
audience (with music or dance); to create an
~Y=U (~lghun) id. to have a hard
time; to just spend one's time; to miss the train
~=l U= J (~va dav he) prov. time is a
great healer
- H ~Jl(sr ~h) adv. all the time
- H|Jl ~(sunehr ~) m. golden time, high
- Hu |H (- same sr) adv. in time, on the dot
~U U (~d pbd) a. punctual
~U Y J (~de nl urn) id. to go with
the tide
~ J H U (~n hattho n J den )
id. to take time by the forelock
~ W U (~n dhakk den) id. to pass
one's time in hardships
~ USU (~n pachhtun) id. to cry
over the spilt milk
- UH ~(- use ~) adv. at the same time
- |FW ~( Ikk ~) adv. at one time
- |=JY ~(- vehle ~) adv. in one's own time
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (sham) f. candle; lamp (old)
H u H u H u H u H u (sm) m. the piece of sugarcane having nodes
used as seed
HuU HuU HuU HuU HuU (samun) v.i. to occupy all space in; to
be absorbed, to imbibe, to merge; to get mixed
up, to be adjusted or accommodated
HuFl HuFl HuFl HuFl HuFl (sam) f. capacity; absorption, imbibition;
patience, endurance, tolerance, forbearance
HuH HuH HuH HuH HuH (sams) m. compound word
HuHl HuHl HuHl HuHl HuHl (samas) a. pertaining to compound (word),
HuTu HuTu HuTu HuTu HuTu (samgam) m. function, celebration;
conference; meeting, assembly
Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U (samchr) m. news; information;
message; report
~ S (~pattar) m. news-paper, paper, journal
HuH HuH HuH HuH HuH (samJ) m. society, social order; community;
association, organisation; assembly
~HHS (~shstar) m. sociology
~HHSl (~shstr) m. sociologist
~H (~sudhr) m. reformation in social
set-up, social reform
~H= (~sev) f. social service
~|=|Tm (~vIgIn) m. social science;
~|=l (~vIrodh) a. anti-social
HuHW ( samJak) a. social
~VU (~dhch) m. social system
HuH=U ( samJvd) m. socialism
HuH=Ul ( samJvd) m. socialist
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samdh) f. sepulchre, tomb, cenotaph,
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samdhn) m. solution, way out, removal
of doubt etc.
Hu l Hu l Hu l Hu l Hu l (samdh) f. meditation, trance,
~YU (~lun) v.i. to go into trance, to
internalize the senses
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samn) a. equal, alike; similar, same, like,
identical, equivalent
-HuS (- sama na tar) a. parallel, equidistant
- HuW/Hul ( samnrthak/
samnrth) a. synonymous
HuS HuS HuS HuS HuS (samnt) f. equality, parity, equability;
similarity, sameness, alikeness
HuS HuS HuS HuS HuS (sampat) a. completed, done, finished,
accomplished, ended; expired
HuSl HuSl HuSl HuSl HuSl (sampt) f. end, completion, conclusion
HuW HuW HuW HuW HuW (samrak) f. monument, memorial
Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J (samroh) m. an official or formal social
gathering, function, celebration; high-day, gala-
HuYUW HuYUW HuYUW HuYUW HuYUW (samlochak) a. critic, reviewer, evaluator
HuY U HuY U HuY U HuY U HuY U (samlochna ) f. criticism, review,
Hu= H Hu= H Hu= H Hu= H Hu= H (samvesh) f. inclusion, incorporation,
H|uSl H|uSl H|uSl H|uSl H|uSl (samI II IIt) f. committee, organisation, society
H|u|YS H|u|YS H|u|YS H|u|YS H|u|YS (samIlIt) a. included, incorporated; mixed,
H ul H ul H ul H ul H ul (sm) f. a folk dance of west Punjab; a song
HulW HulW HulW HulW HulW (samkarn ) m. the act of equalizing,
equalization; equation (maths.); assimilation
Hul|Hm Hul|Hm Hul|Hm Hul|Hm Hul|Hm (samkhI) f. criticism, review, critical
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to review, to criticise; to
give comments
Hul|HmW/Hul|HmW Hul|HmW/Hul|HmW Hul|HmW/Hul|HmW Hul|HmW/Hul|HmW Hul|HmW/Hul|HmW (samkhIak/samkhIkr)
a. critic, reviewer
HulH HulH HulH HulH HulH (shamz) f. undershirt, chemise, slip
Hu US Hu US Hu US Hu US Hu US (samucchat) f. wholeness, totality
Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U (samucch) a. whole, entire, total, all,
complete; general
- HuU S S (- samucche tor te) adv. on the
whole, over all, as a whole, in totality
Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U (samdar) m. sea, ocean
~SJ (~ta) m. coast, seashore, beach
~SY (~tal) m. sea-bed
~ W H |= U U W (~n kuJJe vIch bd
karn) prov. laconic in word pithy in meaning,
express much in a few words
~ (~paddhar) m. sea-level
~ (~pr) adv. overseas, beyond seas,
far off
~|=W (~rIrkan) id. to do a Herculean
task; to achieve something after a great toil
Hu Ul Hu Ul Hu Ul Hu Ul Hu Ul (samdar) a. oceanic, thalassic, marine;
naval, pelagian, nautical
~HV (~safar) m. sea voyage
~HJH (~Jahz) m. ship
~KT (~Jhagg ) m. dorsal (used as drug)
~WSl (~daket) f. piracy
~W (~dku) m. sea-rover, pirate
~S (~tr) f. cable
~VH (~foz) f. navy
~= (~be) m. navy
~uHV (~musafar) m. voyager, sea-farer
~|=|Tm (~vIgIn) m. oceanography
Hu U|F Hu U|F Hu U|F Hu U|F Hu U|F (samude) m. community, sect, tribe;
association, social body, group
Hu U|FW Hu U|FW Hu U|FW Hu U|FW Hu U|FW (samudek) a. communal
Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J (samu h) m. crowd, multitudes; all, whole; set,
batch, group
Hu JW Hu JW Hu JW Hu JW Hu JW (samu hak) a. collective, common, combined,
~ S S (~to r te) adv. collectively, as a whole,
on the whole
Hu J=U Hu J=U Hu J=U Hu J=U Hu J=U (samuhvd) m. collectivism
Hu Y Hu Y Hu Y Hu Y Hu Y (samul) a. whole, entire, all, total
Hu YlmS Hu YlmS Hu YlmS Hu YlmS Hu YlmS (shamulat) f. participation, par-taking
Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J (samea) v.t. to collect, to gather; to
arrange, to keep in order; to bind up, to close;
to defalcate, to finish, to complete; to devour
Hu S Hu S Hu S Hu S Hu S (samet) adv. together with, along with;
including, inclusive of
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samer) m. the first bead in a rosary
H u Y H u Y H u Y H u Y H u Y (smelan) m. conference, convention,
Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H (samos) m. a triangular shape Indian saltish
pie stuffed with mashed potatoes etc.; a kind
of bathing cloth
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (samon) v.i. to make hot water luke warm
by adding cold water
H UU H UU H UU H UU H UU (sayyad) m. chief, chieftain, leader (in
Muslims); a descendant of Hazrat Ali; a
Muslim caste
H UU H UU H UU H UU H UU (sayyd) m. bird-catcher, fowler
H U WS H U WS H U WS H U WS H U WS (syukat) a. joint; united (with one another
as U.K., U.S.A. etc.); compound
~|= (~parIvr) m. joint family
H U HW H U HW H U HW H U HW H U HW (syoJak) m. conjunction
! !! !!
(sar) m. tank, pool, pond
z zz zz
(sar) m. reed, willow (plant)
a aa aa
(sar) f. victory, conquest, conquered
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to conquer; to
accomplish, to finish (a difficult task)
4 44 44
(sar) f. hand in the game of cards
s ss ss
(sar) m. sir, teacher, professor
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (shara) a. one who lives strictly in accordance
with Muslim faith, bigoted Mohammedan/
HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH (sarsabaz) a. verdant, verdurous, green,
lush; fertile, productive; rich, prosperous
H-H H-H H-H H-H H-H (sar-sar) f. the whizzing sound made by wind,
rustle; creeping sound, rustling sound
HHJJ HHJJ HHJJ HHJJ HHJJ (sarsarha) f. rustling sound; creeping
HHU HHU HHU HHU HHU (sarsaru) v.i. to creep; to rustle
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (sarsar) a. cursory, casual, hurried
~S S (~tor te) adv. casually, cursorily,
~H (~nazar) f. bird's eye view, cursory
glance, hurried look, look-over
~H u (~nazar mrna) id. to have a
bird's eye view, to run through, to cast a cursory
glance, to look over
HHJl HHJl HHJl HHJl HHJl (sarsh) f. measure of weight; a measure
of land which is ninth part of a marla
HHu HHu HHu HHu HHu (sarsm) m. delirium, brain-fever, cerebritis
HH HH HH HH HH (sarshr) a. full, replete, overflowing
HJ U HJ U HJ U HJ U HJ U (sarhadd) f. border, border-line, frontier,
~Ul (~bd) f. demarcation
HJ Ul HJ Ul HJ Ul HJ Ul HJ Ul (sarhadd) a. pertaining to border,
limitrophe, frontier
~UWl (~cho k) f. border post, picquet
HWH HWH HWH HWH HWH (sarkas) m. circus
HWH HWH HWH HWH HWH (sarkash) a. defiant, rebellious
HWHl HWHl HWHl HWHl HWHl (sarkash) f. rebellion, revolt
HWJ HWJ HWJ HWJ HWJ (sarka) m. circuit
~JUH (~hs) m. circuit house
HW /HW= HW /HW= HW /HW= HW /HW= HW /HW= (sark/sarkaa) m. reed, bent,
HW HW HW HW HW (sarka) v.i. to move, to budge; to crawl,
to creep
HWY HWY HWY HWY HWY (sarkal) m. circle
HWU HWU HWU HWU HWU (sarkun) v.t. to move, to shift
HW HW HW HW HW (sarkr) f. government; rule, administration;
a term for addressing a ruler with respect
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (sarkr) a. pertaining to government;
~WTH (~kgaz) m. stamp paper
~W (~no kar) m. public servant, government
HT HT HT HT HT (sarg) a. (cattle) having one horn turned
upwards and the other downwards; chapter,
HTu HTu HTu HTu HTu (sargam) f. gamut, key, solemnization
HTu HTu HTu HTu HTu (sargarm) a. zealous, active; enthusiastic,
energetic, diligent
HTul HTul HTul HTul HTul (sargarm) f. activeness, enthusiasm, zeal,
activity, passion
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl (sarg) f. a stringed musical instrument,
HT HT HT HT HT (sargun ) a. possessed of attributes,
endowed with qualities
H= H= H= H= H= (sargh) m. seed pods or seed of hemp
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (sargh) f. meal taken before sunrise for
observing a fast; dawn
H U H U H U H U H U (sarchn) m. structure
~=U (~vd) m. structuralism
HH HH HH HH HH (sarJan) m. surgeon
HHul HHul HHul HHul HHul (sarzamn) f. territory, land (of a country)
H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu (sarJm) a. accomplished, completed,
~U (~den ) v.t. to accomplish, to complete,
to perform
HJl|=W J HJl|=W J HJl|=W J HJl|=W J HJl|=W J (sartphIke) m. certificate
HS HS HS HS HS (shart) f. bet, wager; condition, a term of
agreement, stipulation
~YUl (~lun) v.t. to lay stake, to bet, to
wager, to stipulate
- HSu (shartnm) m. written agreement
HSH HSH HSH HSH HSH (sartJ) m. lord, master, ruler; leader, head;
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (shart) a. conditional
HSl m HSl m HSl m HSl m HSl m (shart) adv. surely, undoubtedly,
certainly, positively
a. conditional
HU HU HU HU HU (sard) a. cold, cool
~Tu (~garm) a. sudden exposer to cold;
HUY HUY HUY HUY HUY (sardal) f. doorsill, doorstep, threshold
! !! !!
(sard) a. just sufficient, just enough
~HU (~puJd) a. well-to-do, well-off, rich,
m. a richman, a wealthy person
~U (~ban d) a. according to one's
z zz zz
(sard) m. sweet-melon of Kabul, Cucumis
melon; a kind of big musk-melon
H U H U H U H U H U (sard) m. a stringed musical instrument
played with a bow
HUFl HUFl HUFl HUFl HUFl (sard) m. a cold beverage prepared of
almonds, poppy-seed, kernel of melon-seeds,
sugar etc. pounded together
HU HU HU HU HU (sardr) m. chieftain, chief; leader; member
of Sikh community; a Sikh; eminent person
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUl (sardr) f. chiefship; leadership, command
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUl (sard) f. cold, coldness; winter, cold weather;
~Tul (~garm) f. ups and downs
~YTl (~laggan) id. to catch cold; to feel
H H H H H (shardh) f. faith, trust, reliance, belief;
reverence, respect; devotion
~J l (~hon) v.i. to have faith; to have
respect (for)
~ Hl (~rakkhn ) v.t. to keep faith, to
believe, to have faith, to revere
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJl (shardhh) a. lacking faith, faithless,
non believer; atheist
HHYl HHYl HHYl HHYl HHYl (shardhaJl) f. homage, tribute
H H H H H (shardhpran) a. reverential
HY HY HY HY HY (shardhlu) a. devoted, votary, devotee,
H H H H H (sarn) m. a disease of cattle
H H H H H (sharn) f. shelter, refuge, asylum, protection,
~Ul (~den) v.t. to give refuge, to shelter
~Yl (~len) v.t. to take refuge or shelter
H H H H H (sarn) v.i. to be enough, to be sufficient, to
be with in one's capacity
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (sarn) m. refuge, shelter, protection
HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS (sharngat) a. & m. fugitive, refugee;
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sarn) f. whizzing or whistling sound of
wind during gale storm or hurricane
H= H= H= H= H= (sarnv) m. postal address, address
H U H U H U H U H U (sarpch) m. elected head of village
H J H J H J H J H J (sarpa) a. & adv. galloping; at break neck
speed, at full speed
H HS H HS H HS H HS H HS (sarprast) m. guardian; patron; sponsor
H HSl H HSl H HSl H HSl H HSl (sarprast) f. guardianship; patronage;
H= H= H= H= H= (sarph) m. economy, frugality, thrift, close-
~W (~karn) v.t. to spend thriftily, to
exercise economy
H==Y H==Y H==Y H==Y H==Y (sarphevl) a. thrifty, frugal, close-fisted,
parsimonious; miser, stingy
H H H H H (sarb) a. all; whole; entire, full
~HWSlu (~shaktmn) a. Almighty,
~H (~sadhran) m. common people,
~HuSl (~smt) f. unanimity
~HuSl Y (~smt nl) adv. unanimously
~Hu (~samratth) a. the Almighty,
~HK (~sJh) m. common; universal
~WYl (~kl) a. Eternal
~HW (~Janak) a. pertaining to all, public
~H (~ns) m. utter destruction, annihilation,
~Hl (~pakkh) a. versatile, all-round
~ |=m W/|=m l (~vIpak/vIp) a.
Omnipresent; universal, all-pervading
H H H H H H H H H H (sarbs) m. & a. entire family; entire, total,
H T H T H T H T H T (sarbagg) a.& m. Omniscient, All knowing;
the Omnisicient, God
H S H S H S H S H S (sarbatt) a. all, whole, entire
HS HS HS HS HS (sharbat) m. sweet and cool drink, squash;
medicinal syrup
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (sharbt) a. pertaining to syrup, syrupy; of
light yellow colour
HY HY HY HY HY (sarbl) m. best-man, groom's man
H Su H Su H Su H Su H Su (sarbotam) a. best, paramount, supreme
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (sharam) f. shame, abashment; bashfulness,
shyness, modesty; embarrassment, humiliation;
consideration, regard
~mUl (~un) v.i. to be ashamed of, to
feel ashamed; to feel shy
~JU (~hay) f. shame, abashment;
shyness, bashfulness, modesty
~Wl (~karn) v.i. to feel shy
~=Y W l H (~ghol ke p Jn) id. to be
lost to all sense of shame, to become
shameless, to become brazen
~Y l l J H (~nl pn pn
ho Jn) id. to be very ashamed of
~YJ (~lhun ) id. to be lost to all sense
of shame
- HuH (- sharmsr) a. ashamed, abashed,
- HuW (-sharmnk) a. shameful,
disgraceful, ignominious
Hu-Hul/Hu-WHul (sharmo -sharm/
sharmo- kusharm) adv. nolens-volens, willy-
HuU HuU HuU HuU HuU (sharmun) v.i. to feel shy, to feel coy;
to be bashful, to hesitate, to reluct
Hu|Fm Hu|Fm Hu|Fm Hu|Fm Hu|Fm (sarme) f. capital; money; riches,
property, assets, wealth
HuF U HuF U HuF U HuF U HuF U (sarmedr) m. capitalist
a. rich, wealthy
HuF Ul HuF Ul HuF Ul HuF Ul HuF Ul (sarmedr) f. capitalism
HuWY HuWY HuWY HuWY HuWY (sharmkal) a. shy, coy, modest, bashful
H|u UTl H|u UTl H|u UTl H|u UTl H|u UTl (sharmdg) f. shame, shamefulness;
humiliation, embarrassment
H| u U H| u U H| u U H| u U H| u U (sharmd) a. ashamed, abashed;
humiliated, embarrassed
~W (~karn) v.t. to put some body to
blush, to put one to shame
HulY HulY HulY HulY HulY (sharml) a. bashful, shy, coy, modest
HY HY HY HY HY (sarl) a. easy, simple, straight, facile
HY-HY HY-HY HY-HY HY-HY HY-HY (sarl-sarl) f. sound of flowing water
HYS HYS HYS HYS HYS (sarlt) f. simplicity, artlessness; facility,
HYlW HYlW HYlW HYlW HYlW (sarlkarn ) m. simplification
H= H= H= H= H= (sarav) a. all, whole
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (saravan) a. auditory
H=H HJ/H= Su H=H HJ/H= Su H=H HJ/H= Su H=H HJ/H= Su H=H HJ/H= Su (saravsresht /sarvotam) a. best,
paramount, supreme, excellent, superior most
H= W H= W H= W H= W H= W (sarvan karn) v.t. to listen to, to hear
H=J=/H== H=J=/H== H=J=/H== H=J=/H== H=J=/H== (sarvha/sarv) m. a kind of
reed, bent, willow
H= /H= H H= /H= H H= /H= H H= /H= H H= /H= H (sarve/sarvekhan ) m. survey;
inspection; measurement, evaluation
H H H H H (sar) f. inn, tavern, serai, motel
H H H H H (shara h) m. Muhammadan law based on
Quran Sharif, Quranic law
HH HH HH HH HH (sarsar) adv. absolutely, entirely, totally,
H H H H H (sarhn) m. pillow; bolster; head-rest
H J U W H (sarhn e bh de ke
so n ) id. to sleep like a top, to sleep
~ J (~be han ) id. to hang after
someone. to remain ever near to someone
H U H U H U H U H U (sarhd) f. head-rest
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (sarhd) adv. on the side of head-rest of
the cot
H H H H H (sardh) m. an offering of food to Brahmins
in honour of dead ancestors
H H H H H (sarp) m. curse, imprecation, malediction,
execration; anathema
H H H H H (sarpn) v.t. to curse, to imprecate, to
H|m H|m H|m H|m H|m (sarpe) a. cursed, damned, accursed,
HV HV HV HV HV (sarf) m. jeweller
- HV H (sarf bazr) m. bullion-market
HVS HVS HVS HVS HVS (sharfat) f. gentlemanliness, nobility;
goodness of heart and conduct
HVl HVl HVl HVl HVl (sarf) f. gold or silver market; business of
a jeweller
H H H H H (sharb) m. wine, alcohol, liquor
~WVl (~kaddhan) id. to distil liquor
~UY/U (~challan/uddan) id.
to have drinking bouts
~U= (~charhn) id. to be under the effect
of wine, to be intoxicated
~U U WH (~ban un d krkhn)
m. brewery, distillery
- HH (sharbkhn) m. wineshop, pub,
bar, tavern
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (shrb) m. & a. drunkard, drunken, bibulous,
intemperate, intoxicated
~Wl (~kabb) a. given to vices, licentious,
addicted, drunkard and debauched
HS HS HS HS HS (sharrat) f. mischief, prank, naughtiness;
teasing, roguery
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (sharrt) a. mischievous, naughty,
! !! !!
(sharr) m. spark, scintillation
z zz zz
(sharr) m. a type of loose trousers (a
loose garara) worn by ladies
HY HY HY HY HY (sarl) m. a kind of large serpent, dragon,
|H HJl |H HJl |H HJl |H HJl |H HJl (srIsh) f. creation, universe, cosmos; world,
H| H H| H H| H H| H H| H (sarJ) f. syringe
HlmS HlmS HlmS HlmS HlmS (sharat) f. the Muslim law as described
in Quran
Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm (sar) m. iron bar, iron rod; religious path
Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J (sar h) m. a kind of tree, Accacia speciosa,
Albizzial lebbek
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW (shark) m. collateral, kinsman, companion;
kith and kin; share-holder, equal claimant,
a. participant, accomplice, accessory
~J (~hon ) v.i. to participate, to take part;
to share, to partake, (in a crime, work etc.)
~W (~karn) v.t. to include, to take in
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW (shark) m. collateral kins, relatives;
jealousy, heart-burning
~WlY (~kabl) m. members of one clan,
community; relatives, kins
~H (~rakkhn) id. to feel jealous
HlW Ul HlW Ul HlW Ul HlW Ul HlW Ul (sharkedr) f. collateral relations
HlW Hl HlW Hl HlW Hl HlW Hl HlW Hl (sharkebz) f. jealousy, rivalry
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (shar) m. grains given to menial workers
etc. as a payment of their services
HlV HlV HlV HlV HlV (sharf) a. gentle, noble; high born
m. noble man
~mUul (~dm) m. gentleman
~HU (~khndn) m. noble family
~T (~rg) m. name of a musical mode
HlV HlV HlV HlV HlV (sharf) m. custard apple, Annona-reticulata
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sarr) m. body, physique
~UJ H (~chha Jn) id. to lose weight,
to become slim, to reduce
~U / |SmT (~chhad d an / tegan )
v.i. to breathe one's last, to expire, to die
~K J (~Jhu h pe n ) id. to feel
weakness, to feel exhausted
~JJ (~tuttan) id. to have body ache
~|VY J (~dhIll hon) id. to feel like
sick, to be ill
- S= =T ~S (- tave vg ~tapn) id. to
suffer from high fever
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW (sarrak) a.bodily ,corporeal, physiological
~|H|Hm (~sIkkhe) a. physical education
~ |W|m |=|Tm (~ kIre vgIn)m.
H H H H H (saru) m. cypress tree, Cupressus funebris
~WU (~kadd) a. tall and slim (woman)
H H H H H (sarup) m. appearance, countenance; shape,
H H H H H (sarur) m. tipsiness, intoxication; delight,
ecstasy, rapture, exhilaration, pleasure
H mu H mu H mu H mu H mu (sharem) adv. openly, publicly, in the face
of day
H H H H H H H H H H (saresh) f. glue, gum
~=T U= (~v g chban) id. to stick
like a bur
H HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ (saresh) a. superb, superior, excellent, grand
H l H l H l H l H l (shren) f. class (economic, according to
social status); standard; category, grade, rank
~ (~baddh) a. classified, categorized
~= (~v ) f. classification, categorization,
- u ~(-maddh ~) f. middle class
H ==/H U = H ==/H U = H ==/H U = H ==/H U = H ==/H U = (sareva/sareur) m.J ain monk/
H H H H H (sarho) f. mustard, Brassica campestris
~=Y (~phull) a. light yellow like mustard
- J S ~Jl HuUl (-hatth te ~nah Jmd)
prov. Rome was not built in a day
- J S ~HuU (-hatth te ~Jamun) id.
to square the circle, to wring water from a
flint; to do wonders
Hm Hm Hm Hm Hm (saro ) m. wooden spoon for pouring clarified
butter over sacrificial fire
H H H H H H H H H H (sarosar) adv. from one end to another, from
beginning to end
H W H W H W H W H W (sarokr) m. concern; relation; interest
~H (~rakkhn) v.t. to keep concern; to
keep relations
H H H H H H H H H H (saroJ) m. lotus flower
H S H S H S H S H S (sarot) m. source, provenance; spring, fountain
H S H S H S H S H S (sarot) m. listener, hearer
- HST (- sarotgan ) m. audience, listeners
HU HU HU HU HU (sarod) m. an Indian musical string instrument;
lyric, song, melody
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (sarod) a. lyrical, melodious
H ul H ul H ul H ul H ul (shroman) a. excellent, supreme, premier
m. topping person, shiromani
H = H = H = H = H = (sarovar) m. pool, tank; a sacred tank
H S/H H S/H H S/H H S/H H S/H (sarot/saroth) m. betel-nut-cutter,
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sall) m. hole bored in wood, perforation;
constant anxiety, distress, grief, shock
~YT (~laggn) id. to suffer a shock or
HY T/HY = HY T/HY = HY T/HY = HY T/HY = HY T/HY = (shalhag/salgh) m. pitchfork
HYTu HYTu HYTu HYTu HYTu (shalgam) m. turnip, Brassica rapa
HY HY HY HY HY (saldar) m. cylinder
HY l HY l HY l HY l HY l (salar) a. cylindrical
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (salln) v.t. to perforate with a chisel, to
bore a hole; to cause grief to someone
HYSS HYSS HYSS HYSS HYSS (saltanat) f. kingdom, empire, domain,
monarchy; area of a kingdom
HYV HYV HYV HYV HYV (salfar) m. sulphur
HY= HY= HY= HY= HY= (salvr) f. a type of loose trousers worn by
women, salwar
HYFl HYFl HYFl HYFl HYFl (sal) f. knitting needle; thin and small metal
or glass bar used to apply collyrium to eye
- HlH ~(skh ~) a. lean and thin, bony
- HYFlm UYU/u (- sal chalun/
marn) id. to knit (sweater etc.)
HYFlH HYFlH HYFlH HYFlH HYFlH (sals) f. slice
HYFl HYFl HYFl HYFl HYFl (sal) f. slide
HYJ HYJ HYJ HYJ HYJ (salh) m. advice, counsel, consultation;
opinion, view
~W (~kr) m. adviser, counsellor
~ (~bord) m. advisory board
~uH= (~mashvar) m. consultation
HYJ U T HYJ U T HYJ U T HYJ U T HYJ U T (salhun yog) a. praiseworthy, laudable,
admirable, appreciable
HYJ HYJ HYJ HYJ HYJ (salhun) v.t. to praise, to appreciate, to
applaud, to admire
HY J S HY J S HY J S HY J S HY J S (salhut) f. praise, appreciation,
admiration, applaud
HYH HYH HYH HYH HYH (salkh) f. iron bar/rod
HY = HY = HY = HY = HY = (shalgh) f. praise, admiration,
appreciation, commendation
HYU HYU HYU HYU HYU (sald) m. salad, lettuce; a plant named
lettuce, Lactuca sativa
HY HY HY HY HY (saln) a. annual, yearly
m. death anniversary
HY/HY HY/HY HY/HY HY/HY HY/HY (salhb/salhb) m. dampness, damp,
HY HY HY HY HY (salhbn) v.i. to dampen
HY |m HY |m HY |m HY |m HY |m (salhbe) a. dampish
HYu HYu HYu HYu HYu (salm) m. Muslim form of salutation or
greeting, salutation
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to salute, to greet, to
wish, to pay compliments
- Um ~(d ~) f. exchange of greetings;
- U S Jl ~W (- dur to h ~karn) id. to
keep at arm's length
HYuS HYuS HYuS HYuS HYuS (salmat) a. free from danger/harm, safe,
sound; hale & hearty, in good health
~J (~raho) ph. a blessing, may you live
HJl ~( sah ~) m. safe and sound; hale
and hearty, o.k
HYuSl HYuSl HYuSl HYuSl HYuSl (salmat) f. safety, well-being
HYuY Wu HYuY Wu HYuY Wu HYuY Wu HYuY Wu (salmlekam) f. a word of greeting
among Muslims
HYul HYul HYul HYul HYul (salm) f. formal salutation, guard-of-
honour; march past; wedding present given in
cash to a bride or bridegroom
! !! !!
(salr) m. a kind of weed; a variety of
bird; a kind of medicine
z zz zz
/HYl /HYl /HYl /HYl /HYl (salr/salr) f. a cotton shawl
having red or black stripes
H|Y T H|Y T H|Y T H|Y T H|Y T (shalg) m. shilling
H|Y H|Y H|Y H|Y H|Y (salIpp) m. slip
~Wl (~kp) f. slip copy
HYlW HYlW HYlW HYlW HYlW (salk) m. knack; good manners, etiquettes
HYlW U/HYlW u U HYlW U/HYlW u U HYlW U/HYlW u U HYlW U/HYlW u U HYlW U/HYlW u U (salkedr/salkemd) f. well-
mannered, civil, polite, mannerly
HYlS HYlS HYlS HYlS HYlS (salt) m. bag or coarse cloth for packing
tents etc.
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (salpar) m. slippers; timber beam,
rectangular sleeper; sleeping coach, sleeper
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (salb) f. the cross; a Christian symbol
HY HY HY HY HY (shalu ) m. thin leather thread used for stitching
HY W HY W HY W HY W HY W (salu k) m. behaviour, mode, treatment,
conduct; unity
~H (~rakkhn) v.t. to remain united, to
keep unity
HY J HY J HY J HY J HY J (salu) m. salutation, salute
HY HY HY HY HY (salun) m. cooked vegetable dish
a. saltish, salty
HY HY HY HY HY (salunpan) m. saltiness, saltishness,
HY l HY l HY l HY l HY l (salu) f. a kind of plant used as pot herb,
Rumex vesicarius
a. saltish
HYH HYH HYH HYH HYH (salesh) m. paronomasia, equivogue; adhesion,
HY J HY J HY J HY J HY J (sale) f. slate
HY Jl HY Jl HY Jl HY Jl HY Jl (sale) f. slate-pencil
a. light blue colour
HY W HY W HY W HY W HY W (salok) m. a Sanskrit couplet or tetrastich;
couplet or short stanza; an abuse
~HU (~sunun) id. to hurl abuses, to
call bad names
! !! !!
(salotar) m. heavy club; wooden pestle used
for pounding things
z zz zz
(salotar) m. veterinary science
HY Sl HY Sl HY Sl HY Sl HY Sl (salotar) m. veterinary doctor, veterinarian
HY HY HY HY HY (salon) a. handsome, pretty, beautiful,
winsome, charming
H=H H=H H=H H=H H=H (savasth) a. healthy; hale and hearty
H=HS H=HS H=HS H=HS H=HS (savakht) m. the early morning
H=HS H=HS H=HS H=HS H=HS (savakhte) adv. early in the morning; before
the appointed time, early
~H=HS (~savakhte) adv. early
H= U H= U H= U H= U H= U (savchchh) a. clean, neat, clear, transparent,
tidy; pure, undefiled, unsoiled
H= US H= US H= US H= US H= US (savachchhat) f. cleanliness, neatness,
H=UH H=UH H=UH H=UH H=UH (savdesh) m. one's own country, motherland,
native land
H=U Hl H=U Hl H=U Hl H=U Hl H=U Hl (savdesh) a. indigenous; native
H= H= H= H= H= (savbar) m. an ancient Indian ceremony in
which the bride used to choose her husband
from the crowd of the aspirants, self-selection,
H= U H= U H= U H= U H= U (savayy) m. a prosodic metre usually of four
rhyming lines
H H H H H (svar) m. vowel; voice; tone, tune; intonation
~|U (~chnh) m. mark for vowel sound,
- JH= ~(- hrasav ~) m. short vowel
- Ul= ~(- drgh ~) m. long vowel
H=T H=T H=T H=T H=T (savarg) m. paradise, heaven; happiness
~|H (~sIdhrn) id. to kick the bucket,
to pass away, to expire, to die, to breathe one's
~Ul Wl Y W U H UT J (~d nokr
nlo narak d rJ chg he) prov. it is better
to rule in hell than to serve in heaven
~W (~narak) m. heaven and hell;
happiness and sorrow, pleasure and pain
- H=T=H (savargvs) m. death, demise,
- H=T=Hl (savargvs) a. late, deceased
H=Tl H=Tl H=Tl H=Tl H=Tl (savarg) a. pertaining to heaven; late,
H= H= H= H= H= (savarn) m. gold
H = H = H = H = H = (svarn) v.i. to be set right, to be mended;
to get oneself adorned
H=H H=H H=H H=H H=H (savrJ) m. self-government, self-rule, home-
rule, autonomy
H= Y H= Y H= Y H= Y H= Y (savall) a. cheap, low-priced, reasonably
H= Yl H H= Yl H H= Yl H H= Yl H H= Yl H (savall nazar) f. kind attitude
H= H= H= H= H= (sav) a. one and a quarter
~Y H (~lakkh) m. one lakh twenty five
a. one, single
H=|Fm H=|Fm H=|Fm H=|Fm H=|Fm (save) m. one and a quarter time
- U ~(- du n ~) a. too much, lot; flourishing,
H=H H=H H=H H=H H=H (svs) m. breath
~|W|m (~kIrI) f. respiration, breathing
~U (~chhaddn e) id. to breathe one's
last, to kick the bucket
~U (~den) id. to kick the bucket, to
expire, to die
~Yl (~pranl) f. respiratory system
H=H|SW H=H|SW H=H|SW H=H|SW H=H|SW (savstIk) m. an auspicious symbol,
H=J H=J H=J H=J H=J (savh) f. ash (of burnt wood, coal etc.);
ashes (of dead body); calx (of metal, etc.);
worthless thing; dust
~UU/YJU (~udun/luun) id.
to spoil or undo a work
- H= W ~J (- sar ke ~hon) id. to be
reduced to ashes; to burn with jealousy
- |H ~ (- sIr ~pen) id. to be defamed
H=W H=W H=W H=W H=W (svk) m. a kind of grass; a kind of rice used
in fasts, Zizania aquatica
H=T H=T H=T H=T H=T (sv g) m. mimicry, ludicrous imitation,
caricaturing, burlesque, disguise; drama
H= TS H= TS H= TS H= TS H= TS (savgat) m. welcome, reception;
H=U H=U H=U H=U H=U (savd) m. taste
a. tasty
H=U H=U H=U H=U H=U (svd) m. dialogue, conversation, discussion,
discourse; news, information
- H=UUS (- svddt) m. correspondent,
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (svdhn) a. independent, free, liberated
H=lS H=lS H=lS H=lS H=lS (svdhnt) f. independence, freedom,
H= H= H= H= H= (savb) m. virtuous deed, benevolence; fruit
of virtuous deed
H= H= H= H= H= (savr) m. rider; cavalry soldier
a. mounted (car, bus etc.)
~J (~hon) id. to have a commanding
influence, to dominate; to ride, to mount, to
- HJ ~(- shh ~) a. an efficient rider
- == ~(- ghor ~) m. horse-rider, horseman
H=/H = H=/H = H=/H = H=/H = H=/H = (savrn/svrn) v.t. to keep in
order, to arrange; to adorn, to decorate; to
amend, to improve
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (savr) f. means of transport, conveyance,
vehicle; passenger; a respectful form of
address for a scripture when carried on head
or carriage
H=Y H=Y H=Y H=Y H=Y (savl) m. question; sum; problem; demand;
entreaty, request; query
~UJU (~uhun) id. to call in question,
to raise objection
~J Y W (~hall karn) v.t. to solve a
~W (~karn) v.t. to put a question, to
~H= (~Javb) m. question-answer;
discussion, argumentation
~S H=Y W (~te savl karn) id. to put a
volley of questions
~U (~pun) put a question
id. to beg or ask for something, to demand
H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl (savl) m. a person who seeks something
from someone; questioner
H=Ylm H=Ylm H=Ylm H=Ylm H=Ylm (savl) a. interrogative, pertaining to a
m. beggar
~|U /~|H (~chnh/~nIshn) m.
question mark, sign of interrogation (?)
H|=H H|=H H|=H H|=H H|=H (savIsthr) a. detailed
adv. in detail
H|=U H|=U H|=U H|=U H|=U (svIch) f. switch
~ (~bor) m. switch-board
H |= H |= H |= H |= H |= (svIdhn) m. constitution
H |=W H |=W H |=W H |=W H |=W (svIdhnak) a. constitutional
H=lW H=lW H=lW H=lW H=lW (savkr) m. assent, approval, sanction,
a. accepted, agreed, acceded, conceded
H = U/H = U H = U/H = U H = U/H = U H = U/H = U H = U/H = U (svedan/svedan) f. sensation;
~HWSl (~shakt) f. sensitivity
- H=UHlY (svedanshl) a. sensitive
- -- --H=UHlYS(svedanshlt) f. sensitiveness,
sensitivity, sensibility
H= /H= H= /H= H= /H= H= /H= H= /H= (saver/saver) m. daybreak, morning,
H= H H= H H= H H= H H= H (saversr) adv. early in the morning, at
H= H= H= H= H= (savere) adv. at dawn, early in the morning;
~H= (~savere) adv. early in the morning,
at dawn; early, too early
- HK ~(sJh ~) adv. every moment, every
time, always, at any time
- J ~(hanere~) adv. at any time
H H H H H (sve) pref. a prefix which denotes the meaning
of 'self'
~ml (~adhn) a. independent
~|FU (~Ichchh) f. own desire, willingness
~|FU Y (~Ichchh nl) adv. voluntarily,
~HHu (~sJam) m. self-control, self-restraint
~|H (~sIddh) a. self-evident, axiomatic
~U|YS (~chlat) a. automatic
~u (~mn) m. self-pride, self-respect,
~|Hm (~rakkhe) f. self-defence
~|=H=H (~vIshvs) m. self-confidence
~|= (~vIrodh) m. self-contradict
H= J H= J H= J H= J H= J (savear) m. sweater
H=W H=W H=W H=W H=W (sarak) f. road
- H=W ~(- sarko ~) adv. along a road; by
- WUl ~(- kachch ~) f. unmetalled road
- HYl ~(- Jarne l ~) f. highway
- Wl ~(- pakk ~) f. metalled-road
H= H= H= H= H= (saran) f. putrefaction, rot; decomposition;
jealousy, heart burning; burning sensation
H= H= H= H= H= (sarn) v.i. to putrefy, to rot; to be jealous,
to feel jealousy; to get burnt, to get charred/
scalded; to be peevish
- H=U YU (- sar d bald) a. very hot; angry,
enraged, peevish, irritable
- H= Y H (- sa bal Jn) id. to be red
with rage; to be jealous, to feel jealousy
- H|=m T|Ym (- sar e gale) a. rotten,
~F |Hm (~bhuJe) a. enraged; peevish,
H=U/H|= mU/H|=m H=U/H|= mU/H|=m H=U/H|= mU/H|=m H=U/H|= mU/H|=m H=U/H|= mU/H|=m (sar a d/sarIh d/sa rI dh)
f. foul smell, stink, stench
H=lmY H=lmY H=lmY H=lmY H=lmY (saral) a. ill-tempered, bad-tempered,
peevish, splenetic
H= H= H= H= H= (sarop) m. loose stitch, gobble-stitch
HU HU HU HU HU (sun) m. the fifth month of Bikrami year,
~U m J Jl J H mUU J (~de nhe
n har h har nazar u d he ) prov.
everything looks pale to a jaundiced eye
- ~J FU HW (n ~hare n bhdo
sukke) prov. remaining ever the same
HU l HU l HU l HU l HU l (sun) f. autumn harvest, kharif crop
HU Y HU Y HU Y HU Y HU Y (saul) a. wheatish dark complexion; tan
HU HU HU HU HU (sa u ) a. gentle, noble, courteous, douce, docile;
innocent, simple
HU HU HU HU HU (sa u pu) m. gentleness, docility, nobility
H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm (se) m. shade; shadow; image, reflection;
patronage, shelter; evil influence (of ghost)
~UJ H (~utth Jn) id. to be deprived of
patronage, to be orphaned
~ (~pen) id. to be overshadowed
H|Fm= H|Fm= H|Fm= H|Fm= H|Fm= (sevn) m. awning, shade
H|F H H|F H H|F H H|F H H|F H (ss) f. science
- H|FHU (ssdn) m. scientist
H|FHS H|FHS H|FHS H|FHS H|FHS (shIst) a. civilized, sophisticated,
cultured; courteous, douce; docile, gentle, polite
H|FU H|FU H|FU H|FU H|FU (shaed) a. perhaps, possibly, may be
H|F H|F H|F H|F H|F (shaer) m. poet
H|F H|F H|F H|F H|F (seran) m. siren
H|Fl H|Fl H|Fl H|Fl H|Fl (sher) f. the art of writing verse poetry,
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (sa ) m. husband; lord, master; God; Muslim
- HFl YW (- s lok) m. saint, fakir; artless
person, innocent man
HFlH HFlH HFlH HFlH HFlH (ss) m. groom, stable man, syce
HFlWY HFlWY HFlWY HFlWY HFlWY (skal) m. cycle
~HJ (~sted) m. cycle-stand
~H= (~sva r) m. cyclist
HFlH HFlH HFlH HFlH HFlH (sz) m. size
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (s) m. side
! !! !!
(sn) m. sign
~ (~bor) m. signboard
z zz zz
(sn) m. signature
HF HF HF HF HF (sebn) m. canopy
HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS (shstrrth) m. debate or discussion on
the scriptures
HHSl HHSl HHSl HHSl HHSl (shstar) m. scholar of the scriptures; a
degree in Sanskrit (literature); teacher of
HH HH HH HH HH (shsan) m. government, administration
H-H H-H H-H H-H H-H (s-s ) f. whistling sound of wind
a. desolate, lonely (place)
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (ss) m. aJ at sub -caste ;wandering tribe of
low -caste
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sh) m. breath, respiration; respite, rest
~mU (~un) id. to have relief, to feel
respite, to have rest
~HS (~sat) m. energy, strength
~HS u W (~sat mukkan ) id. to feel
exhausted, to exhaust
~HW (~sukkan) id. to hold one's breath,
to be scared, to be frightened; to be overawed
~WV (~kaha) id. to terrify, to scare,
to frighten
~=J (~ghu) id. to feel suffocation
~U= (~chahn) id. to be out of breath,
to pant, to lose one's breath
~U=U (~chahu) id. to hold one's
~JJ (~ua) id. to be out of breath, to
~Y HJ Y (~nl sh n raln)
id. to be out of breath
~ Y U (~n le de) id. to keep
busy; to get on one's nerves
~|WY (~nIkaln) id. to breathe one's
~=Y (~phulln) id. to be out of breath
(with exertion); to breathe hard
~W (~rukan) id. to have obstruction in
the breathing process
~Y Ul =HS J (~len d phursat n
hon) id. to be over busy, not to have respite
even for breathing
~Y (~le n ) id. to take rest; to keep
~|=U HJ mU (~vIch sh un) id. to
heave a sigh of relief, to feel relieved
- mHl ~Y (- khr ~len) id. to breathe
one's last, to pass away, to expire
- JJY ~JJ S USY ~US |J H (-hehl ~
het h te utl ~utte reh Jn) id. to be taken
aback, to be stunned, to be dumbfounded
- U Ul ~Y (- chen d ~len) id. to heave
a sigh of relief
- JV ~F (- had h ~bharn) id. to heave
a deep sigh
- mHl HJ S (khar sh te) id. to be on
the death bed
- |FW HJ (-Ikko she) adv. in one breath
H J H J H J H J H J (shh) m. money-lender, banker; rich
merchant, trader; Muslim emperor, Sultan
pref. a prefix denoting 'great', 'big'
~HU (~kharch) m. spendthrift, extravagant
person, squanderer
HJH HJH HJH HJH HJH (shas) m. courage, pluck, boldness, guts,
HJHl HJHl HJHl HJHl HJHl (shs) a. courageous, plucky, bold, fearless
HJW HJW HJW HJW HJW (shhkr) m. masterpiece, masterwork,
magnum opus
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (shb) m. sir; officer; lord, master; husband,
spouse; God, Lord
- -- -- HJHU (- shbJd) m. male child, son;
son of a noble family
- HJl (- shb) f. lordship, lordliness,
HJu HJu HJu HJu HJu (shmn) m. encounter, confrontation;
front part, forepart; face, facade (of house etc.)
HJu HJu HJu HJu HJu (shmn e) adv. in front of; in the presence
of, on the face of, before
a. opposite, facing
~J (~hon ) id. to appear, to be present;
to be in front of
~H (~rakkhan) v.t. to place in front of
- mu ~(- mho ~) adv. face to face
HJ= HJ= HJ= HJ= HJ= (shve) adv. in front of, in the face of, in the
presence of; opposite, face to face
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (sh) m. an auspicious date and time for
marriage wedding
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (shhn) a. royal, majestic, kingly, regal,
august; grand, splendid, aristocratic
H|JS H|JS H|JS H|JS H|JS (sahIt) m. literature
H|JSW H|JSW H|JSW H|JSW H|JSW (shItak) a. pertaining to literature, literary
H|JSW H|JSW H|JSW H|JSW H|JSW (shItkr) m. writer, literator, man of
letters, litterateur
H|JY H|JY H|JY H|JY H|JY (shIl) m. seacoast, shore
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJl (shh) a. royal, kingly, imperial, regal
HJ W HJ W HJ W HJ W HJ W (shhukr) m. wealthy person, richman;
money-lender, banker
HJ W HJ W HJ W HJ W HJ W (shhkr) m. profession of lending
money at interest, money-lending; business of
a banker, banking
HJ HJl HJ HJl HJ HJl HJ HJl HJ HJl (shosh) adv. out of breath
~J (~hon ) id. to be out of breath, to
HW HW HW HW HW (sk) m. relation, kinship, relationship, relative;
engagement, betrothal; match (for marriage)
~Hl (~sabdh) m. relatives, kith and kin
~W (~karn) id. to betroth one's son or
~Y (~len) id. to accept the proposal of
a girl or a boy for marriage
- mT ~(- g ~) m. relatives, kith and kin
HWTll/HWUl (skgr/skdr) f.
relationship, kinship
HW HW HW HW HW (sk) m. Saka-era; a remarkable historic
HW HW HW HW HW (skr) a. having shape or form
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (sk) m. server of wine, saki
HH HH HH HH HH (skh) f. business credibility, reputation, good-
will, trust; fame
H H H H H (shk h) f. branch, bough, twig, shoot; section,
branch; tributary-canal
HH HH HH HH HH (skhar) a. literate
HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS (skhart) f. literacy
H|HmS H|HmS H|HmS H|HmS H|HmS (skhet) a.& m. visible, before one's
~UH (~darshan) m. a glimpse of God or
of the Invisible
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (skh) f. a story or anecdote concerning a
holy person; witness; evidence, testimony
HT HT HT HT HT (sg) m. green leaves of mustard, spinach etc.
used as vegetable; vegetable dish of mustard
or spinach leaves
HT HT HT HT HT (s g) m. mimicry, mockery, burlesque; imitation,
masquerade; afterpiece
~YU (~lun) v.t. to mimic, to imitate
HT HT HT HT HT (sgar) m. sea, ocean
~Hl (~sabdh) a. oceanic
~|=|Tm (~vIgIn) m. oceanography
~|=|Tml (~vIgIn) m. oceanographer
H|TU H|TU H|TU H|TU H|TU (shgIrd) n. pupil, student; follower, disciple
H|TUl H|TUl H|TUl H|TUl H|TUl (shgIrd) f. pupilage, discipleship
HT U/H U HT U/H U HT U/H U HT U/H U HT U/H U (sgu dn /sbu dn ) m. sago
HH HH HH HH HH (sz) m. musical instrument; luggage
- -- -- HH-Hu (-sz-samn) m. paraphernalia,
apparatus, equipment (army)
HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH (szash) f. conspiracy, intrigue, plot, collusion
~W (~karn) v.t. to hatch a conspiracy,
to intrigue, to conspire/plot
H|H U H|H U H|H U H|H U H|H U (szd) m. one who plays on a musical
instrument, accompanist, instrumentalist
HK HK HK HK HK (sa Jh) f. partnership, cahoot; association,
affinity; relationship, kinship
HK HK HK HK HK (sJhr) m. early morning, dawn, day break,
HK HK HK HK HK (sJhre) adv. early, before-time; early in the
morning, at dawn
HK HK HK HK HK (sa Jh) a. common, combined, joint; common
(relative, friend etc.)
! !! !!
(saJh) m. business partner, co-partner, co-
~U (~pun) v.t. to go cahoot
~=Y (~vl) m. partner, sharer, co-owner
- HKlUl(- saJhdar) f. partnership
z zz zz
(saJh) f. an idol of goddess Durga made of
mud and cowdung, fixed on the wall of usually
every Hindu house, worshipped during
Navratras which fall in October and immersed
in water on the ninth day of Navratras
HKl=YS HKl=YS HKl=YS HKl=YS HKl=YS (sa Jhvlt) f. partnership, co-ownership
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (san) m. a kind of shinning silky cloth, satin
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (s h) m. the rendered fat of pig; lard (of swine)
H H H H H (sd) pron. our, ours
HV /HV HV /HV HV /HV HV /HV HV /HV (shu/sdhu) m. husband of wife's
sister, brother-in-law
HV HV HV HV HV (sdhe) a. extra or additional one half; one
and a half (money, time etc.)
H H H H H (sn ) m. whetstone, hone, grindstone
~S YU (~te lun) v.t. to whet, to hone
! !! !!
(sht) m. one of the nine Rasas (of literature)
a. cool, peaceful, calm, quiet, serene, tranquil
~HFm (~subha) a. cool-headed, calm and
composed, serene by nature
~W (~karn) id. to pacify, to cool down
~|US (~chIt) a. calm and composed by
nature, peaceful, cool, tranquil
- HSuFl (-shtma) a. peaceful; non-violent
z zz zz
/HS /HS /HS /HS /HS (sht/st) f. a marriage ceremony (of
Hindus) performed by the maternal uncle of
bride or bridegroom to pacify the nine planets
HS HS HS HS HS (st) m. the figure or number seven; week
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (sh t) f. peace, tranquility, serenity, calmness
~Y (~nl) adv. peacefully
- -- -- HSlU|FW (-sh tdek) a. peace-giving,
pacifying, soothing, tranquil
- HSl (-shtpuran) a. peaceful; non-
H H H H H (sth) m. company, companionship; companion,
fellow, associate; fellow-travellers
adv. along with
~W (~karn) v.t. to accompany
~U H (~chhadd Jn) id. to leave in
the lurch; to desert, to forsake
~|FU (~nIbhun) id. to stand by
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sth) m. companion, fellow, associate,
comrade; friend, compeer
- Hl= ~(-Jvan ~) m. life-partner, husband or
wife, spouse
H H H H H (stho) adv. from us
HUTl HUTl HUTl HUTl HUTl (sdg) f. simplicity, plainness; innocence,
- HU uU (- sd murd) a. simple, plain;
innocent, guileless, ingenuous, candid
HU HU HU HU HU (sdar) adv. respectfully, reverentially, with
HU HU HU HU HU (sd) a. simple; plain, unlined (paper);
guileless, ingenuous, innocent; simple (water);
plain, unembroidered, without print (cloth etc.)
~Hl= UU |=U(~Jvan ucche vIchr) id.
simple living and high thinking
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUl (shd) f. marriage, wedding; matrimony,
nuptial; happy-occasion, festivity
HUl-T ul HUl-T ul HUl-T ul HUl-T ul HUl-T ul (shd-gam) f. joy and sorrow, happy
or sad occasion, birth and death
H H H H H (sdh) a. pious, religious; holyman, ascetic,
saint, hermit, monk, seer, sadhu
H - H TS H - H TS H - H TS H - H TS H - H TS (sdh-sgat) f. religious/holy
congregation; congregation in front of holy sri-
Guru Granth Sahib
H W H W H W H W H W (sdhak) a. performer of austerities,
meditative; suff. a suffix meaning instrumental
as in 'WH HW'
H H H H H (sdhn) f. & v.t. learning by practice,
perseverance, long practice, to get perfected
in aiming at, to accomplish, to realise
H H H H H (sdhan) m. means, ways; sources,
resources, effort, endeavour; instrument,
medium, equipment, apparatus
H H H H H (sdhn) f. ascetic discipline, spiritual quest;
devotion; mortification
H H H H H (sdhu) m. holyman, ascetic, saint, hermit,
monk, seer, sadhu; pious, religious
H H H H H (shn) f. dignity, glory, pomp, grandeur,
splendour, glamour, grandness; elegance,
gorgeousness, exquisitiveness, flamboyance
~HWS (~shokat) f. ostentation, grandeur,
splendour, pomp-show, luxuriousness,
magnificence; dignity, fame, glory
H H H H H (snh) m. sire, bull, stud bull
a. stout, sturdy, healthy, hefty
HU HU HU HU HU (shndr) a. glorious, splendid, grand,
magnificent, great, pompous, gorgeous, elegant,
exquisite, aristocratic, deluxe, royal
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sn) a. matchless, unparallel, peerless,
unique; equal, similar, matching
H H H H H (sn ) pron. us, to us
H| T H| T H| T H| T H| T (shpg) f. shopping, purchasing
HV HV HV HV HV (sf) a. unsoiled, clear, pure, unadulterated
pellucid, neat; clean, legible (writing),
intelligible; clear, vivid; frank, straight-forward;
clear, cloudless (sky etc.); smooth, even, flat
(land); settled, clear; quite clear, spotless (cloth)
~HV (~sf) adv. clear-cut, in a clear way;
categorically, frankly, unambiguously, clearly,
lucidly, bluntly
~H (~suthr) a. spick and span, neat
and clean, spotless; tidy
~W (~karn) v.t. to clean/wash/rub/
scrub/wipe; to clear/classify; to purify/
~H= (~Javb) m. flat refusal, point blank
refusal, blunt reply
HV HV HV HV HV (sf) m. turban; short length of cloth used as
bath towel, wrap and scarf
HW HW HW HW HW (sbk) a. former, ex, erstwhile
H H H H H (sban) m. soap
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUl (sban dn) f. soap case, soap-container,
soap dish
HS HS HS HS HS (sbat) a. complete, entire, compact, whole;
unbroken, intact, uncut, in one piece; firm;
proved, testified
~J (~hon ) v.i. to be proved, to be
HS WUu HS WUu HS WUu HS WUu HS WUu (sbat kadam) a. firm footing, steadfast,
HS HS HS HS HS (sbt) a. entire, complete, whole, unbroken,
uncut, in one piece
H H H H H (sabar) a. content, contented, perseverant,
enduring, patient; a kind of soft leather used
for making shoes etc., chamois
H H H H H H H H H H (shbsh) f. the act of applauding or
encouraging, encouragement; bravo!, well
~U (~den) id. to applaud, to approbate,
to pat on the back/encourage; to congratulate/
HF HF HF HF HF (s bh) f. maintenance, care, up-keep; protection
HF HF HF HF HF (s bhn ) v.t. to take charge of (duty,
prisoners etc.); to look after, to take care of
(children etc.); to support, to prep; to gather,
to garner, (corn etc.); to maintain, to keep up;
to preserve; to take up arms; to tackle
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (shm) f. evening, nightfall, eventide, dusk,
a. black, dark
HuS HuS HuS HuS HuS (shamat) f. adversity, calamity ;misery,
Hu S Hu S Hu S Hu S Hu S (smt) m. suzerain, feudal lord
Hu SHJl/Hu S=U Hu SHJl/Hu S=U Hu SHJl/Hu S=U Hu SHJl/Hu S=U Hu SHJl/Hu S=U (smtshh/smtvd)
f. & m. feudalism, suzerainty
Hu Sl Hu Sl Hu Sl Hu Sl Hu Sl (smt) a. feudal, feudatory
HuS W/HuS H HuS W/HuS H HuS W/HuS H HuS W/HuS H HuS W/HuS H (smartakk/smartakkh) adv.
before one's very eyes
HuH HuH HuH HuH HuH (smrJ) m. empire
- HuH=U (-smrJvd) m. imperialism
- HuH=Ul (-smrJvd) m. imperialist
HuHl HuHl HuHl HuHl HuHl (smrJ) a. imperial, imperialistic
HuY HuY HuY HuY HuY (shmal) a. included; attached, annexed,
appended; present
~J (~hon) v.i. to participate, to attend;
to be included; to be attached or annexed
HuYJ/HuYS HuYJ/HuYS HuYJ/HuYS HuYJ/HuYS HuYJ/HuYS (shmlt/shmlt) f. common
HuYSl HuYSl HuYSl HuYSl HuYSl (shmlt) a. commonable
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (smn) m. luggage, goods; material; tools,
apparatus, implements; furniture; stock;
H|um H|um H|um H|um H|um (shmIn) m. a big tent, awning,
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul (shm) adv. in the evening, at sunset
! !! !!
(sr) m. extract, essence, juice; summary,
abstract, gist, substance, epitome, conclusion,
out come, result; keynote; value, worth
suff. a suffix which denotes the meaning of
~WV (~kaddh) id. to draw conclusion;
to extract essence
z zz zz
(sr) f. information, knowledge
~Jl (~hon ) v.i. to have the knowledge
~Yl (~len) id. to enquire after
- ~(- khabar ~) f. information
Hm H Hm H Hm H Hm H Hm H (srsh) m. gist, sum and substance,
essence, conclusion, epitome, extract, summary,
HH HH HH HH HH (sras) m. crane, stork
HW HW HW HW HW (shrk) f. a variety of fish, shark
H T H T H T H T H T (srg) m. a musical mode sung in the
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl (srg) f. an Indian stringed musical
HH J HH J HH J HH J HH J (srJ) m. sergeant, head-constable
HH Jl HH Jl HH Jl HH Jl HH Jl (srJ) f. sergeantship
HJJ HJJ HJJ HJJ HJJ (shrhe) f. shorthand
Hl/Hl Hl/Hl Hl/Hl Hl/Hl Hl/Hl (srn/sarn) f. list; schedule; table
- Hu ~(- sam ~) f. time-table
HW HW HW HW HW (srthak) a. meaningful, significant, fruitful,
purposeful, substantial, pithy
~mW (~k) m. significant figure
H WS H WS H WS H WS H WS (srthakt) f. meaningfulness;
significance, fruitfulness, purposefulness
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (srth) m. chariot-driver, charioteer
HU HU HU HU HU (shrd) f. an old Indian script; goddess of
learning, goddess Sarswati
H H H H H (srn) v.t. to make to suffice, to make ends
meet; to pull on somehow, to pass time; to
arrange, to avail; to complete, to accomplish,
to finish; to construct
H H H H H (srbn) m. camel driver, cameleer
H H H H H (sr) a. whole; all, entire, complete,
aggregate, total
~HU UHlF S m UFlF = (~Jd dekhe t
addh dae v) prov. something is better
than nothing, better give the wool than the whole
- Hl Y ml UTl (- sr nlo addh chg)
prov. half a loaf is better than no bread
! !! !!
(sl) m. year
~|T (~gIrh) f. anniversary; birthday
~U HY (~de sl) adv. from year to year,
yearly, every year
~F (~bhar) adv. throughout the year, all
the year round
-HY ~(- salo~) adv. every year, from year
to year, yearly
-uYl ~(- ml ~) m. financial year
- HYl (~slbaddh) adv. for years to
gather, for a long time
z zz zz
(sl) m. a tree and its wood used for making
furniture, doors etc., Shorea robusta
HY HY HY HY HY (shl) f. shawl
HYH HYH HYH HYH HYH (slas) m. arbiter, arbitrator; mediator,
middleman, conciliator
HYHl HYHl HYHl HYHl HYHl (sls) f. arbitration; mediation
a. arbitral; mediatory
HYTu HYTu HYTu HYTu HYTu (slgrm) m. a kind of round stone,
regarded as the image of god Vishnu and
worshipped by Hindus
HYu HYu HYu HYu HYu (slam) a. complete; undivided, full, in one
piece, uncut; whole, entire, total; integral; safe
and sound
HY HY HY HY HY (sl) m. wife's brother, brother- in law; an
inoffensive abuse
! !! !!
(shl) suff. a suffix which denotes the
meaning of abode as cowshed tTUHY1, inn
tuHY1 etc.
z zz zz
(shl) adv. by the grace or will of God,
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (sl) f. wife's sister, sister in law; an
inoffensive abuse
HY HY HY HY HY (sl) m. red coloured plain or embroidered
coarse cloth wrapped by brides at the time of
HY J HY J HY J HY J HY J (slehr) f. wife's sister-in-law, wife's
brother's wife, sister-in-law
H= H= H= H= H= (svdhn) a. attentive; alert, cautious,
vigilant, careful, watchful, secure; awake,
intj. a cautionary word of command equivalent
of English word command
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (svdhn) f. attention, consciousness;
alertness, cautiousness, carefulness,
watchfulness, vigilance
H=Y/H=Y/ H=Y/H=Y/ H=Y/H=Y/ H=Y/H=Y/ H=Y/H=Y/(svl/s vl ) a. dark-complexioned,
dark-skinned, swarthy; one of the surnames
of Lord Krishna
H= H= H= H= H= (sv) a. green; unripe
~WU U (~kachch) m. dark green, pure green
H= H= H= H= H= (sv) a. balanced, equal, even
H = H = H = H = H = (s) m. burning; burn, scald; state of
putrefaction; jealousy, heart burning
~=W (~phk) m. arson
H= HSl H= HSl H= HSl H= HSl H= HSl (shsat) f. the evil influence of Saturn
(planet) which lasts for 7
years or months or
days; calamity, ill-luck, adversity
H= H= H= H= H= (shn) v.t. to burn, to ignite; to blight, to
decompose; to put to distress, to make to suffer;
to over cook, to burn, to char; to tease, to vex,
to pass sarcastic remark; to cause to rot; to
H= H= H= H= H= (sa) m. jealousy, heart-burning, envy, green
eye, spite
H= l H= l H= l H= l H= l (sh) f. sari
|HU W |HU W |HU W |HU W |HU W (sIuk) f. termite, white ant
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (sIun ) v.t. to sew, to stitch
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (sIo) m. apple
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (shear) m. couplet in Urdu poetry
|HmHS |HmHS |HmHS |HmHS |HmHS (sIsat) f. politics; use of strategy in
obtaining any position of power or control
|HmHSU |HmHSU |HmHSU |HmHSU |HmHSU (sIsatdn) m. politician, statesman
|HmHl |HmHl |HmHl |HmHl |HmHl (sIs) a. political, pertaining to the state or
its government
|HmJ |HmJ |HmJ |HmJ |HmJ (sIh) a. black, dark
|HmJl |HmJl |HmJl |HmJl |HmJl (sIh) f. blackink; blackness, darkness; ink
used for writing or printing purposes
|HmJl UH (-sIh chs) m. blotting paper/
pad, blotter
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (sI) f. recognition, identity, identification;
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (sIan) v.t. to identify, to recognise, to
know, to favour, to consider; to care, to pay
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (sIap) f. intelligence, dexterity, wisdom,
prudence, sagacity; cleverness, shrewdness
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (sI) a. prudent, wise, intelligent; shrewd,
clever; sagacious; grown-up, adult, mature; old-
person, aged; artful, discreet, crafty
m. exorcist; old man
~|m (~be) a. prudent, wise,
intelligent; grown up, aged, old-person
|Hml U u |Hml U u |Hml U u |Hml U u |Hml U u (sI umar) f. old age, mature age
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (sI) m. acquaintance, familiar person
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (sIp) m. the act of wailing, lament,
mourning, keening; trouble, botheration,
~W (~karn) v.t. to lament by beating
one's breasts, thighs etc.
id. to fulfil an unpleasant duty, to do a boring
job, to do something unwillingly
~U (~pu) id. to create trouble, to
create a problem
~ (~pe) id. to be in trouble
|H=l ~(- sI ~) m. unpleasant duty, boring
job or work
|Hm Ul H= ( sI II IIpe d Jah) m. bone of
~Ul /~U Fl (~d ne /~d n) f.& m.
fire brand
|HmY/|HmY |HmY/|HmY |HmY/|HmY |HmY/|HmY |HmY/|HmY (sIl/sIl) m. winter, the cold
|Hm= |Hm= |Hm= |Hm= |Hm= (sI) m. furrow
|HH |HH |HH |HH |HH (shIsh) m. disciple, student, pupil, novice
|HHW |HHW |HHW |HHW |HHW (sIska) v.i to sob; to gasp
|HHW |HHW |HHW |HHW |HHW (shIshkrn) v.t. to drive away the
animals by producing some sound, to shoo
away; to hiss, to produce a hissing sound
|HHWl |HHWl |HHWl |HHWl |HHWl (sIsk) f. sob; gasp
|HHJu |HHJu |HHJu |HHJu |HHJu (sIstam) m. system
|HHJ |HHJ |HHJ |HHJ |HHJ (sIsar) f. sister
|HHJU |HHJU |HHJU |HHJU |HHJU (sIshchr) m. good manners, etiquette,
civility; culture, decorum; ceremoniousness,
formality; reverence, respect (for elders)
|HHJUl |HHJUl |HHJUl |HHJUl |HHJUl (sIshchr) a. well-mannered, formal,
|HHS |HHS |HHS |HHS |HHS (shIsht) f. aim (of weapon)
~l (~bnh) v.t. to aim at, to level a
weapon at, to take aim
|H J |H J |H J |H J |H J (sI h) m. lion
|HJS |HJS |HJS |HJS |HJS (sehat) f. health; soundness of body
|HJSu U |HJSu U |HJSu U |HJSu U |HJSu U (sehatmd) a. having sound health,
|HJSu Ul |HJSu Ul |HJSu Ul |HJSu Ul |HJSu Ul (sehatmd) f. recovery from illness,
restoration of health, recuperation
|HJSUl |HJSUl |HJSUl |HJSUl |HJSUl (sehatyb) f. recovery from illness,
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ (sehr) m. bridegroom's chaplet; eulogical
verse composed for a boy's wedding; wreath,
garland; laurel
~|H J (~sIr ho) id. to win the laurels
~Fl (~bnh) f. ceremonial tip or gift
given to groom's sisters at the chaplet
|HJUl (- sehrabd) f. ceremony of tying
the chaplet around bridegroom's head
|HJl |HJl |HJl |HJl |HJl (sIhr) f. a short vowel symbol (|) of Gur-
mukhi script
|H W |H W |H W |H W |H W (sIkk) f. yearning, longing, strong desire; love
|HWHS |HWHS |HWHS |HWHS |HWHS (shIkast) f. defeat, overthrow, failure
|HWHS |HWHS |HWHS |HWHS |HWHS (shIkast) f. illegible handwriting, scrawl,
cursive writing
a. broken, dilapidated, decrepit, wornout
|HW H=l |HW H=l |HW H=l |HW H=l |HW H=l (shIkJav) f. sweet drink of lemon juice
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (sIk) v.i. to be baked
|H W |H W |H W |H W |H W (sIkk) v.i. to yearn, to long, to pine, to be
fond of
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (shIkan) f. wrinkle, pucker; frown, scowl
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (shIkr) m. falcon, wind hover, kestrel, hawk
|HWl |HWl |HWl |HWl |HWl (sIkar) f. dandruff
|HWYlT |HWYlT |HWYlT |HWYlT |HWYlT (sIklgar) m. burnisher, a person who
polishes swords and other metallic articles; a
nomadic tribe, who makes knives, locks etc.,
knife grinder
|HW= |HW= |HW= |HW= |HW= (shIkv) m. complaint, grudge, accusation,
grouse, grievance; growl, grumbling
~|HW|FS (~shIket) f. grumbling, growl;
complaint, grouse, expostulation, grievance
|H W |H W |H W |H W |H W (sIkk) m. lead; coin; currency, coinage; black
lead (pencil) ; authority, sway; type
~UYU (~chalu) id. to strike coin, to
issue coins; to establish one's dominance
~U (~banu) v.t. to make money
by stamping metal, to coin
~|JU /HuU (~bIhu/ Jamu)
id. to establish one's sway, to establish
|HW|FS |HW|FS |HW|FS |HW|FS |HW|FS (shIket) f. complaint, accusation, plaint;
grievance, grouse; trouble, ailment,
complication (physical)
~U W (~dr karn) v.t. to redress the
|HW|FSl (shIket) a. complainant, pertaining
to complaint; querulous
|H WWFl |H WWFl |H WWFl |H WWFl |H WWFl (sIkkk) f. a kind of tree, whose pods
are used to wash hair, Acacia rugata
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (shIkr) m. chase, hunt, hunting; prey,
quarry; victim
~J (~ho) id. to become victim of, to
become a prey of
~H (~khea) v.t. to hunt, to hound, to
|HWTJ (shIkrgh) f. hunting ground
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (shIkr) m. a small rowboat, house-boat,
|HWl |HWl |HWl |HWl |HWl (shIkr) m. hunter, huntsman
~WS (~kutt) m. hound
|H W U |H W U |H W U |H W U |H W U (sIkkebd) a. pure and of good quality
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (sIkkh) m. a follower of Sikhism, Sikh;
disciple; follower; instigation, incitement; Sikh
(community); advice, instruction
~uS (~matt) m. the Sikh religion, Sikhism
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (sIkkha) v.t. to acquire knowledge of
something; to learn; to get training; to be incited/
|HH |HH |HH |HH |HH (sIkhar) f. top of a hill, peak, pinnacle, crest;
apex, zenith, highest point, summit, acme;
climax (of a story etc.); top floor of a building
~U|J (~dupehar) f. noontide, noontime,
|HHY (sIkharl) a. topmost, highest point
| HHY Fl | HHY Fl | HHY Fl | HHY Fl | HHY Fl (sIkhl) f. training; the wages for
imparting training
|HHU |HHU |HHU |HHU |HHU (sIkhu) v.t. to teach know how, to
give training, to train; to teach, to educate; to
poison one's ears, to incite, to instigate
HW~ ( sabak~) id. to teach a lesson
|HHU |HHU |HHU |HHU |HHU (sIkhdar) a. learner, beginner; under
training, apprentice
|HH =J |HH =J |HH =J |HH =J |HH =J (sIkhva) f. instigation, incitement,
abetment, prompting
|H|HmW |H|HmW |H|HmW |H|HmW |H|HmW (sIkhIak) m. teacher, master, preceptor,
tutor, mentor
| H | Hm | H | Hm | H | Hm | H | Hm | H | Hm (sIkkhe) f. education, schooling;
preaching, teaching; incitement, instigation,
prompting; advice, lesson, instruction
~HHSl (~shstr) m. educationist
~U (~de) v.t. to teach, to educate; to
~Yl (~pranl) m. education system
|H|Hm-|HH|Fm |H|Hm-|HH|Fm |H|Hm-|HH|Fm |H|Hm-|HH|Fm |H|Hm-|HH|Fm (sIkkhe-sIkkhae) a. well-up,
skilled, clever
|H|Hml |H|Hml |H|Hml |H|Hml |H|Hml (sIkhIrth) m. student, pupil; learner,
under-training, trainee, apprentice
|H Hl |H Hl |H Hl |H Hl |H Hl (sIkkh) f. Sikh religion, Sikhism; discipleship;
traditional values or principles of Sikhism
~|HUW (~sIdak) m. adoption and firm
following the doctrines of Sikhism
|H T |H T |H T |H T |H T (sg) m. horn
~m= (~an) id. to have a clash between
two parties
|HTY |HTY |HTY |HTY |HTY (sIgnal) m. signal
|HTJ |HTJ |HTJ |HTJ |HTJ (sIgra) f. cigarette
|HT |HT |HT |HT |HT (sIgr) m. cigar
| H T | H T | H T | H T | H T (shgr) m. adornment, decoration,
beautification, ornamentation; make-up; one of
the nine sentiments (Rasas) of poetry;
~ Jl (~pa) f. an ornament of head
(women), headband
|HTJl |HTJl |HTJl |HTJl |HTJl (sgo) m. lion; baptized Sikh; surname used
by Sikhs, Rajputs etc.; Zodiac sign, Leo
~HF (~sabh) m. a movement whose main
object was to reform and to rear traditions of
Sikh religion; a socio-religious association of
~U (~nd) m. roar of a lion
|H =H |H =H |H =H |H =H |H =H (sghsan) m. throne; seat for an idol or a
sacred religious book
~S JJU (~to hau) id. to dethrone,
to depose
|H == |H == |H == |H == |H == (sI gh) m. water chestnut, water caltrop,
Trapa bislnosa
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (sIJJ) v.i. to get wet, to be drenched
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (sJa) v.t. to irrigate, to water (the plants)
|HHU |HHU |HHU |HHU |HHU (sIJd) m. a Mohammedan mode of prayer,
genuflection; bowing down in reverence
|H HFl |H HFl |H HFl |H HFl |H HFl (sJ) f. irrigation, the act of watering; the
wages of irrigation
|H K |H K |H K |H K |H K (sIJJha) id. to settle score with; to take
revenge, to avenge, to requite
|H J |H J |H J |H J |H J (sIa) v.t. to throw
|H J |H J |H J |H J |H J (sI) m. ear of corn spike; deduction,
conclusion; result, fruit, consequence, outcome
|H Jl |H Jl |H Jl |H Jl |H Jl (sIh) f. inoffensive abusive songs sung
at marriage by women to lampoon the relatives
of bride-groom, limerick; satire
|H lW J |H lW J |H lW J |H lW J |H lW J (ske) f. syndicate
| HSu | HSu | HSu | HSu | HSu (sItam) m. atrocity, cruelty, tyranny,
oppression; injustice, unjustness
~VU (~hu) id. to perpetrate atrocity,
to create havoc
|HSuT |HSuT |HSuT |HSuT |HSuT (sItamgar) a. cruel, oppressive
m. tyrant, oppressor
| HS | HS | HS | HS | HS (sItr) f. an Indian stringed musical
instrument, sitar
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (sItr) m. star; planet; fate, fortune, luck;
spangle; film star, actor
~UuW (~chamkan) id. to have advent
of good fortune
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (sIthal) a. lazy, indolent, lethargic, slow;
weak, feeble; dull, sluggish, torpid
|HUW |HUW |HUW |HUW |HUW (sIdak) m. trust, confidence, reliance; faith,
belief (religion); contentment, patience
|H |H |H |H |H
! !! !!
(sIddh) m. an ascetic of Nath yogi sect;
saint, seer, divine personage
~W(~karn) v.t. to prove
|H |H |H |H |H
z zz zz
(sIddh)f. obverse side, front side
~J (~puh) m. internal and external sides;
toss; difference between obverse and reverse
sides; face and back, front and back
|H |H |H |H |H
a aa aa
(sIddh) a. perfect, completed, accomplished;
proved, valid
| H /| H = | H /| H = | H /| H = | H /| H = | H /| H = (sIddhr/sIddha) a. simple,
simpleton, plain, boor, guileless, artless; insane,
|H |H |H |H |H (sIddh) a. straight; simple, guileless, artless;
boor; simple, easy, facile; obverse (side etc.) ;
clear, obvious, lucid
adv. from opposite side; straightaway; directly
~HSl (~satr) a. straight (as rod); reformed
~HS Y (~satol) a. very tall, lanky; erect,
~ (~paddhr) a. simple, guileless,
- |Hlm HU (- sIddh sunun) id. to
call spade a spade
- |Hl S (- sIddh tarh) adv. without any
ifs and buts
- |H J l (- sIddhe hatth ) adv. in a
gentlemanly way; voluntarily
~|U (~dIn) m. good time, days of comfort
and relief
~uJ TY W (~mu h gall n karn) id.
to behave improperly, to behave rudely
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (sIdhun) v.t. to tame , to train, to
break in, to domesticate
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (sIdh t) m. principle, doctrine, tenet; canon,
- |HS=Ul (- sIdh tvd) a. theorist,
|H |H |H |H |H (sIdhrn) v.t. to depart, to set off; to
breathe one's last, to expire, to die
|H l |H l |H l |H l |H l (sIddh) f. spiritual or supernatural or
miraculous power; success; accomplishment,
perfection; realisation, fulfilment; miracle
|H |H |H |H |H (snhan) v.t. to aim at
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (sInam) m. cinema
|H |H |H |H |H (sIpp) m. oyster, sea-shell
|HJ HY |HJ HY |HJ HY |HJ HY |HJ HY (sIph salr) m. Commander-in-chief,
Army Commander
|HJl |HJl |HJl |HJl |HJl (sIph) m. soldier; policeman, constable
|H l |H l |H l |H l |H l (sIpp) f. mother of pearl, pearl-shell
|H=J |H=J |H=J |H=J |H=J (shIph) f. shift
|HVS |HVS |HVS |HVS |HVS (sIft) f. quality, merit; attribute, praise,
admiration, commendation, glorification,
|HV |HV |HV |HV |HV (sIfar) m. cypher, zero; worthless, good for
|HVH |HVH |HVH |HVH |HVH (sIfrash) f. recommendation
m. a person who recommends, recommended
|HVHl |HVHl |HVHl |HVHl |HVHl (sIfrsh) a. recommendatory
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (shIphon) m. a kind of fine thin cloth, chiffon
|HuJ |HuJ |HuJ |HuJ |HuJ (sImaan) v.i.. to shrink, to contract, to
shrivel, to constrict
|H u |H u |H u |H u |H u(sman ) ooze, to seep,to leak, to exude
| HuSl | HuSl | HuSl | HuSl | HuSl (sImart) m. memory, recollection,
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (sImarn) m. remembrance, recollection,
memory, remembering the name of God
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (sImarn) v.t. to mediate, to invoke God,
to tell one's beads
m. rosary, beads
|Hul |Hul |Hul |Hul |Hul (sImarn) f. chaplet
|H uY/|H Y |H uY/|H Y |H uY/|H Y |H uY/|H Y |H uY/|H Y (smal/sbal)) m. silk-cotton tree,
Bombax heptaphylum
|H |H |H |H |H (sIr) m. head; skull, cranium; brain
~UU H (~ucch rakkhn) id. to keep
one's head high
~mH S |JU (~akkh te bIthun) id.
to give a warm welcome
~H|=m (~sar e) a. irritable, peevish, short-
tempered, fretful, obstinate; stubborn,
~HmJ U (~suh pun) id. to cast a
slur on the good name, to defame, to cause
~HJ W J (~su ke bethn) id. to lose
heart, to lose courage
~|JYU (~hIlun) v.i. to nod; to shake
one's head
~HU (~khapun) id. to rack or cudgel
one's brain; to explain something time and again
~HFl (~khap) f. taxing or cudegling of
the brain; idle and useless talk; tiring, mental
~H (~khn) id. to bore and irritate by
nonsense talk; to go on talking uselessly
~UWU (~chakrun) v.t. to feel giddy,
to feel dizzy
id. to be wonderstruck, to be taken aback
~U= (~charhn) id. to be spoiled by
~ U= U (~char hun ) id. to spoil
(someone) by indulgence, to pamper
~UW Ul |=JY J (~chukkan d vehal
n hon) id. to be over/awfully busy, to have
not even a moments respite, to be busy like a
~SYl S (~tal te dharn) id. to be
ready to make (one's) sacrifice
~S (~te) adv. on (someone's) responsibility;
over one's head; on one's support; near, at hand
~S WV (~te kafan bnn) id. to be
ready to make sacrifice
~S H H= J (~te khoon savr hon)
id. to be wild with rage; to be overwhelmed
by murder-mania
~S H HW (~te Ju n sarkana) id. to
turn a deaf ear to
~ S (~ te pe n ) id. to get the
responsibility of
~S H W F H (~te pe r rakkh ke
bhaJJan) id. to take to one's heels, to show a
clean pair of heels
~S SW (~to per takk) id. from head to
~S= (~to) a. utmost, maximum (efforts,
labour etc.)
~UU (~dard) m. headache
~UUl (~dard) f. headache, botheration
~= Ul Hl YU (~dha d bz lun)
id. to set one's life on chance, to stake on one's
~ (~parne) adv. headlong, headfirst
~ HuK mU (~per samaJh n un)
id. to make neither head nor tail
~|= (~phIrn) id. to go off one's head,
to go mad; to become proud
~|=|m (~phIre) a. cranky, crack-minded;
crabbed; proudy
~F (~bhr) adv. headfirst, headlong
~ u S (~matthe te) adv. with great
pleasure, happily
~u= (~marhn) id. to throw the blame
on someone, to ascribe
~u (~mrn) id. to shake one's head in
refusal; to make strenuous efforts; to strike
one's head against
~u (~mn) a. clean-shaven
f. an inoffensively abuse
~=V= = (~vaddhv ver) m. sworn enmity
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ (~sIrhn) m. pillow, bolster, headrest;
side of bedstead where the head rests
|HW V |HW V |HW V |HW V |HW V (~sIrkaddh) a. prominent, well-known,
outstanding, reputed, distinguished
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (sIrk) m. vinegar
|HWl |HWl |HWl |HWl |HWl (sIrk) f. mat of reed or split bamboos used
as screen or for making thatch or for roofing,
reed-curtain, reed-mat ,wattle
|HHJ |HHJ |HHJ |HHJ |HHJ (sIrJan hr) m. God, the Creator; creator,
|HH |HH |HH |HH |HH (sIrJan ) v.t. to create, to bring in to
|HHSuW |HHSuW |HHSuW |HHSuW |HHSuW (sIrJatmak) a. creative
|HH |HH |HH |HH |HH (sIrJana) m. the act or process of creating
f. creation
~HWSl (~shakt) f. creative power
|HSH |HSH |HSH |HSH |HSH (sIrtJ) m. crown. diadem; husband; head,
chief, leader
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (sIrnv) m. address
|HV |HV |HV |HV |HV (sIrf) adv. merely, only, sheer
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (sIrmor) m. head, chief, leader; topping
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (sIrlatth)a. adventurous, adventuresome,
audacious, desperate, desperado
|HY H |HY H |HY H |HY H |HY H (sIrlekh) m. heading, title, caption
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (sIra) a. firmness, persistence, perseverance,
obstinacy, stubbornness; craze, whim,
|H=l |H=l |H=l |H=l |H=l (sIrar) a. obstinate, stubborn, persistent
|H |H |H |H |H (sIr) m. end (of the length of a thing);
beginning, start; tip, edge (of knife etc.); bank,
side; head, extreme; vertex
- |H U= (-sIre char hn) id. to be
accomplished, to be executed
~U= (~chrhn) id. to accomplish, to
~Ul HU (~d sunun) id. to give one's
final decision; to give a flat-refusal
|H |H |H |H |H (shIr) f. artery, blood-vessel
|HUl |HUl |HUl |HUl |HUl (sIrd) adv. towards the side of the bed
where the head rests
H l/H l H l/H l H l/H l H l/H l H l/H l (shIr) m. Mr., Shri
~uSl (~mat) f. Mrs., Smt., madam
~u (~man) m. Mr., sir
- H ~(- sarb ~) m. plural of Mr., Messrs.
|Hl H|J |Hl H|J |Hl H|J |Hl H|J |Hl H|J (sIr shIb) f. sword
H l T H H l T H H l T H H l T H H l T H(shIrgan esh) m. beginning,
~W (~karna) id. to ring the curtain up, to
begin, to start (some work)
|H |H |H |H |H (sIro ) adv. from the head
~ Tl (~ ngI ) f. widow; with head
~l Y= (~pa n lghna) id. all bounds
to be crossed
~Y JY (~bala talna) id. to get rid of
something unpleasant
~F YJ (~bha r la hun a ) id. to rid oneself
of a responsibility/ burden
|H |H |H |H |H (sIrop) m. robe of honour
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (sIl) f. stone slab; a flat piece of stone used
for grinding purposes
|HY|HY |HY|HY |HY|HY |HY|HY |HY|HY (sIlsIl) m. range (of mountains); serial
order, sequence; context, connection
|HY|HY= (sIlsIlevr) adv. in serial order,
serialwise, in sequence, in orderly manner
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (sIlh) f. moisture, dampness, humidity
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (shIlp) m. craft, handicraft
-|HYW (-shIlpkr) m. craftsman,
handicraftman; artisan, artificer
|HYl |HYl |HYl |HYl |HYl (shIlp) a. pertaining to art and craft
m. craftsman, handicraftman, artisan, artificer
|HY=J |HY=J |HY=J |HY=J |HY=J (sIlva) f. wrinkle, ruckle, pucker
|HY= J |HY= J |HY= J |HY= J |HY= J (sIlva) m. a rectangular small slab of
stone and round stone pestle used for grinding
things; clod, dolt, block-head
|HY= |HY= |HY= |HY= |HY= (sIlvar) m. aluminium; silver
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (sIl) m. reward, recompense, requital
|H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y (sIll) a. damp, humid, moist
|HYFl |HYFl |HYFl |HYFl |HYFl (sIl) f. the work of sewing or stitching;
|HYHlS |HYHlS |HYHlS |HYHlS |HYHlS (shIlJt) f. a kind of rock or mineral
secretion used as a potent drug, mineral-pitch
|HY /|HY |HY /|HY |HY /|HY |HY /|HY |HY /|HY (sIlhb/sIlhb) f. & m. moisture;
humidity, dampness
|HYY H |HYY H |HYY H |HYY H |HYY H (shIllekh) m. inscription rock, petrograph,
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (shIv) m. one of the trinity of Hindu gods,
|H=Sl |H=Sl |H=Sl |H=Sl |H=Sl (shIvrtar) f. the marriage night of Lord
Shiva, falls on the fourteenth day of dark half
of Phalguna (Feb.) month
|H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y (sIval) a. civil
~uH (~meraJ) f. civil-marriage
~YFl (~ln) f. civil-line
|H=|Y T |H=|Y T |H=|Y T |H=|Y T |H=|Y T (shIvlg) m. stone image representing Lord
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H=
! !! !!
(sIv) m. burning funeral pyre, a burning
corpse; grave, tomb
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H=
z zz zz
(sIv) intj. & conj. except, but, save
|H=F |H=F |H=F |H=F |H=F (sIve) intj. except, save, but
|H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y (shIvl) m. temple of Lord Shiva, temple
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (sIve) m. cremation ground, crematory
|H= l |H= l |H= l |H= l |H= l (sIrh) f. ladder like frame of bamboos used
for carrying a dead body to the crematory
~|Hm (sIp) m. mourning rites; knick-
knick, bric-a-brac
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (s) v. form past tense of auxiliary verb, be,
intj. sound caused by pain, pricking etc.
HlU HlU HlU HlU HlU (sun) f. seam, suture
HlU HlU HlU HlU HlU (sun) v.t. to sew, to stitch, to seam
Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm (sh) m. a sect of Mohammedans which
regards Ali the successor of Mohammed Sahib,
Hl.mFl.l. Hl.mFl.l. Hl.mFl.l. Hl.mFl.l. Hl.mFl.l. (s...) m. criminal investigation
department, C.I.D
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH (ss) m. head
~WJ (~ka) v.t. to behead
~WJU (~kaun) id. to sacrifice one's
~U (~den) id. to die voluntarily for a
HlHu HlHu HlHu HlHu HlHu (shsham) m. a kind of tree, Dalberia sissoo,
HlH u|JY HlH u|JY HlH u|JY HlH u|JY HlH u|JY (shsh mehal) m. glass palace
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH (shsh) m. glass; mirror, looking glass
- mSHl ~(-tsh ~) m. a piece of glass which
focuses the rays of the sun for producing fire
- HlHT (-shshgar) m. glass-blower
- HlHTl (-shshagar) f. glass-blowing
HlHl HlHl HlHl HlHl HlHl (shsh) f. a small bottle; phial, vial
~H=U (~sghun) id. to anaesthetise
Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J (shh) m. lion
a. brave, bold, courageous
HlJVl HlJVl HlJVl HlJVl HlJVl (sharf ) f. a prosodic form, acrostic (of
Persian language)
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
(skh) f. thin iron bar/rod; matchstick; meat
roasted on iron bar; skewer
~W (~kabb) m. minced meat roasted on
a skewer
- HlH |U (- sIkh pIchchhe) adv. behind
the bars
z zz zz
(skh) f. advice; instigation, incitement
Hl= Hl= Hl= Hl= Hl= (shghar) adv. soon, anon, immediately,
quickly, speedily
HlJ HlJ HlJ HlJ HlJ (s) f. seat
HlJ HlJ HlJ HlJ HlJ (sh) f. sheet
HlJl HlJl HlJl HlJl HlJl (s) f. whistle, whistling sound
Hl V Hl V Hl V Hl V Hl V (sdh) m. snivel, snot
Hl VY Hl VY Hl VY Hl VY Hl VY (sdhal) a. snivelling, snotty
m. sniveller, snot
HlS HlS HlS HlS HlS (st) f. cold, chill
a. chilly, cold
HlSY HlSY HlSY HlSY HlSY (stal) a. cold, cool; calm
HlSYS HlSYS HlSYS HlSYS HlSYS (stalt) f. coldness, coolness
HlSY HlSY HlSY HlSY HlSY (stal) f. small pox, variola; goddess
HlS-HS|Fm HlS-HS|Fm HlS-HS|Fm HlS-HS|Fm HlS-HS|Fm (st-satae) a. readymade
HlS=Y HlS=Y HlS=Y HlS=Y HlS=Y (stphal) m. custard-apple, Annona
reticulata; pumpkin
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sdh) m. ration esp. wheat flour; provisions
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sn) m. scene
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sn) m. chest, bosom, breast
- HlH (- snzor) a. one who commits
excess, oppressive
- HlHl (- snzor) f. excess, oppression
Hllm Hllm Hllm Hllm Hllm (snar) a. senior
HllmJl HllmJl HllmJl HllmJl HllmJl (snr) f. seniority
HluS HluS HluS HluS HluS (smat) a. limited, finite, confined, restricted
Hlu Hlu Hlu Hlu Hlu (sm) f. limit, extent; precincts, confines,
border, frontier, boundary; range
~W (~kar) m. custom duty, customs
~H (~rekh) f. boundary line, border line
Hl|u J Hl|u J Hl|u J Hl|u J Hl|u J (sm) m. cement
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sr) m. partnership, cahoot; share in produce
~W/U (~karn/pun) v.t. to go in
cahoot with, to enter into partnership
HlS HlS HlS HlS HlS (srat) f. nature, temperament
Hll/Hll Hll/Hll Hll/Hll Hll/Hll Hll/Hll (srn/shrn) f. a kind of sweet
meat; sweetmeats distributed on some happy
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (sr) m. thick liquid or semi-solid dish of
roasted wheat flour mixed with sweetened
boiled water; molasses, treacle
Hll Hll Hll Hll Hll (sr) m. partner, share holder; agricultural
worker whom share of the produce is paid
! !! !!
(sl) a. polite, gentle, docile
m. gentleness
z zz zz
(sl) f. seal, a marine animal
- HlYU (- slbd) a. sealed
Hl= Hl= Hl= Hl= Hl= (s) f. seam, suture
Hl= l Hl= l Hl= l Hl= l Hl= l (sh) f. ladder; stairs, staircase
H mU H mU H mU H mU H mU
! !! !!
(suun) v.t. to help (animal) to expel a
calf; to assist to breed
H mU H mU H mU H mU H mU
z zz zz
(suun) v.t. to make to sleep, to lull, to
H mU H mU H mU H mU H mU
a aa aa
(suun) v.t. to get a garment stitched
H mH H mH H mH H mH H mH (sus) m. breath
~Y (~len) v.t. to breathe, to take breath
~U= (~chahn) id. to lose one's breath
H mH H mH H mH H mH H mH (susth) a. healthy, hale and hearty
H mJ H mJ H mJ H mJ H mJ (suh) f. ash, cinders; ashes; the substance
of a burnt mineral or metal, calx
a. hopeless, worthless (thing etc.)
~W (~karn) id. to do nothing; to do
something carelessly
~HJ (~kheh) a. hopeless/worthless work
etc.; useless thing; inferior thing; rubbish, trashy
~U Y U Jl |UU (~pun nl chn
nah chhIpd) prov. solid worth is not sullied
by slanders
- H= W ~J (- sar ke ~hon) id. to lay in
ashes, to burnt to ashes
H mTS H mTS H mTS H mTS H mTS (sugat) m. welcome, reception
H ml H ml H ml H ml H ml (sun) f. mistress, good housewife; wife,
H mS H mS H mS H mS H mS (suat) m. name of a cluster of stars in the
H mS U H mS U H mS U H mS U H mS U (suat b d) f. a rain drop during the time
of fifteenth constellation (Nakshatra) and
believed to be transformed into a pearl after it
has fallen into an open mother-of-pearl or sea-
H mU H mU H mU H mU H mU (sud) m. taste, savour, flavour, sapor;
pleasing or enjoyable quality of something,
relish, gusto; pleasure, delight, enjoyment
~ (~pen) id. to develop a taste for
something; to become habitual of
- ~Y (- pura ~len) id. to enjoy the
full gusto of
H mUY/H mUl H mUY/H mUl H mUY/H mUl H mUY/H mUl H mUY/H mUl (sudl/sud) a. tasty, tasteful,
delicious, savoury, sapied; interesting,
enjoyable, entertaining
H mul H mul H mul H mul H mul (sum) m. owner, proprietor; God, Master,
Lord; husband, spouse; saint, ascetic
H m H m H m H m H m (surth) m. selfness, self-interest, self-
seeking, vested interest
H ml H ml H ml H ml H ml (surth) a. selfish; self-interest, self-
H m /H = /H= H m /H = /H= H m /H = /H= H m /H = /H= H m /H = /H= (surn/svrn/
savrn) v.t. to improve, to correct, to reform;
to repair, to mend; to adorn; to arrange, to put
in order; to set right, to punish
H mY H mY H mY H mY H mY(sul) m. question, problem, interrogation,
query; demand; request
~W (~karn) id. to ask, to question; to
H mY-H m H mY-H m H mY-H m H mY-H m H mY-H m (sual- Juab) m. discussion; questions
and answers; dispute, wrangling, quarrel
~W (~karn) id. to argue
H HS H HS H HS H HS H HS (sust) a. lazy, lethargic; indolent, tardy,
sluggish; unwell, ill
H HSl H HSl H HSl H HSl H HSl (sust) f. laziness, lethargy, indolence,
sluggishness, inactivity
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (susr) f. weevil
~Ul S S (~d tor turn) id. to walk at
snail's pace, to move very slowly
H HlY H HlY H HlY H HlY H HlY (sushl) a. good natured, suave, polite,
courteous, decent, cultured
H HlYS H HlYS H HlYS H HlYS H HlYS (sushlt) f. an innate quality of good
behaviour, refinement, courteousness, decency
H H FS H H FS H H FS H H FS H H FS (sushobat) a. gracefully seated, sitting
H JH H JH H JH H JH H JH (sohJ) f. artistic quality, aesthetic sense,
~H mU (~sud) m. aesthetic pleasure,
aesthetic taste, aesthetic sense of beauty
- H JH= U (-sohJvd) m. aestheticism,
- HJH=Ul (-sohJvd) a. aesthetic, aesthete
H JHSuW H JHSuW H JHSuW H JHSuW H JHSuW (sohJtmak) a. aesthetic
H J V H J V H J V H J V H J V (suhhan) a. durable, long-lasting
H J H J H J H J H J (suhappan ) f. handsomeness, beauty,
goodlooks, comeliness, fairness, grace,
H JS H JS H JS H JS H JS (sohbat) f. company, society, companionship
H JS H JS H JS H JS H JS (shohrat) f. fame, renown, reputation,
celebrity, name, repute
H JT H JT H JT H JT H JT (suhg) m. & f. the blessed state of a wife
when her husband is alive; husband, spouse;
wedding song/or nupital song; conjugal bliss,
good luck
~U H=/Y J (~uJar n/lun ) id. to
become a widow, to be widowed
~TU (~gun) v.i. to sing nuptial songs
~J/Jl (~pat r/pat r) m.& f. make-
up-box, vanity box that is sent by the
bridegroom's family to the bride at the time of
wedding, bride's make-up box
~FT (~bhg) m. bliss of married life
H JT H JT H JT H JT H JT (suhga) f. a woman whose husband is
alive; married or fortunate woman
! !! !!
(suhg) m. harrow, leveller, clod-pressure,
field-roller, drawing plant
z zz zz
(suhg) m. borax, tincal
H JH H JH H JH H JH H JH (suha Jan) m. drum-stick (tree), Moringa
H J=/H JU H J=/H JU H J=/H JU H J=/H JU H J=/H JU (suhvan /suhun ) a. pleasant,
pleasing, delightful, charming, comely, good
H |JU H |JU H |JU H |JU H |JU (suhIrd) a. good-hearted, kind-hearted,
gentle, affectionate, loving, well-wisher,
sympathetic, sincere, amiable
H | JUS H | JUS H | JUS H | JUS H | JUS (suhIrdt) f. good-heartedness,
gentleness; sincerity; cordiality
H J Y H J Y H J Y H J Y H J Y (suhel) a. easy, simple; meaningful,
purposeful; comfortable, comforting
H W H W H W H W H W (sukk) f. dryness, dry place
- HWuH (- sukkmJ) f. the act of cleansing
the utensils with ash or soil without using water,
dry cleaning (of utensils)
H W H W H W H W H W (sukkan) v.i. to become dry, to dry, to
become dehydrated; to sear, to wither, to
shrivel; to become feeble, to become weak, to
be lean and thin
- HW U (- sukkan e pun) id. to make
to cool one's heels, to cause to kick one's heels
H WW H WW H WW H WW H WW (sukpak) a. half baked; half dried
H W H W H W H W H W (shukar) m. thanks, gratitude, gratefulness
~J (~he) intj. thank God
~T H (~guzr) a. thankful, grateful, obliged
~ T Hl (~guzr) m. thanks-giving,
H W H W H W H W H W (shukkar) m. one of the nine planets, Venus,
Lucifer; Friday
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W= (sukkarvr) m. Friday
H W /H W H W /H W H W /H W H W /H W H W /H W (shukaranu/shukrn u) m. sperm
H W H W H W H W H W (shukrn) m. offerings made to one's
deity as a mark of gratitude and gratefulness;
thanks giving, gratitude, gratuity
H Wlm H Wlm H Wlm H Wlm H Wlm (shukr) m.& intj. thanks, thank you, so
kind of you
H WY H H WY H H WY H H WY H H WY H (shukkal pakkh) m. brighter half of a
lunar month
H W=U H W=U H W=U H W=U H W=U (sukvun ) v.t. to get or assist in getting
something dried or aired
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W= (sukkar) a. weak, feeble, bony, lean
H W= H H W= H H W= H H W= H H W= H (sukJ) m. shin-bone, tibia
H W H W H W H W H W (sukk) a. dry, dehydrated, moistureless;
unoiled, unbuttered; dry, uncooked food,
materials, provision; thin, lean, bony; sapless,
~|WY (~nIkaln) id. to have a clean
escape, to escape
H WU H WU H WU H WU H WU (sukun ) v.t. to dry; to make to evaporate
(water); to cause to wither
H Wl H = H Wl H = H Wl H = H Wl H = H Wl H = (sukk khgh) f. hacking cough
~JV (~thh) f. dry winter
H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl (shukn) a. dandy, foppish, fop, fashionable,
H Wl l H Wl l H Wl l H Wl l H Wl l (shukn) f. foppishness, foppery,
! !! !!
(sukkh) f. a vow/ promise to offer something
or to worship a deity after the fulfilment of
one's desire; offer, offerings, oblation
-HH (-sukkhn ) f. a vow or promise to offer
something or worship a deity after the fulfilment
of one's desire
v.t. to take a vow to offer something or
worship a deity after the fulfilment of a certain
~HHl (~sukkhan) v.i. to make a promise
or vow to pay offerings after the fulfilment of
one's desire
z zz zz
(sukkh) f. welfare, well-being
~HU (~sd) f. welfare, well being, good
~Y (~nl) adv. by the grace of God, God's
grace, dei gratia , happily
- HHl HUl (-sukkh s d) adv. God forbid; with
ease and comfort
a aa aa
(sukkh) m. happiness, comfort, pleasure,
peace, relief, delight; facility, amenity
~m U/U (~and/chen) m. peace and
happiness, ease and comfort
~U HJ (~d sh) m. relief from worries
and anxieties, sign of relief
~U HJ mU/Y (~da sh un/len)
id. to heave a sigh of relief; to get rid of worries
~UH (~dukkh) m. happiness and sorrow,
fortune and misfortune, pleasure and pain, weal
and woe
H HU | FW/H HU Fl H HU | FW/H HU Fl H HU | FW/H HU Fl H HU | FW/H HU Fl H HU | FW/H HU Fl (sukkhdek/sukhd) a.
comfortable, soothing, comfort giving
H H H H H H H H H H (sukhan) m. poetic composition, verse
H H= H H= H H= H H= H H= (sukhanvar) m. poet
H Hu/H Hu =l H Hu/H Hu =l H Hu/H Hu =l H Hu/H Hu =l H Hu/H Hu =l (sukhman /sukhman nr )
f. one of the fourteen main nerves of the body
(in Hath yoga, Sushumna)
H Hul H Hul H Hul H Hul H Hul (sukhman) f. 'Bani' written by sri Guru
Arjan Dev which forms the part of sri Guru
Granth Sahib
H H H H H H H H H H (sukkh) m. hemp, Canabis indica
H HU H HU H HU H HU H HU (sukhu) v.t. to suit (medicine etc.); to
appeal, to please
H HH H HH H HH H HH H HH (sukhsan) m. closed position of Sri Guru
Granth Sahib; comfortable seat or posture
H HS H HS H HS H HS H HS (sukht) adv. having happy end; comedy
(drama, story etc.)
H HY H HY H HY H HY H HY (sukhl) a. easy, not difficult; suitable,
convenient; free from responsibilities and
liabilities; comfortable, at ease
H H= H H= H H= H H= H H= (sukhv ) a. comfortable, soothing, suitable,
H | Hm H | Hm H | Hm H | Hm H | Hm (sukhIr) a. (a person) used to
comfortable life, ease-loving, pleasure living,
easy going
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (sukh) a. happy, in ease, in comfort,
comfortable, glad, pleasant, blissful, tranquil,
contented, well off
~Hl= (~Jwan) m. happy life, contented life
- HHl HUl (-sukh sd) adv. well, in good
H H H H H H H H H H (sukhen) a. easy, simple
H T /H T l H T /H T l H T /H T l H T /H T l H T /H T l (sugdh/sugdh) f. fragrance, scent,
perfume, odour, incense, aroma
H T uFl H T uFl H T uFl H T uFl H T uFl (sugdhma) a. fragrant, odorous
H T S H T S H T S H T S H T S(sugdhat) a. perfumed, scented, flavoured,
H Tu H Tu H Tu H Tu H Tu (sugam) a. easy, exoterical, facile, simple;
accessible; light (music); handy
H T=HlY H T=HlY H T=HlY H T=HlY H T=HlY (sganshl) a. shrinkable; contractible
H T= H T= H T= H T= H T= (sgan) v.i. to shrink, to shrivel; to
become small; to dwindle, to contract
H TS H TS H TS H TS H TS (sugt) f. present, gift; something very
special, invaluable thing, boon, speciality; curio
H T = H T = H T = H T = H T = (sgen) v.t. to cause to shrink, to shrink;
to contract
H = H = H = H = H = (sgha) v.i. to smell, to sniff; to detect; to
eat too little
H ==U /H =U H ==U /H =U H ==U /H =U H ==U /H =U H ==U /H =U (sghvu/sghu) v.t. to
make to smell (something)
H == H == H == H == H == (sughar ) a. well-trained, skilful; wise,
intelligent; virtuous, accomplished; well
mannered, well behaved, cultured, decent
H U H U H U H U H U (succh) f. purity, pureness; cleanliness
H U H H U H H U H H U H H U H (suchaJJ) m. skill, accomplishment;
mannerliness, etiquette
H U H H U H H U H H U H H U H (suchaJJ) m. skilful, accomplished; well-
mannered, civilized, mannerly, well-behaved
H Uu H Uu H Uu H Uu H Uu (succham) f. fastidiousness about defilement,
purity, pureness, sanctity, ablution
H U H U H U H U H U (succh) a. scrubbed, clean; undefiled, chaste;
untouched, pure; honest, unpolluted, truthful;
HU uJ (- sucche m h) adv. without eating
H U S H U S H U S H U S H U S (suchet) a. alert, careful, cautious, observant,
attentive, aware, discerning, discreet, awake
~W (~karn) v.t. to caution, to alert; to
bring to the notice of
H U SS H U SS H U SS H U SS H U SS (suchetat) f. alertness, carefulness,
H H H H H H H H H H (suJJa) v.t. to swell, to inflamate, to bulge
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (suJan) f. a kind of quilted bed-cover
H HU H HU H HU H HU H HU (suJu) v.t. to cause to swell
H HW H HW H HW H HW H HW (suzk) m. gonorrohoea
H HH H HH H HH H HH H HH (suJkh) a. having eyes and good eye sight,
not blind
H H H H H H H H H H (suJn) a. wise, sagacious, intelligent,
sensible, learned, ingenious, prudent
H K H K H K H K H K (suJJh) v.t. to come to mind, to occur, to
H KU H KU H KU H KU H KU (suJJhu) v.t. to suggest, to call up the
idea of; to show, to lead, to guide
H KU H KU H KU H KU H KU (suJh) a. suggestive, prompting
H Km H Km H Km H Km H Km (suJha) m. suggestion; proposal, scheme
H K H K H K H K H K (sJh) f. emptiness, vacuum, void; desolation,
lonely place; solitariness, loneliness, inanity
H K H K H K H K H K (sJh) a. empty, vacuous; deserted, inhabited,
desolate, lonely, solitary
H J H J H J H J H J (sua) v.i. to throw, to hurl; to waste, to
spend extravagantly; to shed, to discard
H H H H H (s) m. trunk, proboscis (of elephant); worm
of rubbish, vegetables etc.
H H H H H (su) m. small twist of trousers or lion-cloth
used to keep money; hard faeces due to severe
H l H l H l H l H l (s) f. a creeping small insect of vegetables,
fruit etc., caterpillar, weevil
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (suol) a. well-built, well-shaped, well-
formed, well-proportioned, comely, shapely
H V H V H V H V H V (sh) f. dry ginger, Zingiber officinable
H V Y H V Y H V Y H V Y H V Y (shol)m. a preparation of dried powdered
ginger, jaggery and ghee
H W H W H W H W H W (sukaa) v.t. to blow the nose
H H H H H (suan) m. hearing
~HWSl (~shakt) f. hearing-power, power of
~Hl (~sabdh) a. auditory
~|W|m (~kIrI) f. audition
~US (~ytar) m. hearing aid
H H H H H (sun) v.t. to hear, to listen, to hark; to
attend, to pay attention, to be attentive, to listen
to one's problem or complaint
|WH Ul ~(- kIse d n ~) id. to pay no
heed to (anyone)
H U H U H U H U H U (suu) v.t. to tell, to relate, to narrate;
to say something aloud with the purpose of
making known to a particular person
Hl HJl ~(khar kho ~) id. to give a
piece or bit
HYl H=l ~(Jal sa ~) id. to make caustic
remarks, to utter harsh words
H Fl/H =Fl H Fl/H =Fl H Fl/H =Fl H Fl/H =Fl H Fl/H =Fl (su/suva ) f. hearing (of
complaint, of lawsuit etc.)
~U (~de) v.i. to be heard, to be audible
Hl ~( sun ~) f. rumour, hearsay
~mHl W U (~asu kar de) id. to
turn a deaf ear to
H S H S H S H S H S (sut) m. son
H S S H S S H S S H S S H S S (suttar) a. independent, free; unrestrained,
uncontrolled; self-willed; separate
H S SS H S SS H S SS H S SS H S SS (suttart) f. independence, freedom;
~mUY (~dolan) m. freedom movement
H S u T H S u T H S u T H S u T H S u T (shutar murg) f. a large African bird,
H S/H S J |Fm H S/H S J |Fm H S/H S J |Fm H S/H S J |Fm H S/H S J |Fm (sutt/sutt hoe) a. asleep;
unmindful, not cautious
H|Sm U WJ HT|Um Ulm WJlm (- sutte de
kae Ja gde d ka ) prov. a sleeping fox
catches no fowl
HSlm WY HTU (- sutt kal n Jgao)
prov. let the sleeping dog's lie
H S |H H S |H H S |H H S |H H S |H (sute sIddh) adv. spontaneously, naturally
H H H H H (suttha) f. a loose trousers usually worn
by ladies, salwar, ladies trousers
H H H H H (suthr) a. neat, tidy, clean, pure; trim, terse,
H H H H H (suthrpa) f. neatness, tidiness,
H U H U H U H U H U (sdar) a. beautiful, comely, handsome;
attractive, alluring, charming, elegant, pretty,
fine, fancy
H US H US H US H US H US (sdart) f. beauty, comeliness,
handsomeness, charm, good-looks, prettiness
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (sdar) f. beautiful woman, belle; brass
wires stretched across the stock of a sitar
under the strings by which the music is
H U H U H U H U H U (shud) m. madness, lunacy, insanity; craze,
frenzy, nymphaleptic
H UFl H UFl H UFl H UFl H UFl (shud) a. mad, lunatic, insane, mentally
deranged, mental
H H H H H (suddh) f. consciousness; news, information;
memory, remembrance, recollection; attention,
care, sense
~ |Jl (~n re h) id. to be unconscious,
to lose consciousness
~ (~buddh) f. consciousness, sensation;
common sense, presence of mind, sanity
H H H H H (shuddh) a. pure, unadulterated; right, correct;
clear, clean; refined, purified, chaste; uncorrupt,
H S H S H S H S H S (shuddhat) f. purity, unadulteratedness;
H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl (sudh) f. emendation, rectification,
amendment, correction, revision; vetting
H H H H H (sudhr) m. improvement, uplift, amelioration,
reformation, reform; correction
H W H W H W H W H W (sudhrak) m. reformer, mender
a. reformative
H H H H H (sudhrn) v.t. to reform, to mend; to
improve, to ameliorate; to correct, to amend
H H H H H (sn) a. without sensation, numb, benumbed;
very cold; frigid; stunned, dumbfounded; utter
silence; void, emptiness; cold, chilliness; inane,
~J (~ho) id. to be stunned, to be at
loss; to be benumbed
HH ( snsn) f. & a. desolate place,
uninhabited-area, wasteland, lonely place,
H |J H |J H |J H |J H |J
! !! !!
(sunehr) m. earthen or stone mortar
H |J H |J H |J H |J H |J
z zz zz
(sunehra) a. golden, auric
H |Jl H |Jl H |Jl H |Jl H |Jl (sunehr) a. golden, auric
~uW (~mo k) m. golden chance, golden
H H H H H H H H H H (sunakkh) a. having beautiful eyes;
handsome, good-looking, smart
H S H S H S H S H S (snat) f. circumcision
H H H H H (sn) a. vacant, empty, vacuous; deserted,
desolate, lonesome, lonely
H H H H H (snpan) m. loneliness, desolation
H |m/H |m H |m/H |m H |m/H |m H |m/H |m H |m/H |m (sunIr/sunIr) m. goldsmith;
a person belonging to this caste
H l H l H l H l H l (sn) a. a Muslim sect, Sunni/sunnite
H J H J H J H J H J (suneh) m. message; intimation
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (supatn) m. good and obedient wife, faithful
wife; wife, better-half
H U H H U H H U H H U H H U H (supandosh) m. nocturnal emission,
H H H H H (supn) m. dream; day-dream, reverie
a. mortal, perishable
~Y (~le ) id. to dream; to have ambition,
to desire, to inspire
H J H J H J H J H J (suparde ) m. superintendent
H =FlH H =FlH H =FlH H =FlH H =FlH (suparvzar) m. supervisor
H l H l H l H l H l (supr) f. betel-nut, Areca-nut, Areca
H S/ H S H S/ H S H S/ H S H S/ H S H S/ H S (suputt/suputtar) m. obedient son,
dutiful son
H W H W H W H W H W (subak) a. slim, slender, svelte; delicate, fragile
H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl (subk) f. a convulsive gasp made in
weeping, sob
HW (subaka) v.t. to sob, to weep
H = H = H = H = H = (suba) m. chicken-pox, variola
H H H H H (sb) m. a duster with a staff; a ram rod (of
gun); a stout and tall person; bradawl, driving-
punch, dibble, spike, ramrod
H H H H H (subah) f. morning, day brake; tomorrow,
the next day
~H= (~savere) adv. early in the morning,
at day break
H l H l H l H l H l (subb) f. string, twisted rope
H H H H H (subodh) f. perceptibility
H F H F H F H F H F (shubh) a. good; auspicious, benign, propitious,
lucky, good omen
~ |F UW (~Ichchhak) a. well-wisher,
~|FU (~Ichchh) f. good-wish, good-will,
benevolence, benediction
~==l (~gha) f. an auspicious moment/
~|USW (~chtak) a. m. well-wisher, well-
wishing, benevolent
H Fm H Fm H Fm H Fm H Fm (subha) m. nature, temperament, innate
disposition; habit, tendency, mentality; character
H FT H FT H FT H FT H FT (subhg) m. good-luck, good-fortune,
auspiciousness, happiness
H FT H FT H FT H FT H FT (subhg) a. lucky, fortunate; auspicious
m. mascot
H F =W H F =W H F =W H F =W H F =W (subhvak) a. natural, spontaneous,
instinctive, normal; native, innate
H F =W Jl H F =W Jl H F =W Jl H F =W Jl H F =W Jl (subha vak h) adv. naturally,
H u H u H u H u H u (sm) m. hoof
H u S H u S H u S H u S H u S (sumatt) m. good advice; good sense, right
H u Y H u Y H u Y H u Y H u Y (sumel) m. combination; harmony,
harmoniousness, concord, coherence
H U T H U T H U T H U T H U T (suyog) a. worthy, able, competent, deserving,
efficient, suitable
H H H H H (sur) f. sound, voice; tune, melody; one of the
seven musical tones; note(musical);
understanding, harmony; angel, god
~HTu (~sgam) m. harmony of sounds,
~W (~karn) v.t. to tune, to attune
~SS (~ttu ) f. vocal cord
~SY (~tl) m. musical rhythm, cadence;
~|=U H |uYU (~vIch sur mIlu) id. to
agree to, to ditto someone
H H H H H H H H H H (surkh) a. red, ruddy, scarlet
YY ~(-ll ~) a. blood-red, sanguine
H H H H H (surk hr) a. successful, victorious,
triumphant; relieved of one's responsibilities or
H H H H H (surkh) m. a variety of mango; a variety of
horse; red-winged pigeon; sparrow like bird
having red spotted chest
H H H H H (surkhb) m. ruddy sheldrake
~U (~d par) m. unusual thing, wonderful
~U YT (~de par lagg) id. to be
blessed with some unusual feature
H |HmW H |HmW H |HmW H |HmW H |HmW (surakkhIak) m. protector
a. secured, ensured, preservative
~muY (~aml) m. security staff
H |HmS H |HmS H |HmS H |HmS H |HmS (surakkhIat) a. safe, secure, guarded,
protected; reserved; immunised
H |Hm H |Hm H |Hm H |Hm H |Hm (surakkhI) f. safety, security, protection,
safeguard, patronage, defence
H l H l H l H l H l (surkh) f. redness, ruddiness; brickdust;
heading, headline; lipstick; rouge
~| Ul (~bd) f. make-up material, cosmetics;
facial make-up
H T H T H T H T H T (surg) f. heaven, paradise; abode of God
~|H (~sIdhrn) id. to breathe one's
last, to pass away, to expire
H T=H (-surgvs) m. death, demise,
HT=Hl (-surgvs) a. dead, deceased, the
! !! !!
(surg) f. tunnel, subway; mine, colliery;
z zz zz
(surg) f. dynamite mine
~|=UUl (~vIchhu) v.t. to lay mine
H HlS H HlS H HlS H HlS H HlS (surJt) a. alive, living; fresh, full of vigour
~W (~karn) id. to revive, to regenerate,
to invigorate
H S H S H S H S H S (surt) f. consciousness, sense, awareness;
attention, heed; news, information; presence
of mind, awakening, memory, recollection
~mUl (~u) id. to come to senses, to
regain consciousness
~ H F Y (~ sbhl) f. consciousness,
~HFYl (~sbhl) id. to come to the age
of understanding
~Wl (~karn) id. to pay attention, to take
care of; to become conscious or aware
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (surt) f. attention, mind, mind's eye, insight,
instinct, vision
H uFl H uFl H uFl H uFl H uFl (surma) m. grey colour
a. grey (colour)
H uU H uU H uU H uU H uU (surmach) m. long, thin metal or glass
needle used to apply collyrium to eyes
H u H u H u H u H u (surm) m. antimony, collyrium, kohl
H u Ul H u Ul H u Ul H u Ul H u Ul (surmedn) f. small collyrium container
H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = (sura sura) f. snuffle
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (surh) f. water-monkey, flagon; a container
used for serving wine
H H H H H (surk h) m. hole, aperture, cavity, an orifice
~W V/W (~kah/karn) v.t. to
perforate, to make a hole, to bore
H T H T H T H T H T (surg) m. clue, hint, trace
~WV (~kah) v.t. to trace, to spy
~|uY (~mIl) v.i. to get a clue
H lY H lY H lY H lY H lY (surl) a. melodious, melodic, tuneful,
euphonic, musical, sweet, harmonious
H l Y H l Y H l Y H l Y H l Y (surlpa) m. melodiousness,
tunefulness, euphony
H Y H H Y H H Y H H Y H H Y H (sulakkh) a. & m. auspicious, fortunate,
lucky, mascot
H YT H YT H YT H YT H YT (sulga) v.i. to burn slowly without flame,
to smoulder
H YK H YK H YK H YK H YK (sulJha) v.i. to be unravelled, to be
disentangled; to be solved, to be resolved; to
handle, to tackle
H YK U H YK U H YK U H YK U H YK U (sulJhu) v.t. to unravel, to
disentangle; to solve, to resolve, to clarify
HY|Km J|Fm (- sulJhe hoe) a. sensible,
wise; experienced, mature
H YS H YS H YS H YS H YS (sultn) a. emperor, sultan, king of kings
HYSl (-sultn) a. royal, regal, imperial
~T=J (~gavh) m. accused turned
prosecution witness, approver
H YVFl H YVFl H YVFl H YVFl H YVFl (sulfa) m. a person addicted to charas or
H YV H YV H YV H YV H YV (sulf) m. hemp, mixture of tobacco and
cannabin smoked as intoxicant
H YF H YF H YF H YF H YF (sulabh) a. easily obtainable, easily available/
attainable, accessible
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sulh) f. compromise, conciliation,
reconciliation, harmony; peace agreement,
~ H=Fl (~ saph) f. compromise,
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to settle dispute, to
compromise, to make peace
~HU (~pasd) a. & m. peace-loving,
~u (~mrn) id. to ask formally
H Y u (sulhnm) m. deed of
compromise, compromise deed
H YU H YU H YU H YU H YU (sulu) v.t. to make to sleep
HYH HYH HYH HYH HYH (sulekh) m. beautiful handwriting, calligraphy
~Wl (~kp) m. exercise-book to improve
H Y HW (sulekhkr)m. calligrapher,
H Y u H Y u H Y u H Y u H Y u (sulemn) m. Solomon, a J ew king
HYul (-sulemn) a. Solomonic
H = H = H = H = H = (suvn) a. of good colour; pleasing,
= ~ (vn ~) a. of different kinds, varied
H = Y H = Y H = Y H = Y H = Y (suvall) a. cheap, low-priced, inexpensive,
propitious, reasonably priced
adv. at reasonable price
H |= H |= H |= H |= H |= (suvIdh) f. facility; convenience, ease
H |=HW H |=HW H |=HW H |=HW H |=HW (suvIdhJanak) a. convenient
H |= =W H |= =W H |= =W H |= =W H |= =W (suvIdhprvak) adv. conveniently
H |= H |= H |= H |= H |= (suvInar) m. souvenir
H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = (su su) f. sound of snivel (in the nose),
snuffle, sniff
H =W H =W H =W H =W H =W (suka) v.t. to snuffle; to sniff
H =W H =W H =W H =W H =W (suk) m. the act of drinking a liquid with
a sound, sniff; slurp
H =W H =W H =W H =W H =W (suk) m. sniff; slurp
H H H H H (s) f. parturition; period between the two
H -H H -H H -H H -H H -H (s s ) f. sound produced when the fire is
extinguished with water; sound produced when
damped wood is burnt; sniff
H m H m H m H m H m
! !! !!
(s) m. a big thick needle used for stitching
sacks etc.; new sprout of sugarcane; injection
H m H m H m H m H m
z zz zz
(su ) m. cuspid, canine-tooth
H m H m H m H m H m
a aa aa
(su ) m. parturition; period between the two
deliveries/parturitions; lactation period
H m H m H m H m H m
4 44 44
(su ) m. water-course, distributory
H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl (su ) f. needle; hair-pin, bodkin; hand (of watch/
clock); pointer of the compass; injection; pin
(of gramophone)
~U W (~d nakk) m. eye of needle
~U W |= U W V (~de nakke vIccho
kah) id. to make one to undergo a tough
training, to make one to live a disciplined life
H F H F H F H F H F (sue) m. canine-teeth, cuspids, eye-teeth
H J H J H J H J H J (suh) f. clue, trace, inkling, whereabouts;
information, news, intelligence
~WVl (~kahn ) v.t. to trace out, to detect,
to find a clue, to unearth
~|uYl/YTl (~mIlan/laggn) id. to get
the wind of
~Yl (~le n ) v.t. to spy
- HJ YU |= (- suh lede phIrn) id. to
poke and pry
H J H J H J H J H J (su h) f. a variety of mustard, Brassica eruca
H J/H Jl H J/H Jl H J/H Jl H J/H Jl H J/H Jl (suhan/suhn) f. broom
H J H J H J H J H J (suh) a. deep red, ruddy, scarlet, cardinal
H Jlm H Jlm H Jlm H Jlm H Jlm (suh) m. spy, detective, sleuth; informer
H W H W H W H W H W (shuk) f. whistling sound of wind; hissing (of
snake); sound of fast breathing, wheeze
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W= (su kr ) m. tuberculosis, consumption
H W H W H W H W H W (suk) a. haughty, proudy, arrogant, dandy,
stiff necked
H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu H Hu (sukham) a. very small, minute, subtle,
abstract, abstruse
H HuS H HuS H HuS H HuS H HuS (sukhamt) f. minuteness, subtlety
H T H T H T H T H T (sug) f. repulsion, abhorrence, odiousness
H UW H UW H UW H UW H UW (suchak) a.& m. indicative, informative,
informer; indicator, pointer (hands of watch
etc.); symptomatic, suggestive, index
~mW (~k) m. statistics, index
~J (~hon) v.t. to be indicative of, to
indicate, to denote
H U H U H U H U H U (suchan) f. information, announcement,
notification, intimation; notice, news; warning,
caution; report
~|JS (~hIt) adv. for information
~Ul (~den) v.t. to give information, to
inform, to intimate
~S (~pattar) v.t. notice, notification
H U H U H U H U H U (suchanpurn) a. informative
H |US W H |US W H |US W H |US W H |US W (su chIt karn) v.t. to inform, to intimate
H Ul/H Ul S H Ul/H Ul S H Ul/H Ul S H Ul/H Ul S H Ul/H Ul S (su ch/su ch pattar) f. list,
inventory, schedule, catalogue, table, index,
table of contents
H UlW H UlW H UlW H UlW H UlW (suchkr) m. tabulator
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (shuchbaddh) a. tabulated, catalogued
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (suJ) f. semolina, semola
H K H K H K H K H K (suJh) f. wisdom, intelligence, common sense,
sagacity; understanding, perception, sensibility,
insight, knowledge
~K (~bu Jh) f. wisdom, intelligence, insight
- H K= (-suJhvn) a. wise, intelligent, discreet,
discerning, sapient, sensible, sane, sober
H J H J H J H J H J (su) m. suit
~W (~karn) v.i.t. to be suitable, to suit
~WH (~kes) m. suitcase
! !! !!
(su/su) m. an act of running with full
force, dart
~=Jl (~vaan) v.i. to run away, to flee, to
dart, to sprint
z zz zz
(su) m. puff
H W H W H W H W H W (s dak) m. pack saddle; cloth whip
H H H H H (sun) v.i. to bring forth young one, to calve
(animals); to foal (horse); to reproduce, to give
H S/H S H S/H S H S/H S H S/H S H S/H S (su t/su tar) m. cotton thread, cotton yarn;
mason's measuring string/line; tassels (of cob);
a.right, well, fit; in working order
~W (~karn) id. to set right, to reform; to
repair; to arrange, to keep in order
~W/ F (~ku/ bhar) a. a little; slight
H SW H SW H SW H SW H SW (sutak) m. forty-days period of impurity and
confinement in a house (in Hindus) associated
with delivery, child-birth, puerperal
H S H S H S H S H S (su tan a) v.t. to apply mixture for sharpening
the kite flying thread; to unsheathe, to draw
out sword
- H|Sm H (- sute Jn) id. to be reduced
to skeleton, to become very weak, to become
H S H S H S H S H S (sutan) m. a triangular shaped cloth (of
wrestlers), loincloth
H S H S H S H S H S (sutar) m. formula, maxim, theory
H S H S H S H S H S (sutardhr) m. director of a drama, stage
manager, impresario
H SYl H SYl H SYl H SYl H SYl (su tal) f. twine, jute-cord, pack thread
H S= H S= H S= H S= H S= (sutav) a. slim & trim; sharp (features);
taut, tight
H S= H S= H S= H S= H S= (sutar) m. an ornament worn by ladies on
the wrist
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (sut) a. made of cotton
! !! !!
(sud) m. interest; profit, gain
~H (~khor) m. usurer, money-lender
~Hl (~khor) f. usury, money-lending
~U (~dar) m. rate of interest
~U HU (~dar sud) m. compound interest
z zz zz
(sud) m. a sub caste of khatri
H U H U H U H U H U (shudar) m. name of the lowest of the four
classes of Hindu society; a person of low caste,
scheduled caste
H H H H H (sup) m. soup
H V H V H V H V H V (suf) m. black woollen cloth
~uS (~mat) m. sufism
H Vl H Vl H Vl H Vl H Vl (suf) m. a sect of Mohammedans, sufi; a
Mohammedan mystic, a member of sufi sect
H Vlm H Vlm H Vlm H Vlm H Vlm (sufn) a. pertaining to sufis, sufish,
sufistic; sober, grave, simple, holy, pious, chaste;
H H H H H (su b) m. province, state; governor of a
HU HU HU HU HU (su bedr) m. governor; junior-commissioned
officer in the Indian army, subedar
~uH (~meJar) m. a rank between lieutenant
and subedar, subedar-major
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (su bedr) f. the rank or office of a
H u H u H u H u H u (su m) m. & a. miser, niggard, tightfisted, stingy
person, parsimonious person, penny-pincher,
a. miserly, niggardly
H u H u H u H u H u (su mpun ) m. miserliness, stinginess,
parsimony, niggardliness
H H H H H (su r) m. pig, swine, hog boar; fleshy and plump
fellow; an abuse
~U mU (~d achr) m. pickled pork, brawn
~U U (~d bacch) m. piggy-wiggy
~U uH (~d ms) m. pork, brawn, bacon
~Ul Ul (~d charb) f. hog's fat, lard
H H H H H H H H H H (suraJ) m. the Sun; Apollo, phoebus
~|H S mU (~sIr te un) id. to be too
~T|J (~gre han ) m. solar eclipse
~==l (~gha) f. Sun-dial
~ Ul= |UHU (~n dv dIkhun) id.
to hold a candle to the sun, to preach to a sage
or saint; to teach to a learned person
~H (~pu J) f. Sun worship, heliolatry
~uY (~mal) m. solar system
~uHl (~mukh) m. sunflower, solar flowers
~=T UuW (~v g chamkan ) id. to become
popular, to become renowned; to shine brightly,
to sparkle
- U=U ~(- chahd ~) m. rising Sun
- U=U ~ HYu W (- charhde ~n salm
karn ) id. to show respect to a rising person;
to worship/adore the rising Sun, to hail the rising
- U ~(-dubd ~) m. setting Sun
! !! !!
(surat) f. appearance, countenance, face;
situation, circumstances; wayout, solution,
instance, case
~S HlS U S Jl YTU (~to sIrat d pat
nah lagd) ph. beauty is but skin deep
- l ~(- ronI ~) f. & a. sad countenance,
gloomy face; melancholy, gloomy
z zz zz
(surat) m. a chapter of the Quran Sharif
H UH H UH H UH H UH H UH (surds) m. blind person; a Hindu blind
medieval mystic
H l H l H l H l H l (su rbr) a.& m. brave, valorous, valiant,
gallant, brave, warrior, hero, chivalrous
H uTSl H uTSl H uTSl H uTSl H uTSl (su ramgat) f. valiancy, bravery, gallantry,
H u H u H u H u H u (surm) a. brave, gallant, valorous, hero,
m. blind person
H l/H l H l/H l H l/H l H l/H l H l/H l (sur/surn) f. sow
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sul) f. thorn, spike, prickle, spine; colic pain,
gastralgia; envy, jealously,
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (su l) f. stake, gibbet, scaffold, cross, gallows;
death-sentence, capital punishment
~U=U (~charhun) v.t. to crucify
- H ~ S JTl J (- Jn ~te tg hon ) id. to
be in great troubles; to be on the pinnacle of
H = H = H = H = H = (surn) v.t. to scourge, to flog; to beat
severely, to thrash
H = H = H = H = H = (surh) m. bran, husk
H U H U H U H U H U (seu ber) m. a superior variety of jujube
H HT H HT H HT H HT H HT (sheshng) m. mythological thousand-
headed snake; python, hydra
H J H J H J H J H J (seh) m. porcupine, Hystrix leucura
U JWY (da akla) m. quill, spine; bone of
contention, dispute causing person, fire-brand
H J H J H J H J H J (sehr) m. bridegroom's chaplet; eulogical
verse composed for a wedding; garland offered
to deities or at religious places; credit
H W H W H W H W H W (sek) m. heat (fire); heat, warmth, fomentation;
discomfort, trouble, pity, sympathy
H W H W H W H W H W (sekan) v.t. to bake, to cook; to strike, to
hit; to foment, to bask; to beat severely, to give
a thrashing
H H H H H H H H H H (shekh) m. one of the four subdivisions of
Mohammedans; person related to this
subdivision; spiritual guide, Muslim saint,
sheikh; respectful form of addressing all
Muslims except Sayad Muslims; chief of
Arabian clans
H H |U Yl H H |U Yl H H |U Yl H H |U Yl H H |U Yl (shekh chIll) m. a legendary foolish
person; day-dreamer, high-flyer, a person who
is in the habit of building castles in the air
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (shekh) f. boast, swank, brag, vaunt, pride,
haughtiness, bravado, vain-glory
~H (~khor) a. boastful, swanky, braggart
H TY H TY H TY H TY H TY (segal) f. dampness, wetness
H = H = H = H = H = (segh) m. dowser, water diver, water finder
H H H H H H H H H H (seJ) m. bed, bedding couch
- =Y Ul ~(- phul d ~) f. easy and luxurious
living; bed of roses
H H H H H H H H H H (se J) m. irrigated field, process of watering
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (seJ) f. fodder crop
H J H J H J H J H J (seh) m. wealthy person, capitalist, rich-man,
money lender, banker; merchant; respectful;
respectful address for wealthy/rich person
H H H H H (she) m. shade
H H H H H (sea) v.t. to brood; to hatch
H SH H SH H SH H SH H SH (setaJ) m. insects produced by heat or
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (set) intj. with, by
H H H H H (sedh) f. guidance, direction; aim, target; guide
line; alignment; straightness
~Ul (~den) v.t. to guide, to direct, to give
H H H H H (sedh) m. rock salt, mineral salt
H V H V H V H V H V (sef) f. safe
H H H H H (seb) m. apple
H H H H H (seb) m. twine, jute-string, pack-thread
H u H u H u H u H u
! !! !!
(sem) f. a variety of beans used as vegetable,
Dolichos lablab
~=Yl (~phal) f. haricot bean
H u H u H u H u H u
z zz zz
(sem) f. water-logging
~J Hl (~ho Jn ) v.i. to waterlog
~u|m (~mre) a. waterlogged
H H H H H (ser) m. an old Indian measure of weight, seer
~ U F |=U H= H U (~de bhe vIch
sav ser pu ) id. to put quart into pint pot
~ H= H J (~n sav ser hon) id. to
be more than a match
H H H H H (sher) m. & a. lion; brave man, valiant person;
brave, gallant, valorous
~ mS Wl |FW =J l lU J (~ate bakar
Ikko ght p pde han) prov. the leopard
lies down with the kid
~|UY (~dIl) a. brave, lion hearted, fearless,
~Ul TV (~- d guf) f. lion's den, lair
H l H l H l H l H l (shern) f. lioness
H =l H =l H =l H =l H =l (shervn) f. a long fitting coat
H /H m/H = H /H m/H = H /H m/H = H /H m/H = H /H m/H = (ser/sera/serva) m. shorter
arm of a bed-stead, head or foot bar of a cot
! !! !!
(sel) f. sale
z zz zz
/H Y /H Y /H Y /H Y /H Y (sel /selha) f. long spear, pike
H Y l H Y l H Y l H Y l H Y l (selh) f. eye brows; twisted rope of long
hair; black woollen cord or rosary worn around
the neck
H =W H =W H =W H =W H =W (sevak) m. servant, domestic attendant; peon;
worshipper, devotee, devout
H = H = H = H = H = (sevan) m. eating, drinking, taking; use (of
H = H = H = H = H = (sev) f. service; employment, appointment;
worship, adoration; gift, present, offerings;
beating, thrashing; duty
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to serve; to attend
upon, to wait upon; to do voluntary service
~Sl (~pattar) f. a register or book in
which complete service record of an employee
is maintained, service-book
~=Y (~phal) m. remuneration
~| u= Jl (~bIn mev nah ) prov. no
pains no gains
~uWS (~mukat) a. retired
~uWSl (~mukt) f. retirement
H= HuSl ( sev smt) f. an organisation
with a mission to serve people, sewa samati
H =U ( sevdr) m. peon; servant;
worshipper, devotee
H =l H =l H =l H =l H =l (sev) f. hoe
H =lm H =lm H =lm H =lm H =lm (sev) f. vermicelli; noodles
H H H H H (she) f. thing, object, substance, article; very
clever man, cunning person; evil spirit, ghost
H H H H H H H H H H (seshan) m. session
H H H H H H H H H H (se sar) m. censor
H WJ H WJ H WJ H WJ H WJ (se kar) m. sector
H WJl H WJl H WJl H WJl H WJl (sekar) m. secretary
H WJlF J H WJlF J H WJlF J H WJlF J H WJlF J (sekare) m. secretariat
H W H W H W H W H W (se k) m. second
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W= (sek) a. hundred; century
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W= (seka) adv. per-cent
H J H J H J H J H J (se ) m.& a. set
~W (~karn) v.t. to set, to settle, to adjust
H J H J H J H J H J (se ) f. scent, perfume
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (sech) f. volume, tome, a separate part of a
H J H J H J H J H J (sear) m. centre
H JlT u H JlT u H JlT u H JlT u H JlT u (seIgrm) m. centigramme
H JlT H JlT H JlT H JlT H JlT (segre) m. centigrade
H JlulJ H JlulJ H JlulJ H JlulJ H JlulJ (semar) m. centimetre
H S H S H S H S H S (shetn) m. satan, devil; evil spirit, ghost;
a. satanic, mischievous, naughty, impish,
rascal, roguish, villain, mischief-monger
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (shetn) m.&a. devilishness; mischief,
naughtiness, prank; satanic, vicious, villainous
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (set) m. thirty seven
H Sl= H Sl= H Sl= H Sl= H Sl= (setv) a. thirty seventh
H UW H UW H UW H UW H UW (sedak) adv. without paying any cost, free
of cost, free; visibly, obviously
H UFl H UFl H UFl H UFl H UFl (shed) m. lover, fan, ardent, admirer
H S H S H S H S H S (se nat) f. sign, signal; hint, indication
~ul (~mrn) v.i. to signal with a gesture
H H H H H (sen) f. army, defence forces, troop; crowd,
concourse, throng, multitude
J=Fl ~( hav ~) f. Air-force
HY~ ( J al ~) f. Navy
Y ~ ( thal ~) f. Army
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (se npat) m. Commander-in-chief,
Commander, General; Chief of the army staff
H |J H |J H |J H |J H |J (senI) f. senate
~JY (~hl) m. senate-hall
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (se pal) m. sample
H H H H H (se r) f. walk, ramble, stroll; excursion, pleasure
~HJ (~sp) m. stroll for pleasure, saunter;
excursion trip, picnic, pleasure trip; tourism
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sell) m. cell (of battery)
H Y= H Y= H Y= H Y= H Y= (shelph) f. shelf
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (seln) f. tourist; excursionist
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (selb) m. flood
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (she l) m. style; mode, manner; technique
H H H H H (so) adv. therefore
H H H H H (sho) m. show, exhibition
H m/H |Fm/H F H m/H |Fm/H F H m/H |Fm/H F H m/H |Fm/H F H m/H |Fm/H F (so/soe/soe) m. fennel type
plant used as fodder and its seeds are used as
medicine, dill
H |Fml H |Fml H |Fml H |Fml H |Fml (soeabn) m. soya bean, Glycine max
H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl (so) pron. the very same, that very one, that,
H HW H HW H HW H HW H HW (shoshak) a. exploiter
H H H H H H H H H H (shosha) m. exploitation
H H H H H H H H H H (sosan) m. Lily, Iris ensata
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (sosan) a. lilac; purple
H H H H H H H H H H (shosh) m. rumour, gossip, canard
H |HS H |HS H |HS H |HS H |HS (shoshIt) a. exploited
HJ/HJl HJ/HJl HJ/HJl HJ/HJl HJ/HJl (soh/soh) a. beautiful, handsome,
smart, comely, lovely; best, fine; enough,
sufficient (rain etc.); decorated, adorned
~UJ H HJ =S (~oh Jo soh varate)
prov. handsome is that handsome does
H JU H JU H JU H JU H JU (shohd) a. ignoble; rouge, scoundrel, rascal;
poor, penniless; meek, humble, poor fellow,
H JY H JY H JY H JY H JY (sohal) a. delicate, tender; feeble, weak; ease-
H JY/H |JY H JY/H |JY H JY/H |JY H JY/H |JY H JY/H |JY (sohl/sohIl) m. 'Bani' of sri Guru
Granth Sahib under the heading 'Sohila' (recited
in the evening); song of bliss, celestial song,
eulogy, song of praise, paean
H JY H U (sohle suu) id. to
reproach, to abuse
~TU (~gu) id. to praise, to applaud
H W H W H W H W H W (shok) m. sorrow, grief, condolence
~HF (~sabh) f. condolence meeting
~HuU (~samchr) m. sad news, death
information; obituary (newspaper)
~W (~karn) v.i. to mourn, to condole
~TlS (~gt) m. elegy, dirge
~S (~pattar) m. condolence letter
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W= (sok) m. a disease of children, rickets
H W H W H W H W H W (sok) m. drought, dry spell; aridity, dryness; a
disease of children, rickets
H H H H H H H H H H (shokh) a. bright, dark, gaudy, (colour);
prankish, frolicsome, playful, lively, naughty
H H H H H H H H H H (sokha) v.t. to absorb, to suck in, to dry
up (moisture)
H T H T H T H T H T (sog) m. bereavement, grief, mourning, sorrow,
lamentation, sadness, woe
~uU (~manu) v.t. to observe
mourning, to bereave
HTl HTl HTl HTl HTl (sog) a. mournful, grieved, sorrowful; mourner,
lugubrious; morose, gloomy
H U H U H U H U H U (soch) f. thought, thinking, contemplation,
cogitation; worry, anxiety; remorse, grief,
sorrow; apprehension, consideration
~Ul (~ur) f. imagination
~HWSl (~shakt) f. the ability to comprehend
and perceive, comprehension, intelligence
~HuK (~samaJh) f. understanding, prudence
~HuK W WUu U W (~samaJh ke kadam
chukko) prov. look before you leap
~HuK W TY Wl (~samaJh ke gall karan)
id. to mind one's p's and q's, to count the cost
~|=U (~vIch pe) id. to be engrossed
in thoughts, to be in a fix
~|=U (~vIchr) f. deliberation, due thought,
consideration, circumspection
~|=U W (~vIchr karna) id. to cudgel
one's brains; to consider, to ponder
HU (socha) v.i. to think, to consider, to
ponder, to deliberate; to imagine, to suppose;
to worry
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (socha) f. thinking, attitude, thought;
H H H H H H H H H H (soz) f. pathos, sadness
H H H H H H H H H H (soJ) f. swelling, inflammation, tumidity,
H Kl H Kl H Kl H Kl H Kl (soJh) f. awareness, understanding;
consciousness; realisation
~mUl (~u) id. to come of age; to gain
consciousness; to be aware, to be conscious;
to realise/perceive
H J H J H J H J H J (so) m. club, pestle
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (so) f. stick; walking stick
H H H H H (so) m. soda
~=J (~var) m. soda water
WHJW ~ (- ka sak ~) m. caustic soda, Sodium
|uJ ~ (mItth ~) m. sodium bicarbonate
H Vl H Vl H Vl H Vl H Vl (soh) m. a sub-caste of khattris; a person
belonging to this caste
H S H S H S H S H S (sot) m. bed-time, sleeping time
H H H H H (sodh) f. vetting, revision; rectification;
H W H W H W H W H W (sodhak) m. reviser; rectifier, purifier
H H H H H (sodha) v.t. to correct; to amend; to rectify,
to purify; to vet, to revise; to refine metals; to
determine the auspicious time (for marriage
etc.); to thrash
H H H H H (sodh) m. light, pleasing smell of wet soil;
smell of parched grams; perfumed, fragrant
H H H H H (son) m. gold, aurum; valuable thing, precious
a. flawless, perfect
~U= /U= U (~chhn/chahu) v.t.
to gild, to gold-plate
H U ~(pse d ~) m. gold without
adulteration, pure-gold
H S H JT ( sone te suhg) prov.
fragrance added to beauty
~S HJT J (~te suhg ho) id. to gild
the lily
~Ul H (~d kh) f. gold mine; wealthy
~Ul |U=l J (~d chI ho) id. to roll in
wealth, to be very prosperous
~Ul Yl (~d al) f. nugget
~U Fm/uY (~de bha/mull) adv. at a huge
cost, at a high price
~Y u= (~nl man) id. to give wealth
in plenty, to make someone rich
~Y Y|Um J (~nl ladde ho) id. to
roll in wealth
H V H V H V H V H V (sof) m. sofa
H Vl H Vl H Vl H Vl H Vl (sof) m. teetotaller; not under the effect of
intoxicant, not intoxicated
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (sobt) adv. casually, incidentally,
H F H F H F H F H F (sobha) adv. to look befitting, to look
graceful, to suit
H FlW H FlW H FlW H FlW H FlW (shobhnk) a. graceful, beautiful, dignified
H F H F H F H F H F (shobh) f. dignity, elegance, grace, glory,
splendour; fame, reputation
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to admire, to praise
~US (~ytr) f. a religious procession
(esp.of Hindus)
H uH H uH H uH H uH H uH (somras) m. juice of an ancient creeper
(moon plant) used by sages and saints in
ancient times, somras; drink of the gods, elixir;
wine, liquor
H u= H u= H u= H u= H u= (somvr) m. Monday
H u H u H u H u H u (som) m. spring; fountain head; source, origin
H H H H H (shor) m. noise, tumult, din, uproar, clamour
~H (~sharb) m. noise, uproar, hue and
cry, noisy, clamour
~uUU (~machu) v.i. to make a noise,
to clamour
H J H J H J H J H J (sorah) m. an Indian classical musical mode
H J H J H J H J H J (sorh) m. poetic metre, a prosodic metre
H H H H H (shorb) m. soup, broth (of meat); meat curry,
H H H H H (shor) m. nitre, saltpetre, Potassium nitrate
WYul ~( kalm ~) m. crystalline nitre
H=Yl ( shorevl) a. saline (land)
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sol) m. sole
H Y= H Y= H Y= H Y= H Y= (solv ) a. sixteenth
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (sol) m. sixteen
~m (~ane) adv. cent percent, absolutely,
~|HT (~shgr) m. an Indian style of make-
up/adornment of the ladies which had sixteen
traditional forms; sixteen things of make-up
~WY (~kal )f. sixteen divine traits
~WY H (~kal spra) a. perfect
H H H H H (so ) m. hundred
a. numerous, many
~|Hm |FW uS, uH m m (~ sIe Ikko
matt, murakh po ape) prov. wise men
all agree, fools disagree
~T (~gu) a. hundred times, hundred
fold, centuple
~== l (~ghae pa pe) id. to
cut a sorry figure, to be ashamed of ; to be
disappointed, to be frustrated
~|U U U |FW |U H U (~ dIn chor de Ikk
dIn sdh d) prov. the evil cannot thrive for
~Ul |FW W|J/~Ul |FW |=U uWU (~d Ikk
ke h/~dI Ikk vIch muku) id. to cut a
long story short, to explain in nutshell, to
~=l (~vr) adv. hundred times, so many
times, several times
~|=H= (~vIsve) adv. without doubt,
hundred percent, certainly, surely
~|=U |FW/|=U WFl (~vIcho Ikk/vIcho ko)
a. one man in ten, one of a thousand, rare
H J H J H J H J H J (soh) f. pledge, vow; oath, swear
H J H J H J H J H J (shohar) m. husband, spouse
H W H W H W H W H W (shok) m. interest, fondness, liking; hobby,
pastime; zest, zeal
H W H W H W H W H W (so ka) f. a. co-wife, second wife, rival wife;
fashionable, foppish, fond of (fem.)
H Wlm H Wlm H Wlm H Wlm H Wlm (shoka) adv. as a hobby; with pleasure,
H Wl/H Wl H Wl/H Wl H Wl/H Wl H Wl/H Wl H Wl/H Wl ( sho kn/sho k) a. foppish, fashionable,
dandy, dandyish; fond of, enthusiast, ardent,
H H H H H H H H H H (so kh) m. easiness, ease, convenience; comfort,
H H H H H H H H H H (sokh) a. easy, simple, untroubled, facile;
comfortable, convenient; prosperous, well-to-
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl (sog) f. raisin, currant, dry grapes
H UY H UY H UY H UY H UY (sochal) m. a kind of salt used in medicine,
black salt
H H H H H (so) v.i. to sleep, to slumber; to become
benumbed, (hands, feet etc.); to be oblivious;
to be unmindful; to take rest
HHl =T ~ (susar vg ~) id. to sleep like
a log
H S H S H S H S H S (sot) f. co-wife, second wife
H U H U H U H U H U (so d) m. transaction, business; bargain, deal;
commodity; merchandise
~W (~karn) id. to strike a bargain, to
negotiate a deal
~S (~patt) m. household goods, provision
H UT H UT H UT H UT H UT (sodgar) m. trader, merchant, tradesman,
H UTl H UTl H UTl H UTl H UTl (sodgar) f. trade, commerce, business
H U H H U H H U H H U H H U H (sodebz) a. adept bargainer, haggler
H U Hl H U Hl H U Hl H U Hl H U Hl (so debz) f. bargaining, chaffering,
H H H H H (so pa) v.t. to entrust, to confide; to assign;
to give out (task etc.); to give charge, to hand
over, to consign; to delegate
H V H V H V H V H V (so f) f. fennel, anise, aniseed, Pimpinella anisum;
Amanita muscaria
H = H = H = H = H = (sov) a. hundredth
H = H = H = H = H = (sor) m. brevity, tightness
H = H = H = H = H = (so ) a. close-fitted, close, tight; narrow; hard

J J J J J (hh) m. fifth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet, it
represents glottal fricative sound
JU JU JU JU JU (hau) f. ego, self, egoism, egotism
~ l (~ dhar) a. egoistic; egocentric
~ =Ul (~ va d) a. egoist
~ |=U H Hl Jl |uYUl (~ vIch khush
nah mIld) prov. self is a bad guide to
JU W JU W JU W JU W JU W (hauk) m. sigh, suspiration, moan
~ F (~ bharn) v.i. to sigh, to suspire;
to pine, to yearn
JU u /JU u JU u /JU u JU u /JU u JU u /JU u JU u /JU u (haume /hame )m.ego,self,
egotism, egoism
JU m JU m JU m JU m JU m (ha) m. an object of fear or scare,
chimera, scare-crow, bugbear, raw head and
bloody bones; illusion
JFlH/JFlH= JFlH/JFlH= JFlH/JFlH= JFlH/JFlH= JFlH/JFlH= (hash/hashv) intj. yo-
heave-ho! yo-ho-ho!
JH JH JH JH JH (hash) intj. hush! keep silent! don't do!
J H J H J H J H J H (hass) m. collar-bone, clavicle; an ornament
worn round the neck, neck band
J H J H J H J H J H (hs) m. swan, goose; a religious term used
for man's soul, spirit, religious soul
J H J H J H J H J H (hass) v.i. to laugh, to chortle; to
ridicule, to jeer, to make fun of; to deride
m S J |Hm H J |Hm (- t hasse so
hasse)prov. he laughs best who laughs last
JH W JY U ( hass ke l de) id.
to laugh away, to laugh off
~ JH W UJ J (~ hass ke dhre ho)
id. to split one's sides, to laugh into cramps
~ JH W J |=U =Y H (~ hass ke pe
vIch val pe J) id. to split one's sides
~ U (~ chhadd) id. to laugh over
JH H U |U (hassa kheda de
dIn) ph. days of merry-making
JH H (hassa khed) id. to
make merry, to have fun
J HU J HU (hassde hassde) adv.
laughingly, jokingly
JH H S uH W (hasso khed o te mo J
karo) prov. eat, drink and be merry
JHS JHS JHS JHS JHS (hast) m. hand; hand writing; name of
thirteenth Nakshatra; elephant
~ WY (~ kal) f. handicraft, manual art
JHSH JHSH JHSH JHSH JHSH (hastkhep) m. interference, meddling;
intervention, intercession
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to interfere, to
meddle; to intervene, to intercede
JHS H JHS H JHS H JHS H JHS H (hastkhar) m. signature, sign;
~ WS (~ kart) m. signatory
~ W (~ karn) v.i. t. to put one's
signature, to sign
|S~ (pratI ~) m. counter-signature
JHSH|S JHSH|S JHSH|S JHSH|S JHSH|S (hastkhrIt) a. signed
JHSl JHSl JHSl JHSl JHSl (hast) f. existence, being; status, position;
~ |uJU (~ mIu) id. to annihilate, to
JHU JHU JHU JHU JHU (hasad) m. jealousy, envy, green-eyed
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to be jealous of, to
JHSY JHSY JHSY JHSY JHSY (hasptl) m. hospital; dispensary
JH JH JH JH JH (hasab) pref. according to , as per
~ W|FU/W (~ kId/kn n) adv.
according to rule/law
~ H (~ nasab) m. lineage, pedigree,
genealogy, ancestry; family, race, lineage
~ uH (~ mansh) adv. as desired
~ |uWU (~ mIkdr) adv. quantitatively,
J Hu H J Hu H J Hu H J Hu H J Hu H (hassmukkh) a. jolly, jocose, cheerful,
gay, jovial, cheery, blithesome, blithe, jocular
JH JH JH JH JH (hashar) m. doomsday, doom;
consequence, result, end
JHS JHS JHS JHS JHS (hasrat) f. regret for unfulfilled desire;
desire, yearning, longing; sorrow, grief
~ W V (~ kah) id. to fulfil one's
JHYl/ JHYl/ JHYl/ JHYl/ JHYl/JHYl JHYl JHYl JHYl JHYl (hasl/hsl) f. collarbone, clavicle;
an ornament worn round the neck, neck
JHU JHU JHU JHU JHU (hasu) v.t. to make laugh, to tickle
a. jocose, comic, comical, funny, amusing,
humorous, bon-mot
JHUl TY (hasu gall) f. witty or
humorous remark; joke, jest
~ WY (~ nakal) f. parody; comic play,
JHFl JHFl JHFl JHFl JHFl (has) f. derision, ridicule, jape, witticism;
infamy, obloquy, ignomy
HT~ ( Jagg ~ ) f. public ignomy/infamy
! !! !!
(hakk) f. stammer, faltering, stutter
~ l (~ pe) v.i. to stammer, to falter,
to speak with a stutter
(hakk) m. right, true, just, proper; claim,
lien, title; duty; justice
~ mU W (~ ad karn) id. to repay a
debt; to perform one's duty
~ HV (~ shuf) m. right of pre-emption
~ JWW (~ hakk) m. rights
~ JYY (~ hall) m. honest means
~ JYY Ul WuFl (~ hall d kam) f.
hard-earned-money, honest/hard earning,
sweat of one's brow
~ HSU (~ Jatu) id. to assert one's
claim, to lay claim to
~ SYVl (~ talf) f. violation or denial of the
rights of others, injustice
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to violate or deny
someone's right
~ uYW (~ mlkn) m. proprietary right
~ |uJ( ~ mehar) m. alimony
~ u Hl (~ mors) m. hereditary right,
ancestral right
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. in favour of
JWHH (hakkshns) a. truthful, just
JWHHl (hakkshns) f. truthfulness,
J WU (hakkdr) m. right claimant/
owner, proprietor, deserving
J W J W J W J W J W (hakk) v.t. to drive, to goad
JWY JWY JWY JWY JWY (hakl) a. stammerer, strutterer
JWYU JWYU JWYU JWYU JWYU (haklu) v.i. to stammer, to stutter,
to falter
JWFl JWFl JWFl JWFl JWFl (hak) f. the work of or wages for driving
J W - W J W - W J W - W J W - W J W - W (hakk-bakk) a. dumbfounded,
aghast, stunned, bewildered, wonder-struck,
confused, perplexed, stupefied, surprised,
~ W U (~ kar de) id. to take away
one's breath
J W J W J W J W J W (hkr) m. pride, vanity, foppishness,
haughtiness, arrogance, self-conceit, egoism
JWS JWS JWS JWS JWS (hakrat) f. contempt, hatred, scorn,
J W J W J W J W J W (hkrn)v.i. to be proud, to be
JW|m H u|m (hkre so mre)
prov. pride hath a fall, pride goeth before a
fall, pride will have a fall
~ H (~ J) v.i. to grow big for one's
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (hkr) a. proud, vain, self-conceit,
haughty, arrogant, egoistic
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (hakk) a. rightful or lawful (claimant)
JWlWS JWlWS JWlWS JWlWS JWlWS (hakkat) f. reality, truth, fact
JWlWl JWlWl JWlWl JWlWl JWlWl (hakk) a. real, actual; true, veritable
JWlu JWlu JWlu JWlu JWlu (hakm) m. a person who treats a patient
through Unani system of medicine, physician,
lu~ (nm~ ) m. quack, charlatan
lu~ S F H ( nm ~ khatr e
Jn) prov. a little knowledge is a dangerous
lu~ S U ( nm ~ to bacho) prov.
beware of quacks
JWlul JWlul JWlul JWlul JWlul (hakm) f. the profession of physician
a. pertaining to a physician
JWl JWl JWl JWl JWl (hakr) a. low, mean, vile, contemptible,
despicable; trivial, insignificant, of little value
JW uS JW uS JW uS JW uS JW uS (hakmat) f. rule, sway, reign;
government, administration, ruling-power
~ HSU ( ~ Jatu) id. to show off
one's authority, to show one's influence
J T J T J T J T J T ( hagga) v.i. to excrete, to ease
oneself, to obey natural call, to shit, to
evacuate the bowels
J Tu J Tu J Tu J Tu J Tu ( hgm) m. tumult, uproar; riot, affray,
disturbance, turbulence, furore, disorder
~ H= W (~ khah karn) id. to create
a fuss; to cause a tumult all round
JT JT JT JT JT ( hagr) m. stool, excreta (esp.of flies)
J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y ( hgl/hghl) m. swill, rinsing
J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y J TY/J =Y (hgl/hghal) v.t. to
swill, to rinse; to clean superficially with
water, to slop
! !! !!
(hachchh) adv. yes, all right, ya, well,
very well, hump, good, so
intj. an expression of surprise, anger, is
it?, so that is it!, oh!, ah!, aha!
z zz zz
(hachchh) a.& m. good, nice, useful,
profitable; agreeable; lovely, likeable; well,
nicely, rightly, thoroughly
J H J H J H J H J H (haJJ) m. pilgrimage to Mecca, hajj; sense,
justification; benefit, purpose, use, advantage;
visit to a sacred place
JHu JHu JHu JHu JHu (hazam) a. digested, assimilated
~ W ( karn) v.t. to digest, to assimilate
id. to misappropriate someone's money or
property deposited in good faith; to embezzle
JHS JHS JHS JHS JHS (hazrat) a. (honorific) reverend, eminent,
great; appellation
m. dignity, majesty, highness
J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu (hazzam) m. barber, hairdresser
(usu.) prefixed to the name of prophets;
prophet, lord
JHuS JHuS JHuS JHuS JHuS (haJmat) f. shave, shaving; hair cutting
~ W ( ~ karn) v.i. to shave, to give hair
id. to rob, to plunder, to fleece, to fraud,
to cheat; to thrash, to beat
JH JH JH JH JH (hazr) a. thousand
JH= JH= JH= JH= JH= ( hazrv) a. thousandth
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl ( hJr ) f. a disease of throat, scrofula
JH u JH u JH u JH u JH u (haJm) m. crowd, multitude, mob, throng
JH JH JH JH JH ( hazr) m. title of respect, sir, sire, your
lordship, your honour, your majesty
JH l/JH lm JH l/JH lm JH l/JH lm JH l/JH lm JH l/JH lm ( hazr/hazra) m. attendant,
courtier, presence
- Hl ~ (- J ~) f. sycophancy, toadyism
J K J K J K J K J K (hJh) m. tear, tears, to supress one's tears,
to control one's or sorrow
~ l Y (~ p le ) id. to gulp down tears
J J J J J J J J J J( ha) f. shop, emporium, sale depot, store
JJW JJW JJW JJW JJW ( haak) f. dissuasion, check, ban, restraint,
JJW JJW JJW JJW JJW ( hakaa) v.t to dissuade, to forbid, to
hinder, to prevent, to check or warn, restrain
JJW JJW JJW JJW JJW ( hako r) m. groan, moan; sob, sigh,
- JJW Y (- hakore napp le)
id. to gulp down tears
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ ( ha) v.i. to move back or aside, to
withdraw, to retire; to recede; to stop, to give
up; to desist/ refrain/ abstain; to shift, budge
JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ=( hav ) a. at some distance, not very far
m. separate, removed at a distance
JJ=lm JJ=lm JJ=lm JJ=lm JJ=lm (havn) m. shopkeeper, retailer,
JJ=l JJ=l JJ=l JJ=l JJ=l( ha) f. small shop, diminutive of J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl
JJU JJU JJU JJU JJU ( hau) v.t. to preview, to forbid; to
remove, to displace; to dismiss, to discharge
(from employment); to get or cause to stop,
to cease quarrelling or fighting; to drive away
J J W J J J W J J J W J J J W J J J W J ( ha ka) a. stout, strong, robust,
husky, hefty, burly, sturdy; bulky, fat, corpulent
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl( ha) f. shop
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ( hah) m. obduracy, tenacity, doggedness;
obstinacy, stubbornness, persistence,
insistence, waywardness, perseverance
~ W ( ~ karn) v.t. to insist, to persist,
to persevere
~ HT ( ~ Jog) m. a type of yoga which
demands austerities and physical restraint
~ HTl ( ~ Jog) m. a follower of hath yoga
~ ul ( ~ dharm) f. dogma, dogmatism,
bigotry, fanaticism
a. dogmatic, bigot, fanatic, fanatical
JJl JJl JJl JJl JJl (hah) a. obdurate, tenacious, digged;
obstinate, stubborn, persistent, insistent,
wayward, bull-headed, stiff-necked
J J J J J ( hadd) m. bone; self
~ HW ( ~ seka) id. to beat severely, to
batter, to thrash; to warm oneself
~ J (~ hadd) m. the whole body
~ Ju (~ harm) a. shirker, bone-idle,
bone-lazy, lazy, lethargic
~ lSl ( ~ bt) f. self-experience, memoir
~ Fl ( ~ bhna) f. pain in the whole
body due to fever or weariness
~ F = (~ bhnv)a. arduous, toilsome,
~ uH (~ ms) m. flesh and blood
~ = (~ ve r) m. deep seated-enmity,
J J J J J (ha) m. a disease of horses which often
causes lameness, spavin, curb
J l J l J l J l J l (ha) f. bone
~ U HmU (~ d sud) m. false pleasure
~ HYl |FW W U ( ~ pasl Ikk kar de)
id. to give a sound beating, to give a licking
J lm S = (- ha ton) id. to
give a good thrashing, to beat badly, to batter
~ U H= (~ d s) m.bone of
contention ,carking care
~ U |H (~ da pJar) m. bag of bones,
mere skeleton
~ Ul u J (~ d muh)a. bony, lean and
~ |WY mU (~ nIkal ua)id. to be
reduced to a skeleton
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hol) m. swing; cradle
J VH J VH J VH J VH J VH (hhasr)a. durable, lasting,
J V J V J V J V J V (hh)v.i. to last; to wear off
J VU J VU J VU J VU J VU (hhu)v.t. to wear out, to use
until worn out; to wear
J |m=|Sm (- hhe-varte) a.
experienced, practised, old-bird, old-hand
JS JS JS JS JS (hat ) intj. an expression of disdain,
sympathy, pity etc., oh! hush!
JSW JSW JSW JSW JSW (hatak)f. insult, affront, disrespect,
dishonour, disgrace
J | Sm J | Sm J | Sm J | Sm J | Sm (hatte)f. murder, assassination,
slaughter, massacre
J | Sm J | Sm J | Sm J | Sm J | Sm (hatter) a. & m . murderer ,
murderous, assassinator, assassin
J J J J J (hatth)m. hand; cubit, a measure of length
(equal to 18 inches); side; control; custody,
possession; reach
~ U JU /U W (~ uhau/chukk)
id. to beat, to thrash, to strike
~ U (~ udhr)m. cash loan on verbal
promise of payment
~ m/J/H (~ a/ta/
pasrn)id. to beg, to ask for charity
~ mU /Y T (~ u/lagg)id. to
come by; to be got, to be procured; to be
caught, to be nabbed
~ HV W (~ sf karn)id. to steal, to
purloin, to filch, to swindle
~ HT= (~ sgen)id. to spend with a
~ |JYU (~ hIlu)id. to do some work,
to work
~ W mHl Wl (~ kga n a rs
k)prov. self evidence requires no proof,
good wine needs no bush
~ WJU /=VU (~ kau/
vadhu)id. to deprive of one's rights in
~ H= W (~ khahe karn)id. to yield,
to surrender, to lay down arms, to
acknowledge one's defeat
~ |H U (~ khIcch)id. to withdraw
support, to cease to take interest, to desist
~ HY (~ khulh)id. to get into the habit
of beating/striking
~ ==l (~ gha)f. wrist watch
~ = J (~ ghu)id. to spend with a close-
fist, to spend parsimoniously
~ UW (~ chukk)id. to beat, to strike
~ H= W (~ Jo ke)adv. humbly; with folded
~ H =/ (~ Jon/bnh)id. to
entreat, to beseech, to supplicate; to seek
forgiveness, to beg pardon; to fold one's
hands in reverence
~ JlW ==U (~ hkre phau)id. to
reduce one to poverty, to make one a pauper
~ J W (~ hok)m. stooge, minion, decoy-duck
~ ST J (~ tg ho)id. to be hard up, to
be short of money
~ S H HuU (~ te sarho Jamu)id.
to accomplish a difficult work in a short time
~ S H Jl H uUl (~ te sarho nah
Jmad)prov. Rome was not built in a day
~ S J W J (~ te hatth dhar ke
be h)id. to sit idle, to do nothing
~ S J u (~ te hatth mrn)id. to
cheat, to hoodwink, to swindle
~ S U= (~ te chah)id. to play in
someone's hands
~ U (~ d)a. manual; hand made
~ Ul HVFl (~ d saf)f. sleight of hand,
legerdemain, jugglery
~ W | U (~ dho ke pIchchhe
pe )id. to work whole heartedly, to
achieve a goal; to become a bitter enemy
~ (~ dhoe)id. to be deprived of, to
lose (something)
~ H W=l (~ n puJJe th ko)prov.
grapes are sour
~ U (~ pu)id. to undertake, to take
up a work; to molest (girl or woman)
~ lY W (~ ple karn)id. to marry one's
sister or daughter
~ = Y H (~ pe r phul Je )id. to
become nervous, to get perplexed
~ u (~ per mrn)id. to make one's
level best, to try hard, to strive, to struggle
~ = (~ phern)v.t. to clean up; to
swindle, to cheat; to steal/purloin
~ (~ bnhe)v.t. to beseech, not to
do something against; to prohibit, to forbid
~ uY (~ mal)id. to repent, to regret
~ T (~ rga)id. to make a fortune, to
feather one's nest
~ =l (~ rerh)m. handcart
~ YU (~ lu)id. to beat, to strike; to
touch; to begin
~ Y|Fm uY J (~ le mel ho)id.
to be very beautiful
~ |YHS (~ lIkhat)a. handwritten
m. manuscript
~ =JU (~ vau)id. to bear a hand
~ |=HU (~ vIkhu)id. to let one's pulse
to be felt; to show one's power
U ~ H = ( duro ~ Jon)id. to
avoid meeting
JY (hathl)a. in hand (work etc.)
J S H HuU (hatth te sarho
Jamu)id. to wring water from a flint, to
perform miracle
~ Ul uY(~ d mel) f. an insignificant thing
~ U SS U H (~ de tote u J)id.
to be at one's wits ends, to be wonder struck,
to be dumbfounded, to be taken aback
~ Ul H (~ per d pe J)id.
to lose one's nerves
~ =Y SW (~ vall takk)id. to depend
on someone for subsistence
Jl (hatth)adv. with one's own hands;
~ U= W (~ chhv karn)id. to shower
too much love and affection; to provide all
JW=l JW=l JW=l JW=l JW=l (hathka) f. handcuffs, irons
~ YU (~ lu)id. to arrest, to handcuff,
to manacle
J= J= J= J= J= (hathvn)m. an elephant-driver
J J J J J (hatth) m. the handle of a millstone or of
a spinning wheel; a weaver's lay
J|mU J|mU J|mU J|mU J|mU (hathIu)v.t. to grab, to usurp
J| m J| m J| m J| m J| m (hathIr)m. weapon, arms; tool,
~ HJ (~ su)id. to lay down arms, to
surrender, to capitulate, to accept-defeat
~ UW (~ chukka)id. to take up arms,
to revolt
J|m U (- hathIrbd)a. equipped
with arms, armed
J l J l J l J l J l (hatth) f. handle, shank
J l J l J l J l J l (hatth )adv. with one's own hands;
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (hathel) f. palm
~ S J (~ te ho)id. to be evident, to
be obvious
~ S H H (~ te Jn rakkh)id. to be
ready to die
J J J J J (hattho )adv. with one's own hands; through,
~ Jl (~ hatth )adv. in no time
~ J l = W (~ hatth nabe karn)
id. to try conclusions with
~ Jl |=W (~ hatth vIka)id. to be sold
like hot cakes
JFl (-hatthop)f. scuffle, grapple
~ J (~ ho)id. to come to blows, to
scuffle, to grapple, to pull caps
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hathola ) m. exorcism
J = J = J = J = J = (hatho)m. hammer, beetle
J =l J =l J =l J =l J =l (hatho) f. small hammer
J U J U J U J U J U (hadd)f. boundary, border; bound, bourn;
extent, limit; end
~ J (~ ho)id. to be too much
~ W (~ karn)id. to reach the farthest
limit, to cross the limit; to do something
~ UH U (~ darJe d)adv. extremely
J U Ul (- haddbd)f. demarcation,
bordering, delimitation
- J U (haddbn)m. boundary,
borderline, bourn, limit
JU J/ (haddo bhar/pr)adv.
beyond the limit/extent; beyond one's
capacity; beyond one's reach
JU= JU= JU= JU= JU= (hadv)m. watermelon, Citrullus
J U J U J U J U J U (hd)m. cooked food given to or collected
by Brahamin priests; help, support (at the
time of need)
JU|FS JU|FS JU|FS JU|FS JU|FS (hadIt)f. instruction, mandate
J J J J J (hn)m. pommel (of saddle)
Jlu Jlu Jlu Jlu Jlu (hanmn)m. honey-moon
J t J t J t J t J thaner1 11 11 m. darkness, dark; injustice,
tyranny, oppression, outrage
~ HFl U (~s d) intj. Good-God!, Good
~ HS(~kht) m. irregular accounts;
lawlessness, anarchy
~ TUl (~ gard)f. lawlessness, anarchy
J J J J J (haner) m. darkness, dark, murk,
a. dark, murk, obscure, gloomy
~ = (~ ghupp) m. & a. pitch dark,
extremely dark
J l J l J l J l J l (hanher) f. dust storm
J l W J=l J l W J=l J l W J=l J l W J=l J l W J=l (hanher kot h) f. dark cell,
J J J J J (hanhere)adv. after sunset, after dark,
at night fall
~ |=U J u (~ vIch hatth pe r
mrn)id. to look for needle in a heap of
J= J= J= J= J= (haph) v.i. to be out of breath, to be
short of breath, to puff, to pant
JVS JVS JVS JVS JVS (haft) m. week, hebdomad
~ F (~ bhar)a. & adv. week-long
JVS = /JVS = l (haftvr/
haftvr) a. & adv. weekly, hebdomadal
JV=-UV= JV=-UV= JV=-UV= JV=-UV= JV=-UV=l (hafar -dafr ) f. helter-skelter,
flurry, confusion, chaos, panic, turmoil;
commotion; hurry scurry, haste
JVU JVU JVU JVU JVU (hafu) v.t. to tire out, to make to
pant, to puff out
J J J J J (hab) f. hub
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (habsh) m. Negro, moor
JW JW JW JW JW (habak) f. stink, stench, bad smell, odour
J F J F J F J F J F (hbha) v.i. to be tired, to get
J FY J FY J FY J FY J FY (hbhl) m. endeavour, attempt, effort
(with full vigour)
~ u(~ mrn)id. to make bid for
J |Fm J |Fm J |Fm J |Fm J |Fm (hbhe)a. exhausted, out of breath, dog
tired, dead tired, worn out
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju
! !! !!
(ham) pref.a prefix which denotes
companionship or similarity, similar, equal;
~ U u (~ umar)a. of the same age,
coetaneous, coeval
~ HWY (~ shakal)a. resembling (in
appearance), similar in looks, alike, identical
~ HV (~ safar)m. fellow-traveller
~ H|Fm (~ se)m. neighbour
~ |HmY (~ khIl) a. of the same opinion/
views, of one mind, unanimous
~ H Yl (~ Jol)m. companion, play mate,
~ Uu (~ dam)m. close friend, chum; lover/
beloved; wife/husband
~ u (~ nm)a. namesake
~ H (~ pesh)a. of the same profession/
~ Jl (~ rh)m. co-traveller, fellow-
traveller; companion, friend
~ H (~ rz)m. confident
~ =S (~ vatan)m. countryman, compatriot
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju
z zz zz
(ham) pron. we
JuW JuW JuW JuW JuW (hamak) f. bad smell, foul smell, stench,
JuUU JuUU JuUU JuUU JuUU (hamdard) m. sympathiser,
a. sympathetic, well-wisher, kind
J u U U l J u U U l J u U U l J u U U l J u U U l ( ha mda r d ) f . s y mp a t h y,
JuY JuY JuY JuY JuY (hamal)m. pregnancy, gravidity
~ |T (~ gIrn)v.i. to abort
JuY JuY JuY JuY JuY (haml)m. attack, invasion, aggression;
~ W (~ karn)v.t. to attack, to invade;
to assault
JuY = (hamlvar)m. invader,
Ju | FS Ju | FS Ju | FS Ju | FS Ju | FS (hamIt) f. support, advocacy,
patronage, abetment; sympathy, help;
protection, defence
Ju |FSl Ju |FSl Ju |FSl Ju |FSl Ju |FSl (hamIt)m. supporter, advocate,
patron, sympathiser
JuWS JuWS JuWS JuWS JuWS (hamkat) f. foolishness, stupidity,
unwise conduct
JuS= JuS= JuS= JuS= JuS= (hamta) pron. poor we, the likes of
us, like me, poor me
~ SuS= (~ tamtar) pron. the likes of us
Ju-S u Ju-S u Ju-S u Ju-S u Ju-S u (ham-tum) pron. ordinary folk, all
and sundry, common people; Tom, Dick and
Juu Juu Juu Juu Juu (hamm) m. bathroom, bath; a metallic
water drum with a tap and hollow pipe in the
centre (for burning coals)
Juu UHS Juu UHS Juu UHS Juu UHS Juu UHS (hamm dast) m. an iron or brass
mortar and pestle
Ju H Ju H Ju H Ju H Ju H (hamesh) adv. always, ever, every time
~ YFl (~la) adv. for ever, for good
Ju Y Ju Y Ju Y Ju Y Ju Y (hamel) f. necklace made of gold coins
JU JU JU JU JU (hay) f. bashfulness, modesty; sense of
- JU (- behay) a. immodest, shameless
JUSl JUSl JUSl JUSl JUSl (hayt) f. life, life-span/time, existence
! !! !!
(har) a. each, every, any
~ mW= U Hu W (~ okar d samh
karn) id. to go through fire and water
~ |FW (~Ikk) m. all and sundry, everyone,
~ JY |=U (~hl vIch) adv. in any case,
how so ever, come what may
~ JlY (~hle) adv. by all means, at all costs,
in every possible way
~ WFl (~ ko) m. every Tom, Dick and Harry,
everyone, all and sundry
~ ==l/Uu/Y (~ghar /dam/pal) adv.
always, every moment, all the time
~ S Y (~ tarh nl) adv. by all means
~ |UY mHlH (~dIl azz) a. favourite of all,
~ UH |U HH mUU J (~dukkh pIchchho
sukh u d he ) prov. every cloud has a
silver lining
~ =l (~vr) adv. every time, each time
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (harhar) f. a kind of pulse, Cajanus indicus
JWS JWS JWS JWS JWS (harkat) f. motion, movement, action;
behaviour, misconduct, mischief
JW JW JW JW JW (harkr) m. courier, messenger;
harbinger, postman
JH JH JH JH JH (harkh) m. rage, anger, wrath; complaint,
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (harkh) a. angry, displeased, wrathful,
hot-tempered, hot-headed
J|TH Jl J|TH Jl J|TH Jl J|TH Jl J|TH Jl (hargIz nah ) adv. never, not at
all, not at any cost, on no account
J J J J JH HH HH (harJ) m. waste (of time, money or
effort); loss, harm, damage; interruption,
JH JH JH JH JH (harJ) m. loss, harm, damage, detriment
JHFl JHFl JHFl JHFl JHFl (harJ) a. & m. inconstant in love, fickle,
philanderer, womanizer
JH JH JH JH JH (harza n) m. penalty, compensation, fine,
indemnity, demurrage, damages, reparation
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (har) m. Persian wheel
JUY JUY JUY JUY JUY (hardal) f. turmeric, Curcuma longa
! !! !!
(haran) m. deer, antelope, buck
z zz zz
(haran) m. elopement, abduction;
~ J H (~ ho Jana) v.i. to run away, to
elope, to abscond
JYl JYl JYl JYl JYl (harnal) f. yoked pair of oxen
Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm (harna) f. hernia
J J J J J J J J J J (harno) m. fawn, young buck,
youngone of the deer
JV JV JV JV JV (harf) m. letters (alphabet), word; blame,
~ -JV (~b- harf) adv. word by word,
exactly, literally
JV u Y JV u Y JV u Y JV u Y JV u Y (harfan mol) m. jack of all trades,
all rounder, versatile
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (harm) m. harem, seraglio, inner apartment
of a palace
Ju |m Ju |m Ju |m Ju |m Ju |m (harman pIr) a. popular,
JuY JuY JuY JuY JuY (harmal) f. a kind of herb, Peganum
JY-JY JY-JY JY-JY JY-JY JY-JY (harl-harl) adv. running/ wandering
aimlessly; crowding, commotion; hurriedly,
J= J= J= J= J= (harar ) m. myrobalan, a medicinal nut used
in medicines
J J J J J (har) m. green fodder
a. green, verdant, fresh; unhealed (wound)
-J|m F|m (- hare bhare) a. verdant,
green, lush; prosperous, flourishing
Jl J (har ho) id. to become
pregnant (animal)
J H S Ul J H == S W Fl Jl (-
hare rukkh te pchh bethan kh ghr
te ko nah ) prov. in prosperity friends will
be plenty, in adversity not one in twenty
JU JU JU JU JU (haru) v.t. to defeat, to overthrow,
to beat
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (harm) a. ill-gotten; forbidden, morally
wrong, sinful, prohibited, taboo
~ W (~karn) id. to make some one's
life miserable; to be thankless, to be
~ U uY (~ da ml) m. ill-gotten earnings,
ill- gotten wealth, unearned gain or income
~ Ul WuFl (~d kam) f. ill gotten earning
~ Ul u S (~d mo t) f. untimely death,
unnatural death
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (harmk hor) a. living by unfair means
or one who subsists on other's earnings; an
JuHU JuHU JuHU JuHU JuHU (harmzd) m.& a. illegitimate,
bastard, born out of wedlock, misbegotten;
rascal, scoundrel; an abuse
Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul (harm) m. & a. scoundrel, rascal,
illegitimate, bastard, adulterine
JS JS JS JS JS (harrat) f. heat, warmth, hotness;
temperature, fever, feverishness
J|m Yl J|m Yl J|m Yl J|m Yl J|m Yl (harIl) f. vegetation, greenery,
verdure; greenness, moss
J| m =Y J| m =Y J| m =Y J| m =Y J| m =Y (harIval) f. verdure, greenery,
verdancy, greenness, vegetation
J| m =Y J| m =Y J| m =Y J| m =Y J| m =Y (harIval) a. green, verdant,
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (har) m. God, the Almighty, Lord, the
Creator, the Supreme Being
J W J W J W J W J W (harek) a. everyone, everybody, each and
every, all and sundry
JY JY JY JY JY (hal) m. plough
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hall) m. solution, answer, wayout, means
JY W JY W JY W JY W JY W (hal ak) m. throat, gullet; rabies,
JY W JY W JY W JY W JY W (halk) v.i. to be rabid, to suffer an
attack of rabies
! !! !!
(halk) m. division, constituency, ward,
z zz zz
(halka ) a. light (weight, colour, food etc.);
cheap (quality); small (quantity); low (fire,
heat); mean (person); easy, soft (work)
JYW = YW JYW = YW JYW = YW JYW = YW JYW = YW (halk phulk) a. light weight, light
as a feather
JYUY JYUY JYUY JYUY JYUY (halchal) f. commotion, stir; disorder,
helter skelter, hubbub, disturbance, tumult
~ uU U (~mach de) id. to make a
good stir
JYUl JYUl JYUl JYUl JYUl (hald) f. turmeric, Curcuma longa
JYV JYV JYV JYV JYV (half) m. oath, vow, affirmation
JY=lm JY=lm JY=lm JY=lm JY=lm (half) m. affidavit, oath, assertion
JY= JY= JY= JY= JY= (halv) m. an Indian sweet dish which is
admixture of flour, ghee, sugar and water,
~u (~md) m. bread and butter, dainty
and rich food, loaves and fishes, delicious
and heavy food
JY=Fl JY=Fl JY=Fl JY=Fl JY=Fl (halv) m. confectioner, sweet-meat
maker or seller
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hall) m. aggression; invasion, attack,
J Y H l J Y H l J Y H l J Y H l J Y H l (halla sher) f. encouragement,
inspiration, incentive; provocation, instigation,
~ Ul (~de) id. to pat on the back
JYW JYW JYW JYW JYW (hala k) a. killed, murdered, slaughtered,
J Y-T Y J Y-T Y J Y-T Y J Y-T Y J Y-T Y (hall-gull) m. hub-bub, noise, uproar,
ballyhoo; disorder, commotion; merry-
making, revel, mirth
JYY JYY JYY JYY JYY (hall) m. flesh of animal slaughtered
slowly by Muslim rite; legitimate, lawful;
hard earned money
~ U (~d) a. legitimate; hard-earned money
JYlu JYlu JYlu JYlu JYlu (halm) a. meek, humble, submissive,
gentle, bland, mild, forbearing, benign, calm
JYl ul JYl ul JYl ul JYl ul JYl ul (halm) f. forbearance, meekness,
mildness, submissiveness, humbleness,
JY JY JY JY JY (haln) v.t. to give a jolt, to shake,
to joggle
JY JY JY JY JY (halu) m. shaking up, jolt, jerk, shake,
J=H J=H J=H J=H J=H (havas) m. greed, avarice; lust, sensuality,
covetousness, cupidity, thirst, desire
J= J= J= J= J= (havan) m. a ritual type of worship among
Hindus, oblation to fire-god, fire worship
~ W (~kd) m. fire-pit
J= J= J= J= J= (hav) f. air, wind
~ Hl (~sarn) v.i. to fart, to discharge
~ J (~hr) m. airy, well ventilated
~ J H (~ho J) id. to run at a terrific
speed, to run fast; to disappear, to vanish, to
~ U UH (~da rukh dekhna) id. to
see which way the wind blows; to be
~ U UY (~da rukh badalna) id.
to change the course of time/history
~ U UYJ UY (~de ula chal) id. to
sail to the wind
~ U == S H= J(~de ghore te savar
ho) id. to be in tremendous hurry
~ U UY (~de rukh chal) id. to
feel the pulse of time, to move with the tide
~ W UY (~n bnh ke chal) id.
to sail against the wind
~ l (~pn) m. climate
~ UYl (~badl) f. migration for change of
~ u (~mr) a. anti aircraft
~ YT H (~lagg Ja) id. to catch cold;
to be exposed to
~ YT (~lagga) id. to catch the ways
of, to adopt new fashion
~ =Y SW HW (~vall n takk sak)
id. not to dare to do any harm
~ |=U U (~vIch udan) id. to tread in
air, to walk in air
~ |=U SY= u (~vIch talvr
mrn) id. to tilt at windmills
J=Fl J=Fl J=Fl J=Fl J=Fl (hav) a. aerial, pertaining to air; a kind
of fire work
~m (~ad d ) m. aerodrome, airport,
airfield, airstrip
~ H t~sen) f. Air Force
~ JuY (~haml) m. air attack, air raid
~ |WY (~kIl) m. castle in the air, fanciful
schemes, fool's paradise
~ |WY UH (~kIle usrn) id. to build
castles in the air
~ HJH (~Jahz) m. aeroplane, airship,
~ W (~dk) f. airmail, airpost
~ HS (~rast) m. air-route, airlane
J=Flm U (-hav ud) id. to be
terrified, to be worried
J= H J= H J= H J= H J= H (havs)m. sense, sense organ,
consciousness; the organ of perception;
knowledge organ
J=W J=W J=W J=W J=W (havk) v.i. to howl, to bey
J= J= J= J= J= (havn) m. udder, dug
J=H J=H J=H J=H J=H (havbz) m. pilot, airman, aviator, flier
J=Hl J=Hl J=Hl J=Hl J=Hl (havbz) f. aviation, airmanship
J=YU J=YU J=YU J=YU J=YU (havldr) m. head constable, havaldar
J=YU J=YU J=YU J=YU J=YUl (havldr) f. rank or post of havaldar
J=Y J=Y J=Y J=Y J=Y (havl) m. reference, mention, citation
J=YS J=YS J=YS J=YS J=YS (havlt) f. lock-up (police or judicial)
J=Y J=Y J=Y J=Y J=Y (havle) adv. in custody, incharge, in
J== J== J== J== J== (havr) f. foul smell, stink; bad breath;
expression of pent up emotions or anger,
suppressed or latent feeling
J= Yl J= Yl J= Yl J= Yl J= Yl (havel) f. mansion, palatial house,
J= J= J= J= J= (hah) m. flood, deluge, inudation;
abundance, excess, ampleness
J=SY J=SY J=SY J=SY J=SY (hatl) f. strike, stoppage of work in
factories, offices etc .
J=SYl J=SYl J=SYl J=SYl J=SYl (hatl) a. & m. on strike; striker
J= J= J= J= J= (harhp) v.t. to gulp, to swallow, to
gobble; to grab; to usurp, to seize
J= /J= Ul J= /J= Ul J= /J= Ul J= /J= Ul J= /J= Ul (harhb/harhbch) f. the jaw-
J= = U J= = U J= = U J= = U J= = U (harhbarhu) v.i. to startle, to
get perplexed
J= U J= U J= U J= U J= U (har hbuch) m. clenched fist, blow, box,
J= U J= U J= U J= U J= U (har hboch) a. clumsy, awkward,
J= U J= U J= U J= U J= U (har hu) v.t. to wash away, to
sweep away, to carry away; to squander, to
spend lavishly
J= S J= S J= S J= S J= S (harutt) m. wife's son by her former
husband, step son
J J J J J (h) intj. an exclamation denoting surprise
or wonder, ah!
J J J J J (h ) intj. yes, yah!, willingness, consent; yes,
affirmative vote
~ W (~karn) id. to agree, to give
assent, to express consent, to say yes
~ |=U J |uYU (~vIch h mIlu) id.
to say ditto to, to agree
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (hJ) intj. yes sir, yes madam, denoting
reverential consent, approval etc.
~ W (~karn) id. to make an humble
submission; to flatter, to wheedle
JF JF JF JF JF (he)intj. an expression of pain, pleasure,
grief, surprise etc. oh!, ah!, alas!, alack!
JH JH JH JH JH (hs) m. laughter, mirth, fun
JHH JHH JHH JHH JHH (hsras) m. humour in art and literature;
mirth, humour, wit; one of the nine rasas in
JHY JHY JHY JHY JHY (hsal)m.&.a. profit, gain, benefit; figure
carried over during addition and
multiplication; acquired, obtanied, procured
JH JH JH JH JH (hs) m. laughter, giggle, laugh, fun, mirth,
chuckle; joke, jest, ridicule, mockery
~UU (~udu) id. to make fun of, to
ridicule, to deride, to laugh at, to jeer, to mock
~ |WY (~nIkal)id. to burst into
~JJ/uHY (~hah/makho l)m. derision,
fun, jest, joke, drollery, wagging
JHl H (hs khed ) a. amusement,
merriment, merry making, fun and frolic;
child's play, easy job
-JH-JH |=U (- hse-hse vIch) adv. in a
lighter way, just in fun, jokingly
~ U S (~d ptar)m. laughing stock
~ Y |V l= l (~nl hId d pr h
pe) id. to shake/split one's sides
~ |=U UU (~vIch uu) id. to laugh
away, to laugh-off
~ |=U JY (~ vIch l) id. to laugh off,
to laugh away
JH Jl (hso h) a. ridiculous,
laughable, ludicrous, comical, laughing stock
JHlm JHlm JHlm JHlm JHlm (hash)m. hem, border, edging, margin
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (haha) m. guffaw, chortle, sound of loud
JJW (ha ha kr) m. lamentation,
wailing, cry of distress
JW JW JW JW JW (hk) f. call, shout, hail, loud call
JWu JWu JWu JWu JWu (hkam) m. ruler, governor, potentate;
officer, authority
JWl JWl JWl JWl JWl (hk) f. hockey; hockey stick
JHS JHS JHS JHS JHS (hJat) f. call of nature, the need to
J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu (ha zm) m. digestion, assimilation,
digestive power; capacity to keep a secret
JH JH JH JH JH (hzar) a. present, ready, available, in stock
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to appear, to be present,
to attend, to put in an-appearance
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to present, to produce,
to supply, to cause to appear, to make
~ H ( ~ nzar) a. Omnipresent, Present
everywhere all the time
~ HuS (~zamnat) m. a bond in which
surety is given to produce the accused on
any fixed date
~ H= (~Javb) a. quick-witted, witty,
ready-witted, good at repartee
~ H=l (~Javb) f. repartee, wittiness
T ~ ( ger ~) a. absent, not present,
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (ha zar) f. presence, attendance; roll-call;
muster, gathering; breakfast, the first meal
~ F (~bharn) id. to call at some one
without fail; to be at one's beck and call
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (hJ) m. one who is going for or has already
made a pilgrimage to Mecca, hajji
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (h ) f. cooking pot, pipkin, casserole, pot
J J J J J (h) m. coevality, equality in age,
a. of the same age
~ J |m (~n h pIr) prov.
like meets like
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (h) m. & a. equality in age, of the same
age, coeval, companion, pal, mate, playmate;
JS JS JS JS JS (ht) m. compound, enclosure; bar, pub
JS JS JS JS JS (hto) m. Kashmiri labourer
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (hth) m. elephant, mastodon; cast or rook
(in chess)
~ H (~khn) m. a stable for elephants
~ UU (~dd) m. ivory; tusk
~ Ul = |=U HF Ul = (~ d perh vIch
sabh d pe r ) prov. when God is worshipped
all gods are worshipped
~ U UU H U J |UHU U J (~de dd
kh de hor dIkhu de hor) prov. all
that glitters is not gold, duplicity is the
constant weapon of a rogue
HVU ~ (safed ~) m. white elephant
U=H S~ KY (darvze te ~ Jhl)
id. to be very rich, to be very prosperous
JUH JUH JUH JUH JUH (hds) m. accident, casualty, mishap,
tragedy, tragic happening
J /J l J /J l J /J l J /J l J /J l (hn/hn) m. damage, loss,
detriment, harm, disadvantage
~ Sl (~purt) f. compensation, damage,
reparation, recompense, indemnity,
indemnification, requital
YF~ ( lbh~ ) m. profit and loss, pros
and cons
JlWW JlWW JlWW JlWW JlWW (hnkrk) a. harmful, adverse,
baneful, damaging, detrimental, destructive,
noxious, disadvantageous, injurious
JVH JVH JVH JVH JVH (hfaz) m. one who has memorised the
Quran; a blind man
J= J= J= J= J= (hban) v.i. to eat voraciously; to be
impatient to eat
J= J= J= J= J= (hbr) m. ravenousness, voraciousness,
JuY JuY JuY JuY JuY (hml) f. pregnant, gravid
Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul (hm) m. support, advocate, partisanship;
supporter, partisan; consent, assent,
acceptance, assurance
~ Fl (~ bharn) id. to support, to bear
out; to give consent, to affirm
! !! !!
(hr) m. necklace, chaplet; garland, wreath
~ |H T (~shgr) m. adornment,
beautification, titivation, make-up; ornament
-TY U ~ (-gale d ~) m. dearly loved one
z zz zz
(hr) f. defeat, beat, discomfiture
~ W (~ke) adv. at last, as a last resort, finally,
~ H (~J) id. to go to the walls, to kick
up the beam, to lick the dust
~ u/u Yl (~mn/mn le) id.
to knuckle down, to surrender, to lay down
arms, to yield
JJ-mJ W JJ-mJ W JJ-mJ W JJ-mJ W JJ-mJ W (hrt-atek) m. heart-attack
J|UW J|UW J|UW J|UW J|UW (hrdIk) a. hearty, pertaining to heart,
cordial, heart-felt, earnest, solemn, fervent
J J J J J (hrn) m. horn, hooter, honk
J J J J J (hrn) v.i. to be beaten, to be defeated,
to lick the dust; to be weary, to get tired, to
get exhausted; to become weak, to lose
health; to lose (gambling); to be unsuccessful,
to fail
Ju lmu Ju lmu Ju lmu Ju lmu Ju lmu (hrmonam) m. harmonium
J J J J J (hr) m. niche or earthen bin with low
fire for milk boiling pot
Jl-Hl Jl-Hl Jl-Hl Jl-Hl Jl-Hl (hr-sr) m. everybody, everyone,
Tom, Dick and Harry, all and sundry; rabble,
sag-tag, riff-raff
! !! !!
(hl) m. condition, state, situation, plight;
rapture, ecstasy; news; story, narration
a. recent, present, current
~ UY (~chl) news, condition
~ J|m (~phre) v.t. hue and cry,
bohoo, loud noise, loud protest
-JY JY J (-hlo behl ho) id. to
be in miserable condition, to be in pitiable
z zz zz
(hl) m. the rim of a wooden wheel
a aa aa
(hl) m. a big room, hall
JYS JYS JYS JYS JYS (hlat) f. state, condition
! !! !!
(hl) m. land revenue, tax
z zz zz
(hl) m. redness in the sky at dawn and
JY/JY /JYl JY/JY /JYl JY/JY /JYl JY/JY /JYl JY/JY /JYl (hl/hle/hl ) adv . till
now, yet, as yet, at present, for the present,
presently, for the time being
-JY Ul ==l ( hl d ghar ) adv. at
present, as of now, for the time being, by
JY |W JY |W JY |W JY |W JY |W (hl ke) conj. although, though,
whereas, even then, even though, despite this,
JYS JYS JYS JYS JYS (ha lt) m. circumstances, condition,
J|YU J|YU J|YU J|YU J|YU (hleu) f. a medicinal plant, Lepidium
JYl JYl JYl JYl JYl (hl) m. ploughman, cultivator, farmer
J=-F= J=-F= J=-F= J=-F= J=-F= (hv-bhv) m. an expression through
gestures, gestures and gesticulation
J= J= J= J= J= (hv) m. suspiration, grief at separation;
J=l J=l J=l J=l J=l (hv) a. dominant, predominant, dominating
~ J (~hoa ) v.t. to overwhelm, to
J= J= J= J= J= (ha h) m. fourth month of the Bikrami Era,
which begins in the middle of June
~ |HmY (~ sIal) adv. occasionally
- HJ ~ (- Jeh~) m. summer season
J=l ( hh) f. the rabbi crop, spring
crop, the rabbi harvest
J= J= J= J= J= (hrhn) v.t. to weigh, to weigh up, to
measure; to estimate, to guess
J= J= J= J= J= (hr ) m. measure, weight; a tool of
weighing, measuring etc.
J= J= J= J= J= (hrh) m. entreaty, request, supplication,
J= J= J= J= J= (hrhe) intj. for God's sake, please
~ J= (~hrhe) adv. for God's sake, please,
an expression of request for mercy
|J HW |J HW |J HW |J HW |J HW (~hsak) a. violent, killer, murderous
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (hIs) v.i. to become weak/ feeble; to
go out, to go off; to blow out (lamp); to be
extinguished (fire); to wither
|JHS |JHS |JHS |JHS |JHS (hIshat) intj. hist!, pish!
|J H |J H |J H |J H |J H (hIss) m. part, portion; share, quota
- U~ (-bad~) a. according to one's
share, as per share
|JHU (-hssedr) m. partner, sharer, share
|JHUl (-hssedr) f. partnership, cahoot
|J H |J H |J H |J H |J H
! !! !!
(hs) f. violence, use of injurious force,
outrage, fury; violent force or act, physical/
mental torture/ agony
|J H |J H |J H |J H |J H
z zz zz
/|J UH /|J UH /|J UH /|J UH /|J UH (hs/hds) m. digit, figure
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (hIsb) m. arithmetic, mathematics;
account; count, calculation, computation,
counting, reckoning; details of expenditure,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to reckon, to compute
~ |WS (~ kItb) m. accounts, reckoning;
~ UWS W/UWU (~ chukat karn/
chuku) id. to clear the accounts; to
square accounts (with some one), to settle
~ H (~ rakkh) id. to keep accounts
~ YTU (~ lagu) id. to estimate; to
|JHU |JHU |JHU |JHU |JHU (hIsbdn) m. mathematician
|JHl |JHl |JHl |JHl |JHl (hIsb) a. pertaining to arithmetic/
mathematics; calculated; calculating;
mathematical, arithmetical
|JH (behIsb) a. innumerable,
countless, too much
|J W |J W |J W |J W |J W (hIkk) f. chest, breast, bosom
~W V W (~kad d h ke) adv. dauntlessly,
bluntly, struttingly
~J W W (~hok ke) adv. assertively,
affirmingly; challengingly
~U H (~de zor) adv. by one' s own
strength/ force, by force, per force, sheer
~U S (~de tn) adv. by force, forcibly
~Y YU (~nl lu) id. to embrace,
to love; to provide shelter, to own
|J W |J W |J W |J W |J W(hIkka) v.t. to goad, to drive (animals)
|JWuS |JWuS |JWuS |JWuS |JWuS (hIkmat) f. Unani system of medicine;
wisdom, skill, art; method or art of healing
|JWU / |JW=U |JWU / |JW=U |JWU / |JW=U |JWU / |JW=U |JWU / |JW=U (hIku/hIkvu)
v.t. to cause to drive, to get pushed
|J T |J T |J T |J T |J T (hg) f. asafoetida, Ferula northex
~YT =JW=l (~lage n phatka) ph.
without any trouble or toil or cost, for nothing
|J U |J U |J U |J U |J U (hIcch) f. hitch
| JUW | JUW | JUW | JUW | JUW (hIchak) f. hesitation, reluctance;
|JU|WUU |JU|WUU |JU|WUU |JU|WUU |JU|WUU (hIchkIchu) v.i. to hesitate,
to reluct, to be in a fix, to waver, to vacillate
| JU| WU JJ | JU| WU JJ | JU| WU JJ | JU| WU JJ | JU| WU JJ (hIchkIchha) f. hesitation,
|JUWl/|JHWl |JUWl/|JHWl |JUWl/|JHWl |JUWl/|JHWl |JUWl/|JHWl (hIchak/hIJak) v.t. to hiccup
~ (~ro) id. to weep bitterly
~ Yl (~ le) v.t. to hiccup
|JUW Y |JUW Y |JUW Y |JUW Y |JUW Y (hIchkol) m. jolt, jerk; shock
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (hIJar) m. separation (from lover, beloved),
| JHS | JHS | JHS | JHS | JHS (hIJrat) f. Prophet Muhammad' s
migration from Mecca to Madina in 622
A.D.; migration, movement from one place
to another
|JHl |JHl |JHl |JHl |JHl (hIJr) m. Muslim era which began on
16th July, 622 A.D.
|J H |J H |J H |J H |J H (hIJJ) m. spelling
|J |J |J |J |J (hd ) f. obstinacy, stubbornness, pig-
-|J l (-h) a. obstinate, stubborn, pig-
|J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y (hol) m. one of the six famous mode of
classical music
|J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y (hd ol) m. cradle; swing, merry-go-
round, whirligig
|J|J |J|J |J|J |J|J |J|J (hIhI) f. neigh, neighing, whinny
|J|JJJ/|JW |J|JJJ/|JW |J|JJJ/|JW |J|JJJ/|JW |J|JJJ/|JW (hIhIha/ hIak) f.
neigh, whinny, neighing
|JW/|J|JU |JW/|J|JU |JW/|J|JU |JW/|J|JU |JW/|J|JU (hIka/hIhIu)
v.t. to neigh, to whinny, to snicker, to nicker;
to giggle, to snigger
|JS |JS |JS |JS |JS (hIt) m. love, affection; benefit, gain,
interest; welfare, well-being; sincerity, bene-
intj.& a. for the sake of
| JSW l | JSW l | JSW l | JSW l | JSW l (hItkr) a. & m. well-wishing,
benevolent, well-wisher, sincere; useful,
beneficial; friendly, affectionate, loving
|JS |JS |JS |JS |JS (hIt) a. & m. well-wishing, well-wisher,
benefactor, benevolent
|JS Hl |JS Hl |JS Hl |JS Hl |JS Hl (hIte sh) a. & m. well-wishing, benevolent,
well- wisher
|J U/|J U HS |J U/|J U HS |J U/|J U HS |J U/|J U HS |J U/|J U HS (hd/hdustn) m. India
~uJHT (~mah sgar) m. an Indian
|J UH |J UH |J UH |J UH |J UH (hds) m. digit, numeral, number, figure
|J Ul |J Ul |J Ul |J Ul |J Ul (hd) f. the national language of India,
a. Indian
|J U HS |J U HS |J U HS |J U HS |J U HS (hdustn) m. India
|J U HSl |J U HSl |J U HSl |J U HSl |J U HSl (hdustn) m. Indian
a. pertaining to India; Indian language
|J U |J U |J U |J U |J U (hd) m. follower of Hinduism, Hindu;
native of India
~u (~dharm) m. Hinduism
|J |J |J |J |J (hIn) f. henna, Lawsonia inermis
|JVHS |JVHS |JVHS |JVHS |JVHS (hIfzat) f. safety, protection, security
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to protect, to safe guard
~Y (~nl) adv. with care, carefully
~|=U Y (~vIch le ) v.t. to take in
custody; to give asylum
|J |J |J |J |J (hIbr) f. Hebrew (a Language)
|J |J |J |J |J (hIb) m. property etc. given as gift
- |Ju (-hIbnm) m. a deed by which
property is given as a gift, gift-deed
|Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju (hIm) f. snow; ice
~ WY/UT (~kl/yug) m. ice-age
| J uS | J uS | J uS | J uS | J uS (hmat) f. courage, bravery; pluck,
boldness, guts; effort, endeavour; strength,
~ J (~hrn) id. to lose heart, to lose
one's nerve, to lose courage
~ Jl (~ho) v.i. to have courage
~ Wl (~karn) id. to take courage, to take
~ S W u Y (to km le ) id. to take
heart of grace, to pluck up courage
~ J (~n hrn) id. to hold up one's
head, to bear up, not to lose courage
~ H (~rakkh) id. to keep courage
~ =U (~ vadhu) id. to encourage,
to buck up
|J uSl |J uSl |J uSl |J uSl |J uSl (hmat) a. courageous, brave, bold,
plucky; strong
|Ju|FS |Ju|FS |Ju|FS |Ju|FS |Ju|FS (hImaIt) m. support, aid, backing, help
~Wl (~karn) v.t. to take side of, to
shelter; to support, to back up
|Ju|FSl |Ju|FSl |Ju|FSl |Ju|FSl |Ju|FSl (hImIt) m. supporter, helper
|JuWS |JuWS |JuWS |JuWS |JuWS (hImkat) f. foolishness, folly, stupidity
|JuUYl |JuUYl |JuUYl |JuUYl |JuUYl (hImchal) a. pertaining or belonging
to Himachal Pradesh
m. resident of Himachal Pradesh
|JuY |JuY |JuY |JuY |JuY (hImla ) m. Himalayas (mountain)
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (hIrs) f. greed, covetousness, insatiable,
avarice; desire, ambition, acquisitiveness,
expectation; longing, yearning; lust, sexual
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (hIrkh) f. anger, irritation
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (hIrd) m. heart; mind; innerself
|J |J |J |J |J (hIran) m. deer
~U U (~d bacch) m. fawn
~U uH (~d ms) m. venison
|JuUl |JuUl |JuUl |JuUl |JuUl (hIrmach) a. dark-red coloured earth
or dust, umber
~T (~rg) m. cochineal
|JHS |JHS |JHS |JHS |JHS (hIrsat) f. arrest, custody, detention,
imprisonment, confinement
|JYH Y |JYH Y |JYH Y |JYH Y |JYH Y (hIlJul) f. movement, motion; stir, bustle
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (hIla) v.i. to become habitual of, to
become accustomed
-|JY|uY H (hIlmIl J) id. to become
familiar, to mix-up, to mingle
|J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y (hIlla) v.i. to be in motion; to move, to
quake; to start up; to lose heart, to be shaken;
to be dislocated
|JYS |JYS |JYS |JYS |JYS (hIltar) f. habitude, habit
|JY=U |JY=U |JY=U |JY=U |JY=U (hIlvu) v.t. to get something
moved or stirred
|JYU |JYU |JYU |JYU |JYU (hIlu) v.t. to move, to make to
budge; to shake, to stir; to shift, to change
the place
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (hIlor) m. jolt, jerk; rocking motion,
swing; thrill, elation, surge, billow
|J=|J=/|J=|J=JJ |J=|J=/|J=|J=JJ |J=|J=/|J=|J=JJ |J=|J=/|J=|J=JJ |J=|J=/|J=|J=JJ (hIr hIr /hIr hIr ha) f.
uncivilized, indecent laughter, giggle
|J= |J= W /|J=|J=U (hIr hIr
karn/hIrhIru) v.t. to giggle; to laugh
in an indecent way
|J=W |J=W |J=W |J=W |J=W (hIak) f. stone (of a fruit)
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl th) intj. only, merely; exactly, indeed
Jl /Jl J Jl /Jl J Jl /Jl J Jl /Jl J Jl /Jl J (h /hh) f. side arm or long arm of a
bedstead or cot-frame
Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm (h) m. courage, boldness, pluck, intrepidity,
guts; heart, spirit, interior nerve
~ (~pe) v.i. to pluck up courage, to
take courage
JlH JlH JlH JlH JlH (hs) f. a thorny plant
Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T (h g) f. bray
Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T (hga) v.i. to bray
Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = (hgh) f. amplitude of swing
JlH= JlH= JlH= JlH= JlH= (hJar) m. eunuch; good for nothing
fellow, worthless fellow
a. unmanly
JlJ JlJ JlJ JlJ JlJ (h) f. heat
JlJ JlJ JlJ JlJ JlJ (har) m. heater
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
! !! !!
(h) a. inferior; low, abject, abased,
~F= (~bhv) m. inferiority complex
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
z zz zz
(h) suff. a suffix denoting the meaning
of devoid of, deprived of, without, as in
YJl, m TJl etc.
Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl S (ht) f. inferiority; abjectness,
lowliness, lowness, deterioration; deprivation
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (h) a. deficient, devoid of , in want;
handicapped, disabled; low, craven, poor,
menial, grovelling
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (hr) m. diamond, gem; gem of a man, a
nice person
a. costly, precious, unique
~Wl (~ka) f. diamond chip or dust
~WYu (~kalam) f. diamond point
~UJ (~cha) id. to commit suicide (by
licking diamond)
JlY JlY JlY JlY JlY (hl) f. heel (esp. of shoe)
JlY-J HS JlY-J HS JlY-J HS JlY-J HS JlY-J HS (hl-huJJat) f. pretext, excuse, quirk,
pretence; subterfuge, shirking, evasion
~ Wl (~karn) id. to make excuses
JlY JlY JlY JlY JlY (hl) m. effort, attempt, endeavour; device,
means, way
~ W (~karn) v.t. to endeavour, to find
out a way
~ J (~bhn) m. plea, excuse, pretext
~ =HlY (~vasl) m. resource, source, aid,
means; effort and approach; employment
- J JlY (-har hle) adv. at every cost, by
all means, on all accounts, come what may,
at all costs
J m/J m J m/J m J m/J m J m/J m J m/J m (hu/h) m. sound of jackal, howl;
cry of a new born baby
J mW J mW J mW J mW J mW (huk) v.i. to howl; to cry
J H J H J H J H J H (husan) m. beauty, prettiness, comeliness,
handsomeness, charm, elegance
J H HS (husanprast) a. an admirer
of beauty
J HW J HW J HW J HW J HW (hushnk) a. cute, attractive; clever,
sharp, ingenious
J H= J H= J H= J H= J H= (hussar) m. sultriness, swelter, stuffiness
J |Hm J |Hm J |Hm J |Hm J |Hm (hushIr) a. clever, sharp; cunning,
shrewd; intelligent, brainy, wise, sensible,
prudent; careful, watchful, alert
~W (~karn) id. to warn, to alert, to
J |Hml J |Hml J |Hml J |Hml J |Hml (hushIr) f. cleverness, sharpness;
cunningness, shrewdness; intelligence,
wisdom, prudence; carefulness, attention,
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl (husn) a. beautiful, pretty, charming,
comely, handsome, elegant
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl (husn) f. pretty girl or woman, belle,
damsel, beautiful women
J W J W J W J W J W (hukan) m. enema
J Wu J Wu J Wu J Wu J Wu
! !! !!
(hukam) m. spade (in cards)
J Wu J Wu J Wu J Wu J Wu
z z z z z
(hukam) m. order, command,
commandment; decree, judgement;
permission, sanction
~mU Yl (~adl) f. noncompliance of the
order, disobedience
~ |FuSJl (~Imtnh) m. injunction caveat
~W/U (~karn/de) v.t. to give
orders, to order, to command
~UYU (~chalu) id. to boss over, to
~HU (~baJu) id. to obey, to execute
the commands
~U (~bardr) a. obedient, dutiful
~Ul (~bardr) f. obedience, dutifulness
~u (~mna) v.t. to obey
~u= (~morn) v.t. to disobey
-J Wuu (hukamnm) m. written
command, edict; warrant, decree
J Wu J Wu J Wu J Wu J Wu (hukamrn) m. ruler, sovereign, king,
J W J W J W J W J W (hukk) m. hubble-bubble, hooka, narghile
~l (~p) m. social relations, social
dealing, social intercourse, community
~l UW/U W (~p chhek/
bd karn) id. to boycott socially; to
J T J T J T J T J T (hugg) f. fame, repute, renown, reputation
J T J T J T J T J T (hgr) m. sound indicating that someone
is listening and for the narrator to continue;
response; assent, concurrence
~ F (~bharn) id.& v.i. to respond; to
give assent; to express concurrence; to give
assurance, to assure
J H J H J H J H J H (huJJ) f. poke, jog, blow, thrust
J HS J HS J HS J HS J HS (huJJat) f. unsound argument, disputation;
cavil; pretext, excuse, pretence; joke, frolic;
-JHSH (-huJJatbz) a. caviller, evasive;
wrangler, argumentative; disputant,
J HS Hl J HS Hl J HS Hl J HS Hl J HS Hl (huJJatbz) f. frivolous
argumentation; state or habit of making
excuse or pretext, pretension
-JHS Wlm (-huJJata karn) v.t. to cut
J HSl J HSl J HSl J HSl J HSl (huJJat) a. & m. caviller, evasive; joker,
jocular; wrangler, argumentative
J H J H J H J H J H (huJr) m. small chamber attached to
mosque for meditation
J K J K J K J K J K (huJJh) f. poke, prod, nudge
~ul (~mrn) v.t. to poke, to prod, to
J KW/J HW J KW/J HW J KW/J HW J KW/J HW J KW/J HW (huJhk/huJk) m. jolt, jerk
J K=U /J KU J K=U /J KU J K=U /J KU J K=U /J KU J K=U /J KU (hJhvu/hJhu)
v.t. to get a place swept, to get broomed; to
assist in brooming
J J J J J J J J J J (hu) m. hot and close atmosphere,
sultriness, stuffiness
J J J J J J J J J J (hua) v.i.t. to be exhausted, to be
weary, to be tired, to be weary; to lock, to
! !! !!
(hu) m. a sharp pointed large tooth of
pig, boar's tusk
z zz zz
(hu) f. hood
J l J l J l J l J l (h) f. draft, bill of exchange
~HW (~sakrn) id. to honour a bill of
exchange, to make a payment of a draft
-UHl~ (-darshn~) f. demand draft, draft
payable on demand
J J J J J (hu) adv. presently; now at present; now
a days, these days
~SlW (~tk) adv. till now
~S t~to ) adv. henceforth, from now
~ =l (~ v) adv. even now, yet, still
J J J J J (hue) adv. just now, immediately, at once,
this very moment, presently, anon
~ J (~ hue) adv. just now, very recently,
a short while ago, right now
~ H WU Jl (~ J kade nah) adv. now or
J J J J J (huth) m. violent cough and choking
J UJ U J UJ U J UJ U J UJ U J UJ U (hudhud) m. a bird, hoopoe, Upupa
J U=J Y J U=J Y J U=J Y J U=J Y J U=J Y (hdar hel) a. healthy, promising (child)
J |Um-H |Um/J U -H U J |Um-H |Um/J U -H U J |Um-H |Um/J U -H U J |Um-H |Um/J U -H U J |Um-H |Um/J U -H U (hde-sd e/hde-
adv. inspite of, despite; having everything,
having in possession
J J J J J (hunar) m. art, technique, craft; expertise,
dexterity, skill, accomplishment, talent
-J u U (-hunarmd) a. skilful, skilled,
expert, artist, meritorious
-JuUl (-hunarmd) f. skilfulness, skill,
J l J l J l J l J l (hunar) a. skilled, skilful; artistic
J Y/J Y J Y/J Y J Y/J Y J Y/J Y J Y/J Y (hunal/hunala) m. summer
J J J J J (hub) f. love, affection; spirit, zeal,
enthusiasm, gusto; yearning, longing
J W J W J W J W J W (hubak) f. bad smell, stench, stink
J W J W J W J W J W (hubka) v.i. to sob, to snivel
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (hubk) f. sob, snivel, sobbing
J u/J uH J u/J uH J u/J uH J u/J uH J u/J uH (hm/hmas) f. sultriness, stuffiness,
mugginess, swelter
J uH uH J uH uH J uH uH J uH uH J uH uH (hmas dhmas) f. noise, uproar,
J u-J uU J u-J uU J u-J uU J u-J uU J u-J uU (hm-humu) v.i. to gather in
large number with enthusiasm
~ Ju W (~ hum ke) adv. big gathering
with great enthusiasm, with great fervour,
eagerly, with passion
J u J u J u J u J u (hum) m. a mythical bird whose shadow
as is believed showers fortunes, Phoenix
J J J J J (hurr) intj. & m. hurrah/ hurray
J YHU J YHU J YHU J YHU J YHU (hullsu) v.i.t. to be delighted, to
feel happy, to rejoice; to elate, to exhilarate
J Y= J Y= J Y= J Y= J Y= (hulla) m. tumult, commotion, uproar,
row-de-dow, din, noise, clamour; riot,
rampage, disturbance
~ uUU (~ machu) v.i. to make a
J Y=H (-hullabz) a. rowdy, boisterous,
clamorous; miscreant, riotous, rioter
J Y=Hl (-hullabz) f. rowdiness,
rowdyism, ballyhoo, hullabaloo
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hull) m. pneumonia (of animals)
J YH J YH J YH J YH J YH (huls) m. mirth, gaiety; jubilation; joy,
delight; enthusiasm, gusto; exultation,
buoyancy, elation; cheerfulness, cheeriness
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hulr) m. swinging movement;
exultation, elation, swing, swaying; kick, thrill,
~ H (~ kh) v.i. to swing, to sway
JY Y (-hulre le) v.i. to sway, to
J Ylm J Ylm J Ylm J Ylm J Ylm (hul) m. appearance, features, physical
form or shape
~ |=T= (~vIgan) v.i. to be mutilated,
to be disfigured; to be in hot waters
~ |=T= U (~ vIg de) v.t. to
mutilate, to disfigure
J =W J =W J =W J =W J =W (huk) f. urge, thirst
~U J/Y Tl (~ uh/lagga) id. to
feel an urge
J =W J =W J =W J =W J =W (hurk) m. inner bolt of a door, a locking
device for doors (often inside)
J J J J J (h ) intj. hem, yes
~J (~h ) m. listening inattentively or
J W J W J W J W J W (hk) f. pang; sharp-pain, twinge
~ UJl (~ uh) v.i. to feel pangs of pain
J W J W J W J W J W (hka) v.i. to utter a cry of pain
J T/J T J T/J T J T/J T J T/J T J T/J T (h g/h gar) f. groan, moan, grunt,
J T J T J T J T J T (h garn) v.i. to groan, to moan
J K J K J K J K J K (h Jha) v.t. to sweep, to broom; to
cheat, to ruin
J K J K J K J K J K (h Jh) m. sweeping; destruction, ruination,
~|= H (~phIr J) v.i. to lose every
thing, to be ruined, to be deprived; to be swept
~= (~phern) id. to make a clean
sweep, to destroy completely, to ruin
J J J J J J J J J J (h) m. swing; a pleasure ride (on a
J J J J J J J J J J (hbah) adv. exactly, every bit as, similar,
alike, identical, actual
~ HWY |uY (~ shakal mIla) id. to be
a carbon/true copy
J J J J J (hr) f. hourie; beauty (celestial), fairy;
damsel, belle, nymph, nymphet
- J l (hur par) f. very beautiful
woman, nymph, pretty lass, charming lady
J J J J J (hr) m. fist, blow, buffet
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to fist, to box
~ =J (~va) id. to threaten with a fist
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hl) v.i. to goad, to thrust
H ~ (- Jn ~) id. to work hard, to toil; to
work at the peril of one's life
J =/J = J =/J = J =/J = J =/J = J =/J = (hr /hr h) a. reckless, obdurate, rash,
obstinate, stubborn; foolish, stupid
~ u S (~matt) f. recklessness, rashness,
senselessness, impudence, obdurate
J J J J J (he) intj. o! oh!
J J J J J J J J J J (heh) m. carnal desire, passion
J J J J J J J J J J (hehe) intj. the sound produced to drive
J W J W J W J W J W (hek) f. chant
J U J U J U J U J U (hech) a. paltry, mean, worthless,
insignificant, trifle, trifling; poor; nothing,
~ U (~ pech) m. deception, fraud, trick
J H J H J H J H J H (heJ) m. yearning, love, affection,
attachment; nostalgia
J HY/J HY J HY/J HY J HY/J HY J HY/J HY J HY/J HY (heJal/heJl) a. attached, loving,
J J J J J J J J J J(heh)a. below, under, underneath, beneath;
~ U S / U (~ utte/uppar)adv. upside
down, above and below, topsy-turvy; mixed
up, helter skelter
~ U S J (~utte ho) id. to come to
blows, to scuffle; to be misplaced
~|Y|Hm (~lIkhe) a. following
J JY J JY J JY J JY J JY (het hl) a. lower, nether; bottom;
subordinate, inferior; given below
JJYl US m Hl (hehl utte J)
id. for chaos to occur, to have everything
topsy turvy
~ US |YmUl (~utte lIu) id. to create
chaos, to make everything topsy turvy; to
raise hue and cry
J J J J J J J J J J (heth) adv. under, beneath; below; down;
~ mU (~ u) id. to be crushed under
a bus/car etc.; to be under an obligation (of
someone); to come down, to alight
~ / = Y (~n /vall) adv. downwards,
JJ (hetho ) adv. from below
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl (heh) f. humiliation, insult, indignity,
derogation, slight
~ J l (~ ho) v.t. to be humiliated, to
suffer humiliation
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to humiliate, to chop
one's feathers
J J J J J (he ) m. dry cattle
J -= J -= J -= J -= J -= (her-pher) m. change; deception,
dishonesty, trick, fraud, deceit, treachery;
complication, trouble; shuffling
J = J = J = J = J = (herv) m. yearning, longing, nostalgia
~W (~karn) v.i. to miss, to long for
J J J J J (her) m. a couplet sung at marriage,
a type of folk song
J = l J = l J = l J = l J = l (her pher) f. embezzlement; cheating,
fraud; deceit, deception, trickery
~ Wl (~karn) v.i. to embezzle; to cheat,
to fraud, to deceit
J = /J = J = /J = J = /J = J = /J = J = /J = (her h/her ) f. herd, flock; horde,
throng, crowd
~ Ul J= (~ d heh) f. horde, crowd, throng,
J = J = J = J = J = (he) m. hunt, chase
J =l J =l J =l J =l J =l (he) m. hunter, chaser, huntsman;
pertaining to hunt
J J J J J (he) v.form. is (for third person singular)
J J J J J (he) intj. an exclamatory word for surprise,
wonder, ha! what !
~ J (~ he) intj. an expression of sorrow,
alas !
J |Hm J |Hm J |Hm J |Hm J |Hm (hesIr) a. cruel, atrocious, hard-
hearted, violent, savage, brutal
J HlmS J HlmS J HlmS J HlmS J HlmS (he sat) f. capacity, capability; position,
status, rank; wealth, riches
J W= J W= J W= J W= J W= (he ka) f. pride, conceit, arrogance,
JW=H (-hekabz) m. proud, conceit,
arrogant, stubborn
JW=Hl (-he kaba z) f. pride, arrogance,
J H J H J H J H J H (hez) m. cholera
J S J S J S J S J S (he rat) f. astonishment, wonder,
amazement, surprise
J Sm T H (-heratgez) a. astonishing,
wonderful, amazing, surprising; stranger
J J J J J (he rn) a. aghast, bewildered, dazed,
perplexed; amazed, surprised, astonished;
harassed, vexed, worried, perturbed
~ J (~ho) v.t. to be at a sea, to be at a
~ W (~karn) v.t. to surprise, to amaze,
to astonish; to harass, to pester
- J W (-he rnkun) a. surprising,
amazing, astonishing, wondrous; strange
J l /J Tl J l /J Tl J l /J Tl J l /J Tl J l /J Tl (he rn/he rng) f.
amazement, astonishment, surprise;
harassment, botheration; confusion,
perplexity, distress
J J J J J (hero) f. harrow
J YuJ J YuJ J YuJ J YuJ J YuJ (he lma) m. helmet
J = J = J = J = J = (he vn) m. animal, beast; brute, barbarian
J =lmS J =lmS J =lmS J =lmS J =lmS (hevnat) f. brutality, beastliness,
J U J U J U J U J U (hou) intj. may be
J Fl J Fl J Fl J Fl J Fl (ho) f. a festival which occurs eight days
before Diwali
J F J F J F J F J F J F J F J F J F J F (hoe hoe) intj. fie ! shame ! fy! fy!
f. shame, disgrace
J H J H J H J H J H (hosh)f. consciousness, sense; awakening;
wit, sanity, intelligence, understanding;
~ U (~udda) id. to be at one's wits
end, to be perplexed, to be baffled
~ mU (~ un) id. to come to senses; to
come to oneself
~ J= H (~havs) m. consciousness,
awareness, senses; wit, presence of mind
~ Tu J (~gm hoe) id. to be at one's
wits end, to be baffled, to be thoroughly non-
~ |JW YU (~hIke lu) id. to
teach one a lesson; to bring one to one's
~ |Jl (~n re ha) id. to lose
consciousness; to be out of senses
~ S (~partae) id. to regain
consciousness, to recover (one's) senses
-JHuU (hoshmd) a. sensible, prudent,
mindful; conscious
J HJY J HJY J HJY J HJY J HJY (hosal) m. hostel
J W J W J W J W J W (hok) m. proclamation, announcement; a
loud shout
~U (~de) v.i. to proclaim by the beat
of drum; to give a call
J U J U J U J U J U (hochh) a. shallow, sophomoric, small-
minded, frivolous, mean, uncivil, flippant, light
headed, undignified
- J U (hochhpa) m. shallowness,
frivolousness, meanness
- JUl Hl HHu HF(hochh p J khasm
khe) prov. a mean stock swallows up the
- JU J|m (-hochhe hathIr) m. mean/
cheap means
J JY J JY J JY J JY J JY (hoal) m. hotel
J J J J J J J J J J (hoh) m. lips, lip
~USl (~dt) a. labio-dental
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl (ho h) a. labial
! !! !!
(hohr) a. promising, brilliant, bright,
~ |= W |UW |UW S (~ bIrvn ke
chIke chIke pt) prov. coming events
cast their shadows before
z zz zz
(hohr) f. fate, destiny, weird,
J J J J J (ho) v.i. to occur, to happen; to take
place; to exist, to be; to have, to possess; to
come into being, to be born, to come into
J l J l J l J l J l (ho) f. fate, destiny, weird, providence,
predestination, fatality
~ Ulm U=lm (~d dev) f. the weird
~Jl JYUl/~ Jl |uJUl (~nah ald/
~nah mId) prov. what is lotted cannot
be blotted
J S J S J S J S J S (hot) m. camel rider, cameleer; a tribe
J S Ul H S J J S Ul H S J J S Ul H S J J S Ul H S J J S Ul H S J (hot d Jot he ) prov. while the oil
lasts the wick burns
J U J U J U J U J U (ho d) f. existence, entity, subsistence, being;
presence; reality
~ |=U mU (~vIch un) v.i. to come
into existence, to come into being; to take
birth, to be born
J J J J J (hor) pron. other, another
a. & adv. more, additional, extra; stranger,
unknown; remaining, any other, other than,
~ WK (~ kuJh) pron. more, something else
-J HlJS m ulm =HlmS (hor
n nashat p m phazat) prov. it is
easier to advise than to practise, practise
what you preach
J = J = J = J = J = (horve ) adv. in a different way; differently
J YY J YY J YY J YY J YY (hold l) m. holdall
J Y/J Y uJ Y J Y/J Y uJ Y J Y/J Y uJ Y J Y/J Y uJ Y J Y/J Y uJ Y (hol/hol mahall) m. a Sikh
festival falls on the next day of Holi
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (holh) f. green gram parched in pods
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (hol) f. a festival of colours, Holi
J = J = J = J = J = (hor) f. competition, bid to excel, race; bet,
J = J = J = J = J =
! !! !!
(hor n) v.t. to prevent, to forbid, to
dissuade, to prohibit
J = J = J = J = J =
z zz zz
(horn) v.t. to roughen (a millstone)
J = J = J = J = J =
! !! !!
(hor) m. one of the vowel of Gurmukhi
script denoting vowel sound 'o' t 1
J = J = J = J = J =
z zz zz
(hor ) m. latch, snib; hindrance;
J HY J HY J HY J HY J HY (hosl) m. courage, guts, morale, spirit,
boldness; patience, forbearance; consolation,
~mVH Fl (~afz) f. encouragement,
~ mVHFl W (~afz karn) v.t. to
encourage, morale-boosting
~J (~hrn) id. to lose heart, to lose
~VU (~dhu) v.t. to discourage, to
id. to lose courage
~ U (~ de) v.t. to encourage, to buck
up; to console, to give solace
~ (~pe) id. to dare, to venture
~H (~rakkha) id. to bear up; to keep
~=U (~vadhu) v.t. to encourage,
to buck up
J HYu U J HYu U J HYu U J HYu U J HYu U (hoslmd) a. courageous, spirited,
patient, forbearing, aspiring, ambitious, brave
J W J W J W J W J W (hoka) v.i. to be out of breath, to pant;
to be exhausted, to be tired
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (ho ka) f. fast breathing, difficult
breathing, panting; gasping
J W J W J W J W J W (hok) m. deep breath, sigh, suspiration;
jealousy; grief, remorse
~F/Y (~bharn/le) v.i. to heave
a sigh, to sigh
J H J H J H J H J H (ho z) m. small water tank; cistern, reservoir
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl (hozar) f. hosiery
J U J U J U J U J U (hod) m. small water tank, cistern
J U J U J U J U J U (hod) m. the seat for the rider on the
back of an elephant, howdah
J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul (hod) f. a pit to collect dirty water, sink;
small water tank, cistern
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hol) m. the feeling of nervousness due to
fear, terror etc.; fear, terror, horror, fright
~ (~pe) v.i. to be terror-stricken
J Y (ho l) v.i. to be scared, to
frightened, to dread
J YW (ho lnk) a. terrible, horrible,
frightening, dreadful, fearsome
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (holdar) m. pen-holder
J YU J YU J YU J YU J YU (holdr) m. a military or police official,
havaldar, sergeant; head constable
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hol) a. light, feather weight, not heavy;
inferior, cheap
~J (~ho) id. to become light; to
become dim; to become slow
~= Y (~phull) a. relieved, very light,
refreshed; unburdened
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ho l pan ) m. lightness, levity; meanness,
flippancy, cheapness, pettiness; derogation
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (ho l) adv. slowly; softly, not loudly; gently
~JYl (~hol) adv. gradually, by degrees,
by stages, step by step; slowly, at a slow
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ho le) a. light; mean, inferior, cheap
(people); slow

W WW WW (kakk) m. the third consonant and first of the
gutturals of Gurmukhi alphabet, it represents
velar plosive unaspirated sound
suff. a suffix denoting adjective as in HuHW',
HlSW' etc.
WU WU WU WU WU (ka) m. a variety of olive, Olea ferruginea; a
kind of hard wood usually used for making
walking sticks, helves etc.
WFl WFl WFl WFl WFl (ka) a. many, several, numerous
! !! !!
(kas) m. bark, rind, (of acacia or other tree)
z zz zz
(kas) m. light fever/temperature
a aa aa
(kas) m. assay, test, touchstone
4 44 44
(kas) m. verdigris
WH WH WH WH WH (kash) m. puff (of cigarette etc.)
suff. a suffix denoting doer as in
W H W H W H W H W H (kass) m. stiffness; tautness, tightness;
WHW WHW WHW WHW WHW (kasak) f. pang, twinge; heart-burning,
jealousy; enmity, grudge, malice
~ WVl (~ kah) id. to avenge oneself
WH W WH W WH W WH W WH W (kas ke) adv. tightly, tight
WHJ WHJ WHJ WHJ WHJ (kash) m. trouble, distress; hardship;
difficulty; inconvenience, botheration
~ H|J/F T (~ se h/bhog) id. to suffer,
to travail
~ W (~ karn) id. to take the trouble
~ U (~de) trouble, to cause
WHJu WHJu WHJu WHJu WHJu (kasam) m. custom
WHJ WHJ WHJ WHJ WHJ (kasar) m. custard
WHJ Y WHJ Y WHJ Y WHJ Y WHJ Y (kasrel) m. castor oil
WHJ lm WHJ lm WHJ lm WHJ lm WHJ lm (kasoan) m. custodian
(kasa) v.t. to tighten the strings (of cot
etc.); to fasten tightly; to bind tightly; to keep
in discipline
(kasa) v.t. to shred, to grate
WHS l WHS l WHS l WHS l WHS l (kastr) f. musk
~ |uT (~ mrIg) m. musk-deer
WH WH WH WH WH (kasab) m. profession, occupation; skill,
craftsmanship; vocation, trade, business;
misdeed, evil-deed; bad habit
~ W (~ karn) id. to be on the streets, to
walk the streets
WH WH WH WH WH (kasba) f. prostitute, whore, harlot
WH WH WH WH WH (kasb) m. town
WHu WHu WHu WHu WHu (kasam) f. oath; vow, pledge
~ Hl (~ kh) v.i. to take oath; to vow, to
~ HmUl/UWUl (~ khuu/chuku)
v.t. to administer an oath, to swear in
~ Y (~ nl) adv. on oath
WHuWH WHuWH WHuWH WHuWH WHuWH (kashmkash) f. tussle, struggle, strife;
conflict; dilemma, indecisiveness, hesitation
~ |=U (~ vIch pe) id. to be double-
minded, to be in dilemma
WH WH WH WH WH (kasar) f. defect, fault; flow; demerit, vice,
shortcoming; deficiency, insufficiency; effect
of evil-spirit; demonicial effect; illness, ailment,
disease; fraction (maths.)
~ Jl (~ hon) id. to have the effect of evil
~ WVl (~ kaddhn) id. to make up for the
loss, to compensate
~ l/ l Wl (~ purn/ pur karn)
id. to make up for the loss, to compensate
~ uH (~ masar) f. deficiency; ailment
- WH WVlm (-kasar kad d h n ) id. to take
revenge, to avenge
WHS WHS WHS WHS WHS (kasarat) f. physical exercise
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to take exercise
~ = (~ ghar) m. gymnasium
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kasar) a. fractional, fractionary
WH= Jl WH= Jl WH= Jl WH= Jl WH= Jl (kasva) f. touchstone, criterion, standard
WH= WH= WH= WH= WH= (kasav) a. tight, fit
! !! !!
(kas) m. butcher, slaughterer; cruel or
merciless person, hard-hearted man
z zz zz
(kas) f. the wages of or the work of
tightening something
WH WH WH WH WH (kasr) m. loss, deficit
W|HmU W|HmU W|HmU W|HmU W|HmU (kasIun ) v.i. to be coated with
verdigris, to be impregnated with metallic taste
W|HH W|HH W|HH W|HH W|HH (kashIsh) f. attraction, fascination, charm
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kas) f. spade
W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl (kass) f. a small distributary channel from a
WHlm WHlm WHlm WHlm WHlm (kas) m. hoe
WHlH WHlH WHlH WHlH WHlH (kass) f. holding of breath, clenching of teeth
~ =Jl (~ van) id. to clench teeth and hold
WHlUWl WHlUWl WHlUWl WHlUWl WHlUWl (kashdkr) f. the act of distilling,
! !! !!
(kasd) m. needle work, embroidery
- WHlUWl (kasdkr) f. embroidery
z zz zz
/WHlUT Fl /WHlUT Fl /WHlUT Fl /WHlUT Fl /WHlUT Fl (kasd/kasda go) m. a variety
of Urdu poetry, panegyric
~ = (~ pahn) v.t. to panegyrise
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kasr) m. sharp bristle like growth on ear of
barley/wheat etc.;awn
WH F/WH F=/WH F WH F/WH F=/WH F WH F/WH F=/WH F WH F/WH F=/WH F WH F/WH F=/WH F (kasu bh/ kasu bhr /
kasu bha) m.safflower, Carthamus tinctorius
WHFl WHFl WHFl WHFl WHFl (kasu bh)a. of safflower colour, safflower like
WH S WH S WH S WH S WH S (kasut) a. complicated, difficult (work);
clumsy, awkward (person); rugged, uneven
(way, path)
~ =H (~ phasn) id. to be badly involved
WH WH WH WH WH (kasur) m. fault, guilt; error, delinquency,
mistake, defect
- WH = (kasu rvr) a. defaulter, guilty,
WH WH WH WH WH (kaser) m. brazier/brassier, coppersmith
WH Y WH Y WH Y WH Y WH Y (kasel) a. bitter, pungent, astringent
WH Y WH Y WH Y WH Y WH Y (kaselpan) m. bitterness, pungency,
WH WH WH WH WH (kasor) m. earthen bowl, terrine
WH Jl WH Jl WH Jl WH Jl WH Jl (kaso t ) f. touchstone, criterion, standard
~ S WH (~ te kasn) id. to put to the test/
~ S H US (~ te khar utarn) id. to
stand a test, to hold water
WJWH WJWH WJWH WJWH WJWH (kehkash) f. milky way, galaxy
WJU WJU WJU WJU WJU (kahun) v.i. to get to be recommended;
to make to be called, to cause someone say
something; to get something communicated
- WJ H l (-kaha sun ) f. wrangling, bickering,
- WJ WJF (-kahe kahe) adv. on someone's
- m ~ S |= H (- pn e ~ to phIr Jn)
id. to eat one's words
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (kahn) f. story, tale; anecdote, narrative;
~ H T |J (~ sgre h) f. collection of stories, story
~ HU (~ sunun) v.t. to relate or narrate
a story
~ WY (~ kal) f. the art of story writing
~ == (~ gharn) v.t. to concoct a story, to
invent a tale
~ Fl H (~ p Jn) id. to talk in riddles
- |Wl ~ (- nIkk ~) f. mini story
- u ~ (- rm ~) f. tale of woes (of one's
life); a long account
- WJlW (kahnkr) m. story-writer
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kahr) m. water-carrier, water-man;
palanquin bearer
WJ =S WJ =S WJ =S WJ =S WJ =S (kahvat) f. saying, proverb, adage,
aphorism, maxim
W|JWJ W|JWJ W|JWJ W|JWJ W|JWJ (ke hkah) m. guffaw, loud laughter,
boisterous laugh, belly-laugh
W|J W|J W|J W|J W|J (kehn) m. remark, utterance, statement
v.t. to state; to speak, to say; to order, to
command; to tell, to inform; to recommend, to
- W|J JJ (-keh han) id. to prohibit, to
prevent, to forbid
~ J (~ be t hn ) id. to speak abruptly
- W|J Ul TY (-kehan d gall) f. mere words,
empty words
~ ~ (~ nu ) adv. nominally, titularly, only to
- W|J H (kehn sunn) v.t. to argue,
to altercate, to exchange hot words
~ HH W mH (~ sokh karn okh) prov.
it is sooner said than done
- W|Jl (-kehn) f. utterance; preaching
~ S Wl (~ te karn) f. words and deeds,
saying and doing
- WJl mWJl W (-kah ankah karn) id.
to turn a deaf ear, to pay no heed to
W|J W|J W|J W|J W|J (kehar) m. wrath, fury, outrage, affliction;
calamity, disaster, havoc; tyranny, atrocity,
~ HFl /H U U (~ s /khud d) intj.
exclamatory (word) denoting divine wrath,
catastrophe; it is a limit! it's too much!
~ JJ (~ un) id. to have a bolt from the
blue, to be struck by a calamity; to be a victim
of oppression
~ VU (~ dhun) id. to create a havoc, to
~ U (~ d ) a. too much, excessive;
outstanding, remarkable; horrible, dreadful,
~ Ul mH Y =H (~ d akkh nl vekhn)
id. to look black at, to look dagger at
W|Jl W|Jl W|Jl W|Jl W|Jl (ke hr) a. wrathful, furious; tyrant, oppressor
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (kah) f. spade
W W W W W W W W W W (kakkar) m. frost, rime; biting/freezing cold
~ (~ pen) id. to be biting/freezing cold
W W W W W W W W W W (kkar) m. pebble
W WlJ W WlJ W WlJ W WlJ W WlJ (kkrt) f. concrete
W W=l W W=l W W=l W W=l W W=l (kakkr) f. a variety of cucumber
W W W W W W W W W W (kakk) a. of brown colour; blonde
WW WW WW WW WW (kakr) m. the five symbols of Sikh religion,
all starting with (k) - WU|J kachhehra
(drawers), W= kara (steel bangle), |W
kirpan (sword), WH kes (untrimmed hair) and
W= kangha (comb)
W WY W WY W WY W WY W WY (kkl) m. skeleton
W H W H W H W H W H (kakkh) m. dry stalk of grass, straw; fodder;
useless/worthless thing
~ W (~ kd) m. fodder, chaff
~ W (~ kn) m. hay, chaff etc.
~ U (~ n chhadn) id. to make a
clean sweep
~ |J (~ n rehn) id. to be completely
ruined, to go to the dogs, to be reduced to
~ Y (~ palle n pen) id. to make
neither head nor tail of; to have one's efforts
gone wasted
~ F (~ bhar) adv. very little/small; in small
- WH JY J (-kakkho hol hon) id. to be
utterly disgraced, to fall in estimation, to feel
W T/W W T/W W T/W W T/W W T/W (kgan/kngn) m. bracelet
- J ~ ~ mHl Ul Y= Jl (-hatth ~ nu rs
d lo nah ) prov. truth seeks no corner,
truth fears no colours
W T W T W T W T W T (kgn ) m. a partly coloured thread weaved
with cowrie, iron ring and old paisa (with a
whole) tied round the right wrist of bride and
W Tl W Tl W Tl W Tl W Tl (kgn ) f. millet, Pennisetum italicum
W T = W T = W T = W T = W T = (kgro) f. backbone, spine, spinal column,
~ Ul HH (~ d soJ) f. spondylitis
W TY W TY W TY W TY W TY (kgl) a. penniless, beggarly, very poor;
lame, crippled (in the foot or leg)
W T Y W T Y W T Y W T Y W T Y (kgl) a.& m. penniless, beggarly,
impecunious, pauper, destitute person
~ J (~ hon) v.i. to be reduced to poverty
W TYl W TYl W TYl W TYl W TYl (kgl) f. penury, pauperism, utter poverty,
~ |=U mJ |T Y (~ vIch t gIll) prov.
misfortunes never come alone
W = W = W = W = W = (kgha) m. comb
~ J (~ hon) id. to suffer a great loss
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to comb
id. to cause loss or harm to some one
W =l W =l W =l W =l W =l (kgh) f. comb; one of the tactics in wrestling
~ Jl (~ pa) f. hair-dressing, hair-do; make-
! !! !!
(kacch) m. rawness (of material); unripeness
(fruit, vegetable); immaturity, imperfection
~ == (~ ghrar) a. not fully skilled, under-
~ =Y/ |u (~ gholn/mIddhn) id. to
act or talk foolishly
~ W (~ pakk) f. uncertainty, indefiniteness
~ W (~ pakk) a. not fully ripe; half-baked
~ U (~ bacch) m. children, kids
- WU W (-kacch pakk) a. uncertain, not
z zz zz
/W U /W U /W U /W U /W U (kacch/kch) m. glass
WU|Jl WU|Jl WU|Jl WU|Jl WU|Jl (kache hr) f. court, court-house, cutchery,
court of justice
~ U= (~ charhn) id. to file a suit, to sue,
to go to the court of law
- Fl~ |=U (bhar ~ vIch) adv. openly,
WUWU WUWU WUWU WUWU WUWU (kachkach) f. nonsense, useless talk
WUW Y/WUW Y WUW Y/WUW Y WUW Y/WUW Y WUW Y/WUW Y WUW Y/WUW Y (kachkol/kachkol) m. bowl used
by saints or mendicants to collect alms
W U W U W U W U W U (kchan) m. gold
WU WU WU WU WU (kachnr) m. name of a tree, its buds are
used as vegetable, Bauhinia variegata
W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul (kchn) f. prostitute, harlot; dancer, dancing
WU-WU WU-WU WU-WU WU-WU WU-WU (kachar-kachar) f. sound of eating raw
fruit, vegetables etc.; nonsense talk, useless-
! !! !!
(kachr) m. unripe musk melon
z zz zz
(kachr) m. rubbish, waste, garbage,
refuse, swill
WUl WUl WUl WUl WUl (kachr) m. a kind of ribbed gourd used
as a vegetable
WUYJ WUYJ WUYJ WUYJ WUYJ (kachlah) m. blood mixed with pus
W U W U W U W U W U (kacch) a. raw (material); crude (oil); unripe
(fruit, vegetable); unbaked (food); half baked
(food); unboiled (milk etc.); unexperienced,
unskilled (person); rough; fragile, delicate;
terminals (exam); not fast (colour); temporary
(work etc.); uncertain, unconfirmed; adhoc
(post etc.); immature; not firm on one's word,
undependable; unmetalled (road etc.);
ashamed; raw (hide)
~ J (~ hon) id. to feel embarrassed, to
feel ashamed
~ WU (~ kachr) a. fresh and unripe
~ Wu (~ km) m. rough work
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to sew with a running
stitch; to embarrass, to make one feel ashamed
~ WTH (~ kgaz) m. unstamped paper
~ WY (~ kol) m. charcoal
~ W= (~ kor h) m. skin disease like scabies,
leucoderma, leprosy etc.; boring and dullish work
~ H H (~ kh Jn) id. to eat one up, to be
hot in anger
~ |UJ (~ chIh) m. rough account
~ |UJ HY U (~ chIh khol den) id. to
expose someone or something, to disclose the
dark side of someone
~ U (~ chu n) m. unslaked lime, quick lime
~ U (~ chor) m. unskilled thief
~ JW (~ tk) m. temporary solder; baste
stitch, loose stitch
~ W (~ pakk) a. uncertain, tentative,
undecided; half-baked
~ |Y (~ pIll) a. not fully cooked/baked;
unripe (fruit etc.); quack, unskilled,
unexperienced; unseasoned
~ F (~ bhn) a. half-baked; half-cooked
~ uY (~ ml) m. raw material, crude
~ uHu (~ mosam) m. rainy season
~ Y H (~ lekh) m. rough account, rough
~ YJ (~ loh) m. pig iron
- WU l (kacche per ) adv. with unsound
footing, unpreparedly; without any proof
WUY WUY WUY WUY WUY (kachlu) m. a variety of esculent root,
Arum colocasia
WU= WU= WU= WU= WU= (kachv) m. a camel litter, kajawah; pannier
(of ass), packsaddle
W| Um Fl W| Um Fl W| Um Fl W| Um Fl W| Um Fl (kachI) f. rawness; crudeness,
inexperience; crudity; imperfection, immaturity,
W|Um W|Um W|Um W|Um W|Um (kachIn) f. smell or taste of rawness;
nausea; abhorrence, repulsion
W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul (kacch) a. half-cooked, under-baked; unripe;
uncooked, raw
~ Uu (~ umar) f. salad-days, tender-age,
~ mHul (~ asm) f. temporary, adhoc (post
etc.) ;undependable/unreliable client
~ |FJ (~ I) f. sun-dried-brick, samel-brick
~ H=W (~ sark) f. unmetalled road
~ |HYFl (~ sIl) f. sewing of long temporary
~ WU (~ ked) f. detention
~ W l (~ ko d ) f. cowrie with a whole;
worthless thing
~ =l (~ ghn ) f. the quantity of seeds put
into an oil-press to extract oil without adding
warm oil; mass of mud plaster without wheat
chaff etc.
~ S (~ dht) f. ore
~ lU (~ nd) f. dog-sleep, unsound-sleep,
state of awakening without enjoying full sleep
~ |Yl (~ pIll) a. samel (brick); unconfirmed/
uncertain etc.
~ Hl (~ pesh) f. preliminary hearing (of a
~ Jl/=Jl (~ bah/vah) f. rough account
book ;daily account book
~ FHl (~ bhJ) f. green vegetable; sugar and
uncooked rice distributed among relatives and
friends at marriage
~ HlU (~ rasd) f. provisional receipt,
tentative receipt
~ YHl (~ lass) f. a drink prepared by adding
some milk into a large quantity of water
WUlUl WUlUl WUlUl WUlUl WUlUl (kachch) f. gnash
~ Y / = J (~ len/van) v.t.& id. to
gnash, to bite one's lips; to make grimaces
WU u WU u WU u WU u WU u (kachumar) m. crushed or pounded thing;
a variety of pickle prepared from unripe
crushed mangoes
~ WV (~ kaddhn) id. to beat black and
blue; to thrash; to use something roughly
WU WU WU WU WU (kachur) m. a medicinal plant Hedychium
seicatum, Curcuma reclinata
- J ~ (-har ~) a. of the colour of
Hedychium seicatum, dark green
WU l WU l WU l WU l WU l (kacho r) f. small sized roundish lump of
fine wheat flour, stuffed with bruised pulse and
fried in ghee or oil
! !! !!
(kachchh) f. armpit, axilla
~ W=l H|J V (~ kur shehr dhd or)
prov. to hunt for a thing while the same is
already lying nearby
~ |=U Y (~ vIch le n ) id. to embrace
- WU =HUlm (-kachchha vaJun ) id. to
crow over, to express extreme joy
~ |=U JH (~ vIch hasn) id. to laugh in
one's sleeves
z zz zz
(kachchh) f. a measurement of land
a aa aa
(kachchh) m. alluvian, alluvial land
4 44 44
/W U /W U /W U /W U /W U (kachchh/kachchh) f. underwear
WU|J WU|J WU|J WU|J WU|J (kachhehr) m. long underwear worn by
Sikhs, drawer
WUYl WUYl WUYl WUYl WUYl (kachhrl) f. an inflammatory swelling
of a lymphatic gland in the armpit, bubo
WUFl WUFl WUFl WUFl WUFl (kachh) f. the act of or the wages of
measuring land; the act of appraising a crop
WU WU WU WU WU (kachhr) m. alluvian, alluvial land (the low
land border in river); marshy land (at foot hill)
W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul (kachchh) f. ' V' shaped underwear;
underwear of a child
W U /W U W u W U /W U W u W U /W U W u W U /W U W u W U /W U W u (kachchh/kachchhkm) m.
tortoise, turtle
WU m WU m WU m WU m WU m (kachhu) m tortoise, turtle; 'U' shaped
WH WH WH WH WH (kaJ) m. deformity, distortion; defect, flaw;
crook, curve
W H W H W H W H W H (kJ) f. slough
W HW W HW W HW W HW W HW (kJak) f. virgin young girl
W H W H W H W H W H (kaJJan ) m. head-dress (dupatta etc.), cover;
W H W H W H W H W H (kaJJn) v.t. to cover; to veil; to enshroud,
to conceal
W H W H W H W H W H (kJar) m. a man of the class whose females
are prostitutes; an abuse; a shameless person;
mean person
a. shameless, mean
~ H (~ khn) m. cesspool ,bawdy-house,
whorehouse, brothel; quarrel, wrangle
W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl (kJar) f. whore, bawd, prostitute, harlot,
strumpet, trull; dancing girl, dancer; an abusive
term; shameless woman
W HY/WHY W HY/WHY W HY/WHY W HY/WHY W HY/WHY (kaJJal/kaJl) m. soot, antimony,
lampblack, collyrium
WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH (kaz/kaJ) f. God's will, Divine-will;
weird, fate, destiny; death, end of life, Divine
WHlm WHlm WHlm WHlm WHlm (kaJ) m. fretting, botheration, tracasserie,
trouble; dispute, quarrel
~ W (~ karn) id. to perform an unpleasant
~ = (~ nabern) id. to settle a dispute;
to accomplish a work half-heartedly
W H H W H H W H H W H H W H H (kJu s) m. miser, penny-pincher, niggard
a. miserly, hard-fisted, stingy, mingy,
W H Hl W H Hl W H Hl W H Hl W H Hl (kJu s) f. miserliness, niggardliness,
stinginess, parsimony, penurious
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (ka) m. cut
WJJ/WJJY WJJ/WJJY WJJ/WJJY WJJ/WJJY WJJ/WJJY (kahar/kahal) m. jack tree, jack
fruit, Artocarpus integra
WJ|J WJ|J WJ|J WJ|J WJ|J (kaehr) m. witness box, dock
WJW WJW WJW WJW WJW (kaak) m. army, troops; band or gang of
W JW W JW W JW W JW W JW (kak) a. over clever, very shrewd, wicked
man, villain
W J W J W J W J W J (kan) v.t. to cut, to chop; to bite, to tear
with the teeth; to sting; to deduct; to delete, to
expunge; to disconnect; to decrease; to strike
off; to divide leaving no remainder; to pass
one's time; to refute, rebut (argument); to
- - - - - WJ =V (ka vaddh) f. massacre, carnage;
overwriting, cutting
W J W J W J W J W J (kaar) m. cutter
W J Y W J Y W J Y W J Y W J Y (krol) m. control
WJYH WJYH WJYH WJYH WJYH (kalas) m. cutlet
WJ=U WJ=U WJ=U WJ=U WJ=U (kavun) v.t. to get something cut; to
make to be bitten or stung
WJ=Fl/WJFl WJ=Fl/WJFl WJ=Fl/WJFl WJ=Fl/WJFl WJ=Fl/WJFl (kav/kat) f. the act of or the
process of cutting; the wages for cutting,
reaping etc., cut
W J= W J= W J= W J= W J= (kaar) a. fanatic, bigot; staunch, dogmatic
WJ= WJ= WJ= WJ= WJ= (kaar) m. walled ,marked; street
W J W J W J W J W J (ka) m. male young one of buffalo; a small
- JJ ~ (ha ~) a. sturdy, robust; fat man ,
WJH WJH WJH WJH WJH (kakh) m. side (long) look, side glance,
leer; sarcasm, satire, taunt; twit, gibe
WJ/WJl WJ/WJl WJ/WJl WJ/WJl WJ/WJl (kar/kar) f. dirk, poniard
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (ka) f. a term or word used for refusing to
be on speaking terms with one's friend or
companion or dear one; a female young one
of buffalo
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (kn) f. canteen
WJ m WJ m WJ m WJ m WJ m (kau) m. bed-bug
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kaor) m. bowl
WJ l WJ l WJ l WJ l WJ l (kaor) f. a small metal bowl
WJ Sl WJ Sl WJ Sl WJ Sl WJ Sl (kao t) f. deduction, amount deducted;
rebate, discount, reduction; abatement
W J W J W J W J W J (kt h) m. throat, neck
a. committed to memory, learned by heart,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to cram, to learn by
heart, to memorise
~ YU (~ lun) v.t. to embrace; to give

WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kahan) a. difficult, arduous, hard, tedious,
tough, ticklish
-W|JFl (-kat hn) f. difficulty, arduousness,
hardship, tediousness, toughness
WJ SYl WJ SYl WJ SYl WJ SYl WJ SYl (kahputl) f. puppet, marionette; tool,
cat's paw
~ U SuH (~ d tamsh) m. puppet show,
puppet play
~ =T UU (~ vg nachun) id. to make
one dance to one's tunes, to pull the wires
WJ= = WJ= = WJ= = WJ= = WJ= = (kahphor) m. woodpecker
W J W J W J W J W J (kh) m. gold beaded neck ornament worn
by men
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (kh) f. necklace
a. guttural
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kat hor) a. hard ,rigid, stern, harsh
(behaviour); hard-hearted, unkind, cruel
W W W W W (kd) f. back
~ UJY UH (~ ohle pardes) prov. out of
sight out of mind
~ Ul (~ den) id. to turn one's back upon, to
withdraw support or patronage
~ F (~ bhnn) id. to pick the bladder
~ Y Tl (~ laggn) id. to be defeated (in
~ YUl (~ lun) id. to defeat (in wrestling)
W WJ W WJ W WJ W WJ W WJ (kdakar) m. conductor
W u W u W u W u W u (kd am) a. condemned, rejected; waste,
useless, worthless
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to condemn, to declare
! !! !!
(kd ) m. thorn, prickle, fish hook, spine; fish-
a. bony, lean & thin
~ W V (~ kaddhn) id. to do away with
one's enemy; to remove an obstacle; to
accomplish a pending work
- HW W ~ J H (- suk ke ~ ho Jan) id. to
be reduced to a skelton
W|m S H ( kdea te son) id. to sit on
thorns, to under go trials, to face hardships
~ S =HlJ/J (~ te ghasn/dhuhn)
id. to drag one into trouble
~ Ul HH (~ d seJ) f. bed of thorns; difficult
task, arduous work
- W Y W |WYU J (- kd e nl kd
nIkald he) prov. one nail drives another
~ lH (~ bJn) id. to store up troubles, to
sow distress and misfortunes for oneself or
for others, to create hurdles
~ =T =W (~ vag rarkn) id. to be a thorn
in the flesh, to be an eye sore
~ |=UU (~ vIchhun) id. to pave the way
with thorns, to create trouble
z zz zz
(kd) m. & f. balance, scale
u ~ (dharm ~) m. weigh bridge, a
standard balance which is accepted by all,
weighing machine, scale, sacrosanct-balance
a aa aa
(kd) m. dose of opium
- W S J H (kd e te ho Jn) id. to be
intoxicated or tipsy; to be in form, to be fully
ready to do a task
4 44 44
(kd) m. laryngitis
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kd l) f. a type of curved bit of bridle;
the net which is put on the mouth of a calf to
prevent to suck milk (cow/buffalo)
W |ml W |ml W |ml W |ml W |ml (kIr) f. a small thorny bush, a small
thorny shrub bearing a yellow berry, which is
used in medicines, Argenone mexicana,
Solanum xanthocarpum
W |mY W |mY W |mY W |mY W |mY (kIl) m. a curve bit of bridle; thorny
plant, hedge hog
a. thorny
W |mYl W |mYl W |mYl W |mYl W |mYl (ka dI l) a. thorny, prickly, barbed, briery
~ S (~ tr) f. barbed-wire
W l W l W l W l W l (k) f. mason's trowel; a small scale
W U W U W U W U W U (kedr) a. strong (tea etc.); thorny,
prickly, briery
W V W V W V W V W V (kah) v.t. to take out, to draw out, to
pull out; to dig out; to deduct, to subtract; to
bring out or publish (newspaper); to invent, to
discover; to embroider; to dismiss, to terminate;
to turn out, to oust, to expell (exam etc.); to
pet Jav me kh ) prov. count one's
chicken before they are hatched
~ U (~ d) a. wheaten
~ Y = =l |H HU J (~ nl ghu v pIs
Jda he)prov. when two bulls fight it is the
grass that suffers
~ |F/= (~ bhn/vn) a. wheatish
W H W H W H W H W H (kaakkh) a. squint-eyed, squint, cross-
eyed, cock-eyed
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kakh) f. side glance, side ways look
~ =H (~ vekh) v.t. to look askew, to look
WSU WSU WSU WSU WSU (katu) v.t. to badger, to bother, to
harass, to pester
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (ka) f. drop, bead (of water, any liquid, rain
etc.); particle, atom; under-cooked rice; bits
of rice; diamond chips
W W W W W (kao ) f. flaw, drawback; shameful/
disgraceful act; dependence
W W W W W (kao) a. one having flaw/ drawback;
ashamed; dependent
W S W S W S W S W S (kt) m. husband, spouse; God, the Almighty,
the Supreme being
WSFl WSFl WSFl WSFl WSFl (kata) adv. absolutely, totally; undoubtedly
~ Jl (~ nah ) adv. not at all, absolutely not,
W SW W SW W SW W SW W SW (kattak) m. the eighth lunar month of Bikrami
calendar corresponding to October-November ,
Katak (Kartik)
W S W S W S W S W S (katta) v.t. to spin
~ S/Su (~ tb/tm) v.t. to spin
and card
W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl (katt) f. a basket (made of straw) for
keeping cotton-wool-rolls/pieces and cops
WS WS WS WS WS (katran) f. cutting, snippet
WS WS WS WS WS (katarn) v.t. to snip, to trim, to clip
WSl WSl WSl WSl WSl (katarn) f. scissors
WS WS WS WS WS (katr) m. drop, bead
~ WS (~ katr) adv. drop by drop, bit by bit
WS U WS U WS U WS U WS U (katru) v.i. to avoid meeting
(someone), to evade; to shirk work, to shirk
from duty etc.
sort out, to separate; to solve a sum; to find
out, to locate; to extract, to draw, to distil; to
find solution; to avenge, to take revenge; to
take out (procession etc.) ;to abduct, to elope
~ (~ pro) id. to do fancy needle work,
to embroider
~ U (~ pu) id. to have one's interest,
to have some concern
mH ~ ( akkh ~ ) id. to look daggers, to
look black; to stare, to gaze
v.t. to tear the eyes from the sockets
WY H ~ (kaleJ ~) id. to terrorise, to
frighten, to terrify
|J W ~ (Ikk ~) id. to put a mark of
vermilion on the forehead of would be
bridegroom by the bride's party as a token of
betrothal ceremony
UU ~ (dd) id. to laugh for nothing; to cut
teeth (infant/child)
~ (pe ro ~) id. to falsify
u J ~ (m ho ~) id. to utter, to say; to
demand, to ask
= J ~ (va ~) id. to set right
WV W Y H/WV H= (kah ke le J/
kah khan) id. to abduct, to take away
~ U (~ de) id. to pack a person off
WV=U WV=U WV=U WV=U WV=U (kahvu) v.t. to get embroidered;
to get aborted; to cause to be taken out
W V W V W V W V W V (kh) m. bank, brink (river etc.); seashore,
coast (sea); brim (of a vessel)
W V YU (khe lu) id. to help
(someone) to attain goal
v.t. to ferry to the shore safely
WVFl WVFl WVFl WVFl WVFl (kah) f. embroidery; the wages paid for
W Vl W Vl W Vl W Vl W Vl (kh) f. land at the foot of a mountain,
submontane, foot-hill; land along the bank of a
W W W W W (ka) m. particle, atom, speck; granule, grit;
self-respect, self-pride
WH WH WH WH WH (kaas) f. light-fever, slight-temperature
WW WW WW WW WW (kaak) f. wheat
~ HS W=l J m H=Flm u H (~ khet ku
WSY WSY WSY WSY WSY (katal) m. murder, assassination, slaughter,
- - - - - WSYTJ (katalgh) m. slaughter-house;
place of execution
WSY u WSY u WSY u WSY u WSY u (katlm) m. steak, fillet, collop
WSY WSY WSY WSY WSY (katal) m. chip, cutting, piece
WS| Ym u/WSYm u WS| Ym u/WSYm u WS| Ym u/WSYm u WS| Ym u/WSYm u WS| Ym u/WSYm u (katlem/katalm) m.
carnage, massacre, bloodshed
WS=U /WSU WS=U /WSU WS=U /WSU WS=U /WSU WS=U /WSU (katvu/katu) v.t. to get
something spun; to help (someone) in spinning
WSFl WSFl WSFl WSFl WSFl (kat) f. the process of or the wages for
WSS WSS WSS WSS WSS (katbat) f. calligraphy
WS WS WS WS WS (katr) f. queue, row; line; rank; category,
WSlm/WSl WSlm/WSl WSlm/WSl WSlm/WSl WSlm/WSl (kat/katr) m. scissors like tool
used by goldsmiths or blacksmiths
WSlHT U WSlHT U WSlHT U WSlHT U WSlHT U (katra-g d) f. white or reddish gum
from certain herbs used medicinally
WS WS WS WS WS (katr) m. youngone of dog, puppy, pup
WS WS WS WS WS (kateb) f. anyone of the four holy books of
W W W W W W W W W W (katthak) m. a classical dance of South India
W W W W W (kathan) m. utterance; statement, remark;
viewpoint, assertion
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (kathn) f. anything said
~ U (~ d pr) a. true to one's word,
(man) of his word
Wl mS ~ (karn ate ~) f. saying and
doing, practical and verbal
W W W W W (kath) f. story, tale, fable; religious discourse,
oral exegesis
~ H|JS (~ shIt) m. fiction
~ =HS (~ vast) f. plot, subject matter (of
play, story etc.)
- - - - - WW (kathkr) m. & a. story-writer;
narrator, storyteller; exegete
- W=S (kathvrt) m. religious
discourse; conversation of various topics
W W W W W (katth) m. extract of the wood of Accacia
catechu, cachow, a kind of tree, Accacia
catechu, Terra japonica
WW WW WW WW WW (kathnak) m. plot (of story, novel or
W|S W|S W|S W|S W|S (kathIt) a. & adv. alleged, stated, said; so
WU/WU W WU/WU W WU/WU W WU/WU W WU/WU W (kad/kad ku) adv. at what time, when;
at what occasion; how long ago
W U W U W U W U W U (kadd) m. height, stature; magnitude
~ WJ (~ kh) m. bodily structure, physique,
~ S (~ butt) m. physique, build, bodily
mUu ~ (dam ~ ) a. life-sized, life-size
WU= ( kaddvar) a. large statured, tall
W U W U W U W U W U (kd) f. any of the edible root, tuber
WUu WUu WUu WUu WUu (kadam) m. step; foot-step, pace; gait of horse
~ UH= (~ ukhan) id. to lose ground; to
be out of step; to stumble, to stagger; to lose
~ WUu (~ kadam) adv. step by step, gradually
~ WUu S (~ kadam te) adv. at every point
~ UW (~ chukka) id. to take step
~ TuTU (~ dagmagu) id. to be out
of step; to stagger; to lose balance
~ |uYU (~ mIlu) id. to keep step with
~ =U (~ vadhu) id. to make progress;
to move forward
WU WU WU WU WU (kadar) f. respect, regard, reverence; honour;
worth, value
~ WluS (~ kmat) f. value, worth; importance
WUH H/WUU (kadarshns/
kadardn) a. recognizant, appreciator
WU WluS (kadra kmta ) f. values (social,
W U/W U W U/W U W U/W U W U/W U W U/W U (kdar/kdar) f. cave; cavern; den;
WUl WUl WUl WUl WUl (kad)adv. at one time, once; at some or the
other time ; sometimes, seldom
~ WUl/ WUFl (~ kad/kada ) adv.
occasionally, sometimes; now and then, off
and on

WUlu WUlu WUlu WUlu WUlu (kadm) m. & a. ancient time, olden times;
primitive, ancient, antique
uV ~ S (muh ~ to) adv. from time
immemorial, from ancient times
WUlul WUlul WUlul WUlul WUlul (kadm) a. primeval, primitive, ancient;
W U W U W U W U W U (kadd) m. pumpkin; gourd
WUWH (kaddkas) m. grater, shredder
WU WU WU WU WU (kade) adv. at any time; sometime
~ Jl (~ h) adv. seldom, rarely
~ WUFl/WU (~kad/kade) adv. occasionally,
off and on, sometimes
WU WU WU WU WU (kado) adv. when
~ S (~to ) adv. since when
~ U (~ d) adv. for a long time ago
W W W W W (kdh) f. wall; partition
~ Ul W (~ d kdh) f. deaf and dumb person;
motionless, stationary; firm, immovable
W U =l W JU J (kdha de v kn hde
han) prov. even walls have ears
W W W W W (kdh) m. shoulder
~ U (~ de) id. to put one's shoulder to;
to carry bier on one's shoulder; to give support,
to assist someone
W Fl W Fl W Fl W Fl W Fl (kdh) f. a big needle used for quilting a
quilt, long needle
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kdhol) f. a small earthen wall
W W W W W (kn) m. ear
~ HW (~ sekae) id. to thrash, to beat
~ J H (~ ho Je) id. to learn a lesson
~ WJ/WS (~ kaa/kutarn) id. to
be over clever
~ H|=W Y (~ khar Ikke le) id. to snoop,
to try to listen
~ H= J (~ khahe ho) id. to be alarmed
~ H= W (~ khahe karn) id. to pick up
one's ears
~ H (~ kh) id. to vex by loud and
incessant talk, to pester; to make a noise
~ HYQ (~ kholhe) id. to send one away
with a flea in one's ear
~ U = W u (~ ch phk mrn) id. to
backbite, to incite someone
~ S H HW (~ te J n sarka) id. to
take no notice of, to pay no heed to
~ U WU (~ d kacch) a. credulous
~ U U (~ d pard) m. ear-drum
~ Ul uY (~ d mel) f. ear wax, cerumen
~ (~dharn) give ear to, to listen to
~ (~n dharn) id. to turn a deaf ear to
~ J (~ puttae) id. to pull ear
~ F (~ bharne) id. to poison one's ears, to
~ |=U/Fl WV (~ vIcho /th kaha)
id. to inform
|FW ~ U S UH W WV ( Ikk ~ pu
te dJe kno kaha) id. to pay no heed
to, turn a deaf ear to
W W H Jl ( kno kn khabar na
ho) id. to be top secret, to remain secret
WHS WHS WHS WHS WHS (kanastar) m. tin ,canister
WH WH WH WH WH (kanso) f. inkling, hint, clue, information
~ Yl (~ le) v.i.t. to get an inkling
W HH W HH W HH W HH W HH (knkhaJr) m. centipede
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kanop) m. hood
W H W H W H W H W H (kandesar) m. condenser
W =t W =t W =t W =t W =tknpera) m. mumps
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (knal) a. big-eared
W= W H W= W H W= W H W= W H W= W H (kanvokeshan) f. convocation
W W W W W (kn) m. vowel symbol (k kk kk ), symbol of
lengtheed m m m m m of Gurmukhi script
WS WS WS WS WS (kant) f. tent wall
WY WY WY WY WY (kanl) m. an old measure of land equal to
one eighth of an acre
W|m W|m W|m W|m W|m (kne) f. girl, virgin, maiden, lass; daughter;
Virgo (Zodiac sign)
~ U (~ dn) f. custom of giving away
daughter to the bride-groom, marrying a girl
W l W l W l W l W l (kn) f. border, hem; coloured border of dhoti
(sari); edge of cloth
~ WSU (~ katru) id. to evade, to avoid
W l W l W l W l W l(kn )adv. with one's ears; in ears
~ H mU (~ buJJe ue) id. to become
hard of hearing
~ H U (~ buJJe de) id. to pretend to be
hard of hearing
W lH W lH W lH W lH W lH (knz) f. slave girl; maid servant; concubine
W W W W W (kane) m. mumps
W W W W W (kaner) f. a kind of plant, oleander, Nerium
W = W = W = W = W = (kano ) m. vowel symbol ( ) of Gurmukhi
W W W W W (kapp) m. cup
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kapa) m. guile, deceit, cunning ; treachery,
hypocrisy, wile
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (kap) a. guileful, deceitful, treacherous,
wily, hypocrite
WS WS WS WS WS (kaptn) m. captain
WY WY WY WY WY (kapl) f. black coloured cow
W = W = W = W = W = (kappa) m. cloth or clothes
~ U (~ chh) a. sieved through cloth
~ =H (~ vs) f. smell of burning cloth
W = W = W = W = W = (kappa) m. cloth, textile
~ W/ Y (~ karn/le) id. to veil;
to cover one's body with a sheet etc.
~ YS (~ latt) m. clothes, clothing
- W|=m S J J (-kappae to bhar
ho) id. to be enraged, to be angry
- W = U S/YJ (- kappae utrn/
lahu) id. to sell at a high price; to fleece;
to cheat, to swindle; to take off clothes
~ mU (~ u) id. to menstruate, to have
W H W H W H W H W H (kps) m. compass
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kaph) f. cotton plant; cotton
~ UTl (~ chug) v.t. to pick cotton
~ |Hl (~ pJ) v.t. to card cotton
~ =Yl (~ vel) v.t. to gin cotton with hand
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kap) m. door; door leaf; skull
~ HYQ (~ khulh) id. to come to know
the truth
WY WY WY WY WY (kapl) m. skull, cranium; brain
~ |W|m (~ kIrI) f. a Hindu ritual of breaking
the head of the burning corpse performed by
the deceaseds son
W S W S W S W S W S (kaputtar) m. undutiful son, son having bad
W W W W W (kapur) m. camphor
W l W l W l W l W l (kapur) a. of light yellow colour
- =lm ~ (gh ~) a. & m. of light grape
colour; light grape-colour
W HlJ W HlJ W HlJ W HlJ W HlJ (kpozar ) m. compositor
W W W W W (kpod ar) m. compounder, dispenser,
! !! !!
(kaf) f. phlegm, cough
z zz zz
(kaf ) f. cuff
WVH WVH WVH WVH WVH (kafas) m. cage
WV WV WV WV WV (kafan) m. coffin, pall, shroud
~ |H S (~ sIr te bnhn) id. to be
ready to sacrifice oneself
WVl WVl WVl WVl WVl (kafn) f. sadhus or mendicant's long loose
WV|FS WV|FS WV|FS WV|FS WV|FS (kafIt) f. economy, frugality, thrift
~ Y (~ nl) adv. frugally, economically,
WV|FSl WV|FSl WV|FSl WV|FSl WV|FSl (kafIt) a. economical, cheap, frugal
W HS W HS W HS W HS W HS (kbakhat) a. unlucky, unfortunate, ill-fated;
a mild abuse
W HSl W HSl W HSl W HSl W HSl (kbakht) f. misfortune, adversity, ill luck
WH/WHl WH/WHl WH/WHl WH/WHl WH/WHl (kabaz/kabz) f. constipation
- - - - - WHW H (kabazkush) a. purgative, laxative
! !! !!
(kabz) m. possession, occupancy, hold,
~ W/ HuU (~ karn/ Jamun) v.t. to
possess, to occupy, to consolidate possession
z zz zz
(kabz) m. hinge, clutch
- WHU ( kabzedr) a. fixed with hinges
m. an occupant
W l W l W l W l W l (kabadd) f. a popular North Indian rural
game, kabbadi
W W W W W (kban ) v.i. to shiver, to quiver, to shudder;
to tremble (with fear); to vibrate
W l W l W l W l W l (kban) f. shivering, quivering; shudder,
~ |U= (~ chhIn) v.i. to have shivering
W W W W W (kabar) f. grave, tomb, sepulchre
~ |=U YS J (~ vIch latta hon ) id. to have
one foot in the grave
WHS WHS WHS WHS WHS (kabarstn) m. graveyard, burial-ground,
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kbal) m. blanket, rug
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kbl) f. thin and small blanket
W W W W W (kabb) a. perverse, contentious
W U W U W U W U W U (kbun) v.t. to make one to tremble
W|FYl W|FYl W|FYl W|FYl W|FYl (kabIl) a. & m. tribal; tribesman
W Fl W Fl W Fl W Fl W Fl (kbn) f. combine (machine)
W W W W W (kabb) m. bar-b-cued minced meat balls,
W= W= W= W= W= (kabr) m. junk, rubbish, discarded things;
disorderly things, lumber
~ H (~khn) m. junk-store, junkshop;
W= W= W= W= W= (kabr) m. ruination, turmoil
~ J (~hon ) id. to be spoiled, to be undone
~ W (~karn) id. to ruin, to spoil
W=l W=l W=l W=l W=l (kab) m. person who deals in old and
broken articles, junk dealer
W| S W| S W| S W| S W| S (kabItt) m. a kind of meter in classical Indian
poetry; a verse form; stanza composed in this
WlYU WlYU WlYU WlYU WlYU (kabldr) a. married man with a family,
house holder
WlYUl WlYUl WlYUl WlYUl WlYUl (kabldr) f. house holding
! !! !!
(kabl) m. clan; tribe; family, lineage
z zz zz
(kabl) m. a medicine given to animals
for curing worms
W S/W Sl W S/W Sl W S/W Sl W S/W Sl W S/W Sl (kabutar/kabutar) m.& f. pigeon
- WSH (kabutarkhn) m. dovecote,
pigeon-house, loft, pigenory
- WSH (kabutarbz) m. pigeon fancier
- W SHl (kabu tarbz) f. rearing and
taming of pigeons
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kabul) a. accepted, confessed, admitted;
acknowledged, owned
~ W/W Y (karn/kabu ln ) v.i.t. to
confess, to admit; to accept
~ W (~ n karn) v.i.t. to refuse to
accept; to disown
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
! !! !!
(kam) a. & adv. & pref. less, little, short;
rarely, seldom; a prefix denoting less or little
as in tWumWY1
~ mH Wu (~ az kam) adv. at least
W u W u W u W u W u (km) m. work, task; job, service; business;
act, action; duty; embroidery work; assignment;
~ mU (~ un) id. to stand in good stead,
to be useful, to be of use; to be killed
~ H (~ srn) id. to serve the purpose of;
to serve other's purpose
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to get one's purpose
served, to get one's work done
~ WH/W (~ ka J/kr) m. occupation,
profession, business
~ UYU (~ chalu) a. make-shift; temporary
~ U (~ chor) a. & m. work-shy, shirk-work,
lazy, waster, shirker
~ U (~ d) a. of use, useful, beneficial
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) f. significant matter, matter
of importance; useful matter
~ Ul TY W (~ d gall karn) id. to come
to the point
Wu|H t Wu|H t Wu|H t Wu|H t Wu|H tkamsIn) a. young, minor
WuHS WuHS WuHS WuHS WuHS (kamzt) a. & f. of low birth/caste; mean,
ignoble; an inoffensive abuse
WuH WuH WuH WuH WuH (kamzor) a. weak, feeble (health); weak in
studies; delicate, fragile; frail, spindly
WuH l WuH l WuH l WuH l WuH l (kamzor) f. weakness; inability to resist
temptation; weak-point; foolish liking;
impotence; enervation
Wu U Wu U Wu U Wu U Wu U (kamd) m. rope ladder, scaling rope
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kamar) f. waist, loin
~ WHl (~ kasa) id. to gird up one's lions, to
be determined to do a task
WuWH (kamarkas) f. a medicinal gum
WuWH/WuU (kamarkas/kamarbd)
m. waist band, girdle
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kamr) m. room; apartment, chamber
! !! !!
(kamal) m. lotus (plant & flower)
z zz zz
(kamal) m. insanity, madness, mental-
derangement; mania; craze
~ WJ/|HY (~ ku/khIlarn) id. to
talk or behave foolishly
~ (~ pe ) id. to get nervous
WuY WuY WuY WuY WuY (kaml) m. mad, insane; crazy; stupid, foolish
WuU WuU WuU WuU WuU (kamu) v.t. to earn; to make money;
to tan hide; to build one's physique by exercise;
to scavenge
WuU WuU WuU WuU WuU (kam) a. earning-hand, earner, working
WuFl WuFl WuFl WuFl WuFl (kam) f. earnings; income; profit, gain;
HJl ~ (kha ~ ) f. earned money
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kam) f. command
JFl ~ (h ~ ) f. high-command
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kamar) m. commander
~ |F UlV (~ In chef) m. commander-in-chief
Wu U Wu U Wu U Wu U Wu U (kamd) m. sugarcane, Saccharum
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
! !! !!
(kamn) f. command, order
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
z zz zz
(kamn) f. bow, arch
Wul Wul Wul Wul Wul (kamn) f. roadspring, spring, arc
Wu Y Wu Y Wu Y Wu Y Wu Y (kaml) m. perfection, zenith,
accomplishment, excellence, mastery; miracle,
wonder; quality, virtue
a. perfect, accomplished, excellent, exquisite
~ W/ W |UH U (~karna /kar
dIkhu) v.t. to work wonders, to do a
miracle, to outwit, to do wonderfully well
~ U (~ d) a. wondrous, miraculous,
wonderful; superb, marvellous, excellent
W|uH W|uH W|uH W|uH W|uH
! !! !!
(kamIshan) m. commission
W|uH W|uH W|uH W|uH W|uH
z zz zz
(kamIshan) m. discount, commission,
|YW H|=H ~ ( pablIk sarvIs ~ ) m.
Public Service Commission
W|uH W|uH W|uH W|uH W|uH (kamIshanar) m. Commissioner
U ~ (oth ~ ) m. Oath Commissioner
|Jl ~ (dIp ~) m. Deputy Commissioner
|uU HY ~ (mIuspal ~ ) m. Municipal
Wul Wul Wul Wul Wul (kam) f. deficiency, shortage; lack, want;
shortcoming; absence; loss
W ul W ul W ul W ul W ul (km) m. menial, labourer, workman, low class
WulH WulH WulH WulH WulH (kamz) m. shirt
Wul Wul Wul Wul Wul (kam) m.&a. low class workman, menial;
low-born; mean
WulTl WulTl WulTl WulTl WulTl (kamng) f. meanness, lowness, baseness
Wul Wul Wul Wul Wul (kamn) m.&a. an abuse; mean, low,
sordid, menial, base
Wu Jl Wu Jl Wu Jl Wu Jl Wu Jl (kame) f. committee
mST ~ ( trg ~ ) m. executive committee
HFl ~ ( sath ~ ) m. standing committee
H ~ (sub ~ ) f. sub-committee
HYJW ~ ( salhkr ~ ) m. advisory
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kamo) m. commode
! !! !!
(kar) f. dandruff
z zz zz
(kar) m. tax, levy, duty, custom
~ UT (~ yog) a. taxable
a aa aa
(kar) m. hand
W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl (kars) f. currency
~ J (~ no) m. currency note
! !! !!
(karak) f. severe pain, shooting pain; pity,
z zz zz
(karak) f. Cancer, Zodiac sign
~ H (~rekh) f. tropic of cancer
WW WW WW WW WW (karake) adv. due to, on account of; caused
W T W T W T W T W T (karg) m. skeleton, carcass
W= W= W= W= W= (karagh) f. string of scales or balance;
tightening string of a drum
W= W= W= W= W= (kargh) m. loom, handloom
WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH (karaz/karz) m. debt, loan, credit
-WHFl (karz) m. debtor, loanee
a. indebted
W J W J W J W J W J (kar) m. electric current
~ YT (~ laggan) id. to be struck by an
electric current
W W W W W (krd) f. hard crust
W l W l W l W l W l (kard) f. trowel (mason's tool)
WS WS WS WS WS (kartab) m. feat, jugglery, surprising trick;
sleight of hand; skill, performance
WS= WS= WS= WS= WS= (kartav) m. duty; feat
WS WS WS WS WS (kart) a. & m. God, Doer, the Supreme
being, Creator; subject (gr.)
suff. a suffix denoting the meaning of
'doer' as in (WH WS)
~ S (~dhart) m. all in all
WS WS WS WS WS (kartr) m. Creator, God, the Supreme being
WS S WS S WS S WS S WS S (kartu t) m. misdeed, evil deed, immoral act
WU WU WU WU WU (kard) f. knife
WY/W-Y WY/W-Y WY/W-Y WY/W-Y WY/W-Y (karnal/karnel) m. Colonel
W W W W W (karn) v.t. to do, to perform; to finish
(work); to start (business etc.); to have sex; to
blow out (lamp); to switch off (light); to hire
(taxi etc.); to remarry (widow)
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl
! !! !!
(karn) f. deed, doing, act
~ U =Y FTS (~d phal bhugtan) id. to
lie in the bed one has made
~ Fl (~bharn) f. retribution of one's deeds
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl
z zz zz
(karn) f. mason's trowel
W|VU W|VU W|VU W|VU W|VU (karfIu) m. curfew
W u W u W u W u W u (kram) m. serial, sequence, order
~ m H (~anusr) adv. in serial order, serially
~ H|Hm (~ skhI) f. serial order
~ (~baddh) a. arranged in serial order,
serialised; classified
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
! !! !!
(karam) m. act, deed, action; destiny, fate,
- - - - - |W|m ~ (-kIrI ~) m. last rituals/ rites
performed on the 11
or 12
or 13
day of a
deceased (in Hindus)
- - - - - WuJl (-karamhn ) a. unfortunate, unlucky,
ill-fated, hapless
- - - - - WuW (-karamk d ) m. religious
ceremonies, rituals
- - - - - Wul-ul (-karam-dharm) m. ritualist,
religious-minded person; one who performs the
last rites of a dead person
- - - - - WWu (kukarm) m. evil deed, bad-deed
- - - - - SlWu (pratkaram) m. reaction
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
z zz zz
(karam) m. object (gr.)
~ WW (~krk) m. objective or accusative case
- Wu=Ul |W|m (karmvch kIrI) f. gerund
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
a aa aa
(karam) m. favour, kindness, benignity;
mercy, compassion; destiny, fate
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
4 44 44
(karam) m. a unit of land measurement
(which is equal to the length of two foot steps)
WuUl WuUl WuUl WuUl WuUl (karamchr) m. employee; worker
WuU T WuU T WuU T WuU T WuU T (karmyog) m. philosophy of action
WuU Tl WuU Tl WuU Tl WuU Tl WuU Tl (karamyog) m. person who believes in
the philosophy of action without caring for the
W=J W=J W=J W=J W=J (karvat) f. side (right/left) on which the
human body rests while lying
~ UYl/Yl (~ badaln/len) v.i. to turn
side, to turn sideways
W= W= W= W= W= (karv) m. small baked clay vessel with spout
W=U W=U W=U W=U W=U (karvun) v.t. to have some work done
W= W= W= W= W= (karar) m. hard land
~ W=/= (~ karar /barar ) a. & m. a
person with hair turning grey
W= W= W= W= W= (karar) m. hard, stiff; tough; strong, stony;
heard-hearted, cruel; rigid, strict, stern, harsh;
arduous, difficult; rigorous; severe
W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl (karar ) f.strictness; strernness, stiffness,
hardness, toughness
WU WU WU WU WU (karun) v.t. to get something done; to
assist someone in doing something
WH WH WH WH WH (kars) m. cross
WJ/WJ WJ/WJ WJ/WJ WJ/WJ WJ/WJ (karh/karh) m. an agricultural
implement for levelling fields, levelling plank
WJ/WJ u WJ/WJ u WJ/WJ u WJ/WJ u WJ/WJ u (karhn/karh mrn) v.i.
to level the ground with an implement
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (karhun) v.i. to groan, to moan, to cry
in pain, to whine
WSl WSl WSl WSl WSl (kart ) f. revolution
- WSlWl (kartkr) a. revolutionary
WuS WuS WuS WuS WuS (karmt) f. miracle, wonder; magic;
spiritual or divine power
~ |=HUl (~ vIkhun ) v.t. to wring water
from a flint
WuSl WuSl WuSl WuSl WuSl (karmt) a. & m. having wondrous or
miraculous power; having divine or
supernatural power
W W W W W (karr) m. mental stability, calmness,
W W W W W (karr) a. blunt, harsh (reply); hard; crisp;
spicy; severe (blow)
W= W= W= W= W= (karr) m. petty-shopkeeper/ businessman
W|m W|m W|m W|m W|m (karIn) m. groceries, provisions
- W|mVH (karInfrosh) m. grocer
W|K W|K W|K W|K W|K (karIJhan) v.i. to fret, to fret and fume
WlJ WlJ WlJ WlJ WlJ (karh) m. powder or small crumps of a pile
of cow-dung cakes
Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl H (kar kho) m. thankless, ungrateful,
Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U (karch) f. repulsion, abhorrence,
repugnance; sound produced while writing with
a reed pen
WlU WlU WlU WlU WlU (karchan) v.i. to gnash, to grit, to grind
WlH WlH WlH WlH WlH (karz) f. crease
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (karn) m. right way to keep things,
adroitness, deftness, dexterity
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (karb) adv. near by, near, not far; close to;
about, approximately
~ Wl (~ karb) a. nearly, approximately
Wll Wll Wll Wll Wll (karb) a. near, close
Wlu Wlu Wlu Wlu Wlu
! !! !!
(karm) f. cream
Wlu Wlu Wlu Wlu Wlu
z zz zz
(karm) a. kind, benevolent, compassionate
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (karr) m. a thorny bush, wildcaper, Capparis
W W W W W (karun) a. touching, pathetic
W W W W W (karun) f. compassion, pity
W uFl W uFl W uFl W uFl W uFl (karun ma) a. full of compassion,
compassionate, tender-hearted
W H W H W H W H W H (karun ras) m. pathos
W H= W H= W H= W H= W H= (kar Ja) m. vegetable seller, greengrocer
W Y/W uY W Y/W uY W Y/W uY W Y/W uY W Y/W uY (kar bal/karu mal) f. tender top
of a shoot, new and delicate petal, leaf bud
W W W W W (karur) m. urine, piss; urine of a patient
~ |uY (~ n mIln ) id. not to see eye to
eye with
~ |uY/Y (~ mIln/raln) id. to see eye
to eye with, to be of the same nature
W /W W /W W /W W /W W /W (karep/kareb) f. crape, crepe
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y(karel)m.bitter gourd, Momordica charantia
W = W = W = W = W = (karev) m. remarriage of a widow
W = W = W = W = W = (karer) m. tartar (deposited on teeth)
W WJ W WJ W WJ W WJ W WJ (karekar) m. character
W Hlm W Hlm W Hlm W Hlm W Hlm (karosh) m. crochet
W W W W W (krodh) m. anger, indignation, ire, rage, wrath,
fury, fret
W l W l W l W l W l (krodh) a. hot-headed, hot tempered, angry,
indignant, short-tempered, irate; wrathful,
furious, fretful
W W W W W (karop) m. anger, ire, rage; wrath, fury
W l W l W l W l W l (karop) f. calamity, misfortune; wrath, fury
W u W u W u W u W u (karom) f. chrome
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (karoln) f. small stick for poking fire
W = W = W = W = W = (karor) m. ten million, crore
- W =Sl/W =Sl/W =lm ( karorpat/
karorpat/karor) m. multi-millionaire; a
very wealthy person
W U W U W U W U W U (karod) m. a kind of tree & fruit, Carissa
WY WY WY WY WY (kal) f. mechanical device, machine; any part
of a machine; liver of a lock
~ H (~ purze) m. parts, components
~ |=T=l (~ vIgarn) id. to be annoyed, to be
out of mood; to be out of order
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kallh) m. tomorrow; yesterday
~ W (~ karn) id. to go an post-poning, to
ward off, dilly dallying
~ U/Ul (~ d/d) a. recent, modern, new
~ H (~ parso) adv. a few days ago; a few
days hence
WYH WYH WYH WYH WYH (kals) m. pinnacle, finial, steeple
WYJ WYJ WYJ WYJ WYJ (kale h) f. quarrel, trouble, dispute, wrangle,
~ U uY (~ da mul) id. bone of contention
WY|J WY|J WY|J WY|J WY|J (kalhen) m. quarrelsome, troublesome,
contentious, impertinent, termagant
WYW WYW WYW WYW WYW (kalk) m. slur, stigma, blemish, blot; ignominy
~ HJ (~ khattan) id. to earn a bad name
~ YT (~ laggan) v.i. to be slurred, to be
~ YU (~ lun) v.t. to slur, to stigmatise, to
defame, to disgrace
WY Wl/WY Wl WY Wl/WY Wl WY Wl/WY Wl WY Wl/WY Wl WY Wl/WY Wl (kalk/kalkn ) a. blemished,
WYTl WYTl WYTl WYTl WYTl (kalg) f. plume, crest, cock's comb; an
ornament of gems or feathers worn by kings
or a bridegroom, aidegrette
WYU WYU WYU WYU WYU (kalchar) f. culture
WYHlF WYHlF WYHlF WYHlF WYHlF (kalJbh) m. evil-tongued person; ill-
omened person; an abuse
WYH T WYH T WYH T WYH T WYH T (kalJug) m. the last of the four eons
according to Indian mythology, Kalyug, age of
WYH Tl WYH Tl WYH Tl WYH Tl WYH Tl (kalJug) a. pertaining to Kalyug; wicked,
WYH T WYH T WYH T WYH T WYH T (kalJoga) f. mythological, blood-sucking
demon; quarrelsome woman, termagant; vamp,
WY WY WY WY WY (kaldar) m. calendar
WY S WY S WY S WY S WY S (kalattan) f. blackness, sootiness; stain,
WY U WY U WY U WY U WY U (kaldar) m. a sect of Muslim fakirs,
Mohammedan monk or recluse; monkey or
- uHS ~ (-mast ~) m. fakir, saint
WY WY WY WY WY (kln) m.& a. an abuse; idiot, foolish
! !! !!
(kalpan) v.i. to lament, to complain; to
express grief; to repent, to feel regret
z zz zz
(kalpan) v.t. to imagine, to fancy
WY WY WY WY WY (kalpan) f. imagination, fancy; sup-
position, assumption
WY| U WY| U WY| U WY| U WY| U (kalpbrIchh) m. wish-fulfilling tree (in
Hindu mythology)
WYU WYU WYU WYU WYU (kalpaun) v.t. to vex, to cause grief,
to irritate
WY|S WY|S WY|S WY|S WY|S (kalpIt) a. imaginary, fictional, fanciful
WYV WYV WYV WYV WYV (kalaf) f. hair-dye; starch
WY WY WY WY WY (kalabb) m. club
~ U (~ banun) v.t. to establish a club
WY S WY S WY S WY S WY S (kalbu t) m. mould; shoe stretcher,
shoemaker's cast; body, physique
WYu WYu WYu WYu WYu (kalam) f. reed-pen; pen; unshaved hair near
the temples (of men); graft, scion (of plant);
brush (of a painter); glass-cutter
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to behead, to cut
someone's head, to lop
~ U=S (~ davt) f. pen and inkpot
~ U l (~ d dhan) a. wielding a
formidable pen
~ YU l (~ la u) v.t. to graft, to plant a cutting
- WYuU (- kalamdn) m. pen-stand, pen-
case, inkpot stand
- WYuU (- kalambd) a. written, scribed
W YuW Y W YuW Y W YuW Y W YuW Y W YuW Y(kallamkall) a. all alone, unaccom-
panied, lone, alone
WYu WYu WYu WYu WYu (kalam) m. a fundamental hymn of
~ =Q (~ pahn) id. to be initiated as a
Muslim, to accept Islam as a faith
WYul WYul WYul WYul WYul (kalm) a. grafted (tree), cultivated by
~ m (~ b) m. a variety of mango
~ UHS (~ dost) m. pen friend
WYulH WYulH WYulH WYulH WYulH (kalmshor) m. Crystalline nitre
WYu J WYu J WYu J WYu J WYu J (kalam h) m. & a. an abuse; ill-omened,
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kallar) m. saline soil, infertile land, barren
land, waste-land
WYW WYW WYW WYW WYW (kalark) m. clerk
WYWl WYWl WYWl WYWl WYWl (kalark) f. job of a clerk, clerical job;
WY WY WY WY WY (kal) f. art, fine-art; skill (in any art); any of
the phases of the moon
- WY|WSl (kalakrIt) f. work of art
- WYW (kalkr) m. artist; actor; craftsman
- WYSuW/WYuFl (kaltmak/kalma) a.
- WY=S/WY= (kalvt/kalavn) m. & a.
artist; talented, skilful
WY WY WY WY WY (kalh) f. quarrel, dispute, contention
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kall) a. alone, lonesome, lonely, single,
adv. singly, by one self
~ WY (~ kalp) a. all alone, alone,
WYFl WYFl WYFl WYFl WYFl (kal) f. wrist
WYH WYH WYH WYH WYH (kals) f. class
WYHWl WYHWl WYHWl WYHWl WYHWl (kalsk) a. classical
WYW WYW WYW WYW WYW (kalk) m. clock
WYW U WYW U WYW U WYW U WYW U (kalkd) f. a variety of Indian sweetmeat
made of milk & sugar, milk-cake
WYH T WYH T WYH T WYH T WYH T (kalJg) m. a wrestling trick
WYu WYu WYu WYu WYu (kalm) m. sacred-text; poem, verse
WY= WY= WY= WY= WY= (kalv) m. embrace, hug, clasp, cuddle;
armful; length of yarn etc.; skein
W|Ym W|Ym W|Ym W|Ym W|Ym (kalen) m. welfare, well-being; bene-
faction, benediction, good fortune; name of a
classical raag
- W|YmWl (-kalenkr) a. auspicious,
blissful; Salvator, Redeemer
W|YJ W|YJ W|YJ W|YJ W|YJ (kalehr) a. quarrelsome, troublesome;
obstinate, stubborn
W|Y W|Y W|Y W|Y W|Y (kalIpp) m. clip
! !! !!
(kal) f. bud; jasmine flower; girl of tender
age, minor girl
z zz zz
(kal) f. white-wash, quick lime; a white metal
used for tinning utensils, tin
a aa aa
(kal) m. a prosodic form in Punjabi folklore,
4 44 44
(kal) f. a triangular piece of cloth which is
used in kurta or angrakkha
WYlT WYlT WYlT WYlT WYlT (kalgar) m. tinman; person who white
washes, white washer
WYlU=l WYlU=l WYlU=l WYlU=l WYlU=l (kalchar) f. thin ring of silver given by
the bridegroom to bride's sisters and friends at
marriage time
WYl WYl WYl WYl WYl (kaln) m. rug, carpet
WYl WYl WYl WYl WYl (kalnar) m. cleaner
WYl/WYl= WYl/WYl= WYl/WYl= WYl/WYl= WYl/WYl= (kalr/kalr) m. silver ornament
tied to the bangle of a bride; a strip of sea-
shells, coconut kernel and dry fruit tied to the
wrist of a bride
WY H WY H WY H WY H WY H (kalesh) m. quarrel, contention, wrangle,
trouble; agony, torment
WY H WY H WY H WY H WY H (kaleJ) m. liver; heart; courage
~ UUY (~ uchhalna) id. throbbing of heart
out of excitement
~ H= (~ sarn) id. to be heart-sore
~ H= (~ sarn) id. to torment, to vex
~ WV W U (~ kaddh ke den) id. to offer
one's child or very dear thing to someone
~ |H= (~ khIrn) id. to be overjoyed, to
feel very happy
~ UYl J (~ chhln hon) id. to have
piercing of the heart
~ JW= JW= J (~ t ukar e t ukar e hon) id.
to be shattered
~ U|JY (~ dehaln) id. to be terror-
stricken, to be terrified
~ W W W (~ dhak dhak karn) id. to be
very excited; to be afraid of
~ J (~ pan) id. to feel agony, to feel
extremely deep sorrow
~ ==/== Y (~ pharn/pha len) id.
to be overwhelmed with grief, to be
excessively depressed
~ uJ j mU (~ mu h nu un) id. to be too
much agitated with sorrow or grief, to have
one's heart to one's mouth
~ |= (~ vnhn) id. to hurt the feelings of
someone with sarcastic remarks
- WYH JV l (- kaleJe hdh pen) id. to
feel solace, to feel relieved, to do one's heart
~ S H YJ (~ te sapp lean) id. to burn
with jealousy; to have heart burning
~ S J (~ te hatth dharn) id. to hear
the voice of one's conscience, to think coolly
~ U JW= (~ d tukar) m. offspring, son or
daughter; dearly loved one, very dear
~ Y Y W H (~ nl l ke rakkhn) id. to
keep someone very close; to keep (someone)
in one's shelter
~ =Y (~ vl) a. courageous, brave, spirited,
having tolerance, having patience
WY Hl WY Hl WY Hl WY Hl WY Hl (kaleJ) f. liver (of bird or animal)
WY l WY l WY l WY l WY l (kalon) f. colony
WY l WY l WY l WY l WY l (kalorn) f. chlorine
WY Vu WY Vu WY Vu WY Vu WY Vu (kalorofrm) m. chloroform
WY Y WY Y WY Y WY Y WY Y (kalol) f. frolic, friskiness, sport, amusement,
merrymaking, merriment; wave, ripple
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to bill and coo
WY Hl WY Hl WY Hl WY Hl WY Hl (kalo J) f. a kind of seeds used in pickles,
Nigella sativa
W=U W=U W=U W=U W=U (kavach) m. armour; shell; coat of mail, mail
W= W= W= W= W= (kavar) m. cover
W=T W=T W=T W=T W=T (kavarg) m. group of four velar plosives in
Gurmukhi as W,H,T, = and the nasal
W =Y W =Y W =Y W =Y W =Y (kval) m. lotus
W= Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= Y (kavall) a. perverse, pervert, stroppy,
difficile; ill-mannered; adamant, irrational
W= W= W= W= W= (kavr) m. virginity
W= W= W= W= W= (kavra) m. bachelor, unmarried, youth
W=l W=l W=l W=l W=l (kavr) m. maiden, virgin, unmarried girl
W=Y W=Y W=Y W=Y W=Y (kavl) m. the person who sings qawali,
qawali singer
W=Yl W=Yl W=Yl W=Yl W=Yl (kavl) f. qawali, a type of song sung by
qawals (Muslim musicians or minstrels)
W|=Sl W|=Sl W|=Sl W|=Sl W|=Sl (kavItar) f. poetess
W|=S W|=S W|=S W|=S W|=S (kavIt) f. poem, rhyme, poetry, verse
W=l W=l W=l W=l W=l (kav) m. poet
W=lH W=lH W=lH W=lH W=lH (kavshar) m. poet, lyricist
W= U W= U W= U W= U W= U (kaved) m. drill, parade
W= W= W= W= W= (kar) m. hard layer of earth or rock (during
digging of well), hard soil
~ S= (~ torn) id. to do a Herculian task,
to accomplish a difficult job
W=W W=W W=W W=W W=W (kar k) f. thunder, crash
- |HYl Ul ~ (- bIJl d ~ ) f. lightning thunder,
W= W W= W W= W W= W W= W (karakk) f. cracking sound of a hard thing,
crack; sudden sharp noise; sound of something
~ WW (~ karke) adv. instantaneously,
instantly, in no time, with a cracking sound, all
of a sudden
~ H (~ J) v.t. to break with a crack
W=W W=W W=W W=W W=W (karka) v.i. to thunder, to roar; to crack;
to crackle, to chuck
W=U W=U W=U W=U W=U (karchh) m. a long handed large ladle
having a deep bowl for serving liquids; a big
ladle of iron, brass etc.
W=Ul W=Ul W=Ul W=Ul W=Ul (karchh) f. a small brass or steel ladle
W= W= W= W= W= (karhn) v.i. milk to be thickened being
boiled on slow heat
W= W= W= W= W= (karab) f. dry stalks of millet etc.
W==-W==/W==J W==-W==/W==J W==-W==/W==J W==-W==/W==J W==-W==/W==J(kar bar -kar bar /kar bar )
f. the sound of a horse's hooves, hoof-beat
W== Y W== Y W== Y W== Y W== Y (kar vall) f. convulsion, cramp
W= W= W= W= W= (kar ) m. an ornament worn around the wrist,
wristlet, thick bangle, bracelet; iron/or steel
bangle worn by the Sikhs as religious symbol
W=J W=J W=J W=J W=J (karh) m. pudding of flour, sugar and ghee
~ HU (~ prashd) m. sweet-pudding offered
to devotees at shrines or religious gathering of
W=J W=J W=J W=J W=J (karh) m. cauldron, caldron
W=Jl W=Jl W=Jl W=Jl W=Jl (karh) f. stewpan, cauldron, frying pan;
sweet-pudding (halva) offered to goddess
~ = (~ phern) id. to distribute sweets
among near and dear one's
- J Vl ~(-t hd h~) f. a ceremony of distributing
sweets as a mark of completion of preparing
W=W W=W W=W W=W W=W (kar k) m. the sound produced by cracking
fingers; crack, loud crash
W=W U W=W U W=W U W=W U W=W U (karkedr) a. severe, bitter (cold/hot
weather etc.; crisp; strong(tea)
W|=mY W|=mY W|=mY W|=mY W|=mY (karIl) m. the part of bridle which
remains in the mouth of horse, bit (of a bridle)
W|= Wl W|= Wl W|= Wl W|= Wl W|= Wl (karIkk) f. trap, snare; grip
~ |=U =H (~ vIch phasn) id. to be in hot
water, to be in trouble; to be entrapped
W=l W=l W=l W=l W=l (ka) f. rafter, beam; link (of a chain);
connecting tie, link
~ =T H= (~ varg Javn) m. on the peak
of youth; handsome and strong youngman
W/WU W/WU W/WU W/WU W/WU (k/ko) m. adv. crow, jackdaw; fleshy
part of soft palate, uvula; clever, wise, prudent
~ UU (~ udun) id. to cool one's heels,
to wait for (one's lover or beloved)
~ mH |WY (~ akkh nIkaln a) id. to have
scorching heat, to be very hot (season)
~ W (~k ) m. the voice of crow, caw, crowing;
noise, din, unpleasant noise
- V ~ (- d hod ar ~) m. raven; hoarse voiced
- W= Yl (- kv rol) f. clamour, din
~ Yl Ul (~ ro l pun ) id. to make loud
noise; to caw, to crow
WU J WU J WU J WU J WU J (kutar) m. counter
W|Fm W|Fm W|Fm W|Fm W|Fm (ke) f. body, physique
~WY(~ kalap) m. rejuvenation ,transmutation
~ YJ H (~pal Jan) id. to turn over a
new leaf
! !! !!
(ked) m. rule, regulations; custom,
tradition; method, mode
- W|FU Ul TY(-kede d gall) f. matter of
z zz zz
/W U /W U /W U /W U /W U (ked/ked) m. elementary text
book (of children)
W|FS W|FS W|FS W|FS W|FS (kena t) f. creation, universe, world,
W|Fu/W u W|Fu/W u W|Fu/W u W|Fu/W u W|Fu/W u (kem/kem) a. firm, settled, fixed,
stable; established
~ u Wu (~ mukm) a. officiating, acting;
substitute; temporary, adhoc
~ |J (~ re hn ) id. to keep up, to remain
W|F W|F W|F W|F W|F (ker) a. cowardly, lily-livered, caitiff, craven
W|FS W|FS W|FS W|FS W|FS (kert) f. cowardliness, caitiff, craven,
timidity, cowardice
~ |UHU (~ dIkhun ) id. to show the white
W|FY W|FY W|FY W|FY W|FY (kel) a. impressed, convinced, subdued
WFl WFl WFl WFl WFl (k) f. (pl.) algae
- HuUl ~ (- samu dar ~) a. sea weed
WH WH WH WH WH (ksh) intj. would that! if! may it happen!
sodium carbonate
WHS WHS WHS WHS WHS (ksht) f. cultivation, farming, agriculture
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to cultivate, to grow
W HSW W HSW W HSW W HSW W HSW (kshtkr) m. cultivator, farmer,
agriculturist, peasant
WHSWl WHSWl WHSWl WHSWl WHSWl (kshtkr) f. farming, agriculture,
WHU WHU WHU WHU WHU (kshad) m. messenger, harbinger, courier
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kshn) f. & a. violet (colour)
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (ksb) m. weaver
WH WH WH WH WH (ks) m. beggar's bowl, begging bowl
WHT WHT WHT WHT WHT (ksgar) m. potter
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (k s) f. bell-metal, bronze
WHl=Y WHl=Y WHl=Y WHl=Y WHl=Y (kshphal) m. squash gourd
WJU WJU WJU WJU WJU (khda) adv. of what ?
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (khnu ) adv. why? what for?
W JY/W JYl W JY/W JYl W JY/W JYl W JY/W JYl W JY/W JYl (khl/khl ) f. haste, hurry,
WJY WJY WJY WJY WJY (khl) a. hasty, rash, quick, impatient,
WJYl (khl )adv. hastily, hurriedly, quickly,
~ mT JF (~ agge t oe) prov. haste makes
waste, hurry spoils curry
WJ= WJ= WJ= WJ= WJ= (khv) m. black tea, tea without milk
WJ= WJ= WJ= WJ= WJ= (khr ) m.a concentrated liquid of medicinal
roots and herbs (obtained by boiling) , decoction
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (kh) f. a kind of coarse grass, Saccharum
WW= WW= WW= WW= WW= (kkar) m. measles; hail, hail stone
W W W W W W W W W W (k k) m. unpleasant noise
WW WW WW WW WW (kk) m. child, kid, boy; son, male child;
WWl WWl WWl WWl WWl (kk) f. baby, little girl; daughter, female child
WT WT WT WT WT (kag) f. billow, wave; flood, spate
WTH WTH WTH WTH WTH (kgaz) m. paper; documents; certificates
~ WY W (~ kle karn) adv. to scribble,
to write
~ Ul =l (~ d ber) f. house of cards
~ S (~ pattar) m. papers, documents, record
~ |YH (~ lIkhn ) id. to enter into an
~ |YH= Y (~ lIkhv len) id. to take a bond
~ =T (~ varg) ad. thin as paper, paper-
- W U ~ (kacch ~) m. unstamped paper
having no legal validity
- W ~ (kor ~) m. blank paper, unwritten
- W ~ (-pakk ~) m. documents having legal
WT Hl WT Hl WT Hl WT Hl WT Hl (kgz) a. & m. pertaining to paper; thin
shelled (almonds etc.); weak, feeble; a plaster
for a wound; written (proof, action); made of
~ H (~ sher) m. paper tiger
~ W=Fl (~ krv) f. action in writing, legal
proceedings, action on paper
~ = Y (~ phull) m. artificial flower, paper
WT=l WT=l WT=l WT=l WT=l (ka ga) f. a small earthen fire pot, warming
~ |JY= (~ pe hlvn) m. weak, thin and lean
WT= WT= WT= WT= WT= (kagar) a. lean and thin, bony, weak,
W T= /W T= W T= /W T= W T= /W T= W T= /W T= W T= /W T= (k gae/kgae) f. a game of
children in which they draw lines with charcoal
W|Tml W|Tml W|Tml W|Tml W|Tml (kgIr) f. a disease of crops, smut
W U W U W U W U W U (k ch) f. disorder of the rectum, anal
membrane, a disease, Prolapsusani or
Prolapsus recti
1 11 11
(kJ) m. business, work; affair; wedding,
marriage; use, utility
2 22 22
(kJ) m. button hole
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kz) expert in Islamic law: used esp.
as a term of respectful address among Muslims
-WHl WJY (-kz kol) f. a game of children
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (kaJ ) f. a fermented sour drink made of
black carrots, salt, chilly and grinded mustard
WHl JU H WHl JU H WHl JU H WHl JU H WHl JU H (kJ hs) m. a place where stray cattle
are kept
W H W H W H W H W H (kJ) m. cashew-nut, Anacardium
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ(k) f. cut, cutting; deduction, reduction;
enmity, hostility; antidote, remedy
~U J(~chh ) f. pruning, trimming;
amendment, vetting
W J= W J= W J= W J= W J= (kv ) a. sarcastic, pungent, acrid,
trenchant, pinching (remark); counter
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (k) m. cross mark, cross
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (k) m. fork; fishing hook; an ornament of
ears; clever man, shrewd person; lever for
joining or disjoining rail tracks
- - - - - WJ Ulm (ke chhur) f. cutlery
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (ko) f. squirrel
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kh) f. wood, timber; a wooden clamp to
punish the prisoners, stock
~ WJl (~ kahor) f. crutches
~ U U Y (~ d ull) m. an errant fool,
woodenhead, blockhead, stupid, big fool, wood-
~ Ul Jl (~ d h) f. deception which can
be practised only once, deception by which a
man can be tricked only once
~ Ul Jl u= u= Jl U=Ul (~ d h mu
mu nah chahd) prov. it is the silly fish
that is caught twice with the same bait, a
cheating player never thrives
~ u (~ mrna) id. to make someone cool
one's heels, to make someone wait for nothing;
to be petrified
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kh) a. hard, stiff; strong, solid; tough;
raw, unripe, (fruit)
~ T (~ ga na) m. a variety of sugarcane
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (kh) f. seat (of two wheelers); saddle;
shape, body structure, physique, body; frame
~ U (~ pu) id. to saddle a horse; to
bring under control, to make someone under
one's thumb
W W W W W (k) f. a kind of fish, cod
W W W W W (k ) m. chapter; accident, incident, happening
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl
! !! !!
(k) f. yolk of a plough
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl
z zz zz
(k) f. mason's trowel
WV WV WV WV WV (kh) f. invention, contrivance, research,
~ WVl (~ kaha) id. to invent
(kh) m. wild plants that grow among
main crops, weed
(kh) a. one who brings out sunk articles
(kh) m. a large black ant, Negroant
WV /WV WV /WV WV /WV WV /WV WV /WV(kh/kh) a. inventor, contriver,
W W W W W(k) unsymmetrical / protruding edge of
cloth, cot etc.; imperfection, defect,
shortcoming, blemish

(k) a. one eyed; partly eaten by insects
(fruit or vegetable)
~ W (~ karn) id. to give hush money, to
grease the palm
m|m |=U ~ H (ne vIch~ rJ) ph. a
figure among cyphers
- Wl W l (- k ko ) f. a base coin,
worthless thing, something of too small value
~ = (~ v) f. unequal distribution, unfair
dispensation; discrimination
Y ~ Wl J ( palle ~ ko n ho)
id. to be a pauper, to be penniless
WS WS WS WS WS (kt) f. shears, shearer, clippers
WS WS WS WS WS (ktab) m. calligrapher, calligraphist,
scribe, amanuensis
WS WS WS WS WS (ktar) f. cutting, slice, shred, strip (of
WSY WSY WSY WSY WSY (ktal) m. murderer, assassin, killer
WU WU WU WU WU(kdar)a.& m. Potent, All Powerful, the
Almighty; God, the Supreme being
WH WH WH WH WH (knas) f. cornice, mantelpiece
W W W W W (knh) m. handsome person, good looking
man; husband, spouse; Lord Krishna
W= W= W= W= W= (kna) m. name of an Indian musical
W W W W W (kn) m. a stalk of reed
W= Hl W= Hl W= Hl W= Hl W= Hl (knphs) f. whispering, whisper
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (kn) f. pen made from reed, reed pen; arrow
W l W l W l W l W l (knh) m. a person who carries bier on his
shoulders, bier-bearer
W T W T W T W T W T (kn go) m. a revenue official senior to
Patwari, revenue superintendent, land revenue
W W W W W (kn n) m. law, rule; statute; procedure,
way, method, manner, mode
~ UJ (~ chh ) id. to find faults, to argue
for nothing
~ H W Fl J Jl (~ n Jn ko
bahn nah ) ph. ignorance of law is no
W l W l W l W l W l (kn n) a. legal, lawful; one who knows
! !! !!
(k p) f. fear, awe; vacillation, trembling, ague
~ Hl (~ kha ) id. to bear a loss; to be afraid
of, to fear
z zz zz
(kp) f. thin bamboo straw used in making
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (kp) f. copy; note book
~ JY (~ holar) copy holder
~ FlJ (~ r) m. copy right
H ~ (pre ss ~ ) f. press copy
V ~ (raf ~ ) f. rough copy
WV WV WV WV WV (kfr) m. paynim, infidel; atheist; non-
WVY WVY WVY WVY WVY (kafl) m. caravan
! !! !!
(kf) a. enough, sufficient, adequate
z zz zz
(kf) f. coffee
~ JUH (~ hus) m. coffee house, cafe
a aa aa
(kf) f. name of an Indian musical mode
WVlm WVlm WVlm WVlm WVlm (kaf) m. rhyme in poetry, couplet
~ ST J (~ tg ho) id. to be put into a
tight corner, to be harassed
~ ST W (~ tg karn) id. to get on one's
nerves, to perplex, to harass
WV WV WV WV WV (kfr) m. camphor
WH WH WH WH WH (kbaz ) a. possessor, possessing; constipative
m. holder, occupant
WY WY WY WY WY (kbal) a. able, worthy, capable, deserving,
skilful, proficient, competent, efficient,
intelligent; experienced, seasoned
WY |FS(kble Itbr) a. reliable,
~ T (~ go r) a. worthy of attention
~ HuS (~ zamnat) a. bailable
~ |HW (~ zIkar) a. mentionable, noteworthy
~ UlU (~ dd) a. worth seeing
WY WY WY WY WY (kbl) m. bolt
WYl WYl WYl WYl WYl (kbl) a. of Kabul, pertaining to Kabul
~ UY (~ chhole) m. kabuli gram, white gram
WYlmS WYlmS WYlmS WYlmS WYlmS (kblat) f. ability, competency, capacity,
capability, worthiness, proficiency, efficiency;
qualification, learning
W W W W W (k mb) m. shivering, quivering, (with cold);
trembling (with fear); vibration
W W W W W (kb) m. control, hold
~ S J (~ to bhar) adv. out of control
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. under control
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (km) m. passion, lust, sexual desire, sexuality,
carnal appetite
~ HHS (~ shastar) m. sexology
~ T (~ rog) m. venereal disease
~ =W (~vardhak) a. apphrodisiac, erotic,
~ =H (~ vshn) f. carnal desire, sexual
WuU = WuU = WuU = WuU = WuU = (kmdev) m. God of love, Cupid
Wu/Wu Wu/Wu Wu/Wu Wu/Wu Wu/Wu (kmdhen/kmdhenu) f. celestial
cow who bestows anything asked for, wishing
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kman) a. common
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kmn) f. wish, desire, longing, aspiration,
Wul Wul Wul Wul Wul (kaman) f. charming woman, belle
WuU WuU WuU WuU WuU (kamyb) a. successful, victorious
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be successful, to
succeed, to have the ball at one's feet
WuUl WuUl WuUl WuUl WuUl (kmyb) f. success, victory; attainment,
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (kmre) m. comrade
WHSl WHSl WHSl WHSl WHSl (krstn) f. mischief, prank; cleverness,
craftiness; conspiracy, plot, intrigue
! !! !!
(krak) m. cork, stopper
z zz zz
(krak)m. & suff. case (gr.); a suffix
denoting the meaning of doer
~ |U (~ chnh) m. preposition
WW WW WW WW WW (krkun) m. manager, organiser; worker,
WH WH WH WH WH (krkhn) m. factory, mill, workshop
WH U WH U WH U WH U WH U (krkhnedr) m. industrialist, mill-
owner, factory-owner
WT WT WT WT WT (kargar) a. effective, effectual
WT Hl WT Hl WT Hl WT Hl WT Hl (krguzr) f. performance, work-done,
attainment, achievement
WH WH WH WH WH (kraJ) m. action, task, function, work;
business, occupation, profession; marriage
function; motive, aim
~ HYl (~ shel) f. style or method of work,
modus operandi
~ WY (~ kl) m. tenure
~HS (~ khetar) m. field of work; jurisdiction
~ Yl/|=l(~pran l/vI II IIdh) f. methodology,
modus operandi, method of working
WHHW (kraJsdhak) a. acting,
WHHlY (kraJshl) a. active, on the job,
WHWl (kraJkr) a. officiating, acting
WHYW (kraJplk) f. executive
WH=JW (kraJvhak) a. officiating,
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (krn) m. cartoon
~ U =Y (~ bau vl) m. cartoonist
W W W W W (kr) m. card
~ (~ bor) m. card-board
WS H WS H WS H WS H WS H (krts) m. cartridge
WU WU WU WU WU (krdr) m. agent, official
W W W W W (kran) m.& adv. reason, cause; purpose;
root; due to, owing to, because of
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. casual
~ =UW/=Ul (~vchak/vch) a. causative (gr.)
W W W W W (krnar) m. corner
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (krnm) m. historic achievement, an
act of valour, appreciable work
W|H W|H W|H W|H W|H (krnIs) m. cornice
W H W H W H W H W H (krporeshan) f. corporation
W W W W W (krban) m. carbon
~ Wl (~ kp) f. carbon copy
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (krbn) f. carbine
Wu HS/Wu H|Sm Wu HS/Wu H|Sm Wu HS/Wu H|Sm Wu HS/Wu H|Sm Wu HS/Wu H|Sm(krmukhtr/krmukh-
-tIr) m. attorney, legal representative
W= W= W= W= W= (krv) m. caravan
W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl (krv) f. action; proceeding
W | =J W | =J W | =J W | =J W | =J (krvIhr) m. work, occupation,
profession, business
W W W W W (kr) m. bad deed, evil act
- - - - - W J /W|m J (krehatth/kre
hatth) m. mischief-maker, evil-doer
W| U W| U W| U W| U W| U (krd) m. worker; agent
W l W l W l W l W l (kr) a. & suff. mortal, fatal; a suffix
denoting the meaning of effective
WlT WlT WlT WlT WlT (krgar) a. & m. skilful, expert, proficient,
artisan; clever, crafty; mason
WlTl WlTl WlTl WlTl WlTl (krgar) f. mastery, skill, proficiency
W W W W W (krobr) m. business, trade; occupation,
W l W l W l W l W l (krobr) a. businesslike; businessman
! !! !!
(kl) m. time; age, era, period; tense (gr.)
~ UW (~ chakkar) m. the wheel of time;
destiny, fate
- m|W ~ (dhunIk ~) m. present period,
modern period
-Ul~/S~(prachn~/purtan~) m.
ancient period
- -- --F|=H ~ (bhavIkkh ~) m. future tense ;
period to come
- - - - - FS ~ (bhu t ~ ) m. past tense
-u~ (maddh ~) m. middle age
- - - - - =Su~ (vartmn ~ ) m. present tense
z z z z z
(kal) m. famine, dearth
~ l=S (~pIat) a. famine- stricken
a aa aa
(kal) m. scarcity, shortage
4 44 44
(kal) m. death, end of life
~ WJl (~kohr) f. dark-cell
~ =H J (~ vas ho) id. to breathe one's
s ss ss
(kal) f. telephone call
WYH/WYH WYH/WYH WYH/WYH WYH/WYH WYH/WYH (klas/klakh) f. blackness, soot;
blot, slur, stigma
WYH WYH WYH WYH WYH (klaJ) m. college
- - - - - WYHlFJ (- klJe) m. & a. collegiate
WYH WYH WYH WYH WYH (klJa ) m. liver; heart
- -- -- WYH JV (-klJe hh pe) id. to
get solace/peace, to feel relieved
WY|W WY|W WY|W WY|W WY|W (klpnIk) a. imaginary, unreal ,fanciful,
fantastic, notional
WY Y WY Y WY Y WY Y WY Y (klbel) f. callbell
WYu WYu WYu WYu WYu (klam) m. column
WY WY WY WY WY (klar) m. collar
WY WY WY WY WY (kl) a. black, dark; dark complexioned
~ |FYu (~ Ilam) m. black-art, necromancy,
witchcraft, sorcery
~ HJ/|HmJ (~ shh/sIh) a. jet-black
~ WYJ (~ kal) a. dark skinned
~ Hl (~ Jr) m. caraway seeds
~ (~ dhan) m. black money, income
derived from tax-evasion, ill-gotten-wealth
~ S (~ dht) a. dark-skinned (person)
~ l (~ p) m. Andamaan-Nikobar;
transportation of a prisoner to Andamaan-
Nikobar for life confinement (as a punishment
under the British Rule)
WYl H = ( kl khgh) f. whooping/ hooping
cough, chincough, Pertussis
~ =J (~ gha) f. nimbostratus, dark clouds
~ Yl (~ bol) a. pitch dark (night); severe
(dust storm)
~ F (~ bhe) f. & m. black-sheep
~ |uJl (~ mI) f. chernozem
~ |uU (~ mIrch) f. black pepper, dried berry
of piper nigrum
~ uHYl (~ msl) f. medicinal root of Anilema
WYl WYl WYl WYl WYl ( kln) f. carpet
WY l WY l WY l WY l WY l ( klon) f. colony
W | = W | = W | = W | = W | = (kv) m. poetry, poesy, verse, poetic
composition or work
~ HT|J (~ sgreh) m. collection of poems,
book of poetry
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. poetics
W|=W W|=W W|=W W|=W W|=W (kavak) a. poetic, poetical
~ |m|F (~ nI II IIe) m. poetic justice
W= W= W= W= W= (kahn) v.t. to boil on a low heat for a
W= l W= l W= l W= l W= l (khn) f. an earthen vessel used for
boiling milk on a low heat for a long time
W= W= W= W= W= (kh) m. drugs and herbs decocted in
water, decoction
|W |W |W |W |W (ke) conj. that
|WU |WU |WU |WU |WU (keo) adv. why, wherefore, for what reason
|WU |W/|WU H |WU |W/|WU H |WU |W/|WU H |WU |W/|WU H |WU |W/|WU H(keoke/keo Jo) conj. because, as,
for, since
|WU J |WU J |WU J |WU J |WU J (kIoa) v.t. to complete, to finish
|WU = |WU = |WU = |WU = |WU = (kIo) m. name of a plant, scent is prepared
from its flower, Pandanus Odoratissimus;
scented liquor of this plant used in eatables
|WmH |WmH |WmH |WmH |WmH (kIs) m. estimate, surmise, conjecture,
guess; supposition, speculation, assumption,
~ mFl (~ r) f. guess work
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to bear in mind, to
suppose, to speculate, to assume, to imagine;
to estimate, to surmise, to guess
| Wm Hl | Wm Hl | Wm Hl | Wm Hl | Wm Hl (kIs) a. supposed, speculative,
conjectural, presumptive
|Wmu |Wmu |Wmu |Wmu |Wmu (kIm) m. stay, sojourn, temporary residence
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to stay, to sojourn
|WmuS |WmuS |WmuS |WmuS |WmuS (kImat) f. doomsday, doom, day of
~ V|Jl/V|J l (~ dhe h/dhe h pe ) v.t. to
suffer a calamity, to have a catastrophe
~ U |U (~ d dIn) m. doomsday, day of
~ Ul ==l (~ d gha) f. a moment of great
|Wm |Wm |Wm |Wm |Wm (kIr) m. a big piece of agricultural land
|Wm |Wm |Wm |Wm |Wm (kIr) m. a sub-division of a field made
with raised boundary lines for making watering
easy (the crop)
|Wml |Wml |Wml |Wml |Wml (kIr) f. bed (of flowers/ vegetables etc.)
|WH |WH |WH |WH |WH (kIs) pron. who; which
~ JU SW (~ hadd tak) adv. to what extent
~ WU (~ kadar) adv. how much; to what
~ WW (~ karke) adv. why, for what reason,
on which account
~ W (~ kra) adv. for what reason, on
which account, why
~ S (~ tarh) adv. how, in what way
~ S (~ to) adv. from whom
~ U/Ul (~ d/d) pron. whose
~ (~ n ) pron. whom, to whom
~ (~ ne) pron. who
~ YFl (~ la) adv. for whom; why, for what
reason, what for
! !! !!
(kIst/kIsht) f. instalment; episode
|WHS S (kIshta te) adv. on instalments
z zz zz
(kIsht) f. check (chess)
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to check (in chess)
|WHSl |WHSl |WHSl |WHSl |WHSl (kIsht) f. boat
U |WHSlm U H= mWH U J (- do kIsht
d savr aksar ubd he) prov. between two
stools one falls to the ground
|WHu |WHu |WHu |WHu |WHu (kIsam) f. type, variety, sort
~ |WHu U (~ kIsam d) a. of different types,
diverse, various
|WHuS |WHuS |WHuS |WHuS |WHuS (kIsmat) f. fate, luck, fortune, destiny, lot
~ mHuUl (~ aJmu) id. to try one's luck
~ U T= /= (~ d ge/pher) m. a turn of
fortune, irony (of fate)
~ U UW (~ d chakkar) m. irony of fate
~ U l (~ d dhan) a. lucky, fortunate
~ U l J (~ d dhan ho) id. to be
under a lucky star
~ U Yl (~ d bal) a. fortunate, lucky;
unfortunate, unlucky (ironically used)
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) f. matter of fortune
~ =Y (~ vl) a. lucky, fortunate
|WH|uH |WH|uH |WH|uH |WH|uH |WH|uH (kIshmIsh) f. raisin, currant
|W H |W H |W H |W H |W H (kIss) m. romantic tale or legend in verse,
ballad; story, tale; legend, folk-tale

~ W (~ kr) m. writer of romantic tale or
legend in verse
~ Wl (~ kr) f. the art and the work of
writing romantic tale or legend in verse
~ W|= (~ kv) m. poetic legends
|WH |WH |WH |WH |WH (kIsn) m. peasant, farmer, agriculturist, tiller
|WH |WH |WH |WH |WH (kIse) pron. any, anyone, someone, somebody
~ U S u (~ utte marn) id. to be soppy on
~ JYS |=U Jl (~ hlat vIch nah ) ph. on
no account
~ Wu U J (~ km d n ho) id. to be
not worth one's salt, to be a worthless fellow
~ |WH (~ kIse n ) adv. only a few
~ TY Ul S J (~ gall d khabat hoa) id.
to have a bee in one's bonnet
~ TY JS SY U (~ gall n bahut tl
de) id. to carry something too far
~ TY S J|J (~ gall te n theharn)
id. to stick at nothing
~ |TSl |=U HuK (~ gInt vIch n
samaJh) id. to hold in no account
~ ==l (~ gha) adv. at any time
~ HT J (~ Jog n ho) id. to be not
worth one's salt
~ S (~ tarh) adv. anyhow, somehow, by
any means
~ U H U== (~ d pJ ughn) id. let
the cat out of the bag
~ tU T |=mWSl1 Ul lH W (~ (chge
vI II IIakt)d rs karn) id. to take-leaf out of
someone's book
~ U |FH|m S U (~de Ishre te
naccha) id. to dance to someone's tune
~ U m JJ J (~ de rob heh ho) id. to
be under the thumb of
|WH |WH |WH |WH |WH (kIshor) a. adolescent, juvenile
~ m=H (~ avasth) f. adolescence
|WJ= |WJ= |WJ= |WJ= |WJ= (keh) pron. who, which, which one
|WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ (keh) m. said, told
~ H|m (~ sue) m. unpleasant remarks,
unsavoury words
|W W |W W |W W |W W |W W (kIkk) f. kick
~ ul (~ mrn) v.t. to kick
|W W |W W |W W |W W |W W (kIkka) adv. how, in what way
|W W |W W |W W |W W |W W (kIkkar) m. Acacia tree, Babul tree
~ Ul TU (~ d g d) f. Arabic gum
|W WYl |W WYl |W WYl |W WYl |W WYl (kIkkal) f. a kind of folk dance in which
two girls cross-joined their hands and feet
|W T |W T |W T |W T |W T (kgra ) m. a decorative parapet along the
top of the building, frieze
|W Tl |W Tl |W Tl |W Tl |W Tl (kgr) f. border, edging (of cloth)
|WU|WU |WU|WU |WU|WU |WU|WU |WU|WU (kIchkIch) f. babble, useless talk
|WU |WU |WU |WU |WU (kIchan) m. kitchen
|WU/|WUW |WU/|WUW |WU/|WUW |WU/|WUW |WU/|WUW (kIchar/kIchrak) adv. how long
|W H |W H |W H |W H |W H (kJ) adv. in what way, how
|WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ (kI II II) f. kitbag, kit
|W |W |W |W |W (kI) adv. of what size, how (big, small,
large etc.)
|WW |WW |WW |WW |WW (kIk) m. atom; particle, speck, mote,
|W|u |W|u |W|u |W|u |W|u (kImI) m. light rain, drizzle
|W S |W S |W S |W S |W S (kItt) m. occupation, business, profession,
work, job
|WS |WS |WS |WS |WS (kItb) f. book; account-book; register
|WSl Wl= (kItb kr ) a. book worm
|W S |W S |W S |W S |W S (kt) conj. & m. objection, question; but
|WS |WS |WS |WS |WS (kIte) adv. at some place, some-where;
conj. whether, lest
|H ~ (JItthe ~) adv. at every place, every
where; wherever
|W |W |W |W |W (kItthe) adv. where? whither? at what
conj. indicative of no
~ W (~ ku) adv. roughly where, where about
|W |W |W |W |W (kIttho ) adv. from where? where-from?
whence? from what place?
|W U |W U |W U |W U |W U (kIdda) adv. when? on what day? on
which day?
|WU/|W U |WU/|W U |WU/|W U |WU/|W U |WU/|W U (kIda/ kIdda) adv. whereby? how?;
perchance, possibly
|W |W |W |W |W (kIddhar) adv. whither? on which side?
|W |W |W |W |W (kIdhre) adv. somewhere, at some place
~ |W (~ kIdhre) adv. at some places
~ |W (~ n kIdhre) adv. at some or the
|W=/|W=l |W=/|W=l |W=/|W=l |W=/|W=l |W=/|W=l (knv / kInv ) a.indicative of position
in relation to number
|W |W |W |W |W (knh) pron. (pl.) who
|W |W |W |W |W (kInr) m. bank, (canal, river); shore, coast
(sea); edge, brim; brink; verge; border, hem
|WWHl |WWHl |WWHl |WWHl |WWHl (kInrkash) f. the act of getting aside,
|Wl |Wl |Wl |Wl |Wl (kInr) f. silver or golden border, golden
or silvery hem; lace, fringe etc.
|W |W |W |W |W (kn) m. a variety of orange, kinnow
|W |W |W |W |W (kne) a. how many
|W m |W m |W m |W m |W m (kIre) f. verb
~ mWuW (~ akarmak) f. verb intransitive
~ HWuW (~ skarmak) f. verb transitive
~ HuHl (~ sms) f. compound verb
~ (~ pran) f. perfect verb
~ W (~ prerak) f. verb causative
~ |=HH (~ vIsheshan) m. adverb
|WH |WH |WH |WH |WH (kIras) f. thrift, economy, frugality, parsimony;
stinginess, niggardliness
|W HUlm |W HUlm |W HUlm |W HUlm |W HUlm (krIschan) m. Christian
|W H|uH/|W|HuH |W H|uH/|W|HuH |W H|uH/|W|HuH |W H|uH/|W|HuH |W H|uH/|W|HuH (krIsmIs/kIrIsmas) f. X- mas,
|W Hu/W|Hu |W Hu/W|Hu |W Hu/W|Hu |W Hu/W|Hu |W Hu/W|Hu (karIshm/karIshm) m. wonder,
|WHl |WHl |WHl |WHl |WHl (kIrs) a. thrifty, frugal, parsimonious
|WW |WW |WW |WW |WW (kIrk) f. particle of dust, grit; disliking,
abhorrence, aversion
|W|W |W|W |W|W |W|W |W|W (kIrkIr) a. gritty, sandy
(kIrch) f. a straight pointed sword, rapier;
(kIrch) f. crunching sound, crunch
~ |WU W (~ kIrch karn) v.i. to crunch,
to munch
|W/|W |W/|W |W/|W |W/|W |W/|W (kIra/kIran) f. ray, beam
|WS |WS |WS |WS |WS (kIrat) f. labour, toil; business, occupation,
~ WuFl (~ kam) f. honest earning, fair
~ Wl (~ karn) f. to toil, to labour, to work
|WS T |WS T |WS T |WS T |WS T (kIrtagg) a. grateful, obliged
|WS= |WS= |WS= |WS= |WS= (kIrtgha) a. ungrateful, thankless
|WS |WS |WS |WS |WS (kIrtrath) a. grateful, obliged, beholden
|WSl |WSl |WSl |WSl |WSl (kIrt) a. worker, labourer, toiler
~ =T (~ varg) m. working class, proletariat
|WU |WU |WU |WU |WU (kIrdr) m. character, conduct
|W |W |W |W |W (kIrn) v.i. to drop, to drip, to fall
|W |W |W |W |W (kIrp) f. kindness; benignity; graciousness,
favour, benevolence
~ WW (~ karke) adv. kindly, please
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to be kind; to favour, to
oblige, to do a good turn
~ |UHJl (~ drIsh) f. kind attention
~ | (~ nIdhn) a. kind, merciful,
|W |W |W |W |W (kIrpn) f. sword
|WY |WY |WY |WY |WY (kIrpl) a. kind, benign
|Wu |Wu |Wu |Wu |Wu (kIrm) m. worm; germ, insect, slug, maggot
~ HW (~ nshak) a. insecticide, germicide,
pesticide; antibiotic
|WuUl |WuUl |WuUl |WuUl |WuUl (kIrmch) m. crimson, scarlet (colour)
|WY |WY |WY |WY |WY (kIrl) m. chameleon
|WYl/W = |WYl |WYl/W = |WYl |WYl/W = |WYl |WYl/W = |WYl |WYl/W = |WYl (kIrl/koh kIrl) f. lizard, gecko
|W|Fm |W|Fm |W|Fm |W|Fm |W|Fm (kIre) m. rent; passage money, fare;
|W|Fm u |W|Fm u |W|Fm u |W|Fm u |W|Fm u (kIre nm) m. rent deed
|WF U |WF U |WF U |WF U |WF U (kIredr) m. tenant
-|WF U JJ (-kIrae da au)m. hackney
|W|m |W|m |W|m |W|m |W|m
(kIrI) f. verb; action, activity, motion
|W|m |W|m |W|m |W|m |W|m
(kIrI) f. funeral rites performed on 11th
or 13th day after the death
~ Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu(~ karm) m. last rites, obsequies
|W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y (kIll) m. nail, brad; pimple (on the face)
|WYWl |WYWl |WYWl |WYWl |WYWl (kIlkr) f. joyful shriek, joyous screech;
cry, squeal
|W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y (kIllha) v.i. to strain excretory muscles
while passing stools; to exert too much while
making an utterance
|W YS |W YS |W YS |W YS |W YS (kIllat) f. shortage, scarcity, dearth
(kIllh) m. stake, picket; peg
~ T (~ gaa) id. to make an
everlasting claim; to have a firm stand; to carry
out a work to the final
|W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y
(kIll) m. acre
|W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y (kIllo) m. kilo
|WY T u |WY T u |WY T u |WY T u |WY T u (kIlo gra m) m. kilogram
~ ulJ (~ mar) m. kilometre
~ YlJ (~ lar) m. kilolitre
|W== |W== |W== |W== |W== (kIv) m. door leaf; door
~ H Y H (~ khulh Je) id. to be
enlightened; for the door to open
|W= |W= |W= |W= |W= (kIve ) adv. in what way, how
~ |W= (~ n kIve ) adv. some how or the
other, by hook or crook
|W= |W= |W= |W= |W= (kI) f. enmity, rancour; ill-will, malice
~ Hl (~ rakkha) v.i. to bear a grudge
|W=-|W= |W=-|W= |W=-|W= |W=-|W= |W=-|W= (kI-kI) f. grumbling
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (k) pron. what
~ J |Fm/~ T Y (~ hoe/~ gall) ph. what
happened? what is the matter?
~ S Wl J H (~ to k ho J) id. to undergo
a sea change (a person, situation etc.)
WlU WlU WlU WlU WlU (kchar) m. a small piece of glass, wood,
iron etc.; splinter
WlJ WlJ WlJ WlJ WlJ (k) m. insect, worm
~ HW (~ nshak) m. insecticide
WlJ WlJ WlJ WlJ WlJ (kI) m. germicide
WlSl W Sl/WlSl WFl WlSl W Sl/WlSl WFl WlSl W Sl/WlSl WFl WlSl W Sl/WlSl WFl WlSl W Sl/WlSl WFl (kt kattr / kt kar) f.
favour, obligation; labour, efforts, toil; deeds
WlSl WlSl WlSl WlSl WlSl U =Y F TS U =Y F TS U =Y F TS U =Y F TS U =Y F TS (d phal bhugt) id. lie in
the bed one has made, to reap what one has
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (kn) m. jealousy, heart-burning; malice,
~ H (~ rakkhna) v.i. to be rancorous
WlV WlV WlV WlV WlV (kf) f. funnel
WluH WluH WluH WluH WluH (kmkhb) m. variety of a cloth
WluS WluS WluS WluS WluS (kmat) m. cost, price, value, worth
WluSl WluSl WluSl WluSl WluSl (kmt) a. precious, valuable, costly, dear
Wlu Wlu Wlu Wlu Wlu (km) m. minced-meat, mince
~ Wlu W (~ km karn) id. to make mince
Wlulm Wlulm Wlulm Wlulm Wlulm (km) m. the substance that turns any
metal into gold, alchemy
WlulmT WlulmT WlulmT WlulmT WlulmT (kmgar) m. alchemist
WlulmTl WlulmTl WlulmTl WlulmTl WlulmTl(kmgar) f. alchemy
WlS WlS WlS WlS WlS (krtan) m. devotional singing in praise of
God, hymn singing
T ~ (nagar ~ ) m. religious procession
(esp. of Sikh religion)
WlSlm WlSlm WlSlm WlSlm WlSlm (krtan) m. one who performs kirtan,
one who sings in praise of God (the hymns)
WlSl WlSl WlSl WlSl WlSl (krt) f. fame, repute, renown; glory
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (krn) m. dirge, wail, bewailment
WlY WlY WlY WlY WlY (klan ) v.t. to make spell bound, to
enchant, to caste a spell, to captivate, to
Wl= Wl= Wl= Wl= Wl= (kr) m. worm; insect; maggot
~ ST (~ patag) m. insects, moths
Wl=l Wl=l Wl=l Wl=l Wl=l (kr) f. ant
~ Ul UY S (~ d chl turn) id. to move
at a snail's pace, to move very slowly
WWl ~ (kakk ~) f. brown ant
Wl= uW= tkr e makor e1 m. insects
W mJ W mJ W mJ W mJ W mJ (kutar) m. quarter
~ TU (~ grd) f. quarter guard
~ VFlY (~ fnal) a. quarter final
W m T UY W m T UY W m T UY W m T UY W m T UY (kur gdal) f. a medicinal plant, Aloe
W m W m W m W m W m (kur) a. & m. unmarried, bachelor
W m W m W m W m W m (kurpan) m. bachelorhood, virginity,
W ml W ml W ml W ml W ml (kur) a. & m. maiden, virgin, spinster,
unmarried girl or woman
W HW W HW W HW W HW W HW (kuskan) v.i. to hardly utter a word
W H T W H T W H T W H T W H T (kusg) m. bad company
W HT W HT W HT W HT W HT (kusagan) m. bad omen
W HJ T W HJ T W HJ T W HJ T W HJ T (kusht rog) m. leprosy
W HS W HS W HS W HS W HS (kusht) m. the powdery metallic oxide used
as tonic, calx
W HSl W HSl W HSl W HSl W HSl (kusht) f. wrestling, wrestling bout
W HY/W HYS W HY/W HYS W HY/W HYS W HY/W HYS W HY/W HYS (kushal/kushalat) m. welfare,
W H W H W H W H W H (kush) f. a kind of grass which is considered
sacred and is used in religious ceremonies by
W J W J W J W J W J (kuhn) m. hump (of camel)
W J= W J= W J= W J= W J= (kuhr) m. axe
W J=l W J=l W J=l W J=l W J=l (kuh) f. small axe
W W W W W W W W W W (kukkar) m. pressure cooker, cooker
W Wu W Wu W Wu W Wu W Wu (kukarm) m. evil deed, misdeed
W Wul W Wul W Wul W Wul W Wul (kukarm) a. evil doer
W W W W W W W W W W (kukkar) m. a disease of eyes, trachoma
W W= W W= W W= W W= W W= (kukkar) m. cock, rooster
W W=l W W=l W W=l W W=l W W=l
! !! !!
(kukkar ) f. hen
W W=l W W=l W W=l W W=l W W=l
z zz zz
(kukkar) f. cob (of maize); fruit of the
wild sandy plant 'Akk'; stiffness in the muscles
due to tiredness
W W= W W= W W= W W= W W= - -- --== /W W=-W == /W W=-W == /W W=-W == /W W=-W == /W W=-W (kukau - ghr u /kukkar -ku )
f. cock-crowing, cock a-doole-doo, crow
W H W H W H W H W H (kukkh) f. side of the belly; womb, uterus,
~ Jl Jl (~ har hon) id. to be on the
family way, to be pregnant, to bear a child
- W H W Vlm (kukkh kah) id. to
have one's fill
W T W T W T W T W T (kgar) m. kangaroo
W Tl W Tl W Tl W Tl W Tl (kg) f. a disease of wheat crop, wheat rust
W U W U W U W U W U (kucch) m. a weaver's brush
W U H W U H W U H W U H W U H (kuchaJJ) a. bungler, clumsy, sloven
W UY W UY W UY W UY W UY (kuchal) v.t. to crush, to trample
W UY W UY W UY W UY W UY (kuchl) m. seed of plant used in medicines,
W UlY W UlY W UlY W UlY W UlY (kuchl) a. filthy, dirty
W U= W U= W U= W U= W U= (kuchchhar) f. lap
~ W=l H|J V (~ kur shehar hd or)
id. to hunt for a thing while the same is already
lying nearby
~ J W U=l J (~ beth ke drh puttan)
id. to stab someone in the back
W U=Y W U=Y W U=Y W U=Y W U=Y (kuchchharl) a. infant, suckling
! !! !!
(kJ) f. skin shed by a snake, slough
z zz zz
(kJ) m. corner, nook
W H= W H= W H= W H= W H= (kJar) m. greengrocer
W H W H W H W H W H (kuJJ) m. small earthen pot
WH |=U HuU U W (kuJJe vIch smdar
bd karn) id. an ocean in a bucket, to express
much in a few words
W HS W HS W HS W HS W HS (kuzt) a. of a low caste
W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl (kJ) f. key; help-book
W K W K W K W K W K (kuJh) a. & pron. some; something, anything
~ W U (~ kar den) id. to put under the
influence of a charm
~ W |J (~ kar behn) id. to take a wrong
~ U WK J (~ d kuJh hon) id. to under go
a sea change, to appear or happen altogether
~ WK (~ n kuJh) ph. some thing or the
~ uSY W V HW (~ matlab n kaddh
sakn) id. to make neither head nor tail
~ =l Y (~ v palle n pen) id. to
look blank
W J W J W J W J W J (ku) f. beating, thrashing; bronze
~ WJ W WUu W U (~ ku ke kachumar
kar den ) id. to give a sound beating; to pound
to jelly; to beat to pulp
W J W J W J W J W J (k) f. direction, side
W J W J W J W J W J (kutt an) v.t. to beat, to thrash; to pound,
to crush
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to belabour, to thrash
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (kutn) f. procuress, bawd
W J W J W J W J W J (kub) m. family, household; clan
W JY W JY W JY W JY W JY (kual) a. crooked, fraudulent, treacherous;
complex, complicated
W JYS W JYS W JYS W JYS W JYS (kualt) f. crookedness, treachery
W JFl W JFl W JFl W JFl W JFl (ku) f. beating, thrashing; the act of or
the wages for pounding
W J W J W J W J W J (kup) m. beating, thrashing
~ U= (~ chrhn) id. to dust one's jacket,
to belabour
W Jlm W Jlm W Jlm W Jlm W Jlm (kut) f. hut, cottage
W J H W J H W J H W J H W J H (kueshan) f. quotation
W JYl W JYl W JYl W JYl W JYl (kuhl) f. crucible, cupel; criterion,
~ |=U |WY (~ vIcho nIkaln ) id. to
become pure; to under go a trial
W W W W W (kd ) m. a wide mouthed vessel used for dying;
a shallow pit for consecrated fire; pool, tank,
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kdal) m. coil, convolute; curl; ear-rings
W YU W YU W YU W YU W YU (kdaldr) a. curly; coiled
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kd l) f. horoscope; coil (of snake)
W Ylm W Ylm W Ylm W Ylm W Ylm (kd l) m. a kind of snake; a specific
meter of six lines
W /W l W /W l W /W l W /W l W /W l (kd/kd) m. hasp; a drag consisting
of hooks to fish up anything lost in water;
elephant's goad; loop (wool); hook or link
(chain); handle (of bucket etc.)
W Vl W Vl W Vl W Vl W Vl (kudha) f. a long piece of wood used for
stirring fire, poker
W V W V W V W V W V (kudhbb) a. disproportionate, disfigured,
clumsy, awkward
W V W V W V W V W V (kuddhar) a. unskilful woman
W Vl W Vl W Vl W Vl W Vl (kdh) a. horns turned in buffalo
W H W H W H W H W H (kunas) f. fault finding
- WH WVlm (kuns kaddhan) id. to
pick holes in, to find faults with
W W W W W W W W W W (kun k) m. small quantity; a kind of
thickened sweet paste prepared from flour,
sugar, ghee and water and is distributed among
the congregation in Sikh shrines
W H W H W H W H W H (kunakkh) a. squini-eyed, skew-eyed
W SW W SW W SW W SW W SW (kutk) m. pestle; stick, cudgel
W SW SU W SW SU W SW SU W SW SU W SW SU (kutkutun) v.i. to tickle, to titillate
W SW S=l W SW S=l W SW S=l W SW S=l W SW S=l (kutkutr ) f. tickling, titillation
W S W S W S W S W S (kuttpun) m. meanness, baseness; broil,
W S S W S S W S S W S S W S S (kutab tr) m. pole star
W S u W S u W S u W S u W S u (kutabnum) m. compass
W S W S W S W S W S (kutarn) v.i. to chop, to cut; to nibble, to
W S W S W S W S W S (kutr) m. chopped fodder; small pieces of
a thing
W S=l W S=l W S=l W S=l W S=l (kutr ) f. midge, gnat; an abuse
W S W S W S W S W S (kutt) m. dog; an abuse
~ Wu (~ km) m. tiresome work
- WS Hl ( kutte khn) f. ill-treatment,
misbehaviour, insult
~ U J (~ d hadd) m. mean person, ignoble
~ U WS =l (~ d kutt ver) prov. two of a
trade seldom agree
~ Ul U (~ d pu chh) f. incorrigible person
~ Ul U HU |=Tl Jl |JUl J (~ d pu chh sad
vg h re hd he ) prov. inherent habits
remain unchanged, habit is second nature
~ Ul uS (~ d mot) f. miserable death
~ Ul uS u (~ d mot marn) id. to die like
a dog, to have a miserable death; to do hard
~ ~ |=U Jl UU (~ nu ghI II IIo nah pachd)
prov. an upstart always grows haughty
W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl (kutt) f. bitch
W S H W S H W S H W S H W S H (kuttekhan) m. kennel
W /W = W /W = W /W = W /W = W /W = (kutha/kuthv) f. & adv. wrong
place, at the wrong spot
- W Fl WH W V (kuth nukas kaddhan e)
id. to bark up the wrong tree
~ =H J (~ phase hon) id. to be a fish out
of water
- -- --W= H= (kuthv Jor ) m. round peg in a
square hole
- W= u ( kuthve marn) id. to hit
below the belt
W U W U W U W U W U (kuddan) v.i. to jump, to leap
- WU W (- kudd ke pen) v.t. to jump, to
pounce upon; to snap at
- (- pen) v.i. to reap into, to join (a
movement etc.)
W US W US W US W US W US (kudrat) f. nature, universe, cosmos
W US W US W US W US W US (kudartan) adv. perchance, by chance,
coincidentally; by nature; naturally
W USl W USl W USl W USl W USl (kudart) a. & adv. natural; innate; by
chance, per chance, coincidentally
~ uS u (~ mot marn) id. to die in one's
W U W U W U W U W U (kd) m. butt, stock (of a gun); gore (of
ladies trousers)
W UY W UY W UY W UY W UY (kudl) f. pick, mattock
W U=l W U=l W U=l W U=l W U=l (kudr) m. hop, skip
W W W W W (kunb) m. family, household; clan
W l W l W l W l W l (kn) f. pipkin
W W W W W (kupp) m. stack (of chaff)
W S W S W S W S W S (kupatt) f. contention, wrangle, quarrel;
insult, ill treatment
W S W S W S W S W S (kupatt) a. quarrelsome, contentious;
W W W W W (kupp) m. pitcher shaped large vessel made
of leather; a big jar for containing oil etc.; fat
W l W l W l W l W l (kupp) f. small leather flask; a small container
used for oiling machinery; electric bulb
W V W V W V W V W V (kufar) m. atheism; paganism, infidelity;
heathenism, idolatry; lie
~ SY (~ tolan) v.i. to tell a lie, to spin a
W W W W W (kubb) m. hunch; curve, bend
W W W W W (kubb) m. & a. hump back, hunch back;
hunch backed, hunchy
W F W F W F W F W F (ku bh) m. pitcher; the eleventh sign of Zodiac,
Aquarius; a religious congregation of Hindus
held after twelve years at Haridwar, Prayag,
Nasik and Ujjain
W uW W uW W uW W uW W uW (kumak) f. reinforcement
W uYU W uYU W uYU W uYU W uYU (kumlun) v.i. to wither; to become
weak, to weaken
W u W u W u W u W u (kumr) m. boy-son, male child; unmarried,
bachelor; minor boy; prince
W uT W uT W uT W uT W uT (kumrg) m. wrong path
W u U W u U W u U W u U W u U(kumedan) m. commanding office,
W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl W Hl (kurs) f. chair; platform on which a building
is built; rank, status, post
~ u (~ nm) m. pedigree, genealogy,
mu ~ ( aram ~) f. easy chair
W W W W W W W W W W (kurk) a. confiscated, attached
W Wl W Wl W Wl W Wl W Wl (kurak) f. confiscation, attachment
W S W S W S W S W S (kurkht) a. rude, harsh
W Y-W Y W Y-W Y W Y-W Y W Y-W Y W Y-W Y (kurbal-kurbal) m. crawling state of
worms; over crowding, swarming
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to wriggle; to over
crowd, to throng, to swarm
W W W W W (kurbn) a. sacrificed
~ J/H (~ hon/J) v.t. to sacrifice
oneself, to give one's life for
W l W l W l W l W l (kurbn) f. sacrifice
~ U W (~ d bakar) m. scapegoat
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to make a sacrifice, to
sacrifice oneself
W Y/W Yl W Y/W Yl W Y/W Yl W Y/W Yl W Y/W Yl (kurl/kurl) m. & a. rinsing the
mouth by filling water (in the mouth) and
spitting it out
W YU W YU W YU W YU W YU (kurlun) v.i. to cry, to lament, to wail
W Y J/W Y JJ W Y J/W Y JJ W Y J/W Y JJ W Y J/W Y JJ W Y J/W Y JJ (kurlt /kurla hat ) m. loud
weeping, wailing, lamentation
~ U (~ pun) v.t. to cry bitterly, to wail
W J W J W J W J W J (kurh) m. bad conduct, wrong path
W Jlm W Jlm W Jlm W Jlm W Jlm(kurh) a. & m. aberrant, mislead
W J W J W J W J W J (kurhe) adv. on the wrong path, off the
right track
~ U (~ pun) v.t. to lead up the garden,
to mislead, to misguide
~ (~ pen) v.t. to go astray
W W W W W (kurn) m. Quran, Koran
~ Hl= (~ sharph) m. the holy Quran
W lS/W lSl W lS/W lSl W lS/W lSl W lS/W lSl W lS/W lSl (kurt/kurt) f. bad custom, evil
W W W W W (kurup) a. ugly
W U W U W U W U W U (kuredan) v.t. to go on putting searching
questions; to rake, to scrape
W Y/W Y W Y/W Y W Y/W Y W Y/W Y W Y/W Y (kureln/kuroln) v.t. to poke,
to stir the fire with a poker
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kureln) f. poker
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kul) f. family, lineage, pedigree, clan, tribe
~ H (~ nsh) m. genocide
~ JS (~ prohat) m. family priest
~ =S (~ vt) a. of noble birth or lineage
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kull) a. total, gross; entire, whole, all
~ Hu (~ Jamha) m. sum total
~ H= (~ Jor ) m. grand total
W Y|J W Y|J W Y|J W Y|J W Y|J (kulehn) a. contentious, quarrelsome
W YU W YU W YU W YU W YU (kulch) m. a kind of bun
W Y U W Y U W Y U W Y U W Y U (kulachchhn) a. ill-omened, ominous,
bodeful; ill-bred, ill-mannered, bad
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kulth) f. a kind of pulse, horse gram,
Dolichos biflorus
W YSl W YSl W YSl W YSl W YSl (kulpat) m. Chancellor (of an university)
- U ~ (up ~) m. vice-chancellor
W YV W YV W YV W YV W YV (kulf) m. a pot-herb, purslane, Portulaca
W YVl W YVl W YVl W YVl W YVl (kulf) f. ice cream rolled around a stick or
moulded into conical shape
W Y YU W Y YU W Y YU W Y YU W Y YU (kulbulun ) v.t. to wriggle; to writhe;
to squirm
W Y YJ W Y YJ W Y YJ W Y YJ W Y YJ (kulbult ) f. wriggling movement of small
worms; squirm; squirming
! !! !!
(kull) m. huckle, hunch; a kind of cap worn
under a turban
z zz zz
(kull) m. rinsing of mouth, gargle
W YJY W YJY W YJY W YJY W YJY (kulhal) m. noise, uproar, turmoil, clamour
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kul) m. coolie, porter
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kull) f. shanty, shack, hut, small quarter,
W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y (kuvall) a. perverse, difficult, stroppy
W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y (kuvel) m. odd-time; late-night, late hours
W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y (kuvele) adv. late, untimely
W =W W =W W =W W =W W =W (kur kan ) v.i. to cluck, to cackle, to
gaggle; to become dry
W =-W = W =-W = W =-W = W =-W = W =-W = (kur -kur ) m. cluck, cackle, gaggle;
meaning-less talk, nonsense talk; grumbling
W =W = W =W = W =W = W =W = W =W = (kurku) m. grain that remains hard after
being cooked or boiled
W = S W = S W = S W = S W = S (kurattan) f. bitterness
W =S W =S W =S W =S W =S (kurt) m. shirt
W =Sl W =Sl W =Sl W =Sl W =Sl (kur t) f. doublet; undershirt worn by men;
ladys long blouse
W = W = W = W = W = (kurhn) v.t. to fret, to repine; to grumble
W =u W =u W =u W =u W =u (kuram) m. father-in-law of one's son or
W =ul W =ul W =ul W =ul W =ul (kurman) f. mother-in-law of one's son
or daughter
W =uFl W =uFl W =uFl W =uFl W =uFl (kurm) f. engagement, betrothal
W =uUl W =uUl W =uUl W =uUl W =uUl (kuramchr) f. relationship of the in-
law's of one's son or daughter
W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y W = Y (kurall) f. convulsion, cramp
W == W == W == W == W == (kur a gh) f. bitter taste, bitterness, pungency
W |= Wl W |= Wl W |= Wl W |= Wl W |= Wl (kurIkk) f. snare, trap, noose, scrapes,
~ |=U mU/=H (~ vIch un/phassn)
id. to be in hot waters, to be in trouble, to get
into scrape
W =l W =l W =l W =l W =l (kur) f. girl, lass, maiden; daughter, female
W=lm |U=lm (kur chIr ) f. young girls
(usu. unmarried)
~ =T u (~ varg md) m. docile boy,
shy boy
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (kuhn) f. ancon, elbow
~ ul (~ mrn) id. to dissuade in a secret
W W W W W W W W W W (kuk) f. shout, scream, cry, shriek; whistle (of
railway engine)
~ ul (~ mrn) v.i. to utter loud cry; to
W W W W W W W W W W (kukan) v.t. to shout, to scream, to weep
aloud, to cry
W W W W W W W W W W (kukar) m. dog
W W W W W W W W W W (kuk) m. a sect of Sikhs founded by bhai
Ram Singh, Namdhari sect; Namdhari Sikh
W U W U W U W U W U (ku ch) m. march, marching; departure; death
~ W H (~ kar Jn) id. to breathe one's
last; to pass away, to expire, to die
v.i. to march off
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to make a start, to
march, to depart
W U W U W U W U W U (kuchan) v.t. to scrub
! !! !!
(ku ch) m. brush of straws used for cleaning
z zz zz
(ku ch) m. street, lane
W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul (kuch) f. reed-bark brush used for white-
washing; painting-brush
W H W H W H W H W H (k J) f. ash or grey coloured large water bird
resembling crane
W H W H W H W H W H (kJ) m. small cup shaped sugar candy
W JlST W JlST W JlST W JlST W JlST (kuntag) m. diplomat
W JlSl W JlSl W JlSl W JlSl W JlSl (kunt) f. diplomacy
! !! !!
(k d ) m. a large flat bottomed round earthen
pan in which curd is congealed; mortar
z zz zz
(k d) m. loss
W l W l W l W l W l (k d ) f. small mortar used for pounding things
~ HJ (~ sot) f. & m. mortar and pestle
W W W W W (kun) f. to speak, to utter, to say
W S W S W S W S W S (ku t) m. estimate, assessment
W S W S W S W S W S (kutn) v.t. to make an estimate, to assess
W W W W W (kupan) m. coupon
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (k bal) f. tender shoot
W W W W W (kur) m. young dog, pup
~ W (~ ku r) f. call for dog
~ W W (~ kur karn) v.t. to call a dog
W W W W W (kur) m. a worm of well water
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kular) m. cooler
W YQ W YQ W YQ W YQ W YQ (kulh) f. springlet, streamlet
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kul) a. soft, silky, velvety; tender, delicate
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kulpan) m. softness
W = W = W = W = W = (kur) m. lie, falsehood
~ U HY (~ d Jl) m. web of lies
-W=l JW (-kur ek) f. rope of sand
W = W = W = W = W =
! !! !!
(kur) a. false
W = W = W = W = W =
z zz zz
(ku r ) m. rubbish, garbage, sweepings, litter,
~ WWJ (~ karkat) m. sweepings, rubbish,
garbage, refuse, waste, trash
- W = U ( ku r edn) m. dustbin, garbage can,
rubbish bin
! !! !!
(kes) m. court case, law suit
z zz zz
(kes) m. hair
~ TU (~ gdan) v.t. to plait, to braid
~ H (~ rakkhn e) v.t. to wear one's hair
-WHl/WHl (-kesdhr/kes dha r) a. &
m. one who keeps untrimmed hair and beard
a aa aa
(kes) m. case
HJ~ (sut ~) m. suitcase, attache-case
l= ~ (barph ~) m. briefcase
W H W H W H W H W H (kesar) m. saffron, Crocus stivus
- W Hl/W Hlm (kesar/kesar) a. of saffron
colour, deep orange or yellow; saffroned
W H W H W H W H W H (kesu ) m. a plant and its flowers, Butea
frondosa safflower, Carthamus tinctoria
W W W W W W W W W W (kek) m. cake
W W= W W= W W= W W= W W= (kekar) m. crab
W SYl W SYl W SYl W SYl W SYl (ketl) f. kettle
W S W S W S W S W S (ketu ) m. comet; descending node (of moon);
mythological demon
W U W U W U W U W U (kedr) m. centre, core, mid-point; centroid,
nucleus; the Central Government; head quarter
~ uHl (~ mukh) a. centripetal
W U|S (ke drI II IIt) a. centred, focused,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to focalize, to focus
WUl (kedr) a. central
~ HW (~ sarkr) f. Central Govt.
- WUlW (kedrkarn) m. centralisation
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to centralise
W W W W W (ken) m. cane
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kebal) m. cable
W W W W W (kern) v.t. to scatter, to spread; to pour; to
drop; to let fall, to shed (tears)
W W W W W (ker) m. seeds sown by pouring
W /|FW W /|FW W /|FW W /|FW W /|FW (ker/Iker ) adv. once
~ = (~ pher) adv. once more
W l W l W l W l W l (ker) f. small fragments of coal; breeze
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kel) m. banana
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (kel) f. plantain, Plantago major
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kelo ) f. a mountainous tree and its wood, fir
W = W = W = W = W = (kevar) f. a yellowish wood used for making
W =Y W =Y W =Y W =Y W =Y (keval) a. only, mere, bare, sheer
adv. only, merely, barely, simply
W /W m W /W m W /W m W /W m W /W m (ke/kea) f. vomit, vomiting, spew, puke
~ mUl (~ un) v.i. to feel like vomiting
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to vomit, to spew, to
W H W H W H W H W H (kesh) m. cash
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to encash
~ uJ (~ peme t ) f. cash-payment
~ W (~ bukk) f. cash-book
~ ulu (~ mmo) m. cash memo
W H W H W H W H W H (kesar) m. cancer, carcinoma
W HY W HY W HY W HY W HY (kesal) m. cancel
W Hlm W Hlm W Hlm W Hlm W Hlm (keshar) m. cashier
W U W U W U W U W U (kech) f. catch
W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul (ke ch) f. scissors, shears, garden scissors;
a manoeuvre of wrestling; a mode of cycling
~ U Y (~ d pul) m. scissors shaped bridge
~ Ul S H UY (~ d tarh Jubn chaln)
id. to talk too much; to wag one's tongue; to
talk insolently/imprudently
~ =Tl H (~ varg Jubn) f. sharp tongue
W Ulm W Ulm W Ulm W Ulm W Ulm (ke ch ) f. crossing of three roads
W J W J W J W J W J (ket) m. cantonment, cantt
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (ketn) f. canteen
W J W J W J W J W J (keth) m. a neck ornament made of big
golden beads and worn by men
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (keth) f. a neck ornament worn by women
W J W J W J W J W J (kedat) m. cadet
W |YW W |YW W |YW W |YW W |YW (kethlIk) a. catholic
W U W U W U W U W U (ke d) f. imprisonment, confinement,
- WUH (kedkhan) m. prison, jail
W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul W Ul (ke d) m. prisoner, captive
W W W W W (kep) f. cap
W W W W W (kep) m. camp
W H W H W H W H W H (kepas) m. campus
W H Y W H Y W H Y W H Y W H Y (kepsul) m. capsule
W J W J W J W J W J (kepan) m. captain
W VlmS W VlmS W VlmS W VlmS W VlmS (kefat) f. explanation, detail; well-being
state , condition (of affairs)
~ SY W (~ talab karn) id. to call for an
W W W W W (keban) m. cabin
W |J W |J W |J W |J W |J (kebnI) f. cabinet
W uY W uY W uY W uY W uY (kembal) m. a big tree, its gum is used in
cloth printing, Dina wodier
W u W u W u W u W u (kemr) m. camera
W |uHJ W |uHJ W |uHJ W |uHJ W |uHJ (ke mIst ) m. chemist
W |uHJl W |uHJl W |uHJl W |uHJl W |uHJl (ke mIst r) f. chemistry
W J W J W J W J W J (kerat) m. carat
W W W W W (ke r) m. brown-eyed
W l m H W l m H W l m H W l m H W l m H (ke r akkh) f. angry look; malicious stare
~ mH Y =H (~ akkh nl vekhn) id. to
look black at somebody, to give someone a
black look, to look askance
W lm W lm W lm W lm W lm (kerar) m. carrier
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kel) f. a species of pine tree, wood of which
is used as timber etc., blue pine, Pinus excelsa
W YHlmu W YHlmu W YHlmu W YHlmu W YHlmu (kelsham) m. calcium
W = W = W = W = W = (ke ) a. hard, stiff; strong, firm; difficult,
arduous, tough
W m W m W m W m W m (ko) m. sheath of silkworm in chrysalis stage,
cocoon; the corner of the eye nearer to the
nose; the eye of sugar-cane
W |FY W |FY W |FY W |FY W |FY (koeal) f. Indian cuckoo, brain-fever-bird,
Cuculus indicus
W Fl W Fl W Fl W Fl W Fl (ko) pron. anybody, anyone; someone,
adv. about, approximately
a. any
~ WH U /~ WH Wl |J U
(~kasar n chhad d / ~ kasar n bk
reha de) id. to leave no stone unturned
~ WFl (~ ko) pron. someone
adv. a few
~ Jl/ (~ nah /n) a. none, no one
adv. worry not, nothing to worry
W H W H W H W H W H (kosh) m. dictionary, lexicon; treasure
~ W (~kr) m. lexicographer
~ Wl (~ kr) f. lexicography
W H W H W H W H W H (kosa) v.t. to curse, to imprecate, to invoke
evil upon; to blame, to accuse
W H W H W H W H W H (kos) a. lukewarm, tepid; feverish (body)
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to take the chill off
W |HH W |HH W |HH W |HH W |HH (koshIsh) f. effort, endeavour, attempt, try
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to make effort, to
endeavour, to make an attempt
! !! !!
(koh) m. a unit of distance about equal to two
(koh) m. mountain, hill
~ WV (~ kf) m. an imaginary mountain,
Caucasus mountains
~ S S (~ tr parbat) m. Mount Sinai
W J W J W J W J W J (koh) v.t. to slaughter, to kill mercilessly,
to butcher, to slay; to torture, to thrash severely
W J W J W J W J W J (kohar) m. frost, rime
W JY W JY W JY W JY W JY (kohl) m. oilpress
~ U U (~ d bald) m. a person engaged in
heavy monotonous work, drudge; a person who
always has to do something or the other
W J= W J= W J= W J= W J= (koh) m. leprosy
WJ=/WJ=l (-koh/koh) m. leper
a. worthless, good for nothing
W W W W W W W W W W (koka ber) m. fruit of zizyphus
W W= W W= W W= W W= W W= (kok) m. contraction of intestines due to
W W= W W= W W= W W= W W= (kok) m. grain which remains hard even
after boiling or cooking; misfit person, unsocial
~ uJ (~ moh) m. a person who does not mix
up with others, unsocial person
! !! !!
(kok) m. a small nail; nosepin
z zz zz
(kok) m. a tree of South Africa
W WW Y W WW Y W WW Y W WW Y W WW Y (kokkol) m. cocacola
W Wl W Wl W Wl W Wl W Wl (kokn) f. cocaine
! ! ! ! !
(koko) f. bugbear, bogey
-|HJl ~ SJ U (-Jeh ~ tehe bacche) prov.
like father like son
z zz zz
(koko) m. cocoa, seed of Theobroma cocao
W W J W W J W W J W W J W W J (kokona) m. coconut, coco
(koch) m. coach (trainer)
f. coach (carriage)
W U= W U= W U= W U= W U= (kochvn) m. coachman, coach driver
W |U T W |U T W |U T W |U T W |U T (kochg) f. coaching
W K W K W K W K W K (koJh) m. ugliness, unbecomingness,
ungainliness; deformity (of the body)
W K W K W K W K W K (koJh) a. ugly, unbecoming, ungainly
W K W K W K W K W K (koJhpa) m. deformity; ugliness,
! !! !!
(ko) m. fort, castle, fortress; palace; high
enclosing wall, rampart
z zz zz
(ko) m. coat (of polish, white wash etc.); coat
U= ~ (ovar ~ ) m. over-coat
Jl ~ (pe ~ ) m. petticoat (a garment
worn by ladies under sari)
~ (ren ~ ) m. rain-coat
WJl (-ko) f. cardigan
(ko) m. fort
W JY W JY W JY W JY W JY (koal) m. piece of long cloth twisted and
twined into a lash
~ UWl (~ chhapk) m. an Indian game
W J W J W J W J W J(ko) m. quota
W J=l W J=l W J=l W J=l W J=l (koh) f. a small room; cell (of prisoners)
W J W J W J W J W J (koh) m. a small house generally made of
mud; roof; upper storey; brothel, bawdy house,
house of ill-fame
WJ =Yl (kohevl) f. prostitute, harlot,
bawd, whore
W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl W Jl (koh) f. elegant and spacious house,
bungalow; small room type storage-bin;
foundation shaft of a well or bridge; cell (of
~ Tl (~ ga ln) v.t. to sink foundation
~ uW (~ mpak) m. protractor
~ Y T (~ lagg) v.t. to be sentenced to
death and confined to a solitary cell; to be
condemned to a solitary confinement
~ =Y = U =Y H = (~ vl rove,
chhappar vl sove) prov. uneasy lies the
head that wears the crown
|HJUl ~ U UJU WuY =l |Hm (JIhad ~
de uhade kamle v sIane)prov. the rich
are never considered fools
W W W W W (ko) m. corner, nook
~ W (~ ko) adv. nook and corner
W |W/W U W |W/W U W |W/W U W |W/W U W |W/W U (koIk/koedr) a. angular
W S H W S H W S H W S H W S H (kotar so) m. hundred and one
W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl (kotr) f. she-owl
W SY W SY W SY W SY W SY (kotal) m. a horse of superior variety; horse
duly saddled and kept in retinue for use of kings
and lords
~ == (~ gho) m. good for nothing fellow
a. idler, inert; sturdy, robust
WS=Y WS=Y WS=Y WS=Y WS=Y (kotvl) m. office incharge of police-station ,
W S=Yl W S=Yl W S=Yl W S=Yl W S=Yl (kotvl) f. police station
W SJl W SJl W SJl W SJl W SJl (koth) f. negligence, carelessness
W W W W W (kodhar) m. a coarse grain, millet
W |J= W |J= W |J= W |J= W |J= (kopretIv) a & m. co-operative
~ HH|FJl (~ susaI) f. co-operative society
~ HJ (~ sear) m. co-operative centre
~ W (~ bek) m. co-operative bank
W VS W VS W VS W VS W VS (kofat) f. botheration, trouble
W VS W VS W VS W VS W VS(koft) m. small fried ball of minced meat or
vegetables, croquette
W uY W uY W uY W uY W uY (komal) a. soft, silky; tender, delicate; fine
subtle, fragile
~ F= (~ bhv) m. (pl.) soft or delicate feelings
W uYS W uYS W uYS W uYS W uYS (komalt) f. softness, delicacy, tenderness;
subtlety, fineness
W W W W W (kor) f. edge, border, hem; a little raised skin
on the corner of the nail; corner of the eye
W H W H W H W H W H (kors) m. course
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to take up a course, to
under go a course
W J W J W J W J W J (kor) m. court
~ uHY (~ marshal) court martial
Hlu ~ (suprm ~ ) m. Supreme court
W u W u W u W u W u (koram) m. quorum
W u W W u W W u W W u W W u W (koram kor) a. absolutely blank (person
or thing)
W = W = W = W = W = (kora) m. whip, lash, scourge
W= u (korare mrn) v.t. to flog, to
whip, to lash
W = W = W = W = W = (kora) m. hard grain
~ uJ (~ moh) m. a person who does not mix
up with others, a misfit person, unsocial person
! !! !!
(kor) m. unwashed, calico, unbleached
(cloth); unused; untouched; blank (paper);
untutored, illiterate
~ H= (~ Javb) m. flat refusal, point blank
reply, curt reply, blunt reply
z z z z z
(kor) m. frost
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kol ) adv. near, close, side by side, next to
each other, close by; in the neighbour hood; in
possession of, with
~ Jl (~ h) adv. very near
~ U (~ d) a. adjacent, adjoining, nearby
-WY (-kolo ) adv. from one's own pocket; near
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kolan) m. colon
Hul ~ (se m ~ ) m. semi colon
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (kol) m. charcoal, coal
W|Ym Ul UYYl |=U uJ WY (kole d dall
vIch m h kl) prov. evil communications
corrupt, meddlesome earn bad name, who can
touch pitch and be not defiled
-U Fm ( de bh) adv.dirt cheap, very cheap
W = |WY W = |WY W = |WY W = |WY W = |WY (koh kIrl) m. chameleon
W =u W =u W =u W =u W =u (kom) m. family, kinsfolk
W = W = W = W = W = (ko) m. whip, lash, scourge
W HY W HY W HY W HY W HY (kosal) f. council
W W W W W (ko) m. big cowrie
W |mY W |mY W |mY W |mY W |mY (ko Il) m. a spotted snake
W l W l W l W l W l (ko) f. cowrie
~ U J (~ d n ho) id. to be a
good for nothing fellow, to be a worthless
W lU HJ W H Y H (koo shh kakkho
lakkh) prov. from poverty to power
Wlm U Fm (ko de bha) adv. dirt
cheap, at throw away price
Wl Wl (ko ko) f. each single penny;
a word used while playing kabaddi
W W W W W (ko ) pron. who
W SW W SW W SW W SW W SW (ko tak) m. miracle, wonder
W SWl W SWl W SWl W SWl W SWl (kotak) a. miraculous
W u W u W u W u W u (kom) f. nation; community
WuHS (-komprast) m. nationalist
WuSl (-komtr) a. international
W ul W ul W ul W ul W ul (kom) a. national
~ TlS (~ gt) m. national anthem
~ K (~ Jh) m. national flag
WulmS (ko mat) f. nationality
WulW (-komkarn) m. nationalisation
! !! !!
(kor) f. a word generally used after the name
of a Sikh girl or woman
z zz zz
(kor) m. younger prince
! !! !!
(ko l) m. lotus
~ (~ o) m. nut or seed of lotus
z zz zz
(ko l) m. bowl, cup
a aa aa
(ko l) m. promise, vow, pledge, solemn
~ J (~ hrn) id. to fail to keep up
~ W (~ karr) m. promise, vow
~ U HU (~ d sacch) a. true to one's promise
~ |FU (~ nIbhu) id. to fulfil one's
! !! !!
(kol) m. bowl
z zz zz
(kol) m. pillar, support
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (ko l) f. small bowl
W = W = W = W = W = (ko ) f.&a. bitterness, acridity; anger,
embitterment; hot headed, wrathful
~ Sl/Su (~ t b/t ma) m. colocynth
W = W = W = W = W = (ko) a. bitter, acrid; furious
~ HFm (~ subha) m. harsh-temper
~ WHY (~ kasel) a. bitter and astringent;
harsh (talk)
~ =J F (~ ghu bharn) id. to swallow a
bitter pill; to bear with patiently
~ SY (~ tel) m. mustard oil
W = (~ ko pa) m. bitter taste, bitterness
W =l = Y W =l = Y W =l = Y W =l = Y W =l = Y (ko vel) f. bitter creeper
~ =Y =T = (~ vel vg vadh) id. to
grow very fast
H/ H/ H/ H/ H/ (khakkh/khakkh) m. seventh letter of
Gurmukhi alphabet, a consonant and guttural,
it represents voiceless aspirated velar plosive
HU HU HU HU HU (khau) m. terror, fear, danger; destruction,
decay, decline
- H/J U ~ (- Jn/hadd d ~) a. idle
HU -HU /HJ HU -HU /HJ HU -HU /HJ HU -HU /HJ HU -HU /HJ - -- --HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ W W W W W (kha -kha /khah - khah
karn) v.t. to cough violently and incessantly,
to whoop, hoop
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (kha) m. tuberculosis, T.B., phthisis,
consumption, pulmonary tuberculosis
H H H H H (kh as) f. the root of cuscus grass (Cymbopogon
aromatics) used for making curtain screen of
doors and windows, called tatty for keeping
the place cool, now a days it is used in room-
HW HW HW HW HW (khask) m. projected extended part of the
lower wall when the width of the lower part is
more than that of the upper part
HHH/HH HHH/HH HHH/HH HHH/HH HHH/HH (k hask has/k hask hs) f. poppy
seed; a measure of weight which is eighth part
of rice
HS HS HS HS HS (k hast) a. dilapidated, ram shackle,
tumbledown (building etc.); crisp (biscuits etc.);
miserable (condition)
~ JY (~ hl) a. dilapidated, tumbledown;
miserable, pitiable
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (khasam) m. husband; lord, master
~ HFl (~ s ) m. owner, master
~ W (~ karn) id. to opt someone as
~ Hl/|Jl (~ kh/pI) f. an inoffensive
HJ Hu (-khh khsam n ) ph. go to
hell, hang thyself
! !! !!
(khasr) m. measles
z zz zz
(kh asr) m. record of land having the details
about the areas and ownership
~ TU=l (~ gardvar) the register or field-
book in which the quantity of produce of every
field is entered
~ (~ nbar) m. the serial/reference
number of land in patwari's survey-book
HYS HYS HYS HYS HYS (khaslat) m. nature
H H= H H= H H= H H= H H= (khassa) a. & m. small stalk of maize having
no cob; fruitless plant; good for nothing fellow
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (khass) a. castrated, emasculated; impotent
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to castrate, to
HH H HH H HH H HH H HH H (khassan) adv. especially, particularly, in
HH HlmS HH HlmS HH HlmS HH HlmS HH HlmS (khassat) f. special quality, characteristic
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (khe h) f. rubbing, friction; self invited trouble;
~ H|J W (~ kheh ke) adv. with rubbing/
pushing of body
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J (kheh) v.t. to rub (shoulders), to push
and jostle; to quarrel, to wrangle, to pick up
quarrel; to tease, to vex
H|J= H|J= H|J= H|J= H|J= (khe hban) v.t. to wrangle, to altercate,
to quarrel
H|J= H|J= H|J= H|J= H|J= (khe h) m. insistence, urging, persistence;
persistent entreaty
~ UU (~ chhudaun) id. to get oneself
free, to get rid off
-H|J= (-khehe pe) id. to insist, to
pursue, to entreat persistently
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (kho hr)a. rough, hard,coarse; rude, impolite
HJ -HJ HJ -HJ HJ -HJ HJ -HJ HJ -HJ (khah -khah ) f. coughing sound; cough
H H H H H H H H H H (khakkhar) m & f. hive, honey comb
~ U=/~ J U (~ chhen/~n hatth
pu) id. to bring hornet's nest about one's
~ u J/H (~ m h /khdh) a. with
smallpox marks (face of a person)
H H=l H H=l H H=l H H=l H H=l (khakkha) f. a kind of musk-melon
~ HH=l J (~ khakkha ho) id. to break
away, to sever; to be broken into pieces
! !! !!
(khagg) m. plant uprooted along with soil
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to transplant
z zz zz
(khagg) m. leaf of date-palm
HT Y HT Y HT Y HT Y HT Y (khagol) m. celestial sphere, celestial globe
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. astronomy
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. astronomer
H = H = H = H = H = (khgh) m. cough
~ HW (~ n sak) id. to dare not to utter
a word
HWl ~ ( sukk ~ ) f. dry cough
WYl~ ( kl ~ ) f. whooping cough
H = H = H = H = H = (khgh) v.i. to cough, to hack
H = H = H = H = H = (khghar) f. burnt brick; a variety of rock
a. too dry
H = H = H = H = H = (khghr) m. phlegm, sputum
H = H = H = H = H = (khghr) v.t. to expectorate; to hawk,
to clear the throat noisily
H =Y H =Y H =Y H =Y H =Y (khghl) m. rinse, rinsing
~ U (~ de) id. to put a person out of the
H =Y H =Y H =Y H =Y H =Y (khghl) v.t. to rinse, to swill
H = H = H = H = H = (khghr) m. sound made to alert, hawk;
expectoration, coughing
H U-H U H U-H U H U-H U H U-H U H U-H U (khacch-khacch) f. clamour, pother, noise;
useless talk, nonsense talk, gossip
HUS HUS HUS HUS HUS (khachat) a. engrossed, absorbed, busy,
H U H U H U H U H U (khacchar) f. mule
HU HU HU HU HU (khachr) a. wily, cunning, canny, sly, foxy,
HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU HU (khachkhach) a.&adv. packed to
capacity; overcrowded
H HHH H HHH H HHH H HHH H HHH (khJkhaJr) m. centipede
H H H H H H H H H H (khJar) m. dagger, dirk
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to stab
H HY H HY H HY H HY H HY (khaJJal) a. harassed, subjected to vain
efforts or inconvenience; ashamed
~ H m (~ khur) a. harassed, distressed;
degraded, persecuted
~ Hml (~ khur) f. harassment; botheration,
HHUl HHUl HHUl HHUl HHUl (khaznch) m. cashier, treasurer; bursar
HH HH HH HH HH (khazn) m. treasure, wealth stored up;
riches; treasury, exchequer
~ J YT(~ hatth lagg)id. to hit a jackpot
H H H H H (khzb) m. a hair-dye
HH HH HH HH HH (khaJr) f. date palm, Phoenix dactylifera;
the fruit of date-palm, date
(kha) pref. a prefix which means six
~ HHS/ UH (~ shstar/ darshan) m. the
six schools of Hindu philosophy; the six
philosophical books
~ H (~ ras) m. six tastes e.g., sweet, saline,
sour, astringent, pungent and bitter
z z z z z
(kha) f. a musical mode
H J H J H J H J H J (kha) f. dowry, specially spread (on beds/
cots) for display; cot, bedstead
HJW HJW HJW HJW HJW (khaka) v.i. to rankle; to be an eyesore,
to prick; to have apprehension, to apprehend
HJW HJW HJW HJW HJW (khak) m. fear of the unknown,
apprehension, peril, doubt; anxiety of some
mishappening, danger or trouble
HJ-HJ HJ-HJ HJ-HJ HJ-HJ HJ-HJ (kha-kha) f. sound of repeated knocking
or tapping, knock, rap; noise, clatter, rattling
khakhaa) v.t. to knock, to tap, to rap
H J H J H J H J H J (kha) v.t. to earn (money); to make
profit, to gain
H J H (kha J) id. to find one's
account in
HJJ/HJJl HJJ/HJJl HJJ/HJJl HJJ/HJJl HJJ/HJJl (khapa/khapa) f. discord,
dissension, rift, strained relations, contention,
HJuY HJuY HJuY HJuY HJuY(khamal) m. bed-bug, bug, Cimex-lectularius
HJ|u J HJ|u J HJ|u J HJ|u J HJ|u J (khamIth) a. sour and sweet, sweet
with tinge of sourness
H J H J H J H J H J (khaar) a. difficult to milk (cow, buffalo
! !! !!
(kha) a. yellow, pale
~ lY (~ pl) a. of yellowish orange
m. bright yellow colour
z z z z z
(kha) m. sour, tart, acid, citron, Citrous
medica; leaven, ferment
a. sour, tart
~ JlJ (~ ) a. too much sour/tart
Hl~ J (J ~ho) id. to be disappointed,
to turn one's mind from
HJl YHl ( kha lass) f. butter-milk
HJ U (khae p de) id. to put in
cold storage, to hold over, to postpone, to shelve
~ H (~ pe J) id. to be postponed,
to put off indefinitely, to hang fire
UU ~ W (dd ~ karn) id. to give a
crushing defeat
HJFl HJFl HJFl HJFl HJFl (kha) f. sourness, tartness, acidity
HJH HJH HJH HJH HJH (khas) f. sourness, tartness, acidity
H|JmFl H|JmFl H|JmFl H|JmFl H|JmFl (khaI ) f. anything sour or tart; tartness,
acidity, sourness
~ |=U U (~ vIch pu) id. to put in cold
storage, to suspend, to put off
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (kha) f. earnings, income, emoluments; gain,
~ WuFl (~ kam) f. earnings, gain;
~ H (~ kh) id. to live on someone's
HJlW HJlW HJlW HJlW HJlW (khak) m. tanner, low caste engaged in
H J H J H J H J H J (kha) a. & m. one who earns, bread-winner,
gainer, earner
HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y HJ Y (khaol) m. small cot; cradle, cot for babies
H H H H H (kha) f. abyss; deep gorge, ditch; burrow,
! ! ! ! !
(kha ) m. chapter; portion, part, section;
fragment, piece; region; segment (maths.);
volume (book)
~ H (~ kh) adv. in pieces, in fragments
~ H J (~ kh ho) v.i. to be broken to
pieces, to be fragmented
~ H W (~ kh karn) v.i. to break to
pieces, to fragment
z z z z z
(kh) f. sugar
~ Hl J (~ khr ho) id. to be hand in
glove with
~ =T (~ varg) a. sweet
UHl ~ (des ~ ) f. unrefined sugar
H H H H H (kh) v.t. to contradict, to disprove; to
refute, to repel, to rebut
H S H S H S H S H S(khat) a. broken, segmented; confuted,
refuted, contradicted
~ HHHlmS (~ shakhsat) f. split personality
H H H H H (khan) m. confutation, refutation;
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to confute, to refute; to
~ u (~ md an) m. refutation and upholding
H U T (-khanyog) a. confutable,
HSuW (khntmak) a. confutative
H H H H H (khar) m. remains of a building, structure
etc.; ruins
H S H S H S H S H S (khrt) m. ruins (of a building etc.)
H H H H H (kha) m. pit, cavity
H H H H H (kh) m. double-edged sword, broad sword
H Ul (-khe d dhr) f. arduous work,
difficult task
H l H l H l H l H l (khadd ) f. loom, handloom
H H H H H (kh) a. harelipped
H H H H H (kha) m. section of roof between beams or
girders, space between two beams of a roof
H|H/H|Hl H|H/H|Hl H|H/H|Hl H|H/H|Hl H|H/H|Hl (khaIJ/khaIJ) a. mineral
~ HY (~ Jal) m. mineral water
~ U (~ padrath) a. mineral
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. mineralogy
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. mineralogist
S S S S S (kh at) m. letter, epistle, postcard; hand writing
~ WV (~ kahn) v.t. to trim beard or
~ U (~ pu) id. to write a letter
H HHS (khushkhat) f. calligraphy, beautiful
S S S S S (khatn) m. circumcision
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to circumcise
Su Su Su Su Su (khatam) a. completed, ended, concluded;
dead; finished, exhausted
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be completed, to be
finished; to be exhausted; to come to an end;
to die, to expire
~ W U/ W (~ kar de /karn) id. to do
away with, to assassinate
v.t. to complete, to finish
HSul HSul HSul HSul HSul (khatm) m. a kind of plant, Marsh mallow
SW SW SW SW SW (kh atarnk) a. dangerous, perilous; risky,
hazardous; terrible, dreadful; serious, critical,
crucial, alarming
S S S S S (khatr) m. danger, peril; risk, hazard;
apprehension, jeopardy, insecurity
~ uY Y (~ mull le) id. to take risks, to
run risks
HS S HYl J ( khatre to khl n
ho) id. not to be free from danger, not to
be safe
~ Ul =Jl (~ d gh) f. anticipation of danger,
alarm, danger warning, danger signal
~ Ul Kl (~ d Jh) f. danger signal
~ |=U U (~ vIch pauna) id. to endanger
~ |=U (~ vIch pe) id. to run risks, to
get involved in danger
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (khattar) m. a caste; warrior caste; person
belonging to kashatriya class
S S S S S (khat) f. fault, offence, error, mistake, guilt
~ W (karn) v.t. to commit mistake
~ H (~ kh) id. to suffer a loss
H S H S H S H S H S (khatt) m. a piece of field, small field; sub-
division of a field; grain pit, granary, store house
SFl SFl SFl SFl SFl (khat) f. a kind of round and crisp biscuit
HS HS HS HS HS (khatn) m. pits on both sides of roads and
canals, deep ditch, quarry
HS l HS l HS l HS l HS l (khaton) f. patwari's register in which full
details of land holdings of each cultivator are
~ (~ nbar) m. number allotted to a
particular property in revenue land record of
the village
HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH (khadash) m. apprehension, fear (of future
trouble or evil); uncertainty
H UW H UW H UW H UW H UW (khdak) f. trench, ditch; moat
H U H U H U H U H U (khaddar) m. hand/ home spun coarse cotton
cloth, khaddar, khadi
H U l /H U H (khaddardhr/
khaddarposh) m. one who wears khaddar
clothes; a person of simple living
HU = HU = HU = HU = HU = (khaden) v.t. to drive away, to chase;
to rout, to make to flee (army)
H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl (khdh) f. large needle used for long loose
stitches in quilt, mattress etc.
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (k hanga h) m. monastery of a Muslim Saint
H l H l H l H l H l (khn) a. quarter or piece (of loaf)
~ Hl S uH J (~ khn to muthJ ho)
id. to be reduced to poverty, to be too poor
H H H H H (khapp) f. noise, din, clamour; frolic, romp
H H (khapp khn) m. noise, babble,
fuss, din, clamour; nuisance
! !! !!
(khapa) v.i. to be absorbed, to be soaked;
to be dried up (water in some vegetable, pulse
z z z z z
(khap) v.i. to fret, to vex oneself, to
worry; to work hard
~ |WK (~ krIJh) v.t. to fret and fume
H H W (-khap khap ke) adv. with great
~ JJ W (~ u ke) adv. wearily
HS HS HS HS HS (khapat) f. consumption; sale; absorbing
capacity; expenditure
HSW HSW HSW HSW HSW (khapatkr) m. consumer
H H H H H (khappar) m. begging bowl (of beggar/
mendicant); skull, cranium
H H H H H (khapr) m. a variety of snakes; weevil,
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khaprel) f. tile (used for roofing)
H H H H H (khapp) m. breach, gap, hiatus; distance,
space; loss
~ J (~ pr n ho) id. loss not to
be covered or regained
! !! !!
(khapu) v.t. to absorb, to soak up; to
v.i. to make to be evaporated
z z z z z
(khapu) v.t. to vex, to irritate, to tease
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (khap) f. botheration; the act of vexing/
|H HFl (sIr khap) f. headache,
botheration; brain racking
|H ~ W(sIr ~karn) rack one's
H l H l H l H l H l (khapp) a. clamorous, noisy, boisterous
V V V V V (khaf) a. angry, annoyed, displeased
HU /H HU /H HU /H HU /H HU /H (khabch/khabb) a. left handed
S S S S S (khabat) m. craze, mania, fad, eccentricity
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (khabt) a. crazy, maniac, maniacal, faddy
(khabar) f. information, intimation; news,
~ Ul (~ ua) id. to have rumour in the
~ U U l (~ uu) v.t. to rumour, to
disseminate a news
~ H (~ sr) f. inquiry about someone's well-
being; information, news
~ Ul/JUUl (~ de/ pahchau) v.t.
to inform, to report; to forewarn, to apprise; to
convey a message
~ Yl (~ le ) id. to enquire about someone's
health; to take to task (someone)
UUl ~ (uad ~ ) f. news in the air
TuTu ~ ( garmgarm ~ ) f. hot news
U U U U U (khabardr) a. cautious, watchful, alert,
v.i.t. beware, look out, be careful
~ J (~ hoa ) id. to be cautious
~ W (~ karna ) id. to warn, to apprise
U l U l U l U l U l (kh abardr) f. cautiousness,
watchfulness, alertness, vigilance; knowledge;
care, caution
(khabre) intj. & adv. perhaps, may be,
possibly, God knows! probably
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khabbal) m. a kind of perennial grass, wheat
grass, Cyanodon dactylon
H = H = H = H = H = (khabba) m. rope made from the stalks of
wheat or paddy or grass etc.
H H H H H (khabb) a. left
~ HH (~ saJJa ) m. left and right side
H|U (khabbeo ) adv. from the left
H (khabbe) adv. left, on the left
H l H l H l H l H l (khabb) f. rope tide round the lower-jaw of
a horse or ass, a substitute for a bridle
H l H/H H l H/H H l H/H H l H/H H l H/H (khabb kha/khn) a. & m. well-
known, out standing, distinguished, prominent;
haughty, coquette, arrogant, proud, vain
lY lY lY lY lY (kh abl) m. wooden tool of shoe-master used
for softening
H F H F H F H F H F (khbh) m. feather, wing
~ K= (~ Jhne) v.t. to disown one's
~ YT (~ lagg) id. to give oneself airs
H F H F H F H F H F (khbh) m. pillar, post, pole
H ul H ul H ul H ul H ul (khma) f. multi coloured and multi
threaded cotton string which is used on religious
and auspicious ceremonies in Hindus
|umH |umH |umH |umH |umH (khamIz) m. compensation, damage;
Hul /ul Hul /ul Hul /ul Hul /ul Hul /ul (khamr/kh amr) m. leaven,
leavening, ferment, barm, yeast; nature, habit
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul (khamra) a. leavened, fermented, yeasty
/H S /H S /H S /H S /H S (k har/khota ) m. ass, donkey; stupid, fool
HH HH HH HH HH (kharkhar) f. sound of snoring
HH/ HH/ HH/ HH/ HH/ (kharkhar /k hark har) m. curry-
comb, a kind of brush for grooming horse,
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (kharkhar) f. throat irritation
T H T H T H T H T H (kargosh) m. hare, rabbit
U U U U U (karch) m. expenditure, expense,
consumption; outlay; disbursement
HU HU HU HU HU (kharch) v.t. to spend, to expend
U U U U U (karch) m. expense, expenditure;
allowance, alimony
UU UU UU UU UU (karchu) v.t. to cause to spend, to
make to spend
UlY UlY UlY UlY UlY (karchl) a. extravagant, spendthrift;
costly, expensive, uneconomical
(kh arb) m. hundred billion, hundred thousand
H H H H H (kharbJ) f. musk-melon
HH UH W HH T UYU J ( kharbJe
n dekh ke kharbJ rg badld he ) prov.
society moulds man
uHS uHS uHS uHS uHS (kharmast) a. prankish, wanton
uHSl uHSl uHSl uHSl uHSl (k harmast) f. wantonness, impertinence,
orgy, horseplay ,wild merry making, prank
HY HY HY HY HY (kharal) m. a mortar
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to triturate, to grind
H = H = H = H = H = (kharhv) a. harsh, discordant; rough, not
harmonious, coarse
H= H= H= H= H= (kharvr) m. heap of thrashed grain
H= H= H= H= H= (khara) m. hand written material,
manuscript, draft; sketch, scheme, blue print
H H H H H (khar) a. unadultrated, pure/genuine; honest,
truthful; out-spoken, straight-forward, sincere
~ US (~ utarn) id. to hold water, to stand
the test
~ |HW (~ sIkk) m. good coin
~ HJ (~ kho) a. good and bad, right or
wrong, genuine and spurious
Hlm Hlm HU /W|J( khara khara
suu/keh) id. to give a bit of one's
mind, to call a spade a spade
~ HJlm HU (~ khoa suu) id.
to give a piece of one's mind
H|FS H|FS H|FS H|FS H|FS (khra It) f. alms, charity
H|FSl H|FSl H|FSl H|FSl H|FSl (khraIt) a. pertaining to charity, charitable
HH HH HH HH HH (khars) m. a large mill stone turned by oxen
or camel, a flour mill for grinding grain with the
help of camel or oxen, animal driven flour mill
HHlm HHlm HHlm HHlm HHlm (khars) m. miller, owner or tenant of
flour mill (old fashioned)
H H H H H (kh arsh) m. uneasy, sensation, irritation;
abrasion, scratch
H H H H HJ J J J J (kharat) a. crafty, over-clever, cunning
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (khar) m. snoring, snore
U U U U U (khard) m. lathe
U U U U U(kard) v.t. to shape a thing on a lathe,
to lathe
(kh arb) a. out of order, defective, unfit for
use; defiled, dirty (clothes etc.); rotten, putrid;
wicked, vile (person); critical, serious
(condition etc.); rough, bad, inclement
(weather); obscene, vulgar (language);
unsound, insane; noxious, nasty
~ J (~ ho) id. to be harassed; to indulge
in bad habits; to be spoiled; to decompose, to
~ W (~ karn) id. to put into trouble; to
harass; to defile; to spoil; to waste, to squander
(money etc.); to put out of order
l l l l l (karb) f. badness; defect, fault; bad habit;
destruction (life etc.); difficulty; mischief
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (khar) a. pure, real, genuine; honest, sincere;
~ mHul (~ asam) f. good paymaster
~ Hl (~ khar) f. plain truth, home truth
Hl V Hl V Hl V Hl V Hl V (khar d h) m. scab, incrustation
lU lU lU lU lU (kard) f. purchase, shopping, buying; thing
~ WluS (~ kmat) f. cost, cost-price
lU lU lU lU lU (karda) v.t. to purchase, to buy
l UU l UU l UU l UU l UU (karddr) m. buyer, purchaser,
lUUl lUUl lUUl lUUl lUUl (karddar) f. the act of purchasing;
things bought, purchase, shopping
lU V S lU V S lU V S lU V S lU V S (k hardo farok hat) f. sale and
purchase, buying and selling; business, trade
lV lV lV lV lV (karf) f. autumn crop, autumn harvest
H V H V H V H V H V (khar h) m. scratches caused by nails,
paws or claws
H V H V H V H V H V (khar ha) v.t. to scratch with nails, to
H U H U H U H U H U (khard) m. noise, din, tumult, disturbance,
uproar, clamour; ballyhoo, row-de-dow,
rowdiness, disorderliness
z zz zz
/YHlm /YHlm /YHlm /YHlm /YHlm (kals/kals) m. a sailor on
board of a ship, soldier; Lascar
H|Ym H|Ym H|Ym H|Ym H|Ym (khalI) m. threshing floor
HY l HY l HY l HY l HY l (khalh) f. heap of harvested bundles of wheat
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (khall) f. stiffness, cramp, muscle strain
Yl= Yl= Yl= Yl= Yl= (kalph) m. successor of Mohammed;
title of Mohammedan chief, Caliph; barber
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (kals) m. love, attachment, affection;
friendship, friendliness
HY = HY = HY = HY = HY = (khalepa) m. layer of plastering; crust
HY HY HY HY HY (khalera) m. scattered articles, scattering,
HY HY HY HY HY (khalo) v.i. to stand, to stay; to stop, to
halt; to wait
H=H/H=H |H H=H/H=H |H H=H/H=H |H H=H/H=H |H H=H/H=H |H (khvJ/khvJ kIzar) m. god
of water
= = = = = (khavab) m. dream
= = = = = (k hava r) a. dishonoured, wretched,
~ W (~ karn) id. to dishonour, to
embarrass, to make wretched
H=W H=W H=W H=W H=W (khaka) v.i. to clatter, to rustle (leaves
etc.); to have clash or wrangle; to rattle, to
H=W= H=W= H=W= H=W= H=W= (khakva) m. rustling/ clattering sound
H=W U=W (khak dak) m. noise, rap,
clamour; fracas, row, wrangle
H=WU H=WU H=WU H=WU H=WU (khaku) v.t. to knock, to tap; to
ring, clatter; to thrash, to beat
H=-H= H=-H= H=-H= H=-H= H=-H= (kha-kha) m. rustling/clattering/knocking
H=T H=T H=T H=T H=T (khag) f. sword
H=S Y H=S Y H=S Y H=S Y H=S Y (khatl) f. a musical instrument ,
H=U H=U H=U H=U H=U (khadb) f. clamour, din
H= H= H= H= H= (khan) v.i. to stand; to stop (rain); to be a
candidate for election; to carry away, to take
m S H= J (ape pera te khahe
ho) id. to be self-reliant, to be self-
H= /H= H H= /H= H H= /H= H H= /H= H H= /H= H (khaapp /khaapp sapp)
~ U (~ pu) id. to make a noise, to
make a row, to romp
~ uUU (~ machu) id. to kick up a row
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (khard) m. romp; rowdy, blatant
H HJl H HJl H HJl H HJl H HJl (khorosh) f. an ancient script of India
which is the source of many modern scripts
H U H U H U H U H U (kharoch) f. scratch
H U H U H U H U H U (kharocha) v.t. to scratch, to claw; to
H = H = H = H = H = (khro) m. hoof of he-goat or ram
HY HY HY HY HY (khal) f. oil-cake
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khall) f. skin, derm; hide (animal)
~ U=l (~ udhen) id. to beat severely, to
~ YJl (~ lhu) id. to give a sound beating,
to beat severely, to thrash
v.t. to strip off skin, to flay
YW YW YW YW YW (kalak) f. the whole creation, universe;
people, masses
YWS YWS YWS YWS YWS (kalkat) f. people; world; masses; large
crowd, throng
H YH H H YH H H YH H H YH H H YH H (khallkh J) m. every nook and corner
HYHT HYHT HYHT HYHT HYHT (khalJaga) m. scattered state of things,
mess; botheration, unwanted responsibility,
trouble, embroilment
HY HY HY HY HY (khal) v.t. to rankle, to pinch
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khalla) v.t. to beat, to thrash
HYYl HYYl HYYl HYYl HYYl (khalbal) f. commotion, stir; confusion,
turmoil, outrage, disturbance
~ uUU (~ machu) id. to create a stir
HYY HYY HYY HYY HYY (khalal) m. disturbance, confusion;
interruption, obstruction, interference
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to disturb; to interrupt,
to obstruct, to interfere
- |UuTl ~(-dImg~) f. insanity, mental
derangement, melancholy
HY== HY== HY== HY== HY== (khalv) m. threshing floor, barn
H Y=l H Y=l H Y=l H Y=l H Y=l (khalla) f. skin, epidermis; hide
HYm HYm HYm HYm HYm (khala) m. inter-planetary space; space;
gap; vacuum, vacuity
! !! !!
(kals) m. freedom, liberation; redemption,
riddance, deliverance, emancipation
a.&m. hooded snake
H== H== H== H== H== (khap) f. lengthwise sawn log used as
a fuel
H= U H= U H= U H= U H= U (khape ch) m. self-appointed head or
leader, cock-of-the-walk; pretentious, over
H= = H= = H= = H= = H= = (khahv ) a. vertical, upright, perpendicular
H= H= H= H= H= (khah) a. standing; vertical, present, erect;
~ HYS (~ khalot) adv. in a hurry; stand
still; astonished
~ H=/H= H= (~ khah/khahe khahe)
adv. for a short while; without wasting time,
H= /H= l (khahe pe r/khahe pe r )
adv. instantly, immediately, forth with, at once
H= H= H= H= H= (khaa) f. a pair of wooden slippers
H= U H= U H= U H= U H= U (khahu) v.t. to nominate someone
as a candidate for election; to stop, to make to
H=W H=W H=W H=W H=W (khak) m. rustling/rattling sound; sound
of foot-steps; snap, slam, rap
H= lm |u Jl H= lm |u Jl H= lm |u Jl H= lm |u Jl H= lm |u Jl (khah mI) f. chalk; gypsum
H= S H= S H= S H= S H= S (khaot) f. stagnation
HU HU HU HU HU (kh) a. glutton, voracious
~ UU (~ u) a. extravagant, spendthrift
~ lU (~ p) a. extravagant, spendthrift;
jovial, carefree; bribee
~ U (~ yr) m. fair weather friend; selfish-
friend; parasite, hanger-on
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (kh) f. ditch ,fosse, moat; trench
H H H H H (khs) a. special; specific, peculiar; particular;
exceptional; favourite; selected
~ WW (~ karke) adv. especially, particularly
~ H (~ ks) a. selected ones; specific
~ S S (~ to r te) adv. particularly, especially;
mu ~ (-m ~ ) m. everyone, all and sundry,
any Tom, Dick and Harry
H H H H H (ks) a. enough, sufficient, abundant,
mU ~ (-achchh ~) a. good enough
! !! !!
(khs) m. a kind of white cotton cloth
z zz zz
(khs) m. distinctive trait, special feature,
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (khas) f. cough
WS ~ (-kutt ~ ) f. whooping cough
HlmS HlmS HlmS HlmS HlmS (ksat) f. special feature, quality,
characteristic, speciality; nature, habit
JuJ JuJ JuJ JuJ JuJ (khmkh) adv. without any rhyme
or reason; forcibly, by force
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (khIsh) f. desire, aspiration, longing; wish
|JHu U |JHu U |JHu U |JHu U |JHu U (khIshmd) a. aspirant, desirous
W W W W W (kk) f. dust, earth; ashes
adv. nothing
~ U (~ ua) id. to be in ruins, to be
~ UU (~ uu) id. to remain idle, to
do nothing
~ U (~ chhn) id. to roam about
aimlessly ,to wander; to labour vain
~ |=U |uY H/|uY (~ vIch mIl J/
mIl) id. to perish, to die; to be destroyed, to
be ruined, to be reduced to dust
~ |=U |uYU (~ vIch mIlu) id. to ruin,
to destroy
WH WH WH WH WH (kksr) m. a term for one's ownself
expressing humility
W W W W W (kk) m. outline, sketch, map
~ |HU (~ khIccha) v.t. to prepare a draft-
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (kk) a. of dust colour, khaki
H H H H H (kkh) f. corner of mouth; cheek
HH mU == (khkha dar vahn) id.
to become very weak, to weaken
H== H== H== H== H== (khagha) f. cow ,buffalo nearing the end
of lactation period
HH HH HH HH HH (khJ) f. scabies, itch
HH HH HH HH HH (khJ) m. eatables; mixed dry fruit
HHH HHH HHH HHH HHH (khJsar) m. eunuch
H H H H H (kh) f. mine; abundant stock, treasure
Ul ~ (patthar d ~ ) f. quarry
(kh) m. food, meal; dinner, feast
z zz zz
(kh) v.t. to consume, to eat, to dine; to
misappropriate, to embezzle; to take bribe; to
endure, to tolerate; to suffer
~ U (~ d) m. eatables, provisions
~ U (~ bau) v.t. to prepare meals,
to cook
~ YTU (~ lagu) ph. to lay the table
HU =V Wt- t- t- t- t-kh vah karn) id. to
snap at, to speak irritably
H H U |U (kh khea de dIn)
m. carefree time, childhood; leisure time
~ mU/~ (~ n u/~ n pe )
id. to speak irritably, to snap at
~ /l (~ p/ p) m. way of living;
eating and drinking
~ l =Y (~ p vl) a. bribee, corrupt;
addicted to vices
HU lU (kh d p d) a. well-to-do, well-
H lS WV (-khdh pt kaha)
id. to over burden; to vomit, to spew
~ lS YT (~ pt lagga) id. to gain good
Su Su Su Su Su (ktm) m. end; death; eradication,
S S S S S (ktar) f. hospitality, entertainment; favour,
honour, respect
adv. for the sake of, in the interest of, because
of, owing to, on account of
S-S= H S-S= H S-S= H S-S= H S-S= H(ktar-tavz) adv. hospitality,
SU l SU l SU l SU l SU l (kh atardr) f. hospitality, warm
reception, servitude
S S S S S (kt) m. ledger, account-book, cash-book;
-HK ~ (saJha ~ ) m. joint account
-UY ~ (chal ~ ) m. current account
US ~ (bachat ~ ) m. saving account
=Jl ~ (vah ~ ) f. account book, ledger
HS U (- khte pu) v.t. to debit, to
credit, to charge on
=J ~ U (-vat e ~ pu) id. to write
off, to cancel
HS HS HS HS HS (kht) m. pit, ditch; hollow, cavity
-HJ ~ TU W(khuh ~ gd karn) id. to
commit suicide
HJ HS U (-khh khte pu) id. to
ruin, to destroy
H J HS (-khh khte pe) id. to
become irrecoverable, to be held in abeyance
HU HU HU HU HU (khd) f. manure, compost; fertiliser; waste
or by-product
HU l U HU l U HU l U HU l U HU l U (khda pda) a. well to do, well off,
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUl (khd) f. hand spun and hand woven cotton,
coarse cloth, khadi
H-lS H-lS H-lS H-lS H-lS (khdha-pta) a. eaten; spent
~ JHu J (~ hazam na hon a ) id. to suffer
from indigestion; to vomit/puke
~ WV (~ kadhna) id. to beat harshly; to
torture, to recover the embezzled or
misappropriated money
(kn) m. title used for the nobles of Pathans
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (knsm) m. butler, cook, chef, steward
T J T J T J T J T J (kngh) m. monastery for
Mohammedan saints
U U U U U (kandn) m. pedigree, lineage, family,
ancestry, descent, race
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (knda n) a. belonging to a high family,
of good birth, blue blooded, hereditary, ancestral
~ |U (~ chnh) m. coat of arms, coat armour
~ U Hul (~ dushman ) f. vendetta, old enmity
~ (~ na ) m. surname
(kn) m. compartment; drawer; (in a box,
almirah etc.); square (in chess); column (of a
suff. a suffix giving the meaning of
'dwelling' or 'place' as u TlH, USluH,
WH etc.; receptacle, house; chamber, cell
~ mU (~ bad) a. prosperous, well off
~ mUl (~ bad) a. prosperity of a house;
~ J (~ karb ho) id. to be ruined,
to be destroyed
~ l (~ karb) f. ruination or destruction
of a family
~ HTl (~ Jg) f. family dispute, domestic
quarrel; civil war
~ SYHl (~ talsh) f. house search
~ Sl (~ prt) f. formality, eye-wash
~ Ul (~ barbd) total ruination,
destruction of a family
U H U H U H U H U H (knbadosh) m. gypsy, nomad
(kb) m. dream
~ |=U =l J (~ vIch v n ho) id. not to
have dreamt of
Ul Ulm (kba d dun) f. world
of dreams, dreamland
|HmY (kbo khIl) m. speculation;
ul ul ul ul ul (km) f. drawback, flaw, defect
ulm WV ( khma kadh) v.t. to
find faults
u H u H u H u H u H (kmosh) a. silent, quiet, speechless, dumb,
reticent, taciturn
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (kmosh) f. silence, quietude, quietness,
reticence, taciturnity
(kh r) m. jealousy, malice, rancour, envy, heart
burning; erosion, corrosion; nitre, potash;
alkali; thorn
~ H (~ kh) id. to bear a grudge, to have
ill-will (for someone)
HHl (khrbz) f. enmity, hostility
HH HH HH HH HH (khrsh) f. itch, scabies
HH HH HH HH HH (khraJ) a. dismissed, rusticated; expelled,
caste/out (from society, party etc.); deleted,
deducted, excluded
! ! ! ! !
(khr) m. big basket made of reeds and
used at weddings
H JU /|JU (khre bahu /
bIhau) v.t. to give the ceremonial bath to
bride or groom prior to or on the eve of
marriage, a ceremony
z z z z z
(khr) a. saline, salty
~ H (~ so) m. aerated water, soda water;
sodium carbonate, washing soda
HY HY HY HY HY (khl ) m. water-channel
YH YH YH YH YH (klas) a. unadulterated, pure, genuine, real;
net (income)
YH YH YH YH YH (klasa ) m. community of baptised Sikhs;
a baptised Sikh
~ (~ pth) m. a religion founded by the
tenth Guru of Sikhs sri Guru Gobind Singh, Sikh
religion; Sikh community
YW YW YW YW YW (klak) m. the Creator, God, the Almighty
Y Hl U == HuK Y Hl U == HuK Y Hl U == HuK Y Hl U == HuK Y Hl U == HuK (kl J d v samJh)
id. to consider as an easy task (some thing)
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (kl) a. empty, vacant, unoccupied;
unemployed, without occupation; fruitless, vain;
without any marks, blank; disengaged, free; to
let (house, shop etc.)
adv. only, merely
~ J (~ hatth) a. empty handed, unarmed
~ H (~ J) id. to miss the mark
~ |UuT H S U = (~ dImg shetn d
ghar) prov. an idle man's brain is a devil's
~ J HSl HK (~ be t he she tn suJJhe) prov.
an idle brain is a devil's workshop
- -- --Yu ~ (klam ~) a. carrying nothing in
the hands, blank, empty handed; having
achieved nothing; vacant, unoccupied
H= U H= U H= U H= U H= U (khvd) m. husband, spouse
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (kh) f. gulf, bay, creek
|mS |mS |mS |mS |mS (kInat) f. defalcation, misappropriation
muS |=U ~ W ( amanat vIch~ karn)
id. to commit a breach of trust by
misappropriation, to betray a trust
|mY |mY |mY |mY |mY (kIl) m. idea, thought; mind, memory,
remembrance; consideration; name of a
musical mode
|HmYl YU WU |HmYl YU WU |HmYl YU WU |HmYl YU WU |HmYl YU WU (khIl pulo paku) id.
to build castles in the air
|HHW |HHW |HHW |HHW |HHW (khIska) v.i. to make way quietly, to
slip, to skulk
|HHWS |HHWS |HHWS |HHWS |HHWS (khIskat) f. triangular piece of cloth used
in seat portion of trousers or salwar, gore
|HHW= |HHW= |HHW= |HHW= |HHW= (khIskv ) a. slipping; loose; sliding
|HHWU |HHWU |HHWU |HHWU |HHWU (khIsku) v.t. to move, to shift
(something); to take away something, to steal
|H|HmU |H|HmU |H|HmU |H|HmU |H|HmU (khIsIu) v.t. to feel ashamed, to
lose face
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (khIcch) f. attraction, lure, fascination;
gravitation; tug, pull
~ |HUU (~ khIcho) m. pull and push,
|H |Um-|H |Um(-khIcchea -khIcchea ) a.
displeased, angry, annoyed
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (khIccha) v.t. to pull, to drag; to attract,
to lure; to give oneself airs; to take
(photograph); to draw; to rebuke, to reprimand
|HU=U /|HUU |HU=U /|HUU |HU=U /|HUU |HU=U /|HUU |HU=U /|HUU (khIchvu/khIchu)
v.t. to have something pulled or dragged; to
assist in pulling something
|HU=l |HU=l |HU=l |HU=l |HU=l (khIcha) f. a dish of rice and any pulse
mixed and boiled together; any mixture; hotch-
~ WU (~ paku) id. to hatch conspiracy,
to intrigue
|=U ~ J (gheo ~ ho) id. to be hand
in glove with, to mix intimately
VFl ~ m Jl WU (dh p ~ a h
paku ) id. to stand apart, to keep oneself
apart from others
|HUm/|HUU |HUm/|HUU |HUm/|HUU |HUm/|HUU |HUm/|HUU (khIcha/khIchao) m. stiffness;
|H U -|H Ul |H U -|H Ul |H U -|H Ul |H U -|H Ul |H U -|H Ul (khIccho-khIcch) f. persecution, pull
and push
|H U S |H U S |H U S |H U S |H U S (khIcchot) f. displeasure, rancour,
anger; pull and push, harassment
|H |H |H |H |H (khIzar) m. deity of water
|H |H |H |H |H (khIz) f. autumn
|H |H |H |H |H (khIzb) m. hair dye
|H K |H K |H K |H K |H K (khIJJh) f. irritation, pique, vexation, annoyance
|HK |HK |HK |HK |HK (khIJha) v.i. to be irritated, to be vexed,
to fret, to fume, to chafe, to be annoyed
|HKU |HKU |HKU |HKU |HKU (khIJhu) v.t. to irritate, to vex, to
annoy, to fret; to tease
|HK |HK |HK |HK |HK (khIJh) a. short-tempered, hot-headed,
fretful, easily annoyed, peevish, snotty, irritable
|H |H |H |H |H (kha) v.t. & id. to scatter; to disperse;
to diffuse, to spread ; to be at sixes and sevens
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (khIu) v.t. to play with, to fondle (a
child); to conduct a game ; to make to play
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (khu) v.t. to scatter; to disperse;
to spread, to diffuse
|Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl (khIr) m. player , sportsman; clever,
|H=l |H=l |H=l |H=l |H=l (khIv) f. baby-sitter, ayah, governess
|H |H |H |H |H (khIo) m. plaything, toy
|H S |H S |H S |H S |H S (khItt) m. geographical region; piece of land
|S |S |S |S |S (khItb) m. appellation of honour, title
~ U U U U U (~den) v.t. to confer title
|H|SH |H|SH |H|SH |H|SH |H|SH (khItIJ) m. horizon
|H Sl |H Sl |H Sl |H Sl |H Sl (khItt) f. cluster of stars, constellation, pleiad
|UuS |UuS |UuS |UuS |UuS (kIdmat) f. service, hospitality, duty
~ Wl (karn) v.t. to serve, to attend upon, to
look after, to wait upon
| UuST | UuST | UuST | UuST | UuST (kIdmatgr) m. host, servant,
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (khIddo) m. ball made of tight packed rags
or yarn , ball
~ Hl (~kh d) f. a game played like hockey
with ball and crooked stick
|H |H |H |H |H (khIn) m. trice, moment, instant
~ Y (~ pal) adv. very short duration
~ F YFl (~ bhar la) adv. for a short while,
~ uS (~ mtar) a. momentary
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (khIm) f. forgiveness, pardon, apology,
absolution; remission
~ W (~ karn) f. to forgive, to pardon, to
absolve, to excuse
~ u Tl (~ mg) v.t. to beg pardon, to
|H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y (khIll) f. full parched and burst grain, rice,
maize etc.
|H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y (khIllarn) v.i. to spread, to diffuse; to
disperse, to scatter; to be at sixes and sevens,
not to be in order
|YV |YV |YV |YV |YV (kh Ilf) a. against, opposed to, contrary,
|YVS |YVS |YVS |YVS |YVS (kh Ilfat) f. opposition
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (khIlrn) v.t. to spread, to diffuse; to
scatter, to disperse; to spread to dry (clothes)
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (khIlr) m. scattered condition of goods;
|HY=l |HY=l |HY=l |HY=l |HY=l (khIl) m. player, sportsman; crafty,
shrewd, clever
|H Yl |H Yl |H Yl |H Yl |H Yl (khIll) f. laughter, laugh, fun; mockery,
ridicule, scoff, derision
~ U U U U U U U U U U (~uu) id. to poke fun at, to
make fun of, to mock, to deride
|H=W |H=W |H=W |H=W |H=W (khIak) m. a small opening in a gate with
iron bars fitted vertically into horizontal beams
(of jail); window; gate
|H=W mU W(khIka dar karn) id.
to put behind the bars
|H=Wl |H=Wl |H=Wl |H=Wl |H=Wl (khIk) f. window
|H=|H=U |H=|H=U |H=|H=U |H=|H=U |H=|H=U (khIkhIu) id. to laugh loudly,
to laugh boisterously, to give a hearty laugh
|H=|H=JJ |H=|H=JJ |H=|H=JJ |H=|H=JJ |H=|H=JJ (khIkhIha) f. loud laughter, guffaw
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (khIn) v.i. to blossom, to flower; to bloom;
to be delighted
- - - - - |H= -u (khIe-matthe) adv. happily,
joyfully, cheerfully
~ UH KY(~ dukkh Jhel) id. to make the
best of bad bargain
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH (khs) f. a carpenter's tool used to mark or
draw a line on wood
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH (khs) m. side pocket (of shirt etc.); pocket
~WJ (~ka) v.t. to pick pocket
Hl-Hl/Hl -Hl Hl-Hl/Hl -Hl Hl-Hl/Hl -Hl Hl-Hl/Hl -Hl Hl-Hl/Hl -Hl (kh-kh/kh kh ) f. unpleasant
sound of laughter
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (khn) a. malicious laughter
Hl-HV Hl-HV Hl-HV Hl-HV Hl-HV (khn-khf) m. kincob, brocade, golden
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (khr) f. an Indian sweet dish made of
sweetened milk and rice cooked together
-J Vl~ (-t eh~ ) f. a hard nut to crack,
complicated problem
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (khr) m. cucumber, Cucumis-stivus
H mU H mU H mU H mU H mU (khuu) v.t. to cause or to make to
eat, to help one to eat, to feed; to serve meals
mH mH mH mH mH (kuJ) m. a respectful form (among the
Muslims) of addressing someone; a Muslim
divine (god of water) Chishti of Ajmer; a title
of respect prevalent among the Muslims,
H m H m H m H m H m (khur) a. harassed; humiliated, degraded,
wretched; subjected to unnecessary trouble or
~ W (~karn) v.t. to harass; to abase; to
degrade, to humiliate; to subject to unnecessary
H m l H m l H m l H m l H m l (khur) f. harassment; degradation,
humiliation, wretchedness
H H H H H H H H H H (khush) a. happy, glad, delighted, pleased;
content, satisfied
pref. a prefix indicating pleasure, goodness
~ W (~karn) v.t. to please; to satisfy , to
ingratiate; to delight
~ HH (~khush) a. cheerful, happy, delighted
a. cheerfully, happily, with pleasure/
H HmuU H HmuU H HmuU H HmuU H HmuU (khushmad) intj. welcome
H HJY t H HJY t H HJY t H HJY t H HJY tkhushhl) a. prosperous, well-off, well-
to-do, thriving, affluence
H HJYl t H HJYl t H HJYl t H HJYl t H HJYl tkhushhl) f. prosperity, happiness
H HW t H HW t H HW t H HW t H HW tkhushk) a. dry, arid; withered, desiccate;
unbuttered (chapati); rude, impolite, curt, blunt
(of person etc.); uninteresting, cold or
unsympathetic (nature)
H H|WHuS t H H|WHuS t H H|WHuS t H H|WHuS t H H|WHuS tkhushkIsmat) a. fortunate, lucky
H H|WHuSl t H H|WHuSl t H H|WHuSl t H H|WHuSl t H H|WHuSl tkhushkIsmat) f. good fortune, good
~ Y (~nl) adv. fortunately, luckily, by good
luck, happily, providentially
H HWl t H HWl t H HWl t H HWl t H HWl tkhushk) f. dryness, aridity; rudeness, cold-
H HS/H HSl t H HS/H HSl t H HS/H HSl t H HS/H HSl t H HS/H HSl tkhushkat/khushkat) m. neat
and beautiful handwriting, calligraphy
H HHl t H HHl t H HHl t H HHl t H HHl tkhushkhabr) f. happy/good news,
auspicious tidings
H H t H H t H H t H H t H H tkhus) v.i. to be snatched, to be taken
away by force; to be grabbed, to be seized; to
sink (heart); to feel pain in the limbs due to
H HHl t H HHl t H HHl t H HHl t H HHl tkhushnasb) a. lucky, fortunate
H H=lH t H H=lH t H H=lH t H H=lH t H H=lH tkhushnavs) m. calligrapher, calligraphist
H H=lHl t H H=lHl t H H=lHl t H H=lHl t H H=lHl tkhushnavs) f. calligraphy
H H=|Jult H H=|Jult H H=|Jult H H=|Jult H H=|Jultkhushphehm) f. bovarysm/bovarism
H H /H H t H H /H H t H H /H H t H H /H H t H H /H H tkhushb/khushbo) f. fragrance,
sweet smell, aroma, balm, perfume, pleasant
odour/scent, redolence, flavour
H H U t H H U t H H U t H H U t H H U tkhushbdr) a. fragrant, sweet-smelling,
aromatic, redolent, perfumed, odorous, balmy
H H-| uH H t H H-| uH H t H H-| uH H t H H-| uH H t H H-| uH H tkhush-mIzJ) a. happy-go-lucky,
cheerful, gay-tempered, jolly, blithe
HH-=H/ HH-uH t HH-=H/ HH-uH t HH-=H/ HH-uH t HH-=H/ HH-uH t HH-=H/ HH-uH tkhusar-Phusar/khusar- musar)
f. whispering, murmur, susurration; conspiracy;
rumour, whisper
H H t H H t H H t H H t H H tkhusr) m. eunuch
a. impotent; womanish, effeminate
H HuU t H HuU t H HuU t H HuU t H HuU tkhusha mad) f. flattery, sycophancy,
cajolery, adulation
~ Wl t~karn) v.t. to flatter, to cajole, to
adulate, to lick someone's boots, to fawn upon
H HuUl H HuUl H HuUl H HuUl H HuUl tkhushmd) a. flatterer, sycophant,
~ JJ t~tatt) m. flatterer, sycophant
H Hl t H Hl t H Hl t H Hl t H Hl tkhush) f. happiness, pleasure, gladness,
delight, joy, cheerfulness; festive occasion,
rejoicings; wish, desire
~ H Hl t~khush) adv. happily, cheerfully,
~ U =H =HU t~de vJe VaJue)id. to kick
up one's heels, to exult
~ |=U HuU t~vIch n samu) id.
to be overjoyed; to be in seventh heaven of
~ |=U |uU t~vIch n mIu) id. to burst
with joy, to be in the seventh heaven of delight
H =/H =l t H =/H =l t H =/H =l t H =/H =l t H =/H =l tkhgh/khgh) m. stump , sharp
remanent of branch (of a tree); rent in cloth
caused by a sharp protruding thing; notch
~ YT t~lagg) id. to be torn by any sharp
protruding thing
H U H U H U H U H U tkhucch) f. hollow of the knee; hock (of
~ YT U t~n lagga de) id. to keep
someone over busy
- HU |WY mU tkhucch nIkal u) id.
to become very weak
H HYU H HYU H HYU H HYU H HYU tkhuJlu) v.t. to itch
H HYJJ/H HYl H HYJJ/H HYl H HYJJ/H HYl H HYJJ/H HYl H HYJJ/H HYl tkhuJlha/khuJl) f. itch, itching;
scabies (a skin disease)
H K H K H K H K H K tkhJh) v.i. to fail; to lose; to lag behind,
to fall behind; to miss (an opportunity)
- -- --HK H t-khJh Jana)id. to miss the bus
H KU H KU H KU H KU H KU tkhJhu) v.t. to make to err, to cause
to fail, to lose; to cause to miss an opportunity
H JW H JW H JW H JW H JW tkhuka) v.i. to apprehend, to feel as
ominous, to come to mind
H J H J H J H J H J tkhuar) a. cruel, unkind, barbarous, hard
H H H H H tkhu) f. hole (as of a snake or rat); burrow;
hiding place, dugout
- H Y T tkhue lagga) be
ignored, to be sidelined; to become irrelevant
~ YU YU YU YU YU t~ lu) ignore, to sideline
H H H H H tkh) m. peg, nail of wood
H H H H H tkhua) a. pigeon-house, hen-coop
H V H V H V H V H V tkhh) m. unhewn tree trunk; old bird; aged
H H H H H H H H H H tkhuas) f. rancour, spite, malice, envy,
jealousy, ill-will
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl tkhus) a. rancorous, spiteful, malicious,
envious, jealous
H H H H H tkhuo) adv. without, in absence of, for want
H SH Sl H SH Sl H SH Sl H SH Sl H SH Sl tkhutkhut) f. apprehension, fear, anxiety
S S S S S tkutb) m. religious preaching , sermon
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl tkhutt) f. a hole made in ground by boys for
playing with cowries, marbles etc.
H = H = H = H = H = tkhuttha) f. an inoffensive abuse (used for
girls); having uncombed and dishevelled hair
(for a girl)
H H H H H tkhutth) a. bereft, dishevelled
H U H U H U H U H U tkhud) adv. self, voluntarily, personally; one's
own accord
H UW Hl H UW Hl H UW Hl H UW Hl H UW Hl tkhudkush) f. suicide
H UTH H UTH H UTH H UTH H UTH tkhudgarz) a. selfish, self-seeking
H UTHl H UTHl H UTHl H UTHl H UTHl tkhudgarz) a. selfishness, selfhood
H U H U H U H U H U tkuda) v.i. to be dug, to be excavated
-HU=U t-khudvun) v.t. to make to dig,
to get to be excavated; to make to be carved
-HU=Fl t-khudv) f. the act of or charges
for digging
H UU H UU H UU H UU H UU tkhuddr) a. self respecting, self-reverent
UUl UUl UUl UUl UUl tkh uddr) f. self-respect, self-esteem
UH U UH U UH U UH U UH U tkh udbakhud) adv. automatically; of one's
own, by oneself
Uu HS Uu HS Uu HS Uu HS Uu HS tkhudmukhtr) a. independent, self-
governing, free, autonomous
Uu Sl Uu Sl Uu Sl Uu Sl Uu Sl tkudmuk htr) f. independence,
freedom, autonomy
U U U U U tkh ud) m. God, the Almighty, Providence,
~ JVH t~hfaz)ph. good-bye, farewell, adieu
H UU H UU H UU H UU H UU tkhudu) v.t. to cause to dig, to make
to excavate
(kh uda) f. World, Providence, Divinity,
a. Divine, Supernal
z zz zz
(kh uda ) f. digging, excavation; wages paid
for digging; carving, engraving
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (kud) f. self; self-respect, ego, pride
H W H W H W H W H W (khdhak) f. rancour, spite, malice; jealousy,
=lm =lm =lm =lm =lm (kuph) a. & m. hidden, confidential,
secret; detective, C.I.D. personnel
~ |=FT (~ vIbhg) m. intelligence department
! !! !!
(khb) f. mushroom, Agaricus compestris
z zz zz
(khb) f. fire place
~ U= (~ chhn) id. to put clothes in a
copper vessel for boiling
~ Jl (~ happa) id. to haul over the
coals, to give a chiding, to beat hollow, to thrash
H F H F H F H F H F (khubbha) f. mire, marsh
H F H F H F H F H F (khubbhaa) v.i. to mire, to bog down; to
meditate, to penetrate; to pierce, to prick; to
pinch; to become rapt
ul ul ul ul ul (kh umr) f. ecstasy, exaltation; intoxication,
inebriation; hangover, drowsiness
H H H H H (khur) m. cloven hoof, hoof
~ =V (~ vadha) id. to tread on the heels
of , to follow closely
uJ ~ (m h ~ ) m. foot and mouth (disease
of cattle), foot-rot
H W H W H W H W H W (khurak) f. itch, itching, scabies
~ J (~ ho) id. to be anxious
H H /H HJJ H H /H HJJ H H /H HJJ H H /H HJJ H H /H HJJ (khurkhur/khurkhurht)
f. sound due to phlegm in the throat
H U H U H U H U H U (khurcha) f. pot scrapings
H U H U H U H U H U (khurcha) v.t. to scrape, to scrub, to
m. scraper, scrubber
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (khuraJ) f. saddlebag (for a horse, mule
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (kurdbn) f. microscope
U U W U U W U U W U U W U U W (kurd burd karn) id. to
embezzle, to defalcate; to scatter, to waste
H U H U H U H U H U (khurdar) a. shaggy, rough, coarse, crude,
uneven, rugged
H H H H H (khurn) v.i. to melt; to get dissolved, to
deliquesce; to be eroded
H H H H H (khurp) m. hoe
H l H l H l H l H l (khurp) f. a small hoe
ul ul ul ul ul (kurmn) f. apricot, Prunus armeniaca,
tree or fruit
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (khural) f. manger, feeding trough
! !! !!
(khur) m. foot mark, foot print, spoor trace,
~ WV/ YF (~ kaha/labbha) id.
to strike the track, to trace along/through, to
~ HH (~ khoJ) m. clue
~ YF (~ n labbha) id. to be untraced
~ |uJU (~ mIauna) id. to annihilate, to
eradicate; to destroy all clues or traces
z z z z z
(khur) m. washroom , bathroom
W W W W W (kurk) m. food, aliment, meal, victual; diet,
nutrient, nutriment; dose, dosage
H J H J H J H J H J (khura) a. very old, experienced; shrewd,
astute, sly, snob
H J H J H J H J H J (khur) m. snoring, snore
H l H l H l H l H l (khur) f. heel (of a foot); hoof-pad; the heel
of a shoe
~ |U uS J (~ pIchchhe matt ho) id. to
lack wisdom
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (kullh) f. freedom, liberty, independence
~ W (~ ke) adv. freely, fearlessly
~ H (~ khe) f. free-hand, freedom, liberty
~ H (~ J) id. to mix up, to intermingle;
to come into light (of a secret)
~ Y (~ d ull) f. freedom, liberty, free-hand
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. open-hearted, broad-minded,
generous, liberal, gracious
~ |UYl (~ dIl) f. broad-mindedness, openness,
~ Y (~ le ) id. to take liberties; to become
H Yu-H Y (khullam-khull) adv. openly,
publicly, fearlessly, boldly; clearly, plainly
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khullha) v.i. to be opened (the doors);
to be unfolded; to be exposed, to be revealed;
to expand; to have opened (of the school/college
etc.); to become free with; to be awakened
(after sleeping); to get loose
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khullh) a. open; unshuttered; unlatched;
extensive, spacious; untied, unchained;
exposed, uncovered
~ HU (~ kharch) m. lavish expenditure
~ H Y (~ khullh) a. spacious, extensive;
~ T= (~ gapph) m. big share, major share
H Y Fl H Y Fl H Y Fl H Y Fl H Y Fl (khullh) f. the act of or the wages for
opening anything
H YH H YH H YH H YH H YH (khuls) m. summary, brief, substance,
essence; key (of a book)
H Y - Y H Y - Y H Y - Y H Y - Y H Y - Y (khullh-ullh) a. frank, candid; lavish
(expenses); clear hearted; big (untensil)
H =W/H JW H =W/H JW H =W/H JW H =W/H JW H =W/H JW (khuka/khut ka) v.t. to
apprehend, to have an intuition
H =-H =l H =-H =l H =-H =l H =-H =l H =-H =l (khub-khub) f. dissension, discord,
H J H J H J H J H J (khh) m. well
~ HS (~ kht) m. mere loss
~ HS TU W (~ kht gd karn) id. to
commit suicide
~ HS U (~ khte pau) id. to write
off; to do mere wastage
~ U (~ d da) m. a man of limited
~ Ul |uJl HJ |=U YU (~ d mItt kh vIch
lu) id. to have no profit no loss, to do
labour without any fruit
~ JU HS |Sm (~ puade n kht tea r)
id. to have the bitter bit
~ |=U HJ (~ vIch sua) id. to waste, to
destroy; to push someone into a ditch, to create
a problem
~ |=U Y (~ vIch bol) id. to speak in a
low tone
- -- --mWY K ~ HYl (akala bJho ~ khl) id.
lack of wisdom mars the show
m ~ (n~ ) m. dry and deserted
well, a well without water
VJ ~ (hath e ~ pe) id. & f. to go
to hell; an inoffensive abuse
= ~ J (nava ~ pu) id. to
adopt a new source of income
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (khuh) f. a small well
H H H H H H H H H H (kh khr) a. ferocious, fierce (animal);
cruel, merciless, blood-thirsty
H H H H H H H H H H (kh J) m. corner, nook
- HH YT (- kh Je lagga) id. to be put
into corner
~ YU (~ lu) id. to put someone to a
corner; to deprive (someone of his rights)
H J H J H J H J H J (kh ) m. stake; big peg
~ T (~ gaa) id. to put demarcation
mark; to establish oneself
HJ =Y (kh e vl) a. a person having
some say ,powerful man, a mighty person
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (kh ) f. peg, hook, trenail
H H H H H (kh ) m. stick used for walking
H l H l H l H l H l (kh ) f. small stick
(kn) m. blood; murder, slaughter, massacre,
homicide; blood relations
~ UY/HY (~ ubal/ khol) id. to
be excited; to become angry, to get enraged;
to be furious, to have one's blood up
~ UF UF (~ ubhare par ubhare) prov.
murder will come out
~ HVU J (~ safed ho) id. to be void of
all human feelings, to lose natural affection
~ |H U= (~ sIr chahn) id. to run amuck,
to be bent upon committing murder
~ HW (~ sukka) id. to be very terrified;
to be worried
~ J (~ ho) v.t. to be murdered, to be
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to assassinate, to kill, to
murder, to spill the blood
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to take blood (for
~ WVU (~ kadhu) id. to give blood
(for test)
~ (~ karb) m. blood shed, massacre,
~ U=U (~ chahua) v.t. to transfuse
~ U WH(~ da kesar ) f. leukaemia
~ U |SJ|Fm/ |mH (~ da tIhe/pIs)
a. blood thirsty, sworn enemy
~ U UU (~d dabo) m. blood pressure
~ U U|m =JU /=TU (~ d darI
vahu/vagu) id. to shed blood
~ U U (~ d dor) m. circulation of blood
~ U(~dn) m. blood donation
~ Ul HK (~ d sa Jh) f. blood relation,
~ Ul Wul(~d kam ) f. loss or want of blood;
~ Ul JSS(~d bahutat) f. plethora
~ U JK (~ de hJh ro) id. to be in
deep grief
~ Hl |FW W (~ pasn Ikk karn) id. to
toil ceaselessly, with the sweat of (one's) brow,
to work hard; to leave no stone unturned
~ Hl Ul WuFl (~ pasne d kam) f. hard
earned money
~ l (~ p) id. to suck blood; to vex, to
~ = H (~ vadh J) id. to be very happy
- mH |=U ~ F mU (-akkh vIch ~ bhar
u) id. to be blood-shot with rage, to be
furious with rage
|H S ~ H= J ( sIr te ~ savr ho) id.
to run amuck
H l H l H l H l H l (khn) m.&a. murderer, assassin,
assassinator, bloody
(khb) a. well, excellent; in abundance, plenty;
intj. well done! bravo! fine! excellent!
H H S H H S H H S H H S H H S (khu bsrat) a. beautiful, handsome,
graceful, pretty
H H Sl H H Sl H H Sl H H Sl H H Sl (khbsrt) f. beauty, handsomeness,
WY WY WY WY WY (khbkala) f. seeds of Sisymbrium irio of
yellow colour used in medicines; a grass of
persia seeds of which are used in medicine
l l l l l (kb) f. virtue, quality, merit; speciality,
characteristic, feature; grace, beauty, goodness
H H H H H H H H H H (khes) m. a hand woven thick cotton sheet used
as covering
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (khes) f. a small hand woven cotton sheet
H J H J H J H J H J (kheh) f. dust, dirt; ash, cinder
~ UUl (~ uu) id. to do evil; to wander
~ H (~ kh) id. to be licentious, to indulge
in debauchery; to be dishonour, to be
~ Ul (~ chhan) id. to wander about, to
saunter idly
H H H H H H H H H H (khekha) m. hypocrisy, pretence, viles
~ W (~ karne) id. to pretend, to trick, to
H UY H UY H UY H UY H UY (khechal) f. trouble, inconvenience; formality
H H H H H (khe) f. game, sport; play, pastime; toy, play
thing; child's play, easy work ;show, movie,
picture; entertainment
~ |=T=l (~ vIgan) id. to have table turned,
for the show to be spoiled, for the game to be
lost, to be upset
H H H H H (khea) v.i. to participate in a game, to
play, to sport; to move one's head under the
effect of evil spirit; to act, to enact
H S H S H S H S H S (khet) m. cultivated land, field, farm; battlefield
HS HS HS HS HS (khetar) m. area, region, territory; jurisdiction;
sphere, field
HS=Y (khetarphal) m. the product of
length and breadth of a plot, area
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl(khet) f. farming, agriculture, tillage; crop,
~ HHu HSl (~ khasma set) prov. the master's
eye makes the mare fat
~ =l (~ b) f. farming, agriculture
H U H U H U H U H U (khed) m. regret, remorse, sorrow, grief
H -H H -H H -H H -H H -H (kher -kher ) a.&.adv. scattered; in
pieces, separate, apart
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be scattered; to be
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khel) f. game, play, sport; toy, plaything; child's
play, easy work; entertainment-show; picture,
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khel) v.i. to play, to sport
H =J H =J H =J H =J H =J (kheva) m. a record of shares; a record of
mutation; oarsman, boatman, rower
~ HSl (~ khato ) f. a register of village
management; a record showing the distribution
of lands and the rights of the occupants
H = H = H = H = H = (khev) v.i. to propel a boat with oars, to
H= H= H= H= H= (khe)m. prosperity, happiness, cheerfulness;
lustre, bloom, glow; a terrace which is made
at the time when the foundation of a village is
laid; a village
- -- --H= |=U (khee vIch) adv. in full blow, in
full bloom
H =l H =l H =l H =l H =l (kher) f. a small village
(ke r) f. & adv. well-being; charity, alms; well,
let it be
~ HH (~ sukh) f. well-being, welfare, health
and happiness
~ J (~ kh) a. & m. well wisher, well
wishing, friend
~ uT (~ mga) v.i. to pray for welfare,
to wish for well-being; to beg alms
S S S S S (kert) f. alms, charity
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (kert) a. charitable
lmS lmS lmS lmS lmS (kerat) f. well-being, safety, happiness
H m H m H m H m H m (kho) m. condensed milk; a thickened milk
H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl (kho) f. squeezed sugar cane
H H= H H= H H= H H= H H= (khos) m. an old and worn out shoe
! !! !!
(khoh) f. cave, cavern; sinking of the heart
due to hunger or due to fear or worry
~ l (~ pe) v.i. to feel very hungry
z zz zz
(khoh) f. snatch, rapine, plunder
H J H J H J H J H J (khoh) v.t. to snatch, to grab
- -- --H J |H H (khoh khJ) f. rapine, pillage; forcibly
seizing, snatch
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (khokhr) f. curved dagger usually used by
H HY H HY H HY H HY H HY (khokhl) a. hollow, empty; weak, feeble
H H H H H H H H H H (khokh) m. small wooden shop, stall, log
H H H H H H H H H H (khoJ) f. trace, search, enquiry, seeking, quest;
research, discovery
~ HH (~ sa stha) m. research institute
H H H H H H H H H H (khoJ) v.t. to search, to investigate, to
seek, to make a research, to discover; to smell
out, to trace
H H H H H H H H H H (khoJ) m. a person who has no beard or has
a few hair on the chin; eunuch
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl (khoJ) m. searcher, seeker, explorer,
discoverer; inventor; detector, tracer
H J H J H J H J H J (kho) m. alloy, amalgam; flaw, defect;
deception, evil
~ WV (~ kah) id. to find fault with, to
pick holes
~ U (~ pu) id. to mix a base metal
H J H J H J H J H J (kho) a. alloyed, counterfeit, base (coin);
malicious, spiteful; forged, bogus
~ |HW (~ sIkka) m. base coin, counterfeit coin;
worthless fellow, useless person
~ H = H (~ khar vekh) id. to distinguish
between good and bad
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (kho) f. of HJ
~ WuFl (~ kama) f. dishonest income, ill
gotten income
~ Hl HUl (~ khar sunaun) id. to call a
spade a spade
H H H H H (kho) v.t. to lose, to part with; to be
deprived of; to be engrossed, to be absorbed
H S H S H S H S H S (khot) v.t. to cut (grass etc.)
H S H S H S H S H S (khot) m. & a. ass, donkey, jackass; foolish,
stupid, idiot
~ == J (~ ghoa barbar ho) id.
to make no distinction between bad and good
H U H U H U H U H U (khod) v.t. to dig, to delve, to excavate
H U H U H U H U H U (khod) m. one who has no beard or having
beard only on the chin, a man without a beard
HUl U=l (khod dh) f. beard which
grows only on chin
H l/H =l H l/H =l H l/H =l H l/H =l H l/H =l (khopr/khop) f. skull, cranium;
brain ,head
~ |=U (~ vIch pe) id. to understand
H H H H H (khop) m. the kernel of a coconut; coconut;
leather covering put on camels or bullocks eyes
while working on well etc.
H F H F H F H F H F (khobha) v.t. to pierce, to prick
H F H F H F H F H F (khobh) m. mash, swamp
H u H u H u H u H u (khom) m. pedigree, genealogy
H H H H H (khor) m. erosion, corrosion; spite, rancour,
animosity, malice; a suffix
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to take revenge
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to bear a grudge
H H H H H (khorn) v.t. to dissolve, to melt in fluid (as
sugar, salt etc.) to erode, to wash away soil
H H H H H (khor) m. dust of baked bricks
H l H l H l H l H l (khor) a. spiteful, malicious, revengeful
Y Y Y Y Y (khol) m. case, sheath; shell; holster, cover
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (kholh) v.t. to open, (the door etc.); to
unfold, to unstitch; to start (an institution,
school); to disclose (a secret); to clarify; to
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (khol) m. dilapidated building, wreck, ruined
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (khol) f. single-room quarter, shanty, shack;
a word used for buffalo
H = H = H = H = H = (kho) f. hole in the tooth, cavity
H H H H H (kho ) f. trouble, desolation
-H U ~ J (Jan da ~ ho) id. to be a
source of constant trouble
H U H U H U H U H U (kho ch) m. a kind of shovel used by
confectioners, scraper; hawker's basket,
vendor's selling tray
H V H V H V H V H V (khof) m. fear, terror, dread
~ H (~ kh) id. to be afraid of, to be
dreaded, to feel terror
H VW H VW H VW H VW H VW (khofnak) a. terrible, dreadful, fearsome,
H H H H H (khor) m. the rage of a bull shown by his
pawing and tearing up the ground with his
horns; fury, rage, boisterousness
~ U (~pu) id. to fret and fume, to
rage, to raise a tumult
H H H H H (khore) adv. perhaps, possibly, may be
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (kho l) v.i. to bubble, to boil; to get
enraged, to get infuriated, to be agitated

T T T T T (gagg) m. eighth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,
a consonant and guttural, it represents velar
plosive voiced consonant sound
TU =l TU =l TU =l TU =l TU =l (gau) m. the name of a musical mode sung
in the evening
TU TU TU TU TU (ga) f. cow
a. docile, meek
~ Hl (~ saba dh) f. bovine
~ HY (~ shl) f. a charitable home for
uncared cows, cow-tending centre; cow shed,
~ Tl (~ garb) a. meek, humble, docile
~ U uH (~ da mas) a. beef
~ = (~ dh) m. twilight, dusk
Ul ~ U UU |T ( pn d~ de dd
gIne) prov. to look a gift horse in the mouth
TFl T=Ul TFl T=Ul TFl T=Ul TFl T=Ul TFl T=Ul (ga gavch) a. worthless, useless,
meaningless; forgotten, lost (thing etc.); past
TH TH TH TH TH (gash) f. faint, swoon, fit, unconsciousness
THS THS THS THS THS (gasht) f. patrolling, strolling, sauntering
THSl THSl THSl THSl THSl (gasht) m. patroller; a lewd woman,
licentious woman
a. circular, mobile
~ S (~ pattar) m. circular, circular letter
uJ ~ W (maar ~ karna) v.t. to loiter,
to wander
THl THl THl THl THl (gash) f. swoon, faint, fit
TJU TJU TJU TJU TJU (gahu) v.t. to cause to be thrashed,
to cause to be trodden (grain) with oxen
TJFl TJFl TJFl TJFl TJFl (gah) f. thrashing, treading out corn;
wages of thrashing
T|JT U T|JT U T|JT U T|JT U T|JT U (gehgacch) a. drenched, besmeared
T| JT T| JT T| JT T| JT T| JT (ge hga) a. unique, unequalled,
unparalleled; fast
T|J T|J T|J T|J T|J (geh) m. ornament, jewellery
~ T J (~ ga) m. jewellery, ornaments,
T|J T|J T|J T|J T|J (gehe) m. ornaments
a. mortgaged, pawned
~ (~ dharn) v.t. to mortgage, to pawn,
to pledge
T| Ju - T| Ju/T| Ju - T| Jul T| Ju - T| Ju/T| Ju - T| Jul T| Ju - T| Ju/T| Ju - T| Jul T| Ju - T| Ju/T| Ju - T| Jul T| Ju - T| Ju/T| Ju - T| Jul (ge hm-ge hm/
ge hma-ge hm) f. hustle-bustle, jostling,
T|J T|J T|J T|J T|J (gehar) f. dusk, darkness
T|J T Fl T|J T Fl T|J T Fl T|J T Fl T|J T Fl (ge har gbhr) a. serious, thoughtful,
sober, contemplative
T|J T|J T|J T|J T|J (gehr) a. unfathomable, deep; serious,
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (gaho) m. attentiveness, attention, care
~ Y H (~ nl sun) v.t. to hark, to strain
one's ears
~ Y =H (~ nl vekh) v.t. to strain one's
TT TT TT TT TT (gagan) m. sky, firmament, heavens
~ uY (~ ma dal) m. celestial sphere
T T T T T T T T T T (gg) f. Ganges, the most sacred river of
~ HT (~ sgar) m. tea pot shaped metallic
jug; a place of pilgrimage
~ TF S TT u Hu TF S Hu UH (~ gae te
gg rm Jamn gae te Jamn ds) prov.
while in Rome do as the Romans do
~ UW (~ chukk) v.t. to swear by Ganges
~ HY (~ Jal) m. Ganges water, the holy water
~ HYl (~ Jal) f. small brass vessel for carrying
Ganges water
~ JU (~ nahu) id. to feel relieved,
to get free from responsibility or liability
~ u (~ rm) m. parrot
-UYJl ~ =JU(ul ~ vahu) id. to carry
coals to New Castle
=TUl ~ |=U J ( vagd ~ vIch hatth
dho) id. to take occasion by the forelock,
to make hay while the sun shines
T U T U T U T U T U (gacch) a. drenched, wet to the skin
m. mortar; a floor plastered with lime
stucco, plaster of paris;lump in the throat
~ F mU (~ bhar u) id. to have lump
in the throat
-T U -T U -T U -T U -T U ~ (gachho ~ ) a. thoroughly-drenched,
wet to the skin
T UW T UW T UW T UW T UW (gacchak) f. a sweet made of sesame and
jaggery or sesame and sugar
TH TH TH TH TH (gaz ) m. yard, yardstick; three feet long iron
bar; spoke, ramrod
TH TH TH TH TH (gaJ) m. elephant
T H T H T H T H T H (gJ) m. baldness, alopecia; treasure
T H T H T H T H T H (gaJJ) v.i. to roar; to rumble, to thunder
TH =H W ( gaJJ vaJJ ke) adv. with great
pomp and show
|HJ= THU J UJ =HU Jl (Jehe gaJJde
han oh varsde nah ) prov. barking dogs
seldom bite
TH TH TH TH TH (gaz ab) m. wonder, surprise; cruelty , tyranny
~ W/VU (~ karn/ dhu) v.t. to do
injustice, to oppress; to commit an outrageous
~ U (~ d) a. marvellous, wonderful, fantastic
TH TH TH TH TH (gaJr) m. bracelet; (of gold, silver etc.); a
small garland of flowers worn on the wrist
TH Y TH Y TH Y TH Y TH Y (gaJrel) m. a sweet-dish made of carrots,
milk and sugar
T HY T HY T HY T HY T HY (gazal) f. Ghazal, a kind of amatory poem
T H T H T H T H T H (gJ) m. bald head, baldcoot, pilgarlic; bald,
|H THl S H= W=lm U ( sIro gJ te
Jo kagh d) prov. to have possession of
things which are of no use
TH J U= ( rabb gJe nu nhu n
deve) prov. a crust cow has curt horns
TJ-TJ/ TJTJ TJ-TJ/ TJTJ TJ-TJ/ TJTJ TJ-TJ/ TJTJ TJ-TJ/ TJTJ (ga-ga/gaga) m. sound
produced while drinking liquid quickly
adv. in a rapid manner, quickly, all at once
T J T J T J T J T J (ga) m. stopper, bung, plug
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (gar) m. tamarind pod
T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl (ga) f. small piece of wood
T J T J T J T J T J (ga) m. round small piece of wood used in
furnace; a short statured stout fellow; a bag
(of cement, fertilizer etc.)
T J T J T J T J T J (gath) f. knot, tie (rope, cord etc.); knag,
knur, nod (wooden branch); bale; bundle; joints
of fingers, knuckle
~ WS (~ katr) m. pick-pocket, a person
who sneaks from the pockets of others
~ TFl (~ gobh) f. kohlrabi
~ H= (~ Jor ) m. intrigue, conspiracy, plot;
alliance, coalition; clique, coterie
~ H = t~Jo) m. a marriage ceremony in which
the dupattas of the bride and the bridegroom
are tied together, conjugal tie
~ S (~ tupp) m. repair work, mending (old
clothes, shoes etc.); conspiracy, intrigue
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (gat h) v.t. to mend, to repair; to conspire,
to intrigue, to plot
TJ=Fl TJ=Fl TJ=Fl TJ=Fl TJ=Fl (gathv) f. the process or the wages of
mending (shoes etc.)
T J= T J= T J= T J= T J= (gattha) m. bale, huge bundle
TJ=l TJ=l TJ=l TJ=l TJ=l (gat h) f. a small bale, a small bundle
! !! !!
(gatth) m. onion
z zz zz
(gat h) m. bale, bundle, pack, parcel,
package; faggot
TJU TJU TJU TJU TJU (gahu) v.t. to get shoes, clothes etc.
TJFl TJFl TJFl TJFl TJFl (gah) f. the process or the wages of
mending (shoes etc.)
T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl (gath) f. clove of garlic, piece of ginger,
turmeric etc.
TJlm TJlm TJlm TJlm TJlm (gah) m. gout, arthritis, rheumatism
TJlY TJlY TJlY TJlY TJlY (gat hl) a. brawny, muscular, stout, robust,
T T m T T m T T m T T m T T m (g go) m. earthworm
T T T T T (ga) v.t. to hammer, to fix, to drive; to
bury; to pitch (a tent)
T u T u T u T u T u (gama)a. mixed up, muddled,
jumbled, chaotic
m. hotch-potch
Tlm Tlm Tlm Tlm Tlm (gaara)m. shepherd, grazer
T = T = T = T = T = (gav)a. forceful and appropriate (reply
etc.), irrevocable
T T T T T (ga) m. cart, wagon
T H T H T H T H T H (gds) m. chopper, cleaver, poleaxe
T l T l T l T l T l
! !! !!
(ga) f. train, rail; car, bus, track, cart,
carriage etc.
~ UY (~ chall pe) id. to establish one's
~ UYU (~ chalu) id. to work swiftly/
~ UJ (~ chhu) id. to miss the train
~ =H W Fl J (~ vekh ke per bhr
ho) id. comforts make one lazy
UYUl U ~ ( chald d n~) prov. nothing
succeeds like success
-uY ~(-ml ~ ) f. goods train
T l T l T l T l T l
z zz zz
(ga) f. bundle or pack (of paper or notes)
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (gar) m. baby walker
T l/T l T l/T l T l/T l T l/T l T l/T l (ger/ganer) f. peeled small
pieces of a sugarcane
T m T m T m T m T m (go) m. earth worm
T V T V T V T V T V (gd h) f. knot, tie; knuckle, joint of fingers;
bale, bundle, parcel, pack
~ H Y l (~ khulh) id. unravelling of a
~ H JYl (~ khohl) id. to remove
misunderstanding; to open one's purse
~ S W (~ tupp karn) id. to hatch a
conspiracy, to conspire, to intrigue
~ U W (~ d pakk)a. stingy, miser,
parsimonious, having a full purse, a person
not spending a penny
T V T V T V T V T V (gdh) v.i. to tie, to knot; to fasten, to
join, to splice; to mend, to repair; to win over
T V=Fl T V=Fl T V=Fl T V=Fl T V=Fl (gd hv) f. the process or the wages for
mending, repairing etc., the act of typing/binding
T V T V T V T V T V (gd h) m. onion
T Vl T Vl T Vl T Vl T Vl (gdh) f. clove of garlic; piece of ginger;
turmeric etc.
T V Y T V Y T V Y T V Y T V Y (gdhel) f. hard sprout of onion
T T T T T (ga) suff. a suffix which gives the meaning
of 'class', 'group' etc. as in H ST, JWT
TS S TS S TS S TS S TS S (gattar) m. republic, democracy
TS Sl TS Sl TS Sl TS Sl TS Sl (gattar) a. republican, democratic
T T T T T (gan) f. counting, enumeration
-H -H -H -H -H ~(Jan ~) f. census
TS|uW TS|uW TS|uW TS|uW TS|uW(ganatmIk) a. quantitative
T|S T|S T|S T|S T|S (gaI II IIt) m. mathematics
-lH -lH -lH -lH -lH ~(bJ ~ ) m. algebra
- H - H - H - H - H ~(rekh ~ ) m. geometry
TS TS TS TS TS (gat) f. miserable condition, state,
predicament, sad plight; salvation
-T | ~ Jl HJ | S Jl(-gur bIn~
nah shh bIn pat nah ) prov. no salvation
without a guru, no credit without a banker
TSW TSW TSW TSW TSW (gatk) m. leather covered club; sticks
having mounted leather handle and are used
for a show of fighting tactics by the Sikhs
~ Hl (~ bz) f. fencing, sword-play
T S T S T S T S T S (gatt) m. card-board, card
TSl TSl TSl TSl TSl(gat) f. speed, movement, motion; salvation,
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. dynamics, kinematics
TU/T U TU/T U TU/T U TU/T U TU/T U (gad/gadd) f. prose
T U T U T U T U T U (gd) m. dirt, filth, rubbish; vulgar, obscenity
~ |HY (~ khIlrn ) id. to spoil the
~ U (~ pu) id. to spoil the atmosphere
~ W (~ bakk) id. to talk rot
~ Y (~ bal) f. dirty things, garbage, rubbish
~ u U (~ md) m. garbage, rubbish; dirty things,
useless things, worthless things
TUl HSl (gd bast) f. slum area
TU-TU TU-TU TU-TU TU-TU TU-TU (gad-gad) a. overjoyed, over-whelmed
with joy
T UTl T UTl T UTl T UTl T UTl (gdg) f. dirt, filth, impurity, foulness
T Uul T Uul T Uul T Uul T Uul (gdm) a. wheatish
T U T U T U T U T U (g adar) m. mutiny, rebellion, revolt
T U T U T U T U T U (gaddar) a. fleshy; half-ripe, unriped
~ uY (~ ml) m. plenty of money, enough
T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul ( gadar)a. rebellious, mutinous
T UY T UY T UY T UY T UY (gdal) f. stalk of mustard plant etc.
Wm TUY (- kur gdal) m. aloe, aloe-
TU TU TU TU TU (gad) m. mace
T U T U T U T U T U (gadd) m. mattress, bed cushion
T U T U T U T U T U (gd)a.dirty, filthy, nasty; evil, bad; immoral,
~ m (~ d) m. used for a bad child
~ uU (~ md) a. dingy, dirty, filthy; impure,
untidy, befouled
T U T U T U T U T U (gaddr) m. rebel, disloyal; traitor, betrayer
a. treacherous, deceitful
T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul (gaddr) f. treachery, betrayal, disloyalty
T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul (gadd) m. shepherd; seat, saddle; cushion,
pad, hassock; throne (emperor); seat of spiritual
or temporal authority
~ S J (~ te beth) id. to become a king
TU U TU U TU U TU U TU U (gadd) m. gland, a hard lump formed in
the flesh
TU = TU = TU = TU = TU = (gado ) m. a sweet cake given to the
relatives after the death of an elderly person
T T T T T (gdh) f. smell, odour; fragrance, aroma
- -- --HT (-sugdh) f. fragrance, perfume, aroma,
UT (durgdh) f. foul smell, stink, bad
T W T W T W T W T W (gdhak) f. sulphur, brimstone
T Wl T Wl T Wl T Wl T Wl (gdhak) a. sulphuric, brimstony
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gdhl) a. muddy, nesty, turbid
T YU T YU T YU T YU T YU (gdhlu) v.i. to muddle, to make
T T T T T (gadh) m. ass, donkey
a. foolish, stupid, idiot
TlT= ( gadhgeh) m. vicious circle
~ T= U (~ geh pu) id. to entangle
in a mess
T US U=U (gadhe utte chahu)
id. to humiliate, to disgrace
~ U TY |=U YY U (~ de gal vIch ll
pu) id. to give honey to ass
~ T HH WU J (~ nu gadha khJ karda
he) prov. fools praise fools
~ U (~ nu bp banu) id. to
flatter a fool for one's selfish end
T T T T T (gn) f. sugarcane
T l T l T l T l T l (gn) f. eye string
T luS T luS T luS T luS T luS ( ganmat) a. boon, blessing; satisfaction
T T T T T (gapp) f. gossip, chat; brag, unauthentic
information, false report, rumour
~ H (~ shapp) f. gossip, chit chat, tittle-
tattle, cackle, cock and bull story
TT TT TT TT TT (gapgap) f. the act of eating/swallowing
something quickly or hastily
T l T l T l T l T l (gapp) a.& m. gossipmonger, gossipy,
gossiper, chatterer, chatter-box, boaster, prattler
T =/T = T =/T = T =/T = T =/T = T =/T = (gapo /gapo ) m. gossip, false
report, unauthentic information, rumour
~ H (~ sk h) m. tittle tattle, gossip;
gossipmonger, chatter box, gossiper
TV TV TV TV TV (gaf) a. thick, densely woven, coarse
TVYS TVYS TVYS TVYS TVYS (gaflat) f. negligence, carelessness
T = T = T = T = T = (gapph) m. a lion's share, a big share
T T T T T ( gaban) m. embezzlement, defalcation,
misappropriation of money, fraud
T F T F T F T F T F (gabbha) a. pregnant, gravid (animals)
TFlJ TFlJ TFlJ TFlJ TFlJ (gabhr) a. young, adolescent
TF TF TF TF TF (gabhr) a. young, youthful, adolescent
m. husband, spouse; mature
TFY TFY TFY TFY TFY (gabhl) a. middle, central
T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl (gbhr) a. profound, deep (idea); sober,
grave (person); serious, critical, grave
T FlS T FlS T FlS T FlS T FlS (gbhrt) f. sobriety, gravity; depth,
profoundity; seriousness
T F T F T F T F T F (gabbhe) adv. in the centre, in the middle, in
T u T u T u T u T u ( gam) m. remorse, grief, sorrow; worry, anxiety
~ T YS W (~ galat karn) id. to take
intoxicants to forget one's grief, to forget one's
grief or sorrow (by drinking)
T uTl T uTl T uTl T uTl T uTl ( gamgn) a. sorrowful, sad, depressed,
grieved, mournful
T u =l T u =l T u =l T u =l T u =l ( gamro) f. swelling on the skin,
TuY TuY TuY TuY TuY (gaml) m. flower pot, flower base
T ul T ul T ul T ul T ul ( gam) f. sorrow, grief, lamentation
Tu = Tu = Tu = Tu = Tu = (gamo) m. protuberance, swelling or
T T T T T (gar) suff. a suffix which gives the meaning
of 'maker' as HUT, WlT etc.
T |J T |J T |J T |J T |J
! !! !!
(greh) m. planet
~ UY (~ chl) m. period of ill luck; good or
bad time according to stars
~(no ~ ) m. nine planets
z zz zz
(greh) m. house; dwelling, residence
~ =H (~ pravesh) m. home warming
T |JHS T |JHS T |JHS T |JHS T |JHS (grehast) m. family life, married life
T |JHSl T |JHSl T |JHSl T |JHSl T |JHSl (grehast) a. house holder, married man
T |J T |J T |J T |J T |J (gre ha) m. eclipse; the act of receiving or
accepting something
- HH ~ (- su raJ ~) m. solar eclipse
TW TW TW TW TW (garak) a. ruined, destroyed
TW TW TW TW TW (gark) v.i. to be destroyed, to be ruined;
to immerse, to sink
TWl TWl TWl TWl TWl (gark) f. a deep pit in the ground made for
the sewerage purpose
TH TH TH TH TH (garaJ) f. thunder, roar; rumbling (of clouds)
T H T H T H T H T H (.garaz) f. self interest, selfish motive;
necessity, need; concern, interest
- mYTH (al garaz) a. careless, negligent,
- mYT Hl (al garaz ) f. carelessness,
- UT H (kh ud garaz ) a. selfish, self
interested, self seeking; needy, desirous
- UT Hl (khudgarz) f. selfishness, self
T Hu U T Hu U T Hu U T Hu U T Hu U ( garaz md) a. needy, in need, desirous
T T T T T (grth) m. scripture, religious book; a big
voluminous book
~ H|J (~ sa hIb) m. holybook of the Sikhs
T l/T l T l/T l T l/T l T l/T l T l/T l (grth/garth) m. priest of a
TU TU TU TU TU (gard) f. dust, dry fine powdery soil
TUH TUH TUH TUH TUH (gardash) m. unfavourable period, ill luck;
ups and downs of life
TU TU TU TU TU (gardan) f. neck
~ u = (~ maron) v.t. to throttle, to
TU= TU= TU= TU= TU= (gardavar) m. an officer who supervises
the work of a patwari
TU=l TU=l TU=l TU=l TU=l (gardavar) f. the work of recording the
type of produce of every field in a village by
the patwari
T U T U T U T U T U (gard) m. dust, dry powdery soil
TUl TUl TUl TUl TUl (gard) suff. a suffix which denotes as
m=TUl, JTUl etc.
T T T T T (garab) m. vanity, pride, arrogance ,self-
esteem, egotism, elation
T= T= T= T= T= (garb) m. a small earthen pot with small
holes that is used to keep burning earthen lamp
on Ashawin Purnima
TF TF TF TF TF (garbh) m. pregnancy, conception
~ S (~ pt) m. abortion, miscarriage
~ W (~ rok) m. contraception, prevention of
~ W (~ rok) m.& f. a contraceptive
~ =Sl (~vat) a. pregnant, expectant
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (garam) a. hot, warm; hot-headed, hot-
tempered; provocative, provoking
~ HU J (~ sard ho) id. to suffer from
effect of exposure (hot or cold)
~ HHl (~ Josh) f. warmth, zeal, enthusiasm
~ uHY (~ masl) m. condiments, spices
~ |uHH (~ mIz J) a. hot-headed, hot-tempered
-Tu ~ (garm ~ ) a. steaming hot, fresh
from the oven; hot news
-Tu-Tul (- garm-garm) f. enthusiasm,
fervour, zeal; exchange of hot words,
Tu|FH Tu|FH Tu|FH Tu|FH Tu|FH (garmIsh) f. heat, warmth
TuY TuY TuY TuY TuY (garml) m. a plaster levelling tool
Tul Tul Tul Tul Tul (garm) f. summer season; heat, warmth;
anger, wrath; sweat
~ H (~ kh) id. to lose temper, to blow
one's top
T= T= T= T= T= (gara) m. Jay, the name of a bird; vehicle of
Lord Vishnu
~ (~ pur) m. one of the eighteen
Puranas, which is recited after the death of a
T T T T T (gar) m. heap, stock, pile, mound; fodder,
heap of grass
T T T T T (gara) m. village
TFl TFl TFl TFl TFl (gar ) a. co-villager, of the same village,
village-fellow, country cousin
TJl TJl TJl TJl TJl (garh) m. morsel, mouthful
TH TH TH TH TH (garJ) m. garage
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (garm) m. village; gramme (weight)
~ UUUT (~ udyog) m. village industry
~ H (~ sudhr) m. village uplift, rural
~ U|FS (~ pchIt) f. village panchayat
~ =Hl (~ vs) m. villager, an inhabitant of rural
T T T T T (garr) m. gargle; loose umbrella cut
trousers of ladies, garara
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (garr) f. gear, toothed wheel, gear wheel
T|VS T|VS T|VS T|VS T|VS (garIfat) f. grip, hold
T|VS T|VS T|VS T|VS T|VS (garIftr) a. arrested; captured
T|VSl T|VSl T|VSl T|VSl T|VSl (garIftr) f. arrest, apprehension,
capture; detention
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (gar) f. coconut kernel; edible portion of a
suff. a suffix
TlH TlH TlH TlH TlH (gars) f. grease
T l T l T l T l T l ( garb) a. poor, needy, penniless, beggarly;
humble, meek, docile
~ T (~ gurb) m. & a. the poor, pauper,
have nots
~ Ul H HF Ul Fl (~ d Jor sabh d bhb)
prov. a light purse is a heavy curse
~ |=H (~ nIvz) a. helper of the poor, kind
to the poor, supporter of the poor
~ u W (~ mr karn) id. to oppress the
T l= T l= T l= T l= T l= ( garb) a. poor; gentle, meek
T ll T ll T ll T ll T ll ( garb) f. poverty, indigence, beggarliness,
penury, adversity
~ |uSS Ul WHJl J (~ mIttart d kaso he)
prov. adversity tries friends
~ |=U mJ |TY (~ vIch gIll) prov. it
never rains but it pours
T T T T T (garr) m. pride, conceit, arrogance, vanity
T J T J T J T J T J (garoh) m. gang, group, band, company
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (garol) m. a pill made of soil or flour
TY TY TY TY TY (gal) m. neck; throat, gullet, front of neck,
~ =J (~ gho) m. diphtheria (a disease)
~ U J J (~ d hr ho) id. to be much
attached with somebody
~ Y YU (~ nl lu) id. to take care of,
to take the responsibiltiy, to take in one's
~ Y U (~ pall pu) id. to become
too humble
~ |m VY =HU (~ pe dhol vaJu) id.
what can't be cured must be endured
~ (~ pe) id. to fall foul of, to pick-up a
~ u= (~ mahn) id. to thrust upon, to
~ Y T/|uY (~ lagg/mIl) id. to
embrace, to hug; to clasp
~ =V (~ vah) id. to deprive someone
of his rights
- TY YJ (- galo lhu) id. to put off; to
evade (person)
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gall) f. talk; news, information; cause, reason
~ U (~ u) id. a rumour in the air
~ mFl TFl W (~ ga karn) id. to laugh
away, to try to put off; to pay no attention
~ J H Y Hl (~ hor pa se le J) id. to
side track
~ WVl (~ kah) id. to try to get the
~ W (~ katth) f. conversation, chat,
confabulation, dialogue
~ HY (~ kholh) id. to make clear
~ UYU (~ chalu) id. to initiate, to start
a dialogue
~ UW (~ chukk) id. to give air to a matter,
to fan a matter
~ JWl (~ tok) v.t. to interrupt, to chop in
~ JVl (~ hdh pe) id. the matter to
be cooled down
~ U TY /TYW S U (~ da gale /
galkatra banaun) id. to make a mountain
of a mole hill
~ U W J (~ d pakk ho) id. to be
true to one's word
~ U (~ n pach) id. to keep no secret,
to be unable to keep the secret
~ Wl W (~ pakk karn) id. to settle a
bargain, to finalise a matter
~ UUl (~ pachu) id. to keep the secret
~ Y (~ palle n pe) id. to make
neither head nor tail of
~ Y (~ palle bnh) id. to keep in
mind, to take note of
~ =Y (~ phe l) id. to leak out
~ Ul (~ bau) id. to make excuses
~ UYl (~ badl) id. to side track
~ FH U (~ bhJe n pe de) id.
to honour someone's word
~ u WU (~ muku) id. to settle the matter,
to give a clear-cut decision
~ =Vl (~ vah) id. to interrupt, to cut in
~ =U (~ vadhau) id. to aggravate the
~ |=T=l (~ vIgan) id. to make matters
|FW ~ (Ikko ~ ) f. all the same
-|Tl |ul ~ W|Jl (gI mIth ~ ke h) id.
to speak the card
S Ul ~ ( pate d ~ ) id. remarkable-
information, important clue
- -- --TY |=U mU (galla vIch u) id. to be
taken in by one's words
~Y |V Jl FlU (~nl d hId d nah bhar de)
prov. bare words buy no barley
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gallh) f. cheek, jaw
TY|Jl TY|Jl TY|Jl TY|Jl TY|Jl (gale hr) f. squirrel, dormouse
TYTY TYTY TYTY TYTY TYTY (galgal) f. citron; Alpinia galanga, Citrus
TY TY TY TY TY (gal) v.i. to become soft by boiling
(vegetables, pulses etc.), to dissolve; to rot, to
decompose, to decay, to putrefy
T YS T YS T YS T YS T YS ( galat) a. wrong, not right, erroneous;
untrue, false
~ H Y H (~ pse le J) id. to mislead,
to lead wrong; to misunderstand
TYSl TYSl TYSl TYSl TYSl (galta) f. the rope of oxen's neck which
is tied with the yoke
T YS=|Jul T YS=|Jul T YS=|Jul T YS=|Jul T YS=|Jul ( galatphehm) f. misapprehension,
T YS T YS T YS T YS T YS ( galtn) a. absorbed, engrossed, engulfed
T YSl T YSl T YSl T YSl T YSl ( galt) f. error, mistake, fault
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to go away
-uH ~ U SY J (manukkh ~ d putl
he) prov. to err is human
TY TY TY TY TY (galap) f. fiction
TYW TYW TYW TYW TYW (galapkr) m. fiction writer, fictionist,
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y ( galb) m. dominance, awe, sway;
~ U (~ pu) id. to have the upper hand
TYu TYu TYu TYu TYu(galm) m. neck of the shirt
TY= W=l TY= W=l TY= W=l TY= W=l TY= W=l(galvakk) f. embrace, clasp, hug
TY TY TY TY TY (gal) m. throat, gullet; neck; neck of the shirt
~ WJ (~ ka) id. to deprive some one of
his right
~ J (~ beth) id. to have sore throat, to
call oneself hoarse
-TY U J (gale d hr) a. dearly loved
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gall) m. safe, cash box
TYH TYH TYH TYH TYH (gals) m. glass, tumbler
TYHl TYHl TYHl TYHl TYHl (gals) f. small tumbler
TYW= TYW= TYW= TYW= TYW= (galka) a. talkative, chatty, chatterer,
babbler, garrulous
TYH =l TYH =l TYH =l TYH =l TYH =l (galkho) m. halter
TYV TYV TYV TYV TYV (galf) m. cover, case, (of quilt etc.)
T|Ym T|Ym T|Ym T|Ym T|Ym (galIr) m. corridor, passage, gallery
TYl TYl TYl TYl TYl (gal) f. lane, alley, street; hole, perforation
~ TYl (~ gal) adv. lane to lane
~ T mV (~ gu d h) m. neighbourhood, vicinity
- U ~ (bnd~) f. blind lane, blind alley/street
TYlm U W H U T ( gal de kakkh
chug) id. to be reduced to poverty
T Yl /T Yl Sl T Yl /T Yl Sl T Yl /T Yl Sl T Yl /T Yl Sl T Yl /T Yl Sl (gall /gall bat ) adv. with lip-
service, verbally
TYlU TYlU TYlU TYlU TYlU (galch) m. rug, carpet
TYlH TYlH TYlH TYlH TYlH (galz) a. filthy, dirty
TYlJ TYlJ TYlJ TYlJ TYlJ (gal) f. physical structure, constitution of
the body
TY TY TY TY TY (gale) m. tonsils
~ S Ul UYU (~ te chhur chalu) id.
to deprive someone of his right
TY TY TY TY TY (gale) a. tearful eyes, eyes brimmed with
TY = TY = TY = TY = TY = (galeph) v.t. to coat, to frost (sugar on
medicine etc.)
TY Hl TY Hl TY Hl TY Hl TY Hl(glesrn) f. glycerine
TY TY TY TY TY (galo) m. a medicinal plant (creeper),
Menispermum glabrum
TY J/TY S TY J/TY S TY J/TY S TY J/TY S TY J/TY S (galo/galot) m. a kind of wild fruit
with sour leaves, Ceropegia esculenta
TY J TY J TY J TY J TY J (galo) m. reel of spun cotton thread
T= Flm T= Flm T= Flm T= Flm T= Flm (gava) m. singer, songster; bard, minstrel
T= T= T= T= T= (gavarnar) m. governor
T=l T=l T=l T=l T=l (gavarnar) f. governorship, post of
T=U T=U T=U T=U T=U (gavu) v.t. to lose, to fail; to cause to
T=U T=U T=U T=U T=U (gav) m. loser; squanderer, spendthrift
T=J T=J T=J T=J T=J (gavh) m. witness, deponent
~ |FHSTH (~ Isatgs) m. a person giving
evidence against the culprit, witness
~ =H H W (~ vaJo pesh karn) id. to call
to witness
- HWl ~ (sarkr ~ ) m. approver
- u W U ~ /UHuUlU ~ (mo ke d~ /
chashmdd ~) m. eye witness
T=Jl T=Jl T=Jl T=Jl T=Jl (gavh) f. witness, evidence, testimony
~ U (~ de) v.t. to bear witness
T=/T = T=/T = T=/T = T=/T = T=/T = (gavr/gvr) a. rustic, uncivilised,
unrefined, low-bred
T = T = T = T = T = (gvr) a. rustic; boorish
T=Y T=Y T=Y T=Y T=Y (gavl) m. cowherd, cow-boy; milkman,
dairy man; a Hindu sub-caste
T= T= T= T= T= (ga) m. a large boil with hardness and
inflammation; abscess
T= T= T= T= T= (garh) m. fort, castle, citadel; an area of
predominance, supremacy, strong-hold
T= W T= W T= W T= W T= W (gahk) v.i. to thunder, to roar, to speak
T=T H T=T H T=T H T=T H T=T H (gagaJJ) m.&a. loud voice, thunderclap;
thunderer, one that roars, one who speaks loud
T=T= T=T= T=T= T=T= T=T= (gaga) f. rumbling, thundering sound of
clouds; gargling sound of water as in hookah,
T=T= JJ T=T= JJ T=T= JJ T=T= JJ T=T= JJ (gagahat ) m. rumbling noise;
thundering sound
T=U T=U T=U T=U T=U (gadubb) m. disorder, muddle
T= T= T= T= T= (gaapp) m. gulp, swallow, the noise made
by chewing food
T= T= T= T= T= (gaapp) v.t. to gulp, to swallow
T= /T= T= /T= T= /T= T= /T= T= /T= (gahpp/gaapp) m. a big
quantity of something eaten at a time
T==/T==l T==/T==l T==/T==l T==/T==l T==/T==l (gaba/gaba) f. disturbance,
disorder; mess, muddle
T== T== T== T== T== (gav) m. an Indian metallic water pot,
(especially of brass or steel)
T==l T==l T==l T==l T==l (gav) f. small water-pot (especially of
brass or steel)
T= T= T= T= T= (ga) m. hail, hail stone
~ u (~ mr) f. destruction caused to the
crops by hailstorm
T= l T= l T= l T= l T= l (gah) f. fortress, a small fort, citadel, post
T= U T= U T= U T= U T= U (gaucch) a. wet to the skin, drenched,
soaked; dead drunk, intoxicated
T= U T= U T= U T= U T= U (gau d) a. engrossed, absorbed, lost (in
T T T T T (g) f. cow
a. meek or humble
~ U uH (~ da mas) a. beef
TU TU TU TU TU (gu)m. song, singing; a marriage ceremony
TU TU TU TU TU (gu) v.t. to sing, to chant
T|FW T|FW T|FW T|FW T|FW (gek) m. singer, songster
T|F T|F T|F T|F T|F (geb) m. invisible, vanished, out of sight
~ J (~ hona) id. to disappear, to be out of
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (gh) m. the act of thrashing, thrash; confusion,
suff. a suffix
~ U (~ pu) id. to create a mess; to
place things in disorder
TJW TJW TJW TJW TJW (ghak) m. customer, buyer, purchaser;
client (of a lawyer)
TJWl TJWl TJWl TJWl TJWl (ghk) f. purchase, buying, rush for
purchase; sale
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (ghu) v.t. to thrash, to beat out the grains
TT TT TT TT TT (ggar) f. metallic pitcher used for putting
~ |=U HT (~ vIch sagar) id. an ocean in a
pitcher, too much in a few words
TUl TUl TUl TUl TUl (gch) f. fuller's earth, clay
TUl TUl TUl TUl TUl (gch) f. sapling with earth round the roots;
fuller's earth; soap, cake
TH TH TH TH TH (gJar) f. carrot, Daucus-carota
~ uYl HuK (~ ml samJh) id. to treat as
a petty thing/worthless stuff, to consider
THW THW THW THW THW (gJarpk) m. a sweet-dish made of
carrots, sugar and condensed milk
TH TH TH TH TH (gJ) m. hemp plant, leaves of the hemp
plant having narcotic properties and is used
for smoking purpose
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (g) m. neck, nape; throat
T T T T T (gar) f. girder
TV TV TV TV TV (gadh) m. joint, splice, patch
~ HV (sadh) m. conspiracy, intrigue
TS TS TS TS TS (gtr) m. shoulder belt, sword belt, baldric
T T T T T (gth) f. story, tale, ballad, narrative poem,
TU TU TU TU TU (gd) f. sediment, dreg, silt
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (gdh) f. a long board on which the driver
of Persian wheel sits and to which the oxen
are yoked
T T T T T (gn) m. a multicoloured auspicious thread,
tied on the wrist of the bride and the
bridegroom; sprain
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (gn) f. string of coloured beads worn round
the neck; a stripe round the neck of a parrot,
dove etc.
TVY TVY TVY TVY TVY (gfal) a. careless, inattentive, negligent
! !! !!
) f. sediment, dreg, residurum; cavern,
cave; pit, chasm
z zz zz
) suff. a suffix, when added to a word
gives the meaning of doer as in
uUUT,|UuST etc.
TU TU TU TU TU (grd) f. a batch of constables, soldiers,
T T T T T (gr) m. guard, incharge of the train
l ~ ( b ~ ) m. body-guard
Ju ~ ( hom ~ ) m. security force and its
concerned department, Home guard
T= T= T= T= T= (gar) m. a person who removes the
venomous effect of snake bite by incantations
T T T T T (gr) m. mud, mire, sludge
TY TY TY TY TY (gl) f. an abusive language, abuse, name-
calling, invective, profanity, execration
TY TY TY TY TY (gl) v.t. to decay, to decompose, to
soften by being boiled as pulses, vegetables
etc., to dissolve
TY = TY = TY = TY = TY = (glh) m. squirrel
U H= T U ~ J=l (uJre bg da ~
patvar) prov. when the fox preaches look to
your geese
m U ~ H (anr d~ rkh) prov.
when the fox preaches look to your geese
TY=l TY=l TY=l TY=l TY=l (gal) a. talkative, chatty, gossipy
TYl TYl TYl TYl TYl (gl) f. an abusive language, an abuse
~ TY U (~ galoch) f. an abuse, invective,
name-calling, profanity
T= T= T= T= T= (gv) m. long roundish pillow
T= T= T= T= T= (gh) a. thick, dense (milk, cloth etc.)
- T= Hl Ul WuFl (- ghe pasne d kam)
f. hard earned money
|Tm T H|m |Tm T H|m |Tm T H|m |Tm T H|m |Tm T H|m (gI guzrI) a. good for nothing
~ =WS |= J Jl mUU (~ vakt phIr hatth
nah ud) prov. time once past can never
be recalled
|TmS |TmS |TmS |TmS |TmS (gIt) a. known
|TmS |TmS |TmS |TmS |TmS (gIt) n. knower, one who knows
H ~ ( sarab ~ ) m. one who knows
everything, Omniscient, God
|Tm |Tm |Tm |Tm |Tm (gIn) m. knowledge, learning, erudition;
~ |FUl/|FUlm (~dr/dr) f. sense organ/
organs, organs of perceptions
~ THJl (~ gosh) f. religious conversation,
religious discourse
|Tml |Tml |Tml |Tml |Tml (gIn) a. learned, well-informed; sage,
philosopher; an examination of Punjabi
language, honours in Punjabi
~ |ml (~ dhIn) a. religious, sagacious
|Tm= |Tm= |Tm= |Tm= |Tm= (gIrv) a. eleventh
|Tm |Tm |Tm |Tm |Tm (gIr) m. eleven
- -- --|FW S U ~ (- Ikk te do ~) id. two and two
make four
- U ~ J (- no do ~ ho) id. to take to
one's heels
|T Ul |T Ul |T Ul |T Ul |T Ul (gIcch) f. neck, nape
~ mU (~ nu u) id. to fall foul of
~ |U uS J (~ pIchhe matt ho) id. to
be a stupid, to be foolish
|TH |TH |TH |TH |TH ( gIz) f. nutritive, diet food, nutritious
|T K |T K |T K |T K |T K (gIJhh) v.i. to get used to, to become
|TKU |TKU |TKU |TKU |TKU (gIJhu) v.t. to habituate
|TJW |TJW |TJW |TJW |TJW (gIak) f. stone of a fruit
|TJW |TJW |TJW |TJW |TJW (gIka) a. dwarf, a small stature
|TJ|uJ |TJ|uJ |TJ|uJ |TJ|uJ |TJ|uJ (gImI) f. secret talk; conversation in an
unfamiliar language
|T J W |T J W |T J W |T J W |T J W (gIt h ku) a. about a span, of small/ short
|TJu Jlm |TJu Jlm |TJu Jlm |TJu Jlm |TJu Jlm (gIhmuth) m. dwarf, pigmy, midget
|T J |T J |T J |T J |T J (gItth) a. dwarf, pigmy ,midget
|T |T |T |T |T (gI) f. matter formed in the eyes, gum (of
the eyes)
|TSl |TSl |TSl |TSl |TSl (gIt) f. the act of counting; number, count;
~ U (~ d) a. small in number, a few
~ |=U J (~ vIch ho) id. to be counted
among eminent persons, to have a say
~ |=U (~ vIch pe ) id. to become
worried, to become anxious
| WH ~ |=U HuK (-kIse ~ vIch n
samJh) id. to have no say, to hold in no
|T |T |T |T |T (gIn) v.t. to count, to calculate, to reckon
- |T |T W |U WJ (gI gI ke dIn
ka) id. to pass one's time miserably
~ |T W UY Y (~ gI ke badle le) id.
to take revenge, to torture badly
|Tl-|u l T Y W|Jl (-gI-mItth gall
keh) id. to speak the card
|T= |T= |T= |T= |T= (gIv) a. calculated, counted; small in
numbers, a few
|TU |TU |TU |TU |TU (gIu) id. to cause to count/reckon;
to give account of the expenditure
|T U= t |T U= t |T U= t |T U= t |T U= tgIdda) m. jackal; coward, caitiff
~ |TU=l U |=mJ (~ gIdda d vIh) m.
jackal's wedding
~ UH m= mH J W=l (~ dkh n ape
khe thuh ko) prov. grapes are sour
~ Ul (~ parch) f. document having no value
~ FWlm (~ bhabk ) f. paper bullets
|T |T |T |T |T (gIddh) m. vulture; rapacious
|T |T |T |T |T (gIddha) m. ladies folk dance of Punjab
~ U (~ pu) id. to jubilate, to rejoice
|T t |T t |T t |T t |T tgIr) m. a unit of measurement which is
sixteenth part of a yard
|T|TJ |T|TJ |T|TJ |T|TJ |T|TJ (gIrgI) m. chameleon; turncoat, a fickle-
minded person
~ =T T UY (~ vg rg badl) id. to
change colours chameleon like, to change one's
opinion or principles in no time
|TH |TH |TH |TH |TH (gIrJ) m. church, chapel, cathedral
|TK |TK |TK |TK |TK (gIrJh) f. vulture
|TU |TU |TU |TU |TU (gIrd) adv. around, on all sides
|TU |TU |TU |TU |TU (gIrd) m. surrounding, environment
|T |T |T |T |T (gIrn) v.i. to fall, to collapse; to fall down;
to decline/slump (prices)
|T=l |T=l |T=l |T=l |T=l (gIrv) a. pledged, pawned, mortgaged,
~ S (~ pattar) m. mortgage bond
| T=l U | T=l U | T=l U | T=l U | T=l U (gIrvdr) m. pledgee, pledger,
|T=lu |T=lu |T=lu |T=lu |T=lu (gIrvnm) m. mortgage deed
|T=J |T=J |T=J |T=J |T=J (gIrva) f. down fall, decline, slump, fall
(prices); degradation, demoralisation
|Tl/|T |Tl/|T |Tl/|T |Tl/|T |Tl/|T (gIr/gIr) f. kernel, edible part of a
|T |T |T |T |T (gIrebn) m. part of a garment round the
~ |=U = H (~ vIch vekh) id. to look within,
to search one's heart, to introspect
| T Y | T Y | T Y | T Y | T Y (gIll) f. dampness, moisture, wetness;
reputation, good will
~ Tml/TYl (~ gu/gl) id. to lose
one's reputation or good name
|TY J |TY J |TY J |TY J |TY J (gIlha) m. nickel-coating, gilt
|TYJl |TYJl |TYJl |TYJl |TYJl (gIl) f. a hard lump in the flesh, tumour;
|TY = |TY = |TY = |TY = |TY = (gIlha) m. thyroid gland, goitre
|TY |TY |TY |TY |TY (gIl) m. complaint, grievance, reproach
~ |HW= (~ shIkv) m. grouse, complaint,
|T Y |T Y |T Y |T Y |T Y (gIll) a. wet, saturated, drenched; damp,
~ lJ (~ pha) m. slow and tiring task
|TYHS |TYHS |TYHS |TYHS |TYHS (gIlzat) f. dirt, filth
|TYl |TYl |TYl |TYl |TYl (gIln) f. hate, aversion, repulsion
|TYV |TYV |TYV |TYV |TYV (gIlf) m. cover, case (quilt, pillow etc.)
|T=|T=U |T=|T=U |T=|T=U |T=|T=U |T=|T=U (gIgIu) v.t. to implore; to
request, to entreat, to beseech
|T= |T= |T= |T= |T= (gIn) v.i. to turn, to revolve
TlT TlT TlT TlT TlT (gg) m. infant, babe; wise, intelligent
a. innocent, simple
TlK TlK TlK TlK TlK (gJh) m. pocket, pocket fitted near the waist
TlJ TlJ TlJ TlJ TlJ (g) m. pebble, flint; small round piece of
Tl V Tl V Tl V Tl V Tl V (gdh) a. dwarf, pigmy, small statured
TlS TlS TlS TlS TlS (gt) m. lyric, song, sonnet
- Y ~ (-bl ~) m. children song
-YW ~ (-lok ~) m. folk song
- -- --TlSW (-gtkr) m. lyricist, songster, song
TlS TlS TlS TlS TlS (gt) f. Gita, a sacred scripture of Hindus
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (gr) suff. a suffix
T mU T mU T mU T mU T mU (guu) v.t. to make to sing; to lose; to
waste, to ruin
T mU T mU T mU T mU T mU (guch) v.i. to be lost; to be engrossed,
to be preoccupied
T mV T mV T mV T mV T mV (gu h) m. neighbourhood, vicinity
T mVl T mVl T mVl T mVl T mVl (gudh) m. neighbour
T m T m T m T m T m (gur) m. fodder, Psoralea tetragonoloba,
a type of plant and its seeds
T HS T HS T HS T HS T HS (gustk h) a. insolent, impertinent, impudent,
rude, haughty, arrogant
T HSl T HSl T HSl T HSl T HSl (gustk h) f. insolence, impudence,
impertinence, arrogance, rudeness, defiance
~ um= (~ muph) intj. excuse me, pardon
T HY T HY T HY T HY T HY (gusal) m. bath
~ H (~ khn) m. bathroom, bath
T H T H T H T H T H (guss) m. anger, wrath, fury, rage, indignation
~ WV (~ kadh) id. to vent one's spleen
~ H (~ kh) id. to get enraged, to lose
temper, to blow one's top
~ W U (~ thukk de) id. to forget one's
grievance, to be pacified
~ l H (~ p J) id. to bite one's lips, to
restrain one self
T HFl T HFl T HFl T HFl T HFl (gusa ) m. God, the Supreme being; a sect
of ascetics
T H T H T H T H T H (gusse) a. angry, annoyed, enraged, furious
~ TH (~ gusse) adv. angrily
~ Y Y (~ nl bo l) id. to seethe with
~ Y F=W UJ (~ nl bhaak uh) id. to
blow one's top, to be enraged
T H Y T H Y T H Y T H Y T H Y (gusel) a. wrathful, passionate, irascible,
T TY T TY T TY T TY T TY (guggal) m. gum of a thorny tree which is
used for incense, Balasamodendron roxourghii
T U T U T U T U T U (gch) m. blossom, flower
T U T U T U T U T U (guchchh) m. bunch, cluster; tuft (of hair)
~ J (~ ho) id. to be clenched; to be
drawn in
T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul (guchchh) f. hank, skein; hilly black
T H T H T H T H T H (guzar) m. living, subsistence, sustenance
T H T H T H T H T H (guzarn) v.i. to pass by, to go; to die, to
pass away
T H T H T H T H T H (guz rn) f. living, livelihood, subsistence;
maintenance, allowance, alimony
T HU T HU T HU T HU T HU (gJu) v.t. to cause to sound, to make/
cause to echo
T H|FH T H|FH T H|FH T H|FH T H|FH (gJIsh) f. capacity; room, space
T H T H T H T H T H (guzr) suff. a suffix which headed after a
word means payer as inH WT H, uYT H
T H T H T H T H T H (guzrn) v.t. to pass, to spend (time)
T H T H T H T H T H (guzr) m. living, sustenance, livelihood;
maintenance, allowance, alimony
T KY T KY T KY T KY T KY (gJhal) f. complexity, intricacy;
entanglement, complication
~ HYl (~ kholh) id. to solve the riddle, to
put the axe in the helve
T K T K T K T K T K (guJJh) a. mysterious, secret, abstruse
T J T J T J T J T J (gu) m. group, faction, block
T J T J T J T J T J (gu) m. wrist; dry coconut kernel
a. dead drunk, intoxicated, tipsy, drunken
H |=U ~ J ( nashe vIch ~ ho) id. to
be in one's cup
T JW/T JW T JW/T JW T JW/T JW T JW/T JW T JW/T JW (guk/gukn) v.i. to purr, to
chirp, to coo; to chuckle, to smile
T JW T JW T JW T JW T JW (guk) m. small religious book in which
Gurbani is amassed; a hand book, manual; a
small wooden piece fitted in the centre of the
door frame as obstruction
T JW -T JW T JW -T JW T JW -T JW T JW -T JW T JW -T JW (guk-guk ) f. the sound made by
pigeons, cooing
T J |Y T J |Y T J |Y T J |Y T J |Y (gu nIrlep) a. non-aligned, neutral,
T J Ul T J Ul T J Ul T J Ul T J Ul (gubd) f. groupism, factionalism,
T J T J T J T J T J (gur) f. a black brown bird with yellow
T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl (gu) f. a small bundle of mustard leaves,
coriander etc.
T J T J T J T J T J (gut t h) f. corner, angle, nook
T JYl T JYl T JYl T JYl T JYl (guhl) f. stone (of a fruit)
T T T T T (gua) v.t. to dig, to weed, to hoe
T T T T T (gu) m. kite
~ (~ bnh) id. to guy, to make game
of, to poke fun at
T T T T T (g) m. rascal, hooligan, hoodlum, knavish,
wicked, rogue, scoundrel
T U T U T U T U T U (guu) to cause to be hoed, to cause
to be weeded
T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl (gu) f. hoeing, weeding; hoeing charges
T TUl T TUl T TUl T TUl T TUl (ggard) f. hooliganism, rascalism
T T T T T (gu) m. hoer, weeder
T l T l T l T l T l (gu) doll, puppet; kite
~ WTH (~ kgaz) m. a thin paper used for
making kite
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to become
prosperous, to become successful and popular
T T T T T (gu) m. virtue, quality, excellence, skill, talent,
worth, attribute, merit; effect, propriety (of
~ m T (~ o gu) m. merits and demerits, good
and bad qualities
~ TU (~ gu) id. to chant the praises of
TWl (gukr) a. beneficial, curative,
potential, effective, gainful, healing, efficacious
T Ul TYl ( gu d gutthl) m. a person
who possesses all good qualities, accomplished
person, talented person, a man of virtues, an
all round best personality
T -T T -T T -T T -T T -T (gu-gu) f. speaking with partly closed
mouth, mumbling
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to speak through nose,
to murmur
! !! !!
(gugu) m. one who speaks with a
nasal tone
z zz zz
(gugu) adv. luke warm, tepid
T T U T T U T T U T T U T T U (guguu) v.t. to speak slowly;
to hum; to sing with close lips, to murmur, to
T T JJ T T JJ T T JJ T T JJ T T JJ (guguha) f. the sound produced
by close lips, hum
T T T T T (guan) m. multiplication
T=Y (guanphal) m. result obtained
by multiplying a number with the other, product
T = T = T = T = T = (guvn) a. talented, gifted, able, virtuous
T T T T T (gu) m. multiplication
T SuW T SuW T SuW T SuW T SuW (gutmak) a. qualitative
T l T l T l T l T l (gu)a. a person of talents, skilful, virtuous
T lm T lm T lm T lm T lm (gu ) m. carpenter's square, trying-
square, try-square
T U T U T U T U T U (gue pu) v.t. to cast lots; to divide,
to share out
T S T S T S T S T S (gutt) f. plait, braid
TSuTSl J (guttamgutt ho) id. to
scuffle, to scrimmage (of women), to grapple
T S= T S= T S= T S= T S= (gutv) m. mess for cattle made of chaff,
mustard oil-cake, gruel of grams etc.
T uT T uT T uT T uT T uT (gutthamgutth) m. scuffle, scrimmage
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl (gutthl) f. a small bag or purse made of
cloth and is used for keeping money
T l T l T l T l T l (gutth) f. knot; complication, riddle, problem;
a purse of cloth, small pouch
T UT U T UT U T UT U T UT U T UT U (gudgud) a. soft, cushiony, squashy;
plump, fleshy
T UT Ul/T UT UJJ T UT Ul/T UT UJJ T UT Ul/T UT UJJ T UT Ul/T UT UJJ T UT Ul/T UT UJJ (gudgud/gudgudh) f.
tickle, titillation, ticklishness
T U T U T U T U T U (gda) v.t. to plait, to braid; to weave a
garland, to weave
T U= T U= T U= T U= T U= (gdav ) a. plaited, weaved; muscular,
T U=U T U=U T U=U T U=U T U=U (gdvu) v.t. to help to plait, to make
to braid; to cause to weave
T U= T U= T U= T U= T U= (guddar) m. rubbish, sweepings, old torn
clothes, rags
T U=/T U= T U=/T U= T U=/T U= T U=/T U= T U=/T U= (gda/gda) m. patched quilt;
beggar's bedding
T U=l T U=l T U=l T U=l T U=l (gudar) f. a jacket stuffed with cotton;
beggars patched quilt
T U T U T U T U T U (guda) f. anus, rectum
T U T U T U T U T U (gudd) m. pulp, pith; marrow
T UU T UU T UU T UU T UU (gdu) v.t. to cause to be plaited/
T Uu T Uu T Uu T Uu T Uu (gudm) m. godown, ware house; store,
depot, granary
T T T T T (gnh) v.t. to knead
T U T U T U T U T U (gunhu) v.t. to cause to be kneaded
T J T J T J T J T J (gunh) m. sin, evil; fault; offence, crime
T JT T JT T JT T JT T JT (gunhgr) a. sinner, criminal, evil doer;
guilty; offender, culprit
T S T S T S T S T S (gupat) a. secret, confidential; private;
concealed, hidden (in camera); mysterious
~ mT (~ a g) m. private parts
~ muUl (~ mdan) f. income undisclosed
or secret sources, unearned income
~ (~ dhn) m. black money, hidden treasure
~ T (~ rog) m. venereal disease
~ |=mJ (~ vIh) m. clandestine marriage,
secret marriage
T SU (gupatchar) m. spy, emissary,
secret-service agent
~ |=F T (~vIbhg) m. secret service,
intelligence-service, criminal investigation
department, C.I.D.
TSU (gupatdn) f. secret donation,
anonymous donation
T V T V T V T V T V (guf) f. cave, cavern
T U T U T U T U T U (gbad) f. dome, vault, cupola
T = T = T = T = T = (gba) m. swelling caused by a blow
T T T T T (gubr) m. powdery-dust; suppressed anger,
indignation, perplexity
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to give vent to one's
mind or heart, to unburden one's mind
T T T T T (gubr) m. balloon
T u T u T u T u T u (gm) a. lost , missing; senseless, unconscious;
silent, quiet
~ H u (~ sm) a. senseless, taciturn,
unconscious; silent, quiet, mute
TuHU (gmshud) a. lost, missing
T uJl T uJl T uJl T uJl T uJl (gum) f. small dome, small cupola
T u T u T u T u T u (gma) v.i. to be lost
T uu T uu T uu T uu T uu (gumnm) a. anonymous, incognito;
T uul T uul T uul T uul T uul (gumnm) f. anonymousness, anonymity
T uJ T uJ T uJ T uJ T uJ (gumrh) a. astray, aberrant, misled
T u= T u= T u= T u= T u= (gma) m. swelling caused by a blow,
protuberance; boil
T uHS T uHS T uHS T uHS T uHS (gumsht) m. agent of a land lord, money
lender etc.; work agent, manager of a firm
T u T u T u T u T u (gumn) m. pride, conceit, haughtiness;
imagination, suspicion
T ul T ul T ul T ul T ul (gumn) a. proud, conceited, vain, haughty
T T T T T (gur) m. device, formula, trick
T|HH (gursIkkh) m. a staunch follower
of Gurmat's canons
T H T H T H T H T H (gurs) m. twelve dozens, gross
T Tl T Tl T Tl T Tl T Tl (gurgb) f. pump shoes
T T T T T T T T T T (gurgur) f. growl, snarl
T H T H T H T H T H (gurJ) f. a club having a spiked metal head,
T U T U T U T U T U (gurd) m. kidney
T U m T U m T U m T U m T U m (gurdur) m. worshipping place of the
Sikhs; the place of a Guru, residence of a
preceptor, Guru's abode
T T T T T (gurpurb) m. the birthday or martyrdom
day of Sikh Gurus
T l |H T l |H T l |H T l |H T l |H (gurpur sIdhrn) id. to die, to
breathe one's last
T S T S T S T S T S (gurbat) f. poverty, beggary
T l T l T l T l T l (gurb) f. 'Bani' of Gurus, Bhagats and
Saints compiled in sri Guru Granth Sahib
T FFl T FFl T FFl T FFl T FFl (gurbh) m. fellow disciple
T uS T uS T uS T uS T uS (gurmat) m. principles of Sikh religion
T u S T u S T u S T u S T u S (gurmtar) m. preceptor's secret message
T uS T uS T uS T uS T uS (gurmat) m. a resolution made/adopted
by Sikh congregation
T u H T u H T u H T u H T u H (gurmukh) m. & a. a true follower of guru's
ordainment; pious , saintly (person)
T u Hl T u Hl T u Hl T u Hl T u Hl (gurmukh) f. name of the script used for
Punjabi language, Gurmukhi
T |mFl T |mFl T |mFl T |mFl T |mFl (gurI) f. guruship
T T T T T (gur) m. spiritual guide, religious teacher;
mentor; prophet, preceptor; one of the ten Sikh
Gurus; Jupiter; God, the Supreme being; a sign
denoting lengthened sound in prosody
a. over clever, cunning, crafty
~ W YT (~ k lgar) m. a free community
kitchen run in Sikh temples
~ W Y (~ kul) m. a residential teaching
~ =JY (~ ghl) m. & a. crafty and cunning
over clever, reprobate
~ = (~ vr) m. Thursday
T T H|J T T H|J T T H|J T T H|J T T H|J (Guru grth shIb) m. the scripture
of the Sikhs, sri Guru Granth Sahib
T S T S T S T S T S (gurt) f. weight, heaviness; gravity (of
T H T H T H T H T H (gurez) f. avoidance, abstention, desistence,
! !! !!
(gul) m. flower, blossom
~ WU (~ kd) m. a medicinal jam prepared of
rose petals by adding sugar in it
~ |HYU (~ khIlu) id. to do something
untoward and unexpected (usually in a bad
~ U (~ badan) a. soft-skinned; beautiful,
z zz zz
(gul) m. burnt wick of a lamp or candle-stick,
snuff; ash of cigarette
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be burnt out, to be
extinguished (light); to be ruined/spoiled
(business); to be annihilated; to be wasted
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to extinguish, to blow
out; to ruin, to spoil; to annihilate; to waste
T YH T YH T YH T YH T YH (gulshan) m. garden
T YWSl T YWSl T YWSl T YWSl T YWSl (gulkatran) f. snuffers
T YTY/T YT Y T YTY/T YT Y T YTY/T YT Y T YTY/T YT Y T YTY/T YT Y (gulgal/gulgul) m. a round
shaped sweet made of wheat flour, sugar and
water and fried in oil or ghee, round fried cake
T YU T YU T YU T YU T YU (gulchhare) m. revelry, spree; merry-
making, festivity, jollity
~ U U (~ uu) id. to wallow, to indulge
in revelry, to enjoy oneself, to live luxuriously
T YH T YH T YH T YH T YH (gulzr) m. flower garden
a. humming with life, bursting with life
T YUHS T YUHS T YUHS T YUHS T YUHS (guldast) m. bouquet, nosegay, posy,
bunch of flowers
T YUU Ul T YUU Ul T YUU Ul T YUU Ul T YUU Ul (guldud) m. chrysanthemum,
Chrysanthemum indicum
T YU T YU T YU T YU T YU (guldn) m. flower-vase, flower-pot
T YV T YV T YV T YV T YV (gulf) m. viscid substance formed by
mucous membrane and ejected by coughing
T YVu T YVu T YVu T YVu T YVu (gulfm) a. handsome, beautiful
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gull) m. corn-cob, thick and short piece of
wood; stopper, plug
T YFl T YFl T YFl T YFl T YFl (gul) f. roundness, circularity, sphericity,
globosity, globularity, roundity
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gulnr) m. the flower of pomegranate
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl (gulnr) a. of the colour of pomegranate-
flower, scarlet, magenta
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gulb) m. rose (plant & flower)
~ mW/~ HY (~ ark/ ~ Jal) m. rose-water
T YHu T YHu T YHu T YHu T YHu (gulbJa man) m. a round shaped
T YUl T YUl T YUl T YUl T YUl (gulbdn) f. a rose-water or scented
liquid vessel or container of silver or brass etc.,
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl (gulb) a. rose-coloured, rosy, pink
T Yu T Yu T Yu T Yu T Yu (gulm) m. slave, bondman, bondservant,
thrall; a person totally subject to some desire,
need, habit etc.; servant, attendant; jack(in
~ J (~ ho) id. to be slave of
~ U (~ bau) v.t. to enslave, to thrall
T Yul T Yul T Yul T Yul T Yul (gulm) f. slavery, bondage, servitude,
enslavement; thralldom
T YY T YY T YY T YY T YY (gull) m. coloured powder thrown on each
other during the Holi festival
T |YHS T |YHS T |YHS T |YHS T |YHS (gulIst ) m. garden
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl
! !! !!
f. a small round piece of wood
tapered at both ends and used for playing tip-
~ (~ ) m. tipcat; a weed plant,
Philarus minu
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl
z z z z z
f. small chapati
~ HYl (~ Jull) f. food and raiment, the basic
necessities of life
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl
a aa aa
f. corncob (of maize)
T Y W H T Y W H T Y W H T Y W H T Y W H (gulkos) m. glucose
T Y U T Y U T Y U T Y U T Y U (gulbd) m. an ornament for the neck,
choker, necklace; muffler, scarf, cravat,
T Y Y T Y Y T Y Y T Y Y T Y Y (gulel) m. catapult, slingshot
T = T = T = T = T = (gu) m. jaggery
~ H TYT|Ym S JH W (~ kh gul
galI to parheJ karn) prov. to swallow a
camel and to strain at a gnat
T =-T = T =-T = T =-T = T =-T = T =-T = (gu-gu) f. sound produced while
smoking hubble-bubble; bubbling or rumbling
T =T =U T =T =U T =T =U T =T =U T =T =U (guguu) v.t. to smoke hubble-
v.i. to rumble (of bowels)
T =T =l T =T =l T =T =l T =T =l T =T =l (gugu) f. a small hubble-bubble with
bottle-shaped stand
T = Sl T = Sl T = Sl T = Sl T = Sl (guht) f. first sweet substance (generally
honey) given to a new-born-child by some
elderly-respected person as a ritual
T = T = T = T = T = (guhn) v.t. to attain experience
T = T = T = T = T = (gub) m. pieces of unripe mangoes
cooked in sweetened water
T J T J T J T J T J (g h) m. ordure, stool, excreta, human faeces,
night soil
T T T T T T T T T T (g g) a. dumb, speechless, mute
TT U T= ( g ge d gu) ph. beyond
T H T H T H T H T H (g J) f. echo, resounding, reverberation
T H T H T H T H T H (g Ja) v.i. to echo, to resound, to
T T T T T (g) m. gunny bag
T U T U T U T U T U (g d) f. gum, mucilage, glue
~ WSl (~ katr) f. gum dragon, tragacanth
T UUl T UUl T UUl T UUl T UUl (g ddn) f. gum-pot/bottle
T = T = T = T = T = (gh) a. deep, profound, abstruse, recondite;
hidden (meaning etc.)
~ |Tm (~ gIn) m. profound/deep knowledge
T = S T = S T = S T = S T = S (ght) f. deepness, profoundity
T = T = T = T = T = (grh) a. dark, bright (colour); fast, close
T H T H T H T H T H (geJ) f. gauge
T K T K T K T K T K (geJh) m. habit, addiction
T J T J T J T J T J (ge) m. gate
~ Wl (~ kpar) m. gate-keeper
T U T U T U T U T U (ged) f. ball
~ Y (~ ball) m. cricket
T U T U T U T U T U (ge d) m. marigold plant & its flower, Tagetes
T u T u T u T u T u (gem) f. game
T T T T T (gern) v.t. to let fall, to fall, to knock down;
to throw down, to drop; to pull down, to
demolish (building etc); to lodge (crop etc. by
T T T T T (ger) m. red ochre, raddle/ruddle, burnt sienna
T m T m T m T m T m (ger) m. ochraceous, of the colour of
ochre, reddish brown, russet
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl
! !! !!
(gel) f. galley (in printing)
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl
z zz zz
(gel) f. long, thick, round piece of timber;
wood support for railway, rails, sleeper
T = T = T = T = T = (ge) m. circuit, rotation, round; circle (of time)
|WHuS U ~ (kIsmat d ~ ) m. vicissitude,
change of fortune
Tl ~ (-gadh ~) m. vicious circle
- Tl ~ |=U (- gadh ~ vIch pe) id. to
be in a rut, to be entangled
T = T = T = T = T = (gen) v.t. to rotate, to cause to revolve,
to turn
T = T = T = T = T = (ge) m. round, circuit, bout; visit; a single
T H T H T H T H T H (ges) f. gas; patromax lamp; cooking gas;
m ~ (athr ~ ) f. tear gas
T H T H T H T H T H (gess) m. guess
T HJ T HJ T HJ T HJ T HJ (ges) m. guest
~ JUH (~ hs) m. guest house
T Hl T Hl T Hl T Hl T Hl (ge s) a. gaseous
T T T T T T T T T T (geg) m. gang
T T T T T (ge) m. rhinoceros, rhino, nasicorn
T Sl T Sl T Sl T Sl T Sl (ge t) f. pickaxe, mattock
T l T l T l T l T l ( ge b) a. Celestial, Divine; mysterious, mystic
~ TY (~ gol) m. natural calamity, divine
T T T T T ( ge r) a. stranger, alien, outsider, unacquainted
~ mU (~ bd) a. uninhabited, unpopulated
~ HW l (~ sarkr) a. unofficial,
nongovernmental, private
~ JH (~ hzar) a. absent, not present, alibi
~ JHl (~ hzr) f. absence
~ WHSW (~ kshtkr) a. non-agriculturist
~ Wl (~ kn n) a. illegal, unlawful, illicit
~ WUSl (~ kudrt) a. unnatural
~ WUSl uS (~ kudrt mot) f. violent death,
unnatural death
~ Hl (~ zrr) a. unnecessary, unimportant,
~ |H u = (~ Jmevr) a. irresponsible;
careless, negligent
~ |H u =l (~ Jmevr) f. irresponsibility;
carelessness, negligence
~ u u Yl (~ mml) a. exceptional,
extraordinary; special, very unusual
~ u H(~munsab) a.improper, unbecoming,
unseemly, undue
~u u|W(~mumkIn) a.impossible, improbable,
~ uHUTl (~ mo Jdg) f. absence
T H T H T H T H T H (ge raJ) m. garage
T S T S T S T S T S (gerat) f. self-respect, self-regard, pride;
sense of shame
~ u U (~ md) a. self-respecting, self-
regarding; possessing sense of shame
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gel) conj. with, along with
adv. along, in company, together
~ TY (~ ge l) adv. alongside
T YH T YH T YH T YH T YH (gelas) m. gallus, suspenders (for trousers)
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (ge lan) f. gallon; container having the
capacity equal to one gallon
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl (gelar) f. gallery
T T T T T (go) f. scaffold, scaffolding
T |Fm T |Fm T |Fm T |Fm T |Fm (goe) intj. as if
T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl (go) f. loose sweet paste
T HJ T HJ T HJ T HJ T HJ (gosh) m. discourse especially on religious
- -- --Tl J YU (go hatth lu) id. to
pay respect; to entreat, to beseech
T T (goe goe) adv. knee deep
~ JW(~ teka) id. to acknowledge defeat
~ uV (~ muh) intj. near by, close
T l T l T l T l T l (go) f. hoeing, weeding
T T T T T (go) v.t. to knead
T S T S T S T S T S (got) m. sub-caste
T S T S T S T S T S (got) m. dive, dip
~ H (~ khor) m. diver, frogman
T Sl T Sl T Sl T Sl T Sl (got) m. belonging to or of the same caste
T U T U T U T U T U (god) f. lap
~ Hl Jl (~ sn ho) id. to lose a child, to
become issueless
~ Jl Fl J (~ har bhar ho) id. to be
blessed with a child, to give birth to a child
~ Y (~ le ) id. to adopt a child
T U T U T U T U T U (godn) v.t. to tattoo
T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul (godan) f. an instrument meant for tattooing
T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul T Ul (god) f. lap
~ U U (~ d bacch) m. suckling child, a
small child; infant, new born child
T U T U T U T U T U (go d) f. plot, conspiracy, intrigue, scheme
~ TUl (~ gda) v.t. to hatch a plot, to
T l T l T l T l T l (gop) f. female cowherd, milkmaid, dairymaid;
the milkmaids with whom Lord Krishna sported
T T T T T (gobar) m. cow or buffalo dung
~ T H (~ ganesh) m. clod, lubber, lump, good
for nothing fellow
~ TH (~ ge s) f. bio-gas
T F T F T F T F T F (gobh) f. pith, young shoot, bud
T FY T FY T FY T FY T FY (gobhl) a. corpulent, plump
T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl T Fl (ghobh) f. cauliflower, Brassica botrytis
TV ~ (gd h ~ ) f. Brassica caulorapa
=Y ~ (phull ~ ) f. cauliflower
U ~/S ~ (bd ~/ patt ~) f. cabbage,
Brassica oleracer
THU THU THU THU THU (gorakhdhd) m. labyrinth, complication,
an entangling or perplexing business
T H T H T H T H T H (gorkh) m. a tribe of Nepal; a person of
topic, philosophic or religious conversation
T HJl T HJl T HJl T HJl T HJl (gosh) f. symposium, seminar
T HS T HS T HS T HS T HS (gosht) m. meat; flesh
~ (~ kh or) a.carnivorous, non-vegetarian
T H T H T H T H T H (gosh) m. corner, nook; a secluded place;
(either) end of a bow; whisper
T J T J T J T J T J (goh) f. a huge sized reptile resembling
~ TJl (~ gahr) m. iguana
T J= T J= T J= T J= T J= (goh) m. a piece or rove of carded cotton;
pellet of mud used in sling- shot
T J T J T J T J T J (goh) m. animal excreta, dung, cowdung
T W T W T W T W T W (gok) a. bovine, of the cow kind
T H T H T H T H T H (gokhr) m. a wrist ornament of ladies
T TY T TY T TY T TY T TY (gogal) m. turnip, Cruciftrous biennials
~ S |uJl K= (~ to mI II II Jha n) id. to waste
time, to do useless work
T T= T T= T T= T T= T T= (gogar) m. pot belly
T T T T T T T T T T (gog) m. rumour, the talk of the town
T U T U T U T U T U (gochare) adv. depending on
|m ~(dhIn ~) adv. under consideration
T H T H T H T H T H (goJar) m. barley and wheat mixed corn
T K T K T K T K T K (goJh) m. mystery, secret
T J T J T J T J T J (go) hem, border
T J T J T J T J T J (go) m. gold or silver lace, narrow fillet of
~ |Wl (~ kInr) f. gold or silver strips used
as lace
HU ~ (succh ~ ) f. fillet of pure silver or
gold wire
T T T T T (go) m. knee
~ |=U (~ nIvu) id. to condole, to
T|m (- goe parne) adv. on one's
~ |=U |H U (~ vIch sIr de) id. to feel
grieved; to hang down one's head with shame
or grief
Tlm YmU (go luu) id. to bring
a person to his knees, to make (someone) to
this tribe
T T T T T (gor) a. fair, beautiful, handsome, white
m. European, white man
~ HJl (~ shh) f. rule of white people
~ |U J (~ chI) a. very fair; beautiful,
T l T l T l T l T l (gor) f. fair damsel, white-complexioned girl/
woman, beautiful lady
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gol) a. round, circular, globular, roundish; goal
~ TY (~ gol) a. round, circular
~ uJY (~ maol) a. corpulent, fat
~ uY (~ ml) m. embezzlement
~ uY (~ mol) a. equivocal, vague, not clear
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (golh) f. fruit of banyan tree, Banyan fruit
T YW T YW T YW T YW T YW (golak) f. till, small cash box, chest, money-
T YUl T YUl T YUl T YUl T YUl (golch) m. goal keeper
! !! !!
(gol) m. ball (of yarn or wool); cannon
ball; bomb; ball of iron; lump, swelling
z zz zz
(gol) m. bondservant, slave, helot
T YW T YW T YW T YW T YW (golkr) a. round, globular, globoid
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl (golbr) f. bombardment, shelling, shell
fire, fire
T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl T Yl(gol) f. tablet, pill; a small ball of thread; glass
or marble of candy; bond maid servant; bullet,
~ |HW (~ sIkk) m. ammunition
~ W (~ k) m. episode involving fire
~ UYU (~ chalu) id. to open fire
~ Y UU (~ nl uu) id. to shoot,
to kill with a bullet
~ =Hl (~ vaJn ) id. to be hit by a bullet
~ =T H (~ vg J) id. to walk swiftly/
T Ylm Ul U= Wl (gol d buchh
karn) id. to blaze away
WUlm ~ H (kacch ~ khea) id.
to act in an inexpedient and immature manner
T T T T T (go) m. an axe to grind, an ulterior motive,
purpose, selfish motive, interest, need
~ J (~ ho) id. to have an axe to grind
~ F= H (~ bhunve Jo) prov. necessity
knows no law
T T T T T (go ) m. sub-caste of Brahmins; a musical
T T T T T (go ) a. of less importance, secondary, minor
T T T T T (go) m. a ceremony in which the bride
goes to the bride groom's house second time
after marriage
T T T T T (gor) m. attention, consideration
T = T = T = T = T = (go rav) m. glory, splendour, honour, pride,
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (gol) v.t. to pay attention, to pay heed, to
ponder, to consider
T = T = T = T = T = (go) m. a musical mode; a sub-caste
~ HT (~ srg) m. a musical mode which is
the combination of 'Gaur' mode and 'Sarang'

big circumference
= T = T = T = T = T (ghagg) a. one having hoarse voice; hoarse,
husky (voice)
=U =U =U =U =U (ghachor) f. scarcement, niche; narrow and
dark place
= J = J = J = J = J (gha) a. less, little, scanty; deficient,
inadequate; short
adv. rarely, off and on, occasionally
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to lessen; to shorten
~ S =J (~ to gha) a. least, minimum
~ T H (~ n guJrn) id. to do the worst,
to take to task, to humiliate badly
~ = (~ vaddh) a. objectionable, unbecoming
(talk, conversation)
adv. occasionally, seldom
=J ~ (ghao ~ ) adv. at least
=J =J =J =J =J
! !! !!
(ghaa) v.i. to be less (in quantity); to
subside, to lessen (water level); to fall, to
decrease (prices); to depreciate; to become
weak, to reduce; to decrease (day, night); to
subside (pain); to happen, to occur
~ = (~ vadh) v.i. to vary, to ebb and
flow, to vax & wane
=J =J =J =J =J
z zz zz
(ghaa) v.i. to happen, to occur, to take
=J =J =J =J =J (ghan) f. incident, happening, event,
=J= =J= =J= =J= =J= (ghat v ) a. decreasing (number); diminishing
= J = J = J = J = J
! !! !!
(ghat ) f. black and dense clouds, cloudiness
= J = J = J = J = J
z zz zz
(ghat) m. dust, grit, powdery dirt
= J = J = J = J = J (gh) m. hour; clock, time-piece; gong, big
bell; period (of school/ college)
~ = (~ ghar) m. clock tower
~ =HU (~ vaJu) v.t. to ring a gong
=JU =JU =JU =JU =JU (ghao) m. subtraction, deduction, remission,
= == ==
= = = = = (ghagg) m. ninth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,
a consonant and guttural, it represents the
sound (k/g) and high and low tones
= H = H = H = H = H (ghassaa) v.t. to wear out by rough
and persistent use (a cloth)
=H =H =H =H =H (ghasa) v.i. to wear out; to wear off, to
abrade; to rub
=Hu Y =Hu Y =Hu Y =Hu Y =Hu Y (ghasmel) a. drab, muddy, earthy, dun
=H =H =H =H =H (ghasar) f. a slight wound, scrab, scratch;
friction, abrasion
~ uH (~ masar) f. put off, evasion;
procrastination, dilly
=H =H =H =H =H (ghasarn) v.t. to rub (against or along
something); to abraid
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (ghasu) v.t. to wear out; to rub; to
=HFl =HFl =HFl =HFl =HFl (ghas) f. the process of or the wages for
rubbing, smoothing etc.; depreciation
UU ~ ( dd ~ ) f. fee given to Pandit's for
any religious ceremony; shagun given to the
bride on her first meal visit
=|Hm =|Hm =|Hm =|Hm =|Hm (ghasIr) m. grass-cutter, forager,
=HlJ =HlJ =HlJ =HlJ =HlJ (ghas) f. dragging, hauling, pulling; a mark
made by anything dragged; scrap, scratch
J ~ (dhh ~ ) f. dragging & pulling,
pulling and hauling; harassment
=HlJ =HlJ =HlJ =HlJ =HlJ (ghasa) v.t. to drag, to haul, to pull; to
scribble, to scrawl
=HlJ u (ghase mrn) id. to scribble,
to scrawl, to blot
=H =H =H =H =H (ghsn) m. blow, punch, buff, box
~ uWl J (~ mukk ho) id. to come to
blows, to exchange blows, to scuffle
~ =J (~ vaa) a. sulky, clod
= T = T = T = T = T (ghaggar) m. an Indian long skirt having
=JU =JU =JU =JU =JU (ghatu) v.t. to lessen; to shorten; to
subtract, to deduct; to reduce, to decrease
=JJ =JJ =JJ =JJ =JJ (ghaaop) a. gathering of dark clouds in
the sky
= |Jm l = |Jm l = |Jm l = |Jm l = |Jm l (ghI baddh) adv. for hours
together, for a long time
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl (gh) f. bell, small gong; period (school/
~ =HUl (~ vaJu) v.t. to ring the bell
=Jlm =Jlm =Jlm =Jlm =Jlm (gha) a. poor in quality, inferior, cheap;
mean, ignoble
= = = = = (gh) m. wickedman, crafty fellow, clever
= l = l = l = l = l (gh) f. larynx, Adam's apple
~ =Jl (~ phua) id. to reach the age of
~ Y (~ bol) id. to be moribund, to be on
the death bed
~ u=l (~ marorn) id. to prick the bladder
= = = = =
! !! !!
(gha) m. & a. cube; cubic
= = = = =
z zz zz
(gha) m. black smith's sledge, hammer
=U W =U W =U W =U W =U W (ghachakkar) m. foolish, stupid,
simpleton, dullard, blockhead, beetle-brain
=S =S =S =S =S (ghat) f. density; compactness
==Y ==Y ==Y ==Y ==Y (ghaphal) m. volume
= = = = = (gha) a. dense; thick, deep (jungle);
crowded (city etc.)
= Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl (ghdh) f. a big needle for putting stitches
in quilts
== == == == == (ghanghor) m. rumbling sound of clouds,
thunder; dark & dense clouds, foggy
=Y/=Y Hl =Y/=Y Hl =Y/=Y Hl =Y/=Y Hl =Y/=Y Hl (ghapl/ghaplebz) m. & f.
embezzlement, misappropriation, defalcation
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to embezzle, to
=U /= H =U /= H =U /= H =U /= H =U /= H (ghabru/ghabr J)
v.t. to lose one's nerves, to be non-plus, to be
perplexed, to become nervous; to feel
=JJ =JJ =JJ =JJ =JJ(ghabrh) m. nervousness, confusion,
anxiety, perturbation, perplexity; feeling of
=uH =uH =uH =uH =uH (ghamsn) a. fierce (fight, battle)
=u =u =u =u =u (gham) m. pride, conceit, vanity, arrogance,
elation, haughtiness
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to hold one's head high,
to be proud of, to be vain
=u l =u l =u l =u l =u l (gham) a. proud, conceited, vain,
arrogant, snooty, haughty, priggish
= = = = = (ghar) m. house, home, abode, dwelling,
residence; family, lineage; place of Zodiac; a
square (on a chess-board); root-cause (of
quarrel, disease etc.); place, room
~ W (~ karn) id. to fix in mind; to become
chronic (disease), to be deep rooted
~ H mU (~ kh n u) id. to feel
lonely, to feel desolate
~ |TJHSl (~ grIhst) f. family life, married
life, household
~ = (~ ghar) adv. in every home and hearth,
everywhere, door to door, house to house
~ =J (~ gh) m. house, home, residence,
dwelling, abode
~ UYU (~ chalu) id. to run the house,
to make a living
~ HmFl (~ Ju) m. son-in-law who lives with
his in-laws
~ U (~ d) a. one's own, near and dear one
~ U = (~ d ghar) m. the entire family, total
~ U UT (~ d charg) m. male offspring,
~ U HTl HT= J U HTl |H (~ d Jog Jog
bhar d Jog sIddh) prov. a prophet is not
honoured in his own country
~ U =J U (~ d n gh d) prov. one
cannot serve two masters, a rolling stone
gathers no moss
~ U FSl YW VJ (~ d bhet lk hhe)
prov. traitors are country's worst enemies
~ Ul HWl Jl J U W= Y UTl (~ d sukk
ro bhar de pakvn nlo chg) prov. dry
bread at home is better than meat abroad
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) f. family matter, private
matter; easy job
~ Ul |Yl = Jl |umU (~ d bIll ghar h
mI) prov. my foot my tutor
~ Ul uTl UY (~ d murg dl brbar)
prov. a prophet is not honoured in his own
country, what is abundant is not cherished
~ U (~ pu) id. to take in marriage
~ W J (~ p ke beh) id. to stay for
a long time
~ W (~ pr karn) id. to make up the
loss, to compensate; to satisfy
~ =W SuH UH (~ phk tamsh dekh)
id. to rejoice at one's own cost
~ J (~ beh) id. to become someone's
mistress; to be unemployed
~ =HU (~ vasu) v.i.t. to get married
~ =Y (~ vl) m. husband; master of the
house, house holder
~ =Y = Jl u |WH U Jl (~ vl ghar
nah men kIse d ar nah ) prov. when
the cat is away the mice will play
==Yl ==Yl ==Yl ==Yl ==Yl (gharvl) f. wife, spouse; mistress of the
== == == == == (ghara) m. half churned curd; a mix fodder
for horses
~ == (~ ghara) f. grating sound
=J =J =J =J =J (ghar) m. water-mill
= = = = = (ghar) m. family, parentage, lineage;
school (of music)
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (gharl) f. leakage; impression of tears (on
the cheeks); profuse bleeding from a wound
= = = = = (ghr d ) m. scratching mark, scratch (of nails)
= = = = = (ghr ) v.t. to scratch, to scrape (with
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (ghrel) a. domestic; house hold (things);
stay-at-home; home-made
=Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl (ghrog) a. domestic; household, domiciliary;
personal, private
~ KT= J H W (~ Jhage bhar nashar
karn) id. to wash one's dirty linen in public
= = = = = = = = = = (ghron) v.t. to rasp, to scrub, to scrape
= = = = = = = = = = (ghro) a. without bedding, bare (cot or
= =l = =l = =l = =l = =l (ghro) f. scraping of a vessel
J ~ (pe ~ ) m. last child, Benjamin
= U = U = U = U = U (gharod) m. toy-house, small house
= Y =Y = Y =Y = Y =Y = Y =Y = Y =Y (ghalla vl) a. sender; despatcher
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (ghalla) v.t. to send; to transmit, to
despatch, to forward; to remit (money)
=Y=l =Y=l =Y=l =Y=l =Y=l (ghal) f. sugarcane crusher
= Y = = Y = = Y = = Y = = Y = (ghallghr) m. massacre, holocaust,
blood-shed, blood-bath (historically the great
loss of life suffered by Sikhs at the hands of
their rulers , particularly on 1
may 1746 and
Feb. 1762)
=== Y === Y === Y === Y === Y (ghaghull) a. roly-poly, chubby, plump
==S ==S ==S ==S ==S (ghat) f. design, shape, form; invention,
u ~ (man ~ ) a. concocted, fictitious,
== == == == == (ghan) v.t. to chisel, to carve (stone, wood
etc.); to sharpen (pencil etc.); to beat severely,
to thrash; to chalk out a plan; to make; to
concoct, to fabricate
TY ~ (gall ~ ) id. to make excuses; to
concoct a story
=|=m ==|Fm (ghaI ghaI) a.
predetermined, preplanned; ready-made
== u == u == u == u == u (ghaamm) f. the splashing sound of a heavy
thing fallen in water; hinderance, obstacle
==u H ==u H ==u H ==u H ==u H (ghamass) f. farrago, medley, hotch-potch,
disorder; confusion, mess, tumult; motley
=== H === H === H === H === H (ghavJ) f. a game of cards, rummy
=== Hl === Hl === Hl === Hl === Hl (ghavJ) ) ) ) ) f. pitcher-stand, brandreth
===U /==U ===U /==U ===U /==U ===U /==U ===U /==U (ghavu/ghau) v.t.
to get something manufactured; to make to be
== == == == == (gha) m. pitcher, earthen water pot
=|=mY =|=mY =|=mY =|=mY =|=mY
! ! ! ! !
(ghaIl) m. gong, bell
=|=mY =|=mY =|=mY =|=mY =|=mY
z zz zz
(ghaIl) m. crocodile, alligator
==l ==l ==l ==l ==l (gha) f. watch, horologe, timepiece, clock;
instant, moment; auspicious moment; small
pitcher or earthen pot
~ ==l (~ gha) adv. time and again,
repeatedly, again and again
~ Ul ==l (~ d gha) adv. for a moment, for
a short time
~ U ==l (~ do gha) ph. for a short while,
for a moment
~ Y S J (~ pal te ho) id. to be on the
death bed, to be at death's door
~ u =l (~ mu) adv. time and again,
repeatedly, again and again
~ |=U SY ==l |=U uH (~ vIch tol gha
vIch ms) prov. blow hot and cold
-mHl~ (okh~) f. crucial time, critical
time, time of crisis
~ ( dhupp~) f. Sundial
S~ (ret~) f. sand-glass, hour-glass
==lm |T (- gha gIn) id. to wait
impatiently and anxiously
==lH ==lH ==lH ==lH ==lH (ghasa) v.t. to pull, to drag
- -- -- J ==lH (dhu h ghas) f. pulling, dragging
lH Ul~ (rs d~) f. the act of adopting a
custom or fashion
==lHH ==lHH ==lHH ==lHH ==lHH (ghasJ) m. watchmaker, horologer
== Yl == Yl == Yl == Yl == Yl (ghaol) f. small pitcher
== Hl == Hl == Hl == Hl == Hl (ghao J) f. water-stand
=U =U =U =U =U (gho) m. wound, injury, sore, stab, gash
S S ~ (tatte~) adv. instantaneously,
immediately, at once
=U -= =U -= =U -= =U -= =U -= (ghu-ghapp) a. gluttonous, voracious;
corrupt, bribee
=|FY =|FY =|FY =|FY =|FY (ghel) a. wounded, injured; hurt
~ Ul TSl =|FY H (~ d gat ghel Je)
prov. only the wearer knows where the shoe
=J/=H =J/=H =J/=H =J/=H =J/=H (ghh/ghs) m. grass
~ =H (~ phs) m. straw, hay, weeds, herbage
=Jl/=Jlm =Jl/=Jlm =Jl/=Jlm =Jl/=Jlm =Jl/=Jlm (ghh/ghh) m. grass-cutter
=T =T =T =T =T (ghg) a. old, experienced; cunning ,shrewd,
=J =J =J =J =J
! !! !!
(gh) m. a place for bathing on river bank;
landing place for boats on a river, quay, jetty,
ferry site; landing place on a river bank
~ =J U l l (~ gh d p p) id.
to have varied knowledge and experience, to
lead roaming and variegated life, to wander
from pillar to post
uS U~ US (mo t de~ utrn) id. to
put to death, to put to the sword
=J =J =J =J =J
z zz zz
(gh) f. deficiency, lack, want; inadequacy,
insufficiency; shortage, scarcity
=J =J =J =J =J (gh) m. loss, deficit, deprivation; scarcity,
shortage; flaw, drawback, defect, paucity
~ W U (~ pr kar de) id. to
compensate, to make up the deficit or loss
~ (~ pe) v.i. to suffer a loss
~ = (~ vdh) m. profit and loss; ups and
downs, rise and fall, wax and wane
=Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl (gh) m. valley, vale, dale, pass
=J =J =J =J =J (ghh) f. parched barley
= = = = = (ghn ) m. a large quantity of anything
prepared in one lot; great killing, massacre;
~ J (~ ho) id. to suffer a great loss
~ U WJY l= (~ bacch kohl pn) id.
to annihilate the whole family
=l =l =l =l =l (gh) f. quantity of something crushed or
ground or cooked or fried in one lot; mass of
seeds etc. put in an oil press; mass of mud
plaster mixed with wheat chaff
= S = S = S = S = S
! !! !!
(ght) m. murder, killing, slaughter,
mSu~ (tam~) m. suicide
|=H=H~ (vIshvs~) m. breach of trust,
betrayal, treachery
-mSu=Sl (tamght) a.& m. suicidal; self
=S =S =S =S =S
z zz zz
(ght) f. ambush, ambuscade
~ |=U J (~ vIch beha) id. to lie in wait
=S =S =S =S =S
a aa aa
(ght) f. power, index, order, degree (maths.)
~ mW (~ k) m. index
=SW =SW =SW =SW =SW (ghtak) a. fatal, mortal, deadly
hoarsen, to have choked throat due to fear, to
falter in speech
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (ghIu) a. hideous, loathsome,
abominable, contemptible, hateful, nauseating
| = | = | = | = | = (ghIr) f. hatred, scorn, contempt,
~ W (~karn) v.t. to hate, to abhor, to loathe
|= |= |= |= |= (ghIrn) v.i.t. to be surrounded, to be
encircled, to be besieged; to over cast (clouds
etc.); to feel giddy
|=l |=l |=l |=l |=l (ghIrn) f. pulley; reel
=l =l =l =l =l (gh) m. ghee, clarified butter, butter-oil
=lm =lm =lm =lm =lm (gh) m. bottle gourd, Cucurbita legenaria
~ Wl (~kapr) a. of the colour of bottle-
gourd, sea green (colour)
=lH =lH =lH =lH =lH (ghs) f. shrew, shrewmouse
=lHl =lHl =lHl =lHl =lHl (ghs) f. cleaning buttocks by rubbing on the
ground (after stool)
=l W= =l W= =l W= =l W= =l W= (gh kavr) f. a medicinal plant, Aloe
= H = H = H = H = H (ghusa) v.i. to step in, to enter, to trespass,
to meddle, to thrust into
= H J = H J = H J = H J = H J (ghuspe t h). infiltration, intrusion
= H Jlm = H Jlm = H Jlm = H Jlm = H Jlm (ghuspetha ) m. infiltrator, intruder
= H-u H = H-u H = H-u H = H-u H = H-u H (ghus-mus) m. whisper
= Hu H = Hu H = Hu H = Hu H = Hu H (ghusmus) m. dusk, twilight, semi-
= H-= H/= H-u H = H-= H/= H-u H = H-= H/= H-u H = H-= H/= H-u H = H-= H/= H-u H (ghusar-ghusar/ghusar-
musar) f. whispering, murmuring
= H= = H= = H= = H= = H= (ghusan) v.t. to pierce into, to thrust into
= H = = H = = H = = H = = H = (ghusen) v.t. to push in, to thrust in; to
stuff tightly
= W = W = W = W = W (ghuka) v.i. to rotate, to revolve
= WU = WU = WU = WU = WU (ghuku) v.i. to get to rotate, to make
to revolve, to rotate
-T lm~ (ghu ~) id. to get on one's
= T = T = T = T = T (ghugg) a. thick, dense
= Tlm = Tlm = Tlm = Tlm = Tlm (ghga ) f. fully boiled grains
-uJ |=U~ U (m h vIch ~ pu) id. to
keep mum, not to utter a single word
= TY = TY = TY = TY = TY (ghgrl) f. string of bells put round the
= = = = = (ghp) m. gap, loss, deficit; cleft, cleavage,
hole; embezzlement, fraud
~ HY (~ khol) id. to inflict deep and open
~ (~ purn) id. to make up a loss
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to embezzle, to
= = = = = (ghabarn) v.i. to become nervous, to be
perplexed, to be nonplus, to be confused; to
feel restless
= = = = = (ghr) f. a disease in which one feels giddiness
and severe headache
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (ghl) f. labour, toil, hard-work, pains, efforts
~ =Yl (~ ghl) v.i. to put in great efforts
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (ghla) f. arduous labour, toil, hard work,
v.i. to work hard, to toil, to take pains
= Y -u Y = Y -u Y = Y -u Y = Y -u Y = Y -u Y (ghl-ml) m. embezzlement,
misappropriation; confusion; secret
==S ==S ==S ==S ==S (ghat) f. design, shape
= = /= = = = /= = = = /= = = = /= = = = /= = (gh/gh) a. maker,
manufacturer; builder; sculptor; craftsman
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (ghIo) m. clarified butter, butter-oil, pure ghee;
freezed oil of ground or cotton seeds, ghee
~ |HU=l J (~ khIch ho) id. to be hand
in glove with
~ U Ul= Y (~ de dve bl) id. to feel
extremely happy, to rejoice
UHl~ (dasor~) m. vegetable oil or ghee,
foreign ghee
UHl~ (des~) m. clarified butter, pure ghee
H UTYlm ~ |=U Jlm (pJe ugal ~
vIch hon) id. to thrive on all fronts, to have
one's bread buttered on both sides
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (ghIor) m. a kind of sweetmeat
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (ghIsarn) v.i. to creep, to crawl; to slide
|=|TmU |=|TmU |=|TmU |=|TmU |=|TmU (ghIgIu) v.i. to become hoarse,
to hoarsen; to beseech, to supplicate, to implore
|= Tl |= Tl |= Tl |= Tl |= Tl (ghIgg) f. hiccup or convulsive feeling of
the breath due to crying and sobbing
~ K (~ baJJha) id. to cry hoarse, to
neck of cattle
= TY = TY = TY = TY = TY (ghgrl) a. curly
= T = T = T = T = T (ghgr) m. an ornament worn round the
ankle; small bell
= Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl (ghugg) f. a bird, dove
= T = T = T = T = T (ghugg) m.& a. hooter, siren; earthen toy;
foolish, stupid, idiot
= T =T= = T =T= = T =T= = T =T= = T =T= (ghugg gh ge) m. a game of
children in which short lines are drawn on walls,
bricks etc.; illegible writing, scribble
= U-u U = U-u U = U-u U = U-u U = U-u U (ghucch-mucch) a. illegible, not clear
hand writing
= J = J = J = J = J (ghu) m. draught, one sip
~ W (~ku) a. a little (quantity)
= J = J = J = J = J (ghua) v.t. to press, to compress; to
squeeze; to become tight, to tighten; to hug, to
= J= = J= = J= = J= = J= (ghuv) a. tight, tight fitting
= J=U /= JU = J=U /= JU = J=U /= JU = J=U /= JU = J=U /= JU (ghuvu/ghuun) v.t.
to get one's body pressed or kneaded; to get
something ground or pulverise
= |Jm-= |Jm/= |Jm-= |Jm = |Jm-= |Jm/= |Jm-= |Jm = |Jm-= |Jm/= |Jm-= |Jm = |Jm-= |Jm/= |Jm-= |Jm = |Jm-= |Jm/= |Jm-= |Jm (ghuI -ghuI/
ghuI-vaI) a. sullen, annoyed
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl (ghu) f. the first substance (generally
honey) given to the new born baby by some
respectable elderly person; a medicinal liquid
given to infants as purgative
-=J-=Jl (-ghuo-ghu) adv. sip by sip, in
= = = = = (gh) m. veil
~ WV (~kaha) v.i. to veil, to observe
~ YJ U (~lh de) id. to act shamelessly;
to unveil
= l = l = l = l = l (gh) f. hook, loop; complex, problem,
complication; knot (of plants like wheat etc.)
= lm = lm = lm = lm = lm (gh) f. uncrushed ears of corn mixed
with knots of chaff
= = = = = (ghu) m. wood worm; weevil; worry-wart
= S = S = S = S = S (ghutar) f. petty objection, cavil
-=SH (ghutarbz) m.&a. fault-finder,
caviller, petti-fogger, captious, fault-finding
-=SHl (ghutarbz) f. fault-finding,
captiousness, pettifoggery
-=S WVlm (ghutar kaha) v.t.
to find faults, to cavil
=Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl (ghutar) a.&m. pettifogger, fault-finding,
= Sl = Sl = Sl = Sl = Sl (ghutt) f. a small pit for playing tiny glass
~ |=U u S (~vIch mta) id. to create
hindrance in the work in progress, to clog a
= = J = = J = = J = = J = = J (ghunvatt) a. sullen, silent, sulking
= = = = = (ghupp) a. pitch, dense, dark
~ J (~haner) m. pitch dark
=u =u =u =u =u (ghum) m. pride, conceit, vanity, arrogance,
= u l = u l = u l = u l = u l (ghum) a. proud, conceited, vain, arrogant,
haughty, lofty
~ U |H |= (~ d sIr nIv ) prov. pride goeth
before a fall
= = = = = u= /= u= l u= /= u= l u= /= u= l u= /= u= l u= /= u= l (ghmagher/ghmagher)
f. whirlpool, eddy, swirl; giddiness, dizziness
~ |=U =H (~vIch phasa) id. to be in hot
waters, to be in deep waters
= u = u = u = u = u (ghma) v.i. to rotate, to spin, to revolve,
to gyrate, to circulate; to stroll, to saunter, to
roam, to walk; to take a turning, to turn about
= u = u = u = u = u (ghum) m. an old measure of land equal to
eight kanals
= uU = uU = uU = uU = uU (ghumu) v.i. to turn, to make to rotate,
to make to move or gyrate; to take one around
for a walk or for outing
= uJl = uJl = uJl = uJl = uJl (ghumta) f. dizziness, giddiness
= u = u = u = u = u (ghumr) m. potter; a caste; a kind of worm
= u /= u l = u /= u l = u /= u l = u /= u l = u /= u l (ghumer/ghumer) f. giddiness,
= W = W = W = W = W (ghurka) v.t. to browbeat, to frown; to
scold, to chide; to threaten, to intimidate, to
= Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl (ghurk) f. browbeating, threat, intimidation;
scolding ,chiding, rebuke
~ U ( (( ((~de) v.i. to show one's ivories, to
growl at, to grin
= -= = -= = -= = -= = -= (ghur-ghur) f. whispering, murmuring
= = = = = (ghurn) m. den, lair, dugout
= = = = = (ghur) m. hiding place (of animal), den, lair;
stitch (of knitting)
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (ghul) v.i. to dissolve, to mix; to melt; to
wrestle, to fight
=Y =Y u (-ghul ghul marn) id. to die
a slow death
~ |uY H (~ mIl J) id. to be hand in glove
with, to become intimate; to get mixed up with
= YHlY = YHlY = YHlY = YHlY = YHlY (ghulashl) a. soluble
= YHlYS = YHlYS = YHlYS = YHlYS = YHlYS (ghulashlt) f. solubility
= YJlm = YJlm = YJlm = YJlm = YJlm (ghul) m. wrestler
= Y=l = Y=l = Y=l = Y=l = Y=l (ghul) f. sugar cane crusher
= W = W = W = W = W (ghk) f.& a. whirling sound, loud sound;
sound, fast (sleep)
~ H (~ so ) v.t. to sleep like a log
= W = W = W = W = W (ghkar) f. sound produced by spinning
wheel etc., whirling sound
= Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl (ghk) f. drowsiness, sleepiness, drowsihead
= -= = -= = -= = -= = -= (gh - gh ) m. buzzing sound, humming
sound, buzz; whirling sound of spinning wheel
or machine
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to buzz, to hum
= = = = = (ghrn) v.t. to stare, to gaze; to glare, to
frown; to rebuke, to chide, to scold, to snub, to
out face, to show one's teeth/ivories
= l = l = l = l = l (ghr) f. threatening stare, glare, frown;
rebuke, snub
~ = Jl/~ = J W U H (~ va /~ va ke
dekh) v.t. to knit one's brows, to bend one's
= H/= HY = H/= HY = H/= HY = H/= HY = H/= HY (ghes/ghesal) f. evasive behaviour,
evasion, elusion
~ ul/ = Jl (~ mrn/ vaa) v.i. to
evade, to avoid; to pretend sleep or ignorance
= = = = = (ghep) m. chunk, lump
= = = = = (gher) f. dizziness, giddiness; sinking of heart
= = = = = (ghern) v.t. to surround, to encircle; to
besiege, to blockade; to enclose
= l = l = l = l = l (ghern) f. swoon, dizziness, giddiness,
= = = = = (gher) m. breadth of clothes; circumference;
perimeter; siege, encirclement; sphere;
boundary, fence, enclosure, ambit, circle
~ =S (~ ghatta) v.t. to lay the siege to,
to beleaguer, to besiege
~ U U (~ chha de) v.t. to raise the
siege to
= U = U = U = U = U (ghero) m. picketing
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to picket, to occlude
= H = H = H = H = H (ghokh) f. deep or searching inquiry,
inquisition, investigation
~ WVl (~ kaha) v.t. to inquisite, to pry
= H = H = H = H = H (ghokha) v.t. to go to the bottom of, to
probe, to investigate, to pry, to scrutinize
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl (ghokh) a. inquisitive, penetrator, fault-
finding, hair splitter
= T= = T= = T= = T= = T= (ghoga) m.&a. a species of vulture;
simpleton, blockhead, blockheaded; fat, pot-
= T = T = T = T = T(ghog) m. snail, sea shell, mollusc; whelk
= J = J = J = J = J
! !! !!
(ghoa) m. pestle, pounder
= J = J = J = J = J
z zz zz
(ghoa) v.t. to grind, to crush; to pestle,
to pound, to pulverise in a mortar; to mug up,
to learn by heart, to learn by rote
= J= = J= = J= = J= = J= (ghov) a. well crushed and mixed
= J = J = J = J = J (gho) m. thorough crushing and mixing in a
mortar, crushing, pounding, grinding; learning
by heart, rote
= u = u = u = u = u (ghonmon) a. totally shaved one, glabrous,
hairless; bald
= = = = = (ghopa) v.t. to stab, to thrust-through
= = = = = (ghor) a. intense, too much, pitch, (dark,
injustice etc.); horrible
= = = = = = = = = = (ghora) m. low-pitched gurgling sound
made by a dying person, death rattle
~ Y (~ bola) v.t. to be moribund, to be
dying, to be at death's door
= l = l = l = l = l (ghor) m.&a. filthy person, slothful
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
! !! !!
(ghol) m. struggle, striving; combat; wrestling
~ u Y J (~ mathol ho) id. to be at
loggers head
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
z zz zz
(ghol) m. solution
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (ghol) v.t. to dissolve, to mix, to stir
= Y m = Y m = Y m = Y m = Y m (ghol) m. a thin mixture
= =H= = =H= = =H= = =H= = =H= (ghosavr) m. horserider, horseman,
cavalier, equestrian
= =H= l = =H= l = =H= l = =H= l = =H= l (ghosavr) f. horse-riding,
horsemanship, equestrianism
= =HY = =HY = =HY = =HY = =HY (ghosl) f. stable
= = U = = = U = = = U = = = U = = = U = (gho do) f. horse-racing
= = = = = = = = = = (gho) m. horse; trigger (of gun, rifle etc.);
knight (chess)
- == l= (- ghoe pn) id. to get ready
~ =U W H (~ vech ke so ) id. to fall heavily
asleep , to sleep like a log, to have a sound
sleep, to sleep like a top
= =l = =l = =l = =l = =l
! ! ! ! !
(gho) f. mare
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to get married
m. ceremonial mounting on mare by
= =l = =l = =l = =l = =l
z z z z z
(gho) f. the song sung at the marriage of a
boy in praise of bridgroom and his family,
~ U= S HlF (~ chahe te Je) prov. there
is many a slip between the cup and the lip
= HY = HY = HY = HY = HY (ghosal) m. nest
v.t. to mix thoroughly
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (gho l) f. laziness, lethargy, sloth; carelessness,
negligence, inattentiveness, dilly-dally,
= Yl = Yl = Yl = Yl = Yl (ghol) a. lazy, slothful, sluggish, careless,
indolent, sluggard

(gag) m. tenth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet
and last consonant of the soft palatal, guttural,
it represents the velar nasal sound

U U U U U (chhachchh) m. twelfth letter and second of
the alveo palatal of Gurmukhi alphabet, it
represents the voiceless aspirated palatal
plosive sound
U|J U|J U|J U|J U|J (che h) f. ambush; ambuscade
U|J U|J U|J U|J U|J (chheha) v.i. to lie in ambush, to make
an ambush, to ambuscade; to waylay, to lie in
U|J U|J U|J U|J U|J (chhe hbar) f. shower, scud of rain,
U W U W U W U W U W (chhakk) f. presents given to bride/bride -
groom by her maternal grandparents or
maternal uncles
U W U W U W U W U W (chhakk) v.t. to eat, to dine; to drink
-=W~ (phk~) id. to get flattered
-UW H (chhak J) id. to misappropriate
U W= U W= U W= U W= U W= (chhakk) m. cart, bullock-cart, hackery;
rattle-trap, rickety-vehicle
UW UW UW UW UW (chhakk) m. numeral six; a playing card
with six pips; a dice with six pips; a hit earning
six runs, sixer (cricket); sextet; hexad
UW UU ( chhakke chhudu) id.
to force out of gear, to give a tough fight, to
defeat; to make to take to one's heels
UWU UWU UWU UWU UWU (chhaku) v.t. to serve food or drink
U W-U W / U W-U W U W-U W / U W-U W U W-U W / U W-U W U W-U W / U W-U W U W-U W / U W-U W (chhakk-chhakk / chhakk-
chhakk) f. the sound produced by a moving
U T=U U T=U U T=U U T=U U T=U (chhgvu) v.t. to cause to be
pruned, to get to be lopped off
U T=Fl/U TFl U T=Fl/U TFl U T=Fl/U TFl U T=Fl/U TFl U T=Fl/U TFl (chhgv/chhg) f. the process
of or the wages of pruning/lopping
UU U UU U UU U UU U UU U (chhachhu dar) f. shrew-mouse, shrew
~ U (~ chhaddna) id. to make rumours
U H U H U H U H U H (chhaJJ) m. a kind of tray made of reeds
which is used for winnowing, a winnowing
instrument; a big kite
~Wl mH Ul (~k khe chhn n )
prov. the pot calls the kettle black
~WJ (~ku) m. a wedding ceremony in
which relatives of the maternal family beat the
winnowing tray and sing songs
~S Y Ul =l Y (~t bole chhn v
bole) prov. the pot calling the kettle black
~|=U W U (~vIch p ke chhd ) v.t.
to winnow or clean (grain) in the chajj
id. to defame, to dishonour, to slander
UHYl UHYl UHYl UHYl UHYl (chhaJal) f. a small winnowing tray;
expanded hood of cobra
U H U H U H U H U H (chhaJJ) m. eaves, projection, sun shade;
cornice; balcony, small verandah, gallery-self
U J U J U J U J U J (chha) f. a double hemplair used for carrying
leads on a pony or ass etc.
~Ul (~pu) v.t. to burden (a person)
with responsibility
UJ Wl UJ Wl UJ Wl UJ Wl UJ Wl (chhak) a. very lean and thin, very weak
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (chhaa) v.i. to become slimmer, to
reduce; to slander, to speak evil of a person;
sky to become clear
U J U J U J U J U J (chhaa) v.i. to winnow, to sift, to husk,
to thresh
UJJU UJJU UJJU UJJU UJJU (chhapau) v.t. to toss in pain, to
writhe; to be restless, to be restive
UJu UJu UJu UJu UJu (chhaam) a. sixth
(chhatvu) v.t. to get (grain)
winnowed, to assist in winnowing
(chhatvu) v.t. to get something
sorted, sifted, graded, selected; to assist in the
UJ=Fl UJ=Fl UJ=Fl UJ=Fl UJ=Fl (chhav) f. the act of or the wages of
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (chhat) f. glory, splendour, grace, lustre,
U J U J U J U J U J (chhat ) m. sprinkle, splash, spatter,
UJW UJW UJW UJW UJW (chha k) f. an old Indian weight which was
the sixteenth part of a seer and roughly
equivalent to 58 grams, approximately 2 ounces
U|Jm J |Fm U|Jm J |Fm U|Jm J |Fm U|Jm J |Fm U|Jm J |Fm (chhatI hoI) a. wicked, notorious,
knavish, villain; sly
! !! !!
(chha) f. leafless branch of a tree, stick,
UJlm H (chha khe) v.t. a
ceremony performed a day after a boy's
marriage. The younger brothers (one by one)
of the bridegroom and the bride beat each other
with the canes
z zz zz
(chha) f. the ceremony performed on the
sixth day after childbirth
~ U U U S /UU WU (~ d duddh chete/
yd karu) id. to beat soundly, to give
someone a good hiding
U U UU mU ( d duddh yd u)
id. to be in hot water, to be in deep water
U U U U U (chha) v.i. to lose the grip; to drop
the catch; to acquit, to release, to set to absolve,
to free; to give up, to forsake, to renounce, to
relinquish; to forgive; to desert, to leave, to
abandon; to resign; to omit
U U W (chha chha ke) adv. by
fits & starts
~ U (~ chha) m. separation, divorce;
disengagement; acquittal, release
U U U U U (chha) v.t. to winnow (grain etc.); to
shake violently (a wet cloth); to snub, to scold,
to reprimand; to dust
U=U U=U U=U U=U U=U (chhavu) v.t. to make or cause to
be given up; to have a (person) acquitted/
U =U /U U U =U /U U U =U /U U U =U /U U U =U /U U (chhvu/chhu)
v.t. to cause to shake a wet cloth; to get carpet,
bed cover etc. dusted
UW UW UW UW UW (chhaka) m. rattle, tinkling toy
v.i. to jingle, to clink, to clank
UWU UWU UWU UWU UWU (chhaku) v.t. to make to rattle, to
cause to tinkle; to make to clink, to make to
UW UW UW UW UW (chhakr) f. tinkling; jingle, clink, clank
U U U U U U U U U U (chha chha) f. tinkling, jingle, clink,
U U U U U (chhaan) v.i. to be sifted, to be seived;
to get thinned by use, to get worn out (cloth)
U=U U=U U=U U=U U=U (chhavu) v.t. to get something
sifted, to get seived
U S U S U S U S U S (chhatt) f. roof; ceiling; floor, storey; hood
(of a carriage)
U S U S U S U S U S (chhatta) v.t. to cover with a roof; to
construct roof; to build a house
US US US US US (chhatar) m. canopy
~ U|Fm (~ chhI) f. patronage, aegis,
protection, auspice
~ l/ Sl (~ dhr/ pat) m. sovereign,
emperor, king
U S U S U S U S U S (chhattar) m. ram, tup
USl USl USl USl USl (chhatar) f. umbrella, parasol; parachute
U S U S U S U S U S (chhatt) m. roofed street or bazar, a covered
fort-path, roofed arcade; beehive, honeycomb
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (chhatt) a. & m. thirty-six
~ U (~ padrath) m. variety of delicious
food, dainty
USl= (chhattIv ) a. thirty sixth
U U U U U U U U U U (chhd) m. metre (in poetry); a small verse
which the bridegroom is asked to recite by the
bride's female relatives & friends
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. prosody
~ (~ baddh) a. metrical, versified
U U Ul (chhd bd) f. metrical
composition, versification
U U U U U (chhn) f. thatched hut, shanty; thatched roof
U U U U U (chhn) m. a bronze bowl (used for drinking
some thing)
U U U U U U U U U U (chhap chhap) f. splash, constant
splashing sound
U H U H U H U H U H (chhapJ) a. & m. fifty-six
UH= (chhapJv ) a. fifty-sixth
U U U U U (chhapa) v.i. to be printed, to be
published; to be imprinted, to be stamped; to
have impression of slap etc.; to hide, to conceal
U U U U U (chhappar) m. thatched roof, thatched shed;
~ = W U (~ p ke de) id. to give
plentiful unexpectedly, to give by leaps and
U l U l U l U l U l (chhappar) f. small thatched roof
U=U /UU U=U /UU U=U /UU U=U /UU U=U /UU (chhapvu/chhapu)
v.i. to get something printed from someone
v.t. to get imprinted (book, cloth etc.)
U=Fl/UFl U=Fl/UFl U=Fl/UFl U=Fl/UFl U=Fl/UFl (chhapv/chhap) f. the act or
cost of printing
U= U= U= U= U= (chhapa) m. pond, pool, small pit
UW UW UW UW UW (chhapk) m. splashing sound, splash
UWl UWl UWl UWl UWl (chhapk) f. hives, netterash, urticaria,
U U U U U(chhape) m. prosodic, sixtain
U U U U U (chhab) f. winsomeness, comeliness,
elegance, beauty; appearance, demeanour
U l U l U l U l U l (chhabb) a. twenty-six
U l= U l= U l= U l= U l= (chhabbv) a. twenty-sixth
U lY U lY U lY U lY U lY (chhabbl) f. a place where water is served
UlY UlY UlY UlY UlY (chhabl) a. handsome, comely, winsome,
elegant, graceful, foppish, exquisite
UuW UuW UuW UuW UuW (chhamak) f. birch-rod; flexible shoot or twig,
cane, goad, stick
~ U Y (~ chhallo) f. slim and lovely girl/
woman, delicate belle, coquette
UuUu UuUu UuUu UuUu UuUu (chhamchham) f. sound of falling rain;
tinkling sound of ornaments (bells, bangles etc.)
~ (~ ro) id. to weep bitterly
U U U U U (chharr) m. granule of a shotgun, cartridge,
lead bullet, buck shot, small shot
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (chhar) m. shower; drift (snow)
UY UY UY UY UY (chhal) m. trick, wile, feint; deceit, fraud,
deception, ruse, hocus-pocus, dodge, knavery,
~ WJ (~ kapa) m. fraud, trickery, deception
~ WJ W (~ kapa karn) v.i. to play fraud,
to play tricks/swindle
~ WJ Y (~ kapa nl) adv. by unfair
means, fraudulently, deceptively
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (chhall) f. wave, undulation, strong current
of water, billow
UYW UYW UYW UYW UYW (chhalak) v.i. to spill, to brim over, to
over flow; to brim with water (eyes)
UY UY UY UY UY (chhalan) v.i. to deceive, to cheat
id. to throw dust in one's eyes
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (chhall) m. plain ring (of finger); ring -
shaped / circular shaped thing, round thing; curl,
ringlet; annular
UY= UY= UY= UY= UY= (chhalv) m. illusion, hallucination; fraud,
deception; apparition, phantasm, jack of lantern
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl (chhall) f. cob of maize, corn cob; stiffness
and soreness of the limbs
UYlm UYlm UYlm UYlm UYlm (chhal) a. deceitful, deceiver, cheat,
fraudulent, guileful, swindler, imposter
UY UY UY UY UY (chhale) m. apparition, phantasm
U=l U=l U=l U=l U=l (chhav) f. sharp long chopper
U= U= U= U= U= (chha) m. rod, bar, polo; staff; shaft
U= U= U= U= U= (chhaapp) m. jump with closed feet, leap
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to jump with both feet
U= U= U= U= U= (chha) m. a. bachelor, unmarried, single
~ UJ (~ chh t ) a. single, unmarried, bachelor
U=W U=W U=W U=W U=W (chhak) m. torrent rain
U/UU U/UU U/UU U/UU U/UU (chh/chho) f. shelter from light and
heat; an inseparable companion or thing
UU UU UU UU UU (chhu) v.i. to overcast, to over shadow;
to dominate, to over power
UU l UU l UU l UU l UU l (chhu) f. a permanent military town,
~ U (~ pu) id. to stay for a long time
U|Fm U|Fm U|Fm U|Fm U|Fm (chhI) f. shade, shadow, reflection;
phantom, spectre; spirit; appearance, vision
~ U (~ dn) m. a kind of donation (according
to Hindu religion) in which the donor donates
oil or classified butter in a small bronze or iron
bowl after seeing his reflection in it
! !! !!
(chh) m. residue or remains of burnt wood,
coal etc., cinder
z zz zz
(chh) f. light brown freckle on the face,
-UFlm (-chh pe ) v.i. to have
discolouring spots on the face, to have freckles
UJ = Y UJ = Y UJ = Y UJ = Y UJ = Y (chhh vel) m. breakfast time
UT UT UT UT UT (chha g) m. pruning, lopping; trash (of sugar
UT UT UT UT UT (chhga) v.i. to prune, to lop, to trim
UT UT UT UT UT (chh g) a.&. m. a person having six fingers
on each hand or foot
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (chh) f. selection; sorting; retrenchment,
curtailment ; lash ,whip, flagellum
-UJ UJFl (chh chha) f. picking and
choosing; sorting
-WJ~ (kt ~ ) f. retrenchment; curtailment,
remain, residue
UJ/UJ Wl (chhta/chh karn)
v.t. to sort, to select, to choose, to pick; to sift,
to winnow
U/UH U/UH U/UH U/UH U/UH ( (( ((chh/chhn as) m. the refuse of
grains, left after sieving, bran, chaff
U U U U U (chhn) v.t. to filter; to sieve, to colander
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (chhn) f. sieve, sifter; colander
-WYH ~ J (- kaleJ ~ ho) id. heart being
battered by constant mishaps or tragedies
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (chhb) f. investigation, inquiry;
sifting; scrutiny
US US US US US (chht) m. big umbrella
USl USl USl USl USl (chhat) f. chest; bosom, bust, breast
~ S H YJ (~ te sapp lea) id. to feel
insufferable envy, to burn with jealousy
~ S H (~ te patthar rakkha) id. to
keep patience, to endure sufferings patiently,
to endure hardships
~ S uT UY (~ te m g dala) id. to be
mutely a source of constant vexation, to
torment some one by acting against one's will,
to inflict pain calculatingly
~ Y Y W H (~ nl l ke rakkha) id.
to keep with love or fondness; to keep with
great care, to fondle
UU UU UU UU UU (chhd) m. whack, share, big quantity, lot
U U U U U (chhp) m. a ring; impression; mark, imprint;
seal; print, edition; trade mark, brand; stamp
UW UW UW UW UW (chhpak) m. printer, publisher
U U U U U (chhapa) v.i. to stamp; to publish, to
print, to imprint
UY UY UY UY UY (chhpal) v.i. to become motionless
with fear
U U U U U (chhp) m. print, imprint; stamp; raid,
U= U= U= U= U= (chhb) m. small shallow basket used
for keeping fruit, sweets etc.
U=l U=l U=l U=l U=l (chhb) f. small basket; pedlar's basket
~ =Y (~ vl) a. hawker, pedlar
U U U U U (chhb) m. small basket used for keeping
chapati; punnet; pear's basket
UY UY UY UY UY (chhl) f. jump, leap, plunge
-UY U WU (chhal chuku) id. to
make to flee; to harass, to torment, to afflict
UY UY UY UY UY (chhl) m. blister, bleb, burn, boil
|UmHl |UmHl |UmHl |UmHl |UmHl (chhes) a.& m. eighty-six, eighty and
|UmHl= |UmHl= |UmHl= |UmHl= |UmHl= (chhesv) a. eighty-sixth
|UmJJ |UmJJ |UmJJ |UmJJ |UmJJ (chhehh) a.f m. sixty-six
|UmJJ= |UmJJ= |UmJJ= |UmJJ= |UmJJ= (chhehthva) a. sixty-sixth
|Um= |Um= |Um= |Um= |Um= (chhenve ) a.& m. ninety and six, ninety
|UmYl |UmYl |UmYl |UmYl |UmYl (chhel) a. forty and six, forty six
|UmYl= |UmYl= |UmYl= |UmYl= |UmYl= (chhelv) a. forty-sixth
|UJ S |UJ S |UJ S |UJ S |UJ S (chhehattar) a. m. seventy and six,
|UJ S= |UJ S= |UJ S= |UJ S= |UJ S= (chhehattarv ) a. seventy sixth
|U W |U W |U W |U W |U W (chhIkk) f. sneeze, sternutation
|U W |U W |U W |U W |U W (chhIkka) v.i. to sneeze, to sternutate
|U WYl |U WYl |U WYl |U WYl |U WYl (chhIkkal) f. net of strings tied on the
mouth of animals, mouth cover of animal (made
of strings)
|U W |U W |U W |U W |U W (chhIkk) m. net work of strings or iron,
wires for hanging things, hangers; racket
-|UW JT (chhIkke tga) id. to neglect,
to ignore; to vex, to fret
|U Wl |U Wl |U Wl |U Wl |U Wl (chhIkk) f. the six of cards, playing card
with six marks
|U W |U W |U W |U W |U W (chhIkk) m. small basket with a handle
|UUW |UUW |UUW |UUW |UUW/|UUW /|UUW /|UUW /|UUW /|UUW tchhIchhka rn/ chhIchhkern)
v.t. to make a dog or an animal run away by
making sound with the mouth; to give one the
|UU= |UU= |UU= |UU= |UU= (chhIchha) m. curdlings of milk, butter
milk; shred of meat
|U J |U J |U J |U J |U J (chhI) a. quarrelsome, querulous, pugnacious
|UJ |UJ |UJ |UJ |UJ (chhI) m. drop, driblet; splash of mud;
splash, drizzling, spatter (of water), drizzle
|U |U |U |U |U (chhI) f. moment, instant, second
~ FT (~ bhgar) a. short lived, transient
~ F (~ bhar) adv. momently, momentarily
~ uS (~ mtar) adv. momentarily, a little
|U S |U S |U S |U S |U S (chhIttar) m. an old and worn out shoe; a
loose shoe easily slipped on; slipper
~ u (~ mrn) id. to reprimand, to upbraid,
to scold
| US U | US U | US U | US U | US U (chhItro) f. thrashing, beating;
reprimand, chiding scolding
|USU |USU |USU |USU |USU (chhItru) v.i. to thrash, to beat, to
reprimand, to scold, to snub
| U | U | U | U | U (chhItth) a. ashamed, irritated,
exasperated, splenetic, peevish, abashed
~ (~ pe) v.i. to be ashamed, to be
abashed, to chafe, to loose patience, to become
|U Ul |U Ul |U Ul |U Ul |U Ul (chhIdd) f. small pieces of milk cream
which are found in the churned butter milk
~ SYl W (~ patl karn) v.i. to slap in the
face, to insult, to humiliate; to reprimand, to
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (chhInl) a. hussy, dissolute; prostitute,
harlot, strumpet
|UWYl |UWYl |UWYl |UWYl |UWYl (chhIpkal) f. lizard
|U |U |U |U |U (chhIpa) v.i. to vanish, to disappear; to
set (sun); to be concealed, to be hidden
|U F |U F |U F |U F |U F (chhbh) m. speckle, spot
|UuJl/|Uu|Jm/|UuJ |UuJl/|Uu|Jm/|UuJ |UuJl/|Uu|Jm/|UuJ |UuJl/|Uu|Jm/|UuJ |UuJl/|Uu|Jm/|UuJ(chhImh/chhImhe/
chhImh) a. biannual, half yearly
-= ~ (varhe~) a. once in a blue moon,
seldom, casually
|U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y (chhIll) f. rind, back; skin of human being,
epidermis; crust; bark; peel; husk
j jj jj~YJ (~lhu) id. to take big profit; to
beat badly, to thrash
|U=W |U=W |U=W |U=W |U=W (chhIka) v.t. to sprinkle, to spray; to
|U=WU |U=WU |U=WU |U=WU |U=WU (chhIku) m. sprinkling, spraying
|U=W U |U=W U |U=W U |U=W U |U=W U (chhIku) v.t. to cause to be
sprinkled, to make to be sprayed
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (chh) intj. an exclamation of disdain, hatred
etc., booh !, boo!
j jj jj~ Ul (~ chh) intj. & f. an expression of
contempt, boo !, booh!
j jj jj~ W (~ karn) id. give one the bird
UlU UlJ UlU UlJ UlU UlJ UlU UlJ UlU UlJ (chho chhh) f. a word uttered with
rhythm to induce cattle to drink water; a word
uttered by the washerman while washing
Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul J (chh) f. chintz, calico
|UYW/|UYW |UYW/|UYW |UYW/|UYW |UYW/|UYW |UYW/|UYW (chhlak/chhIlak) f. peel, peeling,
glume; rind, bark; husk
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (chhIlla) v.t. to peel, to pare; to gall, to
chafe (injury, wound etc.); to chip, to chisel; to
bark, to scrape
|UYS |UYS |UYS |UYS |UYS (chhIltar) f. very small splinter of wood
which thrusts in the flesh
|U Y= |U Y= |U Y= |U Y= |U Y= (chhIlla) m. peel, peeling, paring; rind, bark
(of tree)
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (chhIl) m. forty days period after child birth,
period of confinement, parturition period,
|UYU |UYU |UYU |UYU |UYU (chhIlu) v.t. to cause to be peeled,
to make to be pared
|UYFl |UYFl |UYFl |UYFl |UYFl (chhIl) f. the act of or the wages of
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (chh b) a caste whose occupation is to print
or sew clothes, calico printers
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= (chh) f. less or thin gathering
U J U J U J U J U J (chhoh) f. touch, tactility, feel
U J U J U J U J U J (chhuh) v.t. to touch, to feel; to begin, to
U JY U JY U JY U JY U JY (chhohal) a. active, swift, fast, quick, brisk,
buoyant, vivacious, smart, sprightly, agile
U JU U JU U JU U JU U JU (chhuhu) v.t. to cause to be touched
or felt
U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl (chhuh) f. the act or state of touching
U Jl U Jl U Jl U Jl U Jl (chhuh) f. a sweet eatable thing made
of pure ghee, jaggery, ginger powder, Bishop's
weed, almonds and other dry fruit etc., caudle
U J U J U J U J U J (chhuhr) m. dried date-palm or dried date
U J U J U J U J U J (chhu) prep. except, but, barring, apart,
leaving aside
U JW U JW U JW U JW U JW (chhukr) m. liberation, release,
acquittal; deliverance; relief; escape,
exemption; emancipation, salvation
U J= U J= U J= U J= U J= (chhua) f. a woman which is abandoned
by her husband; divorced
U Jl U Jl U Jl U Jl U Jl (chhu) f. free time, leisure; vacation,
holiday; permission, freedom; acquittal; leave;
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be dismissed or
terminated (from service); to be discharged
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to dismiss, to terminate
mUUS ~ (achanchet~) f. casual leave
U U U U U U U U U U (chhuu) v.t. to get released, to get
U U U U U U U U U U (chhuchhu) m. rattle, bauble
U U U U U (chhupa) v.i. to hide, to go underground;
to go down, to set (sun)
U U U U U U U U U U (chhupu) v.t. to keep secret; to hide
from a view, to conceal
U|m HSu (chhupe rustam) m. dark
horse; an unknown or little known person
having unexpected talents
U U U U U (chhur) m. a long knife, dagger
U l U l U l U l U l (chhur) f. knife
j jj jj |uJlm Ulm UYU (mIh chhur
chalu) id. viper in one's bosom
U U U U U (chh) f. the act of blowing after the recitation
of magic words; incantation, conjuration
~ uS (~ mtar) m. an incantation, hocus-
pocus, jugglery, hanky panky
~ uS J (~ mtar ho) id. to vanish, to
U Fl u Fl U Fl u Fl U Fl u Fl U Fl u Fl U Fl u Fl (chh m) f. Mimosa pudica, touch me
not, humble plant; over sensitive or delicate
U UW U UW U UW U UW U UW (chhchhak) f. gifts given to the girl by her
parents after first child's birth
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (chhchh) f. the part of the gun stock in
which the ramrod is inserted; very small metal
bowl to keep rubbed sandal wood
U U U U U (chh) m. the thread of the potter used
for separating the pot from the potter's wheel
U l U l U l U l U l (chh) f. an earthen lid, covering of earthen
U S U S U S U S U S (chht) f. touch; contamination, contagious,
infection; defilement
~ Ul lul (~ d bmr) f. contagious or
infectious disease
-US-US (chht-chht) f. untouchability
U U U U U (chhe) a. six
- U U (chhe pad) m. prosodic, sixtain
- U= (chhev) a. sixth
- U=l (chhev) f. sixth class
U W U W U W U W U W (chhek) m. hole, perforation; opening; gap;
puncture; aperture
U W U W U W U W U W (chheka) v.t. to excommunicate; to give
the punishment of losing caste, to debar, to
boycott; to perforate, to pierce with holes
-J W l~(hukk p~) id. to boycott
socially, to give the punishment of losing caste,
to excommunicate, to declare out of caste
U WU U WU U WU U WU U WU (chhekdr) a. having holes, perforated
U W= U W= U W= U W= U W= (chheka) adv. at last, finally, lastly
U W=Y U W=Y U W=Y U W=Y U W=Y (chhekal) a. the last one, last, at the
end, ultimately, after all, in the long run
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (chhet) f. haste, hurry, promptness,
expeditiousness, briskness
adv. soon, shortly, before long
~ U Sl (~ chhet) adv. hastily, hurriedly,
speedily, quickly, swiftly, briskly
U U U U U U U U U U (chhed) m. hole, perforation
U U U U U U U U U U (chheda) v.t. to perforate, to drill; to
wound, to hurt
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (chhel) m. six years goat's male child, kid
U = U = U = U = U = (chhe) f. the act or state of teasing, vexing;
herd, flock
~ Hl/U=U= (~khan/chhechh) f. the
act of teasing; joke, fun. jest; bone of contention
~ U = (~ chhen) id. to assume the
U = U = U = U = U = (chhen) v.t. to begin, to initiate, to start;
to vex, to irritate, to fret; to touch upon (subject),
to tease
U = U = U = U = U = (chhe) a. herdsman, grazier
U u Tl U u Tl U u Tl U u Tl U u Tl (chhe murg) f. a kind of sweet-
meat prepared from cheese
U l U l U l U l U l (chhe) f. wood cutting tool, chisel
U U U U U (chhee) m. cymbals
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (chhel) a.& m. a fop, a dandy, adonis, cox-
~ UlY (~ chhabl) a.& m. fop, dandy, cox-
comb, adonis
U J U J U J U J U J (chhoh) f. touch, contact
U JY U JY U JY U JY U JY (chhohal) a. active, fast, brisk
U W U W U W U W U W (chhokr) m. boy, lad, bantling, son; small
boy servant
U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl (chhokr) f. girl, lass, daughter
U J U J U J U J U J (chho) f. reduction, discount, deduction,
rebate; exemption; concession, relaxation
U J U J U J U J U J (chho) a. little; mean, worthless; short (size);
petty, ordinary; younger (in age); junior,
subordinate; concise, brief
~ UJ (~ chho) a. miscellaneous
~ u J (~ mo) a. small, petty, ordinary;
~ = (~ va) a. young and old, small and
great, all and sundry, every one, all
-UJl |FY|FUl (chho IlIch) f. cardamom
U J U J U J U J U J (chho) a. of small height, short statured,
dwarfish; youngest, junior most
U U U U U (chhop) m. rolls of cotton left on an winnowing
instrument by ladies to be spinned on the next
day; a red coloured wrap cloth of ladies
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (chhople) adv. stealthily, quietly, softly
U U U U U (chhop) m. four cotton rolls used together
for spinning
U Y m U Y m U Y m U Y m U Y m (chhol) m. green gram, grams in pods
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (chhole) m. grams
U W U W U W U W U W (chho ka) v.t. to fry and season with
U U U U U (chho) f. splinter (of wood)
U U U U U (chho r) f. heap of small bundle of stalks of
maize or millet arranged in order

H H H H H (JaJJ) m. thirteenth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,
it represents the voiced palatal plosive
HH HH HH HH HH (Jas) m. fame, renown, glory, name; praise,
applause, laudation, eulogy
~ H J/Y (~kha/le ) v.t. to win
laurels, to earn name and fame
~TU (~gu) v.t. to sing the praises of,
to acclaim, to applaud, to extol, to eulogise
HH|JH HH|JH HH|JH HH|JH HH|JH(JasIs) m. justice
HH HH HH HH HH (Jashan) m. festivity, feast, banquet,
celebration; function; merriment, revel, merry-
~uU (~manu) v.t. to make merry, to
revel, to celebrate
HH H HH H HH H HH H HH H (Jass) m. spy, detective, informer, sleuth,
HH Hl HH Hl HH Hl HH Hl HH Hl (Jass) f. spying, espionage, intelligence
a. detective
HJ u HJ u HJ u HJ u HJ u (Jahnam) m. hell, inferno, Hades
~HlU (~rasd) a. condemned to hell
~ HlU W (~rasd karn) id. to kill, to
HJH HJH HJH HJH HJH (Jahz) m. aeroplane, aircraft; ship, vessel
~ S U= (~te chahn) v.t. to embark; to
~UHV (~d safar) m. voyage; flight
~ U JUH (~ d hds) m. ship wreck; air
- HJH (- Jahzrn) m. sailor, navigator;
pilot, aviator, flier
-HJHl (- Jahzrn) f. navigation, shipping,
HJHl HJHl HJHl HJHl HJHl (Jahz) a. nautical, naval
~muY (~ aml) m. crew
~W(~k) m. piracy
~ W (~k) m. pirate, buccaneer, sea-
~= (be) m. fleet, armada
HJU HJU HJU HJU HJU (Jahd) m. crusade, holy-war, jihad (jehad)
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (Jahn) m. world, earth; universe, cosmos
HJJ HJJ HJJ HJJ HJJ (Jahpanh) m. emperor, king; form of
addressing an emperor / king
HJYS HJYS HJYS HJYS HJYS (Jahlat) f. nescience, ignorance, lack of
knowledge; illiteracy; cultural backwardness,
uncivilized state; foolishness, stupidity
H|JHS H|JHS H|JHS H|JHS H|JHS(zehJt) f. appearance; get up
~J/ u(~pa/ mrn) id. to spoil/
mar the get - up
H| J H| J H| J H| J H| J (ze han) m. mind, brain; memory,
H|JuS H|JuS H|JuS H|JuS H|JuS (zehmat) f. trouble; bother, botheration,
~UJU(~uhu) id. to take the trouble
~ HJ=(~sahen) id. to invite trouble
H|J H|J H|J H|J H|J(zehar) m. poison, bane; venom, toxin (of
snake etc.); anger, wrath a. fatal, deadly;
~ UTY (~ugala) id. to use venomous
language; to spit venom (snake)
~=Y(~ghola) id. to embitter relations
~ U= (~charhn) v.i. to suffer from the
effect of poison id. to get enraged
~ U = J l/F (~d ghu p/
bharn)id. to swallow a quinine; to pocket
an insult
~U(~de) v.i. to poison
~u(~mr) m. counter poison, anti-venom
, antitoxin, antidote
~YT(~lagga) id. to taste very bitter; to
dislike, to be intolerably unpleasant, to be
unbearable to the sight
H|JU H|JU H|JU H|JU H|JU(zeharbd) m. carbuncle; black quarter
H|Ju J H|Ju J H|Ju J H|Ju J H|Ju J(zeharmuhr) m. an antidote bezoar; a
greenish colour
H|Jl/H|JlY H|Jl/H|JlY H|Jl/H|JlY H|Jl/H|JlY H|Jl/H|JlY (ze hr/ze hrl) a. poisonous,
venomous, virulent, toxic; spitfire, wrathful, hot
- tempered, hot headed
HJl-SJl HJl-SJl HJl-SJl HJl-SJl HJl-SJl(Jah-tah ) f. rap, rebuke
~=(~phern) id. to play the devil with,
to rap
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJl(zahn) f. brainy, intelligent
HW HW HW HW HW(Jak) f. shyness, bashfulness; hesitation, shilly
- shally, reluctance; dilemma, quandary
~HWFl (~Jak) f. shyness, bashfulness,
hesitation, reluctance, shilly - shally
HWSWl(Jakotakk) f. hesitation, hesitancy
vacillation, dilemma, quandary, ambivalence,
~W(~ karn) v.t. to hesitate, to be in shilly
- shally
~|=UJt~ vIch hon) id. to be on the horns
of dilemma, to be double - minded
H WH H WH H WH H WH H WH(Jkshan) m. junction
HW HW HW HW HW(Jak) v.i. to feel shy; to hesitate, to reluct
HW= HW= HW= HW= HW=(Jaka) f. tight grip
H W= H W= H W= H W= H W=(Jakka) f. senseless talk, babble, tattle
HW= HW= HW= HW= HW=(Jakan) v.t. to fasten, to bind tightly
HH/H H HH/H H HH/H H HH/H H HH/H H (Jakh/Jakkh) f. existence
~Jlt~pa) id. to spoil, to mar, to play
the devil with
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu(Jakam) m. wound, sore, injury
~J W t~hare karn) id. to rip the old
sores, to revive the old sufferings
Hu S Y |U=W tzakham te l
chhIka) id. to add insult to injury, to add
to one's agony, touch to the quick
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul(Jakam) a. wounded, injured, hurt
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl(Zakhr) m. store house, repository; stock,
store, hoard
-HlH(- zakhrebaz) m. hoarder
-HHlHl(- zakhrebaz) f. hoarding
! !! !!
(Jagg) m. world; universe, cosmos
~JHFl t~has) f. public disgrace, infamy,
opprobrium, derision or contempt
~|H S t~JItt) id. to do something
~lSlt~bt) f. a general tale of woe, tale of
general sufferings, common experience
-H T J t-Jaggo ba hra ) a. unique,
remarkable, unusual, extraordinary
z zz zz
(Jagg) m. jug
a aa aa
(Jagg) m. a religious ceremony in which
oblations are offered to fire (God) ,yajna
! !! !!
(Jg) f. rust
z zz zz
(Jg) m. war; battle, armed - fight; skirmish,
row, fight; campaign
H TH H TH H TH H TH H TH (JgJ) a. warrior, martial, chivalrous
HT HT HT HT HT(Jaga) v.i. to be lighted, to be illuminated,
to light up
HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS(Jagat) m. world, universe
~|Ht~prasIddh) a. world - famous
HTUlH/HT HTUlH/HT HTUlH/HT HTUlH/HT HTUlH/HT (Jagdsh/Jagannth) m. God,
Lord (of the world), the Supreme being
HTuT HTuT HTuT HTuT HTuT(Jagmag) a. glittering, sparkling; shining,
HTuTU HTuTU HTuTU HTuTU HTuTU (Jagmagu) v.i. to glitter, to sparkle;
to shine, to glow v.t. to cause to glitter, to make
to shine
HTuTJJ HTuTJJ HTuTJJ HTuTJJ HTuTJJ(Jagmagha) f. glitter, glisten, sparkle;
shine, glow
HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS(Jagrt) m. the state of remaining awake
whole of the night; keeping awake the whole
night for making prayers or hymn singing
H TY H TY H TY H TY H TY(Jgal) m. forest, jungle, woods
~UlmT=T=Yt~ d agg vg phel) id.
to spread like wild fire
~lt~p) m. the act of going out to ease
oneself, call of nature
~lHt~p J) id. to go out at the
call of nature
~|=U u TY t~vIch mgal) ph. paradise in
~|=Uu TYJ t~vIch mgal ho) id. to have
hustle bustle in a lonely place
HTY HTY HTY HTY HTY(Jgal) m. railing, balustrade, fence, fencing,
grating, palisade
H TYl H TYl H TYl H TYl H TYl (Jgal) a. wild, feral; barbarian, boorish,
savage, uncivilized; bestial
HT HT HT HT HT (Jagh) f. place, situation, spot; berth, room
(for sitting); space; residence, house, dwelling;
post, vacancy; position
HTU HTU HTU HTU HTU (Jagu) v.t. to awake, to rouse, to
awaken; to alert, to caution, to warn; to light,
to kindle, to illuminate
-HSlmWY~(sutt kal ~) id. to make the
sleeping dogs bark
HTS HTS HTS HTS HTS(Jagt) f. octroi, toll-tax, duty
-HTS(Jagtkhn) m. octroi-post
H TY H TY H TY H TY H TY(Jgl) m. rust, corrosion
H TY H TY H TY H TY H TY(Jgl) v.t. to rust, to oxidise
H T|Ym H T|Ym H T|Ym H T|Ym H T|Ym(Jgle) a. rusty, oxidized
H|TmH H|TmH H|TmH H|TmH H|TmH(Jages) f. curiosity, inquisitiveness
H|TmH H|TmH H|TmH H|TmH H|TmH (Jages) a. curious, inquisitive
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl(Jg) a. pertaining to war, warlike, martial
~WUlt~ke d) m. war - prisoner, prisoner of
~HJH t~Jahz) m. war-ship, war-plane,
~=t~be) m. armada, war/naval fleet
~YJt~l) m. commander - in - chief
HTl HTl HTl HTl HTl(Jagr) f. estate, feud, fief, seigniory
HTlU/HTlU HTlU/HTlU HTlU/HTlU HTlU/HTlU HTlU/HTlU(Jagrdr/Jgrdr) m. owner
of an estate, fief holder, landlord, feoffee
HTlUl/HTlUl HTlUl/HTlUl HTlUl/HTlUl HTlUl/HTlUl HTlUl/HTlUl (Jagrdr/Jgrdr) f.
feudalism, landlordism
a. feudalistic, feudal
~t~prath) f. feudality, feudal system
HU HU HU HU HU(Jacha) v.i. to appeal, to suit, to behove;
to befit, to be becoming, to be seemly
HU= HU= HU= HU= HU= (Jachv) a. befitting, seemly, becoming;
suitable, appropriate, proper, fit; compatible
H U/H U H U/H U H U/H U H U/H U H U/H U (Jacch/zacch) f. a woman who has
recently delivered a child
~H t~khn) m. labour room, child -
delivery chamber; maternity home
~Ut~bacch) m. mother and the new - born
~ UH l|=|Tmt~bacch sbdh vIgIn1
m. obstetrics
HUU HUU HUU HUU HUU (Jachu) v.t. to make (some thing)
appeal, to make something befitting/becoming
; to convince some one (about something)
H Ht H Ht H Ht H Ht H HtJaJJ) m. judge, justice
-H~(sab~) m. sub-judge
-HH~(seshan~) m. session - judge
H H/H 1 H H/H 1 H H/H 1 H H/H 1 H H/H 1(JJ /JnJ) f. marriage procession of a bride
groom, marriage party
~= t~ghar) m. the building reserve for
marriage parties, marriage palace, banquet hall
~U= t~chahn) id. to attend/join a
marriage procession
HH HH HH HH HHtJazab) a. absorbed, soaked
m. the act of absorbing something
~Wt~karn) id. to tolerate, to endure
v.t. to absorb, to soak
HH HH HH HH HHtJazab) m. emotion, sentiment, feeling
HHS HHS HHS HHS HHSt Jazbt) m. emotions, sentiments, feelings
HHSl HHSl HHSl HHSl HHSlt Jazbt) a. emotional, sentimental
HHu HHu HHu HHu HHutJaJmn) m. the client /patron of a Brahamin
H HY H HY H HY H HY H HYtJJl) m. mundane/worldly entanglement,
liabilities, responsibilities; troublesome person;
problem, difficulty, perplexity
~|=U=Ht~vIch phas) id. to involve in
worldly affairs and entanglements
-HlU~tJ d~) f. troublesome and awkward
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hlt JaJJ) f. post of a judge
HHlm HHlm HHlm HHlm HHlmt Jaz) m. the tax levied on the non-Muslims
by some Muslim rulers; toll tax, capitation tax
H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H HltJzr) f. chain, zipper; bonds, shackles, fetter
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHltJazr) m. island, isle
H Hll H Hll H Hll H Hll H HlltJJr) f. an ornamental chain ; chainlet
H H H H H H H H H H /H /H /H /H /H tJJJ/JnJu) m. the sacred thread worn
by Hindus as mark of initiation
H J H J H J H J H JtJa) m. farmer, agriculturist, peasant : name
of an agricultural class of India
~WlHYTUFmt~k Je log d bha)
prov. a blind man is no judge of colours, caviar
to the General
~TJl|UUFYl|UUJt~gn nah dd
bhel dd he ) prov. penny wise pound foolish
~H=t~Japph) m. tight hold, forcible seizure
~ J t~b) m. rustic, yokel; clownish;
unsophisticated person, uncivilized person
~=|J=t~veha) a. rustic, yokel, clownish
HJW HJW HJW HJW HJWtJaak) a. pertaining to or characteristic of
a Jat; rustic, uncivilized, clownish, rural
HJWl HJWl HJWl HJWl HJWltJaak) f. a dialect of Punjabi spoken in west
HJt HJt HJt HJt HJtJa ) )) )) f. matted/tangled hair, clotted hair; lock, tress
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJltJadhr) a. one having matted/clotted hair
m. a person usually a saint/hermit having matted
H|JY H|JY H|JY H|JY H|JYtJaIl) a. difficult, tough; complex, complicated,
intricate, perplexing
H|JYS H|JYS H|JYS H|JYS H|JYStJat Ilt) f. difficulty; complexity, complicacy,
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJltJah) f. husband's elder brother's wife, sister
- in - law
HJ S HJ S HJ S HJ S HJ StJahttar) m. husband's elder brother's son
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ tJaher) m. elder of husband's family, ancestor
a. first born (son)
H t H t H t H t H tJ) m. a wild tree wood of which is used as fuel,
Prosopis spicegara
HH HH HH HH HHtJakh) m. eunuch a. impotent; sissy, womanish,
HU HU HU HU HU tJade) m. procreators, parents, mother - father
H H H H HtJaan) m. the act of bearing, the act of giving
birth, procreation
H H H H HtJaan) v.t. to give birth, to procreate, to bring
Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt HltJaan) f. mother, mummy, progenitrix
Ht Ht Ht Ht HtJa) m. man, human being; individual, person,
fellow, chap
~H t tt tt~kha) m. every body, everyone, every
Tom, Dick and Harry
H t H t H t H t H tJaep) m. child birth, delivery, parturition,
maternity; period of forty days after a child birth
HS/HSHSt HS/HSHSt HS/HSHSt HS/HSHSt HS/HSHStJat/Jatsat) m. celibacy, continence
H St H St H St H St H StJatt) f. coat of wool (of sheep etc.), fleece, pelage;
fur; long hair on the skin, shag
HS t HS t HS t HS t HS tJatan) m. effort, endeavour, attempt, try; step,
~Wt tt tt~karn) v.t. to make effort, to endeavour
H S t H S t H S t H S t H S tJtar) m. amulet, talisman, charm; instrument,
apparatus, implement, machine
~u St tt tt~mtar) m. incantation, conjuration, magical
spell, blackmagic, sorcery, magic, witchcraft
- -- --HSluSlt tt ttJtar mtar) m. conjurer, sorcerer,
necromancer, exorcist
H Slt H Slt H Slt H Slt H SltJtar) f. almanac, calendar; a small wire gauze
used by goldsmiths
H SYt H SYt H SYt H SYt H SYtJattal) a. hairy hirsute; shaggy, fleece,
furred, furry
HSU t HSU t HSU t HSU t HSU tJatu) v.t. to remind, to make one
remember; to inform pointedly (favours
HSl/HSl HSl t HSl/HSl HSl t HSl/HSl HSl t HSl/HSl HSl t HSl/HSl HSl tJat/Jat sat) a.&m. celibate,
chaste; ascetic/chaste person
H S t H S t H S t H S t H S tJt) m. any living creature/being; animal
H t H t H t H t H tJatth) m. group, batch, band; crew,
squad, corps
H Ut H Ut H Ut H Ut H UtJatthedr) m. leader of a group, group
- leader; a word usually used by Sikhs
for leader type person
H Ut H Ut H Ut H Ut H UtJatthebd) a. organized, grouped
H Ult H Ult H Ult H Ult H UltJatthebd) f. organisation, grouping,
HUt HUt HUt HUt HUtJad) adv. when, at that time
~WU/~WUl t tt tt~kad/~kad ) adv. whenever
~HUt tt tt~Jad) adv. whenever, when so ever
~SWHmHSUSWmHt tt tt~tak sus tad tak
s) prov. hope sustains life, as long as
there is life there is hope
~SFl t tt tt~t ) adv. since, till
~ |U mUU J S l =l ul HUl J
t tt tt~bure dIn a u de han t buddh v
ma r Jd he) prov. when a man falls on
evil days his wits are clouded
H Ut H Ut H Ut H Ut H UtJadd) f. ancestry, lineage, family, pedigree;
! !! !!
t tt ttJdar) m. lock, padlock
~S=t tt tt~ ton) v.t. to pick a lock
~ut tt tt~ mrn) v.t. to lock
H U |=U H t tt tt Jndare vIch
rakkh) id. to put/keep under lock and
t tt ttJdar) m. an agricultural implement
used for making ridges in fields, rake
H Ult H Ult H Ult H Ult H UltJdar) f. small lock; a small machine
for making noodles
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul t tt ttJadd) a. ancestral, hereditary,
HU t HU t HU t HU t HU tJade) adv. at the very time, at the same
HU t HU t HU t HU t HU tJado) intj. when
t~ ukhl vIch sIr dIt t mohle d k ar)
prov. what cannot be cured, must be endured
~WUl/WUt~ kad/ kade) adv. whenever,
as and when
~HUt~ Jado) adv. whenever, as and when
~SFl/ SlWt~ t/tk) adv. until, till, as long
~|UUJSU=W|UUJt~ rabb dd
he t chhappar p ke dd he) prov. when
God wills all winds bring rain
~=lt~ v) adv. whenever
H U H|JU H U H|JU H U H|JU H U H|JU H U H|JUtJaddo Jehad) f. struggle, strife, hard
Ht Ht Ht Ht HtJan) m. individual, person ; people , populace;
attendant, servant
suff. a suffix which gives the meaning of
'class', 'group' etc.
~ m W= |=|Tm t tt tt~ ka vIgIn) m.
~H|Hmt tt tt~ skhe) f. population
~H t tt tt~ sadhran) m. common people,
public, masses, populace
~HuJt tt tt~ samh) m. crowd, mass, multitude
~Tt tt tt~ gan) f. census
H t H t H t H t H t Jn) f. a marriage procession led by the
bridegroom, marriage party
H S H S H S H S H St tt tt Jnat) m. paradise, heaven, Elysium (Greek
HSWt HSWt HSWt HSWt HSWt Jantak) a. relating to public, public, popular
HS St HS St HS St HS St HS St Janttar) m. democracy
HS Slt HS Slt HS Slt HS Slt HS Slt Janttar) a. democratic
HSt HSt HSt HSt HSt Jant) f. public, people, the masses
~ Ul m=H uSu Ul m=H t tt tt~ d avz
parmtm d avz) prov. people's voice is
God's voice
Hut Hut Hut Hut Hut Janam) m. birth, nativity; origin, genesis;
life, life time
~ U SH= t tt tt~ utsav) m. birth anniversary,
birthday celebration
~mHJult tt tt~ asham) f. birth anniversary of
Lord Krishna which falls on the eighth day of
the dark half of Bhadrapad month
~Ht tt tt~ sathn) m. birthplace
~WYlt tt tt~ kd al) f. horoscope
~=Jlt tt tt~ ghut t ) f. a medicine given to infants
for abdominal problems
~ HuS t tt tt~ Janamtar) m. several births
(taken by the same soul); ages
~ Sl/ |uSlj t~ tarkh/ mIt) f. date of
~Ut tt tt~ dar) f. birth rate
~ US t tt tt~ dt) m. God, Creator; father;
begetter, originator, progenitor, founder
~USlt tt tt~ dt) f. mother
~|UJ=/ |Ut tt tt~ dIh/ dIn) m. birthday,
birth anniversary
~/ Yt tt tt~ dhrn/ le) v.i. to take
birth, to be born, to see the light
~Slt tt tt~ pattar) f. horoscope
~ Sl Ul t tt tt~ pattar bau) v.t. to
cast a horoscope
~Fult tt tt~ bhm) f. birth place, motherland,
native country/land
~ut tt tt~ maran) m. birth and death, life and
death , death and rebirth; metempsychosis,
~uUUWt tt tt~ maran d chakkar) m. the
cycle of birth, death and rebirth; transmigration
of soul, metempsychosis
HYt HYt HYt HYt HYt Janral) m. general
H=lt H=lt H=lt H=lt H=lt Janvar) f. January
HHt HHt HHt HHt HHt Janz) m. bier; funeral
~WVt tt tt~ kaha) v.t. to take out funeral
id. to ruin, to destroy
~|WYt tt tt~ nIkal) id. to be ruined, to be
Ht Ht Ht Ht Htzannkhn) m. women's apartments,
H=t H=t H=t H=t H=tzanna) a. effeminate, womanish, timid,
womanly, feminine; impotent, weak
Ht Ht Ht Ht Htzanna) a. female, feminine, effeminate,
~ JHSY t~ haspatl) m. lady's hospital,
hospital only for ladies
Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl tzann) f. woman , female, lady; wife,
better half
H H H H H (Janb) m. a respectable form of addressing
a male, Sir, Mr.
H t H t H t H t H tJan n) m. frenzy, lunacy, mania; eccentricity;
H l H l H l H l H ltJan n) a. lunatic, maniac; eccentric;
H t H t H t H t H tJanb) m. South
H lt H lt H lt H lt H ltJanb) a. of the South, Southern
H U t H U t H U t H U t H U tJane) m. the sacred thread worn by Hindus;
the ceremony in which the sacred thread is
worn for the first time
H St H St H St H St H StJanet) f. marriage party, bridal procession,
wedding party
H Slt H Slt H Slt H Slt H SltJanet) a. members of marriage party
H t H t H t H t H tJano r) m. animal, bird
Ht Ht Ht Ht HtJap) m. silent repetition of the name of God,
muttering of prayers
~WUt tt ttkarua) v.t. to make to recite
~ St tt tttap) f. devotion and penance, habitual
H H H H HtJapa) v.t. to repeat ( the name of God)
silently in adoration, to recite (hymns)
H Hl H|J H Hl H|J H Hl H|J H Hl H|J H Hl H|J t tt ttJapJ sa hIb) m. 'Japuji', a long
composition of sri Guru Nanak Dev
HVt HVt HVt HVt HVtJafar) f. hardship , misery, suffering
~ HY t tt tt Jla) id. to face hardships, to
suffer, to endure miseries
HVu t HVu t HVu t HVu t HVu tJafarnm) m. a writing of the tenth
Guru of Sikhs sri Guru Gobind Singh,
H V t H V t H V t H V t H V tJaff) m. holding tightly in arms, a tight
~ Ut tt tt~ pu) id. to grapple with
HVHVlJt tt ttJaffo Jaff ho) id. to grapple
H Vlt H Vlt H Vlt H Vlt H VltJaff) f. embrace, hug
~ UY t tt tt~ ch le) id. to embrace, to hug
HS/HSt HS/HSt HS/HSt HS/HSt HS/HStJabat/zabat) m. confiscated, forfeited
HSlt HSlt HSlt HSlt HSltJabt) m. confiscation, forfeiture; restraint,
H t H t H t H t H tJabar) m. oppression, tyranny, atrocity,
HH T HH T HH T HH T HH T(JabarJg) a. brave, bold, valiant
HUHSt HUHSt HUHSt HUHSt HUHStJabardast) a. strong, mighty, powerful;
excellent, splendid
HUHSl t HUHSl t HUHSl t HUHSl t HUHSl tJabardast) f. force, coercion,
adv. forcibly, by force
Ht Ht Ht Ht HtJabran) adv. done by force, forcibly, under
Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt HltJabr) adv. by force, forcibly
H H H H H/H t H t H t H t H tJabn/zabn) f. tongue; speech;
~ HFY W Y t tt tt~ sbhl ke bol) id. to
speak thoughtfully, to talk with propriety
~ W t tt tt~ karn) id. to promise, to give a
~ HYt tt tt~ khullha) id. to talk impudently
~ SU=t tt tt~ te chahn) id. to be on one's
tongue, to know by heart, to be ever at the tip
of one's tongue; to be an object of public talk/
~ YTu U t tt tt~ n lagm de) id. to
hold one's jaw , to hold one's tongue, to have
control on one's speech
~ UJt tt tt~ bd ho) id. to have lock jaw,
to be unable to speak; to lose one's tongue
(due to shame etc.)
~ Y lJ t tt tt~ lb ho) id. to talk impudently/
U~t tt tt bad ~) a. evil-tongued, foul-tongued,
Ht tt ttbezabn) a. one who can't speak,
dumb, mute; gentle; humble
H|=t tt tt zabno phIrn) id. to break
promise, to break one's promise
Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt Hltzabn) a. oral, verbal
~ WYult tt tt~ kalm ) adv. orally, verbally
~ HuHUt tt tt~ Jamh kharch) m. mere words,
in words not deeds
uJ~t tt tt m h~ ) a. oral, verbal
H= H= H= H= H= (Jab) m. jaw
H=l t H=l t H=l t H=l t H=l tJab) f. the rope which is tied into the
mouth of an ass, bridle
H t H t H t H t H tJbr) m. pincers, forceps
Hut Hut Hut Hut HutJam) m. god/angel of death, Yama, Pluto
~ JWU=t tt tt~ ho ke chban ) id. to cling
to one like the devil
HuJ lt HuJ lt HuJ lt HuJ lt HuJ ltJamhr) a. democratic
HuJ lmS HuJ lmS HuJ lmS HuJ lmS HuJ lmSt tt ttJamhrat) f. democracy
Hu=J Hu=J Hu=J Hu=J Hu=J/ Hu=J t Hu=J t Hu=J t Hu=J t Hu=J tJamghat/Jamghat) m. crowd,
HuHut HuHut HuHut HuHut HuHutJam Jam) adv. with great pleasure, happily
Hu t Hu t Hu t Hu t Hu tJama) v.i. to freeze, to glaciate; to
coagulate, to congeal; to make hard, to solidify;
to settle down, to take root
H u t H u t H u t H u t H u tJma) v.i. to be born; to grow, to
HuUlmHYUuJ|SHt tt ttJmad sl de mh
tIkkhe) prov. coming events caste their
shadows before, morning shows the day
HuU St HuU St HuU St HuU St HuU StJamdt) m. messenger of death, angel of
H uYt H uYt H uYt H uYt H uYtJmpal) m. an inhabitant, native, resident,
Hu l t Hu l t Hu l t Hu l t Hu l tJampur) f. the abode of Yama ; hell,
infernal world
Hu/Hu Hu/Hu Hu/Hu Hu/Hu Hu/Hu tJam/Jamha) f. saving
m. total sum, capital, deposit, accumulation;
plus, addition; sign of plus '+'
~ WSt tt tt~ kart) m. depositor
~ WUt~ karu ) v.t. to deposit
~ HUt~ kharch ) m. account of income and
~ HS t~ kht ) m. credit account, credit
~ Hlt~ p J ) f. total assets
HuU t HuU t HuU t HuU t HuU tJamu) m. coagulation; solidification,
~ UHt~ darJ)m. freezing point
! ! ! ! !
t tt ttJamu) v.t. to coagulate, to freeze
z z z z z
t tt ttJamu) v.t. to do the work of midwife,
to help in giving birth to a child
HuFl HuFl HuFl HuFl HuFl/HuJlt HuJlt HuJlt HuJlt HuJltJam /Jam h) adv. completely,
totally, absolutely
HuSt HuSt HuSt HuSt HuStJamt) f. standard, class ; group, troop
HuSlt HuSlt HuSlt HuSlt HuSltJamt) a.&.m. class-fellow, class-mate
HuU t HuU t HuU t HuU t HuU tJam dar) adv. by birth, congenital, innate,
~ Jt~ ho) to be bred in the bone
HuUt HuUt HuUt HuUt HuUtJamdr) m. a rank in the army, junior to
Subedar; sweeper, scavenger
HuUlt HuUlt HuUlt HuUlt HuUltJamdr) f. the rank or work of sweeper
HuS HuS HuS HuS HuSt tt ttzamnat) f.bail, security; guarantee,
surety, pledge
~ HS W t~ zabat karn )v.t. to forfeit
one's bail , to forfeit security
~ S U U t~ te chhuu )v.t. to get
released on bail
~ U t~ de ) v.t. to furnish security, to
bail, to go bail for
WY~t kble~ ) a. bailable
HuSut zamnatnm) m. bail bond,
security bond
HuSlt zamnat) a. guarantor, surety;
Hu/Hu t Hu/Hu t Hu/Hu t Hu/Hu t Hu/Hu tJamn/zamn) m. time, ages;
people, masses; epoch, era; present day
~ UH t~ dekha)Id. to have worldwide
experience. to acquire wide experience, to
taste and test life
H|Jl~tsunehr ~)m. golden period/age
HuUl|UJt Jamne d chhI)a. wicked,
evil ( person)
~ Ul =/J= YT t~ d v/hav lagga) become very clever and smart
HuY t HuY t HuY t HuY t HuY tJaml) m. beauty, prettiness, splendour,
HuYT Jt HuYT Jt HuYT Jt HuYT Jt HuYT JtJamlgo) m. the purgative drug called
Jairopha cureas; a purgative nut, Croton tiglium
Hult Hult Hult Hult Hultzamn) f. earth
~ mHu|FWWt~ asmn Ikk karn)id. to
make an all out efforts, to make all possible
efforts, to move earth and heaven
~ mHuUVWt~ asmn d fark)m. a great
difference, a world of difference
~ S V l J H t~ te dher ho J)
measure one's length
~ S|JWt~ te pe r n Ika)id. to be
overwhelmed with joy, to be very glad, to be
very happy ; to feel inflated in pride, to be
puffed with pride
~ SHt~ te per n rakkha)id. to
feel inflated in pride, to be puffed with pride,
to fly in the air
~ UHt~ doz) a. underground, subterranea
JJ~|HHWt per heho~khIska)
id. to be stunned, to be thunderstruck; to be
aghast, to be dumbfounded, to be astonished
u~ t mr~ ) f. the land depending on
rain; unirrigated land
Hult Hult Hult Hult Hultzamr) f. conscience, innermost
Hu t Hu t Hu t Hu t Hu tJamr) m. pliers, pincers
Hu t Hu t Hu t Hu t Hu tJamr) m. small boy usually accompanying
jugglers, boy- assistant of a juggler
HU Sl HU Sl HU Sl HU Sl HU SltJayt) f. anniversary
Ht Ht Ht Ht HtJar) f. rust, corrosion
Ht Ht Ht Ht Htzar) f. gold, wealth, riches, money
HWt HWt HWt HWt HWtJarka) v.i. to be intimidated
HW =t HW =t HW =t HW =t HW =tzarkov) m. one who pounds leaves of gold
HH Ht HH Ht HH Ht HH Ht HH Htzarkhez) a. fertile, productive (land)
HH t HH t HH t HH t HH tJarJar) a. decrepit, ramshackle ,thread
bare flimsy, worn-out, decayed
HU HU HU HU HUtzard) a. pale, yellow
lY~ t- pl~) a. yellow, yellowy, sallow;
pale, weak (face)
HU HU HU HU HUtzard) m. a kind of tobacco; sweet, yellow
HUY HUY HUY HUY HUYtJardl) m. yellow; apricot
HUl HUl HUl HUl HUltzard) f. yellowness; sallowness; yolk
H H H H HtJarn) v.i. to bear, to sustain, to tolerate
H Y H Y H Y H Y H YtJarne l) m. General, (highest rank) military
HYlH=WtJarnel saak) f. grand trunk
road, G.T. road
tzarb) f. hurt, injury
tzarb) m. multiplication
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu tzarm) m. germ, bacillus, micro-organism,
~ HWt~ nshak) a. germicide, germicidal
Hul Hul Hul Hul HultJarman) f. language of German, Germany
H= H= H= H= H=/H= H= H= H= H=tJarv / Jarvn) a. powerful,
strong, sturdy; tyrant, oppressor
H/H W t Jara/Jar k) a. some what, very
little, very small quantity, just a pinch
~ mJ|WmJt~ ake ho)id. to hang by a
~uHt tt tt~ ms) a. some what very little, just
a pinch
H H H H H tzarr) m. particles, atom, molecule
H|FS H|FS H|FS H|FS H|FS(zarIat) f.agriculture, farming
H|FSl H|FSl H|FSl H|FSl H|FSltzarIt) a.relating to agricultural matters,
agrarian, agricultural
HHlu HHlu HHlu HHlu HHlutzarsm) m.germs, microbe
HU HU HU HU HUtJard) f.courage, forbearance, tolerance
HV HV HV HV HVtzarf) m.giraffe, an animal having long neck
H H H H HtJarb) f. socks, stockings
H WS H WS H WS H WS H WStzarrbaktar) m. coat of mail
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hltzar) or silver thread, a wire of gold or
silver; cloth woven with gold/silver threads,
~ Ut~ dr) a. a cloth woven with gold or
silver thread
~ UYt~ bdl) m. gold or silver thread
Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlmtzara) m.medium, means; source
adv. by, through
H H H H H tzarr) adv. certainly, surely
~ Ht~ bar zarr) adv. come what may,
without fail
H S H S H S H S H S tzarrat)f.need, necessity, necessary,
requirement, want
~ WV Ul u J t~ka h d m he ) prov.
necessity is the mother of invention
~ uUt~ md) a. needy, indigent
~ |=UT =lU UJ t~ vIch gaddhe
n v bp bau pe d he ) prov. the
needy stoops to everything however mean
H l H l H l H l H l tzarr)a. necessary, essential; important;
urgent, vital, obligatory, binding, requisite
HY HY HY HY HYtJal)m.water, aqua
~ Ht~ sen)f. navy, naval force
~ ==lt~ gha) f. water-clock
~ HSt~ Jt) m. water animal, aquatic life
~ STt~ targ) m. xylophone; a wave on the
surface of water
~ YWt~ thal karn) id. to inundate, to
deluge; to submerge in water (everything)
~ U=St~ devat) m. god of water
~ |WH t~ nIks) m. drainage, sewerage,
~ =J t~ pravh) m. water flow, flow of
water; submersion, submergence
~ lt~ par) f. water-nymph, mermaid
~ t~ pn) m. refreshment, light repast
- HY=Ut-Jalvy) m. climate, weather
HYH HYH HYH HYH HYHtJals)m.meeting, conference
HYHY HYHY HYHY HYHY HYHYtJalJal)m.earthquake
HY HY HY HY HYtJala)f.burning; jealousy, envy
HY HY HY HY HYtJala)v.i. to be on fire, to be charred, to
be burnt; to scorch; to fret, to be jealous /
HYUl HYUl HYUl HYUl HYUltJald)f. hurry, haste , quickness, rapidity,
adv. hurriedly, quickly, hastily
~ HYUlt~ Jald) adv. hurriedly, quickly, hastily
HYUHt Jaldbz) a. hasty, rash
HYUHl t Jaldbz) f. hastiness,
hurriedness, haste, rashness
HY= HY= HY= HY= HY= tJalv)m. splendour, brilliance; glory,
~ |UHU t~ dhIkhu) id. to teach a lesson,
to settle a score
HYU HYU HYU HYU HYU tJalu) v.t. to ignite; to set on fire; to
light (lamp); to burn, to scorch; to incite jealousy/
HY ~ tJale n ~) id. to add insult to
HYU HYU HYU HYU HYUtJald) m. executioner, hangman
a. cruel, atrocious
HY HY HY HY HY/ H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y tJalb/Julb) m. loose motions,
purgation, dysentery; a purgative
HYY HYY HYY HYY HYYtJall) m. glory, splendour, majesty, dignity,
grandeur; overwhelming influence, awe,
dominance, power
HY =S HY =S HY =S HY =S HY =S tJalvatan) a. & m. exiled, exile,
expatriate, deportee
HY =Sl HY =Sl HY =Sl HY =Sl HY =Sl tJalvatn) f. exile, expatriation,
H|Ym-|Ym H|Ym-|Ym H|Ym-|Ym H|Ym-|Ym H|Ym-|YmtJale-bale) a. burning with rage,
very angry
HYlY HYlY HYlY HYlY HYlYtZall) a. base, mean, disgraced, wretched,
~ Wt~ karn) v.t. to humiliate, to abase
HY H HY H HY H HY H HY HtJals) m. procession, pageant
~ WVt~ kaha) v.t. to put to shame, to
embarrass; to take out a procession
~ |WYt~ nIkala) id. to be slandered, to
be defamed, to be dishonoured
HY HY HY HY HY tJaleb) m. a kind of sweetmeat
HY l HY l HY l HY l HY ltJaleb) f. a kind of sweetmeat
HY HY HY HY HYtJalodhar) m. a disease of stomach, dropsy
HY HY HY HY HY (Jalo ) m. pomp and show, pageantry, splendour
H=|F/mH= H=|F/mH= H=|F/mH= H=|F/mH= H=|F/mH= t JavI/ aJven) f. caraway seed
H=Fl H=Fl H=Fl H=Fl H=FltJav) m. daughter's husband, son-in-law
H=JS H=JS H=JS H=JS H=JS tJavhart) m. precious stones, jewel,
jewellery, gems
H= H= H= H= H=tJavn) a. young, youthful; strong, powerful;
m. youth, youngman; military man, soldier
~ HJt~ Jahn) a. young, youthful
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l tJavn) f. youth, youthfulness, puberty,
~ VYt~ hal) id. to begin ageing, decline/
withering of youth
~ Ul lU t~ d nd) f. carefree sleep, deep
~ |Jt~ pehr) m. period of youth , age of
H= H= H= H= H= tJavb) m. solution, resolution; answer;
explanation; reply; replication; rejoinder;
~ H=Yt~ savl) m. question- answer; debate,
~ H=Y W t~ savl karn) v.t. to cross
question , to argue, to wrangle
~ SYlt~ talab) f. explanation, clarification
~ U= t~ dv) m. replication, rejoinder,
counterclaim, countercharge
~ U H/U t~ de J/de) id. to
become disable/ incapable, to be unable
HV/HW/W~t sf /sukk/kor~) m.
blunt-refusal, curt reply
- H=U J t-Javbdeh) a. answerable,
H=lt Javb) a. reply paid, responsive,
counter, reciprocal, corresponding
~ JuYt~ haml) m. counter attack, reprisal
~ Wt~ kr) m. reply (post) card
~ St~ tr) f. reply paid telegram
H= H= H= H= H=tJavr) f. a coarse grain, millet
H=FJ H=FJ H=FJ H=FJ H=FJtJavr bh) m. tide, ebb and flow
H=Y H=Y H=Y H=Y H=YtJavl) f. fire, flame, blaze
H=Yu Hl H=Yu Hl H=Yu Hl H=Yu Hl H=Yu HltJavlmukh) f. volcano
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=ltJav) f. barley kind of grain, oat
H= H= H= H= H= tJah) f. root( of plant/tree), radix; origin,
radicle; base, foundation; root cause; offspring,
progeny; spiritless person
~ Jl J t~ har ho) id. to be blessed
with a child , to become pregnant
~ W Jt~ kaa) id. to annihilate, to abolish,
to destroy completely
~ SY|=UJt~ patl vIch ho) id. to be
fixed firmly, to be firmly rooted, to be very
~ Jlt~ puta) id. to stamp out
~ ==t~ phan) id. to put down roots, to
strike roots, to take root, to be firmly rooted
~ uYUt~ ml n chhaa) id. to
eradicate, to wipe out
~ =Vt~ vadha) id. to spoil a work, to
mar (work) ; to do work hurriedly and
m= Ul~ tpue d ~)ph. bone of
contention, apple of discard
H==Y==t Jaha vl pho) m. ulcer
or pustule with roots, carbuncle
Ulm~|=Ut rabb da~ vIch) adv. far
away, in the distance
H=l SY U t Jah tel de) id. to lay
axe to root
H= H= H= H= H=t Jan) v.t. to inlay, to embed, to inset; to
fix; to enframe, to frame ( photo etc.); to strike
( blow, slap)
H==U H==U H==U H==U H==U /H=U H=U H=U H=U H=U t Javu/Jau) v.t. to
have something inlaid/ embedded
H==Fl H==Fl H==Fl H==Fl H==Flt Jav ) f. the process of or the wages
for embedding
H=U H=U H=U H=U H=Ut Ja) a. inlaid, embedded, studded with
H= l- Jl H= l- Jl H= l- Jl H= l- Jl H= l- Jl tJah-b) f. herb (esp.) medicinal
herbaceous plant; drug, medicine
HmYHHl HmYHHl HmYHHl HmYHHl HmYHHl tJlsz) f. false pretences, falsification,
~ W t~karn) v.t. to act under false
H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm
! !! !!
tze) a. born
m. offspring, son
u|U~ t ma peo ~) m. real brother,
brother german
H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm H|Fm
z zz zz
tze) a. wasted, wasteful
~ J /~H t~ ho /~J) v.i. to be
wasted, to go in vain; to go to waste, to run to
waste (liquid etc.)
~ Wt~ karn ) v.t. to waste (time, money
etc.); to dissipate energy etc.; to destroy
H|FW H|FW H|FW H|FW H|FW/H|FW H|FW H|FW H|FW H|FW t Jek/ zek) m. taste, savour,
H|FW U H|FW U H|FW U H|FW U H|FW U/H|FW U H|FW U H|FW U H|FW U H|FW U t Jekedr/ zekedr) a.
tasty, savoury, delicious, relishable, palatable
H |FH H |FH H |FH H |FH H |FH t Jez) m. assessment, estimate;
inspection; enquiry, investigation, survey
H|FUU H|FUU H|FUU H|FUU H|FUU t Jedd) f. property, estate; wealth,
fortune, belongings, possessions, assets
H|F=Y H|F=Y H|F=Y H|F=Y H|F=Y t Jephal) m. nutmeg, Myristica fragrans
HJU HJU HJU HJU HJU t Jhad) m.&a. a person who denounces
the world, practices continence and fully
engrossed in devotion; pious, holy, devout;
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ t Jhar) a. apparent, obvious, clear, evident,
~ Jt~ ho ) id. to come to light, to be
known to all
~ W t~ karn ) v.t. to reveal, to bring to
light, to disclose, to make known
HJUl HJUl HJUl HJUl HJUl t Jhardr) f. formality, outward show;
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ t Jhar) adv. apparently, openly, obviously,
evidently, seemingly, clearly
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJltJhar) a. apparent, clear, evident, manifest;
~ SSt~ to r te) adv. apparently, obviously,
seemingly, evidently; outwardly
HJY HJY HJY HJY HJY t Jhal) a. illiterate, unlettered, uneducated;
ignorant, foolish; stupid; boorish, uncivil, rustic,
unrefined, uncultured, rude, brutal
HWJ HWJ HWJ HWJ HWJ t Jka) f. jacket
HW H HFlmuHW W |F HW H HFlmuHW W |F HW H HFlmuHW W |F HW H HFlmuHW W |F HW H HFlmuHW W |F t Jko rkhe sa,
mr sake n koe) prov. whom God keeps
no frost can kill
! !! !!
t Jg) m. rennet, coagulant
z zz zz
t Jg) m. awakening, wakefulness, alertness,
HT HT HT HT HT t Jga) v.t. to awake, to wake up, to rise;
to be awaken, to become conscious, to become
HT HT HT HT HT t Jgar) m. the state of being remain awake
for the whole night, wakefulness
H T| Sl H T| Sl H T| Sl H T| Sl H T| Sl t JgrIt) f. awakening, vigilance,
watchfulness, awareness; renaissance
HTYl HTYl HTYl HTYl HTYl t Jagal) m. bushman, aborigines
a. uncivilized, barbarian, rustic, savage,
beastly, wild, aboriginal
HT HT HT HT HT t Jgo) f. a marriage ritual in which women
carrying vessel with lighted earthen lamps on
their head circumambulate the periphery
H=lm H=lm H=lm H=lm H=lm tJ gh ) m. shorts; tights; drawers (like
that of wrestler); bathing costume; napkin (for
! !! !!
t Jch) f. knack, know-how, way, skill,
practical knowledge
z zz zz
t Jch) f. assessment, estimate, observation
HU HU HU HU HU t Jch) f. inspection, investigation, scrutiny,
inquiry; test, trial, examination
~ =SYt~ patal) f. investigation, inquiry
HUW HUW HUW HUW HUW t Jchak) m. beggar, supplicant; petitioner
HU HU HU HU HUt Jcha) v.t. to examine; to inspect, to
audit; to guess, to estimate; to try, to test
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl tJnJ) m. a member of a marriage party
(from bridegrooms side)
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ t J) m. a caste (of Haryana, Rajsthan)
H H H H H t J) m. winter, cold weather
HW HW HW HW HW t Jkr) a. knowledgeable, knowing,
conversant; familiar, acquainted
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl t Jkr) f. knowledge, information,
conversance; familiarity, acquaintance
H H H H H t Jn ) v.t. to get knowledge; to know, to
be acquainted; to come to know
HUt J pachh) f. introduction;
~ UWUt~ pachh karu) v.t. to
~ K W t~buJJh ke) adv. deliberately,
knowingly, intentionally , purposely
~ KWHJ|=U|Tt~ buJJh ke khh vIch
gIrn) id. to run against the point of spear
- - - - -HUKU tJd buJhd) a. knowing
well, well acquainted
HU KU t Jde buJhde) adv.
knowingly, intentionally, deliberately
- -- --H|mHt Je J) v.i. to come to
~ |Km t~buJJhe) a. well-known, well-
recognised, well acquainted
H H H H H t J ) v.i. to go, to leave the place; to
depart, to take one's leave
~mUt~u) m. going and coming
H U t J de) id. to forgive, to
pardon; to leave the topic
HUl Y HU Y t Jad bl n sadd
le ) id. to trail one's coat
H l H H l H H l H H l H H l H tJJ)a. knowing everything,
m. the Omniscient, God
H H H H H t J ) a. knower, aware, informed, known,
knowing, conversant; acquainted, familiar;
sensible, conscious
m. known person, acquaintance
~ |Hm / U t~ sI/pachh ) a.
known, acqainted
~ Jt~ ho ) v.t. to have the knowledge
of, to have the knowhow; to be acquainted with
H H H H H t Je ) intj. perhaps
UJ ~toh~) intj. hardly matters, doesn't
HS HS HS HS HS t Jt ) f. caste; race; breed, kind, genus,
~ WHSt~ kuJt ) f. low caste
~ UlWJ=|WYlHSlH=t~ d koha kIrl
shatra n Japphe ) prov. to bite off more
than one can chew
~ St~ pt ) f. caste system
~ Ul t~ bardar ) f. community,
brotherhood, ethno-social circle
~ FFlt~ bh ) m. person belonging to the
same caste
HSW HSW HSW HSW HSW t Jtak) m. son, male offspring
! !! !!
t Jt) f. caste; race; tribe; breed, kind,
z zz zz
t Jt) a. personal, individual, private, self;
~ S S t~ to r te ) adv. personally, individually,
on one's own
HU HU HU HU HU tzd) suff. a suffix which means 'born' or
HU HU HU HU HU tJd) m. magic, conjuring, jugglery; sorcery,
witchcraft, wizardry; charm, spell ; fig.
enchantment, attraction
~ Wt~ karn ) id. to enchant, to bewitch,
to cast a spell (over)
~ UYt~ chala ) id. to have the effect of
a charm
~ J t~ ) m. black art, sorcery,
witchcraft, exorcism
HU T HU T HU T HU T HU T t Jdgar ) m. magician, conjurer; sorcerer,
wizard, warlock; enchanter
HUTl HUTl HUTl HUTl HUTl tJdgar ) f. magic, conjuring, witchcraft,
blackart, wizardly
H H H H H t Jn ) f. life; vital force, breath; spirit, soul;
strength, vigour, energy; capacity; sweetheart,
dear, beloved; essence; stamina, vital force,
~ mU t~ u ) id. to regain energy or
~ HW/HWlt~ sukk /sukk ) id. to be
extremely afraid or worried, to be frightened
or worried to death
~ HYlSJTt~ sl te tg ) id. to inflict
much torture
~ JYt~ hl ) id. to throw oneself into
the breach, to risk one's own life; to sell one's
life dearly
~ W V t~kah) id. to make to do
tremendous labour, to overburden someone; to
kill, to score one to death
~ Hlt~ kh ) id. to vex, to irritate
~ UUlt~ chhuu ) id. to get rid of
~ HH|=UUt~ Jokho vIch pu ) id. to
take risks, to run a risk
~ SYlSHt~ tal te rakkh ) id. to risk
one's life, to stake one's life, to take one's life
in one's hands
~ SHt~ te khed ) id. to throw oneself
into the breach, to lay down one's life, to risk
one's life,
~ SHl/ ~St~ te ba J/~ te
ban ) prov. to be in grave danger/ trouble,
to be in peril of life
~ SJt~ to hatth dho ) id. to lose
one's life, to die
~ SHJt~ to beJr ho ) id. to be fed
up from life, to be weary up of one's life
~ UH/Ht~ d khe /kho ) m. trouble some
person or work; a constant worry
~ UlHlYU t~ d bz lu ) id. to
stake one's life
~ Ul t~ de ) id. to be extremely in love
with (someone); to lay down one's life, to
sacrifice oneself
~ UYYt~ de lle pe ) id. to be under
the jaws of death, to be in great danger
~ |WYl t~ nIkala ) v.i. to breathe one's
last, to die
~ t~ n ro ) id. to curse and swear
~ U / Ult~ pu/ p de ) id. to
give life to, to vivify, to vivificate, to vitalize, to
infuse a new spirit, to reinvigorate
~ H / ~ Hl W t~ baksh/~
baksh karn ) id. to spare one's life, to
~ UWFHt~ bach ke bhaJJa ) id. to
show a clean pair of heels, to take to one's
heels; to run for one's life
~ UlYHFt~ bach lkho pe ) prov. life
is better than bags of gold, life is more precious
than life
~ uWt~ mr ke ) adv. with great efforts,
with arduous labour
~ uWWuWt~ mr ke km karn ) id.
to work like a horse
~ ult~ mrn ) id. to work very hard, to
sell one's life dearly
~ uYt~ ml ) m. life and property
~ Y=t~ lev ) a. mortal , fatal
~ |=U H mU t~ vIch Jn u ) id. to
heave a sigh of relief
|HU ~tJd~ ) f. life and soul
a. very dear (person)
HH t Jno J ) id. to breathe one's
last, to die, to expire
~ ut~ mrn ) v.t. to kill, to murder
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl tJnshn ) m. successor, heir
HHll HHll HHll HHll HHll tJnshn ) f. succession
HU HU HU HU HU tJndr ) a. living, animate; powerful,
strong, solid
H= H= H= H= H= tJnvar ) m. animal, beast; uncivilized
person; foolish person
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl tJn ) a. of life; sworn (enemy etc); beloved, dear,
~ U Hut~ dushman ) m. sworn enemy, deadly
H H H H H t Jp ) m. repetition of the name of God or a
deity or hymns, holy chant
~ H|Jt~ sa hIb ) m. a sacred composition by
sri Guru Gobind Singh in praise of God
H H H H H tJpa ) v.i. to seem, to appear; to feel
H H H H H tJp ) m. birth; the period after the birth of
a child, confinement; delivery
HS HS HS HS HS tzbt ) m. rule, regulation, code of law;
practice, manner
H H H H H tJbar ) a. oppressor, tyrant, cruel
H H H H H tJbaha ) f. cheeks; corners of the mouth
~ |WY t~ nIkala ) id. to become very
~ F t~ bhn ) id. to beat severely, to
HHt HHt HHt HHt HHtJbaJ ) a. audacious, daredevil
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
! !! !!
t Jm ) a. jammed, stuck
m. traffic jam
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
z zz zz
t Jm ) m. wine cup or wine glass, goblet
~ UY t~ challa ) id. to have a bout of
drinking wine
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
a aa aa
t Jm ) m. jam (of fruit)
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
! !! !!
/Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu/Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu tJma/Jman/Jman ) m. a
kind of black plum and its tree, Eugenica
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
z zz zz
tJma ) m. rennet, coagulant
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul/Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul t Jma/Jman ) a. purple, violet
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu tzman ) m. surety, guarantee, guarantor,
bailer, sponsor
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul/Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul tJman/zman) f. surety, guarantee,
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu tJm ) m. garment, attire ,dress, vest
~ SYHlt~ talsh ) f. frisking
HuUHuUt-Jme 'ch n samu)
id. to be radiant with joy, to be very happy, to
have one's joy knows no bounds
HuuH|HU HuuH|HU HuuH|HU HuuH|HU HuuH|HU t Jm masJId) f. Jama Masjid
H H H H H t Jr ) m. jar
H H H H H t zr ) m. Czar, Tsar
suff. a suffix which gives the meaning of
HHJ HHJ HHJ HHJ HHJ t JrJa ) m. georgette (a cloth)
H H H H H H H H H H/H H H H H H H H H H tzr zr/ zro zr ) adv. bitterly
~ t~ ro ) v.t. to weep bitterly
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl t Jr ) a. continuing, current; incessant,
HY HY HY HY HY t Jl ) m. trap, snare; net
~ HJ/Ut~ su/ pu ) id. to cast
a trap, to lay a trap
~ |=U=Ht~ vIch phas ) id. to be trapped,
to be ensnared
~ |=UUt~ vIchhu ) id. to lay a trap, to
HYHH HYHH HYHH HYHH HYHH t Jlsz ) m. deceiver, forger, cheater
HYHHl HYHHl HYHHl HYHHl HYHHl t Jlsz ) f. deception, forgery, cheating
HY HY HY HY HY t Jla ) m. to burn; to tease, to vex
HYu HYu HYu HYu HYu t zlam ) a. cruel, heartless, merciless;
oppressor, tyrant, barbarous, atrocious
HY HY HY HY HY t Jl ) m. cobweb, gossamer; alga ( a water
plant); cataract ( of eyes)
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl t Jl )f. netting, net, grating ( of string or iron
wire etc.); grille; a kind of cloth, nett; lattice;
gauze, grating; a cabinet fitted with netting on
four sides and used for keeping eatables,
flyproof cabinet
HYlU HYlU HYlU HYlU HYlU t Jldr ) a. netted; latticed; gauzy
H=lm H=lm H=lm H=lm H=lm t zv ) m. angle; corner
H= H= H= H= H= t Jh ) f. grier tooth, grinder, molar
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU t JIo) adv. as, in the manner
~ Jlt~ h ) adv. as soon as
~ |HUt~ JIo ) adv. as, in the manner
~ |SUt~ tIo ) adv. howsoever, somehow or
the other; without any change
~ U|SUt~ d tIo ) adv. as it is, in the same
manner, just the same, intact
|HU H T |HU H T |HU H T |HU H T |HU H T t JIu Jog) m. a blessing for long life
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU t JIu) v.i. to live, to survive; to be alive,
to subsist
~ UFWt~ dbhar karn ) id. to make it
too hot for
|HU U |HU U |HU U |HU U |HU U t JIud ) a. alive, living
~ HTUt~ Jgd ) a. alive and conscious,
very much alive
~ Jt~ rahe) a blessing for long life
|HUUHlt JIude J ) adv. during one's life
time, on this side the grave
|HU u Jl |HU u Jl |HU u Jl |HU u Jl |HU u Jl t Jome r) f. geometry
|HU l |HU l |HU l |HU l |HU lt JIr) f. jury
|HmUSl |HmUSl |HmUSl |HmUSl |HmUSl t zIdat) f. excess; unjust treatment,
| Hm U | Hm U | Hm U | Hm U | Hm U tzId) a. plentiful, excessive, in
abundance; more
~ WW /~ St~ kar ke /~ tar ) adv. mostly,
more often
|HmSlH |HmSlH |HmSlH |HmSlH |HmSlH t zIbats ) f. diabetes
|HmS |HmS |HmS |HmS |HmS t zIrat ) f. pilgrimage
|HH |HH |HH |HH |HH t JIs ) pron. which; who
~ Hut~ same ) adv. when
~ WW /W t~ karke/kran ) intj.
~ SYTHSHt~ tan lge so tan Je )
prov. only the wearer knows where the shoe
~ St~ tarh ) adv. as, like; for example
~ S(~ te ) adv. whereon, whereupon, whereat
~ St~ to ) adv. where from
~ t~ tha ) adv. where
~ U/Ut~ da / de ) pron. whose, where of
~ Yt~ nl ) adv. wherewith
~ t~ n ) pron. whom
~ =Jl|mFlUJWlHl=Flt~ per
n phat bI oh k Je p par) prov.
only the wearer knows where the shoe
pinches, he laughs at scars who never felt a
~ =Yt~ vele ) adv. when, at the time
! !! !!
t JIst ) m. zinc
z zz zz
t JIst ) a. & m. even; even number
|HHSl |HHSl |HHSl |HHSl |HHSl t JIst ) a. made of zinc, zincous, zincky
|HHu |HHu |HHu |HHu |HHu tJIsam) m. body, physique
|HHul |HHul |HHul |HHul |HHul tJIsmn ) a. physical, bodily, corporeal
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ tzehan ) m. mind, memory, retention
|HJlmS |HJlmS |HJlmS |HJlmS |HJlmS t ze hnat ) f. mentality, tendency,
|HJ= |HJ= |HJ= |HJ= |HJ= tJeh ) pron. which, who, what
~ |WJ=t~ keh ) pron. any body, anyone;
every Tom, Dick and Harry
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ t Jeh ) intj. as,like, similar
a. same as
~ |Wt~ ke ) prep. for example, such as, for
~ |WJt~ keh ) a. of any type, of any kind
~ T |SJ UY t~ gur teh chel ) prov.
like master like man, like father like son
~ UH|SJFHt~ des teh bhes ) prov. while
in Rome do as the Romans do
~ |U |SJ S t~ peo teh puttar ) prov.
chip of the same block, like father like son
|HJlWlS JlFlt Jeh karn teh bharn
) prov. to lie on the bed one has made, as you
sow so shall you reap
~ WW SJ U t~ koko tehe bacche ) prov.
like father like son, chip of the same black
~ SJlWl /=lt~ teh karn / phern )
id. to make a mess of , to make a harsh of; to
spoil; to insult
|HJSJt Jehe n teh ) prov. to pay
in one's own coin, tit for tat
|H W |H W |H W |H W |H W t zk ) m. zinc
|H W |H W |H W |H W |H W t JIkka ) adv. for example
~ |W W t~ kIkka ) adv. in any manner,
anywise, anyway
|H W |H W |H W |H W |H W t JIkkar ) adv. as, for example
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW t zIkar ) m. reference, mention
~ Wt~ karna ) v.t. to make a reference,
to mention
|HT |HT |HT |HT |HT t JIgar ) m. liver
~ Hlt~ sabdh ) a. hepatic
~ U J W= / J J t~ d uka / o ) m.
offspring, issue; dearly loved child; a very dear
~ UlHHt~ d soJ ) f. hepatitis, inflammation
of the liver
|HT |HT |HT |HT |HT t JIgr ) m. courage, boldness, daring
~ Wt~ karn ) id. to pluck up courage, to
take courage
~ t~ pe ) id. to have courage
|HTl |HTl |HTl |HTl |HTl t JIgr ) a. hepatic; intimate, close to one's
heart, dear
~ UHS t~ dost )m.bosom , intimate or dear
|HT =Y |HT =Y |HT =Y |HT =Y |HT =Y t JIgre vl ) a. courageous , bold;
patient, for-bearing, persevering
|H|TmH |H|TmH |H|TmH |H|TmH |H|TmH t JIgIs ) f. desire or thirst for knowledge,
keenness; quest, search ; curiosity,
|H|TmH |H|TmH |H|TmH |H|TmH |H|TmH t JIgIs ) m. seeker of knowledge esp.of
religious knowledge; enquirer
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U/|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U t JIcch/zIcch ) f. fret , irritation, vexation
~ Wt~ karn ) id. to harass, to vex
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (JIcchar)adv. as long as, so long as, while,
~SW/SlWt~ tak/tk )adv. till, until
intj. as long as
|H |H |H |H |H t JI ) adv. as large as, as big , tall or long
as; as long as
|H S |H S |H S |H S |H St JItt) f. victory, triumph, conquest, win, success
|H SH/|H S |H SH/|H S |H SH/|H S |H SH/|H S |H SH/|H St JItt Ja/JItt )v.t. to triumph,
to get victory, to conquer; to carry the day, to
win, to come off with flying colours
|HSU |HSU |HSU |HSU |HSU t JItu )v.t. to make to win, to cause to
get victory ; to make to get success
|H |H |H |H |H t JItthe ) adv.where, at the place
~|WS/|Wt~ kIte/kItthe )adv. every where,
where ever, at every place; at any place, any
~UJUJt~ chh utthe rh )prov. where
there is a will there is a way
~SWt~ tak )adv. as far as , as far as possible
~=YUWt~ phull utthe ke)prov. where
there is flower, there is thorn
|H |H |H |H |H t JIttho ) adv.from where ,whence, where
~|WSt~ kIto )adv. from anywhere
~ SlWt~tk )adv. as far as
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U/|H U |H U |H U |H U |H UtJIdd/zIdd)f.obstinacy, doggedness,
stubbornness, obduracy, persistence, pertinacity,
insistence; contention
~U= t~ chahna)v.i. t. to insist on, to
persist in one's resolution, to behave stubbornly,
obstinately or obdurately
-|HUu|HUl/|HU|HUlt- JIddam zIdd/JIddo
zIdd )adv. on bet,as a challenge; in
competition with , competitively
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U t zd ) f. soul, breath; life, existence
~H HYlJ t~ sukhl hoa)id. to have a good
~H t~ Jn)ph. something very dear; heart
and soul, life force
|H UTl |H UTl |H UTl |H UTl |H UTl (zdgn ) f. life; age, lifetime, lifespan
|H UTl |H UTl |H UTl |H UTl |H UTl (zdag ) f. life; age, duration of life, life
span time; human condition, existence
~SSTmUt~ to tg u) id. to be fed
up from life,to be tired of life
~U|U=|Jt~ de dn thoe reh)id.
to have one's days numbered
~U|UW t~ de dn pre kar)
pass life
|H UH |H UH |H UH |H UH |H UH (zdJn ) f. something very dear; heart
and soul, life force
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U t JIdda ) adv. on the day when , on a
specified or appointed day
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H Ut JIdda ) v.i.t. to argue , to reason , to
discuss, to expostulate, to emulate; to compete,
contest, challenge
|H UY |H UY |H UY |H UY |H UYt JIddal )a. obstinate, stubborn, bullheaded,
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U
! !! !!
t Jd ) m. lock; an agricultural implement
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U
z zz zz
t Jd ) a. living , alive, animate
~|UY t ~ dIl ) a. lively , jolly , spirited, jovial,
convivial, sprightly, vivacious, cheerful, gay,
~|UYl t ~ dIl) a. liveliness, conviviality, high
spirits, vivacity, sprightliness, cheerfulness,
gaiety, buoyancy
|H UU |H UU |H UU |H UU |H UU (zdbd ) intj . long live! vivat! may
live long !
|H Ul |H Ul |H Ul |H Ul |H Ul/ |H Ul |H Ul |H Ul |H Ul |H Ul/|H UY |H UY |H UY |H UY |H UY t JIdd/zIdd/JIddal)a.
obstinate, pertinacious, stubborn, obdurate,
persistent, importunate, unbending, piggish,
|H |H |H |H |H t JIddhar )adv. whither, to which side
~TFlm=lmUTFuYJ t ~ ga be
uddhar gae malh) prov. to throw the helve
after the hatchet
~UHFt ~ rabb uddhar sabh) prov.
God and one make majority
~=l t~ v) adv. whatever or whichever side
or whither so ever direction
|H|Wt JIddhre kIddhre) adv.every
where, at every place, where so ever
|Ht JIddhro) adv.from the side of
|H |H |H |H |Ht JIn ) f. gin (wine)
|H |H |H |H |H t Jn)m. ghost, demon, goblin, spectre, genie,
fiend, evil spirit
! !! !!
tJInas) f. corn, grain; product, commodity
z zz zz
tJInas) f. species, genus; kind, sort; sex
|HHl |HHl |HHl |HHl |HHlt JIns )a. sexual, carnal; personal
|H |H |H |H |H t Jn )adv. as much as ,of as much quantity
or degree
~UluHlSt ~ dhan unn musbat) prov.
uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
|Hl UU UH U H t Jn chadar
dekho unne per pasaro) prov. cut your
coat according to your cloth
|HuJUlmTYt Jne m unna galla)
prov. so many men so many minds
|H |H |H |H |H t Jnha )pron. (pl.) of |HH,|H, who
|H |H |H |H |H t JIbah ) m. slaughtered, killed, butchered
esp. in the Muslim way
|HuHJ |HuHJ |HuHJ |HuHJ |HuHJt JImns ) m. gymnast
|HuHJW |HuHJW |HuHJW |HuHJW |HuHJWt JImnsak ) m. gymnastics
|Hu Hlmu |Hu Hlmu |Hu Hlmu |Hu Hlmu |Hu Hlmut JImnezam ) m. gymnasium, gym
|H u |H u |H u |H u |H ut zm ) m. responsibility, charge, obligation,
|H ulW U |H ulW U |H ulW U |H ulW U |H ulW U t zmkd ) m. an edible root used as
vegetable, a tuberous root, yam, Amorphophallus
|H ul U |H ul U |H ul U |H ul U |H ul U tzm da r) m. landowner, landlord,
landholder; agriculturist, farmer, peasant,
|H ul Ul |H ul Ul |H ul Ul |H ul Ul |H ul Ul t zm dar) f. landlordism ; farming,
agriculture; landed property , landed estate
| H u = | H u = | H u = | H u = | H u = tz zz zzmevr) m. responsible, liable,
accountable; answerable
|H u =l |H u =l |H u =l |H u =l |H u =ltzmevr) f. responsibility, liability
~ HFYt~ sbha la) v.t. to carry the can
|H |H |H |H |H/|H |H |H |H |H t JIra/JIrha) f. cross- examination,
cross- questioning; argumentation, exchange
of arguments; objection
~ Wl t~ karn ) v.t. to cross-examine, to
argue; to object, to find fault with
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= t JIraph) m. giraffe, camelopard
|HWS |HWS |HWS |HWS |HWS/|H WS t |H WS t |H WS t |H WS t |H WS tzIrbaktar/ zIrhbaktar)
m.armour,suit of armour, coat of mail
|H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y tJIllh) f. slowness, tardiness; sloth,
sluggishness, lethargy
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY t J JJ JJIlha lha lha lha lha) f. swamp, mire, quagmire, bog,
|H YS |H YS |H YS |H YS |H YStz zz zzIll ll ll ll llat at at at at) f. humiliation, disgrace, dishonour,
insult, ignominy, degradation, mortification
|HYU |HYU |HYU |HYU |HYU tJ JJ JJIld ld ld ld ld ) f. binding cover(of book ); skin,
derma, hide, dermis, bark(of tree); separate
part of volume (of book ), edition, recention
~lt ~ bnh) v.t. to bind (a book)
|HYUHH |HYUHH |HYUHH |HYUHH |HYUHHtJIldsa z ) m. book-binder
|HYUHHl |HYUHHl |HYUHHl |HYUHHl |HYUHHl/|HYU Ul |HYU Ul |HYU Ul |HYU Ul |HYU UltJIldsaJ /JIldbd ) f. book
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HYtJIlab ) f. sticky matter, humus, decomposed
sediment ; algae, moss
|H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y |H Y t JIllha ) a. slow, slothful, sluggish, lazy,
lethargic, sluggard
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HYt zIla ) m. district
|HY U |HY U |HY U |HY U |HY U t zIledar ) m. an officer of irrigation
department who computes the irrigated water
|H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U /|H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y tJIva ua /JIva laa ) v.t. to
revive, to breathe- new life into, to reanimate,
to resuscitate; to give life, to enliven; to
invigorated, to give life or sustenance
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= tJIve ) adv. as; for example, for instance, e.g.;in
the manner of; as if, as though, so to say
~ m|Fm|S=|Tmt~ a ea tIve gea )prov. light
come light go , ill gotten ill spent
~ |Wt~ kI ) adv. for example, for instance
~ |W=t~ kIve ) adv. any how , anyway, any
wise, in any manner ,by any means, by hook
or crook; some how , howsoever
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
tJ) intj. a term of respect and endearment,
of honour or respect or reverence, Sir
~ m|Fmt~ aI nu ) intj. welcome
~ HUWt~ sadke) intj. with great pleasure; most
welcome, by all means
~ JHt~ haJur)ph. yes my lord, master
~ JHlt~ haJur) f. sycophancy, flattery,
toadyism, adulation
~ JH l Wl t~ haJur karn) id. to dance
attendance upon
~ JH l m t~ haJ u r ) m. sycophant ,
flatterer, fawner, toady, minion, bootlicker;
~ Jt~ h) adv. yes, yes sir/madam
~ HlWt~ J karna ) id. to have an attitude
of esteem; to pay much attention; to adulate, to
flatter , to fawn, to dance attendance upon
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
z zz zz
/Hlmt /Hlmt /Hlmt /Hlmt /Hlmt J/Ja1 1 1 1 1 m.heart; member, person; mood,
disposition, inclination; creature, living thing
~ mWHt~ akk Jaa ) id. to be fed up
~ mUt~ aua ) id. to be attracted, to be
fascinated, to fall in love with ; to feel like doing
some thing
~ mFlt~ aI ) f. heart's desire
~H= t~ sana ) id. to sulk, to fret, to be
vexed; to feel jealousy, to have heart burning
~ JYWWt~ halka karna ) id. to lose heart;
to feel light after sharing with someone one's
problem or anxiety
~ Jt~ harna ) id. to lose heart , to lose
~ WUJt~ kaccha hoa ) id. to feel sick,
to feel nausea, to nauseate
~Wt~ karna ) id. to desire, to feel inclined
(to), to be desirous (of)
~ H J J t~ khat a hoa ) id. to be
disappointed ,to feel disgusted; to be fed up,
to be wearied, to be disillusioned or dissatisfied
~ HHt~ khusa ) id. to feel heart sink; to
feel dizzy
~ HYWt~ kholh ke )adv. whole heartedly;
open handedly
~ =S t~ ghat ) f. unscrupulous killing ,
~ UUt~ chura ua ) id. to shirk, to avoid
~ UJ W t~ chhoa karna ) id. to be
discouraged, to lose heart
~ HSt~ Jt ) m. creatures, living beings
~ HYt~ Jan nal )adv . whole heartedly,
with heart and soul
~ Ht~ Ja no )adv . heart& soul
~ |JWJt~ Ikae na hoa ) id. to be
agitated; to feel restlessness
~ Y/Y t~dola/dolna ) id. to feel
shaky, to waver, dither, vacillate
~ SHt~tarsa )id. to pine for
~ =Wt~ thoa karna ) id. to lose heart,
to be frustrated, discouraged, depressed
~ F W t~bhar ke ) adv. to one's heart's
content, to one's fill; to the top of one's bent
~ FHt~bhar Ja a )id. to be satisfied; to
be fed of
~ uSYUt~matlaua )v.i. to nauseate, to
feel nausea
~ Ht~ rakkha) v.t. to console
~ YTt~ lagga) id. to feel at home
~ YYUU t~lalchaua )id. to lick one's
chops, to be tempted, to feel temptation
~ YUt~laua )v.i. to be reconciled (with
a new situation), to develop interest
v.t. to amuse/entertain
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH t JJa ) m. sister's husband, brother in - law
Hl Hl Hl Hl HltJa ) v.i. to live , to survive , to be alive; to
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
t t t t t Jn) f. saddle
- - - - - HlHH tJnsaz ) m. manufacturer of
saddle, saddler
- -- --HlHtJnposh ) m. saddle cover
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
z zz zz
t t t t t Jn) f. jean
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
a aa aa
t t t t t Jn) f. gene
Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt zna) m. staircase; stairs, ladder
Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt Jp) f. jeep
HlFt HlFt HlFt HlFt HlFt Jbh) f. tongue
~ |JYUlt~hIlau )id. to say something,
to speak out
~ WVlt~kah) id. to make face at, to
~ UU JJ Ul t~dda heh de) id. to
endure patiently ,to hold one's peace, to bear
~ U H mU t~da sua d )m. taste, relish,
~ U |uJ t~da mIttha ) a. soft spoken,
sweet tongued , polite, persuasive
HlFlt HlFlt HlFlt HlFlt HlFlt Jbh ) f. nib of pen; tongue cleaner; flap
attached to shoes under laces; reed of musical
Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt Hlt Jra )m. cummin seed, seed of cumminum
H=U~tsafed~) m. white cummin seed
WY~tkala~) m. black cummin seed ,
caraway, Cuminum cyminum, Corum carvi
HY~tJal~) m. a kind of salty delicious
Hllt Hllt Hllt Hllt Hllt Jr )f. paddy; rough rice
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl /Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl t Jro /zro )f. zero, cipher, naught
Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Jv ) m. living being, creature, animate ,
sentient; soul ; organism
~mSut~atma) f. soul, spirit (individual
~J|Smt~hattea) f. killing, slaughter,
~H|Ft~rasaeI) m. biochemistry
~|=|Tmt~vIgIan) m. biology
~|=|Tmlt~vIgIa n) m. biologist
Hl=Wt Hl=Wt Hl=Wt Hl=Wt Hl=Wt Jvaka ) f. livelihood, living, means of
livelihood; profession, occupation
Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Jvan ) m. life, existence, life time, life
span; liveliness, mode of living
~HWSlt~shakt ) f. vitality, vital force
~H lt~sbdh) a. biographical; biological
~Hlt~sa th ) m. life partner, husband- or
wife, spouse; life companion
~WYt~ka l ) m. lifetime; life span
~U| St~charIttar ) m. life story, biography
~ HUt~ Jach ) m. the art of living; way of
good, happy living
~ HSt~ Jot ) f. soul ; vitality, vital force
~VTt~d hg ) m. way of life , mode of
living, life style
~UHt~darshan )m. philosophy of life
~USt~data ) a.&m . God, Giver of life;
founder, sustainer
~ t ~ paddhar )m. standard of living,
living standard
~USt~paryt )adv.& a. through out
life, life long
~ lut~bma ) m. life insurance
~ Ft~bhar ) adv. throughout life,life long
~ |umt~mIar) m. standard of living, living
~u WS t~mukat) a. liberated during the
present life itself , emancipated
Hl=lt Hl=lt Hl=lt Hl=lt Hl=lt Jvan ) f. biography, memoir, life story
Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Hl=t Jva ) f. chord
Hl= t Hl= t Hl= t Hl= t Hl= t Jva ) m. microbe, bacterium
~Hlt~sbdh) a. bacterial
~HWt~ nashak) m. bactericide, antibiotic
~ |=|Tm t ~ vIgIa n) m. bacteriology,
~ |=|Tml t ~ vIgIan) m. bacteriologist,
H mFlt H mFlt H mFlt H mFlt H mFlt Jua ) m. son- in - law, daughter's husband
H mWt H mWt H mWt H mWt H mWt Jua k ) m.child, kid, brat, bairn; off- springs,
child, children
H ml H ml H ml H ml H ml/ // //H mlmt H mlmt H mlmt H mlmt H mlmt Juar / Jua r a ) m. gambler, gamester
H HSH t H HSH t H HSH t H HSH t H HSH t JustaJ ) f. hunt, search , exploration ;
effort to know or find out
HHt HHt HHt HHt HHt Jussa ) m. body , physique , physical structure
H Wut H Wut H Wut H Wut H Wut Juka m ) m. cold , catarrh , coryza , rhinitis
~ JHt~ho Jaa )v.i. to catch cold
H HU t H HU t H HU t H HU t H HU t Jukha ua )v.i. to get or have something
H HFl t H HFl t H HFl t H HFl t H HFl t Jukha ) f. the act of or the wages for
H Tt H Tt H Tt H Tt H Tt Jug )m. age, epoch , period , times
~HTt~ Jug) adv. always , forever, through
the ages, eternally
~TUlt~gard) f. revolution
~HTHl=t~ Jug Jve)intj. live long !
~HTSt~ Jugatar) m. eternity
~YJUt~paltau) a. revolutionary
H TS/H TSl H TS/H TSl H TS/H TSl H TS/H TSl H TS/H TSlt Jugat/Jugt) f. device, expedient;
knack, tact, manner, method; plan, scheme,
~ WVlt~kah ) v.i. to hit upon a plan
~ YUYt~nal chala ) id. to play one's
cards well; to live economically
H TSl H TSl H TSl H TSl H TSl t Jugt) adv. clever, tactful, schemer,
resourceful; wise, sensible
m. device, dexterity, scheme, stratagem
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tlt Jugn) f. a heart shaped ornament for the
neck; a mode of Punjabi folk song
H T H T H T H T H T t Jugn ) m. glow- worm , firefly, glow fly,
lightning bug
H TVlm H TVlm H TVlm H TVlm H TVlmt Jugra fa ) m. geography
H TY H TY H TY H TY H TYt Jugal) m. pair, couple
~Tt~ga) m. duet
H TY Ul t Jugalbd) m. playing of
like rhythms on different instruments;
symphony, duet
H TYl H TYl H TYl H TYl H TYlt Juga l) f. rumination, cud, cut- chewing
~ Wt~ karna ) v.t. . to chew the cud, to
H T= H T= H T= H T= H T=t Juga) m. contrivance, plan ; make shift
arrangement, improvisation
HH HH HH HH HHt JuJ) m. part , portion, section, fraction, element,
ingredient; factor
H H Ul H H Ul H H Ul H H Ul H H Ult JuJbd) f. formwise stitching of a book
for binding purpose , systematic arrangement
or binding of parts
H H=l H H=l H H=l H H=l H H=lt Juzav) a. in parts , partial, fractional
H K H K H K H K H Kt JuJhar) a. warrior , fighter , combatant,
belligerent ; fearless , bold, daring
H K H K H K H K H K t JuJharu) m. valiant person, a militant
H J H J H J H J H Jt Ju) m. pair, couple , brace ; group, batch;
cattle yoked or tied together ; companion,
H J H J H J H J H Jt Juaa) v.i. to buckle down , to be engaged
or involved in a work whole heartedly; to be
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Ylt Jal) f. band, clique , coterie , a small
group, batch; lock of tangle , unkempt hair
H l H l H l H l H lt J) f. braid , plait; lock of tangled hair
H lHY H lHY H lHY H lHY H lHYt Jushal) a. judicial
H H H H H t Jde) m.(pl.) untidy , unkempt, messy hair
H S H S H S H S H St Jutaa) v.i. to be yoked ; to be harnessed
to a work
H Sl/H S H Sl/H S H Sl/H S H Sl/H S H Sl/H St Jutt/Jutta) m. shoes , boots, footwear,
slippers, sandals
~ Hlt~kha ) id. to be beaten, thrashed
with shoes; to be insulted, disgraced, humiliated
~ UJ t ~cha) a. sycophant, shoe-licker,
toady, lick spittle
~UYlt~challa) id. to exchange blows
and invectives
~UWt~chukk) a. shoe lifter, petty thief
~SHWJlUt~ te rakkh ke ro dea)
id. to feed but insultingly
~UlWSut~ d nok te marna) id. to
care a damn, not to care a fig for; to treat with
~HuKt~ brabar samJha) id. not
to care a fig for , to care a damn
~ ul t~ marn ) v.t. to beat/thrash with
shoes; to rebuke/insult or punish
~ Y Tl t~lagga ) ph. for shoes to
pinch/ blister
~ YJ Yl t~lah le) id. to beat with
shoes; to prepare to run away
UUlUl~ut chd d ~ mrna) id.
to grease the palm, to bribe
Hul ~t Jae mer ~) ph. to care a
HSu~Jt Juttam ~hoa ) id. to come
to blows, to exchange blows
-H Slm HtJutta kha a ) id. to be
di sgr aced, t o be i nsul t ed, t o suf f er
~ UJ t ~chaa) id. to fawn, to curry
favour, to lick one's shoes
~UYt~challa) id. to exchange blows/
invectives, to come to blows
~ u t ~ marna) id. to reprimand, to
scold; to humiliate, to abuse, to affront
|FU|FU ~ut bheo bheo ~ marna)
id. to put to shame, to humiliate , to disgrace
H U H U H U H U H U t Juda ) a. separate; different, discrete;
isolated, secluded, solitary
H UFl H UFl H UFl H UFl H UFlt Juda) f. separation esp. from a dear one/
beloved or lover
~UTu/ ~Ull=t~d g am/ ~d p) m.
pangs of separation
H H H H H t Juddh) m. battle , war , fighting, hostilities,
skirmish, warfare, armed encounter
~mt~apradh ) m. war crime
~HuTlt ~samaggar )f. war material ,
munitions of war
~ Wt~ karna ) v.t. . to fight, to fight a
~ WY t ~ kala ) f. warfare, art of war ,
~HSt~khetar ) m. battlefield , war-front,
theatre of war
~|U=t~chhIna)v.i. for war to break out
or commence
~U=t~chhena)v.t. to declare/begin or
cause war
~Um Yt~da ellan) m. declaration of
~UuUt~da medan)m. battlefield , war-
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul /H |=u H |=u H |=u H |=u H |=u t Juddhbd /JuddhvIram)f.
ceasefire, truce
H =S H =S H =S H =S H =St Juphat) a. even number
H = H = H = H = H =t Juppha ) m. lock of matted hair
H H H H H H H H H Ht Jbash) f. movement; motion
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Ylt Jubl) f. jubilee
H u H u H u H u H ut Juma) f. Friday
H u H u H u H u H ut Jma) m. responsibility, duty, obligation,
answerability; charge, undertaking, trust,
custody; liability, accountability
~ UW / Y t ~chukka/lea) v.i.t. to
undertake (liability or responsibility), to be
H u S H u S H u S H u S H u St Jumerat) f. Thursday
H u = H u = H u = H u = H u = tJmevr) a. answerable, responsible,
liable; reliable, trustworthy
H u =l H u =l H u =l H u =l H u =ltJmevr)f. answerability, responsibility
~Ylt~le ) v.i. to take responsibility, to
stand surety, to foot the bill
H u Jl H u Jl H u Jl H u Jl H u Jlt Jumetr) f. geometry
H mS H mS H mS H mS H mSt Jurat) f. courage, boldness, pluck; dare,
daring, bravery
~ Wl t~ karn ) v.i. to dare, to pick up
courage, to be bold
H u H u H u H u H u t Jurm) m. felony, fault, guilt; charge,
accusation; sin, maleficence
~ Wt~ karna ) v.t. to commit crime
~YUt~laua) v.t. to accuse
H u H u H u H u H ut Jurma na) m. fine, penalty, forfeit, mulct,
pecuniary punishment
~Jt ~hoa ) v.i. to be fined , for fine to be
~ Wt~ karna ) v.t. to fine
~ Ft~ bharna ) v.t. to pay the penalty or
~ um=Wt~ muaph karna ) v.t. to remit
H H H H H t Jurab) f. socks, stockings
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Yt Jull) m. tattered- clothes, rags; thick , heavy
cloth ; a covering of cattle
H YV H YV H YV H YV H YVt zulf) f. lock, lovelock, tress or strand of
hair, curl
H Yu H Yu H Yu H Yu H Yu t zulm) m. tyranny, oppression, cruelty,
atrocity; injustice, excesses, persecution
~ Wt~ karna ) v.t. to oppress/tyrannise
or persecute
~VUt~dhaua) v.t. to play the tyrant, to
H Yul H Yul H Yul H Yul H Yult zulm ) a. cruel, tyrannical, oppressive,
H YFl H YFl H YFl H YFl H YFlt Jula ) m. July
H YJ H YJ H YJ H YJ H YJt Julaha) a. weaver, clothier; a caste
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Yt Julab ) m. purgative or laxative medicine
~ YTt~lagga ) v.i. to have loose motions;
to be purged through use of purgative
~Y t~le a ) v.t. to take a purgative
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Ylt Jull ) f. torn or patched small quilt
~HJ t~ Jaa) m. petty belongings
~S=lt~ tappa) f. meagre/modest/scanty
belongings or personal effects
H =S H =S H =S H =S H =St Juat) f. cohesion, cohesiveness, fitting,
H = H = H = H = H =t Juna) f. cohesion, cohesiveness, fitting
v.t. to be united, to be joined, to collect; to
join, to associate
H =U t Jua un a ) v.t. to get things joined
or connected or mended; to get yoked (draught
H == H == H == H == H ==t Juva ) a. twins ; joint, ( accounts connected
etc.); adjoining , adjacent; cohesive, adhesive
H =Fl H =Fl H =Fl H =Fl H =Fl t Jua) f. the work of or the wages for
joining or fixing or framing
H t H t H t H t H tJ ) f. louse, head-louse
~|H t~ Jna ) a. very tiny, very small,
pigmy; very little
~S t~ tor) f. very slow speed
adv. at snail's pace
~ Ul UY UY t ~ d chal chala) id. to
walk very slowly, to walk at snail's pace
adv. at snail's pace
~ UmYJt ~dual na hoa ) id. to be
parsimonious, to be very miser, to give nothing
W S~ HW/ lT tkn te ~ na
sarka /r ga) id. to pay no heed, to have
no effect at all
Hmut t t t t Ja marna) id. to sit idle all
the time , to do nothing; to work very slowly;
to write illegibly
H m H m H m H m H mt Ja) m. gambling, gamble, dice, any game
of chance played with stakes; grave risk
~ Ht ~khea ) id. to gamble , to game;
to try one's luck, to take a chance
HmH HmH HmH HmH HmHt tt tt Ja kha na ) m. gambling house, gambler's
H F Ht H F Ht H F Ht H F Ht H F HtJu eba z) a. gambler, gamester
HFHltJu eba z) f. gambling , addiction to
H Ht H Ht H Ht H Ht H HtJus) m. juice
H Jt H Jt H Jt H Jt H JtJu h) f. pasturage, pasture, meadow, shieling;
purlieus or border of a village etc.
H Jlt H Jlt H Jlt H Jlt H JltJu h) f. a variety of jasmine (plant or flower)
H K H K H K H K H KtJuJhaa) v.i. to fight, to contend in war,
to die fighting; to struggle, to strive, to combat
H Jt H Jt H Jt H Jt H JtJuh) f. left overs, leavings, offal, defiled by
taste or touch; what is left after eating
~Ut~chhana ) v.t. to leave some used
food etc.
H J t H J t H J t H J t H J tJu ha ) a. defiled by taste or touch;
something defiled by others
HJlmSYUJt Ju ha pattla chaa )
id. to do a menial job; to face utter poverty; to
accept some discarded person
H t H t H t H t H tJuo) m. judo
H St H St H St H St H StJu t) m. shoes , boot
~ H=Wt ~khakaa ) id. to have a wrangle,
to have a quarrel
~ St ~pata ) m. scuffle (with shoes);
fight, exchange of blows; reprimand, scolding
! !! !!
t t t t tJu n) m. June
z zz zz
t t t t tJu n) f. according to Hindu philosophy
any of the 84,00,000 species among whom
an unliberated soul wanders, birth; life
a aa aa
t t t t tJu n) m. time
H lmt H lmt H lmt H lmt H lmtJu nar) a. junior
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y tJu la ) m. yoke; (fig.) forced duty or
H = H = H = H = H =t Ju ) m. noose, tight bond, shackle , fetter,
~=t~vaa)v.t. to cut a bond
v.i. to be free of
H = H = H = H = H =tJuna) v.i. to bind tightly , to noose fasten
, to yoke, to tie
H= H= H= H= H=t Ju a ) m. chignon, knot of hair, top knot; broom
H =l H =l H =l H =l H =lt Ju ) f. small broom; small chignon / topknot;
knot of beard; a knot or bundle of hemp fibre
or of tobacco leaves
H H H H H /H W H W H W H W H Wt Je/ Jekar) conj. if, incase, provided
! !! !!
t t t t tJeh) m. the third month of Indian calendar
(from mid May to mid-June)
z zz zz
tJeh) m. husband's elder brother, brother -in
H J H J H J H J H JtJeha ) a. first born male (child ), eldest son;
elder; ancestor
H H H H H tJeda ) a. as big as
H S H S H S H S H StJeta ) a. as much as
H S H S H S H S H S tJet) a. victorious , winner, victor, triumphant,
champion, conqueror
~Jt ~hoa ) v.i. to win , to come off with
flying colours, to triumph
H H H H H tJeb) m. pocket, pouch
~WJlt~ka) v.t. to pick pocket
~WSt~katara) m. pick pocket, cut purse
~HUt~kharch) m. pocket money, pocket
expenses, pin money
~ Tu Wl t~ garm karn )id. to grease
the palm , to bribe
~ ==l/ Hl ==l t~ gha/ Jeb gha/) f.
pocket watch
~ Fl J t ~ bhr hoa ) id. to have a
heavy purse
~|=UJt ~ vIch hoa ) id. to be in one's
pocket, to be under the thumb
~|=UYt ~ vIch pa lea ) v.t. to pocket
H l H l H l H l H l tJeb) a. pertaining to the pocket; fit for
keeping in the pocket
H H H H H tJer) f. placenta, foetal membrane
H H H H H H H H H HtJeraJ) a. viviparous, placental; mammal
H HSt H HSt H HSt H HSt H HStJeraJata) f. viviparity
H H H H H tJera) m. courage , dare, nerve; tolerance,
forbearance, patience, endurance
HY/HY HY/HY HY/HY HY/HY HY/HYtJel/Jelh) f. jail, gaol, prison; imprisonment,
~ UlJ=Ht ~d hava khaa ) id. to be in
H Y H H Y H H Y H H Y H H Y HtJelhkha na ) m. prison, jail, gaol, confinement,
H Y t H Y t H Y t H Y t H Y tJelhar ) m. jailor, gaoler, jail superintendent
H =/H = H =/H = H =/H = H =/H = H =/H =tJevar /zevar ) m. ornament, jewellery
H =S H =S H =S H =S H =StJevra t) m. jewellery
H H H H H tJe ) f. victory , triumph; cheer, acclaim,
acclamation, shout of triumph or congratulation
~HWt~ Je ka r ) f. acclamation, acclaim,
hail, ovation, applause, cheer; fame, renown
- HW t Jekara ) m. the word denoting
devotional acclaim , cheer, shout in unison
religious service; slogan, ovation
H H H H H H H H H HtJesa ) intj. like, same, similar
- HH U SH tJese da tesa) a. exactly the
~SH t~nu tesa ) prov. tit for tat , blow
for blow
H W H W H W H W H WtJe k ) m. jack , sirew- jack ; knave, jack (in
cards); fig. supporter, sponsor, promoter
H H H H H tJe) f. victory , triumph; glory, fame
H H H H H H = Sl H = Sl H = Sl H = Sl H = Sl/ // //H H= Sl H H= Sl H H= Sl H H= Sl H H= SltJe Je vt /Je Ja vt ) f. name
of a musical mode of Bhairav rag sung in
the morning
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ tJe ) m. jet (plane)
H JYu H JYu H JYu H JYu H JYu tJealmen ) m. gentleman, a fop, dandy
foppish, dandyish
H SHl H SHl H SHl H SHl H SHltJe tsar ) f. name of a musical mode sung
in the evening
H S H S H S H S H S tJetun ) m. olive tree
H H H H H tJe n ) m. an Indian religion, Jainism; Jain
H J H J H J H J H JtJenretar) m. generator
Hl Hl Hl Hl HltJe n) m. a follower of Jainism, Jain; pertaining
to Jainism
H H H H H tJepar ) m. blouse
H H H H H tZebra) m. zebra
H u H u H u H u H utJem ) m. fruit jam
H uY H uY H uY H uY H uYtJe ma la ) f. a garland used at marriage
time by bride and bride groom as an
expression of acceptance and mutual
greeting ; garland of victory
H YU H YU H YU H YU H YU tze ldr) m. an officer appointed by
the Govt. to collect revenue of several
H YUl H YUl H YUl H YUl H YUltzeldr) f. the post or office of zaildar
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H YltJel ) f. jelly
H H H H H tJo) pron. who, which, what, that
~ m=HlJJlWlt~ ave sharn nah
nah karn )prov. all is fish that comes to
one's net
~ HHUHUUYHHt~ sukh chhJJu
de chubare na balkh na bhukhare )prov.
East or West home is the best
~ JU J JU J t~ hda he hda rahe )ph.
come what may
~ J|TmHJ|Tmt~ ho gIa so ho gIa )ph.
let bygones be bygones
~ Wu|FmHH|Fmt~ kamaea so khaea)
prov. to live from hand to mouth
~ W K/ W K =l t~ kuJh/kuJh v )pron.
whatever, what so ever
~ WFl/ WFl =l t~ ko / ko v )pron.
whoever , who so ever
~ THUJUJ=UJlt~ garJde han oh
varhde nah ) prov. barking dogs seldom
bite, thundering clouds seldom rain
H H H H H H H H H HtJosh) m. enthusiasm, zeal, fervour; vehemence,
fervidity, gusto, passion, rage; ebullition,
excitement, warmth ; boiling, seething
~mUt~a ua ) v.i. to be excited; to boil, to
seethe, to foam and broth
~U=t~chahna) id. to be enthusiastic
~JJt ~hd a hoa ) id. to have one's
enthusiasm ebbed
~ |U=U t ~dIvaua) v.t. to excite , to
instigate; to make one's blood boil
~ U t ~dea ) v.t. to boil; to incite, to
encourage; to provoke
~ Yt~na l) a. enthusiastically, ebulliently,
with great fervour
~ F|mt~ bharea ) a. enthusiastic, ebullient;
excited, agitated
~ |=U mU t~ vIch aua ) v.t. to get
H HlY H HlY H HlY H HlY H HlYt Josh la ) a. enthusiastic; zealous, exciting,
instigating , provoking
H J H J H J H J H JtJoha ) v.t. to find out, to see, to ascertain;
to test
H W H W H W H W H W tJok ) f. blood sucking parasite, leech; a
person who hangs on to another for
personal gain, a parasite, limpet
~ =T|U=t~ va g chbaana ) id. to
cling to like a leech , to stick to like a leech
HWYUlmt Joka la u a)v.t. to apply
leeches to, to leech
H Wt H Wt H Wt H Wt H WtJokar )m. joker, jokester, prankster ; jack
(in cards)
H Ht H Ht H Ht H Ht H HtJokh ) m. weighing, weight
H Ht H Ht H Ht H Ht H HtJokhaa ) v.t. to weigh, to balance; to
H Hu/H H t H Hu/H H t H Hu/H H t H Hu/H H t H Hu/H H tJokham/Jokho ) m. danger, peril ,
risk, hazard, jeopardy
~ UJUt~ uhaua ) id. to take risk , to
run a hazard
! !! !!
(Jog) m. a pair of oxen or male buffaloes,
z zz zz
(Jog) a. commensurate, proper, suitable,
adequate, fit (for); capable , competent
a aa aa
(Jog) m. yoga; renunciation; asceticism
~ t~ dha rna ) id. to renounce
the world
H T H T H T H T H T(Joga) f. female yogi
! !! !!
(Joga) pref. for, to
z zz zz
(Jog) a. fit for, meant for, reigned to, intended
to be, given to; capable of
H TH H TH H TH H TH H TH(Jogasan) m. posture of yoga sitting
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl (Jog ) m. a person who practises yoga; an
ascetic sect or its member ; snake charmer
=U~HT=JUHTl|H t ghar da
~Joga ba har da Jog sIddh) prov. a
prophet is not honoured in his own country
H Tlm H Tlm H Tlm H Tlm H Tlm(Jog a )a. ochre, ochry, ochreous
H H H H H H H H H H(JoJan) m. a measure of distance , roughly 13
H J H J H J H J H J(Joa ) m. pair , two some, couple; even number
H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl H Jl (Jo) f. group, bunch; companionship ,
fellowship, intimate friendship; pair ,group,
team, gang; partnership
H JlU H JlU H JlU H JlU H JlU(Jodar ) m. companion , yokefellow, pal,
mate , friend , chum; partner
! !! !!
(Jot) f. flame (of lamp), flash, fig. light; eye-
sight; soul
~ HTU ltJaga u )v.t. to light a lamp
(earthen or other )esp. at a religious place
or before an idol
~ YHSHTUlt ~nal Jot Jagau )id. to
enkindle the light; to enlighten person to person
-JSUl ~ Jt hot d ~ he )prov . while
the oil lasts the wick burns
z zz zz
(Jot) f. strap used to fasten a draught animal
to the yoke
H SH H SH H SH H SH H SH (Jotash) m. astrology, fortune-telling,
palmistry; foretelling
~YUt~laua) v.i. to guess or ascertain
with the use of astrology
H SHl H SHl H SHl H SHl H SHl(Jotash ) m. astrologer, palmist, fortune
H S H S H S H S H S(Jotaa ) v.t. to plough , to cultivate; to yoke,
to harness
H S H S H S H S H S(Jotara ) m. a single round of ploughing; strap
used to fasten a draught animal to the yoke
~YUt~laua) v.i. to complete a round at
ploughing; to harness
H S=Yl H S=Yl H S=Yl H S=Yl H S=Yl (Jotaval ) a. pertaining to light (HS1 ;
goddess Durga as it appears in the form of a
flame at Jwalamukhi (temple) in Himachal
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl(Jot ) f. light , flame of light
~Ht~sarup) m. God, the Supreme being,
Light Manifest
~ HS HuU (~ Jot samaua ) id. to pass
away, to expire , to die (used for holy person)
H U=l H U=l H U=l H U=l H U=l(Joda) f. humble request, supplication
H H H H H (Joban) m. youth , prime of life, full-
blown youth; heyday; handsomeness
~US( ~utte ) adv. in one's prime , abloom
~U=t~chahna) v.i. to enter the age of
puberty, to enter full bloom youth , to bloom; to
become very handsome and smart
~VYt~hala) id. to cross the threshold
of youth , to have decline of the bloom of youth;
to lose vigour and strength
~SJt ~te hoa ) id. to be in full bloom ,
to be at full spring ; to be in the prime of youth
~uSt ~matta ) a. one who is proud of his
youth, intoxicated with youth's pride; youthful,
H = S H = S H = S H = S H = S/H = Sl t H = Sl t H = Sl t H = Sl t H = Sl tJobanvt/Jobanvt ) a.
youthful , handsome , beautiful, young
H H H H H /H H H H H tJor/Zor)m. strength, power, energy , dint;
vitality, elan, impetus, force; exercise; control;
emphasis , stress; influence, might, authority;
rigour, severity, pressure, momentum;
predominance, vehemence
~ mHuU t ~azmaua) id. to try one's
strength, to test one's power , to wrestle; to
try, to compete
~ mHuFl t ~azma ) f. wrestling; effort,
endeavour, attempt, try; trial of strength
~Ht~shor) m. zest, gusto, pomp and show;
vigour, enthusiasm
adv. with zest and zeal
~HYt~shorna l) adv . with great pomp
and show , in spades
~UYt~challa) id. to have some say, to
have some influence; to have hold
~U/Ult~da / d ) a. torrential, heavy
(rain); severe (pain); great (shock etc);
hi gh ( f ever ) ; bi g ( bl ow) ; power f ul
(opinion , argument)
~Ut~dea) v.i.t. to emphasise, to stress,
to insist, to accentuate; to press, exert or put
~ Yt~na l) adv. emphatically , strongly;
forcefully, vehemently , forcibly
~Ut~paua) v.t. to pressurize, to press,
to compel, to put pressure (on)
~==t~ phana) id. to gather momentum;
to become stronger
~ut tt tt~ marna) id. to try one's level best;
to insist; to impel, to instigate
~ YU t ~laua) id. to try hard, to exert
one self
v.i. to apply force
-H Ut tt ttzorda r ) )) ))a. strong, powerful, forceful,
mighty, vigorous, severe, energetic, vehement,
dashing, furious; emphatic
~SWlt tt tt~takrr)f. declamation, rhetoric, rant,
H Hlt H Hlt H Hlt H Hlt H HltZora Jbar)adv. forcibly, by force, against
one's will
-HHlt-zor Jor)adv. forcibly, by force,
against one's will
-HSJ t-Jora te hoa)adv. to be in full
swing, to be at peak
H = t H = t H = t H = t H = tZoravar) adv. strong, powerful, mighty;
bully, exercise of (personal) power or influence;
H =lt H =lt H =lt H =lt H =ltZoravar)f. use of force
adv. forcibly , by force
H t H t H t H t H tJoru )f. wife, better -half, spouse, life-partner
~ U T Yu t ~ da gulam) m. hen pecked
husband, an uxorious husband
H =t H =t H =t H =t H =tJo)m. total , sum, addition (of maths); joint
(of bones); bond, match, unity; seam; link,
junction, connection; patch, splice; equality,
similarity; combination
~H= W |YH t~Jo ke lIkhana) id. spell
out, spell over
~H = U H t~Jo dukhaa ) id. to have
bodyache, to have pain in the whole body
v.i. to have pain in joints
~S = tto ) m. manipulation, contrivance,
manoeuvres; conspiracy, plot , machination,
intrigue, stratagem, connivance
~S= Wt~ to karna ) id. to intrigue, to
~uYt~mel )m. fast friendship, intimacy
~u Yt~mela )m. a religious big congregation
H =t H =t H =t H =t H =tJona)v.t. to add , to total up; to calculate;
to set a bone; to yoke; to unite; to connect, to
join; to affix ; to assemble; to collect, to amass
wealth ; to fold hands (prayer or supplication
or salute); to
hoard , to pile up
H =lt H =lt H =lt H =lt H =ltJon)f. hyphen
H ==t H ==t H ==t H ==t H ==tJova )a. connecting, connective, joining;
matching, similar; having joints, not of one
piece; seamy
H =t H =t H =t H =t H =tJoa )m. two of a kind, pair; suit (of clothes);
duo, couple ; a pair of shoes; male-female,
couple, twosome
~H=t~Joa )adv. in pairs, in two's
H =lt H =lt H =lt H =lt H =ltJo)f. pair, duo; couple; team of two oxen;
set; pair of tambourine; tabla (musical
H =lUt H =lUt H =lUt H =lUt H =lUtJoda r)a. companion, yoke- mate, yoke-
mate, yoke - fellow; close friend, pal, chum
H = H = H = H = H =
t t t t tJou )a. miser, parsimonious, stingy, penny
pincher; hoarder
H = H = H = H = H =
t t t t tJou)a. hoarder, miser
H t H t H t H t H tJo)m. barley
~UlHt~d sharab)f. beer
~Ft~ bhar1 11 11 adv. little bit, very little ; tiny,
very small
t t t t tJohar)m. talent, skill, excellence , merit,
feat; quintessence, essence, characteristic,
special quality
~|=HUt~ vIkhaua1 11 11 v.t. to exhibit one's
skill/ talent
t t t t tJo har) m. an act of self immolation
performed by women folk of Rajput warriors
in the medieval times
t t t t tJohar)m. jewel , precious stone
H Jl t H Jl t H Jl t H Jl t H Jl tJo har) m. jeweller, gemmalogist,
connoisseur of jewels and precious metals; a
H Y t H Y t H Y t H Y t H Y tJo le) f. handmade noodles of the size of
barley seeds
H =t H =t H =t H =t H =tJo a )a. either of the twins , twin
H = t H = t H = t H = t H = tJoe)m. (pl.) twins

K KK KK (JhaJJ) m. fourteenth letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents platal sound
KU Y KU Y KU Y KU Y KU Y (Jhaul) m. shadow, shade, glimpse, glance
~ t~ pe) id. to be illusioned
KFl KFl KFl KFl KFl (Jha) f. the act of gritting the teeth in rage;
the act of speaking tartly in sudden rage or
~ Y Y t~ le le pe ) v.i. to grit one's
teeth in rage, to snarl, to snap at, to snap one's
head off
K H K H K H K H K H (Jhass) m. habit; addiction, evil habit
~ J t~ ho) v.t. to be addicted to
~ t~ pe) v.i. to get addicted to
K H K H K H K H K H (Jhass) v.t. to massage, to rub
KH=U KH=U KH=U KH=U KH=U /KHU KHU KHU KHU KHU (Jhasvu/Jhasu) v.t. to get
K H K H K H K H K H (Jhass) m. dodge, hoodwink, bluff,
beguilement, cajolement
K HFl K HFl K HFl K HFl K HFl (Jhass) f. massage, rubbing; the act of or
wages for doing massage
! !! !!
(Jhak/Jhakk) f. dodge, cajole
~ U t~ de) v.t. to give dodge, to cajole
z zz zz
(Jhak/Jhakk) f. hesitation, hesitance,
K W K W K W K W K W (Jhakk) v.i. to hesitate, to reluct
KWU -KWU tJhakde-Jhakde) adv.
hesitatingly, reluctantly
K W K W K W K W K W (Jhakkr) m. wide mouthed earthen vessel
used for keeping things in it
KWU KWU KWU KWU KWU (Jhaku) v.t. to tease, to tantalize; to
irritate, to vex
KWl KWl KWl KWl KWl (Jhakn) f. dodge, feint; tantalisation
KH KH KH KH KH/ K H K H K H K H K H (Jhakh/Jhakkh) f. nonsense, babble,
kibosh; vain or fruitless effort
~ ul t~ mrn) id. to indulge in idle/ useless
talk; to make fruitless effort
K H= K H= K H= K H= K H= (Jhakkha) m. storm, dust-storm, hurricane
~ KH t~ JhJ ) m. storm, rainstorm, squall
~ K Y t~ Jhl ) v.i. for a storm or
rainstorm to break out; for a calamity to
~ KY t~ Jhol ) m. squall, storm, rainstorm
K T K T K T K T K T (Jhagg) f. lather, suds (soap); froth, scum,
foam, spume
~ Ul t~ chha ) id. to fume, to speak
angrily; to froth; to boast, to talk through one's
~ =T J t~ vag beh ) id. to have a
prick in the bladder; to cool down, to become
K TU (Jhaggdr) a. lathery; foamy, frothy
K T K T K T K T K T (Jhg) m. forest, jungle, woods; name of an
area now in Pakistan
KTY KTY KTY KTY KTY (Jhagl) m. sleeveless, loose long frock type
baby garment
KT= KT= KT= KT= KT= (Jhag) m. quarrel, haggle, wrangle,
contention; controversy; dispute
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to pick up a quarrel
~ U= t~ chhen) id. to get oneself into
trouble, to start hard and unpleasant task; to
pick up a quarrel
~ K = t~ Jhe) m. quarrel, wrangle,
contention, squabble
~ |JU /| = t~ nIbu/nIben)
v.t. to settle a dispute, to settle the matter
~ u Y Y t~ mull le ) id. to ask for trouble,
to invite a trouble; to find a quarrel in a straw
KT= Ul H= (Jhage d Jah) f. bone of
contention, apple of discord
~ |=U t~ vIch pe ) id. to ask for trouble,
to look for trouble
KT=U KT=U KT=U KT=U KT=U (Jhagu) v.t. to make to quarrel, to
cause to altercate
KT=Y KT=Y KT=Y KT=Y KT=Y (Jhagl) a. quarrelsome, contentious,
K T K T K T K T K T (Jhagg) m. shirt; loose garment for babies
K HJ K HJ K HJ K HJ K HJ (JhJa) f. botheration, trouble, problem, fuss,
imbroglio, tracasserie
K H K H K H K H K H/K Hl K Hl K Hl K Hl K Hl (JhaJJar/JhaJJar) f. water-monkey,
monkey-jar, goglet/gugglet
K H K H K H K H K H (JhaJJ) m. fuss, quarrel, wrangle
~ U t~ pu ) id. to create a fuss; to
clamour, to raise a hue and cry
K H = K H = K H = K H = K H = (JhJon) v.t. to twitch, to joggle, to
jounce, to shake violently
K H = K H = K H = K H = K H = (JhJo) m. twitch, joggle, jounce, violent
K J K J K J K J K J (Jha) m. & adv. moment, instant, flash;
immediately, instantly
~ JU t~ apu ) id. to pastime; to make
ends meet, to subsist
~ JU t~ apu ) a. & m. temporary; pastime
~ Y=U t~ lghu) id. to pastime; to
pull on
KJWFl KJWFl KJWFl KJWFl KJWFl tJhaka) m. butcher, slaughterer; meat-seller
KJW KJW KJW KJW KJW (Jhaka) v.t. to butcher, to slaughter; to
shake; to give a jerk; to kill with a single blow
KJW KJW KJW KJW KJW (Jhak) m. the act of beheading an animal
with one stroke of weapon; meat, flesh (of an
animal killed with single stroke); jerk, jolt; shock,
~ U t~ de) id. to give a jerk
~ YT t~ lagg) id. to be shocked, to get
a blow; to get a jerk
KJW Y ( Jhake nl) adv. with a jerk/jolt
v.t. to slaughter with a single stroke of weapon
instantaneously, immediately, forthwith, quickly,
chop-chop, promptly
! !! !!
(Jh) f. soft and small hair of first growth on
the head; tonsure ceremony (in Hindus); insult,
~ Wl t~ karn ) id. & v.t. to insult, to
humiliate; to beat, to thrash; to shave off the
hair of head
z zz zz
(Jh) f. flattening of a rivet end or sharpening
of a blade with hammer; blow
K K K K K (Jh) m. flag, standard, pennon guidon
~ l= W t~ nv karn) v.t. to half-mast
the flag (in respect on the death of a dignitary
or king etc.)
~ U t~ bardr) m. standard-bearer
K T (Jhe ga ) id. to make
one's mark, to get victory, to be victorious
~ KYU mU t~ Jhlde u ) id. to come
off with flying colours
K l K l K l K l K l (Jh) f. guidon, bunting, a small flag; signal
~ |UHU/ Ul t~ dIkhu/de ) id. to
give a green signal; to flag off
Jlj~ (har ~) f. green signal; sign of
YYj~ t ll ~) f. red signal; sign of danger
KW KW KW KW KW (Jhakr) f. tinkle, jingle, clink, chime (of
K K K K K (Jhan) m. the river Chenab
KW KW KW KW KW (Jhapak) v.t. to wink, to blink; to have a
nap, to doze
KWl KWl KWl KWl KWl (Jhapk) f. nap, doze, snooze, forty winks
KJ KJ KJ KJ KJ (Jhapa) f. altercation, wrangle, quarrel
KJ KJ KJ KJ KJ (Jhapat) v.i. to pounce, to swoop; to
snatch, to grab
KJ KJ KJ KJ KJ (Jhap) f. pounce, swoop; snatch
~ KJl W t~ Jhap karn) v.t. to scramble
K K K K K (Jhabb) adv. quickly, at once, soon,
immediately, instantly
~ U t~ de) adv. straight away, quickly, soon,
at once, hastily, speedily
! !! !!
(Jhb) f. carding of cotton by flogging
~ U= t~ chhn) id. to thrash, to beat
severely, to give a thrashing
K= ~ tJh ~) f. rebuke, reproof, reprimand,
chiding, scolding, snub
z zz zz
(Jhb) f. flogging shower (of rain)

(Jhba) v.t. to remove dust (by brushing
or flogging), to dust; to dust one's jacket, to
give one a drubbing, to thrash, to beat
K l K l K l K l K l (Jhba) f. a thin stick for carding cotton
KuKu W KuKu W KuKu W KuKu W KuKu W (JhamJham karn) v.i. to glitter, to
gleam, to shine, to sparkle, to shimmer
Ku Y Ku Y Ku Y Ku Y Ku Y (Jhamel) m. botheration, mess, complication;
entanglement, problem, imbroglio
! !! !!
(Jharn) m. waterfall, cataract, cascade;
spring; a big skimmer of confectioner
z zz zz
(Jharn) v.i. to filter through, to pass through
pores or small holes
KJJ KJJ KJJ KJJ KJJ (Jharnha) f. tingling sensation, tingle,
shivering, reverberation
Kl Kl Kl Kl Kl (Jharn) f. skimmer; sieve
KlJ KlJ KlJ KlJ KlJ (Jhar) f. scratch, scrape, abrasion; bruise;
scribble ( of pen )
KlJ ulm (Jhar mrn) v.i.t. to
scribble, to write illegible; to draw deep lines
KlJ =Jlm (Jhar vhu ) v.i t. to
scribble, to write illegible; to draw deep lines
K H K H K H K H K H (Jharokh) m. any window like opening,
small window; chink, eyehole, peep-hole,
! !! !!
(Jhall) m. madness, insanity, lunacy; craze,
fad, eccentricity; foolish act or behaviour
~ H|Ym t~ khalIrn) id. to play the giddy
goat; to behave foolishly
~ t~ pe) id. to get confused, to be
~ u t~ mrn) id. to talk absurd
~ =H (~ vass) adv. madly, insanely
z zz zz
(Jhall) f. dense forest of reeds, tall grasses
etc.; endurance
a aa aa
(Jhall) f. swing of waft with a hand fan or
manually operated ceiling fan
~ ul t~ mrn) v.t. to fan
KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW (Jhalak) f. glimpse, glance; gleam, flash,
glimmer; semblance, resemblance; reflection;
KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW (Jhalak) v.i. to appear faintly; to reflect;
to gleam, to shimmer, to sparkle, to shine
KYW KYW KYW KYW KYW (Jhalkr) m. flash; glance, glimpse, gleam
KYWl KYWl KYWl KYWl KYWl (Jhalk) f. glimpse, glance, look; tableau,
! !! !!
(Jhalla) v.t. to bear, to endure, to tolerate,
to undergo, to suffer
z zz zz
(Jhalla) v.t. to fan, to wave(fan); plain,
without any guile
KY=Y Y KY=Y Y KY=Y Y KY=Y Y KY=Y Y (Jhalvalall) a. & m. simpleton, simple,
credulous; silly, daft, foolish, stupid
KY=Y Ylm T Y KY=Y Ylm T Y KY=Y Ylm T Y KY=Y Ylm T Y KY=Y Ylm T Y (Jhalvalall gall) f. bunkum,
humbug, nonsense
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhall) m. & a. lunatic, insane, mad, crazy,
eccentric; foolish, silly, stupid, daft
KYU KYU KYU KYU KYU (Jhalu) v.t. to make to fan, to make to
be pulled (old fashioned ceiling fan); to make/
cause to be hoisted (flag etc.)
KYl KYl KYl KYl KYl (Jhaln) f. low-roofed mud made kitchen
KY KY KY KY KY (Jhalr) f. a Persian wheel used for drawing
water from canal, stream etc. for irrigation;
thick jet of falling water
K= K= K= K= K=
! !! !!
(Jha) f. cloudy weather; incessant rain fall
K= K= K= K= K=
z zz zz
(Jha) m. lever of a lock
K= K= K= K= K= (Jhan) v.i. to fall off, to abscise; to be
shaken off (dust); to wither
K= K= K= K= K= (Jhaapp) f. altercation, wrangle, quarrel,
heated argumentation, skirmish, contention
K= K= K= K= K= (Jhaapp) v.t. to altercate, to quarrel,
to wrangle
K==U K==U K==U K==U K==U (Jhavu) v.i. to have something
dusted; to get fruit etc. fall off by shaking the
K==Fl K==Fl K==Fl K==Fl K==Fl (Jhav) f. the act of or the wages for
getting something dusted or fall off; dusting
K=l K=l K=l K=l K=l (Jha) f. prolonged cloudy or rainy weather;
incessant rainfall, downpour
KU Y KU Y KU Y KU Y KU Y (Jhul) a. & m. hazy glance, dim, bleary
illusion, fallacy, illusion, hallucination
KU KU KU KU KU (Jh ) a. shaggy; stupid, slow-witted, stolid,
KFl KFl KFl KFl KFl (Jh) f. mother, mummy, mom
KH KH KH KH KH (Jh s) m. deception, deceit, humbug; dodge;
false hope, bluff
~ U t~ de) v.t. to dodge, to hoodwink, to
deceit; to bluff
- KH |=U mU tJhse vIch u) id. to fall
in the trap
KW KW KW KW KW (Jhk) f. wait; expectation, hope, anticipation
~ Hl t~ rakkhn) v.i. to hope , to expect
KW KW KW KW KW (Jhka) v.i.t. to see, to stare, to peep, to
look at; to gaze, to glance, to wait for; to look
forward, to hope, to expect
KWl KWl KWl KWl KWl (Jhka) f. look, gaze, glance
KW-KWl (Jhk-Jhk) f. exchange of
glances; ogling
KW KW KW KW KW (Jhk) m. hesitation, shyness, reluctance
~ mU t~ u) v.i. to be hesitant, to
hesitate, to be chary
~ HY t~ khulh) v.i. to become frank
(with some one), to become familiar, not to
feel shy or hesitant
! !! !!
(Jhk) f. exchange of glances; ogling
z zz zz
(Jhk) f. scene, sight, show; tableau, pageant
KT KT KT KT KT (Jhga) v.t. to endure, to tolerate, to
bear, to undergo, to sustain
KTl KTl KTl KTl KTl (Jh g) a. belonging to Jhung region in
f. dialect of that region
KH KH KH KH KH (Jh Jar) f. a ladies ornament for the ankles,
jingling anklet
KJ KJ KJ KJ KJ (Jh) m. hair of the head; dishevelled/
uncombed hair
VluFl U ~ ( buhm d ~) m. candy
KJuKJ/KJuKJl J (- JhamJh/
JhamJh ho) id. to pull caps, to pull
KJl/KJl KJl/KJl KJl/KJl KJl/KJl KJl/KJl (Jh/Jh) f. joy ride, ride
KJ KJ KJ KJ KJ (Jho) a. (a girl/woman) having dishevelled
& short hair
KS KS KS KS KS (Jht) f. the act of looking/peeping; look,
KSl KSl KSl KSl KSl (Jht) f. the act of looking/peeping; tableau,
~ ul (~ mrn) id. to have a look, to go
through cursorily; to look in
m mU ~ ul ( pe dar ~ mrn)
v.t. to introspect
! !! !!
(Jh b) f. dredger
z z z z z
(Jh b) f. large spade with short helve used
while sinking wells
K K K K K (Jhrn) m. a big sieve with big holes used
for cleaning and sifting grains
v.t. to sieve, to sift
Kl Kl Kl Kl Kl (Jhrn) f. a sieve with big holes and long
handle used for frying purpose
K K K K K (Jhr) m. the act of sieving or sifting; a big
sieve with big holes
Kl Kl Kl Kl Kl
! ! ! ! !
(Jhr ) f. water monkey, goglet
Kl Kl Kl Kl Kl
z z z z z
(Jhr ) f. a type of small hubble-bubble
! ! ! ! !
(Jhl ) f. plating, gilding, coating, polish
~ U=Ul t~ chahuI ) v.t. to plate, to gild,
to polish
z z z z z
(Jhl ) f. an artificial waterfall made in canals;
water fall, cataract; splendour, grandeur; anger,
KY KY KY KY KY (Jhlar) f. frill; fringe, border, lace
KYU KYU KYU KYU KYU (Jhlardr) a. frilled; bordered, fringed
K= K= K= K= K= (Jhv ) m. pumice, pumicestone; stupid
K= K= K= K= K=
!. !. !. !. !.
(Jh) m. produce, product, yield, growth,
K= K= K= K= K=
z. z. z. z. z.
(Jh) m. bush, shrub
~ UJ t~ chh) m. hedgehog
~ KH= t~ Jhkh) m. jungle of bushes and
K= K= K= K= K=
a a a a a
(Jh) m. chiding, reprehension, reprimand,
reproof, snub, scolding
~ K / K= t~ Jhb/Jhap) m. chiding,
reprimand, snub, reproof, rebuke, scolding
~ K W t~ Jhb karn) id. to give one's
beans, to haul over the coals
~ =W t~ phk) f. exorcism, conjuration
K= K= K= K= K= (Jhan) m. duster
K= K= K= K= K=
! ! ! ! !
(Jhn) v.t. & id. to dust, to clean; to
extract (money); to moult (wings of birds); to
broom, to sweep; to snatch away; to trim
K = K = K = K = K =
z zz zz
(Jhn) id. to rebuke, to chide, to
reprimand, to snub, to haul over the coals
K=V H K=V H K=V H K=V H K=V H (Jhfans) m. chandelier
K= K= K= K= K=
!. !. !. !. !.
(Jh) m. stools, call of nature, excreta,
~ mU t~ u) v.i. to feel the call of nature
K= H t Jhae J) v.i. to obey the
call of nature, to excrete
K= K= K= K= K=
z. z. z. z. z.
(Jh) m. exorcism
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to exorcise
K=l K=l K=l K=l K=l (Jh) f. bush, shrub
K= K= K= K= K= (Jh) m. broom, broom-stick, mop
~ U t~ de) v.t. to sweep, to clean with
broom or brush, to mop
~ |= H t~ phIr J) id. to lose one's all
hopes; to be ruined
~ = U/ = t~ pher de/phern) id.
to make a clean sweep; to annihilate, to destroy
~ u t~ mrn) id. to treat (someone)
with scorn and ignore; to let go
|KU |KU |KU |KU |KU (JhIr) m. water-bearer, water-carrier; a
palanquin-bearer; a caste usually employed for
carrying water and cleaning utensils
|KW-|KW |KW-|KW |KW-|KW |KW-|KW |KW-|KW (JhIkJhIk) f. babble, nonsensical talk
|K T |K T |K T |K T |K T (Jhg) f. thorny bush; quarrelsome person,
|KHW |KHW |KHW |KHW |KHW (JhIJak) f. hesitation, reluctance, shyness;
awe, fear
|KHW |KHW |KHW |KHW |KHW (JhIJak) v.t. to hesitate, to reluctant, to
hang back, to feel shy
|KHWU J F |KHWU J F |KHWU J F |KHWU J F |KHWU J F (JhIJkade hoe) adv. hesitatingly,
|K K Jl |K K Jl |K K Jl |K K Jl |K K Jl (JhJho) f. a musical mode sung in the
|K ul |K ul |K ul |K ul |K ul (Jhma) f. eyelash
|Kl |Kl |Kl |Kl |Kl (JhIr) f. groove, slot
|KlU |KlU |KlU |KlU |KlU (JhIdr) a. grooved, slotted
|KY|uY |KY|uY |KY|uY |KY|uY |KY|uY (JhIlmIl) f. glitter, shine; flickering (to
light); twinkle; a kind of gauze
- |KY|uY W/|KY|uYU t- JhIlmIl karn/
JhIlmIlu) v.t. to glitter, to sparkle; to flicker
|K Yl |K Yl |K Yl |K Yl |K Yl (JhIll) f. membrane, pellicle; thin layer
|K YlU |K YlU |K YlU |K YlU |K YlU (JhIlldr) a. membranous, pellicular
|K=W |K=W |K=W |K=W |K=W/|K=Wl |K=Wl |K=Wl |K=Wl |K=Wl (JhIk/JhIk) f. rebuke, reprimand,
chiding, reproach, scolding
~ K t~ Jhb) f. rebuke, chiding, scolding,
reprimand, reproof
|K=W |K=W |K=W |K=W |K=W

(JhIak) v.t. to rebuke, to chide, to
scold, to reprimand, to upbraid, to reprove
|K=l |K=l |K=l |K=l |K=l (JhI) f. grove, cluster of trees, arbour, grovel
KlH KlH KlH KlH KlH (Jhkh) v.t. to weep, to cry, to lament; to
grieve, to regret
Kl T Kl T Kl T Kl T Kl T (JhI gar) m. an insect, cricket, Gryllus
Kl T Kl T Kl T Kl T Kl T (JhI g) m. a kind of small fish, shrimp,
Crangon vulgaris, Homarus americanus,
crayfish, Combarus diogenes, prawn, Palaemon
Kl -Kl Kl -Kl Kl -Kl Kl -Kl Kl -Kl (JhI- JhI ) m. squeak
KlS KlS KlS KlS KlS (Jht) f. peep-hole, spyhole; slit
KlY KlY KlY KlY KlY (Jhl) f. lake
K W K W K W K W K W (Jhuk) v.i. to bend, to bow, to stoop, to
lean, to tilt; to incline; to surrender, to accept
K W U /K W K W U /K W K W U /K W K W U /K W K W U /K W (Jhuku/Jhuk) m. inclination,
proneness, propensity, predilection, tendency;
tilt; stoop ( of body)
K WU K WU K WU K WU K WU (Jhuku) v.t. to bend, to bow, to tilt, to
stoop; to make to yield, to bring one to one's
K TYuJ K TYuJ K TYuJ K TYuJ K TYuJ/K T=uJ K T=uJ K T=uJ K T=uJ K T=uJ (Jh galm/Jhgam) m.
covering head, face and body with a cloth as a
protection against cold
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to cover oneself with
a wrap
K T K T K T K T K T (Jhugg) f. hut, cottage; house, residence
~ U= J t~ cho ho) id. to suffer a great
loss, to be ruined
~ U= W t~ cho karn) id. to bring to ruin,
to ruin
K Tl K Tl K Tl K Tl K Tl (Jhugg) f. thatched hut, cottage, shanty
K HYU K HYU K HYU K HYU K HYU (JhJlu) v.i. to fret and fume, to be
irritated; to be angry; to be annoyed
K HYJJ K HYJJ K HYJJ K HYJJ K HYJJ (JhJlha) f. fret, irritation, peevishness;
anger, annoyance
K J K J K J K J K J (Jhu) f. pounce, swoop; short spell of speedy
effort or work
K JU K JU K JU K JU K JU (Jhuu) v.t. to push or assist one on a
swing, to make to swing, to cause to sway
K JYU K JYU K JYU K JYU K JYU (Jhuhlu) v.t. to falsify, to give the
lie to; to refute, to confute
!. !. !. !. !.
(Jh) m. crowd, swarm, group (of people);
drove, flock, herd (of animals); cluster, grove
(of trees); bevy, covey (of birds); shoal (of fish)
z. z. z. z. z.
(Jh) m. veil
K K K K K (Jhu) a.& m. dullard, dunce, stupid, idiotic,
foolish, silly, block head, simpleton; hen-pecked
husband, cuckold, wittol
K K l K K l K K l K K l K K l (JhuJhu) f. tingling sensation, tingle,
pins and needles; tremor, thrill
K K K K K (Jhb) m. shawl or blanket or gunny etc. taken
as cowl like covering to protect oneself from
rain or storm, cowl
K uW K uW K uW K uW K uW (Jhumk) m. a kind of ear-rings; pendent
of an ear-ring
K K K K K (Jhurn) v.i. to fret, to worry, to care, to
repine; to complain, to lament; to regret, to be
distressed, to bemoan
K uJ K uJ K uJ K uJ K uJ (Jhurma) m. crowd, gathering, assembly;
cluster; flock; multitude; shoal (fish)
~ U t~ pu) v.i. to gather around, to
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhurlu) m. rune, staff, wand
~ = t~ phern) id. to put a spell on, to
bewitch, to enchant
K = u = K = u = K = u = K = u = K = u = (Jhura mura) a. crumpled, rumpled
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to crumple, to rumple
K =l K =l K =l K =l K =l/K l K l K l K l K l (Jhura/Jhur) f. wrinkle, pucker,
crow's feet
K=lm lm t Jhura pe) v.i. to
wrinkle, to pucker
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhull) m. warm covering for animals; heavy
coarse cloth
K YH K YH K YH K YH K YH (Jhulsa) v.i.t. to burn, to scorch, to char;
to get to be burnt, to get to be scorched, to
cause to be charred; to grease the palm, to
bribe; to take meal
K YW K YW K YW K YW K YW (Jhulk) m. fuel stoked into engine, oven or
furnace at one time
~ U t~ pu) v.t. to feed a fire, to stoke
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhulla) v.i. to blow (air, wind)
K YU K YU K YU K YU K YU (Jhulu) v.t. to fan; to cause to sway,
to make to swing
K T K T K T K T K T (Jh g) m. something given free (by the shop
keeper) with a purchased article, gratis thing,
KT |=U t Jhu ge vIch) adv. gratis, without
K J K J K J K J K J (Jh) v.i.t. & id. to swing,; to sway, to
oscillate, to wobble
K J K J K J K J K J (Jh) m. swing; a ride on a swing; nap, wink
~ U t~ de) id. to give (someone) a joy
K J K J K J K J K J (Jhh) m. lie, falsehood
~ HU t~ sacch) a. & m. partly true, partly
false, mixture of fact and fiction
~ HS W/K JYU t~ sbat karn/
Jhuhlu) id. to give the lie to
~ U YU t~ d puld) ph.& m. a web of
lies, lie personified; outright liar
~ U Jl JU t~ de per nah hu de) prov.
a lie has no legs to stand upon
~ == t~ phan) id. to smell a rat
~ Y/ u t~ bolaa/ mrn) v.i. to tell
a lie, to stretch the truth
~ u J t~ mh) adv. falsely; jokingly,
H=U ~ tsaphed ~ ) m. outright lie, down
right lie
K J K J K J K J K J (Jhh) a. liar; false, untrue; not genuine,
imitation; dishonest, phoney, bogus
~ HJ t~ sahr) m. rope of sand
~ HS W t~ sbat karn) v.t. to prove
false, to falsify
~ t~ pe) id.. to be ashamed of; to
become flaccid (body, limbs etc.)
~ J W JY t~ bhn bn ke ln)
id. to put off with a lame excuse
KJ U uJ WY t Jhuhe d m h kl)
prov. a liar is bound to be exposed
~ U = SW JU t~ de ghar tak pahcha)
id. to bring home a lie to a liar
~ u J t~ m h) adv. for formality sake,
K u K u K u K u K u (Jhma) v.t. to move one's head in
ecstasy; to be over joyed; to stagger, to totter,
to wobble; to flutter
K u K u K u K u K u (Jhu mar) m. a famous folk dance; song sung
with Jhumar dance
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhla) v.t. to swing, to sway; to flutter,
to wave (flag); to vibrate; to move to and fro
m. cradle; swing
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhl) m. swing; cradle; swinging rope,
~ Y t~ pul) m. suspension bridge, catenary
K K K K K (Jhe) m. jest, jeer; taunt, gibe
K W t Jhe karn) v.t. to jeer at, to
make a jest
K K K K K (Jhe p) f. shame; shyness, abashment;
K K K K K (Jhep) v.i. to be ashamed; to feel shy, to
hesitate, to reluct
K = K = K = K = K = (Jhe) m. tracasserie, trouble, bother; dispute,
tussle, controversy, quarrel

(Jhok) f. small village, hamlet
K W K W K W K W K W (Jho k) f. drowsiness, tipsiness, intoxication,
K W K W K W K W K W (Jhoka) v.t. to cast wood etc. in the oven
or fireplace, to stoke fire; to put someone in
trouble; to bribe
K W K W K W K W K W (Jhok) m. fire-lender, stoker; wood, fuel etc.
stoked in a fire place as furnace
~ FJl t~ bhah) f. blast furnace
K J= K J= K J= K J= K J=

(Jhoa) a. fat, stout, sturdy, burly
K J K J K J K J K J (Jho) m. he buffalo; sturdy, robust
K Jl K Jl K Jl K Jl K Jl (Jho) f. young buffalo, she buffalo
K K K K K (Jho) v.t. to grind, to operate (quern)
! !! !!
(Jhon) m. paddy, rice crop
z zz zz
(Jhon) m. long head covering of women,
dupatta, head cloth (of women)
K K K K K (Jhor) m. worry, anxiety, care, depression;
regret, remorse; grief of separation, pining
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jhol) f. sag, sagging; vacillation, oscillation
~ t~ pe) v.i. to sag; to vacillate, to
K YU K YU K YU K YU K YU (Jholdr) a. saggy, baggy
! ! ! ! !
(Jhol) m. a disease in which body limbs
shiver, palsyalaxia
~ t~ pe) v.i. to be attacked by palsy
z z z z z
(Jhol) m. bag, shopping bag, totebag; knap-
sack, sack; wallet
K Yl K Yl K Yl K Yl K Yl (Jhol) f. mendicant's or beggar's bag; lap;
portion of shirt or head cloth spread to get
something; wallet
~ m t~ aa) id. to call for alms, to
~ U W t~ chukk) a. lackey, sycophant, flatterer;
robe-bearer (of kings etc.)
~ U t~ pu) id. to give one's child to
someone for adoption
~ F t~ bharn) id. to be blessed with a
child; for the cherished wish to be fulfilled

(Jhok) m. gust, blast (of wind); nap, doze
K = Jl K = Jl K = Jl K = Jl K = Jl tJhopa pa) f. slum area
K = K = K = K = K =/K =l K =l K =l K =l K =l (Jhopa/Jhopa) f. hut, cottage

(Jhor) f. itch
K Y K Y K Y K Y K Y (Jho l) m. dim vision , indistinct vision
~ t~ pe) v.i. not to recognise clearly,
to have dim glimpse of someone or something

(nJanJ) m. fifteenth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,

it sounds like 'nj'

the consolidation
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to cut a sod of earth
as a foundation laying ceremony of a building
or house; to start cutting fodder (in a field); to
make a cut mark on a tree; to extract resin
(akk ) m. a disease of cattle caused by intense
a aa aa
(akk) f. stare, gaze
|FW ~ =H tIk ~ vekh) v.t. to look
fixedly, to stare
J W J W J W J W J W (k) m. a weight equal to about four grams
(old weight four massas)
JWHY JWHY JWHY JWHY JWHY (aksl ) f. mint, mint-house; a place of
moral education; institution for standardised
study of Sikh theology
JWHYl JWHYl JWHYl JWHYl JWHYl (aksl) a. standardised; numismatic;
genuine, trustworthy
JWJW JWJW JWJW JWJW JWJW ttaktak) f. rhythmic sound produced while
cutting wood; tapping sound, knock; clicking
sound of a clock, ticking
~ W t~ karn) v.i. to knock; to tap; to
tick, to click
J W J W J W J W J W (takkar) f. collision, impact (of two things/
bodies); dash, crash (of aeroplane); encounter,
clash; skirmish, conflict, confrontation; meeting
~ H t~ kh) v.i. to collide, to bump
~ U t~ d) a. equal, comparable, matching
~ t~ pe) id. to chance upon, to run
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to dash against, to strike
against, to impinge upon; to give a forceful
knock with head
~ YTl t~ lagg ) v.i. to knock against
~ Yl t~ le ) id. to encounter, to contend,
to defy, to challenge, to come into conflict with
J J J J J (e k) m. sixteenth letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,
it represents voiceless retroflex plosive sound

(a a) f. yap, yelp
JHW JHW JHW JHW JHW/JH JH W JH JH W JH JH W JH JH W JH JH W (ask/as as karn) v.i. to
throb with pain, to twinge
JH S uH J JH S uH J JH S uH J JH S uH J JH S uH J (as to mas n ho) id. not to
budge an inch, to remain adamant
JH JH JH JH JH (ashan) m. gorgeous, splendid
JH JH JH JH JH (asar) m. a kind of inferior silk cloth, tusser
JH F JH F JH F JH F JH F (ase) m. tears
~ =JU t~ vahu) v.t. to shed tears, to
J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW (ehak) f. freshness; shine, glow, radiance;
cheerfulness, happiness
J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW (ehka) v.i. to blossom, to bloom; to
look fresh, to glow; to be happy, to be cheerful
J|J J|J W t eh eh karn) id. to look
fresh, to bloom; to glow, to shine
J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY/J|JY H = J|JY H = J|JY H = J|JY H = J|JY H = (ehal/ehal sev) f. service,
attendance, duty; task; devoted service
~ H= Wl t~ sev karn ) v.t. to attend
upon, to serve
J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY (ehla) f. hand-maiden, maid servant
J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY (ehal) v.i. to stroll, to walk leisurely,
to saunter
J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY J|JY (e hl) m. an eatable in liquid or solid form
made of almonds, poppy seeds, four specified
kernels grinded and fried in pure ghee and
boiled in milk, it has medicinal value; towel
J|JYU J|JYU J|JYU J|JYU J|JYU (e hlun ) v.t. to assist (one) in
walking, to make one walk; to take someone
out for a walk
J|JY m J|JY m J|JY m J|JY m J|JY m (ehl) m. servant, attendant, valet
(akk ) m. cut, gash, slit; cut mark; the first
mark made with spade while laying the
foundation of a house; a piece of land cut during
- J= Y ~ Y (pah nl ~le ) id. to
cross swords with a giant, to fight against heavy
-JW ulm (akkr mrn ) id. to knock
one's head against, to make fruitless efforts;
to knock about, to wander aimlessly
J W J W J W J W J W (akkarn) v.i.t. to come across, to chance
upon; to run across; to run into , to collide
JWU JWU JWU JWU JWU takro) m. clash, confrontation; meeting
JWU JWU JWU JWU JWU (akru) v.t. to collide, to knock
against, to run into; to make to clash with, to
arrange one's meeting with another; to lash
JW=U JW=U JW=U JW=U JW=U (akvu) v.t. to get or cause to be
marked with cuts; to cause to be stitched
JW JW JW JW JW (ak) m. an old Indian coin equal to two old
pice, a coin worth half anna; money; standard
coin in Bangladesh
~ H t~ ser) a. very cheap, dirt-cheap, low-
~ H |=W t~ ser vIk) id. to be sold dirt
~ |HJ u J Y W u = t~ Jeh m h le ke
mun) id. to return humiliated
~ S t~trn) id. to bribe, to grease the
palm; to pay ransom
~ J t~ baorn) id. to grab money; to
accumulate wealth
Y Ul Vl ~ |H uFl tdhele d buh
~ sIr mun) prov. a penny plain and two
pence coloured
-JW U take d ) a. having no worth;
insignificant, trifling, petty
~ =T Hm t~varg Jub ) m. curt reply,
flat refusal, blunt reply
! !! !!
(akor) f. fomentation
~ W t~karn) v.t. to foment
z zz zz
(akor) f. taunt, hurting remark, gibe
~ W/YU t~ karn/lu) v.t. to taunt,
to gibe, to pass hurting remark
T Klm JW tguJh akor) f. feline
(akor) f. mild stroke
J T J T J T J T J T (g) f. leg
~ m=Ul t~au) id. to poke one's nose
into, to interfere; to intrude, to obstruct
~ JJ Ul Y= t~het ho d lgh) id. to yield,
to surrender, to accept supremacy, to accept
~ JJ Y=U t~het ho lghu) v.t. to
humiliate; to defeat
~ S JT W H t~ te tg dhar ke so) id.
to have a sound sleep, to sleep at leisure, to be
~ S= t~ ton) id. to do wrong, to harm;
to render someone helpless
JT Hlm tt g pasrn ) v.t. to relax;
to overstep one's authority, to encroach upon
other's rights
J T J T J T J T J T (ga) f. hanger, suspender
v.t. to hang, to suspend, to put to gallows
J T=U J T=U J T=U J T=U J T=U /J TU J TU J TU J TU J TU (gvu/gu) v.t. to
make or cause to be hung
JJ| J JJ| J JJ| J JJ| J JJ| J (t at e h) m. glow worm, fire fly,
Lampyris noctiluca
JJ Hlm JJ Hlm JJ Hlm JJ Hlm JJ Hlm (apJ) a. having meagre income
JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= (aver ) m. dispute, quarrel; endeavour,
J J J J J J J J J J (a) m. testicle, testis
J J J J J J J J J J ( ) m. dispute, squabble; botheration,
trouble; unpleasant work, arduous job
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to carry out arduous
~ H= W t~ khah karn) id. to create
problem, to cause trouble
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl
(a ) m. stool, faeces, excrete; latrine, privy
~ mUl t~ u) v.i. to feel the call of
~ WV t~kah) id. to frighten badly,
to scare
~ Wl/ H t~ karn/ J) v.i. to answer
the call of nature, to defecate, to ease oneself
~ H HW J t~ khushk ho) id. to be
frightened, to be scared, to be overawed

JJlm YT ta lagg) id. to be
over worried; to be too scared
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl
(a) f. a screen or curtain made of straws,
a reed screen
H Ul ~ tkhas d~) f. a screen or curtain
made of cymbopogon aromatics plant, used for
H Ul ~ (dhokhe d~) f. deceptive
JJlJl JJlJl JJlJl JJlJl JJlJl (ahr) f. sand piper, peewit, lapwing
J J J J J J J J J J (a) m. pony
m=lmY ~ taal ~ ) m. hackney, mercenary
person, hack
F= U ~ tbhe d ~ ) m. hackney,
mercenary person
JJ Y JJ Y JJ Y JJ Y JJ Y (aol) v.t. to grope, to feel (with the
hands); to probe (mind)
J J J J J (a) v.t. to open wide (mouth, eyes);
to spread (hands)
JW JW JW JW JW (aka) v.i. to clang, to tinkle, to jingle,
to clank
JW JW JW JW JW (akr) f. tinkling sound, tinkle
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (aa) f. ding-dong, sound of bells; tinkle,
cling, jingle
J J J J J (an) m. ton
J J J J J (app) m. tub
JW JW JW JW JW (apka) v.i. to leak, to dribble, to drip
JW JW JW JW JW (apak pe) id. to come suddenly and
unexpectedly (guests), to drop in
JW JW JW JW JW (apk) m. riped mango dropped from the
tree; leakage, dripping
JWU JWU JWU JWU JWU (apku) v.t. to cause to drip/ trickle
J J J J J J J J J J (ap-ap) f. hoof-beat, the sound of horse's
hoofs; sound of dripping water
J J J J J (app) v.i. to jump across/over; to jump,
to leap, to spring
J l J l J l J l J l (appr) f. thatched hut, shanty cottage;
shelter of reeds or rags used by gypsies or
J l=H J l=H J l=H J l=H J l=H (apprvs) m. gypsy, nomad
JY JY JY JY JY (apl) m. mistake, error; misapprehension,
~ H t~jkh ) v.i. to be mistaken, to
take wrongly, to make a mistake
(app) m. ditty, canzonet; stanza of a song
(app) m. the distance among the stitches
(left by the sewing machine); bounce, rebound
( of ball); jump, leap; a stroke of digging or
cutting implement
~ H t~jkh) v.i. to bounce, to rebound
JU JU JU JU JU (apu) v.i. to help to jump across, to
make to leap; to pass, to spend (time)
! !! !!
(apr) f. white lie, gossip, exaggeration
J ulm tjapr mrn) id. to
draw the long bow, to gossip, to chit-chat
(apr) f. evil eye; exorcism, conjuration
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl (aps) f. hop, a bouncing leap; frisk, gambol
JHlm u tjaps mrn) id. to
cut capers, to hop
J J J J J (abbar) m. family, household; offspring and
J U J U J U J U J U (abbardr) m. family man
J J J J J (b) m. unhewn or unchiselled club or stick
J H t be kh) v.i. to get a
~ u t~ mrn) v.i. to give a thrashing,
to beat
J uW J uW J uW J uW J uW (mak) m. kettledrum
JuJu JuJu JuJu JuJu JuJu (amam) f. gig
JuJuU JuJuU JuJuU JuJuU JuJuU (amamauna) v.i. to twinkle
JuJ JuJ JuJ JuJ JuJ (amar) m. tomato
JuJl JuJl JuJl JuJl JuJl (amr) a. of the colour of tomato, tomato

(aras) m. trust

(aras) m. trustee

(arakk) m. truck

(ark) m. trunk, iron box

(arka) v.i.t. to slip away, to elude, to

(arkau) v.t. to put off, to give wide
berth to

(ar-ar) f. croaking sound of frog, croak;
chatter, jabber, babble, gabble
~ W t~ karn) v.i. to chatter, to jabber, to
babble, to gabble; to croak
J= W S J= W S J= W S J= W S J= W S

(ara kutt) m. cur, stray (dog)

(arIl) m. trial

(rspor) m. transport

(arsphar) f. transfer
JH=u JH=u JH=u JH=u JH=u

(arspharmar) m. transformer

(arsmar) m. transmitter

(arJIsar) m. transistor
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (arm) f. tram

(arl) f. trolley , trailer

(arupp) m. troop

(re) f. tray

(ares) m. trace

(re) m. trade
~ uW t~ mrk) m. trade mark
~ Ulm t~jnan) f. trade union

(are) a. trained

(aren) f. train
J | T J | T J | T J | T J | T

(areng) f. training
J W J W J W J W J W (arek) m. track

(arekar) m. tractor

(are) m. trend, style, fashion

(refIk) m. traffic

(all) m. big bell

(al) v.i. not to happen, not to befall, to be
averted (calamity, danger etc.); to be warded
off; to slip away, to slink; to abstain, to desist;
to be postponed, to be deferred
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (all) m. hit, shot; the stick used for playing
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (all) f. period; bell; gong; call-bell
~ J t~ ho) id. to be overdrunk
~ =HU t~ vaJu) v.t. to ring the bell
~ =T t~ varg) a. hale and hearty, healthy
J=T J=T J=T J=T J=T (avarg) m. the group of retroflex plosives
tJ, J, , V1 and corresponding nasal ()
JU JU JU JU JU (un) m. town
J|F J|F J|F J|F J|F (yar) m. tyre
JFl JFl JFl JFl JFl () f. necktie, tie
JFlJY JFlJY JFlJY JFlJY JFlJY (al) m. title
JFl JFl JFl JFl JFl (p) m. type
~ uHl t~ mashn) f. typewriter
JFl|HJ JFl|HJ JFl|HJ JFl|HJ JFl|HJ (pIs) m. typist
JFl=Fl JFl=Fl JFl=Fl JFl=Fl JFl=Fl (ph) m. typhoid fever, typhoid
JFlu JFlu JFlu JFlu JFlu (m) m. time
~ Wl t~jkpar) m. timekeeper
~ JY t~ ebal) m. timetable
~ lH t~ ps) m. timepiece, clock
JFlY JFlY JFlY JFlY JFlY (l) f. tile
JH JH JH JH JH (s) m. toss
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to toss
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ/JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (h/h) m. a big branch of a
tree, bough, twig
JJl JJl JJl JJl JJl (h) f. branch, bough, twig
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (har) f. loud call, shout
~ JJ ulm t~ ahr mrn) id. to call
someone loudly
JJYl JJYl JJYl JJYl JJYl (hl) f. the Indian rosewood tree, sisoo,
JW JW JW JW JW (k) a. odd (number)
m. weight of about four grams
~ |HHS t~ JIst) m. odd and even
JW JW JW JW JW (ka) v.t. to stitch, to sew, to seam; to
patch, to clout; to solder; to attach, to tag
JW JW JW JW JW (tkr) m. encounter; clash, confrontation;
contrast, comparison; competition, contest;
opposition, rivalry
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to come across, to run
into, to meet
~ W t~ karn) id. to draw a parallel
between, to compare; to compete
JW S J H (kare te a J) id.
to stand at bay
JWl JWl JWl JWl JWl/JW JW JW JW JW /JW JW JW JW JW (t kar/t kare/t kare) f. an old
script used by businessmen, money-lenders
JW JW JW JW JW (k) m. stitch; solder, weld; soldered or
welded joint; cheating
~ F t~ bharn) v.t. to stitch up
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to stitch; to solder, to
weld; to cheat, to beguile, to diddle
WU~ tkacch~) m. tack, loose, temporary
stitch; soft solder
W U ~ YU (kacch ~ lu) v.t. to
tack, to baste
~ (pn~) m. a metal prepared by
mixing silver and copper and is used to solder
the ornaments
(k) f. patch, clout
~ YUl t~ lu) v.t. to patch ( cloth)
mHu ~ YU ( smn n ~ lu)
id. to attempt the impossible , to try to square
the circle
(k) f. motion picture, movie; cinema hall/
house, cinema
JW JW JW JW JW (k) m. a disease of cattle caused by intense
JW m JW m JW m JW m JW m (k) m. hatchet
JT JT JT JT JT (g) m. tonga
JU JU JU JU JU (ch) m. taunt, jibe, sarcasm
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ () m. sack-cloth, sacking; mat
() f. pod of grams
() f. skull, cranium; bald head
JJl JJl JJl JJl JJl (tr) f. tartar, tartate
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ () f. noise; nonsense talk, babble
J J J J J () f. a roofing below the roof used as a
store, a big shelf like projecting over-head
J J J J J () m. stalk of maize, millet etc. used as
HW W ~ J H tsuk ke ~ ho J) id. to
be reduced to a skeleton
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl ( ) f. stalk of maize etc. which do not
bear cobs; maize crop grown as fodder
JHY JHY JHY JHY JHY (nsal) m. tonsil, tonsillitis
(p) f. sound of horse's hooves, hoofbeat
(p) f. top, blouse
JH JH JH JH JH/J H J H J H J H J H (pas/opas) m. ear-studs, ear-rings,
J J J J J (p) m. island, isle
~ Hu J (~samu h) m. island group, archipelago
~ U t~ d) a. insular
~ =Hl t~ vs) m. insular, islander
JVJ JVJ JVJ JVJ JVJ (f) m. taffeta (a type of cloth)
JVl JVl JVl JVl JVl (f) f. toffee
JU JU JU JU JU (rch) f. torch
JY JY JY JY JY (l) f. shop of firewood or chaff or coal; pile
or heap of wood
JY JY JY JY JY (l) v.t. to put off, to evade; to postpone,
to defer; to side track (issue etc.); to avert, to
ward off; to make a false promise; to dodge;
to put aside
JY H t al J) v.t. to elude, to avoid
~ U t~ de) v.t. to put off; to postpone, to
defer; to avert, to ward off; to side track
~ uJY t~ maol) f. dalliance, prevarication,
evasion, avoidance, yea and nay
~ uJY W t~ maol karn) v.t. to dilly-
dally, to make excuses; to defer, to shuffle
JY JY JY JY JY (l) m. prevarication, evasion; the act of
J= J= J= J= J= (v) a. rare, few
~ J= / JY t~ v/all) a. few, rare, thin,
thin on the ground
|JU H |JU H |JU H |JU H |JU H (Ishan) f. tuition
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (Ib) f. tube
~ =Y t~ ve l) m. tube-well
|JmW |JmW |JmW |JmW |JmW (Ik) v.i. to cry aloud (by a baby)
|J W |J W |J W |J W |J W/|J W uW |J W uW |J W uW |J W uW |J W uW (Ikk/tIkk mrk) m. tick, tick mark
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to tick, to tick off
~ YUl t~ lu) v.t. to tick -mark
|JWJ |JWJ |JWJ |JWJ |JWJ (Ika) m. & f. ticket; postage stamp;
revenue stamp; railway or bus ticket
~ HT|J WS t ~ sgreh kart) m. philatelist
~ WYWJ t~ kulekar) m. ticket-collector
~ = t~ ghar) m. booking-office
~ UW t~ chekar) m. ticket checker
~ t~ bb ) m. booking clerk
|JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW (Ik Ik) f. tick-tick, ticking (sound)
|JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW |JW/|JW |JWU |JW |JWU |JW |JWU |JW |JWU |JW |JWU (Ik Ik/Ik Iko) m. peace,
stable condition, quietude; settling down;
patience; peace, rest; stay, lodging
|JW-|JWl |JW-|JWl |JW-|JWl |JW-|JWl |JW-|JWl (Ik-Ik) f. stare, fixed gaze
~ Y W =H t~ l ke vekh) v.i.t. to look
fixedly, to stare; to watch attentively
|JW/|JW H |JW/|JW H |JW/|JW H |JW/|JW H |JW/|JW H (Ika/Ik J) v.i. to stay, to
stop, to halt; to take rest, to repose; to balance;
to stabilize; to settle down; to be patient; to be
deposited at the bottom
|JW= |JW= |JW= |JW= |JW= (Ikv ) a. stable; unvarying
|J W |J W |J W |J W |J W
(Ikk) m. a mark of vermillion or sandal
paste on the forehead, frontal mark; a
ceremony before marriage, engagement; an
ornament of women worn on the forehead; a
Hindu festival falling on the second day after
Diwali on which sister puts a frontal mark on
the forehead of her brother and who in return
takes a pledge to protect her sister
|J W |J W |J W |J W |J W
(Ikk) m. eldest son esp.. of a king / crown,
|JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU (Iko) f. peace; rest; patience; stability
|JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU (Iku) v.t. to bring to rest; to make to
stay or lodge, to ensconce; to pacify, to
appease; to bring one around, to make one
agree; to beat; to enshrine (in temple)
|JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU (Ik) a. durable; lasting, permanent; stable
|JW |JW |JW |JW |JW (Ik) m. dwelling, abode, resort;
destination; station
|J Wl |J Wl |J Wl |J Wl |J Wl (Ikk) f. small loaf or chapati; tablet, pill;
soap cake; pendant; round circular piece; a
fried snack
|J U |J U |J U |J U |J U (Icch) a. insignificant, trivial
m. trifling
~ HuK t~ samJha) id. to think little of, to
think nothing; to sneer
~ H t~ Jn) id. to make little account of
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (chan) a. all set, ready, in fit state, spruce
|J U |J U |J U |J U |J U/|JUW |JUW |JUW |JUW |JUW (Icchar/Ichkar) a. jest, joke; gibe,
taunt, scoff, sneer, derision
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to cut a joke, to jest; to
taunt, to gibe, to scoff
|J U|Fl |J U|Fl |J U|Fl |J U|Fl |J U|Fl (chrIn) f. tincture iodine
|J |J |J |J |J
() f. metallic pot with Persian wheel (to
bring up water)
~ = J=l/ = J=l t~ phha/phoh) f.
paraphernalia, belongings
|J |J |J |J |J
() f. scalp; bald head
|J |J |J |J |J (Id ) m. grasshopper, cricket; Mantis
religiosa; cicada
|J l |J l |J l |J l |J l (I) f. an insect which makes holes in silky
clothes; locust, grasshopper, cricket, Locust
~ UY (~ dal) m. swarm of locusts; a large
number of people , host
|J |J |J |J |J (tIp) f. tip
~ J ( ~ p) m. tip-top
|J l |J l |J l |J l |J l (tIpp) f. remark, comment; annotation ,
|J l |J l |J l |J l |J l (tIpp) f. sign ( ) used for nasal sounds in
Gurmukhi script
|JV |JV |JV |JV |JV (Iffan) m. tifin
~ Wlm t~ kerar) m. tiffin-career
|J |J |J |J |J (Ibb) m.dune, mound, hillock
|J F |J F |J F |J F |J F/|J F H |J F H |J F H |J F H |J F H (tIbbh/Ibbh J) v.i. to slip
away, to slip off, to go away stealthily
|JuW |JuW |JuW |JuW |JuW (Imka) m. dot, point, smallspot
v.i. to shine faintly, to glimmer; to flicker; to
twinkle, to glitter
|Ju|JuU |Ju|JuU |Ju|JuU |Ju|JuU |Ju|JuU (ImImu) v.i. to twinkle, to glitter,
to scintillate; to glimmer; to flicker
|Ju|JuJJ |Ju|JuJJ |Ju|JuJJ |Ju|JuJJ |Ju|JuJJ (ImImh) f. twinkling, scintillation;
|J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y (Ill) m. force, strength, might, power; effort,
~ YU t~ lu) id. to strain every nerve,
to pull one's weight
|J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y (Ill) m. hillock, mound, knoll, dune, drumlin ; a
holy abode of Nath-Jogis (a sect of ascetics)
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
() f. tee
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
() f. tea
~ HJ t~ se) m. tea-set
~ J t~ p) m. tea -pot
~ Jl t~ pr) f. tea-party
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl ( ) f. shrill sound of motor vehicle etc.
~ Jl W t~ karn) id. to whimper, to
JlU H JlU H JlU H JlU H JlU H (shan) f. tuition, coaching
JlH JlH JlH JlH JlH (s) f. shooting pain, pang; mental agony,
JlHl JlHl JlHl JlHl JlHl (s) f. peak, top, apex, pinnacle, summit;
(k) m. annotation, elucidation, exposition,
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to annotate, to give
~ |Jl t~ Ipa) f. criticism, critical
remarks, comments
JlWW (kkr) a. annotator
(k) m. injection, vaccination; inoculation
JlU JlU JlU JlU JlU (char) m. teacher, master, tutor; coach
JlU JlU JlU JlU JlU (ch) m. target, goal, aim, objective
~ W t~ pra karn) v.t. to fulfil one's
target, to attain one's goal; to achieve one's
~ |u t~ mIttha) v.t. to fix one's target
Jl.Jl. Jl.Jl. Jl.Jl. Jl.Jl. Jl.Jl. (..) m. travelling ticket examiner, T.T.E.
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
( ) m. a vegetable, squash gourd,
Cucurbita iobata
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
( ) m. unriped fruit of cotton, boll
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (n) m. a metal tin; canister
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (p) f. filling the inter brick spaces with
mixture of cement and sand; raising voice in
~ J t~ a p) f. embellishment,
ornamentation, showiness, smartness
Jlu Jlu Jlu Jlu Jlu (m) f. team
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (r) m. squint, strabismus
~ u t~ mrn) v.i. to squint, to be skew-
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (r) a. squint-eyed, asquint, skew-eyed,
cross-eyed, strabismic
Jl =l. Jl =l. Jl =l. Jl =l. Jl =l. ( v.) m. T.V., television
(ukk) m. cut (in clothes) made by worms or
J |Wm H tukke J) v.i. for the
garment to be spoiled by worms
= V J W t vah ukk) f. carnage,
massacre, slaughter
(ukk) m.bit, morsel, bite; trivial, small,
insignificant; Indian loaf, chapati
J W J W J W J W J W (ukka) v.t. to spoil or eat the clothes, to
make small holes, to cut (by insects and worms)
J W J W J W J W J W/J W= J W= J W= J W= J W= (ukkar/ukka) m. big piece of
chapati; chapati
J W J W U H J W J W U H J W J W U H J W J W U H J W J W U H (ukar ukar dekhan) id. to
stand at gaze, to stare; to gaze with longing
J W= U J W= U J W= U J W= U J W= U (ukka boch) m. hanger-on, parasite;
idler, bummer
J W= J W= J W= J W= J W= (uk) m. piece, bit, fragment, chip; portion,
part; slice; bite, morsel; rag
~ JW= J t~ uk ho) v.i. to be broken
to pieces, to fall apart
~ U t~ pu) id. to throw a bait
JW|=m S Y (uke te pala) id.
to subsist on others, to depend on others
~ YFl SH t~ la tarsa) id. to suffer
from extreme poverty, to starve
J W=l J W=l J W=l J W=l J W=l (uk) f. small piece; small body of troops;
detachment; contingent; posse ( of police)
J J J J J J J J J J (ua) v.i. to break; to break off, to fall
apart (relations); to be dislocated (joint); to be
broken (fast); to have a twitching pain in the
body; to wreck; to make a sudden attack
JJ W t u ke) adv. vigorously, too much,
force fully (in love)
~ W t~ ke pe) id. to attack, to assault;
to fall on; to snap at; to jump at
~ t~ pe ) m. an inoffensive abuse often
used by ladies
~ =J/F H t~ phu/bhaJJ) f. breakage, wear
and tear (of things); junk; compensation paid
for any breakage; dilapidation
J J= J J= J J= J J= J J= (uav ) a. in parts, intermittent, discontinuous
J |Jm J |Fm J |Jm J |Fm J |Jm J |Fm J |Jm J |Fm J |Jm J |Fm (ue hoe) a. broken
~ F |Hm t~ bhaJJe) a. broken, wrecked,
J J J J J () m. arm without hand, handless arm; stub,
stump (of tree)
~ u t~ m) a. without leaves and
branches, leafless (tree); poll, hornless
(animal); bald
J J J J J () a. handless, armless, a person with an
amputated limb; branchless (tree)
J W J W J W J W J W (uka) v.i. to twang, to tang; to chime,
to chink
J W J W J W J W J W (uk) m. teasing, vexation
J W J W J W J W J W (ukr) f. twang, tang, chink, chime
J W J W J W J W J W/J WU J WU J WU J WU J WU (ukrn/uku) v.t. to
twang, to tang; to test a vessel by tapping with
knuckles; to test a coin
J J J J J (ubba) v.t. to sink or deepen a well
J J J J J (ba) v.t. to goad, to prick; (one's
conscience); to affect, to touch (one's heart);
to impress, to inspire
J Fl J Fl J Fl J Fl J Fl (ubbh) f. dive, dip or deepen
J J J J J (urn) v.t. to move, to walk; to go, to
proceed, to start, to leave
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y/J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ull/ull) m. hit, blow, stroke; (to ball
with stick); a wild guess, fluke
~ YT t~ lagga) v.i. for a guess to come
true; to have a fluky success
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to make a wild guess,
to fluke
J W J W J W J W J W (k) f. quotation, excerpt, extract; example,
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl () f. tap, faucet; spout, nozzle; stethoscope
J J J J J J J J J J/J -J J -J J -J J -J J -J (u-u/u -u ) f. haphazard sound of a
musical instrument; sound of barcarole
J J J J J /J Ju J Ju J Ju J Ju J Ju (/ man) m. witchcraft,
sorcery, wizardry; spell, enchantment, charm
J u J u J u J u J u (m) f. ornament, jewellery, trinket
~ UY t~ chhall) m. ornaments, jewellery,
~ JY t~ all) m. ornaments and clothes
J J J J J (r) m. tour
J u J J u J J u J J u J J u J (rnme) m. tournament
J |HJ J |HJ J |HJ J |HJ J |HJ (rIs) m. tourist
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (l) m. a variety of cloth, twill; cotton cloth of
red colour
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (l) m. nap, doze
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (l) a. of dark red colour
J H J H J H J H J H (es ) m. flower of dhak tree, Butea frondosa
(ek) f. refrain ( of a song )
(ek) f. truss, prop; support, reliance; rest,
ease; backing
~ mUl t~ u) id. to be at ease; backing
~ Y t~ le) v.t. to take support, to lean
(on some thing)
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (ekr) f. knoll, mound, hillock
J V J V J V J V J V (eh)m. curvature, curve, bend, slant,
J V J V J V J V J V (eh) a. bent, inclined, curved, oblique,
askew, slant; difficult, arduous
~ J t~ ho) id. to lie down, to take rest
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to bend, to give curve
~ KW t~ Jhk) id. to look awry, to look
back at somebody
~ (~ pa ) m. bent, curve; crookedness
~ uV t~ meh) a. bent, curved; not straight,
zigzag; difficult, arduous (work)
JVl Hl t- eh khr) f. hard nut to crack,
difficult task
~ UY t~ chl) f. shamble, sidle; undesirable
or immoral conduct
JV mH t- ehe akkhar) m. (pl.) italics
~ Um/ H/ Y J t~ da/ rukh/ lo) adv.
slantwise, aslant, obliquely, crosswise
J J J J J (ep) m. cassette; tape
~ lW t~ rkrar) m. tape-recorder
|FUl ~ ( ch ~) m. tape- measure, tape-
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ebal) m. table
~ J|H t~ e nIs) m. table-tennis
~ = t~ phen) m. table-fan
~ Y t~ lep) m. table lamp
J J J J J (er) f. long, high -pitched tune
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (elar) m. tailor
~ uHJ t~ msar) m. tailor master
J = J = J = J = J = (ev) m. horoscope
J J J J J (e) f. vanity, pride, airs, snobbery, superiority
~ J |=H Jl t~ e phIs ho) id. to end in
fiasco; to lose the field
~ |UHUl t~ dIkhu) id. to give oneself
~ Yl t~ bola) id. to feel exhausted, to
J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ (es)m. trial; examination; test
J W J W J W J W J W (ek) m. tank ( military vehicle ); watertank
J WH J WH J WH J WH J WH (eks) m. tax
J WHl J WHl J WHl J WHl J WHl (eks) f. taxi
J W|H J W|H J W|H J W|H J W|H (eknIshan) m. technician
J WlW J WlW J WlW J WlW J WlW (eknk) m. technique
J WlWY J WlWY J WlWY J WlWY J WlWY (e knkal) a. technical
J W J W J W J W J W (ekar) m. tanker
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (e k) f. water-tank; fuel tank; cistern
J T J T J T J T J T (eg) m. tag
J J J J J J J J J J (e ) m. tent
J JH J JH J JH J JH J JH (enas) m. tetanus
J J J J J J J J J J (e e ) m. useless talk, chattering, babble; loud
J J J J J (ear) m. tender
~ |JH t~ notIs) m. tender notice
J J J J J (e ) a. short statured, dwarf, dwarfish; tiny,
teensy, weensy
J H J H J H J H J H (enas) f. tennis
J J J J J (epar) m. temper
J U J U J U J U J U (eprechar) m. temperature
J l J l J l J l J l (eprer) m. temporary
J J J J J (ep) m. three-wheeler, auto
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (eraln) f. a kind of synthetic cloth,
J YlHW J YlHW J YlHW J YlHW J YlHW (elskop) f. telescope
J YlT = J YlT = J YlT = J YlT = J YlT = (elgraph) m. telegraph
J YlT u J YlT u J YlT u J YlT u J YlT u (elgram) f. telegram
~ Ul t~ de) v.t. to wire, to send a telegram
J Yl| J J Yl| J J Yl| J J Yl| J J Yl| J (elprar) m. teleprinter
J YlV J YlV J YlV J YlV J YlV (elfn) m. telephone
J Yl|=U J Yl|=U J Yl|=U J Yl|=U J Yl|=U (e lvIyan) m. television
J J J J J (o) m. toe (of shoes)
J m/J |Fm J m/J |Fm J m/J |Fm J m/J |Fm J m/J |Fm (oa /oea ) m. pit, hollow, ditch,
excavation; dimple (of cheeks)
~ |J t~ Ibb) m. unlevelled ground, uneven
ground, pitfalls; ups and downs
J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ (os) m. toast
J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ (osar) m. toaster
J J J J J J J J J J (oh) f. search, probe; quest; information, news,
hint, clue; secret
~ Hl t~ rakkh) id. to keep one's weather
eye open , to be on the alert
~ Yl t~ le) id. to get to the bottom of, to
fathom; to spy, to try to get the information
J J J J J J J J J J (oh) v.t. to search, to probe; to fathom;
to feel with the fingers, to touch
id. to probe into someone's hand
!. !. !. !. !.
(ok) f. hole made by a worm in a cloth
z. z. z. z. z.
(ok) f. inauspicious interrogation; interruption
(during conversation); fault-finding, cavil
JW JWl t ok k) f. interference
!. !. !. !. !.
(oka) v.t. to interfere; to interrupt; to
find fault with, to cavil
z. z. z. z. z.
(oka) m. a pitcher like big vessel of brass
used for carrying or storing water or milk
J W J W J W J W J W (okan) m. token; symbol
J W J W J W J W J W (okr) m. big basket, large hamper, punnet,
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (okr) f. small basket, hamper
~ Vl t~ ho) id. to do menial job
J W J W J W J W J W (ok) m. fodder cutting machine, chopper,
cutter; chopped fodder
J J J J J J J J J J (o) f. want, lack; dearth; hangover
J JW J JW J JW J JW J JW (ok) m. domestic remedy, quack's formula;
joke, tit-bit; witty remark; spell, charm;
superstitious remedy for disease
J J J J J J J J J J (oa) m. bald-head, clean-shaven head;
scalp, skull
J J J J J J J J J J (otar) m. a dove like bird
J JY J JY J JY J JY J JY (oal) m. total
J J J J J J J J J J (o) m. piece, fragment; piece of cloth, cut-
piece; woollen shawl; deficiency, shortage;
broken rice; loss; chip; bit; slice
JJ W t oe karn) v.t. to pick to pieces,
to chop down
JJ JJ t- oe oe) a. reduced to pieces,
broken, fragmentary
J J J J J (o) m. young one of a camel, young camel
J l J l J l J l J l
! !! !!
(o) f. a musical mode sung in the morning
J l J l J l J l J l
z zz zz
(o) a. sycophant, flatterer, adulator, toady;
backbiter, insincere
J J J J J (op) m. large cap; helmet; hat
!. !. !. !. !.
(op) m. woollen large cap
z. z. z. z. z.
(op) m. caplike vessel for measuring grains,
a measure of grain about 2 kilos
J l J l J l J l J l (op) f. cap; hat
J F J F J F J F J F (obh) m. pond
!. !. !. !. !.
(or) m. long, thick pole used as a support in
construction work
z. z. z. z. z.
(or) f. gait, walk
J J J J J (orn) v.t. to see off, to bid farewell, to
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ol) f. search, quest, finding
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ol) v.t. to search, to seek, to find; to
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (ol) m. group, gang, band; crowd, multitude;
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (ol) f. party; team; squad, troop; crew; gang;
group, batch, company
J J J J J (orh) f. titivation, foppery, honour, respect;
grandeur, splendour
~ W Vl t~kaha) v.i.t. to dress-up
J J J J J (or) end of the turban left standing
like plume as a token of decoration, tuft

J J J J J (tah)m. seventeenth letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents the aspirated retroflex
plosive sound
J H J H J H J H J H (t hass) a. sound produced by dampish cracker
JHJH JHJH JHJH JHJH JHJH (tashas) adv. packed to the capacity;
over packed, overcrowded
JJW JJW JJW JJW JJW (t hahk) m.loud laugh, guffaw, horselaugh,
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to laugh loudly, to give
a guffaw, to chortle
J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW (t he hk) m. collision, blow, striking against
J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW J|JW (thehka) v.i. to stumble; to collide, to
strike against another object
J|JW J|JW ( thehk thehk) f. quarrel,
J|J J|J J|J J|J J|J (thehrn) stop, to halt, to stay, to
abode, to lodge; to wait; to pause, to rest; to
have patience; to remain
J|J H ( thehr J) v.i. to conceive,
to become pregnant
~ W (~ ke) adv. after sometime
~ J|J W (~ thehr ke) adv. by fits and starts
J|J|m J|Fm tthehre hoe) a. sober,
sedate, serious, staid, douce, steady; still
(water); tranquil (mind)
J|JU J|JU J|JU J|JU J|JU (thehro) m. stay, halt; pause; stability,
firmness; standstill
J|JU J|JU J|JU J|JU J|JU (t he hru) v.t. to make to halt, to stop;
to make or cause to stay, to lodge
JW JW JW JW JW JW JW JW JW JW (t hak t hak) f. knock, tap; sound of striking
on wooden objects
J W J W J W J W J W (thakk) m. cold and violent wind, bora
JW JW JW JW JW (t hakorn) v.t. to strike or hammer gently
(one thing to another); to knock earthen vessels
with knuckles (to test their soundness)
J T J T J T J T J T (thagg) m. cheat, swindler, thug, duper,
bunco steerer, trickster, imposter
J T J T J T J T J T (t hagg) v.t. to cheat, to swindle, to dupe,
to cozen, to defraud, to delude
J Tl J Tl J Tl J Tl J Tl/J Tl Hl J Tl Hl J Tl Hl J Tl Hl J Tl Hl (thagg/thagg bz) f. cheating,
swindle, cozenage, take-in; trickery
~ J l (~ hor) f. cheating, cozenage, swindle,
fraud, imposter
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (t hahbarn) v.i. to be startled, to be
scared, to get frightened, to boggle
J J J J J J J J J J (tat) m. banter, jest, joke, raillery, waggery;
derisive remark, ridicule
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to put to the blush; to
bant, to rally, to play a joke, to jest; to pass a
derisive remark, to mock
J|Jm J|Jm J|Jm J|Jm J|Jm/ J|Jm J|Jm J|Jm J|Jm J|Jm (t hahIr/t hahIr) m. brazier,
tinker, coppersmith
J J J J J (t ha) m. boundary pillar, land mark; small
mound used as take off point for jumps
J V J V J V J V J V (th) f. cold, chill; cool , peace
~ U (~ p) a. soothing, cooling, balmy
~ YT Hl t~ lagg J) id. to catch cold
~ YTl (~ lagga) v.i. to feel cold; to catch
~ =S (~ varta) id. to have peace and
UF=l ~ (chubhv ~) f. bitter cold, nip
J VW J VW J VW J VW J VW (t hhak) f. coolness, coldness, cold, chill
J V J V J V J V J V (t hh) a. cool, cold, chill; serene, calm
person; frigid, passionless; cold drink
~ HJ (~ sh) m. deep sigh, mournful sigh
~ HJ Y (~ sh le) id. to heave a deep
sigh , to suspire
~ HlS (~ st) a. very cold, chilled, icy
~ HF (~ subh) m. cool temperament, calm
~ WW H UJlU J (~ karke kh chhd
he) prov. blow first and sip afterwards
~ W (~ karn) id. to cool down, to pacify,
to soothe
v.t. to cool, to chill, to freeze
~ J (~ thr) a. ice-cold, stone-cold, icy,
~ SS (~ tatt) a. hot & cold; angry, annoyed
~ UH (~ yakh) a. arctic, icy, ice-cold, chilled,
~ YJ Tu YJ WJU J (~ loh garm lohe
n kad he) prov. a soft answer turns away
~ =Y (~ vel) m. morning or evening time
WYH ~ J t kaleJ ~ ho) id. to have
one's revenge; to get solace, to be in peace
J |VU S |SU |WY ( t hheo tatteo
nIkal) id. to under go trials and tribulations;
to gain experience
JV JF ( t hdhe hoe) adv. in the evening,
at eventide
~ JV (~ t hdhe) adv. early morning; while it
is cool
~ |UY Y (~ dIl nl) adv. calmly, cooly, cool
mindedly, cool heartedly
~ |UY Y HU (~ dIl nl soch) id. to put
that in one's pipe and smoke
~ | (~ pe) adv. without fever /
J |VmFl J |VmFl J |VmFl J |VmFl J |VmFl (t hhI) f. an Indian cold beverage
prepared from almonds, poppy-seeds, four
specified kernels etc. grinded together and by
adding sugar
JW JW JW JW JW/JW JW JW JW JW (hak/hakr) f. clink, chink
JW JW JW JW JW (haka) v.i. to clink, to chink, to jingle
u ~ (mattha ~) id. to have intuition
about a calamity, to have premonition of
coming event
JWU JWU JWU JWU JWU (haku) v.i. to cause to chink; to
clink a coin
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (haha) f. clinking/chinking sound
~ TY (~ gopl) a. penniless, moneyless,
J J J J J (happ) a. paralysed; close
J J J J J (tapp) v.t. to close, to wind up; to close
(book); to fold (dress etc.); to settle some
H ~(khb ~) id. to thrash, to batter, to drub
J J J J J (happ) m. block, die; stamp, seal; imprint;
branding mark; hall-mark; label
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to stamp; to imprint, to
brand; to impress
JW JW JW JW JW (hark) m. addiction, wont, fad, craze
JWl JWl JWl JWl JWl (hark) a. faddish; slave of a habit, crazy;
licentious, lewd
J J J J J (harn) v.i. to become cold; to be
benumbed, to be frozen
J J W ( har har karn) v.t. to
shiver, to quiver (with cold)
J u J u J u J u J u (harhm) m. tolerance, patience,
composure, endurance, sang-froid, calmness,
tranquillity, sobriety, coolness
Ju Y ( harhme nl) adv. patiently,
calmly, coolly, soberly, composedly
Ju =Y ( harhme vl) a. patient,
composed, sober, stable, steady, cool
J J J J J (harr) m. country made low quality liquor,
inferior liquor, hooch
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hall) f. stop; peace; check, bar
~ U l (~ pu) v.t. to stop or arrest
further progress or regress; to maintain peace
~ l (~ pe) v.i. to cease advancing or
increasing; to have peace
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (hh) m. the sound of a bladder collapsing;
phut; the sound of explosion; bang
~ JJ (~ hh) f. a series of explosions; sound
of firing or bombardment
~ U W (~ de ke) adv. suddenly, abruptly;
~ u (~mrn) v.t. to throw (something)
on the ground; to throw with a bang
~ =H (~ vaJJ) v.i.t. to strike suddenly; to
get a blow suddenly or unexpectedly; to arrive
right on time or suddenly
JJJlm W (hhh karn) id. to
intrigue, to conspire, to plot; to engage oneself
in one or other work
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (hhr) f. halting place, lodging; place of
refuge, asylum; whereabouts; abode, residence
~ U l (~ de ) v.t. to provide refuge, to shelter
JW JW JW JW JW (hk) v.t. to prevent a disease with
conjuration; to forbid, to warn, to prohibit
JW JW JW JW JW (hkar) m. deity, idol; God, the Supreme
being, Master, Lord; leader, chief (of a village);
a sub caste of Rajputs
JWU m (hkardur) m. place of
worship; temple (Hindu)
JW JW JW JW JW (hk) m. ceremony preliminary to formal
betrothal ceremony
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (hh) f. magnificence, pomp, splendour,
elegance, grandeur; luxurious living, luxury
~ Y (~ nl) adv. luxuriously, pompously
~ J (~ bh) f. pomp and show, splendour,
grandeur, magnificence; luxurious living,
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ/JJl JJl JJl JJl JJl (ht/hh) m. a strip of cloth tied
over chin to press beard and moustaches
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (thth) f. waves; surge
~ u (~ marn) v.i. to rise, to surge, to
flood, to be full to the brim (river, lake, sea
J J J J J/J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hn/h le ) v.i. to resolve,
to determine, to make up one's mind, to be bent
upon, to intend
J J J J J (thr) m. coolness, coldness, chilliness
~ F (~ bhn) v.t. to take chill off (water
etc.); to heat, to make luke warm (water, milk
J J J J J (hrn) v.t. to cool, to chill
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (hr) f. shivering cold
|J W =T |J W =T |J W =T |J W =T |J W =T (hIkk varg) a. solid, strong; thick
|JW |JW |JW |JW |JW (hIk) m. halting place, lodging;
residence, abode, dwelling; destination
|JW ( tha thIk) m. residence,
abode; address; whereabouts
|JW Ul T Y (hIke d gall) f.
remarkable utterance
~ YU (~ lu) id. to kill, to put to death;
to dispose of; to keep something at proper
place; to dissipate one's belongings
|JT |JT |JT |JT |JT/|J T |J T |J T |J T |J T (hIg/hg) a. short statured,
dwarfish, dwarf
|J J |J J |J J |J J |J J (hIh) a. shamefaced, ashamed; humiliated,
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to feel or look small
~ W (~ karn) id. to put one to blush; to
put to shame, to make one feel small; to
humiliate, to embarrass
|JJW |JJW |JJW |JJW |JJW (hIhak) v.i. to stop suddenly; to
hesitate, to reluct
|J |J |J |J |J |J |J |J |J |J (hIp hIp) f. sound produced by the
heels of sandals, slippers etc.
| J | J | J | J | J (hIppar) m. turnip, Brassica rapa (a
cruciferous plant)
|J l YU |J l YU |J l YU |J l YU |J l YU (hIpp lu) id. to put to loss
|J |J |J |J |J / |J l |J l |J l |J l |J l
! !! !!
(hIbb/hIbb) a. (shoes) turned
down at the heel; club-footed; uneven, rugged
- |Jl UY(- thIbb chal) f. toddle
|J l |J l |J l |J l |J l
z z z z z
(hIbb) f. the act of hooking other; the act
to suspend or check movement
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (hIlh) v.i. to plunge (boat etc); to float
by means of a raft; to swim, to float
JlJ JlJ JlJ JlJ JlJ (hha) a. shop (carpenter or blacksmith's);
workshop; smithy; abode, dwelling
JlW JlW JlW JlW JlW (hk) a. right, proper, correct; accurate,
befitting; suitable, appropriate (dress etc.);
OK., all right; just, fit; exact
adv. exactly, o.k., yes; actual
~ US (~ utarn) id. to prove correct, to
come out to be true
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to fit exactly
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to recover ( from illness);
to heal up ( wound etc. ) ; to be set right; to be
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to set right; to repair, to
mend; to reform; to cure, to heal; to correct, to
~ TY W|J (~ gall ke h) id. to hit the right
nail on the head
~ JW (~ tk) adv. all right, o.k., well , hale
and hearty; in good condition
~ JlW (~ tk) adv. so-so; precisely, truthfully,
correctly, exactly
~ S/ S S (~ tarh/ tor te) adv. in the
right way; properly, appropriately
~ YT (~ lagg) v.i. to suit; to appeal
JlW JlW JlW JlW JlW (hkr) m. potsherd, a piece of broken
earthen ware or pottery; ironically used for old
JlWl JlWl JlWl JlWl JlWl (hkr) f. a small potsherd, sherd
~ |J (~ pehr) m. constant guard or vigil
on public places by local people in relays
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (hp) m. a rounded piece of broken
earthenware used by children to play with; disc,
J H J H J H J H J H (hus) f. a sound of misfire or damp explosion,
phut; damp squib
~ J H (~ ho J) v.i. to misfire; to fail
JH JH JH JH JH (huss) v.i. to cram, to glut, to stuff to the
capacity, to pack to the full
J W J W J W J W J W (hukk) f. honour, dignity, respect; splendour,
grandeur; trimness, tidiness
~ Y (~ nl) adv. with great pomp and show,
with grandeur
J W J W J W J W J W (huk) v.i. to be driven in, to be struck in
(nail etc.); to be fined or imprisoned; to be fitted
(as joints of cot frame or door etc.); to be
sprained or pressed (body joints); to be beaten,
to be thrashed
J WU J WU J WU J WU J WU (hukru) v.i. to strike with toes, to
kick; to reject; to turn down; to spurn
J W= J W= J W= J W= J W= (hukv) a. thickly knitted; tightly fixed
J W=U /J WU J W=U /J WU J W=U /J WU J W=U /J WU J W=U /J WU (hukvu/tuku) v.t.
to get (nail etc.) driven in, to get something
struck in; to cause to be beaten
J W=Fl J W=Fl J W=Fl J W=Fl J W=Fl(hukv) f. the process of or the wages
for driving or striking nail or something
J WFl J WFl J WFl J WFl J WFl (huk) f. lathering, thrashing, beating
J T J T J T J T J T (hg) f. the act of pecking a thing with beak,
peck; a tap (on the scalp) with knuckles of
~u (~ mrn) v.t. to peck, to strike with
beak; to eat a little, to nibble
J T J T J T J T J T (hga) v.i.t. to peck; to eat a little; to
nibble; to eat grain out of an ear or cob (green
grams, pears etc.)
J J J J J J J J J J (huh) m. thumb
~ |=HU (~ vIkhu) v.i.t. to cock a snook;
to refuse point blankly, to give point-blank
J J J J J (hu) m. kick; front part of foot; toe of
shoes; stumble
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to kick, to lift up one's
J uW J uW J uW J uW J uW (humak) f. proud and graceful gait, strut
~ JuW (~ humak) adv. struttingly
J uW J uW J uW J uW J uW (humak) v.i. to walk in a pompous
manner, to strut
J u J u J u J u J u (hma) m. small lump of earth on the
upper border line of hearth to keep a vessel
settled properly; a piece of wood, stone etc.
placed under a vessel or other object to keep it
settled properly
~ U (~ de) id. to prop; to support, to
help, to aid
J ul J ul J ul J ul J ul (humar) f. an Indian classical mode
! !! !!
(hulh) m. tribe, clan
z zz zz
(hulh) a. fat, bulky, corpulent
J H J H J H J H J H (hsa) v.t. to stuff tightly to the capacity;
to gorge, to stodge
J J JJ J J JJ J J JJ J J JJ J J JJ (hh hh) f. exchange of firing, firing;
sound of sporadic firing
J J J J J J J J J J (hh ) m. scorpion, Centruroidus sculpturatus
J T J T J T J T J T (h g) m. the act of striking with beak, peck;
the act of pressing the balance with hand to
underweigh a thing
~ JTl/ JTl (~ hg/ h g) f. the act of
eating a thing in bits; the act of teasing someone
J J J J J J J J J J (hh) m. earthen bowl; begging bowl
~ W Yl t~ kunl) m. poor person's belongings
~ ==/ == Y t~ phan/ pha le) id.
to be reduced to poverty, to become a pauper;
to start begging
J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl J Jl (hh) f. a small earthen plate used as lid of
pitcher; half portion of coconut kernel; an
ornament worn on the head
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hlh) m. a large earthen bowl or basin;
small basket; a rubbish bin
J H J H J H J H J H (hes) f. light knock, percussion; set back ,
shock, blow; hurt, injury; hurt/injured feelings
~ YTl t~ lagg) id. (for) one's feelings to
be hurt
~ YUl/ JUUl (~ lu/ pahchu) id.
to hurt one's feelings
J W J W J W J W J W (heka) v.t. to print cloth with the help
of block
(hek) m. print, imprint
(hek) m. wine shop; contract, lease;
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to take a contract; to
settle a contract, to enter into a contract
~ F (~ bharn) id. to deposit the contract
~ Y (~ le ) id. to take a contract; to enter
into a contract; to take full responsibility of a
person or work etc.; to collect rental
J W U J W U J W U J W U J W U (hekedr) m. contractor
J W Ul J W Ul J W Ul J W Ul J W Ul (hekedrI) f. the work or job of a
contractor, contractorship
J J J J J J J J J J (heh)a.pure, unmixed; standard (language)
J J J J J (he) m. stumble, trip; kick; error, blunder;
bad experience
~ H (~ kha) v.t. to stumble, to trip
J H ( hee kh) id. to be driven
from pillar to post; to commit a blunder
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hela) v.t. to launch, to plunge (boat etc.
in water); to push , to shove
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (helh) m. dray, cart, trolley, wheelbarrow;
push, stroke
J H J H J H J H J H (hos) a. solid, concrete; compact (style); firm,
substantial; strong (argument); hard
J H J H J H J H J H (hos) v.t. to impose , to enforce ;to stuff,
to cram
J H J H J H J H J H (hospa) m. solidity, solidness
J H J H J H J H J H (hos) m. thumb shown as a token of denial;
a gesture of teasing by showing one's thumb
J W J W J W J W J W thoka) v.t. to drive, to hammer (nail etc.);
to inflict a blow; to beat, to thrash; to drub; to hit
J W J WFl (hok huk) f. beating,
thrashing; the act of driving or hammering (nail
~ =H W (~ vaJ ke) adv. after thorough
investigation or assessment; publicly, openly
~ =H W UH (~ vaJ ke dekh) id. to test
! !! !!
(hokar) f. stumble, trip; kick; shock, blow,
set -back; flounder; bumper, buffer, abutment;
~H/YT (~kh/lagg) v.i. to stumble,
to trip; to err, to flounder; to learn a lesson
~ u (~ mrn) id. to turn down, to reject;
to renounce; to kick, to hit
U U Ulm JW H (dar dar d tokar
kh) id. to be driven from pillar to post, to
knock from door to door
! !! !!
(hok) m. wood-pecker
z zz zz
(hok) m. carpenter, joiner
J l J l J l J l J l (ho) f. chin
J J J J J (horn) v.t. to rap; to strike one thing with
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y/J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hol/tolh) m. knock on the head
with the back of the folded fingers, rap
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (hol) m. wooden hammer to ring a gong; a
small metal bowl or tumbler etc. having long
J W J W J W J W J W (hok) m. nap, snooze, forty-winks, catnap
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to take a nap, to snooze
J J J J J (ho r) f. halting place ; residence, abode,
dwelling; refuge, shelter, support
~ |JW (~ hIk) m. place of stay;
residence, abode, dwelling; whereabouts

U U U U U (dadd) m. twenty third letter and third of the
dental pentad of Gurmukhi alphabet, it
represents the dental voiced unaspirated plosive
U|Fm U|Fm U|Fm U|Fm U|Fm (dae) f. pity, mercy, compassion; kindness
~ Wl (~ karn ) v.t. to take pity on, have
mercy on, to be compassionate
~ |UHJl (~ drIsh) f. favour, benevolence,
~ ( ~ pran ) a. merciful, benign
U|Fm= U|Fm= U|Fm= U|Fm= U|Fm= (daevn) a. kind, compassionate,
benign, merciful
UH UH UH UH UH (das) m.&a. ten
~ HY (~ sl ) m. decade
~ HY (~ sl ) a. decennial
~ T (~ gu ) a. decuple
~ T (~ gur ) m. the ten Gurus of Sikhs
(from sri Guru Nanak Dev to sri Guru Gobind
Singh Ji )
~ lm (~ nbr ) m.& a. a person whose
name is enlisted in the police record of
criminals; villain
UH= UH= UH= UH= UH= (dasv) a. tenth
|FW Ulm UH HU(Ikk d das suu)
id. fly at some one's throat, to repay in leaps
and bounds
UH J m Ul WuFl/|WS(das nahu d
kam/kIrt) f. hard earned money, sweat of
one's brow, well begotten earning
U H U H U H U H U H (dass) f. information, intimation, clue, hint
~ U (~ de ) v.i.t. to tell, to inform; to
disclose, to reveal
~ U (~ pu ) v.t. to give information
about; to propose (for marriage)
~ (~ pe ) id. to come to know, to get
UH|J UH|J UH|J UH|J UH|J (dasehr) m. Dussehra, a Hindu festival
UH|Jl UH|Jl UH|Jl UH|Jl UH|Jl (dasehr) a. a delicious variety of mango
U H U H U H U H U H (dassa) v.t. to tell, to inform, to report; to
reveal, to disclose, to divulge; to confess; to
show, to point out; to teach, to instruct; to warn,
to caution
! !! !!
(dast) m. loose motions, loose bowels,
diarrhoea, dysentery, purge
~ YT (~ lagga) v.i. to suffer from loose
motions or diarrhoea
id. to be scared, to be perplexed
z zz zz
(dast) m. hand
UHSW UHSW UHSW UHSW UHSW (dastak) f. knock, tap, rap, knocking
UHSW UHSW UHSW UHSW UHSW (dastkr) m. craftsman, handicraftsman,
artisan; mechanic, manufacturer
UHSWl UHSWl UHSWl UHSWl UHSWl (dastkr) f. craft, handiwork, handicraft;
handiwork industry (cottage or small scale)
UHSS UHSS UHSS UHSS UHSS (dastkhat) m. signature, sign, autograph
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to sign, to set one's
hand to
UHSTl UHSTl UHSTl UHSTl UHSTl(dastgr) a. helper, supporter (in need or
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dastarkhn) m. dining table; a mat or
cloth laid for dining, table-cloth of a dining table;
food laid on the dining table
~ |=UU (~ vIchhu) v.t. to lay the table
! !! !!
(dast) m. handle, helve, hilt, haft; pestle,
z zz zz
(dast) m. quire (of paper)
a aa aa
(dast) m. squad, small band of police men
or soldiers, posse, corps, troop
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dastn) m. glove; gauntlet
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dastne) m.(pl.) gloves, a pair of gloves;
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dastr) m. turban
~ HHUl/ l (~ saJu/bnh) v.i. to
wear turban, to tie a turban
UHS Ul UHS Ul UHS Ul UHS Ul UHS Ul (dastrbd) f. a ceremony in which
turban is tied to a child for the first time, turban
UHS= H UHS= H UHS= H UHS= H UHS= H (dastvez) f. document, deed, bond;
! !! !!
(dast) adv. sent through some person; by
a. handmade, manual, pertaining to hand
f. a small handle; temporary loan
z zz zz
(dast) f. small rosary; a bracelet of beads
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dastr) m. custom, practice, mode,
method, manner, way; rule, regulation;
UHS l UHS l UHS l UHS l UHS l (dastr) a. customary; rigid about customs
m. customary
UH UH UH UH UH (dasbar) m. December
UHu UHu UHu UHu UHu (dasam) a. tenth
~ T (~ grth) m. holy book containing
compositions of the tenth Guru of Sikhs
~ Um (~ dur) m. the tenth door (in human
body); the mystical orifice in hath yoga
UHuY= UHuY= UHuY= UHuY= UHuY= (dashmlav) m. decimal, decimal point
~ |F (~ bhn) f. decimal fraction
UHu Y UHu Y UHu Y UHu Y UHu Y (dashml) m. rind or roots of ten trees used
for preparing medicines
UHu H UHu H UHu H UHu H UHu H (dashmesh) m. an epithet for the tenth Guru
of Sikhs sri Guru Gobind Singh
UH= UH= UH= UH= UH= (dasvdh) m. tithe
UH=l UH=l UH=l UH=l UH=l (dasv ) f. the tenth day of each half of a
lunar month; matric, tenth class
UH UH UH UH UH (dash) f. state, stage, condition; position,
circumstances; attitude (mental)
UJW UJW UJW UJW UJW (dahk) m. decade, decennium/decennary
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (dahn) m. embouchure, mouth of a river
etc., estuary, bit
UJ= UJ= UJ= UJ= UJ= (dah) f. roar
UJ= UJ= UJ= UJ= UJ= (dahn) v.i. to roar; to shout at, to cry
U|Jm U|Jm U|Jm U|Jm U|Jm (dahe) m. any of the first ten days of
U|JHS U|JHS U|JHS U|JHS U|JHS (de hshat) f. terror, panic, awe, fear, dread,
horror, blue funk
~ m T H (~ gez) a. terrifying, horrible, terrible,
pasd) a. terrorist
U|JHSTUl U|JHSTUl U|JHSTUl U|JHSTUl U|JHSTUl (dehashatgard) f. terrorism
U|JT=U Y U|JT=U Y U|JT=U Y U|JT=U Y U|JT=U Y (dehagadll) m. Tarzan
U|JY U|JY U|JY U|JY U|JY (dehal) f. sudden and extreme fear, dread,
fright, panic
U|JY U|JY U|JY U|JY U|JY (dehal) v.i. to be frightened, to be
U|JY U|JY U|JY U|JY U|JY (dehala) m. ten of a suit in playing cards,
card having ten pips
U|JYU U|JYU U|JYU U|JYU U|JYU (dehalu) v.t. to frighten, to terrify
U|JYlH U|JYlH U|JYlH U|JYlH U|JYlH (dehalz) f. doorsill, doorstep, threshold
U|JYlH =H u (de halz ghas
mrn) id. to visit someone time and again
UJl /UJl UJl /UJl UJl /UJl UJl /UJl UJl /UJl (dah /dah) m. curd, yoghurt
~ U l (~ d p) m. whey, milk-serum
~ uJ YU (~ m h lu) id. to eat curd
with sugar while starting for an auspicious
UJ H UJ H UJ H UJ H UJ H (daheJ) m. dowry
U|Wm H/U|Wm Hl U|Wm H/U|Wm Hl U|Wm H/U|Wm Hl U|Wm H/U|Wm Hl U|Wm H/U|Wm Hl (dakIns/dakIns) a.
orthodox, conservative
U H U H U H U H U H (dakkha) m. south; south wind
~ H/=Y (~ pse/vall) adv. southward
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (dakkha) a. southern
UH S UH S UH S UH S UH S (dakhtr) m. a urinary disease causing
difficulty or pain while urinating
UY UY UY UY UY (dak hal) m. interference, meddling,
intervention, intrusion
~ mUH (~ dz) a. interfering, interferer
~ mUHl (~ dz) f. interference, meddling,
~ mUHl W (~ dz karn) v.t. to interfere,
to meddle; to intervene, to interpose
~ U (~ de) v.t. to poke one's nose, to put
in one's oars, to chip in
U T U T U T U T U T (dg) a. wonderstruck, amazed, astonished,
~ |J H (~ re h Ja )v.i. to be wonderstruck
(dag) v.i. to kindle; to shine, to glow, to
gleam, to glisten
UT-UT WU/UTU (dag-dag kard/
dagd) a. glowing, shining, gleaming
~ W (~ karn) id. to glow, to shine, to gleam
(face etc.)
U Tl U Tl U Tl U Tl U Tl (dga) a.&m. mischievous; rioter, hooligan
U TY U TY U TY U TY U TY (dgal) m. wrestling match; wrestle; arena;
noisy quarrel
UT=-UT= UT=-UT= UT=-UT= UT=-UT= UT=-UT= (daga-daga) f. rattling noise of feet
while running fast, clatter
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to clump, to tread heavily
and noisily, to clatter along
UT UT UT UT UT (da g) f. treachery, deceit, deception, betrayal,
~ WuU/U (~ kamu/de) v.i.t. to
stab in the back, to betray, to treach, to deceive
UT H/UT H (dag bJ/dagebJ) a.
treacherous, deceitful, betrayer, deceiver, cheat
UTHl/UTHl (dagbJ/dagebJ) f.
treachery, deceitfulness, deception
U T U T U T U T U T (dg) m. riot, turbulence, disturbance, hub-
hub, public disorder; mischief
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to indulge in rioting; to
do mischief
~ VHU (~ fasd) m. riots, turbulence, public
UTH ( dgebJ) a. riotous, rioter, rowdy
UTHl ( dgebJ) f. riotousness, lawless-
activity, rowdyism
UTU UTU UTU UTU UTU (dagu) v.t. to kindle, to fire, to ignite
U U U U U U U U U U (dachchh) f. an offering to Brahmins;
honorarium paid to a religious priest for
performing a religious ceremony
~ U (~ de) id. to teach a lesson, to punish
U U U U U (d) m. punishment; fine, penalty; sentence
U U U U U (da) m. heap, pile, sack of dried fodder etc.
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (dt) a. dental
U SlYl U SlYl U SlYl U SlYl U SlYl (dtl) f. tooth pick
U U U U U (datth) m. handful of grass or sugar cane
etc.; bundle of harvested crop to be fed into a
cutter, crusher or thresher; single bit of hemp
going into the matting of a rope; bundle of paper
or currency notes, wad; paper bundle, sheaf
U U U U U U U U U U (dadd) f. ringworm, tinea
~ YT (~ lagg) id. to be a constant cause
of trouble or misery
U U U U U U U U U U (dd) m. tooth; teeth (pl.)
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. dental
~ JJl (~ ho h) a. labio-dental
~ WV (~ kaha) v.i.t. to teethe, to cut
one's teeth, to show one's teeth, to laugh
~ W (~ kath) f. folk tale, myth, legend
~ WlU (~ karcha) v.t. to grind one's
teeth, to crunch; to set one's teeth to
~ HJ W (~ khae karn) id. to defeat, to
give a crushing defeat, to vanquish
~ H (~ khd) m. ivory
~ =HFl (~ ghas) f. a derisive word used for
money given to Brahmin after feeding him
~ U Wl= (~ d k) m. caries
~ / H (~ dharne/rakkhe) v.i. to
start teething, to teethe, to cut teeth
~ lJ (~ phe) v .t. to grit, to grind, to gnash;
to express anger
~ l= (~ p) f. tooth ache, odontalgia
~ = (~ bo) m. a person without teeth or
with broken tooth, toothless
~ F (~ bhn) id. to beat badly, to thrash
~ =H (~ vaJJa) id. to feel intense cold, to
shiver with cold
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. odontology
- mHFl ~ (-astha ~) a. milk teeth, temporary
Jl ~ ( hth ~) m. ivory
U U ~ (- duddh de ~) f. the first teeth of
children, milk-teeth
U U ~ J (- duddh de ~ ho) id. to be
inexperienced, to be immature
UU JJ HlF U ( dd heh Jbh de)
id. to endure patiently
~ |=U UTYl Y (~ vIch ugl le) id. to be
wonderstruck, to stand amazed
UUl =V ( dd vah) v.t. to bite, to
cut with teeth
U Ulm U= U /U Ulm KWU ( dd
chahu /dd Jhaku) id. to tease,
to grimace, to make faces at
U UFlm U UFlm U UFlm U UFlm U UFlm (dda) m. hornet
U UHH U UHH U UHH U UHH U UHH (ddsz) m. dentist, dental surgeon
U UHHl U UHHl U UHHl U UHHl U UHHl (ddsz) m. dentistry
U U U U U U U U U U (dda) f. faint, swoon
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (ddrl) f. a set of teeth, denture
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (ddr) f. frill or fringe of a bed-sheet
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (ddal) a. (person)with large or projecting
teeth, buck-toothed
U U U U U U U U U U (dd) m. notch, nick
~ (~ dharn) id. to think evil of someone
U UH U UH U UH U UH U UH (dds) m. bark of walnut tree used to
cleanse teeth and to colour lips
U UY/U UYl U UY/U UYl U UY/U UYl U UY/U UYl U UY/U UYl (ddl/ddl) m.&f. rake
U|UmJ U|UmJ U|UmJ U|UmJ U|UmJ (dadIhor) m. father of father-in-law,
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (dd) f. milk-tooth: small tooth; bite
U Ul= U Ul= U Ul= U Ul= U Ul= (dd) f. toothing, gnashing
U U U U U U U U U U (dd) a. toothy, having projecting tooth
UU JH UU JH UU JH UU JH UU JH (dadehas) f. mother of father-in-law,
U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U (ddedr) a. notched, dentated, toothed,
jagged, denticulate, serrate
U U |=W U U |=W U U |=W U U |=W U U |=W (ddoIk) m. clattering of teeth (due to
severe cold)
U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl U Sl (dpat) f. couple, husband and wife;
wedded couple
a. pertaining to husband and wife
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. conjugal
~ Hl= (~ Jvan) m. married life, marital life
UVS UVS UVS UVS UVS (daftar) m. office, department; the building
of a department; bureau
~ HJl (~ shah) f. bureaucracy
a. bureaucratic
UVSl UVSl UVSl UVSl UVSl (daftar) a. official
m. designation of class four; an employee of
this designation
UV UV UV UV UV (dafan) a. buried, interred, entombed
m. burial, inhumation
UVU /UV W UVU /UV W UVU /UV W UVU /UV W UVU /UV W (dafanu/dafan karn)
v.t. to bury, to inhume, to entomb, to lay to rest
! !! !!
(daf) f. section, article, clause (of law)
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to charge under a
specific section, to frame a charge
z zz zz
(daf) f. time, chance, turn
a aa aa
(daf) a. away, off
~ J (~ ho) ph. get lost, be off
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to go away, to be off
~ W (~ karn) id. to send a person packing,
to send away
V ~ ( raf~) m. settlement, settled and
V ~ W ( raf ~karn ) id. to settle and
finish ( the matter )
UV U UV U UV U UV U UV U (dafedr) m. sergeant, corporal
UV Ul UV Ul UV Ul UV Ul UV Ul (dafedr) f. post or rank of sergeant
U U U U U (dabb) f. pressure
~ mUl (~ u) v.i. to feel under pressure;
to be pressed
~ W (~ ke) adv. with full force, forcefully; too
~ = J W (~ghu ke) adv. some how;
economically, parsimoniously; forcefully
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to put pressure
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to keep ( something)
illegally, to refuse to give back; to grab, to catch
hold of; to hush up (matter, file etc.)
UW UW UW UW UW (dabaka) v.i. to crouch, to cower, to
cringe, to hide in fear, to skulk
! !! !!
(dabk) m. shelf below the main roof for
z zz zz
(dabk) m. threat, rebuke, snub, chiding
UWU UWU UWU UWU UWU/UW u /UW u /UW u /UW u /UW u (dabku/dabk mrn)
v.t. to threat someone, to chide, to intimidate,
to bully, to brow beat
U/U H U/U H U/U H U/U H U/U H (dab/dab J) v.i. to be buried;
to be crushed, to be trampled (as by crowd);
to be pressed (as under soil,stone etc.); to yield,
to give away, to be afraid, to be over awed
U|m = |Jm(dabe ghue) a.
suppressed, subdued
U WUY YW ( dabe kuchle lok) m. the
submerged tenth
U U U U U (dabba) v.t. to press, to compress; to
inhume, to bury, to entomb; to control, to
overpower, to overshadow; to press down
- Ul |= (dabb phIrn) id. to keep on
using (something); to keep on delaying (
matter, file etc.)
U l (dabbe pe r ) adv. stealthily,
sneakingly, quietly
~ uU J (~ murde pua) id. to rip up
old sores
UU UU UU UU UU (dabdab) m. influence, sway, pressure,
grandeur, dignity
UU JJ J ( dabdabe heh ho) id.
to stand in awe of, to be under pressure
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (daballa) v.i.t. to make a person to work
non stop; to cause to run very fast (vehicle
etc.); to make a constant use of a thing
UY W Wu Y ( daball ke km le ) id.
to give one a wet shirt
U= U= U= U= U= (dabv) a. restrained, suppressed, subdued
U= U U= U U= U U= U U= U (dabvu) v.t. to get something
inhumed or buried ; to get kneaded or
massaged (body)
U=Fl U=Fl U=Fl U=Fl U=Fl (dabv) f. the work of or charges for
burying or kneading body
U/UU U/UU U/UU U/UU U/UU (dab/dabo) m. pressure, coercion;
strain, stress, load; influence, insistence;
oppression, suppression; margin of cloth kept
in seam; emphasis, constraint
U (~ de) v.t. to beat down
~ U (~ pu) v.i. to pressurize, to
influence, to put pressure, to force
UU UU UU UU UU (dabu) v.i. to compress, to press; to
bury, to entomb; to suppress, to oppress; to
hushup (matter); to squeeze; to curb
U W U W U W U W U W (dab ke) adv. forcibly, by force, unwillingly,
willy nilly; excessively, too much (labour,
enjoyment etc.)
U-U U-U U-U U-U U-U (dab-dab) adv. hastily, quickly, speedily
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (dabel) a. pressurised, suppressed, subdued
U U U U U U U U U U (dabocha) v.t. to grab, to grasp, to catch;
to swoop upon
U F U F U F U F U F (dabbh) f. a type of spear grass
U F U F U F U F U F (dbh) m. hypocrisy ; deception, fraud
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (dam) m. breath; respite, relief; strength,
stamina; patience, endurance
~ W/H (~ karn/kh) id. to wait
~ HHW J (~ khushk ho) id. to have one's
blood curdled, to be frightened
~ HHW W (~ khushk karn) id. to curdle
the blood, to frighten
~ =J (~ ghuttn) id. to feel suffocated
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to be out of breath,
to pant
~ U=U (~ chahu) id. to cause one to
be out of breath
~ JJ (~ ua) id. to be on the dying bed;
to breath irregularly
~ S= (~ ton) id. to breathe one's last, to
~ U Uu (~ d dam) a. without any body's
help, all alone
~ |UYH (~ dIls) m. sympathy, consolation,
reassurance, solace
~ U (~ de) v.t. to give steam for cooking
~ =Y (~ phulla) id. to be out of breath
~ F (~ bhar) m. just a moment, a little while
adv. for a short while; to boast
~ u (~ mrn) id. to relax, to retire, to
~ H (~ rakkh) id. to have strength, to
have stamina; to have patience or endurance
~ W (~ rok) v.i. to hold one's breath
~ YU (~ lu) v.i. to smoke
~ Y (~ le ) v.i. to rest, to relax
J ~ (har ~) adv. always, every-time,
regularly, constantly
W 'U ~ W ( akk'ch ~ karn) id. to
get on one's nerves
U u U u U u U u U u (dm) m. money, cash
~ F W u (~ bae km) prov. money
makes the mare go
Uu U YFl ( dm d lobh) a. greedy,
avaricious, covetous
UuW= UuW= UuW= UuW= UuW= (damaka) m. a piece of leather
surmounting the spindle of a spinning wheel
UuTH UuTH UuTH UuTH UuTH (damgaJ) m. exaggerated appreciation of
one's achievements, boast, bluff
UuTH u ( damgaJe mrn) v.i. to
appreciate one's achievements, to boast, to bluff
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (dam dam) adv. always, with every breath
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (daman) m. subjugation, rushing, suppression
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to subjugate, to crush,
to suppress
Uu-Uu Uu-Uu Uu-Uu Uu-Uu Uu-Uu (dam-badam) adv. always, everytime,
every moment, constantly, continuously
Uu= Uu= Uu= Uu= Uu= (dam) m. money, cash, wealth; rupee, coin
of one rupee
Uu=l Uu=l Uu=l Uu=l Uu=l (dam) f. an old coin, a quarter pice coin,
mite, 1/8th of pice
~ Uu=l U |JH H (~ dam d hIsb
rakkh) id. to keep proper/complete account
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (dam) m. asthma
UuU UuU UuU UuU UuU (damd) m. son-in-law
Uuu Uuu Uuu Uuu Uuu (damm) m. kettle drum, large drum, big
drum; pomp and show
Uuu u ( damme mrn) id. to
celebrate, to rejoice
! !! !!
(dar) m. door, doorway, gate
~ S mU (~ te u) id. to seek shelter,
~ U (~ dar) adv. door to door, at every place
~ U Ulm J W H (~ dar d hokar
kh) id. to be driven from pillar to post
~ Ul (~ bd) f. sealing of the entrance of
house by police before house search
(dar) f. price, rate; rate of interest
UmHY UmHY UmHY UmHY UmHY (darasal) adv. actually, really, in fact, in
reality, indeed
UHW UHW UHW UHW UHW (darshak) m. spectator, audience, on looker;
! !! !!
(darshan) m. meeting, visiting; glimpse,
sight, appearance; philosophy; system
~ m|FYHl (~ abhIlsh) m. one having the
desire to meet someone
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to meet, to see
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to meet, to visit, to see,
to have a glimpse of
~ U (~ de) v.i.t.& id. to come, to visit; to
give a chance to see
~ FJ (~ bhe) f. offering
z zz zz
(darshan) m. philosophy
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. philosophy
UHl UHl UHl UHl UHl (darshan) a. handsome, beautiful, comely,
worth-seeing, presentable
~ Jl (~ h) f. demand draft
~ |U =l (~ d Io ) f. main or principal
gateway; the out-door of a temple
~ U=H (~ darvJ) m. main or principal
door, facade
UHU UHU UHU UHU UHU (darsu) v.t. to show, to exhibit, to
display ; to point out, to reveal
UW UW UW UW UW (darak) m. fear
UW UW UW UW UW (darka) v.i. to fear, to be frightened; to
be split, to be cracked
UW UW UW UW UW (darkr) a. needed; necessary, wanted,
f. necessity, need
U|W U|W U|W U|W U|W (darknr) adv. besides, apart from
US US US US US (darkhat) m. tree
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dark hst) f. application, petition; request,
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i.t. to request, to pray; to
appeal, to petition
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to submit application or
UHSl UHSl UHSl UHSl UHSl (dark hst) m. applicant; petitioner,
UTJ UTJ UTJ UTJ UTJ (dargh) f. tomb, mosque, shrine; divine
court; royal court
UTJl HU ( dargh sadd) m. divine
call, death
UT H UT H UT H UT H UT H (darguJar) f. overlooking, ignoring ;
excuse, pardon
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to ignore, to over look
UH UH UH UH UH (darJ) a. entered, written, registered (in
UH UH UH UH UH (darz) f. cleft, cleavage, crack, fissure,
UH UH UH UH UH (darza) f. female tailor, seamstress; tailor's
wife, tailoress
UH UH UH UH UH (darJan) f. dozen
UH UH UH UH UH (darJ) m. standard , class; grade, rank;
degree, point (as of weather); category; dignity,
~ JS (~ harrat) m. temperature
~ U (~ de) id. to honour, to give respect
~ UH (~ badarJ) adv. classwise, rank
wise; step by step, by degrees
UH Ul UH Ul UH Ul UH Ul UH Ul (darJbd) f. gradation, classification,
UH = (darJevr) adv. classwise,
rankwise, gradewise; gradually
U|Hml U|Hml U|Hml U|Hml U|Hml (darze) f. female tailor, seamstress;
wife of a tailor
UHl UHl UHl UHl UHl (darz) m. tailor
UU UU UU UU UU (dard) m. pain, ache; suffering, affliction,
agony; mercy, pathos, compassion, kindness,
~ mU (~ u) id. to feel compassion, to
feel sympathy (for another)
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to feel pain, to have ache
~ W(~ karn) v.t. to pain; to compassionate
with, to sympathise with
~ =U (~ vu) id. to share suffering/
pain, to be sympathetic, to commiate
- UU (- bedard) a. hard-hearted, pitiless,
UU W UU W UU W UU W UU W (dardnk) a. sad, heart-rending,
sorrowful, painful, pathetic, pitiful
UUu U UUu U UUu U UUu U UUu U (dardmd) a. sympathetic, sympathiser,
compassionate; aggrieved, sufferer
UU UU UU UU UU (dardar) a. granulated, coarse
UUl UUl UUl UUl UUl (dard) a. & m. sympathiser, compassionate
UUlY UUlY UUlY UUlY UUlY (dardl) a. sad, doleful, touchy, heart-
rending, painful
U U U U U (darpa) m. mirror, looking glass
U U U U U (darbn) m. door-keeper, gate-keeper,
watchman, janitor
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (darbn) f. the work or job of watchman
or gate keeper, door keeping, watchmanship
U U U U U (darbr) m. court (royal)
W=l~ ( kav~) m. poetic symposium
U H|J (darbr shab) m. holy granth
of Sikhs, sri Guru Granth Sahib; a famous
religious place of Sikhs in Amritsar,the Golden
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (darbr) a. pertaining to royal court
m. courtier
UuUTl UuUTl UuUTl UuUTl UuUTl (darmdg) f. poor condition, wretched
state; tiredness, weariness
UuU UuU UuU UuU UuU (darmd) a. poor, wretched, destitute,
indigent; tired, exhausted, wearied, indisposed
U|um U|um U|um U|um U|um (darmIn) m. middle, centre
adv. between; among; during, in the course
U|um U|um U|um U|um U|um (darmIn) a. middle (standard);
U = U = U = U = U = (drav) m. liquid , fluid
U=H U=H U=H U=H U=H (darvz) m. entrance, door, gate
~ U J (~ bd ho) id. for all the doors to
be shut, for all the chances to be closed
~ uY (~ malla) id. to lay stress on, to
U=H Ul |uJl HU U (darvze d mI
khod de) id. to pester (someone) by
persistent calls
U= H U= H U= H U= H U= H (darvesh) m. Muslim saint or hermit; saint,
mendicant; holyman, fakir, dervesh
a. simple, naive
U= Hl U= Hl U= Hl U= Hl U= Hl (darvesh) f. mendicity, saintly-living,
U= U= U= U= U= (dara) a. coarse, coarse-grained ; crushed
(ginger, garlic etc.)
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to grind coarsely
~ == (~ phara) a. something done
U=/U= U U=/U= U U=/U= U U=/U= U U=/U= U (daran/dara de) v.i. to
annihilate, to ruin; to grind, to crush
U U U U U (dar) m. pass, mountain pass
UH UH UH UH UH (darz) f. drawer (of a table, wardrobe etc.)
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (dar) f. wife of husband's younger
brother, sister-in-law
UuU UuU UuU UuU UuU (darmad) f. import
~ uU (~ barmad) f. import-export, foreign
U== U== U== U== U== (darva) a. dravidian
U= U= U= U= U= (dar) f. crevice, crack, fissure; breach;
split, rift
U|m U|m U|m U|m U|m (dare) m. river
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. liberal, generous, large-
hearted/souled, benevolent, charitable
~ |UYl (~ dIl) f. liberality, generousness,
large-heartedness, benevolence, charitableness
~ |=U |J uTuU Y = (~ vIch reh
magarmachchh nl ver) prov. it is foolish
to live in Rome and fight with pope
U|mFl U|mFl U|mFl U|mFl U|mFl (dare) a. pertaining to river, fluvial ,
~ == (~ gho) m. hippopotamus, hippo
U|mVS U|mVS U|mVS U|mVS U|mVS (darefat) f. enquiry
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to enquire, to make
enquiry; to discover, to find out
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (drIsh) m. view, sight, scene; scenery; visual
|UHJS |UHJS |UHJS |UHJS |UHJS (drIsht t) m. example, illustration, instance;
figurative expression
|U HJl |U HJl |U HJl |U HJl |U HJl (drIsht ) f. eyesight, vision; look
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. optical, visual
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to caste a glance, to
~ = (~ phern) id. to turn away one's
eye; to withdraw favour
~ UU (~ bachu) id. to cut dead, to
avoid meeting
~ Fu (~ bharam) m. optical illusion
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to keep under
observation, to watch
|U HJlJl |U HJlJl |U HJlJl |U HJlJl |U HJlJl (drIshthn) a. blind, sightless
|U HJlW |U HJlW |U HJlW |U HJlW |U HJlW (drIshko) m. view-point, point of
view; aspect; angle of vision
|U HJlT U |U HJlT U |U HJlT U |U HJlT U |U HJlT U (drIshgochar) a. perceptible, visible,
appearing, discernible
|U HJlU H |U HJlU H |U HJlU H |U HJlU H |U HJlU H (drIshdosh) m. defect in sight
|U HJlJY |U HJlJY |U HJlJY |U HJlJY |U HJlJY (drIshpaal) m. retina
|U HJl| U |U HJl| U |U HJl| U |U HJl| U |U HJl| U (drIshbd) m. viewpoint
|U HJluS |U HJluS |U HJluS |U HJluS |U HJluS (drIshma t) m. glance
U| UTl U| UTl U| UTl U| UTl U| UTl (dardag) f. beastliness, cruelty, brutality
U| U U| U U| U U| U U| U (dard) m. flesh eating animal, carnivore,
beast; brute, savage
|U = |U = |U = |U = |U = (drI) a. firm, steady, resolute, determine or
steadfast; hard, rigid, inflexible
|U =S |U =S |U =S |U =S |U =S (drIt) f. determination, resoluteness,
firmness, steadiness; rigidity, hardness,
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (dar) f. durie, cotton carpet
UlU UlU UlU UlU UlU (darch) m. window
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (darn) a. ancient, old
U HS U HS U HS U HS U HS (darust) f. right , accurate, correct
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to set or put right; to
correct, to amend
U HSl U HSl U HSl U HSl U HSl (darust) f. accuracy, correctness;
correction, amendment
! !! !!
(dareg) m. worry, anxiety, hesitation, hitch,
z zz zz
(dareg) m. sympathy, pity, commiseration,
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to commiserate, to
sympathise with mercy
U T U T U T U T U T (darog) m. falsehood, lie
U T U T U T U T U T (darog) m. station house officer (police),
sub-inspector of police
U H U H U H U H U H (daroJ) m. the ceremony of going to in-
laws house for the second time after marriage;
luggage and clothes/gifts given to the bride on
this occasion
UY UY UY UY UY (dal) m. group, clique, gang, team, troupe (of
artists); party, organization; flock, multitude,
swarm; army, armed force
~ UYl (~ badal) f. defection
~ UYl W (~ badl karn) v.i. to cross over
from one party to another, to defect
~ UY (~ badalu) m. defectionist
~ Ul (~ bd) f. party-politics, factionism,
UY UY UY UY UY (dal) m. coarsed grain, partly crushed grain
UYUY UYUY UYUY UYUY UYUY (daldal) f. quagmire, slough, swamp,
marsh, bog
~ |=U /=H (~ vIch pe/phasa) id.
to be entangled; to struck in a quagmire
UYUYl UYUYl UYUYl UYUYl UYUYl (daldal) a. quaggy, marshy, swampy
UY UY UY UY UY (daln) v.t. to crush, to grind coarsely, to
pulverise; to raze to ground, to destroy
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (dall) m. procurer, tout, pimp
UY U UY U UY U UY U UY U (dalu) v.i. to have something
UYFl UYFl UYFl UYFl UYFl (dal) f. the wages for grinding grain
UY UY UY UY UY (daln) m. hall, large room; courtyard
UYY UYY UYY UYY UYY (dall) m. commission agent, broker ,
UYYl UYYl UYYl UYYl UYYl (dall) f. the work or profession of a
broker; commission, brokerage
UY= UY= UY= UY= UY= (dalvar) a. brave, courageous, daring, bold,
U| YS U| YS U| YS U| YS U| YS (dalIt) a. downtrodden, suppressed ,
exploited ; crushed, trampled
U|Y U U|Y U U|Y U U|Y U U|Y U (dalIddar) m. poverty, beggary; laziness,
idleness, lethargy
U|Y Ul U|Y Ul U|Y Ul U|Y Ul U|Y Ul (dalIddar) a. poor; idle, lazy, lethargic,
UYlm UYlm UYlm UYlm UYlm (dal) m. gruel, porridge
UYlY UYlY UYlY UYlY UYlY (dall) f. argument, reason, plea, reasoning;
intention, purpose; thinking, thought
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to argue
~ Ul (~ de) v.i. to give reason, to make
UYlY Wlm ( dall karn ) v.i. to
UYlYHl UYlYHl UYlYHl UYlYHl UYlYHl (dallbz) f. argumentation, reasoning
UYl Yl UYl Yl UYl Yl UYl Yl UYl Yl (dall) a. pensive, double-minded,
indecisive; argumentative
- -- -- UYlYl (dall pe ) v.i. to be
indecisive, to procrastinate, to be double-
UY UY UY UY UY (daler) a. courageous, bold, brave, daring,
fearless, undaunting, valiant, plucky
UY l UY l UY l UY l UY l (daler) f. courage, bravery, boldness, daring,
fearlessness, guts, valour, pluck
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to show courage, to
dare, to venture
U= Flm U= Flm U= Flm U= Flm U= Flm (dava) m. a prosodic form, two lined
U= U U= U U= U U= U U= U (davd) m. dilemma, doublemindedness;
conflict, clash; dialectics
U= U=U U= U=U U= U=U U= U=U U= U=U (davdvd) m. dialectics
U= U=Ul U= U=Ul U= U=Ul U= U=Ul U= U=Ul (davdvd) m. dialectician
U= U S|uW U= U S|uW U= U S|uW U= U S|uW U= U S|uW (davdtmIk) a. controversial;
dialectical, debatable
U= U U= U U= U U= U U= U (davayy) m. a metre of poetry
U= U= U= U= U= (dav) f. drug, medicine, medication; cure,
treatment , remedy
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. therapeutic
~ U (~ dr) m. medicine
~ = H (~ pharosh) m. chemist, seller of
medicine, druggist
~ =Hl (~ pharosh) f. the job or profession
of chemist; sale of medicines
U=Fl U=Fl U=Fl U=Fl U=Fl (dav) f. medicine, drug
U=H U=H U=H U=H U=H (davkhn) m. dispensary, hospital
U=S U=S U=S U=S U=S (davt) f. inkpot, inkbottle
U=UHl U=UHl U=UHl U=UHl U=UHl (davdsh) f. the twelfth day of each half
of a lunar month
U=Y J U=Y J U=Y J U=Y J U=Y J (davl n ho) v.t. to return nothing,
to give nothing
U=H/U=H U=H/U=H U=H/U=H U=H/U=H U=H/U=H (dave sh/dave kh) m. enmity, animosity,
rancour, malice, grudge, spite, hatred, ill-will
~ F= (~ bhv) m. envious feeling, malicious
U= H U= H U= H U= H U= H (dave shpran) a. discriminatory,
invidious, malicious
U= H =W U= H =W U= H =W U= H =W U= H =W (daveshprvak) adv. discriminately,
invidiously, maliciously
U= Hl U= Hl U= Hl U= Hl U= Hl (davesh) a. unfriendly, hostile, malicious,
U= S U= S U= S U= S U= S (davet) f. dualism, duality, discrimination,
~ F= (~ bhv) m. feeling of enmity or hostility
or ill-will
U= S=U U= S=U U= S=U U= S=U U= S=U (davetvd) m. dualism
U= S=Ul U= S=Ul U= S=Ul U= S=Ul U= S=Ul (davetvd) m. & a. dualist, dualistic
U= U= U= U= U= (da) f. intentional silence, deliberate stillness,
~ =J W (~ va ke) adv. quietly, patiently
~ =J (~ vaa) id. to keep silent, to keep
mum; to tolerate silently, to suppress (one's)
U= T U= T U= T U= T U= T (dag) m. jump, long stride, leap, caper;
long stitch, gobble-stitch
U=T u ( dage mrn) v.i. to leap,
to caper, to gambol; to sew carelessly with long
U= U= U= U= U= (dab) m. hen-house, pigeon-house, coop
U= U= U= U= U=
! !! !!
(da) a. good and bad together, promiscuous
U= U= U= U= U=
z zz zz
(da) m. a kind of gambling
U= U= U= U= U=
a aa aa
(da) m. mixed grain; any impure,
adulterated or sub-standard stuff
U/U /Ul U/U /Ul U/U /Ul U/U /Ul U/U /Ul (da/de/d) prep. of , belonging to
U U/U m U U/U m U U/U m U U/U m U U/U m
(do/da) m. trick, sleight, skill;
deception, artifice; wager, bet, stake (in
gambling); opportunity; tact, manoeuvre
~ H (~ khe) id. to sleight, to trick, to
play tricks; to deceive
~ UY (~ challa) id. to play a trick
~ S YU (~ te lu) id. to risk, to stake,
to wager
~ U (~ pech) m. wrestling tricks; tactics,
manoeuvre, tricks of trade, trade secrets;
~ u/ YU (~ mrn/lu) id. to
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to get an opportunity
~ YU (~ lu) id. to deceive
UU UU UU UU UU (du) f. a rope used to tighten the cot,
Um Um Um Um Um
(da) m. side, direction
Um Um Um Um Um
(da) m. stake, bet, wager, risk
~ S YU (~ te lu) id. to wager, to risk,
to stake
Um=S Um=S Um=S Um=S Um=S

(dvat) f. invitation, bidding; feast, banquet,
~ U (~ de) v.i. to invite
Um=Sl |U Jl Um=Sl |U Jl Um=Sl |U Jl Um=Sl |U Jl Um=Sl |U Jl (dvat chIh) f. invitation card
Um= Um= Um= Um= Um= (dv) m. claim; lawsuit, pretension
~ W =Y (~ karan vl) a. claimant
~ U|F W =Y (~ der karan vl) m.
~ U|F W (~ der karn) v.i. to sue, to
file a suit (against)
- U=U (dvedr) m. claimant, claimer
U|FW U|FW U|FW U|FW U|FW (dek) a. & suff. a suffix when headed
after a word means 'giver', 'bestower' as in
H HU|FW, , , , , YFU|FW etc.
U|Fu U|Fu U|Fu U|Fu U|Fu (dem) a. eternal, everlasting
U | Ful U | Ful U | Ful U | Ful U | Ful (dem) a. everlasting, permanent,
perennial; chronic
U|F U|F U|F U|F U|F (der) a. filed (as a law-suit)
~ W (~ karan) v.t. to file a suit
U | F U | F U | F U | F U | F (der) m. circle, company; circuit,
(d) f. midwife, nurse; baby-sitter; bride's
~ S J UU (~ to pe chhupu) id.
to conceal a secret from someone who can
guess/ know it easily
(d) suff. a suffix, when headed after a word
means 'giver' as in H HUFl, U HUFl etc.
(d) f. turn, side (in games)
~ U (~ de) v.i. to be touched or caught
(in touch and go game)
~ J YU (~ n hatth lu) v.t. to
reach and touch the objective
(d) a. crafty, tricky, acconcheuse
UFlm UFlm UFlm UFlm UFlm (d) m. claim, right; determination,
intention, aim, goal; desire, wish
~ (~ bnh) id. to determine, to be
determined, to set a goal; to claim, to assert a
UFlF Y W|J ( de nl keh) v.t. to
lay/assert a claim, to expect confidently
U Fl -U W= U Fl -U W= U Fl -U W= U Fl -U W= U Fl -U W= (d-dukka) f. hide and seek, a
children's game
UH UH UH UH UH (ds) m. slave, thrall; servant, servitor; follower,
disciple; bondman
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dst) f. servitude, servileness; slavery,
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (dstn) f. story, tale, narrative, incident
UHl UHl UHl UHl UHl (ds) f. thrall girl, slave women; maid servant,
female attendant, house-maid
! !! !!
(dh) m. cremation; burning
~ HHW/ HHW (~ saskar/sskr) m. funeral
rites, cremation
~ HHW W (~ saskr karn) v.t. to perform
funeral rites, to cremate
z zz zz
(dh) m. ten
UJU= UJU= UJU= UJU= UJU= (dhda) a. unripe, half-parched; semi-
UH UH UH UH UH (dkh) f. raisin, currant, Vitis vinifera
U HY U HY U HY U HY U HY (dkhal) a. admitted, entered; filed;
registered; inserted
~ J (~ ho) v.i.t. to enter, to come in, to
penetrate; to join, to be registered
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to enrol, to admit; to put
in, to insert
~ H (~ khrJ) m. mutation (in revenue
records); admission and discharge
UHY UHY UHY UHY UHY (dkhal) m. entrance, entry; admission fee,
entrance fee; admission (in the school);
UHl UHl UHl UHl UHl (dkh) a. of the colour of raisin, of raisin
- UHl J m=, J W=l (dkh hathh na
appre, thuh kor) id. grapes are sour
- UH U (dkh d) m. raisin fruit/seed,
raisin, currant
~ U (~ de) v.i. to thrash, to teach a lesson
UT UT UT UT UT (dg) m. stain, spot; stigma, blemish, taint;
scar, mark
U U U U U(da) m. grain , seed
~ U J H (~ d ho J) id. to scatter,
to disperse
~ J (~ pah) m. cattle feed, feed for live
~ l (~ p) m. food and fodder,
sustenance victuals, livelihood; fate, destiny
~ l U (~ p chhaa) v.i. to give
up food and drink
~ (~ pe) v.i. for seed to form in fruit or
ear of corn
~ =W (~ phakk) m. harvest; grain, cereal
~ ul (~ m) f. grain market
- U U S uJ J (de de te mohar
ho) prov. every grain has its eaters name,
every grain is destined by whom it is to be
~ U U uJSH (~ dae d mohtJ) m. very
poor, penniless ; bankrupt
~ U SH (~ de n tarsa) id. to
be a pauper, to be on the verge of starvation
~ l U m|Sm J (~ p de akhter
ho) id. to be in the hands of fate
U U U U U U U U U U (dedr) a. containing granules, granular
! !! !!
(dt) m. big sickle; scythe
z zz zz
(dt) m. boon, a gift by God, bestowal; dowry
a. conferment, bestowal
US US US US US (dta) f. piece of a twig usually of a cavia
or neem tree used for cleaning teeth
~ WYl (~ kurl) f. the act of cleaning teeth
USl USl USl USl USl (dtar) f. sickle, reaping hook; scythe
~ Ul/YUl (~ pu/lu) v.i. to begin
~ =T (~ varg) a. sickle-shaped, falciform,
U S U S U S U S U S (dt) m. God, Creator ; benefactor,
bestower, donor, liberal, generous
a. generous, charitable
US US US US US (dtr) m. an attribute of God, Giver
! !! !!
(dd) f. praise, appreciation, applause,
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to appreciate, to praise, to
z zz zz
(dd) f. herpes, shingles, zoster; ringworm,
UU UU UU UU UU (dd) m. bull, bullock, ox
UUH UUH UUH UUH UUH (ddas) f. father-in law's mother, husband/
wife's paternal grandmother
UUW UUW UUW UUW UUW (ddk) a. paternal, parental
UUW UUW UUW UUW UUW (ddke) m. paternal house, paternal home
or village
UU V|mU UU V|mU UU V|mU UU V|mU UU V|mU (dd fared) f. a call for justice,
appeal for justice
UU UU UU UU UU (dd) m. paternal grand-father
~ =UU (~ padd) m. forefather, ancestor
UU Tll UU Tll UU Tll UU Tll UU Tll (dd gr) f. hoolinganism, gangsterism
UU =UU ( dde padde pun)
id. to use insulting remarks to someone's
ancestors, to abuse
~ S (~ potar) m. son of paternal grand-
father's brother
u=U ( magu) ph. an unoffensive
abuse used by ladies
UUl UUl UUl UUl UUl (dd) f. paternal grand-mother, granny
UU UU UU UU UU (d d) a. a person with prominent upper teeth,
! !! !!
(dn) m. charity, alms, donation, free gift or
grant, bounty
~ W/ U (~ karn/de) v.t. to
donate, to give alms, to make grant
~ = (~ ghar) m. poorhouse, almshouse
~ S (~ ptar) m. charity box, alms-box,
begging bowl
~ Ul =Ul U UU Jl |TU (~ di vachchh de
dd nah gIde) prov. beggars are not
U (dnpn) m. charity, almsgiving
(dn) suff. a suffix meaning 'container',
'giver' as in 'WYuU', 'HU' etc.
UHu U UHu U UHu U UHu U UHu U (dnashmd) a. wise, sage, sensible,
prudent, intelligent
UHu Ul UHu Ul UHu Ul UHu Ul UHu Ul (dnashmd) f. intelligence, prudence,
U Hl Y U Hl Y U Hl Y U Hl Y U Hl Y (dnshl) a.generous, benevolent,
charitable, bountiful, munificent
UHlYS UHlYS UHlYS UHlYS UHlYS (dnshlt) f. generosity, benevolence,
charitableness, munificence, bounty
U= U= U= U= U= (dnav) m. demon, giant, devil, ogre
U U U U U (dn) a. wise, prudence, sensible
UFl UFl UFl UFl UFl (dn) f. wisdom, prudence, sagacity
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
(dn) a. charitable, bountiful
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
(dn) suff. a suffix which when headed after
a word means container as in H u Ul,
uWUl etc.
U U U U U (dpan) m. a religious ceremony performed
by Hindus at the end of a fast
U U U U U (db) f. pressure; upper cross-stick of a door
U= U= U= U= U= (dba) m. basin, pan
U U U U U (db) m. threat , intimidation; warning; dread,
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (dm) m. price, value, cost; money, wealth,
~ F Wu (~ be km) prov. money makes
the mare go
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu
! !! !!
(dman) m. the skirt of a garment
~ UU (~ chhau) id. to get rid (of)
~ == (~ phan) id. to catch hold (of some
one in time of need )
~ =YU (~ phelu) id. to beg/beseech
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu
z zz zz
(dman) m. foot-hill, bottom of hill or
UuU UuU UuU UuU UuU (dmd) m. daughter's husband, son-in-law
U U U U U (dr) suff. a suffix which when headed after
a word gives the meaning of 'possession' as in
U WU, Hul U etc.
UH|W UH|W UH|W UH|W UH|W (drshnIk) m. & a. philosopher, thinker;
philosophical, philosophic
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (dr) suff. a suffix denoting vocation,
'practice' etc. as U WUl, U lmUl etc.
U U U U U (dru) f. drug, medicine; medicine for sore
eyes; liquor, wine, alcoholic drink; remedy, cure;
~ |HW (~ sIkka) m. ammunition
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to find a solution
~ UuY (~ darmal) m. treatment
~ l (~ p) m. wine and eatables
U uU U uU U uU U uU U uU (dromadr) m. dependence, reliance,
UY UY UY UY UY (dl) f. pulse, lentil; cooked dish of pulse
~ mJ (~ ) m. ration, uncooked food
~ H=lm (~ sev) f. fried salty pulse and fried
noodles of gram flour
~ TY (~ gal) id. to succeed; to be
~ UYlm W (~ dal karn) id. to finish off
a matter one way or the other
~ TYl (~ n gal) id. not to succeed;
not to be mixed up
~ =YW (~ phulk) m. an ordinary man's meal,
ordinary food; livelihood, sustenance
~ Jl UY (~ ro challa) id. make ends
meet, to make both ends meet
~ |=U WY J (~ vIch kl ho) id. to be
wrong at the bottom (something), to be fishy
UYUll UYUll UYUll UYUll UYUll (dlchn) f. cinnamon, casbia bark
UY UY UY UY UY (dln) m. hall, large room; courtyard
U=S U=S U=S U=S U=S (dvat) f. feast, banquet; invitation, bidding
U= U= U= U= U=
! !! !!
(dv) m. claim, suit, case, law action, legal
mHl ~ ( arz ~ ) m. plaint, complaint
U= U= U= U= U=
z zz zz
(dv) f. fire in a jungle, forest fire
U= U= U= U= U= (d) f. grinder (tooth), molar (tooth)
U =-U = U =-U = U =-U = U =-U = U =-U = (d-d) adv. quickly; greedily,
U= U= U= U= U= (dn) v.t. to eat greedily, to guzzle
U= U= U= U= U= (d) m. long and thick beard; hanging roots
or branches of banyan tree
U= l U= l U= l U= l U= l (dh) f. beard; hanging root of banyan tree
~ J U (~ hatth pu) id. to insult, to
affront, to disgrace
~ J YU (~ hatth lu) id. to beseech,
to beg, to supplicate earnestly
~ Ul YH (~ d lJ) f. regard /respect for age,
honour of the beard (elderly people)
WU= J W ~ J (kuchchha beth ke ~
pua) id. to insult in one's teeth, to disgrace
to one's face
U= U= U= U= U= (d) m. pomegranate tree and its unripe
|UU |UU |UU |UU |UU (deo) m. giant, demon
|UU |UU |UU |UU |UU (deor) m. husband's younger brother,
|UmS |UmS |UmS |UmS |UmS (dInat) f. honesty, truthfulness, probity
|UmSU |UmSU |UmSU |UmSU |UmSU (dInatdr) a. honest, truthful, upright
|UmSUl |UmSUl |UmSUl |UmSUl |UmSUl (dInatdr) f. honesty, probity,
|Um |Um |Um |Um |Um (dIr) m. cedar, deodar, Cedrus deodara
| Um Y | Um Y | Um Y | Um Y | Um Y (dIl) a. kind, benign, kind-hearted,
generous, benevolent, bountiful, merciful;
happy , pleased
|UmYS |UmYS |UmYS |UmYS |UmYS (dIlat) f. kindness, mercy, benignity,
kind-heartedness, generosity, benevolence
|UmY |UmY |UmY |UmY |UmY (dIl) a. kind, merciful, benign, kind-
hearted, generous, bountiful
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (dIss) f. apparent look, appearance, looks,
visual appearance, get-up, visibility
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (dIssa) v.i. to be in sight, to be visible; to
appear, to seem
|UH |UH |UH |UH |UH (dIsh) f. direction, side, way
~ HUW (~ schak) m. compass
~ H Y (~ shl) auspicious time for starting
on a journey in a particular direction
|UJS |UJS |UJS |UJS |UJS (dIht) m. village, countryside
- -- --|UJSl (dIht) a. rural, rustic
m. villager, countryman
|UJS |UJS |UJS |UJS |UJS (dIh t) m. death, demise
|UJ= |UJ= |UJ= |UJ= |UJ= (dIh) m. day; important day such as
anniversary (marriage, birth or death etc.)
|UJ=l |UJ=l |UJ=l |UJ=l |UJ=l (dIh) f. day; working hours of a labourer;
daily wages
|UJ=lm/|UJ=lU |UJ=lm/|UJ=lU |UJ=lm/|UJ=lU |UJ=lm/|UJ=lU |UJ=lm/|UJ=lU (dIh/dIhdr) m. one
who works on daily wages, daily labourer ,
worker on daily wages
| U W | U W | U W | U W | U W
! !! !!
(dIkk) m. tuberculosis, T.B., phthisis,
|U W |U W |U W |U W |U W
z zz zz
(dIkk) f. vexation
a. vexed, troubled
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to pester, to annoy, to
|U WS |U WS |U WS |U WS |U WS (dIkkat) f. difficulty, hardship, trouble,
| U H | U H | U H | U H | U H (dIkkh) f. appearance, looks, visual
impression, get-up; display
|UHU |UHU |UHU |UHU |UHU (dIkhu)v.t. to show, to display, to
|UHFl |UHFl |UHFl |UHFl |UHFl (dIkh) f. the act of showing, appearance,
uJ ~ ( m h~) f. present (in cash or kind)
given to the bride on unveiling/seeing her face
for the first time
|UH=Jl |UH=Jl |UH=Jl |UH=Jl |UH=Jl (dIkhva) a. flashy display, claptrap,
fake, showy; insincere
|UH= |UH= |UH= |UH= |UH= (dIkhv) m. ostentation, exhibition, display,
show, showiness, pretence, hypocrisy,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to show off
|U |U |U |U |U (dIn) m. day; day of the week; daytime
~ |H J (~ sIddhe ho) id. to have
favourable time, to have good luck
~ WJl (~ ka) f. mere existence, just passing
time , hard time, suffering
~ WJl W/WJ (~ ka karn/kaa) id.
to wear through the day, to live a miserable
life, to pass one's time willy- nilly
~ |T (~ gIn) v.t. to look forward
impatiently; to count the days; to be on the
verge of death
~ U= (~ chahn) id. for sun to rise; later
hours of the morning; to be on the family way
~ U=U (~ chahu) id. to start a work
late in the morning; to delay
~ U= (~ chahe) adv. late in the morning; at
day break
~ J (~ appa) id. to conceive, to be on
the family way
~ VY (~ hale) adv. before sunset, in the
evening, at even tide
~ |UJ= (~ deha) m. an auspicious day,
~ |UJ= (~ dehe) adv. in the broad day-
light in the day time
~ U l S U T l S Wl W (~ d rt cho ga
tarakk karn) id. to progress by leaps and
~ (~ dharn) id. to fix a day or settle a
date (for marriage etc.)
~ S |=HU (~ n tre vIkhu) id. to
put someone in great trouble
~ |U S S S HuK (~ n dIn te rt
n rt n samJha) id. to burn midnight oil,
to labour or toil very hard, to be too busy to
take notice of time
~ |U (~ par dIn) adv. day by day, day to
~ J (~ pre ho) id. to die, to expire
~ W (~ pre karn) id. to live aimlessly,
to pass days
~ -|U (~ ba-dIn) adv. day by day, day to
~ F (~ bhar) m. all day, whole day, throughout
the day
~ S (~ rt) adv. always, at all times, all the
twenty four hours
m. day and night
~ S |FW W (~ rt Ikk karn) id. to labour
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to have a good sale
~ |=U S |UHFl U (~ vIch tre dIkh
de) id. to have smoke blown out of one's
head, to be perplexed
-U ~ Ul UUl (chr ~ d ch dn) ph.
transitory, short lived; nine day's wonder,
temporary affluence
J ~ mU (puhe ~ u) id. to have
bad days, to have evil time
= ~ ( va~) m. Christmas day, X-mas
- |U U J J (- dIn da proh ho)
id. to have numbered days, to have foot in the
~ U = (~d pher) ph. dark days,
unfavourable time
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) ph. a matter of misfortune/
bad luck
|U ( dIne) adv. in the day time
|U |U ( dIne dIne) adv. by day
|U |U ( dIno dIn) adv. day to day, day
by day
| U - | U HJl | U - | U HJl | U - | U HJl | U - | U HJl | U - | U HJl (dIbb-drIsh) f. clairvoyance,
cryptaesthesia, divine-insight/vision
~ J/ H (~ ho/ rakkha) id. to see
through a brick wall
|UuT |UuT |UuT |UuT |UuT (dIm g) m. brain, encephalon; intelligence,
intellectual, ability; pride, arrogance
~ mHu S J (~ asmn te ho) id. to be
swollen headed, to be highly conceited, to be
~ Hl (~ sabdh)a. cerebral; intellectual
~ HU (~ khapu) id. to rack one's brain
~ H J (~ k harb ho) id. to be
conceited/arrogant; to have screw loose (of
~ H/ UJ (~ kh/ chaa) id. to talk
a person's mind off, to talk too much for nothing
~ Hl (~khor) f. brain racking
~ UW H (~ chakr J) v.i. to get
puzzled, to be confused/obfuscated
~ |JW mU (~ Ike u) id. to be set
right, to get a lesson
~ S FS H= J (~ te bht savr ho) id.
to have something on the brain
~ S Wu Y (~ to km len) id. to apply
one's mind, to act thoughtfully
~ Ul HH (~ d soJ) f. meningitis
~ J (~ pt an ) id. to have splitting/severe
headache; to feel uneasy due to tension
~ |= (~ phIrn) id. to go mad, to be
mentally deranged, to become insane; to be
~ = U (~ pher den) id. to turn one's
~ Y=U (~ lar un ) id. to cudgel one's brain,
to set one's wits to, to rack one's brain
~ |=U S=l Fl J (~ vIch t bhar ho)
id. to be a dull headed, to be a brainless fellow
~ |=U J (~ vIch n bethan) id. to be
unable to make head or tail of
-H ~ (khar ~) a. duffer, stupid, dull-headed
|UuTl |UuTl |UuTl |UuTl |UuTl (dImg) a. pertaining to mind, mental,
cerebral; intellectual, brilliant
~ Wu(~ km) a. mental work, brain work
~ WuHl (~ kamJor) f. cerebral or mental
weakness, amentia; poor intelligence
~ |ul (~ bImr) f. mental disorder,
~ H (~ bukhr) m. cerebral fever,
cerebritis, brain fever
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (dIl) m. heart, soul, mind, conscience; will,
inclination; courage
~ U UJ J (~ ucht hon ) id. to be
disgusted, to be fed up, to lose interest in
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. cardiac, coronary
~ H l |=|Tm (~ sabdh vIgIn) m.
~ H|=m (~ sar e) m. fed up, distressed,
~ |HW (~ shIkan) a. disappointing, distressing,
~ |HWl (~shIkn) f. heart break,
disappointment, despair, grief or great sorrow
~ J (~ hrn) id. to lose heart, to lose
one's nerve, to lose courage
~ |JYU (~ hIl u ) a. heart-rending, heart
breaking, moving, pathetic, touching
~ Jl |UY |=U (~ h dIl vIch) adv. in one's
heart, silently
~ Jl |UY |=U TJW (~ h dIl vIch gukan )
prov. to laugh in one's sleeves
~ JY W (~ hol karn) id. to give vent to
one's pant up feelings, to unburden one's mind
~ WH (~ kash) a. attractive, charming, alluring,
~ WU J (~ kacch hon) id. to feel like
vomiting, to nauseate, to feel nausea
~ WV (~ kaddhan) id. to spend lavishly;
to pluck up courage, to take courage
~ W (~ karn) id. to have a mind to, to
feel like, (doing or eating etc.); to wish, to long
~ W= W (~ karar karn) id. to pluck up
courage, to gather strength
~ HJ J (~ khatt hon) id. to feel sore, to
be disappointed, to be embittered
~ HJ W (~ khat t karn) id. to disappoint,
to embitter
~ H Y W (~ khohl ke) adv. lavishly,
munificently, open-heartedly
~ HY W TY Wlm (~ khohl ke gall karn )
id. open one's heart/mind, to talk heart to heart
~ Ul= (~ chrv) a. heart-rending, tragic,
moving, pathetic; sarcastic, pricking
~ U (~ chhaddan) id. to lose courage,
to lose heart, to lose one's nerve, to be
discouraged, to be demoralised
~ U J W (~ chhot karn) id. to lose
courage, to lose heart
~ |HS Y (~ JItt le n ) id. to win the heart of
~ JJ (~ uan) id. to be disheartened, to
be disappointed; to have a broken heart
~ J= (~ bav) a. heart-rending, heart-
moving, touching
~ J|J (~ he hrn) id. to feel consoled, to
feel relieved, to feel steady
~ VJ (~ dhahun) id. to lose courage, to
lose heart; to discourage, to demoralise, to cast
~ VJ (~ d hh) a. heart-breaking,
demoralising, discouraging
~ S== (~ tar phn) id. to pine for, to long
~ S YU (~ te lun) id. to take thing to
~ S= (~ torn) id. to break (someone's)
heart; to dishearten, to discourage
~ U|m HuU = (~ darea samdro ghe)
prov. still waters run deep
~ U HV J (~ d sf hon) id. to be clear
hearted, to keep no ill-will for anyone
~ U T (~ d rog) m. coronary disease, heart
~ Ul TY HKl W (~ d gall sJh karn) id.
to speak one's mind, to share one's secret
~ Ul TY K Yl (~ d gall buJJh le n ) id. to
know (someone's) heart
~ Ul F=H WV (~ d bhars kaddhan) id.
to give a vent to one's mind, to unburden one's
~ U HU (~ dukhun) id. to hurt one's
~ U J (~ de bethn) id. to give one's
heart (to), to fall in love with
~ U T U WJ (~ de rog d dkar) m.
~ W W W (~ dhak dhak karn) id. to be
afraid of; to throb, to palpitate
~ (~ dharn) id. to take heart of grace,
to keep courage
~ Y T (~ n laggan ) id. to feel depressed,
to feel bored, to have depression
~ j HJ (~ n khoh pen) id. to have
sinking of the heart
~ j |UY Ul J (~ n dIl d rh) prov. love
begets love
~ W W (~ pakk karn) id. to make up
one's mind
~ J H (~ patthar ho Jn ) id. to
become hard-hearted
~ UU (~ parchun ) v.i.t. to divert one's
attention, to amuse, to entertain
~ U= (~ parchv) m. entertainment,
amusement, recreation
~ =Y (~ pholn ) id. to open one's heart, to
share one's joys and sorrows
~ K (~ buJJhn) id. to lose all enthusiasm,
to feel disheartened
~ F mU (~ bhar un) id. to become
sentimental, to be moved
~ F H (~ bhar Jn) id. to be fed up; to
be satiated
~ |uY (~ mIln ) id. to fall in love; to have
similar inclination
~ uu J (~ mom hon) id. to be moved, to
be softened
~ H (~ rakkhan ) id. to console, to
reassure; to keep courage
~ YT (~ laggan) id. to feel at home, to be
attached to
~ = W (~ vad d karn) id. to have
courage, to keep patience
~ =Y (~ vl) a. daring, bold, courageous;
generous, bountiful, liberal
~ |=U HF (~ vIch khubbhn) id. to take a
thing to heart; to win the heart of
~ |=U UW U (~ vIch chhek pun) id. to
give a pinching remark
~ |=U F= uU (~ vIch bhbar macchn)
id. to be wild with rage; to have heart-burning,
to feel jealous
HJ ~ ( shh ~) a. bountiful, bounteous
U|m ~ (darea ~ ) a. bountiful, large
hearted, large handed
= |UY ( thor dIl) a. chicken-hearted;
miser, mingy
|UY H T = |UY H T = |UY H T = |UY H T = |UY H T = (dIl sgor) m. systole
|UY HK |UY HK |UY HK |UY HK |UY HK (dIl sa Jh) m. telepathy
|UY HU |UY HU |UY HU |UY HU |UY HU (dIl shad) a. glad, happy, cheerful
|UY H H |UY H H |UY H H |UY H H |UY H H (dIl soz) a. touching, pathetic
|UY |JYU |UY |JYU |UY |JYU |UY |JYU |UY |JYU (dIl hIlu ) a. breath-taking, terrorising
|UY |HU= |UY |HU= |UY |HU= |UY |HU= |UY |HU= (dIl khIchva ) a. captivating, attractive,
fasacinating, winsome
|UYTl |UYTl |UYTl |UYTl |UYTl (dIlgr) a. gloomy, heart-sore, heart-
broken, out of heart, sad, melancholy, sorrowful,
afflicted, regretful
|UYUH |UYUH |UYUH |UYUH |UYUH (dIlchasp) a. interesting, engrossing,
|UYUHl |UYUHl |UYUHl |UYUHl |UYUHl (dIlchasp) f. interest, taste
|UY Ul= |UY Ul= |UY Ul= |UY Ul= |UY Ul= (dIl chrva) a. heart-rending
|UYHl |UYHl |UYHl |UYHl |UYHl (dIlJn) a. beloved, lover, sweetheart;
bosom friend
|UYH Fl |UYH Fl |UYH Fl |UYH Fl |UYH Fl (dIlJo) f. consolation, solace
|UYU |UYU |UYU |UYU |UYU (dIldr) m. & a. lover, beloved, sweet
|UY U HFl |UY U HFl |UY U HFl |UY U HFl |UY U HFl(dIl dukha) f. solatium
|UY H U |UY H U |UY H U |UY H U |UY H U (dIl pasd) a. favourite, of one's choice,
pleasant, charming, alluring, fascinating,
|UY U= |UY U= |UY U= |UY U= |UY U= (dIl parcha va ) m. entertainment,
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (dIlbar) m.& a. lover, beloved, sweetheart
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (dIlrub) a. &m. beloved, sweetheart; a
stringed musical instrument
|UY-Y Tl |UY-Y Tl |UY-Y Tl |UY-Y Tl |UY-Y Tl ( dIl-lagg) f. jest, joke, fun, pleasantry,
~ W (~ karn) id. to make fun of, to amuse
|UYH |UYH |UYH |UYH |UYH (dIls) m. solace, consolation, comfort,
|UYl |UYl |UYl |UYl |UYl (dIl) a. hearty, heartfelt
~ |JH (~ khhIsh) a. heart's desire
~ US (~ yatan) a. sincere effort
-|UY ( dIlo ) a. heartfelt, sincerely, cordially,
earnestly, deeply
~ US (~ utarn) id. to lose one's respect
~ u (~ mano) adv. with all one's heart,
whole-heartedly, from one's heart
|U=H |U=H |U=H |U=H |U=H (dIvas) m. day
| U= Y | U= Y | U= Y | U= Y | U= Y (dIvl) m. bankruptcy, insolvency,
~ WV (~ kahan) v.t. to decree oneself
bankrupt ; to make to spend lavishly
~ |WY (~ nIkaln ) v.i. to go bust, to
become bankrupt
|U=Yl |U=Yl |U=Yl |U=Yl |U=Yl (dIvl) f. festival of lamps; feast
|U=Ylm |U=Ylm |U=Ylm |U=Ylm |U=Ylm (dIvl) m. & a. bankrupt, insolvent,
bust; penniless
UlU UlU UlU UlU UlU (dd) m. eye, optic
UlU UlU UlU UlU UlU (ddr) m. look, glimpse; sight, vision;
meeting, interview
UlUl UlUl UlUl UlUl UlUl (dd) f. elder sister, sister
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
(dn) m. religion, faith
~ Flu (~mn) m. religious faith; uprightness,
~ U lm (~ dun) f. next world and this
world, the here and hereafter
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
(dn) a. poor, needy; humble, meek, lowly
UlS UlS UlS UlS UlS (dnt) m. humility, modesty
UlU UlU UlU UlU UlU (dndr) a. pious, religious, virtuous; godly,
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (dn nath) m. Protector (of the poor),
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (dn bdhu) m. the Friend of the Poor,
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (dnr) m. currency of Arabian countries,
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
(dp) m. island
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
(dp) m. lamp
~ uY (~ ma la ) f. illumination, row or strings
of lamps
UlW UlW UlW UlW UlW (dpak) m. a musical mode
UluW UluW UluW UluW UluW (dmak) m. white ant, termite
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= (drgh) m. & a. a long vowel; long, lengthy
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= (dv) m. lamp; earthen lamp
~ TY W (~ gull karn) id. to annihilate,
to eradicate; to extinguish
~ Sl (~ batt) f. light, lamp
~ Sl W (~ batt karn) id. to put on the
~ K (~ buJJh) id. only son to die
~ Y W JY (~ le ke ol) id. to make a
great search
~ =Jl (~ va) f. a lamp of kneaded flour is
kept on the hand of a dying person
~ = W (~ va karn) id. to extinguish
a lamp, to put out a lamp
Ul= Y J ( dIve thalle haner) prov.
nearer the church farther from God
|U ~ HTU ( dIne~ Jagu) id. to
spend extravagantly, burn daylight
Ul=HYFl Ul=HYFl Ul=HYFl Ul=HYFl Ul=HYFl (dvsal) f. match box; lucifer, match-
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul=
(dvn) m. congregation; a collection of
poems by a single poet; a wooden bed, divan
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul=
(dvn) m. council of state ministers; a court
of justice, royal assembly
~ H t tt tt~ khn) m. court chamber; sitting
room, drawing room; audience hall
Ul=Tl Ul=Tl Ul=Tl Ul=Tl Ul=Tl (dvng) f. craziness, frenzy, insanity,
lunacy, madness
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= (dvn) a. crazy, frenzied, maniac, insane,
lunatic, mad
Ul=l Ul=l Ul=l Ul=l Ul=l (dvn) a. civil; ministerial
f. post of minister
~ mUYS t~ adlat) f. civil court
~ UJ= t~ dahv) m. civil suit in the court
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= (dvr) f. wall; partition
Ul=Yl Ul=Yl Ul=Yl Ul=Yl Ul=Yl (dvl) f. an Indian festival of lights, Diwali
U U U U U (du) pref. a prefix indicating 'two' or 'double'
as in 'U H U H U H U H U H', 'U U U U U ' etc.
U m H U m H U m H U m H U m H (duakkhr) a. disyllabic
U m U m U m U m U m (duarth) a. having double meaning,
equivocal, ambiguous
U m U m U m U m U m (du) f. blessing, benediction; prayer, orison
~ HYu t~ salm) f. salutation, greeting;
~ HYu W|J t tt tt~ salm ke h) v.t. to pay one's
compliments, to salute, to exchange greetings
~ HYu J t~ salm n ho) id. not to be
on speaking terms
~ t~ k he r) f. the prayer made for
someone's welfare
~ U t~ de) v.t. to bless, to benedict
~ uT t~ mga) v.t. to pray for, to ask for
U ~ ( bad ~) f. curse, malediction
U mJl U mJl U mJl U mJl U mJl (duh) f. marital relationship based on
exchange of daughters, having double
U mUHl U mUHl U mUHl U mUHl U mUHl (dudsh) f. the twelfth day of each half
of a lunar month
U ml U ml U ml U ml U ml (dun) f. an old Indian coin equal to 1/8
(one eighth) of a rupee
U m U m U m U m U m (dupar) m. the third of the four Eones/
Eras in Hindu mythology (silver era)
U m U m U m U m U m (dub) m. region between two rivers;
region between Sutluj and Beas
U mlm U mlm U mlm U mlm U mlm (dub) a. dweller of the region between
two rivers; resident of Doaba
U m U m U m U m U m (dur) m. door, gate, entrance; mouth
(cave); opening, passage, orifice
U mY U mY U mY U mY U mY (durpl) m. gate-keeper, gateman,
U m U m U m U m U m
(dur) adv. through, by; via, by means
U m U m U m U m U m
(dur) suff. a suffix meaning 'temple' as
in 'T U m T U m T U m T U m T U m' etc.; door, residence
U mY U mY U mY U mY U mY (dul) m. circumference, periphery,
U mY U mY U mY U mY U mY (dule) adv. around, about, all around
~ J t~ ho) id. to pester, to harass, to
persecute; to insist, to entreat persistently; to
mY ~ t le ~) adv. around, on all sides, in
all directions
U H|J U H|J U H|J U H|J U H|J (dusehr) m. a famous Hindu festival,
U HJ U HJ U HJ U HJ U HJ (dush) a. wicked, evil, fiend, scoundrel,
rascal, impious; cruel, merciless, impious, mean
~ mSu t~ tm) a. malicious, wicked
m. wicked person; evil spirit
U HJS U HJS U HJS U HJS U HJS (dushat) f. wickedness, rascality, villainy
U Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu (dushma) f. enemy, foe, rival; adversary
Hl ~ t Jn~) m. deadly foe, mortal enemy
U Hul U Hul U Hul U Hul U Hul (dushma) f. enmity, hostility, animosity
(dussar) adv. through and through, from end
to end
(dussar) f. a game of cards
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (dushvr) a. arduous, difficult, hard
U HW U HW U HW U HW U HW (dusk) a. having double relation, with
double relationship
U HT/U H= U HT/U H= U HT/U H= U HT/U H= U HT/U H= (dusg/dusgh) m. forked piece of
wood; bifurcation
U HT/U H= U HT/U H= U HT/U H= U HT/U H= U HT/U H= (dusg /dusgh) m. pronged or
forked stick, twin forked; a farming implement
U HU U HU U HU U HU U HU (dushd) m. decoction
UHY UHY UHY UHY UHY (dushl) m. shawl (big one in size), woollen
U H Sl U H Sl U H Sl U H Sl U H Sl (dust) m. drabbet, cotton cloth woven with
double strand of yarn
UH/UHl UH/UHl UH/UHl UH/UHl UH/UHl (duser/duser) m. two seer old Indian
weight approximately two kilograms
U J = U J = U J = U J = U J = (duhattha) m. stroke or blow with both
hands, with two hands
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to strike with both
hands; to wail by striking both hands on the
thighs (usu. by mourning women)
U J U J U J U J U J (duhatth) a. bimanal, bimanous
U JVl U JVl U JVl U JVl U JVl (duharf) a. brief, nut-shell; two-lettered
U J U J U J U J U J (duhr) a. double, two-fold
U JU U JU U JU U JU U JU (duhro) m. repetition, iterance, iteration,
U JU U JU U JU U JU U JU (duhru) v.t. to repeat, to iterate, to
reiterate, to replicate, to revise
U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl (duhr) f. revision; repetition, reiteration
U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl U JFl (duh) f. appeal for justice, cry for mercy,
plaint, complaint; wail, clamour, lament, hue and
~ U l t~ de) v.i. to make an appeal for
justice, to cry for mercy or help; to shout, to
lament, to call upon
~ U t~ pu) raise a hue and cry;
to make a noise
JY ~ t hl ~) f. hue and cry
U JT U JT U JT U JT U JT (duhga) f. widow; divorcee; wretched
U JH U JH U JH U JH U JH (duhaJ) a. & m. one who is married second
U J Y U J Y U J Y U J Y U J Y (duhel) a. arduous, difficult, troublesome
U W= U W= U W= U W= U W=
(dukka) f. pair, two, couple, duo
U W= U W= U W= U W= U W=
(dukka) m. small tambourine

(dukn) m. shop, store; business
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to run a shop
~ UYl t~chala) id. for the shop to flourish,
to have a good sale
~ YUl t~ lu) id. to set the shop
~ =Ul t~ vdhu) id. to close the shop;
to wind up business

(dukndr) m. shopkeeper, businessman

(dukndr) f. vocation of a shopkeeper,
U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl

(dukk) f. playing card having two pips,
deucey; two paisa coin

(dukkh) m. pain, ache; ailment, illness;
suffering, distress, hardship, trouble, affliction;
sorrow, grief, agony, anguish
~ H|J t~ seh) v.i. to endure suffering, to
bear trouble
~ HJ= t~ sahen) v.t. to invite trouble
~ HH t~ sukkh) m. sorrow and happiness, pain
and pleasure, ups and downs (of life); weal
and woe
~ H H W t~ sukkh karn) v.i.t. to share
one's problems
~ H H U t~ sukkh puchchha) v.t. to
enquire about the state of affairs of someone
~ W|Jm H t~ kae J) id. to come to
an end (for a trouble)
~ UU t~ dard) m. pain and affliction, sorrows
and sufferings
~ U t~ de) v.t. to give trouble; to torment,
to torture
~ U t~ pu) v.i. to lead a miserable
life, to bear troubles
~ | HH Jl t~ bIn sukkh nah) prov. no
pains no gains
~ t~ ro) id. to tell one's tale of woes
~ YT t~ lagga) id. to feel sorrow, to feel
pain; to be jealous
~ = U t~ vu) v.t. to share the
sorrows and sufferings (of someone)

(dukha) v.i.t. to pain, to ache ; for a
wound to be touched or hurt
UHU|FW/UHUFl t dukhdaek/dukhd)
a. painful, agonizing; distressing; sorrowful;
tragic, pathetic; troublesome
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H=

(dukha) m. suffering, sorrow, trouble,
grievance; tale of one's misfortunes (calamities
or hardships)
UH= t dukhae ro) id. to rave one's
grief, to narrate the tale of woe; to complain

(dukhu) v.t. to cause pain, to distress;
to inflict sufferings; to hurt, to torment
U H U u|m t dukh d mre) a.
afflicted, grieved

(dukh t) f. a writing with tragic end, tragedy,
tragic end, ending in sorrow

(dukhtak) a. tragic, tragical

(dukhtkr) m. tragedian
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H=

(dukhv) a. troublesome, bothersome;
distressing, painful, touching, pathetic; tragic
U |Hm U |Hm U |Hm U |Hm U |Hm

(dukhIr) a.& m. afflicted, sufferer,
grieved, in distress or pain, in grief, unhappy,
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl

(dukh) a. unhappy, wretched, afflicted,
sorrowful, grieved, woebegone, unfortunate,
unlucky; sick; miserable, distressed; oppressed,
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to be miserable
~ W t tt tt~ karn) v.i. to irritate, to vex; to
inflict pain or trouble, to cause misery
U Hlm U Hlm U Hlm U Hlm U Hlm

(dukh) a. afflicted, agonized, unhappy,
grief-stricken, grieved; unfortunate, unlucky

(duga) a. double, twice, two-fold, duple

(dug) m. two-teethed animal

(duga) m. duet
U T= U T= U T= U T= U T=

(dug) m. double-barrelled gun; double
U |U S U |U S U |U S U |U S U |U S

(duchItt) a. double-minded, wavering
minded, shilly-shally
U |U Sl U |U Sl U |U Sl U |U Sl U |U Sl

(duchItt) f. double mindedness, dilemma,
quandary, vacillation, uncertainty, suspense
~ |=U t~ vIch pe) id. to fall between
two stools

(duchhatt) a. double-storey (building)

(dutt) a. conjugate (letter, word or
vowel),compound letter, coupled, conjoined,
conjugated, joint
~ mH t~ akkhar) m. digraph
~ H= t~ svar) m. dipthong

(dutkr) f. reprimand, reproof, reproach

(dutkrn) v.i. to reprove, to reproach;
to drive away (dog etc.)
U S= U S= U S= U S= U S=

(dutarph) a. involving two sides, two
sided, bilateral, mutual, reciprocal

(duta r) m. two stringed musical instrument

(duddh) m. milk; the milky juice of certain
plants, latex, sap
~ HW H t~ sukk J) id. to become dry
(milch animal)
~ U= t~ chahn) id. to have stiffened
nerves due to unsecreted milk (in the breast/
~ U= t~ chgha) v.i. to suckle, to suck
at the breast or udder
~ U =U t~ chghd) a. not yet weaned,
~ U=U t~ chghu) v.i. to breast-feed,
to suckle
~ U t~ cho) v.i. to milk
~ UU t~ chhuu) v.i. to stop breast-
feeding, to wean
~ U UY t~ d ubl) m. a temporary fit of
~ U H|=m YHl =l =W u u lU J t~ d
sae lass n v phkk mar mar p d he)
prov. a burnt child dreads fire, once bitten
twice shy
~ U U l U l W t~ d duddh p
da pa karn) prov. to grant impartial/
unalloyed justice, to gist truth from falsehood
~ Ulm UUlm t~ d dd) f. milk-teeth
~ Ulm Ulm =T t~ d nad vag) id. to
have much prosperity, to roll in wealth
~ U t~ de) id. to breast feed, to suckle;
to yield milk; to yield/give profit
~ S t~ dhot) a. scrupulously honest,
spotless, morally clean, pious
~ l t~ pathr) m. a kind of white soft stone,
~ S t~ putt) m. wealth and progeny
~ =U t~ vadhu) id. to coagulate milk
WU~ t kacch ~) m. unboiled milk, fresh
|UJ~ t chItt ~) a. milky, milk-white, lily
|U=lm U~ t chI d ~) m. scarce thing,
goats wool
U |=U Y t duddh vIch pal) id.
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Ul Sl =Y t dhuddh putt phal)
id. to flourish in wealth and progeny

(duddhal) a. high-milk yielding (milk cattle)

(dudhkshn) a. mauve colour having
whitish tinge

(dudhr) m. double-edged weapon
U l U l U l U l U l

(duddh) a. breast, bosom (woman's)
U lm U lm U lm U lm U lm

(dudh) a. milk, milk white
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl

(dunl) f. double barrelled gun
U |m=l U |m=l U |m=l U |m=l U |m=l

(dunIv) a. worldly, earthly, mundane,
temporal, cosmic
~ S S t~ to r te) adv. terrestrially, temporally,
from the worldly point of view
U lm U lm U lm U lm U lm

(dun) f. world, earth , universe, cosmos;
the people of the world; crowd, multitude
~ F U t~ bhar d) a. comprehensive, very
much, too much, extensive (knowledge etc.)
~ F Ul HW U t~ bhar d khk chhan)
id. to knock about from pillar to post
U lmU U lmU U lmU U lmU U lmU

(dundr) a. & m. worldly-minded,
worldly-wise, man of the world, worldly;
U lmUl U lmUl U lmUl U lmUl U lmUl

(dundr) f. worldliness, worldly
wisdom; family life, domestic life; necessities
and problems of life
U |J U |J U |J U |J U |J

(dupe har) f. noon, midday, noonday,
~ VY t~ hale) adv. post meridian, afternoon
~ U t~ d) adv. meridian
|H U|J t sIkhar dupehre) f. nooning,
noon day, noontide

(dupakkh) a. two sided, bipartism

(dupa) m. long scarf, head-dress of a
woman; veil

(dupatnk) a. bigamous

(dupatnt) m. bigamy
U = U = U = U = U =

(duppa) f. fried double layered chapati
U |Fm U |Fm U |Fm U |Fm U |Fm

(dupe) m. any creature with two feet,
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H=

(dupsa) a. double-sided, two sided;
mutual, reciprocal
U |m U |m U |m U |m U |m

(duper) a. not dear, unloved, not loved,
not considered own; alien, stranger
U =J U =J U =J U =J U =J

(duphta) v.t. to cut/chop a thing into
U == U == U == U == U ==

(duph) f. & a. divided into two, split into
two; bifurcated, bifided
U = = U = = U = = U = = U = =

(duphe) m. schism, split
~ U t tt tt~ pu) v.t. to split, to divide
~ t~ pe) v.i. schism to take place; to
be divided, to get split

(dubb) f. a kind of grass which is used in
several religious ceremonies

(dubala ) a. lean, thin, slender, scrawny, slim;
weak, emaciated
~ SY t~ patl) a. gaunt, lean and thin, weak,
scraggy, scrawny, slender

(db) m. a male sheep, fast tailed ram, a tup

(dubJar) a. & m. one who double-
crosses, double faced, double dealing, double

(dubr) adv. twice, two times; a second
time, again, once more
U | U | U | U | U |

(dubIdh) f. dilemma, quandary, double
mindedness, uncertainty, doubt, suspense,
hesitation, dubiousness
~ |=U J t~ vIch ho) id. to fall between
two stools, to be up a gum tree

(dubIdhJanak) a. dilemmatic, uncertain,

(dubbhar) a. difficult, arduous, cumbersome,
forbidding; unbearable, intolerable; miserable,
burdensome (life or living)

(dubhsh) a. bilingual
U FHlm U FHlm U FHlm U FHlm U FHlm

(dubhsh) m. interpreter, bilinguist

(dubhJak) m. bisector

(dubhJan) m. bisection, bisecting
U u U u U u U u U u

(dm) f. tail
~ U W H t tt tt~ dab ke nassa) id. to take
to one's heels, to show a clean pair of heels, to
turn tail, to flee
U uU Y U uU Y U uU Y U uU Y U uU Y

(dmchhall) a. henchman, yesman
U u HY U u HY U u HY U u HY U u HY

(dumzl) a. double-storeyed, double story,
two storeyed
U u J U u J U u J U u J U u J

(dum h) a. amphisbaena, two headed;
two faced, double-dealing, double crossing
U u Y U u Y U u Y U u Y U u Y

(dumel) m. horizon, skyline; junction,
(dur) pref. a prefix which when headed
before gives the meaning of 'bad,' 'difficult' as
in U U, U H, U Tu etc.indicating
badliness or wrongness
~ UUT t~ upyog) m. improper use, misuse,
wrong use, misappropriation
(dur) intj. denoting aversion, pooh!

(durkr) f. an expression of contempt,
scorn, disdain ; an expression to shoo away a

(durkrn) v.i. to reproach, to reprove,
to drive away contemptuously, to shoo

(durg) m. fort, citadel

(durgat) f. bad condition, pitiable condition,
miserable plight

(durgdh) f. foul smell, stink, stench,
malodour, fetidness

(durg) m. goddess Durga

(durJan) m. rogue, wicked person, evil-doer,
rascal, scoundrel

(durdash) f. bad condition, pitiable
condition, miserable plight

(durdur) f. an expression of contempt, scorn
or disdain; an expression to shoo away a dog

(durbachan) m. scurrilous language,
scurrility, an abuse

(durbal) a. weak, frail, powerless

(durbalt) f. weakness, frailness,
powerlessness, debility, infirmity, feebleness,

(durbhg) m. bad luck, ill-luck, misfortune
~ Y t tt tt~ nl) adv. unfortunately, unluckily
U F= U F= U F= U F= U F=

(durbhvn) f. ill-will, antipathy, evil
U uJ U uJ U uJ U uJ U uJ

(durma) m. pounder, rammer, batterer,
boning rod
U uS U uS U uS U uS U uS

(durmat) f. evil-mindedness, wickedness
a. foolish, stupid; evil minded, wicked
U Y F U Y F U Y F U Y F U Y F (durlabbh) a. scarce, rare; precious,
valuable, costly; dear

(durss) f. curse, malediction

(durh) m. the place where a road branches
into two or bifurcates, bifurcation
U U U U U U U U U U (durchr) m. misconduct, immorality,
licentiousness, bad conduct, moral turpitude,
vice, lewdness

(durchr) a. immoral, licentious, wicked,
perverted, lewd, lecherous, fornicator,

(dur) a. far off, distant, remote, long
way off

(durukh) a. two faceted, two sided, double
faced; unreliable, double tongued

(dure) intj. a word to drive away a dog, shoo!

(dulhan) f. bride; wife; newly married
U Y S/U Y Sl U Y S/U Y Sl U Y S/U Y Sl U Y S/U Y Sl U Y S/U Y Sl

(dulatt/dulatt) m. & f. blow kick
with both hind legs
U Y/U YFlm U Y/U YFlm U Y/U YFlm U Y/U YFlm U Y/U YFlm

(dul /dula ) f. vowel symbol
pronounced (a i) or (a e) as in English 'hat'
U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y=

(dulgh) f. long stride, long pace or step,
distance of two steps
U Y= Flm/U Y= ulm U Y= Flm/U Y= ulm U Y= Flm/U Y= ulm U Y= Flm/U Y= ulm U Y= Flm/U Y= ulm

(dul gh bharn /
dulgh mrn) v.i. to stride, to walk with
long steps, to stalk

(dulr) m. affection, fondling, fondness, love
(esp. towards children)
~ W t~ karn) v.i. to fondle, to love

(dulr) a. darling, dear, apple of one's eye
U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y= U Y=

(dulv) f. vowel symbol pronounced (a i)
or (a e) as in English word 'hat'
U |Y T U |Y T U |Y T U |Y T U |Y T

(dulg) a. the word used in both genders
U Y W=/U Y W= U Y W=/U Y W= U Y W=/U Y W= U Y W=/U Y W= U Y W=/U Y W=

(dule ka/dule kae) m. long vowel
sound of 'U ' in Gurmukhi script, its symbol is '
U =|HW U =|HW U =|HW U =|HW U =|HW

(duvarshIk) a. biennial
U = Y U = Y U = Y U = Y U = Y

(duvall) a. pertaining to both sides, double
sided; mutual, both-ways, reciprocal
U = Y U = Y U = Y U = Y U = Y
(duvalle) adv. on both sides
U = Y U = Y U = Y U = Y U = Y
(duvalle) adv. from both the sides
U |= V U |= V U |= V U |= V U |= V

(duvIh) m. the well with two persian
U =Wl U =Wl U =Wl U =Wl U =Wl (duk) f. gait of horse, gallfo, trot
U = T U = T U = T U = T U = T

(dug) m. jump, spring, leap; caper, frisk
U = Tl U = Tl U = Tl U = Tl U = Tl

(dug) f. spring, leap, skip
U = T u U = T u U = T u U = T u U = T u

(duge mrn) id. to walk very fast,
to step out, to caper
U m U m U m U m U m

(d) m. the sum of one and one, two, the
figure two
a. second, following, next
U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl U Fl

(d) f. duality, dualism, twoness, otherness;
discord, discrimination

(du sha) m. blame, accusation, defect, fault,
flaw; blot, stigma; pollution, contamination
U |HS U |HS U |HS U |HS U |HS tdshIt1 a. polluted, contaminated; defective

(dsar) a. second; other, another, next

(dhar) f. the act of ploughing second time;
second time

(dhr) a. double, two fold, two folded
~ J t tt tt~ ho) id. to roll in laughter, to shake
/split one's sides; to toss restlessly with pain

(dJ) f. the second day of lunar fortnight; next
turn; second turn (in game); second date
~ U UU J t~ d chd ho) id. to be seen
after a long time, to be seen very rarely, to
meet once in a blue moon

(dJ) a. second; next, other, another, alternate
UHl S t dJ tarh) adv. other way, other
UH U |H u= t dJe de sIr mahn) id.
to lay the blame on other
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl

(dJ) a. & f. second (class); second standard;
grade-IInd; second position
(d) f. double/two fold, double forfeit (in
cards); loss, damage
(d) f. valley, dale, vale
(d) a. double, duplex
m. doubling, doubleness
~ H=|Fm t tt tt~ save) a. flourishing, ample,
progressing, abundant; two and a half times

(d) a. double, duplex, two-fold, twice in
quantity or size, dual
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to double
~ U t~ cho) adv. abundant, ample
U l U l U l U l U l

(d) f. the sum of one and one, two

(dt) m. messenger, courier, ambassador,
envoy, emissary; courtier
U S=H/U S= U S=H/U S= U S=H/U S= U S=H/U S= U S=H/U S=

(dtvs/dtghar) m. embassy,
embassy building
U l U l U l U l U l

(ddhdhr) a. one who lives only on
U lm U lm U lm U lm U lm

(ddh) a. of the colour of milk, white,
milky, milk-white

(dr) a. distant, far, remote, far away, far off
~ mUH t~ desh) a. far-seeing, far-sighted,
long-sighted, prudent
~ m U Hl t~ desh) f. far-sightedness, foresight ,
~ HU t~ schr) m. telecommunication
~ W t~ karn) v.i. to remove, to eradicate;
to dispel, to repel
~ SFl JU t~ t pahcha) id. to go to
the root, to go deep into
~ UH t~ darshan) m. television, T.V.
~ UH t~ darz) adv. far off
~ |U HJl t~ drIsh) f. far-sightedness, prudency,
~ U t~ d) a. distant, far
~ Ul t~ d ) a. far-fetched
~ Ul HKl t~ d suJJh) id. & v.i. to be far-
sighted, to strike a novel idea
~ Ul H t~ d nazar) f. far sight,
farsightedness; distant vision, hypermetropia,
~ U

(~ dure) adv. at a long distance,
~ U |J t~ dr reh) id. to keep a
distance, to shun, to avoid
~ U VY HJ= t~ de hol suhve) prov.
distant lands charm to the view, distant drums
sound well
~ =Sl t~ vart) a. remote, distant
U l U l U l U l U l

(drbn) f. telescope, binocular
U l U l U l U l U l

(dr) f. distance, length, remoteness, farness;
estrangement, separation

(dro) adv. from a far, afar, from a distance,
from-far away
~ t~ pro) a. from far and wide
~ u JW t~ matth eka) id. to keep
someone at arm's length, to try to keep a

(dlh) m. bridegroom

(deo) m. demon, giant, ogre; a colossus/gigantic
U H U H U H U H U H (desh) m. country; motherland, native country
or place, own country
~ UHS t~ deshtar) m. many or several
countries, foreign
~ J t~ dhroh) m. disloyalty, treason, sedition,
betrayal of one's own country
~ Jl t~ dhroh) a. disloyal, traitor of the
country, guilty of treason, quisting
~ |W Y t~nIka l) m. banishment,
deportation, exile, expatriation

( pIr) m. patriotism , nationalism
~ UH/ UH t~ badesh/ pardes) m. native
and foreign lands, own and other countries;
~ FTS t~ bhagat) m. patriot, nationalist
~ FTSl t~ bhagt) f. patriotism, nationalism
~ =Hl t~ vs) m. countryman, native,
~ |=ml t~ vIp) a. countrywide
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (des) a. native, indigenous; pertaining to one's
native country; local; home made
~ H t~ sharb) f. country liquor

(deh) f. body, physique, corps
U Jl U Jl U Jl U Jl U Jl (dehdhr) a. embodied in flesh, incarnate,

(dekha) v.t. to look, to see, to behold; to
seek, to search, to look for; to observe, to
notice; to consider, to view; to watch, to look
out; to perceive, to discern
- U H W m|J W

(- dekh ke aIh
karn) id. to take no notice of, to ignore, to
over look
~ W FH Y|J t~ ke bhukkh leh) id. to be
very beautiful, to be very charming
U H |=U t dekha vIch) adv. in outer
appearance, outwardly; apparently
UH|Um UH|Um t dekhde dekhde) adv.
in the twinkling of an eye, in a jiffy
UHU |J H t dekhde reh J) id. to
miss the train, to miss the opportunity; to be
wonder struck, to be taken aback
UH HHU t- dekh n sukhu) id. to
feel jealousy, to envy, to be jealous
UH-FY t- dekh-bhl) f. care; supervision,
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to look after, to take
care of
UH-UHl t~ dekh-dekh) adv. imitatively,
copying some fashion or some particular person
U |Hm U|Hm/U |Hm F|Ym t~ dekhe
chkhe/dekhe bhle) a. well-known,
tried and tested
~ H t~ n J) id. to be intolerable, to
be unbearable

(deg) f. big, narrow mouthed metallic cooking
vessel, cauldron; sacred pudding made of
wheat flour, sugar & ghee and is distributed in
Sikh congregations; Sikh community kitchen
U TU U TU U TU U TU U TU (degch) m. a metallic pot used for cooking
purposes(pulses, vegetables etc.)
~ YJ t~ loh) m. cast-iron
U Tl |uU U Tl |uU U Tl |uU U Tl |uU U Tl |uU (deg mIrch) f. powdered chillies which
produce red colour

(de) m. the act of giving; gift; boon; debt,
obligation; contribution
~ U T t~ yog) a. payable; fit to be given;
presentable, giveable
~ Y t~ le ) m. social dealings, give and take;
transaction; relations, dealings, reciprocity
U J/U J U J/U J U J/U J U J/U J U J/U J (dehr/dehr) a. Bestower,

(dedr) m. debtor, loanee, indebted;
grateful, obliged, liable, accountable
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (dedr) f. debt, liability, accountability
U U U U U (de) v.t. to give, to entrust, to handover; to
donate; to confer, to bestow, to grant; to pay
(debt, dues etc.); to allow; to offer, to pay
id. to produce; to give birth; to debt/loan
~ |US H t~ n dItt J ) id. to be unable
to repay the favours (of someone)
U /U l U /U l U /U l U /U l U /U l

(der/der) f. delay, lateness; tardiness,
~ H= t~ saver) f. late
adv. sooner or later
~ Wl t~ karn) v.i.t. to delay, to tarry; to be
~ SW t~ tak) adv. for a long while
~ Y t~ nl) adv. late, belatedly, tardily
U = U = U = U = U =

(dev) m. god, deity, holy-spirit
~ H t~ sathn) m. abode of gods, temple
~ Hu t~ samn) m. godlike
~ UHl t~ ds) f. temple-dancer
~ US t~ dt) m. messenger of God, angel
~ YW t~ lok) m. paradise, heaven
U =S= U =S= U =S= U =S= U =S= (devtav) m. Godhood, Divinity
U =S U =S U =S U =S U =S

(devt) m. god, deity, angel; gentleman
U =U U =U U =U U =U U =U

(devdr) m. a pine tree found at a height
of about 5000 to 7000 metres in the Himalayas
U =Tl U =Tl U =Tl U =Tl U =Tl

(devngr) f. the script used for Sanskrit,
Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi etc., DevNagri
U = S U = S U = S U = S U = S

(devnet) adv. by chance, per chance,
U = U = U = U = U =

(devar) m. husband's younger brother ,
U =l U =l U =l U =l U =l

(dev) f. goddess; female deity; lady, pious

(det) m. demon, giant, ogre
a. huge, gigantic tall and healthy (person)
U |W U |W U |W U |W U |W

(denIk) a. daily, diurnal, quotidian
m. daily , daily news-paper
U =l U =l U =l U =l U =l

(dev) a. divine, celestial, heavenly ; sacred,
Godly; Supernatural

(do) a.&m. two
~ U TY U t~ ugal d) a. short-statured,
~ HY t~ sl) a. biennial ; two years old
~ HH t~ shakh) a. binary
~ J W t~hatth karn) id. to confront , to
~ JVl t~ harf) a. brief
~ WUu S t~ kadam te) adv. at a short-
distance, at a stone's throw
~ |WHSlm U H= JuH U J t~ kIshtI II II d
savr hamesh dubbad he) prov. sailor of
two boats seldom succeeds
~ Wl U J t~ ko d n ho) id. to be
worthless, to be of no significance; to be very
poor, to be penniless
~ ==l U u|Ju t~ gha d mehmn) a.
one who is at death's door or at death bed
~ JW TY W t~ ukk gall karn) id. to give
a final reply , to do a clear cut talk
~ JW H= U t~ ukk Javb de) id. to
give a curt reply, to refuse bluntly, to give a
blank reply, to smack in the face
~ =lm S t~ be te per dharn )
id. to ride two horses at a time, to risk riding
two boats at a time
~ uY |=U uTl Ju t~ mull vIch murg
harm) prov. too many cooks spoil the broth

(dosh) m. fault; guilt; shortcoming, defect, flaw,
foible; blame, charge, accusation
~ WV t~ kaddha) id. to find fault with,
to criticise; to point at someone's defects
~ U t~ de) v.t. to blame, to accuse, to
~ |JSt~rahIt) a. flawless, perfect; blameless
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to accuse, to blame, to
UH t- dosh) v.t. to blame, to accuse, to
UH t bedosh) a. blameless, innocent

(dost) m. friend, chum; lover, beloved
~ UJ H uHlS |=U Wu m= t~ oh Jo musIbat
vIch km ve) prov. a friend in need is a
friend indeed
U HS U HS U HS U HS U HS (dostn) a. & m. friendly, friendship
U HSl U HSl U HSl U HSl U HSl (dost) f. friendship, fraternization; love,
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H= (dosa) m. double linen wrapper worn at
an auspicious ceremony
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (dosh) a. & m. accused person, guilty, culprit
~ J|JU t~ he hru) v.t. to declare
guilty, to convict (by court); to accuse, to blame
U J U J U J U J U J (doh) v.t. to milk
m. milking pail
U JS H mFl U JS H mFl U JS H mFl U JS H mFl U JS H mFl (doht Ju) m. daughter's son-in-law;
son-in-law of sister-in-law (husband's sister)
U JS U JS U JS U JS U JS (doht) m. son of daughter, grandson; son
of sister-in-law (husband's sister)
U JSl /U JSl U JSl /U JSl U JSl /U JSl U JSl /U JSl U JSl /U JSl (doht/dohtr) f. daughter's
daughter, granddaughter; sister-in-law's
daughter (husband's sister)
U J U J U J U J U J (dohar) f. repetition; double-fold; second
~ HUl t~ su) v.t. to plough a field second
time; to repeat
U JVl T Y U JVl T Y U JVl T Y U JVl T Y U JVl T Y (doharf gall) f. nut-shell, very brief,
! !! !!
(dohr) a. double, two-fold
z zz zz
/U J=/U J /U J=/U J /U J=/U J /U J=/U J /U J=/U J (dohr/doh/doh) m. a
verse meter, couplet, distich
U J/U Jl U J/U Jl U J/U Jl U J/U Jl U J/U Jl (doh/doh ) a. both
U Jl J l Y J tdoh hatth la
ho) id. to have the bread buttered on both
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (dokh) a.& m. malevolent, malicious,
jealous; enemy, foe
U TY U TY U TY U TY U TY (dogal) a. cross-bred, mongrel, hybrid;
illegitimate, bastard; double faced, double-
U TY U TY U TY U TY U TY (dogalpa) m. hybridness; illegitimacy;
U |U S U |U S U |U S U |U S U |U S (dochItta ) a. double-minded, wavering
U |U Sl U |U Sl U |U Sl U |U Sl U |U Sl (dochItt) f. double-mindedness, indecision
U HH U HH U HH U HH U HH (dozakh) m. hell, inferno
~ F t~ bharn) id. to undergo wretched
U W U W U W U W U W (dodhak) f. a weed plant, Sonchus oleraceus
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (dodhal) a. high milk yielding ( cow, buffalo)
U U U U U (dodh) m. unripe cob of maize; unripe ear
of corn
U l U l U l U l U l
(dodh) m. milk-vendor, milk-man
U l U l U l U l U l
(dodh) m. a nutrient prepared with poppy-
seeds, almonds etc. crushed together and
boiled in milk

(dono) a. both
U = U = U = U = U =

(dove) a. both
~ =Y |uY t tt tt~ vele mIl) id. for the dusk to
U = U = U = U = U =

(do) m. thick coarse cloth of large breadth

(do) f. cot's tightening string, bed-string
U l U l U l U l U l

(do) f. an ornament of ladies worn on the

(do r) m. time, period, age, regime, era; circuit,
~ UY t~ chall) id. for the drinking round
to be on way
(dor) m. tour; visit, round; circulation (of
blood); circuit, current; revolution of time
~ W t~ karn) v.i.t. to tour; to go round, to
visit; to circulate; to circuit
U S H t dore te J) v.t. to go on a
(dor) m. fit, spasm; attack (of any disease)
~ t~ pe ) v.i. to have a fit
U S U t dore te dor pe) id. to
have fit after fit, to suffer attack after attack
a aa aa
(dor) m. big stone or earthen mortar with a
wide mouth

(dorn) m. duration
adv. during, meantime
|FH ~ t- Is ~) adv. during this time, mean
while, meantime
U l U l U l U l U l

(dor) f. small stone or earthen mortar
~ t~ ) m. mortar and pestle

(dolat) f. wealth, riches, money, property,
~ HU t~ pasnd) m. mercenary
~ HS t~ prast) a. mammon-worshipper;
greedy, avaricious
~ u U t~ md) a. wealthy, affluent, rich,
prosperous, well to do, opulent
U YSH t do latkhn) m. residence,
abode, house, dwelling
U YSu U t do latmd) a. wealthy, rich,
U Y-u Y U Y-u Y U Y-u Y U Y-u Y U Y-u Y

(dola-mola) m. simpleton, duffer, goose
U = U = U = U = U =

(do) f. race, run, running; jogging; struggle;
~ Wl t~ karn) id. to labour or toil hard, to
struggle, to endeavour
~ H t~ J) v.i. to run away, to abscond,
to flee ; to withdraw (election, commitment
~ U == t~ da ghora) a. race-horse
~ t~ dhupp) m. endeavour, struggle,
running about, bustle
~ FH t~ bhaJJ) f. running about, hard struggle,
strenuous effort
~ YUl t~ lu) v.i. to run a race; to compete
U ==Y U ==Y U ==Y U ==Y U ==Y

(doanvla) m. runner, racer
U = U = U = U = U =

(don) v.i. to run; to participate in a race
U =U U =U U =U U =U U =U

(dou) v.t. to make to run; to make to
flee, to help in running away
- |HmY ~ (-kheal ~) id. to give wings to
U =W U =W U =W U =W U =W

(dok) m. racer, runner
U =-U =l U =-U =l U =-U =l U =-U =l U =-U =l

(do-dor) m. running about, fluster

ta) m. eighteenth letter and third cerebral
consonant of Gurmukhi alphabet, represents
the voiced retroflex plosive
U U U U U (auru) m. tabor
! !! !!
(as) m. bite (of snake), sting
z zz zz
(as) f. string or twine of scale-pans of
balance; thrum; fibres (in fruit or vegetables)
HW HW HW HW HW (askor) m. sob
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (astar) m. duster
H H H H H (ass) v.i. to bite (snake)
J J J J J (ah) m. poke, clog; stock device fastened
on cattle to prevent their crossing fence
JU JU JU JU JU (ahu) v.t. to get cot, bed etc. placed
|J |J |J |J |J/|J |J |J |J |J te h/e h pe ) v.t. to be
engaged in doing some work; to start work
W W W W W (k) m. holder pen, nib of a pen
W- W W- W W- W W- W W- W (akk-akk) a. staggering, wobbling
! !! !!
(akk) v.t. to fill to the brim; to fill to the
z zz zz
(akk) v.t. to shut in, to lock up, to
confine; to stop, to forbid, to prevent; to block,
to bar
W W W W W (akkr) m. piece, slice
! !! !!
(akk) m. straw
~ W t~ akk) adv.every bit
~ W UWU t~ akk chuku) id. to
pay even a single penny
~ UJ W t~ duhr n karn) id. to do
absolutely nothing, not to do any work, not to
stand for toffee
~ S= HT t~ n ton Jog) ph. can't
shoot for toffee
~ S= t~ n ton) id. to do absolutely
nothing, not to do anywork, not to stand for
~ |J t~ n reh) id. to be totally
ruined, to be robbed off everything; to become
a pauper/penniless
z zz zz
(akk) m. blockage, obstruction, blockade,
hindrance, clog
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to cause or make
obstruction, to clog
W W W W W (k) m. kettle-drum
~ =H t~ vaJJ) id. to become famous, to
be well known
~ =HU t~ vaJu) v.t. to beat drum
id. to spread renown of
- W Ul U J Y (ke d cho nl) adv.
openly, publicly, by beat of drum
WW WW WW WW WW (akak) adv. full to the brim, brim-full,
filled to the brim
W W W W W (akr) m. belch, bellowing, burp, eructation
W W W W W (akrn) v.t. to defalcate, to embezzle ;
to devour, to swallow
W S W S W S W S W S (aket) m. dacoit, robber, pilferer, bandit
W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl (ake t) f. dacoity, robbery, pilferage,
banditry, brigandage
W W W W W W W W W W (ako dakk) adv. full to the brim, up to
the brim, brimful
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (akko ole) m. swaying movements,
staggering walk
~ H t~ kh) id. to stagger, to vacillate;
to move to and fro in distress, to be puzzled
W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl W Yl (akol) f. the fruit of the china-berry tree
W S W S W S W S W S (akot) m. an inferior caste of Brahmins
who accept donations made for the
appeasement of evil stars(saturn)
W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl (ako t) f. the work or profession of
! !! !!
(g) m. sting, fang; bite
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to sting; to bite; to
deceive, to cheat, to defraud, to beguile
z zz zz
(g) m. time; meal time, time for meals
~ H t~ srn) id. to make both ends meet,

to subsist; to pass time
~ JU t~ ap) a. serving the purpose for
time being, passable, enough to subsist; rough
and ready
~ JFl W t~ ap karn) id. to pass time,
to temporise, to live from hand to mouth
! !! !!
(g) v.t. to bite, to sting
z zz zz
(g) v.t. to sharpen a point (as of
plough's share) by beating with hammer while
red hot
TuT TuT TuT TuT TuT (agmag) a. unsteady, shaky, wavering,
unstable; staggering, wobbling, vacillating
TuTU TuTU TuTU TuTU TuTU tagmagu) v.i. to be unsteady, to
shake, to waver; to stagger, to move unsteadily,
to wobble, to vacillate
TuT JJ TuT JJ TuT JJ TuT JJ TuT JJ (agmagha) f. unsteadiness,
vacillation, wobble, stagger, reel
T T T T T (gar) m. animal, cattle, quadruped, beast;
idiot, brute, fool
a. stupid, foolish
~ U =Y t~ chrn vl) m. cowherd, grazier
~ WJ t~ kar) m. veterinary doctor
~ U T t~ d gar) a. fool of the first
~ U V t~ hr) m. cattle-shed
~ =U t~ vachchh) m. livestock, cattle
T T T T T tagg) m. drumstick
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to beat a drum with
! ! ! ! !
(g) m. long and loose stitch, chain stitch,
T u/YU (ge mrne/lue) v.t.
to stitch loosely and carelessly; to tack, to baste
z zz zz
(g) m. sharper end of a hammer
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (agg) f. pedlar's bundle of cloth or other
wares (for sale), pack
~ YUl t~ lu) v.i. to peddle , to hawk
~ =Y t~ vl) m. pedlar, packman
T l T l T l T l T l (gor) f. stick, walking stick, stay; staff,
J J J J J (a) v.t. to hold on; to stick to, to stand
firm; to face firmly; to have one's fill
J W t da ke) v.i. firmly, undauntedly,
persistently, bravely; to one's fill
~ W HJu W/H t~ ke shm karn/
J) id. to square up to
J |J t ae reh) v.t. to hold out; to
hold one's own; to persist, to persevere, to carry
on firmly
J J J J J/ J J J J J (a/att) m. stopper, cork, bung
(a) f. an affectionate form of addressing
small children

! !! !!
() f. punishment, penalty, ransom,
atonement, chastisement

z zz zz
() m. a kind of gymnastic exercise, bend
and stretch exercise, push-ups
~ JW t~ betak) f. an exercise of bend
and stretch plus exercise of sit and stand, push-

a aa aa
() m. noise, clamour, uproar, outcry
~ U t~ pu) v.t. to make noise, to
Y Y Y Y Y (al) m. stalk of cauliflower; haulm; small
shoot of a plant
(a) m. pod of gram
() m. rod, ferule; stake; baton, club; rung
(of a ladder)
~ /l t~ er/or) m. belongings, bag
and baggage
~ UW t~ er chukk) id. to pull up
~ Yl t~ ol ) f. a game in which two children
carry their companion by joining their arms
~ l uHJ|m U t~ pr musde d) prov.
rod tames every brute
~ = t~ phern) id. to beat, to thrash
~ =l t~ be) f. bilboes; shackles, fetters
~ = t~ varhn) v.i. to be thrashed/beaten;
to be attacked with clubs
U H Y t e de zor nl) adv.
forcibly, by force
~ =HU t~ vaJu) id. to be unemployed,
to be idle
~ =T H= t~ varg Javn) m. healthy and
long young man
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl (a dval) f. penal code
|mU |mU |mU |mU |mU (ad Iua) v.i. to scream with fear, to
cry with fear
l l l l l
! !! !!
(d ) f. handle; grip; petiole, leaf stalk; beam
(of a scale); bar, handle
~ u t~mrn) id. to underweigh
l l l l l
z zz zz
(d) f. an ornament of ear, ear -ring
l l l l l
a aa aa
(d) f. full stop
l l l l l
4 44 44
(d) f. path, footway, pathway
~ U t~ pu) v.t. to dispatch; to send
away in disdainful manner
~ U t~ bau ) id. to make a passage
(a) m. frog
~ UY t~ chl) f. frog leg movement
m m m m m (aua) m. toad
W W W W W (dorak) m. small staff, club
|YW |YW |YW |YW |YW (olIk)a. scared, frightened; tearful
S S S S S (d o t) f. prostration, salutation by lying flat
on the ground
(n) m. punishment, fine, penalty; loss,
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to punish, to penalise,
to fine, to penalize
= = = = = (apph) v.t. to eat or drink voraciously,
to gourmandise, to guzzle, to devour, to gobble
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (aphal) a. disproportionate, clumsy (person)
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl (aphal) f. tambourine, timbrel
ml ml ~ =HU ( a p a p ~
vaJu) id. to harp on the different tunes,
different men different minds

! !! !!
(abb) m. spot, stain, speckle; discolouration
~ H= t~ khaabb) a. spotted, stained,
speckled; faded, discoloured, smudgy, dappled

z zz zz
(abb) f. an end of lungi or cloth worn round
lower body and used as pocket
Y Y Y Y Y (abal) a. double; two-fold
~|FJ t~ I) f. brick
~H t~ pes) m. an old Indian coin of one
~ Jl t~ ro) f. bread, baker's loaf, baked
Y Y Y Y Y (bal) m. dumbbell

! !! !!
(abb) m. container; jar, tin; carton; bogie;
a train having few bogies only; lunch box, tiffin-

z zz zz
(abb) a. spotted, stained, speckled
U U U U U (abb bd) a. tinned, canned
l l l l l (abb) f. small container or jar; match-box;
shuttle (sewing machine); geometrical design
or pattern in weaving or knitting or embroidery
(abb) m. spotted dog
(abo) v.t. to soak, to dip ; to drown, to
sink; to ruin, to spoil (name or fame etc.)
u u u u u
! !! !!
(mh) v.t. to appease someone by
giving something ( unwillingly)
u~ tmatth~ ) id. to grease the palm , to
bribe ; to give some thing unwillingly
u u u u u
z zz zz
(mh) v.t. to brand, to burn in, to sear
u l u l u l u l u l (mh) f. branding iron; beater (of wood)
used for washing clothes
u u u u u (amr) m. timbrel, an Indian musical
(ar) m. fear, terror, awe; dread; doubt,
consternation, apprehension; danger, alarm
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to be scared; to apprehend
(danger, loss etc.)
~ Y W t~ nl kb) v.t. to have heart in
one's boot, to tremble with fear
~ U t~ pu) v.t. to instill fear, to cause
terror; to overawe, to scare

! !! !!
(arn) m. scarecrow

z zz zz
(arn) v.i. to be frightened, to be afraid/
scared, to be terrified; to apprehend (danger
or loss)
Ul J J WUl t ard har har kard)
prov. to make a virtue necessity
U U /U u t arde arde/arde
mre) adv. with fear; reluctantly, hesitatingly
H u t are so mare) prov. cowards
die many a time before their death
W W W W W tarpok) a. chicken-hearted, pigeon-
hearted, coward, timid, cowardly
u u u u u/ u u u u u (ramm/dram) m. drum
ul ul ul ul ul (armm) f. thrasher
U U U U U (aru) a. horrible, terrible, dreadful,
frightful, frightening; ghastly, gruesome
|F T |F T |F T |F T |F T (arg) f. drawing
~ | t~ pIn) m. drawing-pin
~ t~ pepar) m. drawing-paper
~ |HY t~ pesIl) f. drawing-pencil
~ t~bor) m. drawing-board
~ uHJ t~ mastar) m. drawing-master
~ u t~ rm) m. drawing-room, sitting-room
FlWYl FlWYl FlWYl FlWYl FlWYl (arakaln) f. dry-cleaning
FlWYl FlWYl FlWYl FlWYl FlWYl (arakalnar) m. dry-cleaner
Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl= (arvar) m. driver, chauffeur
Fl=l Fl=l Fl=l Fl=l Fl=l (arvar) f. occupation of a driver
WY WY WY WY WY (arkal) a. coward, chicken-hearted,
pigeon-hearted, cowardly, timid, cowish,
craven, fearful
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (arpsn) m. drop scene
(arpar) m. dropper
VJ VJ VJ VJ VJ (arft) m. draft
VJHu VJHu VJHu VJHu VJHu (arftsmen) m. draftsman
u u u u u (arm) m. a measuring unit, dram
u u u u u tarm) m. drama, play
= = = = = (arv) m. threat, menace; chimera; scare,
fear; scarecrow
~ U t~ de) v.t. to threaten; to scare
|m J |Fm |m J |Fm |m J |Fm |m J |Fm |m J |Fm (area hoea) a. frightened, afraid,
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y
! !! !!
(arIl) f. drill (machine)
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y
z zz zz
(arIl) f. drill, mass exercise
~ uHJ t~ masar) m. drill-master
(ar) a. coward , timid, craven, cowish,
(aren) f. drain
H H H H H (ares) f. dress
FlJ ~ t n ~ ) f. night dress
|H T |H T |H T |H T |H T (aresg) f. dressing
~ JY (~ ebal) f. dressing table
! !! !!
(alh) a. dull
z zz zz
(alh) f. deserted or abandoned well
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (alhk) f. glitter, sheen, shine, lustre,
radiance, glint, sparkle, flash
! !! !!
(alk) v.i. to glitter, to shine, to gleam,
to flash, to reflect
z zz zz
(alk) v.i. to trickle, to roll down (tears
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (alhk) m. a disease of eyes (in which
eyes remain filled with water)
Y Y Y Y Y (al) m. clod, lump; fragment, piece
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (al) f. a small clod, gobbet
=lH =lH =lH =lH =lH (avzan) f. division
|F |F |F |F |F (I) f. die/dies
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (Is) m. dais, rostrum
|Fl |Fl |Fl |Fl |Fl (aIr) f. diary
|F WJ |F WJ |F WJ |F WJ |F WJ (Irekar) m. director
~ HY t~ Janral) m. director general
HJ|FW ~ t sahek~) m. assistant director
|Jl ~ t Ip ~) m. deputy director
u |H T ~ t maneJg ~) m. managing
|uU|HW ~ t-mIzIc ~) m. music director
ulS ~ t-mt~) m. joint director
|F WJl |F WJl |F WJl |F WJl |F WJl
! !! !!
(Irekar) f. directorship
|F WJl |F WJl |F WJl |F WJl |F WJl
z zz zz
(Irekar) f. directory
|F WJ J |F WJ J |F WJ J |F WJ J |F WJ J (Ire kore) m. directorate
|FY |FY |FY |FY |FY (Il) m. dial
~ =uU t~ ghumu) v.t. to dial
Fl| T W Fl| T W Fl| T W Fl| T W Fl| T W (Ing kr) f. dining car
~ JY t~ ebal) m. dining table
~ u t~ rm) m. dining-room
H H H H H (s) m. dance
! !! !!
(h) f. jealousy, heart-burning
z z z z z
(h) f. catching; attention, heed
~ Ul t~ n de) v.t. not to tell anything,
not to clear anything
J J J J J (hu) v.t. to spread a bed or cot; to
push fuel forward into hearth, furnace, to fire;
to engage someone to a work
W W W W W (k) f. post, mail, dak
~ Hl t~ sabdh) a. postal
~ HU t~ kharch) m. postage charges
~ / = t~ khn/ ghar) m. post office
~ Tl t~ ga) f. mail train
~ |JWJ t~ tIkat) m. postage stamp
~ TY t~ bgl) m. dak-bungalow
~ Jl t~ rh) adv. by post
~ |=U U t~ vIch pu) v.t. to post
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (kar) m. doctor, physician
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (karn) f. lady doctor
WJl WJl WJl WJl WJl (kt ar) f. doctorship, medical profession
or practice; medical
~ HJl|=W J t~ sarfIke) m. medical certificate
~ um|F t~ muen) m. medical inspection
W W W W W (k) m. dacoity, robbery
Wlm Wlm Wlm Wlm Wlm (k) m. postman
W W W W W (k) m. dacoit, robber, bandit, highway man
T T T T T (g) f. bamboo stick, staff, club
~ H J J t~ so ho) id. to fight with
weapons, to be at loggerheads
~ HJ H=W/T Tl J t~ so khak/
go dg ho) id. to be at loggerheads
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (ch) f. she camel, female camel
! !! !!
() m. stopper, cork, bung
z zz zz
() f. arch
J J J J J () f. rebuke, scolding, chiding; reprimand
J J J J J () v.t. to rebuke, to scold, to give a bit
or a piece of one's mind, to chide
() f. scream, loud wailing cry, shriek
ulm ulm ulm ulm ulm ( mrn) v.i. to cry loudly, to
V V V V V (d h) a. high handed, over bearing,
overwhelming, violent, mortal, vigorous,
extreme, poignant; powerful, mighty
- V Ul HSl =lJl H ( dhe d satt vh so)
prov. might is right
(r) f. flock, flight, herd; queue, string, traie
- |=U= ( ro vIchhn) id. to part
from one's companions
W u W u W u W u W u (rk rm) m. dark room
Y Y Y Y Y (l) f. branch, bough, offshoot
Y Y Y Y Y (lar) m. dollar (an American coin)
Y Y Y Y Y (l) m. crate, micker basket, a large open
container usually of wood for carrying bottled
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (l) f. branch, bough, twig; a basket full of
fruit or sweets as a present
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (vdol) a. wavering , shaky, unstable,
unsteady, unbalanced, insecure, unstable
-= Y Ul |u Jl H (v d ol d mIt t
khrb) id. a rolling stone gathers no moss
|U V |U V |U V |U V |U V (Iudh) m. one and a half times quantity
or proportion
|U Vl |U Vl |U Vl |U Vl |U Vl (Iud h) f. lobby, vestibule, gateway, porch,
portio, ante-room
|U Jl |U Jl |U Jl |U Jl |U Jl
! !! !!
(I) f. duty
|U Jl |U Jl |U Jl |U Jl |U Jl
z zz zz
(I) f. tax, duty, charge, custom, excise
|HJ l|U J |HJ l|U J |HJ l|U J |HJ l|U J |HJ l|U J (Ist rbIar) m. one who distributes,
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ (Istepar) m. distemper
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (Ispesar) m. dispenser
|H Hl |H Hl |H Hl |H Hl |H Hl (Ispesar) f. dispensary
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (Ispech) m. despatch
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to despatch
|H|uH |H|uH |H|uH |H|uH |H|uH (IsmIs) a. dismissed
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to be dismissed
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to dismiss
||HY ||HY ||HY ||HY ||HY (IsIplan) m. discipline
|WHl |WHl |WHl |WHl |WHl (Ikshnar) f. dictionary, lexicon
|WJ H |WJ H |WJ H |WJ H |WJ H (Ikeshan) m. dictation
|WJ J |WJ J |WJ J |WJ J |WJ J (Iket ar) m. dictator
|WJ J |WJ J |WJ J |WJ J |WJ J (Ikeran) m. dictatorial
|WJ Jl |WJ Jl |WJ Jl |WJ Jl |WJ Jl (Iket r) f. dictatorship
|W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y (Ikdol) m. jolt, jerk
|T |T |T |T |T (Ig) v.i. to descend by the force of
gravity from a higher to lower place, to fall, to
drop, to collapse; to suffer loss, demotion,
decline or degradation; to decrease; to be killed
in battle
- |T |T W mH= JFlU J ( Ig Ig ke asvr
hod he ) prov. failures are pillars of
|TU V|J U |TU V|J U |TU V|J U |TU V|J U |TU V|J U (Igd hehd) adv. with much
toil, with great difficulty, somehow
|Tl |Tl |Tl |Tl |Tl
! !! !!
(Igr) f. degree (from court ), a judicial
|Tl |Tl |Tl |Tl |Tl
z zz zz
(Igr) f. degree (academic); degree (of
temperature); fat content in milk
| T | T | T | T | T (g) a. bent, curved; crooked, askew
| Tl | Tl | Tl | Tl | Tl
! !! !!
(Igg) f. a rectangular tank for collecting
| Tl | Tl | Tl | Tl | Tl
z zz zz
(Igg) f. boot of vehicle, dicky/dickey
| = | = | = | = | = (gh) f. long pace or step, long stride
|HFl |HFl |HFl |HFl |HFl (Izn) m. design
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (Izendr) a. well-designed, patterned
| | | | | (Inar) m. dinner
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl (Ip) a. deputy
|Jl W|uH |Jl W|uH |Jl W|uH |Jl W|uH |Jl W|uH (Ip kamIshnar) m. deputy
|Jl W Y WJ |Jl W Y WJ |Jl W Y WJ |Jl W Y WJ |Jl W Y WJ (Ipt kule kt ar) m. deputy collector
|Y u |Y u |Y u |Y u |Y u (Iplom) f. diploma
|Y u Hl |Y u Hl |Y u Hl |Y u Hl |Y u Hl (Iplomes) f. diplomacy
| | | | |/l l l l l (Ip/dp) m. depot
| | | | | (db) m. ovum
| H | H | H | H | H (dbaJ) m. ova, born of ova
l l l l l () f. protractor
l U. l U. l U. l U. l U. (.o.) a. demi-official
l m u HlJ l m u HlJ l m u HlJ l m u HlJ l m u HlJ (. em. s.) m. a kind of cotton thread
l HlJ l HlJ l HlJ l HlJ l HlJ (. s.) m. deputy commissioner
lW lW lW lW lW (k) f. long sip, gulp, quaff
~ Y W l t~ l ke p) v.t. to toss off, to
lT lT lT lT lT t g) f. boast, brag, vaunt, vainglory, pretension
~ ul t~ mrn) v.i. to boast, to brag, to
lHFl lHFl lHFl lHFl lHFl (zn) m. design
l l Jl. l l Jl. l l Jl. l l Jl. l l Jl. (. . .) m. D. D.T., dichlorodip denly
luHJ J luHJ J luHJ J luHJ J luHJ J (masrear) m. demonstrator
lY lY lY lY lY (l) m. a kind of grass which grows in paddy
crop; stature, figure, size, shape
~ Y t~d o l) m. physique, build, body, stature,
figure (physical personality)
lY lY lY lY lY (lar) m. dealer
HW HW HW HW HW (uska) v.i. to weep with conducive
gasps, to sob, to snivel, to blubber
HW = HW = HW = HW = HW = (uskev ) m. sobbing, snivelling, blubber
T T T T T T T T T T (ug ug) f. the sound produced by the
beating of drum
T Tl T Tl T Tl T Tl T Tl (ugug) f. a small drum, small two sided
drum with lashes attached for drubbing the
sides, tambourine
T T T T T (g) v.t. to cut/pluck, to separate the
leaves/ears of corn /cob from the stalks
(tobacco, tea, mint etc.)
T=U T=U T=U T=U T=U / TU TU TU TU TU (gvu/gu) v.t. to
get or cause ears of corn plucked, to get
(u) m. lameness; hobble limp, club foot,
~ u t~ mrn) v.i. to limp
(u) a. lame, limping, badger-legged,
bandy legged
/ =J =J =J =J =J (n /n va) a. clod, blockhead,
dull, duffer; dumb
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (ubka) a. submarine
~ |WHSl (~ kIsht) n. submarine
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (ubak) f. dip, dive, duck, plunge
(ubba) v.i. to drown, to sink, to dip; to
set (the sun, moon); to be submerged, to be
immersed; to be ruined or destroyed; to be
drowned, to be sunk, to be dipped; to become
bad debt; to lose prestige or reputation
Hl ~ t J ~) id. to have heart-sinking, to
feel sinking of the heart
H t ubb J) m. an inoffensive
abuse used by women
~ u t~marn)id. to be greatly ashamed of
v.i. to commit suicide by drowning
U |SW U HJ t ubbde n tInke
d sahr) prov. a drowning man catches at
a straw
~ |uY t~ n th n mIl) id. to be
greatly ashamed of
l mHul t ubb asm) f. bad debtor
~ Wu t~ rakam) f. bad debt
(ubo) v.t. to make to drown, to make to
sink, to make to dip; to waste, to squander
(property, money etc.); to spoil, to mar
(reputation, business etc.)
Ylm Ylm Ylm Ylm Ylm (ubol) m. diver
Y Y Y Y Y (ullh) v.i. to spill, to be spilt; to flow
out; to fall for, to fall in love with, to be
fascinated; to be generous
Y =U Y =U Y =U Y =U Y =U / Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (ulhvu/ulhu) v.t. to
get something thrown down; to cause
something to be split ; to shake, to sway
|Ym U mH WK Jl |=T|=m (ullhI
ber d aJe kuJh nah vIgI) prov. it is
never too late to mend
YU YU YU YU YU (ulu) v.t. to demoralise; to make
someone waver, to cause to be unstable
= = = = = ( gh) m. depth, abyss; dimple
= = = = = ( gh) a. deep, hard to fathom; profound;
intense, intimate
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to deepen
=Fl =Fl =Fl =Fl =Fl ( gh) f. depth, deepness; profoundity,
= = = = = ( gh) f. lowland , low ground ; slope
(a) m. knob
V/ V V/ V V/ V V/ V V/ V (dhudh/dhudha) a. one and a half;
one and a half times
(n) m. a small bowl or cup prepared from
leaves of a tree
u u u u u (m) m. bard-cum-genealogist and humorist,
singer; a low caste
~ = t~ arv) m. false threat
u u u u u (m) m. a species of honey-bee; bee
ml ml ml ml ml/ l l l l l (dear/e r) m. dairy
~ =u t~ phram) m. dairy farm
W W W W W (ek) f. a shady tree, china berry, Melia
T T T T T (eg) v.t. to cause to fall, to fall, to knock
down, to throw down; to drop; to cause
downfall of; to lodge (plants etc. by wind, storm
etc.); to pull down, to demolish; to topple; to
demean, to stoop low
T H T H T H T H T H (degu bukhr) m. dengue (fever)
V V V V V (eh) a. one and a half
~ |TJ Ul H J t~ gIh d zabn ho)
id. to be cheeky, to be outspoken
u u u u u (em ) m. hornet
(er) m. encampment, camp; abbey,
hermitage, monastery; lodging, residence,
~ UW Y t~ chukk le ) id. to strike camp
~ HuU/ YU t~ Jamu/lu) id. to
encamp, to establish camp; to live, to stay for
a long time
~ t~ ) m. bag and baggage, entire
~ Y W/ W |J t~ l ke/p ke bheh)
id. to stay for a long time
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (ela) a. having abnormally large or
protruding eyes
(el) m. eye-ball
Y WV t ele kah) id. to cast an
angry look
/ Y Y Y Y Y (el/ele) m. caper-fruit used for
making pickle, Capparis aphylla
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (el) f. pupil of the eye
Ylm Ylm Ylm Ylm Ylm (el) m. dehlia flower and plant
H H H H H (esh) m. dash
-WY~ t-kolan~) m. colon dash (:-)
HW HW HW HW HW (esk) m. desk
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (es) m. deci, one tenth
~ Tu t~ grm) m. decigram (a metric
~ uY t~ mal) m. decimal
~ ulJ t~ mar) m. decimetre
W W W W W (e kk) m. deck
W Tu W Tu W Tu W Tu W Tu (ek grm) m. decagram
~ ulJ t~ mar) m. deca meter
~ YlJ t~ lar) m. decalitre
(e ) f. she-demon, evil-spirit; witch, wicked
woman; hag , ugly woman
u u u u u (enmo) m. dynamo
J H J H J H J H J H (epueshan) f. deputation
u u u u u (em) m. dam
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (el) m. delta (of river)
YlT H YlT H YlT H YlT H YlT H (elgeshan) m. delegation
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (o) f. wooden ladle, scoop, wooden spoon
J J J J J/ Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl tohr/ohr) m.&f. a large ladle with
long wooden handle
WY WY WY WY WY (okal) a. not yielding milk properly or
yielding milk haltingly (milch animal )
W W W W W (ok) m. milk that remains in the teats after
milking; period of impregnation of milch animal
W W W W W Y (o ke le ) id. to want something; to
get something
T T T T T (ogr) m. a caste ; a person of such caste
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (ogr) f. a dialect of Punjabi language
spoken near Jammu region
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (og) f. a small boat
H H H H H (oz) m. doze
(o) m. poppy-head, seed-pod of poppy,
capsule head, boll
l l l l l (o) f. bud, button; small pod, boll
(o o) f. hoot
~ J t~ ho) id. to be disgraced
~ W t~ karn) id. to make one feel small,
to put to shame; to give defeat
(ob) m. heart-sinking; depth (of water);
submergence, dive, plunge, dip; depression
(ob) v.t. to cause to dip/drown, to sink;
to submerge, to immerse; to ruin, to destroy
(ob) m. sinking, immersion; dip (of pen);
calamity, destruction, ruination
~ HW t~ sok) m. excess of rain or drought;
ups and downs (of life)
~ U t~ de) id. to cause or help to bathe
~ YU t~ lu) v.t. to have a dip in water,
to bathe
~ Y t~ le) v.t. to take a dip of ink
(ob) a. deep enough to drown, too deep
(for water)
(or) f. stiffened thread used for kite-flying;
cord, twined thread
~ |VYl U t~hIll chha) id. to give
a free rein, to give too much freedom, to give
a long rope
=T ~ tvg ~) f. reins, control

! !! !!
(or) m. string, cord; fringe on the end of
sheet etc.
~ t~ bnh) v.t. to make fringe (on
the end of sheet, blanket etc.)

z zz zz
(or) m. eye-string; thin line of collyrium
U tore pu) id. to entice, to
attract, to allure

a aa aa
(or) a. deaf, hard of hearing
l l l l l (or) f. string, cord, line; tasselled tag for
braiding hair; hope, expectation, support
lm lm lm lm lm (or) m. a variety of fine gauzy cotton
cloth, a kind of striped cloth
! !! !!
(ol) m. bucket or vessel used for drawing
water from a well, pail
z zz zz
(ol) m. swelling and pain caused in injury or
wound by exertion or excessive movement
~ t~ pe) v.i. for excessive pain to be
caused or experienced
YUl YUl YUl YUl YUl (olch) m. bucket
Y Y Y Y Y (ol) v.i. to sway, to oscillate, to vacillate,
to waver, to shake; to lose balance; to lose
faith or confidence
Y Y Y Y Y (olh) v.t. to spill, to throw out (liquid
out of a vessel); to scatter; to shed (blood); to
pour, to empty
YU YU YU YU YU (old) v.t. unstable, tremulous, shaky
Y Y Y Y Y/ Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (ol/ol) m. & f. palanquin/palankeen;
a ceremony of seeing the bride off her parental
~ S t~ torn) v.t. to see off a bride
~ U t~ de) v.t. to give one's daughter in
Y U= / Y (ole chahn/ole
pe) id. to get married
~ U t~ pu) id. to give in marriage
Y Y Y Y Y (ol) m. a small bucket with handle for
carrying it along suspended, small pail
T T T T T (og) m. serving bowl, casserole
l l l l l
(o ) f. proclamation by beat of drum, public
~ | J/ = l t~ pI/ phern) id. to
publicize a secret, to make a secret known to
all; to slander, to defame; to proclaim by beat
of drum
l l l l l
z zz zz
(o) f. town crier
F F F F F (or bhor) a. perplexed, puzzled, non-
plused, confounded, out of one' s wits,
dumbfounded, aghast, confused
~ W U t~ kar de) v.t. to flabbergast , to
(or) m. timbrel; dumbfounded
/lY Y lY Y lY Y lY Y lY Y (ol/dl dol) m. physique, form,
figure, appearance, shape, manner
(o l ) m. raised boundary line of a field
Y Y Y Y Y (oln) v.t. to cut or chisel or scrape into
form or shape, to form, to shape, to sketch
Y Y Y Y Y (o l) m. muscle of upper arm, biceps
Y =W (o le pharka) id. to be
enraged; to be anxious to take action

S S S S S ttatt) m. twenty-first letter and first consonant
of the dental pentad of Gurmukhi script, it
represents voiceless, unaspirated dental plosive
Sm H/S H Sm H/S H Sm H/S H Sm H/S H Sm H/S H ttassab/tssab) m. bigotry, fanaticism,
religious bias, fundamentalism
Sm Hl Sm Hl Sm Hl Sm Hl Sm Hl ttassab) a. bigoted, fanatical, biased (in
m. bigot, fanatic, fundamentalist
Sm H Sm H Sm H Sm H Sm H ttaJJab) m. amazement, astonishment
Sm YW/Sm Y W Sm YW/Sm Y W Sm YW/Sm Y W Sm YW/Sm Y W Sm YW/Sm Y W ttallak/talluk) m. relation,
concern, relationship, connection
SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW ttaskar) m. smuggler
SHWl SHWl SHWl SHWl SHWl ttaskar) m. smuggling
SHWl SHWl SHWl SHWl SHWl ttaskn) f. consolation, solace; satisfaction;
peace of mind, mental piece
~ U t~ de) v.t. to console, to soothe
SHl H SHl H SHl H SHl H SHl H ttashk hs) f. diagnosis (of disease);
SHl SHl SHl SHl SHl ttaskhr) f. conquest
SHSl SHSl SHSl SHSl SHSl ttashtar) f. saucer, small plate, tray
SH UU SH UU SH UU SH UU SH UU ttashaddad) m. oppression , cruelty,
tyranny, atrocity, violence
SHUl W SHUl W SHUl W SHUl W SHUl W ttasdk) f. attestation, certification,
authentication; verification, ratification,
~ HU t~ shud) a. attested, certified
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to attest, to certify, to
authenticate, to ratify, to verify
SHl SHl SHl SHl SHl ttasb) f. rosary, chaplet, beads
SHlJ SHlJ SHlJ SHlJ SHlJ ttashbh) f. simile, comparison, metaphor
~ Ul t~ de) v.t. to use a simile, to compare
SHuFl SHuFl SHuFl SHuFl SHuFl ttasma) f. an Indian pudding made of rice,
milk, sugar boiled together
SHu SHu SHu SHu SHu ttasm) m. shoe lace; strap (leather)
SHl J SHl J SHl J SHl J SHl J ttashrh) f. elaboration, explanation,
elucidation, exegesis
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to elaborate, to explain,
to elucidate
SHl= SHl= SHl= SHl= SHl= ttashrph) f. honourific word used for a
guest to come and sit, honouring; presence;
coming, arrival, gracing with one's presence
or visit
~ m=l t~ vr) f. presence; coming, arrival,
gracing with one's presence or visit
~ H t~ rakkh) v.i. to sit down
~ |YmU t~ lIu) v.t. to come, to arrive,
to grace the occasion, to be present, to pay
~ Y H t~ le J) v.t. to leave, to go away
SH YS SH YS SH YS SH YS SH YS ttasallat) m. firm-hold, control, domination
~ HuU t~ Jamu) v.t. to dominate, to
control, to rule; to establish hegemony
SHY SHY SHY SHY SHY ttasal) f. basin; footpan
SH Yl SH Yl SH Yl SH Yl SH Yl ttasall) f. satisfaction, contentment;
consolation, solace; assurance, conviction
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to satisfy; to reassure
(one self or another), to assure
id. to reprimand, to reproof
~ Ul t~ de) v.t. to console, to solace; to
~ Y t~ nl) adv. with full satisfaction
~ H t~ rakkh) id. to keep patience, to
have patience
SH Yl H SH Yl H SH Yl H SH Yl H SH Yl H ttasallbak hash) a. satisfactory,
! !! !!
ttaslm) f. salutation, greeting
~ mH W t~ arz karn) v.t. to greet, to pay
respect or regards
SHYl u SHYl u SHYl u SHYl u SHYl u
z zz zz
ttaslm) f. acceptance, admission,
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to accept, to admit, to
SH= SH= SH= SH= SH= (tasavvar) m. imagination, fancy, supposition,
SH=lH SH=lH SH=lH SH=lH SH=lH (tashvsh) f. worry, anxiety, care, concern,
agony; vexation, confusion
SH=lHW SH=lHW SH=lHW SH=lHW SH=lHW (tashvshnk) a. worrisome, concerning
SH=l SH=l SH=l SH=l SH=l (tasvr) f. picture, illustration; portrait,
painting; photograph; sketch
~ |HUl t~ khIcch) v.t. to photograph; to
draw a sketch; to draw a picture
~ Ul t~ bau) v.t. to make a portrait;
to paint a picture
SHlJ SHlJ SHlJ SHlJ SHlJ (tash) m. torture, torment, excruciation, a
painful experience, agony; persecution
~ U t~ de) v.t. to torture, to torment, to
SJ uY SJ uY SJ uY SJ uY SJ uY (tahammal) m. patience, toleration,
S|J S|J S|J S|J S|J (te h) f. fold; layer, stratum; bottom, surface,
bed (of river, sea etc.); crease; base, ground
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to fold
~ HuUl t~ Jamu) v.t. to layer, to press
into layer; to pile up
~ SW H t~ takk J) id. to go deep into, to
go to the root of
S|JH-|JH S|JH-|JH S|JH-|JH S|JH-|JH S|JH-|JH (tehas-nehas) a. ruined, destroyed,
S|JHlY S|JHlY S|JHlY S|JHlY S|JHlY (te hsl) f. tehsil
S|JHlYU S|JHlYU S|JHlYU S|JHlYU S|JHlYU (tehsldr) m. tehsildar
S|JHlYUl S|JHlYUl S|JHlYUl S|JHlYUl S|JHlYUl (tehsldr) f. post /designation of
S|JH S|JH S|JH S|JH S|JH (te hkhn) m. cellar, vault, underground
room; basement; crypt; silo
S|JHl S|JHl S|JHl S|JHl S|JHl (tehzb) f. civilization, culture; good
manners, gentlemanly conduct, etiquette
S|JHlUVS S|JHlUVS S|JHlUVS S|JHlUVS S|JHlUVS (te hzbyft) a. civilized, cultured;
S|JS S|JS S|JS S|JS S|JS (tehat) adv. under
m. domination, supremacy, control
S|JU S|JU S|JU S|JU S|JU (te hdr) a. having folds, layered stratified,
S|JuS S|JuS S|JuS S|JuS S|JuS (te hmat) f. sheet tied loosely round the
waist down to the ankles
S|JlW S|JlW S|JlW S|JlW S|JlW (te hrk) f. movement, agitation, campaign
S|Jl S|Jl S|Jl S|Jl S|Jl (te hrr) f. writing; a written work or piece
S|Jll S|Jll S|Jll S|Jll S|Jll (te hrr) a. written; in writing, in black
and white
S|JYW S|JYW S|JYW S|JYW S|JYW (te hlak) m. commotion, turmoil, tumult,
~ uUU t~ machu) v.t. to create
commotion /furore
S|J=lY S|J=lY S|J=lY S|J=lY S|J=lY (tehvl) m. custody, safe-keeping
S|J=lYU S|J=lYU S|J=lYU S|J=lYU S|J=lYU (tehvldr) m. custodian, trustee
! !! !!
(takk) prep. to, up to, till
z zz zz
(takk) f. courage, boldness, pluck
~ l t~ pe) v.i. to pick up courage, to dare
a aa aa
(takk) f. hope, expectation; wait
~ Hl t~ rakk) v.i. to hope, to expect
~ |=U J t~ vIch ho) id. to be on the look
4 44 44
(takk) f. guess, conjecture
~ Y t~ nl) adv. by guess
~ uH t~ muJab) adv. by guess
s ss ss
(takk) v.form. (imperative of SW) look
SWHlu SWHlu SWHlu SWHlu SWHlu (taksm) f. division
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to divide, to distribute
~ U t~ de) v.t. to divide
SWHluu SWHluu SWHluu SWHluu SWHluu (taksmnm) m. a deed of division
SWHl SWHl SWHl SWHl SWHl (taksr) f. fault, mistake, guilt
S W S W S W S W S W (takk) v.t. to look, to behold, to see; to
think, to consider
S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl (takka) f. look, gaze, glance
SWUl SWUl SWUl SWUl SWUl (takdr) f. destiny, fate, luck, lot
~ mHuUl t~ aJmu) v.t. to try one's
~ HYl t~ khulh) id. to come under a luck
star, to become prosperous
~ = J Hl t~ phu J) id. to have bad
luck, to fall on evil days
~ |=U |Y|Hm t~ vIch lIkhe) a. destined,
predestined, fated
SWUll SWUll SWUll SWUll SWUll (takdr) a. destined, fated
SWY Hl SWY Hl SWY Hl SWY Hl SWY Hl (taknloJ) f. technology
SWlW SWlW SWlW SWlW SWlW (taknk) f. technique
SWlWl SWlWl SWlWl SWlWl SWlWl (taknk) a. technical
SW SW SW SW SW (takabbar) m. pride, vanity, conceit
SWulY SWulY SWulY SWulY SWulY (takml) f. completion
SW SW SW SW SW (takrar) m. wrangling, dispute, quarrel,
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to argue; to pick a
quarrel, to wrangle, to altercate
SWl SWl SWl SWl SWl (takrban) adv. about, almost,
approximately, nearly
SWl SWl SWl SWl SWl (takrr) f. speech, lecture, address, oration
~ Wl/Ul t~ karn/de) v.i. to deliver a
speech, to lecture
SWlHl SWlHl SWlHl SWlHl SWlHl (takrrbJ) f. mere speech, frequent
SW YV SW YV SW YV SW YV SW YV (takallaf) m. formality, needless hospitality,
ceremony, conventionality; etiquette
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to stand on ceremony,
to be formal, to observe formalities
S WY S WY S WY S WY S WY ttakkal) m. spindle
HJ U ~ tseh da ~) m. quill (of porcupine)
a. & m. bone of contention
SWY =T |H W t takkle v g sIddh
karn ) id. to set right, to mend
S WYl S WYl S WYl S WYl S WYl (takkal) f. small spindle
SWYlV SWYlV SWYlV SWYlV SWYlV (taklf) f. trouble, complication; pain, ache;
difficulty, hardship; inconvenience, botheration;
~ UJUl t~ utu) v.i. to suffer hardship;
to undergo inconvenience
~ Jl t~ ho) v.i. to suffer from pain etc.;
to feel hurt
~ Wl t~ karn) v.i. to take trouble; to stand
on ceremony
~ U l t~ de) v.i. to bother, to cause
trouble / discomfort
~ Ul t~ pu) v.i. to remain very ill; to
undergo sufferings
~ umV t~ muf) ph. sorry for the trouble;
pardon me
SW= SW= SW= SW= SW= (takv) m. faith, trust (in God), religious-
reverence, conviction
SW= SW= SW= SW= SW= (tak) a. strong; stout, sturdy; powerful,
mighty; hale, healthy; abundant, ample
SW= Ul HSl =lJl H ttakae d satt vh so)
prov. might is right
adv. fist law
SW=Fl SW=Fl SW=Fl SW=Fl SW=Fl (tak) f. strength, robustness, soundness;
boldness, firmness; tight security
~ Hl t~ rakkha) v.i. to have tight security
or vigilance; to stand firm
S W=l S W=l S W=l S W=l S W=l (takka) f. balance, scales (hand operated)
~ U Y= t~ d palla) m. pan or dish of
~ Ul l t~ d ) f. bar of balance
SWU SWU SWU SWU SWU (taku) v.t. to appraise, to assess, to
see; to cause to see, to show
SWH SWH SWH SWH SWH (takz) m. dun, demand for payment of
dues etc.; demand; claim
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to make demand for
payment of dues etc.
SW=l SW=l SW=l SW=l SW=l (takv) f. govt. advance given to peasants/
cultivators, an agricultural loan given by the
SWlm SWlm SWlm SWlm SWlm
! !! !!
(tak) m. pillow
SWlm SWlm SWlm SWlm SWlm
z zz zz
(tak) m. Muslim monastery/abode or
SWlm WYu SWlm WYu SWlm WYu SWlm WYu SWlm WYu (tak kalm) m. a word or phrase
habitually repeated (by someone) in speech
SWlU/SWlU SWlU/SWlU SWlU/SWlU SWlU/SWlU SWlU/SWlU ttakd/tkd) f. enjoining, emphasis
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to enjoin, to emphasise,
to stress
SS SS SS SS SS (takhat) m. throne, royal seat; one of the
five religious seats of Sikhism (as Akal takhat,
Hazoor sahib etc.)
~ U t~ chha) v.i. to renounce a
throne, to abdicate
~ H SS t~ J takht) ph. throne or bier;
do or die
~ SU H t~ ts) m. the historic peacock throne
of the Mughal Empire
~ SH t~ tJ) m. throne and crown, sceptre
and crown
~ S |JU t~ te bIhu) v.i. to
~ S J t~ te beth) v.i. to ascend the
throne, to become a king
~ S YJ t~ to lhu) v.t. to dethrone; to
~ Hl t~ nashn) m. king, emperor
a. enthroned
~ Hl l t~ nashn) f. enthronement,
~ H t~ posh) m. a wooden bed without back
and sides
SS U S t tak hto utrn) v.t. to
SS SS SS SS SS ttakht) m. wooden plank or board; bier;
leaf of a door etc.
~ UYJ H t~ ula Jn) id. to be ruined
~ J H t~ ho J) become stiff (body)
SSl SSl SSl SSl SSl (tak hat) f. wooden tablet (for writing practice)
Sul Sul Sul Sul Sul (takhmn) m. estimate, appraisal
S YH S YH S YH S YH S YH (takhallas) m. pen-name, pseudonym,
nom de plume
! !! !!
(tg) a. narrow, small in breadth; tight, close;
disgusted, distressed; wanting, short; vexed,
troubled; hard up, stringent
~ mU t~ u) id. to be fed up, to be tired
~ JY t~ hl) a. hard-up, tight, poor; troubled,
~ JYl t~ hl) f. poverty, penury
~ W t~ karn)v.t. to trouble, to distress; to
tease, to harass, to badger
~ UHS t~ dast) a. hardup, tight
~ |UY t~ dIl) a. narrow-minded, narrow-
~ |UYl t~ dIl) f. narrow-mindedness,
~ H t~ nazar) a. narrow-minded
~ HS t~ rast) m. bottle-neck
z zz zz
(tg) m. strap of a saddle, girth
S T S T S T S T S T (tagga) v.i. to last, to endure, to hold on
S TYl S TYl S TYl S TYl S TYl (tgal) f. pronged pitchfork
S T= S T= S T= S T= S T= (tga) f. net used for carrying bales of
chaff, hay etc.
S T S T S T S T S T (tagg) m. charm worn around the neck
S T S T S T S T S T (taggr) m. the pit used for mixing cement,
lime, etc., mortar-pit; big tub used by dyers,
S Tl S Tl S Tl S Tl S Tl (tg) f. poverty, penury, want, narrow-
circumstances; miserable condition; difficulty,
problem, botheration; shortage
S U S U S U S U S U (tachchha) v.t. to hew, to shape log etc.
with axe, to whittle
SH SH SH SH SH (taJa) v.t. to renounce, to give up; to
SH SH SH SH SH (taJarb) m. experience; experiment; trial,
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to experience
~ W t~karn) v.t. to experiment
SH U S S t taJarbe de tor te) adv.
experimentally , as an experiment; for trial
SHW SHW SHW SHW SHW (taJarbkr) a. experienced, old bird,
old hand, veteran
SHTJ SHTJ SHTJ SHTJ SHTJ (taJarbgh) f. laboratory
SHYl SHYl SHYl SHYl SHYl (taJal) f. shine, resplendence, refulgence
SH=l H SH=l H SH=l H SH=l H SH=l H (taJvz) f. plan, scheme; proposal,
proposition; suggestion, opinion; blueprint
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to propose, to suggest;
to plan
~ Hl t~ rakkh) v.t. to offer a proposal; to
put forth a plan
SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS (taJrat) f. trade, commerce
SHSl SHSl SHSl SHSl SHSl (taJrat) f. commercial
SH l SH l SH l SH l SH l (taJor) f. safe, chest, till
SJ SJ SJ SJ SJ (ta) m. bank; strand (river, canal); coast, shore
(sea , ocean )
~ W t~ kar) m. import duty
~ =Sl t~ vart) a. coastal, littoral
SJl SJl SJl SJl SJl (ta) a. pertaining to bank or coast; coastal,
S S S S S (tan) v.i. to become stiff, to stiffen; to
stretch, to spread ; to arrange yarn into wrap
-S W H= (ta ke khah) v.i. to stand
erect; to face bravely
S=U S=U S=U S=U S=U (tavu) v.t. to get or cause to be
stretched or spread
S S S S S (ta) m. main stem, trunk, stock
SU/Sm SU/Sm SU/Sm SU/Sm SU/Sm (tao/taa) m. tension, pull, strain,
tautness; strained relationship
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (ta) f. string, strap
~ U= t~ chahn) id. to have beginning of
marriage ceremonies
S S S S S S S S S S (tatt) m. element; substance, content; one of
the five elements (ether, air, water, fire and
earth); essence, gist; sum and substance
~ WV t~ kah) v.t. to extract essence;
to arrive at a conclusion
~ |Tm t~ gIn) m. spiritual knowledge,
metaphysical truth; philosophy
~ |Tml t~ gIn) m. metaphysician;
~ uluH t~ mms) f. metaphysics
SSHu SSHu SSHu SSHu SSHu (tatsam) a. a word of another language used
without any altercation, words prevalant in their
original form
SSW SSW SSW SSW SSW (tatkar) m. a table of contents
SSWY SSWY SSWY SSWY SSWY (tatkl) adv. immediately, instantaneously,
at once, promptly, then and there
SSW Yl /SSW Yl SSW Yl /SSW Yl SSW Yl /SSW Yl SSW Yl /SSW Yl SSW Yl /SSW Yl (tatkl/tatkln) a.
contemporary; immediate, instant
SS SS SS SS SS (tatpar) a. ready, prompt, prepared
SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS (tatpart) f. readiness, promptness,
S S- F= l /S S- F= S S- F= l /S S- F= S S- F= l /S S- F= S S- F= l /S S- F= S S- F= l /S S- F= (tatt-bhaatth /tatt-
bhaatthe) adv. hurriedly; off-handedly, at the
first blush
a. ill-omened, ill-natured (woman)
! !! !!
(ttar) m. charm, enchantment, mystical
formulas for the attainment of supernatural
~ uS t~ mtar) m. sorcery, magic
z zz zz
tttar) m. system (of govt.)
S S= S S S= S S S= S S S= S S S= S (tattvet) m.metaphysician, metaphysicist;
S S S S S S S S S S (tatt) a. & m. warm, hot; enraged, hot-
tempered, hot-headed, irascible
~ J t~ ho) id. to lose temper, to be
~ J t~ t) m. ups and downs of life,
pain and pleasure, sorrow & happiness
~ SS t~ tatt) a. hot from the oven, hot and
S |SU J |VU |WY t tatteo t hheo
nIkal) id. to undergo ups and downs of life
S Slm J Vlm H U t tatt t hh
suu) id. to give a piece of one's mind
SSl = YT U t tatt v n lagga
de) id. to protect from all evils or troubles
~ = YTl t~ v n lagg) ph. to be saved
providentially , not to suffer a scratch
SS-S/SS = t-tatte-ta/tatte gh) adv. at
once, immediately; while the injury is fresh,
immediately after getting hurt
~ HJ ul t~ sa mrn) id. to strike while
the iron is hot
S S -S S S S -S S S S -S S S S -S S S S -S S (tatt-tatt) adv. a word used by
ploughmen to direct the bullocks
SSll SSll SSll SSll SSll (tatr) f. trickle
S S S S S S S S S S (tt) m. tissue; fibre, tendril
SS Y SS Y SS Y SS Y SS Y (tatol) m. mole; tattooed dot on skin
S S S S S (tatth) m. fact, basis, element; truth, reality
S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl (tatthh) a. inane, pointless
S-mHS S-mHS S-mHS S-mHS S-mHS (tatha-ast) m.& intj. amen! so be it!
SU SU SU SU SU (tad) adv. at that time, then
~ SW / SlW t~ tak/tk) adv. till then , till that
~ =l t~ v) adv. even then, yet , still
S U S U S U S U S U (td) m. fine cord of cotton or wool etc.; spun
out (of rove), fibre; thread, strand; string of
musical instrument, catgut
~ Sl t~ t) f. warp and weft; thread of
SUm SUm SUm SUm SUm (tadarth) a. ad-hoc
SUl SUl SUl SUl SUl (tadbr) f. device, plan, scheme,
contrivance; way out, solution
~ WV t~ kah) id. to find out a solution,
to excogitate
SUF= SUF= SUF= SUF= SUF= (tadbhav) m. a word of some other
language accepted in a modified form
S U HS S U HS S U HS S U HS S U HS (tdrust) a. hale and hearty, healthy,
having sound health, physically fit
S U HSl S U HSl S U HSl S U HSl S U HSl (tdrust) f. haleness, healthiness, sound
~ JH |muS J (~ haza r nImat he) prov.
health is wealth
SUU SUU SUU SUU SUU (tadd) f. number; amount; quantity
S Ul S Ul S Ul S Ul S Ul (td) f. catgut, gut
S Ul S Ul S Ul S Ul S Ul (tdr) m. an ornament of neck worn by
S U m S U m S U m S U m S U m (td) m. octopus, a water animal; the
lingual cord
S U S U S U S U S U (tdr) m. clay oven; chop-house, an Indian
small restaurant
S U l S U l S U l S U l S U l (tdr) a. an Indian way of roasting chicken
or baking chapati etc. in a clay oven
SU SU SU SU SU (tade) adv. that is why, for that very reason,
therefore, due to this
SU SU SU SU SU (tado) adv. at that time, then
S S S S S (tan) m. body, physique
~ U t~ badan) m. body, physique
~ u t~ man) m. body and soul; body and
mind; whole heartedness
~ u mT Y U t~ man n agg l de)
id. to make one blaze up
- S u t- tano mano) adv. with all one's
heart , with heart and soul , whole heartedly
SJ SJ SJ SJ SJ (tanh) a. lonely, lonesome, solitary; alone,
SJFl SJFl SJFl SJFl SJFl (tanh) f. lonliness, solitude, solitariness
SWlU SWlU SWlU SWlU SWlU (tankd) f. criticism
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to criticise
! !! !!
(tankhh) f. pay, salary, emolument
~ =l t~ va) v.t. to disburse pay
z zz zz
(tankhh) f. religious punishment for
disobeying religious norms ( in Sikhism )
SHJlm SHJlm SHJlm SHJlm SHJlm (tankhh) a. punished or fined by Sikh
high priest ( jathedar ) or congregation
SH SH SH SH SH (tanaz) m. sarcasm, gibe, irony, taunt
SU Jl SU Jl SU Jl SU Jl SU Jl (tandeh) f. diligence, assiduity, hard-
~ Y t~ nl) adv. diligently, assiduously,
whole heartedly
S S S S S (tap) adv. mortification, asceticism
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to mortify, to under go
SH SH SH SH SH (tapash) f. heat, warmth; fever, feverishness
S H=l S H=l S H=l S H=l S H=l (tapassav) m. ascetic, recluse
S |Hm S |Hm S |Hm S |Hm S |Hm (tapasse) f. mortification, asceticism;
hard-work, hard-labour
S S S S S (tapa) v.i. to be heated, to become very
hot; to be in agony, to be in distress; to burn
with anger
S|UW S|UW S|UW S|UW S|UW (tapdIk) m. tuberculosis, T.B., phthisis,
S = S = S = S = S = (tappa) m. roll of matting of jute, sack cloth,
burlap, gunny; thick coarse cloth
~ =Hlm t~ ghas) m. petty shopkeeper
SU SU SU SU SU (tapu) v.t. to heat, to warm, to make
hot; to vex, to distress, to tease, to torment
S ~ t- tape n ~) id. to inflict sufferings
to a wretched
SW SW SW SW SW (tapk) m. warmth, affection, enthusiasm
(pleasure felt or shown on meeting someone)
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (tap) m. ascetic, recluse
S S S S S (tapoban) m. forest in which ascetics
perform or practise religious austerities
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (tapobal) m. power acquired by religious
SVHl SVHl SVHl SVHl SVHl (tafsr) f. commentary
SVHlY SVHlY SVHlY SVHlY SVHlY (tafsl) f. detail, detailed description
~ = t~ vr) adv. in details
SVSlH SVSlH SVSlH SVSlH SVSlH (taftsh) f. investigation, enquiry; inquest
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to investigate
SVSlHl SVSlHl SVSlHl SVSlHl SVSlHl (taftsh) a. investigative, investigational
SVW SVW SVW SVW SVW (tafark) m. difference of opinion;
estrangement (in relation); discrimination
~ t~ pe) v.i. to be estranged
SVlJ SVlJ SVlJ SVlJ SVlJ (tafrh) m. entertainment, amusement,
merriment , recreation
SVlW SVlW SVlW SVlW SVlW (tafrk) f. subtraction
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to subtract, to deduct
S Hu S Hu S Hu S Hu S Hu (tabassam) m. smile
SH SH SH SH SH (tabsar) m. discussion ; commentary
SW SW SW SW SW (tabk) a. social class, stratum, sect, class
SUlY SUlY SUlY SUlY SUlY (tabdl) a. transferred; changed, altered,
transformed (person)
SUlYl SUlYl SUlYl SUlYl SUlYl (tabdl) f. transfer; change, alteration,
mutation , transformation (in nature etc.)
SYUl SYUl SYUl SYUl SYUl (tabalch) m. tabla-player
SY SY SY SY SY (tabl) m. tabla
SYlT SYlT SYlT SYlT SYlT (tablg) f. propagation of religion (esp. of
S S S S S (tb) m. a piece of cloth wrapped round the
waist down to the ankle, lungi
SHl SHl SHl SHl SHl ttabshr) f. the silicious concretion found
in the joints of some kinds of bamboo, used
SJ SJ SJ SJ SJ (tabh) a. ruined, destroyed, wrecked
~ J H t~ ho J) id. to go to the dogs, to
go to the devil , to be ruined
~ W U t~ kar de) id. to bring to ruin, to
overwhelm, to devastate, to bring to nothing,
to obliterate
SJl SJl SJl SJl SJl (tabh) f. ruin, ruination, destruction , havoc,
~ uU U l t~ machu) id. to cause
devastation /destruction, to create havoc, to
work havoc upon
SUY SUY SUY SUY SUY (tabdal) m. transfer; migration
S l S l S l S l S l (tb) f. tight-legged salwar or trousers
SlmS SlmS SlmS SlmS SlmS (tabat) f. nature, temperament; disposition,
mood; state of health
~ UUJ Jl t~ uch ho) id. to be fed up ,
to be sick of, to be tired of
~ HV W /JlW W t~ sf karn /~ hk
karn) id. to give a sound beating, to thrash
~ JlW J t~ hk n ho) be unwell,
to be indisposed, to be out of sorts
Tu~ (garam ~) a. hot headed, short-
tempered , hot brained
u~ (naram ~) a. cool-headed, cool-
minded , cool as cucumber
S lJ S lJ S lJ S lJ S lJ (tbh) f. warning; reprimand, reproof,
~ Wl t~ karan) v.t. to warn; to reprimand,
to reprove, to censure
S S S S S (tb) m. tent; awning; camp
~ T t~ ga) v.t. to pitch tent, to camp
id. to stay for a long time
S S S S S (tbr) m. tambour
S S S S S (tbr) m. sitar like Indian musical
instrument, musical tambourine
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (tabel) m. stable, stall
Su HW Su HW Su HW Su HW Su HW (tamassak) m. promissory note, bond;
SuW SuW SuW SuW SuW (tamak) f. anger, wrath, rage; inspiration,
SuW SuW SuW SuW SuW (tamka) v.i. to get enraged, to be angry
SuT SuT SuT SuT SuT (tamg) m. medal
Su U Su U Su U Su U Su U ttamch) m. pistol, revolver
Su Su Su Su Su (tamn) f. ambition, wish, desire, aspiration,
Su Su Su Su Su (tam ) m. greediness, greed, avarice,
covetousness; temptation
~ U t~ de) v.t. to tempt, to bribe
SuHl SuHl SuHl SuHl SuHl ttamshbn) a. onlooker, spectator
SuH SuH SuH SuH SuH (tamsh) m. show, spectacle; magic show;
juggler's show; cinema; fun, spot, amusement;
~ W t~ karn) id. to create an unpleasant
situation; to display some feat or show
~ H= W t~ khah karn) id. to create a
~ t~ ban) id. to become an object
of ridicule , to become a laughing stock
H ~ t- khe ~) m. fun, merriment; child's
play, an easy task
SuW SuW SuW SuW SuW (tamk) m. tobacco, baccy, Nicotina rustica
~ l =Y t~ p vla) m. smoker
~ l t~ p) v.i.t. to smoke
SuU SuU SuU SuU SuU (tamch) m. slap, smack
~ H= t~ Jan) v.t. to slap, to smack
SuS= SuS= SuS= SuS= SuS= (tamta) adv. the likes of you
Suu Suu Suu Suu Suu (tamm) a. entire, whole, all, total, complete;
Wu ~ J t km ~ ho) id. to breathe
one's last, to expire, to die
Sul H Sul H Sul H Sul H Sul H (tamz) f. manner, etiquette, decency,
decorum, sense
Su T Su T Su T Su T Su T (tamogu) m. one of the three aspects of
Maya tHS T , H T 1; evil, undesirable
propensity; relating to darkness or ignorance
Su T l Su T l Su T l Su T l Su T l (tamogu) a. pertaining to darkness or
ignorance; (one) in whom evil/darkness
! ! ! ! !

(tar) f. a thin long fruit, a variety of cucumber
z zz zz

(tar) a. smeared or saturated with ghee, oil,
etc., greasy, oily; wet, drenched, damp, soppy;
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to drench, to water
~ S t~ batar) a. completely wet, drenched,
~ uY t~ ml) m. major share of profit;
sumptuous food/meal; greasy or nutritious
eatables; valuables, ready cash; catch
SS t tarotar) adv. sodden, saturated,
soaked; drenched, completely wet
S SH t tarotz) a. fresh, green;
refreshed; blooming

(taras) m. pity, compassion, mercy, pathos
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to take pity on, to feel
pity for, to commiserate
~ H t~ J) v.i.t. to long for, to pine for
~ U F= WFl Hl U HU Jl t~ d bhv ko Jor
d sod nah ) prov. the quality of mercy is
not strained
~ UT t~ yog) a. pitiable, pitiful, pathetic

(tarasah) a. pitiless, merciless, hard-

(tarasa) v.i. to pine for, to long for, to
crave for, to yearn

(tarasvn) a. kind-hearted, merciful,

(tarasu) v.t. to tantalize, to arouse
desire for something inaccessible, to torment
with false hope
SH SH u t tars tars mrn) id.
to kill mercilessly , to tantalise to death

(tarasl) m. trident
SH = SH = SH = SH = SH =

(tarsev ) m. tantalization; longing, yearning

(tarso ) m. the third day before or after to day

(tark) f. argument, logic, rationale, reasoning;
fault-finding, criticism
~ HWSl t~ shakt) a. reasoning power,
argumentative power
~ H TS t~ sgat) a. reasonable, logical, rational
~ HHS t~ shstar) m. logic
~ W t~ karn) v.i. to argue, to reason, to
~ |=SW t~ vItark) f. argumentation,
reasoning; debate

(tarkash) m. quiver, arrow-case

(tarkshl) a. reasonable, rational, logical

(tarkah) a. illogical, irrational,

(tarakka/trakka) v.i. to rot,
to decompose, to decay, to putrefy, to stink, to

(tarkvd) m. sophism, rationality,

(tarkvd) m.&a. sophist, rationalist,

(tarku/traku) v.t. to
cause to rot, to make to decompose

ttarkr) f. vegetable; cooked vegetable

(tarkl /tIrkl) f. evening, dusk
S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl

(tarakk) f. progress, improvement,
development, advancement; promotion;
upgradation; increment, increase (in pay,
salary); growth, rise
~ Wl t~ karn) v.i. to progress, to advance;
to get promotion, to rise in rank or status
~ |uYl t~ mIl) v.i. to get a promotion, to
be promoted
HY~ t saln~) f. increment

(tarakkpasd) a. progressive

(tarkb) f. device, way, wayout, solution,
plan, scheme

(tarakkyft) a. advanced, developed

(tarkh) m. carpenter, joiner

(tarkh) m. carpentry, joinery

(targ) f. wave, ripple, billow; emotion,
S T/|S T S T/|S T S T/|S T S T/|S T S T/|S T

ttarg/tIrg) a. & m. tricoloured;
national flag of India

(tarz) f. tune; manner, mode, style

(tarzam) m. translation, rendition, version
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to translate, to render

(tarzmn) m. interpreter; representative,
SHu l SHu l SHu l SHu l SHu l

(tarzmn) f. interpretation;
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to interpret; to represent

(tarzh) f. preference , priority
~ U t~ de) v.t. to prefer

(tarzh) a. preferential

(tartl) a.& m. forty three

(- tartlv) a. forty-third

(tartb) f. order, sequence, serial-order,
~ U t~ de) v.t. to arrange, to put in some
SSl= SSl= SSl= SSl= SSl= (tartbvr) adv. serially, in serial order,
in some sequence
S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl

(tarthall) f. upheaval, commotion;
a. stormy, tumultuous
~ uUU l t~ machu) v.t. to create

(taraddad) m. effort, endeavour, exertion
formality, trouble, botheration; sedulousness
~ W t~ karn) v.i. to make effort , to exert
oneself ; to bother

(tard) a.& adv. afloat , floating , buoyant

(tarnshakt) f. buoyancy
S u S u S u S u S u

(tarnam) m. tune, musical tone, melody
! !! !!

(tarn) v.i. to float, to buoy; to swim across;
to attain salvation /deliverance
z zz zz

(tarn) v.i. to be paid (for debt etc.)
! !! !!

(tarp) f. hemming
z zz zz

(tarp) f. teapoy, tripod stand

(tarpl) f. tarpaulin

(taraf) f. side, direction, flank; party, team

(tarafdr) m. partial, biased; supporter,
partisan, backer

(tarafdr) f. partiality, bias, favouritism;
support, partisan, backing
SlmS SlmS SlmS SlmS SlmS

(tarbat) f. bringing up, nurture, upbringing;
training, education

(tarbz) m. water-melon

(trabhka) v.i. to jump out of one's skin,
to startle, to be alarmed; to shudder with
sudden fear
Sulu Sulu Sulu Sulu Sulu

(tarmm) f. amendment, modification
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to amend, to modify
SuluH U SuluH U SuluH U SuluH U SuluH U

(tarmmshud) a. amended, modified

(taral) a. liquid, fluid, watery
~ U t~ padrath) m. liquid, fluid

(tarl) m. supplication, entreaty, solicitation,
earnest request; useless desperate endeavour
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to supplicate, to entreat,
to solicitate
~ u t~ mrn) v.t. to make desperate
useless endeavour, to try in vain
~|uS t~ mnat) f. supplication, solicitation
SY Wl/|S Y Wl SY Wl/|S Y Wl SY Wl/|S Y Wl SY Wl/|S Y Wl SY Wl/|S Y Wl

(tarlok /trIlok) f. the mythological
three worlds i.e. hell, earth and heaven
~ t~ nth) m. the Lord of three worlds,
SY u Ul SY u Ul SY u Ul SY u Ul SY u Ul

(tarlomachchh) a. restless, like a fish
out of water, fluttering
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to writhe and wriggle (with
pain etc.); to behave like a fish out of water, to
be on the tenterhooks
S= H S= H S= H S= H S= H

(tarvJ) a.&m. fifty-three
- S=H=

(- tarvJv ) a. fifty-third

(tarh) adv. like, as, just in the manner of
~ S U t~ tarh d) a. of many kinds, of
different types
! !! !!

(taru) v.t. to make to float ; to cause
or make to swim
z zz zz

(taru) v.t. to make one pay (dues,
bills etc.); to repay (debt)
! !! !!

(tar) f. plain below foothills, low land;
northern belt of the Gangetic plain adjoining
the Himalayan foot-hills
z zz zz

(tar) f. the process of or the wages for
wetting or dampening or sprinkling; watering
the new construction

(tarsh) v.t. to chisel, to carve; to pare,
to peel; to trim, to prune; to whittle (as pencil)

(tarsd) m. tragedy

(tars) a. & m. eighty-three
- SHl=

(- tarsv) a. eighty-third

(trh) m. dread, fear, terror, awe, alarm
~ WV t~ kah) v.t. to take away one's
breath, to frighten, to terrify, to affright, to
~ S J J t~ trh ho) id. to appeal
frantically for mercy
~ SJ W t~ trh karn) v.i. to lament under
cruelty or tyranny
~ |WY t~ nIkala) v.i. to get frightened,
to get scared

(tark) m. swimmer, good swimmer, frogman

(tarZ) m. weighing scale, balance

(tr) f. shooting pain, throbbing pain
~ l t~ pe) v.i. to have shooting pain

(tr) m. strength, power, force, might
S= S= S= S= S=

(tarnv) a. ninety third
S= S= S= S= S=

(tarnave ) a.&m. ninety three

(tarn) m. song; anthem; a kind of song
Sul Sul Sul Sul Sul

(tarm) f. large kneading brass dish

(tarr) a. active, clever; talkative

(tarvat) f. moisture, dampness
|S m |S m |S m |S m |S m

(trI) m. woman, female; wife
~ U|S t~ charIttar) m. female-wiles,
women's tricks, coquetry

ttrIskr/tIraskr) m. disregard,
disrespect; humiliation, insult

(trIskrn) v.t. to disregard ,to show
|S H |S H |S H |S H |S H

(trIshn) f. thirst, desire, craving; avarice,

ttrIkl) m. all-three times-present-past-
~ UHl t~ darsh) a. Omniscient
|S W Jl |S W Jl |S W Jl |S W Jl |S W Jl

(trIku) f. middle of forehead just above
the eyebrows; the Trinity, Triad
a. triple
|S W |S W |S W |S W |S W

(trIko) f. triangle
|S T |S T |S T |S T |S T

(trIgu) m. the three principal qualities of
human nature

(trIJa) m. group of spinning girls or women,
group spinning by girls or women
|S S |S S |S S |S S |S S

(trIpat) a. contented, satisfied, gratified,
satiated, pleased
~ J t~ ho) v.i. to have one's fill
|S Sl |S Sl |S Sl |S Sl |S Sl

ttrIpat) f. contentment, satisfaction,
gratification, satiety, contentedness, satiation

(trIfal) m. medicinal mixture of three fruits
tJ=, J=, mY1 'hara', 'bahe' and 'o l'
|S F = |S F = |S F = |S F = |S F =

(trIbhuvan) m. the three worlds i.e. hell,
earth and heaven
|S uHW |S uHW |S uHW |S uHW |S uHW

(trImsak) a. quarterly
|S u Sl |S u Sl |S u Sl |S u Sl |S u Sl

(trImrt) f. the Hindu Trinity or Triad i.e.
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva)
|S =|HW |S =|HW |S =|HW |S =|HW |S =|HW

(trIvrshIk) a. triennial
|S = l |S = l |S = l |S = l |S = l

(trIven ) f. confluence of three rivers
(Ganga, Jamuna and Sarswati) particularly at
Allahabad (India)
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(tar) m. gravy, soup, broth; wet land; humidity,
moisture, dampness

(tark) f. date; hearing
~ Ul t~ pu) v.t. to postpone, to give
some other date
~ l t~pe) v.i. to be postponed to a later
~ H t~ rakkh) v.t. to fix a date

(tarkat) m. second stage of intellectual
attainment of 'Sufis' religious rules; way

(tark) m. way, manner, knack, mode,
technique; method (maths.); contrivance,
S ~ t- to r ~ ) m. conduct, behaviour, manner

(tarf) f. praise, commendation
S luS/SluS S luS/SluS S luS/SluS S luS/SluS S luS/SluS

ttrmat/tarImat) f. woman, lady,
female; wife, better-half
S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl

(taru) f. mistake; defect, fault; shortcoming,
flaw, deficiency

(taruppa) v.t. to stitch, to sew, to be

(treh/tareh) f. thirst; longing, quest

(trehah/tarehath) a. & m. sixty

(trehahv) a. sixty third

(tret) m. the second aeon of Hindu mythology,
silver age of Hindu mythology

(trel) f. dew
S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl

(trel) f. mild perspiration due to weakness,
illness etc.; cold sweat (of death)
~ mU t~ u) a. to perspire mildly due to
weakness, fear etc.
~ S SYl mU t~ te trel u) id. to be too
much frightened; to be perplexed/nonplus
S|YU ~ ttrelIo ~) a. sweating profusely
S = S = S = S = S =/S = /S = /S = /S = /S =

(tre/tarer ) f. crack, crevice, cleft,
fissure; breach (of canal etc.); split; leak

(tre) a. & m. three
S /S S /S S /S S /S S /S

ttarop/top) m. stitch

ttro ka/taro kan a ) v.t. to sprinkle,
to spray, to splash

(trok) m. sprinkle, spray, splash

(taro J) m. the third visit of a bride to her in-
laws house; the gifts & clothes given to a girl
by her parents on the third visit to her in-laws

(tarodash) f. the thirteenth lunar day

(tal) m. surface, level; bottom, bed; base; depth

(tallak) m. relation, connection, link

(talkh) a. bitter, pungent; acrid; harsh, hot,
sour (temperament)
~ HUFl t~ sach) f. bitter truth
~ HFm/|uHH t~ subha/mIzJ) a. & m. hot
~ H t~ zabn) a. acrimonious, impolite, with
a bitter tongue
~ SH t~ tazarb) m. bitter experience

(talkh) f. hotness, acerbity, acrimony (of
temperament); bitterness, acridness, strain in
relationship; acidity

(talchha) f. sediments, lees, dregs; draff
(of malt)

(talchha) a. sedimentary

(tal) v.t. to fry

(talab) f. need, want; salary, pay; summons
~ Jl t~ ho) v.i. to have need or want, to
need, to want
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to summon

(talbn) m. conduct money, process fee

(talb) f. summons, call for presence in court
~ WH t~ karJ) m. loan at call, call loan
! !! !!

(talv) a. fried
z zz zz

(talv) a. basal, bottom, lower, nether

(talvau/talu) v.t. to get
something fried

(talva/tal) f. the process of or
the wages for frying

(talvr) f. sword, sabre, bilbo
~ UJU t~ uhu) v.t. to girdle (one's)
sword, to be ready for a fight/battle
~ HSl/WV Yl t~ sta/kah le) v.t.
to draw or brandish sword, to unsheathe a
~ UYUl t~ chalu) v.t. to fight with sword
~ U l t~ d dhan) a. warrior
m. skilled swordsman, expert swordsman
~ Ul S UY t~ d dhr te chala) id. to
skate on thin ice, to endanger one's life, to
undertake a risky work
~ U =J US t~ de gh utrn) id. to put
to sword, to put to death
~ U H Y t~ de zor nl) adv. forcibly,
! !! !!

(tal) m. sole (of a shoe); bottom, base
SY U J ttale chatta) id. to lick
someone's boots; to beseech, to entreat

(tala) m. tank, pool, pond, water-reservoir

(tal) f. mattress
Y= ~ tleph ~) f. quilt and mattress

(talsh) f. search, quest; investigation
~ |=U J t~ vIch ho) id. to be on the look
out for, to be in search of

(talsh) f. search, rummage, frisk; house
~ U =J t~ de va rt) m. search warrant
~ Y t~ le) v.t. to carry out search, to

(talk) m. divorce
~ U t~ de) v.t. to divorce
~ Y t~ le) v.t. to get divorce

(talkshud)a. divorced, divorcee

(talknm)m. document of divorce,
decree of divorce

(tal Jal) f. renunciation, relinquishment
SY =l SY =l SY =l SY =l SY =l

(talph) f. amends, atonement,
recompense, compensation
~ F t~ bharn) v.t. to make amends , to
recompose , to compensate

(tal) f. palm (of the hand); sole (of foot)
~ S HlH t~ te ss dharn) id. to be ready
to sacrifice one's life
~ YU t~ n lu) id. not to let grass
grow under one's feet
~ F t~ bhar) a. in small quantity, just a little
~ =T t~ vg paddhar) a. flat as a pan
SYlm UJ t tal chaa) id. lick one's
feet , to flatter

(tale) adv. below, beneath; under, down; low,

(tavakkal) m. faith, trust
S= WYl S= WYl S= WYl S= WYl S= WYl

(tavakkal) adv. on faith, in trust
- ~ t- rabb ~) adv. God willing, per chance,
by chance
S= W S= W S= W S= W S= W

(tavakko) f. hope, expectation
~ H t~ rakkh) v.i. to hope , to expect
S= H S= H S= H S= H S= H (tavaJJo) f. attention, heed, attentiveness
~ Ul t~ de) v.t. to pay attention/heed, to
be attentive

(tavarg) m. the group of dental plosive letters
of Gurmukhi alphabet
S= S= S= S= S=

(tav) m. griddle, the round iron plate for baking
chapati; gramophone record
~ YU t~ lu) id. to make target of
ridicule or criticism (someone)

(tavIaf) f. dancing girl; prostitute, whore,
harlot, courtesan

(tavzan) m. balance, equilibrium
S=lH S=lH S=lH S=lH S=lH

(tavrk) f. history, chronicle
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l

(tav) f. a large griddle; a large iron frying
pan; disc harrow
S=lS S=lS S=lS S=lS S=lS

(tavt) m. amulet, juju, talisman
T ~ t- dhg ~ ) m. talisman, amulet, ju
ju; sorcery
S=lSl S=lSl S=lSl S=lSl S=lSl

(tavt) f. an amulet like ornament for the
S= W S= W S= W S= W S= W

(taakk) adv. with snaping or breaking sound;
abruptly, bluntly
f. snaping or breaking sound
~ WW t~ karke) adv. with snaping sound

ttaaksr) adv. early in the morning , at
day break, at dawn

(taaka) v.t. to fry or season something
! !! !!

(taak) m. dawn

(taak-bhar ak) f. pomp and show,
flamboyance, ostentation

(take)adv. early tomorrow; at day
~ S=W t~ take) adv. early in the morning, at
day break
z zz zz

(taak) m. the process of frying; small
quantity of onion, garlic, spices etc. fried in a
pan for seasoning dishes
S=/S== S=/S== S=/S== S=/S== S=/S==

(taap/tar aph) f. restlessness;
writhing and wriggling in pain; intense longing
or craving, keen desire; violent passion, fury
S=/S== S=/S== S=/S== S=/S== S=/S==

(tapa/tapha) v.i. to toss
and turn, to be restless; to writhe and wriggle;
to suffer pangs of desire etc., to pine
S=U /S==U S=U /S==U S=U /S==U S=U /S==U S=U /S==U

(tapu /taraphu) v.t.
to make restless, to cause to flutter; to torment

(tak) f. cracking/ snaping or crashing
adv. with a crack
~ S=W t~ tak) adv. repeatedly with a
cracking sound
S=Tl S=Tl S=Tl S=Tl S=Tl

(tag) f. a string or chord (usually black)
tied round the waist of a child, waist string
S=-S= S=-S= S=-S= S=-S= S=-S=

(ta-ta ) adv. one after the other, quickly,
S|= T S|= T S|= T S|= T S|= T

(tag) a. displeased, angry, sulky, sullen
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l

(ta) f. overbearing attitude, drubbing; threat,
~ |UHU t~ dIkhua ) id. to try to browbeat,
to drub, to manhandle
~ KY t~ n Jhala) id. not to accept
supremacy (of anyone)

(t) adv. then, at that time; that is why, because
of , therefore
~ Jl t~ h) adv. only then; that is why, therefore
~ |W/ H t~ ke/ Jo) intj. so that
~ S t~ te) adv. therefore, so
~ =l t~ v) adv. even then, still, yet, inspite of
the fact
Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm

(ta) m. heat, warmth, intensity of heat; rage,
~ H t~ kh) id. to get enraged, to lose
temper; to be overheated
~ U= t~ chahn) id. to be enraged, to be
~ U t~ de) v.t. to twist, to twirl
~ u J J t~ mat ho) id. to be
decreased (for heat or warmth); to be cool
SU t tu) v.t. to heat; to provoke
(someone's) anger, to enrage; to agitate, to vex
S|Fm S|Fm S|Fm S|Fm S|Fm

(te) m. father's elder brother, uncle

(t) f. wife of father's elder brother, aunt

(t ) intj. till, to, upto

(td) f. seconding, support; confirmation,

(tnt) a. appointed, posted

(tsh) f. playing cards; game of cards
~ Hl t~ khe) v.i. to play cards
~ =Jl t~ phe) v.t. to shuffle cards
~ =l t~ v) v.t. to deal cards, to serve

(ts) f. metallic plate, saucer, dish; a small

(tsr) f. property of medicine or diet, after
effect, quality

(thn) m. taunt, sarcasm, gibe, twit, quip
~ U/u t~ de/mr) v.t. to give
taunting remark, to taunt, to gibe
~ |uJ/SJ |uJ t~ meh/thne
mehe) m. taunts, sarcastic remarks, taunts
and gibes

(thr) m. saddle cloth

(th /tho ) adv. that is why, that is
the reason, therefore
! !! !!

(tk) m. niche, alcove; door flap
~ S H t~ te rakkh) id. to keep in
z zz zz

(tk) f. lying in wait, ambush; fixed gaze
~ KW W t~ Jhk karn) id. to caste glances
~ Hl t~ rakkh) id. to be on the look out,
to lie in wait for
~ YUl t~ lu) id. to look with a fixed
gaze, to stare
~ |=U J t~ vIch ho) id. to be in look for
a aa aa

(tk) a. skilled, expert, apt, adept, dexterous

(tkat) f. strength, power, might, energy,
force; capacity, ability, capability; vigour, vitality

(tkatvar) a. strong, powerful, mighty

tt kI) adv. so that

(tk) f. window; window leaves

ttkd) f. enjoining , cautioning, injunction
~ Wl t~ karn) v.t. to emphasise, to stress,
to enjoin, to caution

ttkd) a. mandatory

(tg) m. thread

(tg) m. tonga
S= S= S= S= S=

(t gh) f. desire, longing, yearning, craving;
hope, expectation; affection
~ Hl/S= t~rakkh/t gh) v.i. to
desire; to long for, to yearn, to care; to expect
S== S== S== S== S==

(tghan) v.i. to behave arrogantly, to
show haughtiness/pride

(tJ) m. crown, diadem; The Taj
~ Hl t~ sabdh) a. coronary
~ |JU t~ pehu) v.t. to crown
SH Hl t taJposh) f. coronation, crowning,
SHTl SHTl SHTl SHTl SHTl(tzag) f. freshness, greenness; newness;
health; pleasure
S H S H S H S H S H (tz) a. fresh; recent, new; recently
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to refresh; to renew
~ SH (~ tz) a. fresh; green and fresh
~ Uu (~ dam) a. refreshed, reinvigorated
S ~ (taro ~ ) a. fresh
uJ ~ (mo ~ ) a. plump, robust
SH ( tzpa) m. freshness; newness
SHl SHl SHl SHl SHl (tz) m. fresh, green; recent, new; an
Arabian horse
SHlm SHlm SHlm SHlm SHlm (tz) m. model of the tomb of Imam
Hussain carried in a procession by Muslims
during Muharram
SHlu SHlu SHlu SHlu SHlu (tzm) f. reverence, respect
S= S= S= S= S= (tav) m. violent dance of Lord Shiva
symbolic of nature's wrath; a kind of dance,
dance of destruction
~ U (~ nch) m. oppression, cruelty,
S S S S S (t) m. power, strength; capability; capacity
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to try one's level best,
to put in one's utmost efforts
S S S S S (tn) v.t. to spread out, to stretch, to
expand, to extend
S ~ (tb ~ ) id. to expand in length and
S S S S S (t) m. warp, loom for weaving carpet
~ S (~ tan) id. to weave a web; to
stretch the warp
~ J (~ pe) m. warp and weft, warp and
~ J U (~ pe un) id. to hatch a
conspiracy, to conspire
~ (~ b) m. warp and weft, warp and
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (t) f. a weaver's warp
~ UYK (~ ulJha) id. to become complex
(matter, affair etc.)
SSH SSH SSH SSH SSH (ttparJ) m. sum and substance, gist,
summary; sense, meaning; purport, intent
SS|W SS|W SS|W SS|W SS|W (ttrIk) a. pertaining to the tantra science
SS SS SS SS SS (tt) m. chain, succession; row, line, order;
series; assembly, crowd
SUY SUY SUY SUY SUY (tdl) m. a kind of plant, Oigera arvensis
SUU SUU SUU SUU SUU (tdd) f. quantity, number, amount
S S S S S (tn) f. long chant in singing; tone, voice, key-
l ~ YTU (pr ~ lagu) id. to try
one's level best, to do the utmost
S S S S S (tnpur) m. a stringed musical instrument
resembling guitar
SHJ SHJ SHJ SHJ SHJ (tnshh) m. dictator, autocrat
SHJl SHJl SHJl SHJl SHJl (tnshh) f. dictatorship, autocracy
S S S S S (tp) m. fever; heat, temperature, warmth
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to suffer from fever;
to be worried
~ |SYl (~ tIl) f. enlarged spleen, splenitis
~ |HYl = (~ bIJal ghar) m. thermal power
SFlm ~ (te ~ ) m. a kind of fever that
reoccures the third day
|W ~ (nIk ~ ) m. tuberculosis,
consumption, phthisis
uYlm ~ (malera ~ ) m. malaria fever
|umUl ~ (mId ~ ) m. typhoid fever
Su Su Su Su Su (tpmn) m. temperature
S S S S S (tb) f. splendour, brilliance; lustre, gloss; glory,
awe, power; heat; endurance
~ mU (~ u) id. to become normal; to
get enraged
~ |Ym HW (~ n lI saka) id. to be
unable to bear
S= S = S= S = S= S = S= S = S= S = (tba to) adv. in quick succession,
incessantly, continually, successively, promptly,
S S S S S (tb) m. copper
S|m / S S|m / S S|m / S S|m / S S|m / S (tbe / tbe) a. & f. obedient;
subordinate; dependent, under; subject; the
state or act of sitting in the presence of sri
Guru Granth Sahib
S | m U /S U S | m U /S U S | m U /S U S | m U /S U S | m U /S U (tbedr/tbedr) a.
obedient, subject, subservient
Slm Slm Slm Slm Slm (t b) m. a mettalic vessel with a wide
mouth; big copper bowl
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (tbr) f. interpretation of dream
S S S S S S S S S S (tbt) f. coffin, effigy
Su- S Su- S Su- S Su- S Su- S (tmar-pattar) m. inscribed plate of
S ul Y S ul Y S ul Y S ul Y S ul Y (tml) f. execution, implementation,
compliance, obeyance
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to implement, to comply,
to obey
S S S S S (tr) f. wire; string, chord; thread (of musical
instrument); telegram; cable
~ WHl (~ kash) f. wire-drawing, work of
drawing wire; work of embroidery with
mettallic thread
~ = (~ ghar) m. telegraph office
~ U= (~ chhen) v.i. to play on a musical
~ JJ (~ ua) id. to be disconnected, to
be unlinked
~ S (~ tr) a. tattered, torn
~ S W (~ tr karn) id. to reduce to
shreds, to tear into shreds
~ Ul/Ul (~ de/pu) v.t. to send a
telegram, to wire
~ (~ bb) m. the man who deals with
the telegraphic matters in post office, signaller
~ |=FT (~ vIbhg) m. telegraph department
SW/SJ SW/SJ SW/SJ SW/SJ SW/SJ (trak/tranhr) m. Deliverer,
Saviour, Redeemer, Liberator; buoyant
SW Y SW Y SW Y SW Y SW Y (trkol) m. coal-tar, tarnac, tar
! ! ! ! !
(trn) v.t. to take across; to cause to swim;
to deliver from sins, to liberate from
transmigration, to emancipate, to redeem
z zz zz
(trn) v.t. to pay the debt; to clear the bill
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (trpo)m. torpedo
~ W (~ karn) id. to make ineffective
(plan etc.); to torpedo
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (trpn)f. turpentine
~ U S Y (~ d tel) m. turpentine oil, turpentine
S S S S S (tr) m. star; planet
~ |W (~ krn ) f.(pl.) astral rays
~ T (~ ga) m. the stars
~ J J (~ u) id. to have befall of
misfortune; a star to fall
~ uY (~ mal) m. constellation
~ =JU(~ vau) id. to have a flying visit
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. astronomy
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. astronomer
WS ~/ ~( kutab ~ /dhr ~) m. lode
star, pole star
JJU~ ( uad~ ) m. shooting star
UY /Ul=Y ~(-puchhal/bod vl ~) m.
S|m Hl( tre sabdh) a. stellar ,
~ Ul U= (~ d chhve) adv. very early in the
morning, before dawn
~ Fl S(~ bhar rt) f. star-lit-night , starry
S |T( tre gIn) id. to have
sleepless night
~ S=(~ ton) id. to do the impossible, to
try to round the square
~ |=HU ( ~ vIkhu) id. to get on one's
nerves , to teach a lesson
F ~ ( bhb ~ ) m. darkness before the
eyes due to some illness or injury or perplexity
Sul Sul Sul Sul Sul (tramr) m. mustard like plant and its
seeds, Brassica eruca
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (tr) f. dip; constant flight
~ YUl (~ lu) v.i. to have a dip; to swim
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (trkh) f. date; history
~ U (~ dn) a. historian
~ Ul (~ pu) v.i.t. to postpone; to date
~ = (~ vr) adv. datewise
Sll Sll Sll Sll Sll (trkh) a. historical, historic
SlV SlV SlV SlV SlV (trf) f. praise, appreciation, commendation,
admiration; quality, virtue, glorification;
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to praise, to appreciate,
to admire, to applaud, to eulogise
~ U Y (~ de pul bnhe) id. to laud
to the skies, to eulogize
S S S S S (tru) a. good swimmer
! !! !!
(tl) f. music, beat; rhythm, musical tune;
cadence, tempo
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to give rhythm, to beat
~ l (~ purn) v.i. to follow rhythm, to
keep time
~ =HUl (~ vaJu) v.i. to beat rhythm
SY SY ( talo betl) a. out of tune
z zz zz
(tl) m. tank, pond
SY SY SY SY SY (tlab) a. seeker, solicitor
~ |FYu (~ Ilam) m. student
SY SY SY SY SY (tlbadh) a. rhythmic
S Yu Y S Yu Y S Yu Y S Yu Y S Yu Y (tlmel) m. co-ordination, liaison;
harmonious relationship
~ U W (~ ped karn) v.i. to establish
rapport, to create co-ordination
SY=l SY=l SY=l SY=l SY=l (tlv) a. palatal, palatine
SY SY SY SY SY (tl) m. lock, padlock
~ S= (~ ton) v.t. to break open (a lock)
~ Ul (~ bd) f. lock-out
~ u/YU (~ mrn/ lu) v.t. to put
a lock on, to lock
U l | U ~ u ( chor pIchchho
~mrn) id. to lock the stable door after the
horse has been stolen
SY |=U ( tle vIch) adv. under lock
and key
SYlu SYlu SYlu SYlu SYlu (tlm) f. education; teaching, preaching,
tuition, study
~ JHY W (~ hsal karn) v.i. to get
education, to study
~ U (~ de) v.t. to educate, to teach
~ UVS (~ yft) a. educated, literate
SYlul SYlul SYlul SYlul SYlul (tlm) a. educational
SY /SY m SY /SY m SY /SY m SY /SY m SY /SY m (tl/tl) m. palate
~ Y HlF YT (~ nl Jbh lagga) id. to
keep quiet, to remain silent; to be too much
terrified, not to utter a word; to be too thirsty
SYm |T ( tl d Igga) id. to have
dislocation of the uvula (of a child )
S = S = S = S = S = (tvn) m. atonement, penalty,
compensation, damages, ransom, reparation
S=lH S=lH S=lH S=lH S=lH (tvz) m. amulet, talisman
S= S= S= S= S=
! !! !!
(t) m. toddy tree, palm tree, Caryota urens;
Borassus flabellyera
S= S= S= S= S=
z zz zz
(t) f. the act of sitting in ambush; sharp
look, stare, gaze; search, watch, observation;
watching; chiding, rebuke, scolding
~ H (~ Ja) id. to look through, to see
through, to apprehend
~ Hl (~ rakkh) v.t. to keep a watch, to
keep a vigil
~ |=U |J (~ vIch reh) id. to lie in wait
S= S= S= S= S= S= S= S= S= S= (t t) f. sound of repeated strikes,
fluently, glibly
adv. repeated with resounding sound; in quick
~ S= H= U (~ t Javb de) id. to
answer back bluntly
~ U W (~ de ke) adv. with a snap, with a
cracking noise
~ S (~ pattar) m. talipot
S= S= S= S= S=
! !! !!
(tn) f. warning; reprimand, reproof;
S= S= S= S= S=
z zz zz
(tn) v.t. to reprimand, to chide, to
admonish, to scold
S= S= S= S= S=
a aa aa
(tn) v.t. to guess, to comprehend; to
watch, to observe; to look intently, to stare
S= S= S= S= S=
4 44 44
(tn) v.t. to confine, to shut in, to imprison,
to cage
S= S= S= S= S= (t) m. an implement used for combing/
carding cotton or wool
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l
! !! !!
(t) f. juice of toddy or palm, toddy
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l
z zz zz
(t) f. fixed look, stare; deep meditation;
posture of sitting (cross-legged in meditation/
~ YTl (~ lagga) id. to be lost in one's
thoughts; to be in deep meditation
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l
a aa aa
(t) m. clapping, clap; applause, cheer
~ UJ J Y =HUl J (~ doh hattha nl
vaJad he) prov. it takes two to make a row
~ ul/ =HUl (~ mrn/ vaJu) v.i. to
clap; to applaud, to cheer; to ridicule, to deride
|SU |SU |SU |SU |SU (tIo) adv. so, in the same manner as
|SU J |SU J |SU J |SU J |SU J (tIohr) m. festival
|SU |SU |SU |SU |SU (tIor) m. set of three clothes (for ladies)
|SU = |SU = |SU = |SU = |SU = (tIo) m. milk mixed with butter-milk /lassi
|SU =l |SU =l |SU =l |SU =l |SU =l (tI) f. frown, look of displeasure
~ U = /U= U l /= Jl (~ chhn/
chahau /vatta) v.i. to frown, to assume
an angry look
|SmT |SmT |SmT |SmT |SmT (tIg) m. renouncement, renunciation;
abandonment, relinquishment; sacrifice;
~ S (~ pattar) m. resignation letter
~ S U (~ pattar de) v.i. to submit
one's resignation, to resign
|SmT |SmT |SmT |SmT |SmT (tIga) renounce; to relinquish;
to abdicate, to relinquish, to abandon; to
discard; to sacrifice
|SmTl |SmTl |SmTl |SmTl |SmTl (tIg) a. renouncer; mendicant, recluse,
hermit, ascetic
|Sm |Sm |Sm |Sm |Sm (tIr) a. ready; prepared; ripe; willing;
prepared and ready; complete and finished
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to get ready; to be willing
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to prepare, to bring
round, to persuade, to agree
~ |Sm (~ bar tIr) a. fully prepared;
prepared and ready
| Sm l | Sm l | Sm l | Sm l | Sm l (tIr) f. readiness; preparedness;
preparation; arrangement
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to make arrangements
|S H |S H |S H |S H |S H (tIssar) f. three successive wins or defeats,
|SJ S |SJ S |SJ S |SJ S |SJ S (tIhattar) a. seventy three
|SJ S= |SJ S= |SJ S= |SJ S= |SJ S= (tIhattarv) a. seventy third
|SJ |SJ |SJ |SJ |SJ (tIhar) f. third time, three times, triplication
|SJ |SJ |SJ |SJ |SJ (tIhr) a. threefold, triple
|SJU Y |SJU Y |SJU Y |SJU Y |SJU Y (tIhul) m. pudding of sugar and flour
in equal quantity
|SJm |SJm |SJm |SJm |SJm (tIha) f. thirst
|SJ|Fm |SJ|Fm |SJ|Fm |SJ|Fm |SJ|Fm (tIhe) a. thirsty, athirst
|SJFl |SJFl |SJFl |SJFl |SJFl (tIh) f. third part, one third
|SJH |SJH |SJH |SJH |SJH (tIhJ) a. one who married thrice
|SJ |SJ |SJ |SJ |SJ (tIhu) m. love, affection, attachment
|S W |S W |S W |S W |S W (tIkkar) intj. till, until, upto
|S W=l |S W=l |S W=l |S W=l |S W=l (tIkka) m. group of three (things / men
etc.); a kind of pattern of weaving a cot
|S Wl |S Wl |S Wl |S Wl |S Wl (tIkk) f. playing card with three spots trey;
three paise coin
|SW |SW |SW |SW |SW (tIko) f. triangle
|SW |uSl |SW |uSl |SW |uSl |SW |uSl |SW |uSl (tIkonmIt ) f. trigonometry
|SW |SW |SW |SW |SW (tIko) a. triangular, three cornered
|S HY |S HY |S HY |S HY |S HY (tIkkhal) a. boy born after three daughters
or vice versa
|S H= |S H= |S H= |S H= |S H= (tIkkha) a. sharp; fast; buffalo which gives
milk on the third day
|S H |S H |S H |S H |S H (tIkkh) a. sharp; fast, quick, hasty, active;
poignant, pungent; severe, acute; sarcastic,
pinching (remark etc.)
|S H |S H |S H |S H |S H (tIkkhpa) m. sharpness, acuteness;
pungency, acridity, acridness
|S T= |S T= |S T= |S T= |S T= (tga) m. group of three stars in a line, orion's
|S T= |S T= |S T= |S T= |S T= (tgan)v.t. to behave arrogantly/ rudely
|S T |S T |S T |S T |S T (tIgg) a. (animal) with three teeth; of three
years, three years old
|S T J |S T J |S T J |S T J |S T J (tIguh) a. three-cornered
|ST |ST |ST |ST |ST (tIgu) a. three times, triple, three fold
|S = |S = |S = |S = |S = (tgha) v.i. to strain stomach muscles
while passing stool
|SHS |SHS |SHS |SHS |SHS (tIJrat) f. trade, business; commerce
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to business, to be
engaged in trade
~ H (~ pesh) a. trader, merchant,
|SHSl |SHSl |SHSl |SHSl |SHSl (tIJrat) a. mercantile
|SH l |SH l |SH l |SH l |SH l (tIJor) f. safe, cash-box, chest
|S |S |S |S |S (tI) m. mole; a speck in the eye
|SW |SW |SW |SW |SW (tInk) m. straw; particle
|S S |S S |S S |S S |S S (tIttar) m. partridge, Verdix francolinus
~ J H (~ ho Ja) id. to show a clean pair
of heels; to take to one's heels, to run away
~ HFl (~ khbh) a. spotted like partridge's
~ =U (~ vch) v.t. to slip away, to run
|SS-|S |SS-|S |SS-|S |SS-|S |SS-|S (tItar-bItar) a. dispersed, scattered;
helter skelter
|SS-|uS |SS-|uS |SS-|uS |SS-|uS |SS-|uS (tItar-mItr) a. dotted, spotted
|SS |SS |SS |SS |SS (tItar) a. dotted, spotted
|SSYl |SSYl |SSYl |SSYl |SSYl (tItl) f. butterfly
|S |S |S |S |S (tIth) f. date; a lunar day
|Sl |Sl |Sl |Sl |Sl (tIth) f. date of solar month
|S |S |S |S |S (tn) a. & m. three
~ HY (~ sl) a. triennial
~ T (~ gu) a. three times, three fold,
~ S ' U J (~ n terh 'ch ho) id. to
be held in no accounts
~ Hl (~ pakkh) a. tripartite
~ Sl (~ patt) f. a game of cards
a. trefoil
|S ( tn) a. all three
|Sl W=l ( tn kapa) adv. only with
the three clothes wearing on the body; with a
very few luggage
|S |S |S |S |S (tIpp) f. drop, driblet
~ |S (~ tIpp) adv. drop-drop, in drops
|SFl |SFl |SFl |SFl |SFl (tIp) f. three legged stool, tripod stand,
|SH= |SH= |SH= |SH= |SH= (tIpsa) a. three-sided, trilateral
|S Sl |S Sl |S Sl |S Sl |S Sl (tIbbat) m.& a. an inhabitant of Tibet,
Tibetain; language of Tibet
|SFHl |SFHl |SFHl |SFHl |SFHl (tIbhsh) a. trilingual
|Su HY |Su HY |Su HY |Su HY |Su HY (tImJal) a. three-storeyed
|SuJl |SuJl |SuJl |SuJl |SuJl (tImh) a. & f. three monthly, quarterly;
period of three months, quarter
|SuS|W |SuS|W |SuS|W |SuS|W |SuS|W (tImtarIk) a. trisyllabic
|SHW |SHW |SHW |SHW |SHW (tIraskr) m. disregard, disrespect;
indignity, insult
~ W(~ karn) insult, to offer indignity
|S T |S T |S T |S T |S T (tIrg) a. tricoloured
m. national flag of India, tricoloured flag
|SU |SU |SU |SU |SU (tIrchh) a. transverse, oblique, slant,
sidelong, slanting, crosswise
|SU |SU |SU |SU |SU (tIrchhpa) a. slant, slope, obliqueness
|S= |S= |S= |S= |S= (tIrvar) m. oiliness on the surface of water
or any liquid
(tIl) m. mole, beauty-spot
(tIl) m. sesame, Sesamum Indicum
~ HJ J (~ sua nu th n ho)
id. to be packed to the capacity
~ W J (~ ku) m. a sweet cake prepared
from sesame seeds
~ UUYl/UYl (~ chul/cho l) f. mixture of
sesame seeds, brown sugar and rice
~ |SY (~ tIl) adv. in fragments, by degree;
by and by; a little, somewhat
~ = Y (~ phul) m. an offering or gift according
to one's capacity, humble offering
~ F (~ bhar) a. iota, little quantity; very
small amount; tiny
~ uS (~ mtar) adv. little quantity
|SYW |SYW |SYW |SYW |SYW (tIlak) m. a mark made on the forehead as
an emblem of a sect; an ornament of the
forehead; ceremony of coronation; engagement
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to put vermillion mark
on the forehead
|SYW |SYW |SYW |SYW |SYW (tIlakan ) f. slippery ground; slipperiness
|SYWHl |SYWHl |SYWHl |SYWHl |SYWHl (tIlakabz) f. slipperiness; riskiness;
uncertain situation
! !! !!
/|SYW H /|SYW H /|SYW H /|SYW H /|SYW H (tIlaka/tIlak J) v.i. to
slip , to skid; to slide; to lose hold, to err
z zz zz
/|SYW= /|SYW= /|SYW= /|SYW= /|SYW= (tIlaka/tIlakav) a. slippery,
|SYWU |SYWU |SYWU |SYWU |SYWU (tIlku) v.t. to make to slip; to cause
to err
|SY T |SY T |SY T |SY T |SY T (tIlg) m. a measure in Indian classical
music, a musical mode
|S Y= |S Y= |S Y= |S Y= |S Y= (tIlla) a. born after three daughters or vice
versa; (ropes) made of three strands
|S Y |S Y |S Y |S Y |S Y (tIll) m. gold or silver thread
|SYHYl |SYHYl |SYHYl |SYHYl |SYHYl (tIl Jal) f. renunciation, abnegation;
breaking off relations, abandonment
~ U (~ de) id. to bid a final adieu; to
give up , to break off
|S Yl |S Yl |S Yl |S Yl |S Yl (tIll) f. spleen
|SYlm |SYlm |SYlm |SYlm |SYlm (tIlar) m. a kind of bird, starling, rosy-
|S= |S= |S= |S= |S= (tIve ) adv. like that, in the same manner, like
~ |S= (~ tIve ) adv. in the same manner, like
wise, similarly
|H= ~ (-JIve ~) adv. any how, by hook or
crook, at every cost, how so ever
|S= |S= |S= |S= |S=
! !! !!
(tIh) f. pride, haughtiness, egotism
|S= |S= |S= |S= |S=
z zz zz
(tIh) m. root and stalk of a species of grass
|S=W |S=W |S=W |S=W |S=W (tIak) m. crack
|S=W |S=W |S=W |S=W |S=W (tIka) v.i. to crack; to be displeased;
to crackle (as grain etc.)
|S=WU |S=WU |S=WU |S=WU |S=WU (tIku) v.t. to make something
crack; to decrepitate
|S=-|S= |S=-|S= |S=-|S= |S=-|S= |S=-|S= (tI-tI) f. sound produced when oil or
ghee is heated; sound produced when
something cracks, crackling sound
|S= |S= |S= |S= |S= (tIn) v.i. to crack; to be arrogant; to show
haughtiness, to take airs, to boast
|S=-|== |S=-|== |S=-|== |S=-|== |S=-|==(tI-phI) f. excuse-making, unwillingness
to do something
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to make lame excuses
Slm Slm Slm Slm Slm (t ) a.&m. third; figure three
~ SH (~ takkh) a. (person) having no
concern or relation
Slm Slm Slm Slm Slm (t ) f. an Indian festival of ladies which
falls in the month of Savan (July-August)
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (tsr) a. third
SlJ SlJ SlJ SlJ SlJ (th) a.&m. thirty
-SlJ= (-thv ) a. thirtieth
SlJ SlJ SlJ SlJ SlJ (thr) a. three fold; treble
SlW/SlW SlW/SlW SlW/SlW SlW/SlW SlW/SlW (tk/tkar) prep. up to, to, till, untill
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (tkha) a. sharp; pungent; acute, acrid,
poignant; keen
Sl HS Sl HS Sl HS Sl HS Sl HS (tkhat) f. sharpness, acuteness;
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (tJ) f. the third day of each half of the lunar
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (tJ) a. third
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (tbar) a. intense, acute, sharp; keen, ardent
SlS SlS SlS SlS SlS (tbart) f. intensity; acuteness, sharpness,
keenness; haste, quickness, swiftness; severity
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
(tr) m. arrow; one of the two long wood sticks
of the lower part of the bullock cart
~ mUH (~ dz) m. & a. archer, skilled in
~ mUHl (~ dz) f. archery
~ J H (~ ho J) v.i. to take to one's
heels, to flee, to run away
~ Wu (~ kam) m. arrow and bow
~ UYU (~ chalu) v.t. to shoot an arrow
~ SW (~ tukk) m. wild guess, estimate,
~ SW YT (~ tukk lagga) id. to get
success with ordinary efforts
~ U |H (~ d nIshn) m. arrow mark
~ Ul ml /W (~ d a /nok) f. tip of arrow
~ =T |H J H (~ vg sIddh ho J) id.
to be set right
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
(tr) m. bank (river, stream etc.); shore (sea)
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (trath) m. a sacred place, place of pilgrimage,
shrine, holy spot
~ H (~ stahn) m. place of pilgrimage
~ US (~ ytr) f. pilgrimage
~ USl (~ ytr) m. pilgrim
Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W Sl W (trthkar) m. Jain prophet
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (tr) m. a piece of cloth attached on the back
side of shirt from one shoulder to other,
SlY/SlY SlY/SlY SlY/SlY SlY/SlY SlY/SlY (tl/tlh) f. matchstick
SlY =Yl l ( tl vl abb) f. match-
box, lucifer-match
SlY/SlY SlY/SlY SlY/SlY SlY/SlY SlY/SlY (tl/tlh) m. straw (of grass or wood)
HW W ~ J ( sukk ke ~ ho) id. to be
reduced to a skeleton
SlYl SlYl SlYl SlYl SlYl
! !! !!
(tl) f. match-stick
~ YU (~ lu) id. to provoke, to instigate ;
to set fire to , to set on fire, to inflame
SlYl SlYl SlYl SlYl SlYl
z zz zz
(tl) f. nose-pin
Sl=l Sl=l Sl=l Sl=l Sl=l (tv ) f. woman, lady, female; wife, better-
half, spouse
~ HS (~ Jt) f. womenfolk, womenkind
S Hl /S Hl S Hl /S Hl S Hl /S Hl S Hl /S Hl S Hl /S Hl (tus /tus) pron. you; you people
~ S FlU U U J TF J (~ t d d chn ho
gae ho) prov. your visits are few and far
S JuS S JuS S JuS S JuS S JuS (tuhmat) f. false allegation, accusation,
blame, slander, calumny, charge
~ YUl (~ lu) v.t. to accuse, to blame, to
S J/S Jl S J/S Jl S J/S Jl S J/S Jl S J/S Jl (tuh /tuh ) pron. your, yours
S J S J S J S J S J (tuhtho) pron. from you, your
S J S J S J S J S J (tuhnu ) pron. to you or thee
(tuk ) f. a line of a poem, verse
~ Ul (~ bd) f. grotesque verse, rhyming,
(tuk) f. logic, sense, rhyme or reason (of any
action, utterance etc.)
S WH S WH S WH S WH S WH (tukkas) m. a metal pan having broad mouth
and flat base
(tukk) m.seed-pod of acacia; corn-cob
(tukk) m. fluke, wild guess
~ YT H (~ lagg J) v.i. to succeed by
chance, for a wild guess to become true
~ YU / u (~ lu/ mrn) v.t. to
make a wild guess, to concoct
S WS S WS S WS S WS S WS (tukt) m. rhyme
S u S u S u S u S u (tukham) m. seed, germ; semen
S H S H S H S H S H (tukhr) m. snow, snowing
S TY S TY S TY S TY S TY (tgal) m. ear-rings worn by men
S U S U S U S U S U (tucch) a. petty; trifling, trivial; worthless,
mean; poor, pitiful, contemptible
~ HuK (~ samJha) v.t. to hold in no
~ uS (~mtar) a. very small /little (quantity)
S W/S W u S W/S W u S W/S W u S W/S W u S W/S W u (tuka/tuk mrn )
v.t. to give a jerk
S W S W S W S W S W (tuk ) m. a pull given to the string of a
kite while flying
S -S S -S S -S S -S S -S (tu-tu) f. sound of monochord
S S /S S l S S /S S l S S /S S l S S /S S l S S /S S l (tutu /tutu) m. a musical
instrument made of hollow gourd, an Indian
S SY S SY S SY S SY S SY (tutl) a. lisping
m. lisper
S SYU S SYU S SYU S SYU S SYU (tutlu) v.i. to speak imperfectly, to
lisp, to prattle
S -u S -u S -u S -u S -u (tutth-mutth) a. unsystematic, disordered;
S U S U S U S U S U (td) a. fierce, violent, ferocious
S S S S S (tna) v.t. to pack to the full; to eat to the
fill; to force into, to push in, to thrust
S W S W S W S W S W (tupak) m. drop, blob
S S S S S (tuppa) v.t. to sew, to stitch
TV ~ (gha ~) v.t. to stitch, to sew
id. to hatch a conspiracy, to conspire
S = T S = T S = T S = T S = T (tuphg) f. gun, musket
S V S V S V S V S V (tufn) m. storm, tornado, tempest; typhoon
(of sea); turmoil, disaster
~ mU (~ u) v.i. for storm to blow
~ uUU (~ machu) v.i.t. to create a
turmoil; to make a great noise
S Vl S Vl S Vl S Vl S Vl (tufn) a. stormy, boisterous, tempestuous
S VlW S VlW S VlW S VlW S VlW (tufk) f. capacity; ability, capability
S S S S S (tba) v.t. to card (cotton)
S Fl S Fl S Fl S Fl S Fl (tb) f. the act of or the wages for carding
S u S u S u S u S u (tm) m. colocynth, bitter gourd
S H S H S H S H S H (tursh) a. bitter, pungent; sour, tart, acid
~ SY (~ talkh) a. bitter; sour, tart
~ |uHH (~mIzJ) a.ill-tempered, hot-headed,
~ |uHHl (~ mIzJ) f. ill-temper, hot-temper
S Hl S Hl S Hl S Hl S Hl (tursh) f. bitterness, harshness; sourness,
acidity, acerbity
STl ~ (tg ~) f. hardships
S W S W S W S W S W (turk) a. Turk
S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl (turk) m. Turkey
f. Turk language
a. Turkish
S T S T S T S T S T (turg) m. horse
S S/S S S S/S S S S/S S S S/S S S S/S S (turat/turt) adv. quickly, immediately,
~ U uJ W|Ym (~ dn mah kalI) prov.
he gives thrice who gives trice
~ =S (~ phurat) adv. immediately, at once,
instantly, promptly, speedily, quickly
S S S S S (turn) v.i. to go on foot, to walk, to proceed,
to move; to depart; to die, to expire
~ |= (~ phIrn) v.i. to walk about, to
move about
S S S S S (turap) m. trump card
S u S u S u S u S u (turam) m. trumpet
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (turhl) m. the end of turban which hangs
down the back
S U S U S U S U S U (turu) v.t. to help ( child ) in walking ;
to cause to walk, to cause to move
S l S l S l S l S l(tur) f. clove (of garlic); bulb (plant)
S l S l S l S l S l (turh) f. trumpet, bugle
S lm m=H S lm m=H S lm m=H S lm m=H S lm m=H (tur avasth) f. highest and fourth
stage of spiritual quietude/enlightenment
S Y/S Y S Y/S Y S Y/S Y S Y/S Y S Y/S Y (tul/tull) a. equal, equivalent; similar,
m. match, equivalent, mate
S YHl S YHl S YHl S YHl S YHl (tuls) f. basil, Ocimum sanctum
~ Y/ UY (~ al /dal) m. basil leaf, basil
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (tul) v.i. to be weighed; to be balanced
SY H (tul J ) v.t. to bent upon, to be
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (tuln) f. comparison; similarity; simile
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to compare
S YSuW S YSuW S YSuW S YSuW S YSuW (tulntmak) a. comparative
S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= (tulv ) a. of fix weight
S Y=U S Y=U S Y=U S Y=U S Y=U (tulvu) v.t. to get something weighed
S Y=Fl S Y=Fl S Y=Fl S Y=Fl S Y=Fl (tulv) f. the act of or the wages for
! !! !!
(tul) m. balance, scale; Zodiac sign, Libra
z zz zz
(tul) f. raft (for crossing a river)
~ U (~ dn) m. grains, metals (gold, silver
etc.) and other things equal to the weight of
donor given in donation
~ Hl (~ rsh) f. Libra (a Zodiac sign)
S YU S YU S YU S YU S YU (tulu) v.t. to cause or to make to be
S YFl S YFl S YFl S YFl S YFl (tul) f. weighing; the wages paid for
S ==U /S =U S ==U /S =U S ==U /S =U S ==U /S =U S ==U /S =U (tuvu/tuu) v.t. to get
plucked; to make to break relation; to get
change of a coin or rupee of higher value
S ==Fl/S =Fl S ==Fl/S =Fl S ==Fl/S =Fl S ==Fl/S =Fl S ==Fl/S =Fl (tuv/ tu) f. the work of or
the wages for plucking
S S S S S (t ) pron. you, thou
~ S u-u (~ t me-me) f. wrangle, altercation
~ u U u S U= (~ men de me te n dev)
prov. claw me and I will claw thee
S m S m S m S m S m (t) m. miscarriage, slink (of animal)
S Fl S Fl S Fl S Fl S Fl (t) f. sprout, shoot
S H S H S H S H S H (tsa) v.t. to stuff to the capacity; to
stodge, to press tightly into
S /S H S /S H S /S H S /S H S /S H (t/t J) v.i. to slink, to
miscarry, to cast prematurely, to abort
SS SS SS SS SS (tt) m. mulberry tree and its fruit, Morus indica
S Sl S Sl S Sl S Sl S Sl (ttan) f. a toy horn; horn, trumpet
S Sl S Sl S Sl S Sl S Sl (ttar) f. spout; snout (of kettle etc.)
S Sl/S Sl S Sl/S Sl S Sl/S Sl S Sl/S Sl S Sl/S Sl (tt/ttar) f. trumpet
~ Y (~ bol) id. to have great sway
ml~ =HU (pa~vaJu) id. to
blow one's trumpet
S V S V S V S V S V (tfn) m. storm, tempest, typhoon, hurricane
a. very naughty
~ mU (~ u) v.i. for storm to blow
~ H= W (~ khah karn) id. to raise a
~ UW (~ chukka) id. to raise a storm ; to
make a great noise
~ uUU (~ machu) id. to bluster, to
create a fuss , to raise cain ; to make a great
~ uY (~ mel) f. a superfast train
a. very naughty
S Vl S Vl S Vl S Vl S Vl (tfn) a. stormy, tempestuous
(t b) m. a bit of cotton, swab
(tb) m. a single-string musical instrument
made from the shell of gourd and gut-cord; a
hollow shell of gourd used as a vessel by fakirs
and anchorites, calabash; bitter-gourd
S l S l S l S l S l (t b) f. a single-string musical instrument
popular with folk-singers
( tr) m. mount Sinai
( tr) m. round staff used by weavers to roll
the yarn, an instrument of weaver

( tl) m. length; painter's brush
~ U (~ de) id. to carry (affair, dispute
S = S = S = S = S =

(tn) v.t. to pack to the full, to stuff to
capacity, to engorge
S =l S =l S =l S =l S =l

(t) f. chaff (of wheat), straw
(te) conj. & prep. and, at, on, over
(te) prep. &adv. on, upon
S Fl S Fl S Fl S Fl S Fl (te) m.& a. twenty three
- -- --SFl=

(tev) a. twenty third
S Flm/S Flm S S Flm/S Flm S S Flm/S Flm S S Flm/S Flm S S Flm/S Flm S

(te /te tp) m. a kind of
fever which occurs on alternate day

(tes) m. adze (carpenter's)
S Hl S Hl S Hl S Hl S Hl

(tes) f. adze (mason's)

(teh) f. thirst; longing, desire
~ YTl (~ lagga) v.i. to feel thirsty

(teh) a. similar, alike

(teg) f. sword
~ U l (~ d dhan) a. & m. skilled in sword
playing, swordsman
(teJ) m. glow, lustre, effulgence, splendour,
~ S (~ partp) m. glow, lustre; glory,
fame; splendour, grandeur
(teJ/tez) a. hot-headed, irascible; sharp
edged (knife etc.); fast, swift, rapid, quick;
active, nimble; bright, fast (colour); clever,
shrewd, intelligent; acrid, poignant, pungent
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to sharpen
~ H (~ zabn) a. sharp-tongued, rude
~ SlmS (~ tabat) a. short tempered, hot-
headed, quick -tempered, impatient
~ S (~ tarr) a. smart, active, clever
~ |UuT (~ dImg) a. intelligent, quick of mind
~ |uHH (~ mIzz) a. short-tempered, hot-
headed, irascible
~ VS (~ raftr) a. speedy, fast-moving, fast
S H H=l S H H=l S H H=l S H H=l S H H=l (teJassav) a. glorious; stately, noble-
spirited; lustrous, radiant

(teJpattar) m. cassia or cinnamon leaf, bay

(teJvt) a. glorious, luminous, splendid, virlie;
strong, mighty
S H S H S H S H S H (tezb) m. acid
~ HW (~ nshak) a. antacid
S Hl S Hl S Hl S Hl S Hl (tezb) a. acidic
S Hl/S Hl S Hl/S Hl S Hl/S Hl S Hl/S Hl S Hl/S Hl (teJ/tez) f. anger, rage, short-
temperance; agility, sharpness, smartness,
activeness; hike, rise (in prices); hurry,
quickness, swiftness
S Sl S Sl S Sl S Sl S Sl(tet) m. & a. thirty three
S Sl= S Sl= S Sl= S Sl= S Sl= (tetv ) a. thirty third
S S S S S (tetho ) a. from you
S U m S U m S U m S U m S U m (ted) m. leopard
S -u S -u S -u S -u S -u (ter-mer) f. discrimination, partiality
S = S = S = S = S = (terv ) a.&m. thirteenth; a ritual performed
on the thirteenth day of a deceased
S S S S S (ter) pron. yours, your
S S S S S (terh) m. & a. thirteen
~ SYl (~ tl) f. the artful woman, cunning
lady, coquettish
(tel) m. oil; petroleum
~ HW W (~ sodhak krkhn) m.oil
~ W V (~ kah) id. to extract the
maximum amount of work, to make to do hard
labour, to exhaust (someone); to extract oil
~ U (~ cho) id. to pour oil on the threshold
of a house at the first entry of a bride, bride
groom or new born child etc. as a mark of
welcome, a ceremony
~ V =Yl T l (~ d ho vl ga) f. oil tanker
~ UH SY Ul UH (~ dekho tel d dhr
dekho) prov. see which way the wind blows
~ U (~ de) id. to rebuke, to chide; to
thrash, to beat
v.i. to lubricate, to apply oil
~ |WY (~ nIkala) id. to get exhausted,
to be dead tired
~ uY (~ maln) v.t. to message with oil, to
rub oil
~ =Y (~ vl) a. oily
YUl S ~ U (bald te ~ pu) id. to
add fuel to the fire
|uJl U ~ (mI d ~ ) m. kerosene oil
z zz zz
/S Y /S Y /S Y /S Y /S Y

(tel/trel) f. dew
S YT S YT S YT S YT S YT (telagu ) m. language spoken in Andhra
Pradesh (South of India), Telgu
S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= (tela) m. a boy born after three daughters
and vice versa
(tel) m. a species of very small green
coloured insect which spoils plants (esp.
mustard leaves); a disease of crop caused by
it, aphid
(tel) m. the third step of a game played with
small flints
S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl
(tel) m. oilman, oil-seller
S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl S Yl
z zz zz
/S Yl /S Yl /S Yl /S Yl /S Yl

(tel/trel) f. cold-sweat, hot flush
S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm
(tel) m.& a. small insect which spoils
leaves of mustard and other plants
S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm
(tel) m. poisonous root of Aconytum
ferox, aconiteroot, a powerful poison
S = S = S = S = S =
(te) f. crack, cervices; breach; leak; rift
S = S = S = S = S =
(te) m. middle part of human body, the part
of human body from the waist down to the
S /S m S /S m S /S m S /S m S /S m (te /te a) m. decided, settled, finalised,
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be settled, to be
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to settle, to finalise ; to
cover a distance, to traverse
S H S H S H S H S H (tesh) m. huff , anger, wrath; excitement
~ |UYU/UmU (~ dIlu/duu) v.i.
to get enraged, to lose one's temper
~ |=U mU (~ vIch u) v.i. to get enraged,
to lose one's temper
S H S H S H S H S H (tes) a. similar, same as
HH ~( Je se n ~) prov. tit for tat
S S S S S (ten ) pron. to you
~ Fl Wl Fl ml = S (~ par k pa
p nabe t ) prov. mind your own business
S = S = S = S = S = (teba) m. unchiselled staff
S S S S S (to ) prep. from; than; to
S |F-S |F S |F-S |F S |F-S |F S |F-S |F S |F-S |F (toe-toe) f. an utterance made to call
dogs; a term of scorn; scorn, disdain, scoff
~ J (~ ho) id. to be scorned by the people
~ W (~ karn) id. to make insulting
remarks; to reproach, to reprimand, to upbraid,
to rebuke
S H/S H S H/S H S H/S H S H/S H S H/S H (tos/tosh) m. cooked food, eatables
S HH S HH S HH S HH S HH (toshkhn) m. a room where precious
things are kept, treasure house; store-room
S J S J S J S J S J (toh) m. hull of paddy, husk, chaff
~ WJ (~ kutta) id. to toil in vain
SJ YJ ( tohe lhue) id. to thrash, to
torture physically
S JV S JV S JV S JV S JV (tohf) m. present, gift
S W= S W= S W= S W= S W= (toka) a. (cow or buffalo) yielding milk
irregularly (because of lactation period)
/S J /S J /S J /S J /S J (to /to) f. & m. shortage, paucity,
scarcity, want, lack, deficiency; deficit, loss
z zz zz
(to) f. hangover
S S S S S (to) v.t. to pack to the full, to stuff too much
S SW= S SW= S SW= S SW= S SW= (totka) m. fabricated or concocted gossip
S SY S SY S SY S SY S SY (total) a. & m. lisping, lisper, stuttering,
stammering; stutterer
S SY S SY S SY S SY S SY (totalpa) m. lisp
S S S S S S S S S S (tot) m. parrot
~ UHu (~chashm) a. faithless, false, insincere;
~ UHul(~chashm) f. faithlessness, insincerity,
~ Jl (~ raa) f. the act of harping on the
same tune, parrotry
J U SS U H ( hatth de tote u
J) id. to be at one's wits' end, to be at a
loss, to be perplexed
S Slm/S S T S Slm/S S T S Slm/S S T S Slm/S S T S Slm/S S T ( tot/tote rg) a. parrot green,
flourescent green
S U S U S U S U S U (tod) f. protuberant belly, pot-belly, paunch
S U S U S U S U S U (tod) f. huge mass of snow or ice, iceberg
S S S S S (top) f. cannon; fat man or woman
~ U TY (~ d gol) m. cannon ball, shell
S Ul HYul ( top d salm) f. salvo
S H S H S H S H S H (topkhn) m. artillery , cannonry
S Ul S Ul S Ul S Ul S Ul (topch) m. artilleryman, cannoneer, gunner
S S S S S (top) m. stitch
~ F/YU (~ bharn/lu) v.t. to make
a stitch
S S S S S (tobar) m. a nose-bag for a horse
S S S S S (tob) f. solemn promise to resist from doing
something again, abjuration; penitence,
repentance; an expression of surprise
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to make a solemn
promise to desist from wrong acts; to express
~ S (~ tob) intj. an expression of horror
S S S S S (tor) f. manner of walking, gait; pace, speed
S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl S Wl (tork) f. a skin disease
S S S S S (torn) v.t. to make or help child to walk; to
send off, to see off; to cause to leave the place
! !! !!
(tor) m. sustenance, subsistence
~ S (~ turn) v.i.t. to be able to sustain or
~ S (~ torn) id. to manage to run the
house (somehow), to pull on somehow, to make
both ends meet
~ = (~ pher) m. frequent visits
z zz zz
(tor) m. beginning, inception; tradition,
S l S l S l S l S l (tor) f. sponge-gourd, Loofah, Abelmoschus
WYl / u ~ ( kal /rm ~) f. Luffa
=lm ~( gh ~) f. Lofah, Luffa aegyptica
|Fl~ ( bh~) f. lady-finger
S lm S lm S lm S lm S lm (tor) m. a variety of mustard plant,
Brassica napus, cruciferae
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (tol) m. weight, heft ; the act of weighing
~ W Y (~ke bol) id. to speak thoughtfully
|JY SY = Y ( pe hl tolo pher bolo)
prov. think before you speak
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (tol) v.t. to put on the scales, to weigh
S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= (tolv ) a. by weight, weighed
! !! !!
(tol) m. tola, a unit of weight equal to
11.664 gram, 12 mashas
z zz zz
(tol) m. weighman
S = S = S = S = S =
! !! !!
(to) f. uneasiness, restlessness
S = S = S = S = S =
z zz zz
(to) m. antidote, neutralizer, ameliorating
S = S = S = S = S =
a aa aa
(to) m. end, finish, climax, extent
adv. up to the end
~ U= (~ chhn) v.t. to see a thing done,
to finish, to accomplish, to complete
~ SlW/ SlW (~ tk/tkar) adv. up to the
~ U (~ d) a. up to destination (ticket)
~ |FU (~ nIbhu) id. to stand through
thick and thin, to stand steadily by somebody
S = S = S = S = S = (ton) v.t. to break, to split (stone, glass
etc.); to change into small coins ; to violate,
to infringe; to pluck, to pick; to break off
(relations); to dismantle
~ u = (~ maron) v.t. to crush, to
crumple; to distort
S= S= H( to to kh) id. to cause
trouble to, to harass
~ = = (~pho) f. sabotage, distortion;
breakage, rupture
S = S = S = S = S =
(to) m. beam, rafter
S = S = S = S = S =
(to) m. small sack
S = S = S = S = S =
(to) m. dearth, scarcity, shortage,
S = S = S = S = S =
(to) m. match of fuse of a gun
~ UT (~ dg) v.t. to fire a gun or
S =l S =l S =l S =l S =l (to) adv. upto, till, to
S H S H S H S H S H (tos) f. panting, puffing, fast breathing
S H S H S H S H S H (tosa) v.i. to be out of breath, to puff
and pant
S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl S Jl (to hn) f. insult, affront, indignity,
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to insult, to affront
S W S W S W S W S W (to k) m. neck-band for a prisoner or slave,
S HY S HY S HY S HY S HY (to khal) m. worry, anxiety; fear,
~ J (~ ho) v.t. to apprehend danger
~ YT (~ lagga) v.i. to feel apprehension/
S S S S S (to) m. kneaded flour, dough
~ U (~ de) v.t. to re-knead the dough
S l S l S l S l S l (to ) f. cold-sweat; severe-beating, thrashing
~ U= (~ chhn) id. to beat badly, to
give a thrashing
~ YUl (~ lu) v.t. to give a thrashing, to
beat badly
S VlW S VlW S VlW S VlW S VlW (to fk) f. capacity; ability, capability
S S S S S (tor) m. manners, ways, attitude, conduct,
~SlW(~tark) m. ways, conduct, behaviour,
manners; custom
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (to l) m. a wide mouthed pitcher like earthen
~ F (~ bharn) id. to eat voraciously
S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm S Ylm (tol) m. towel
S = S = S = S = S = (to ) a. uncultivated, unploughed (land)
S = S = S = S = S = (to) m. big pitcher; earthen cooking pot
S =l S =l S =l S =l S =l (to) f. pitcher like earthen cooking-pot,

(thatth) m. twenty-second letter and second
of the dental pentad of consonants of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents the voiceless, aspirated
dental plosive
Fl/Flm Fl/Flm Fl/Flm Fl/Flm Fl/Flm (tha/tha) f. a word which denotes
rhythm or beat of a drum etc.; sound of drum
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (thah) f. small ordered pile (of chapatis,
bricks); wad (of currency notes); mass
~YUl (~lu) v.t. to pile up, to stack
! !! !!
(thoh) m. information, inkling, trace, clue;
knack; depth (of a river etc.); location
~|JW/S (~Ik/pat) m. residence,
house; address, whereabouts; information
(about whereabouts); clue
z zz zz
(thoh) m. memory, remembrance
~ |J (~n reh) id. to go out of mind
W W W W W (thakka) v.i. to be exhausted, to get tired,
to be fatigued, to be done up, to be weary
|Wm J|Jm (thakke ut t e) a. weary,
exhausted, dead tired, fatigued
WU WU WU WU WU (thaku) v.t. to tire out, to cause to be
exhausted, to make weary
WU WU WU WU WU (thak) a. tiring, wearing, wearisome,
tiresome, irksome
W u ( thak mrn) v.t. to knock
up, to wear out
W=J W=J W=J W=J W=J (thakva) f. weariness, tiredness, fatigue,
W = W = W = W = W = (thakev ) m. exhaustion, weariness,
tiredness, fatigue
(tha) m. teats, dug; breast
(thatth) m. stammer, stutter
Y Y Y Y Y (thathl) a. stammerer, stutter
YU YU YU YU YU (thathlu) v.i. to stammer, to stutter
YJJ YJJ YJJ YJJ YJJ (thathlha) f. stammer, stutter

(thatth) a. stammerer, stutterer
m m m m m (thath) m. a tool used by potters for
shaping the inside of pots, beater
W W W W W (thapka) v.t. to pat, to dab; to solace, to
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (thapk) f. pat, dab, gentle stroke with hand
~U (~de) v.t. to pat, to lull
(thappa) v.t. to prepare cowdung cakes;
to prepare chapaties; to besmear, to dab; to
impose, to level (charge)
m. a tool used by potters for shaping the inside
of pots
U U U U U (thapthapu) v.t. to pat, to dab
= = = = = (thappa) m. slap, smack
~u (~mrn) id. to box one's ears
U U U U U (thapu) v.t. to get cowdung converted
into cakes; to assist in making cowdung cakes
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (thapa) f. the process of or the wages of
preparing cowdungs or making bricks; beating;
= = = = = (thape) m. slap, smack; dash of wave or
gust of wind
(thabb) m. armful; bundle, pile, heap; wad
l l l l l (thabb) f. small bundle or pile; wad (of notes)
u u u u u (thm) m. pillar, column; support, prop; a person
who is a chief supporter of an institution etc.
u u u u u (thma) v.i. to stop (rain etc.), to cease
v.t. to support, to hold; to prevent, to prohibit,
to restrain
uY uY uY uY uY(thaml) m. pillar, column; mast
ul ul ul ul ul (thm) f. upright support, stanchion, prop,
~U (~de) v.t. to support with a prop, to
W W W W W (tharka) f. vibration, pulsation; trembling
W W W W W (tharka) v.t. to glide/vibrate; to dance;

to tremble, to shake; to waver
W W W W W (tharthar kba) id. to tremble, to
shudder; to shiver, to quiver, to shake
U U U U U (thartharu) v.i. to tremble; to shiver,
to quiver
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (thartharh) f. tremor, shiver, shudder,
vibration, trembling, quivering, trill
uH uH uH uH uH (tharmas) f. thermos flask, thermos
uulJ uulJ uulJ uulJ uulJ (tharmmar) m. thermometer
U U U U U (tharu) v.t. to shake, to shudder, to
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (tharhat) m. vibration, quiver, shaking,
shudder; tremor
=l =l =l =l =l (tharv ) a. vibrational
l-J- l l-J- l l-J- l l-J- l l-J- l (thIr-n-thIr) f. three-not-three, a
variety of rifle
H H H H H (thareshar) m. thresher, threshing machine
Y Y Y Y Y (thal) m. land; desert; place; sandy region,
sandy soil (uncultivated)
~Hl (~sabdh) a. terrestrial
~H (~sen) m. army, land forces
~U (~char) m. terrestrial animals
~uT(~mrag) m. land -route
~U (~yuddh) m. land war
YW YW YW YW YW (thalka) v.i. to become flabby; to shake
( flabby flesh)
YW YW YW YW YW (thalk) m. sensation
Y Y Y Y Y (thalla) v.t. to turn, to overturn, to change
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (thalv ) a. bottom, lowermost, lower, nether
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (thalla) a. lower, lowest, bottom, nether;
following; subordinate
Y Y Y Y Y (thall) m. base, bottom part; bed, bottom (of
lake, river etc.); lower part
Y Y Y Y Y (thalle) adv. under, beneath, underneath,
below; down ; at the bottom
~U (~uppar) adv. one above the other,
in pile
a. misplaced
~S US SW (~to utte takk) adv. from top to
bottom, from head to toe
~Y H (~thalle J) id. to reduce, to
get weak; to decrease
~(~pe) id. to surrender, to yield, to
give way
~YT (~lagg) id. to eat a humble pie
= = = = =
(thah) m. terrace, platform; stage; rostrum,
= = = = =
(thah) m. ambush
~ (~bnh) v.i. to lay ambush
= |J (thahe beh) v.i. to lie in
(th) f. place, spot; room, space; vacancy, post;
house, dwelling, residence; accommodation;
location, situation; capacity; position; venue
~|H (~sIr) adv. at proper place, in place
~W (~kuth) f.& adv. proper or improper
place; at proper or improper place, at odd place
or time
~|JW (~Ik) m. residence, house;
address; whereabouts
~ (~th) adv. everywhere, in all places
~U (~bau) id. to kill on the spot
~Yl (~le) v.t. to purchase a plot /house
U -Fl ( thu -tha ) adv. at proper
places, in respective places
Fl Fl ( th th ) adv. at different or
various place; everywhere, here and there
F F F F F (the) adv. on the very spot; instead of, in
place of
J J J J J (thh) f. depth, bottom (of river, sea etc.);
estimate or measure of depth; understanding;
~U l / Y l (~pu/ le ) v.t.i. to
fathom, to measure the depth of
(th) m. police station
U U U U U (thedr) m. officer incharge of a police
station, S.H.O., inspector or sub-inspector
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (thedr) f. job or post of a police

! !! !!
(thn) suff. a suffix which gives the meaning
of place, land or region as in 'Rajsthan' etc.
m. place, spot, site, location; position, status

z zz zz
(thn) m. roll of cloth having special length
(usu. 20 to 40 meters)
(thp) f. light palm stroke on a drum or
tambourine, tap; pat; imprint; throwing a card
with discernible force as a signal to the partner
to repeat the same suit (in cards)
(thp) v.t. to appoint, to nominate, to
designate; to install; to set up, to establish
(thpn) f. pat on the back signifying
blessing or encouragement or accolade,
= = = = = (thpan) v.t. to strike gently on the back
of a child; to lull to sleep, to pat; to beat, to
batter, to thrash
= = = = = (thpa) m. patting on the back signifying
encouragement, blessing etc.

! !! !!
(thp) m. an impression of the hand (on a
wall) to worship one's ancestors (on marriage
or other occasion); mould (of a brick)

z zz zz
(thp) m. a wooden implement to batter
with, beater
l l l l l
! !! !!
(thp) f. pat, dab ; a pat on one's own upper
arm or thigh indicating a challenge (as in
~Ul (~de) v.t. to give a patron the back
id. to encourage, to buck up
l l l l l
z zz zz
(thp) f. pallet (of potter); a wooden beater
used for washing clothes, flail
! !! !!
(thl) m. big flat and round metallic plate with
vertically raised edge, flat plate of brass
(thl) m. a kind of song recited by girls
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (thl) f. small, round and flat metallic plate
with vertically raised edge
~U T (~d be gan) m. fickle-minded
person, inconstant person
~=l (~phern) id. to send round the hat
= = = = = (th ve ) adv. on the spot; in lieu of , for
|U l |U l |U l |U l |U l (thIr) f. theory
|F J |F J |F J |F J |F J (thIear) m. theatre, picture-hall
|T=l |T=l |T=l |T=l |T=l (thIg) f. patch, clout, piece of cloth
| U | U | U | U | U /| /| /| /| /| (thd/thdh) m. any greasy
substance, butter, oil, ghee
a. greasy, oily, lubricious
~==(~gha ) a. & m. impervious to all
advice, brazen faced, shameless fellow
| |mFl | |mFl | |mFl | |mFl | |mFl (thdhI) f. greasiness, grease, oiliness,
| u | u | u | u | u (thm) m. white or red small spots on the skin,
speckle, dots
| | | | | (thIr) m. stable, steady; immovable, motionless
|= W |= W |= W |= W |= W (thIhka) v.i. to waver, to be unstable;
to falter, to err, to stagger; to go astray in thought
or belief, to stumble; to wander, to baulk
|= W= |= W= |= W= |= W= |= W= (thIhkav ) a. wavering, staggering,
|= WU |= WU |= WU |= WU |= WU (thIhku) v.t. to cause or make to
waver or stagger or stumble or falter; to cause
one to miss an opportunity or chance
l|HH l|HH l|HH l|HH l|HH (thsIs) m. thesis
W W W W W (thukk) f. spit, spittle, sputum, saliva
~HJ(~su ) v.i. to sputter, to spit
~W UJ(~ke chaa ) id. to eat one's
words, to break one's promise
~Y == WU(~nl vae paku ) id.
to make bricks without straw, to try to
accomplish a task without provisions
~YW(~lakk ) adv. free, for nothing
~YU(~lu ) id. to cause the loss of, to
dupe, to deceive
Wl == Jl WU (thukk vae nah
pakkade ) prov. fine words butter no pass
W W W W W (thukk) v.i. to spit, to spittle
WU WU WU WU WU (thukkdn) m. spittoon, cuspidor
-u -u -u -u -u (thutth-mutth) f. ungainly, clumsy,
unshapely, ugly, uncomely
= = = = = (thuh) f. want, scarcity, shortage, insufficiency,
inadequacy, lack; poverty, penury; rarity,
~mUl(~u ) v.i. to be in want of
~Jl(~ho ) v.i. to be scarce
~H(~J ) v.i. to run short of, to fall short
of, to be insufficient or inadequate
= U = U = U = U = U (thuhd) a. needy, hard-up, in want
= = = = = (thuhn) v.i. to fall short of
J J J J J (thh) m. the act of spitting; sound of spitting
intj. an expression of disdain or contempt, fie!
~J(~thh ) m. & intj. public disgrace; an
expression of contempt or disdain or scorn, fie!
~J J(~th ho ) id. to become an object
of public disgrace
~ J Wl(~th karn ) id. to express
contempt or scorn or bitterness
l l l l l (ththn) f. snout, muzzle (of animal), pig's
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (the) f. milk and rice pudding is ceremonially
offered to gods or one's ancestors /forefathers
J J J J J (theh) m. mound formed by the ruins of a town/
village etc.; heap of ruins, remains, mound
~W(~karn ) id. to destroy, to ruin
= = = = = (thev) m. gem or precious or ordinary stone
set in a ring
J J J J J (the h) f. sound of something thrown down;
thump, thud
~u(~mrn ) v.t. to throw down
something with a thud , to thump
Y Y Y Y Y (thel) m. bag; small sack; satchel; wallet
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (the l) f. small bag, pouch, purse, money bag
~U=U(~chahu ) id. to grease the
palm, to bribe
~U uJ HY(~d mh khol ) id. to spend
liberally or lavishly
|FW ~U UJ =J( Ikko ~de chae vae)
prov. chip of the same block, in the same box
J J J J J (thohar) f. cactus, Euphorbia carnegiea
W W W W W (thok) f. wholesale; bulk, in the lump
~U uY(~d ml) m. a big lot
~U Fm (~de bha) adv. wholesale price,
~=H/ =l (~phrosh/vapr) m. wholesale
dealer, wholesaler
~|=U (~vIch) adv. in bulks, in large quantity
(thoth) m. hollow, empty; shallow, trivial;
worthless, meaningless
~U =H = (~cha vJe gha) prov.
an empty vessel makes much noise, the shallow
murmurs the deeps are dumb
(thothpa) m. hollowness, emptiness,
(thopa) v.t. to impose upon, to enforce,
to foist upon
= = = = = (thoba) m. snout, muzzle (of animal); face/
ugly face; puffed face
(thob) m. lump (of mud etc); stain (of ink)
u u u u u (thom) m. garlic, Allium stivam
= = = = = (thoh) pref. a prefix which signifies less
quantity of time, thing etc.
~|U (~chIr) a. short-lived, transitory;
temporary, transient
~|UY (~dIl) a. coward, chicken-hearted;
narrow-minded; mingy, parsimonious, shallow
= = = = = (thoh) a. little, not much; small in quantity;
insufficient, inadequate, meagre, scanty, scarce
~W (~karn) v.t. to lesson, to reduce
~|HJ (~Jeh) adv. & a. a little, a bit;
somewhat, slight
~ = (~thoh)adv.little by little; in
instalments, in small parts, by degrees, by and
~JS (~bahut) adv. somewhat, more or less;
not much
= WlS ( thohe kte) adv. not easily, hardly
~|U U J J(~chIr d prhu ho)
id. to be on death bed, to be near one's end
~|U |U (~chIr pIchchho) a. soon after
~= |U |U(~thohe chIr pIchchho) adv.
intermittently, periodically, sporadically
~l |=U J(~p vIch n ho) id. to
be overclever, to be oversmart
~|=U |U=( ~vIch nIcho) prov. frugal in
words fathomless in meaning, an ocean in a
~|=U FTS U( ~vIch bhugta de) id. to
make a short work of
J J J J J (thoh) m. memory , recollection; estimate,
~|JW(~tIk) m. whereabouts; address
~ |J( ~na re h) v.i. to have the
knowledge of, to be find out
~YU( ~lua) v.i. to estimate/ assess , to
have or get a measure of

(nann) m. twenty-fifth letter and fifth of the
dental pentad consonants of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents the dental nasal sound
H H H H H (nas) f. vein, sinew, nerve
~ HH (~ soJ) f. neuritis
~ U=l (~ chahn) v.i. to have a nerve pulled
~ H ==W UJl (~ nas pharak utthan) id.
to get excited
~ H |=U (~ nas vIch) adv. in every pore of
the body
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (nasha) a. & m. drug-addicted, narcotic;
alcoholic, drunkard, drunken; intoxicated,
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (nasht) a. ruined, destroyed, devastated,
ravaged, smashed, demolished; annihilated
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to ruin, to destroy; to
annihilate, to eradicate
H H H H H (nassan) v.t. to go at full speed, to run; to
flee, to abscond
H H( nass Jn) id. to elope (with); to
flee, to abscond; to desert
HU U Ul YTJl Jl HJl (nassade chor d
lgo h sah) prov. something is better than
H F H (nass bhaJJ) f. hectic activity,
running about; hurry and scurry; hustle and
HS HS HS HS HS (nashtar) m. surgical knife, lancet
H H H H H (nasab) m. root, origin; lineage, ancestry,
descent, family
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (nasbd) f. vasectomy
H H H H H (nasar) f. prose
H H H H H (nashar) a. broadcast; defamed, exposed,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. & id. to make public, to
publicise; to broadcast; to defame, to expose
HY HY HY HY HY (nasal) f. race, posterity; descent, pedigree,
genealogy; breed; tribe, clan
~ WHl (~ kush) f. genocide
~ =U (~ vd) a. racialism, racism
~ =Ul (~ vd) a. racialist, racist
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. ethnology
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (nasl) a. pertaining to race, racial; lineal,
hereditary; ethnic
~ |=SW (~ vItkara ) m. apartheid, racial
H= H= H= H= H= (nasvr) f. snuff
~ Yl (~ len) v.i. to inhale snuff, to snuff
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (nasvr) a. of tobacco colour, dark brown
H H H H H (nash) m. intoxication, narcotic drug; alcoholic
~ US (~ utarn) v.i.. to be no more under
the effect of intoxicant
~ US (~ utrn) v.t. to nullify the effect
of intoxication
id. to make someone come to one's senses
~ mU (~ un) v.i. to be intoxicated; to be
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to take intoxicant
~ U= (~ char hn) v.i. to be under the
influence of liquor or intoxication
id. to have one's head turned, to go to one's
~ |= (~ vIrodh) m. temperance
~ =Y(~ vel) m. drug-addiction
H |=U U (nashe vIch chu r) adv. beastly
drunk, deadly drunk
HU HU HU HU HU (nasun) v.t. to make to run; to assist to
run away, to make to abscond, to kidnap, to
abduct; to give defeat; to make face-saving
HHS HHS HHS HHS HHS (nashst) m. starch (esp. of wheat)

HH HH HH HH HH (nashkhor) a.& m. habitual of taking
intoxicants, drug addict, habit of taking
HH l HH l HH l HH l HH l (nashkhor) f. drunkenness, inebriety,
drug addiction
HU HU HU HU HU (nashdar) m. ammonium chloride, Sal
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (nashbd) f. forbidding by law the sale
of intoxicants, prohibition
|HmU |HmU |HmU |HmU |HmU (nashIun) v.i.t. to be intoxicated
HlJS HlJS HlJS HlJS HlJS (nashat) f. advice, counsel; admonition,
lesson, instruction
~ Jl (~ ho) id. to get lesson; to learn from
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to advise, to counsel
~ |uYl (~ mIl) id. to get lesson
~ Yl (~ le) id. to take a lesson
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (nasb) m. fate, luck, destiny, fortune, lot
~ H= H (~ sa J) id. to be fallen on evil
~ J (~ ho) id. to be in one's lot, to be
~ HY (~ khulh) id. to be bestowed with
good fortune
~ =J H (~ phu J) id. to be struck with
bad luck
~ =Y (~ vl) a. lucky, fortunate
~ |=U J (~ vIch ho) id. to be in one's lot
Hl U UW ( nasb d chakkar) m.
irony of fate; destiny, fate
HHHl ( khushnasb) a. lucky, fortunate
H HHll ( khushnasb) f. good luck,
UHl ( badnasb) a. unlucky, unfortunate
UHll ( badnasb) a. ill-luck, bad luck,
HlY/HlYl HlY/HlYl HlY/HlYl HlY/HlYl HlY/HlYl (nashl/nashl) a. intoxicant,
intoxicating, inebriant
HlYl =HS ( nashl vast) f. narcotic drug,
H W H W H W H W H W (nashukr) a. ungrateful
H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl H Wl (nashukr) a. ungratefulness, ingratitude
H H H H H H H H H H (nashebz) a.&m. habitual of taking
intoxicants, drug addicted; alcoholic
JU JU JU JU JU (nahu) v.i. to take a bath, to bathe
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (ne hash) a. inauspicious, ill-fated, ill-omened,
~ mUul/UlH (~ dm/chz) m. person/thing
that brings bad luck, jinx
|J |J |J |J |J (nehan) v.t. to fasten tightly
|J |J |J |J |J (nehar) f. canal
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl (ne hr) a. pertaining to canal
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (nehl) m. (playing) card with nine pips
|JY S U|JY ( nehle te dehl) m. a
Roland on Oliver
~ S U|JY u (~ te dehl mrn) id. to
surpass (someone) in tactics
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (nah ) adv. no, not
f. denial, refusal
~ S (~ t) adv. or, else, other wise; oh no!
~ Jl (~ nah ) adv. not at all, never; no, no
WUl ~ (kad ~) adv. never
J J J J J (nah) m. nail (of the finger); claw, talon
~ F (~ bhar) a. just a bit, very little; very
~ YJ (~ lhue) v.t. to pare nails, to cut
the nails
J U J U J U J U J U (nahdar) f. claw, talon; scratch or wound
caused by nails
J U J U J U J U J U (nahdarn) v.t. to claw, to scratch, to
scratch with nails/claws
J HS J HS J HS J HS J HS (nahsat) f. inauspiciousness, ill luck
J HSl J HSl J HSl J HSl J HSl (nahsat) a. inauspicious
J J J J J (nahern) m. barber's nail-cutter
J J J J J (nahor) m. an utterance of grievance, formal
accusation, complaint, upbraiding
W W W W W (nakk) m. nose; mucus, discharge from nose;
prestige, honour, self-respect
~ U S u Hl J U (~ utte makkh n
behan den) id. to brook no nonsense, to
put up with no indecency; to lose temper for
~ mU (~ un) v.i. for mucus to flow from
nose, for nose to run, to snivel
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. nasal, rhinal
~ HW (~ sunkan) v.i. to blow off nose
~ WJ (~ kaan) id. to cause dishonour, to
~ =HU (~ ghasun) id. to make a humble
~ U WY U (~ ch nakel pun) id. to
lead (someone) by the nose, to bridle, to keep
under one's control
~ U= (~ char h) a. short tempered, ill
tempered; haughty, contemptuous
~ U=U (~ charhun) id. to turn up one's
nose, to express disliking, to sneer at
~ U|=m (~ chahe) a. high-brow, snobbish
~ U mJJ T (~ cho ahu he d egan) id.
to be short-tempered; to be proudy
~ W u (~ dubo ke marn) id. to feel
ashamed of, to be ashamed of
~ Uu W (~ dam karn) id. to get on one's
nerves, to tease the life out of someone
~ Ul H |=U H (~ d sedh vIch Jn) v.t.
straight ahead, in a straight line
~ Ul HH (~ d soz) f. rhinitis
~ uH (~ namuJ) m. self respect, prestige,
~ Y YWl WV (~ nl lakr kaddhan)
id. to make a servile entreaty, to beseech very
humbly; to admit one's fault and promise to
restrain from repeating it
~ K mU (~ p Jhan n un) id. to
be devoid of common-sense; to be of small
~ Y WV (~ bullh kahan) id. to find
fault with, to turn up one's nose at
~ F (~ bhnn) id. to put one's nose out
of joint
~ uJ j (~ m h n ) adv. for the sake of
one's name and fame
~ uJ =J (~m h vattan) id. to look down
one's nose at, to sneer at
~ |J (~ rehn) id. for the honour to be
~ T= (~ ragan) id. to repent, to atone;
to make a servile entreaty, to beseech most
humbly, to lick some one's boots; to rub one's
~ =T (~ vaga) v.i. to have a running nose,
to snivel
~ =V (~ vaha) id. to have one's honour
sullied, to disgrace, to humiliate; to make
someone feel small
~ =VU (~ vad hu) v.t.i. to cause
dishonour/disgrace; to bring dishonour or bad
~ =Y (~ vl) a. & m. prestigious, respectable
~ |=U Uu W (~ vIch dam karn) id. to get
on one's nerves, to tease the life out of someone
~ |=U WY (~ vIch nakel pen) id. to be
bridled, to make one dance to one's tune
~ |=U Y (~ vIch bol) v.i. to speak
through one's nose, to speak with a nasal tone,
to snuffle
|SH ~ ( tIkkh ~) m. sharp nose, pointed
=l ~ ( phn ~) m. flat nose
WH/ -WH WH/ -WH WH/ -WH WH/ -WH WH/ -WH (naksh/ne-naksh) m. features,
appearance; prints, mark, impressions
WH WUu (nakshe kadam) m. foot print
WH WUu S UY (nakshe kadam te
chal) v.i. to follow in one's footsteps
WH WH WH WH WH (naksh) m. map; chart; rough drawing ,
outline, sketch; drawing; plan, pattern; model,
design; cadastral map
~ |HU (~ khIccha) v.t. to draw a map; to
depict a true picture of
~ =lH(~navs) m. cartographer, draughtsman;
~ =lHl (~ navs) f. draughtsmanship,
cartography; the act or profession of copy
~ UY (~ badal) id. to change the whole
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (naksr) f. nose-bleeding, epistaxis
~ = Jl/ =Tl (~ phua/ vag) v.t. to
bleed from the nose, to have an epistaxis
WU l WU l WU l WU l WU l (nakch ) f. clamp, clip; pincers
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (nak) a. one with clipped nose; shameless,
disgraced (person)
WJFl WJFl WJFl WJFl WJFl (nak) f. necktie
WU WU WU WU WU (nakad) m. cash, ready money
~ (~ nare) m. hard cash, ready cash
~ uY (~ ml) m. goods sold on cash basis
WU WU WU WU WU (nakadar) a. ingratefull, inappriciative,
indifferent , thankless
WUl WUl WUl WUl WUl (nakd) f. ready money, cash
W W W W W (nakab) f. hole made in a wall by thieves,
house breaking, burglary
~ Hl (~ zan) f. housebreaking, burglary
WY WY WY WY WY (nakal) f. copy; duplicate copy; imitation;
replica; transcript; mimicry, buffoonery;
~ USl (~ utrn) v.t. to mime, to mimic; to
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to copy; to imitate, to
mime, to mimic
~ ul (~ mrn) v.i.t. to copy (as in
~ YUl (~ lu) v.i. to mimic/mime
~ YJl (~ lhu) v.t. to make a duplicate
WY WY WY WY WY (nakkal) a. having a long nose
WYUl/WYU WYUl/WYU WYUl/WYU WYUl/WYU WYUl/WYU (nakalch/nakalch) m. imitator;
mimic, mimicker, mocker, buffoon
WYl WYl WYl WYl WYl (nakal) a. false; not real; artificial,
counterfeit, imitation; fictitious, fake; dummy,
WYlm WYlm WYlm WYlm WYlm (nakal) m. imitator; mimic, mimicker
W= UU W= UU W= UU W= UU W= UU (naka dd) m. great-grandfather's
~ UUl (~ dd) f. maternal great-grand
father's mother
~ (~ nn) m. maternal great-grand
mother's father
~ l (~ nn) f. maternal great-grand
mother's mother
! !! !!
(nakk) m. the eye of a needle
z zz zz
(nakk) m. temporary obstruction of earth
made in water channel while watering fields
~ HY (~ kholh) v.t. to let water flow
~ (~ bnh) v.t. to make temporary
obstruction of earth in water channel
~ u = (~ mon) v.t. to turn the flow of
water from one field or plot to another
WH WH WH WH WH (naksh) m. engraver, carver, graver
WHl WHl WHl WHl WHl (naksh) f. the art or profession of carving;
engraving, etching
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (nakh) m. marriage according to Muslim
rites; Mohammadan marriage
W W W W W (nakb) m. mask, domino; veil
~ H (~ posh) m. masked person, veiled
W W W W W (nakrn) v.t. to deny, to refuse; to refute;
to reject; to dishonour
W W W W W (nakr) a. handicapped, disabled, in
capacitated, slothful, lethargic; worthless,
useless, good for nothing (fellow);unfit
WSuW WSuW WSuW WSuW WSuW (nakrtmak) a. implying refusal,
W W W W W (nakrpa) m. disability, handicap;
indolence, slothfulness
WY WY WY WY WY (nakkl) m. imitator; mimic, mimicker
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (nakel) f. bridle
~ W H (~ p ke rakkha) id. to lead
by the nose, to keep under control
W W W W W W W W W W (nakko nakk) adv. filled to the brim, to
the capacity
W = W = W = W = W = (nako ) m. big and fat nose; turned up nose,
~ U= (~ chn) id. to turn up one's
nose at
W = W = W = W = W = (nako) m. bottle-nosed
a. snooty
HHu HHu HHu HHu HHu (nakhasm) a. having no master,
masterless, patronless
H J H J H J H J H J (nakhat ) a. & m. non-earning; unemployed;
idle, a good for nothing fellow, worthless
H H H H H (nakhr) m. coquettishness, prudery, foppery;
enticing and alluring gesture, trick, pretence
~ U U J (~ ucch ho) id. to be very
H|=m ( nakhre sae) a. & m.
coquettish; coquette, prude
~ H (~ bz) a. coquettish, foppish, snobbish,
H Y/H Yl/H Y H Y/H Yl/H Y H Y/H Yl/H Y H Y/H Yl/H Y H Y/H Yl/H Y (nakhrel/nakhrel/
nakhrelo) a.& m. coquettish, foppish,
YH YH YH YH YH (nakhlas) a. pure, unadulterated
|H |H |H |H |H (nakhIddh) a. useless, worthless, good for
nothing; condemned; inferior, wretched
H l H l H l H l H l (nakhedh) f. condemnation
a. adversative
H = H = H = H = H = (nakher ) f. separation, disjunction, disjoining,
division, diversion
H = H = H = H = H = (nakherna) v.t. to disjoin, to disunite, to
separate, to detach; to divorce
! !! !!
(nag) m. precious stone, gem, jewel
z zz zz
(nag) m. piece or single unit of goods or
luggage, item, package, piece
T T T T T (ng) a. penniless, pauper, poor
m. nakedness, nudity, bareness, sham
~ J (~ ho) id. to be reduced to poverty,
to become penniless
~ = T/ T = T (~ dhag/ ng dhag)
a. absolutely naked, stark naked, totally nude
~ uYT (~ malg) a. pauper, penniless, poor,
F H ~(bhukkh~) f. penury, poverty,
T T T T T (naga) m. prosodic foot or line comprising
three short syllables
T U T U T U T U T U (ngda) v.t. to quilt, to stitch two pieces
of cloth (with padding) with long loose stitches
in an ornamental pattern; to baste
T U=U /T T U=U /T T U=U /T T U=U /T T U=U /T UU UU UU UU UU (nagdvu/nagdu)
v.t. to cause or get a quilt etc. quilted
T U=Fl/T UFl T U=Fl/T UFl T U=Fl/T UFl T U=Fl/T UFl T U=Fl/T UFl (nagdv/nagd) f. the
work of or the wages for quilting
T U T U T U T U T U (nagd) m. long, loose stitch; a full round
of long loose stitches on a quilt or mattress
T U S = (nagde ton) id. to do
something extraordinary
T T T T T (nagan) a. naked, bare, nude
TS TS TS TS TS (nagant) f. nakedness, bareness, nudity
T=U T=U T=U T=U T=U (naganvd) m. nudism
T=Ul T=Ul T=Ul T=Ul T=Ul (naganvd) a. nudist
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (nagm) m. song, lyric, melody
T T T T T (nagar) m. city, town
~ WlS (~ krtan) m. a religious procession
taken out in the streets reciting hymns, holy
~ |Tu (~ nIgam) f. municipal corporation
~ Sl (~ pat) m. mayor
~ YW (~ plk) f. municipal committee,
~ =Hl (~ vs) m. citizen, towns man; urban
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (nagr) f. city, town; co-citizen
T T T T T (ng) a. naked, nude, bare, undraped,
unclothed, uncovered; stripped, obscene;
~ J H (~ ho J) v.i. to become naked
id. to be exposed, to be unmasked
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to unclothe; to uncover
id. to expose, to reveal
T T T T T (nagr) m. kettle-drum
TH ( nagrkhn) m. the place
where drums are kept and beaten
TUl ( nagrch) m. drummer
T Ul UJ Y (nagre d cho nl) adv.
by the beat of the drum, openly, publicly
~ u J H (~ muddhe ho J) id. to lose
the ground, to be defeated
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (nagn) m. gem, precious stone
T T T T T (nag) a. trifling, trivial, paltry
T H T H T H T H T H (ngez) m. nakedness, nudity, nudeness;
private parts of human body
T H=U T H=U T H=U T H=U T H=U (ngezvd) m. nudism
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (nago r) a. (bulls) belonging to Nagaur district
in Rajasthan known for its prized breed
= U = U = U = U = U (naghoch) f. cavil, fault finding
= UHl = UHl = UHl = UHl = UHl (naghochbz) f. censoriousness, fault-
= Ul = Ul = Ul = Ul = Ul (naghoch) a. censorious, fault-finding
m. caviller, faultfinder, punctilious, squeamish
U U U U U (naccha) v.i. to dance; to gambol, to frisk,
to caper
~ m= |=J uJ T|m U (~ n ve phIe
m h goe d) prov. a bad workman quarrels
with his tools
|WH U |FH S ~ (kIse de Ishre te ~) id.
to dance to someone's tune
U=U U=U U=U U=U U=U (nachvu) v.t. to make one to dance
through someone, to have one dance
UU UU UU UU UU (nachu) v.t. to make or cause one to
dance; to play cat and mouse with, to make
one dance to one's tune
UTYlm S ~ (ugl te ~ ) id. to make one
dance to one's tune
U u ( nach mrn) id. to harass
someone by dictating to do this or that
U U U U U (nachar) a.& m. dancer, danseur
UlH UlH UlH UlH UlH (nachz) a. abject, trifle, nought, nothing;
poor, pernniless
U S U S U S U S U S (nachhattar) m. star; constellation; fate,
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. sidereal
HUlW HUlW HUlW HUlW HUlW (nazdk) adv. near, close, adjacent, near
by, vicinity
HUlWl HUlWl HUlWl HUlWl HUlWl (nazdk) a. close, near
f. neighbourhood, nearness, adjacency;
proximity, propinquity; near relative, flesh and
blood, next of kin; nearness, closeness
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (nazam) f. poem, verse, poetry
! !! !!
(nazar) f. eyesight, sight, vision; look, glance;
view, opinion; grace/favour of God; evil eye;
gift, present
~ US (~ utrn) id. to undo the effects
of an evil eye
~ mUH W (~ dz karn) id. to close one's
eyes to; to overlook, to ignore, to neglect
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to be in sight, to be
visible; to be evident
~ Hl (~ sn) f. review
~ |Hl J (~ sIddh ho) id. to have favours,
to have grace (of God)
~ W (~ karn) id. to present, to offer
~ UU (~ churu) id. to be unable to
look one in the face; to avoid meeting
(someone), to evade
~ Y (~ thalle) adv. under supervision, under
~ Y mU (~ thalle n u) id. to have
fine/high tastes or liking
~ Y |YmU (~ thalle n lIu) id. not
to like (person or thing); to look down upon, to
~ U=U (~ duu) id. to look about, to
look around
~ J|J (~ n thehrn) id. to be dazzled
~ |J (~ n reh) id. to lose vision/eye
~ U (~ pachhn) id. to guess from
one's looks
~ H (~ pathr J) id. having the
eyes petrified (before death); to be stunned, to
be wonder-struck
~ /l (~ pe/pe) id. to catch sight
of, to happen to see
~ UU (~ bachu) id. to avoid the looks
of, to evade
~ J (~ ba) m. some thing ugly used for
warding off bad effects of evil
~ UY (~ badal) id. to change one's
attitude, to behave indifferently
~ F W U H/= H (~ bhar ke dekh/
vekh) id. to look attentively; to give
someone the eyes; to throw sheep's eyes at
~ u (~ mrn) id. to have a bird's eye
view, to glance at, to look over
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to have an eye to, to
keep an eye on, to keep watch; to hope
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to be a prey to an evil
eye, to be effected by another's malevolent
~ YTU (~ lagu) id. to cast an evil eye
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. in mind; in one's opinion,
in one's view
uU ~ ( madde ~) adv. in view, in view of,
in consideration of
|uJ Ul ~ ( mehar d ~) f. favourable
attitude, favour
|uJ Ul ~ W (mehar d ~ karn) id. to
look with favour on
- H|Fm (nazre) a. victim of evil eye
H U Wlm (-nazr chr karn ) id.
to exchange glances
~ HuUlm (~ Jamu ) id. to give someone
the eye
~ S |TU (~ to gIru) id. to look down
~ S |T (~ to dIgga) id. to fall in the
estimation (of), to fall in one's eyes
~ = Y (~ pher le ) id. to behave
~ |uYlm (~ mIl ) id. to fall in love; to
exchange glances
~ |=U mU (~ vIch u) id. to come in
one's knowledge
~ |=U HJW (~ vIch khaak) id. to be an
z zz zz
(nazar) m. present, offering, gift
~ W/ U (~ karn/de) id. to offer, to
present, to gift
H U H U H U H U H U (nazarbd) a. & m. confined, under-
detention, detained, detenu, internee
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (nazarbd) f. confinement, detention,
house arrest, internment
H H H H H (nazarn) m. present, gift, offering
Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm (nazr) m. view point, stand point, attitude,
point of view; aspect, approach
HY HY HY HY HY (nazl) m. catarrh, bad cold, rheum
~ |T/ |T (~ gIr/ d Ig) id. to be a
target of someone's anger
~ K= (~ Jhn) id. to give vent to one's
HWS HWS HWS HWS HWS (nazkat) f. delicacy, elegance, tenderness,
coquetry, daintiness; seriousness (of time,
situation etc.)
H S H S H S H S H S (nazt) f. deliverance, emancipation,
salvation; riddance; liberation, freedom
~ Jl/ |uYl (~ ho/mIl) id. to get rid of;
to heave a sigh of relief
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
! !! !!
(nazm) m. system, order
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu
z zz zz
(nazm) m. title of the Muslim rulers of
former Hyderabad State
H H H H H (nazr) m. scene, sight, spectacle, scenery,
glance, view, vista
~ mU (~ u) id. to get pleasure, to enjoy
~ (~ bnh) v.t. to make others spell
~ Y (~ le ) v.i. to enjoy, to get pleasure, to
take joy in
~ |=HU (~ vIkhu) id. to teach a lesson,
to settle score with
|H J |H J |H J |H J |H J (naJItha) v.t. to settle; to tackle; to
see a thing done, to accomplish, to complete,
to endure, to suffer; to face
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
(nazr) f. example, likeness, precedent,
parallel, equal; eyesight, sight
H u H u H u H u H u (naJm) m. astrology, fortune telling;
foretelling, prediction, forecast, prophecy
H ul/H ulm H ul/H ulm H ul/H ulm H ul/H ulm H ul/H ulm (naJm/naJm) m. astrologer,
fortune-teller; predictor, foreteller; stargazer
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (nazl) m.& a. falling, descending, descent;
government land, escheated property
J J J J J (na) m. rope-dancer, rope walker, funambulist;
acrobat, equilibrist; member of professional
tribe of acrobats; actor, comedian
JHJ JHJ JHJ JHJ JHJ (nakha) a. naughty, mischievous; francer,
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (nabJ ) f. acrobatics
J J J J J (natha) v.i. to run, to race, to jog; to
break one's promise; to flee, to run away
J H (nath J) id. to take to one's
heels, to show a clean pair of heels, to run
~ FH (~bhaJJ) f. running-about, fluster, hurry-
about, bustle, hurry-scurry; endeavour, effort
JU JU JU JU JU (nahu) v.t. to make to run; to make
to flee/elope; to give a defeat
J Y H (nath le J) id. to abduct
V=/ V V=/ V V=/ V V=/ V V=/ V (naha/nah) m. young man,
youth, lad
V=l/ Vl V=l/ Vl V=l/ Vl V=l/ Vl V=l/ Vl (naha/nah) f. young girl,
young woman, damsel, denoiselle, lassie
U U U U U (naad) f. husband's sister, sister-in-law
UFlm UFlm UFlm UFlm UFlm (nado) m. husband of husband's sister,
S WS S WS S WS S WS S WS (natkt) m. weak, feeble, without
SWSl SWSl SWSl SWSl SWSl (natkt) f. weakness, feebleness, lack
of strength, debility, infirmity
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (nat) f. daughter of the great grandson
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (natt) f. small ear-rings worn by men
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (natJ) f. result (of examination etc.);
consequence, outcome; final result, conclusion
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to draw conclusion;
to declare result
~ F TS (~ bhugta) id. to bear the
SlH =H (natJe vaJo) adv. as a result,
(natth) f. an ornament of nose worn by married
woman, nose ring; nose string for animals
~ W= (~ nako) m. metallic nose ring (for
~ U (~ pu) id. to bring under one's
control, to bridle
(nattha) v.t. to bring under one's control;
to bridle; to put a string into the nose of an
l l l l l (nattha) f. small nose-ring
l l l l l (natth) a. attached, annexed, appended,
tagged; tied; fastened
f. appendage, affixture
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to tag, to attach
H H H H H (natth khe r) m. any Tom, Dick & Harry
U U U U U (nadar) f. divine grace; sight
UuS UuS UuS UuS UuS (nadmat) f. regret, repentance, remorse;
mortification; shame; humiliation, disgrace
~ UJUl (~ uhu) id. to put up with a lot
of discomfiture; to suffer humiliation
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (nad) m. weeds
~ WV (~ kaha) v.t. to weed out
UlU UlU UlU UlU UlU (nadd) a. scarce; unavailable, rare
UlU UlU UlU UlU UlU (nadd) a. greedy, rapacious
Ul|Um =T = H (nadde v g
vekha) id. to caste a greedy look, to look
J H J H J H J H J H (nanhes) f. mother-in-law's mother, grand-
(nn) m. denial, refusal
a. negative
~ = / ==/ ==l H (~ pahn/~
phan/~ pha rakkha) id. to refuse, to
say no, to adopt a negative attitude
(nnh) a. tiny, very small, young, little
~ u (~ mn) m. small child, tiddler
(nan) f. husband's sister, sister-in-law
=Flm =Flm =Flm =Flm =Flm (nana va) m. husband of husband's
sister, brother-in-law
|m J/|mJ |m J/|mJ |m J/|mJ |m J/|mJ |m J/|mJ (naneohr/naneahur) m.
mother-in-law's father, grand-father-in-law
|m J |m J |m J |m J |m J (naneohre) m. mother-in-law's parental
(nappa) v.t. to press, to squeeze; to
strangle (throat); to bury (dead body); to catch,
to nip
=U /U =U /U =U /U =U /U =U /U (napvu/napu) v.t. to
get or cause to be measured; to make/cause
to be pressed
=Fl/Fl =Fl/Fl =Fl/Fl =Fl/Fl =Fl/Fl (napv/nap) f. the process of
or wages for measuring etc.
l= l= l= l= l= (napn) v.t. to squeeze/press/ compress;
to wring
HW HW HW HW HW (napsak) m. & a. impotent; coward, timid,
HWS HWS HWS HWS HWS (napsakt) f. impotence; sexual weakness;
S S S S S (naputt) a. issueless, childless
VH VH VH VH VH (nafas) m. ego, self; lust, passion
VH HS VH HS VH HS VH HS VH HS (nafasprast) a. self-indulgent; sensual,
lecher, lewd, licentious
VH VH VH VH VH HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (nafasprast) f. self-indulgence, sensuality,
lechery, lewdness, licentiousness
V V V V V (nafar) m. slave; servant
VS VS VS VS VS (nafarat) f. hatred, hate, abhorrence, disgust,
scorn, contempt, abomination
~ m T H (~ gez) a. hateful, abhorrent,
disgusting, repugnant, obnoxious
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to hate, to dislike, to abhor
Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl (nafar) f. number of persons, numerical
strength (of soldiers and policemen)
V V V V V (naf) m. profit, gain; benefit, advantage;
bonus, premium
~ WH (~ nuksn) m. profit and loss; pros
and cons
V HS V HS V HS V HS V HS (nafa sat) f. refinedness, fineness,
sophistication, delicacy
VH VH VH VH VH (nafkhor) a. profiteer
VH l VH l VH l VH l VH l (nafkhor) f. profitableness
|V J |V J |V J |V J |V J (nafI) a. unfit, worthless, unable
Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl (naf) f. subtraction
VlH VlH VlH VlH VlH (nafs) a. refined, nice, decent, sophisticated;
delicate, fine; excellent, exquisite, superb
Vll Vll Vll Vll Vll (nafr) f. the Indian clarinet, oboe, fife
H H H H H (nabaz) f. pulse
~ U (~ pachhn) id. to know
someone out and out
~ U J H (~ bd ho J) id. to breathe
one's last
~ =H (~ vekha) id. to feel the pulse
Hu Ul ~ U ( same d ~ pachhan)
id. to act according to the circumstances, to
act according to the time
(nbar) m. number; turn (as in a queue);
marks, score (as in exam.); digits; special issue
(of a magazine)
~ YU (~ lu) id. to mark; to check and
mark the answer sheets of an examination
~ YJ (~ lhue) id. to copy numbers of
fields from the land-register
~ = (~ vr) adv. serial wise; by turn, turn by
m=Y ~ ( avval ~) a. first class, excellent
Wu ~ ( kram ~) m. serial number
U U U U U (nbardr) m. village headman; an
influential person appointed by the govt. to
collect land revenue; headman
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (nbardr) f. village headmanship
l l l l l
! ! ! ! !
(nbar) f. exercise (in maths text books)
l l l l l
z zz zz
(nbar) a. & m. notorious, illfamed; bearing
a number, numbered; fellow soldier, comrade;
established, regular
UH lm ( das nbr) m. a person who
is enlisted as an offender in the blacklist of
YT YT YT YT YT (nablag) a. under age, minor, ward
l l l l l (nab) m. divine messenger, prophet
U U U U U (nabd) a. ruined, destroyed
~ W (~ karn) id. to ruin, to annihilate, to
eradicate, to liquidate, to wipe out
HS ~ W ( nesto ~ karn) id. to
annihilate, to eradicate
(nabbe) a. ninety
|m U =J J ( nabbe d gh
ho) id. to suffer a great loss
= = = = = (nabbev) a. ninetieth
FT FT FT FT FT (nabhg) a. unfortunate, unlucky
u u u u u (nam) a. damp, moist, wet
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (namaskr) f. term of salutation, greeting;
adoration, obeisance
~ W|J / W (~ keh / karn) v.i.t. to
greet, to salute
uHS uHS uHS uHS uHS (namste) f. term of greeting/salutation
uW uW uW uW uW (namak) m. sodium chloride, salt
~ Ju (~ harm) a. ungrateful, thankless;
disloyal, traitor
~ Ju W (~ harm karn) id. to bite the
hand that feeds one
~ Jul (~ harm) f. ungratefulness,
thanklessness. disloyalty, ingratitude
~ JYY (~ hall) a. grateful, faithful, loyal,
true to one's salt
~ JYYl (~ hall) f. gratefulness, loyalty,
~ H (~ kh) id. to be indebted, to be
~ U JW mU W (~ d hakk ad karn) id.
to be loyal or faithful to one's master
~ |uU YU (~ mIrch lu) id. to add fuel
to fire, to exaggerate by deliberate addition to
HF ~ ( sbhar ~) m. salt made from the
water of sambhar lake
- WY ~ ( kl ~) m. a kind of rock salt which
is of deep red colour & is usually used in
medicines, black salt
Hu S ~ |U=W (Jakm te ~ chhIka)
id. to add insult to injury, to add one affliction
to another
|WHSl ~ ( pakIstan ~) m. salt of the
mines of khiora
uWH uWH uWH uWH uWH (namakhr) m. person brought up by
someone; person under obligation
uWUl uWUl uWUl uWUl uWUl (namakdn) f. saltcellar, salt-box ,
uWl uWl uWl uWl uWl (namakn) a. salty, salted, saltish, saline
uWl uWl uWl uWl uWl (namaknpa) m. saltiness, salinity
uU uU uU uU uU (namd) m. a kind of blanket, felt
uU uU uU uU uU (namdr) a. wet, damp, humid, moist
uU uU uU uU uU (namard) a. impotent; emasculate; coward,
chicken-hearted, unmanly, poltroon
u|FH u|FH u|FH u|FH u|FH (namaesh) f. exhibition
u|F U u|F U u|F U u|F U u|F U (namd) a. representative, agent
uH uH uH uH uH (namJ) f. (Muslim's) prayer
~ = l (~ pahn) v.i. to offer prayer(by
Hu Ul ~ ( Jume d ~) f. a special prayer
offered by the Muslims on every Friday
uHTJ uHTJ uHTJ uHTJ uHTJ (namJgh) f. a place where Muslim
prayer is performed
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (namJ) m. & a. a person regular in
performing (Muslim) prayer, one who performs
(Muslim) prayer regularly
|u S |u S |u S |u S |u S (namItt) adv. on someone's account, on
behalf of
ul ul ul ul ul (nam) f. moisture, dampness, damp,
moistness, humidity
ulU ulU ulU ulU ulU (namdr) a. moist, humid
u H u H u H u H u H (namJ) m. good reputation, fame; honour,
name; shyness, bashfulness, modesty
u U |J u U |J u U |J u U |J u U |J (namd n re h) id. to be
eradicated, to be annihilated
u U u U u U u U u U (namdr) a. visible, apparent
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to become visible; to
u u u u u (namn) m. type, kind; model, type; sample,
specimen; pattern, design; example
~ (~ ban) id. to put on a motley garb
~ uS (~ mtar) adv. a bit, a little
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to take sample
u U ( namne d) a. typical
u lm u lm u lm u lm u lm (namn) m. pneumonia
Y ~ ( dabal ~) m. severe pneumonia,
severe inflammation of the lungs
u U u U u U u U u U (namnedr) a. of decorative design or
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (namosh) f. humiliation, shame, disgrace,
dishonour, stigma, slur, discomfiture
(nar) m. man; male, masculine; virile, brave
~ l (~ nr) m. male and female, men and
~ uU (~ md) m. male and female
H H H H H (nars) f. nurse
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (narsar) f. nursery; nursery class
~ HWY (~ sakl) m. nursery school
|H T |H T |H T |H T |H T (narsg) m. trumpet, horn
W W W W W (nark) m. hell, inferno; very dirty spot, pit
~ W (~ k) f. infernal pond
~ Ul F Jl |=U K W (~ d bhah vIch
Jhoka) id. to give someone hell
~ /|=U H (~ n /vIch J) id. to go to
~ |m J (~ pe ho) id. to be very dirty
~ FT (~ bhoga) id. to lead a miserable
life; to suffer infernal agony
W |=U F J ( nark vIch pae ho)
id. to be in hell, to suffer extremely, to lead a
miserable life
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (nark) a. hellish
TH TH TH TH TH (nargas) narcissus (flower and plant),
jonquilla, Narcissus jongwilla
THl THl THl THl THl (nargas) a. of the colour of narcissus,
resembling narcissus
T T T T T (narg) m. noose, central square (of dice-
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to noose, to surround
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (narg) f. small orange; orange colour
SW SW SW SW SW (nartak) m. male dancer
SWl SWl SWl SWl SWl (nartak) f. female dancer, dancing girl
U U U U U (narad) f. chessman; chess-piece
~ Tl (~ puga) v.i. to achieve one's goal
U Jlm J ( nard puth ho)
id. to be defeated, to lose the ground
u u u u u (naram) a. soft, tender; delicate, fragile;
lenient, gentle
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to soften; to cool down;
to relax (rules)
~ Tu (~ garam) a. the rough and the smooth
~ T H (~ gosh) m. soft corner, tender feelings
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. kind hearted, tender hearted,
compassionate, gentle
~ l (~ pth) m. a person who holds
moderate views, moderate
u u u u u (narm) m. a superior variety of cotton or
its plant
u Fl /ul u Fl /ul u Fl /ul u Fl /ul u Fl /ul (narm/narm) f. softness,
tenderness; leniency, gentleness
~ Tul (~ garm) f. joys & sorrows, pleasure
and pain
= = = = = (nara) m. tight tying of two animals together
in order to control them; ill-match, an ill
assorted couple, misfit
= = = = = (naran) v.t. to tie tightly, to fasten
= = = = = (nara) m. the inner hard part of carrot/
onion etc.
|F |F |F |F |F (naren) m. Lord Vishnu; God
WU ~ (nakad ~) m. ready money
H H H H H (narz) a. angry, annoyed; offended
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to annoy
HTl HTl HTl HTl HTl (narzg) f. annoyance, displeasure,
S/S S/S S/S S/S S/S (nart/narate) m. one of the first
nine days of the bright half of the lunar months
of Chet and Assu, dedicated to the worship of
Godess Durga; nine days of fasting observed
after every six months
H H H H H (naresh) m. king
Y Y Y Y Y (narel) m. coconut
m m m m m (naro) a. healthy, hale and hearty, strong
! !! !!
(nal) m. tap, hand pump; tube, pipe barrel
z zz zz
(nal) m. testicle, testis; bladder, urethra
YW YW YW YW YW (nalk) m. hand pump; tap, water tap
YWl YWl YWl YWl YWl (nalk) f. bamboo tube; test tube; pipe; reel
of thread
Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW (nalek) a. hopeless, unable, unskillful,
dull; weak, unfit, incapable, worthless
Y|FWl Y|FWl Y|FWl Y|FWl Y|FWl (nala ek) f. disability, dullness, incapability
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
! !! !!
(nal) f. running mucus from the nose, snivel;
running nose
~ U-U (~ cho-cho) m. a child whose nose
always snivels, sniveller
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
z zz zz
(nal) f. pipe made of metal etc.; glass pipe;
a bamboo pipe; straw
YlU YlU YlU YlU YlU (naldr) a. tubular, tubuliferous
= = = = = (nav) a. of recent origin, new, novel, new
=H S =H S =H S =H S =H S (navJt) a. new born, nascent; neo-
=Hl= =Hl= =Hl= =Hl= =Hl= (navJvan) m. new life
=|u =|u =|u =|u =|u (navnIrma n ) m. neologism
= = = = = (navbar) m. November
=U T =U T =U T =U T =U T (navyug) m. new era, new age
= = = = = (nav ) a. new, novel, recent; original; modern
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to renew; to renovate;
to eat some fruit/vegetable etc.for the first time
in the season
~ W U= (~ kr chhen) id. to make a
new move; to start a quarrel afresh
~ |HmY (~ khIl) m. a stroke of genius
~ U U=/~ TY |HYU (~ chn chhn/
~ gul khIlu) id. to do something bad which
is unexpected and untoward; to start a new
mischief, to make a new move
~ UY (~ chel) m. neophyte, novice
~ Hu J (~ Janam ho) id. to recover
from serious illness, to regain life; to have
~ W (~ nakor) a. brand new, afresh,
absolutely new
~ m (~ naro) a. healthy, sound; strong
and physically fit
~ = (~ nav ) a. recent, modern, latest; fresh
adv. newly, new; fresh, freshly, recently
~ =Y (~ navel) a. fresh and young , brand
new; unique; strange
~ |U H |U (~ no dIn pur so
dIn) prov. old is gold, new brooms are not
better than the old ones
= (nav pa) m. newness, modernity;
=l TY |UJ= ( nav gall no dIhe)
prov. nine days wonder
~ U (~ poch) m. new generation, young blood
~ Hl (~ roshn) f. new culture, modernism
~ YlJ Sl/Ul (~ lh torn/pu) id. to
pave the new way for
= |H|U( nave sIreo) adv. afresh from
the beginning, at the root
= U = U = U = U = U (navhu) v.t. to bath, to give a bath
= = = = = (navb) m. count, nawab, baron; a person
who leads a luxurious life
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (navbzd) m. son of count/nawab
~ (~ ban) id. to give oneself airs; to
live like a dandy
=l =l =l =l =l (navb) a. pertaining to nawab/count,
f. title/designation of count
= = = = = (navr) f. a kind of cotton/nylon thread
woven long, thick and broad tape used
for stringing cots, webbing tap
=l =l =l =l =l (navr) a. strung with tape
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (navl) m. morsel
|=mU |=mU |=mU |=mU |=mU (naveu) v.t. to make a document
valid for a further period, to renew
=lH =lH =lH =lH =lH (navs) suff. a suffix indicating the meaning
of writer as in ' mHl =lH ', 'mH =lH' etc.
=l =l =l =l =l (navn) f. newness, novelty
a. new, modern, novel
=llW =llW =llW =llW =llW (navnkaran) m. renewal; renovation
= |H = |H = |H = |H = |H (nave sIre) adv. afresh, again from the
beginning, all over again
= WY = WY = WY = WY = WY (navekal) a. alone, solitary, isolated;
especial, reserved; exclusively
= WY = WY = WY = WY = WY (navekalpa) m. isolation; exclusiveness;
= WY = WY = WY = WY = WY (navekle) adv. aside, apart
= = = = = (na) m. a kind of thin, hollow bamboo, reed
with a hollow; weaver's shuttle
= =T U= ( nae vg uban) id. to
work continuously/ constantly; to talk nonstop
|= = |= = |= = |= = |= = (nahInv) a. ninety ninth
|= = |= = |= = |= = |= = (nahInve) m. ninety nine
~ U T= |=U (~ de ge vIch pe) id. to
be crazy about increasing bank balance, to be
engrossed in the accumulating wealth
=l =l =l =l =l (na) f. a kind of reed; pipe of a hubble-
~ u (~ mr) a. & m. one who uses hubble-
(n) intj. no, not
pref. a prefix expressing negative meaning
as in ' HuK ', ' =W= ' etc.
~ |F U J U U (~ Iddhar de rahe n
uddhar de) prov. neither fish nor fowl,fall
between two stools
~ H (~ sarn) id. to be unable to pull on; to
be indispensable
~ J W J W (~ h karn n h karn)
id. to keep silent, to keep mum
~ WK Y WK U (~ kuJh le n kuJh
de) id. to have no concern with, to keep
oneself aloof, to be indifferent
~ H (~ Je) adv. perhaps, may be
~ S (~ t) adv. or, else, otherwise, if not
~ |SS J (~ tIttar n baer) prov. neither
fish flesh not good red herring
~ |S S |=U J (~ tn n ter vIch ho)
id. to hold in no account
~ U JWu (~ d hkam) m. rubber stamp
~ S SS J (~ dheta n putet ho)
id. to have no relation
~ FY |=U J |=U J (~ bhale vIch
ho n bure vIch ho) id. to be totally
~ uS U(~ mtar d) a. & adv. namely,
nominal, negligible, slight
(n) m. name
~ U= W (~ uggh karn) id. to earn a
name and fame
~ UU|Ym H (~ uchhale J) id. to be
~ H W H |WY (~ su ke Jn nIkal)
id. to get scared, to be frightened
~ W |Jm H (~ kae J) id. (for the
name) to be struck off
~ WuU (~ kamu) id. to win laurels, to
earn a name
~ HJ (~ khaa) id. to win one's spurs,
to win laurels
~ S W Y (~ takk n le) id. not to
mention at all
~ S W (~ to kba) id. to get scared, to
be frightened, to be afraid
~ J J (~ theh n ho) id. to be
forgotten; to be obliterated
~ U (~ d) adv. in name; only to say
~ UY WU (~ dkhal karu) id. to
get one's name enlisted, to get enrolled
~ (~ dharn) id. to blame; to name, to
give name; to baptise
~ J (~ n ho) id. to get no credit, to
have no name
~ |H (~ nIshn) m. existence, entity, trace,
mark , clue
~ (~ n ) adv. nominally; for the sake of
~ U U YU (~ n chr chn lu)
id. to add feathers to one's cap, to achieve
name, to gain a good name
~ YT (~ n dhabb lagga) id. to
be defamed, (for the name) to be slurred
~ YlW YU (~ n lk lu) id. to bring a
bad name
~ Jl (~ pa) f. name plate, sign board
~ U W (~ ped karn) id. to earn a name
~ uS (~ mtar) adv. nominal, very little
~ H J (~ roshan ho) id. to have a
good name, to become famous
v.i. to be well known
~ H W (~ roshan karn) id. to bring
credit to, to win oneself a name
~ YFl (~ la) adv. for name; nominally
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to be blamed
~ Y=U (~ lavu) id. to transfer property
or money on someone's name, to make will
~ YU (~ lu) id. to blame, to accuse
~ Y= (~ lev) m. heir, successor
~ Y W HlU (~ le ke J) id. to be in love;
to be very close
~ |=T= (~ vIgn) id. to spoil the
repute of
U ulU U ulU U ulU U ulU U ulU (numd) a. hopeless, without hope,
disappointed, despaired
U ulUl U ulUl U ulUl U ulUl U ulUl (numd) f. hopelessness, disappointment,
m m m m m (nar) m. slogan
m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl m Hl (nareba z) f. slogan mongering, slogan
|FW |FW |FW |FW |FW (nek) m. leader, chief, hero, protagonist;
an army rank equivalent of corporal
|FW |FW |FW |FW |FW (nIk) f. heroine
|FSVWl |FSVWl |FSVWl |FSVWl |FSVWl (nItfk) f. disunity, want of union,
|F |F |F |F |F (neb) m. deputy; assistant; scribe
|Fl |Fl |Fl |Fl |Fl (nIb) f. office or status of deputy
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (n) m. barber, hairdresser, tonsor; a caste
~ Ul mHl J |WH U J (~ d ars har kIse de
hatth) prov. a barber's chair fits all buttocks
FlJ H FlJ H FlJ H FlJ H FlJ H (ntaroJan) f. nitrogen
FlY FlY FlY FlY FlY (nlon) f. nylon
! !! !!
(ns) f. nostril
H U=Ulm(ns chahu) id. to
be angry, to express displeasure, to frown &
~ U W V/ |=U U (~ cho dh
kaha/ vIch dh de) id. to make it
too hot
~ = YU (~ phulu) id. to show off
annoyance; to be angry, to frown; to boast, to
~ Flm (~ bhn) v.t. to thrash, to beat
z zz zz
/ H / H / H / H / H (ns/nsh) f. destruction, decay,
ruination, havoc; extermination, eradication,
obliteration, annihilation; waste
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to destroy, to ruin; to
eradicate, to obliterate, to annihilate; to waste,
to spoil
~ u U (~ mr de) id. to play the evil
~ u (~ mrn) id. to spoil, to mar
HW HW HW HW HW (nshak) m. destroyer, ruiner, devastator
suff. a suffix as in WlJHW, 'insecticide'
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (nshkr) a. destructive
HSW HSW HSW HSW HSW (nstak) a. & m. agnostic, disbeliever in
the existence of God, atheist
HSWS HSWS HSWS HSWS HSWS (nstakt) f. disbelief in God, atheism,
agnosticism, scepticism
HS HS HS HS HS (nsht) m. breakfast; refreshment, light
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (nshpt) f. pear, Pyrus communis
HY HY HY HY HY (nspl) m. peel of pomegranate used as
HuK HuK HuK HuK HuK (nsamaJh) a. unwise, foolish, ignorant;
-HuKl -HuKl -HuKl -HuKl -HuKl (nsamJh) f. ignorance, foolishness, lack
of intelligence; childishness
HY HY HY HY HY (nsal) a. one having broad nostrils
H= H= H= H= H= (nshvn) a. perishable, mortal, transient,
H=S H=S H=S H=S H=S (nshvnt) f. perishableness, mortality
HH HH HH HH HH (nsz) a. ill, ailing, unwell, indisposed
H U H U H U H U H U (nshd) a. unhappy, sad, wretched,
H W H W H W H W H W (nshukr) a. ungrateful, ingrate, thankless
H H H H H (nsr) m. a purulent sore or boil which oozes
J J J J J (n h) intj. & m. no, not; refusal, denial
~ W U (~ kar de) id. to make to take
a vow, to desist from something
~ W (~ nukkar) f. refusal, denial
W W W W W (nk) suff. a suffix meaning 'full of ' as in
'HSW' etc.
WH WH WH WH WH (nkas) a. of low standard /quality, worthless,
bad, useless; faulty, defective
W W W W W (nk) m. barrier, barricade, check-post
~ UTl (~ chg) m. octroi-post
~ Ul (~ bd) f. blockade, barricade; siege
WY WY WY WY WY (nkbal) a. incapable, unfit, incompetent,
inefficient, unworthy
WY W Y (n kble kabl) a.
unacceptable; unbelievable
WYlmS WYlmS WYlmS WYlmS WYlmS (nkblat) f. incapability,
incompetence, inefficiency, unfitness
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (nkm) a. not successful, unsuccessful
m. failure (person)
Wul Wul Wul Wul Wul (nkm) f. failure, fail, defeat
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (nk) m. a person who waters the fields
(nkh) f. pear, Pyrus communis
H H H H H H H H H H (nkhush) a. unhappy, not happy, displeased
H HT= H HT= H HT= H HT= H HT= (nkhushgavr) a. unpleasant,
displeasing; saddening; disagreeable, uncongenial;
intolerable, unbearable
T T T T T (ng) m. cobra
~ Uul (~ pcham) f. the fifth day of the
bright half of the month of Savan (July-August)
on which Hindus worship snakes)
TVl TVl TVl TVl TVl (ngfan) f. a variety of cactus
Tul Tul Tul Tul Tul (ngma) f. adder-stone
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (ngarmoth) a. fragrant grass used
medicinally, Cyperus junciflius, cat's tail
T|W T|W T|W T|W T|W (ngrIk) m. citizen; town's man
a. pertaining to city or town
~ m|FU (~ abhIndan) m. ceremonious
reception by public
~ HHS (~ sha shtar) m. the science of
citizenship and municipal government; civics
T|WS T|WS T|WS T|WS T|WS (ngrIkt) f. citizenship
T= T= T= T= T= (ngvr) a. intolerable, unbearable,
unpleasant, disagreeable, repugnant, offensive
! !! !!
(ng) m. native of Nagaland
z zz zz
(ng) m. break or missing routine, absence;
fast, starvation
~ U (~ pu) miss a routine
~ (~ pe) v.i. for routine to be broken
| ~ (-bIn ~) adv. daily, without failure,
T T T T T (ng) m. nude ascetic, a sect of saints who
remain naked
U U U U U (nch) m. dance, nautch
~ = (~ ghar) m. dancing hall, ball room
~ UU (~ nachu) id. to make someone
dance to one's tune; to harass, to trouble
U U U U U (nch) m. dancer
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (nch) f. dancer, nautch girl
UlH UlH UlH UlH UlH (nchz) a. insignificant, trifling, nonentity;
paltry, worthless, petty
H H H H H (nz) m. a feeling of honour, pride; charming
gesture, graceful gesture, gracefulness,
delicacy; coquetry, dalliance
~ UJU (~ uhue) v.i. to treat daintily or
~ (~ nak hr) m. coquetry, dalliance
~ W (~ nakhre karne) id. to play the
HW HW HW HW HW (nzak) a. delicate, soft, tender; brittle,
fragile; frail, weak; critical, serious
~ HT (~ Jagh) m. delicate part of the body
~ Hu/=WS (~ zamn/ vakat) id. critical
time/period, hard time
~ S H (~ th te per rakkha) id.
to tread upon one's toes/corns
~ uuY (~ mml) m. serious matter
~ |uHH (~ mIzJ) a. touchy, sensitive,
~ |uH Hl (~ mIzJ) f. touchIness,
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (nznn) f. slender, beautiful and delicate
woman, a beautiful damsel; coquette
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (nzam) m. administrator of a Distt.,
H H H H H (nzar) m. a court official, chief clerk of a
court, an officer of scribes
JH ~ (hzar ~) a. Omnipresent, God
H | FH H | FH H | FH H | FH H | FH (nzez) a. illegitimate, unlawful,
adulterine, illegal, illicit; unfair, unjust; improper,
~ W=Fl (~ krv) f. unjust, wrongful
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (nz) m. & a. Nazi
Hl=U Hl=U Hl=U Hl=U Hl=U (nzvd) m. Nazism
J J J J J (n) m. drama, the dramatic art
~ H HS (~ shshtar) m. dramaturgy,
~ HY (~ shl) f. theatre
~ WY (~ kal) f. the thespian art, the dramatic
art, the drama choreography
~ uYl (~ md l) f. dramatic troupe
JW JW JW JW JW (nak) m. play, drama
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. thespian, dramatic
~ UU (~ rachu) id. to put up a false
show, to pose, to pretend
JWW JWW JWW JWW JWW (nakkr) m. playwright, dramatist
JWl JWl JWl JWl JWl (nak) a. of drama, dramatic
J J J J J (n) a. short-statured, dwarf
V H V H V H V H V H (nh kh) a. proudy, arrogant
~ HuK (~ samaJha) id. to hold in some
-SH YlH -SH YlH -SH YlH -SH YlH -SH YlH (n-tsallIbakhsh) a. unsatisfactory;
SH W SH W SH W SH W SH W (ntJarbekr) a. inexperienced, raw
hand; immature, tyro, tiro
SH Wl SH Wl SH Wl SH Wl SH Wl (ntJarbekr) f. lack of experience
S S S S S (nt) m. relation, kinship; betrothal of a
daughter or sister
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to betroth, to engage
(one's sister or daughter)
~ H= (~ Jon) v.t. to establish relationship
~ S= (~ ton) v.t. to break off
|HS ~ (rIsht ~) m. relationship, kinship
(nth) m. master, lord; God; a sect of Hindu
ascetics; any member of this sect
U U U U U (nd) m. sound; music
U U U U U (ndn) a. foolish, silly; senseless, ignorant
UTl UTl UTl UTl UTl (ndng) f. foolishness, silliness;
senselessness, ignorance
U l U l U l U l U l (ndn) f. foolishness, silliness;
senselessness, ignorance; simplicity, naivety
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (nad) f. invocation
(nn) m. a kind of thick, flat loaf
~ W (~ kabb) m. loaf and mutton
~ HSFl (~ khat) m. a kind of crisp biscuit
- Fl/ VH (- nnb/nn farosh) m.
W W W W W (nnk) a. pertaining to mother's family
m. spindle side, distaff side
~ uY (~ mel) m. maternal relatives
Wl UW (nnak chhakk) f. presents,
gifts in the shape of clothes, ornaments, utensils
etc. given by maternal grandfather's family on
the marriage of a grandson or grand daughter
|WU |WU |WU |WU |WU (nnkeo) adv. from the house/side of
maternal grandparents
W W W W W (nnke) m. mother's paternal family, relatives
from spindle side, distaff side, maternal
grandfather's family or village
~ US mU (~ chete ue) id. to be in deep
~ UUW (~ ddke) m. mother's and father's
paternal family, relatives of spindle and spear
side; kith and kin
(nn) m. mother' s father, maternal
l l l l l (nn) f. mother' s mother, maternal
~ u Hl (~ mar J) id. to become dumb;
to be at a loss, to be puzzled/dumb founded
~ UU mUl (~ yd u) id. to be at one's
wit's ends, to be in great trouble
~ UU WUl (~ yd karu) v.t. to teach
one a lesson
(np) m. measurement; measure, dimension;
~ S Y (~ tol) m. weight and measure,
~ SY Ul |FWFl (~ tol d Ik) f. standard unit
of weight and measurement, module
H U H U H U H U H U (npasd) a. not to ones's liking , disliked,
unacceptable, disapproved, detested
H UTl / H Ul H UTl / H Ul H UTl / H Ul H UTl / H Ul H UTl / H Ul (npasdg/npasd) f.
disliking, disapproval
(npa) v.t. to determine the size etc., to
|FU |FU |FU |FU |FU (npedr) a. undurable, not durable,
not lasting; non-dependable
W W W W W (npk) a. impious, profane; unholy,
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (npk) f. impiety, profanity; unholiness,
Vu Vu Vu Vu Vu (nfarmn) a. disobedient, defiant,
Vul Vul Vul Vul Vul (nfarmn) f. disobedience, defiance
V V V V V (nf) m.naval of muskdeer; musk-bag,
musk-gland, musk-pod
(nb) f. knob
(nbar) a. one who refuses to obey, defiant,
(nbarbar) a. unequal, different,
l l l l l (nbarbar) f. inequality, difference
l l l l l (nbar) f. refusal to obey or accept,
YT YT YT YT YT (nblag) a. underage, minor
F/Fl F/Fl F/Fl F/Fl F/Fl (nbh/nbh) f. navel, centre, pivot;
hub (of wheel)
u u u u u (nm) m. name, appellation; fame, eminence;
mystical word or mantra to recite or meditate
~ WuU (~ kamu) v.i. to earn name and
~ H (~ Japa) v.i. to recite/ repeat the
~ H (~ ras) m. ecstasy of meditation
~ |J (~ re h) v.i. to be remembered after
death, to leave a name behind
~ Y= (~ lev) m. descendant; follower
~ Y (~ le ) v.i. to recite/ repeat the name;
to receive the mystical word or formula from
a spiritual teacher, to be initiated
uW uW uW uW uW (nmak) a. having the name of, known as,
called, named
uW uW uW uW uW (nmkar) m. ceremony of naming a
child, christening
uHU uHU uHU uHU uHU (nmzad) a. nominated, appointed,
designated, co-opted
m. nominee
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to nominate, to designate,
to appoint (as)
uHUTl uHUTl uHUTl uHUTl uHUTl (nmzadg) f. nomination, appointment,
u u u u u (nma) m. fame, good reputation,
eminence, renown, honour
~ HJ (~ khaa) v.t. to earn name and
ul ul ul ul ul (nmdhr) m. a sect of the Sikhs; any
member of this sect
uH uH uH uH uH (nmanzr) a. disapproved, rejected, not
accepted; disallowed; turned down, dismissed
uH l uH l uH l uH l uH l (nmanzr) f. disapproval, refusal,
rejection, disapprobation
uU uU uU uU uU (nmard) a. impotent, spad; effeminate,
emasculate; coward, timid, unmanly
uUl uUl uUl uUl uUl (nmard) f. impotence; effeminateness;
cowardice, timidity
u= u= u= u= u= (nmvar) a. famous, renowned, reputed,
u=l u=l u=l u=l u=l (nmvar ) f. renown, fame, eminence,
u=Ul u=Ul u=Ul u=Ul u=Ul (nmvch) gr. denotative
u u u u u (nm) m. credit, capital, money
uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y (nmkl) a. unreasonable, stupid, foolish
u | T u | T u | T u | T u | T (nmnIgr) m. correspondent,
journalist, news reporter
~ u|Tl (~ namanIgr) f. journalism
uY u uY u uY u uY u uY u (nmlm) a. not known, unknown; slight,
insignificant, very little
u=Yl u=Yl u=Yl u=Yl u=Yl (nmval) f. nomenclature, a list of
names, catalogue
|uYH |uYH |uYH |uYH |uYH (nmIlasr) a. unaffable, unamiable;
|uY=S |uY=S |uY=S |uY=S |uY=S (nmIlvarta) m. non-co-operation
ul ul ul ul ul (nm) a. reputed, well-known, famous,
renowned, celebrated; notorious
u u|W u u|W u u|W u u|W u u|W (nmumkIn) a. impossible, not possible,
u U u U u U u U u U (nmurd) a. having all desires frustrated;
unfortunate, ill-fated, ill-omened; childless,
issueless; evil, wicked
U U U U U (nyb) a. not easily available, not to be
found, unavailable, rare, scarce; of very high
quality, extraordinary
(nr) f. woman, lady, female; wife, betterhalf,
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (nrg) f. a species of small orange, Citrus
U U U U U (nrad) m. makebate, firebrand
(nr) a. a cow/ox whose horns are round,
round horned cow/ox
l l l l l (nr) f. woman, female, lady; wife, spouse,
lmY lmY lmY lmY lmY (nral) m. coconut; coconut palm; Cocos
! !! !!
(nl) intj. with, together with, along,
alongwith; alongside; near, near by
~ Ul Y (~ d nl) adv. at the same time;
simultaneously, side by side
~ Y (~ nl) adv. alongside, beside (river,
stream etc.); together, alongwith
~ Y UY (~ nl challa) id. to keep pace
~ u (~ marn) id. to stand by through thick
and thin, to stick to through thick and thin; to
cling upon someone, to leech
~ YTU (~ laggad) a. adjoining, adjacent
z zz zz
(nl) f. tube, pipe, conduit; drenchera, bamboo
pipe with which cattle are given medicine etc.;
barrel (gun)
a aa aa
(nl) f. horseshoe, hoof
YH YH YH YH YH (nlash) m. complaint, plaint; law suit, case
! !! !!
(nl) m. a string or cord to tie the trousers,
trousers string
Y U l (nle pu) f. a long thin pencil
sized stick used for putting string in the trousers/
salvar etc.
z zz zz
(nl) m. rivulet, brook; gutter, sewer
Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW (nlek) a. good for nothing, unintelligent,
duffer, dull, obtuse; inefficient, inapt
Y | FWl Y | FWl Y | FWl Y | FWl Y | FWl (nlek) f. dullness, obtuseness;
inefficiency, inaptness
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (nl) f. drain, sewer, gutter; barrel, muzzle;
water pipe; tube
Y Y Y Y Y (nle) intj. and; at the same time
m. big sewers
~ Y =Ylm (~ pn nle phal) prov. to
kill two birds with one stone
Y Y Y Y Y (nlo ) adv. comparatively, than
~ Ul (~ d) adv. beside, alongside; near
~ Y (~ nlo) adv. abreast, side by side
(with); simultaneously
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (nval) m. novel
=YW/=|YHJ =YW/=|YHJ =YW/=|YHJ =YW/=|YHJ =YW/=|YHJ (nvalkr/nvlIst ) m. novelist
=YWl =YWl =YWl =YWl =YWl (nvalkr) f. the art or practice of
=|YJ =|YJ =|YJ =|YJ =|YJ (nvlI) m. novelette, novella
= = = = =
! !! !!
(nv) m. name (plural); entry
~ WJ=U (~ kavu) id. to resign from
military services
= = = = =
z zz zz
(nv) m. cash, money
=WV =WV =WV =WV =WV (nva kaf) a. unacquainted, unknown, alien,
unfamiliar, stranger; ignorant, not informed
=H =H =H =H =H
z zz zz
(nvJab) a. improper, not proper, unjust,
unjustified, undue, unbecoming
= = = = =
! !! !!
/=l /=l /=l /=l /=l (n/n) f. vein; blood vessel, artery;
pulse, nerve
~ S J H (~ te hatth rakkha) id. to try
to find someone's secret
~ (~ parbdh) m. nervous system
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. neurology
= = = = =
z zz zz
/= m /= m /= m /= m /= m (n/n) m. umbilical cord, naval
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (nIoJ) m. a kind of nut, pine-seed
|U |U |U |U |U (nIo) v.t. to be humble, to be gentle; to
give way, to yield; to bow, to bend, to stoop
|U U |U U |U U |U U |U U (nIuda) v.t. to solicit the company of
someone for an event, to invite
|U U/|U U |U U/|U U |U U/|U U |U U/|U U |U U/|U U (nIud/nIudr) m. an invitation
to a feast, marriage party; an amount given by
the relatives and friends at a wedding
~ U (~ pu) v.i. to give cash amount
at a wedding
|U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y (nIol) m. a chain for the feet of camel, horse
etc., hobble fetter
|U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y (nIol) m. mongoose
|U WYlm |U WYlm |U WYlm |U WYlm |U WYlm (nIklar) a. nuclear
|m |m |m |m |m (nI ) m. justice; fair play, rightfulness, equity,
~ H TS (~ sgat) a. rightful, equitable, judicious
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. a treatise on logic,
~ W (~ karn) id. to hold the scales even
|m|FW |m|FW |m|FW |m|FW |m|FW (nIek) a. judicial
~ HU (~ Jch) f. judicial inquiry
|mW |mW |mW |mW |mW (nI kr) m. judge, justice
|m= |m= |m= |m= |m= (nIghar) m. court
|m W |m W |m W |m W |m W (nIprbak) adv. justly, fairly, rightly
|mFl |mFl |mFl |mFl |mFl
! !! !!
(nI ) f. cultivable land in the immediate
vicinity of village
|mFl |mFl |mFl |mFl |mFl
z zz zz
(nI ) adv. like, resembling
|mH |mH |mH |mH |mH (nIsr) a. helpless, without support,
shelterless, without means, destitute
|mHlY |mHlY |mHlY |mHlY |mHlY (nIshl) a. just, judicious
|mHlYS |mHlYS |mHlYS |mHlYS |mHlYS (nIshlt) f. justness, judiciousness,
|mJl |mJl |mJl |mJl |mJl (nIh) a. unjust, unfair, irrational
|mJlS |mJlS |mJlS |mJlS |mJlS (nIht) f. unjustness; unfairness,
|m |m |m |m |m
! !! !!
(nI) a. young, inexperienced; babe,
|HU Jl ( nIshche h) adv. certainly, surely
~ S l Ul (~ te dor chhaa) id. to
pin one's faith to/upon
|H|US |H|US |H|US |H|US |H|US (nIshchIt) a. definite, resolved, certain,
determined, resolute, sure, exact; settled, fixed,
|H|U S |H|U S |H|U S |H|U S |H|U S (nIshcht) a. without anxiety, carefree,
free from worry, unconcerned
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (nIstr) m. emancipation, liberation,
salvation, redemption, deliverance; release,
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to come to nought
|H|U |H|U |H|U |H|U |H|U (nIsdIn) adv. day and night, always, ever
|H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y |H=Y (nIsphal) a. fruitless, unsuccessful, in vain,
useless, ineffective, abortive, infructuous
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (nIsbat) f. ratio, proportion; relation,
connection; comparison
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (nIsbatan) adv. comparatively, relatively,
|HSl |HSl |HSl |HSl |HSl (nIsbat) a. related, relative, comparative,
| H | H | H | H | H (nIssarrn) v.i. to blossom, to spring up, to
ripen, to glow, to sprout
| HY | HY | HY | HY | HY (nIssal) a. relaxed, languid
|H |H |H |H |H (nIsh) f. satisfaction, satiety, satiation, fill,
surfeit; night
~ Jl (~ ho) v.i. to satisfy, to satiate
v.i.t. to eat or do something to one's entire
|HHS |HHS |HHS |HHS |HHS (nIshst) m. gluten of wheat, starch
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (nIshchar) a. noctambulant
|H |H |H |H |H (nIshn) m. mark, sign, blot, stain; scar, spot;
flag, standard; brand, trademark, logo, insignia,
~ H|J (~ shIb) m. Sikh flag, pennant or
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to demarcate
~ UJl (~ deh) f. demarcation
- ~(- n ~ ) m. existence, trace
m T J U ~ (ghe d ~) m. thumb
impression, a mark of thumb used in place of
baby, infant, little one, offspring; underage,
|muS ( nImatt) f. childish behaviour,
childlike intelligence
|m |Hm (nIe sIe) m. young and
|m |m |m |m |m
z zz zz
(nI) m. a rope fastening together the
hind legs of a cow while milking
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to fasten with rope
the hind legs of a cow while milking; to entangle
or control (a person)
|muS |muS |muS |muS |muS (nImat) f. blessing, boon, bounty; very
precious and rare thing; gift, present; delicacy,
|m |m |m |m |m (nIr) a. different, uncommon, distinct,
separate; strange, queer
| m | m | m | m | m (nIrpa) m. uncommonness,
distinctness, peculiarity
|HWJ |HWJ |HWJ |HWJ |HWJ (nIshkapa) a. guileless, unpretentious,
artless, ingenious, sincere, honest
| HWJS | HWJS | HWJS | HWJS | HWJS (nIshkapt) f. guilelessness,
unpretentiousness, artlessness, honesty
| HWH | HWH | HWH | HWH | HWH (nIshkarsh) m. conclusion, result,
inference, outcome; essence, substance
~ WV (~ kaha) v.t. to draw conclusion,
to conclude, to infer or deduce
|HWu |HWu |HWu |HWu |HWu (nIshkarm) a. passive
|HWu |HWu |HWu |HWu |HWu (nIshkm) a. free from any wish or desire,
free from selfish motive, disinterested, selfless,
~ H= W (~ sev karn) id. to cast one's
bread upon the waters
|H W U |H W U |H W U |H W U |H W U (nIskoch) a. without hesitation, unhesitating,
frank, outspoken, shameless
|HT |HT |HT |HT |HT (nIsg) a. without hesitation, unhesitating,
frank, without compunction, outspoken,
shameless, impudent
|HUS |HUS |HUS |HUS |HUS (nIshchat) a. definite, certain, decided;
fixed, appointed
|HUY |HUY |HUY |HUY |HUY (nIshchal) a. not moving, stationary, static,
immovable, inert
| HU | HU | HU | HU | HU (nIshch) m. faith, belief; resolve,
resolution, determination, decision; conviction
|HUl |HUl |HUl |HUl |HUl (nIshnch) m. marksman, good shot;
~ U (~ bau) id. to make the target
|H |H |H |H |H (nIshn) f. target; aim, object, goal, end;
shot, mark
~ (~ bn) v.t. to aim at (weapon); to
take aim
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to hit the target
- |HH (nIshnebz) m. marksman
- |H Hl (nIshnebz) f. shooting,
|Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl (nIshn) f. sign; mark; token, memento,
emblem; offspring, issue; souvenir, memorial
|H |H |H |H |H (nIshedh) m. prohibition, forbiddance,
interdict, ban, taboo
a. prohibited, forbidden, banned, taboo
|H SuW |H SuW |H SuW |H SuW |H SuW (nIshedhtmak) a. prohibitory,
prohibitive, proscriptive
|J |J |J |J |J (nIhatth) a. without arms, unarmed; empty
handed, without means
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to disarm
|J|FS |J|FS |J|FS |J|FS |J|FS (nIhet) a. extreme, excessive
adv. extremely, too, very, absolutely
|JFl |JFl |JFl |JFl |JFl (nIh) f. anvil
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl (nIh) f. chisel, a graver type tool
|J |J |J |J |J (nIhran) v.t. to look, to see, to behold
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl
! !! !!
(nIhr) f. horse-feed (preparation of
jaggery and flour)
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl
z zz zz
(nIhr) f. breakfast
|J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y |J Y (nIhl) a. happy, pleased, delighted;
prosperous, wealthy; exalted, elevated, excited;
satisfied, satiated, exalted
|J |J |J |J |J (neh) m. love, deep attachment, affection,
devotion, doting
~ YU (~ lu) v.i.t. to fall in love (with),
to love, to be emotionally attached (to)
|J |J |J |J |J (nIhor) m. twit, complaint, reproach
| W-H W | W-H W | W-H W | W-H W | W-H W (nIkk--sukk) m. odds and ends, knick-
knack/nick-nack, miscellaneous articles,
snippets, shatters
|WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ (nIka) a. near, intimate, close; at hand
(exam. etc.)
|WJSu |WJSu |WJSu |WJSu |WJSu (nIkatam) a. & adv. nearest, closest,
most intimate
|WJS |WJS |WJS |WJS |WJS (nIkat) nearness, proximity; intimacy
|WJ=Sl |WJ=Sl |WJ=Sl |WJ=Sl |WJ=Sl (nIkavart) a. situated or standing near,
proximal, neighbour, adjacent; intimate, closely
|W u |W u |W u |W u |W u (nIkm) a. idle, worthless, useless, good
for nothing; bad, abject; valueless
|Wu S |Wu S |Wu S |Wu S |Wu S (nIkmrat) f. miniature painting
|Wu Sl WY |Wu Sl WY |Wu Sl WY |Wu Sl WY |Wu Sl WY (nIkmrt kal) f. miniature art
| W | W | W | W | W
! !! !!
(nIkkar) m. half pants, shorts, knickers,
| W | W | W | W | W
z zz zz
(nIkkar) m. small lump or piece of rock
salt, jaggery etc.
|Wu |Wu |Wu |Wu |Wu (nIkarm) a. unlucky, unfortunate, ill-fated,
luckless, worthless, wretched
|WY |WY |WY |WY |WY (nIkal) m. nickel, nickel-plating
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to nickel; to nickel plate
|WY |WY |WY |WY |WY (nIkal) v.i. to come out, to appear, to
emerge, to come forth; to rise (for Sun, Moon);
to leave, to make one's exit; to be extracted;
to be expelled, excluded; to be due, to amount
to (for debit or credit); to be published, (for
books, journal etc.); to be issued (from); to be
dug out/ mined/ excavated (for minerals etc.);
to be visible
|W= |W= |W= |W= |W= (nIka) a. small in stature, diminutive
|W=l |W=l |W=l |W=l |W=l (nIka) a. small in stature, petite
| W | W | W | W | W (nIkk) a. small, little, petty; short, tiny; fine,
powdery; boy, baby, child
~ lJ (~ ph) id. to work laboriously, to
work attentively
~ uJ (~ mo) a. petty, ordinary
~ = (~ va) a. high & low, all and sundry
|W H |W H |W H |W H |W H (nIks) m. outlet, egress, drain, exit,
discharge, emission, outflow; the act or state
of coming out; source of income; catharsis;
evacuation; emergence opening
|WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ (nIkh) m. Mohammedan marriage, nuptial
~ = (~ pahn) id. to perform marriage
rites according to the Muslim law
~ =U/ WU (~ pahu/ karu)
v.t. to marry through Muslim rites
|WJu |WJu |WJu |WJu |WJu (nIkhnm) m. Muslim marriage
certificate, an agreement of marriage
|WY |WY |WY |WY |WY (nIkl) m. product, yield
|WY |WY |WY |WY |WY (nIkl) m. expulsion, ejection, ousting
UH ~ (desh ~) m. exile, banishment
|HHu |HHu |HHu |HHu |HHu (nIkhasm) a. masterless, uncared for,
derelict, unclaimed; homeless
|HHul |HHul |HHul |HHul |HHul (nIkhasm) f. in inoffensive abusive word
for ladies and used by ladies
|H J |H J |H J |H J |H J (nIkha) a. who does not earn, idler, non-
earning, unemployed, drone, lazy; worthless,
good for nothing
| H | H | H | H | H (nIkkharn) v.i. to clear, to brighten up;
to be cleaned or cleansed
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (nIkharv ) a. bright, brightening, lustrous;
clean; bleached; comparatively neat and clean
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (nIkkhan) v.i. to part, to separate; to
| H== | H== | H== | H== | H== (nIkkhav ) a. distinct, discrete, detached,
detachable, separable, distinguished, separated;
clear-cut; analytical
|H |H |H |H |H (nIkhr) m. lustre, brightness, clearness,
cleanliness, sheen, elegance
|H |H |H |H |H (nIkhrn) v.t. to cleanse/clean, to purify,
to brighten; to groom
|H J |H J |H J |H J |H J (nIkhu) a. mean, bad, vile
|H =U |H =U |H =U |H =U |H =U (nIkhedhvd) m. nihilism
|H =Ul |H =Ul |H =Ul |H =Ul |H =Ul (nIkhedhvd) a. nihilist
|H l |H l |H l |H l |H l (nIkhedh) f. censure, condemnation,
obloquy, opprobrium
| H = | H = | H = | H = | H = (nIkhe) m. analysis, anatomization;
separate, sort; distinction, difference
|H = |H = |H = |H = |H = (nIkhen) v.t. to separate, to get apart,
to segregate; to discriminate, to single out
|H == |H == |H == |H == |H == (nIkhev) a. separating, differentiating,
|H = |H = |H = |H = |H = (nIkhe) m. separation, disunion;
distinction, differentiation
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to differentiate, to
separate, to analyse
|Tu |Tu |Tu |Tu |Tu (nIgam) m. corporation
| T | T | T | T | T (nIggar) a. solid, hard; heavy, weighty, strong;
concrete; substantial; massy
| TS | TS | TS | TS | TS (nIggart) f. solidness, solidity, hardness,
weight, strength
|T |T |T |T |T (nIgrn) f. supervisor, controller, observer,
manager, caretaker; invigilator, superintendent,
|Tl |Tl |Tl |Tl |Tl (nIgrn) f. supervision, observation,
invigilation, superintendence, custody; guard,
~ H (~ rakkha) v.t. to keep a vigil, to
keep watch
|TY |TY |TY |TY |TY (nIgal) v.t. to swallow, to gulp; to
gobble; to engulf; to eat away; to embezzle, to
|TJ |TJ |TJ |TJ |TJ (nIgh) f. eyesight, vision; look, glance;
~ S U= (~ te chahn) id. to take a fancy
for; to rise in the estimation of
~ |=U J (~ vIch ho) id. to be under one's
watch, to be in one's mind
~ |=U WV (~ vIcho kaha) id. to have
a cursory glance, to glance over
|uJ Ul ~ (mehar d ~) f. a favourable
look, a look of favour
|T |T |T |T |T (nIghbn) a. supervisor, manager;
protector, guardian
|T l |T l |T l |T l |T l (nIghbn) f. supervision, superintendence;
protection, guard
|T |T |T |T |T (nIg) a. having no quality, good for
nothing, worthless, without qualities; paltry,
insignificant, trifling, nonentity, nobody, niggling,
|T l |T l |T l |T l |T l(nIg) a. insignificant, trifling
| = | = | = | = | = (nIggh) m. warmth, heat, cosiness; affection,
ardency, fondness
~ J (~ ho) id. to feel protected
| = | = | = | = | = (nIggharn) v.i. to be swallowed up/
gulped up; to deteriorate, to weaken; to sink
(as in quick sand); to be submerged, to go under
|=|m J |Fm |=|m J |Fm |=|m J |Fm |=|m J |Fm |=|m J |Fm (nIghare hoI) a. good for
nothing, worthless, degenerated, dispirited,
| = | = | = | = | = (nIggh) a. modestly warm, cosy, tepid, snug;
loving, warm hearted, affectionate
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (nIghs) m. warmth, cosiness; profit, benefit
|= |= |= |= |= (nIghrn) v.t. to swallow, to gulp, to
engulf; to cause to sink, to submerge
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (nIchl) a. lower, bottom, nether, under
|U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y |U Y (nIchll) a. silent, quiet, calm; inactive,
immobile, motionless, static
|U = |U = |U = |U = |U = (nIcho) m. extract, sum and substance,
summary; essence, gist, resume, quintessence
|U = |U = |U = |U = |U = (nIchon) v.t. to squeeze, to press; to
extract the juice of a thing; to wring; to strain
| U | U | U | U | U (nIchchh) f. sneeze
| U | U | U | U | U (nIchchha) v.i. to sneeze
|U= |U= |U= |U= |U= (nIchhvar) m. sacrifice; offering
a. sacrificed, martyred
|U J |U J |U J |U J |U J (nIchhoh) a. untouched, brand-new
|H |H |H |H |H (nIJ) a. personal, private, individual, self
| H | H | H | H | H (nIJJ) adv. never
|HS= |HS= |HS= |HS= |HS= (nIJtav) m. selfhood, individuality, ego
|H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U (nIJvd) m. individualism
|H=Ul |H=Ul |H=Ul |H=Ul |H=Ul (nIJvd) a. individualist, individualistic,
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (nIzm) m. rule, administrative, system,
order, management; ruler, administrator
| Hl | Hl | Hl | Hl | Hl (nIJJ) a. personal, individual, own; private
| Hl HW S | Hl HW S | Hl HW S | Hl HW S | Hl HW S (nIJJ sakattar) m. private secretary
|K W |K W |K W |K W |K W (nIJhakk) a. without hesitation, unhesitating,
unabashed; fearless, forward, bold, straight-
| J W |J | J W |J | J W |J | J W |J | J W |J (nIh ke beh) v.i. to squat, to sit
with legs crossed under one's body
| | | | | (nIar) a. fearless, undaunted, dauntless,
audacious, bold, brave, courageous, unafraid,
|S |S |S |S |S (nIart) f. fearlessness, dauntlessness,
boldness, courage, intrepidity, audacity, temerity
|VY |VY |VY |VY |VY (nIhl) a. weak, exhausted, extremely
tired, weary, wearied, fatigued, languid,
depressed, helpless
| S | S | S | S | S (nItt) a. daily, each day, everyday; always,
ever, constantly
~ U mU H u Tm |UU J (~ d u
J mn gu dd he ) prov. too much
familiarity breeds contempt
~ |UJ=l (~ dIh) adv. daily, everyday
~ | S (~ nItt) adv. always, ever; daily,
~ u (~ nem) m. routine duty, everyday work,
daily routine; meditation, worship
~ ul (~ nem) m. regular in one's routine;
regular worshipper; one who has a definite
~ Sl (~ prat) adv. everyday, daily; always,
| S | S | S | S | S (nIttarn) v.i. to be decanted, to be
purified; to come to surface; to come forward
| S= | S= | S= | S= | S= (nIttarv) a. (liquor) free from sediment,
decanted, clarified, distilled, rectified
|S |S |S |S |S (nIt) a. weak, powerless, feeble, frail ,
effete, enervate, forceless, faint, devoid of
|S |S |S |S |S (nItr) m. decanted substance, dacantation
|S |S |S |S |S (nItarn) v.t. to purify by decanting, to
decant, to leach, to refine, to clarify; to verify;
to distinguish truth from falsehood
|S |S |S |S |S (nItr) m. distinction or separation of true
and false, removal of doubt or suspicion;
discernment, discrimination, judgement, justice,
|= |= |= |= |= (nIthv) m. (one) having nowhere to go
to , homeless, shelterless, destitute, abodeless
|UW |UW |UW |UW |UW (ndak) a. & m. slanderer, traducer, back-
biter, defamer, detractor, calumniator
| UU T | UU T | UU T | UU T | UU T (ndayog) a. censurable, reproachable,
condemnable, reprehensible, blameable,
| U | U | U | U | U (nda) v.t. to defame, to decry, to sellshort,
to talk ill of, to malign, to criticise or condemn
behind one's back, to back bite, to slander, to
damn, to vilify, to blaspheme
| U/| |Um | U/| |Um | U/| |Um | U/| |Um | U/| |Um (nd/nde) f. censure, slander,
odium, vilification, reproach, blasphemy
~ U TYl (~ chugal) f. back biting, vilification,
tale-bearing, calumny, dispraise, evil speaking
|UH |UH |UH |UH |UH (nIdosh) a. innocent, blameless, guiltless,
not guilty, sinless
|/|/|l |/|/|l |/|/|l |/|/|l |/|/|l (nIdh/nIdhn/nIdh) f. wealth,
treasury, treasure, trove, valuables
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (nIdhaak) a. unafraid, brave, bold,
fearless, daredevil, undaunted, outspoken,
|J |J |J |J |J (nIpa) a. & adv. sheer, very, absolute,
extreme; settled, decided; extremely, exactly,
altogether, exceedingly
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (nIpu) v.t. to settle, to decide; to
be finished off
|J |J |J |J |J (nIpr) m. settlement, disposal
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y (nIppal) m. nipple
| HW | HW | HW | HW | HW (nIpsak) a. impotent; incapable,
incompetent; coward, timid
| S | S | S | S | S (nIputt) a. issueless, childless; an
unoffensive abusive word
| | | | | (nIpn) a. adept, proficient, skillful, skilled,
expert, competent, master
| S | S | S | S | S (nIpnt) f. efficiency, proficiency, skill,
skillfulness, expertise, competence, mastery
| | | | | (nIbb) f. nib
| | | | | (nIbdh) m. essay, short treatise, article;
dissertation, thesis
| W | W | W | W | W (nIbdhkr) m. essayist
| Wl | Wl | Wl | Wl | Wl (nIbdhkr) f. the art or practice of
essay-writing, essay writing
|= |= |= |= |= (nIbarn) v.i. to be brought to an issue, to
be decided, to be settled; to be spent, to be
finished; to deal with, to settle score with; to
finish, to end
| | | | | (nb) m. lemon, citrus limon
| |U = | |U = | |U = | |U = | |U = (nb nIcho) m. lemon-squeezer
| = | = | = | = | = (nIben) v.i. to finish; to perform; to settle,
to decide, to bring to an end; to spend, consume
or dispose of; to pay; to discharge
| = | = | = | = | = (nIbe) m. conclusion, end; settlement;
finish; speed or pace of executing a task;
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to finish, to bring to an
end; to carry out or finish speedily
| = | = | = | = | = (nIbe) a. quick at work, fast (worker)
| F | F | F | F | F (nIbha) v.i. to be finished, to be
performed; to last, to endure; to pull on
(with) , to carry on
|FU |FU |FU |FU |FU (nIbhu) v.t. to bring to an issue, to
accompl i sh, t o perform, t o ful fi l an
engagement; to guard, to take care of; to keep
one's faith
S= ~ ( to ~) id. to accompany with
|FU |FU |FU |FU |FU (nIbh) a. constant, faithful, sincere till
the end
| u | u | u | u | u (nm) f. margosa tree, Azadirachta indica
|u S |u S |u S |u S |u S (nImtaran) m. invitation
~ S (~ pattar) m. written invitation,
invitation card
|u |u |u |u |u (nImn) adv. low, below
|uSu |uSu |uSu |uSu |uSu (nImantam) a. minimum, lowest, least
|u|YHS |u|YHS |u|YHS |u|YHS |u|YHS (nImanlIkhat) a. undermentioned,
following, given or listed below
|u |u |u |u |u (nImar) a. modest, meek, submissive, humble,
courteous, beseeching
|uS/|uSFl |uS/|uSFl |uS/|uSFl |uS/|uSFl |uS/|uSFl (nImart/nImart) f. modesty,
meekness, submissiveness, humbleness,
courtesy, humility
|u |u |u |u |u (nm) a. dim, low, faint; slight, moderate
~ |u (~ nm) a. low, dim; obscure, dubious
|u |u |u |u |u (nIma ) a. devoid of pride, without pride,
simple, humble, meek; disrespected, lowly;
|ul |FWUHl |ul |FWUHl |ul |FWUHl |ul |FWUHl |ul |FWUHl (nIma Ikdash) f. a fast which
one observes without taking even water
||u S ||u S ||u S ||u S ||u S (nImItt) adv. in the name or memory of,
for the sake of, on behalf of, in connection with
|uK |uK |uK |uK |uK (nImoJh) a. shamefaced, ashamed,
dejected, disconsolate, crestfallen, low-spirited,
in low spirits, depressed, downcast, crestfallen
|u Yl |u Yl |u Yl |u Yl |u Yl (nImol) f. fruit of margosa tree
|US |US |US |US |US (nIyat) a. destined, fated; prescribed,
specified; intention, motive; fixed, appointed,
settled; decided, agreed
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to fix, to appoint, to
establish, determine
|U S |U S |U S |U S |U S (nIytara) m. control, command,
restraint, management
~ W/ H (~ karn/ rakkha) v.t. to
control, to manage, to regulate, to restrain; to
keep under, to control
|U S|S |U S|S |U S|S |U S|S |U S|S (nIytrIt) a. controlled, under control,
restrained, regulated
|USl=U |USl=U |USl=U |USl=U |USl=U (nIyatvd) m. predestination, fatalism
|USl=Ul |USl=Ul |USl=Ul |USl=Ul |USl=Ul (nIyatvd) a. predestinarian, fatalist
|Uu |Uu |Uu |Uu |Uu (nIyam) m. rule, regulation, norm, canon,
principle; line of conduct, an established
custom; criterion
|Uu |Uu |Uu |Uu |Uu (nIyambaddh) a. regulated, regularized,
orderly, systematic. regulation
|Uu=Yl |Uu=Yl |Uu=Yl |Uu=Yl |Uu=Yl (nIyamval) f. manual, set of rules,
code, (book of) rules and regulations
| U| uS | U| uS | U| uS | U| uS | U| uS (nIymIt) a. regulated, according to
principles/rules, orderly, normal, regular
|U WS |U WS |U WS |U WS |U WS (nIyukat) a. appointed, posted
| U WSl | U WSl | U WSl | U WSl | U WSl (nIyukat) f. appointment, posting,
selection; nomination
~ S (~ pattar) m. appointment letter or
order; nomination paper
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (nIyoJan) m. ordering, arranging,
systematising, appropriation
| | | | | (nIr) pref. of negation; without
|U SHJ |U SHJ |U SHJ |U SHJ |U SHJ (nIrutsha h) a. apathetic, unenthusiastic,
insipid, dull
| U U H | U U H | U U H | U U H | U U H (nIruddesh) a. & adv. aimless,
purposeless; aimlessly, purposelessly
||F US ||F US ||F US ||F US ||F US (nIrIchchhat) a. involuntary
|H |H |H |H |H(nIrs) a. inferior; without taste, tasteless; less
|H W U |H W U |H W U |H W U |H W U (nIrskoch) a. & adv. frank, open,
uninhibited, unreserved, unhesitating; freely,
openly, without inhibition or hesitation,
unreservedly, unhesitatingly
|H S |H S |H S |H S |H S (nIrsta n) a. issueless
| H U J | H U J | H U J | H U J | H U J (nIrsdeh) adv. without doubt,
doubtlessly, unquestionably, certainly,
undoubtedly, indubitably
| | | | | W W W W W (nIrkr) a. formless/without form,
incorporeal; God, the Formless one, the
| | | | | Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (nIrkr) a. godly, divine
m. name of a sect
| W H | W H | W H | W H | W H (nIrkush) a. independent, sovereign;
unruly, uncontrolled
|H |H |H |H |H (nIrakh) f. knack, ability to judge, examining,
discernment; current market rate, cost price
|H |H |H |H |H (nIrkha) v.t. to behold, to see; to test,
to examine, to evaluate, to discern, to observe
| HS | HS | HS | HS | HS (nIrakkhart) f. illiteracy
|Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl (nIrkh) a. assayer, connoisseur, tester,
|T |T |T |T |T (nIrgdh) a. odourless, inodorous
|T |T |T |T |T (nIrgu) a. without qualities, without
attributes, without merit, virtueless, unskilled,
m. the Supreme being, God
|T |m |T |m |T |m |T |m |T |m (nIrguI) a. & m. person without
merit or goodness, worthless, unskilful
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (nIrchhal) a. guileless, innocent, artless,
candid, naive, sincere; straightforward, frank
| UYS | UYS | UYS | UYS | UYS (nIrchhalta ) a. guilelessness,
artlessness; frankness
| H | H | H | H | H (nIrJa) a. & m. untainted, unstained,
spotless, flawless; an attribute of God; God
|H |H |H |H |H (nIrJan) a. unpopulated, lonely, deserted,
uninhabited, desolate
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to depopulate
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (nIrJal) a. without water, waterless, dry
|HY |FWUHl (nIrJal Ikdash) f. a fast
which is observed without taking even water
on the eleventh day of the lunar month of
||H U ||H U ||H U ||H U ||H U (nIrJd) a. lifeless, without life, inanimate,
dead, without soul
||FW ||FW ||FW ||FW ||FW (nIraIk bor) m. jury
|S |S |S |S |S (nIrat) m. dance, dancing
|SW/|SW |SW/|SW |SW/|SW |SW/|SW |SW/|SW (nIrtak/nIratkr) m. dancer
|SWl |SWl |SWl |SWl |SWl (nIratkr) f. dancing art or performance
| S | S | S | S | S (nIrtar) adv. continuously, constantly, at
a stretch, without break, uninterruptedly
a. ongoing, continuing, continuous
| SS | SS | SS | SS | SS (nIrtart) f. continuity, continuousness
|UFl |UFl |UFl |UFl |UFl (nIrda) a. dispiteous, merciless, cruel,
ruthless, pitiless, heartless; tyrannic, brutal,
barbarous, atrocious
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (nIrdesh) m. instruction, direction,
reference, guidance; order, command
~ U (~ de) v.t. to give or issue instruction,
to direct
|U HW |U HW |U HW |U HW |U HW (nIrdeshak) m. director
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (nIrdeshan) m. direction
|U S |U S |U S |U S |U S (nIrde t) f. cruelty, mercilessness,
brutality, pitilessness, ruthlessness,
heartlessness, tyranny, harshness
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (nIrdosh) a. innocent, blameless, guiltless,
not guilty, clean-handed, flawless impeccability,
|U HS |U HS |U HS |U HS |U HS (nIrdosht) f. guiltlessness, innocence,
| | | | | (nIrdhan) a. penniless, poor, penurious,
poverty stricken, indigent
|S |S |S |S |S (nIrdhant) f. poverty, indigence, penury,
~ |uSS Ul WHJl J (~ mIttart d kaso he)
prov. adversity tries friends
| | | | | (nIrdhr) m. determination, fixation;
assessment, ascertainment
||S ||S ||S ||S ||S (nIrdhrIt) a. prescribed, laid down,
assigned, fixed, settled, determined, allotted,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to prescribe, to
determine, to settle, to allot, to assign, to appoint
| | | | |
! !! !!
(nIrn) m. decision, judgement
| | | | |
z zz zz
(nIrn) m. empty (stomach)
a. taking no food
~ WY H/ J (~ kaleJ/ pe) m. empty stomach
| WYH (nIrne kalJe) adv. having not
eaten anything, with empty stomach, on empty
||FW ||FW ||FW ||FW ||FW (nIrnek) a. decisive; affirmative
| = | = | = | = | = UW UW UW UW UW (nIrnevchak) a. (verbs) of affirmation
| H | H | H | H | H (nIrpakkh) a. impartial, neutral, unbiased,
unprejudiced, nonpartisan, neuter
| HS | HS | HS | HS | HS (nIrpakkhat) f. impartiality, neutrality
| HS=U | HS=U | HS=U | HS=U | HS=U (nIrpakkhtvd) m. neutralism
| H | H | H | H | H (nIrpekh) a. indifferent, unconcerned;
absolute, neutral, independent
~ uY (~ mull) m. absolute value
| HS | HS | HS | HS | HS (nIrpekhta) a. absolutism
| H=U | H=U | H=U | H=U | H=U (nIrpekhvd) m. absolutism
| H=Ul | H=Ul | H=Ul | H=Ul | H=Ul (nIrpekhvd) a. absolutist, absolutistic
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y (nIrbal) a. weak, feeble, strengthless, frail;
powerless, helpless, decrepit
| YS | YS | YS | YS | YS (nIrbalt) f. weakness, frailty,
feebleness, frailness; powerlessness,
|J |J |J |J |J (nIrbh) m. subsistence, livelihood, living,
alimony, maintenance, sustenance; pulling on,
continuation, with satisfaction (of a state of
living or relationship)
~ W (~ karn) id. to keep the pot boiling
v.i. to subsist, to just manage, to make ends
meet; to accommodate, to adjust, to reconcile,
to maintain amicable relationship
|FU /|F /|F |FU /|F /|F |FU /|F /|F |FU /|F /|F |FU /|F /|F (nIrbho/nIrbhe/nIrbho ) a.
fearless, dauntless, bold, intrepid, indomitable,
|F |F |F |F |F (nIrbhar) a. dependent, reliant
|FS |FS |FS |FS |FS (nIrbhart) f. dependence, reliance
|F S |F S |F S |F S |F S (nIrbhet) f. fearlessness, dauntlessness,
|uY |uY |uY |uY |uY (nIrmal) a. clear, clean, transparent,
unpolluted, serene, pure, without impurities;
holy, spotless
|uYS |uYS |uYS |uYS |uYS (nIrmalt) f. cleanness, purity, clarity;
spotlessness, transparency; serenity, chastity
|u |u |u |u |u (nIrm) m. building, construction;
fabrication, creation; manufacture, production
|u S |u S |u S |u S |u S (nIrmt) m. builder, constructor;
fabricator, creator; manufacturer; producer
| | uS | | uS | | uS | | uS | | uS (nIrmIt) a. built, constructed;
manufactured, created, fabricated, devised;
|u Y |u Y |u Y |u Y |u Y (nIrml) a. rootless, baseless, groundless
|u J/|u Jl |u J/|u Jl |u J/|u Jl |u J/|u Jl |u J/|u Jl (nIrmoh/nIrmoh) a. without
affection or attachment, detached, indifferent,
hard hearted, lacking feelings of love and
affection; unkind
|u Y |u Y |u Y |u Y |u Y (nIrmol) a. priceless, invaluable
|US |US |US |US |US (nIryt) f. export
|USW |USW |USW |USW |USW (nIrytak) a. exporter
|W |W |W |W |W (nIrarthak) a. futile, vain, meaningless,
pointless, purposeless
~ US W (~ yatan karn) id. to flog a
dead horse
|WS |WS |WS |WS |WS (nIrarthakt) f. futileness,
meaninglessness, pointlessness, purposelessness
|Y H |Y H |Y H |Y H |Y H (nIrlaJJ) a. shameless, barefaced, brazen,
|YHS |YHS |YHS |YHS |YHS (nIrlaJJat) f. shamelessness,
barefacedness, brazenness
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y (nIrlep) a. detached, disinterested,
unattached, unengrossed, neutral; nonaligned
|Y S |Y S |Y S |Y S |Y S (nIrlept) f. detachment,
disinterestedness, non-attachment; neutrality;
|Y F |Y F |Y F |Y F |Y F (nIrlobh) a. free from greed, unselfish,
uncovetous, unavaricious, not greedy
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (nIrvs) m. exile, banishment; expulsion,
| = | HS | = | HS | = | HS | = | HS | = | HS (nIrvsIt) a. exiled, banished,
expatriated; expelled, deported
|= |= |= |= |= (nIrv) m. salvation, deliverance,
redemption, emancipation, liberation
||== ||== ||== ||== ||== (nIrvIghan) a. & adv. uninterrupted,
unobstructed, unimpeded, without hitch or
hindrance, unhindered
||= ||= ||= ||= ||= (nIrvIrodh) a. & adv. unopposed,
uncontested, unanimous, undisputed
||==U ||==U ||==U ||==U ||==U (nIrvIvd) a. inconvertible, indisputable,
undisputed, undenied, incontestable, irrefutable
|= |= |= |= |= (nIrver) a. having no enmity, without
rancour, malice or animosity; amiable, friendly
| | | | | (nIr) a. & adv. only, merely, utter, alone;
completely, absolutely, totally
~ (~ pur) a. exactly alike, just like, alike,
same as
-|l HJ HYuS (-nIr sa hab salmat)
nodding acquaintance
|H |H |H |H |H (nIrsh) a. disappointed, disconsolate,
frustrated, without hope, hopeless, broken-
hearted, disheartened, despaired; despondent,
forlorn, dejected, depressed
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to disappoint, to
dishearten, to frustrate, to dismay, to come short
of expectations
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (nIrsht) f. disappointment, frustration,
despair, dismay, hopelessness; despondency,
|H |H |H |H |H (nIrsh) f. disappointment, despair;
dismay, pessimism, desolation, hopelessness
~ |=U mH KYW (~ vIch sh Jhalka) id.
to have a silver lining in every dark cloud
| H HW | H HW | H HW | H HW | H HW (nIrshJanak) a. pessimistic,
disappointing, hopeless, frustrating, despairing,
|H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U (nIrshvd) m. pessimism
|H=Ul |H=Ul |H=Ul |H=Ul |H=Ul (nIrshvd) a. pessimist, pessimistic
|J |J |J |J |J (nIrhr) a. without food, with empty
stomach, fasting, sustained without food
|W |W |W |W |W (nIrkr) a. without form, formless
shapeless, unembodied, amorphous
m. God, the Almighty
|U/|Ul |U/|Ul |U/|Ul |U/|Ul |U/|Ul (nIrdar/nIra dar) m. disrespect,
insult, humiliation, dishonour, disgrace,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to insult, to dishonour
| | | | | (nIrdhr) a. groundless, baseless,
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y (nIrl) a. strange, queer, uncommon,
unusual, extraordinary, rare, odd, peculiar;
different, distinct, separate; excellent
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y (nIrlpa) m. strangeness,
uncommonness, unusualness, peculiarity,
|lHW |lHW |lHW |lHW |lHW (nIrkhak) m. invigilator, inspector,
supervisor, observer, observant; overseer
|lH |lH |lH |lH |lH (nIrkha) m. inspection, supervision,
observation, invigilation
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to inspect, to observe,
to supervise, to invigilate
| WSl | WSl | WSl | WSl | WSl (nIrukat) m. etymology
| WSlW | WSlW | WSlW | WSlW | WSlW (nIruktkr) m. etymologer, etymologist
| S | S | S | S | S (nIruttar) a. unable to answer, silenced,
unanswerable; irrefutable
| T | T | T | T | T (nIrog) a. without ailment, with sound health,
| | | | | (nIrodh) m. hindrance, obstruction, check,
restriction; condom
| W | W | W | W | W (nIrodhak) a. obstructive, hinderer,
constrainer, inhibitory, repressive; prophylactic;
~ HWSl (~ shakt) insulating power
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y (nIrol) a. pure, clean, unadulterated,
unmixed, clear; sheer, mere
|Yu/|Yul |Yu/|Yul |Yu/|Yul |Yu/|Yul |Yu/|Yul (nIlm/nIlm) f. auction, public
~ J (~ ho) id. to come under hammer
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to auction
~ WU =Y (~ karu vl) m. auctioneer
| = | = | = | = | = (nIva) m. bending down, stooping;
submission, humility, obedience
|= |= |= |= |= (nIva) v.i. to bend, to bow, to kneel, to
stoop; to submit, to droop
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (nIvu) v.t. to cause to bend or stoop,
to cause to bow, to bend; to lower; to subdue,
to subjugate
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (nIvs) m. residence, habitation, dwelling,
abode, house; domicile
~ H (~ sathn) m. inhabitancy, residence,
dwelling place, house, abode, home, domicile
|=Hl |=Hl |=Hl |=Hl |=Hl (nIvs) m. an inhabitant, dweller, resident,
inmate, citizen, dwelling
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (nIvJ) suff. a suffix giving the meaning of
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (nIvJa) v.t. to bestow care, affection,
to show favour or regard; to patronise, to
honour, to crown
|= |= |= |= |= (nIv) f. slope, downward, inclination,
incline; low land, low ground, depression,
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (nIvrak) a. healer, preventor, remover,
preclusive, eradicator
m. saviour
|= |= |= |= |= (nIvran) m. healing, prevention, hindering
or removing eradication, redress, deterrence
|=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y (nIvl) m. morsel, bite, mouthful
l l l l l (n) intj. o, hey, (a form of addressing a girl/
lmS lmS lmS lmS lmS (nat) f. intention, inclination, intent, motive,
aim; desire, wish, purpose, integrity; mind
~ S UlmS J H (~ to badnat ho J)
id. to become dishonest; to become insincere
~ |=J Hl (~ phI J) v.i. to become
dishonest; to get fascinated or allured (with
beauty, charm etc.)
~ UY Hl (~ badal J) v.i. to develop ill
intention, to change one's mind adversely, to
be dishonest; to go back on one's word
~ F Hl (~ bhar J) id. to be satisfied, to
be contented
u=l ~ (-m ~) f. bad/malafied intention,
UlmS (-badnIat) a. dishonest, ill
l J l J l J l J l J (nh) f. foundation, base, basement, bottom
~ /H (~ dharn/rakkha) v.t. to
lay foundation or foundation stone; to begin
~ (~ patthar) m. foundation stone
lJ Ylm J (nha pola ho) id. to be
not on firm footing
~ F (~ bharn) v.t. to lay down the
lT lT lT lT lT (ngaro) m. & a. Negro, an inhabitant of
lU lU lU lU lU (nch) a. low, mean, base, despicable, lowbred,
ill-bred; low-caste, menial, inferior
f. lowness, declivity
lUS lUS lUS lUS lUS (ncht) f. meanness, baseness, lowness,
abjectness, ill breeding, low-breeding;
lK lK lK lK lK (nJh) f. gaze, stare; a fixed look, intent, close
or sharp look
~ Y =H (~ nl vekha) v.t. to strain one's
~ YUl (~ lu) v.i. to have a close or sharp
look, to stare, to gaze, to see intently
lS T lS T lS T lS T lS T (ntagg) m. politician, statesman
lSl lSl lSl lSl lSl (nt) f. policy, plan, diplomacy, prudence;
shrewdness; diplomacy, strategy; expediency,
politics or programme
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. the art and science of
diplomacy, politics or morality; ethics
~ S (~ pattar) m. manifesto, statement of
WJY~ (kual~) f. diplomacy, strategy
lSl= ( ntvn) m. politician, statesman;
moralist, diplomatist
l U/l U l U/l U l U/l U l U/l U l U/l U (n d/ndar) f. sleep, slumber
~ U H (~ u J) id. vanishing of sleep
due to tension
~ mUl (~ u) v.i. to feel sleepy, drowsy
or dozy
~ m Hl (~ J) v.i. to go to sleep, to doze,
to sleep
~ Ju J (~ harm ho) id. to pass
sleepless nights, to be in tension or in worry
~ HY (~ khula) id. to be awakened
~ JJ (~ ua) id. to have disruption of
~ U JW (~ d th ok) m. catnap, catsleep
~ =Yl U=Fl (~ vl dav) f. soporific
medicine, sleeping draught
WUl ~ (~ kacch) f. dog-sleep
T=l ~ H (g ~ so) id. to sleep like a
log, to enjoy a sound sleep
lU|Fm (ndre) a. dormant, sleepy,
lu lu lu lu lu (nm) a. half, part, middle
prep. semi, quasi, demi
~ JWlu (~ hakm) m. saltimbanco, charlaton,
quack, mounte, mounteb ank, medicaster,
phoney physician
~ JWlu S F H (~ hakm khatar e Jn)
prov. little knowledge is a dangerous thing
~ JWlu S U (~ hakm to bacho) ph. beware
of quacks
~ uHl lu H (~ khamosh nm raz) prov.
silence is half consent
~ Tu (~ garam) a. lukewarm, tepid, warm
~ TY (~ pgal) a. half mad, partially insane
l l l l l (nr) m. water, aqua; tears
~ W/ =JU (~ keran/ vahu) id. to
shed tears profusely, to cry bitterly
lH lH lH lH lH (nras) a. juiceless, tasteless, without juice;
dry, boring, uninteresting; insipid, unpalatable;
l l l l l (nr) m. fodder, hay, wheat chaff, stock
lY lY lY lY lY
! !! !!
(nl) a. ten billion, 10,000,000,000,000
lY lY lY lY lY
z zz zz
(nl) m. indigo plant, Indigofera tinctoria
lY lY lY lY lY
a aa aa
(nl) m. the river Nile
lY lY lY lY lY
4 44 44
(nl) m. blue mark caused on the skin by
beating, concussion injury
lYW J lYW J lYW J lYW J lYW J (nlkt) m. blue jay, Indian jay, Coracias
lYWuY lYWuY lYWuY lYWuY lYWuY (nlkamal) m. nenupher
lY TU /lY T lY TU /lY T lY TU /lY T lY TU /lY T lY TU /lY T (nl ga/nl g ) f. nylgai, nylgao,
nilgai, Baselaphus tragocamelus
lYu lYu lYu lYu lYu (nlam) m. amethyst, sapphire
lY lY lY lY lY (nl) a. blue, azure, bluish
~ (~ thoth) m. blue vitriol, copper-
~ lY J (~ pl ho) id. to lose colour, to
become pale (due to fear); to be infuriated
lYu lYu lYu lYu lYu (nlm) a. auctioned, publicly sold
~ J (~ ho) id. to come under hammer
~ W (~ karn) id. sale by inch of candle
lYul lYul lYul lYul lYul (nlm) f. bid, auction, bidding
lY V lY V lY V lY V lY V (nlofar) m. blue lotus, nenuphar, waterlilly,
Nymphaea lotus, Nymphea acba
l= l= l= l= l= (nv) a. low, deep; short, small (in height);
gentle, humble; inferior, mean, of lower status;
~ J (~ ho) id. to bend, to bow; to be
disgraced, to be ashamed
~ (~ pe) id. to eat a humble pie
~ |=HU (~ vIkhu) id. to bring down, to
humble; to abase
UU ~ (ucch ~) a. uneven, bumpy
l=l U (nv pu) id. to feel shy, to
blush; to be ashamed, to be with downcast
l= H (nve pse) adv. slope, downward
HH HH HH HH HH (nusakh) m. prescription; recipe
J J J J J (nuhr) f. appearance, features, countenance
WH WH WH WH WH (nukas) m. flaw, weakness; defect, fault;
short-coming, imperfection, lacuna; blemish,
stigma, badness
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to find fault with,
to criticise, to cavil, to carp; to set right, to
remove fault with
~ (~ pe) v.i. for a defect to occur,
develop or be caused
WH WH WH WH WH (nukasn) m. loss, damage; deficiency;
harm, disadvantage
~ UJU (~ uhu) id. to suffer loss, to
incur loss
~ Sl (~ prt) a. compensation,
WHU J (nuksndeh) a. harmful, injurious,
! !! !!
(nukat) m. point, dot
z zz zz
(nukat) m. significant idea, argument;
point, issue
~ H/ |TJ (~ nazar/ nIgh) m. point of
view, view-point
WSUl WSUl WSUl WSUl WSUl (nukatchn) a. fault-finder, critic;
carper; hair splitter
WSUll WSUll WSUll WSUll WSUll (nukatchn) f. fault finding, criticism.
cavil; hair splitting, animadversion
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to find faults, to criticise,
to carp, to cavil, to animadvert
W W W W W (nukkar) f. corner; nook; apex of an angle,
W YU (nukkare lu) id. to corner
(somebody), to put one in an humiliating position
WlY WlY WlY WlY WlY (nukl) a. pointed, sharp, angular, barbed,
prickly; peaked
TUl TUl TUl TUl TUl (nugad) f. a kind of sweetmeat usually
prepared in marriages
U=U U=U U=U U=U U=U- -- --U=U U=U U=U U=U U=U (nuchad-nuchad) a. soaked
with ghee; dripping wet
U= U= U= U= U= (nuchan) v.i. to dip, to ooze, to be
wrung, to be squeezed, to exude
U== U / U= U U== U / U= U U== U / U= U U== U / U= U U== U / U= U (nuchavu/
nuchau) v.t. to get or cause to be wrung
or squeezed, to get exuded
U==Fl U==Fl U==Fl U==Fl U==Fl (nuchav) f. the process of or wages
for wringing or squeezing, exudation
u u u u u (num) suff. a suffix meaning like or
resembling or appearing
u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm (nume) a. visible, clear, evident,
u|FH u|FH u|FH u|FH u|FH (numIsh) f. exhibition, display; show off,
~ YTU (~ lagu) v.t. to set up an
exhibition; to put up a show
~ |=HU (~ vIkhu) id. to show off in
ridiculous way
u|FHl u|FHl u|FHl u|FHl u|FHl (numIsh) a. exhibitory, exhibitive;
pretentious, showy, gaudy, ostentatious
u|FUTl u|FUTl u|FUTl u|FUTl u|FUTl (numdag) f. representation,
(n ) prep. to
J J J J J (n h) f. son's wife, daughter-in-law
(nr) m. glow, lustre, light, brilliance, refulgence
radiance, splendour
u|JY Ul H u|JY Ul H u|JY Ul H u|JY Ul H u|JY Ul H (nr mehal d sar) f. a strange
thing, a wonder
l l l l l (nrn) a. lustrous, glowing, radiant,
refulgent; celestial
= = = = = (nan) v.t. to tie (cattle etc.)
! !! !!
(nest) f. accidie, laziness, sluggishness, sloth,
lethargy, languor
a. lazy, sluggish, sloth, lethargic
~ U u|m (~ d mre) a. lazy, sluggish,
z zz zz
(nest) f. non-existence, non-being,
nothingness, nihility, annihilation
HS U HS U HS U HS U HS U (nestonbd) a. reduced to non-
existence, annihilated, fully destroyed, utterly
~ W/ |uJU (~ karn/ mIu) id. to
annihilate, to eliminate, to eradicate
J J J J J (neh) m. carpenter's tool
J J J J J (nehu) m. a thick rope for fastening a plough
or leveller to the yoke
W W W W W (nek) a. virtuous, noble, good; kind, gentle
~ WuFl (~ kam) f. fair earning, hard earning;
pious earning
~ ==l (~ gha) a. an auspicious moment,
good time
~ UY (~ chalan) a. having good conduct,
morally excellent
~ UYl (~ chaln) f. good moral character,
virtuous conduct
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. good-hearted, good at heart,
sincere, honest
~ |UYl (~ dIl) f. good nature, goodness of
heart, sincerity
~ u (~ nm) a. having good reputation,
famous, renowned, with a good name
~ ul (~ nm) f. good name, good reputation,
prestige, renown, fame
~ lmS (~ nat) a. honest, righteous, upright,
~ lSl (~ nt) f. good-faith, honest-intention,
honesty, righteousness, uprightness, rectitude,
integrity, probity, bonafides
~ U (~ bau) v.t. to uplift morally
W= W= W= W= W= (neka) m. thick milk
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (nek) f. goodness, virtue, rectitude,
righteousness; kindness
~ W U|m |=U HJ (~ kar darI vIch su)
prov. let not the right hand knows what the
left hand gives, do good and cast it into the
~ U UY Wl J (~ d badl nek he) prov.
one good turn deserves another, goodness
begets goodness
~ Ul (~ bad) f. virtue and vice, good and
U U U U U (nech) m. connecting point of pot and pipe
of hubble-bubble
H/ H H/ H H/ H H/ H H/ H (neJ/nez) m. spear, lance
H U H U H U H U H U (nez bardr) m. spearman, lancer
HH HH HH HH HH (nezbz) m. jouster
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (nezbz) f. tent-pegging
S S S S S (netar) m. eye
~ HY (~ Jal) m. tears
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. opthalmology
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. opthalmologist,
SJl SJl SJl SJl SJl (netarh) a. blind, sightless
S S S S S (netr) m. the string with which churn-staff
is rotated, churn-string
a. optical
S S S S S (net) m. leader, chief, pioneer
STll STll STll STll STll (netgr) f. leadership
(nepatth) m. green-room (of a theatre);
(nepare) adv. near completion, conclusively
~ U= (~ chahn) v.i. to be completed
~ U=U/ U= (~ chahu/chrhna)
v.t. to set a thing done, to complete, to bring to
V V V V V (nef) m. a (stitched) narrow fold an top of
trousers, underwears etc. through which the
tying cord is passed
u u u u u (nem) m. principle, rule, law; custom, practice;
vow, pledge; solemn promise, oath
~ UW (~ chukka) id. to swear, to vow;
to take a pledge, to take oath
~ Y (~ nl) adv. regularly; by one's faith;
according to rules, lawfully, systematically
~ U (~ pu) id. to make a solemn
promise, to take oath to abstain, to swear off,
to vow, to take a pledge
ul ul ul ul ul (nem) a. very punctual and regular in one's
routine; bound by a vow, true to one's vow;
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to take notes, to note, to
write down; to take notice, to notice
~ W (~ buk) f. note-book
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (noIs) m. notice
~ U (~ de) v.t. to serve notice
~ (~ bor) m. notice-board
~ Y (~ le ) v.i. to receive notice; to take
notice of, to note
Y FlH Y FlH Y FlH Y FlH Y FlH (nobal prz) m. noble prize
(no) m. nine
~ H UJ H W |Yl JH UYl (~ so chhe kh
ke bIll haJJ n chal) prov. singing all the
days in the week and going to church on
~ H (~ kh) m. nine regions of the earth
(according to Hindu mythology)
~ T|J (~ greh) m. nine planets (in astrology)
~ U |Tm J H (~ do gIr ho J) id. to
make one's good escape, to flee, to run away,
to do a bank
~ WU S U (~ nakad n ter udhr)
prov. a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
~ | (~ nIdh ) f. nine treasures of Kuber
(god of wealth); all the pleasures & riches, all
the fortunes
~ S (~ ratan) m. nine precious stones, nine
jewels; the nine learned gems (courtiers) of
king Vikramaditya or of Akbar
~ YH (~ lakkh) m. very valuable/precious;
worth nine lakhs
~ u SY J=T UTl (n ~ man
tel hoveg n rdh naccheg) prov. if the
sky falls we shall gather larks
= (no v ) a. ninth
(no) a. new, fresh
~ - (~ bar-no ) a. out and about, completely
fit (physically), fully cured, healthy
mUl mUl mUl mUl mUl (noabd) f. new habitation, colony
H H H H H (nosar) f. trick, wilful betrayal, deception,
HH HH HH HH HH (no sarbz) a. tricksy, crafty, wily, deceitful;
treacherous, cheat
=/ =S =/ =S =/ =S =/ =S =/ =S (ne/net) m. & f. nearness, closeness;
propinquity, adjacency, contiguity, proximity,
approximation, approach, affinity; kinship
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (nel) a. nearer, near by, proximal
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (neeo) adv. from very near; point blank
(shot); from a short distance
U ~ (du ro ~) adv. from far and near
= = = = = (nee) adv. at stone's throw, near at hand,
close by; near, close
~ mU (~ u) v.t. to come closer, to come
near; to be at hand
~ J W H (~ ho ke sun) id. (for one's
wish) to be fulfilled soon
~ J (~ ho) v.t. to come closer, to become
very intimate
~ S = (~ tee) adv. near about, in the
vicinity of, near by, around
~ U (~ d) a. near, close
HY HY HY HY HY (neshnal) a. national
WYH WYH WYH WYH WYH (neklas) m. necklace

! !! !!
(ne) f. eyes
~ WH (~ naksh) m. features (facial);
~ (~ pr) m. body and soul; physical
energy, physical strength
~ U (~ pr chhaa) id. to lose

z zz zz
(ne) f. female of a barber family
|SW |SW |SW |SW |SW (netIk) a. moral; ethical
~ H (~ sudhr) m. moral uplift/
improvement, edification
~ S (~ patan) m. demoralization
|SWS |SWS |SWS |SWS |SWS (netIkt) f. morality, ethics
W W W W W (nok) f. point, sharp point, tip
WK W WK W WK W WK W WK W (nokJhok) f. exchange of pleasantries,
exchange of sarcastic remarks, mutual
WU WU WU WU WU (nokdr) a. pointed, acicular, sharp,
angular; barbed; peaked, peaky
U U U U U (nocha) v.t. to claw, to scratch; to nip; to
pluck, to rend; to tear; to snatch, to grab abruptly
J J J J J (no) m. note; currency-note, bank-note
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (no sarbz) f. trickery, artfulness,
deceitfulness, deception, cheating
W W W W W (no kar) m. servant (govt.), employee;
footman; domestic servant, attendant, servant
~ HJl (~ shh) f. bureaucracy
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to join service, to get a job
~ UW (~ chkar) m. retinue, servants,
attendants, (personal or domestic)
W l W l W l W l W l (no kara) f. maid-servant, female
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (no kar) f. service, employment, post, job
~ S H (~ te rakkh) v.t. to employ, to
take into one's service
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to employ, to take into
~ H (~ pesh) a. working (folk), in-service
~ YT (~ lagga) v.t. to get a job, to be
~ =HU (~ vaJu) id. to perform one's
W W W W W (no k) f. boat
T T T T T (no g) m. ceremonial present or tip, symbolic
H= H= H= H= H= (noJavn) a. young, youthful, fresh blood
m. youth, youngman
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (noJavn) f. prime of youth, adolescence,
youth, youthfulness
J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl J Wl (nok) f. village drama
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (nonIhl) a. promising (boy); scion
! !! !!
(nobat) f. state, condition
~ mUl (~ u) v.i. to come to a state of
z zz zz
(nobat) f. kettle-drum
~ H= Ul (~ saver d) f. aubade
~ =Hl (~vaJa) ph. auspicious festivity
SH SH SH SH SH (nobatkhn) m. the place or room in
the palace where kettle drum is played
ul ul ul ul ul (nom) f. the ninth day of either half of a
lunar month
TT ~ (gugg ~) f. the ninth day of the
dark half of Bhadon month on which 'Gugga'
is worshipped
u ~ (rm ~) f. the ninth day of the bright
fortnight in Chetra month on which Lord Rama
was born
YH YH YH YH YH (no lakha ) a. priceless, very valuable; costing
nine lakhs of rupees
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (nol) f. nose; turned up nose; "sutra neti" of
=/ =l =/ =l =/ =l =/ =l =/ =l (no va /no v ) a. ninth
= = = = = (nove) a. ninth
adv. ninthly
(papp) m. twenty-sixth letter and the first of
the labial pentad of Gurmukhi alphabet, it
represents the voiceless, unaspirated bilabial
U U/ U U U/ U U U/ U U U/ U U U/ U (pauch/pocha)) m. talon, paw
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (pauch) f. bracelet
U Y U Y U Y U Y U Y (paula) m. footwear, shoe
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl (paul) f. quarter of a rupee, twenty five
paisa coin
U =l U =l U =l U =l U =l (pau) f. stanza
U m U m U m U m U m
! !! !!
(pa) m. quarter, quart; small bottle of
this capacity
U m U m U m U m U m
z zz zz
(pa) m. one of the pair of wooden slippers
U F U F U F U F U F (pae) m.(pl.) wooden slippers, wooden
H H H H H (pas) f. pus
~ l t~ pe) v.i. to suppurate, to fester
HUS HUS HUS HUS HUS (pashchtp) m. repentance, penitence,
remorse, rue, regret
H H H H H H H H H H(pasJar) m. passenger
~ J t tt tt~ ren) f. passenger train
~ JWH t tt tt~ eks) m. passenger tax
HS HS HS HS HS (past) a. low; short; poor, bad
~ |J uS t tt tt~ hmat) a. demoralised, low-spirited,
depressed; coward
~ WU t tt tt~ kadd) a. short-statured
HS HS HS HS HS (pashto) f. language of Afganis or Pathans;
unintelligible talk
HS Y HS Y HS Y HS Y HS Y (pastol) m. pistol
H U H U H U H U H U (pasd) f. liking, choice; taste; approval;
~ ml ml t tt tt~ ap ap) ph. there is no
counting of tastes
~ W t tt tt~ karn) v.t. to like, to take fancy to;
to choose, to select, to approve
mu~ t tt tt a ra m~) a. easy-going, ease-
loving; slothful, lazy, indolent
u ~ t tt tt man~) a. favourite, of one's choice,
H UTl H UTl H UTl H UTl H UTl (pasdag) f. liking, likeability, choice;
approval; selection
H UlU H UlU H UlU H UlU H UlU (pasdd) a. favourite; liked; of one's
H H H H H (pasp) a. running away, fleeing
~ W t W t W t W t W t~ karn) id. to make one to flee, to
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (pashm) f. wool, fleece; soft wool, fur
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (pasma) v.i. to be ready for milking
(milche animal), to bring milk down to the teats;
to be persuaded, to be cajoled, to be coaxed
HuU HuU HuU HuU HuU (pasmu) id. to make ready to milk;
to persuade, to coax, to cajole, to wheedle
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul (pashmn) m. fine woollen shawl; cloth
made of fine, soft wool
H H H H H (pasarn) v.i. to sit on one's haunch, to
squat; to lie stretched, to lie down flat, to
sprawl; to spread; to expand; to proliferate
(plants etc.)
H|m t pasarIa) adv. spread, stretched
out, expanded
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (pasl) f. rib
Jl ~ |FW W U t- ha ~ Ikk kar de)
id. to beat severely, to give a thrashing
H H H H H (pasr) m. expansion, extension, prolixity,
expanse; scattered or disorderly things
Hl/ Hl Hl/ Hl Hl/ Hl Hl/ Hl Hl/ Hl (pasr/psr) m. grocer, spice-
seller, apothecary
Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H Hl H (pasJa) v.i. to feel pity, to be
compassionate, to melt, to relent; to be pleased,
to diligence
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pasn) m. perspiration, sweat
~ mU / U t~ u/ cho) v.i. to

perspire, to sweat
~ =J W t tt tt~ vah ke) adv. by the sweat of
one's brow
- Hl-Hll t tt tt- pasno-pasn) adv. sweat all
H H H H H (pash) m. animal, cattle, quadruped, beast; a
brutal man, brute
~ Hu t~ samn) a. brutish, beastly, bestial
~ U t~ chor) m. cattle-lifter, cattle-rustler,
~ t~ dhan) m. livestock
~ Sl t~ pat) m. Lord Shiva
~ Y t~ pla) m. animal husbandry, cattle-
~ |Sl t~ bIrt) f. animality, beastliness,
~ uJul t~ mahamr) f. murrain
H H H H H (pashpu) m. animality, brutality,
beastliness, bestiality, carnality
H u H u H u H u H u (pashemn) a. repentant, regretful,
penitent, contrite, remorseful; ashamed
H uTl/H ul H uTl/H ul H uTl/H ul H uTl/H ul H uTl/H ul (pashemng/pashemn) f.
repentance, regret, remorse; shame
H / H l H / H l H / H l H / H l H / H l (pser/pser) m. an old Indian
weight approximately equal to five kilograms,
five seer
J= J= J= J= J= (pah) m. mountain; northern side, North;
an arduous task, uphill task; heap, pile (of
~ |H |U t~ JI dIn) m. long boring day,
never ending day
~ JJ t~ ua) id. to be hit by a calamity,
for a disaster to occur, advent of a calamity
~ U J= t~ d pah) m. huge and gigantic
~ Y J W Y t~ nl akkar le) id. to
cross swords with a giant, to encounter a
powerful person
~ J t~ pua) id. to do an uphill task, to
perform an arduous job
|Jm ~ |W|Ym U J t- -- --pue ~ nIkle
chh) prov. much ado about nothing, much
cry little wool
Fl U ~ U tr d ~bau) id. to
make a mountain of a molehill
J= J= J= J= J= (pah) m. multiplication table
J=l J=l J=l J=l J=l (pah) f. & a. hill, hillock; language of
hilly region; a musical mode; hilly, mountainous
~ W t~ ka ) m. raven
~ |WW t~ kIkkar) m. hilly acacia
~ KlY t~ Jhl) f. tarn
~ |uU t~ mIrch) f. capsicum
J=lm J=lm J=lm J=lm J=lm (pah) m. hillman; mountaineer, high
J/|Jm J/|Jm J/|Jm J/|Jm J/|Jm (pah/pahe) m. an unmetalled track
leading to a village or fields etc., rut, cart road,
path, way, cowpath
|J |J |J |J |J (pehn) v.t. to wear, to put on
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (pehnau) v.t. to help one to dress
up; to clothe, to dress up
|J |J |J |J |J (pehar) m. a three-hour period, one eighth
part of a day and night
~ U S=W t~ d tak) m. early morning
mJ ~ tatho ~) adv. all the time, all the
twenty four hours, always
SlH ~ (tsre ~) adv. in the afternoon
|UY ~ (pIchhle ~) adv. in the evening;
in the old age
mJ |J t ah pehr) a. (taken or
done) once in a day (meals etc.)
U|J (dupehar) f. mid-day, noon
|J |J |J |J |J (pehr) m. watch, guard, escort, patrol;
period, age, time
WYHT U ~ (kalJug d ~) m. the fourth
and last aeon of creation (Hindu mythology);
period of kalyuga; evil age
H=l |J ( Javn pehre) adv. in the
prime of one's age, in young age
|J= |J= |J= |J= |J= (pehrv) m. dress; clothing, clothes;
costume, garb, raiment, habiliments, attire;
mode of dress, fashion
|J U |J U |J U |J U |J U (pe hredr) m. watchman, guard, sentinel;
escort, warder
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (pehl) f. priority, preference; initiative, first
move; precedence; advance
~ Wu t~ karam) m. adventure
~ Wul t~ karam) m. adventurer, pioneer
a. adventure
~ YJl U t~ paleh d) a. first born, the
eldest one, primogenital
- |JYW t- pehlkr) m. pioneer, adventurer;
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (pehla) a. (cow or buffalo) calved for
the first time or in its first lactation period,
|JY= |JY= |JY= |JY= |JY= (pe halvn) m. wrestler; stout and robust
person; champion, hero
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (pehl) a. first; foremost; primary, initial;
maiden; former, preceding
~ Hu t~ zamn) m. former times
~ FH t~ bhsha) m. maiden speech
|JYl U u t pehl umar) f. early age,
~ =JW t tt tt~vaak) a. opening sale
|JY/|JY |JY/|JY |JY/|JY |JY/|JY |JY/|JY (pehla/pehlo) adv. at first, firstly;
before, beforehand; formerly, previously
~ m|Wl |= uT t tt tt~ adhIka r bao phIr
mgo) prov. first deserve than desire
~ m |= |Fm t tt tt~ apa phIr praIa )
prov. charity begins at home
~ = |U J t~ ghar pIchho hor) prov.
charity begins at home
~ H |= HJ t~ Jn phIr Jahn) prov. near
is my shirt, but nearer is my skin
~ SY |= Y t~ tolo phIr bolo) prov. think
before you speak
~ U t~ d) a. previous; prior
~ |JY/ |JY |JY t~ pehl/ pehlo pehl)
adv. at first, in the beginning, initially; for the
first time; prior, before, earlier, before-hand
|JY JY t pehle halle) adv. in the first
~ S t~ ta) adv. firstly
~ S t~ to) adv. since long
~ Y W t~ lok) m. people of by gone days,
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (pehl) m. side; aspect; point of view
Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm (pah) m. wheel
JlF U =Y t pahIe bau vl) m.
JlFU t pahedr) a. wheeled
~ WHl t~ kurs) f. wheel-chair
J J J J J (poh) f. daybreak, dawn; ace of dice
~ =JY t~ phul) m. dawn, peep of day,
day break, dawning
J U J U J U J U J U (pohu ch) f. reach, approach, access; arrival;
receipt, acknowledgement; accessibility, ingress
~ S t~ to pare) adv. beyond one's reach,
out of reach
~ |=U t~ vIch) a. within reach; approachable,
J U J U J U J U J U (pohu ch) v.i. to get at, to reach, to arrive,
to approach; to receive, to attain
! !! !!
(pohu cha ) m. wrist; paw, claw
UTYl W= W ~W= tugl paka ke ~
pakan) id. to make undue advantage
z zz zz
(pohu ch) m. loose opening of trousers or
J UU /J U J UU /J U J UU /J U J UU /J U J UU /J U (pohu chu/pohu ch)
v.t. to get one or help one to reach; to convey,
to deliver (message etc.); to carry, to transmit
J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul (pohu ch) f. an ornament worn on the wrist
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (pahul) f. an initiation rite of Sikhs;
consecrated drink during this rite; nectar of
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (pahel) m. riddle, puzzle , problem , enigma,
~ K t~ buJJha) v.t. to solve a riddle
JYlm KU t- -- -- pahela buJhu) id. to
talk in riddles
W W W W W (pakk) m. maturity, perfection, soundness;
certainty; ripeness
W W W W W (pakka) v.t. to ripen; to be cooked; to be
baked; to fester, to suppurate; to mature; to
mUS~t- -- -- dat~) id. to become habitual (of)
uJ ~ t- -- -- mu h ~) id. to have boils in the
W JW t pakk hakk) f. settlement
=Y W H t- -- -- vl pakk J ) id. to have
one's hair turned grey
WSl WSl WSl WSl WSl (pkt) f. line; row; queue, file; rank
W=U /W= W=U /W= W=U /W= W=U /W= W=U /W= (pakvu/pakv) v.t. to
assist in cooking; to have or cause something
to be cooked or baked or ripened or hardened
W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl (pakv) f. the process of or the wages
for cooking etc.
W= W= W= W= W= (pakvn) m. cooked dishes, delicacies;
sweetmeats; bakemeats, pastry; fried victuals
W= W= W= W= W= (paka) f. hold, grip; grasp; clasp;
apprehensive catch, seizure; clamp, clench,
handle; grip or hang in wrestling; demonic
~ W= t~ dhaka) f. rounding up, arrest
~ |=U mU t~ vIch u) id. to apprehend;
to grasp; to come under grip; to be
W= W= W= W= W= (pakan) v.t. to catch; to arrest; to hold,
to seize; to overtake; to grip, to clasp
W==U /W=U W==U /W=U W==U /W=U W==U /W=U W==U /W=U (pakavu/pakau)
v.t. to get someone arrested, to get seized
W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl W=Fl (paka) f. catching, rounding up, arrest,
W= H t pakae J) id. to fall into
the hands of
W W W W W (pakk) a. ripe; firm, strong; mature; true;
steadfast, reliable; permanent; settled, decided;
fast; sound, genuine, established; unbending,
persistent, rigid
~ |FU t~ Ird) m. firm determination
~ |FU W t~ Ird karn) v.t. to make up
one's mind, to determine, to resolve
~ W t~ karn) v.t. to commit to memory,
to memorize; to finalise, to decide; to ensure,
to confirm; to concrete
~ WTH t~ kgaz) m. a deed on stamp paper
~ TJW t~ ghk) m. permanent customer
~ l t~ p) a. hard; firm; strong; mature;
~ lY t~ pl) a. dark yellow
~ |uJ t~ mIh) m. sugar
~ uU t~ mech) m. average size
~ UWl J t~ yakn ho) v.i. to be dead
sure; to have firm faith
~ T t~ rg) m. fast colour; black complexion
~ T t~ rg) m. classical mode, classical
TY U ~ t gall da ~) a. true to one's word
|Wm W|Fm t pakke pake) a.
cooked and ready to be served, ready-made
(food); experienced
Wl Uu t pakk umar) f. old age, mature
~ Uu U t~ umar d) a. aged
~ |FJ t~ I) f. burnt brick
~ HYJ t~ salh) f. firm decision
~ H=W t~ saak) f. road metal; road tar
~ HSl t~ khet) f. ripe crop
~ T Y t~ gall) f. final decision, confirmed
~ Wl t~ no kar) f. permanent job, confirmed
~ |JYl t~ pehl) f. first standard/class
~ H t~ parakh) f. acid test
W |UY =Y t pakke dIl vl) a. strong
hearted, brave, courageous
~ l t~ per ) adv. on firm footing
WU WU WU WU WU (paku) v.t. to cook; to bake; to cause
to ripen; to maturate (pustule etc.); to pass
(resolution); to learn by heart (lesson); to make
uS~ t mat~) id. to pass resolution; to
resolve; to hatch a plot
|WmFl |WmFl |WmFl |WmFl |WmFl (pakI) f. firmness; maturity; hardness,
steadfastness; strength, vigour; durability;
permanence, certainty; confirmation,
affirmation; fixation
W = W = W = W = W = (pako) m. a kind of fried snack prepared
from gram flour dough stuffed or mixed with
potatoes, onion etc. and condiments
W =l W =l W =l W =l W =l (pako) f. a very small ball of gram flour
dough fried in oil or ghee
! !! !!
(pakkh) m. side; party, team; partiality; aspect,
phase; camp, faction
~ Wt~ karn) v.t. to be partial, to take side
~ t~ prn) v.t. to support, to take side,
to side with
~ Y t~ le) v.t. to take side, to defend
z zz zz
(pakkh) m. half of lunar month (dark or bright)
H H H H H (pakh) m. sanctimony; hypocrisy,
imposture, dissimulation; pretension, feigning,
pretence, cant, prudery, humbug, deceit
H l H l H l H l H l (pakh) a. sanctimonious; hypocrite,
dissimulator; pretender, dissembler, cheat,
imposter, deceitful, phoney
HS HS HS HS HS (pakkhpt) m. partiality, prejudice, bias,
nepotism, partisanship, factionalism, favouritism
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (pakkhpt) a. partial, prejudicial, biased,
factious, factional
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (pakkhl) f. gunny cloth spread on the sides
of cart for increasing its loading capacity
H== H== H== H== H== (pakkhv) m. lunar fortnight; fortnight
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (pkha) f. flower leaf, petal, floral leaf
! !! !!
(pakkh) m. fan; propeller (of ship etc.)
|HYl U ~ t- -- -- bIJal da ~) m. electric fan
z zz zz
(pakkh) m. signal (of train); vane of a
pumping set; part of roof between two girders
or beams
H H H H H (pakhn) m. latrine, toilet, lavatory;
excreta, evacuation, stools
H=H H=H H=H H=H H=H (pakhvaJ) m. a kind of small drum
H=Hl H=Hl H=Hl H=Hl H=Hl (pakhvaJ) m. drum player, drummer
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
(pakkh) f. hand fan; small fan
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
z zz zz
(pakkh) a. supporter, follower, co-partyman;
partial, biased
HH ~ t- -- --saJJe ~) a.& m. rightist
H ~ t- -- -- khabbe ~) a.& m. leftist
J ~ t- -- --bahu ~) a. all-round
T T T T T (pag) m. foot; step, pace
~ |U t~ chnh) m. footprint, footmark
~ l t~ ) f. footpath, walkway, track,
path, by-way
T T T T T (pagg) f. turban; honour
~ US t~ utrn) id. to insult, to disgrace,
to dishonour, to humiliate
~ Ul YH H t~ d lJ rakkha) id. to
safeguard one's or someone's honour
~ J U t~ n hatth pu) id. to insult,
to disgrace, to dishonour, to humiliate
~ t~ bnh) a. turbaned, grown-up
~ t~ bnh) id. to tie turban to the
eldest son of the family after the death of father
or mother
~ YJl t~ lhu) v.t. to take off turban
id. to insult, to dishonour, to disgrace
~ =J/ ~ =J F t~ va/~ va bhar) m. fast
friend; vowed to be brother by exchange of
~ =JU t~ vau) id. to make friends with
S ~ H t pe ra te ~ rakkha) id. to
entreat, to beseech very humbly, to supplicate
TS TS TS TS TS (pgat) f. line, row (esp. in a dinning hall); a
sitting for common meals (in community
T= T= T= T= T= (pagga) f. a large & big turban
T=l T=l T=l T=l T=l
! !! !!
(pagg) f. turban; under turban
~ UUY t~ uchhla) v.t. to defame, to
put to insult, to ridicule
T=l T=l T=l T=l T=l
z zz zz
(pagg) f. an amount paid as bribe or black
money for obtaining possession of rented shop
or house
T T T T T (pg) m. mischief; self invited trouble
~ Y t~ le) v.i.t. to pick up a quarrel; to
make mischief; to put oneself in trouble; to
poke one's nose for nothing, to interfere
= = = = = (pgharn) v.i. to melt, to deliquesce, to
flux, to fuse; to melt with pity, to thaw, to soften
= = = = = = = = = = (pgh) m. cradle, crib; baby cot
~ |JYU t~ hIlu) v.t. to rock the cradle
! ! ! ! !
(pch) m. member of a village council
(panchayat), panch
~ W|J |Yl S |Yl Jl HJl t~ keha bIll t
bIll h sah) prov. when all men say you are
an ass, it is time to bray
UHlYH(pchshl) m. five principles
HU (sarpch) m. headman of a village
council (panchayat)
z z z z z
(pch) m. punching or holes making tool, punch
U U U U U (pacha) m. digestion
U U U U U (pacha) v.i. to be digested, to be
U S U S U S U S U S (pachattar) m.& a. seventy five
U S= U S= U S= U S= U S= (pachattarva) a. seventy fifth
Uu H Uu H Uu H Uu H Uu H (pcham sur) m. the fifth note (in music);
the highest pitch
Uul Uul Uul Uul Uul (pcham) f. the fifth day of each half of a
lunar month
T ~ t- -- -- ng ~) f. a festival of snake worship
held in the month of Sawan (July-August)
HS ~ t- -- -- bast ~) f. a festival celebrated on
the fifth day of the bright half of Magh month,
spring festival
U U U U U (pachar) f. wedge, splinter, piece of wood or
U U U U U (pchar) m. puncture
U U U U U (pachar) m. a horizontal wooden piece in
the wheel of a bullock cart
U= H U= H U= H U= H U= H (pachvj) m.& a. fifty five
- -- --U=H= (pachvJva ) a. fifty fifth
UU/Um UU/Um UU/Um UU/Um UU/Um (pacho/ pacha) m. digestion,
digestive or consuming power
UU UU UU UU UU (pachu) v.t. to digest, to assimilate;
to absorb the embezzled money without being
punished or harmed; to bear equally
U|FS U|FS U|FS U|FS U|FS (pcha It) f. village assembly; village
council; village elders (collectively); Jury
~ mVH t~ afsar) m. panchayat officer
~ = t~ ghar) m. a particular place or building
(in the village) where meetings of panchayats
are held
U|FSl U|FSl U|FSl U|FSl U|FSl (pcha It) a. pertaining to panchayat
~ H t~ rJ) m. rule of the elected
representatives of a village
UHl UHl UHl UHl UHl (pachs) m. & a. eighty five
UHl= UHl= UHl= UHl= UHl= (pachsva) a. eighty fifth
UW UW UW UW UW (pachk) m. chewing sound, champ;
UW u t- -- -- pachke mrn ) id. to eat
noisily, to champ, to smack
U= U= U= U= U= (pachnva) a. ninety fifth
U= U= U= U= U= (pachnve ) m.& a. ninety five/ninety fifth
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (pacch) m.& a. twenty five
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= (pacchva) a. twenty fifth
U U U U U (pachchh) m. slight-cut, scarification; blood-
letting, gash, incision, punctured wound
U U U U U (pachh) m. a blow with the hind leg,
kick (of an animal)
U U U U U (pachchha) v.t. to scarify, to
USU =Y USU =Y USU =Y USU =Y USU =Y (pachhtu vl) a. repentant,
regretful, rueful, remorseful
USU USU USU USU USU (pachhtu) v.i. to repent, to regret,
to rue, to feel remorse
US = US = US = US = US = (pachhtv) m. repentance, regret,
remorse, rue, attrition, sorrow, penitence,
m USF |Wm JS, H |U=lm UT TFl HS (
ab pachhte kIa hot, Jab chIa chug ga
khet) prov. it is no use of crying over spilt
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (pachchham) m. west, occident
Uul Uul Uul Uul Uul (pachchham) a. western, occidental
~ H|FmU (~ sabhechr) f. western culture
~ H (~pnJa b) m. west Punjab
U= U= U= U= U= (pachhan) v.i. to miss the train, to lag
behind, to fall behind, to be late
U| =m U| =m U| =m U| =m U| =m (pachhe) a. backward, under-
developed; lagging behind; late
U=lm H lm ( pachha shrea ) f.
backward classes
U U U U U (pachh) f. distinguishing characteristics;
identification mark; recognition; identification;
acquaintance; recognition
~ WU l (~ karu) v.t. to introduce, to
H~(Jn ~) f. acquaintance, conversance,
familiarity; introduction
U U U U U (pachhn) v.t. to recognise, to identify;
to distinguish; to discern, to perceive
U = U = U = U = U = (pachh) f. down, throwing, fall
(wrestling); faint, swoon
U= U= U= U= U= (pachhna) v.t. to beat, to knock out
(boxing, wrestling etc.); to give a defeat, to
defeat; to surpass, to leave behind, to excel ;
to overthrow (in election)
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (pachchh) f. a small basket made of straw
or date leaves etc.
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (pchh) m. bird
~ Hl(~ sabdh) a. aviary
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. ornithology
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. ornithologist
U U U U U (pachchho ) f. west; west wind, westerly wind
H H H H H (paJJ) m. excuse, pretence, pretext
~ YU (~ lu) id. to make excuses, to
pose, to pretend
H H H H H (pJ) m. five
~ |FH (~ Ishnna) m. ablutions, lavation,
washing of five limbs
~ |FUlm (~dara) f. five senses, viz. eye,
ear, nose, tongue, skin
~ HY (~ sl) a. quinquennial, five yearly
~ H HY (~ so sl) a. quincentennial,
~ WW (~ kakr) m. the five symbols of Sikh
religion i.e. kachera, kara, kirpan, kes and
~ W (~ ko) f. a. pentagon; pentagonal
~ Tl (~ grth) f. a scripture of Sikh religion
containing five main composition i.e. Japuji,
Raihras, Kirtan sohla, Asa di var and Anand
~ TlJ= (~ ga) m. a game of five pebbles
played by girls
~ T (~ gu) a. five folds, five times
~ SS (~ tatt) m. the five basic elements viz.
earth, water, air, fire and ether
~ SS (~ ttar) m. a famous book of Sanskrit
containing moral stories for children
~ uH (~ namz) m. five prayers done by
Muslims (daily)
~ |m (~ pIre) m. the five persons baptized
by the tenth guru of Sikhs i.e. Bhai Daya Singh,
Bhai Sahab Singh, Bhai Himat Singh, Bhai
Dharam Singh and Bhai Mohkam Singh
~ FJ S (~ bhah tp) m. high temperature,
high fever
~ S (~ ratan) m. gold, silver, copper, pearl
and coral
~ S (~ ratn) m. mixture of five things
ritually put in the mouth of a dead person
~ Y= (~ la) a. of five strands (garland or
H= (pJava) a. fifth
Hl HSl (pJ satt ) adv. often, frequently
H UTYlm |=U |=U J (pJe ugla ghIo
vIch hoa ) id. to have bread buttered on both
H UTYlm Jl JUlm(pJe ugla
barabar nah hda ) prov. there are men
and men , but every stone is not a gem
H H H H H (pJ) m. hand (man); paw, claw (animals);
the mark of impression of paw; a tool used for
weaving carpets etc.; grip; fore part of a shoe
or foot
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to strike with paw, to
paw; to make a pounce, to pounce
~ Y=U (~ lau) v.t. to put up a good
~ YU (~ lu) v.i. to put finger prints
-J H Y (nahu pJe le) id. to quarrel
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (pJh) a. fifty
HJ= HJ= HJ= HJ= HJ= (pJhva) a. fiftieth
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pJb) f. language of Punjab, Punjabi
language; an inhabitant of Punjab
HlmS HlmS HlmS HlmS HlmS (pJbat) f. Punjabi culture and heritage;
Punjabi character
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (paJm) m. pair of trousers; drawers
U / U=lU ~ (ureb ~/chdr~)
m. tight trousers
J WJ ~ (pe k ~ ) m. trousers having
the cut of pent
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (pJl) f. yoke
~ TY (~ gal pe) id. to be yoked upon,
to be united in marriage
H=/H= H=/H= H=/H= H=/H= H=/H= (pJv/paJv) m. brick kiln, kiln
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pJ) f. five paisa coin; playing card with five
Hll Hll Hll Hll Hll (pJr) f. a nutritious preparation made of
flour fried in pure ghee and sugar and dry fruits
added to it
H H H H H (pJeb) f. tinkling silver/gold ornament worn
on the ankles by women; anklet
! !! !!
(pa) m. small plank; the place on the cart
where the driver sits and drives it
(pa) m. span, breadth; screen; sound made
by a falling object
(pa) m. silk; silky thread or yarn, silky cloth
(pa) m. thigh
(pa) m. leaf of a window or door, door-leaf;
roof beam
(pa) adv. quickly, immediately
JH JH JH JH JH (pasan) f. jute, flax

(paakk) f. sound produced by throwing an
object, sharp sound of impact as of slap or fall;
bang, slam, thud
adv. immediately, at once

(paka) v.t. to throw, to dash, to knock
JW W (patk ke) adv. throw with full
force, to strike or throw down with thud

(patk) m. small turban; cloth which is used
as waist-cloth, towel etc.
Ju Yl Ju Yl Ju Yl Ju Yl Ju Yl

(pamel) f. disaster, calamity
J l J l J l J l J l

(par) f. lead queen, first wed or
principal queen

(parol) m. petrol
~ (~ pp) m. petrol pump
J= J= J= J= J=

(pavr) f. duty or office of a Patwari
J=l J=l J=l J=l J=l

(pavr) m. village level accountant or
revenue official who maintains land records
and calculates land revenue
J= J= J= J= J=

(paa) m. small wooden board used for
sitting, wooden plank or board; wash board or
J=l J=l J=l J=l J=l
! !! !!
(paa) f. small and low wooden seat
J=l J=l J=l J=l J=l
z zz zz
(paa) f. railway line, rail road, railway;
path in the garden; path along and on the bank
of a water channel or canal
J=l J=l J=l J=l J=l
a aa aa
(paa) f. silver band worn by women
around the ankles
! !! !!
(pa) m. lease, lease-deed, mortgage deed
z zz zz
(pat) m. dog collar; band; a strap used for
the rotation of the machines ,belt; engine belt

(pak) f. sound produced by gun or slap,
~ JW (~ pak) f. repeated bang, repeated
adv. chatteringly; snap or crack as of whip

(paka) m. explosion; cracker

(pako) a. chatterer, talkative; smart

(par) m. basket made from bamboo, cane
or wicker
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl

(par) f. a small basket of wicker, cane or
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
! !! !!
(pa) f. bandage, gauze; strip, band of cloth
~ l (~ bn) v.t. to dress (wound), to
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
z zz zz
(pa) f. a kind of sweet made of sugar and
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
a aa aa
(pa) f. braid, plait
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
4 44 44
(pa) f. pentad of alphabet (as W=T,
J=T etc.1 wooden slate, tablet; plate (name
~ =U (~ paa u) id. to misguide/
mislead, to give wrong advice
~ uH W (~ mes karn) id. to spoil, to ruin,
to damage, to impair

(pashan) f. petition

(padr) a. striped, plaited
! !! !!
(pa) m. a type of rough, thick woollen cloth,
blanket or rug, baize
z zz zz
(patt) m. spoiler; dandy, fop

(pae) m. bobbed hair, short, dishevelled hair
~ Hm (~ surne) v.t. to brush or smoothen
one's hair, to comb; to improve one's looks/
J U J U J U J U J U (paedr) m. lease-holder, lessee, land
|S H |S H |S H |S H |S H,lY lY lY lY lY etc.

z zz zz
(pa) pref. indicating water
~ UWl (~ chakk) f. water-mill
~ l (~ dbb) f. submarine
~ |HYl (~ bIJal) f. hydro electricity, hydro
electric power

(pasl) f. an instrument for measuring
depth or rate of discharge of water
~ =lH (~ navs) m. an official who keeps
record of discharge of water

(pahran/pahr) f.&m.
=J =J =J =J =J

(pagha) m. water-point; place or quay
from where people collect drinking water

(pa) m. width of cloth

(pat) suff. a suffix used in place of Sl as

! ! ! ! !
(patt) f. good name or reputation, dignity,
honour, prestige, respect; chastity
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to save one's
~ YJl (~ lhu) id. to humiliate, to insult,
to dishonour/disgrace; to rape, to molest
~ YJ (~ lua) id. to molest, to rape
(patt) m. leaf
- S-S U (- patt-patt chhanna)id. to
search everywhere, to seek every nook
and corner

(patth) a. ignoble, without sense of
honour/ dignity, having no honour or respect;

(patg) m. kite
~ UU/ U=U (~ uu/ chahu)
v.i. to fly kite
ST H ( patgbz) m. kite-flier
ST Hl ( patgbz) f. kite-flying
S T S T S T S T S T (patg) m. moth, worm; spark, live coal
SK= SK= SK= SK= SK= (patJha) f. autumn; defoliation, fall of
S S S S S (patta) m. landing place on the bank of a
river for boats, quay, dock, wharf
J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul (paedr) f. leasehold
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (paol) m. fine silk cloth; beautifully dressed
up lady; a piece of silk cloth; doll's garment
~ (~ ban) id. to deck, to doll
Tlm JY (gua paole) m. a game
of dolls played by small girls; playthings, dolls
J J J J J (pah) f. a female kid (goat's), young goat
! !! !!
(pah) m. fodder, hay, any fodder plant, crop
or grass
=J ~ (ghh~) m. fodder, grass, forage
z zz zz
(pah) m. muscle, thew, sinew, tendon
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. myology
a aa aa
(pah) m. young one, child; young man,
youth, robust young man; trainee esp. young
UY U ~ (ull d ~) m. an inoffensive
abusive word; idiot, silly-fellow
a. wooden headed

(pah) m. an inhabitant of Alghanistan/
Pakhtoonistan, Pathan

(pahr) m. plateau, tableland

(pahor) m. young goat, kid (goat's)

(p) f. package, bale, bundle, pack; burden
load, sheaf
~ U Wl (~ chukka) id. to shoulder responsibility,
to take the burden of responsibility, to be
encumbered with responsibility

(pat) m. learned man, scholar, expert,
specialist; Brahmin, Pandit
a. erudite

(pt) a. learned, scholarly

(pt) f. scholarship, erudition, pedantry,
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(pt) f. wife of Pandit, Brahmin

(p) m. Brahmin priest cum teacher (guru)

(pl) m. pavilion, marquee, shelter erected
for a public meeting
l l l l l

(por) f. small village

(pa) suff. a suffix which when headed after
a word denotes abstract qualities as in
~ Y T (~ lagga) id. to achieve one's
destination/goal; to come to a conclusion
HS ~ U S (satt ~ d tr) a. experienced
, skilled, expert
SS SS SS SS SS (patat) a. degenerated, degraded
S U S U S U S U S U (patdar) m.&a. clever, naughty, cunning
person; foster father, forefathers
S S S S S (patan) m. fall, degradation, decline, downfall;
decay, decadence
SHlY SHlY SHlY SHlY SHlY (patanshl) decadent, fallible
SHlYS SHlYS SHlYS SHlYS SHlYS (patanshlt) f. decadence, fallibility,
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (patan) f. wife, better-half, female spouse
! !! !!
(pattar) m. letter, epistle; newspaper, journal;
paper, document
~ WY (~ kal) f. journalism; art of letter-
~ W (~ kr) m. journalism
~ W (~ prerak) m. correspondent, reporter
~ |=J (~ vIhr) m. correspondence
HU~ (sadd ~) m. invitation letter/card
Hl ~ (sdh ~) m. treaty
Hu~ (sanman ~) m. veneration letter,
welcome address
HuU ~ (sama cha r~) m. newspaper,
paper, tabloid, newsletter
Hl ~ (shuddh ~) m. corrigendum
HUl ~ (such ~) f. list of chapters of a
book, content
WTH ~ (kagaz ~) m. stationery; papers,
HH ~ (khoJ~) m. research paper
|U Jl ~/HS ~ (cht h ~/khat ~) m.
correspondence, communication
S= ~ (t ~) m. talipot
|SmT ~ (tIg ~) m. resignation
SH ~ (teJ~) m. leaves of Cassia tree used
as a spice, Cassia leaf
u ~ (parm ~) m. certificate,
| ~ (bIne ~) m. application, a written
request, request-letter
FH ~ (bhoJ~) m. birch bark (used as paper
by the ancients)
uHW ~ (msak ~) m. monthly magazine
or journal
u ~ (m ~) m. welcome address,
veneration letter
SW S / SW l (pattarkrt/
pattarkr) f. profession or art of journalism
! ! ! ! !
(pattar) m. leaf of a book, folio; thin plate
of metal, sheet; sheet of paper
z z z z z
(pattar) f. a medicine to cure snakebite
a a a a a
(pattara ) m. an yearly calendar which
consists statistical informations of the phases
of the Moon, tides, Sun etc., almanac
~ =U (~ vcha) id. to abscond, to flee;
to run away, to run off, to do a bunk
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
! ! ! ! !
(pattar) f. almanac, calendar
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
z zz zz
(pattar) f. plate of metal, small thin piece
of metal
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
a aa aa
(pattar) f. horoscope
SY SY SY SY SY (pattal) f. plate made of leaves, leaf, plate;
screen made of reeds or twigs
~ W V (~ kaha) id. a ceremony of
sending food to the bride or her relatives by
the bridegroom or his father before the meals
SY SY SY SY SY (patl) a. slim, svelte, thin, lean; transparent,
see-through, flimsy, sleazy, (cloth); delicate,
slender; not thick, diluted
~ JY (~ hl) m. bad state, plight
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to slim, to shed weight;
to dilute, to thin
~ ST (~ patg) a. very lean/thin, sinewy,
~ (~ pe) id. to be ashamed, to be
- UY ~ (dubl ~ ) a. weak, bony, skinny,
lean, thin, slim, bag of bones
SYl S|J (patl teh) f. thin layer, lamina,
(p1.) laminae
SY SY SY SY SY (patlpa) m. thinness, slimness,
SY SY SY SY SY (patlun) f. pantaloon, trousers, pent
S= S S= S S= S S= S S= S (patvt) a. respectable, reputable,
distinguished, honourable, noble
S= S= S= S= S= (patvr) f. helm, rudder
S S S S S (pat) m. address; whereabouts; knowledge,
information; discovery; residence, location,
~ WV/ YU (~ kaa/ lu) v.i. to
find out, to trace, to search out
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to enquire, to investigate
~ UH (~ dassa) id. to teach a lesson, to
settle a score
~ U (~ de) v.t. to inform, to intimate
~ Jl (~ nah ) ph. I do not know
~ Y T (~ lagga) v.t. to come to one's
knowledge; to realise; to get a lesson
~ Y (~ le) v.t. to call on, to enquire about
well being
J ~ (thoh ~) m. whereabouts, location,
residence, address
S Ul T Y (pate d gall) f. matter of
importance, important thing
YS (lpat) a. missing, untraced,
S S S S S (patt) m. leaf, tree leaf; playing card; piece
of cardboard (with medicinal tablets or capsules
or buttons affixed to it); small flat piece of metal
~ WJ (~ kaa) id. to dismiss, to oust, to
drive out
~ |JY (~ n hIl) id. no movement at
~ u (~ num) a. leaf-like, foliaceous
~ S (~ patt) adv. in a scattered state
~ u (~ mrn) ph. to play or throw card
id. to cheat, to swindle , to play trick
SH SH SH SH SH (pats) m. a kind of sweet-drop, sugar-
-l ~ (p ~) m. gol-gappa, pani-patasha
SY/SY Y W SY/SY Y W SY/SY Y W SY/SY Y W SY/SY Y W (patl/patl lok) m. Hades,
inferno; under world, nether-world
~ TT (~ gg) m. a mythical river of the
U= Ulm ~ u (uggh da ~ mrn) id.
to shoot the breeze, to talk absurd
SYl SYl SYl SYl SYl (ptl) m. forty-five
SYl= SYl= SYl= SYl= SYl= (ptlva ) a. forty fifth
SY SY SY SY SY (patl) m. testis, (pl.) testes, testicle
S= S= S= S= S= (patv) m. a thin inner sole of shoes, lining
of shoe-sole, clamp
|SmU |SmU |SmU |SmU |SmU (patIu) v.i. to trust, to rely, to
believe; to inveigle, to reassure
|SUJ |SUJ |SUJ |SUJ |SUJ (patIohr) m. brother of one's father-in-
law, uncle-in-law
|SS |SS |SS |SS |SS (patIt) a. sinner, degraded; fallen (in moral
or religious sense), apostate, corrupt, pervert
~ = (~ pvan) a. Redeemer of sinners
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (pat) m. husband, spouse, hubby; Lord,
suff. a suffix meaning owner as in prajapati
HSl, Y HSl etc.
~ Sl (~ patn) m. husband-wife, couple,
married couple, spouses
~ =S/u (~ vart/ dharam) m. fidelity to
~ =S/ S (~ vart / brat) m. faithful,
chaste, virtuous (wife)
U ~ (up ~ ) m. vice-chancellor
HFSl (sabhpat) m. president (of a
body), chairman
HSl (senpat) m. the highest military
officer, Commander-in-Chief
WYSl (kulpat) m. Chancellor
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (patt) f. share, partnership, cahoot; dry
leaves of tea, tea leaves; petal, small leaf; ward
(of a village)
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (pats) f. wife of husband's paternal uncle,
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (pats) m. an Indian sweet-meat prepared
from gram flour, ghee and sugar
SlH SlH SlH SlH SlH (patJa) v.i. to be persuaded, to trust in,
to be reassured, to confide in, to rely upon
SlY SlY SlY SlY SlY (patl) m. a wide mouthed metallic pot
made of copper, brass etc., a cooking pot, a
cooking vessel
S U S U S U S U S U (pattedr) a. foliage, leafy, foliaceous
S H S H S H S H S H(pattebz) a. tricksy, cheat, deceiver,
(path) m. path, way, course, track, road, route;
~ UHW (~ pardarshak) m. guide, leader,
path finder
~ UH (~ pardarshan) m. guidance,
(patth) m. medically prescribed diet, whole-
some diet
(pth) m. sect, cult; Sikh religion; custom
HYH ~ (khals ~ ) m. Khalsa panth/Sikh
religion, Sikh community (as a whole)
(pattha) v.i. to make cakes of cow dung;
to prepare bricks of wet soil; to thrive, to mould
(pathan) m. a large cake of clay; ugly
faced person
(patthar) m. stone; rock; adamant, stone
hearted; gem
~ US YWl (~ utte lakr) m. definite thing,
sure shot
ph. never failing truth
~ J H (~ ho J) id. to be stunned or
shocked; to become hard as a stone, to become
stone hearted
~ WY (~ kala ) f. an art of stone-cutting,
~ W J (~ ku) m. a labourer who breaks
stones, stone-breaker
~ == (~ gh) m. sculptor, stone-cutter,
stone-mason, stone-dresser
~ U J
(~ cha) m. a kind of herbal plant,
~ UJ
(~ cha) f. a species of fish, stone fish
~ U J
(~ cha) a. miser, penny-pincher,
~ U

(~ chhp) m. lithograph
~ |UY

(~ dIl) a. stone-hearted, hard-hearted,
~ Ul H

(~ d kh) f. stone quarry
~ = H

(~ p nazar) f. a look
superstitiously supposed to have the power of
inflicting injury or harm, evil eye
|FJ U H= ~ U (I d Javb ~ de)
id. tit for tat
|HY ~(sIl ~ ) m. flat stone sheet on which
spices are grounded
UWuW ~ (chakmak ~) m. a stone which
produces sparks when struck with any metal
or stone
-USl S ~ H (chhat te ~ rakkha) id.
to suffer patiently
- lJ ~ (n h ~ ) m. foundation stone
U U U U U (pathro) m. stone throwing, pelting with
U U U U U (pathru) v.t. to petrify, to fossilize;
to be dumb-founded, to be transfixed; to
become rigid/hard
l l l l l (patthar) f. a small stone; stone in kidney
or gall-bladder; a flat stone sheet on which the
cobblers make the shoes
U ~ (duddh ~ ) f. a grey soft stone which
is used as chalk (saleti) by children
lY lY lY lY lY (pathrl) a. stony, rocky
Y Y Y Y Y (pathalla) v.i. to turn over, to reverse;
to over turn
U Y- Y (uthal-puthal) f. disorder,
chaos, state of being topsy-turvy
~ uUU (~ machu) id. to create
disorder; to create utter confusion/ commotion
Y Y Y Y Y (pathall) m. squat
~ u W J (~ mr ke betha) id. to squat
== == == == == (pathv) m. place for making cow dung
(patth) m. wooden piece set in the lower
grindstone to fix the axle in it, or one set in the
hub of a wheel for the axle to rotate in it
U U U U U (pathu) v.i. to cause to get or assist
in getting something moulded with strokes of
hand (bricks, cow dung)
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (path) f. the work and wages for brick
l l l l l (pth) m. follower of a religious sect, disciple;
suff. a suffix meaning follower of the preceptor
of a panth as in 'Kabirpanthi', 'Gorakhpanthi'
(pather) m. brick-maker, brick-layer
! ! ! ! !
(pad) m. foot, foot-step
~ |U

(~ chnh) m. foot-print; foot-mark;
pugmark, trail, track (of animal)
~ US

(~ ya tr) f. journey on foot, pilgrimage
on foot
~ YH

(~ lekh) m. footnote
(pad) m. designation, rank, post, title
~ m|Wl

(~ adhIkr) m. officer
~ |SmT

(~ tIg) m. resignation; abdication
(pad) m. stanza, phrase, word, hymn, verse
~ UU

(~ chhed) m. verbal analysis, parsing,
separation of words
~ U

(~ rachn) f. syntax; morphology
~ U |=|Tm

(~ rachn vIgIn) m.

(padd) m. passing of wind loudly, fart
~ WV

(~ kadha) id. to frighten, to scare,
to terrify
~ u

(~ mrn) v.i. to pass wind, to fart

(padda) v.i. to pass wind, to fart; to
behave cowardly, to show fear or cowardice
U F = U F = U F = U F = U F =

(padd bhe) m. a kind of mushroom,
puff-ball, toadstool
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu
(padam) m. lotus, Prunus cerasoides
~ mH

(~ san) m. a posture of yoga
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu
(padam) a. one thousand billions
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu
(padam) m. mark on the foot; an emblem of
Vishnu; one of the Puranas (Hindu scriptures)
Uu H l

(padam shIr) m. an honour
bestowed by the Govt. of India to the
distinguished personalities; a title

(padam bhushan) m. an honour
bestowed by the Govt. of India to the
distinguished personalities which is higher than
the Padam shiri, a title
Uu |=F H

(padam vIbhushan) m. an
honour bestowed by the Govt. of India to the
distinguished personalities which is higher than
the Padam shiri and Padam Bhusan, a title
U== U== U== U== U==

(pdarv) m. a period of fifteen days;

(pdra) a. fifteen
- U=

(- pdrva) a. fifteenth; one out of the
fifteen equal shares
U=l U=l U=l U=l U=l

(padv) f. status, position, designation, rank,
post; title, appellation; dignity, place

(padarath) m. material, substance, matter;
riches, wealth; rare thing; food; thing, stuff,
~ |=|Tm

(~ vIgIn) m. material science
H|H ~

(khaIJ ~ ) m. minerals
USl ~

(chhatt ~ ) m. eatable things of
many kinds
U=U U=U U=U U=U U=U (padrathvd) m. materialism
U=Ul U=Ul U=Ul U=Ul U=Ul

(padrathvd) a. materialist

(padrthak) a. material
U=Yl U=Yl U=Yl U=Yl U=Yl

(padval) f. list of words; anthology of
Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul= Ul=

(pad) f. timid, coward; rapid succession
of farts; rout, stampede

(pdh) m. way, passage, path; distance, journey
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(paddht) f. system, method; custom,
practice, ritual

(paddhar) m. evenness, plane, smooth, level;
standard, status; norm, stratum

(paddhar) a. smooth, even, levelled, plain;
Hl= ~

(Jvan ~ ) m. standard of living
|H ~

(sIddh ~ ) a. simple, artless;
simpleton, foolish

(padhru) v.t. to make level, to make
even, equal or uniform

(padhrn) v.i. to arrive, to come, to enter;
to go, to depart, to set out, set forth

(pan) suff. a suffix to form abstract noun as
inY=W, Uetc.
U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl U Wl

(panchakk) f. water-mill

(panpa) v.t. to grow; to flourish, to thrive
(panh ) m. breadth (of cloth)

! !! !!
(pn) m. leaf, page, folio

z zz zz
(pn) m. a kind of green coloured stone,

(panh) f. refuge, shelter, asylum, protection
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl

(panh) a.&m. refugee, fugitive
l l l l l

(panr) m. cheese
ll ll ll ll ll

(panr) m. nursery plants, seedlings

(pp) m. pump, inflator; hand pump
= = = = =

(pappa) m. boxwood, boxtree, Buxus
=l =l =l =l =l

(pap) f. flake, crust, scab, incrustation
~ Kl

(~ baJJha) v.i. for crust/flake to form,
to incrust, to desquamate
lHl lHl lHl lHl lHl

(paps) m. a soft new leaf of peepal tree
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ

(papha) m. rain-bird
lS lS lS lS lS

(papt) m. papaya, Carica papaya

(papo) m. eyelid

(papol) v.i. to roll between tongue and
palate, to suck, to dissolve in the mouth

(pabb) m. fore part of foot, toes

(pabba bhr) adv. on one's toes

(pabb) f. pub

(pablIshar) m. publisher
|Y|HJl |Y|HJl |Y|HJl |Y|HJl |Y|HJl (pablIsI) f. publicity

(pablIk) f. public
~ Hl|WU J

(~ prskIar) m. public

(pablIkeshan) f. publication
l l l l l

(pabb) f. high ground, table land, plateau,

! !! !!
(par) m.&adv. last year; next year

(~ parr) m. year before last year
a. many years ago

(par) m. feather, wing
- U

(- pardr) a. winged

(par) conj. but, however, yet, still, nevertheless

(par) pref. as in 'par nari' tl1,

t1, 'perupkar' tU W1, indicating
foreign, not own
~ U W

(~ upkr) m. helping others, altruism,
benevolence, benefaction, beneficence,
~ UWl

(~ upkr) a. altruistic, benevolent,
beneficent, benefactor, philanthrope

(~ dhan) m. other's wealth or property
~ l

(~ nr) f. female other than one's own
~ H

(~ purkh) m. male/man other than
one's own husband

( parlok) m. the next world, the other
world, the here-after
~ |H

(~ sIdhrn) m. to breathe one's
last, to expire, to die, to pass away
l l l l l

(pardhn) a. under subjection

(pars) m. purse

(prashsak) a. & m. one who appreciates,
admirer, laudator, adulator

(prashs) f. praise, appreciation, admiration,
applause, laudation, commendation, acclamation,
~ Wl

(~ karn) id. to admire, to praise, to
command, to laud
~ UT

(~ yog) a. admirable, praise-worthy,

(prasg) m. context, reference, topic;
discourse, story, parable, anecdote

(parsa) v.t. to feel, to touch; to worship

(prastv) m. motion, proposition, proposal,
suggestion; resolution; essay
H|Sl H|Sl H|Sl H|Sl H|Sl

(parsthIt) f. circumstance, situation;
condition, state; atmosphere

(prashan) m. question; problem; query,
~ |U

(~ chnh) m. question-mark,
interrogation mark; doubt
~ S

(~ pattar) m. question paper

(~ml) f. list of question, questionnaire

(prasn) a. happy, glad, pleased, delighted;
satisfied, contented
~ W

(~ karn) id. to please, to appease, to
~ |US

(~ chIt) a. happy, glad, delighted

(prasnt) f. happiness, gladness, delight,
pleasure; satisfaction, contentment
H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl

(prashnval) f. questionnaire, list of

(parspar) a. mutual, reciprocal, respective
adv. with one another, with each other, mutually
~ H

(~ sabdh) m. interrelation
~ |W|m

(~ kIrI) f. interplay, interaction
~ |=J

(~ vIhr) m. reciprocity, intercourse
~ |=l

(~ vIrodh) a. contradictory

(parshsak) m. administrator, governor,

(parshsan) m. administration, government,

(parsd) m. blessing, grace, favour,
kindness, boon, gift

(parshd) m. food offered to an idol/ deity;
meal; consecrated food
W=J ~

(kah ~ ) m. sweet pudding made
of flour, sugar and ghee offered to a deity or to
sri Guru Granth Sahib in the Gurudwaras

(parshd) m. chapati; meal

(prasr) m. expanse, transmission,
propagation, extension, spread, increase, rise,

(prasran) m. broadcast, broadcasting,
transmission, telecast, propagation; propaganda,

(prasarIt) a. broadcast, telecast
|H |H |H |H |H

(prasIddh) a. famous, eminent, renowned,
well-known, celebrated, reputed, prominent,
|H l |H l |H l |H l |H l

(prasIddh) f. fame, eminence, renown,
celebrity, reputation, distinction

(parst) m. maternity, parturition, child birth,
~ Hl

(~ sabdh) a. obstetric, parturient,
~ H l |=|Tm

(~ sabdh vIgIn) m.
~ =

(~ prav) a. prenatal
~ |=|Tml

(~ vIgIn) m. obstetrician

(parst) f. a woman who has just delivered
a child
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl

(parst) a. pertaining to delivery, obstetric,

(parso) m. the day before yesterday; the day
after tomorrow

(parhez) m. prevention, forbearance,
temperance, abstinence, avoidance,
refrainment, self-control, self-restrain,
precautionary measures (against illness),

(badparhez) f. intemperance
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu

(parkarm) f. circumambulation; going
round a holy place as a mark of reverence

(praksh) m. light, day-light, luminance,
illumination; mental or spiritual awakening; open
state of the Sikh scripture sri Guru Granth Sahib

(prakshak) m. publisher

(prakshat) m. published

(prakshan) m. publication
(parkr) m. pair of compasses; callipers
(parkr) m. kind, sorts, category, variety;
manner, way, mode; species
adv. in certain way

(parkIrtIk) a. natural; inborn, innate
|WSl |WSl |WSl |WSl |WSl

(prakIrt) f. fundamental qualities of a
person, nature, habit, temperament; nature,
manifest world, cosmos, universe
| W| m / | W| m | W| m / | W| m | W| m / | W| m | W| m / | W| m | W| m / | W| m (parkIrI/prakIrI) f.
process, procedure, action, working, operation

(parkh) f. test, examination,inspection trial;
the ability to assess or judge, valuation;
~ U |Uu H u

(~ d nIyam Ja mp) m.
criterion, measure
~ =U Y/ =SY

(~ pachol/ pata l) f. critical
review; scrutiny, investigation, enquiry
|H ~

(nIrkh ~) f. examination, test, trial;

(parkha) v.i. to examine, to test, to
inspect, to scrutinise; to evaluate, to review

v.i. to get something tested or tried
H=Fl/HFl H=Fl/HFl H=Fl/HFl H=Fl/HFl H=Fl/HFl

(parkhv/parkh) f. process
of scrutiny; charges for investigation
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(parkh) f. pointed scoop used to extract
specimen of contents of gunny bags

(parga) a. apparent, manifest, clear, evident,
revealed, visible, conspicuous, obvious, overt

(pargat u) v.i. to express, to put into
words, to manifest, to reveal, to expose, to
show, to uncover, to divulge
TJ m/ TJ = TJ m/ TJ = TJ m/ TJ = TJ m/ TJ = TJ m/ TJ =

(pragat a/pragat v) m.
manifestation, show, revelation, display;
expression (of emotion or feeling)

(pragat) f. progress, advancement, growth,
~ HlY

(~ shl) a. progressive, developing
~ =U

(~ vd) m. the principles and practices
of progressist, progressivism
~ =Ul

(~ vd) a. progressive, relating to
progressivism, based on principles of

(prach) a. violent; fierce, direful; terrible;
passionate, vehement, tremendous, intense;
forceful, mighty, powerful

(prachalIt/parchalIt) a. current,
prevalent, in vogue, prevailing; customary,

(parch) m. question paper, examination-
paper; newspaper, tabloid; magazine (an issue
of); F.I.R.; summon, warrant; bill, invoice

(~ kau) v.i. to lodge a complaint
(in the police station)
~ WV

(~ kadh a) v.t. to start publication
of a newspaper or a magazine
~ U

(~ de) v.t. to take or to appear in
examination; to inform, to acquaint
~ U

(~ bau) v.t. to set a question
mHl ~

(arz ~) m. a petition or an

(parche dekha) v.t. to check
or mark answer sheets

(parchu) v.i. to divert; to amuse, to
entertain; to console, to assuage
UU l UU l UU l UU l UU l

(parchu) f. an act of expressing
sympathy to a bereaved family, condolence

(prachr) m. preaching; publicity, propa-
ganda, propagation, spreading of a religion
m|uS ~

(mrIt ~) m. Sikh baptism
u ~

(dharam ~) m. preaching of a
religion, missionary, religious preaching

(prachrak) m. preacher; propagandist,
U= U= U= U= U=

(parchv) m. means of diversion, pastime;
entertainment, amusement
u ~

(man ~) m. entertainment,
amusement, diversion
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul

(parch) f. slip, chit; ballot paper; a ticket of
lottery; receipt

(parchn) m. groceries; retail, retail trade
~ WJSl

(~ kat o t) f. retail discount
~ uY

(~ mull) m. retail price
~ = l

(~ vapr) m. grocer, general
merchant, retailer

(parcho) f. acquaintance, knowledge; fame,
U= U= U= U= U=

(parccha va ) m. shadow, shade; reflection,
image; a disease of infants; influence of evil
~ VY

(~ hal) v.t. for shadow to lengthen
~ Y

(~ n le) id. to hate someone, to
keep at arm's length

(parJ) f. subjects, people, public
~ S S

(~ ttar) f. democracy, republic,
republican or democratic form of Govt.
~ SSl

(~ ttr) f. democratic, republican
~ Sl

(~ pat) m. the Creator of the Universe,
Brahma; God; King; one who makes earthen
wares, potter

(pra) m. solemn promise; pledge, vow
u u u u u

(pram) m. greeting or salutation
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl

(parl) f. system; method, manner,
! ! ! ! !
(parat) f. layer, stratum; fold, ply (of cloth
etc.); lamina (of rock, metal etc.); veneer
- -- --S =Y

(parta va la )a. layered, laminated
z z z z z
(parat) f. copy, transcript, reproduction,
a a a a a
(parat) v.form. turn, come back
~ mU

(~ u) v.i. to come back, to return

(partakkh) a. apparent, obvious, visible,
manifest, evident, perceptible
~ W

(~ karn) v.i. to manifest, to reveal, to
demonstrate, to make evident
~ |Tm

(~ gIn) m. perception, perceptual
~ UH

(~ darshan) m. clear view or sight
~ u Jl

(~ n pramn nah ) ph. good
wine needs no bush, evident reality needs no proof
~ u

(~ pramn) m. clear evidence, positive

(partakkhvd) m. positivism
S H=Ul S H=Ul S H=Ul S H=Ul S H=Ul

(partakkhvd) a. positivist

(parta) v.i. to turn, to return, to come

(parttar) a. slave, under subjection,
subdued, dependent
S= S= S= S= S=

(partva) a. returnable, refundable, meant
to be returned; folded, turned back; returned,
given back

(partu) v.t. to give back, to return; to
refund, to pay back; to invert, to reverse, to turn

(pratp) m. magnificence, fame, glory;
energy, brilliance, splendour; influence; dignity;
kindness, greatness, warmth
SH ~

(tez ~) m. glory; fame; influence;
S l S l S l S l S l

(pratp) a. glorious, celebrated,
magnificent, majestic, famous, dignified,
|S |S |S |S |S

(pratI) pref. a prefix which when headed
before gives the opposite meaning as in
|SW Y, |SW

|S|Tm |S|Tm |S|Tm |S|Tm |S|Tm

(partIgI) f. pledge, vow; oath, promise,
| S YW | S YW | S YW | S YW | S YW

(pratIplak) m. Rearer, God, the

(pratIpla) m. bringing up, nurture,
maintenance, rearing, fostering
|S |S |S |S |S

(pratIbdh) m. restriction, constraint; ban,
prohibition; curb; condition
|S| |S| |S| |S| |S|

(pratIbb) m. reflection, image, shadow

(pratIbh) f. genius, talent, intellect,
~ HYl

(~ shl) a. talented, intelligent,
intellectual, genius
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(prat) pref. a prefix which when headed
before gives the meaning of every as in
Sl|U, Sl H W= etc.

(pratk) m. symbol, emblem, signifier, sign,

(pratktmak) a. symbolic, symbolical,

(pratt) m. faith, belief, trust, good-will;
~ J

(~ ho) id. to seem, to appear, to look
~ W

(~ karn) v.i. to establish, to ascertain
SlSl SlSl SlSl SlSl SlSl

(pratt) f. appearance
- SlSl

(- be partt) f. disbelief, distrust,
Sl| Sl| Sl| Sl| Sl|

(pratnIdh) m. representative, delegate
Sl | S Sl | S Sl | S Sl | S Sl | S

(pratnIdht) f. representation,

(prath) m. custom, practice, convention,
system, tradition

(pradesh) m. region, province, state, territory,
part of a country

(pardes) m. abroad, foreign country
- -- --UHl

(pardes) m. stranger, alien; a person
from other country, foreigner; out landish, exotic

(pradeshak) a. regional, provincial,

(pradhn) m. president, chairman; chief,
head; chairperson, principal
~ uSl

(~ mtr) m. prime minister
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl

(pradhng) f. work and post of president,
presidentship, chairmanship, headship
a. presidential
~ =J

(~ ghoaa ) id. to over awe, to daunt
~ FH

(~ bhsha) m. presidential address,
presidential speech

(parn) m. a piece of khadi cloth used as
towel or loin cloth

(parnu) v.i. to marry, to wed, to get
someone married

(parnl) m. outlet for roof water,
gargoyle, gutter
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl

(parnl) f. system; method, manner,
technique; drain, gutter

(parno) m. promissory note, not of hand

(parpakk) a. firm, steady, mature,

(parpakkat) f. firmness, steadiness,

(parpch) m. imposture, deceit, treachery,
fraud, falsehood, ostentation; the intricate
phenomenal world, phenomena

(parpar) f. tradition, convention, custom,

(parpargat) a. traditional,
conventional, customary
=U =U =U =U =U

(parparvd) m. conventionalism,
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul

(parparvd) a. conventionalist,
traditionalist, conservative
= YS = YS = YS = YS = YS

(praphullat) a. flourished, prosperous,

(parbat) m. hill, mountain, mountain range, rock
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(parbat) a. hilly, mountainous

(prabdh) m. management, administration,
H ~

(rJ~) m. administrator, manager,

(prabdhak) m. administrator, manager,
organiser, executor

(prabal) a. intense, acute; forceful, strong,
powerful, mighty; violent; dominant
l l l l l

(prabn) a. efficient, expert, skilful, proficient,
accomplished, dexterous, adept

(prabht) f. dawn, morning, early morning
~ = l

(~ pher) f. an early morning nagar
kirtan procession
F = F = F = F = F =

(prabhv) m. influence, sway; effect,
impression, impact
~ HYl

(~ shl) a. influential, impressive,
dominant; effective; inspiring
~ Jl

(~ h) a. unimpressive, uninfluential,
~ H S

(~ khetar) m. sphere of influence,
~ =U

(~ vd) m. impressionism

(~ vd) a. impressionist, impressionistic

(parbhvat) a. affected, influenced,

(prabh) m. God, Master, Lord
u u u u u

(param) a. paramount, supreme, ultimate,
highest, absolute; best; extreme, uttermost
~ mTS

(~ aget) adv. top priority
~ H S

(~ satt) f. the Supreme Power,
Ultimate-Reality, God, the Almighty
~ J H

(~ hs) m. a title for ascetics of the
highest order
~ U=

(~ dev) m. the Supreme being, God
~ H

(~ purkh) m. God, the Supreme being,
the Almighty
~ =lUW

(~ vrchakkar) m. a special medal
given to military officers/officials as gallantry
award, Paramveer chakra
u u u u u

(pram) m. testimony, proof, authenticity,
evidence; quotation, illustration; example
~ S

(~ pattar) a. proved, certified, authentic
uS uS uS uS uS

(parmat) a. proved, certified, authentic
u u u u u

(parm) m. atom, molecule

(~ bb) m. atom bomb, atomic bomb,
nuclear bomb
~ UT

(~ yug) m. atomic age/era, nuclear age
uSu uSu uSu uSu uSu

(parmtm) m. the Supreme soul, God,
the Almighty, the Ultimate Reality
~ UJ Ul HJ|FS WU J H ml HJ|FS m
WU J(~ uhna d sahaIta kard he Jo a p
sahaIt ap karde han) prov. God helps those
who help themselves
~ |UU J S U == W |UU J(~ dda he ta
chhppar ph ke dda he) prov. When God
wills all winds bring rain
u U u U u U u U u U

(parma nd) m. the highest pleasure, bliss;
God, Lord
u u u u u

(parmrth) m. the best end or objective;
tension; regard, respect
=J =J =J =J =J

(pravh) m. flow, current, stream
HY ~

(Jal ~) m. an act of making a thing
flow in the water, immersion
=H =H =H =H =H

(parvz) f. flight
= = = = =

(parvn) m. the act of acceptance
a. accepted, approved, granted, sanctioned
~ W

(~ karn) v.i.t. to approve, to accept,
to sanction
~ U=

(~chahn) v.i. to get acceptance, to
mature; to reach completion, to be finalised
=Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl

(parvng) m. approval, acceptance,
acknowledgement, sanction
=S =S =S =S =S

(parvnat) a. accepted, acknowledged;
approved, sanctioned
= = = = =
! !! !!
(parvn) m. moth
= = = = =
z zz zz
(parvn) m. ardent/dedicated lover
= = = = =
a aa aa
(parvn) m. written message/ command/
order, note; warrant
= = = = =
(parvr) m. family, household
T ~

(bg ~) m. family, household
- -- --=W

(parvrak) a. pertaining to family
= = = = =
(parvr) m. corona, halo, aura
|=S |=S |=S |=S |=S

(parvIrt) a. inclined, engaged, engrossed
|=Sl |=Sl |=Sl |=Sl |=Sl(parvIrt) f. inclination, bent, tendency, trend
= H = H = H = H = H

(pravesh) m. entry, entrance; admission,
~ Um

(~ dur) m. entry, entrance, entry-way
~ S

(~ pattar) m. entry permit, gate-pass;
T|J ~

(greh ~) m. house-warming
= HW = HW = HW = HW = HW

(praveshk) f. primer, introduction,
foreword, preface; elementary primer
Hl ~

(pJb ~) f. Punjabi primer,
elementary Punjabi

(parh) m. assembly, society; row, line, array;

(pareh beh) v.i.t. to ambush,
to lay ambush

(parha ) adv. beyond, at a distance, out of sight,
further on, away, far, apart
~ (~ parha) adv. at a distance, indicating
religious-pursuit; salvation, liberation,
uW uW uW uW uW

(parmrathak) a. pertaining to supreme
end, moral or spiritual
ul ul ul ul ul

(parmrth) a. a seeker of ultimate
reality, virtuous, saintly
|uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ

(parmI) m. permit, permission
u H u H u H u H u H

(pramukkh) a. paramount, main, head,
highest, supreme, pre-eminent
u H u H u H u H u H

(parmeshar) m. the Almighty, the Supreme
being, God, the Supreme Soul

(prayog) m. usage, use, application;
experiment, experimentation
~ HY

(~ shl) f. laboratory
~ =U

(~ vd) m. experimentalism, empiricism
~ =Ul

(~ vd) a. experimentalist, empiricist

(prayoJan) m. motive, purpose, aim, object,
intention; interest, an axe to grind

(parl-parl) adv. constant falling of water
or tears or blood; of speech (fast)

(parl) a. of the other side/hand, farther,
comparatively distant; next in order
UY ~

(url ~) a. rag-tag, superfluous,
UYlm Ylm u

(urla parla ma rn)
id. to talk absurd, to talk tall, to exaggerate

(parle darJe d) a. extreme

(parlo) f. wide spread calamity; dooms day,
final destruction or end of the universe, dissolution
uJ ~

(maha ~) m. annihilation, total
devastation; great calamity

(parlok) m. the next/other world, the
~ |H

(~ sIdhrn) id. to expire, to die, to
pass away, to breath one's last
~ H m

(~ surn) id. to ensure good
comfort and happiness in the next world by
good deeds
YW ~

(lok ~) m. this and the next world,
both the worlds
=H =H =H =H =H

(parvs) m. migration, emigration
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl

(parvs) m. migrator, migrant, emigrant
=J =J =J =J =J

(parvh) m. concern, care, attention; anxiety,
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (prym) m. a breathing exercise of
yoga, a system of breathing exercise and
regulating respiration
l l l l l (pr) m. living being, living, animate; person,
man or woman
a. living, animate, alive
~ |=|Tm

(~ vIgIn) m. zoology
~ |=|Tml

(~ vIgIn) a. &m. zoologist
l l l l l (par) f. a stick to drive bullocks
S S S S S (part) f. a large kneading plate having lofty
corners, large brass kneading dish
S S S S S (prat) m. province, territory
SW SW SW SW SW (pratak) a. provincial, territorial
U U U U U (parad) m. a three strand hair tying braid
used by females for braiding hair
l l l l l (pardhn) m. under subjection,
subservient, subject, slave, dependent
l S l S l S l S l S (pardhnt) f. subjection,
subservience, slavery, dependence
S S S S S (prpat) a. acquired , obtained , attained,
received, achieved, gained
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (prpat) a. receipt; attainment,
achi evement ; gai n, pr of i t , benefit;
acquisition; advantage
T T T T T (prpeg) m. propaganda, publicity
(parr) m. year before last year; year after
next year
W W W W W (prrthak) m. applicant, petitioner,
supplicant, suppliant
(prrthan) f. request, supplication,
petition, entreaty, prayer
~ S

(~ pattar) m. written request,
application, petition
F F F F F (prrbh) m. beginning, commencement,
inception, start
FW FW FW FW FW (prrbhak) a. preliminary, initial;
elementary, beginner
Y Y Y Y Y (parlabadh) f. destiny, fate, luck, fortune
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (parl) f. straw of paddy
| | | | | (parI) pref. a prefix giving the meaning of all
round completeness and excess etc. as in
off, away, beyond, far off, separate
U J U J U J U J U J (paro h) m. an Indian shallow fried thick
chapati inlaid with butter/ghee or stuffed
(vegetables etc.)
|Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm (pare) a. belonging to someone else,
not one's own
m. stranger, alien, foreigner, unacquainted
|Ful |Ful |Ful |Ful |Ful (pra Imar) a. primary, basic, elementary
~ HW Y

(~ sakl) m. primary school;
elementary school
Fl=J Fl=J Fl=J Fl=J Fl=J (pra ve) a. private, individual; confidential,
secret; not public, unofficial
~ |Fu|SJ

(~Imtehn) m. private
H|US H|US H|US H|US H|US (prschIt) m. expiation, repentance,
penitence, atonement
H WJH H WJH H WJH H WJH H WJH (prspekas) m. prospectus
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW(prsrrk) a. metaphysical; supernatural
~ mW (~ akr) a. astral body
J J J J J (para hu) m. guest; son in-law; husband,
~ Ul (~ chr) f. hospitality, hospitableness,
generous reception of guests
|W S |W S |W S |W S |W S (prkrIt) f. an old Indian language and
mother of modern languages, name for Middle
Indo-Aryan language, Prakrit
|WSW |WSW |WSW |WSW |WSW (prkrItak)a. natural
T T T T T (parg) m. pollen
T T T T T (parg) m. sweets etc. fried in one lot
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (prchIn) a. old, ancient, primitive, antique,
(pr) m. breath, vital air, life force; strength,
vigour, vitality; life, soul
~ H HW J

(~ khushk ho) id. to get
frightened, to be scared
~ U

(~ chhaa) id. to breathe one's
last, to die, to expire
~ U (~ de) id. to give up life, to sacrifice
one's life

(ne ~) m. all parts of the body,
body as a whole
parikarma,paripakk etc.
|HlY ( prspal) m. principal; principle
=FlH ~ (vs ~) m. vice-principal
| J | J | J | J | J (pr) m. print, printing
~ m

(~ rar) m. print-order
| J | J | J | J | J (prar) m. printer
| |J T | |J T | |J T | |J T | |J T (prg) f. printing
~ H

(~ pres) m. printing press, printing
| =l | =l | =l | =l | =l (prIthv) f. earth, ground, land; world
| U | U | U | U | U (prd) m. bird
|FHW |FHW |FHW |FHW |FHW (parIbhshak) a. definitive
|FHS |FHS |FHS |FHS |FHS (parIbhshat) a. defined
|FH |FH |FH |FH |FH (parIbhsh) f. definition
|=S |=S |=S |=S |=S (parIvartan) m. change, alteration;
transformation; conversion (religion, party etc.)
l l l l l (par) f. very beautiful lady, graceful woman;
fairy, nymph
J ~

(hura ~) f. most beautiful woman,
highly graceful lady
l | HmW l | HmW l | HmW l | HmW l | HmW (parkhIak) m. examiner, tester;
l|Hm l|Hm l|Hm l|Hm l|Hm (parkhe) f. examination, exam; test,
experiment, order, trail; investigation
~ S(~pattar)m.question paper, examination
l | Hm l l | Hm l l | Hm l l | Hm l l | Hm l (parkhIrth) m. candidate,
lS lS lS lS lS (prt) f. love, affection, attachment, fondness,
amour; devotion, adoration
~ W|= (~ kv) m. romantic poetry, love poetry
~ Ul (~ pu) v.i.t. to fall in love (with),
to love, to fall for
~ F=/F= (~ bhv / bhvn) m. & f.
sentiment of love, affectionate feeling
~ lS (~ rt) f. the ways or traditions of love
lSu lSu lSu lSu lSu (prtam) a. most dear, dearest
m. beloved, lover; paramour; husband, master,
lSl lSl lSl lSl lSl (prt) f. love, affection, attachment, fondness,
~ FH (~ bhoJan) m. feast, social party
V V V V V(parf) m. proof
~ l (~ rar) m. proof reader
TYl ~ (ge l ~) m. galley proof (in printing)
(pare) adv. at a distance, aside, far away;
beyond, on the other side
~ S (~ to pare) very far, beyond this, far
H H H H H (pareshn) a. disturbed, perplexed,
confused; depressed, distressed, harassed
J ~ (he rn ~) a. dumb founded,
amazed, aghast, surprised, wonder-struck
H l H l H l H l H l (pareshn) f. disturbance, trouble,
confusion, perplexity
(pare) f. parade, drill
S S S S S (pret) m. evil spirit, fiend, ghost, goblin
~ mSu (~ tm) f. wandering soul or spirit
~ H (~ pJ) m. demonolatry
~ |= |Um (~ vIddI) m. demonology,
demonism, necromancy
FS ~ (bht ~) m. evil spirit, ghost, goblin,
u u u u u (prem) m. love, affection, fondness; romance,
~ WJl/ W (~ kah/ kath) f. love story,
romantic tale, romance
~ WJ (~ kuh) a. lovesick, lovelorn
~ HY (~ Jl) m. love snare
~ S (~ pattar) m. loveletter, billet-doux
~ (~ b) m. cupid's arrow or barb
~ FTSl (~ bhagt) f. devotional worship
~ F= (~ bhv) m. emotion of love/affection;
intimate, deep friendship
~ H (~ ras) m. ecstasy of love
uW uW uW uW uW (premak) f. beloved, darling, sweet-heart
ul ul ul ul ul (prem) m. lover, beau, paramour; devotee
a. devoted
W W W W W (prerak) a.&m. motivator, prompter, inspirer,
abetter; instigator
|W|m ~ (kIrI ~ ) f. verb causative
/ / / / / (prer/parerna ) f. motive,
motivation, prompting, inspiration; instigation
v.i. to instigate; to inspire, to encourage, to
momently, momentarily
~ Y (~ pal) adv. every moment, every-
instant, constantly
Y ~ (palo ~) adv. every moment,
~ Yl (~ pal) adv. in a moment, instantly, in a
trice; continuously, constantly
Y HS Y HS Y HS Y HS Y HS (palasstar) m. plaster; a mixture of cement
and water that is applied on a wall/ceiling
YH J YH J YH J YH J YH J (palse) m. the act of turning side while
lying down, body turn
! !! !!
(palak) f. eyelid, eyelash; flash, blink;
moment, instant, twinkling of an eye
~ KW/ KuW (~Jhapk/ Jhamk)
v.i. to blink, to wink, to nictate; to sleep for a
short while, to doze off
~ YUl (~ lu) v.i. to sleep for a while, to
doze off
YW S |JU/YW |=UU (-palka te
bIthu/palka vIchhu) id. to welcome
whole heartedly, to receive warmly; to wait
anxiously (for)
z zz zz
(palk) f. side cloth piece/scarf used for
dressing sri Guru Granth Sahib/ Sikh scripture
YW YW YW YW YW (palkr) m. moment, jiffy, very short time,
instant; twinkle of an eye, wink
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T (palagg) m. plug
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (palgh) m. bed, sleeping couch
~ S= (~ to) m. a kind of sweetmeat made of
milk and sugar, milkcake
~ lJ= (~ ph) m. beds, furniture etc., given
to the bride in her dowry
Y = H Y = H Y = H Y = H Y = H (palghposh) m. bedcover, bedspread,
YU YU YU YU YU (palcha) v.i.t. to be allured, to be
tempted; to bite (meat from bone); to stick to,
to get entangle
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (palJ) m. a radius turning on a pivot used
by carpenters instead of a compass
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (pala) f. battalion, infantry; regiment,
~ Ul YJ (~ d pala) a. large numbers,
all; the entire battalion
|S |S |S |S |S (prerIt) a. motivated, induced, inspired,
encouraged; instigated, incited
(parere) a. beyond, at a distance
H H H H H (pre s) f. printing press; press, iron; paper, journal
~ W=H (~ kanphars) m. press-conference
~ Wl (~ kp) f. press-copy
~ J (~ no) m. press-note
~ |J (~ rIporar) m. press-reporter
W|JH W|JH W|JH W|JH W|JH (pre kIs) f. practice, habit
W|JH W|JH W|JH W|JH W|JH (pre kIshnar) m. practitioner
WJlWY WJlWY WJlWY WJlWY WJlWY (prekkal) m. practical
H H H H H (parosa) v.t. to serve, to set the dining
H H H H H (paros) m. food distributed to relatives &
friends on some ceremonial occasion
JS JS JS JS JS (parohat) m. Brahmin, family priest
W Y ~ (kul ~) m. the priest of a particular
family who performs the religious rites and rituals
H ~ (rJ~ ) m. the priest who performs
the religious rites & rituals of the royal family
H H H H H (parokhe) a. invisible, out of sight; secret,
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (progrm) m. programme
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (pron) m. protein
|U H |U H |U H |U H |U H (proIsar) m. producer
(paro) v.t. to thread, to string beads and
flowers etc.
Hl ~ (s ~) v.t. to sew clothes, to stitch
V H V H V H V H V H (profesar) m. professor
Y Y Y Y Y (parol) m. a cloth used for wiping a mill-
stone, a duster for a mill; a piece of dirty cloth,
dirty linen
= = = = = (pro) a. mature, matured, adult, full grown
~ m=H (~ avasth) f. maturity, adultness,
= S = S = S = S = S
! !! !!
(pro t) f. confirmation, affirmation,
= S = S = S = S = S
z zz zz
(prot) f. maturity, adultness, adulthood
Y Y Y Y Y (pal) m. moment, second, a short period of
time, twinkling of an eye
~ Ul Y (~ d pal) adv. in a minute, instantly,
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (pala) v.t. to turn over, to over turn; to
return, to go back; to convert; to capsize; to
U YJ ~ (ula ~) v.t. to turn upside down
SS ~ (takht ~) v.t. to topple, to over
throw, to dethrone
|U ~ (dIn ~) id. to thrive suddenly, advent
of good days/luck
H ~ (ps ~) id. to have a change of
fortune; to have change of situation; to turn
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (pal) m. turn, overturn; spatula, turner;
revolution, coup; a trick in wrestling; change;
retaliation; alteration; conversion
~ H (~ kh) v.i. to overturn, to be over
YJU YJU YJU YJU YJU (palu) v.i. to cause to turn; to give
back, to exchange; to reverse, to return; to alter,
to change
Y Y Y Y Y (pal) m. to be brought up/reared,
nourished; to rot, to decompose; to get fat, to
fatten; to grow, to develop
Y Y Y Y Y (palatth) m. a game of gataka, sword-play,
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (palatth) f. squatting, cross legged sitting
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (pald) m. bundle, parcel, packet, package,
Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu (palma) v.i. to flourish, to blossom; to
hang, to dangle
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (pal) m. pan of a balance or scale, scale-
pan; side
~ Fl J (~ bhr ho) id. to be in a
stronger position, to have the upper hand
Y Y Y Y Y (pal) f. large ladle (for oil etc.)
Y Y Y Y Y (pall) m. veil, mask, cover; the skirt of shirt;
scarf or the long cloth with which women cover
their head, stole; shutter of a door
~ W (~ karn) id. to veil, to draw a head
cloth over one's face
~ UU (~ chhuu) id. to get rid of
~ K= (~ Jhn) id. to show inability to
help; to express lack of money
~ == (~ phan) id. to be dependent (on),
to attach oneself to
~ ==U (~ phau) id. to entrust
someone to
~ ==Fl (~ pha) f. ritual giving of the corner
of bridegroom's scarf into the bride's hand at
the occasion of marriage
~ UU (~ bachu) id. to keep one self
aside, to be aloof, to save one's skin
Y ( palle pe) id. to understand;
to apprehend; to get, to obtain; to be in lot of
(for relations)
|YU |YU |YU |YU |YU (palleo) adv. on one's own, out of one's
own possession, spent out of one's own pocket,
from one's own pocket
YU YU YU YU YU (palo) m. spiced fried rice cooked with
|HmYl ~ WU (khIl ~ paku) id.
to build castles in the air, to build castles in
Y|F Y|F Y|F Y|F Y|F (palI) m. running away, escape
~ =U (~ vd) m. escapism
YFl YFl YFl YFl YFl (pal) f. ply
~ = (~ v) f. a kind of wood, plywood
YH YH YH YH YH (pals) m. pliers
YH|JW YH|JW YH|JW YH|JW YH|JW (palsIk) m. plastic
~ HHl (~ sarJar) f. plastic-surgery
YWl YWl YWl YWl YWl (palk) f. a spring from the ground upon
horse back, sitting astride esp. on horse back
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (palgh) f. jump, stride, long step, leap,
~ Jl (~ pua) id. to take a forward step
or stride, to step out
lY ~ (pl ~) m. a kind of children's game
which is played with the help of a wooden rod
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (pal) m. piece of land, plot; conspiracy,
plot; plot (of novel, story etc.)
Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y (pal/pal) m. a saddle used
on a pack-animal like camel, horse etc., pack-
saddle, saddle for camel's back, caparison
|Ym/|Ym |Hm |Ym/|Ym |Hm |Ym/|Ym |Hm |Ym/|Ym |Hm |Ym/|Ym |Hm (pale/palea po sea) a.
reared up, brought up; grown up, young, healthy,
stout, well built
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (pal) f. a small ladle for oil, also used for
measurement of oil
~ Yl H= (~ pal Joan) id. to save every
penny, to save up, to amass in small quantity
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (pall) f. big sheet of sack cloth gunny used
for carrying pods of hey, fodder etc.
YlS YlS YlS YlS YlS (palt) a. filthy, defiled, unclean, impure dirty;
polluted, impure, profane; evil, wicked
YlS YlS YlS YlS YlS (palt) m. igniting charge, torch, the match
of a gun, guncotton, wick or fuse; detonator
~ YU (~ lu) id. to ignite a fuse, to fuse,
to detonate; to incite, to provoke
Y T/Y Hl Y T/Y Hl Y T/Y Hl Y T/Y Hl Y T/Y Hl (paleg/palrJ) f. an infectious
disease transmitted by rats, plague
! !! !!
(pale) f. plate
~ =u (~ phrm) m. platform, railway-
u ~ (nem ~) m. name plate
z zz zz
(pale) m. pleat, fold, plait
~ U (~ pu) v.i. to pleat, to fold
Y J/Y Jl U Y J/Y Jl U Y J/Y Jl U Y J/Y Jl U Y J/Y Jl U (paleh/paleh d) a. eldest ,
first born (child)
Y Y Y Y Y (paletha) m. dry flour rolled over dough
while making chapati
~ YU (~ lu) id. to overstate, to
Y Y Y Y Y (palethaa) v.i. to besmear, to smear all
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (palledr) m. labourer whose occupation
is to weigh, fill stack or load grain, labourer
Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul (palledr) f. the work or the wages of a
Y Y Y Y Y (palen) m. plain
Y Y Y Y Y (palen) f. plan, scheme, project
Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl (palo) f. a fold formed by doubling the
fabric, pleat, fold
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (palosa) v.i. to caress, to fondle, to
persuade; to rub gently, to stroke; to appease
one's anger
=T =T =T =T =T (pavrag) m. group of labial consonants of
Gurmukhi alphabet
|= S |= S |= S |= S |= S (pavIttar) a. pious, holy, sacred; pure, clean,
unpolluted; chaste, saintly; virgin
|= SS |= SS |= SS |= SS |= SS (pavIttart) f. piety, holiness, sacredness;
purity; cleanliness; chastity, chasteness;
= = = = = (pa) pref. a prefix which when headed before
a word gives the meaning of predecessor or
grand-father, = S (great grand-son)
=U Y =U Y =U Y =U Y =U Y (pachol) f. investigation, inquiry,
verification; criticism, renew, research
=U Y =U Y =U Y =U Y =U Y (pachola) v.i. to investigate, to verify,
to inquire into; to criticize, to review, to
=U Yl m =U Yl m =U Yl m =U Yl m =U Yl m (pachol) m. critic, reviewer;
investigator, researcher
=U Sl =U Sl =U Sl =U Sl =U Sl (pachhatt) f. shelf high along a wall;
cornice, mantel, mantelpiece
=U =U =U =U =U (pachh) m. fragment, splinter
~ YJ (~ lhu) v.i. to splinter, to split
=S =S =S =S =S
! !! !!
(pat) f. good name, goodwill, honour,
=S =S =S =S =S
z zz zz
(pat) f. reading
=S =S =S =S =S
a aa aa
(pat) f. cost price
=S =S =S =S =S
4 44 44
(pat) f. fall
=S =S =S =S =S (pat) m. fair price, genuine price, cost
=SY =SY =SY =SY =SY (patl) f. investigation, enquiry, checking,
verification, scrutiny, search
HU ~ (Jach ~) m. investigation, inquiry;
=SY =SY =SY =SY =SY (patl) v.i. to investigate, to make
inquiries, to search, to look into
=U =U =U =U =U (pad) m. curtain, screen; veil, burqua,
purdah; concealment, privacy, secrecy; ear-
drum, membrane, septum, vellum (ear); eyelid
(of eye) ; drop-curtain-(theatre)
~ UJ (~ utha) v.t. & id. lifting of the
curtain, to be revealed, to be uncovered
~ UJU (~ uthu) v.i.& id. to lift or raise
the curtain, to inaugurate; to expose a secret,
to reveal
~ |HU (~ khIccha) v.i. & id. to draw the
curtain; to cover up, to hush up, to suppress or
conceal facts
~ HY (~ khulha) id. to expose a secret,
to let the cat out of the bag
~ |T (~ gIran) v.i. falling of the curtain
after a scene or at the end of the play
=UU =UU =UU =UU =UU (padd) m. paternal great grand-father,
father's grand-father
=U JS/=U JS =U JS/=U JS =U JS/=U JS =U JS/=U JS =U JS/=U JS (padohtar/padoht) m.
great-grand-son from daughter' s side,
daughter's grand-son
= = = = = (pan) v.i. to read, to study, to get
education; to learn, to recite
~ |YH (~ lIkha) v.i. to read and write, to
= = = = = (pann) m. maternal great-grand father,
mother's grand-father
=u/== =u/== =u/== =u/== =u/== (panm/panav) m. pronoun
=J V Y =J V Y =J V Y =J V Y =J V Y (papaa hol) m. a person who
cannot keep any secret; a tattler
= S/= S = S/= S = S/= S = S/= S = S/= S(papotar/papot) m. great
grand-son, son's grand-son
==U ==U ==U ==U ==U (pavu) v.i. to make to tear, to have
something torn
= =U = =U = =U = =U = =U (pahvu) v.i. to have something
being read or recited
==Fl ==Fl ==Fl ==Fl ==Fl (pav) f. the work or the wages for
tearing or rending
==Y ==Y ==Y ==Y ==Y (pavl) m. trichiasis, entropion, disease
of eyelids
= = = = =
! !! !!
(pa) m. roll or bundle (of yarn or string)
= = = = =
z zz zz
/=U /=U /=U /=U /=U (pa/pao) m. halt, stay; halting
place, encamping place; destination, goal
= U = U = U = U = U (pahu) v.i. to make to read, to have
someone educated; to teach, to educate
Jl ~ (pa ~) id. to misguide, to mislead
= Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl (pah) f. education, study; tuition, teaching
= W = W = W = W = W (pahak) a.&m. studious; student
== == == == == (pav) m. something (stone, wooden-piece
or brick) put under the leg of a cot, table etc.
in order to raise its level; support, prop, stand
=l =l =l =l =l (pa) f. installation of an engraved stone/
slab (with names etc.) at religious places
~ Ul (~ pachchh) f. a basket used for
keeping cotton-rolls for spinning purpose
= H = H = H = H = H (paos) m. neighbourhood; vicinity,
surrounding, neighbours (collectively)
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl (paos) m. neighbour
(p) m. one fourth part of a seer (an old Indian
weight), quarter of a seer, a little less than one-
fourth of a kilogram
(pa) f. a disease of skin, itch, scabies
U U U U U (pu) v.t. to obtain, to attain; to wear, to
put on; to acquire, to receive
- -- -- Y W (-p l ke) adv. after make-up
|FYJ |FYJ |FYJ |FYJ |FYJ (paIla) m. pilot
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (p) f. the smallest old Indian coin which
part of a rupee approximately 1/2 of
new pice, pie (an Indian copper coin now
~ Fl U |JH (~ pa da hIsb) m. complete
account, whole account
Flm Flm Flm Flm Flm (p) m. quarter
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (pp) f. a round pipe of iron, glass, brass
etc., pipe; cigar
F U F U F U F U F U (pedn) m. footmat, doormat
F U F U F U F U F U (pedr) a. durable, lasting; reliable,
(ps) adv. near, close by
z zz zz
(ps) a. passed, cleared (in examination)
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to pass (test, examination),
to be successful
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to pass (test,
a aa aa
(ps) m.pass, permit; signal to allow overtaking
~ U (~ de) v.i. to issue pass/permit; to
give signal to allow overtaking
4 44 44
(pas) a. accepted, approved
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to approve/sanction
~ H (~ ps) adv. near, close by, near by, in
the vicinity
~ W (~ bukk) f. pass-book
T J ~ (ge ~) m. gate-pass, a pass for
entrance, entry-pass
HW /H T HW /H T HW /H T HW /H T HW /H T (psk/ pa sg) m. make weight,
counter poise, counter balance; a small bit, a
little, a small quantity
~ =l J (~ v n ho) id. to be unequal,
to be of no match
H J H J H J H J H J (pspor) m. passport
HY HY HY HY HY (psl) a. alien, stranger; belonging to a side
! !! !!
(ps) m. side; direction, line, course, facet,
aspect; either half of a human or animal body
esp. the area around the waist; a layer or side
of the cloth; phase, dimension; coin or dice;
face; way
~ YJ (~ pala) id. to turn the table; to
have a change of fortune
~ u|m H (~ mre J) v.i. to suffer a
severe attack of paralysis
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to turn the side, to change
side, to roll over to one's side
~ =J (~ vaa) id. to put off, to side-step
H U= (pse udhen) id. to beat
severely, to give a thrashing
~ (~ parne) adv. on one side, side ways,
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to toss and turn, to
turn from side to side
v.i. to jostle, to shove
(ps) m. slab of pure gold
H H H H H (pso) prep.from, by
conj. than
J/J J/J J/J J/J J/J (ph/ph) m. the act of rinsing cloth
in a solution of alum before dyeing; mordant
~ U=l (~ chahn) v.i. to be well-dyed
~ U= U l (~ chahu) v.i. to rinse in
mordant id. to influence, to tamper
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to be influenced
J|m J|m J|m J|m J|m (phrI) f. hue and cry, out cry, shouting
in pain, clamour
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (phul) f. an initiation rite of sikhs;
consecrated drink during this rite; nectar of
~ HV (~ sf) a. unpolluted, clean; honest, innocent
~ Uu (~ dman) a. chaste, virtuous,
unblemished (usually for women)
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. pure-hearted, pious, pure at
heart, innocent, kind-hearted
~ |=S (~ pavIttar) a. holy, sacred, chaste
! !! !!
(pk) a. holy, sacred, chaste; pure, clean,
unpolluted, undefiled, clear
(pk) m. purulence, purulencey, pus,
~ l (~ pe ) v.i. to suppurate, for pus to form
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (pka) f. pocket
WJu WJu WJu WJu WJu (pkamr) a.&m. pick-pocket
W= W= W= W= W= (pkva) a. suppurating, septic; ripening
W W W W W (pk) m. suppurating boil; septicemia, pyemia
WlHTl WlHTl WlHTl WlHTl WlHTl (pkzag) f. purity, piousness, piety,
chastity, sacredness, purity, cleanliness
WlH WlH WlH WlH WlH (pkz) a. chaste, pious, holy, sacred
TY TY TY TY TY (pgal) a.&m. mad, lunatic, insane; fool,
foolish, silly; maniac, crazy, berserk
~ H (~ khn) m. mental hospital/home,
lunatic asylum; mad house, bedlam
m ~ (addh ~) a. half mad; duffer, dull
TY TY TY TY TY (pgalpa) m. insanity, madness, mental
derangement, lunacy; craziness, mania, phobia, craze
UW UW UW UW UW (pchak) a. digestible, digestive
m. digestive medicine
U U U U U (pchan) m. digestion, assimilation
~ HWSl (~ shakt) f. power of digestion
~ |W|m/ Yl (~ kIrI/pran l) f. digestive
! !! !!
(pJ) m. secret, mystery
z zz zz
(pJ) m. hypocrisy, falsehood, pretension,
outward show
a aa aa
(pJ) m. gliding or plating
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pJ) a. mean, wicked, vile, base, hypocrite
J J J J J (p) m. stretch, span, width, breadth (of river,
stream, cloth etc.); hiatus, gap
J J J J J (pa) v.i. to be torn/tattered; to crack,
to split, to burst; to bifurcate, to diverge (for
path, road)
U ~(duddh ~) v.i. to turn sour (milk)
|Jm (pe pur) a. ragged,
tattered, old and torn, worn out, old (garment)
J H J H J H J H J H (pe kha) a. proud, haughty, arrogant,
boastful, foppish, braggart
J = J = J = J = J = (ptodh) f. disunity, disunion, rift
J J J J J (ph) m. recitation of scriptures; lesson,
chapter of text book; reading; text
~ HY (~ shl) f. school, seminary
~ W u (~ kram) m. syllabus, curriculum, course
of study
~ HSW (~ pustak) m. textbook
~ H (~ pJ) f. worship, prayer, routine rituals
mH ~ (akh ~) m. recitation of
scriptures (non-stop)
HJ ~ (spa ~) m. a kind of path in which
a specific shabad is recited repeatedly in the
beginning or at the end of each (shabad) sholaka
HSJ ~ (sapth ~) m. recitation of a sacred
scripture ending on the seventh day
H ~ (sadhran ~) m. recitation of
sacred scripture according to one's will and
time not to be finished in a fixed period
HY ~ (khullh ~) m. see sadharan path
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (ph) m. reciter/reader of a sacred scripture;
reciter of sri Guru Granth Sahib (a sacred Sikh
(pa ) m. priest of Hindu pilgrimage; Brahmin
priest cum teacher, Pandit; scholar, learned
man; fortune-teller
l l l l l (pa) m. carrier, porter, labourer, coolie
(pa ) m. a kind of white marl soil, pale white
clay; pale white layer of earth
-|Yl (pau-lIp) f. original draft or
writing, manuscript
l l l l l (p) m. water, aqua, H
O; watery
substance, drool; liquid; extract, juice; climatic
influence, climate; plating, polish; whey
~ J (~ hr) m. water-carrier, servant
~ U=U (~ chahu) v.i. to plate, to gild,
to nickel
~ U Y Y (~ d bulbul) m. bubble of
water; vesicle ephemera/ transient thing
~ Ulm H (~ da khea ) f. aquatic sports,
~ U (~ de) v.i. to water, to irrigate
~ l (~ dh) m. refreshments
~ u T (~ n mga) id. to die
~ |WY (~ nIkal) v.i. for water to ooze,
to leak
~ l J (~ p ho) id. to be ashamed of,
to feel embarrassed, to suffer humiliation or
~ |= (~ phIrn) id. to gain weight, to
become healthy
~ F (~ bharn) v.i. to draw/ fetch water
id. to submit, to yield, to succumb; to be no
match to, to be very much inferior to
~ |=W (~ rIka) id. to plough the sands;
to make futile effort
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to gain good health
~ =T (~ varg) a. watery, wishy-washy;
cold, chilled; humble, unpretentious, modest
~ = (~ vrn) v.i. to perform ritual of
welcoming a newly-wed couple by groom's
mother in which she drinks water after touching
the heads of the newly-weds
~ |=U ul (~ vIch madh) ph. useless
argumentation, futile effort
|H S H == ~ (sIr te so ghae ~ pe)
id. to be highly ashamed of, to be abashed, to
be highly humiliated
|H ~ Y = (sIro ~ lgha) id. to be
beyond patience, to cross the limit of
WY ~ Ul HH (kle ~ d saza) m. exile,
HJ =|Fm ~ (khh navI ~) m. fresh
water; lukewarm water
~ (po ~) m. climate, weather
=W ~ (phok ~) m. simple water, plain
water; mere/ only water
|uJ ~ (mIh ~) m. lemonade
SHJ SHJ SHJ SHJ SHJ (ptshh) m. an honourable word used
for Sikh Gurus; king, emperor, monarch,
HU ~ (sacche ~) m. God, the Almighty,
Lord, the Sikh Gurus
SHJl SHJl SHJl SHJl SHJl (ptshh) f. kingdom, empire, kingship,
dominion, rule; any of the ten Sikh Gurus
SW SW SW SW SW (ptak) m. impiety in the family after the
death of a family member (prevalent in
Hindus); misdeed, sin
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (pta) m. a person who lives on the bank
of a river; ferryman, boatman
! !! !!
(ptar) a. deserving, worth, fit
- -- --SS (ptart) f. merit, worthiness
z zz zz
(ptar) m. character, actor, dramatic-person
~ UHl (~ usr) f. characterisation
a aa aa
(ptar) m. receptacle, vessel
a. deserving, worthy, fit, eligible
|=H=H ~ (vIshvs ~) m. faithful, reliable,
l l l l l (pth) f. cake of cowdung, cowdung-cake
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (pa dr) f. Christian priest or preacher,
padre, clergyman, parson, pastor, bishop, cleric
(padh) m. teacher, master; Brahmin; priest,
pundit; astrologer
l l l l l (padh) m. traveller, way-farer, passenger

! !! !!
(pn) m. betel leaf
- -- --U (pndn) m. a box or container in
which betel-leaf, lime-paste, betel nut etc. are

z zz zz
(pn) m. the suit of heart (in playing cards)
(pp) m. sin, evil, vice, peccancy, impiety, immoral
crime/offence, immorality, guilt, fault, villainy
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to commit sin, to sin
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (ppln) f. a kind of soft cotton cloth, poplin
= = = = = (ppa) m. thin, crisp, spiced salty flake made
from rice or pulse, sago etc.
~ = Y (~ vel) id. to undergo many
hardships; to change many occupations
m ~ (b ~) m. sweet and sour thin layered
cake of mango pulp, mango flake
=Y ~ (phul ~) m. thin crisp, salty flake
made of rice
=l =l =l =l =l (ppa) f. a variety of thin, small and salted
(pp) m. papa, father, dad, daddy
l l l l l (pp) a. sinner, evil-doer, peccant, criminal
U U U U U (pbd) a. regular, punctual; bound, committed
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (pbd) f. regularity, punctuality; commitment,
binding; check, ban, restriction, curb
(pr) adv. otherside of river, road etc., across,
beyond, on the far side, trans
m. opposite bank, far side, other end; limit, bound
~ US (~ utr) m. salvation, redemption,
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to cross, to ferry over;
to finish, to accomplish
id. to kill, to murder
~ U (~ pu) v.i.t. to have complete
knowledge of
~ Y= (~ lgha) v.i. to cross the river; to
take across; to get salvation, to get redemption
H H H H H (pras) m. touch stone; an imaginary touch-
stone which changes the iron into gold,
philosopher's stone
HY HY HY HY HY (prsal) m. parcel
|HHJ ~ (raJIsar ~) m. registered parcel
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (prs) a. Zoroastrian, Parsee
W W W W W (prk) m. park
H H H H H (prkh) m.&a. connoisseur, expert, assayer,
judge, critic, evaluator
J J J J J (par) m. part, role
J J J J J (parnar) m. partner
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (pr) f. party, team, faction (political or game
etc.); group, side; tea party, reception, party, feast
JlH JlH JlH JlH JlH (prshan) f. partition; partitioning wall
JlH JlH JlH JlH JlH (prtbz) m. partisan, factionary, cliquish
JlHl JlHl JlHl JlHl JlHl (prtbz) f. partisanship, factionalism,
UHl/UHW UHl/UHW UHl/UHW UHl/UHW UHl/UHW (prdarsh/prdarshak) a.
transparent, diaphanous; pellucid, clear
Ylu J Ylu J Ylu J Ylu J Ylu J (parlme) f. Parliament
(pr) m. quicksilver, mercury, hydrargyrum
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to become angry, to
get enraged, to become hot, to lose temper
= = = = = (prvr) m. farthest limits, complete
knowledge; extent, vastness, entirety; opposite
(pro) adv. from the other side of the river,
opposite shore of the river
Y Y Y Y Y (pl) f. line, queue, row; the act of ripening
the fruit by artificial means (chemicals)
! !! !!
(plak) f. spinach, Spinacid oleracea
z zz zz
(plak) m. Nourisher, Protector, Sustainer,
Fosterer (God)
YWl YWl YWl YWl YWl (plk) f. palanquin, sedan chair, litter; kiosk
like seat for holy scripture
Y Y Y Y Y (pl) v.i. to nourish, to foster, to bring
up; to obey, to carry out, to observe
YS YS YS YS YS (plt) a. domesticated, pet, tamed, tame
Y Y Y Y Y (pl) m. chill, cold, coldness; winter; frost;
fear (caused by on account of one's own actions)
|YH |YH |YH |YH |YH (plIsh) f. polish
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
! !! !!
(pl) m. cow-boy, cowherd, shepherd, grazier
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
z zz zz
(pl) f. an ancient Indian language, Pali
= = = = = (pvan) a. pious, pure, sacred, sanctified,
holy; Redeemer, Consecrator (God)
= = = = = (pvar) f. power, energy, strength; electricity
= = = = = (pv) m. leg of bed stead or a piece of furniture
= = = = = (p) m. a hole in a wall made by a thief;
breach, gap, hole, hiatus, opening; split, rift
= = = = = (pn) v.i. to rip, to tear, to rend; to
separate, to split; to cause a breach, to divide,
to cleave; to gash, to slash, to dissect
U ~ (duddh ~) v.i. to make the milk
sour, to curdle
= = = = = (p) m. breach; cleft, split; a space between
the banks of a river; gap between the two
= S H W (po te rJ karo) ph. divide
and rule
= = = = =
! !! !!
(ph) m. brown spotted dear
= = = = =
z zz zz
(ph) m.&a. student, learner; studious
|U |U |U |U |U (peo) m. father, papa, begetter, daddy
~ U (~ d) a. pertaining to father, paternal;
~ UU/ UU (~ dd/dde) m. forefathers,
ancestors, progenitors
|U U |U U |U U |U U |U U (peud) f. graft, grafting, allogames
~ YUl (~ lu) v.t. to graft, to inculate
|U Ul |U Ul |U Ul |U Ul |U Ul (peud) a. grafted, inculative
|m |m |m |m |m (pe) a. lying; sleeping
|mU |mU |mU |mU |mU (peu) m. water booth for serving free
water; place for drinking water
|mU |mU |mU |mU |mU (peu) v.t. to make to drink; to water;
to serve water
|mH |mH |mH |mH |mH (pIs) f. thirst; craving, yearning, longing
|mH |mH |mH |mH |mH (pIs) a. thirsty, athirst; desirous, wishful, avid
|mW= |mW= |mW= |mW= |mW= (pIka) a.&m. drunken, boozy, drunkard,
quaffer, fond of drinks
|mH |mH |mH |mH |mH (pIz) m. onion, Allium sativum
|mHl |mHl |mHl |mHl |mHl (pIz) a. of the colour of onion, light pink;
|mU |mU |mU |mU |mU (pId) m. footman, pedestrian; foot soldier,
infantryman; court messenger; pawn (in chess)
~ =H (~ phoJ) f. infantry, unmounted troops
|m |m |m |m |m (pIno) m. a musical instrument, piano,
|m |m |m |m |m (pIr) m. love, affection; regard; kiss (of a
child); caressing with palm on the head of a
younger one or a child (a token of affection)
~ mS HT |=U HF WK H|FH JU J(~ ate Jg
vIch sabh kuJh JaIz hd he ) prov. every
thing is fair in love and war
|m |m |m |m |m (pIr) a. dear, darling, beloved, apple of
one's eye; lovely, lovesome, precious, pleasant
|mY |mY |mY |mY |mY (pIl) m. cup,bowl, mug; goblet
H U ~ (sabar d ~) m. patience,
endurance, tolerance
Ju ~ (ham ~) m. fast friend, intimate friend,
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ(pIsan) m. piston
|HJY |HJY |HJY |HJY |HJY (pIsal) m. pistol, revolver
|H |H |H |H |H (pIsa) v.i. to be grounded, to be powdered,
to be pulverised; to be over burdened, to be
over worked; to be oppressed
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (pIst) m. pistachio, pistachio nut, pistacia vera
~ T (~ rg) m. light green colour, pistachio
|HS Y |HS Y |HS Y |HS Y |HS Y ( pIstol) f. pistol, revolver
|H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U (pIsvu) v.t. to get something grinded,
to make to grind, crushed or powdered
|HFl |HFl |HFl |HFl |HFl (pIs) f. grinding; charges for grinding
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (pIshch) m. fiend, demon, evil spirit
|HUl |HUl |HUl |HUl |HUl (pIshch) a. fiendish, impish, demonic;
huge, gigantic
f. name of an ancient language
|H |H |H |H |H (pIshb) m. urine, piss
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. urinary
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to urinate, to piss, to
stale ( for animals)
~ JHJ (~ e s) m. uroscopy
~ Ul Yl (~ d nl) f. urinary passage, urinary
|H= (pIshbghar) m. urinal; stale (of
|H |H |H |H |H (pIss) m. flea, Siphonaptera
~ H/ (~ pe Je/ pe) id. to be
worried, to be concerned, to be afraid
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (pIhu) v.t. to get something grinded;
to make to grind
|WU |WU |WU |WU |WU (pIkchar) f. picture, film
|WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ |WJ (pIka) f. picket; picquet
|W|J T |W|J T |W|J T |W|J T |W|J T (pIktg) f. picketing
|W|W |W|W |W|W |W|W |W|W (pIknIk) f. picnic
| TY | TY | TY | TY | TY (pgal) m. prosody
| TY== | TY== | TY== | TY== | TY== (pgalv) m. an asylum for the
handicapped, disabled and crippled, house for
| TY | TY | TY | TY | TY (pgal) a. cripple, lame, disabled, knock-
kneed; leper
|=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y (pIghal) v.t. to melt, to liquefy, to
dissolve, to deliquesce; to become emotional,
to be moved
|UW |UW |UW |UW |UW (pIchka) v.i. to shrivel, to be squeezed,
to deflate shrink; to contract
| UW U | UW U | UW U | UW U | UW U (pIchka u) v.t. to squeeze, to
compress, to press; to cause to shrivel or shrink
or contract
|U|Wm uJ (pIchkI m h) m. cavernous
|UWl |UWl |UWl |UWl |UWl (pIchkr) f. big syringe, squirt
| U | U | U | U | U (pIchchh) f. water of boiled rice, rice water
|UY T |UY T |UY T |UY T |UY T (pIchhlagg) a. & m. follower, henchman,
hanger-on, lackey, protege; born of former
husband and accompanying the mother on her
|UY |UY |UY |UY |UY (pIchhal) a. previous, former; last, latter;
hind, rear, back; past; posterior; consequent,
subsequent; by gone antecedent
~ |J (~ pehar) m. latter part of the day,
evening; the afternoon of one's life
|UYl S (pIchhl rt) f. later part of the
|UY l ( pIchhle per ) adv. back at
once, retreating immediately
|U== |U== |U== |U== |U== (pIchhv) m. back side, rear, back (of
a house etc.)
|U== |U== |U== |U== |U== (pIchhve) adv. in the rear,at the back,
| U | U | U | U | U (pIchchh) m. chase , pursuit; past,
background; back, rump, posterior; ancestral
background, pedigree
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to follow , to chase, to pursue
~ U (~ chhaa) id. to leave one alone,
to stop following someone
~ UU (~ chhuu) id. to get rid of, to
shake off (someone)
mT ~ (agg ~) m. front and back; result,
out come
|U=l |U=l |U=l |U=l |U=l (pIchh) f. rear, rearward, backside,
behind; a horse's heel-rope; in the past
| U | U | U | U | U (pIchchhe) adv. & prep. at the back of,
behind; after; for; in the past
~ JJ (~ha ) id. to retreat, to retrogress,
to move back; to turn one's back upon; to with
~ U (~ chhaa) id. to leave behind,
to surpass
~ |HJ (~ Jehe) adv. sometime ago, sometime
~ S (~ to) adv. from behind; ex post facto
~ |U (~ pIchchhe) adv. at one's heels
~ H/ (~ pe J/ pe) id. to be
after someone; to harass, to torment; to pursue,
to follow; to persecute
~ |= (~ phIrn) id. to run after, to dangle
~ |J H (~ reh J) id. to lag behind, to
hang behind, to hang off
~ YT |J (~ lagge reh) id. to tail after,
to be after
~ YU (~ lu) id. to make follower, to lead
mT ~ (agge ~) adv. one after another, in
a row; around
|UJ |UJ |UJ |UJ |UJ (pIchhah) adv. at the back side, at the rear
of; behind; at a distance
~ |HU (~ khIcch) a. backward, orthodox,
conventional; regressive, retrogressive, retrograde
|U S |U S |U S |U S |U S (pIchhetar) m. suffix, postfix, affix
|U S |U S |U S |U S |U S (pIchhet) a. occurring after due time, later,
late; sown late
|U |U |U |U |U (pIchho ) adv. after, subsequently, afterwards,
later; from behind, at the back,
|U W= |U W= |U W= |U W= |U W= (pIchhoka) m. antecedents, background;
context; rear part, rearward
|U W |U W |U W |U W |U W (pIchhok) m. ancestry, pedigree, lineage
| H | H | H | H | H (pJa) v.t. to card (cotton); to belabour,
to thrash, to beat badly
| Hl | Hl | Hl | Hl | Hl
! !! !!
(pJa) f. carding machine, carding bow
| Hl | Hl | Hl | Hl | Hl
z zz zz
(pJa) f. calf, shank, lower part of leg
| H | H | H | H | H (pJar) m. skeleton, carcass; bony fellow, very
lean fellow; ribs collectively
HW W ~ J (sukk ke ~ ho) id. to be
reduced to skeleton
J lm U ~ (haa d ~) m. a mere
skeleton, a very lean and thin person
| H | H | H | H | H (pJar) m. cage
| HU | HU | HU | HU | HU (pJu) v.t. to get carded (cotton)
| HFl | HFl | HFl | HFl | HFl (pJ) f. the work or wages for carding
| J | J | J | J | J (pIa) v.t.& id. to lament by beating the
breast, to beat the breast; to raise a dispute, to
make a quarrel
~ uWU (~ muku) id. to settle up, to
settle the matter; to finish a task
~ (ro ~) v.t. & id. to lament, to
bewail; to raise a hue and cry
| J |Hm (pI sIp) m. weeping and
wailing, lamenting
|JJU m (pIpa) m. weeping and
lamenting; dispute, quarrel
| J | J | J | J | J (pIh) f. posterior part of the body, back,
backside; backrest
~ UJY UH (~ ohle pardes) prov. out of
sight out of mind
~ J W (~ hok) id. to buck up, to
encourage; to pat on the back
~ S J (~ te ho) id. to be at the back of,
to back up, to support
~ |UHUl(~ dIkhu) id. to show the white
feathers, to turn one's back upon
~ Ul (~ de) id. to turn one's back upon, to
turn tail, to betray, to deceive
~ (~ parne) adv. on one's back
~ |U (~ pIchchhe) adv. behind one's back,
in the absence of
~ u= (~ mon) id. to leave in the lurch, to
turn one's tail; to have one's backup
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to lose the game, to
be defeated
~ YUl (~ lu) id. to give defeat, to defeat
~ |=U U u (~ vIch chhur mrn) id.
to stab in the back
|J-m W |J-m W |J-m W |J-m W |J-m W (pIh-ka) m. endorsement
| J | J | J | J | J
! ! ! ! !
(pIh) m. heavy pack or luggage carried
on the back, packsack; basket, pannier, ruck-
| J | J | J | J | J
z z z z z
(pIh) m. one who carries goods and
children (esp.on the hills); pack carrier; lackey;
henchman, stooge, sycophant; a game of
children; a punishment for army men
| | | | |
! ! ! ! !
(p) m. village
~ UH= |J |SYW =KYl U Um (~ uJa reh
tIlk n vJhl d cha) prov. Nero fiddled
while Rome was burning
~ |H S UW (~ sIr te chukka) id. to create
a frightful bally-hoo, to make a great noise, to
cry loudly
~ (~ bn) id. to colonize a village
| | | | |
z z z z z
(p) m. a ball of rice or barley flour ritually
offered to a deceased by his son
~ FU (~ bharu) id. to offer oblation
of balls of rice or barley flour to a deceased by
his son or any relative
| | | | | (p) m. body, surface of body
~ Tu J (~ garm ho) id. to have
pat (of butter)
| l | l | l | l | l
! !! !!
(pn) f. small ball of special sweet made of
flour, ghee, dryfruit etc., a kind of sweetmeat
| l | l | l | l | l
z zz zz
(pn) f. calf, shank
| | | | | (pIp) f. fruit of the peepal tree
|l |l |l |l |l (pIpa) f. eye-lash
||u J ||u J ||u J ||u J ||u J (pIparm) m. peppermint, mint
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y (pIppal) m. Peepal tree, Ficus religiosa
~ Sl (~ patt) f. ear ornament of ladies
| Yu Y | Yu Y | Yu Y | Yu Y | Yu Y (pIppalml) m. root of a famous
creeper used in medicines, Piper longum
| Yl | Yl | Yl | Yl | Yl (pIppal) f. fruit of peeple tree
|U |U |U |U |U (pIrch) f. saucer
|S |S |S |S |S (pIrt) f. tradition, custom, convention, usage
~ Ul (~ pu) id. to pave the way for, to
set tradition
|YW |YW |YW |YW |YW (pIlka) m. a kind of oak tree having leaves
resembling mango tree but smaller in size
|YUl |YUl |YUl |YUl |YUl (pIlchh) f. a kind of tree, its branches are
used for preparing baskets, tamarisk, Tamarix
|Y|Y |Y|Y |Y|Y |Y|Y |Y|Y (pIlpIl) a. over ripe, soft; plump, flabby
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
! !! !!
(pIll) a. half baked (bricks etc.); half-riped (fruit)
WU~ (kaccha~) half-riped; half-baked;
unskilled, inexperienced
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
z zz zz
(pIll) a. pup
|YU |YU |YU |YU |YU (pIlu) v.t. to serve water or drinks;
to make to drink
|= |= |= |= |= (pI) m. the place where crop is collected for
threshing, threshing-floor; arena, ring
~ Y WK (~ palle kuJh n pe) id.
to make neither the head nor the tail of , to
understand nothing
~ U (~ pu) id. to untie the bundles of
wheat for threshing
~ K (~ baJJha) id. to be in full swing
|= W l |= W l |= W l |= W l |= W l (pI ko) f. a variety of cowrie
|=-|= |=-|= |=-|= |=-|= |=-|= (pI-pI) f. sound produced while passing
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (pIu) v.t. to make to be crushed or
|=l |=l |=l |=l |=l (pI) f. square pattern on bedsteads
temperature, to suffer from fever
| S | S | S | S | S (pItt) f. prickly heat, rash
|S |S |S |S |S (pItar) m. manes, forefathers, ancestors; father
~ YW (~ lok) m. world of manes
|Sl |Sl |Sl |Sl |Sl (pItar) a. parental, ancestral
~ H (~ pakkh) m. spearside
| SY | SY | SY | SY | SY (pIttal) m. brass
~ U (~ d) a. brazen, brassy
|SYU |SYU |SYU |SYU |SYU (pItlu) v.t. to become acrid due to
contact with brass
|S |S |S |S |S (pIt)m. father, pater, dad, papa, daddy, male
~ |Su (~ pItm) m. ancestor, progenitor,
~ Hl (~ purkh) a. ancestral, inherited from
ancestors, hereditary, traditional
u ~ (dharam ~) m. god-father
uS ~ (mt ~) m. mother and father, parents
| S | S | S | S | S (pItt) m. gall-bladder; gall, bile; guts,
courage, pluck, intrepidity
|Su |Su |Su |Su |Su (pItm) m. great grand father, patriarch
| U | U | U | U | U (pIdd)f. fatigue due to over work
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to make to exhaust,
to make weary
~ |WY (~ nIkal) id. to be exhausted, to
be weary; to be frightened, to be terrified
| U | U | U | U | U (pIdda) v.t.i. to exhaust, to defeat; to be
defeated, to be exhausted
| U | U | U | U | U (pIdd) m. a tiny sparrow like bird; short
statured, dwarfish, dwarf
|UU |UU |UU |UU |UU (pIdu) v.i.t. to keep the opponent on
the run for a long time, to tire out, to vex; to
defeat in game
| | | | | (pIn) m. pin
~ WH (~ kushan) m. pin-cushion
Jm ~(hear ~) m. hair-pin
| | | | | (pn) v.t. to ask for alms, to beg
uT ~ (mg ~) v.t. to cadge, to beg
uT | W TH W (- mg pn ke guzr
karn) id. to make both ends meet with great
| | | | | (pn) m. ball(of string,yarn,thread), clew;
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ
z zz zz
(ph) f. density, texture (of cloth); solidness,
soundness; grounding, base
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (ph) a. ground, pulverised, crushed
lJl lJl lJl lJl lJl (ph) f. batter or paste of wetted pulses
l YU l l YU l l YU l l YU l l YU l (p.bly.) m. public works
department, P.W.D.
l l l l l (p) a. solid, tough, firm, strong; serene,
serious (face); hard
l l l l l (p) m. the act of drinking, smoking etc.
~ YU ( ~ palu) m. the act of taking and
offering (others) drinks, conviviality
H ~ (kh ~) m. way of living especially
with reference to eating habits
l l l l l (p) v.t. to drink, to quaff, to imbibe (liquid);
to suppress, to swallow (anger); to suckle; to
smoke; to absorb, to soak
lSl JFl J (pt ho ho) id. to be in
one's cups
l l H mWY JFl H (p p sharb akal
ho kharb) prov. wine in wise out
l l l l l (pn) f. a hole in an axe etc. to insert helve
lW lW lW lW lW (pnak) f. drowsiness caused by opium,
narcosis, stupor
l l l l l (pp) f. pus
ll ll ll ll ll (pp) f. a whistle made of peepal leave;
a whistle made of reed, bamboo-pipe, reed-
pipe; wind instrument, pipe
~ Y H (~ bol J) id. to be dead tired, to
l l l l l (pp) m. canister, can, tin, container; cask,
barrel (of wood)
|=U U l = (gheo de ppe ron)
id. to spend lavishly, burn candle at both ends
ll ll ll ll ll (pp) m. small canister or container
l -l l -l l -l l -l l -l (p -p ) f. sound of horn
l l l l l (pr) m. Muslim seer or saint; Muslim spiritual
guide; clever and crooked fellow, cunning
person( ironical)
~ u HU ( ~ murshad) m. spiritual guide;
religious teacher
lHU lHU lHU lHU lHU (przd) m. son of a Muslim saint;
disciple, follower
l/llm l/llm l/llm l/llm l/llm (pra/pra) m. period
lm lm lm lm lm (pan) m. peon
l.m U.l. l.m U.l. l.m U.l. l.m U.l. l.m U.l. (p.e h..) f. philosophiae doctor (Doctor
of Philosophy), Ph.D.
l.F . l.F . l.F . l.F . l.F . (p.e.) m. personal assistant, P.A.
lH lH lH lH lH (ps) m. piece
WJ ~ (ka ~) m. cut-piece
l l l l l. .. ..Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl. .. .. m H m H m H m H m H. .. .. (p.s.e s.) m. Punjab Civil Services, P.C.S.
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (ph) f. deal of cards
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (ph) m. grain ready for grinding
~ U (~ pu) id. to delay some work,
to make to linger (work)
|TY ~ U (- gIll ~ pu) id. to work
or move at snails pace, to act sluggishly
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (ph) v.t. to grind, to mill, to pulverise; to
deal, to distribute (cards)
~ WJ (~ kua) v.i. to bray, to grind
UUlm ~ (dda ~) id. to gnash one's teeth,
grind out an oath
lW lW lW lW lW
! !! !!
(pk) f. pus, suppuration
lW lW lW lW lW
z zz zz
(pk) f. funnel
lW lW lW lW lW
a aa aa
(pk) f. spit of chewed betel-leaf, spittle
lWU ( pkdn) m. spittoon
lW lW lW lW lW (pko) f. picot
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to stitch in picot design
l = l = l = l = l = (pgh) f. swing (of ropes)
HSTl ~ (satrg ~) m. rainbow
l = l = l = l = l = (p gh) m. hammock
lU lU lU lU lU (pch) m. land irrigated in one shift
lU lU lU lU lU
! !! !!
(pcha) v.i.t. to be tightened hard
lU lU lU lU lU
z zz zz
(pcha) v.i. to be watered, to be irrigated
lU= lU= lU= lU= lU= (pchava) m. tightly tied; tight
lU=l T V (pchav gh) f. reef knot;
complicated (problem)
lU /lU Wl lU /lU Wl lU /lU Wl lU /lU Wl lU /lU Wl (pcho/pcho bakkar) f. a game
of children, hopscotch
l H l H l H l H l H (p J) id. to control one's anger, to
suppress (anger or tears); to drink (something)
l Jl l Jl l Jl l Jl l Jl (p.t.) m. physical training, P.T.
l Jl mFl l Jl mFl l Jl mFl l Jl mFl l Jl mFl (p.t.) m. physical training instructor,
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ
! !! !!
(ph) f. religious seat (of a monastery);
educational institute; bench (judiciary)
ll ll ll ll ll (pr) m. sainthood, saintship, saintdom
! !! !!
(plak) f. a shrub having grapes like fruit,
Solanum nigrum
z zz zz
(plak) m. elephant driver
lY lY lY lY lY (pla) f. see-saw
lYY= lYY= lYY= lYY= lYY= (plplagh) f. a rustic game of boys
lY lY lY lY lY (pl) m. & a. yellow; pale, yellowish, pallid,
xanthic, ashen, wan, sallow, bleak, cadaverous
~ ( ~ pe) id. to turn pale, to lose colour
~ F W ( ~ bhk) a. wane, pale, bloodless;
lYl |uJl ( pl mI) f. raw-sienna
lYlm lYlm lYlm lYlm lYlm (pl) m. jaundice
l= l= l= l= l= (p) f. pain, ache; anguish, agony, affliction,
suffering; compassion, sympathy
~ Fl (~ par) f. vicarious suffering
|H ~ (sIr ~) f. headache; botheration,
tension |V ~(dhI ~) f.
stomach-ache; jealousy
l=S l=S l=S l=S l=S (pat) a. afflicted, distressed, aggrieved
l= l= l= l= l= (pn) v.t. to crush, to squeeze (in a
l= l l= l l= l l= l l= l
! !! !!
/l= /l= /l= /l= /l= (ph/ph) f. & m. small, low and
stringed stool, chauffeuse
ml ~ Y HJ = (ap ~ thalle so
phern) id. to set one's house in order
l= l l= l l= l l= l l= l
z zz zz
(ph) f. generation; lineage, descent,
pedigree, progenitors
~ U-l=l (~ dar-pIh) adv. generation to
generation, genealogically, hereditarily
l= lU (pho) adv. hereditarily, from
generation to generation
mU mU mU mU mU (puu) v.t. to cause to pour (in a pot);
to make to put, to help in putting on clothes
m|F J m|F J m|F J m|F J m|F J (pua) m. point
mU mU mU mU mU (puad) m. foot (side) of cot or bed
mUl mUl mUl mUl mUl (puad) adv. on the foot-side of bed or cot
m m m m m (pudh) m. a region of Punjab comprising
Patiala, Ropar districts etc.
ml ml ml ml ml (pudh) f. & m. language of Puadh region;
an inhabitant of this region
m= m= m= m= m= (pu) m. dispute, discord, quarrel, wrangle
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to create a trouble
~ J (~ p be ha) id. to ask for trouble,
to invite trouble, to get oneself into hot water
m= J (pue hatth) a. & m. fire
brand, trouble maker, troublesome
~ Ul H= (~ d Jah) f. apple of discord, root
cause of a dispute, bone of contention
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJl (push) f. confirmation, corroboration
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to confirm, to
! !! !!
(pusht) f. generation, ancestry
HS l (pushta baddh) adv. from
generation to generation, hereditarily
z zz zz
(pusht) f. back, dorsum, backside
HSW HSW HSW HSW HSW (pustak) f. book
~ HUl(~ sch) f. list of books, bibliography,
~ WHW (~ prakshak) m. publisher
~ |=WS (~ vIkret) m. book-seller
HS HS HS HS HS (pusht) m. pier, bulwark, embankment
buttress; backbone of a book
! !! !!
(pusht) a. ancestral, hereditary
z zz zz
(pusht) f. buttress, prop
HS l HS l HS l HS l HS l (pushten) a. ancestral (property etc);
hereditary (disease etc)
H H H H H (pushap) m. flower
HW HW HW HW HW (pushk) f. dress, garments, costume, attire,
apparel, garb, clothes, raiment
W W W W W (pukr) f. call, summon; shout, cry;
complaint, plaint, appeal
~ W (~ karn) id. to call for help; to appeal
for justice
UlW ~ (chk ~) f. hue and cry
UlW ~ uUU (chk ~ machu) v.i. to
raise a hue and cry
HS HS HS HS HS (pukht) a. confirmed; firm, strong; hard,
solid; reliable, dependable; efficient, adept,
HH HH HH HH HH (pukhrJ) m. a precious stone, topaz
! !! !!
(pugga) v.i. to reach one's destination,
to achieve one's goal; to suit, to be agreeable
z zz zz
(pugga) v.i. to decide who will give the
turn (in game)
TU TU TU TU TU (pgard) a. budding; germinating &
T T T T T (pgarn) v.i. to sprout, to germinate, to
grow, to bud, to shoot
T=U / TU T=U / TU T=U / TU T=U / TU T=U / TU (pgvu/pugu) v.t. to
fulfil ; to perform (promise, duty etc.); to make
to obey
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (pg) f. cotyledon, seed-leaf
UW UW UW UW UW (puchkr) f. coaxing, caress, fondling,
coddling; noisy kiss
UW UW UW UW UW (puchkrn) v.i. to produce a sound with
lips; to coax, to coddle, to cajole, to fondle
U- U U- U U- U U- U U- U (puch-puch) f. a sound produced (from
lips) to call an animal; pampering, fondling
~ W (~ karn) id. to pamper, to coax, to
fondle, to cajole
U U U U U (puchchh) f. say, importance; respect,
esteem; enquiry; investigation, questioning
~ J l (~ ho) id. to have a say; to be
respected, to be esteemed; to be sought after,
to be in demand
~ |TU (~ gIchchh) f. inquiry, inquest
~ |TU Wl (~ gIchchh karn) v.t. to seek
information, to enquire
~ |TU UVS (~ gIchchh daftar) m. enquiry
~ U / |Um U (~ de/puchchhe
de) id. to tell about the fate or about the
stars of someone
U U U U U (puchchha) v.t. to ask, to seek an
information, to enquire, to question
f. enquiry through astrologers
T Y ~ (gall n ~) id. to ignore, to
overlook, to disregard, to avoid
H H H H H (puJJ) f. capacity (to afford); reach, approach
~ W (~ ke) adv. extremely, very much, beyond
limits; on arrival , on reaching
H ~ W (raJJ~ ke) adv. after having one's
fill, after one's heart content
H H H H H (pJ) m. mass, heap, accumulation; embodiment
(of virtues)
H H H H H (puJJ) v.i. to reach, to arrive; to afford, to
HS HS HS HS HS (puJJat) f. capacity, reach
HU HU HU HU HU (puJJad) a. well-to-do; within reach,
affordable, suitable
|Hm |Hm (raJJe puJJe ) a. well-off,
well-to-do, affluent , satiated
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (puJr) m. priest; worshipper, devotee,
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH (puJshan) f. position
K=U / KU K=U / KU K=U / KU K=U / KU K=U / KU (pJhvu/pJhu) v.t. to
get something to be wiped
K=Fl/ KFl K=Fl/ KFl K=Fl/ KFl K=Fl/ KFl K=Fl/ KFl (pJhv/pJh) f. the act of or
wages for wiping
J J J J J (pua) v.t. to dig, to excavate; to uproot,
to pull out
W ~ (kn ~) id. to snub, to scold, to
reproach, to pull the ears
|uJl ~ (mI ~) id. to defame, to slander,
to put someone to disgrace, to treat with
|Jm J= |W|Ym UJ (pue pah
nIkle chh) prov. great cry little wool,
much ado about nothing
! !! !!
(puh) f. the back side, hip, buttock, reverse
side, inverse side; rump-steak of he-goat; rump
~ |H (~ sIddh) f. inner and outer side, reverse
and obverse side
~ (~ per) a. inauspicious, ominous
z zz zz
(puh) f. process of compounding a medicine
by boiling etc.; process of tempering weapons
with poison
J J J J J (puh) a. reverse, inverse, converse,
opposite, contrary; perverse; overturned, up
side down
~ |H (~ sIddh) a. incongruous and
irrelevant, inappropriate
~ WW JT (~ karke tga) id. to punish
severely, to torture
~ T= |T= (~ ge gIa) id. to be struck
by misfortune
~ UY (~ chal) m. wrong act, bad act, evil
course, evil deed
Jl u Jl = (puh muhrn
pahn) id. to spell backward
J Wu (puhe kme) m. inverted commas
~ S= =T (~ tave varg) a. dark black,
~ l (~ per ) adv. (retrun) immediately, at
once; to walk backwards
(pun) v.t. to sieve, to strain, to percolate,
to filter; to darn
=U / U =U / U =U / U =U / U =U / U (puvu/puu) v.t. to
get something sieved or strained; to assist
someone in sieving or straining
S S S S S (puttar) m. male child, son; boy
~ S (~ pote) m.(pl.) sons and grand-sons;
grand-children; descendants,, progeny
lm ~ (dha~) m. issue, offspring
lm =T ~ (dha varg ~) m. gentle and
docile boy, submissive boy
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (puttar) f. female child, daughter
S Y S Y S Y S Y S Y (putrel) m. adopted son
SY SY SY SY SY (putl) m. effigy, mannequin, simulacrum;
scarecrow, bugbear
! !! !!
(putl) f. puppet, marionette; doll
~ U SuH (~ d tamsh) m. puppet show
SYlm =T UU (putala va g nachu)
id. to make others dance to one's tune
WJ SYl (kah putl) f. puppet, marionette;
z zz zz
(putl) f. pupil of the eye
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (pudn) m. mint, spearmint
HS ~ (sat ~) m. peppermint, essence of mint
(pn) m. good deeds, virtuous acts; donation,
alms, charity; benefaction, dole
~ m (~ arth) a. for charity sake, charitable
~ HJ (~ khaa) v.i. to do a virtuous deed
~ U (~ dn) m. alms, charity, donation
~ Ul T U UU |T (~ d ga de dd gIne)
id. to look a gift horse in the mouth
~ (~ pp) m. good and evil deeds,
virtues and vices
WlS ~ mT mU (kte ~ agge ue) id.
(for the goods) to pay in adversities
(punar) pref. a prefix meaning again
'repetition' etc. and used as 're' as in 'reprint',
'reproduction' etc.
~ U (~ utthn) m. revival, renaissance,
~ TJ (~ gahan) m. reorganisation, re-
~ Hu (~ Janam) m. rebirth, transmigration
(of soul)
~ |u (~ nIrm) m. rebuilding,
reconstruction; recreation
~ =H (~ vs) m. rehabilitation, resettlement
~ |=mJ (~ vIh) m. second marriage,
~ |=U (~ vIchr) m. reconsideration, review
|m |m |m |m |m (pnI) f. full moon day, full moon, plenilune
lS lS lS lS lS (punt) a. holy, sacred, pious, chaste; pure

! !! !!
(pur) adv. upon, on

z zz zz
(pur) suff. & pref. a suffix used with the
names of cities, towns etc. as 'Hoshiarpur'; a
prefix means 'full of '
~ mu (~ aman) a. peaceful; quiet
~ H (~ zor) a. powerful, vigorous, forceful,
strong, energetic
~ (puro ~) a. full to the brim, brimful
H H H H H (pursh) m. man, male; person; husband, spouse
uJ ~ (maha ~) m. great man, great person;
a term of respect for saints, holymen etc.
HW|S HW|S HW|S HW|S HW|S (puraskarIt) a. awarded, honoured
HW HW HW HW HW (purskr) m. award, prize, honour
HW HW HW HW HW (pursakn) a. peaceful, calm
H H H H H (purkh) m. man, male; person; husband, spouse
USu ~ (uttam ~) m. first person
mU ~ (anay ~) m. third person
uJ ~ (maha ~) m. great man
uu ~ (maddham ~) m. second person
H H H H H (purz) m. part, component; piece; chit, slip
~ H J ( ~ purz ho) v.i. to be reduced
to pieces
~ H W ( ~ purz karn) v.i. to tear to pieces
~ HJH ( ~ seshan) m. police station
~ WS ( ~ kaptn) m. police chief;
Superintendent of police, S.S.P.
~ UWl ( ~ cho k) f. police post
~ ( ~ thn) m. police station
|Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T (pulg) m. masculine gender
|YJlWY |YJlWY |YJlWY |YJlWY |YJlWY (pulIkal) a. political
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
! !! !!
(pul) f. small bridge, culvert
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
z zz zz
(pul) f. pulley
= = = = = (pu) m. a single stone disc of a mill, grindstone
= = = = = (pun) v.i. to prick, to pierce, to prickle
= =l = =l = =l = =l = =l (pupu) f. temple (of cephalic region)
= = = = =
! !! !!
(pu) m. rump, buttock
= = = = =
z zz zz
(pu) m. a large package of anything; a
bundle of yarn etc.
=l =l =l =l =l (pu) f. small packet; dose of medicine
wrapped in a piece of paper
T T T T T (p g) m. seed fish, tiny fish, minnow; young
U/ UY U/ UY U/ UY U/ UY U/ UY (pchh/puchhal) f. tail; hanger-on,
parasite, minion
~ JYU l (~ halu) v.i. & id. to wag tail (of
dog); to wag one's tail to adulate, to fawn upon,
to compliment unduly , to abjectly attend upon
~ U W W |= (~ chukk ke phIrn) id. to
hold up one's horn
UY S (phchhal tr) m. comet
H H H H H (pJ) m. monk of Jainism
H H H H H (pJa) v.t. to be deeply devoted, to
worship; to adore; to respect, to honour; to bribe
HlW HlW HlW HlW HlW (pJnk) a. highly respectable, reverend,
venerable, adorable, respected, revered, august
H H H H H (pJ) f. worship; adoration; veneration,
respect, devotion, reverence, oblation
~ mH(~ asthan) f. place of worship, altar,
temple, sacred shrine, tabernacle
~ Wl (~ karn) id. to give a good thrashing
v.i.t. to worship, to pray
~ J (~ pah) m. routine prayer or worship;
worship of God
J ~ (pe ~) f. the act of eating food
uSl ~ (mrt ~) f. idol worship, idolatry
UYU ~ (chald ~) a. tactful, argute, shrewd
STY STY STY STY STY (purtgl) m. Portugal
STYl STYl STYl STYl STYl (purtgl) a. Portuguese
f. Portuguese language
(purnr) a. full of light, brilliant, radiant,
(purb) m. religious festival; festive occasion,
fete day, fiesta
T ~ (gur ~) m. birthday or martyrdom
day of Sikh Gurus
(pur) m. east wind, easterly wind
(pur) m. one of the eighteen scriptures
of Hindu mythology, Purana
(pur) a. old, ancient, antique, primitive; used,
worn out, second hand; old; chronic (disease)
~ J ( ~ ha) m. aged person, oldster
~ HV ( ~ khh) m. old-timer, old-foggy, old-
~ l ( ~ pp) m. old-stager, old-foggy,
inveterate sinner; experienced hand
~ T ( ~ rog) m. chronic disease, inveterate disease
(purpa) m. oldness,
antiqueness; staleness
|UJ HY J ( pure chIhe khol
be ha) id. to share or narrate old incidents
|W |W |W |W |W (purIk) a. mythological, pertaining to
SS= SS= SS= SS= SS= (puratatav ) m. archaeological finds or
monuments, old remains
~|=|Tm (~vIgIn) m. archaeology
~ |=|Tml ( ~ vIgIn) m. archaeologist
S S S S S (purtan) a. ancient, archaic, antique, old,
Y Y Y Y Y (pul) m. bridge
SlV U ~ (ta rfa de ~ bn) id. to
exalt to the skies, to eulogize, to exaggerate
YHlm YHlm YHlm YHlm YHlm (puls) m. policeman, slop, cop, constable
YJH YJH YJH YJH YJH (pulas) m. poultice, cataplasm
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (puld) m. bundle, packet; parcel, package;
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (pul) m. space, cosmos; vacuum
|YH |YH |YH |YH |YH (pulIs) f. police
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (p J) f. capital (amount); wealth, riches;
investment; assets, belongings
~ |= H (~ nIvesh) m. capital investment,
~ YU l (~ lu) v.t. to finance, to invest money
HlSl HlSl HlSl HlSl HlSl (p Jpat) m. capitalist
Hl=U Hl=U Hl=U Hl=U Hl=U (p Jvd) m. capitalism
Hl=Ul Hl=Ul Hl=Ul Hl=Ul Hl=Ul (p Jvd) m. capitalist
K K K K K (p Jha) v.t. to wipe, to make dry; to rub out,
to efface; to clean, to dust; to annihilate, to
K K K K K (p Jh) m. a cloth used for cleaning or
wiping; duster
l l l l l (p) m. cotton-roll, rove; crosswise
stretching and rolling of a turban
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to stretch and roll
crosswise (turban)
~ =Jl (~ vaa) v.t. to rove or roll
~ =T (~ varg) a. pale; feeble, weak
U U U U U (pdan) m. mint, peppermint
(pr) m. a lot baked or fried at one time; lot,
batch; boatful, full batch, boatload
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to be accomplished,
to be completed
~ U (~ d pr) adv. jaggery, sweets
etc.prepared in one lot, the whole lot
W W W W W (prak) m.&a. complement; complementary,
supplementary; integral
~ W (~ ko) m. complementary angle,
supplementary angle
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (prt) f. fulfilment; making up of the loss,
compensation; completion, accomplishment
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i.t. to fulfil; to compensate,
to make up (loss); to complete
(prn) a. complete, full, entire, whole; finished,
completed, accomplished; perfect (person)
~ |=u (~ vIrm) m. full stop
| (parIpran) a. replete, brim-full;
complete in all subjects, perfect
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (prnmsh) f. full moon day, plenilune

! !! !!
(prn) v.t. to fill up; to blow a canon

z zz zz
(prn) m. alphabet written in pencil for a
child to write over
|m S UY (prnIa te chal) id. to
tread in one's foot steps
U (prne pu) id. to pave
the way for, to set an example
(prb) m.&adv. east; orient, Asia; former,
ex, earlier; before, aforehand
~ UWS (~ ukat) adv. aforesaid
~ m u (~ anumn) m. provisional estimate;
foreboding, anticipation, prolepsis
~ |US=l (~ chIta van) f. forewarning, prewarning
W W W W W (prbak) suff. a suffix means 'with' and forms
adverb such as |m W' 'attentively',
Y Y Y Y Y (prbal) a. former, ex, earlier; pertaining
to previous birth
l l l l l (prb) a. belonging to the east, eastern;
lm lm lm lm lm (prb) m. domicile of Uttar Pradesh
(U.P) and Bihar
= = = = = (prav) m.& adv. east, orient; former,
erstwhile; previous, prior, initial ; before,
~ U|J (~ dupe hr) f. before noon, forenoon
=H =H =H =H =H (prvaJ) m. ancestor, forefather
(pr) a. full, complete; all, total; whole, entire;
perfect; integral; adequate, sufficient
~ US (~ utarn) id. to prove true to one's
worth, to come to a good final
~ H (~ sr) a. just enough, self contained
~ J H (~ ho J) id. to breathe one's last,
to expire, to die; to be completed, to be
~ W (~ karn) id. to make up (the loss or
deficiency); to complete, to accomplish; to fulfil
~ (~ pe) id. to be sufficient enough
lm U (pura pu) id. to make
an achievement, to accomplish a task
l S ( pr tarha ) adv. fully,
completely; whole-heartedly
|U (pre dIn) m. completion of ninth
month (in pregnancy)
l/ =l l/ =l l/ =l l/ =l l/ =l (pr/pu) f. small, flat, deep fried
Y Y Y Y Y (pul) m. sheaf, bundle (of fodder, grass etc.)
= = = = = (p) m. fried sweet loaf made of mixture
of flour & sugar or gur (jaggery)
uY ~(ml ~) m. fried sweet loaf made of
mixture of flour, cheese or curd & sugar
(pe) m. pay, salary
H H H H H (pesh) adv.& a. before, in front of, forwarded,
~ mU (~ u) v.t. to happen, to occur
(difficulties); to treat, to behave
~ J (~ ho) id. to present oneself to , to
be present, to appear (before police, court etc)
~ WUul (~ kadm) f. initiative, lead; progress
~ WUul W (~ kadm karn) v.i. to take
initiative, to lead; to progress
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to present, to produce
~ UY (~ chala) id. to have say
~ UYl (~ n chala) id. to be helpless, to
be unable to do anything, for no effort to avail
HWH HWH HWH HWH HWH (peshkash) f. offer; proposal; presentation
HW HW HW HW HW (peshkr) m. a court official
HTl HTl HTl HTl HTl (peshag) f. advance payment, earnest money
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (pes) f. paste
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJl (pesar) f. pastry
HS HS HS HS HS (peshtar) adv. earlier than, before, ahead of
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul (peshbd) f. forestalling, precaution,
caution, anticipation, prevention, presumption
H= H= H= H= H= (peshv) m. leader or prime minister (of
Marathas); leader,guide
H H H H H (pesh) m. profession, career,business, trade,
occupation; prostitution, harlotry
~ mU (~ apu) v.i. to adopt or
choose a profession
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to indulge in prostitution,
to be a call girl
~ WU (~ karu) v.t. to make to earn by
prostitution, to cause to indulge in prostitution
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (peshn) f. forehead
H= H= H= H= H= (peshavar) m. professional
H= H= H= H= H= (peshavarn) a. professional
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pes) f. small lump of jaggery
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pesh) f. hearing (of a law suit); presentation
before an officer or court
~ U/Ul (~ de/ pu) id. to fix next
date of hearing
~ FTS (~ bhugta) id. to remain present
at the time of a hearing (of a law suit)
~ Y (~ le) id. to ask for a next hearing
HlT Fl HlT Fl HlT Fl HlT Fl HlT Fl (peshngo) f. forecast, prediction,
prophecy, prognostication, foretelling
W W W W W (pek) m. parental side (kins or city etc.) of a
woman, parental house or home
W |J (peke reh) id. to live with
one's parents (for a married woman)
U U U U U (pech) m. screw; complication, complexity;
trick (in wrestling); twist
~ H Y (~ khola) v.t. to unscrew; to unravel
~ u H (~ mre Je) v.t. for threads of a
screw to worn out or blunted
UWH (pechkas) m. screw-driver
UH UH UH UH UH (pechash) m. dysentery, diarrhoea
UU UU UU UU UU (pechdr) a. screw-like; twisted, coiled,
convoluted, zigzag
U U U U U (pech) m. tangle, (in flying kites); tie,
~ (~ pe ) id. to get entangled, to be involved
U Y= (peche lan) id. to fall in love
with; to entangle the string (of a kite)
H H H H H (peJ) m. cotton-carder, cotton-comber
J J J J J (pe) m. stomach, paunch, belly, abdomen,
tummy, venter; cavity, capacity
~ WJ (~ kaa) id. to be frugal, to spend
~ H J (~ kharab ho) v.t. to have
stomach disorder, to suffer from indigestion
~ |T (~ gIrn) id. to abort, to miscarry
~ ==l U (~ gharo d) a. last fruit of the
womb; last born, youngest (child)
~ = =l U U (~ ghro d bacch) m.
youngest child, Benjamin
~ 'U UJ WU (~ 'ch chhe kudda) id. to
be very hungry
~ UU (~ dard) m. stomach ache, belly-ache,
~ U H mY (~ d sul) m. problem of livelihood
~ U JY (~ d hol) a. unreliable
~ Ul mT (~ d agg) f. hunger
~ Ul |KYl (~ d JhIll) f. peritoneum
~ (~ parne) adv. on one's belly
~ Y (~ pl) v.i. to make both ends meet,
to earn one's livelihood
~ H W (~ pJ karn) id. to take meals
~ F W H (~ bhar ke kh) id. to eat to
one's fill, to have one's fill
~ |=U U=l J (~ vIch dh ho) id. to be
precociously clever
~ |=U l U (~ vIch p n pacha)
id. to be unable to keep a secret
J J J J J (pe) m. paint
J J J J J (pear) m. painter
J J J J J (pe) m. woof, weft
S~ (t ~) m. warp and woof
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
! !! !!
(pe) f. belt, girdle
~ YJU (~ lahu) id. to dismiss a
policeman or army man
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
z zz zz
(pe) f. big box of wood or iron chest
~ H Y Fl (~ khulh) f. a ceremony in which
bride's box is firstly opened by the bride groom's
sister and in return she is offered a gift by the
JlW J JlW J JlW J JlW J JlW J (peko) m. petticoat
J J J J J tpe) m. gluttonous, gourmand, voracious,
glutton, gourmet, epicure, revener
J J J J J J J J J J (pee) m. patent
J J J J J (peh) m. white gourd, Bonincasa cerifera
or Cucurbita maxima
(pe) f. pelvis
~ Ul Jl (~ d ha) f. sacrum
(pe ) m. & a. villager, rustic, yokel, rural; naive
SY SY SY SY SY (petal) a. even, level,flat; having little depth,
SY (petlpa) m. evenness, level;
U U U U U (pe) m. bottom, base (of a vessel)
U U YJ (bepede d lo) m. a rolling
stone, an unreliable person
l l l l l (pepa) f. lobe (of ear)
(pepar) m. paper; news-paper; question
paper; examination
~ =J (~ vet) m. paper-weight
mJ ~ (r ~) m. art-paper
=l =l =l =l =l
! !! !!
(pepa) f. crust, incrustation (of earth);
the hard outer part of chapati; scab (of wound)
=l =l =l =l =l
z zz zz
(pepa) f. lobe of ear
= = = = = (pe) m. roundish lump of dough or butter; a
sweetmeat made of milk
H H H H H (pes) m. paisa, pice; money, wealth, riches
~ WuU (~ kamu) v.t. to earn money
~ H (~ kh) id. to take bribe; to embezzle
~ JW (~ ak) m. cash; money, wealth, riches
~ H UWU (~ pes chuku) id. to pay
every penny
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to invest
HJ ~ (kho ~) m. base coin, counterfeit;
idler, good for nothing fellow
H H W (pese khare karn) id. to
encash outstanding money
~ U S (~ d puttar) a. mingy, miser, penny-
wise, stingy
~ J (~ paa) id. to waste money, to
squander money, to spend lavishly
~ H S ST J (~ pese to tg ho) id. to
be extremely hard up, to be very tight
~ =Y (~ vl) a. wealthy, rich, affluent
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (pe hh) m. sixty five
JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= (pehthava) a. sixty fifth
W W W W W (pek) m. pack
! !! !!
(peka) m. packet
z zz zz
(peka) f. pact
|W T |W T |W T |W T |W T (pe kg) f. packing
H= H= H= H= H= (pekha) m. hobble, fetter, tether
T/ T T/ T T/ T T/ T T/ T (peg/pegg) m. peg
T T T T T (pegbar) m. messenger of God, apostle,
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (pegm) m. message
|=W ~ (phIkk ~) id. for relation to become
strained, to have estrangement in relations
= J ~ (phu ~) id. to have rift (in relations),
to have break in relations
=J ~ (va ~) v.i. to crimple, to wrinkle; to
feel spasmodic-pain in stomach
|=U ~ (vIch ~) id. to be a middle-man
S= S= S= S= S= (peta) m. strategic move, strategy, tactics
~ UY (~ badal) v.i. to change one's tactics
S= H S= H S= H S= H S= H (petaebz) a. strategist, tactician
S= Hl S= Hl S= Hl S= Hl S= Hl (petaebz) f. skill in tactic
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (pet) m. thirty five
~ mHl (~ akkhar) f. Gurmukhi alphabet,
alphabet of Gurmukhi script
Sl= Sl= Sl= Sl= Sl= (petva) a. thirty fifth
UY UY UY UY UY (pedal) a. & adv. on foot, road-march
~ UY =Y (~ chala vl) m. pedestrian
~ UY (~ chal) v.i. to march, to go on
foot, to walk
~ VH (~ fo J) f. infantry
U U U U U (ped) a. born; produced
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to take birth; to grow; to
be produced
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to reproduce, to give
birth; to produce, to grow
U|FH U|FH U|FH U|FH U|FH (pedIsh) f. birth, production, growth,
creation, nativity
U|FHl U|FHl U|FHl U|FHl U|FHl (pe dIsh) a. inborn, innate, inbred, born,
~ JW (~ hakk) m. birth right
U= U= U= U= U= (pedvr) f. crop, produce, yield; product
Ul H J Ul H J Ul H J Ul H J Ul H J (ped sae) adv. at once, immediately, to
start with, at the outset
(penn) m. pen
H H H H H (penshan) f. pension
H/ Hlm H/ Hlm H/ Hlm H/ Hlm H/ Hlm (penshanar/penshan) m.
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (pe nsln) f. penicillin
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (pensIl) f. pencil
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (pe nz) m. pansy, violet, Violatricolor
H H H H H (peps) m. Patiala and East Punjab States
U U U U U (pe ch) m. member of the village panchayat,
H H H H H ( peJ) f. honour, fair name ; promise, vow
J J J J J (pe ) f. pent, pantaloon
JWJ Hu (peka paJm) m. a pair of
trousers having pantaloon cut, a type of pyjama
J J J J J (peh) f. access, reach; sway, awe
~ J l (~ ho) id. to have say, to have
~ HuUl (~ Jamu) id. to make a mark
~ ul H (~ mr J) id. to lose one's
good name or good will
(pe) m. pad
|FW ~ (k ~) m. inkpad
Y Y Y Y Y (peal) m. pedal
Y Y Y Y Y (peal) m. an ornament of neck, pendant,
(pe) m. distance, length, passage, path;
journey, travel
Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu (peulam) m. pendulum
(pe ) v.i. to lie down; to sleep; to take rest; to
fall ill; to fall (rain); to bark and bite, to snap at (dog
etc. ); to have to, to be forced to (to do a work
etc.) ; to be constructed, built ( for building etc.)
mT ~ (agge ~) id. to surrender, to give
way; to be postponed, to be deferred
ml ml ~ (a pa a pa ~) id. to be in
the rat race for selfish ends, to think only for oneself
|H ~ (sIr ~) id. to get the responsibility of
H ~ (kha n ~) id. to snap at, to talk
irritably, to talk rudely
TY ~ (gal ~) id. to pick up a quarrel with
(someone); to be entrusted with a responsibility
JJ W ~ (u ke ~) id. to snap at ; to scold,
to chide
UH ~ (dass ~) id. to get a proposal; to get
an information about a match (for marriage)
UYlYl ~ (dall ~) id. to be involved in
Y ~ (palle ~) v.i. to understand, to
|U ~ (pIchchhe ~) id. to press, to force,
to compel
Union, P.E.P.S.U.
V|YJ V|YJ V|YJ V|YJ V|YJ (peflI) m. pamphlet
u|FH u|FH u|FH u|FH u|FH (pemIsh) f. measurement
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to take measurement, to
u u u u u
! !! !!
(pemn) m. scale, meter, measure
u u u u u
z zz zz
(pe mn) m. drinking glass, goblet;
(per) m. foot; base, footing
~ UH= (~ ukhane) v.i. to lose ground, to
become insecure
~ U H = (~ ukhene) id. to make to lose
one's hold; to make to run away
~ |H S H W H (~ sIr te rakkh ke nassa)
id. to show a clean pair of heels, to take to
one's heels
~ W |=U J (~ kabar vIch ho) id. to
have foot in the grave, to be very old
~ U J (~ chaa) id. to fawn upon, to
flatter, to lick someone's feet
~ Uu (~ chma) id. to pay reverence, to
~ UJ (~ chhh) v.i.t. to touch someone's
feet; to bow before someone
~ Hu (~ Jm) id. to gain firm footing , to
establish firmly, to settle down
~ S (~ te) adv. on the spur of the moment
~ U mTJ (~ d gh) m. thumb (of foot)
~ J (~ dharan n tha n ho)
id. to be packed to the capacity, to be over crowded
~ W l (~ dho dho ke p) id. to hold
in high esteem, to pay great respect
~ YT U (~ n lagga de) id. not to
allow to keep one's stand; not to allow to have
one's strong footing
~ U (~ pu) v.i.t. to visit; to enter, to go in
~ S (~ per te) adv. at every step, at
every stage
~ == (~ phan) id. to beg pardon, to
apologise; to make humble entreaties, to fall
on someone' s feet, to implore; to take
(someone's) shelter, to take refuge
~ Fl J (~ bhr ho) id. to be in the
family way, to be pregnant; to do something
~ YT (~ laggae) id. to gain firm footing
-m ~ S m WJ= u (ape~ te
p kuh mrn) id. to dig one's own grave
|H ~ (sIr ~) m. clue, hint, whereabouts
J ~ JJ (ha ~ ua) id. to feel
feverish, to have body ache
J ~ =Y H (hatth ~phull J) id. to
be perplexed, to be confused, to be at a loss
J ~ u (hatth ~ mrn) id. to make
efforts, to struggle
J J J H (- pe r heh hatth
rakkha) id. to hold in high esteem, to pay
deep regards
~ JJ Hul |WY H (~ heho zamn nIkal
J) id. to be wonder-struck, to be flabber-
gasted, to be dumb founded; to be greatly
~ 'U =lm U (~ 'ch bea pu) id. to
restrain someone, to fetter
~ S H= (~ te khahn) id. to be able to
earn one's livelihood
~ S T H (~ te pagg rakkha) id. to
beseech, to entreat humbly
~ S l U (~ te p n pe de)
id. not to agree at any cost
~ S W V (~ to kaha) id. to make
someone waver, to make (someone) unsteady
~ F (~ bhr) adv. on one's toes
~ F J (~ bhr betha) v.i. to sit on
one's toes/ heels
J ~ U uWY (haa ~ d mokal) a.
healthy, stout, robust, sound
J ~ Ul H (hattha ~ d pe J) id. to
be non-plus, to be dumb founded, to be
confused, to be at a loss
l (per ) adv. on foot, afoot
~ (~ pe) id. to touch the feet of the
elders as a mark of respect; to beg pardon, to
apologise; to bow
m. a term for respectful greeting
H= ~ (khahe~) adv. immediately, instantly
U ~ (dabe ~) adv. quietly, noiselessly,
stealthily, silently
W ~ (pakke ~) adv. firmly; with proof
about something
J ~ (put he ~) adv. immediately, at once;
backwards (walk)
W V (pe ro kaha) id. to get
someone waver, to make one feel unsteady
~ (~ per) adv. every step; moment
=l =l =l =l =l (perv) f. following; pursuit, conduct
(per) m. para, paragraph
H J H J H J H J H J (persh) m. parachute
ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ (permar) m. perimeter
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (perIskop) m. periscope
W W W W W (perokr) a. adherent, follower, disciple,
Y Y Y Y Y (perol) f. parole
Y Y Y Y Y (pe l) f. dance of peacock; gambol, frolic, dance
Y U (pe la pu) id. to make merry,
to have fun; to dance, to gambol; to walk
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (pe l) f. plot of agricultural land, field; crop,
= = = = = (pe) m. foot-mark, foot-print, trace; circular
track (of an ox) around an oil-press or persian-
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to trace through, to
find out the whereabouts
~ UY (~ chl) f. sound produced while
= U ~ H (pea ch ~ rakkha) id. to
imitate, to copy, to follow
= = = = =
! !! !!
(pe) m. a disease of ladies
= = = = =
z zz zz
(pe) m. stirrup-leather
m m m m m (po) m. pupa
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (pos) m. post
HJW HJW HJW HJW HJW (poskr) m. post-card
HJ uHJ HJ uHJ HJ uHJ HJ uHJ HJ uHJ (pos msar) m. post-master
HJ uJu HJ uJu HJ uJu HJ uJu HJ uJu (pos mram) m. post-mortem, autopsy
HJu HJu HJu HJu HJu (posmen) m. postman
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (posar) m. poster
HJY m HJY m HJY m HJY m HJY m (posal rar) m. postal order
HS HS HS HS HS (post) m. poppy plant, its fruit and bark
Papaver orientale
~ U (~ d o) m. poppy pod
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (post) m. one who is addicted to opium,
opium-eater; lazy person, lethargic fellow
J J J J J (poh) m. the tenth month of Bikrami calendar
J J J J J (poh) v.i. to affect, to cause pain
H H H H H (pokhar) m. pond
H H H H H (pokh) m. bodement, presage
U U U U U (poch) m. age group, generation
U U U U U (poch) v.t. to wipe; to daub
U= U= U= U= U= (pochva ) a. smoothened, smooth; polished;
U U U U U (poch) m. daub, coating, plaster, dab; duster,
swab (to clean floor)
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to hush up a matter, to
~ Ul (~ pch) f. outward embellishment,
camouflage, tiptop, cleaning-up
H H H H H (poz) m. pose, posture
HlH HlH HlH HlH HlH (poJshan) f. position
JYl JYl JYl JYl JYl (poal) f. small bundle, package, packet
J J J J J (po) m. a section of finger or toe, finger tip
~ J (~ po) adv. every inch, every joint,
inch by inch, to the finger-nails
(po) m. a thick juicy sugarcane
(po) m. kitchen-napkin, dish-cloth, clout;
ladies bathroom on the bank of a river or on a
tank etc.
l l l l l (po) f. strainer, sieve; skimmer
S S S S S (potar) m. son's son, grand-son
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (potar) f. son's daughter, grand-daughter
S= S= S= S= S= (pota) m. diaper, napkin, pilch, babycloth
S|=m SW U H J (potaIa takk d Ju
ho) id. to know the secrets of someone, to
have deep knowledge about someone
~ S mul J (~ to amr ho) id. to be born
with silver spoon in mouth
~ U |=T|=m J |Fm J (~ d vIgI hoe ho)
id. to be spoiled from one's very childhood
S S S S S (pot) m. son's son, grandson
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (pot) f. son's daughter, grand-daughter
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (poch) f. an ornament of wrist for ladies,
(po) m. pound
(poar) m. powder
(poa) m. foothold, footing
(po) m. air, breeze, gale, wind
~ UWl (~ chakk) f. wind-mill
~ l (~ p) f. climate
(po ) m. three quarters, three fourth in
quantity or measurement
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (pohr) m. one who does not eat or
drink anything and depends merely on air
U U U U U (pod) f. seedlings, saplings, plantation
U U U U U (pod) m. plant, sapling, young tree
|W |W |W |W |W (po ra Ik) a. pertaining to Puranas;
mythological, legendary
! !! !!
(po l) m. an old Indian coin, one anna coin
z zz zz
(po l) m. one of a pair of shoes, a single
shoe; big shoe
= = = = = (po) m. hoof (esp. of horse), foot-print of a
=l =l =l =l =l
! !! !!
(po ) f. ladder; stairs, staircase; step of stairs
~ u (~ numa) a. scalariform
~ =l WW(~ po karke) adv. step by step
=l =l =l =l =l
z zz zz
(po) f. progression
=lm =lm =lm =lm =lm (poa) f. stair-case, stairs
=lU =lU =lU =lU =lU (podar) a. terraced
l l l l l (poth) f. a sacred book; tract
(pon) m. a variety of sugarcane
(pop) m. Pope
Y Y Y Y Y (popal) a. slow, lazy, lethargic, sluggish
(por) m. funnel with a long tube used for sowing
U U U U U (porch) m. porch
J J J J J (porar) m. porter
(porn) v.t. to sow seeds through sowing funnel
l l l l l (por) f. knuckle (of finger); segment between
the two joints of sugarcane, bamboo etc.
~ l (~ por) adv. each and every part, every
~ l W U (~ por kar de) id. to make
mince of
~ =T H= (~ varg Javn) m. tall and
healthy young man
! !! !!
(pol) m. pole
z zz zz
(pol) m. hollowness; emptiness; weakness;
cavity, socket
~ H Y (~ khulha) v.i. for the secret to be
Y Y Y Y Y (pol) a. hollow; empty; soft, plumpy; porous,
vacuous, placid
Y |HJ uJ Y W|J (~ pole Jehe m h
nl keh) id. to say something softly
~ l (~ pe r ) adv. quietly, noiselessly, stealthily
|Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T (polg) f. polling, polls
YlU YlU YlU YlU YlU (polo) m. polio, poliomyelitis
Y Y Y Y Y (polo) f. polo
(po) m. any of the high counts in dice
~ (~ bra) m. great success, good luck,
triumph, good fortune
(po) m. scabies, a skin disease
H H H H H (po kha ) m. premonition, omen, presage,
U U U U U (poch) m. wrist; lower opening of trousers,
shorts etc.; paw of a dog, cat; talons of kite
= == == (phapph) m. twenty-seventh letter and second
consonant of the bilabial pentad, it represents
the voiceless aspirated sound
=HJ =HJ =HJ =HJ =HJ (phast) a. first; best
~ F (~ e) f. first aid
~ WYH (~ kals) f. first class; top class
a. best, excellent; fine
=H =H =H =H =H (phas) v.i. to get stuck, to fit tightly; to be
caught; to be ensnared, to be entrapped, to be
=HS =HS =HS =HS =HS (phast) m. dispute, quarrel
~ uWU/=V (~muku/vaha) id.
to settle dispute, to take up a quarrel; to finish
a work half heartedly; to remove an obstacle
VHY VHY VHY VHY VHY (fasal) f. crop, produce, harvest
VHYl VHYl VHYl VHYl VHYl (fasl) a. pertaining to a crop, seasonal
~ J (~ baer) m. weather-cock, fair
weather friend, a time server, opportunist
=H= U =H= U =H= U =H= U =H= U (phasvu) v.t. to cause to be
entangled; to cause to be struck
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (phasu) v.t. to entangle, to entrap, to
ensnare, to trap; to fix something tightly, to
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (phasd) m. riot, affray; violent quarrel;
dispute, brawl; revolt, agitation; disturbance
~ Ul H= (~ d Jah) f. bone of contention,
apple of discord
=HUl =HUl =HUl =HUl =HUl (phasd) m. riotous person, rioter
=H =H =H =H =H (phasn) m. story, fiction, narrative
=HlY =HlY =HlY =HlY =HlY (phasl) f. rampart, boundary
=|Jm =|Jm =|Jm =|Jm =|Jm (phaha) m. small piece of cotton-wool or
gauze used for moping up blood or any
discharge, swab
=|JU =|JU =|JU =|JU =|JU (phehru) v.t. to hoist, to unfurl
=J = =J = =J = =J = =J = (phahu) m. a spade-like wooden scraper
used for removing dung etc.
=J =l =J =l =J =l =J =l =J =l (phau) f. crutch; a small wooden scrapper
= W = W = W = W = W
! !! !!
(phakk) f. shell of rice etc., husk
= W = W = W = W = W
z zz zz
(phakk) a. pale, pallid
uJ ~ J (m h ~ ho) id. to become
pale (because of fear etc.)
= W = W = W = W = W (phakka) v.t. to throw something into the
mouth from the palm
VWS VWS VWS VWS VWS (fakat) a. only, merely
= W-= W = W-= W = W-= W = W-= W = W-= W (phakk-phakk) f. puffing (of engine)
= W = W = W = W = W (phakkar) a. happy-go-lucky, carefree, easy
going, mendicant, hermit; poor
= W= = W= = W= = W= = W= (phakka) m. meaningless, useless,
nonsensical talk
~ SY (~ tol) v.t. to indulge in nonsense
= W = W = W = W = W (phakk) m. the act of throwing in the mouth
a quantity of something consumed in one
instant, handful
~ W (~ ku) adv. a bit, a little
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to throw (something)
straight into the mouth
= Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl (phakk) f. powdered medicine or other thing;
quantity of powdered medicine to be taken in
one instant
=Wlm UU (phakka uu) id. to
finish a work in no time; to spend lavishly, to
VWl VWl VWl VWl VWl (fakr) m. beggar; mendicant, fakir, recluse,
a. poor, penniless
l~ (pr ~) m. saint, fakir, anchorite
VWl VWl VWl VWl VWl (fakrn) a. the ways of a fakir;
pertaining to the characteristics of a fakir,
= == ==
VH VH VH VH VH (fakhar) m. proud
= T = T = T = T = T (phagga) m. last month of Bikrami calendar
falls on mid-February to mid-March
VH VH VH VH VH (fazar) f. morning, dawn
VHY VHY VHY VHY VHY (fazal) m. blessing, grace, favour, bounty
VH Y VH Y VH Y VH Y VH Y (fazl) a. useless, unnecessary, inessential;
worthless, good-for-nothing
~ U (~ k harch) a. extravagant, spendthrift,
prodigal, waster
~ HUl (~ k harch) f. extravagance,
= J = J = J = J = J
! ! ! ! !
(pha) adv. immediately, instantly, at once,
quickly, hastily
=J=J (phapha) adv. in no time, in a
jiffy, hurriedly, quickly
= J = J = J = J = J
z z z z z
(pha) m. wound, injury; setback, agony
~ |uY (mIla) id. to recover from a shock
or setback or agony with the passage of time;
for a wound to heal up
mY ~ (all ~) m. tender wound/injury;
fresh or recent blow or shock
=J W =J W =J W =J W =J W

(phaakk) m. sound of blow; thud
~ W W (~ kar ke) adv. with a thud

(phaaka) v.t. to winnow
=JW=l =JW=l =JW=l =JW=l =JW=l

(phaka) f. alum
~ =Y J (~ phull ho) id. to be thrashed

(phak) m. winnowing

(phaku) v.i.t. to winnow; to get
cleaned with a winnow
=J =J =J =J =J

(phaa) v.i. to be torn; to be ripped; to
burst, to explode; to turn sour (milk)
= J= = J= = J= = J= = J=

(phaa) a. wounded, injured
= J = J = J = J = J

(pha) m. wooden board, plank; signboard,

(phau) v.t. to make cheese (of milk)
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl
! ! ! ! !
(pha) f. splint; wooden writing board used
by beginners to learn to write, tablet
~ U (~ poch) v.i. to clean writing tablet
id. to embarrass someone, to put someone to
= = = = =
! ! ! ! !
(ph) m. fund, contribution; subscription
=lJ = (prvd ph) m. provident
= = = = =
z z z z z
(ph) f. severe beating, thrashing, drubbing
= = = = =

(pha) v.t. to beat severely, to thrash, to
drub; to thresh
= = = = =

(phar) f. dry & barren cow or buffalo
= =U /= U = =U /= U = =U /= U = =U /= U = =U /= U

(phvu/phu) v.t.
to have someone thrashed; to get paddy etc.
threshed manually
= =Fl/= Fl = =Fl/= Fl = =Fl/= Fl = =Fl/= Fl = =Fl/= Fl

(phv/ph) f. the act of or
wages for threshing
= = = = =

(pha) m. hood of a snake
=lm =lm =lm =lm =lm

(phaar) m. hooded (snake), cobra
=S= =S= =S= =S= =S=

(phatv) m. decree, verdict (Muslim religious
=| SJ =| SJ =| SJ =| SJ =| SJ

(phateh) f. victory, triumph; success;
conquest; greeting word of the Sikhs, Sikh
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to conquer
~ YUl (~ bulu) v.t. to greet, to salute;
to utter Sikh greeting
=|SJUl =|SJUl =|SJUl =|SJUl =|SJUl

(phatehyb) f. success, achievement,
=S Jl =S Jl =S Jl =S Jl =S Jl

(phath) f. singlet, vest, jacket, waistcoat
=S =S =S =S =S

(phatr) m. conflict in mind; disturbance;
disorder; tumult, furore; quarrel, fray, fracas;
~ uUU (~ machau) v.t. to raise hue and
cry; to create disturbance; to cause disorder
= U = U = U = U = U

(ph) m. springe, snare, trap, net; noose

(fan) m. special talent, skill, craft; art
JV uY (harfan mol) m. master of
many trades, versatile personality

(fankr) m. artist; craftsman

(fankr) f. skill, craftsmanship; art
=J =J =J =J =J

(phnh) m. destruction, death eradication;
the end of existence
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to destroy, to ruin, to
= H = H = H = H = H

(phans) m. chandelier
= H = H = H = H = H

(phne kha ) m. arrogant, overbearing
=== === === === ===

(phaph) m. misleading appearance,
hypocrisy, deceit; sycophancy, flattery
=== J ( phaphe hatth) a. & m.
deceitful, dissembler, hypocrite, deceiver;
sycophant, flatterer
== W J/== W Jl == W J/== W Jl == W J/== W Jl == W J/== W Jl == W J/== W Jl(phapheku/phapheku) a.
hypocritical, dissembler, deceitful; old
deceitful woman
== Y == Y == Y == Y == Y

(phaphol) m. blister
= = = = =

(phab) v.i. to suit well, to befit, to match;
to look beautiful; to adorn oneself, to make
oneself charming
=U /== =U /== =U /== =U /== =U /==

(phabd/phabva ) a. suitable,
befitting, matching, becoming; good looking,
beautiful, charming
= S = S = S = S = S

(phabbat) f. good appearance, quality or state
of befittingness, suitability, embellishment;
= = = = =

(phb) m. very small piece of cotton-wool
= = = = =

(phar) m. fur, soft wool on the body of sheep

(farsh) m. floor, pavement

(farsh) a. of the floor, pertaining to the floor

(fark) m. difference; dissimilarity; distance,
space; discrepancy; variation; disparity
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to fill the gap; to
remove misunderstanding, to patch up; to find
out the difference
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to discriminate, to make
a difference between
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to create difference,
to differentiate
~ (~ pe) id. to have strained relations;
to improve (in health)
Ul =lJ U ~ (unn vh d ~) m. a little
difference, very small difference
=W =W =W =W =W

(pharka) v.i. to vellicate, to twitch; to
= Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl

(pharg) m. Englishman

(farz) m. duty, responsibility, liability, obligation
~ HH (~ shans) a. dutiful
~ W (~ karn) id. to suppose, to assume
~ |FU (~ nIbhu) v.i. to fulfil one's

(farzd) m. male child, son
! ! ! ! !
(farz) a. supposed, assumed; fictitious;
z z z z z
(farz) m. bishop (in chess)
= J = J = J = J = J

(phar) m. front; war front
=U =U =U =U =U
! ! ! ! !
(phard) f. document or list; a single piece of
the pair of woollen shawl
~ HuUl (~ Jamhbd) f. a paper or extract
from land record
~ Hu (~ Jurm) m. charge-sheet
= =/= = = =/= = = =/= = = =/= = = =/= =

(pharn pharn/phar phar) adv.
regular pleasing gushes of wind/breeze
=lU =lU =lU =lU =lU

(pharnchar) m. furniture
==U ==U ==U ==U ==U

(pharpharu) v.i.t. to flutter, to flap;
to hoist
=u =u =u =u =u

(pharm) f. firm, commercial concern
=u =u =u =u =u

(pharm) f. frame; pages printed on a single
sheet; cast (of shoe-maker)

(farmu) v.i.t. to order, to command,
to utter, to speak, to tell
Vu | FH Vu | FH Vu | FH Vu | FH Vu | FH

(farma esh) f. recommendation,
commendation; request; order demand
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to request, to ask for; to
make recommendation, to recommend
Vu | FHl Vu | FHl Vu | FHl Vu | FHl Vu | FHl

(farma esh) a. recommended,
recommendatory; on request; one who
=u =u =u =u =u

(pharmn) m. edict, command; order (of
govt. etc.)
~ Hl W (~ Jr karn) v.t. to issue orders
=u U l =u U l =u U l =u U l =u U l

(pharmbardr) f. dutifulness,
obedience; loyalty, sincerity
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(pharl) m. upper end of the turban of
Nihangs (Sikh); a small piece of cloth tied to
the top of Nishan Sahib (Sikh flag); loose
written paper

(pharlag) m. furlong
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(pharlo) f. furlough; french-leave, absence
without leave
V=l V=l V=l V=l V=l

(farvar) m. February
= = = = =

(pharr) m. crest (of turban)
= = = = =
! ! ! ! !
(pharh) m. scraps of wood left out while
sawing a log
= = = = =
z z z z z
(pharh) m. any loose paper; piece of paper

(farpen) m. fry-pan

(faras) m. France

(farsh) m. personal attendant, servant;
~ H (~ khn) m. a store for floorers

(farasbn) f. a vegetable, french bean

(farass) a. French

(fark) f. frock

(farkh) a. open, spacious
V |UY (fark hdIl) a. bountiful,
bounteous, large-hearted, generous, liberal
V|UYl (farkhdIl) f. bounteousness,
liberality, open-heartedness, generosity
=J =J =J =J =J

(phar) m. the sound of anything fluttering
in the air; sound of animal's long breath; hissing
sound of snake; threshing-machine, thresher
= = = = =

(phrr) a. absconding, run away
~ J H (~ ho J) v.i. to run away, to
V|mU V|mU V|mU V|mU V|mU

(farId) f. appeal, supplication; petition,
complaint, plaint
V| m Ul V| m Ul V| m Ul V| m Ul V| m Ul

(farId) a. complainant, plaintiff;
petitioner, appellant, supplicant

(farIsht) m. angel, divine messenger,
cherub; kind man, generous person
V|H|Sm =l S J (farIshtIa n v
pat n ho) id. not to have a single clue
about a matter, to have no knowledge about a
=| H =| H =| H =| H =| H

(pharIJJ) m. refrigerator

(fark) m. party to a dispute or suit
= J = J = J = J = J

(phar) m. fruit

(fareb) m. fraud, deception, treachery, deceit,
V l V l V l V l V l

(fareb) a. fraudulent, deceiver, treacherous,
deceitful, guileful
V u V u V u V u V u

(farem) m. frame

(farer) m. flag, banner, standard
= WU = WU = WU = WU = WU

(phrekchar) m. fracture
= H = H = H = H = H

(pharosh) suff. a suffix meaning 'seller'
= JJl = JJl = JJl = JJl = JJl

(pharoh) f. boast, brag

(farokhat karn) v.t. to sell
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(pharoln) v.t. to search thoroughly, to
=Y-=Yl (pharol-pharl) f. thorough
search, rummage
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(phal) m. fruit; result
~ U (~ de) v.i. to bear fruit, to yield fruit
~ U (~ pu) id. to lay in the bed one
has made
~ |uY (~ mIla) id. to suffer for one's evil
deeds; to be rewarded
=YH (phalsarp) adv. as a result,
consequently, subsequently, in consequence
=YU|FW (phaldek) a. fruitful, profitable
=YU (phaldr) a. bearing fruit, yielding
=YJ (phalhr) m. a diet consisting
only fruit , diet of fruit
- -- --=YJl

(phalhr) m. one who subsists on
fruit only, fruitarian

(falassh) f. flush, latrine
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(phal) v.i. to bear fruit; to have children;
to be rewarded
~ =Y (~ phul) id. to prosper, to flourish,
to be happy and wealthy

(fal) f. flight

(falvl) m. fly wheel (of engine)

(phalsh) f. a game of cards
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(phal) m. so and so, unnamed person,
such a one
~ |VuW (~ hImk) m. Tom, Dick and Harry,
such and such

(phalle) f. a kind of cloth, flannel

(falI) f. an insecticide, flit
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl

(phal) f. bean, pod, seed-pod
~ F (~ n bhn) id. to do nothing, to
remain idle ever
=YlJ =YlJ =YlJ =YlJ =YlJ

(phal) m. canvas shoes, fleet
=Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J

(phalh) m. blister, bleb, boil; a burning
coal; spark, scintilla
=Y U =Y U =Y U =Y U =Y U

(phald) m. a preparation of vermicelli
=Y H =Y H =Y H =Y H =Y H

(phalesh) m. flash
=Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J
! ! ! ! !
(phale) m. flat, apartment
=Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J
z z z z z
(phale) a. flat, level
== == == == ==

(phah) f. boast, vaunt, brag
==W ==W ==W ==W ==W

(phaka) f. flutter, flap; pulsation,
palpitation, throb
==W ==W ==W ==W ==W

(phaka) v.i. to flutter, to flap (wings);
to throb, to palpitate; to pulsate
==WU ==WU ==WU ==WU ==WU

(phaku) v.t. to beat, to thrash; to
make to flutter; to make to flap
== == == == ==

(phan) v.i. to catch, to hold, to seize, to
grab, to grip, to clutch; to capture; to arrest
====U ====U ====U ====U ====U

(phaphau) v.i. to flap , to flutter
(wings) to flicker
====Fl ====Fl ====Fl ====Fl ====Fl

(phapha) f. a state of arresting,
arrests; round-up
====JJ ====JJ ====JJ ====JJ ====JJ

(phaphah) f. the act and sound of
fluttering of the wings
==U ==U ==U ==U ==U

(phau) v.t. to hand over, to give in
charge; to let one hold something; to get
someone arrested
Y ~(pall n ~) id. to keep one's
mouth shut, to give no clues; not to yield
=U J =U J =U J =U J =U J

(ph t en pe n) m. a kind of pen,

(faed) m. profit, gain, dividend, benefit;
use, advantage; welfare, well-being; good result
V|FU u U V|FU u U V|FU u U V|FU u U V|FU u U

(faedemd) a. profitable, beneficial;
useful, advantageous
~ (be ~) a. useless, of no use
=|F =|F =|F =|F =|F

(pha Ir) m. gunshot, fire-shot
~ u (~ men) m. fireman
=|F T =|F T =|F T =|F T =|F T (phIr barge) m. fire brigade

(fn) m. & a. fine, penalty; good, fine

(fnal) a. final

(fl) f. file
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to close the file, to file

(fsl) m. distance; space, gap; forness

(fa sIs) a. fascist

(fsIzm) m. fascism
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl

(pha s) f. death by hanging, execution, gallows,
~ U=/ U= (~ chhn/ chan) v.t.
to hang till death, to gibbet
=J =J =J =J =J

(phh) m. halter, noose, snare, hanging,
~ U (~ de) v.t. to hang
~ Y (~ le) v.i. to hang oneself
=J Y T (phhe lagga) id. to be
engaged in a difficult task
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to execute death
sentence, to hang till death
=Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl

(phh) f. trap, snare; halter, noose
~ TY U (~ gal pu) id. to invite a
trouble, to put oneself in hot-water; to get
=J =J =J =J =J

(phhu) v.t. to entrap, to ensnare, to
=W =W =W =W =W

(phk) m. fast; starvation
~ WHl (~ kash) f. starvation, hunger; fasting
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to go without food, to
miss a meal; to observe fast
! ! ! ! !
(fzal) a. learned, well-read, scholar,
z z z z z
(fzal) a. additional; surplus, spare
=J =J =J =J =J

(pha) f. strip; beating, thrashing

(phak) m. door, gate; barrier (rail or road
crossing); portal
=J =J =J =J =J

(pha) m. whip, flagellum
~ U= (~ chhn) id. to thrash, to give a
sound beating, to flagellate
=l =l =l =l =l

(ph) m. lagging behind, laggard; backward
=|Sm =|Sm =|Sm =|Sm =|Sm

(phatI) m. Muslim prayer for the dead
~ = (~ pahn) v.i.t. to pray for the
=l =l =l =l =l

(phadh) m. bird catcher, fowler; ensnarer,
= = = = =

(phn) m. strip of wood, wedge, cleat;
obstruction, hindrance
~ m=U (~ u) id. to create a hindrance
== == == == ==

(phph) f. an old woman without teeth,
toothless woman; bawd, procuress

(frs) f. Persian
=T =T =T =T =T

(pharag) a. free, unencumbered
Vu Vu Vu Vu Vu

(fram) m. form; proforma
Vu Y Vu Y Vu Y Vu Y Vu Y

(frml) m. formula
=u Hl =u Hl =u Hl =u Hl =u Hl

(phrmes) f. pharmacy
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(phl) m.& f. wedge, cleat; fall (of sari)

(phlsa) a. purplish (colour)

(phls) m. a tree and its fruit, Grewia

(phlaJ) m. paralysis, hemiplegia

(phlt) a. extra, spare, surplus, more than
required; worthless, useless
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y

(phl) m. ploughshare, coulter
= = = = = = = = = =

(phv) a. tired, exhausted, weary (by
==l ==l ==l ==l ==l

(pha) f. piece of a fruit or vegetable, slice,
| = H | = H | = H | = H | = H

(phIssa) v.i. to be crushed, to be
squelched; to discharge matter (boil)
|=H (phIss pe) id. to be melt into
tears, to burst into tears, to start crying
|=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY

(phIsla) f. slippery ground or place,
slipperiness; slide; skid (of wheel)
|=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY

(phIsal) v.i. to slip, to slide; to skid; to
go back from one's promise; to be degraded

(phIsalu) v.t. to cause to slip or side
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J

(pheh) v.t. to crush, to mash; to trample
|=J HJ (pheh sua) id. to crush, to
squelch; to trample
|= W |= W |= W |= W |= W

(phIkk) m. strained relations, estrangement

(fIkso) f. hair fixing cream or solution, hair-
fixer, hair gel

(fIkar) m. anxiety, care, worry, concern,
|VWuU (fIkarmd) a. anxious, worried;
sorrowful, pensive
|VW (befIkar) a. careless, carefree, free
from worry

(fIkr) m. sentence
|= W |= W |= W |= W |= W

(phIkk) a. insipid, vapid, distasteful, tasteless;
of dull colour, light, dim; discourteous, harsh
~ (~ pe ) id. to be ashamed; to be
abashed; to become dull; to become pale
~ |= W (~ phIkk) a. tasteless, distasteful,
vapid, insipid
~ Y (~ bola) id. to talk rudely, to speak
|= J |= J |= J |= J |= J
! ! ! ! !
(phI) f.& intj. malediction, curse; shame,
|= J |= J |= J |= J |= J
z z z z z
(phI) a. fit, tight; suitable, favourable
|= J |= J |= J |= J |= J
a a a a a
(phI) f. fit, spasm
|=JW |=JW |=JW |=JW |=JW

(phIkr) f. curse, malediction, imprecation,
reproof, rebuke, disdain; insult
|=JW |=JW |=JW |=JW |=JW

(phIkrn) v.t. to curse, to maledict, to
rebuke, to scold; to damn, to insult
|= J |= J |= J |= J |= J

(phI) v.i. to become over bearing, to
show vanity, to become proud; to be spoiled;
to fade; to turn sour (milk)
- -- --|=|Jm J|Fm

(phIe hoe) a. vain, proud,
|= Jlm U = = |= Jlm U = = |= Jlm U = = |= Jlm U = = |= Jlm U = =

(phI d phe) a. mischievous,
quarrelsome, bone of contention, root of
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J

(phIar) m. fitter
|= |= |= |= |=

(ph) f. playing ball
|= |= |= |= |=

(phI) a. club-footed, club-feet
|=S |=S |=S |=S |=S

(phItn) m. mischief-maker, makebate,
crooked, shrewd, wily
|=SS |=SS |=SS |=SS |=SS

(phItrat) f. nature, disposition
|=SS |=SS |=SS |=SS |=SS

(phItratan) adv. by nature

(fId) a. enamoured, infatuated, devoted
|=Hl |=Hl |=Hl |=Hl |=Hl

(phIns) f. pimple, eruption, pustule, whelk
|=|FY |=|FY |=|FY |=|FY |=|FY

(phIne l) f. a pesticide, phenyl
|==Jl |==Jl |==Jl |==Jl |==Jl

(phIpha) f. under turban
|= u l |= u l |= u l |= u l |= u l

(phmah) f. pimple, pustule, whelk
|= |= |= |= |=

(phIr) adv. again, second time, once more;
then, next, in future; afterwards
~ |= (~ phIr) adv. again and again, time and
again, repeatedly
~ |= W (~ phIr ke) adv. after wandering
~ =l (~ v) adv. yet, even then, still; once again,
once more

(fIrk) m. denomination, sect; community,
tribe, clan
~ HS (~ prast) m. communalist, sectarian
~ HSl (~ prast) f. communalism,
|VWl |VWl |VWl |VWl |VWl

(phIrk) f. pulley; reel, spool; spinning top
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W

(phIrk) a. denominational, sectarian;
|=S |=S |=S |=S |=S

(fIrt) a. wanderer, ramble, rover; revolving,
mobile, circulating
|= |= |= |= |=

(phIrn) v.i. to walk, to move; to wander, to
ramble; to stroll; to go back upon one's word;
to excrete, to defecate; to revolve, to retort
~ S (~ turna ) m. wandering, ramble; stroll
|H ~(sIr ~) id. to be off one's head, to
become insane, to go mad; to be in furry
K= ~(Jhr ~) id. to be ruined completely
|U U ~ (dIna d ~) id. to have good
days, to have prosperous time
u|m u|m ~ (mre mre ~) id. to
knock about from pillar to post; to be in a
miserable condition
|H |=|m (- sIr phIrI) a. mad, insane,
lunatic; haughty, proud, arrogant
|=l |=l |=l |=l |=l

(phIran) f. custard prepared from rice flour
and milk; peripheral road around a village
|== |== |== |== |==

(phIrva) a. revolving, rotating; movable,
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U

(phIru) v.t. to make to revolve, to get
to rotate; to make to move or walk

(phIlhl) adv. from the time being, at
|=YJ |=YJ |=YJ |=YJ |=YJ

(phIlar) m. filter
|VYu |VYu |VYu |VYu |VYu

(fIlam) f. film, movie, motion- picture

(fIlamu) v.t. to picturize, to make a
film of
|VYul |VYul |VYul |VYul |VYul

(fIlam) a. of the film, pertaining to the film,
Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl

(f) intj. each, per, every, individual, one
~ HUl (~ sad) a. & adv. percent, per hundred
=lH =lH =lH =lH =lH

(phs) f. fee, tuition fee
=lHJ =lHJ =lHJ =lHJ =lHJ

(phs) f. feast
=lJ =lJ =lJ =lJ =lJ

(phhn) a. flat-nosed, snub, pug-nosed
=lS =lS =lS =lS =lS

(pht) m. ribbon; lace, tatting; measuring
tape; shoe lace; strap (of watch); tag
~ =lS W (~ pht karn) id. to torn to

(fl) m. a piece in chess, chess-man (bishop)
= H = H = H = H = H

(phus) f. sound produced while passing wind
= H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H = H

(phusar phusar) f. whisper, murmur

(phuslu) v.t. to wheedle, to coax; to
lure, to seduce, to entice
= J = J = J = J = J

(phuhr) f. drizzling, mizzle, scud, drizzle,
= J = J = J = J = J

(phur) m. fountain, sprinkler
= W = W = W = W = W

(phuka) v.i. to be burnt; to burn with
= W = W = W = W = W

(phukar) a. boastful, vain, coquettish
= W = W = W = W = W

(phkr) f. hissing sound (of a snake), hiss
= W = W = W = W = W

(phkrn) v.t. to hiss, to snort; to produce
a hissing sound
= W = W = W = W = W

(phkr) m. snort, hissing
= J = J = J = J = J
! ! ! ! !
(phu) f. rift, split, discord, disunion,
= J = J = J = J = J
z z z z z
(phu) m. a measure unit, foot (about 30 cms.)
= J = J = J = J = J
a a a a a
(phu) m. foot
~ J (~ no) m. footnote
~ (~ pth) m. footpath
~ Y (~ bl) m. football

(phukal) a. miscellaneous, farraginous, of
various kinds; retail
= J = J = J = J = J

(phua) v.t. to burst; to sprout, to shoot;
to slip away, to flee; to speak out; to blossom;
to blister
=J =J W (pu pu ke ro) id. to
weep bitterly
=Jl mH FU (pu akkh n bhu)
id. not to endure even the sight of
~ Wl J (~ ko n ho) id. to be a
pauper, to be penniless
~ Wl U (~ ko n de) id. to give not
even a single penny, to be very stingy
=J uJ Y U (- pue m h nl n
puchchha) id. not to enquire the least, not
even to talk by way of courtesy
= J = J = J = J = J

(phu) m. scale, foot-rule
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl (phu ) f. cotton's freshly burst ball; curdling
= = = = =

(pha) v.t. to hit (target etc); to strike
(with missile etc.), to shoot
= UW = UW = UW = UW = UW

(phudka) v.i. to jump, to leap, to hop,
to skip
= U = U = U = U = U

(phd) m. plume, cockade, rosette; tassel
= =J H = =J H = =J H = =J H = =J H

(phuphhes) f. sister of father-in-law
= == = == = == = == = ==

(phuppha) m. husband of father's sister,
= |=m J = |=m J = |=m J = |=m J = |=m J

(phuphIohr) m. husband of father-in-
law's sister
= =l = =l = =l = =l = =l

(phuph) f. father's sister, paternal aunt
= = = = = = = = = =

(phupher) m.& a. son of paternal aunt,
cousin; pertaining to paternal aunt
= u = u = u = u = u

(phma) m. rosette, tassel, cockade, plume
= HS = HS = HS = HS = HS

(phursat) f. leisure, vacant hour, free-time,
leisureliness, spare time, opportunity
= Sl = Sl = Sl = Sl = Sl

(phurt) f. activeness, quickness, celerity,
smartness, nimbleness; haste, hurry, speed,
alert, brisk, agile
= SlY = SlY = SlY = SlY = SlY

(phurtl) a. active, quick, smart, nimble
= = = = =

(phurn) m. & v.i. idea, thought; to come to
mind, to strike upon, to come to mind all at
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
! ! ! ! !
(phull) m. flower, bloom, blossom; ashes (of
dead); an ornament of the head
~ J(~ bu) m. embroidery
~ =T (~ varg) adv. very light; very
delicate, fragile
~ ==l (~ v) f. garden
JY ~ (hol ~) a. of very small weight,
very light
- |SY ~ (tIl ~) m. small offerings
- u J ~K= (mho ~ Jhan) id. to speak
with eloquence or sweetness
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
z z z z z
(phull) a. full, replete
= YW = YW = YW = YW = YW

(phulk) m. a flat, thin round cake of
unleavened flour dough baked on griddle
= YWl = YWl = YWl = YWl = YWl

(phulkr) f. embroidered head wrapper,
= YK=l = YK=l = YK=l = YK=l = YK=l

(phulJha) f. a kind of firework
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phulla) v.i. to be very pleased; to bloom,
to blossom; to puff up, to swell; to become fat
-=Y W W J

(phull ke kupp ho) id.
to be overjoyed, to overwhelm with joy, to be
= YU = YU = YU = YU = YU

(phulldr) a. flowery (print cloth etc.)
~ J (~ bu) m. embroidery
=Y Y YU (-phulla nl ladda) id. to
give a warm welcome
= Y|Jl = Y|Jl = Y|Jl = Y|Jl = Y|Jl

(phulbe hr) f. a skin disease, leukoderma
= Y= = Y= = Y= = Y= = Y=

(phulva) a. inflated, puffed up
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phull) m. parched corn of maize or millet,
= YU = YU = YU = YU = YU

(phullu) v.t. to blow air in tube, balloon
etc., to inflate; to puff up someone
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phuler) m. florist, flower-boy
= Y Y = Y Y = Y Y = Y Y = Y Y

(phulel) m. scent, scented oil
= =W = =W = =W = =W = =W

(phuka) v.i. to have a fainting fit, to
- -- --= =W W

(phuak ke) adv. faintingly, swoonly
= =WU = =WU = =WU = =WU = =WU

(phuku) v.t. to beat severely
= H = H = H = H = H

(phs) m. dry grass, hay, straw
= J= = J= = J= = J= = J=

(phh) a. unmannerly, rustic; crude mattress
= J=l = J=l = J=l = J=l = J=l

(phh) f. mat (made of coarse grass or
~ UW (~ chukka) v.t. to stop sitting on
the floor for mourning
~ U l (~ pu) v.i. to sit to mourn, to
observe mourning
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl

(phh) f. small piece of cotton, swab
= W = W = W = W = W

(phk) f. puff, blow; pride, conceit, flatulence
~ WV (~ kaa) id. to prick the bladder,
to prick the bubble
~ UW (~ chhaka) id. to give oneself airs,
to blow away the cobwebs
~ UWU (~ chhaku) id. to flatter, to
~ =W W H (~ phk ke per rakkh)
id. to be over cautious
W 'U ~ u (kn 'ch ~ marn) id. turn
person's head blow upon; to make one a disciple
= W = W = W = W = W

(phka) v.t. to set on fire, to burn; to lay
waste, to squander money; to blow
= Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl = Wl

(phka) f. blow lamp, blow torch
= YU = YU = YU = YU = YU

(phuldn) m. flower pot, flower vase
= -=/= -= = -=/= -= = -=/= -= = -=/= -= = -=/= -=

(phu - pha/ph - ph ) f. flatulency,
arrogance, pride; foppery, dandyism
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phl) m. an animal having white spot on
the head
= = = = =

(pher) v.t. to press, to compress; to crush
= J = J = J = J = J

(phe) f. shock, blow; stumble, kick, knock
HJ ~ (satt ~) f. injury, hurt
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl

(phe) f. crookedness
a. crooked
= l = l = l = l = l

(phe) f. thread like and coiled sweetmeat,
very thin, coiled vermicelli
= == = == = == = == = ==

(phepha) m. lung
= = = = =

(pher) m. & adv. circuitous route,
circumference; coil, twist, detour; again,
second time; then; some other time; turn,
J ~ W (her ~ karn) id. to do some
change, to interchange, to shuffle, to alter
|U U ~ (- dIna d ~) m. change of luck,
bad time, unfavourable time
= =l (pher v) adv. still, yet
= = = = =

(phern) v.t. to turn, to rotate, to revolve, to
circulate; to revise a lesson
m H ~ (akkh ~) id. to give the cold
shoulder, to make a stranger of; to be moribund,
to be about to die
J ~ (hatth ~) id. to pinch, to purloin; to
caress, to fondle; to cheat, to deceive
uJ ~ (m h ~) id. to turn one's eyes; to
break off relations
= = = = =

(pher) m. round, circuit; revolution; visit,
perambulation; trip
= l = l = l = l = l

(pher) f. round, visit; the act of going round;
hawker's round, hawking
~ YU (~ lu) id. to go one hawking round
=l=Y (phervl) m. hawker, pedlar
= = = = =

(phere) m. the requisite number of rounds taken
around the sacred fire or sri Guru Granth Sahib
by the bride and bridegroom, matrimonial rite;
rounds, circumambulation
~ Y(~ le e) id. to get married
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phel) a. unsuccessful, fail, failed, plucked
m. failure (during action)
~ J H( ~ ho J) v.i. to fail, to flunk
= H = H = H = H = H

(pheshan) m. fashion
= HU = HU = HU = HU = HU

(pheshandr) a. fashionable
= HY = HY = HY = HY = HY

(phe sal) m. verdict, judgement, adjudication,
finding; determination, decision
~ H U ( ~ suu) id. to deliver
judgement; to give decision
mHll ~ (akhr ~) m. final decision
= WJl = WJl = WJl = WJl = WJl

(phekar) f. factory
= J = J = J = J = J

(phe a) v.t. to mix and agitate by beating,
to beat; to thrash; to shuffle (playing cards)
= J U= (phe chhn) id. to beat
badly, to thrash
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phe l) v.i. to spread; to expand, to diffuse;
to radiate (rays); to scatter; to disperse
= YU = YU = YU = YU = YU

(phelo) m. spread, expansion, extension;
dispersion; diffusion
= YU = YU = YU = YU = YU

(phelu) v.t. to spread, to expand; to
scatter; to disperse
= H = H = H = H = H

(phos) m. fresh dung (of cow, buffalo etc.)
= H= = H= = H= = H= = H=

(phosa) a. weak, lazy, sluggish; timid, coward
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl

(phos) f. small quantity of excreted dung
= W/= WJ/= W= = W/= WJ/= W= = W/= WJ/= W= = W/= WJ/= W= = W/= WJ/= W=

(phok/phoka/phoka) m. dreg,
less; of no value, useless; residue left after
= W = W = W = W = W

(phok) a. juiceless; taste less, vapid, insipid;
blank (cartridge)
= T = T = T = T = T

(phog) m. residue, refuse
= J = J = J = J = J

(pho) m. an abusive term
= J = J = J = J = J

(phoo) m. snap, photograph
= J T= = J T= = J T= = J T= = J T=

(phoogrphar) m. photographer
= J T=l = J T=l = J T=l = J T=l = J T=l

(phoogrphr) m. photography
= = = = =

(phon) m. telephone
= = = = =

(phor) m. time taken in a wink, instant,
twinkling, jiffy, moment
~ 'U / |=U (~ 'ch/vIch) adv. in a jiffy, in the
twinkling of an eye
= u = u = u = u = u

(phormen) m. foreman
= YW = YW = YW = YW = YW

(pholak) m. peel; shell; chaff, husk
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phola) v.t. to search, to rake, to find out;
to shake; to expose
UH HH~ (dukkh sukkh~) id. to share
one's sorrows and joys
=Y =Y (phole phola) id. to rake
up old wounds
= Y u (phol mrn) id. to search
=Y=Yl(pholphl) f. search, raking
= Yl = Yl = Yl = Yl = Yl

(phola) f. a stick for poking fire, poker
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y

(phol) m. a white speck in the eye, nebula;
= = = = = = = = = =

(pho) m. boil, abscess, fester, pustule
H= =Y ~ (Jah vl~) m. a boil with
roots, tumour or ulcer with roots; cancer
= =-|=Hl = =-|=Hl = =-|=Hl = =-|=Hl = =-|=Hl

(pho-phIns) f. boil and pustule

(foJ) f. army, military; multitude, swarm
VHUl (foJdr) a. & f. criminal; crime ;
quarrel, fight, brawl; penal code
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl

(phoJ) m. & a. soldier, military man; pertaining
to military, martial
~ mUYS (~ adlat) m. military court, court
~ JWuS (~ hakumat) f. military rule, martial
~ W (~ kn n) m. military law
~ H (~ rJ) m. martial law, military rule
= = = = =

(pho ran) adv. immediately, forthwith, at once,
instantly, instantaneously
=l W=Fl (phor krv) f. immediate
= YU = YU = YU = YU = YU

(phold) m. steel
= YUl = YUl = YUl = YUl = YUl

(phold) a. made of steel, steely; strong,
robust, steel-like
= = = = = = = = = =

(phoh) m. boasting, false-hood, deceit
= = = = = = = = = =

(phoh) m. a spade like wooden scraper
= = l = = l = = l = = l = = l

(phoh) f. crutch

(babb) m. twenty-eighth letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, third of the bilabial pentad
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (ba) intj. an addressing word, a form of address
Flm Flm Flm Flm Flm (ba) m. weaver-bird
! !! !!
(bass) intj. is that all, no more
a. enough, sufficient
~ |F (~ n) adv. only this much
~ J (~ hon) id. to be exhausted; to get too
much tired, to be fed up
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to stop (doing something)
~ W U/ WUl (~ kar den/ karun)
id. to exhaust, to tire out; to satiate; to defeat
z zz zz
(bass) f. bus
H H H H H (bs) m. lineage, descendant, family; offspring,
posterity; dynasty, descent
H S H S H S H S H S(bast) f. spring (season); a famous festival; a
musical mode
~ Uul (~ pchm) f. the fifth day of the bright
half of the lunar month of Magh observed as
~ J (~ bahr) f. spring season
HS HS HS HS HS (bastar) m. clothes, garments; dress, raiment,
- HS-Jl (-bastar-h) a. nude, naked
H S H S H S H S H S (bastar) m. fire
~ U=S (~ devt) m. god of fire
HS HS HS HS HS (bast) m. school bag, satchel
~ (~ be) m. 'B' marked register of police
having particulars of habitual offenders & culprits
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (bast) f. habitation; colony, dwelling
HSl=U (bastvd) m. colonialism
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (bast) a. light yellow, xanthic; pertaining to
spring season, vernal
H H H H H (basar) f. sustenance, subsistence, livelihood
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to pull on somehow; to
spend (day or night)
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (bsar) f. flute, pipe
HY U HY U HY U HY U HY U (bslochan) m. a white earthy secretion
(medicine) formed in the hollow of bamboo,
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (baskh) f. crutch
HS HS HS HS HS (bast) f. pecuniary condition, capacity;
capability; capital, stock; means
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (bast) m. general merchant
~ Ul UW (~ d dukn) f. general store
H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl (bsval) f. genealogy, pedigree, dynastical
order (chronological)
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
(bs) f. flute; descendant, scion
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
z zz zz
(bs) suff. a suffix showing ancestral line as
in UU Hl', U U Hl' etc.
H H H H H (baser) m. temporary abode or resting place ,
lodging; nest (of birds)
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to dwell temporarily, to
~ (ren ~) m. night's abode, night's stay;
temporary stay
H JY/H Y H JY/H Y H JY/H Y H JY/H Y H JY/H Y (basohl/basola) m. a mason's tool
for setting, breaking bricks, adge; hoe
J S J S J S J S J S (bahattar) m. & a. seventy-two
J S= J S= J S= J S= J S= (bahattarv ) a. seventy-second
JJY JJY JJY JJY JJY (baharhl) adv. anyhow, at every cost, in
any case, anyway
JU JU JU JU JU (bahdar) a. brave, valorous, valiant,
courageous, daring, bold, high-spirited
- JU Ul u S u (-baha dar d mo t marn)
id. to die as a martyr, to die a martyr's death
JU JU JU JU JU (bahdrn) a. brave, bold, courageous
(act etc.)
JUl JUl JUl JUl JUl (bahdar) f. bravery, valiantly, valour,
courage, heroism, boldness
J J J J J (bahn) m. excuse, pretext; pretence, evasion

~ W/U (~ karn/banun) v.i. to
make an excuse, to pretend
m J ( ne bahne) adv. for one or
the other reason
J HH/J H J HH/J H J HH/J H J HH/J H J HH/J H (bahanesz/bahnebz) a.
one who makes excuses, pretender; shammer
J HHl/J Hl J HHl/J Hl J HHl/J Hl J HHl/J Hl J HHl/J Hl (bahnesz/bahnebz) f.
making excuses, shamming
J J J J J (bahr) f. spring season; delight, happiness,
J YJ (bahr luan) id. to make
merry, to enjoy
JY JY JY JY JY (bahl) a. reinstated, restored
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to reinstate, to restore
JYl JYl JYl JYl JYl (bahal) f. reinstatement, restoration
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (be has) f. discussion, debate, argumentation;
pleading; wrangle, skirmish
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (be hsan ) v.t. to discuss, to argue; to plead;
to wrangle
|JHS |JHS |JHS |JHS |JHS (behsht) f. heaven, paradise, garden of
| JHSl | JHSl | JHSl | JHSl | JHSl
! !! !!
(be hsht) a. heavenly, paradisean,
z zz zz
(behsht) m. watercarrier, waterman
|JW |JW |JW |JW |JW (be hkan ) v.i. to be inveigled, to be
seduced, to be misled, to be led astray; to be
intoxicated, to go out of one's control
|JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU |JWU (behkun) v.t. to inveigle, to mislead,
to lead astray, to seduce; to beguile, to cheat
|J H/|J |J H/|J |J H/|J |J H/|J |J H/|J (beh Jn/behn) v.i. to sit; to
take seat; to sink, to settle at the bottom; to be
washed away; to withdraw (from election); to
collapse (roof etc.)
~ U J (~ ut han ) m. familiarity, association,
|TY lJ ~ (gIll phan pa ~) id. to
work sluggishly
= ~ (ghar p ~) id. to stay (some
where) for a long time
= ~ (ghar ~) id. to be dismissed (from
service); to be deserted by in-laws (for a
|J|Um UJ|Um (behde uhde) adv.
all the time, all too often; every moment, always
- |Jl |Jl (reh behn) f. living, living
condition, living standard; company
|J |J |J |J |J (behar) m. rhythm, metre
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl (be hr) a. naval
|JYU |JYU |JYU |JYU |JYU (behlun) v.t. to divert the attention
of; to amuse, to entertain; to assuage, to
console; to entice
- |UY |JY= (dIl be hlv) m. entertainment,
amusement, recreation
J J J J J (bahu) a. much, many, abundant, numerous
pref. a prefix meaning many, much,
J H uSl J H uSl J H uSl J H uSl J H uSl (bahusmat) f. majority, majority vote
J W J W J W J W J W (bahukar) f. broom, besom
J W ul J W ul J W ul J W ul J W ul (bahuko m) a. multi-national
J |TSl J |TSl J |TSl J |TSl J |TSl (bahugInt) f. majority
J l J l J l J l J l (bahon ) f. first cash sale of the day
J S J S J S J S J S (bahot) a. & adv. much, many, several,
abundant, numerous, sufficient, enough; very
intensely, excessively
~ m U (~ achchh) a. & adv. very good,
very well, all right, o.k., okay
~ H (~ sr) a. & adv. very much; in large
~ WW (~ karke) adv. generally, often, mostly,
~ WK (~ kuJh) m. & a. plenty of wealth; a lot,
quite a lot
~ JS (~ bahot) a. very much, in a high
degree, super abundant
= ~ (thor ~) adv. somewhat, not much
J S J S J S J S J S (bahot) a. too much, in excess, more,
enough, plentiful
~ H (~ sr) a. abundant, plentiful, very
much, excess
J SS J SS J SS J SS J SS (bahutt) f. excess, abundance, plentitude,
exuberance, super abundance; majority
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl (bahupakkh) a. multi-dimensional,
versatile, many-sided
J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul J Ul (bahupad) a. polynomial
J FHl J FHl J FHl J FHl J FHl (bahubsh) a. multilingual
J F H J F H J F H J F H J F H (bahubhuJ) f. polygon
J u Hl J u Hl J u Hl J u Hl J u Hl (bahumukh) a. multifaceted,
multidimensional, multiform
J u Y J u Y J u Y J u Y J u Y (bahumull) a. precious, costly, dear,
J T J T J T J T J T (bahurg) a. multi-coloured
J lm J lm J lm J lm J lm (bahuru pa ) a. & m. a person who
assumes different disguises, imposter; a mimic,
a buffoon
J YS J YS J YS J YS J YS (bahult) f. amplitude, abundance,
plenteousness, plenty
J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl J Yl (bohl) f. a milk product prepared from the
milk of newly calved animal
J =U J =U J =U J =U J =U (bahuvachan) m. & a. plural number;
J = J = J = J = J = (bahurn) v.i. to come back, to return; to
reach in time for help, to come to someone's
J =l J =l J =l J =l J =l (bahur) f. call for help; help, relief
~ U (~ pun) id. to raise hue and cry
for help, to cry for help
J J J J J (bahu ) f. newly wed, bride; wife, spouse; son's
wife, daughter-in-law
~ Jl (~ be) f. woman folk; daughter and
sister; daughter and daughter -in-law
J = J = J = J = J = (baher ) m. a tree, its fruit is used for
medicinal purpose, Belleric myrobalan
J Y J Y J Y J Y J Y (bahol) m. adze
WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH WH/WH (baks/baks) m. box
|HT ~ (shgr ~) m. vanity case, make-
up box
JY ~ (u l ~) m. tool-box
YJ ~ (lear ~) m. letter-box
WH m WH m WH m WH m WH m (baksu) m. safety-pin; buckle
W W W W W (bakan ) v.i. to talk too much, to talk
nonsense; to prattle, to babble; to chatter, to
jabber; to utter, to speak; to confess or speak
- W (-bak pe n ) v.i.t. to reveal the secret,
to confess, to expose
- W-W (-bak-bak) f. prate, chatter, gab, gabble,
nonsense talk, jabber; unnecessary argumentation
WS WS WS WS WS (baktar) m. armour, mail
WS U WS U WS U WS U WS U (baktarbd) a. armoured, armour clad
WW WW WW WW WW (bakbak) a. tasteless, insipid, vapid
(taste); nauseating
W W W W W (bkar) m.bunker
W W W W W (bakkar) m. he-goat, billy-goat
~ YU (~ bulun) id. to challenge by
uttering male-goat like sound
Yl U ~ (bal d ~) m. scapegoat
W U uH (bakkare d ms) m. mutton,
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (bakkar) f. goat, she-goat, nanny-goat
WlU WlU WlU WlU WlU (bakrd) f. a Muslim festival of Id-ul- zuha
W J W J W J W J W J (bakrot ) m. grown-up male kid, goatling;
youngman; short statured person
(bakal) m. buckle
(bakal) m. confusion, perplexity
WY/ WYlm WY/ WYlm WY/ WYlm WY/ WYlm WY/ WYlm (bakkal/bakkala) m. fully boiled
grains (wheat or gram)
W=H W=H W=H W=H W=H (bakvs) f. nonsense talk, babble, prattle,
chatter, gossip, chat, twaddle
W=Hl W=Hl W=Hl W=Hl W=Hl (bakvs) m. babbler, prater, quibbler,

(baku) v.t. to make to speak out the
truth, to extort the truth
W|Fm W|Fm W|Fm W|Fm W|Fm

(bake) m. balance, outstanding amount,

(bakhshahr) a. forgiver, pardoner,
forgiving, merciful, bestower

(bakhsha) v.t. to bestow, to bless; to
forgive, to pardon; to grant, to give
H= U /H U H= U /H U H= U /H U H= U /H U H= U /H U (bak hashvu/
bak hshu) v.t. to procure or obtain
forgiveness (for someone), to get one or oneself

(bak hshIsh) f. boon, blessing, bestowal, gift,
grant, donation, tip
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U

(bak hshd) a. forgiving, merciful, forgiver,
pardoner; bestower
m. Saviour
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(bakhsh) m. paymaster (of army); a sub-
caste of Khatris

(bakhshsh) f. tip, baksheesh, perquisite,
dash; gift, present

(bakht) a. fate, luck, fortune
S = S = S = S = S =

(bak htvar) a. fortunate, lucky;
prosperous, wealthy, rich
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l

(bakhtvar) f. good fortune, prosperity

(bakhd) m. dispute, quarrel, wrangle

(bakhd) a. quarrelsome; envious, hater
Hlm/H Hlm/H Hlm/H Hlm/H Hlm/H

(bakh/bakh) m. back-stitch
Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y

(bakhl) a. back biter; miser, stingy,
parsimonious, niggard
Hl Yl Hl Yl Hl Yl Hl Yl Hl Yl

(bakhl) f. back biting; miserliness,
stinginess, parsimony, niggardliness
H = H = H = H = H =

(bakhe) m. tracasserie, wrangle, broil,
dispute, row, entanglement; difficulty

(bag al) m. armpit; flank, side; neighbourhood
T YTl J (bag algr ho) v.t. to
embrace, to hug
TY =HU (bagla vaJu) id. to crow
over, to express delight
TY TY TY TY TY (bagl) m. the Indian pond heron (a bird)
~ FTS (~ bhagat) m. tartuffe, religionist,
hypocrite; a wolf in sheep's clothing
! !! !!
(bgl) m. bungalow
W ~ (k ~ ) m. rest-house, dawk-
bungalow; a hair style
z zz zz
(bgl) f. Bengali language
TYl TYl TYl TYl TYl (bagl) f. beggar's bag for alms
TY Y TY Y TY Y TY Y TY Y (baglol) a. & m. foolish, stupid, dullard,
T T T T T (bagg) m & a. white ox; white, grey
~ H (~ sher) m. brave person, valorous fellow
~ J (~ ho) id. to lose colour; to become
pale due to fear
TYl TYl TYl TYl TYl (bgl) a & m. pertaining to Bengal;
Bengali language; inhabitant of Bengal
~ W=S (~ kut) m. a kind of lose shirt
T=S T=S T=S T=S T=S (bagvat) f. revolt, rebellion, mutiny
TlU/TlUl TlU/TlUl TlU/TlUl TlU/TlUl TlU/TlUl (bagch/bagch) m.&f. small
garden, flower garden, an orchard
T -T H T -T H T -T H T -T H T -T H (bagg-gosh) m. pear, Pyrus communis
T T T T T (bager) prep. without, except, but, save,
besides, apart
T T T T T (bago) v.t. to condemn, to talk ill, to
backbite, to slander
|=m= |=m= |=m= |=m= |=m= (baghI) m. wolf
~ =T (~ vg pe) id. to snap out, to
snap at
|=m=l |=m=l |=m=l |=m=l |=m=l (bagh) f. she wolf; an ornament worn
by women over braid
=l =l =l =l =l (baggh) f. horse-driven four wheeled
carriage, buggy, horse-fly, gig
U U U U U (bacch) m. shoal ; large gathering of young
one's of birds or fish etc.
~ W U (~ kacch) m. tiny eggs; small children, kids
UW UW UW UW UW (bachkn) a. childish, childly, puerile, child
like, fit for a child
U/U H U/U H U/U H U/U H U/U H (bacha/bach J) v.i. to escape,
to survive; to avoid, to evade; to be saved; to
recover; to remain behind, to be left over
=Y =Y ~ (vl vl ~) id. to have a hair
breadth escape, to have a narrow escape
U W ( bach ke) adv. get aside
~ H U (~ khuch) f. left-overs, leavings,
remnant; offscourings, scraps
~ |WY (~ nIkal) id. to make good one's
escape; to give one the slip, to slip away, to
pass unnoticed
- U W (- bach ke) adv. defensively,
defensibly, protectively
~ U J (~ bach ho) id. a clash or
dispute to be avoided
US US US US US (bachat) f. saving, surplus; gain, profit
U U U U U (bachan) m. promise, vow; speech, utterance
~ |YH (~ bIls) m. conversation, discussion,
U U U U U (bachpan) m. childhood; childishness,
infancy, immaturity
U= U= U= U= U= (baccha) m. a term of endearment for a
child; child
U/UU U/UU U/UU U/UU U/UU (bach/bacho) m. protection, safety,
security, defence; escape; preservation
U U U U U (bacch) m. newborn baby; child, infant, kid;
male off spring, son; inexperienced
~ WU (~ kacch) m. child, issue
~ Tl (~ ga) f. perambulator, pram
~ Y (~ le) id. to adopt a child
H U ~ (Jacch ~) m. mother and new born
child, new born child and lying-in woman
|Um Ul H (bacchea d khe) f. child's
play, easy job
U WV (bacche kaha) id. to bring
forth from eggs, to hatch
~ U (~ de) id. to bring forth, to litter
(cat, dog etc.)
H ~ WJY |=U |==U (- sae ~ kohl
vIch pIvu) id. to annihilate the whole
family, to punish the whole family
UUl (bacchedn) f. uterus, womb
UU UU UU UU UU (bachu) v.t. to make surplus; to save,
to rescue, to protect, to shield, to defend; to
evade; to spare
U U U U U (bacch) f. a term of endearment of a child;
term of scorn; child; son
U= U= U= U= U= (bachha) m. calf
H H H H H (baJJ) m. deformity, physical defect; stigma,
slur, blot, blemish
~ YTl (~ lagga) v.i. to be deformed, to
be disfigured; to become blotted
~ YUl (~ lu) id. to cast a slur, to blemish,
to stigmatize
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (baJa) m. budget
H H H H H (baJJar) a. very hard, tough; rigid, adamant;
heavy, strong, powerful, stout
H H H H H (bJar) f.&a. wasteland, barren; unproductive
H T Yl H T Yl H T Yl H T Yl H T Yl (baJrg bal) m. an epithet of Hanuman
(Hindu god), mighty Hanuman
H H H H H (baJr) m. a kind of large roofed boat
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (baJar) f. small stones used in concrete,
shingle, gravel
H H H H H (baJ) a. correct, right, appropriate, proper
~ =uU (~ pharmu) v.i. to say
something right/ true or proper
~ |YmU (~ lIu) v.t. to carry out, to obey
(order), to execute
HF HF HF HF HF (baJe) intj. instead of, in lieu of, in place of
HH HH HH HH HH (baJJ) m. cloth merchant, draper, cloth dealer
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (baJJ) f. the business of selling cloth,
H H H H H (bazr) m. market, bazar, mart, shopping
centre, shopping plaza
~ Tu J (~ garam ho) id. to have roaring
business, to have good sale, to have brisk
market; to have rise in prices
~ SH J (~ tez ho)v.i. to have rise in
prices; to be in great demand (for a thing etc.)
~ U Fm (~ de bha) adv. at the market rate,
at the market-value
~ u J (~ naram ho) v.i. for the market
to be dull; to have slump in the market
~ uU J (~ md ho) id. to have fall in
prices; to have slump in the market
~ YT (~ lagga) id. for the market to be
held on a fixed day
~ YU (~ lu) id. to juxtapose things for
display; to open the shops
HJ ~ (sa ~ ) m. speculation market
U Hl (chor bazar) f. black marketing
Hl/H Hl/H Hl/H Hl/H Hl/H (bazr/bazr) a. pertaining to the
market, readymade; cheap, third-rate, inferior,
trite; vulgar (language or person); common,
~ H (~ khabar) f. rumour, hearsay
H T H T H T H T H T (bazurg) m. old man, aged person, elder
a. old, elderly; venerable, respectable
H T H T H T H T H T (bazurgn) a. pertaining to an elderly
or old person
H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl H Tl (bazurg) f. elderliness; old age
K K K K K (baJJha) v.i. to be tied, to be fastened; to get
bound; to be entangled; to be taken into custody
K= K= K= K= K= (baJJhava) a. fixed, set; in lump sum
K-K|Fm K-K|Fm K-K|Fm K-K|Fm K-K|Fm (baJJha-baJhe) a. fastened, packed;
J J J J J (ba) m. butt
J J J J J (baan) m. button
|JU ~ (tIcch ~ ) m. snap-fastener
J-u J-u J-u J-u J-u (ba-mr) m. highwayman, robber
J= J= J= J= J= (bavr) m. division, partition; distribution,
~ W (~karana ) v.t. to divide, to partition; to
J J J J J (baa) m. over, divided by (maths.); horizontal
line used in mathematical fractions as
; over,
J J J J J (bt) m. small glass ball, alley/ally, marble
|Jm Ul H (btea d khe) f. marbles
JFl JFl JFl JFl JFl (ba) f. landlord's share of harvest; share-
cropping; distribution, division; partition
JYlm JYlm JYlm JYlm JYlm (balan) f. battalion
J m J m J m J m J m (ba) m. purse, wallet, money-bag
J J J J J (baer) m. quail, Coturnix coturnia
JJ ~ mU (per heh ~ u) id. to
get something without any effort
J J J J J (baorn) v.t. to gather, to collect, to
accumulate; to wangle, to grab, to collect by
JY JY JY JY JY (bathal) m. a large metallic basin; back (of
Y Y Y Y Y (bal) m. bundle, packet, package
l l l l l (b) f. vest; long blouse of ladies; jacket,
waist coat
(ba) m. forest, woods, jungle
~ m|Wl (~ adhIkr) m. forester, forest
~ Ul YW=l (~ ba d lakka) f. people of
different castes & creeds
~ uJSH= (~ mahotsav) m. arbor-day
U ( bachar) a. rambler in the woods;
wild beast
uH ( bamas) m. chimpanzee,
gorilla, orang or orangutan
=H ( bava s) m. dwelling in forest, exile;
banishment, expatriation
=Hl ( bavs) m. forest-dweller,
S S S S S (batar) f. structure; formation,shape;
(bana) v.i. to be ready; to be made, to be
prepared; to be repaired; to be mended; to be
cooked; to have income; to be built
v.t. to pretend, to feign
~ J (~ han) v.t. to smarten up, to
m ~ ( ~) id. to be struck with misery, to
be in trouble
UYU ~ ( chalda ~ ) id. to turn tails, to slip
away; to pass away, to go off
H ~ (Jn n ~ ) id. to be in great
danger, to be in great misery
H = W (ba svar ke) adv. well
adorned, smartly dressed-up
~ UH (~ ba dassa) id. to give a vain
show, to show off
~ (~ ba pe ) id. to look very
~ |J (~ ba beh) id. to be always
well-dressed up
|m J|m (-bane he) a. dressed
up to the nine, impressive, beautiful
~ |Fm (~ bae) a. readymade
U U U U U (bau) v.t. to prepare, to manufacture,
to make; to set right (work etc.); to repair, to
mend; to cook; to construct, to build; to
nominate, to appoint; to develop relations; to
make money; to form, to frame; to shape, to
design; to befool, to make fun of
uT ~ ( murg ~) id. to give corporeal
punishment, to inflict severe punishment
uJ ~ (m h ~ ) id. to draw a long face, to
make a wry face
u H ~ (moJ ~ ) id. to make fun of, to ridicule,
to mock
=J =J =J =J =J (bava) f. structure; formation; artificial
appearance, design; shape; workmanship
=Jl/U Jl =Jl/U Jl =Jl/U Jl =Jl/U Jl =Jl/U Jl (bava/bau) a. unreal,
artificial; false, fake, spurious; concocted,
S S S S S (batt) m. nausea, retch
SH SH SH SH SH (battakh) f. duck, goose
~ Ul m=H (~ d avz) f. quack, honk
S S S S S (batt) m. soda-water
SU SU SU SU SU (bat ) m. brinjal, egg-plant, Solaum
S S S S S (batr) m. youngone of camel
SYl SYl SYl SYl SYl (batl) a.&m. forty-two
SY l= SY l= SY l= SY l= SY l= (batlhva) a. forty-second
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
! ! ! ! !
(batt) m.&a. thirty two
Sl= (battva) a. thirty-second
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl
z z z z z
(batt) f. wick(of lamp etc.); lamp, lantern;
electric light; stick (candle)
~ HTUl (~ Jagu) v.t. to light a lamp or
lantern; to switch on electric light
~ KUl (~ buJhu) v.t. to blow out(lamp
etc.); to switch off (electric light)
Ul= ~ (dv ~ ) f. lamp, light
Ul= ~ U =Y (dve ~ d vel) f. dusk,
SlHl SlHl SlHl SlHl SlHl (bats) f. a set of teeth; a set of thirty two
SlS SlS SlS SlS SlS (batt) a. passed, past; spent
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to while away, to pass;
to spend
S S S S S (bator) prep. in the capacity of, as
(bather) a. sufficient, enough, plentiful
U U U U U (bad) a. bad, wicked; evil, vile,vicious, mean
m. scoundrel, villain
pref. a prefix denoting ' badness' as in
UUY, UuH etc.
~ mHlH (~ ass) f. curse, malediction
~ mul (~ aman) f. disturbance, unrest,
disorder, breach of peace, riot, chaos
~ |FYW (~ Ikhlk) a. immoral, licentious;
uncivil, degenerate
~ |F SHul (~tzm) f. mismanagement,
~ HWY (~ shakal) a. ugly, unpleasing, unsightly
~ HTl (~ shagn) f. ill-omen, jinx
~ HY Wl (~ salk) f. illtreatment, maltreatment
~ JHul (~ hazm) f. indigestion
~ JHl (~ habsh) f. delirium
~ JYl (~ hal) f. adversity
~ W (~ ka r) a. licentious, wicked, vile;
~ |WHuS (~ kIsmat) a. unfortunate, unlucky,
wretched, ill-fated
~ HFl (~ kho) f. ill-talk, defamation, slander
~ Tu (~ gumn) a. distrustful, suspicious
~ Tul (~ gumn) f. distrust, suspicion
~ UY (~ chalan) a. of immoral character,
of loose character, rakish, depraved
~ UYl (~ chaln) f. depravation, rakishness
~ H (~ zabn) a. foul-mouthed, evil-
~ HS (~ zt) a.&f. of low birth, mean, low,
base; an inoffensive abuse
~ SulH (~ tamz) a. unmannerly, uncivil, ill
mannered, rude, insolent, discourteous
~ |UmS (~ dInat) a. dishonest
~ |UmSl (~ dInat) f. dishonesty
~ Um (~ du) f. curse, malediction
~ Hl (~ nasb) a. unlucky, unfortunate, ill-
~ Hll (~ nasb) f. misfortune, bad-luck, ill-
~ Y Uu (~ nalo badnam bura) prov.
a bad name is worse than bad deeds
~ JHl (~ parhez) f. indulgence in wrong
diet, intemperance
~ S(~ bak hat) a. unfortunate, unlucky
! !! !!
(bd) m. & a. joint (of the body); wrist
ornament of women; stanza; closed, locked,
shut; imprisoned, confined; banned, prohibited
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to close, to shut; to stop,
to ban; to prohibit; to arrest; to switch off
~ YHl (~ khuls) f. release, liberation
z zz zz
(bd) m. bun
UH UH UH UH UH(bdash) f. restriction, ban , prohibition;
limitation, restraint
UW UW UW UW UW (badkr) m.& a. an inoffensive abuse;
wicked, vicious, vile, depraved, licentious,
UTl UTl UTl UTl UTl (bdag) f. worship, prayer,salutation;
U U U U U (badan) m. body, physique
U U U U U (bdan) f. prayer, obeisance, greeting;
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (badnm) a. notorious, ill-reputed, defamed,
ill-famed, caluminated
U ul U ul U ul U ul U ul (badnm) f. notoriety, infamy, bad
reputation, ill fame, slander, calumny
~ U |JW (~d Ikk) m. blot on one's good
name, stigma on one's reputation
UlS UlS UlS UlS UlS (badnt) a. of ill-intent, ill-motived,
malevolent, insincere, dishonesty
UlSl UlSl UlSl UlSl UlSl (badnt) f. ill-intention, malevolence,
dishonesty, malafide
U= Yl U= Yl U= Yl U= Yl U= Yl (badphe l) f. evil deeds, misdeeds,
adultery, licentiousness
U- U U- U U- U U- U U- U (bd-bd) m. every limb; every joint of the
~ WJ (~ ka) id. to be slaughtered into
U U U U U (badb) f. bad or foul or offensive smell,
stink, stench
U U U U U U U U U U (badbdr) a. emitting bad smell, stinking
UuH UuH UuH UuH UuH (badmash) m. rascal, scoundrel, villain,
debauch, ruffian, rogue, immoral character,
wicked, knave
UuHl UuHl UuHl UuHl UuHl (badmsh) f. villainy, roguery, immoral
conduct, rascality, debauchery, knavery;
U|uHH U|uHH U|uHH U|uHH U|uHH (badmIzJ) a. bad tempered, ill-tempered,
irritable, surly, irascible, petulant, short tempered
U|uHHl U|uHHl U|uHHl U|uHHl U|uHHl (badmIzJ) f. bad or ill or short temper,
irritability, surliness, irascibility, petulance,
U T U T U T U T U T (badrgh) a. discoloured, faded; of different
colour (playing cards)
UTJ UTJ UTJ UTJ UTJ (bdargh) f. seaport, port-harbour, haven
UY UY UY UY UY (badal) m.& adv. substitute, alternative;
substitution; in place of, in lieu of; exchange
~H/UY (~J/badal) v.i.t. to
change; to exchange; to transfer; to barter; to
back out; to be transferred, to shift
UY= (badlva) a. changed; changeable;
alternate; convertible; transferable; replaceable
UY UY UY UY UY (baddal) m. cloud
~ J H (~ho J) v.i. to become cloudy
~ UJ H (~chha Je) v.i. to become clear
(for weather or sky)
WY ~ (kl~) m. dark cloud
|UJ~ (chI~) m. altocumulus
F~ (bhr~) m. altostratus
UY=Fl (baddalv) f. cloudiness, cloudy
UY UY UY UY UY (badl) m. revenge, vengeance, retaliation;
reward, recompense
~ U WU (~ chuku) v.t. to avenge; to
recompense, to repay
~ U (~ de) v.t. to reward, to repay
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to take revenge, to revenge,
to settle accounts with
|T |T W UY Y (gI gI ke badle
le ) id. to settle one's accounts
UYU UYU UYU UYU UYU (badlu) v.t. to change, to exchange;
to barter; to make to be altered, to make to be
UYl UYl UYl UYl UYl (badl) f. transfer
UY UY UY UY UY (badle) adv. in lieu of , in return, in exchange
U U U U U (bd) m. man, human being; servant
~ H= Yl Yl u Y= W (~ Joe pal pal
rm dulahve kuppa) prov. man proposes,
God disposes
~ |=H/ = H (~ nIvz/parva z) m.
Protector, Sustainer
~ (~ ban) i.d. to mend one's ways, to
reform, to ameliorate to become civilized, to
learn good manners
Wu U ~ (km da ~ ) a. useful, influential
U U U U U (bad) m. big droplets type sweetmeat
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu (badm) m. almond, Prunns anygdalus
~ T (~ rogan) m. almond oil
WTHl ~ ( kgz ~) m. a superior variety of
Uul Uul Uul Uul Uul (badm) a. of almond coloured, light brown,
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (bad) f. evil, ill-will, vice, badness, wickedness
Wl ~ (nek ~ ) a. good and evil
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
! !! !!
(bd) f. stoppage of water (in canals)
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul
z zz zz
(bd) m. prisoner, captive, detenu
~ H (~ khn) m. prison, jail, lockup
~ U (~ bau) v.t. to arrest, to put in
U W U W U W U W U W (bdk) f. gun, rifle
~ UYUl (~ chalu) v.t. to shoot, to fire
~ Ul TYl (~ d gol) m. bullet, cartridge, round
U WUl U WUl U WUl U WUl U WUl (bdkch) m. gunman
U H U H U H U H U H (badesh) m. foreign country, abroad
~ lSl (~ nt) m. foreign policy
~ u Sl (~ mtr) m. minister for external
affairs, foreign minister
UH ~ (desh ~) m. different countries
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl (badesh) m. & a. foreigner; foreign, alien,
~ uuY (~ mmle) m. foreign affairs, external-
U HS U HS U HS U HS U HS (bdobast) m. arrangements, management,
administration; land survey and settlement
U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul U Ul (badobad) adv. forcibly, by force, forcedly
U YS U YS U YS U YS U YS (badolat) adv. by the grace of, through the
kindness of, due to
W W W W W (bdhak) a. & m. bonded (labourer etc.);
abducted (person), hostage,detained
(bdhan) m. bond, bondage; ties; check,
restriction, entanglement, restrain; attachment,
relationship, obligation or liability arising out of
relationship; shackle, fetters; hindrance
(baddh) a. tied, fastened; bound; compelled,
forced, committed
~ |Fm/~ (~ badhe/~ ruddh) a.
& adv. bound, under compulsion, unwillingly
m uHU m uHU m uHU m uHU m uHU (bdhu mazdu r) m. bonded labourer
H H H H H (bdhez) m. restriction, prohibition, constraint;
fixed allowance
(bnh) m. dam; embankment; blockage of the
excremental or urinary passage, volvulus
HSl HSl HSl HSl HSl (banspat) f. vegetation, flora
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. botanical
~ =l (~ gh) m. vegetable oil/ghee
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. botany
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. botanist
(bnhn) v.t. to tie, to bind, to fasten; to
chain, to fetter; to arrest
- J ~ (hatth ~) id. to request, to entreat, to
beseech; to apologise, to beg pardon
- uV ~ (muddh ~) id. to lay the foundation
of, to begin, to start
- T ~ (rg ~) id. to keep the audience spell
- YW ~ (lakk ~) id. to bend upon
- - - - - | m | m (bnhe rnhe) a. tied;
helpless, bound
VH VH VH VH VH (banafsh) m. a medicinal herb, violet, Viola
= = = = = (bnhv ) a. fixed; continuous, without break

! !! !!
(bn) m. boundary, border; side; bank; ridge;
raised edge of a field; out side
- (bne) a. aside, on one side; on the
side of
- |FW ~ (Ikk ~) adv. on one side, aside
- JU ~ (hadd ~) m. boundary, border, limit,

z zz zz
(bn) m. bridegroom
U U U U U (banhun) v.t. to make to bound, to get
to be tied, to cause to be packed; to help in
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (banh) f. packing; the work of or the wages
for packing
S S S S S (bant) f. a kind of woollen broad cloth, baize
u u u u u (banm) a. & adv. by the name of, verses,
=J =J =J =J =J (banva) f. structure, composition; form,
shape, build, make-up
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (banIsbat) adv. as compared to, in
comparison with, than
l l l l l
! !! !!
(bn) f. low wall at the edge of a roof, small
l l l l l
z zz zz
(bn) f. a measurement for weighing gold
l l l l l
a aa aa
(bn) f. bride
(baner) m. coping, parapet, embankment
(banen) f. vest, undergarment
S/ S S/ S S/ S S/ S S/ S (bano t/ban o t) f. concoction,
SHu SHu SHu SHu SHu (baptsm) m. baptism
(bpar) m. bumper
V V V V V(bafa) m. dandruff
(bb) m. bomb; the bamboo of a carriage
~ H J (~ suan ) v.t. to throw bomb, to bomb
~ =J (~ phatan) v.i. to explode
~ YU (~ bulun ) id. to pressurize
someone for taking a vow to desist from doing
something again
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to bombard, to bomb
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (bba) f. Bombay, Mumbai

! !! !!
(babbar) m. rib
/ H / H / H / H / H (babbar/babbar sher) m. & a. lion;
brave, courageous

! !! !!
(bbar) m. bomber

z zz zz
(bbar) m. a type of cloth
|Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T (bablg) f. wobbling (of wheel)
/ l / l / l / l / l (bb/bb) m. tube-well; pumping-set;
water-tap (of tube-well, water-pipe)

! !! !!
(babn ) m. decorated bier, hearse, catafalque

z zz zz
(babn) m. mythological aircraft
l l l l l (bbr) f. bombardment
l/ l l/ l l/ l l/ l l/ l (babb/papp) f. kiss
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (bbh) m. rain bird
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (bbu kt ) m. bamboo cart; light two-
wheeled carriage; motorcycle
Y Y Y Y Y (babul) m. acacia tree, Acacia arbica
F= F= F= F= F= (babbhar) m. a kind of long coarse grass
used for making broom

! !! !!
(bar) m. width (of a cloth), breadth; match
~ mU (~ un ) v.i. to suit, to prove
favourable; to be fulfilled (for hope)

z zz zz
(bar) adv. & prep. on, upon
H H H H H (baras) m. year
HS HS HS HS HS (barst) f. rainy season; rain
! !! !!
(barst) m. top most room, garret, attic
z zz zz
(barst) f. & a. water-proof coat, rain-
coat; rainy, pertaining to rainy season, seasonal
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (bars) f. death anniversary
Hlu Hlu Hlu Hlu Hlu (barsm) f. berseem, Trifolium alexandirianum
JHSl JHSl JHSl JHSl JHSl (brahaspat) m. Jupiter
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (brahm) m. God, the Supreme being; the
Eternal spirit
~ J|Sm (~ hatte) m. murder of a Brahmin
~ |Tm (~ gIn) m. knowledge of the
Supreme, Divine knowledge
~ |Tml (~ gIn) m. one who has acquired
knowledge of the Supreme, one who has
realised the almighty/God
~ F H (~ bhoJ) m. collective feeding of
Brahmins etc.
~ |=|Um (~ vIdI) f. divine knowledge
JuUH JuUH JuUH JuUH JuUH (brahmcharJ) m. celibacy, chastity
JuUl JuUl JuUl JuUl JuUl (brahmchr) m. celibatarian, celibate
Y ~ (bl ~) m. life-long celibate
Ju-|=|Um Ju-|=|Um Ju-|=|Um Ju-|=|Um Ju-|=|Um (brahm-vIdIa ) f. theosophy
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (brahma) m. the creator of the Universe,
Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul (brahm) f. an ancient Indian script
Jul Jl Jul Jl Jul Jl Jul Jl Jul Jl (brahm bu t ) f. a medicinal herb,
Hydrocotyle asiatica
WS WS WS WS WS (barkat) f. bestowal, blessing, bounty; gain,
profit; affluence, abundance, prosperity
W UH W UH W UH W UH W UH (barkdz) m. gunner, armed policeman,
W W W W W (barkrr) a. unchanged, same as before;
continuing as before, status quo
HS HS HS HS HS (bark hst) a. dismissed, discharged,
terminated; adjourned; dissolved (meeting etc.)
HSTl HSTl HSTl HSTl HSTl (bark hstag) f. dismissal, termination;
|YV |YV |YV |YV |YV (bark hIlf) adv. in opposition to, against,
opposite to, contrary
H U H U H U H U H U (barkhurdr) m.&a. male offspring, son;
a word of endearment for a younger one, dear;
obedient, respectful
T T T T T (barg) a. understamped, bearing (letter)
T T T T T (barged) m. brigade
T lm T lm T lm T lm T lm (bargear) m. brigadier
U U U U U (barchh) m. spear, pike
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (barchh) f. small spear, pike, javelin
H H H H H (braJ) m. Braj, language spoken in Uttar-
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (barJ) f. very small iron nail
S S S S S (bartan) m. utensil, vessel
S S S S S (bartar) a. higher, superior
SV SV SV SV SV (bartarf) a.&adv. dismissed, terminated;
removed, discharged; aside
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to dismiss, to terminate;
to remove, to discharge
SVl SVl SVl SVl SVl (bartarf) f. dismissal, termination of
service, removal, discharge
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (bartar) f. higher-position, superiority
S=l S=l S=l S=l S=l (bartnv) m. British
Slm Slm Slm Slm Slm (bartn) m. Britannia, Great Britain
U U U U U (bard) m. prisoner of war, captive; slave,
bonded servant
~ VH (~ farosh) m. slave-trader, slaver
~ =Hl (~ farosh) f. slave trade
UHS UHS UHS UHS UHS (bardsht) f. tolerance, forbearance,
endurance, toleration, perseverance
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to tolerate, to endure, to
forbear; to under go
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (bard) f. slave-girl
(barnar) m. burner
V V V V V (barf) f. ice, snow; ice-cream
~ U S V (~ d tu fn) m. snow-storm,
~ U SU (~ d tod) m. ice-burg
~ U U|m (~ d darI) m. glacier
~ l (~ pen) id. to be severe cold; to have
snow fall
~ =T (~ varg) a. icy, frigid; snow-white,
~ |=U YU (~ vIch lun ) id. to put to insult,
to ignore, to neglect; to put in cold storage
Vl/VlY Vl/VlY Vl/VlY Vl/VlY Vl/VlY (barfn/barfl) a. snowy; icy,
ice-cold; snow-cold (peaks)
Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl (barf) f. a sweetmeat of milk
H H H H H (barbas) adv. forcibly, by force
U U U U U (barbd) a. ruined, destroyed, devastated;
wasted, squandered
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (barbd) f. ruination, ruin, destruction,
devastation, disaster, havoc; wastage, waste
=U =U =U =U =U (barrun) v.i. to talk in sleep; to talk in
F F F F F (bare) adv. & prep. for the sake of, meant
for; for
HS HS HS HS HS (barst) adv. via, through
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (brhman) m. the highest cast among
Hindus, Brahmin
U U U U U (brach) f. branch; section
~ YFl (~ ln) f. branch-line
(brd) m. trade mark, brand
WHJ WHJ WHJ WHJ WHJ (brdkast) m. broadcast
(bard) m. verandah, corridor
l l l l l
! !! !!
(bard) f. overcoat
l l l l l
z zz zz
(bar) f. brandy
! !! !!
(bart) f. marriage party, marriage
z zz zz
(bart) f. destiny, luck, fortune
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (bart) m. members of a bride-groom's
marriage party
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (bardar) f. brotherhood, community
- HS ~ (Jt ~) f. community, brotherhood
l l l l l (barn) f. the land whose agriculture
depends only on rain, rainfed agricultural land
(barbar) a. & adv. level, plain, smooth,
even; equal, alike, similar; balanced,
proportionate; close, adjoining
~ US (~ utarn) id. to be equal, to prove
equal to
~ mU (~ un) id. to come up
~ W (~ karn) id. to squander (money
etc.); to make equal; to settle up; to square
with (accounts); to balance, to counter-balance
~ U (~ d) a. of the same age or quality etc.,
l l l l l (barbar) f. equality, parity; rivalry
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to answer back; to try
to equal, to emulate; to vie with
~ U (~ d) a. equal; equivalent; matching
uU uU uU uU uU (barmad) m.&a. export; recovery;
- Y= (balvn) a. strong; powerful,
vigorous, potent
Y|W Y|W Y|W Y|W Y|W (balke) conj.&adv. but; on the other hand,
on the contrary; rather
YTu YTu YTu YTu YTu (balgam) f. phlegm
YTul YTul YTul YTul YTul (balgam) a. phlegmatic
Y Y Y Y Y (baladd) m. blood
~ H (~ preshar) m. blood-pressure
~ W (~ be k) m. blood-bank
Y Y Y Y Y (baln) v.i. to burn, to flame, to be on fire;
to burn with jealousy
- YUl S SY U (bald te tel pun) id.
to add fuel to the fire
~ U mU (~ de buthe un) id. to get
into hot water
YU YU YU YU YU (bald) m. ox, oxen, bull, Bos indicus
- T ~ (gor ~) m. worthless creature,
useless fellow
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (bald) a. lofty, elevated; loud (voice); great
Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul (bald) f. loftiness, height
Y Y Y Y Y (balab) m. electric bulb
Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu (balam) m. javelin, spear
Y=Fl Y=Fl Y=Fl Y=Fl Y=Fl (balva) m. rioter
Y=S Y=S Y=S Y=S Y=S (balvt) a. strong, powerful, vigorous, forceful
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (balv) m. outbreak of lawlessness, riot,
disorder, tumult
Y Y Y Y Y (bal) f. ghost, witch; calamity; mischievous
Y Y Y Y Y (balla) m. bat (cricket)
- YH (ballebz) m. batsman
- YHl (ballebz) f. batsmanship, batting
YU H YU H YU H YU H YU H (baluz) m. blouse
! !! !!
(blk) m. block
z zz zz
(blk) m. an ornament of the nose, nose
Y|J T Y|J T Y|J T Y|J T Y|J T (baltig pepar) m. blotting paper
YSW YSW YSW YSW YSW (baltkr) m. rape
YSWl YSWl YSWl YSWl YSWl (baltkr) m. rapist
|YJ/|YJl |YJ/|YJl |YJ/|YJl |YJ/|YJl |YJ/|YJl (balehr/balehr) f.&a. a term
of endearment; intensely loving and
affectionate; very good, excellent, fine
exported; recovered
uUTl uUTl uUTl uUTl uUTl (brmadg) f. recovery
uU uU uU uU uU (barmd) m. verandah; corridor
| HUW | HUW | HUW | HUW | HUW (brIshchak) f. the eighth sign of Zodiac,
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ (barIsar) m. barrister
l l l l l (bar) a. set free, acquitted, released
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to set free, to acquit
l W l W l W l W l W (bark) a. minute, subtle; fine; thin,
transparent; unintelligible
lWl lWl lWl lWl lWl (bark) f. minuteness, subtlety; intricacy,
~ Y (~ nl) adv. closely; minutely
~ U W u (~ d km) m. the work of minuteness
- lWlm WV ( bark kaddhan) id. to
find faults with, to play the critic, to criticise
U U U U U (barud) f. gun powder, explosive, dynamite
~ U TY (~ d gol) m. cannon ball
- TY ~ (gol ~) m. ammunition
- UH (barudkhn) m. magazine; silo
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (barud) a. explosive
~ HT (~ surg) f. mine; torpedo
(barurn) v.t. to dust, to sprinkle
H H H H H (bares) m. a kind of borer or drill; age
Y ~ (bl~) f. childhood
V ~ (buddh ~) f. old age
W/ W W/ W W/ W W/ W W/ W
! !! !!
(brek/barek) f. brake
- W YT (brek laggan) id. to have
obstruction, to have interruption
z zz zz
(brek) f. breakage
W Y W Y W Y W Y W Y (brekebal) a. breakable
S/ Sl S/ Sl S/ Sl S/ Sl S/ Sl (bareta/baret) m. sand (of river);
sand bank, sandy place surrounded by water
Y Y Y Y Y (barel) m. the script for the blind, Braille
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (barekat) m. bracket
H H H H H (baroz) m. resin
J J J J J (barot) m. banyan-tree
Y Y Y Y Y (bal) m. strength, might; vigour; force, power;
potency; support
~ Jl (~ hn) a. weak, feeble; impotent
- YS (balbut) m. strength, power
intj. well done! bravo!
~ H (~ Jn) id. to bestow affectionate
blessings (on someone)
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
! !! !!
(bal) a. brave, valiant, valorous; strong,
powerful, mighty
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
z zz zz
(bal) f. sacrifice; immolation
~ U= (~ chahn) v.i. to offer oneself as a
~ U=U/ U (~ chahu/ de) v.t. to
offer a sacrifice, to immolate
~ U W (~ d bakkar) m. a goat offered
to a deity for sacrifice, scapegoat
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
! !! !!
(ball) f. ear of corn ; a term of endearment
for younger one
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
z zz zz
(ball) f. wooden pole
YlU YlU YlU YlU YlU (baldn) m. sacrifice, immolation
Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= (bal gah) m. kitten
Y S Y S Y S Y S Y S (balt) m. oak ( tree )
Y Y Y Y Y (balr) m. young child, infant ; kitten ; cat's
Y Y Y Y Y (balle) intj. what a thing!; well done! bravo!
~ Y (~ balle) intj. & f. hurra ! ho ! ; well
done! bravo! ;acclamation , praise , applause
~ Y J (~ balle ho) id. to get great
applause, to be applauded
Y Y Y Y Y (bale) m. blade
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (bale k) a. & f. black, black marketing
~ mUJ (~ u) m. blackout
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i.t. to do black-marketing ,
to black-market
~ (~ bor) m. black-board
~ uWlJ (~ mrkt ) f. black-market
~ uWlJlm/YWlm (~ mrka /bale k) m.
~ uY (~ mel) m. blackmail
~ uY (~ melar) m. black-mailer
Y Y Y Y Y (balear) m. bladder
Y Y Y Y Y (ballo) m. a folk dance of Punjab performed
on the closing ceremony of the ' Sawan festival'
Y Y Y Y Y (balor) m. crystal , quartz, crystal glass
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (balo r) a. crystalline, quartzose, quartzy
= H = H = H = H = H (bavJ) m.& a. fifty two
- =H= (bavJava) a. fifty second
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul (bavarch) m. cook, chef
= = = = = (bav) f. plague, pestilence, pest
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl (bavsr) f. piles, haemorrhoid
H l ~ (khn ~ ) f. blood-piles,
haemorrhoids, bleeding-piles
Ul ~ (bd ~ ) f. emerods
= W = W = W = W = W (bahak) f. roar, thunder; bellow ( of bull ) ;
challenging shout
= W = W = W = W = W (bahka) v.i. to utter a challenging shout ,
to thunder, to roar ; to bellow
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (babol) m. & a. prater, babbler ; blunt ,
out spoken
= = = = = (ba) a. & m. much, enough, sufficient; older;
senior ; elder brother ; elder son
(b) pref. a prefix meaning 'with' as in ' =Ul'
(b) m. low, booh ( sound of cattle); sound of
crying loudly
U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl U Yl (bul) f. well with stairs down to the water
mH mH mH mH mH (basar) a. effective; influential
mU mU mU mU mU (bad) intj. & adv. after , later , subsequently
|F HS |F HS |F HS |F HS |F HS (bIZZat) adv. with due respect, with
honour; respectably, honourably
|FY |FY |FY |FY |FY (belar) m. boiler
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl
! !! !!
(b) m. & a. twenty two
Fl= (bva ) a. twenty-second
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl
z zz zz
(b) m. elder brother ; father , papa ; an
addressing word for an older person; maid-
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl
a aa aa
(b) f. dancing girl; brothel, whore, harlot
Fl|HWY Fl|HWY Fl|HWY Fl|HWY Fl|HWY (bsIkal) m. bicycle, cycle
FlWJ FlWJ FlWJ FlWJ FlWJ (bk) m. boycott
FlY FlY FlY FlY FlY (bbal) f. Bible
! !! !!
(bs) m. smell, bad smell, stink, stench
z zz zz
(bs) m. boss, employer
H H H H H (bas) m. bamboo, bamboo pole
HWJ HWJ HWJ HWJ HWJ (bska) m. basket
~ Y (~ bl) m. basket ball
H H H H H (bshn) f. flavour ; smell , fragrance, odour
HuSl HuSl HuSl HuSl HuSl (bsmat) m. superior variety of rice
|H U |H U |H U |H U |H U (bshd) m. an inhabitant , resident
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (bs) a. stale, not fresh; musty
~ SHl (~ tabs) a. musty; insipid , stale
J J J J J (bah) f. arm ; supporter, helper, backing, side
~ US (~ utarn) id. to have dislocation of
arm bone
~ H=l Wl (~ khah karn) id. to raise one's
hand ( in someone 's support ) ; to lend support
~ Ul (~ de) id. to lend support, to help
~ Ul (~ n chhaa) id. to stand by
till the last
~ == (~ phan) id. to take ( someone's )
responsibility ; to give protection, to shield ; to
take to the altar
~ ==Ul (~ phau) id. to delegate one's
H Hl ~( saJJ ~) m. right-hand ; right-
handman , faithful companion
J mW= ( baha kan) id. to be
anxious to meet someone
~ U=U (~ chahu) id. to be getting
ready for a fight
JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ (bhh) m. sixty two
JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= JJ= (bhhva) a. sixty-second
Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul (bhma) f. a species of lizard having
red tail ; a disease of eyes ; a disease of pulse
J J J J J (bhar) adv. & m. out , outside ; not in ; out
of station ; beyond one's reach , out of reach;
foreign country, abroad
~ m U (~ dar) adv. everywhere, every
place, here, there and everywhere
~ W V (~ kaha) id. to excommunicate, to
expel, to exclude from the community; to turn out
~ U (~ d) m. & a. outside ; outward , outer,
~ J (~ n ho) id. under one's control
~ J/-J ~(~ bhar/-bhro ~) adv. on
the exterior, on the outside
- J (bhro) adv. from outside ; externally
- mU ~ (daro ~) a. & adv. internally and
externally ; in saying and deed
Ju Hl Ju Hl Ju Hl Ju Hl Ju Hl (bharmukh) a. extrovert, outwardly
JY JY JY JY JY (bhrl) a. external; outside , stranger,
J= J= J= J= J= (baharvr) a. on the outside ; on the
exterior ( from the city )
J J J J J (bhr) a. & adv. out of control , wayward,
disobedient ; except, without
- m S J J ( pe to bh ho ~) id.
to get enraged, to fly off the handle; to be over
whelmed by emotion
- J U ~(haddo ~) a. too much ; beyond
- HT ~( Jaggo ~) a. different, uncommon ,
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (bhr) a. & adv. external ;outsider,
extrinsic; except , without , for want of ;
outsider player in a game
JY JY JY JY JY (bahl) a. & adv. too much, excess ; in big
quantity, surplus; superfluous
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (bh) f. a side of a play ground ; longer
bamboo or bar of a bedstead or a cot ;the
rampart of a fort
~ uY W J (~ mall ke beha ) id. to
stay for long time (of a guest)
Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm (bh) m. collective name of a group of
twenty two villages ; people of the same caste
residing in these twenty two villages
J J J J J (bh) m. arm
- J Y ( bhbal) m. might , power , valour,
strength, energy, strength of arms
W W W W W (bak) m. an ornament of ankle
W W W W W (ba k) a. foppish, dandy , coquettish, elegant
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (bk) m.& a. balance ; residual , outstanding
payment; arrears; remainder; left-over; external
~ WV (~ kaha ) id. to show saving
after computing the income and expenditure;
to tell the balance/ payable amount
~ U |U (~ de dIn ) m. the remaining part of
the life, rest of the life, the remaining days of
WlU ( bkdr) m. one who fails to pay
full debts , defaulter
T T T T T (bg) m. garden; orchard ; thickly embroidered
~ TlU (~ bagch ) m. garden
~ T J (~ bg ho ) id. to be overwhelmed
with happiness, to be extremely happy
HH ~|UHU (sabaz ~ dIkhu) id. to
arouse false hope , to allure, to make a false
T-= T-= T-= T-= T-= (bg-parvar) m. family
T T T T T (ba g) f. call of Muslims for prayer; the crowing
of a cock or rooster
T T T T T (bgor) f. control
(bgbn) m. gardener
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (bgbn) f. horticulture, gardening
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (bg) m. & a. rebel, insurgent, revolutionary,
mutineer; rebellious, wayward, disobedient
= = = = = (bgh) m. tiger
== | Y == | Y == | Y == | Y == | Y (bgha bIll) m. wild cat; giant,
uncouthman ; a word used to frighten children
=l =l =l =l =l (bgh) f. a kind of dance; dancing,
merriment , merry-making
=lm U (bagha pu) v.i. to crow
over, to make merry
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (bch) f. one side of the lower jaw, jaw bone;
mandible ( of animals )
! !! !!
(bJ) m. hawk , falcon ; a kind of needle for
rolling up beard
z zz zz
(bJ) adv. desist from
m. desisting
H H H H H (bJar) m. millet, Pennisetum typhoidyes
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (bz) f. game ; stake, bet , wager , turn ;
somersault , acrobatics, acrobatic feats
~ J H (~ hattho J ) id. to miss the
opportunity , to miss the game
~ |HS (~ JItta ) id. to finish / complete
any work ; to win a game , to score a victory
~ Jl (~ puh pe ) id. to have the
table turned ; to lose a bet or game
~ = (~ va ) id. to deal cards
|H = Ul ~ YU ( sIr dha d ~ lu )
id. to put everything at stake
H Ul ~ YU ( Jn d ~ lu ) id. to put
one's life at stake
HlT HlT HlT HlT HlT (bzgar) m. juggler, acrobat, tumbler; a
scheduled tribe of India; gypsy
HlTl HlTl HlTl HlTl HlTl (bzgar) f. jugglery, the profession of
acrobatics, acrobation
H H H H H (bz) m. arm ; flank ; wings ; side ( of bed ,
cot etc.)
H U H U H U H U H U (bzbd) m. an ornament worn on the
arm, armlet; bracelet
K/K K/K K/K K/K K/K (bJh/baJho ) adv. without, for want of,
except, leaving
K K K K K (ba Jh) f. barren, ( woman ), nullipara,
a. sterile, barren, unproductive
J J J J J (b) m. a big ( open ) shallow metallic vessel,
bowl; flowers of capperis aphylla
UY ~ ( ull ~) m. blankety-blank, duffer,
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (b) f. small bowl , porringer
(ba) m. bond
/ / / / / (bar/boar) m. border
(ba ) a. bow-legged, bandy , bandy legged,
having crooked legs
l l l l l (b) f. body ; bodice
~ T ( ~ gr ) m. bodyguard

! !! !!
(b) f. habit ( undesirable one )

z zz zz
(b) m. arrow, shaft
(b) m. dress, apparel, garb; mode of dress
S ~ ( t ~) m. warp and woof
l l l l l (b) f. utterance, speech; sacred writings
in Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Tl ( gurba) f. teachings of Gurus
in sri Guru Granth Sahib
FTSl ( bhagatb) f. hymns of
devotees written in sri Guru Granth Sahib
lm lm lm lm lm (b) m. & a. Hindu trader , merchant,
businessman, shopkeeper, grocer, money-
lender; miser, close-fisted
S S S S S (bt) f. riddle, puzzle, enigma, conundrum;
story, tale, fable; talk , dialogue, conversation;
matter, problem; meaning, essence
~ U ST= U ( ~ d batga bau )
id. to make a mountain of a molehill, to raise a
storm in a tea-cup
~ U ( ~ n puchchha ) id. to give
no respect ; to give no importance , to ignore
~ Ul ( ~ pu ) id. to spin the yarn
T Y ~ ( gall ~ ) f. conversation, dialogue, talk
TYl Sl = W (gall ba t ghar pra
karna) id. to make bricks without straw
SUlS ( btcht) f. conversation, dialogue,
talk, colloquy
S l S l S l S l S l (btn) a. talkative, garrulous, chatterer ,
u u u u u (bthrm) m. bathroom, toilet, wash-room
(bth) m. a weed plant , Chenopodium album
UHJ UHJ UHJ UHJ UHJ (bdshh) m. king, emperor ; potentate,
sovereign, ruler; a king in chess
|UY U ~ ( dIl d ~ ) m. bountiful, open-
UHJl UHJl UHJl UHJl UHJl (bdshh) f. & a. empire, domain ,
kingdom ; pertaining to the king; royal, kingly
U U U U U (bdbn) m. sail
U U U U U (badar) m. monkey , ape
~ |WY ( ~ kIll ) m. a game of children
~ Wl H mUW U HmU ( ~ k Jane adark da
sud )prov. a blind man is no Judge of colours
~ uJ ( ~ m h ) a. simian-faced
~ = ( ~ v ) f. unjust division , unfair
UY UY UY UY UY (bdl) m. brocade ; a kind of thin wire or
thread of gold or silver
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (bd) f. & a. flatulence / rheumatism ;
flatuant , windy , rheumatic
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (ba d) f. maid servant ; female slave , slave
W W W W W (ba dhak) a. obstructing , hindering ,
interfering, restrictive, obstructive
(banh)m. settlement , stipulation
~ ( ~ bnh ) id. to begin any work ;
to lay down or prescribe restriction; to plan, to
(bna) m. arrangement, adjustment,
planning ; settlement
= = = = = (bnava) a. ninety-second
= = = = = (bnave) m.& a. ninety two
l l l l l (bn) m. founder
/ / / / / (bp/bp) m. father
~ U HuK ( ~ d samJha ) id. to regard
something as one's own property
~ UU ( ~ dd ) m. ancestors, forefathers
(bb) m. chapter, section ; miserable state ,
bad plight
~ U ( ~ baau ) id. to reduce to a
miserable condition; to thrash, to beat; to
reprove , to rebuke, to take to task
S S S S S (bbat) adv. & prep. for , for the sake off ;
with regard to, concerning , on account of , about,
m. connection, affair; matter
Y Y Y Y Y (bbal) m. father, a term of endearment , for
father (used by daughter)
~ H|Fm ( ~ Je ) m. real brother
(bb) m. grandfather ( father's father ) ; old
man ; a respectable term for aged person ;
snake ; saint, mendicant , hermit
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (bb J) m. a respectable term used for
the Gurus of the Sikhs; respectable word used
for the sacred Granth, sri Guru Granth Sahib;
a respectable word used for a religious person

! !! !!
(bb) m. a respectful term used for an
educated and civilized person, gentleman;
educated man; clerk; a word used for a Hindu
( bbpu ) m. clerical mentality;
clerical behaviour ; clerkship

z zz zz
(bb) m. ear of reed; cob's upper hair
u u u u u (bm) f. balm

! !! !!
(br) m. door, gate

z zz zz
(br) m. bar

a aa aa
(br) f. cultivable wasteland; region between
Beas and Ravi

4 44 44
(br) a. time, turn
~ (~ br ) . again and again, time and again
~ mH(~ br akhaa ) id. to say again
and again, to repeat; to harp on the same string
H H H H H (brash) f. rain, rainfall
U U U U U (brd) m. gunny bags
(br) m. big leather bucket for drawing water
from wells
(bra) a. twelve
~ =l U H (~ vn d son ) m. pure gold
= ( brva ) a. & m. twelfth ; one of the
equal twelve parts
|HT ( brasg ) m. stag, male deer
-SY ( bra-tla ) f. wicked or evil
SY ( bratl ) a. over deceitful,
guileful, feigning, sly; over clever, crafty,
cunning, artful
Ul ( bradar) f. garden or building
having twelve doors
uHl ( brams ) a. perennial ( plant,
stream etc ), all-weather
uJ ( bramha ) m. a long poem
having names of successive months in the
beginning of the stanzas
l l l l l
! !! !!
(br) m. the tract of land lying between Beas
and Ravi rivers, Duab
l l l l l
z zz zz
(br) f. window
U U U U U (brd) m. gunpowder
(bre) adv. regarding, about , concerning,
pertaining to
! !! !!
(bl) m. child, infant; inexperienced person
a. of tender age; ignorant, immature
~ UUH (~ updesh) f. elementary text book,
~ mT=Fl (~ agva ) f. child guidance
~ m=H (~ avasth ) f. childhood, young age,
~ J J (~ hah ) m. childish insistence/
~ U (~ bacch ) m. offspring, children; family
~ UU (~ bacchedr ) a. having wife and
children, family-man
~ (~ bodh ) m. elementary text book,
~ FYFl (~ bhal ) m. child welfare
~ u |=|Tm (~ manovIgIn ) m. child
~ YlY (~ llh ) m. sportive display of great
or holy persons
~ =H (~ vares ) f. childhood, infancy
z zz zz
(bl) m. hair; crack in the glass
~ Y U (~ bal bachaa) id. to have a
hair-breadth escape
YW/YW YW/YW YW/YW YW/YW YW/YW (blak/balka) m.&f. infant, child;
baby; disciple, pupil
Y Y Y Y Y (blag) m. grown up, adult, major, mature
~ J (~ ho ) v.i. to attain maturity, to
become adult, to attain adulthood
Y ( nblag ) m. under age person,
YJl YJl YJl YJl YJl (bl) f. bucket, pail
Y Y Y Y Y (bla) m. fuel; faggot, bavin, dung cakes
Y Y Y Y Y (bl) v.t. to burn, to fire, to ignite; to kindle,
to light ( candle, lamp etc. ); to switch on
Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l (bl) f. small girl, young girl
! !! !!
(bl) m. rafter
z zz zz
(bl) m. a big ear-ring; adolescent girl
~ FY (~ bhol ) a. artless, simple, innocent
Y Y Y Y Y (bl) m. sand
Y HJl Y HJl Y HJl Y HJl Y HJl (blshh) f. a kind of sweatmeat
=H U =H U =H U =H U =H U (bvzd) adv. inspite of, nevertheless,
=-m Hl =-m Hl =-m Hl =-m Hl =-m Hl (bvan-akkhar) f. a long poem whose
lines begin with successive letters of the
alphabet, acrostic
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul (bvarch) m. cook, chef
~ H (~ khan ) m. kitchen
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul (bvard) a. wearing an uniform, in
= = = = = (bvar) a. insane, mad, lunatic; crazy
=lm =lm =lm =lm =lm (bvara) f. loose hair
= = = = = (bv) m. saint, faquir, hermit; toy-child; sweet
child; a term used to frighten small children
= = = = = (b) f. flood, over-flow, spate; successive
discharge of shots from a gun, volley
|U |U |U |U |U (bIor) m. particulars, detail
|U = |U = |U = |U = |U = (bIorevr) a. in detail, detailed
|mFl |mFl |mFl |mFl |mFl (bI) f. chilblain, kibe, crack, chap
|HH =Jl ~ UJ Wl H l= Fl ( JIs
per na phat ~ oh k Jae p par ) prov.
only the wearers knows where the shoe
|mHl |mHl |mHl |mHl |mHl (bIs) a. eighty two
|mHl= |mHl= |mHl= |mHl= |mHl= (bIsva) a. & m. eighty-second; one of
the equal eighty two parts
|m |m |m |m |m (bIdh) f. trouble; wrangle, quarrel; a
disease; pain, grief, anguish, malady
|m |m |m |m |m (bIn) m. statement; explanation, description,
~ W (~ karn ) v.t. to describe, to state, to
~ Hl W (~ Jr karn ) v.t. to issue a
~ U (~ de ) v.t. to make statement
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to record statement
JY=lm ~ (halph ~ ) m. a statement
made on oath, affidavit
| m Hl | m Hl | m Hl | m Hl | m Hl (bInbz) m. statement given
|m |m |m |m |m (bIn) m. earnest money, advance money
|mYl |mYl |mYl |mYl |mYl (bIl) a. forty-two
|mYl= |mYl= |mYl= |mYl= |mYl= (bIlva) a. & m. forty-second; one of
the equal forty-two parts
|m=/|m= |m=/|m= |m=/|m= |m=/|m= |m=/|m= (bI/bI) m. unplucked fruit-or
vegetable crop which is left to ripen fully for
seed purpose
|HW J |HW J |HW J |HW J |HW J (bIsku) m. biscuit
|HW Jl |HW Jl |HW Jl |HW Jl |HW Jl (bIsku) a. of the colour of biscuit, light
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (bIstar) m. bed
~ YT / =u (~ la g / varam ) a. bedsore
|HS U |HS U |HS U |HS U |HS U (bIstarbd) m. hold all
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (bIstar) m. bed-cloths, bedding
~ TY W (~ gol karn ) id. to run away, to
fled away
~ t =YJ1 (~ bnh(valehn ) id.
to pack off
~ |=UU (~ vIchhu ) v.t. to make the
bed, to lay or spread the bedding
lF |HS HuS ( bore bIstre samet )
adv. with bag and baggage
|H |H |H |H |H (bIshap) m. bishop
|H|uY |H|uY |H|uY |H|uY |H|uY (bIsmIl) a. injured, wounded
|H|u Y |H|u Y |H|u Y |H|u Y |H|u Y (bIsmIll) m. the word is uttered by
Muslims at the start of a work; beginning
~ W (~ karn ) v.t. to utter Bismilla; to
start, to begin, to commence
|Hlm |Hlm |Hlm |Hlm |Hlm (bIsar) a. poisonous snake
|J Tu |U HJl |J Tu |U HJl |J Tu |U HJl |J Tu |U HJl |J Tu |U HJl (bIhgam drIsh) f. bird's-eye view
|JS |JS |JS |JS |JS (behtar) a. better; well, all right
|JSl |JSl |JSl |JSl |JSl (behtar) f. betterment, welfare
|JSl |JSl |JSl |JSl |JSl (behtarn) a. superb, best, of top quality
|J=Y |J=Y |J=Y |J=Y |J=Y (bIhval) a. impatient, anxious; restless,
uneasy, perturbed, agitated
| J=YS | J=YS | J=YS | J=YS | J=YS (bIhvalt) f. impatience, anxiety,
restlessness, uneasiness, perturbation
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl
! !! !!
(bIhr) f. vowel sign ' l ' used in Gurmukhi
script which represent the sound of (I, ee)
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl
z zz zz
(bIhr) m. an inhabitant of Bihar; the
dialect spoken in Bihar; an epithet used for
Lord Krishna
a. pertaining to Bihar
| W | W | W | W | W (bIkk) f. bark, rind; skin
~ YJ (~ lhu ) id. to beat badly, to
thrash; to sell something at higher price
|Wul H uS |Wul H uS |Wul H uS |Wul H uS |Wul H uS (bIkarm smat) m. the era started
by king Bikramaditya, beginning from 57 B.C.,
Bikrami era
|H |H |H |H |H (bIkh) f. poison, Aconituam falconeri
| Hu | Hu | Hu | Hu | Hu (bIkham) a. difficult, arduous, hard;
complicated, intricate, complex; uneven, rough;
|HuS |HuS |HuS |HuS |HuS (bIkhamat) f. difficulty, arduousness,
hardship; complexity, intricacy; adversity
|H |H |H |H |H (bIkharn) v.i. to be scattered, to be
spread; to be dispersed
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (bIkh) a. difficult, complicated, arduous;
dangerous, perilous; unsafe ( path etc.); full of
dangers and obstacles
|H |H |H |H |H (bIkhdh) m. quarrel, wrangle; hatred
contention, disagreement
|H |H |H |H |H (bIkhern) v.t. to scatter, to spread, to
strew; to disperse, to dispel (crowd )
|TY |TY |TY |TY |TY (bIgal) m. bugle, trumpet; the sound of bugle
~ =HU (~ vaJau ) v.t. to sound the bugle
id. to announce the start of march
S U ~ =H ( khatre d ~ vaJJa ) id.
to get a signal of danger
|TYUl |TYUl |TYUl |TYUl |TYUl (bIgalch) m. bugler
|T |T |T |T |T (bIgn) a. unknown, unfamiliar, stranger,
unacquainted; unrelated, alien; somone other's
~ = (~ ghar) m. (girl's) in-laws home;
someone else's house, other's house
~ S (~ putt ) m. husband
m~(ap ~) m. everybody, everyone
HS ~ (satt ~ ) a. unrelated; unacquainted,
unfamiliar, unknown, stranger, alien; third
|Tl UJ S uU uU ( bIgn chhh te
muchchh munu ) id. to live high on
other's expense
~ l (~ dh ) f. daughter-in-law
|T =H ( bIgane vas pe ) id. to
be under the control of others
|T |T |T |T |T (bIgnpa) m. strangeness
| U | U | U | U | U (bIchchh) m. scorpion
~ Jl (~ b ) f. a plant with stinging hair &
greenish flower, nettle
|U m |U m |U m |U m |U m (bIchh) m. a kind of dagger; silver
ornament worn by women on the toes
|U |U |U |U |U (bIchho ) m. mattress; bedding
| H | H | H | H | H (bIJJ) f. lightning, thunderbolt; a bolt from the
blue, sudden calamity
|HYFl |HYFl |HYFl |HYFl |HYFl (bIJla) a. electrical, electric; pertaining to
|HYl |HYl |HYl |HYl |HYl (bIJal) f. electric power, electricity; lightning
~ |T (~ gIrn ) id. to be like a bolt from
the blue; to be struck by lightning
~ = (~ ghar ) m. power house, power-station
~ UuWl (~ chamka ) v.i. for lightning to
~ HTUl (~ Jagu ) v.t. to switch on the
~ U (~ d ) a. electric, electrical
~ U J (~ d baan ) m. switch
~ U |uHSl (~ d mIstr ) m. electrician
~ Ul S (~ d tr ) f. electric cable, power-line
~ Ul / (~ d dhr/ro ) f. electric current
~ (~ pe ) id. for a calamity to befall
f. a curse
~ YU (~ lu ) id. to give electric shocks
(a treatment)
~ =T (~ va g ) adv. very swiftly
~ =T W=W (~ vag kaka) id. to make a
loud sound, to thunder; to shout with anger
|H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U |H=U (bIJvu) v.t. to make something
sown; to help in sowing work
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (bIJ) m. weaver bird, Ploceus
|HFl |HFl |HFl |HFl |HFl (bIJ) f. the act of or the wages for sowing
| H | H | H | H | H (bIJJ) m. a kind of wild cat, Indian badger;
stupid, idiot fellow; unseemly person
| J | J | J | J | J- -- --| J/| J | J/| J | J/| J | J/| J | J/| J- -- --| J | J | J | J | J(bI-bI/bIar-bIar) adv.
without winking (eyes), unblinkingly,
unwinkingly, without twinkling
~ S W (~ takka) id. to look fixedly, to glare,
to stare; to look amazingly, to gape in surprise
|JU |JU |JU |JU |JU (bIhu) v.t. to make to sit, to make one
be seated, to seat; to make one withdraw; to
make to do remarriage of a widow or divorcee
|SU |SU |SU |SU |SU (bItu) v.t. to while away, to pass, to
spend (time)
|S |S |S |S |S (bItor) m. a small bird of owl's species
|Y ~ /|Y Sl (bIl ~/bIl bator) m.& f.
a small bird of owl's species
| U | U | U | U | U (bIdd) f. gift, sweets, dry fruit etc. sent by
the parents to their married daughter
| U | U | U | U | U (bd) f. a second, a moment, just for a while
~ W (~ ku) adv. for a second, for a moment
~ KJ (~ Jha) m.& adv. the twinkling of an
eye, a short while, a moment
~ Ul |U (~ d bd) adv. for a short while, for
a moment
~ U (~ n pe de) id. to make
haste, to hurry up
|U |U |U |U |U (bIda) v.t. to vie, to contest, to compete;
to bet, to wager
|U W ( bId ke) adv. on bet
| Ul | Ul | Ul | Ul | Ul (bd) f. zero, cypher; round mark put on the
forehead by girls and married women; a
grammatical symbol; an ornament worn by
women on forehead; dot, point
~ Wu (~ kom) m. semicolon
| UlU | UlU | UlU | UlU | UlU (bddr) a. dotty, dotted
| U | U | U | U | U (bd) m. dot; point
| | | | | (bIdhn) f. destiny, fate, luck
| uS | uS | uS | uS | uS (bIdhmat) f. goddess of destiny, fate
|S |S |S |S |S (bIdha t) m. the creator, God, the Contriver
and Arranger of all things
| | | | | (bIn) adv. without, save, except, but, leaving
~ mFl u (~ ma rn) id. to die an untimely
death, to die suddenly
~ SY Ul= Y (~ tel dv bl) prov. to
make bricks without straw
~ Y|Fm u|Ju (~ bule mehmn) m. an
uninvited guest, an unexpected guest
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ (bInsahr) a. subject to death/decay,
mortal, perishable, destructible
|H |H |H |H |H (bInsa) v.i. to expire, to die, to perish;
to be destroyed, to be ruined
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (bInsu) v.t. to cause to perish, to
cause to die; to cause to destroy
| | | | | (bIn) f. basis, base, foundation
|FH ~ S (Is ~ te) adv. on this plea
| | | | | (bIn) intj. without, except, but, save
~ H T (~ sg) adv. without hesitation,
~ |Sml(~ tIa r) adv. without preparation, off
~ uSY (~ matlab) adv. purposelessly
~ uUU U (~ madad de) adv. but for the help
~ |mS (~ r rIeat) adv. a fair field and no
~ |Fm u =l U Jl |U Ul (~ roea ma v
duddh nah dd) prov. a closed mouth
catches no fly
~ YT YJ U (~ lg lape de) adv. without
beating about the bush
| | | | | (bIn ) m. padded ring placed on the head
while carrying a load (on the head)
| | | | | (bIne) f. request, entreaty, supplication
~ S (~ pattar) m. application; petition
| W | W | W | W | W (bInekr) m. applicant; petitioner
|S |S |S |S |S (bIpt) f. calamity, adversity, misfortune,
misery; difficulty, hardship
~ HJ|FS (~ sahaeta) f. disaster relief
~ HJ=l (~ sahen) id. to ask for a trouble
~ WU |FWYl Jl mUUl (~ kade Ikall nah
ud) prov. misfortune seldom come alone
~ U u|m (~ d mre) a. misfortune-
stricken, struck by adversity
~ U |U (~ de dIn) m. evil days, time of
adversity, bad days
~ l (~ pe) v.i. to fall on evil days
~ |=U (~ vIch pe) id. to invite misery
| = | = | = | = | = (bIppharn) v.i. to get enraged, to be
furious; to be proud, to be vain
| | | | | (bIbb) m. bib
| | | | | (bb) m. symbol, image, reflection
| =Yl | =Yl | =Yl | =Yl | =Yl (bbval) f. imagery
| W | W | W | W | W (bIbek) m. reasoning, intelligence,
discrimination, knowledge; divine knowledge
~ l (~ buddh) f. rational power
| Wl | Wl | Wl | Wl | Wl (bIbek) a. rational, intelligent
|F Sl |F Sl |F Sl |F Sl |F Sl (bIbht) f. holy ash
|u |u |u |u |u (bImr) m. sick, indisposed, unwell
|ul |ul |ul |ul |ul (bmr) f. illness, sickness; disease
|J= |J= |J= |J= |J= (bIrha) f. separation
|J |J |J |J |J (bIrh) m. separation from one's lover or
beloved, love-sickness, pangs of separation
|Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl |Jl (bIrh) a. (one who is) suffering the agony
of separation
|W |W |W |W |W (bIrka) v.i. to hardly utter a word; to
speak out
|H/|U |H/|U |H/|U |H/|U |H/|U (bIrakh/bIrchh) m. tree
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to plant trees
~ =T (~ varg) a. arborescent, arboraceous
WY ~ (kalap ~) m. a mythological tree of
Paradise which fulfils every desire
|HH |HH |HH |HH |HH (bIrJas) f. breeches
|SS |SS |SS |SS |SS (bIrta t) m. description, narration, account;
news, report, story, tale etc.
|SSW |SSW |SSW |SSW |SSW (bIrtatak) a. descriptive, narrative
|Sl |Sl |Sl |Sl |Sl (bIrt) f. concentration, thought, keen
attention; meditation, deep thinking; nature,
inclination, tendency
~ |FWT W (~ Ikgar karn) id. to give
all one's attention to, to concentrate
~ YUl (~ lun) v.i. to meditate upon
mSlS ~ (att ~) f. pious & humble nature
HHu ~ (sukham ~) f. perspicaciousness,
concentration, deep thinking , meditation
|US ~ (chItt ~) f. bent of mind
| | | | |
! !! !!
(bIrth) a. useless, vain, futile, worthless,
~ TmU (~ guun) id. to waste
~ H (~ Jn) id. to be of no use, to go
waste, to come to nought
| | | | |
z zz zz
(bIrth) f. anguish, pain; suffering, misery
|U |U |U |U |U
! !! !!
(bIrad) m. good fame & name, reputation
~ Y (~ pln ) v.t. to live up to one's name
|U |U |U |U |U
z zz zz
(bIrad) m. ceremonial routine; repetition of
God's name/hymns
| | | | | (bIradh) a. old, aged, elderly
~ m=H (~ avasth) f. old age
~ Hl (~ sarr) m. weak and aged person,
elderly person
| | | | | (bIrn) v.i. to stop weeping (for the child)
- |-| W (bIr-bIr karn) id. to entreat
for something
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y
! !! !!
(bIl) m. bill, invoice
~ S (~ tarn) id. to make payment of the
bill, to pay the bill
~ W (~ buk) f. bill-book
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y
z zz zz
(bIl) f. hole; a cavity
~ W/U (~ karn/banun) v.t. to
make hole
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y
a aa aa
(bIl) m. an Indian fruit, bael, Aegle marmelos
~ S (~ pattar) m. leaves of bael tree used
for the worship of Lord Shiva
|YW Y |YW Y |YW Y |YW Y |YW Y (bIlkul) adv. entirely, wholly, absolutely,
quite totally; stark, sheer; brand (new)
~ Jl (~ nah ) adv. not at all, absolutely not
~ T (~ nga) m. stark naked
~ = (~ nava ) m. brand new
|YJl |YJl |YJl |YJl |YJl (bIl) f. a parcel booked by rail; railway
receipt, freight receipt, R/R invoice
~ WJl (~ kaan) v.i. to issue a railway-
~ WJUl (~ kaun) v.t. to get a receipt of
goods sent
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to book goods by train
~ UU (~ chhudun) id. to get delivery
|Y| T |Y| T |Y| T |Y| T |Y| T (bIldg) f. building
|Y|YU |Y|YU |Y|YU |Y|YU |Y|YU (bIlbIlaun) v.i.& id. to be restless,
to whine, to be uneasy; to entreat, to beseech,
to supplicate; to cry, to lament
|Y u WS |Y u WS |Y u WS |Y u WS |Y u WS (bIlmukt) adv. in the lump
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y (bIl) intj. without
~ HS (~ shart) a. & adv. without any
condition, unconditional, unconditionally
~ WH (~ kasr) adv. without any fault or
offence, guiltlessly, faultlessly, without guilt
~ T (~ ng) adv. without fail, regularly,
~ uWY (~mukbal) a.&adv. unanimous,
unanimously, unopposed
~ =H (~ vaJh) adv. without any rhyme or
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
! !! !!
(bIll) m. identifying symbol, badge; medal
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y
z zz zz
(bIll) m. male cat, tom cat
a. brown-eyed, having eyes like a cat
|Y=Y |Y=Y |Y=Y |Y=Y |Y=Y (bIlval) m. name of a classical mode of
| Yl | Yl | Yl | Yl | Yl (bIll) f. cat; a fastening device for door or
window, bolt
~ W S U = (~ kutte da ve r) m. great
animosity, sworn enmity
~ |UW H (~ chhIkk Jn) id. to have an ill
~ U J WJ (~ d rh kattan) id. to have
an ill-omen
~ Ul H H S H Y |=U J Ul J (~ d Jn satta khalla
vIch hd he ) prov. a cat has nine lives
a. one who has passed B.A. examination
lH lH lH lH lH (bs) m. a dog having twenty nails
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (bh) m. pear like fruit & its tree, quince,
Cydonia oblonga
~ U (~ dn) m. quince seed
lJl lJl lJl lJl lJl (bh) f. a narrow street, lane
lW lW lW lW lW (bkar) m. beaker
lWl lWl lWl lWl lWl (bkar) f. a broken piece of an earthen or
china vessel, sherd, potsherd
lUW lUW lUW lUW lUW (bchak) m. list, invoice
lH lH lH lH lH (bJ) m. seed; semen, sperm; origin, source;
lH T|S lH T|S lH T|S lH T|S lH T|S (bJ ganIt) m. algebra
lH lH lH lH lH (bJan) v.t. to sow; to do virtuous deed
lH u S lH u S lH u S lH u S lH u S (bJ mtar) m. fundamental formula of a
l|Hm Y l|Hm Y l|Hm Y l|Hm Y l|Hm Y (bJe le n ) id. to reap the fruit of
one's deeds, to lie in the bed one has made
l l l l l (b a ) m. cricket, beetle; a toy which
produces sound while made to revolve
l| T l| T l| T l| T l| T (bg) f. beading; bead-moulding
l VY l VY l VY l VY l VY (b hal) f. ornamented upper edge of a
wall etc., parapet
ll ll ll ll ll (b) f. part of the binding of a book that
extends beyond the leaves
lS lS lS lS lS (btan ) v.i. to pass, to pass away, to expire;
to elapse (time etc.); to happen
lSl lSl lSl lSl lSl (bt) suff. a suffix denoting past time or life
l l l l l (bn) f. snake-charmer's wind; an Indian folk
l l l l l (bb) f. a term used for girls
a. gentle, docile, douce; dear
~ (~ rn) m. good child
a. gentleman, douce, docile
ll ll ll ll ll (bb) f. a term of address used for ladies; a
term used for mother, elder sister, daughter
~ U=l (~ dr ) f. gentleman, douce
lFSH lFSH lFSH lFSH lFSH (bbhats) m. loathsome, abhorrent
lu lu lu lu lu (bm) m. beam
lu lu lu lu lu (bm) m. insurance, life policy
~ Wl (~ kpan) f. insurance company
~ U |H UJl Jl HuU (~ de sIrhan e dah
nah Jamad) prov. watched pot never boils
~ U TY JYl (~ de gale tall bnn) id.
to bell the cat
~ U FTl |U W J J (~ de bhg chhIkk
uan) id. to have a windfall to a needy
~ j U|Jm U H= (~ nu chuhea de suphne)
prov. the wish is father to the thought
~ l (~ pabb) adv. stealthily, silently &
~ H=Yl U Ul (~ rakhvl duddh d) prov.
when the fox preaches look to your geese
| Ylm Ul Y=Fl ( bIlla d lar ) f.
|Ylm |Ylm |Ylm |Ylm |Ylm (bIlard) f. billiards
|Y -|Y |Y -|Y |Y -|Y |Y -|Y |Y -|Y (bIl -bIl ) m. whimper, snivel, whine
|Y YU |Y YU |Y YU |Y YU |Y YU (bIle lun ) id. to keep at proper place,
to put aside; to spend lavishly, to squander; to
dispose of (a thing, property etc.); to exhaust
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y (bIlon) v.t. to churn
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (bIr k) f. sound of foot steps; clattering sound;
information, clue, intimation
~ H (~ rakkhn) id. to be on the alert, to
be vigilant
~ Yl (~ le n ) v.t. to try to hear or see; to try
to know, to spy
|= |= |= |= |= (bIrhn) v.i. to have an impression (on the
skin) of a whip or of something tied tightly, to
have wale
l l l l l (b) m. seed; sperm, semen; source, origin;
fertilised ovule
~ H(~ na s) annihilation, eradication, utter
ruin, total destruction
lm lm lm lm lm (bar) f. beer
lm lm lm lm lm (bbn) m. deserted place, wilderness;
desolate forest
l.m H.Hl. l.m H.Hl. l.m H.Hl. l.m H.Hl. l.m H.Hl. (b.e s.s) f. degree of Bachelor of
Science, B.Sc.
l.m . l.m . l.m . l.m . l.m . (b.e d.) f. degree of Bachelor of Education
l.F . l.F . l.F . l.F . l.F . (b.e.) f. degree of Bachelor of Art, B.A.
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to insure
~ WU (~ karun ) v.t. to get insured (thing
or life)
~ S/|YHl (~ pattar/ palIs) m. insurance
lu lu lu lu lu (bmr) a. sick, ill, unwell, indisposed
lul lul lul lul lul (bmr) f. disease; illness, sickness,
l l l l l
! !! !!
(br) a. courageous, brave
l l l l l
z zz zz
(br) m. brother
lH lH lH lH lH (braJ) m. semen, sperm
l =J Jl l =J Jl l =J Jl l =J Jl l =J Jl (br voh) f. an insect having velvety
red skin, lady fly
lY lY lY lY lY (bl) m. stomach-ache
l=l l=l l=l l=l l=l (bv) f. wife, better half, female spouse, life-
l= l= l= l= l=
! !! !!
(br) f. reserve pasture, reserve forest
l= l= l= l= l=
z zz zz
(br) f. a volume of sri Guru Granth Sahib
(Sikh scripture)
l= l= l= l= l= (brn) v.t. to join, to fasten, to bind
l== l== l== l== l== (br va ) a. joined tightly, fastened, fixed
l= l= l= l= l=
! !! !!
(br) m. button
~ YU (~ lun ) v.t. to button up, to stitch,
to button
l= l= l= l= l=
z zz zz
(br ) m. beetle leaf usu. folded with
catechu, lime paste and areca pieces inside it
~ U JU /U W (~ uhun /chukkan ) id.
to undertake a difficult task, to accept a challenge
l=l l=l l=l l=l l=l (br) f. a crude form of cigarette; a button
supporting the spindle in a spinning wheel
~ l (~ pn) v.t. to smoke
H H H H H (bus) m. stale and emitting pungent smell
HW HW HW HW HW (buskan) v.i. to sob; to weep slowly
H H H H H (busan ) v.i. to become stale and emit
pungent smell, to stench, to give out foul smell
- H|=m |Hm (sar e buse) a. putrefied,
emitting pungent smell, rotten, stinking
H H H H H H H H H H (busbus) f. long face, sad face
H H H H H H H H H H (busbus) a. long faced, sad
H H H H H (buss) a. stale & stinking
- |Hm J |Fm (buse hoe) a. stale &
stinking; ill-tempered
J J J J J (buhrn) v.t. to clean with broom, to
broom, to sweep
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (buhr) f. broom, besom, broomstick
~ |=l(~ phIrn) id. to be ruined utterly
~ = (~ phern) v.t. to broom, to sweep
id. to sweep away
! !! !!
(bukk) f. book
~ HJY (~ sal) f. book-stall
~ HJ (~ sed) m. book-stand
~ HYV (~ shelf) m. book-shelf
~ Wl|T (~ kpg) f. book-keeping
~ | (~ d Ipu) m. book-depot
~ HJ (~ post) m. book-post
~ Fl|T (~ b dg) m. book-binding
WH ~ (kesh ~) f. cash-book
J ~ (no ~) f. note-book
H ~ (ps ~) f. pass-book
z zz zz
(bukk) f. hollow of the palms joined in the
shape of cup
~ m (~ addan) id. to beg, to ask for
~ W (~ bukk) adv. in abundance, in big
~ W (~ bukk ron) id. to weep one's
heart out, to weep bitterly
~ F (~ bhar) a. handful
~ F F U (~ bhar bhar den) id. to give
(something) generously, to give (something) in
U Hl Wl (- chhaJJ bukk ) adv. in
abundance, in plenty
W W W W W (bukkan ) v.i. to shout loudly in challenging
manner; to roar
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (bukram) f. buckram
WY WY WY WY WY (bukkal) f. a mode of wearing a shawl or
dupatta covering one's head, shoulders and
upper part of body; a style of wrapping blanket
etc. around the body; bosom, embrace
~ U H (~ d sapp) m. a snake in the grass,
a foe in the guise of a friend
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. sneakingly, secretly; close,
in hand
~ |=U KW/KSl u (~ vIch Jhakn/Jht
mrn) id. to look with in, to introspect
~ |=U Y (~ vIch le n ) id. to embrace, to hug
~ |=U == (~ vIch varn) id. to give refuge,
to take one's shelter
H H H H H (bukhr) m. fever, temperature
~ U S (~ utarn) id. to be relieved of
tension/worry; to have subdual of a passion or
~ U= (~ charhn) id. to be worried, to be
v.i. to suffer from fever, to have fever
~ JJ (~ uan) id. to have normalcy of
fever, to have subsidence of fever
~ HW (~ nshak) a. & m. antipyretic
HS HS HS HS HS (bukhrt) m. vapour
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (bukhr) f. granary, silo
T T T T T (bug) a. blocked, stupid, duffer, dull-headed,
T T T T T (bugg) m. case or covering (of sitar, sword
TSl TSl TSl TSl TSl (bugt) f. necklace made of gold coins or
gold discs
T T T T T (bg) m. a house or dwelling place (for
temporary stay) near a religious place
Tl/ Tl Tl/ Tl Tl/ Tl Tl/ Tl Tl/ Tl (bug/bugg) f. kiss
=l =l =l =l =l (bughan) f. a small pot with a slit on the
head, used by children for keeping their savings;
home-safe, small safe
= = = = = (buggh) m. a metallic mug used for
measuring milk etc.
UWl UWl UWl UWl UWl (bucchk) f. bale, bundle
U= U= U= U= U= (bucchar) m. butcher, slaughterer
a. cruel, merciless
U=H U=H U=H U=H U=H (bucchar khn) m. butchery, slaughter-
U U U U U (bucch) a. having small ears; crop-eared
(dog); wearing no ornaments, without
~ U (~ bucch) a. wearing no ornaments,
without ornaments
Y ~ (ld ~) a. all alone, single
U= U= U= U= U= (buchhr) m. slanting rain, shower; volley
(bubbets etc.)
H H H H H (buJJ) a. empty-headed, brainless, stupid,
blockhead, duffer
H|UY H|UY H|UY H|UY H|UY (buzdIl) a. cowardly, coward, chicken-
H|UYl H|UYl H|UYl H|UYl H|UYl (buzdIl) f. cowardliness, cowardice,
timidity, chicken-heartedness
HYl HYl HYl HYl HYl (buJl) f. an ear ornament for ladies
H H H H H (buJJ) m. stopper, stopple, plug
- W |=U ~ U (kna vIch ~ den) id. to
turn a deaf ear to, to pay no heed to
K W= K W= K W= K W= K W= (buJhakkar) a. one who solves riddles
K K K K K (buJhan) v.i. to be extinguished, to be put
out; to be quenched (thirst)
- |UY ~ (dIl ~) id. to be disheartened, to be
- |Km- |Km (buJhe-buJhe) a. sad,
depressed, disheartened, dejected, gloomy, doleful
id. to lose interest in life, to be depressed
K K K K K (buJJhan) v.t. to guess, to conjecture, to
infer; to solve (riddle etc.); to comprehend, to
K=U K=U K=U K=U K=U (buJhvun) v.t. to have (fire or light)
put out, to make (fire) extinguish; to make to
blow out (candle, lamp); to have (riddle) solved
KU KU KU KU KU (buJhun) id. to put out, to extinguish
(fire, light); to blow out; to switch off (light); to
quench, to slake, to allay (thirst)
- mT ~ (agg ~) id. to settle a dispute, to
quench, to allay; to calm (lust, desire etc.)
KS KS KS KS KS (buJhrat) f. riddle, puzzle, conundrum,
complexity, complication; complicated matter
- KS U ( buJhrta pun) id. to talk
in riddles, to make riddles
J J J J J (bu) m. gums
J J J J J (buer) m. a kind of water grass having long
& broad leaves
(bd) f. anus; buttocks
V V V V V (buddh) a. of old age, old aged
pref. a prefix denoting old age
~ HJT (~ suhgan ) f. an old woman whose
husband is still alive
~ H JT J (~ suhgan ho) ph. a blessing given
to a woman wishing her a long conjugal life
~ VY/YJ (~ bud hel/balet ) a. an insulting
term used for an aged person
~ =H (~ vares) f. old age, agedness
V V V V V (buddh) a. old, aged
~ J (~ hon) v.i. to become old, to olden
~ HH (~ khakkhar) m. weak, feeble & infirm
person, oldie
~ HJ (~ kharat) m. old bird, old stager, old
~ J (~ her) m. oldman, aged person,
- Vl == (bud d h phpha ) f. an old
cunning lady, over clever woman
~ uFl (~ m) f. very old woman; a sort of
cotton found in the bud of Aak plant (Colotropis
~ uFl U KJ (~ m d Jht ) m. candy floss
~ uFl Ul l= (~ m d p gh) f. rainbow
V = (buddhe vre) adv. in old age, at
the fag end of life
V/ V V/ V V/ V V/ V V/ V (budhp/budhep) m. old age,
advanced age, senility
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (bun t) f. weaving; pattern, design
(bun) v.t. to weave; to knit ( sweater
etc.); to twine
U / =U U / =U U / =U U / =U U / =U (buu/ buvun) v.t. to
get to be knitted or woven
Fl/ =Fl Fl/ =Fl Fl/ =Fl Fl/ =Fl Fl/ =Fl (bu/buv) f. the process of
weaving or the wages for knitting or weaving
S S S S S (butt) m. statue, idol, sculpture, icon, image;
dumb & motionless, lifeless ( person )
~ |HW (~ shIkan) a. idol breaker, iconoclast,
~ |HWl (~ shIkan) f. idol-breaking,
~ == (~ gharh) a. idol-maker, sculptor
~ U S (~ d butt) a. clod, dull, duffer, dolt
~ HS (~ prast) a. idol-worshipper, iconolater,
~ HSl (~ prast) f. idol-worship, iconolatry,
~ H (~ pJ) m. idol-worshp, iconolatry,
WU ~( kadd ~) m. body-structure, stature,
S S S S S (butt) m. sudden need; one's capacity
~ H (~ srn) id. to serve the purpose; to
help a needy
(butth) m. blood-clot
= = = = = (butth) m. a contemptuous term for human
face; animal's face

! !! !!
(buddh) f. wisdom, intelligence, wit, brain,
mind, sense, thought, knowledge
H ~ (suddh ~ ) f. presence of mind,
consciousness; wisdom, sense
uJl ~ (mo ~ ) f. dull-headed, block-head,

z zz zz
(buddh) m. Mercury(the planet); Wednesday
= = = = = (buddhvr) m. Wednesday
l l l l l (buddh) f. wisdom, intelligence, wit, sense,
~ mW (~ k) m. intelligence quotient, I.Q.
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. intellectual, mental
~ Jl (~ hn) a. mentally deficient,
unintelligent, dull, brainless, irrational
~ S U (~ te pard pe) id. to be at
one's wit's end
~ ul H (~ mr J) id. to be at one's
wit's end
lHl=l lHl=l lHl=l lHl=l lHl=l (buddhJv) m. intellectual, brainworker
~ =T (~ varg) m. intelligentsia
lu S lu S lu S lu S lu S (buddhmatt) f. wisdom, intelligence,
prudence, sagacity, wit
lu lu lu lu lu (buddhmn) a. wise, intelligent, prudent,
learned, talented, brilliant
~ YFl |FH WVl J (~ la Ishr kf he)
prov. a word to the wise
luS/lul luS/lul luS/lul luS/lul luS/lul (buddhmnt/buddhmn) f.
wisdom, sagacity, prudence, intelligence
(buddh) a.& m. dull, dunce, simpleton,
foolish, dullard, silly, clod, pole, stupid
~ U (~ bau) v.t. to befool, to make
a fool of
YJ W ~ = mF ( lo ke ~ ghar n e)
prov. as wise as he went, came away none
the wise
(buddhpa) m. foolishness, stupidity,
Y Y Y Y Y (buddhl) m. clan of fools, family of
idiots; a group of silly people
|mU |mU |mU |mU |mU (bunId) f. foundation, base; origin, root,
~ ( be ~ ) a. baseless, rootless
| m Ul | m Ul | m Ul | m Ul | m Ul (bunId) a. basic, fundamental,
foundational; ancestral
~ (~ patthar) m. foundation-stone
(bune) f. vest, undershirt
Y Y Y Y Y (bbal) m. unwoven end of warp in cloth;
(bur) f. pile ( of cloth ) ; noap (of towels etc.);
H H H H H (bursh) m. brush
W W W W W (burk) m. cattle's morsel or bite of fodder;
large morsel, large bite or mouthful
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to bite ( dog etc. ) ; to
eat greedily
W W W W W (burka) v.t. to sprinkle ( salt etc. )
W W W W W (burk) m. mask, veil, mantle
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (burk) f. morsel, bite, mouthful
~ HJ/U (~ sua/pu) id. to lure;
to grease the palm, to give allurement
Wlm Y= (burka na lgha) id.
to be over worried, to have anxiety; to be in
U U U U U (burchh) a. stout, robust; violent, ruffian
U TUl U TUl U TUl U TUl U TUl (burchhgard) f. hooliganism,
! !! !!
(burJ) m. minaret, tower, turret, bastion,
~ V|J (~ dhe h) id. to suffer a blow
(demise of a great personality)
z zz zz
(burJ) m. a tissue paper balloon with a burning
H= / H= H= / H= H= / H= H= / H= H= / H=

(burJav/burJav) m.&a.
middle class, bourgeois
H=Hl H=Hl H=Hl H=Hl H=Hl

(burJvz) f. bourgeoisie
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(burJ) f. small tower, cupola, small mound;
a pillar or mound erected to enmark boundaries;
an iron rod fixed on the wall of a bridge to
measure the water level of a river or canal

(burd) f. the state when only king remains of
one side at chess ( on the chess board )
=U =U =U =U =U

(burau) v.i. to talk in sleep, to
mutter in sleep

(bur) a. bad, wicked, vicious, evil; ill; harmful;
faulty; worthless
m. harm, wrong; a ceremony performed after
tenth or eleventh day on the death of husband
in which cash or jewellery or clothes are given
to the widow by the relatives
~ mU (~ char) m. bad character,
undesirable conduct
~ |F SHu (~ tzm) m. maladministration,
~ HT (~ shagan) m. ill omen, portent, prodigy
~ Hu (~ sama) m. hard days, bad time
~ HY W (~ salk) m. misbehaviour, ill treatment
~ JY (~ hl) m. miserable plight, bad condition
~ JY W (~ hl karn) v.t. to put to loss, to
treat one badly, to maltreat
~ JY S W |UJ= J (~ hl te bake dIhe
ho) id. to be in a miserable plight, to be in
great trouble
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to do harm to somebody
~ uU (~ n manu) v.t. to take in
good part
~ (~ ban) id. to fall in the eyes of
~ FY (~ bhal) m. good & bad; fault-finding,
~ FY W|J (~ bhal keh) id. to give a bit
of one's mind, to swear at
~ u/uU (~ mn/manu) v.t. to
take ill, to take a miss, to be annoyed, to be
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl

(bur) f. badness, wickedness, evil, vice;
defect, flaw ( in a person )
~ mT mU (~ agge u) id. to lie in bed
one has made, evil begets evil
~ W (~ karn) id. to talk ill; to do evil
~ U uY Fl |=U YT (~ d mal bura vIch
lagge) prov. ill gotten ill spent
~ mF |=U UU UJlU J (~ n arbh
vIch dabu chahd he) prov. to nip the
evil in the bud
~ FYFl (~ bhala) f. evil & good
~ uY Y (~ mull le) id. to get a bad name
l J ( bur ho) id. to be harassed,
to be insulted
~ mUS J (~ dat ho) id. to be addicted
to, to be given to ( smoking, drinking etc. )
~ HTS S |FWY FY (~ sgat to Ikall bhal)
prov. better alone than in a bad company
~ TS U (~ gat bau) id. to beat to
a mummy, to beat black and blue
~ ==l (~ gha) f. inauspicious moment
~ S (~ traha) adv. badly; intensely
~ H (~ nazar) f. evil eye; leer
Wu U SlH ( bure km d bur
natJ) prov. evil begets evil
~ |U (~ dIn) m. bad days, rainy days
~ |U mU (~ dIn u) id. to fall on evil
~ (~ pe) id. to spoil one's relations; to
fall in the eyes of others

(burd) m. saw-dust, filings
|FHTY~( Isabgol~) m. Isbgol husk

(bullh) m. lip
~ UJ (~ uern) id. to curl one's lips, to
push out the lips, to pout; to be on the verge of
~ |JYU (~ hIlu) id. to say but a word,
to say something
~ W V (~ kaha) id. to show one's
disliking , to pout; to be on the verge of weeping
~ JW (~ ukka) id. to bite one's lips
W ~ u ( nakk ~ mrn) id. to find
fault ( with someone); to turn up one's nose, to
sneer at
Y Hl Y/Y S uJ YT ( -bullha n
s le/bulla te mohar lagga) id. to keep
mum, to remain silent, to seal one's lips
H ~ S mJW ( Jn ~ te aka) id. to be
at death's door, to be on the death bed, to be
on the verge of death

(bulbul) f. nightingale, pilomel

(bulbuln) f. a kind of soft cloth,

(bulbul) m. bubble; balloon; short lived
transitory thing
YY U ( bulbule chhaa) v.i.
to bubble, to effervesce
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y =

(bulha) a. having thick lips, thick-liped

(bullh) m. gust, puff, blast ( of air)
Y YJ ( bulle lua) id. to live it up,
to live in clover, to spree
YU / Y=U YU / Y=U YU / Y=U YU / Y=U YU / Y=U

(bulu/bulvu) v.t. to call,
to send for , to summon; to talk, to speak, to
converse; to invite
~ ( pr ~) id. to do away with, to
murder, to kill
=S|J ~ (phate ~) v.t. to greet by saying
Vahe Guru Ji ki Fateh ' (by Sikh Community);
to greet, to salute
Y FH ( bul bheJa) v.t. to send for
Y|Fm Y ( bulaea n bola) id.
to take the air, to show oneself off, to be

(bulk) m. an ornament of nose (for woman),

(bulr) m. orator, speaker, spokes-man
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y=

(bulv) m. invitation; call, summon; a
person who calls, caller, messenger
Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l(bula v) f. a woman whose duty is to call at
the girl's houses and escort them to school

(bulIan) m. bulletin
Yl/ Yl W S Yl/ Yl W S Yl/ Yl W S Yl/ Yl W S Yl/ Yl W S

(bull/bul kutt) m. bully-dog

(bulel) f. news, information, hint, inklink
W ~ (kn ~ pe ) id. to get an
information, to get a news; to get a hint or clue
= W = W = W = W = W

(buhka) v.i. to jump, to dap, to spring
(ball etc.); to shout in anger, to jump upon
=W =W (buhak buhak pe) id.
to jump upon, to be violent in anger, to growl;
to bounce (ball)
=W U =W U =W U =W U =W U

(buku) v.i. to make or cause
(something) to jump or to spring; to toss
= = = = = = = = = =

(bubu) f. grumbling, muttering, mumbling,
~ W/==U (~ karn/bubuu)
v.i. to mutter in sleep, to talk in sleep; to grumble,
to mutter, to murmur
= =JJ (bubuha) f. grumble,
mumble, mutter
==lm Ulm (bubua chhaaa )
v.i. to stink, to effervesce

! !! !!
(b) intj. sudden utterance in grief or pain

z zz zz
(b) f. smell, odour; savour; foul smell, bad smell,
stink, stench
HH tkhusb1 f. sweet smell, fragrance
aroma, odour, scent
U tbadb1 f. foul smell, bad smell, stink,
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (b) f. a species of bushy weed plant
JW JW JW JW JW (bhka) v.i. to weep, to cry
J J J J J (bh) m. door
~ H=WU (~ khaku) v.t. to knock at
the door
~ HY (~ khulh) id. to knot nuptial tie, to
be married
~ HY J (~ khullh ho) id. to have the
door always open (for anyone)
~ H Y (~ kholh) v.i. to open door; to allow
one to enter
~ V (~ ho) v.t. to shut the door, to close
the door
~ U W/~ u (~ bd karn/mrn) v.t.
to shut the door, to close the door
~ uY (~ malla) id. to hang on, to stick to
(place, point etc.)
U ~(chor ~) m. back door, secret means
or approach
J Ul |uJl J (bhe d mI pu)
id. to pay persistent visits
~ |JU (~ bIhu) id. to become widow;
to be discarded by one's husband
~ J (~ bhe) adv. door to door
~ J (~ be h) id. to become widow; to
be discarded by one's husband
Jl ~ S ( hth ~ te bn) id. to
be gorgeously rich
K= K= K= K= K= (bJha) a. & m. stupid, foolish, duderheaded,
blockheaded, doltish, dunce, dolt, block-head,
K K K K K (bJh) m. snap, stump (of sugarcane, maize
J J J J J (b) m. shoes (with laces), boot
J J J J J (b) m. plant, sapling; painted or embroidered
floral design (usu. on cloth)
~ YT (~ lagga) id. for a son to be born;
v.i. for a plant to take root
~ YU (~ lu) id. to lay the foundation of
(of an institution, work etc.); to bring into
Y J U (bel bue pu) v.t. to
embroider, to floriate
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (b) f. herb; an intoxicating plant, hemp; small
floral design
HHl=l ~ (sJvn~) f. a mythological life-
giving herb
H=l ~ (Ja~) f. medicinal herb
| U ~ (bIchchh~) f. scorpion-plant,
J J J J J (be) m. green grams having pods and used
as fresh vegetable
(b ) m. top portion of carrot, turnip etc.
(root plants); joining point of leaves and root
of root plants; tail (of a bird)

! !! !!
(bth) m. face of animal; human face

z zz zz
(bth) m. booth

(bth) v.i. to pack to the full, to fill up to
the brim
= = = = =

(btha) m. face of an animal; ugly face
a. having ugly face, ugly

(bth) m. animal's face; human face
(derogatory); ugly face
~ HH /=J (~ suJJa/vaa) id. to be
annoyed, to be displeased
~ H HU / |= T W (~ suJun/vg
karn) id. to be annoyed, to be displeased; to
give a severe beating; to thrash, to beat badly
~ F/ HW (~ bhn/ sek) id. to beat
badly, to thrash
l YuWFl |= (bth lamk phIrn)
id. to pull a long face, to look sullen

(b d) f. drop. rain drop
~ U WW (~ b d karke) adv. guttatim
~ U Y SY FU J (~ b d nl talb
bhard he ) prov. many a little makes a
mickle, a pin a day a groat a year
HmS ~(suat ~) f. mythically significant
rain-drop believed to be turned into pearl after
it falls into an open sea-shell
UUl (b dbad) f. drizzle, mizzle
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul

(b d) f. a kind of sweetmeat made of gram
flour coated with sugar; droplets made of gram

(br) m. pollen, farina; saw-dust; bloom (of
~ U Y (~ de la) m. dead sea apple,
something deceptive, worthless but tempting
thing; a kind of sweet meat

(br) m. bran; saw-dust; unrefined sugar,
powdered sugar; chaff of gram etc.
~ H= (~ s) m. bran, husks of grain

(br) a. brown (animal, skin etc.)
l l l l l

(br) a.& m. brown (buffalo); brown
complexioned buffalo

(be) f. a term used for mother or grand-mother;
aged lady

(be) f. second letter of Persian or Arabic script
mYV S ~ W|J (alaf to ~ n keh)
id. to keep silent, not to utter even a single

(be) pref. a prefix meaning without, void, lacking,
U ulU U ulU U ulU U ulU U ulU

(beumd) a. without hope, despaired,

(beulad)a. childless
U=W U=W U=W U=W U=W(beoak)a. limitless
mH mH mH mH mH

(beasar) a. ineffective, ineffectual
mH Y mH Y mH Y mH Y mH Y

(beasl) a. unprincipled, unscrupulous

(beakal) a. void of wisdom, stupid, foolish,
brainless, dense, fatuous
mWYl mWYl mWYl mWYl mWYl

(beakal) f. foolishness, stupidity, folly,
m S m S m S m S m S

(bet) a. infinite; endless, limitless;
mU mU mU mU mU

(beadab) a. disrespectful, mannerless,
impudent, impertinent
mUl mUl mUl mUl mUl

(beadab) f. disrespect, unmannerliness,
impudence, impertinence
m m m m m

(bearth) a. meaningless, useless, vain
mu mu mu mu mu

(bearm) a. uneasy, uncomfortable, restless
mul mul mul mul mul

(bearm) f. uneasiness, discomfort,
m=H m=H m=H m=H m=H

(beavz) a. soundless, noiseless; silent, mute
m m m m m

(bebr) a. insulted, disgraced, humiliated,
m YU m YU m YU m YU m YU

(beold) a. issueless, childless
|FH|Sm |FH|Sm |FH|Sm |FH|Sm |FH|Sm

(beIkhtIr) a.& adv. spontaneous,
involuntary, spontaneously, unintentionally,

(beIzzat) a. insulted, dishonoured, disgraced,
|F HSl |F HSl |F HSl |F HSl |F HSl

(beIzzat) f. insult, dishonour, disgrace,
humiliation; molestation, outrage

(betah) a. limitless, unlimited, boundless;
too much

(beItfk) a. disunity
|FS |FS |FS |FS |FS (beItbr) a. distrustful, incredulous; not
reliable, unreliable
|FSl |FSl |FSl |FSl |FSl

(beItbr) f. distrust, disbelief, incredulity;
unreliability, faithlessness

(beInsf) a. unjust, not just

(beInsf) f. lack of justice, injustice
inequality; tyranny
|FYu |FYu |FYu |FYu |FYu

(beIlm) a. uneducated, illiterate, unlettered;
ignorant, unaware
Flu Flu Flu Flu Flu

(bemn) a. dishonest, insincere, perifidious;
cheat, treacherous, fraudulent
Flul Flul Flul Flul Flul

(bemn) f. dishonesty, insincerity ,
perifidy; cheating, treachery

(bes) m. base

(beshar) a. unmannered, unmannerly,

(besahr) a. without support, destitute,
helpless, unsupported, having nothing to depend

(beshak) adv. indeed, of course, undoubtedly,
definitely, certainly, without doubt

(beshakal) a. ugly, unseemly; formless,
shapeless, amorphous

(besabab) adv. without reason, without cause
H/ H H/ H H/ H H/ H H/ H

(besabar/besabar) a. impatient;
unsatisfied, discontented
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(besabr) f. impatience; discontentment

(besamaJh) a. innocent; ignorant; stupid,
foolish, unwise
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu

(besharm) a. shameless, impudent, brazen
faced, immodest
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul

(besharm) f. shamelessness, impudence,
-|H -|H -|H -|H -|H

(be-sIr per) a. nonsense, meaningless,
H m U H m U H m U H m U H m U

(besud) a. tasteless, unsavoury,
impalpable, distasteful, insipid; stale; unpleasant,
H mUl H mUl H mUl H mUl H mUl

(besud) f. tastelessness; unpleasantness
a. unamusing, uninteresting

(besuddh) a. unconscious, fainted, senseless,
H l H l H l H l H l

(besudh) f. unconsciousness, faintness,
H u H u H u H u H u

(beshumr) a. innumerable, numberless,
countless, numerous
H / H H / H H / H H / H H / H

(besur/besur) a. out of tune,
discordant, inharmonious

(besurt) a. unconscious, fainted, senseless,
in a swoon; absent-minded
H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl H Sl (besurt) f. unconsciousness, swoon,
faintness, senselessness; absent-mindedness

(behadd) a. beyond measure, unlimited, vast,
limitless; excessive, too much; inordinate

(behay) a. shameless, brazen-faced,
immodest, unashamed

(behay) f. shamelessness, brazenness,

(beharkat) a. motionless, still

(behl) a. afflicted, distressed, miserable;
perplexed; restless
JY ~ J (ha lo ~ ho) id. to be in a
miserable plight

(behIsb) a. incalculable, innumerable,
|J uS |J uS |J uS |J uS |J uS

(behmat) a. lacking courage and strength,
weak kneed; exhausted; spiritless,

(behunar) a. unskilled, artless
J UTl J UTl J UTl J UTl J UTl/ J U / J U / J U / J U / J U

(behdg/behdpa) f.
nonsense, absurdness; obscenity, smuttiness

(behd) a. nonsense, absurd, silly; obscene,
smutty; useless, worthless, of no value

(behosh) a. unconscious, fainted, senseless
~ W =Yl U=Fl (~ karan vl dav) f.
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to anaesthetize; to put
under anaesthesia, to make unconscious
J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl

(behosh) f. unconsciousness, swoon,
senselessness, delirium

(bekas) a. without support, helpless, destitute,

(bekas) f. lack of support, helplessness,

(bekasr/bekasr) a. guiltless,
innocent, faultless

(bekadar/bekadar) a.
unappreciative; unappreciated, ignored

(bekadr) f. lack of appreciation; disregard,
disrespect, non appreciation

(bekarr) a. restless, uneasy, disconsolate,
agitated; anxious, impatient, eager, emotionally
or mentally perturbed
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl

(bekarr) f. restlessness, uneasiness,
perturbation, anxiety, impatience, eagerness
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl

(bekar) f. bakery

(bekaed) a. unsystematic, hotch potch,
irregular; improper, unmannerly; unlawful, illegal

(beka edg) f. impropriety,
unmannerliness; irregularity

(bekb) a. out of control, uncontrolled;
uncontrollable, unruly, unrestrainable
~ J H (~ ho J) v.i. to get out of control
! !! !!
(bekr) a. without job, unemployed; idle;
useless, unproductive, fruitless; in vain;
~ S =T FYl (~ to vagr bhal) prov. better
wear out than rust out
z zz zz
(bekr) a. good for nothing, worthless,
useless; futile, vain
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl

(bekr) f. unemployment; idleness

(bekIrk) a. merciless, cruel, pitiless,
ruthless, heartless
|WWl |WWl |WWl |WWl |WWl

(bekIrk) f. cruelty, pitilessness

(bek habar) a. uninformed, ignorant unaware,
inattentive, absent-minded; unconscious
l l l l l

(bek habar) f. ignorance, lack of information
H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul H Ul

(bekhud) f. absent-mindedness;
unconsciousness; absorption, ecstasy, deep

(bekho f) a. intrepid, fearless, dauntless,
adv. fearlessly
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu

(begam) f. queen, begum; wife; without
sorrow, carefree

(begarJ) a. unselfish, selfless; careless

(begarJ) f. selflessness; disinterestedness

(begn) a. stranger, not own, unacquainted,
alien, unrelated

(begunh) a. innocent, sinless, inculpable,
T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl

(begunh) f. innocence, guiltlessness,

(beg e rat) a. shameless, brazen, immodest;
lacking sense of honour or self-respect,
T Sl T Sl T Sl T Sl T Sl

(bege rat) f. shamelessness, shame;
disgrace, immodesty
=/ = =/ = =/ = =/ = =/ =

(beghar/beghar) a. homeless,
shelterless, destitute
= ~ J (gharo ~ ho) id. to be
uprooted, to be ruined; to migrate/transfer to
another place

(beche n) a. uneasy, restless, worried,
nervous, impatient
U l U l U l U l U l

(beche n) f. uneasiness, anxiety restlessness,
nervousness, impatience

(bezabn) a. mute, dumb; an animal

(bezabn) a. one who does not keep his
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul

(bezamr) a. with no conscience,

(beJ) a. improper, out of place, inappropriate,
incorrect, wrong; irregular; bad, unbecoming

(beJn) a. dead, lifeless, inanimate; dull,

(bezr) a. disgusted, bored, fed up, tired
H / H H / H H / H H / H H / H

(bezor/bezor) a. helpless, powerless;
weak, without strength
H l H l H l H l H l

(bezor) f. strengthlessness, helplessness,
H = H = H = H = H =

(beJo) a. unmatched, not matching,
mismatched; incongruous; inconsistent; rare,
matchless, unique, unparalleled, unrivalled

(beJhIzak) a. unhesitating
adv. unhesitatingly

(be) m. low-lying land along a river usually
subject to inundation and erosion

(be) m. male child, son
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl

(be) f. female child, daughter

(bear) a. fearless, brave, dauntless, unafraid

(beo l) a. shapeless, unshapely, clumsy,
amorphous, disproportionate
V T/ V V T/ V V T/ V V T/ V V T/ V

(bedhg/bedhab) a. awkward,
clumsy, unsystematic, inept; uneven,

(betahsh) adv. recklessly, of great
speed; without caution; at break-neck speed

(betakallaf) a. informal, close, intimate,
not standing on formalities

(betakallaf) f. informal behaviour,
intimacy, absence of ceremony, familiarity

(betaras) a. unrelenting, brutal, rutlhless,
inexorable, unkind, pitiless

(betars) f. ruthlessness, brutality, cruelty,
SSl/ SSl SSl/ SSl SSl/ SSl SSl/ SSl SSl/ SSl

(betartb/betartb) a.
haphazard, unorganised, disorganised,
disorderly, helter-skelter, irregular, unarranged

(betJ) a. without crown, uncrowned

(betb) a. ardent, eager, anxious, impatient
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(betb) f. anxiousness, eagerness, ardour,

(betr) a. without wire, wireless
! !! !!
/ SY / SY / SY / SY / SY (betl/betl) a. unrhythmic, out
of tune, out of rhythm; disorderly
z zz zz
(betl) m. evil spirit, demon; minstrel, bard
S W S W S W S W S W (betuk) a. absurd, out of place,
inappropriate, senseless, improper, illogical,
SWlm u (betuka mrn) id. to talk
= = = = =

(bethav) a. inept, inappropriate, improper,
absurd, out of place, baseless, incongruous

(bedastr/bedastr) a.
haphazard, irregular, improper, illegal;

(bedastr) f. impropriety, irregularity,

(bedakhal) a. dispossessed, ejected, out
of possession, evicted, ousted
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to disown, to dispossess,
to deprive of possession

(bedakhal) f. dispossession, ejectment,
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu

(bedam) a. exhausted, out of breath,
breathless; lifeless, dead

(bedard) a. hard hearted, heartless,
merciless, barbarous, ruthless

(bedard) f. ruthlessness, brutality, cruelty,

(bedg) a. spotless, flawless, clear;
unblemished, chaste
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu

(bedm) a. free of cost, without cost, free
U= U= U= U= U=

(bedv) m. letter of disowning or non-
recognition , having no rights, without right/

(bedIl) a. disheartened, demoralised,
unwilling, reluctant, unenthusiastic
|UYl |UYl |UYl |UYl |UYl

(bedIl) f. unwillingness, reluctance
~ Y (~ nl) adv. unwillingly,
unenthusiastically, perfunctorily
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul

(bed) f. altar, holy fire
U H/ U H U H/ U H U H/ U H U H/ U H U H/ U H

(bedos/bedos) a. innocent, blameless,
=W =W =W =W =W

(bedhak) a. fearless, undaunted, without
fear or trepidation, unhesitating, dauntless
adv. unapprehensively, fearlessly, without fear
or apprehension, unhesitatingly
|m |m |m |m |m

(bedhIn) a. oblivious, absent-minded,
adv. absent-mindedly, unconsciously,
|ml |ml |ml |ml |ml

(bedhIn) f. absent-mindedness,
inattention, inadvertence

(benakb) a. uncovered , unhidden, naked,
revealed, disclosed
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(bent) f. request, supplication; prayer;
entreaty, solicitation; petition, application
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to request, to supplicate;
to pray; to solicit
u u u u u(benm) a. anonymous
ul ul ul ul ul (benm) a. anonymity
| H | H | H | H | H (benIsha n) a. traceless, unmarked,
WH WH WH WH WH (benuks) a. flawless, faultless
(benr) a. blind; lightless; dull, pale, pallid or
wan (face); without light or brightness
u u u u u

(benem) a. irregular, unprincipled, routineless
ul ul ul ul ul

(benem) f. irregularity in life, routinelessness

(bepachh) a. unrecognized, unidentified,
not recognised, indistinguishable; stranger,
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl

(bepat) f. outrage of woman's modesty,
molestation; disgrace, indignity, humiliation

(bepanh) a. extreme, too much,
tremendous, unlimited; infinite

(bepartt) a. not believing , distrustful,
incredulous; not reliable, unreliable
SlSl SlSl SlSl SlSl SlSl

(bepartt) f. distrust, unbelief, disbelief;
unreliability, no-confidence

(bepardg) f. openness, nakedness,
immodesty, nudity
U U U U U (beparda) a. uncovered; naked , open
=J =J =J =J =J

(beparvh) a. carefree, indifferent,
nonchalant, insouciant, careless, unmindful
=Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl

(beparvh) f. carefreeness, cool,
indifference, nonchalance, insouciance

(beped) a. bottomless; unsteady
U U YJ (bepede d lo) m. unsteady
person, unscrupulous fellow

(befId) a. futile, in vain, profitless,
fruitless, useless, of no use
~ H (~ J) id. to end in smoke, to go in
|VW/ |VW |VW/ |VW |VW/ |VW |VW/ |VW |VW/ |VW

(befIkar/befIkar) a. carefree,
indifferent, without anxiety; careless,
|VWl |VWl |VWl |VWl |VWl

(befIkr) f. carefreeness, indifference, cool,

(bebas) a. helpless, powerless
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(bebas) f. helplessness; subjugation

(bebk) a. blunt, outspoken; fearless,
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl

(bebk) f. bluntness, outspokenness;
l l l l l

(beb) f. baby, little girl, child
|mU |mU |mU |mU |mU

(bebunId) a. groundless, baseless, false
(allegation, rumour etc.)

(bebe) f. mother; elder sister; grand mother

(bemaksad/bematlab) a. without
purpose, meaningless, aimless, purposeless
adv. aimlessly; purposelessly
uH uH uH uH uH

(bemaz) a. distasteful, insipid, unsavoury,
tasteless; unpleasant

(bematlab) a. meaningless, aimless;
purposeless, pointless, without aim or purpose
uY u/ uY u uY u/ uY u uY u/ uY u uY u/ uY u uY u/ uY u

(bemalm/bemalm) a.
insignificant, slight, insubstantial
u u u u u l ll ll

(bemnh) a. senseless, meaningless,
nonsensical, ambiguous
|uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY

(bemIsl) a. matchless, unrivalled,
unparalleled, unique, unmatched

(bemohta J) a. self reliant, not in need,
not depending on another, independent
u JSHTl/ u JSHl u JSHTl/ u JSHl u JSHTl/ u JSHl u JSHTl/ u JSHl u JSHTl/ u JSHl

(bemohtJag/bemohtJ) f.
self-sufficiency, self-reliance, economic
u J S/ u J S u J S/ u J S u J S/ u J S u J S/ u J S u J S/ u J S

(bemuhabbat/bemuhabbat) a.
not affectionate, loveless, indifferent, apathetic,
u J / u J u J / u J u J / u J u J / u J u J / u J

(bemuha r/bemuhre) a.
uncontrolled, undisciplined, unruly, out of
control; irresponsible
u H u H u H u H u H(bemukkh) a. inattentive, impertinent,
u Hu/ u Hu u Hu/ u Hu u Hu/ u Hu u Hu/ u Hu u Hu/ u Hu (bemo sm/bemo sma ) a. out of
u S u S u S u S u S (bemo t) adv. untimely

(ber) m. Ziziphus, jujuba tree and its fruit

(beras) a. juiceless, tasteless, sapless, insipid;
unpleasant, dull, boring
|Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju

(bereham) a. ruthless, unrelenting, brutal,
inexorable, merciless, pitiless
|Jul |Jul |Jul |Jul |Jul

(bere ham) f. ruthlessness, brutality, cruelty,
mercilessness, unkindness, hard-heartedness
~ Y (~ nl) adv. ruthlessly, brutally, cruelty,
pitilessly, unkindly

(berg) a. discoloured, colourless, bleached;
under stamped
= = = = =

(bera) a. hybrid, crossbred; mixed crop of
wheat, barley and gram
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H

(berIvJ) a. out of fashion , not in vogue,
l l l l l

(ber) f. jujube tree, Ziziphus jujuba
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(berukh) a. avoidance, antipathy,
estrangement, unconcern

(beruzgr) a. without job, unemployed,
out of job, idle

(beruzgr) f. unemployment

(berutt) a. out of season
adv. unseasonal, untimely
W W W W W (berok) a.& adv. uninterrupted, unhindered,
unobstructed, without check or hindrance,
freely, unimpeded, unchecked
~ JW (~ ok) adv. freely, without interruption
or hindrance
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl

(berok) f. lack of gaiety, without hustle
and bustle; lustreless, dull, drab; desolate
! !! !!
(bel) f. creeper, climber ( plant); floral design
for painting, embroidery etc., vine work on
cloth, vine
z zz zz
(bel) f. money given to menial workers or to
folk artists after waving around a persons head

(belagm) a. without check or control,
unbridled, unruly, uncurbed, obstreperous

(belachak) a. inflexible, rigid, hard, stiff,
YU YU YU YU YU (belch) m. shovel

(beldr) m. creeper-like, floral (design),
printed, painted or embroidered; supervisor of
workers who guards and maintains roads and
water course

(belan) m. roller, cylinder

(belg) a. detached, unconcerned,
uninterested, unattached, disinterested;

(bel Ihz) a. unaccommodating,
inconsiderate ( of relations); discourteous,
disrespectful, illmannered, dry; strict, rigid;
unobliging, unprejudiced

(belIhz) f. lack of consideration,
inconsideration; discourteousness,
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl

(bel) m. friend, chum, companion, associate
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y =

(belo) a. unwanted, otiose, unnecessary,
not needed, uncalled for, needless; redundant,
=H =H =H =H =H

(bevas) a. helpless, not in control, powerless
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl

(bevas) f. helplessness, incapability,
powerlessness, inability

(bevakat) adv. untimely; at odd time, at
improper or unsuitable time
=W V =W V =W V =W V =W V

(bevkf) a.& m. fool, silly, unwise, stupid,
simpleton, dunce
~ U (~ bau) v.t. to befool, to dupe,
to make a fool of ; to mock
=W Vl =W Vl =W Vl =W Vl =W Vl

(bevkf) f. foolishness, stupidity; a foolish
act, folly
=H =H =H =H =H

(bevaJ) adv. without any reasons or cause;
unnecessarily, needlessly
a. needless, purposeless; unprovoked
=V =V =V =V =V

(bevaf) a. infidel, unfaithful, fickle, disloyal
=VFl =VFl =VFl =VFl =VFl

(bevaf) f. infidelity, faithlessness,
unfaithfulness, fickleness, disloyalty, desertion
= = = = =(bev) f. widow
|=HJ |=HJ |=HJ |=HJ |=HJ(bevIsah) a. unreliable, undependable,
suspicious, distrustful
|=HJl |=HJl |=HJl |=HJl |=HJl(bevIsa h) f. lack of trust or confidence,
unreliability, undependendability, non-confidence
= = = = =(be) f. rope made from straw , stalks or grass;
a wooden instrument for rope making
==l ==l ==l ==l ==l(bev ) f. a stuffed, fried puri or chapati
= = = = =(bea ) m. large boat , raft; fleet, flotilla, armada,
~ TW J (~ garak ho) id. to be ruined,
to get wrecked
~ J (~ pr ho) id. to succeed, to gain
one's ends; to fulfil ones's cherished desire
~ |J (~ beh) id. to fall in, give off, to
utterly ruined or destroyed
~ YU (~ bne lu) id. to finish some
one's work
~ F W (~ bhar ke dubba) id. to fall
down from the climax , to be destroyed
HuUl ~ ( samdr ~) m. naval fleet
HTl ~( Jg ~) m. armada
=l =l =l =l =l
! ! ! ! !
(be) f. boat, dinghy, canoe
~ U =J U (~ ch vae pu) id. to put to
a great loss, to damage badly , to destroy
=l =l =l =l =l
z z z z z
(be) f. fetters, shackles; bilboes
~ Ul/YUl (~ pu/ lu) v.t. to put
some one in fetters, to shackle, to fetter; to
control, to curb
=lm W J/J J ( bea kat a/
ua) id. to be released; to get freed from
restraint or obstruction
~ (~ pe) id. to be restraint, to get
responsibility or liability; to tie up; to marry, to
wed ; to have children; to be arrested
~( ~) f. a kind of shackle, with a
iron rod, with which a prisoner can not sit

! !! !!
(be) f. flatulence
~ HY (~ sl) m. colic pain due to flatulence

z zz zz
(be) m. selling, sale of land
~ H YSl (~ sultn) f. official selling, sale
of a thing with govt. order
~ HlU (~ khard) a. purchased, bought
~ u (~ nm) m. a deed of sale, sale-deed

a a a a a
(be) f. sound of sheep, goats, calf's bleating

(be s) f. animosity, enmity, hostility; a Hindu
~ WVl (~ kaha) id. to retort, to retaliate
~ l (~ pe) id. to have enmity or hostility

(bek) m. full back ( game)
f. back

(bek) m. bank
~ =J (~ raph) m. bank-draft
~ YH (~ be ls) m. bank-balance
WJllm WJllm WJllm WJllm WJllm

(bektr) m. bacteria

(bekh) m. Paradise, Heaven, Elysium,
Olympus, abode of God or gods, the next World
T T T T T(beg) m. bag
|WJ ~ ( kI ~) m. kit-bag
HJ ~ ( post ~) m. postal-bag

(be ga) m. brinjal, Solanum melongene
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl

(bega) a. violet, purple ( colour)

(be ch) m. bench

(beJ) m. badge

(beJo) f. a musical instrument, banjo

(be) m. cricket bat

(besmen) m. batsman
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl

(bear) f. battery, torch

(be hak) f. drawing room, sitting-room;
parlour, lounge; meeting; sitting; sit-up ( an
U JW ~ ( uhak ~) m. an exercise of sit-ups

(be ha) v.i. to sit; to sink, to subside
(earth); to settle (sugar etc. at the bottom); to
withdraw one's candidature (election); to live
with a person as his wife; to appear (exam.);
to be without work
|H == W ~ (sIr pha ke ~) id. to lose heart,
to be disappointed, to be frustrated
HS ~ (st ~) id. to hit the bull's eye, to fit,
to suit; to agree; to respond (medicine etc.);
to prove favourable
J S J W ~ (hatth te hatth dhar ke~)
id. to spend in idleness, to sit idle, to do nothing
J ~ (hatth dho ~) id. to lose something;
to be deprived of
TY ~ (gal ~) v.i. to hoarsen
= ~ (ghar ~) id. (for a lady) to live with
one's parents after being abandoned by
husband; to lose one' s job, to become
unemployed; to live with a person as his wife
Hl/|UY ~ (J/dIl ~) id. to have sinking of
the heart, to feel restless
|JW W ~ (Ik ke ~) id. to sit still; to be
forced to sit calmly due to injury etc.
~ (er p ~) id. to stay for a long
time; to encamp
V l VJ ~ (her d hh ~) id. to lose
courage, to lose heart
|UY /u |=U ~ (dIl/man vIch ~) id. to
stick to one's mind; to have a liking for (a person
etc.); to be obsessed (with an idea etc.)
J UJ (beha uha) m. way of
living; close acquaintance; company, society
W S uHl ~ U (nakk te makkh n ~
de) id. to brook no nonsense, to have no

(behe-bahe) adv. without any
efforts, very easily, effortlessly, all of a sudden,
~ J (~ behe) adv. due to long sitting; all of
a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly
J= J= J= J= J= (behva) a. sitting; flat (shoes etc.)
(be) m. bed, cot
~ H|=U (~ svIch) m. bed-switch
~ Jl (~ ) f. bed-tea
~ u (~ rm) m. bed-room
(be) m. band
~ uHJ (~ msar) m. band-master, the head
conductor of band
|u J |u J |u J |u J |u J (be man) m. badminton
1 11 11
(~ be t) f. birch-rod, cane
~ U (~ d) a. of cane, birchen
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to beat with a cane, to
z zz zz
(bet) m. a prosodic meter in Punjabi verse
u u u u u (benm) m. sale deed
W W W W W (berak) f. barrack
T T T T T (be rg) a. unstamped, understamped (letter);
(berh) m. waiter, bearer
T T T T T (be rg) m. renunciation, detachment,
relinquishment, penance
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (berg) m. renouncer, detached person;
recluse; a sect of Hindu-religion
|HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ |HJ (berIstar) m. bar-at-law, barrister
ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ (beromtar) m. barometer
! !! !!
(be l) m. bullock, ox
~ Tl (~ gadd) f. bullock-cart, hackery
WJY U ~ (kohlu d ~) m. toiler
z zz zz
(bel) f. bell
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (be la) f. ballot
~ (~ pepar) m. ballot paper
~ WH (~ baks) m. ballot box
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (bell) m. belt; girdle
Y Y Y Y Y (belad) f. ballad, a verse form
Y Y Y Y Y (belun) m. balloon
= = = = = (be r ) m. wheel of a Persian wheel on which
the chain of the pot, with which the water is
pulled out, revolves
/ / / / / (bo/bu ) f. smell, odour; foul smell, mal odour,
stink, stench; pride, vanity; information, news
~ mU (~ un) id. to hate, to dislike
v.i. to smell, to stink
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (bosk) f. a kind of silken cloth
H H H H H (bos) m. kiss
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (bohn ) f. the first sale of the day, handsel,
JY JY JY JY JY (bohl) m. a heap of freshly threshed grain
winnowed and ready for storing; heap of grain;
big quantity of something, bulk
~ YU (~ lun) v.t. to gather threshed and
winnowed grain into a heap
J= J= J= J= J= (bohr ) m. banyan/banian tree, Ficus
Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm (boh) m. a small basket of wheat pipes or
W W W W W (bok) m. he-goat; loud weeping
~ m (~ addan) id. to weep loudly (for
children), to cry
~ UJ=l (~ dhr ) f. goatee
~ UJ=lm (~ da hr ) a. having beard like goat,
W W W W W (bok) m. a leather bucket used for drawing
water from wells
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (bok) intj. a word used during kite-flying;
a winner's cry during kite flying
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (bok) f. a small leather washer used in hand
pumps etc.
TH TH TH TH TH (bogas) a. bogus
T|= Y/ T|=Ylm T|= Y/ T|=Ylm T|= Y/ T|=Ylm T|= Y/ T|=Ylm T|= Y/ T|=Ylm (boganvIll/boganvIl) m.
bougainvillea, Neotropical genus of
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (bog) f. bogie, bogey, railway coach
U U U U U (bochan) v.t. to catch (in air as ball etc.);
to take hold of, to grab, to clutch
J W= U (tukkar boch) a. adulatory,
sycophant, flatterer
U-U W (boch-boch ke) adv. carefully,
with great care, heedfully
K K K K K (boJh) m. load, weight, burden; botheration,
trouble; worry, tension, strain; difficult work
KY KY KY KY KY (boJhal) a. heavy, weighty, burdensome
K K K K K (boJh) m. load, burden; pocket
- K F (boJhe bharn) id. to make
money; to get great profit
! !! !!
(bot ) m. youngone of sparrow which is
incapable of flying, fledgeling
z zz zz
(bo) m. jar (used for keeping pickles)
a aa aa
(bo) f. boat
|J T |J T |J T |J T |J T (bog) f. boating
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (bo) f. small piece of flesh
~ Jl W (~ bot karn) id. to beat up, to
beat severely, to thrash
v.t. to cut into pieces
- Jlm UU (bo udun) id. to beat
up, to beat black and blue, to thrash
SY SY SY SY SY (botal) f. bottle; bottle of wine, wine-bottle
~ U=U (~ charh un ) v.t. to pay obeisance
to goddess Kali with bottle of wine; to drink
full bottle of wine, to take wine
id. to bribe, to grease the palm
S S S S S (bot) m. camel
U U U U U (bod) a. decayed, worn-out, worm-catch or
eaten; enfeebled with age or disease, decrepit,
weak, frail; foolish, duffer; a big pigtail
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (bod) f. tuft of hair that Hindus (men) keep
on top of head, scalp-lock; pigtail, braided hair
of a lady
~ =Y S (~ vl tr) m. comet
Ulm (boda) f. loose dishevelled hair
(bodh) m. perception, prehension; knowledge,
cognition, enlightenment, sense, under touching,
l l l l l (bodh) a.&m. follower of Buddhism,
H H H H H (bonas) m. bonus
J J J J J (bonat) m. bonnet, engine-cover
(bon) v.i. to sow, to seed
l/ l/ l/ l/ l/ (bob/bobo) f. an old lady; mother-in-

! !! !!
(bor) a. boring
m. bore
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to bore

z zz zz
(bore) m. small deep hole made in earth (for
tube-well), bore; hollow of gun-barrel
- - - - - ~ (bra ~) m. a variety of gun
W W W W W (borak) m. boric powder
(bord) m. an administrative body, board;
wooden board, plank; black-board
HFl ~ (sn ~) m. sign-board
W ~ (krd ~) m. card-board
|FT ~ (drg ~) m. drawing-board
| T | T | T | T | T (bord g) m. boarding house, hostel,
(bor) m. a big sack; a heavy big bag
l l l l l (bor) f. gunny bag, sack
~ |HS (~ bIstr) m. bag and baggage, lock,
stock and barrel, household goods, one's
~ |HS HuS (~ bIstre samet) adv. with bag
and baggage, with lock, stock and barrel
lm |HS U W/ ( bor bIstr
chukkan/bn) id. to be all packed up
and ready to leave, to pack for departure
Y Y Y Y Y (bol) m. speech, utterance; talk, dialogue, voice,
pitch, tone; promise, word, commitment; taunt,
satire, jive, sarcasm
~ UYJU (~ ultun) id. to turn a deaf ear,
to pay no heed, to disobey
~ W Y (~ kabol) m. foul and abusive language,
offensive remark, altercation, vituperation, hot
& harsh words; twit, sarcasm, jeer
~ UY (~ chl) f. way of talking, conversation,
confabulation, behaviour, attitude; on speaking
terms, friendly relation
~ UY J (~ chl hon ) id. to be on speaking
~ UY Ul FH (~ chl d bhsh) f. colloquial
language, dialect
~ |FU (~ nIbhun) id. to keep one's
word, to fulfil one's promise
~ Y (~ bulr) m. wordy clash, altercation,
wrangle, quarrel
~ J (~ be t han ) id. to hoarsen (voice)
~ F=W (~ bhak) a. outspoken, blunt, frank
(of speech)
~ u (~ mrn) id. to call names, to pass
sarcastic remark
~ |=T= (~ vgr ) a. ill-tempered, harsh-worded
(person), foul-mouthed, scurrilous, abusive
UU ~ Y (ucch ~ boln ) id. to speak
proudly, to speak arrogantly, to talk big
Yl (bolbn) f. mode of speaking,
manner of speaking, behaviour, conduct
YY (bolbl) m. sway, influence,
~ J (~ hon) v.i. to be in a predominating
position, to have sway; to flourish
Y Y Y Y Y (bolan) v.i. to speak, to utter, to talk; to
altercate, to quarrel; to deliver a speech; to be
on speaking terms
~ H (~ n Jnn) id. to be very gentle,
to be bland, to be docile
UY ~ (ulu ~) id. to lay waste, to give a
deserted look (place)
mT ~ (agge ~) id. to answer back, to talk
insolently; to argue, to retort; to be prudent
mH ~ (okh ~) id. to snap out, to talk
rudely, to talk harshly
|FW HJ ~ (Ikko she ~) id. to speak in a
breath, to speak continuously, to talk non-stop
W ~ (ka ~) id. to have possibility of a guest's
visit; to become desolate, to become deserted
WW= ~ (kukkar ~) id. to become day, to
|TU= ~ (gIddar ~) id. to be an ill omen;
to be a deserted place
== ~ (ghorar u ~) id. to be in dying state,
to be dying
v.i. to produce wheezing sound while dying
H HFY W ~ (zabn sbhl ke ~) id. to
talk sensibly, to keep a civil tongue in one's head
|V ~ (dhId d ~) id. to feel hungry, to be
~ (na ~) id. to be mentioned; to be
well-known, to be eminent; to call the names,
to ascertain attendance
~ (pr ~) id. to run away, to flee; to
breathe one's last, to expire
Y HT |J (bolan Jog n rehn)
id. to lose one's tongue; to feel embarrassed
Y H mU (bolan o bz n aun)
id. to be unable to hold one's tongue
Y Y Y Y Y (bol) a. hard of hearing, deaf
~ W (~karn ) id. to make a loud noise
and sound
~ UY (~baddal ) m. deaf as an adder, deaf
as a post
z zz zz
(bol) a. having white patch on forehead
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
! !! !!
(bol) f. language, tongue, dialect; speech,
parlance; taunt, sarcasm, jibe, jeer
~ u (~mrn ) id. to pass sarcastic
remark, to taunt, to jibe, to rail
- U ~ (up ~) f. dialect
- u ~ (ma ~) f. mother-tongue
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
z zz zz
(bol) f. auction, bid
~ J (~ hon ) v.i. (for auction) to take place ,
(for a thing) to be auctioned
~ U= (~ char hn) id. to raise the bid (upon)
~ JJ/uWU (~uan/mukaun) id. to
knock down
~ U =Y (~ den vl) m. bidder
~ Ul (~ den ) v.t. to bid at auction
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl
a aa aa
(bol) f. a ditty sung in Giddha
~ U (~ pun ) id. to sing a ditty in Giddha
= = = = =
! !! !!
(bor) m. toothless or partly toothless mouth,
toothlessness; crack (in a vessel); flood, deep
water, deluge
= = = = =
z zz zz
(bor) m. banyan tree
= = = = = (bo) a. toothless, with broken tooth; dip
JW/J W JW/J W JW/J W JW/J W JW/J W (bohkar/bahukar) m. broom-stick
~ = (~ pherna) id. to sweep
JYl/J Yl JYl/J Yl JYl/J Yl JYl/J Yl JYl/J Yl (bohl/bahul) f. the milk of a newly
calved buffalo or cow, boiled with sugar
W |UJ= W |UJ= W |UJ= W |UJ= W |UJ= (bo ke dIhae) m. hard days, bad time
HYU HYU HYU HYU HYU (bokhlun) v.t. to be perplexed, to be
confused, to be baffled; to lose one's self-
control (due to anger)
T T T T T (bo g) a. & m. stupid, foolish, simple, simple-
minded, moon-calf, dolt
(bon) a. dwarf, dwarfish, short-statured;
m. short-statured person
UY UY UY UY UY (bo dal) v.i. to be nonplus, to be
confused, to be puzzled, to be confounded
UYU UYU UYU UYU UYU (bo dlun ) v.t. to baffle, to make
(someone) nonplus, to confuse
|W |W |W |W |W (bodhIk) a. intellectual
|WS |WS |WS |WS |WS (bodhIkt) f. intellectualism, intelligence
- - - - - (bo -bo ) m. barking sound of a dog, bow-wow;
useless talk, nonsense talk
Y Y Y Y Y (bo l) a. madness, insane
YU YU YU YU YU (bo ld) m. ox, bull, bullock
Y Y Y Y Y (bo la ) a. mad, insane
F F F F F (bhabbh) m. twenty-ninth consonant and third
letter of labial class
FU FU FU FU FU (bhau) m. fear, fright, dread, alarm
~ Y (~ dar latth) id. to become
fearless, to be not scared of
FU FU FU FU FU (bhau) m. brother; an affectionate word
FFlm FFlm FFlm FFlm FFlm (bha) m. an addressing word used in
Punjab for an inhabitant of U.P. or Bihar
FH FH FH FH FH (bhas) m. ashes
a. useless, worthless
FHu FHu FHu FHu FHu (bhasam) f. ash, cinder; calx; ashes
~ W (~ karn) id. to reduce to ashes, to
FH =l FH =l FH =l FH =l FH =l (bhasur) f. trouble, dispute; botheration,
confusion, turmoil
~ Ul (~ pun) v.t. to put into trouble, to
cause inconvenience
~ l (~ pe n ) v.i. to get into trouble, to be
in botheration
FW-FW FW-FW FW-FW FW-FW FW-FW (bhak-bhak) f. sound of flickering flame
or lamp
FWU FWU FWU FWU FWU (bhakun) v.t. to put on one's nerves; to
tease, to haze; to harass persistently
FWFl FWFl FWFl FWFl FWFl (bhak) f. botheration; nonsense talk,
babbling, prating
~ u (~ mrn) id. to beat about the bush,
to talk uselessly, to babble, to prat
-W S ~ (kutte ~) f. wastage of time &
energy, meaningless effort, vain endeavour
FH/FH m FH/FH m FH/FH m FH/FH m FH/FH m (bhakh/bhakha) m. fever;
temperature, heat
FH FH FH FH FH (bhakhan) v.i. to burn, to blaze up, to burst
into flames; to have fever, to have rise in body
temperature; to glow; to shine; to be heated, to
become very hot (utensil etc.); to boil with
anger, to be very angry
- F|Hm J|Fm (bhakhI hoI) a. white hot,
too angry, enraged
FH= FH= FH= FH= FH= (bhakhva) a. burning (topic); very hot,
burning hot
FH=U FH=U FH=U FH=U FH=U (bhakhvun) v.t. to have something
heated, to cause to burn, to cause to kindle
FH= FH= FH= FH= FH= (bhakha) m. a thorny, medicinal plant,
caltrop, Tribulus terrestris
FHU FHU FHU FHU FHU (bhakhun) v.t. to kindle, to ignite; to
provoke, to incite
FT FT FT FT FT (bhag) f. genital organ of female, vagina, vulva
! !! !!
(bhg) f. hemp, Cannabis sativa
~ U Fm/~ U F= (~ de bha/~ de bhr e)
adv. for nothing, in vain, dirt-cheap, at low
price, very cheap
~ FHl (~ bhuJan ) id. to be penniless, to
be extremely poor
z zz zz
(bhg) a. dissolution (of Parliament); breach
(peace, promise, law etc.); broken, fracture
(limb); diversion (attention etc.).
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to dissolve, to break
mT ~ (g ~) m. fracture of a limb
HS ~ W (sat ~ karn) v.t. to
deflower, to spoil one's chastity
T |=U ~ U (rg vIch ~ pun) id.
to spoil the occasion
F T F T F T F T F T (bhgan ) f. impediment, interruption; female
sweeper wife of a sweeper
FTS FTS FTS FTS FTS (bhagat) m. devotee, worshipper; holy man,
pious person
a. gentle, noble
~ l (~ ba n ) . hymns of devotees or saints
- TY ~ (bagl ~) m. tartuffe
FTSH FTSH FTSH FTSH FTSH (bhagatJan) m. devotees, worshippers
FTSl FTSl FTSl FTSl FTSl (bhagt) f. devotion, worship
~ H TlS (~ sgt) m. devotional music,
devotional song
FT U FT U FT U FT U FT U (bhagdar) m. fistula
FTU= FTU= FTU= FTU= FTU= (bhagdar) f. stampede, panic, bedlam,
helter-skelter, pandemonium
~ uUl (~ macchn) v.i. for stampede to
FT=S TlS FT=S TlS FT=S TlS FT=S TlS FT=S TlS (bhagvat gta) f. the sacred book
(scripture) of the Hindus, Bhagwad Gita
FT= FT= FT= FT= FT= (bhagvan) m. an addressing word for God
or a high personage
FT= FT= FT= FT= FT= (bhagva ) a. saffron (colour); saffrony (cloth)
FT= FT= FT= FT= FT= (bhgvn) m. the Supreme Being, God, the
F T= F T= F T= F T= F T= (bhgar ) m. hemp-addict
F T= F T= F T= F T= F T= (bhgar ) a. a famous folk-dance of Punjab
~ U (~ pun) id. to make merry, to
F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl (bhg) m. scavenger, sweeper
a. addicted to Bhang
F T F T F T F T F T (bhgr) m. boiled spiced gram
FT Sl FT Sl FT Sl FT Sl FT Sl (bhago t) f. sword; name of a Hindu
goddess, Durga
FT = FT = FT = FT = FT = (bhagor) a. fugitive; absconder, deserter;
truant, runaway
F = = F = = F = = F = = F = = (bhghur) m. swinging baby cot, cradle
FH FH FH FH FH (bhaJan) v.t. to worship, to meditate; to
repeat God's name, to remember (God,deity
F H F H F H F H F H (bhaJJan) v.i. to run, to jog; to run off, to
run away, to flee, to abscond, to escape; to
elope; to back out from one's word, to break
one's word; to be broken or smashed
mW= ~ (kar ~) id. to eat a humble pie
J ~ (bah ~) id. to be deprived to one's
brother, to be bereaved (of brother's or friend's
FH W ( bhaJJ ke pen) id. to snap
one's head off
~ H (~ Jn) id. to run away, to flee, to
abscond, to escape; to leave in the lurch
JJ ~(u ~) f. breakage; wear and tear;
dilapidation; junk; depreciation
U= ~ (do r ~) f. hectic activity, hard labour,
strenuous, haste, rush, scurry, scutter, running
FH j J YF (bhaJJan n rh n
labbhan) id. to get into hot water; to be in
trouble; to be surrounded, to get entrapped; to
be in tight corner
FHU U Ul YTJl Jl HJl (bhaJJade chor
d lgot h sah) prov. something is better
than nothing, a penny saved is penny gained,
from a bad paymaster get whatever you can
FH FHl (bhaJJo bhaJJ) f. hurry, haste,
rush, running about; strenuous effort
FH FH FH FH FH (bhaJan) m. worship, prayer, adoration,
devotional song, hymn
~ u Yl (~ mdl) f. band of devotional
singers, choir
FHlW FHlW FHlW FHlW FHlW (bhaJnk) a. devotee, worshipper, adorer
FHU /FH U FHU /FH U FHU /FH U FHU /FH U FHU /FH U (bhaJun/bhaJ den) v.t. to
make to run; to make one flee, to cause to run
away, to drive off, to chase away; to defeat, to
make (one) to take to his heels
- FH FH u (bhaJ bhaJ mrn) id.
to make one exhaust, to cause to do hard labour
F J F J F J F J F J (bha) m. bard, minstrel, a sub-caste of
Brahmins; eulogist, panegyrist (of royal court)
FJW FJW FJW FJW FJW (bhakan) f. wandering about fruitlessly,
meandering; mental unrest, uneasiness,
FJW FJW FJW FJW FJW (bhakan) v.i. to go astray, to be misled,
to deviate, to leave the right path, to wander,
to meander; to be restless, to be uneasy; to
lose track, to miss the way
f. lust, yearning, longing, desire
FJWU FJWU FJWU FJWU FJWU (bhakun) v.t. to lead up the garden
path, to cause to go astray, to mislead, to
F Jl F Jl F Jl F Jl F Jl (bha) f. a caste of Rajputs
F J F J F J F J F J (bhah) m. furnace, big oven; extremely hot
~ K W (~ Jhokn ) id. to do worthless task; to
labour hard; to undergo hardships, to bear the burnt
~ S (~ tapan) id. to be extremely hot;
to be too angry, to take huff
~ (~ pe n ) m. go to hell (an inoffensive
id. to go waste; to go to the dogs, to be ruined,
to be destroyed
H ~ S (pJ ~ tp) m. high fever
F J F J F J F J F J (bhah) m. brick-kiln
~ |J H/~ J (~be h J/ ~be han )
id. to go to the dogs, to suffer utter loss
F|Jm/F|Jm F|Jm/F|Jm F|Jm/F|Jm F|Jm/F|Jm F|Jm/F|Jm (bhahIr/bhahIran) m.
grain parcher; a woman who parches grain
F Jl F Jl F Jl F Jl F Jl (bhath) f. furnace; parcher's furnace; forge;
still, distillery; caldron (for boiling water)
FJ FJ FJ FJ FJ (bhahr) m. fried loaf of fermented fine
! !! !!
(bh) f. woman; wife
z zz zz
(bh) m. mimic, jester, buffoon; bard, minstrel;
one who cannot keep another' s secret;
slanderer, defamer
F F F F F (bha) v.t. to slander, to defame, to
F =U /F U F =U /F U F =U /F U F =U /F U F =U /F U (bhvu/bhu) v.t.
to get someone defamed
F F lm F F lm F F lm F F lm F F lm (bh bhr) m. a game of
F F F F F (bhr) m. store-house, store; repository,
godown; stock; pantry; treasure
~ W (~ karn) v .t. to store, to hoard
HU ~ (shabad ~) m. lexicon, dictionary
F F F F F (bhr) m. free distribution of food on
some occasions, community feast; a feast
given to medicants and faquirs
F l F l F l F l F l (bhr) m. store-keeper; treasurer;
pantry-man; cook, pantry maid
F l F l F l F l F l (bh) f. slander, defamation, calumny,
vilification, obloguy
~ U (~ pun) id. to slander, to defame,
to vilify
FWJ/F== FWJ/F== FWJ/F== FWJ/F== FWJ/F== (bhaka/bhagha) f. small
change (of rupees etc. ), small coins
F=Flm F=Flm F=Flm F=Flm F=Flm (bhava) m. sister's husband, brother-
F = F = F = F = F = (bhaeva) m. sister's son, nephew
F =l F =l F =l F =l F =l (bhaev ) m. sister's daughter, niece
F S F S F S F S F S (bhatt) m. boiled rice
! !! !!
(bhatt) m. allowance
HV ~ (safar ~ ) m. travelling allowance
-U|W ~ (denIk ~) m. daily allowance
W ~ (prak ~) m. compensatory
u|J TFl ~(me hg ~) m. dearness
z zz zz
(bhatt) m. lunch which is served to menfolk
in the fields
FSlH H mFl FSlH H mFl FSlH H mFl FSlH H mFl FSlH H mFl

(bhatJ Ju) m. husband of brother's
daughter, brother's son-in-law
~ J (~ n h) f. wife of brother's son,
brother's daughter-in-law, nephew's wife

(bhatJ) m. brother's son, nephew

(bhatth) m. case for arrows, quiver

(bhadda) m. ceremonious tonsure (in
Hindus) of a child; ceremonious tonsure of the
eldest son of the family at the death of his
father or mother

(bhaddar) a. gentle, benign, noble, good
natured, virtuous; respectable, pious

(bhaddarpursh) m. gentleman,
noble person; respectable person

(bhadd) a. dull, faded (colour); awkward,
clumsy; vulgar, ridiculous; shapeless, uncouth
~ uHW (~ mazk) m. dirty joke, vulgar
humour, vulgar joke

(bhaddpa) m. ugliness; awkwardness,
clumsiness; vulgarity, bawdiness
! !! !!
(bhn) m. crease, fold; wrinkles, crinkle
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to crease, to crimp,
to fold
z zz zz
(bhn) m. broken piece of seed mingled with
F F F F F (bhna) v.t. to break, to smash; to shatter;
to beat, to thrash; to fold; to bend
J T ~ ( ha goe ~ ) id. to beat
up, to give a sound beating, to thrash
W ~ (k ~) id. to prick the bladder
UU/H/HYlm~ (~ dd/nsa /pasla~)
id. to whack, to thwack, to beat severely
F ~ (bh ~) id. to let the cat out of
the bag, to disclose ( someone's) secret; to blame
u/H ~ (mode/pse ~) id. to drub, to
F HJ ( bhn sua) id. to beat, to
thrash, to pound, to batter
~ S = (~ to) f. breakage, destruction;
sabotage, vandalism; planning, contrivance;
change; schemes, designs
~ S= W (~ to karn) v.t. to destroy, to
damage; to alter, to repair (of clothes etc); to
plan, to scheme
J ~ W Wu W (ha ~ ke km karn)
id. to work like a horse, to toil hard
W Ht W1 ~ W U J W ( kakkh
(akk) ~ ke dhr n karn) id. to shoot
not for toffee, not to do a stroke of work
F =U /FU F =U /FU F =U /FU F =U /FU F =U /FU (bhnvu/bhanu) v.t.
to make to be broken, to get something broken;
to get bigger coin changed into smaller one's;
to get (someone) beaten or thrashed
F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl (bhanv/bhan) f. the process
of breaking; the wages for breaking
F F F F F (bhapp) m. a salty dish of rice & pulse boiled
together; porridge
FV FV FV FV FV (bhafr) m. the act of steaming
! !! !!
(bhabak) f. roar; rebuke or reprimand; threat,
~ ul (~ mrn) id. to talk in threatening
z zz zz
(bhabak) f. a sudden burst of flame; out burst
a aa aa
(bhabak) f. foul smell, stink, stench
FW FW FW FW FW (bhabaka) v.i. to roar, to thunder; to talk
in threatening tone; to burst into flame
! !! !!
(bhabak) m. a distillation plant, still; retort,
z zz zz
(bhabak) m. scuttle, stoup
FWl FWl FWl FWl FWl (bhabk) f. threat, minacity
|T U=~( gIdda~) f. empty threats,
F YF H F YF H F YF H F YF H F YF H (bhbalbhse) m. confusion,
bamboozlement, perplexity, bewilderment
~ H (~ khe) v.i. to be confused, to be
perplexed, to be bewildered; to wander aimlessly
~ |=U U (~ vIch pu) v.t. to
bamboozle, to confuse, to flummox
F ll F ll F ll F ll F ll

(bhbr) f. a paper toy which rotates in air;
top (a toy); butterfly
~ J (~ ho) id. to take to one's heels, to
run away, to flee
~ FmU (~ bhuu) id. to make one run
about for nothing, to harass

(bhabb) m. ace of spades, spadile

(bhabb kutt) m. a kind of insect

(bhabbk) m. suddenly bursting flame or
blaze; rage, anger
~ |WY (~ nIkal) id. to be wild with
rage; to have heart burning; to feel jealous
mT ~ (agg ~) m. wild with rage, violent
outburst of anger
F S/F Sl F S/F Sl F S/F Sl F S/F Sl F S/F Sl

(bhabt/ bhabt) f. sacred ash of
an ascetic's fire; calx, ash
~ uU (~ ramu) id. to become an
ascetic, to renounce the world

(bhbol) m. a medicinal bush
Fu W= Fu W= Fu W= Fu W= Fu W=

(bhamakka) m. an insect, moth
Fu S Fu S Fu S Fu S Fu S

(bhamattarn) v.i. to be confused, to be
non-plus, to be perplexed
Fu Sl Fu Sl Fu Sl Fu Sl Fu Sl

(bhamattar) f. fallacy, delusion

(bhar) m. weight, load; fullness
a. full, complete, whole, entire
suff. a suffix denoting fullness or
~ |HmY (~ sIl) m. peak of winter
~ H= (~ Javn) a. in the prime of life, fully
grown up, in the prime of youth
~ H (~ Joban) m. prime of life, full swing
~ J (~ pe) adv. & m. full fed, have one's
~ u|Jm (~ muIr) f. youthful damsel,
fully grown up girl
UTY ~ (ugal ~) a. tiny, small
UJWl ~ (chut k ~) adv. just a pinch, a bit
Uu/Y ~ (dam/pal ~) adv. for a
moment, momently, momentarily
Sl/uH ~ (ratt/msa ~) adv. a very
small quantity, just a little

(bharJ) f. brother's wife, sister-in-law
! !! !!
(bhart) f. bell-metal; cast-iron
z zz zz
(bhart) f. material for filling, filling
~ F (~ n bharn) id. not to be
satiated; not to have one's fill
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to raise the level of , a
lower place with soil or debris

(bhart vk) m. epilogue
FSl FSl FSl FSl FSl (bhart) f. recruitment; enlistment, enrolment;
act of filling; material for filling; material for
filling; storing
~ J (~ ho) v.t. to be recruited; to be
enlisted, to be enrolled
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to recruit, to enlist, to
enrol; to admit; to store, to stock
~ UVS (~ daftar) m. recruitment-office
~ (~ bor) m. recruitment-board
=Hl ~ (phoJ ~) f. military recruitment

(bharn) v.t.i. to fill, to fill up; to complete; to
pay off (fine, debt etc. ); to load, to charge (gun
etc.) ; to heal; to suffer (for one's deeds), to lie in
the bed one has made; to fill in (form etc.); to
stuff, to impregnate; to fed up; to satiate; to excite
H U =J ~(sabar d ghu ~) id. to
bear with, to tolerate, to be patient, to endure
Jul ~(hm~ ) id. to second, to support;
to guarantee
F FW W (bhar bhakn ke) adv. pack
to the full, pack to the capacity
F|m lS (bharI pt) a. infuriated,
angry, exasperated
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl

(bharn) f. result of one's deeds

(bhrappa) m. brotherhood, fraternity

(bharpr) a. brimful, replete; plentiful,
abundant; plenteous; flawless; perfect, absolute
adv. completely, fully
Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu

(bharam) m. illusion, delusion, hallucination,
misunderstanding, misapprehension,
misconception; fallacy, fantasy; suspicion,
doubt, confusion
~ (pe ) v.i. to have misunderstanding,
to misunderstand; to have illusion
~ F Y H

(bhulekh) m. misconception,
illusion, fallacy
~ T (~ rog) m. hypochondria
~ YT (~ lagga) v.i. to be illusioned, to
be hallucinated; to have misunderstanding
Fu/ F u Fu/ F u Fu/ F u Fu/ F u Fu/ F u

(bharma/bhrama) m. wandering,
loitering, roaming about
Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu

(bharma) v.i. to be deluded, to be misled;
to be tempted, to be allured; to misunderstand,
to misapprehend

(bharmu) v.t. to delude, to mislead;
to tempt, to allure, to entice, to attract
Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu

(bharmr) f. excess, abundance,
Ful Ful Ful Ful Ful

(bharm) a. prone to suspicion, suspicious,
F= J F= J F= J F= J F= J

(bharva) m. eyebrow
F= F= F= F= F=

(bharva ) a. muscular; plumpy, beefy, fleshy;
forceful; stuffed
F=l H (bharv nazar) f. profound

(bharvu/bharu) v.t. to
make or cause to be filled, to get (something)
filled up;to get paid (dues); to make to
compensate for the loss; to assist in filling
F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl F=Fl/FFl

(bharv/bhar) f. the process of
or the wages for filling

(bharvs) m. trust, faith, belief, reliance;
assurance; support
F=-F F=-F F=-F F=-F F=-F

(bhara-bha ) m. pert, impudent,
flippant , saucy
~ J(~ hoa) id. smack in the eye or face

(bhar) m. male sibling, brother; step-brother;
cousin brother; a term of respect
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. fraternal, brotherly
u ~ ( dharm ~) m. god brother
T= J ~( paggva ~) m. friend who
vows to be brother by exchanging turban

(bhar) m. a caste of Mohammdans whose
profession is beating drums, drum-beater,
FSl F= FSl F= FSl F= FSl F= FSl F=

(bhartar bhv) m. brotherhood,

(bhara t) m. misconception, misgiving,
mistake, illusion, misunderstanding
F|m J |Fm F|m J |Fm F|m J |Fm F|m J |Fm F|m J |Fm

(bharI hoI) a. packed to the
capacity, full, filled; paid; healed; stained,
besmeared; enraged
~ H (~ Ja ) v.i. to be filled; to be paid; to
get healed
~ lS (~ pt) a. enraged, sullen, angry
~ F|Fm (~ bhara I) a. enraged, sullen;
filled to the brim, brimful; full; prosperous
(family, house etc.)
J|m ~ (harI ~) a. verdant, green;
flourishing, prosperous
F|m= F|m= F|m= F|m= F|m=

(bharI) m. a big rent ( in a garment); a
big hole; a big cut or wound (on the head)
~ HY (~ kholha) id. to inflict a wound
on the head by hitting
Hu ~ (Janam ~) a. spoiled (life) due to
evil deeds
Ul ~ (dn ~) a. unreligious

(bhrIsh) a. corrupt, fallen, degraded
(person); defiled, unholy, polluted; contaminated

(bhrIsha) v.i.t. to get polluted, to be
defiled; to pollute, to defile
| F HJ U | F HJ U | F HJ U | F HJ U | F HJ U

(bhrIshchr) m. use of corrupt
practices, corruption; moral degradation

(bhrIshchr) a. corrupt
F| F| F| F| F|

(bhar) f. yellow insect, wasp
F| U U S J U (bhara de
chhatte n hatth pu) id. to bring hornet's
nest about one's ears
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl

(bhar) f. a bundle (of wood, stalks of corn
etc.); sheaf

(bhar) m. foetus, embryo
~ Y (~ pala) . embryo-culture
~ |=|Tm(~ vIgIn) m. embryology

(bharos) m. confidence, faith, trust, reliance;
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to have faith or
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to trust, to have faith,
to rely upon, to confide
~ |U=U/ U (~ dIvu / de) id. to
assure, to make sure, to give confidence
H=~ (sve ~) m. self-confidence, self-
Uu tY1 U ~ J (dam (pal)d ~ n
ho) id. to have no certainty of life
u ~ (rm ~) adv. by the grace of God,
with the grace of Almighty; to the will of God
F H U T ( bharoseyog) a. reliable, dependable,
trustworthy; faithful

(bharo) m. a small bundle (of grass, wood
etc.), small sheaf

(bhal) f. sedimentary deposit (in irrigational
canals), alluvion
~ WV (~ kaha) v.t. to dredge, to clean
(irrigational canals)

(bhalak) f. the day after today, tomorrow,
the next day
mH ~ (aJJ ~) adv. now a days, these days;
in a day or two; in a short-time, in a shortwhile
mH ~ W (aJJ~ karn) id. to put off, to
defer on one or the other pretext, to dilly-dally

(bhalke) adv. tomorrow

(bhalatth) m. a specific trick played in
~ u (~ mrn) m. to apply the specific
trick in wrestling

(bhalms) f. gentlemanliness, nobility,
gentleness, goodness, civility

(bhalvn) m. wrestler; stout and healthy
person; bold person, brave man
WTHl /-WT=l ~ (kagz /kag~) m.
very weak fellow, lean & thin person

(bhal) m. benefaction, good-deed; welfare;
gain, benefit, advantage; well, good
a. excellent, best, gentle, noble, nice
intj. what; really, indeed, well
~ mUul (~ dm) m. gentleman, nobleman,
goodman; God fearing person
~ J= (~ hove) ph. may you be blessed,
may you prosper
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to do good, to benefit,
to oblige
~ UT (~ chg) a. hale and hearty, in good
health, well
~ W|J (~ bur keh) v.t. to call bad
names, to abuse
~ uT/ UJ (~ mga/ chhu) id.
to wish good, to pray someone's welfare or
health, to seek good
mS ~ H FY (~ t ~ so bhal) prov. all is
well that ends well
UT ~ (chg ~ ) a. well, hale and hearty
FY U~ (bhale da ~) id. goodness breeds
goodness, goodness pays
FY |U ( dIn) m. good days, prosperous
~ (~ bure) adv. sheep and goats
(people); good and bad, virtue and vice, pros
and cons
~ = Y

(~ vele) adv. at proper time, at
appropriate or right time

(bhall) m. fried spicy cake made of pulse

(bhal) f. goodness, right-mindedness,
virtuousness; welfare, wellbeing; advantage,
HuH ~ (samJ ~) f. social welfare
YW ~ (lok ~) f. public welfare

(bhalmns) m. gentleman, noble soul,
nice person

(bhal parkr/ bhal bhat)
adv. in a proper manner, properly, clearly;
thoroughly, completely; very well

(bhalo) v.t. to wheedle, to coax
F= F= F= F= F=

(bhavan) m. building; mansion; big tenement;
palace; temple; house
uS U ~ (mta d ~) m. the temple of
Durga, the temple of Goddess
F = F = F = F = F =

(bhvar) m. whirlpool, vortex, eddy, swirl,
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. in great trouble, in
F= F= F= F= F=

(bhava) f. eye-brows
~ U=U (~ chahu) id. to bend one's
brows, to knit one's brows
F= U F= U F= U F= U F= U

(bhavua ) v.t. to circumlucate, to
revolve, to turn
F ll~( bhbr~) id. to row into
confusion, to perplex
F=Jl F=Jl F=Jl F=Jl F=Jl

(bhav) f. circumlocution; acrobatics
F=l F=l F=l F=l F=l

(bhavn) f. goddess Durga, Bhavani,
F|= H/F|= HS F|= H/F|= HS F|= H/F|= HS F|= H/F|= HS F|= H/F|= HS

(bhavIkkh/bhavIkkhat) m. future,
time to come
~ l (~ b) f. prediction, forecast,
! !! !!
(bhak) f. bursting into flame, break-out,
blaze; anger, rage, fury
~ F=W UJ (~bhaak uha) id. to blaze
up, to be enraged
~ (~ pe ) id. to blaze up, to be incensed
z zz zz
(bhak) f. ostentation, pomp, show, splendour
F=W F=W F=W F=W F=W (bhaka) v.i. to burst into flames, to
blaze up; to get enraged, to become furious
m= ~ ( e ve ~) id. to lose one's temper
for nothing, to be enraged without any rhyme
or reason
F=WU F=WU F=WU F=WU F=WU (bhaku) v.t. to inflame; to provoke,
to incite, to instigate; to enrage, to infuriate; to
enrage, to infuriate
F=WU F=WU F=WU F=WU F=WU (bhaku) a. inflammatory, provocative,
exciting, inciting, infuriating
F=WJJ F=WJJ F=WJJ F=WJJ F=WJJ (bhakh) f. provocation, incitement,
F=WlY F=WlY F=WlY F=WlY F=WlY (bhakl) a. showy, gaudy, shining;
glittering, tawdry; zealous, enthusiastic
F=Wl Y F=Wl Y F=Wl Y F=Wl Y F=Wl Y (bhaklpa) m. gaudiness,
F= F= F= F= F= (bhath) m. a preparation of brinjal made
by roasting and mashing it
~ J (~ ho) id. to be crushed, to be
~ W/ U (~ karn/bau) id. to
crush badly, to smash badly; to beat severely,
to keep one's nose to the grindstone
F= F= F= F= F= (bhath) m. commotion, turmoil, tumult; hue
and cry, uproar, clamour, a noisy quarrel
~ U /uUU (~ pu/machu) id.
to create a stir, to cause a commotion
F=F H F=F H F=F H F=F H F=F H (bhabh J) m. grain parcher
F=u Y F=u Y F=u Y F=u Y F=u Y (bhamall) m. strong and stout man,
wrestler; corpulent fellow
F=H F=H F=H F=H F=H (bhas) f. hot vapours, vaporous heat;
humidity; pent-up feelings
|UY Ul ~ WVl (dIl d ~ kaha) id. to
give vent to one's pent up feelings; to give vent
to one's anger
F=W F=W F=W F=W F=W (bhak) m. explosion, bang
~ (~ pe) v.i. to explode, to bang, to
F= m F= m F= m F= m F= m (bha) m.& f. one who lives on the
earnings of a prostitute, procurer, pimp, pander;
hen-packed husband, cuckold; an abuse
a. shameless
F= Y F= Y F= Y F= Y F= Y (bhaol) m. a big earthen bin; an earthen
grain store; fat person, corpulent fellow; angry,
HH W ~ J (suJJ ke ~ ho) id. to be
very annoyed, to be sullen; to become very fat
F=Y U (bhaole pu) id. to hide,
to conceal
F= Yl F= Yl F= Yl F= Yl F= Yl (bhaol) f. a small clay receptacle for
keeping grain; an oven
! !! !!
/Fm /Fm /Fm /Fm /Fm (bh/bhaa) m. rate, price; value, cost
~ |H (~ sIr) adv. at reasonable price, at fair
~ W V (~ kaha) id. to fix the price (of)
~ W (~ karn) id. to settle the price, to
~ =J/ |T (~ gha/ Ig) id. for
price to fall
~ U= (~ chahn) id. for prices to go up,
to rise, to shoot up
~ U W U / u W U (~ chuku/
muku) id. to settle the price
~ |JW (~ Ika) adv. to have stability in
price, for the price to become stable
~ U F (~ de bh) adv. cost to cost
~ |WY (~ nIkal) id. for the price to be
mJ UY U ~ S YT (e dl d~ pat
lagga) id. to gain practical /worldly
H U ~ (sone de ~) adv. at a high price,
at a huge cost
Wlm U ~/ W|Ym U ~ (koa de~/ kolIa
de ~) adv. at throw away price, dirt cheap
|uJl U ~ (mI de ~) adv. at throw away
price, at an extremely cheap price, dirt cheap
z zz zz
/FU /FU /FU /FU /FU (bh/bh) m. brother
a aa aa
(bh) m. regard, respect, affection, love
mU ~ (dar ~) m. reverence, respect,

(bhu) v.i. to appeal; to suit; to be liked
=Jl mH ~ (phu akkh n ~) id. not
to endure even the sight of, to hate the very
sight of

(bh) m. brother; priest of Sikh temple
~ U W (~ chrk) a. pertaining to
brotherhood, fraternity, society
~ U (~ chr) brotherhood, fraternity,
community, tribesmen, kinsfolk
~ H Ul (~Jatthebd) f. community,
~ UH (~ dJ) f. a Hindu festival falling on
the second day of the month of Kartik when a
sister puts a vermillion mark on the forehead
of her brother
~ U (~ bd) m. brethren, kin, relations
~ Ul (~ bd) f. fraternization, brotherhood;
fellowship, kinship, relationship; nepotism,
~ FSlH=U (~ bhatJvd) m. nepotism,
~ F= (~ bhvn) f. community feelings
~ =Y (~ vl) m. partner, co-sharer,
~ =Yl (~ vl) f. partnership, association
T ~ (gur ~) m. fellow disciple, fellow-
FFlm FFlm FFlm FFlm FFlm

(bha) m.& a. sister's husband, brother-
in-law; father; old man

(bhsh) m. commentary

(bhsha) m. speech, lecture, talk, discourse,
~ WY (~ kal) m. elocution, oratory
~ U (~ de) v.i. to deliver speech, to
lecture, to address
m. speaker, orator, spokesman, elocutionist

m.& f. elocution, oratory

(bhs) v.i. to appear, to feel, to seem, to
be felt

(bhsh) f. language; dialect, tongue,
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. philology
~ HHSl (~ shstr) m. philologist
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. linguistics; philology
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. linguist
FHFl FHFl FHFl FHFl FHFl (bhsh) a. pertaining to language, lingual,
~ H= H (~ sarvekha)m. linguistic survey,
survey pertaining to languages
- -- --UFHl (dubhsh) a. bilingual
FJ FJ FJ FJ FJ (bhh)a. shine, glitter, sheen; tint
F|Hm F|Hm F|Hm F|Hm F|Hm (bhakhI) f. utterance; version, statement,
~ WVl (~ kaha)v.t. to rot, to talk rot,
to use bad language, to abuse
~ l Jl (~ pr ho) id. for the utterance
to prove true
! !! !!
(bhg) m. fate, fortune, luck, destiny
~ H= (~ san) id. to fall on evil days
~ |H J (~ sIddhe ho) id. to be
bestowed with good fortune, to have the luck
~ H (~ soe) id. to fall on evil days, to be
out of luck
~ HY / HT (~ khulhe/Jge) id. to
have one's luck in, to have the better days
~ HJ J (~ khoe ho) id. to have bad
luck, to be unlucky
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to be bestowed with
good fortune, to become prosperous, to prosper;
to be blessed with a child
z zz zz
(bhg) m. share; whack; part, portion; division
(maths.); participation; department;
compartment; fraction, segment
~ U (~ de) v.t. to divide
~ =Y (~ phal) m. quotient
~ Y (~ le ) v.i.t. to take part, to
participate, to join
~ = (~ v) f. division (according to shares)
~ = (~ vn) a. & m. lucky, fortunate; an
addressing word for wife
FT U ( bhga d ro ro)
id. to curse one's fate or luck
~ Ul H (~ d khe) f. game of chance
~ F|m (~ bharI) a. auspicious; fortunate,
FTl (bhg ) adv. fortunately, luckily
FT -FT J (bhag be-bhg ho)
id. to fall on evil days

(bha g) m. loss; deficiency
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to make up the

(bhg/bgdar) f. partner, co-
sharer, co-partner
UH HH U ~ J (dukkh sukh d ~ ho )
id. to be a companion of good or bad days, to
share the sorrows and happiness of someone,
to stand by in calamity and prosperity
W U ~ (narka d ~) a. sinner, sinful,

(bhaJ) f. rout, defeat, flight; escape (of an
~ Hl (~ kh) v.i. to suffer defeat, to rout;
to escape
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to defeat, to rout

(bhJa) f. flight, rout; stampede; hurry-
~ H/~ l (~ pe J/ ~ pe) id. to
stampede; to have to leave suddenly and
hurriedly; to run helter skelter
! !! !!
(bhJ) f. vegetables; cooked vegetable
~ U=l/ Ul (~ chh/ bau) v.t.
to cook vegetable
z zz zz
(bhJ) f. sweetmeats distributed by the
parents of a bride or bridegroom among the
relatives and friends on reciprocal basis;
injustice or wrong committed and liable to be
~ U/U= (~ pu/ chahn) id. to
commit a wrong with someone
~ YJ (~ lhu) id. to settle the accounts,
to pay one in his own coin
W Ul ~ (kacch ~) f. uncooked food
distributed among the relatives at a marriage
Wl ~ (pakk ~) m. cooked food served to
relatives or friends at a marriage

(bha) m. utensil, vessel, pot
~ H=W (~ khaka) id. to have a
quarrel, to have a wrangle
~ U W (~ chheka) id. to boycott socially,
to excommunicate
~ Jl/~ JlW (~ a / ~ hkar) m. kitchen
ware; oddments, odds and ends
~ =J (~ phua) id. for a secret to be
disclosed or unveiled
~ == (~ phon) id. to let the cat out of
the bag, to disclose a secret, to expose a secret
~ F (~ bhn) v.t. to blame the other
for a misfortune or loss, to put one's blame on
other's shoulders
W ~ (kor ~) m. unused vessel or
pot; clear-cut person
UW ~ (chok ~) m. kitchen chores
F uH =Yl (bhae ma Ja vl) f.
~ u =H t ~mddhe vaJJa1 id. to be
completely ruined; to reduce to utter poverty,
to become a pauper

(bh) f. crease, fold

(bhJ) m. sister's son, nephew

(bhJ) f. sister's daughter, niece

(bh) m. God's will, the will of God; destiny,
fate, lot
~ u (~ mn) v.i. to yield to the will of
God, to accept God's will
~ =S (~ varta) id. to have a
mishappening, for a tragedy to occur

(bhe) adv. according to God's will; to one's

(bht/bhatt) m. boiled rice

(bha t) m. kind, sort, type, variety; way, manner,
~ HFS (~ subhat) a. diverse, different,
~ FS U (~ bhat d) a. of different kinds,
varied, multifarious

(bhado/bhadro) m. the sixth month
of Bikrami era, Bhadon

(bhn) m. small coins, change
FuSl FuSl FuSl FuSl FuSl

(bhnmat) f. sorceress
~ U W (~ d kub) m. an association
of varied people
~ U |J (~ d pIr) m. collection of
varied things
F l F l F l F l F l

(bhn) f. refusal; hindrance, obstacle;
~ u (~ mr) a. back bite, insinuator
~ u (~ mrn) v.t. to backbite with the
purpose to thwart someone's efforts etc.; to
prevent one from doing some work by showing
the negative side, to oppose

(bhpa) v.t. to guess, to comprehend, to
understand by signs or gestures, to conjecture;
to see through, to feel

(bhp) m. father, papa; a respectful term used
for elder brother; a term used for the people of
Ravalpindi, Pishawar etc.

(bhf) m. steam
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to give vent to
one's mind; to let off steam, to exhale, to work
off steam
~ Ul (~ chhaa) v.i. to let off steam,
to emit steam
~ U (~ de) v.t. to inhale steam (for cure
purpose), to steam
~ W U (~ ba ke ua) v.i. to
evaporate, to volatilise
~ Yl (~ le ) v.i. to inhale steam
FV U ( bhafa chhaa) id. to
be boiling hot (milk, water etc.)
F= F= F= F= F=

(bhaba) m. conflagration, flame, blaze;
tumult, turbulence (in mind etc.)
~ (~ ban) id. to blaze up with anger,
to flame, to break out with anger, to fire up
~ Y (~ bl) v.t. to conflagrate, to
inflame; to set fire to
~ uU (~ mach) id. to be inflamed with
~ uUU (~ machu) id. to set fire; to
Fl/F Fl/F Fl/F Fl/F Fl/F

(bhb/bhbo) f. brother's wife, sister-
in-law; an addressing word used for mother; a
game of cards

(bha -bha ) a. deserted, desolate (house, place
~ W (~ karn) id. to give a deserted look,
to be desolate (house , place etc.)

(bhr) m. weight; load, burden; cargo, luggage;
responsibility, liability, obligation; onus
~ UJU (~ uhu) id. to shoulder the
responsibility, to take the liability
v.t. to carry load
~ US (~ utarn) id. to be relieved of
one's responsibility; to be unburdened (of
problem etc.)
~ US (~ utaran) v.t. to unload
id. to unburden oneself
~ HuK (~ samJha) v.t. to take as
~ JY W (~ hol karn) id. to relieve
one from the responsibility; to share others
~ U=U/U= (~ chahu/ chh)
id. to put under an obligation, to oblige; to do
one a favour
~ U W (~ chukka) id. to shoulder
v.t. to lift weight
~ U (~ pu) id. to burden someone
with responsibility, to lay the burden of extra
~ (~ pe) id. to be entrusted with a
liability; to be burdened with
~ uWS(~ mukat) a. relieved
~ YU (~ ladda) v.t. to load
~ YJ (~ lhu) v.t. to unload
id. to fulfill one's liability; to repay debt
~ =JW (~ vhak) a. load carrier
|H U ~ (sIr de ~) adv. headlong,
headforemost, headfirst ( in falling etc.); with
great pleasure
F S (bhra te pe) id. to show
one's importance

(bhrat) m. India
~ uS (~ mt) f. Mother India

(bhratvarsh) m. India
FS=Hl (bhratvs) m. Indian

(bhrt) a. Indian

(bhrtat) f. Indianness
F l /F F l /F F l /F F l /F F l /F (bhr/bhr) a. heavy, weighty,
ponderous; fat, bulky, hefty, sturdy; mammoth,
big (crowd etc.); massive, huge; cumbrous
~ m=H (~ avz) f. husky voice
~ TY (~ gal) m. hoarse voice
~ |HS (~ JItt) f. great triumph, outstanding
victory; landslide victory (in election etc.)
~ (~ tha ) f. a place haunted by spirits,
~ FWu (~ bharkam) a. elephantine, heavy
and bulky
~ FY (~ bhull) f. grave mistake, blunder
Y= ~ J (palla ~ ho) id. to have
the upper hand
| U ~ J (pIchchh ~ ho) id. to
have strong back; to have prosperous parental
side (used for married women)
~ J (per ~ ho) id. to be in the
family way, to be pregnant
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl

(bhrpa) f. heaviness, weightiness;
bulkiness (of body)

(bhr) a. dominating, strong, stronger,
~ J (~ ho) id. to be a burden on

(bhl) f. search, hunt, quest; exploration
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to search; to explore,
to discover
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. in search of
U H ~ (dekh ~) f. supervision,
surveillance; care; upbringing, nurture

(bhl) v.t. to search, to seek, to locate,
to quest; to investigate, to spy; to discover, to
explore, to trace

(bhl) m. spear, lance, pike, partisan, javelin
~ HJ (~ sua) v.t. to throw javelin;
m. javelin throw
~ U (~ bardr) a. spearsman, lance-
bearer, pikeman
~ u(~ mrn) v.t. to spear, to stab with
a lance

(bhl) m. bear
~ U SuH (~ d tamsh) sport of bear
mulW U ~ ( amrk d~) a. facoon
F = F = F = F = F =

(bhv) m. sentiment, emotion; meaning,
underlying meaning or idea, gist, purport; object,
purpose, intention; desire
~ m (~ arth) m. gist, substance
~ m=H/ m=T (~ vesh/ veg) m. strong
emotion, passion
~ JlS (~ ht) f. inferiority complex
~ |US (~ chIttar) m. ideogram, ideograph
~ |US (~ chIttran) m. ideography
~ / uFl (~ pran/ ma) a. meaningful,
profound, deep
~ =UW= (~ vchaknav) m. abstract noun
~ |=F (~ vIbhor) a. overwhelmed with
emotion, steeped in emotion
~ |==U (~ vIvechan) m. catharsis
- -- --F=SuW

(bhva tmak) a. emotional,

(bhvak) a. emotional, sentimental
~ |UHJlW (~ drIshko)m. sentimental
approach, sensitive outlook

(bhvakt) f. sentimentalism,
senstiveness, sentimentality, sensibility
F= F= F= F= F=

(bhvn) f. feeling, sentiment, emotion;
intention, desire, wish; way of thinking,
~ HTU l/ U Wl (~ Jagu/ peda
karn) v.t. to motivate, to inspire; to arouse or
F=l F=l F=l F=l F=l

(bhv) a. future, would be, prospective
f. destiny, fate, predestination
~ =U (~ vd) m. predestinarianism, fatalism
~ =Ul (~ vd) a. fatalist, predestinatian
F= F= F= F= F=

(bhve) conj. either, although, even if, even
~ |FJ ~ UJ (~ eh ~ oh) adv. at all hazards,
come what may
ph. either this or that
~ WK =l J= (~ kuJh v hove) adv. probably,
may be, just possible, possibly
F= F= F= F= F=

(bh) m. rent, fare, freight, wages, hire,
freightage; cartage, conveyance charges
F= U J J (bhe d a) m.
mercenary, hireling; hired pony
FT U ~ (bhg de ~) adv. for nothing;
very cheap, dirt cheap, at low rate

(bhIo) v.t. to wet, to soak, to moisten, to
sop, to drench, to steep, to imbue

(bhIot) a. wet, steeped, drenched, sodden
|FU |FU W HSlm u(bhIo bhIo ke
Jutta mrn) id. to treat with scornful abuse,
to insult, to humiliate badly
|Fm W |Fm W |Fm W |Fm W |Fm W

(bhIkar) a. horrible, horrid, dreadful,
fearful, fearsome, terrifying, terrific; dire
(consequences etc.)
|Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm

(bhI) a. afraid, terrified, frightened
Hl ~ (J ~) id. to be perplexed
|FmW |FmW |FmW |FmW |FmW

(bhInak) a. terrible, dreadful, horrible,
terrifying; dangerous, perilous

(bhInkt) f. dreadfulness, terribleness,
horribleness, horridness, fearfulness,
|FmY |FmY |FmY |FmY |FmY

(bhIl) m. partner, shareholder, sharer, in
|FmYl |FmYl |FmYl |FmYl |FmYl

(bhIl) f. partnership, cahoot
~ U (~ pun) v.t. to go cahoots

(bhIsht) m. water-carrier

(bhIksh) m. monk, budhist, mendicant
|FHl |FHl |FHl |FHl |FHl

(bhIkhr) m. beggar, cadger, mendicant;
pauper, a poor fellow, penniless
|F|Hm/|F|Um |F|Hm/|F|Um |F|Hm/|F|Um |F|Hm/|F|Um |F|Hm/|F|Um

(bhIkhI/bhIchhI) f. alms, charity

(bhIchn) v.i. to be sandwiched, to be
|F H |F H |F H |F H |F H
! ! ! ! !
(bhIJJan) v.i. to get drenched, to become
wet; to be saturated, to be soaked
|FHl |Yl (bhIJJ bIll) a. fearful, timid,
timorous, coward
~ |Yl (~ bIll bann) v.i. to appear
timid and submissive
m|FH (abhIJJ) a. impervious to water,
waterproof; impenetrable to feelings,
|F H |F H |F H |F H |F H
z z z z z
(bhIJJan) v.t. to become mixed, to mix, to
be friendly with

(bhIJvun ) v.t. to get to be sent, to send
through someone
| FH= Fl | FH= Fl | FH= Fl | FH= Fl | FH= Fl

(bhIJv) f. the charges of sending
|F H= |F H= |F H= |F H= |F H=

(bhIJJar) a. sodden (grain)
|F J |F J |F J |F J |F J

(bhI) f. defilement, profanity; contamination
|F J |F J |F J |F J |F J

(bhIan ) v.t. to defile, to profane, to pollute,
to be defiled, to be profined, to be polluted; to
contaminate, to be contaminated
|F J= |F J= |F J= |F J= |F J=

(bhIar ) a. defiled, profaned, polluted,
- |F|Jm J |Fm

(bhII hoI) a. defiled,
profaned; contaminated
|F l |F l |F l |F l |F l

(bhid) f. lady's finger, okra, Albelmochus
! ! ! ! !
(bhIn ak) f. slight information, inkling, clue,
~ l (~ pen) id. to get the wind of, to
come to know
~ Yl (~ len) v.i. to spy, to try to get some
z z z z z
(bhIn ak) f. buzzing sound, humming sound,
drone (of flies etc.)

(bhInkan) v.i. to buzz, to hum, to drone;
to be spoiled by flies (food etc.)

(bhIn kr) f. humming sound (of flies etc.),
buzz, drone, buzzing
|F-|F |F-|F |F-|F |F-|F |F-|F

(bhIn- bhIn) f. humming (of flies), buzz
~ W/ |F |FU (~ karn/bhin
~bhInun) v.i. to drone, to buzz, to hum
|F S |F S |F S |F S |F S

(bhItt) m. door; peephole
|F Sl |F Sl |F Sl |F Sl |F Sl

(bhItt) f. bait, decoy; hole for peeping
~ Ul (~ den) id. to throw a sop
|F |F |F |F |F
! ! ! ! !
(bhn) a. different, dissimilar, separate,
distinct, unlike, varying, not the same; diverse
~ |F (~ bhn) a. different, diverse, various
~ F U (~ bhed) m. discrimination, difference,
|F |F |F |F |F
z z z z z
(bhn) f. fraction (maths.)
| F S | F S | F S | F S | F S

(bhnat) f. difference, variance,
dissimilarity, unlikeness, contrast
|F l-|F l |F l-|F l |F l-|F l |F l-|F l |F l-|F l

(bhn-bhn) a. light and sweet (smell)
|F= |F= |F= |F= |F=

(bhIrn) v.i. to clash, to scuffle; to grapple;
to collide, to meet head on; to fight, to come to
a clash
|F==U /|F=U |F==U /|F=U |F==U /|F=U |F==U /|F=U |F==U /|F=U

(bhIrvun /bhIr un ) v.t. to
cause, to clash or fight; to cause to collide

(bhkh) f. alms; begging
~ uT (~ mg gg ggn) v.t. to beg, to cadge

(bht) f. wall

(bhtar) adv. inside
FlSl FlSl FlSl FlSl FlSl

(bhtar) a. internal, inner, latent; hidden,
secret, mysterious

(bh bulun) id. to utterly exhaust
someone; to defeat; to beat, to thrash
~ Yl (~ boln ) id. to be dead tired, to be
utterly exhausted
Fl -Fl Fl -Fl Fl -Fl Fl -Fl Fl -Fl

(bh - bh ) f. buzzing , humming (of flies),
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to buzz, to hum, to

(bhl) m. a wild tribe of central India; a member
of this tribe
Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl=
! ! ! ! !
(bhr) f. crowd, rush, multitude, throng, mob
~ F=W/F= (~ bhar ak/bhr ) f. rush,
crowd, throng, multitude, concourse, mob; over
Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl=
z z z z z
(bhr ) f. calamity, adversity, trouble, distress,
crisis, hard-time, misery
~ H=l= (~ sghr ) f. adversity, misery, hard-
time, trouble, calamity
~ (~ pen) id. to be in deep water, to
be in hot water, to be under a cloud, to be in
Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl=

(bhrn) v.t. to shut, to close (door etc.)
Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl= Fl=

(bhr ) a. tight (cloth, situation etc.); narrow,
(street, bazar, place etc.)
F mU F mU F mU F mU F mU

(bhuu) v.t. to rotate, to revolve, to
spin, to whirl; to return, to give back
Fm U ( bhu de) id. to harass, to
pester; to put into hot water, to put into trouble
F mJl F mJl F mJl F mJl F mJl

(bhua a) f. dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
F mJlm F mJlm F mJlm F mJlm F mJlm

(bhua aa ) f. the requisite number of
rounds around the sacred fire or the holy
scripture as a matrimonial rite; circumgyrations;
~ U (~ den) v.t. to give one's daughter
or sister in marriage, to marry; to whirl round
! !! !!
(bhuss) m. bad habit, addiction
~ (~ pen) v.t. to be habitual of , to
develop a habit, to be addicted
z zz zz
(bhuss) m. anaemia; paleness, pallidness
~ T (~ rog) m. anaemia
~ Tl (~ rog) a. anaemic
F H F H F H F H F H (bhuss) a. pale, ashen, faded
F W F W F W F W F W (bhukka) v.t. to sprinkle, to dredge, to
F W=U /F WU F W=U /F WU F W=U /F WU F W=U /F WU F W=U /F WU (bhukvu/bhuku) v.t.
to have something or get something to be
F W F W F W F W F W (bhukn) m. balloon; bladder
F Wl F Wl F Wl F Wl F Wl (bhukk) f. pulverized something, powder of
something; powdered medicine; mashed
F H F H F H F H F H (bhukkh) f. hunger, appetite; lust, thirst, strong
desire; want, need; starvation, famine
~ U (~ uan) id. to be worried, to be
very tense
~ J=SY (~ hata l) f. hunger-strike
~ UuW (~ chamakn) id. to feel hungry
~ S J/ |mH (~ te/ pIs) f. hunger and thirst
~ U S= u (~ de toe marn) id. to die
of starvation
~ T (~ ng) f. poverty, beggary, penury,
~ |uJ (~ n mIan) id. not to be
satiated, not to be satisfied
~ Y u (~ nl marn) v.i. to starve, to
die of hunger
~ u Hl (~ mar J) v.i. to lose appetite;
to suffer from anorexia
~ = (~ vaddhan ) id. to be very greedy,
to be avaricious
~ =U /=W (~ vadhu/ vardhak) a.
appetizer, appetitive
~ =S (~ vartan ) id. to have utter
~ |=U UY =l Uu (~ vIch chhole v badm)
prov. hunger is the best sauce
=H W ~ Y|J (vekh ke ~lehn) id. to
be very charming, to be very appealing, to be
pleasing to see
FH F (bhukkha bhn) a. empty
stomach, without food, hungry
~ F (~ bhn e) adv. with empty stomach,
without having eaten anything
FHul ( bhukkhmar) f. starvation
F H= F H= F H= F H= F H= (bhukkha) a. swinish, hungry, insatiable,
gluttonous, ravenous, voracious; penniless,
penurious, poverty-stricken
F H F H F H F H F H (bhukkh) a. feeling hunger, swinish, hungry,
peckish; greedy, gluttonous, voracious;
unsatiated; penniless, pauper
~ H (~ sher) a. ferocious, furious
~ |SJ|Fm/ F (~ tIhae/ bh) a. empty
stomach, without food, hungry, sharp-set
~ T (~ ng) a. destitute, impoverished,
pauper, poverty-stricken, indigent
F |Hm =T ( bhukkhIa va g) adv.
swinishly, hungrily, revenously
F T F T F T F T F T (bhg) m. fold, wrinkle (in garment)
F TS H ml F TS H ml F TS H ml F TS H ml F TS H ml (bhugat surn) id. to beat soundly,
to thrash, to batter, to wallop, to take to task
! !! !!
(bhugta) v.t. to reap the fruit of one's
deeds, to lie in the bed one has made; to suffer,
to undergo
z zz zz
(bhugta) v.t. to appear in the court
T=Jl ~ (gavh ~) id. to bear witness,
to give evidence
F TSU F TSU F TSU F TSU F TSU (bhugtu) v.t. to settle (a claim); to
pay of (debt); to deal with , to dispose of
F TS F TS F TS F TS F TS (bhugtn) m. payment, settlement,
F T=l F T=l F T=l F T=l F T=l (bhuga) f. dried fruit especially date
F T F T F T F T F T(bhugg) m. a sweetmeat of pounded sesame
with sugar or jaggery and milk paste (khoya)
F TJ F TJ F TJ F TJ F TJ (bhug) m. a kind of weed, Asphodelus
F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl (bhugg) f. weevily grain, moth-eaten grain,
rotten, decayed
F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl (bhg) f. a kind of insect harmful for the crops
F U F U F U F U F U (bhucchar) a. corpulent, robust, stout, burly,
F UYU F UYU F UYU F UYU F UYU (bhuchlu) v.t. to wheedle, to coax,
to cajole, to persuade
F U Y F U Y F U Y F U Y F U Y (bhuchl) m. earthquake; turmoil,
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. seismic
~ uW (~ mpak) a. seismograph
~ |YmU (~ lIu) id. to create a great stir
F H T F H T F H T F H T F H T (bhuJg) m. snake
F H Tl F H Tl F H Tl F H Tl F H Tl (bhuJg) m. son, lad, boy; warrior
F H F H F H F H F H (bhuJJa) v.i. to be parched; to be roasted,
to be fried; to fret & fume; to be jealous, to be
H|=m F |Hm (sae bhuJJI) a. ill-
tempered, petulant, peevish, fretful, fretty
FH Uu (bhuJJe badm) m. parched
grams or ground nut
F H F H F H F H F H (bhuJ) f. arm; side of a triangle etc. (maths.);
helper, supporter
F Hlm F Hlm F Hlm F Hlm F Hlm (bhuJ) m. fried salty mixture
F H F H F H F H F H (bhJe) adv. on the ground, on the floor
~ US (~ utrn) id. to make the dying
person lie on the earth
~ YU (~ lu) id. to put affront upon,
to humble to the dust, to humiliate, to insult, to
prick the bladder
F F F F F (bhna) v.i. to parch, to roast; to bake in
sand; to frizzle, to fry; to pester, to torment; to
riddle with bullets
F HJ (bhn sua) id. to kill with
firearms, to shoot; to pester, to torment
F |m F |Fm (bhnI bhunI) a.
roasted; enraged, very irritated
F =U /F U F =U /F U F =U /F U F =U /F U F =U /F U (bhnvu/bhnu) v.i.
to get something parched, to get something
roasted or fried; to make to be parched or
roasted or fried
F =Fl/F Fl F =Fl/F Fl F =Fl/F Fl F =Fl/F Fl F =Fl/F Fl (bhnv/bhn) f. the process
of or the wages for parching or roasting or
F F F F F (bhubb) f. violent cry, loud wail
F |WY (bhubba nIkal) id. to
burst into tears, to weep loudly
~ ulm (~ mrna) id. to wail loudly
- Fl (- bhubb ro) id. to wail bitterly,
to cry with wails
F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y (bhubbal) f. hot ashes
F Hl F Hl F Hl F Hl F Hl (bhurJ) f. scrambled eggs; a dish of
vegetables like radish or cauliflower etc. fried,
without gravy
F F F F F (bhurn) v.i. to crumble, to break into
fragments or crumbs
F F F F F F F F F F (bhurbhur) a. crisp, crumble, crumbly
F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y (bhull) f. error, omission, mistake, slip, blunder,
~ W uH U Wu J, |Hu W uSu U (~
karn manukkh d km he , khIm karn
parmtm da ) prov. to err is human, to
forgive divine
~ UW (~ chukk) f. mistake, slip, fault, error
and omission
~ F YFlm (~ bhul) f. labyrinth, maze;
confusing problem, puzzle
~ FYFlm |=U (~ bhula vIch pe) id.
to be in dilemma, to be double minded; to be
caught in a maze
~ F Y W (~ bhul ke) adv. off an on,
~ FY H (~ bhul J) id. to go out of
mind, to forget
~ FYH (~ bhulekhe) adv. once in a while,
sometimes, occasionally; erroneously,
~ u (~ mna) v.t. to stand corrected
F Y U W (bhulle chukke) adv.
occasionally, off and on, casually
mFY (- abull) a. unforgettable, infallible;
F Y W= F Y W= F Y W= F Y W= F Y W= (bulakka) a. forgetful, oblivious, apt to
F YJ F YJ F YJ F YJ F YJ (bhullahr) a. oblivious, forgetful, apt
to forget
F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y (bhulla) v.i.t. to forget; to err, to commit
a mistake; to be forgotten, to slip from the
F Y= F Y= F Y= F Y= F Y= (bhullava) a. forgetful, oblivious
F Y=U F Y=U F Y=U F Y=U F Y=U (bhulvu) v.t. to cause to or to make
to forget
F YU F YU F YU F YU F YU (bhulu) v.t. to let slip from one's mind,
to forget; to make or cause to forget; to mislead,
to lead the garden path
F YU /F Y= F YU /F Y= F YU /F Y= F YU /F Y= F YU /F Y= (bhul/bhulva ) a. illusory,
confusing, misleading
FY= FY= FY= FY= FY= (bhulv) m. delusion, illusion, wrong notion;
F Y= F Y= F Y= F Y= F Y= (bhulve) adv. fallaciously, mistakenly,
F |Ym F |Ym F |Ym F |Ym F |Ym (bhullI) a. forgotten
~ U|Wm (~ chukkI) a.& adv. forgotten;
by chance, not often, seldom
~ FJ|Wm (~ bhakI) a. & adv. wandering,
strayed; off and on, occasionally, sometimes,
not often
F Y H F Y H F Y H F Y H F Y H (bhulekh) m. mistake (in recognition,
accounts etc.); misunderstanding, misconception;
delusion, fallacy, illusion
~ H (~ kh) v.i. to make a mistake in
recognising (someone); to misunderstand
~ U (~ pu) a. confusing, misleading,
fallacious, illusory
F =W F =W F =W F =W F =W (bhuka) v.i. to jump, to bounce, to leap;
to rebound; to snap, to spring
F =WU F =WU F =WU F =WU F =WU (bhuku) v.t. to make or cause to
F =l F =l F =l F =l F =l (bhu) m. labour, toil, hard work
~ WY (~ kabl pe) id. to get the
fruit of one's labour
F F F F F (bh) f. earth; world, globe; land
~ H (~ khd) m. region, zone; plot, tact
~ U (~ dn) m. donation of land
~ uY (~ mal) m. the earth, globe, world
~ u H (~ maddh rekh) f. equator
~ u Hl (~ maddh rekh) a. equatorial
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. geology
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIa n) m. geologist
F m F m F m F m F m (bh) f. father's sister, paternal aunt
F H F H F H F H F H (bhsha) m. ornament; adornment
F H F H F H F H F H (bhu sarn) v.i. to be angry; to flare up with,
to be in a fit of rage
F HY F HY F HY F HY F HY (bhsl) a. dun, earthy
F H F H F H F H F H (bhs) f. chaff (wheat etc.)
F Hl F Hl F Hl F Hl F Hl (bhs) f. husk, bran
F J/F J F J/F J F J/F J F J/F J F J/F J (bhuh/bhhe) m. insolent behaviour,
impertinent or impudent behaviour
~ U= (~ chahn) v.i. to become insolent,
to behave impudently
~ U=U (~ chahu) v.t. to spoil by
excessive indulgence, to pamper
F W F W F W F W F W (bhk) m. green offshoot of onion
F W F W F W F W F W (bhka) m. a hollow piece of bamboo or
iron pipe used for blowing purpose, blower
F Wl F Wl F Wl F Wl F Wl (bhka) f. loose motion with squirt,
F W F W F W F W F W (bhk) f. scape, Allium cepa
lY ~ (pl ~) a. very pale, white-faced
! !! !!
(bh g) m. penalty, fine; a share of stolen
property which is given as a bribe by a thief
z zz zz
(bh g) a. having straight horns (ox)
F T Y F T Y F T Y F T Y F T Y (bhgol) m. geography
~ mH (~ anusr) adv. geographically
a. geographical
F T |YW F T |YW F T |YW F T |YW F T |YW (bhgolIk) a. geographical
F F F F F (bh ) m. hornet, wasp; cockchafer; beetle,
~ JW (~ pak) m. a kind of small
WY ~(kl ~) a. black-beetle; very
dark-complexioned, dark-skinned, blackavised
F U HH (bh a d khakkhar) f.
hornet's nest, wasp's hive
~ U H H U = (~ de khakkhar n
chhen) id. to bring hornet's nest about one's
ears, to stir up hornet's nest
F l F l F l F l F l (bh ) f. an insect which harms the crops
(bht) m. ghost, evil spirit, revenant; naughty
~ U S (~ utrn) v.t. to expel evil spirt from
a person or place, to exorcise; to set (one) right
~ H= J (~ svr ho) id. to be
excessively obsessed with a passion, to be
crazy after something
~ WV (~ kaha) v.t. to expel (an evil
spirit) by religious ceremonies, to exorcise
~ U= (~ chban) v.i. to be possessed
(by an evil spirt); to be haunted
~ (~ nth) m. Lord Shiva
~ S (~ pret) m. evil spirits, ghosts and
~ (~ ban) id. to become dirty; to
look like a ghost
~ YU (~ bulu) v.t. to call spirits
~ u Yl (~ md al) f. gang of wicked
persons, bunch of rascals
~ H Fl (~ raso) f. a kitchen having no proper
arrangement of cooking
~ == (~ v) m. an abode of demons,
FS U ( bhuta d er) m. haunted
place or spot
~ U =H J (~ d vs ho) id. to be a
desolate place , to be a deserted place; to be
uninhabited; to be a haunted place
(bht) a. past, gone
~ WY (~ kl) m. past tense
~ = (~ prav) a. former, ex, whilom,
F S F S F S F S F S (bhtn) m. evil spirit, ghost, spook; spoiled
naughty child
F Sl F Sl F Sl F Sl F Sl (bhtn) f. female ghost, ghostess
~ FY (~ bhulla) id. to be non-plus, to
be perplexed
~ FYl |J (~ bhull reh) id. to remain
busy working like a horse
HuUl ~ (samdr ~) m. nixie
F S F S F S F S F S (bhtarn) v.i. to be in a rage, to become
angry; to become mad as a March hare
FS|m J|Fm (bhtrI hoI) a. very
angry, enraged; mad as a March hare
F -F F -F F -F F -F F -F (bh -bh ) f. sound of car or bus's horn;
sound of fart
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to blow horn; to fart,
to break wind
F uW/F |uW F uW/F |uW F uW/F |uW F uW/F |uW F uW/F |uW (bhumk/bhumIk) f. introduction,
preface, preamble; function, role, part
~ |FU (~ nIbhu) v.t. to play the role
~ (~ bnh) id. to lead up to, to
prepare for
F ul F ul F ul F ul F ul (bhm) f. land, soil, ground, earth; the earth
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. landed, terrestrial
~ SY (~ tal) m. land-surface; ground-level
Hu ~ (Janam ~) f. Mother-land, native-
|J ~ (pIh ~) f. background
H ~ (bJar ~) f. barren land
uS ~ (mt ~) f. Mother land, Native land
F F F F F (bhr) f. fine small rain, drizzle, light shower
of rain
! !! !!
(bhr) a. brown, tan; grizzled
~ YY (~ ll) a. dark tan
z z z z z
(bhr) m. blanket
F F F F F (bhe ) m. stem or root of lotus
F H F H F H F H F H (bhes) m. dress, garb, costume; style of
dressing; disguise, appearance, assumed
~ UY (~ badal) id. to disguise onself,
to change appearance, to impersonate
F H F H F H F H F H (bhekh) m. particular dress of a religious sect;
dress, costume, garb; guise, disguise
~ W (~ karn) id. to assume false
appearance of , to feign; to practise hypocrisy
~ (~ dhrn) id. to adopt a religion; to
dress up according to a particular sect; to simulate
~ U (~ bau) id. to put on the
guise of (someone), to appear to be what one
is not, to simulate
~ UY/ =JU (~ badal/vau) v.t.
to change appearance, to disguise
F H l /F Hl F H l /F Hl F H l /F Hl F H l /F Hl F H l /F Hl (bhekhdhr/bhekh) a.
sanctimonious, simulator; feigning, disguised
F H F H F H F H F H (bheJa) v.t. to send, to despatch, to
transmit; to post (letter)
F H F H F H F H F H (bheJ) m. brain
! !! !!
/F J /F J /F J /F J /F J (bhe/bhe) f. present, gift; oblation,
offering (for religious purpose); donation;
~ U= (~ chahn) v.i. to have offerings
(by donation); to make sacrifice, to sacrifice
oneself; to be a victim (of)
~ U=U (~ chahu) id. to sacrifice
v.t. to make offering, to donate
~ Y (~ le ) id. to demand sacrifice
z zz zz
(bhe) f. a hymn of goddess Durga
FJ TUlm (bhea gua) v.t. to sing
hymns of goddess Durga
a aa aa
(bhe/bhe) f. meeting
F J Wl F J Wl F J Wl F J Wl F J Wl(bhea kap) f. complimentary copy

(bhe) f. sheep, ewe; coward
~ UY (~ chl) f. tendency of following
blindly; irrational customary practice; mob
~ U U (~ d bacch) m. lamb
~ U uH (~ d ms) m. mutton
~ Ul m=H (~ d avz) f. bleat
~ u (~ mn) id. to fleece someone,
to extort
WYl ~ (kl ~) f. black sheep, traitor;
F U == (bhea d v) f. sheep-pen,
sheet-cote, sheep-fold; filthy, worthless place

(bhe) m. male-sheep, ram
F S F S F S F S F S (bhet) m. secret, mystery, arcanum
~ HY (~ kholha) id. to let the cat out
of the bag, to expose, to divulge (a secret), to
spill the beans
~ U H/ U (~ dassa/de) id. to
betray a secret, to give out a secret, to expose
~ U (~ n pu) id. to be unable to
understand (a person) ; to be unable to reach
the root (of a problem)
~ U (~ pu) id. to get knowledge of
(a person or a thing)
~ F|m (~ bharI) a. secret, mysterious,
confidential, arcane
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to try to probe a secret,
to spy
F Sl F Sl F Sl F Sl F Sl (bhet) m. sharer of a secret, confident; spy,
F Slm F Slm F Slm F Slm F Slm (bhet) m. secret agent, confidant spy

(bhed) m. difference, contrast, discrimination;
discerepance; kinds types
~ F= (~ bhv) m. discrimination,
uS ~ (mat ~) m. difference of opinion,
disagreement, dissent; differences, disunion
F F F F F (bher) m. a big kettledrum
F l F l F l F l F l (bher) f. kettledrum, naker
F Yl F Yl F Yl F Yl F Yl (bhel) f. round lump or cake of jaggery
F = F = F = F = F = (bhe) m. confrontation, fight, combat; quarrel
dispute; contest
H U ~ (snha d ~) m. clash of big
uJF= (muhbhe) m. encounter
F = F = F = F = F = (bhen) v.t. to shut, to close (door, window
F =lm F =lm F =lm F =lm F =lm (bhe) m. wolf
F F F F F (bhe ) m. fear, dread, terror, scare, fright; awe;
alarm, danger
~ H (~ kh) id. to be scared
~ U|Wm H (~ chukkI J) id. to be
least scared, to feel no fear; to become fearless
~ |UHYU (~ dIkhlu) id. to scare, to
~ FlS (~ bht) a. afraid, frightened, scared,
horror-struck, terrified
F YU F YU F YU F YU F YU (bhe bulu) id. to make one to cry;
to exhaust someone completely
~ Y (~ bola) id. to be dead tired, to
be extremely exhausted; to be on the verge of
F -F F -F F -F F -F F -F (bhe-bhe) f. bleat of sheep, goat
F H F H F H F H F H (bhes) f. buffalo (female)
~ U m T l =HU (~ de agge b
vaJu) prov. to caste pearls before swine
F H F H F H F H F H (bhesa) m. male buffalo
HTYl~ ( Jgl) m. bison
F T F T F T F T F T (bheg) m. squint, skew, strabismus
F T F T F T F T F T (bheg) a. squint-eyed, skew-eyed, cross-
eyed, strabismal
F F F F F (bhe ) f. sister, female sibling; respectful form
of addressing a girl or lady
~ Hl (~ J) f. lady teacher,mistress;
respectful form of addressing a teacher, a girl,
a lady
~ F (~ bhar) m. sister and brother, siblings
(female & male both); kith and kin , near and
dear, relatives
F =l F =l F =l F =l F =l (bhe rv) f. name of an Indian classical musical
mode, bhairvi; name of a Hindu goddess
F F F F F (bhe ro) m. name of a Hindu god, an incarnation
of Lord Shiva; a musical mode
F = F = F = F = F = (bhe) f. bad habit, bad trait, badness, evil
|WH Y ~ WuU (kIse nl ~ kamu)
id. to do an ill turn to a person
F = F = F = F = F = (bhe) a. evil, bad, wicked; ill, wretched,
base; ugly, clumsy; unfit for use
~ (~ pe) id. to fall in the eyes of; to
be ashamed of
F=l USl =YUl J (bhe khabar
chhet pheld he) prov. bad news spreads
like a wild fire
F= VT Y (bhee hg nl) adv. with
an ill grace
~ |U (~ dIn) m. bad days, evil time,
F F F F F (bho) m. chaff, husk (of oilseeds, grams, pulses
~ (~ ban) id. to be dead tired, to be
~ U (~ bau) id. to give a sound
beating, to thrash, to wallop
F /F |F F /F |F F /F |F F /F |F F /F |F (bho /bhoI) f. land , fields, earth, ground
~ F (~ bha) m. belongings, property
F m F m F m F m F m (bho) m. share of cotton picker
F H= F H= F H= F H= F H= (bhokha) m. severe hunger, intense
hunger; famine, starvation; greediness, avarice
F H F H F H F H F H (bhokh) m. famine, starvation
! !! !!
(bhog) m. food offered to a deity, oblation;
sufferings (for one's deeds); requiem
~ U (~ pu) v.t.i. to offer oblation at
the completion of a scripture; to perform
requiem ceremony; to conclude, to wind up, to
~ YU (~ lu) id. to offer food to a
z zz zz
(bhog) m. sexual intercourse, copulation,
sexual pleasure, coition; enjoyment, ravishment
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to copulate, to enjoy
~ |YH (~ bIls) m. indulgence in sexual
F F W ( bhor bhor ke) ph. a bit at a
time; bit by bit
z zz zz
(bhor) m. underground cell, basement, crypt

(bhol) a. innocent, simple , guileless, artless,
~ Ul (~ pchh) m. innocent-person,
~ FY(~ bhl) a. simple-minded, innocent,
artless, guileless, naive
mY ~ ( l ~) a. naive, artless, simple
F Yl FYl HWY =Y J U J HYU =l (bhol
bhl shakal vle hde han Jald v) prov.
all that glitters is not gold
FY F (bhole bh) adv. simply, naively;

(bholpa) m. innocence, simple-
mindedness, guilelessness, artlessness
F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y (bholenth) m. an epithet of Lord Shiva
F F F F F (bho) m. fear, terror, dread, panic, scare
F F F F F (bho ) m. whirl, spin, rotation, revolution;
dizziness, vertigo
~ mU/ U= (~ ue/ chahne) v.i. to
feel dizziness, to feel giddiness, to suffer from
F W F W F W F W F W (bhoka) v.i. to bark, to yap, to bay (of
dog); to prate, to gabble, to talk nonsense; to
wander aimlessly
F W F W F W F W F W (bhok) a. & m. talkative, prater, chatterbox
! !! !!
(bho) m. the temple of goddess Durga
z zz zz
(bho ) m. ant-hill
Wl=lm U~ S |JU ( ka de ~ te
bIhu) id. to afflict, to torment, to torture
! !! !!
(bho) v.i. to rotate, to revolve, to spin, to
gyrate, to around; to turn, to return, to come
back; to wander, to loiter
z zz zz
(bho) v.i. to refrain, to desist
F l F l F l F l F l
! ! ! ! !
(bho ) f. pulley, tack-block
F l F l F l F l F l
z z z z z
(bho ) f. a path around a village
F SW F SW F SW F SW F SW (bho tak) a. material, worldly; physical,
corporeal, mundane
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. physics
pleasure; sexual enjoyment; indulgence in
luxury; merry-making, merriment
~ FT (~ bhoga) id. to lie in the bed
one has made, to reap the fruit of one's deeds
F T F T F T F T F T (bhog) v.t. to suffer, to under go pain or
pleasure of one's deeds; to enjoy; to dree, to endure
F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl F Tl (bhog) a. enjoyer, pleasure-seeking;
sufferer; licentious, lustful
F U/F U F U/F U F U/F U F U/F U F U/F U (bhochha/bhochh) m. towel; ladie's
wrapper/shawl, head-dress of woman
F H F H F H F H F H (bhoJ) m. feast, banquet
lSl ~ (prt ~) m. feast, banquet
Ju ~ (brahm ~) m. feast given to the
Brahmins on a special occasion, collective
feeding of Brahmans at marriage, birth etc., a
F H F H F H F H F H (bhoJan) m. food, meal, victuals, diet;
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. dietary, alimentary
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to take meal
~ H (~ prosa) v.t. to serve food
~ YTU (~ lagu) v.t. to lay the table
F H- S F H- S F H- S F H- S F H- S (bhoJ-pattar) m. bark of birch-tree, used
as paper in olden days; leaf and bark of birchtree
F H l F H l F H l F H l F H l (bhoJpur) f. a dialect of Hindi spoken in
Eastern U.P. and Western Bihar
F F F F F (bho) m.& a. poll beast, pollard; hornless,
without horns (animal); bald (person)
~ (ro ~) a. hornless, poll; bald
F F F F F (bho ) a. deformed, ugly, ill-shaped;
unpleasant, grotesque
F F F F F (bhoth) m. loin cloth
F F F F F (bhor) f. dawn, morning, early morning; day
break; crumbs, very small fragments, pieces
F F F F F (bhorn) v.t. to crumble, to crumb (chapati,
bread etc.); to separate grains from the cob,
to shell (maize etc.); to break into pieces
F F W H (bhor bhor ke kh) id.
to eat little by little, to eat a bit at a time
! !! !!
(bhor) m. bit, crumb, grain
~ W (~ ku) adv. a bit, a little, an iota
~ F (~ bhor) a. entire, whole, all
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. physicist
F SW=U F SW=U F SW=U F SW=U F SW=U (bho takvd) m. materialism; physicism
F SW=Ul F SW=Ul F SW=Ul F SW=Ul F SW=Ul (bhotakvd) a. materialistic
m. materialist
F UY F UY F UY F UY F UY (bhodal) v.t. to be puzzled, to be
F U F U F U F U F U (bho d) a.& m. dunder-headed, block-headed,
doltish, stupid; dullard, dunce; wanderer,
F F F F F (bho r) m. the soul, spirit
~ U (~ ua) id. to pass away, to
die, to expire
F WYl F WYl F WYl F WYl F WYl (bho rkal) f. ladies' ornament for forehead
F F F F F (bhor) m. black-bee, beetle
F l F l F l F l F l (bho r) f. corn (on hand or foot)

u u u u u (mamm) m. the thirtieth letter and fifth of the
labial pentad of Gurmukhi alphabet
uFl uFl uFl uFl uFl
! !! !!
(ma) m. May, the fifth month of Christian
~ |U=H (~ dIvas) m. May-day, labour-day
uFl uFl uFl uFl uFl
z zz zz
(ma) suff. a suffix meaning 'composed of ',
'full of ' etc.
uFlmS uFlmS uFlmS uFlmS uFlmS (maat) f. funeral, bier, funeral procession
u H u H u H u H u H
! !! !!
(mass) f. beginning of the growth of
moustache's soft and thin hair on the upper lip
~ =J (~ phu) a. adolescent; teen-aged
~ = Jl (~ phua) v.i. to have first
appearance of moustaches
u H u H u H u H u H
z zz zz
(mass) f. black ink
uHJ uHJ uHJ uHJ uHJ (mashhr) a. famous, renowned, known,
well-known, prominent, reputed, celebrated
~ W (~ karn) a. to make famous, to
renown; to publicize, to propagate
uHJ l uHJ l uHJ l uHJ l uHJ l (mashhr) f. fame, renown, eminence,
prominence; advertisement
! !! !!
(mashak) f. leather bag used for carrying or
sprinkling water
z zz zz
(mashak) f. practice, rehearsal, exercise
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to practise, to
uHWl/uHHl uHWl/uHHl uHWl/uHHl uHWl/uHHl uHWl/uHHl

(mashkar/mashkhar) f. joke,
jest, banter, mockery, chaff
~ W (~ karn)v.t. to make fun of , to
poke fun at
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (mask) m. polish, polishing device; weapons;
sycophancy, flattery
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. & id. to polish
(weapon); to butter, to flatter, to wheedle
uHWl uHWl uHWl uHWl uHWl (maskn) a. humble, meek, submissive,
simple; penniless, poor, wretched
uHWl l uHWl l uHWl l uHWl l uHWl l (maskn) f. humbleness, humility,
meekness, submissiveness, simplicity
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (mashkr) a. thankful, grateful, obliged
uHH uHH uHH uHH uHH (maskhar) a. jester, joker, buffoon; jocose,
humorous, witty, facetious
m. merry-man, merry-andrew, zany, humorist
uHH uHH uHH uHH uHH (maskharpa) m. humorousness,
jocosity, wittiness, humorous nature
uHT Y uHT Y uHT Y uHT Y uHT Y (mashgl) a. busy, occupied, engaged (in
uH|HU uH|HU uH|HU uH|HU uH|HU (masJId) f. mosque
uHS uHS uHS uHS uHS (mast) a. & m. carefree, unconcerned,
indifferent; rapt, engrossed; intoxicated
~ WYU (~ kldar) m. dervesh, fakir
~ uYT/ uY (~ malg/mo l) a. happy-go-
lucky, easy-going, lively and carefree
~ u (~ rm) a. devil-may-care, reckless
~ (khar ~) a. mischievous, naughty,
uHSW uHSW uHSW uHSW uHSW (mastak) m. forehead
~ UU H (~ ucch rakkh) v.i. to hold
one's head high
~ KWU (~ Jhuku) id. to bow, to pay
uHS/uHS H uHS/uHS H uHS/uHS H uHS/uHS H uHS/uHS H (masta/mast J) v.i. to be
naughty, to become mischievous
uHS U uHS U uHS U uHS U uHS U (mastu) v.t. to cause to be
uHS uHS uHS uHS uHS (mastn) a. unconcerned, carefree; rapt,
engrossed; intoxicated; lewd, licentious,
wanton; without provision
YT ~ J ( lgar ~ ho) v.i. to have
nothing to eat, to have no food
uHSl uHSl uHSl uHSl uHSl (mast) f. intoxication, tipsiness, inebriety,
u uu uu
stupor; ecstasy, rapture; lust, ardent passion;
~ WVl (~ kaha) id. to cut down to
size, to bring to senses
~ U=l (~ chahn) v.i. to be intoxicated;
to be ecstasized
~ K= U (~ Jh de) id. to cut down to
uHS Y uHS Y uHS Y uHS Y uHS Y (mastl) m. mast
uHS = uHS = uHS = uHS = uHS = (masteva) m. ecstasy, mischievousness,
uH U uH U uH U uH U uH U (masd) m. Guru's priest cum collector of
uHU uHU uHU uHU uHU (masnad) f. high cushioned seat, round
pillow for reclining
uH=l uH=l uH=l uH=l uH=l (masnav) f. a poetic form/genre
uH Fl uH Fl uH Fl uH Fl uH Fl (masn) a. artificial, imitation, not genuine;
false, fake, counterfeit, bogus
uH/uHl uH/uHl uH/uHl uH/uHl uH/uHl (masar/masr) m. a kind of pulse, lentil,
Ernum lens, Lens culinaris
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (mashrak) m. east, orient
uHWl uHWl uHWl uHWl uHWl (mashrak) a. eastern, oriental
uHV uHV uHV uHV uHV (masraf) m. purpose, use
|WHl ~ U J (kIs ~ d n ho) id.
to be of no use (object); to be good for nothing
uH V uH V uH V uH V uH V (mashrf) a. busy, occupied, engaged
uH uH uH uH uH (mashrr) a. glad, happy, delighted, cheerful
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (masal) f. proverb, maxim
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (masal) v.t. to crush (by rubbing); to
uHYS uHYS uHYS uHYS uHYS (maslat) f. well-being; expediency; advice,
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (maslan) adv. for example, e.g., for instance,
such as
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (masl) m. problem, issue, matter
~ JY W (~ hall karn) v.i. to solve the
problem, to find out a solution
~ H= W (~ khah karn) id. to create
a problem
uH= uH= uH= uH= uH= (mashvar) m. advice, counsel, suggestion,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to consult, to counsel
~ U (~ de) v.t. to advise, to counsel, to
uH uH uH uH uH / uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl ( mas /mas ) adv. hardly, scarcely,
~ uH (~ mas) adv. with great difficulty,
after a great deal, hardly
u H u H u H u H u H (mass) m. wart, verruca, mole, papilla
uH uH uH uH uH (mas) m. cremation ground, cemetery,
burial ground, crematorium; ashes (of
cremated corpse); burning corpse
~ HTU (~ Jagu) id. to evoke the spirit
of a burning corpse, to practise necromancy
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (mas) f. a deity living in crematory
uH uH uH uH uH (masn) m. urinary bladder, vesicle
uH H l (masne sabdh) a. vesicular,
vesicle, vesical
uHu uHu uHu uHu uHu (masm) m. pore, small hole
uHuU uHuU uHuU uHuU uHuU (masmdr) a. porous
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (mashl) f. flambeau, torch, search light
~ Y W Y F (~ le ke labbh) id. to
search intensively, to seek with a searchlight
uHYUl uHYUl uHYUl uHYUl uHYUl (mashlch) m. torch-bearer
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (masl) m. spice, condiment; mixture of
cement and sand; matter (for writing or
discussion etc.); explosive mixture (for fire
~ YU (~ lu) id. to exaggerate, to
hyperbulize, to overdo , to overstate
Tu ~ (garam ~) m. a mixture of cumin
seed, black pepper, cardamom etc., condiments,
spice, material of seasoning
uHY U uHY U uHY U uHY U uHY U (masledr) a. spicy, spiced
u|HmJ u|HmJ u|HmJ u|HmJ u|HmJ (masI II IIohr) m. husband of mother-in-law's
u |Hm u |Hm u |Hm u |Hm u |Hm (masse) f. the last day of the dark half (of
a month), moonless night
~ U U (~ d chn) m. blue dahlia
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (mas ) adv. hardly, scarcely, barely
uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ (mash) m. Christ, Jesus Christ
uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ (mash) m. Christ, Messiah; Liberator,
Saviour, Deliverer, Redeemer
uHlS uHlS uHlS uHlS uHlS (mast) f. mosque
uHlSl/uHlS uHlSl/uHlS uHlSl/uHlS uHlSl/uHlS uHlSl/uHlS (mast/maste) adv. in the mosque
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (mashn) f. machine; flour-mill
~ T (~ gan) f. machine gun
~ u (~ me n) m. machine man
|HYFl uHl (sIl mashn) f. sewing
uHll uHll uHll uHll uHll (mashnar) f. machinery
uHll uHll uHll uHll uHll (mashn) a. machine-made; mechanical
uH W uH W uH W uH W uH W (mashk) m. beloved, darling, sweet-heart
uH l H uH l H uH l H uH l H uH l H (masr pes) m. an old copper coin of
one pice
uH Y uH Y uH Y uH Y uH Y (masl) m. octroi, toll, duty, cess, tax, excise,
uH Ylm uH Ylm uH Ylm uH Ylm uH Ylm (masl) a.& m. toll-collector, octroi-
uH = uH = uH = uH = uH = (mas) m. gum
uH JH uH JH uH JH uH JH uH JH (masehas) f. sister of mother-in-law
uH uH uH uH uH (maser) a. pertaining to mother's sister
uH uH uH uH uH (maser) m. son of mother's sister, cousin
uH H uH H uH H uH H uH H (masosa) v.t. to feel grieved, to be sad,
to be sorrowful, to regret
u uHH W |J H (man masos ke reh
J) id. to feel helpless
uH U uH U uH U uH U uH U (masod) m. manuscript, draft; matter
uJ S uJ S uJ S uJ S uJ S (maht) m. male head of monastery or abbey,
abbot, abbe-mahant; priest; monk
uJ SS/uJ S uJ SS/uJ S uJ SS/uJ S uJ SS/uJ S uJ SS/uJ S (mahattat/mahatt)
f. importance, significance, superbness
uJ Su uJ Su uJ Su uJ Su uJ Su (mahattam) m. highest common factor,
H.C.F., greatest common multiple
uJ S= uJ S= uJ S= uJ S= uJ S= (mahattav) f. importance, significance,
~ U (~ de) v.t. to give importance to,
to lay stress on
uJ S= uJ S= uJ S= uJ S= uJ S= (mahattavpra) a. important,
uJS uJS uJS uJS uJS (mahtb) m. Moon; a kind of fire cracker
uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y (mehall) m. palace, stately mansion
uJY uJY uJY uJY uJY (mahal) m. a term followed by numeral
indicating Guru-authors of hymn in sri Guru
Granth Sahib
uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y (mahall) m. street, ward, locality (of a city)
uJ Y U uJ Y U uJ Y U uJ Y U uJ Y U (mahalledr) a. an inhabitant/resident
of the same street , neighbour
uJ Y U l uJ Y U l uJ Y U l uJ Y U l uJ Y U l (mahalledr) f. neighbourliness,
neighbourly relations
uJ/uJ uJ/uJ uJ/uJ uJ/uJ uJ/uJ (mah/maha) pref. a prefix denoting
'great', 'big' etc.
a. great, big, vast
~ HWSl (~ shakt) f. super-power, great-
~ HT (~ sgar) m. ocean
~ WY (~ kl) m. eternal time; great destroyer
~ W|= (~ kv) m. epic; rhapsody
uJH uJH uJH uJH uJH (mahJan) m. money-lender, banker,
gombeen-man, creditor; sub-cast of Hindus;
uJHl uJHl uJHl uJHl uJHl (mahJan) a. pertaining to money-lender
f. money-lending, banking business; a script
used by businessmen
uJSu uJSu uJSu uJSu uJSu (mahtam) m. significance, consequence;
good return of a good deed or religious act;
fame, grandeur
uJSu uJSu uJSu uJSu uJSu (mahtam) m. saint, sage; a person of
pious ideas, high-minded person, pious-soul
a. noble, magnanimous
uJUl uJUl uJUl uJUl uJUl (mahdp) m. continent
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mahn) a. great, grand; big, large, vast,
uJT uJT uJT uJT uJT (mah nagar) m. metropolitan city,
metropolis, cosmopolitan city
uJ S uJ S uJ S uJ S uJ S (mahnt) f. greatness, grandness,
loftiness, elegance
uJ HU uJ HU uJ HU uJ HU uJ HU (mahprashd) m. meat, mutton; dish
of mutton; food offered to the idol of Lord Jagan
uJY uJY uJY uJY uJY (mahparlo) f. final annihilation of the
world, doom, total and complete destruction
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mahprn) m. aspirated sound (like kh),
the glottal fricative letters/ grammar aspirate
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mahpp) m. grave sin, cardinal sin,
uJ H uJ H uJ H uJ H uJ H (mah purkh) m. great person; holy
person, a saint; a magnate, a dignitary
uJFS uJFS uJFS uJFS uJFS (mah bhrat) m. the great sacred Hindu
epic written by Maharishi Ved Vyas,
Mahabharat; the great war fought between
Kaurvas and Pandvas; quarrel
uJul uJul uJul uJul uJul (mahmr) f. epidemic, pestilence;
uJS uJS uJS uJS uJS (mahrat) f. expertness, skill, mastery,
uJ H uJ H uJ H uJ H uJ H (mahrJ) m. a respectful form of
addressing sri Guru Granth Sahib or saints,
seers, Gurus; sir, your excellency, your majesty;
uJH uJH uJH uJH uJH (mahrJ) m. emperor, king of kings
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl (mahr) f. empress, queen
uJ=S uJ=S uJ=S uJ=S uJ=S (mahvat) m. elephant driver, mahout
uJ|=|UmY uJ|=|UmY uJ|=|UmY uJ|=|UmY uJ|=|UmY (mahvIdIl) m. college
uJ=l uJ=l uJ=l uJ=l uJ=l (mah vr)a. lion-hearted, very brave,
m. Lord Hanuman; Lord Mahanvir (Jainism)
~ UW (~ chakkar) m. a gallantry award of
India, Mahavir chakkra
u|JH H u|JH H u|JH H u|JH H u|JH H (mehss) a. felt, affected
~ W/u|JHH (~ karn/mehss) v.i.
to feel, to perceive; to take to heart
u|JW u|JW u|JW u|JW u|JW (me hak) f. scent, fragrance, perfume, odour,
smell; aroma, flavour
u|JW u|JW u|JW u|JW u|JW (mehka) v.i. to give out fragrance, to
emit scent; to be cheerful
u| JWU u| JWU u| JWU u| JWU u| JWU (me hkd) a. scented, perfumed,
odoriferous, odorous, fragrant; aromatic;
u|JWU u|JWU u|JWU u|JWU u|JWU (me hkdr) a. perfumed, scented,
fragrant; aromatic
u|JWu u|JWu u|JWu u|JWu u|JWu (mehkm) m. department, office
u|JWu u|JWu u|JWu u|JWu u|JWu (mehkmn) a. departmental
u|JWU u|JWU u|JWU u|JWU u|JWU (mehku) v.i. to make fragrant, to
perfume, to scent; to aromatize
u| J T u| J T u| J T u| J T u| J T (me hg) f. price rise, dearness,
expensiveness, costliness; scarcity
u|J T u|J T u|J T u|J T u|J T (me hg) m. costly, high priced, dear,
expensive; scarce, valuable
~ = |FW = HHS = = = (~ rove Ikk
vr sast rove vr vr) prov. the cheap buyer
takes bad meat
u|J TFl u|J TFl u|J TFl u|J TFl u|J TFl (mehg) f. dearness, expensiveness,
costliness; inflation, escalation of cost or price
u|JH u|JH u|JH u|JH u|JH (me haz) a. just, only
u|J J u|J J u|J J u|J J u|J J (mahIar) f. child who has lost his mother,
motherless child
u|JS u|JS u|JS u|JS u|JS (me htb) m. Moon
u|J Ul u|J Ul u|J Ul u|J Ul u|J Ul (me hd) f. henna, Lawsonia; myrtle,
Mystus communis
~ T (~ rg) a. henna-coloured
J Ul ~ uYl J (- hatth d ~ n mel
ho) id. to be newly married (girl)
u|JU U u|JU U u|JU U u|JU U u|JU U (mehdd) a. limited, bounded, restricted,
within limits, enclosed, confined
u|JVY u|JVY u|JVY u|JVY u|JVY (me hfal) f. recreational assembly, cultural
gathering, singing-dancing party; congregation
~ HHUl (~ saJu) id. to grace the show;
to hold a show
~ Hu (~ Jama) id. the show to be in
full swing, the show to be in full momentum
~ JVl l (~ h pe) id. to lose fervour
(for the show or cultural assembly)
~ Y Tl (~ lagga) v.t. a show to take
place, a show to be held
u|JV H u|JV H u|JV H u|JV H u|JV H (mehfz) m. safe, secure, protected
u|J u|J u|J u|J u|J (mehbb) m. beloved, sweet-heart, dear
one, lover
a. loving, beloved, dear, darling
u|J u|J u|J u|J u|J (me hbb) f. beloved, sweet-heart, darling
u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju (me hm) f. exaltation, grandeur, greatness,
dignity, glory; praise, eulogy, laudation
~ Wl/ TUl (~ karn/ gu) v.t. to
praise, to eulogize, to laud, to extol
u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju (mehmn) m. guest; visitor
~ = (~ ghar) f. guest-house
~ |=H ( ~ nIvz) a. hospitable
~ |=Hl (~ nIvz) f. hospitality
u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju u|Ju (me hram) m. intimate, close friend; knower
of secret, confidant
u|J u|J u|J u|J u|J (me hr) m. water-bearer, waterman; a
community whose profession is to carry-water
and to clean utensils; name of a khatri subcaste
u|J u|J u|J u|J u|J (mehrb) f. arch, vault
u|JU u|JU u|JU u|JU u|JU (mehrbdr) a. arched, vaulted
u| J u u| J u u| J u u| J u u| J u (me hrm) a. deprived, bereft,
dispossessed; bereaved; lacking
u| J ul mS u| J ul mS u| J ul mS u| J ul mS u| J ul mS (me hrmat) f. deprivation,
dispossession; bereavement
u|JY u|JY u|JY u|JY u|JY (mehal) m. palace; palatal, elegant house
~ UH (~usrn) id. to do an arduous
~ u=l ( ~ m) f. beautiful, palatial building
or house
HlH ~ ( shsh ~) m. a palace fitted with
mirrors, glass-house; a magnificent building
T W ~ (gr ke ~) m. a respectable
word used for the wives of Sikh Gurus
u|JY u|JY u|JY u|JY u|JY (mehal) f. woman, lady, female
u| J= u| J= u| J= u| J= u| J= (me hv) a. busy, occupied; absorbed,
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl (mah ) f. buffalo
uJl U uJl U uJl U uJl U uJl U (meh o) pron. I, myself, me
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl (mahn) a. fine, powdered, pulverized; thin,
not coarse, transparent (cloth); low, delicate
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl (mahn) m. month; monthly payment,
monthly salary or wages; the first day of
Bikrami month; menses
~ ( ~ bnh) id. to fix the pay
~ F (~ bhar) adv. for the full month
~ uJl ( ~ mahn) adv. almost whole of
the month
mTHl~ (grez~) m. one of the twelve
months of Christian year
U Hl~ (des~) m. one of the twelve months
of Bikrami year
uJl U uJl (mahne de mahne) adv.
monthly, once a month; every month
~ = (~ vr) a. monthly
uJl =Y uJl =Y uJl =Y uJl =Y uJl =Y (mahvl) m. cowherd, cowboy, grazier,
uJ W uJ W uJ W uJ W uJ W (mahuk) m. wart, verruca, mole
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mahur) m. hemlock or any other poisonous
plant; poison, bane
uJ m uJ m uJ m uJ m uJ m (mah) m. an Indian tree bearing yellow
flowers used for preparing liquor, Madhuka
indica; oil of its seeds is used for making
washing soap
uJ S uJ S uJ S uJ S uJ S (mahrat) m. an auspicious or propitious
time; opening ceremony
uJ H uJ H uJ H uJ H uJ H (mahesh) m. an epithet of Lord Shiva
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mahe) m. family; multitude, crowd
u W u W u W u W u W (makk) m. maize, corn
~ K=l (~ Jhn) id. to chop one's feather
uWFl uWFl uWFl uWFl uWFl (maka) f. maize
uWHU uWHU uWHU uWHU uWHU (maksad) m. object, aim, purpose; motive,
intention, intent
uWH U uWH U uWH U uWH U uWH U (maksd) a. aimed at, intended, desired
uWS uWS uWS uWS uWS (maktab) m. school
uWSY uWSY uWSY uWSY uWSY (maktal) m. slaughter-house; place of
murder, site of execution
uWS uWS uWS uWS uWS (makt) f. last verse (line) of a poem, last
couplet of a ghazal
uWS Y uWS Y uWS Y uWS Y uWS Y (maktl) m. the person murdered, murdered
uW uW uW uW uW (makbar) a. tomb, mausoleum, cenotaph
uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y (makbl) a. accepted and liked, favourite,
popular, approved
uW YlmS uW YlmS uW YlmS uW YlmS uW YlmS (makblat) f. acceptance, popularity
uW uW uW uW uW
! !! !!
(makar) m. deception, deceit, fraud; feint,
pretence; sanctimony
~ = (~ phareb) m. deception, deceit;
pretence, feint; sanctimony
uW uW uW uW uW
z zz zz
/uW Hl /uW Hl /uW Hl /uW Hl /uW Hl (makar/makar rash) f. the tenth
sign of the Zodiac, Capricorn
~ H (~ rekh) f. tropic of Capricorn
uW uW uW uW uW (makr) a. dissembler, shammer, malingerer,
cunning, crafty, imposter
uW= uW= uW= uW= uW=
! ! ! ! !
(mak) m. big spider; grasshopper
uW= uW= uW= uW= uW=
z z z z z
(mak) m. small heap of reaped crop
uW= uW= uW= uW= uW=
a a a a a
(mak) m. camel's crupper
uW=l uW=l uW=l uW=l uW=l

(mak) f. spider (female)
u W u W u W u W u W
! ! ! ! !
(makk) m. Mecca
u W u W u W u W u W
z z z z z
(makk) m. maize
uW uW uW uW uW

(mak) f. mourning on someone's death,
condolence call
uW H(make Jaa) v.t. to make
a condolence call
uW uW uW uW uW (makn) m. house, residence, dwelling place,
apartment, abode
~ uYW (~ mlak) m. owner of the house,
uWu uWu uWu uWu uWu (makm) m. halting place, stoppage, halt-
site, camp; place, position
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to make a halt, to
encamp, to camp, to stay
HU ~ (sadar ~) m. head quarter; capital
u W u W u W u W u W (makkr) a. cunning, foxy, shrewd, sly,
imposter, crafty; cheat, deceitful, deceiver,
u W l u W l u W l u W l u W l (makkar) m. cunningness, foxiness,
shrewdness, slyness; cheating, deceit,
deception, guile
u Wl u Wl u Wl u Wl u Wl (makk) f. maize, corn, Zea mays
u W u W u W u W u W (makku) m. the hole of hubble-bubble
~ J (~ thappan) id. to give a severe
thrashing, to wappops, to take to task, to
suppress forcefully
uW W uW W uW W uW W uW W (makenak) a. mechanic, machanist
uW Wl uW Wl uW Wl uW Wl uW Wl (makenak) f. the work of a mechanic
uW lWY uW lWY uW lWY uW lWY uW lWY (makenkal) a. mechanical
uW uW uW uW uW (mako) m. a plant, its fruit and leaves are used
medicinally, Solanum Indicum
uW = uW = uW = uW = uW = (makor) m. a large black ant, Negro-ant
Wl= ~ (kr ~) m. an insect; insignificant
a. insignificant, trifling
u H u H u H u H u H (makkh) m. a large sized fly; gadfly; horsefly
uHH H uHH H uHH H uHH H uHH H (makhsus) a. reserved
uH J uH J uH J uH J uH J (makhat t u ) a. & m. idle, non-earning,
bummer, sponger, idler, good for nothing, lazy
u H/uHl u H/uHl u H/uHl u H/uHl u H/uHl (makkhan/makhn) m. butter
uHU u uHU u uHU u uHU u uHU u (makhdum) m. master
uHuY uHuY uHuY uHuY uHuY (makhmal) f. velvet
uHuYl uHuYl uHuYl uHuYl uHuYl (makhmal) a. velvety soft, smooth, plushy,
soft and tender
uH uH uH uH uH (makha ) ph. I say or I said
uH uH uH uH uH (makhn) m. parched lotus seed; a kind
of sweetmeat, sugarplum
u|Hml u|Hml u|Hml u|Hml u|Hml (makhIr) f. honey-bee, bee
u|HmY u|HmY u|HmY u|HmY u|HmY (makhIl) m. a swarm of honey bees;
bee-hive, honey comb; honey
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (makkh) f. housefly, fly; gadfly, breeze
~ U H (~ chu s) a. miser, stingy, parsimonious
niggard, mingy
~ S uHl u (~ te makkh mrn) v.t. to
copy (in writing) exactly but thoughtlessly
~ U m (~ d d) m. fly-blow
~ u (~ mr) m. fly-flap; idler, idle-person
mHl =H W ~ |TY (- akkh vekh ke ~
nIgaln ) id. to connive a wrong
U U ~ =T WV U (duddh cho ~ va g
kad d h den ) id. to throw out someone
W S ~ J U (nakk te ~ n be han
den) id. not to allow oneself to be let down,
to react sharply to someone's remark/gesture
etc.; to be proud, to be self-conceited, to be a
uHlm |FW (makkh bhInkan) id.
to be very dirty, to be very filthy
~ u (~ mrn) id. to idle away time, to
remain idle
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (makhr) m. honey-bee, bee; bee-hive,
~ Y/uHl Y (~ plan /makkh plan )
m. apiculture, beekeeping
uH uH uH uH uH (makhern) m. fringe tied on the forehead
of a horse to keep away flies
uH J uH J uH J uH J uH J (makho t ) m. false face, mask; guise, facade
~ U (~ pun) id. to put on a mask
uH Y uH Y uH Y uH Y uH Y (makhol) m. joke, jest, banter, fun, jape,
buffoonery, mockery
~ U (~ uddan) id. to be mocked at, to
become a laughing-stock, to be befooled
~ UU (~ udun) id. to poke fun at, to
laugh at, to mock, to rail, to deride
~ W (~ karn) id. to cut a joke, to laugh
at, to mock
JH ~ (hs ~) m. fun, joke, jest, jape, frolic
uH Ylm uH Ylm uH Ylm uH Ylm uH Ylm (makho l) m. jester; joker, clown,
buffoon, merry and rew
uT uT uT uT uT (mag) m. mug
u T u T u T u T u T
! !! !!
(mg) f. demand, requisition, requirement,
~ H (~ khn) m. a man who lives on
alms, beggar
id. to live on begging, to make both ends
meet by begging
~ ST W (~ tg ke) adv. hardly, scarcely,
with great difficulty
~ S (~ pattar) m. charter of demands,
memorandum; requisition
u T u T u T u T u T
z zz zz
(mg) f. betrothed girl, fiancee
~ U l (~ chhad d an ) v.t. to break
uTH uTH uTH uTH uTH (magaz) m. brain; kernel of seed
~ HFl (~ khap) f. botheration; nonsense
talk, prate
~ H (~ khn) id. to talk person's head
off, to tax one's brain, to bore
~ UJ (~ chaan) id. to talk person's
head off
~ u (~ mrn) id. to rack one's brain,
to beat or cudgel one's brains for
~ ul (~ mr) f. brain-cudgelling, brain-
racking, brain-taxing
~ |=U Wl= J (~ vIch kr hon) id. to
have maggot in one's head, to have something
on the brain
uTHl uTHl uTHl uTHl uTHl (magz) f. hem, border, welt, flounce, edging;
neck-band (of shirt etc.)
~ YUl (~ lun) v.t. to hem, to welt
uT uT uT uT uT (magan) m. prosodic foot of three syllables,
u T u T u T u T u T
! !! !!
(mgn) v.t. to beg, to cadge, to ask for
alms; to demand, to request for, to require; to
engage, to betroth
- u|Tm S|Tm (mgI tgI) a. taken an
loan, borrowed
u T u T u T u T u T
z zz zz
/u Tl /u Tl /u Tl /u Tl /u Tl (mgn /mgn ) m. & f.
engagement, betrothal, betrothment
u TS u TS u TS u TS u TS (mgt) m. beggar, cadger, mendicant
uT uT uT uT uT (magan) a. absorbed, engrossed; delighted,
|=U ~ (vIchr ~) a. absorbed in thought
uT Hlm uT Hlm uT Hlm uT Hlm uT Hlm (magnesh) m. magnesia
uT uT uT uT uT
! !! !!
(magar) adv. behind, after; on the backside
f. backside, back
~ Ul uT (~ d magar) adv. at one's heels,
close behind
~ (~ pen) id. to insist; to pester, to
~ uT (~ magar) adv. upon one's heels,
close behind
~ YT (~ laggan) v.i.t. to follow; to step
into the shoes of, to come after; to chase, to
~ YU (~ lun) v.t. to lead somebody by
the nose, to make second fiddle
J W ~ (hatth dho ke ~ pen)
id. to pursue with a vengeance
uTY (magarl) a. (the one) behind; later,
last, subsequent
uT ( magre) adv. trailing at one's heels,
close behind
~ uT (~ magar) adv. strictly behind, on
the heels of, in pursuit, after
uT uT uT uT uT
z zz zz
(magar) intj. but, however
uT uT uT uT uT (magrab) m. west
~ Ul uH (~ d namz) f. evening prayer
(of Muslims just after sunset)
uTl uTl uTl uTl uTl (magrab) a. western
uTu U uTu U uTu U uTu U uTu U (magarmachchh) m. crocodile, alligator,
Crocodylus spinosa
~ U m =JU (~ de atthru vahun)
id. to shed crocodile tears
uT uT uT uT uT (magru r) a. proud, conceited, overwearing,
haughty, arrogant
uT l uT l uT l uT l uT l (magru r) f. pride, conceitedness,
haughtiness, arrogance
uT uT uT uT uT (magro) adv. later, after, afterwards; in the
future; in the absence of
~ uT (~ magro ) adv. in the absence of
~ YJ (~ lhun) v.t. to get rid of; to
dispose of
u TY u TY u TY u TY u TY
! !! !!
/u TY= /u TY= /u TY= /u TY= /u TY= (mgal/mgalvr) m. Tuesday
u TY u TY u TY u TY u TY
z zz zz
(mgal) m. the planet Mars
u TY u TY u TY u TY u TY
a aa aa
(mgal) m. well-being, prosperity,
auspiciousness, rejoicing, bliss
- uTY HS (mgal sutar) m. an ornament
of neck worn by a woman as symbol of
marriage, testimony of marriage
u TY= u TY= u TY= u TY= u TY= (mgalvr) m. Tuesday
u TYU u TYU u TYU u TYU u TYU (mgalcharn) m. invoking of God in
the beginning of a book or long poem, invocation
u TYU u TYU u TYU u TYU u TYU (mgala chr) m. invocatory song in the
opening of a play
u TYlW u TYlW u TYlW u TYlW u TYlW (mglk) a. born under the effect of Mars
u T= u T= u T= u T= u T= (mgva ) a. & adv. borrowed; taken on loan
u T=U u T=U u T=U u T=U u T=U (mgvun ) v.t. to cause to be brought;
to send for, to place an order for; to get
(someone) betrothed; to make to be begged
u T u T u T u T u T (mgu) m. herd of cattle
u T S u T S u T S u T S u T S (mgetar) m. & f. the betrothed one, fiancee
u= u= u= u= u=
! !! !!
(magh) f. a piperaceous plant, Piper longum,
its seeds are used in medicines
u= u= u= u= u=
z zz zz
(magh) m. wild goose
u = u = u = u = u = (maggh) m. a hole in the roof, sky-light
u= u= u= u= u= (maghan) v.t. to burn, to kindle, to blaze
u = u = u = u = u = (magghar) v.t. the eighth month of Bikrami
calendar, falls in the middle of year
u = u = u = u = u = (maggh) m. medium sized earthen pot
u=U u=U u=U u=U u=U (maghun ) v.t. to make to burn or kindle
u= u= u= u= u= (maghor) m. a big hole, vent, opening
u U u U u U u U u U (macch) m. enthusiasm, zeal, fervour
~ u (~ marn) id. to run out of steam
u U u U u U u U u U (mch) m. stage, platform
- T ~ (rg ~) m. stage (for theatrical
u U u U u U u U u U (macchan) v.i. to burn, to kindle; to be
jealous of
WYH ~ (klJ ~) id. to have heart
burning, to repine, to burn with jealousy; to
have burning sensation in the chest
|HYl ~ (khIll ~) id. to be laughed at, to
be mocked at
- U= ~ (charh ~) id. to have domination,
to have sway
- u U U J/u U (macch ut t han /
macch pen) id. to flare up, to get enraged
uUY uUY uUY uUY uUY (machaln) v.i. to persist, to insist
uUY uUY uUY uUY uUY (machl) m. & a. one who feigns ignorance;
pretending not to hear, inattentive; stubborn,
perverse, refractory
u U= u U= u U= u U= u U= (macchar) a. jealous, envious
uUU uUU uUU uUU uUU (machun ) v.t. to make to burn, to make
to kindle; to tease, to vex
uUW uUW uUW uUW uUW (machk) m. smack
u U u U u U u U u U (machchh) m. big fish, milter
u U u U u U u U u U (machchhar) m. mosquito
- uUUl (machchhardn) f. mosquito
u U u U u U u U u U (machchharn) v.i. to make mischief, to
be playful, to be naughty, to romp
uUU uUU uUU uUU uUU (machharun) v.t. to excite, to do
mischief, to incite, to frolic; to give undue liberty,
to pamper
uUYl uUYl uUYl uUYl uUYl
! !! !!
(machhl) f. fish
~ SYm (~ tala) m. piscine
~ U SY (~ d tel) m. cod liver oil
~ Y (~ plan ) m. pisciculture
~ == (~ pharn) v.t. & m. to fish, to
angle; fishery, fishing
~ =u (~ phrm) m. fishery
uUYl uUYl uUYl uUYl uUYl
z zz zz
(machhl) f. an ornament of the nose; firm
muscles of the arm or leg or thigh, biceps
u|Um u|Um u|Um u|Um u|Um (machhIr) m. fisherman, fisher, angler
u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul (machchh) f. fish
~ HY (~ Jl) f. a kind of embroidery
~ =T S= (~ vag tapan) id. to feel
like a fish out of water; to writhe in pain
- SY ~ J (tarlo ~ hon) id. to be like
fish out of water, to be perturbed
u UlW u UlW u UlW u UlW u UlW
! !! !!
(machchh k) m. fish-hook; bone of
u Ul W u Ul W u Ul W u Ul W u Ul W
z zz zz
(machchhk) m. a stitch in
embroidery, cross-stitch, feather-stitch
uUm uUm uUm uUm uUm/uU /uU /uU /uU /uU (machhu /machher) m. fisherman,
fisher, angler
uHJ uHJ uHJ uHJ uHJ (mazhab) m. religion; faith, belief, creed
uHJl uHJl uHJl uHJl uHJl (mazhb) a. religious
~ |HH (~ sIkkh) m. a Sikh converted from
scheduled caste
~ H (~ Janun) m. fanaticism
~ Y=Fl (~ lar) f. religious war, crusade
uHU uHU uHU uHU uHU (mazdu r) m. labourer, manual worker,
uHU l uHU l uHU l uHU l uHU l (mazdur) f. labour; wages, remuneration,
labour charges
u H u H u H u H u H (mJan) m. tooth-powder
uHj uHj uHj uHj uHj (maJn ) m. the celebrated lover of Laila of
Arbian tales; love-lorn person; very lean and
thin person
uH S uH S uH S uH S uH S (mazbut) a. strong, hardy; stout, sturdy;
compact, solid, firm; durable
uH Sl uH Sl uH Sl uH Sl uH Sl (mazbut) f. firmness, solidity; durability;
uH uH uH uH uH (maJbur) a. helpless; compelled, forced,
constrained, obliged
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to compel, to force
uH uH uH uH uH (maJbu ran) adv. under compulsion, in a
state of helplessness, perforce, by force
uH l uH l uH l uH l uH l (maJbu r) f. helplessness; compulsion; dire
~ S YF UJU (~ to lbh uhun) id. to
take privilege of someone's helplessness
~ U HWlm (~ d n shukr) prov.
making a virtue of necessity
~ j Wl U H (~ nu nek ban
dassan) id. to make a virtue of necessity
uHu uHu uHu uHu uHu (maJm) m. large gathering, assembly, crowd,
uHu uHu uHu uHu uHu (mazmun) m. subject; topic; essay; article,
matter; syllabus, course
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (mazr) f. a kind of cotton cloth
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (maJal) m. funeral, funeral procession
u HY u HY u HY u HY u HY
(mzal) f. destination; target, goal, aim;
terminal point of a journey
u HY u HY u HY u HY u HY
z zz zz
(mzal) f. storey, floor
uHYH uHYH uHYH uHYH uHYH (maJlas) f. meeting, assembly
uHY u uHY u uHY u uHY u uHY u (mazlu m) a. persecuted, oppressed,
wronged; sufferer, victim of atrocity or injustice
u H=U u H=U u H=U u H=U u H=U (mJvun ) v.t. to get the utensils
F ~ (bhe ~) id. to make slave, to
enslave, to subjugate
u H=Fl/u HFl u H=Fl/u HFl u H=Fl/u HFl u H=Fl/u HFl u H=Fl/u HFl (mJv/mJ) f. the act of or
wages for cleaning the utensils etc.
uH uH uH uH uH (maz) m. savour, flavour, relish, deliciousness,
taste; pleasure; fun
~ m H (~ Jn) v.i. to enjoy; to relish
~ |W|W W (~ kIrkIr karn) id. to mar
the pleasure, to spoil the whole show
~ UHU (~ chakhun) id. to teach a
lesson, to settle score with
~ Y (~ len) v.i. to enjoy, to relish
uH UU (maze uun) id. to have
a gay time, to make merry; to racket about
uH U (mazedr) a. tasty, savoury,
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) f. interesting thing or
u H u H u H u H u H (mJ) m. cot, bedstead
~ U (~ chhaddan) id. to recover (from
illness); to wake up
~ S= (~ torn) id. to sit idle
~ l= l (~pr h) m. bed, furniture etc.;
miscellaneous things, odds and ends
~ == (~ pharn) id. to fall ill
u |HU YJ (mJeo pe r n
lhun) id. to do nothing, to sit idle
uH S ( mJe te pen) id. to fall ill
~ S W u (~ te p ke mrn) id. not
to attend upon a sick person
~ Y uH J (~nl mJ hon) id. to be
ill for a long time
m ~ JJ HJ = (- apn e ~ heh sot
phern) id. to sweep before your own door,
try to see one's defects
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (mazk) m. fun, joke, jest, jape
~ UU (~ udun) id. to make fun of,
to mock at
~ HuK (~ samJhan ) id. to regard a child's
play, to take too easy (something)
~ W (~ karn) id. to make a joke, to
~ J (~ n hon) id. not to be an easy
task, to be an arduous job
~ U (~ banun) v.t. to mock at, to
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. in joke, jokingly
~ |=U U U (~ vIch ud den) id. to
laugh away
uHWlm uHWlm uHWlm uHWlm uHWlm (mazk) a. & adv. witty, humoursome
(nature); jokingly
uHH uHH uHH uHH uHH (mazJ) m. nature; health; pride, arrogance,
uH uH uH uH uH (mazr) m. tomb of a Muslim fakir or
holyman, feretory; tomb, grave, shrine
u|HHJ J u|HHJ J u|HHJ J u|HHJ J u|HHJ J (maJIsre) m. magistrate
u|HHJ Jl u|HHJ Jl u|HHJ Jl u|HHJ Jl u|HHJ Jl (maJIsre) f. magistracy
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (mJ) f. small cot, crib
uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ (maJh) f. a kind of creeper, madder, Rubia
munista; dye of red colour extracted from the
roots of madder plant
uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ uHlJ (maJt h) a. dark red (colour); of red colour
m. name of a village
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (maJr) m. cymbal
uH U uH U uH U uH U uH U (mazedr) a. delicious, relishing, tasty;
pleasant, delightful, enjoyable
u K u K u K u K u K (maJJh) f. buffalo
~ mT l =HU (~ agge bn vaJun) id.
to caste pearls before a swine
~ =T |HT (~ varg JIgr) m. large-
uKU uKU uKU uKU uKU (maJhdar) a. in the middle of the river
~ |= U U (~ vIch chhaddan) id. to
leave in the lurch
uKY uKY uKY uKY uKY (maJhl) a. middle, of the middle; central
uK uK uK uK uK (maJheru) a. axle (of spinning-wheel)
uK Y uK Y uK Y uK Y uK Y (maJhe l) a. an inhabitant of Majha region
(of Punjab)
uK Y uK Y uK Y uK Y uK Y (maJhol) m. a mason's tool used for
smoothening plaster
u J u J u J u J u J (ma) m. a large pitcher, earthen pot
uJW uJW uJW uJW uJW (maak) m. coquettish movement, coquetry,
sprightly matron
~ UY (~ chl) f. mincing gait
UJW ~ (chaak ~) m. affected gestures;
pomp and show
uJW uJW uJW uJW uJW (maka) v.i. to walk sprightly, to move
with a strut
uJW uJW uJW uJW uJW (mak) m. large earthen pitcher
uJWU uJWU uJWU uJWU uJWU (maku) v.t. to make coquettish
gestures with eyes
uJWl uJWl uJWl uJWl uJWl (mak) f. small earthen pitcher
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (maar) m. pea, Pisum sativum; long, fingers
type salty snack
uJTHS uJTHS uJTHS uJTHS uJTHS (maargasht) m. walk in leisurely way,
saunter, loitering, roaming, wandering, ramble,
uJTHSl uJTHSl uJTHSl uJTHSl uJTHSl (maargasht) f. saunter, ramble, stroll,
loitering, roaming
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to saunter, to ramble,
to stroll, to loiter, to roam
u|JmY u|JmY u|JmY u|JmY u|JmY (mal) a. dirty, dusty, muddy
u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl (ma) f. small earthen pot; a piece of
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (matn) a. stupid, clod; lump of dirt
u J u J u J u J u J (mah) m. hermitage, monastery, convent,
u J u J u J u J u J
! !! !!
(math) m. churned curd, thick butter-milk
u J u J u J u J u J
z zz zz
(mah) a. slow, not quick, lazy, slothful;
~ uJ (~ mah) a. slow, not quick, lazy,
slothful; moderate
|VY ~ (dhIll ~) a. ill, sick, not well
u|JmFl u|JmFl u|JmFl u|JmFl u|JmFl (mahIa) f. sweetmeat
u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl (mah) f. chapati like small sized, crisp and
fried eatable
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl (mahrn) v.t. to remove bitterness by
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mahorn) v.t. to collect, to gather, to feign
u u u u u (md) f. layer of earth
u T u T u T u T u T ( magr) m. mudguard
u u u u u (map) m. pavilion; tented and canopied
u U u U u U u U u U (md ru) v.i. to hover; to hang around
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y (md al) m. zone; halo ring around the Sun or
Moon; circle
u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl (mdl) f. group, gang, band, company,
u u u u u (m) m. a thick sweet chapati
JY= ~ (halv ~) m. delicious meal, dainty
u l u l u l u l u l (m) f. trading centre, market; cattle-fair
uVlY uVlY uVlY uVlY uVlY (mahl) f. dowel used to fasten wheel of a
bullock cart
uV Y uV Y uV Y uV Y uV Y (mahel) m. bar of a plough
u u u u u
! !! !!
(ma) m. an old weight measure of forty seer
~ W (~ pakk) m. forty seer; big quantity
~ u U m W (~ ma de atthr kern)
id. to weep bitterly
W U ~ (kacch ~) m. an old weight-
u u Jl (maa m h ) adv. in big
quantity, in abundance
u u u u u
z zz zz
(ma) f. raised terrace around a well
uH uH uH uH uH (masa) v.t. to resolve in the name of
someone charitably, to endow, to donate, to
give away in alms
uH=U /uHU uH=U /uHU uH=U /uHU uH=U /uHU uH=U /uHU (masvu/masu)
v.t. to cause or get to be endowed, to cause to
be donated
uW uW uW uW uW (mak) m. bead (of rosary); perforated
pearl etc.; the upper cervical vertebra
~ JJ (~ tua) id. to pass away, to
meet one's end, to expire
v.i. to be broken (for neck)
ul ul ul ul ul (ma) f. precious stone, gem, jewel;
uS uS uS uS uS
! !! !!
(mat) m. religion; sect, cult, creed, belief, faith
uS uS uS uS uS
z zz zz
(mat) m. opinion, doctrine, view, dogma, theory
~ m|W (~ adhIkr) m. right to vote,
~ T (~ gan) f. counting of votes,
~ US (~ dt) m. voter, elector
~ US H Ul (~ dt sch) f. voter list,
electoral roll
~ U (~ dn) m. voting, polling
~ U W U (~ dn ke dar) m. polling station,
polling booth
~ S (~ pattar) m. ballot paper
~ Jl (~ pe) f. ballot box
~ FU (~ bhed) m. difference of opinion,
disagreement; differences
|FW ~ (Ikk ~) f. unanimousness
J ~ (bahu ~) f. majority, plurality
uS uS uS uS uS
a aa aa
(mat) f. prudence, wit, intellect, understanding,
discernment; suggestion, opinion, advice,
~ Ul (~ de) v.i. to advise, to counsel
~ u (~ ma rna )id. to baffle, to puzzle, to
confuse, to obfuscate, to befog
~ ul H(~ ma r Ja a ) id. to get puzzled,
to get obfuscated; to go mad, to lose the
balance of mind
J=~ (h~) f. tomfoolery, foolhardiness
u S u S u S u S u S ( mtar ) m. mantra, hymn; vedic hymn, hymn
or text
~ H S (~ Jtar ) m. abracadabra, spell,
magic, incantation, conjuration, charm
~ U (~ dea)id. to initiate, to introduce,
to make (a disciple)
~ = t~ pahna1 id. to recite hymn or
mantra; to chant a spell
~ u (~ ma rna )id. to cast a spell, to make
someone spell bound
~ u T(~ mugadh) a. spell-bound,
mesmerized, hypnotized, enchanted, charmed
~ |=|Um (~ vIdIa ) f. conjure knowledge,
knowledge of magic, science of spells
- T ~(gur~ ) m. the mantra/hymn given
by Guru to make a disciple, guru-mantra
- U ~ J(chhu~ hoa) id. to disappear,
to vanish; to slip away/ off
HS ~/SS ~( Jtar~/ ttar ~) m. magic,
charm, spell; incantation, necromancy; certain
constructions used for astronomical study
u Y ~(mul~) m. fundamental mantra/
u SY u SY u SY u SY u SY ( mtarala ) m. ministry
u Sl u Sl u Sl u Sl u Sl( mtar ) m. minister
~ uY(~ mdal ) m. cabinet, council of
uS m/uS Fl uS m/uS Fl uS m/uS Fl uS m/uS Fl uS m/uS Fl ( matrea/ matre ) m. & f. step
(brother, son, father, sister, mother etc.)
uSY uSY uSY uSY uSY ( matlab ) m. meaning, idea, sense; motive,
aim, purpose, intention; selfishness, self-
interest, interest, concern
~ WV (~ kaha)id. to grind ones own
~ HS (~ prast) a. selfish, self-seeking, self-
-uSY ( bematlab) a. without purpose,
without the motive; meaningless, useless,
uSYl uSYl uSYl uSYl uSYl( matlab ) m. selfish, self-interested, self
~ U (~ yr) m. fair weather friend
uSY uSY uSY uSY uSY (matl) m. first lines of a ghazal, opening
couplet of a ghazal
uSYU uSYU uSYU uSYU uSYU (matlu) v.i. to feel like vomiting, to
nauseate, to feel nausea
uSYl uSYl uSYl uSYl uSYl (matl) f. nausea
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to vomit, to spew
u S= u S= u S= u S= u S= (mtav) m. aim, object, motive, purpose
uS=S uS=S uS=S uS=S uS=S (matvtar) adv. constantly, continuously,
incessantly, continually
uS=Y uS=Y uS=Y uS=Y uS=Y (matvl) a. intoxicated, tipsy, drunk;
extremely fond of; mad (after), infatuated;
uS uS uS uS uS (mat) m. resolution, resolve, motion; scheme,
course of action or thought
~ WU (~ paku) v.i. to pass a
resolution, to resolve; to conspire, to plot
~ H W (~ pas karn) v.t. to pass a
~ H W(~ pesh karn) v.t. to move a
muS(apmat) a. wilful, opinionated,
TuS( gurmat) m. resolution/resolve
passed in a meeting; a decision taken in a
uSS uSS uSS uSS uSS(matatar) m. divergent view, difference of
uSl uSl uSl uSl uSl(matab) f. a kind of firework
~ l(~d abb) f. a match box giving
coloured flames
uSl uSl uSl uSl uSl (matr) m. water melon, Citrullus vulgaris
uS m uS m uS m uS m uS m (mate) a. step (son, brother, father etc.)
uS Fl uS Fl uS Fl uS Fl uS Fl (mate) a. step (daughter, sister, mother etc.)
u u u u u (mthan) m. churning, stirring
u u u u u (mathan) v.t. to churn
u u u u u (matth) m. forehead, brow; front, facade,
~ JW (~ ek) v.i. to pay obeisance; to
pay respect, to salute; to bow (before someone
etc.); to leave forever
~ JW (~ haka) id. to have
apprehension (of coming evil), to have
premonition; to have suspicion (of)
~ Ju/ u (~ hm/ dm) id. to
get rid of someone by giving something; to
grease the palm
~ J (~ hu) id. to do discussion
for discussion's sake, to argue; to wrangle, to
pick up a quarrel, to oppose
~ Ul (~ pacch) f. taxing of brain,
cudgelling of brain
~ |J (~ pIa) id. to bewail, to lament,
to bemoan
~ == W |J H (~ pha ke beh J) id.
to lose all hopes, to feel utterly helpless; to
suffer from headache
~ u (~ mrn) id. to tax one's brain, to
cudgel one's brain, to talk one's head off; to
try to convince
~ T= (~ ragan) id. to make repeated
entreaties, to pray beseechingly
~ YU (~ lu) id. to pick up a quarrel,
to confront; to establish relationship with a
superior person (wealth or status)
- u S u ( matthe te mrn) id. to
throw on one's face, to give away angrily
~ U |Y|Hm (~d lIkhI) a. destined, doomed
m. appointed lot, destiny, fate
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to blamed (of); to
come across, to meet
~ YU (~ lu) id. to lay the blame on
~ =J U (~ va n pu) id. to grin
and bear with, to bear patiently; not to be angry
~ =J U (~ va pu) id. to bend one's
brows, to knit one's brows
|H ~ (sIr ~) adv. accepted with smiling
|H=~ (khIe~) adv. gladsomely, happily,
uU uU uU uU uU (mad) m. wine, liquor; pride, vanity;
intoxication; rapture, ecstasy; delight
~ J H (~ hosh) a. dead drunk, heavily
intoxicated; ecstatic, rapturous
~ JHl (~ hosh) f. state of drunkenness;
ecstasy, rapture
u U u U u U u U u U (madd) m. item, article, issue; head
u U u U u U u U u U
! !! !!
(md) pref. a prefix indicating 'bad' or 'ill'
suff. a sufix denoting the meaning of
'endowed with' as in ' mWYuU ' , '=|FUuU' etc.
~ JY (~ hl) a. miserable, poor, wretched
~ JYl (~ hl) f. destitution, penury, poverty,
~ FT (~ bhg) m. bad luck, hard luck, ill-
fate, misfortune
~ FT/FTl(~ bhg/bhg) a. ill-fated;
unfortunate, unlucky, hopeless
~ F= (~ bhvn) f. bad-intention, ill-will,
malafied intention, malice, malevolence
u U u U u U u U u U
z zz zz
(md) a. slow; mild; dull
~ (~ pe) v.i. to slow down
uUU uUU uUU uUU uUU (madad) f. help, aid, assistance, succour;
support; backing; relief
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to give aid to, to
succour, to help, to assist, to support
uUUT (madadga r) a. helper, assistant;
u U u U u U u U u U (mdar) m. temple, shrine, sacred place
uUH uUH uUH uUH uUH (madars) m. school
uU uU uU uU uU (madar) m. wine, alcohol, liquor, spirit
uUH uUH uUH uUH uUH (madrs) m. Madras
u U== u U== u U== u U== u U== (mdv) m. slump, depression (in
business etc.)
u U u U u U u U u U (md) a. bad, evil, wretched; slum,
depression; bad, ill (luck etc.)
~ UT (~ chg) a. bad and good
~ H (~ pe J) id. to have fall in prices,
to undergo slump
~ Y (~ bola) id. to talk rot, to talk
uUJYl ( mdehl ) adv. in poor state
uUJ uUJ uUJ uUJ uUJ (madh) a. admirer, praiser; worshipper
uUYS uUYS uUYS uUYS uUYS (mada k hlat) f. interference; intervention
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to interfere; to
uUl uUl uUl uUl uUl (madr) m. juggler, trickster; conjurer;
snake-charmer; the person who tames
monkeys and bears and gives shows in public
u|U u|U u|U u|U u|U (madIr) m. wine, liquor
uUl uUl uUl uUl uUl (madn) m. female (animals, birds etc.)
u UlY u UlY u UlY u UlY u UlY (mdl) m. large two-sided drum
u U H u U H u U H u U H u U H (madde nazar) adv. in view of; in
consideration of
u u u u u (maddh) m. middle, centre; half, between;
~ Hl (~ shre) a. middle class, bourgeois
~ WY (~ kl) m. medieval period or era,
middle age, medieval age
~ WYl (~ kln) a. medieval
~ uT (~ mrag) m. middle-path, middle-
way; central avenue
u u u u u u u u u u (maddham) a. dim, light; dull (colour); slow
~ H (~ purakh) m. second person
~ (~ pe) id. to become dim, to fade;
to become dull; to slow down, to bate
u u u u u (madhr) a. short statured, short in height
u u u u u (madhrpa) m. short-staturedness,
u=Sl u=Sl u=Sl u=Sl u=Sl (madhvart) a. middle, central; equatorial
ul ul ul ul ul (madh) f. churn-dasher, churning staff
~ Ul (~ pu) v.t. to churn
u|m H u|m H u|m H u|m H u|m H (madhIn rekh) f. meridian
u u u u u (madhur) a. melodious, mellifluous, pleasant,
soft, sweet
u S u S u S u S u S (madhurt) f. euphony, sweetness,
melodiousness (of voice), softness,
mellifluence, sweet
u u u u u (madh) m. honey
~ uHl (~ makkh) f. honey-bee, bee
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y (madhol) v.t. to trample , to crush; to
spoil, to handle roughly; to crumple
u u u u u

(man) m. mind, soul, heart; the innerself,
conscience; desire, will, inclination, wish,
intention, purpose
~ UH= (~ ukkhaan) id. to be fed up
~ mU (~ u) id. to take a fancy for, to
get attracted (towards someone)
~ mFl W (~ karn) id. to do whatever
one likes, to act according to one's will
~ |FUS (~ Ichchhat) a. desired, wished;
~ HWY (~ skalan) a. psychic summation
~ HS (~ stap) a. neurosis
~ HSl (~ stap) a. neurotic
~ Jul JHS V (~ harm huJJat her)
prov. a bad workman quarrels with his tools
~ Jul J (~ harm ho) id. to shirk
work; to become dishonest
~ J (~ hrn) id. to lose heart, to lose
courage, to be demoralised
~ Jl u |=U (~ h man vIch) adv. in one's
heart, secretly
~ JY J (~ hol ho) id. to feel light, to
feel relieved
~ W (~ karn) id. to feel like (doing
~ HJ J (~ kha ho) id. to be sore,
to feel bad
~ |H= (~ khIn) id. to feel happy, to be
cheered up
~ H= (~ Jon) id. to concentrate
~ |JW mU (~ hIke u) id. to feel
solaced, to feel consoled
~ |JW J (~ hIke n ho) id. to
feel out of sorts
~ U UY WV (~ d ubl kaha) id.
to give vent to one's mind, to let off steam
~ U WY (~ d kl) a. malicious, black-
~ U ulS (~ d mt) a. loved one, darling,
~ U uY J (~ d mel ho) id. to be
evil-minded, to be malicious, to be black-
~ Ulm u |=U |J (~ d man vIch
reh) id. to have all desires dashed to the
ground, to have one's heart's wishes remain
~ U == U=U (~ de ghoe duu) id.
to ponder for nothing, to brood
~ U Y (~ de la) ph. moonshine,
~ U Y F (~ de la bhorn) id. to
build castles in the air , to build castles in Spain
~ u (~ n mrn) id. to suppress
one's desires, to subdue one's aspirations
~ YU (~ n lu) id. to take to heart
~ U= (~ parchv) m. entertainment,
recreation, amusement
~ |= (~ phIrn) id. to lose interest (in),
to cease liking; to become black-hearted to
~ = (~ phern) id. to turn one's mind
~ Ul (~ bachn) f. the act of speaking to
oneself, soliloquy
~ U (~ bau) id. to make up one's
~ K (~ buJh) id. to run out of steam,
to lose enthusiasm
~ FJW/FJW H (~ bhaaka/ bhaak
J) id. to go astray, to lose the right path; to
lose self restraint
~ F mU (~ bhar u) id. to become
sentimental, to be moved
~ F (~ bharn) id. to be fed up, to be
wearied; to be satiated
~ FU (~ bhu) id. to take a fancy for,
to have a liking for
a. of one's liking , favourite
~ FUU (~ bhud) a. favourite, of one's
~ Fl J (~ bhr ho) id. to have a
heavy heart
~ |FH (~ bhIJJa) id. to get mixed up
~ u |Tm (~ mgI) a. desired, wished,
~ u S (~ matt) f. arbitrariness;
waywardness, perverseness (from the
doctrines of one's religion etc.)
~ uSlm (~ mat) a. arbitrary; apostate,
wayward, renegade (religious doctrines)
~ uHl (~ marz) f. will, one's accord,
heart's desire, one's liking; wilfulness, obduracy,
~ ul (~ mn) f. arbitrariness, wilfulness
~ u W (~ mr ke) adv. unhappily, patiently;
~ u W Wu W (~ mr ke km karn) id.
to put one's heart and soul together, to work
with one's heart, to work diligently, to work
~ u (~ mrn) id. to suppress one's
desires/emotions etc. ; to suffer patiently
~ |uY (~ mIla) id. to be of the same
views; to develop a liking for some one
~ uH (~ mukkh) a. apostate, renegade
~ u JW/ u J (~ mohak/moh) a.
attractive, charming, fascinating, highly
pleasing, delectable
~ uHl (~ mo J) a. whimsical; carefree
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to keep up
courage; to give solace, to console
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to feel at home; to
have (thing) at heart; to appear to be (true etc.)
~ YU (~ lu) id. to make one's self at
~ |=U mU (~ vIch u) id. to strike to
one's mind
~ |=U U J (~ vIch chor ho) id. to
have guilty conscience
~ |=U (~ vIch dhrn) id. to make
up one's mind, to determine
~ |=U |JU (~ vIch bIt hu) id. to keep
firmly in mind
~ |=U J (~ vIch beha) id. to have
fixation in mind, to be obsessed with
|FW ~ J (Ikk ~ho) id. to be heart
and soul with, to be engrossed; to concentrate
u=US (manv chhat) a. desired,
u (mano) adv. from the core of one's
heart, heartily, sincerely
~ U S (~ uta rn) id. to go off one's mind;
to develop disliking for someone
~ m=H (~ avasth) f. state of mind, mental
~ HS (~ stp) m. qualm, neurosis
~ WYS (~ kalpat) a. imaginary, supposed,
~ Wu (~ kman) f. desire, wish
~ |U|WSHW (~ chIkItsak) m. psychiatrist
~ |U|WSH (~ chIkIts) f. psychiatry
~ H= (~ Jon) id. to concoct, to fabricate
~ S (~ tano) adv. with heart & soul ,
whole heartedly, fervently, with all one's heart
~ UH (~ dash) f. mental condition, state
of mind; mood
~ Y (~ bal) m. will-power, morale
~ F= (~ bhv) m. emotions, sentiments
~ Tl (~ rog) m. psychic, psychotic
~ |= Sl (~ vrIt) f. tendency, inclination;
mentality, instinct
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. psychology
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. psychologist
~ |=HY H (~ vIshlesha) m. psycho-
~ |=W (~ vIkr) m. psychopathy,
psychosis; passion
~ |=U (~ vI II IIrechan) m. catharsis
~ =T (~ veg) m. passion, impulse
U SY ~ (utle ~) adv. perfunctorily,
superficially, formally
u u u u u (mn) m. a thick chapati; a very thick sweet
chapati offered to a deity
uH uH uH uH uH (mansh) f. desire, wish, will; aim, motive,
object; intention, purpose
uH H uH H uH H uH H uH H (manskh) a. cancelled, annulled,
countermanded, revoked, rescind, null and void
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to cancel, to annul, to
countermand, to revoke
uH Hl uH Hl uH Hl uH Hl uH Hl (manskh) f. cancellation, annulment
uH uH uH uH uH (mansb) m. plan, scheme, design, project
~ U (~ bau) v.i.t. to plan, to
design; to resolve, to determine
uJH uJH uJH uJH uJH (manhs) a. inauspicious, sinister, ill-omened,
u W u W u W u W u W (manakk) m. dried thick currant
uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y (mankl) a. movable (property)
T ~ (ge r ~) a. immovable (property)
uUY uUY uUY uUY uUY (manchal) a. flirtatious, playful, flippant
uH uH uH uH uH (manzr) a. approved, sanctioned, granted;
accepted, agreed, agreeable
~ HU (~ shud) a. sanctioned, approved
uH l uH l uH l uH l uH l (manzr) f. approval, sanction, grant;
acceptance, consent, assent
u U T u U T u U T u U T u U T (mnyog) a. acceptable, agreeable;
believable, reliable
u u u u u (mn) v.t. to accept, to agree; to confess,
to admit; to consent, to assent; to obey, to abide
(by); to comply (with); to suppose, to assume;
to reconcile, to come round; to acknowledge;
to have faith or confidence; to profess
u uFl (mn man) f. reconciliation,
compromise, agreement
u|m J|Fm/u|m u|m (mne
hoe/mne parmne) a. famous,
renowned, illustrious, celebrated, eminent, well
known, prominent
u S u S u S u S u S (mnat) f. a promise/vow to offer something
or to worship a deity after the fulfilment of
one's desire or wish
u u u u u (manan) m. pondering, thinking, reflection;
meditation, contemplation, rumination
uVl uVl uVl uVl uVl (manf) f. subtraction, minus; sign of minus
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to subtract, to deduct
u u u u u (manh) a. prohibited, forbidden, taboo;
disallowed, banned
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to prohibit, to forbid;
to disallow, to warn against, to interdict
u U u U u U u U u U (manu) v.t. to bring round, to
conciliate, to make to concede; to propitiate;
to persuade; to induce; to celebrate; to
appease, to pacify, to reconcile
u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl (manh) f. ban, prohibition, taboo,
interdiction, proscription, restriction
~ U J Wu (~ d hukam) m. prohibitory order,
uH uH uH uH uH (mankh) a. having weak eyesight
u|ml u|ml u|ml u|ml u|ml (manI II IIr) f. an occupation of selling
bangles and cosmetics
u|HJ u|HJ u|HJ u|HJ u|HJ (manI II IIsar) m. minister
Ul=~ ( chph ~) m. Chief minister
Flu~ (param~) m. Prime minister
u|HJl u|HJl u|HJl u|HJl u|HJl (mansar) f. ministry; ministership
u l u l u l u l u l (mn)small loaf, small chapati
ulm = (mn pn) id. to remain
idle; to be good for nothing
ul-m ul-m ul-m ul-m ul-m (man-rar) m. money-order
ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ (manar) m. monitor
ulJl ulJl ulJl ulJl ulJl (manar) f. monitorship
u H u H u H u H u H (manukkh) m. man, human being, person
~ ml HTS S U|m HU J (~ p sgat
to pachhaI Jd he) prov. a man is known
by the company he keeps
~ HUU WK J JU WK J (~ sochad kuJh he
hd kuJh he ) prov. man proposes God
~ TYSl U SY J (~galt d putla he)
prov. to err is human
~ HSl (~ Jt) f. mankind, human kind,
human race
~ H= Yl Yl u == W (~ Joe pal pal
rm ruhve kupp) prov. man proposes,
God disposes
~ FY U = J (~ bhull d ghar he) prov.
to err is human
u H Hu (manukkh Janam) m.
human birth, human life
u HS u HS u HS u HS u HS (manukkht) f. humanity, mankind, human
race; humaneness, humanism
uHS=U (manukkhtvd) f. humanism
u HS = Ul (manukkhtvd) a.
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (manukkh) a. human, humanistic,
~ HFU (~ subhu) m. human nature
u u u u u (manr) m. slag, clinker, dross (of iron)
u H u H u H u H u H (maneJar) m. manager
HY ~ (Janral ~) m. general manager
uHl (maneJr) f. managership
u J u J u J u J u J (manohar) a. attractive, charming, alluring,
captivating, fascinating
u lS u lS u lS u lS u lS (manont) a. nominated, appointed
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to nominate, to appoint
u HW u HW u HW u HW u HW (manorJak) a. entertaining, amusing,
u u u u u (manorath) m. cherished desire, wish,
longing; aim, purpose; intention, motive
~ |H W (~ sIddh karn) id. to grind
one's axe, to solve one's purpose, to get one's
work done
uJl ( manorathhn) a. aimless,
u S/u Sl u S/u Sl u S/u Sl u S/u Sl u S/u Sl (mano t/mano t) f. promise of
offering something to a deity after the fulfilment
of one's desire, vow
uU uU uU uU uU (mapu) v.t. to make to be measured,
to cause to be measured
uV uV uV uV uV (mafrr) a.& m. absconder, fugitive,
uVY uVY uVY uVY uVY (maflar) m. muffler
u u u u u (mbar) m. a place in mosque to give azan
u u u u u (mb) m. source, origin
uuJl uuJl uuJl uuJl uuJl (mam) f. dome; a small room above the
roof usually built to cover the stairs; last story
of a house
u u/ u ul u u/ u ul u u/ u ul u u/ u ul u u/ u ul (mma/mma) m. & f. corn,
uuS uuS uuS uuS uuS (mamt) f. motherliness, mother's affection;
love and soft corner for one's children
u u u u u u u u u u (mma) m. breast, bosom
u|uU J u|uU J u|uU J u|uU J u|uU J (mamIohr) m. maternal uncle of wife
or husband, brother of mother-in-law
u|umU u|umU u|umU u|umU u|umU (mamIu) v.i. to bleat (sheep, goat);
to beseech, to entreat, to supplicate
u|umFl u|umFl u|umFl u|umFl u|umFl (mamI) f. marrow
u ul u ul u ul u ul u ul
! !! !!
(mm) f. mummy (preserved dead body)
u ul u ul u ul u ul u ul
z zz zz
(mm) f. mother, mummy
uu H uu H uu H uu H uu H (mames) f. maternal aunt of husband or wife
uu uu uu uu uu (mamer) m. maternal uncle's son, cousin
uu Y uu Y uu Y uu Y uu Y (mamol) m. wagtail, pied (a bird),
Motacillidae sarah
uHlm uHlm uHlm uHlm uHlm (maras) m. elegy, dirge, epicedium
uJ J uJ J uJ J uJ J uJ J (marha) m. an inhabitant of Maharashtra,
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (marhab) intj. well done ! bravo !
uJY uJY uJY uJY uJY (marhal) m. stage (of journey etc.)
uJ u uJ u uJ u uJ u uJ u (marhm) m. late, deceased
uWH uWH uWH uWH uWH (markaz) m. centre
uWHl uWHl uWHl uWHl uWHl (markaz) a. central
uWS uWS uWS uWS uWS (markat) m. emerald
uW uW uW uW uW (marke) adv. after death, by dying; merely,
hardly; with great difficulty
uT/uTS uT/uTS uT/uTS uT/uTS uT/uTS (marg/margat) f. death, demise, fatal,
end of life
u=J u=J u=J u=J u=J (margha) m. cremation ground, crematory,
uH uH uH uH uH (marz) f. disease, malady, ailment
~ Ul U= J (~ d dav ho) id. to be of
some use, to be of some help
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (marz) f. willingness, will, consent,
acquiescence; discretion; desire, inclination
~ U uYW (~ d mlak) a. arbitrary
~ Y (~ nl) adv. of one's own accord,
uHlU =/uHl== uHlU =/uHl== uHlU =/uHl== uHlU =/uHl== uHlU =/uHl== (marJIo/marJva) a. & m.
(person) ready to sacrifice his life for a cause
uS uS uS uS uS
! !! !!
(martab) m. rank, status, position
uS uS uS uS uS
z zz zz
(martab) m. time
WFl ~ (ka ~) m. many times
uS= uS= uS= uS= uS= (martvn) m. jar
uU uU uU uU uU (mard) m. & a. male, man; husband, spouse;
manly, brave, potent
uUuH ul uUuH ul uUuH ul uUuH ul uUuH ul (mardamshumr) f. census
uUTl uUTl uUTl uUTl uUTl (mardng) f. manliness, male; manly,
uU uU uU uU uU (mardn) a. masculine, male; manly,
uU= uU= uU= uU= uU= (mardv ) a. manly, manful, manlike; male
uU U uU U uU U uU U uU U (mardd) a. wicked, iniquitous
u u u u u (marn) v.i. to die, to expire, to breathe one's
last, to pass away; to decay, to wither (plants)
uU Uu SW (marde dam tak) adv. till
the last hour, till death, till the last; always, ever
~ uU (~ marde) adv. assiduously, with
great difficulty, at the eleventh hour, at the last
moment; at the point of death
u W ( maran ke) a. one foot in
the grave, at death's door, at death's bed,
~ HT (~ Jog) m. an inoffensive abuse
~ Ul |=JY J (~ d vehl n ho) id. to
be busy like bee, not to have a moment's
respite, to be extremely busy
~ u YFl |Sm |J (~ mrn la tIr
reh) id. to be always ready to fight, to be
always violent
~ =S (~ vart) m. fast unto death, hunger
Hu ~ (Jma ~) m. birth and death,
u |J W (mar pI ke) adv. with great
pains, with many difficulties
~ |uJ (~ mI) id. to lay one's life, to
make sacrifice; to try one's best; to be intensely
uUU uUU uUU uUU uUU (maryad) f. decorum
uY uY uY uY uY (marl) m. an area of 25 yards; a land
u=U u=U u=U u=U u=U (marvu) v.t. to make to be beaten,
to cause to be thrashed; to get someone killed
or murdered; to put someone in tight/risky
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (mars) m. a caste; a Muslim bard and
humorist; witty person having the quality of a
uS uS uS uS uS (martab) m. status, rank, designation
u|mU u|mU u|mU u|mU u|mU (marId) m. socio-religious code; limit
of (a person's) behaviour; decorum, propriety
ul ul ul ul ul (mar) f. pestilence, epidemic
ulmY ulmY ulmY ulmY ulmY (maral) a. lean and thin, weak, feeble,
sickly, bony
ulH ulH ulH ulH ulH (marz) m. ailing person, patient, sick
u m u m u m u m u m (mar) m. a plant, Marjoram artinisa
elegans; wine of this plant
u u u u u (mar ) v.t. to wring, to twist
u u u u u (mar ) m. a sweetmeat made of parched
wheat and jaggery paste
u = u = u = u = u = (maron) v.t. to wrench, to wring; to
contort, to twist
~ S = (~ tron) v.t. to crumple, to
trample; to misrepresent, to distort
S= u= (taro maro) m. breakage;
u = u = u = u = u =
! !! !!
(maro) m. twist, contortion
u = u = u = u = u =
z zz zz
(maro) m. dysentery
uY uY uY uY uY (mal) m. excrement, faeces, shit, defecation
~ uS (~ mtar) m. faeces, excreta
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y
! !! !!
(mall) m. wrestler, grappler; strong and stout
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y
z zz zz
(mall) f. possessed or claimed thing,
possession; conquest, triumph
~ uY (~ malla) id. to win laurels; to
make a claim
uYFl uYFl uYFl uYFl uYFl (mal) f. cream (of milk); best part or best
~ WVl/ YJl (~ kaha/ lhu) v.t.
to skim milk; to take the cream off
~ U Y (~ d la) m. a kind of
~ Ul V (~ d barf) f. ice-cream
uYJ uYJ uYJ uYJ uYJ (malh) m. boatman, ferryman, rower,
oarsman; mariner, sailor
uYJTll uYJTll uYJTll uYJTll uYJTll (malhgr) f. boatmanship, sailoring
uYTll uYTll uYTll uYTll uYTll (malgr) m.& a. maroon colour, maroon
uYuS uYuS uYuS uYuS uYuS (malmat) f. reproof, reprimand, rebuke,
scolding, reviling, chiding
uY uY uY uY uY
! !! !!
(malhr) m. an Indian classical mode sung
during the rainy season
uY uY uY uY uY
z zz zz
(malhr) m. doting affection, fondness
Um ~ (cha ~) m. doting affection,
uYY uYY uYY uYY uYY (mall) m. compunction, regret, remorse;
gloom, despondence, depression, dejection
u|YmYu u|YmYu u|YmYu u|YmYu u|YmYu (malIlam) f. language spoken in South
(Kerala etc.), Malayalam
u Y l u Y l u Y l u Y l u Y l (mallh) f. a variety of fish; a sub-caste of
Punjabi jats
uYlmu J uYlmu J uYlmu J uYlmu J uYlmu J (malme) m. annihilation, eradication,
extinction, effacement, extirpation
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to destroy completely,
to raze to ground, to annihilate, to eradicate, to
uYlU uYlU uYlU uYlU uYlU (mald) a. mashed; crushed; over-cooked,
over-baked, (pulse, vegetable etc.)
uYl uYl uYl uYl uYl (maln) a. defiled, unclean, filthy, foul
uYlS uYlS uYlS uYlS uYlS (malnt) f. defilement, filth, foulness,
uY W uY W uY W uY W uY W (malk) a. delicate, tender, soft
uY Hlm uY Hlm uY Hlm uY Hlm uY Hlm (malesh) m. a kind of cotton cloth; Asian
uY U uY U uY U uY U uY U (malechh) m.& a. vile and ignoble person;
barbarian fellow, boorish fellow
uY lm uY lm uY lm uY lm uY lm (maler) m. a kind of fever, malaria
u Y H l/u Y -u Yl u Y H l/u Y -u Yl u Y H l/u Y -u Yl u Y H l/u Y -u Yl u Y H l/u Y -u Yl (mallozor/mallo-mall) adv.
against one's will, forcibly, by force; insistently,
~ ul (~ mrn) id. to set Thames on
fire, to win the day, to win laurels
uYW uYW uYW uYW uYW (malak) m. king, crown, sovereign
uYW= uYW= uYW= uYW= uYW= (malake) adv. on the sly, noiselessly,
secretly; slowly, softly
uYW uYW (mallak mallak) adv. with
velvet treads, noiselessly, secretly, slowly, softly
uYW uH/uYW uH uYW uH/uYW uH uYW uH/uYW uH uYW uH/uYW uH uYW uH/uYW uH (malak masr/malk masar)
m. a pulse, lentil, Ernum lens
uYW uYW uYW uYW uYW (malk) f. queen, empress
uYWlmS uYWlmS uYWlmS uYWlmS uYWlmS (malkat) f. ownership, possession;
property, estate
uY T uY T uY T uY T uY T (malg) m. a carefree person, happy-go-lucky
fellow; penniless person, pauper; a class of
Muslim mendicant, fakir
uHS ~ (mast ~) m. happy-go-lucky
fellow, carefree person; fakir, medicant
uYT (malgpa) m. indifference
towards life, carefreeness
uY Jl uY Jl uY Jl uY Jl uY Jl (malah) f. root of liquorice, licorice,
Glycyrrhiza glabra
uY uY uY uY uY (mal) v.t. to rub, to massage; to wring
(hands); to clean, to scrub (utensils)
J ~ (hatth ~) id. to feel sorry for, to
feel remorse for, to repent, to regret, to rue
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y (malla) v.t. to take possession of, to
uY uY uY uY uY (malapp) m. a worm of the stomach, cestoid
uY uY uY uY uY (malb) m. debris, rubble; wreckage, wreck
uY u uY u uY u uY u uY u (malham) f. ointment, salve
~ Jl (~ pa) f. dressing (of a wound,
~ Jl W (~ pa karn) v.t. to dress (of
sore, wound)
uYuY uYuY uYuY uYuY uYuY (malmal) m. muslin
uY=Fl uY=Fl uY=Fl uY=Fl uY=Fl (malva) f. a dialect of Punjabi language
spoken in Malwa; resident of Malwa region
uY=U /uYU uY=U /uYU uY=U /uYU uY=U /uYU uY=U /uYU (mallvu/malu) v.i.t. to
get to be rubbed or massaged, to cause to be
rubbed or massaged
uY uY uY uY uY (malh) m. a thorny shrub bearing jujube like
berries, Zizyphus numulaira
u=U u=U u=U u=U u=U (mavd) m. purulent matter, pus, secretion,
secreted matter
u=Yl u=Yl u=Yl u=Yl u=Yl (mavl) m. idler, drone; aggressor, invader
u= Hl u= Hl u= Hl u= Hl u= Hl (mavesh) m. cattle, animal
u= HlH (maveshkhn) m. cattle shed
u= u= u= u= u= (mah) m. body, physique
~ WJ (~ kua) id. to make (someone)
to work like a horse
u=W u=W u=W u=W u=W (maak) f. coquettish movement, enticing
gesture; coquetry; strut (walk); pride
~ u= (~ maro) f. affected or coquettish
gestures; coquetry; pride
u=W u=W u=W u=W u=W (maaka) id. to turn out, to move
u=WU u=WU u=WU u=WU u=WU (maaku) v.t. to make coquettish
gesture with eyes
u= T u= T u= T u= T u= T (mahg) m. appearance, looks, facial
features; resemblance, semblance
~ (~ pe) id. to look alike, to have
resemblance, to resemble
u= u= u= u= u= (mahn) v.t. to frame, to mount; to cover
with leather etc.; to impose, to enforce; to
blame, to accuse
u==U /u=U u==U /u=U u==U /u=U u==U /u=U u==U /u=U (mavu/mau) v.t. to
get something framed
u= Fl u= Fl u= Fl u= Fl u= Fl (mah) f. the work of or the wages for
framing or mounting
u|= W u|= W u|= W u|= W u|= W (maIkka) v.t. to go on arguing
u= l u= l u= l u= l u= l (mah) f. grave, tomb; funeral pyre
~ uH (~ mas) f. cremation ground,
u= lm (mah) f. cremation ground,
crematorium, crematory; God's acre, grave-
yard, burial-ground
u u u u u (m) f. mother, mummy, mamma
~ H|Fm (~ JI) m. real brother, brother
uterine, brother-german
~ |U/ (~ pIo/ bp) m. parents,
~ (~ pu) m. motherhood
~ (~ ban) id. to give birth to the
first child; to be on the family way
~ Yl (~ bol) f. mother-tongue, native-
~ u|J J/ J (~ mahIar/ bhr) a.
~ u/ u u (~ marn/mpe marn)
id. to become dumb-founded (due to fear,
shame etc.)
uU uU uU uU uU (mu) a. mum, silent; timid, cow
f. cat
um um um um um (men) m. meaning, sense
umW umW umW umW umW (mark) m. an important event; excellent
work, remarkable work
~ u (~ mrn) id. to come out with
flying colours, to do a remarkable feat
- umW U ( marke d) a. remarkable,
outstanding, noteworthy, distinguish
u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm
! !! !!
(ma e) f. God's play; nature; money,
riches, wealth, mammon; worldly materials;
illusion, illusory phenomena
~ HY (~ Jl) m. illusion, phantasmagoria,
deception, worldly attachment or entanglement
~ U JU J (~ de per hde han) prov.
riches have wings
~ u|Fm |uY W W Y J (~ n me
mIle kar kar lbe hatth) prov. money begets
~ YUl J (~ ruld ho) id. to have
money to burn
uJ ~ (moh ~) m. attachment, affection
u|Fml (mIdhr) a. rich, wealthy,
opulent; materialistic, one attached to worldly
u|Fm=U ( mIvd) m. illusionism
u|Fm=Ul ( mIvd) a. illusionist,
u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm u|Fm
z zz zz
(me) m. starch
u|FW u|FW u|FW u|FW u|FW (meak) a. financial, economical
uFl uFl uFl uFl uFl (m) f. an old woman, elderly woman; maid
servant; mother
~ U YY (~ d ll) m. & a. brave,
courageous, daring, valiant
~ (~ bp) m. parents, mother and father;
patron; guardian
Vl ~ (buh ~) f. an old lady
uFlm uFlm uFlm uFlm uFlm (m) f. a ceremony celebrated a few
days before marriage of a boy or girl in which
a mixture of flour, turmeric & oil is rubbed on
the body of the bride or the bridegroom
~ U / (~ pu /pe ) id. a
marriage ritual which disallows bride and
bridegroom to take bath or change attires or to
go out from that day
uFlW uFlW uFlW uFlW uFlW (mk) m. mike, microphone
uFlW HW uFlW HW uFlW HW uFlW HW uFlW HW (makroskop) m. microscope
uFlW = uFlW = uFlW = uFlW = uFlW = (mkrophone) m. microphone
uH uH uH uH uH
! !! !!
(ms) m. meat; flesh; skin
~ H/H (~ khor/ khor) a. carnivorous,
flesh-eater; non-vegetarian
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to put on flesh, to
gain weight, to become fat
~ =J (~ pha) v.i. to have sprain
(tearing of ligament); for skin to crack
~ u Ul (~ machchh) f. meat, non-
uHHl (mspesh) f. muscle
uHJ/uHJl (mshr/mshr) a.
non-vegetarian, one who eats meat
uH uH uH uH uH
z zz zz
(ms) m. month
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (msak) a. monthly, once in a month, per
~ S (~ pattar) f. monthly journal or
uHWl uHWl uHWl uHWl uHWl (mshk) m. water-carrier who carries
water in a leather bag
uHJ uHJ uHJ uHJ uHJ (mst ar) m. teacher, master, tutor, educator,
expert, skilled
J ~ (hed ~) f. headmaster
uHJl uHJl uHJl uHJl uHJl (msar) f. teachership, tutorship; mastery,
skill, expertise, expertness
uH= uH= uH= uH= uH= (msar ) m. husband of mother's sister, uncle
uH uH uH uH uH (ms) m. an Indian weight roughly equal to
one gram; a small quantity
~ W (~ ku) m. a little, a little bit
~ uH (~ ms) adv. in small bits, little by
Y |=U ~ Y |=U SY (pal vIch ~ pal
vIch tol ) prov. to chop and change , to play
fast and loose
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (ms) f. mother's sister, aunt
uS j ~ W|J ( mot n ~ ke h) id. to
endanger one's life, to invite trouble
uH W/uH W uH W/uH W uH W/uH W uH W/uH W uH W/uH W (mshuk/mshuk) m. beloved,
sweet-heart, darling
uH u uH u uH u uH u uH u (msum) a. innocent, guileless, blameless
m. small child; dove
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mh) m. month
- uJ= (mhvr) a. monthly, per month
- uJ=l (mhvr) a. & m. monthly;
menses, menstruation
- uJl HYl (- mh sl ) adv. once in a blue
moon, once in a while
u J u J u J u J u J (m h) m. a kind of pulse, black-gram,
Phaseolus radiatus
~ |WH j Ul |WH j HmUl (~ kIse nu bd
kIse n sud) prov. one man's meat is
another man's poison
~ Ul H=Ul |H (~ d saphed Jn) a. very
small (quantity or amount), a bit
~ U mJ =T mW= (~ de e vg karn)
id. mount the high horse, to be over haughty
~ u (~ mrn) id. to cause harm (to
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mhar) a. expert, specialist; master, skilled,
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl
! !! !!
(mh) m. lover, darling, sweet-heart, husband
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl
z zz zz
(mh) m. herdsman, cattleman; boatman
uJlm uJlm uJlm uJlm uJlm (mh) m. lover, sweet-heart; husband; a
kind of folk song
uJlTl uJlTl uJlTl uJlTl uJlTl (mahgr) m. fisherman
uJlTll uJlTll uJlTll uJlTll uJlTll (mhgr) f. fishing
uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y uJ Y (mhol) m. situation; atmosphere
uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y uW Y (mkul) a. appropriate, proper, right, apt
uHS uHS uHS uHS uHS (mkht) m. anger, resentment
u|HU u|HU u|HU u|HU u|HU (mkhIo ) m. honey
~ |u J (~ mIh) a. as sweet as honey,
uT uT uT uT uT (mag) f. hair parting-line on the head
~ UH= H (~ uJJa Jn) id. to be reduced
to widowhood, to become widow
~ F (~ bharn) id. to marry; to put a
streak of vermillion in the hair-parting (by
married women)
uT uT uT uT uT (magn u) m. bed-bug, bug
u= u= u= u= u= (mgh) m. the eleventh month of Bikrami
calendar, Magh
u= u= u= u= u= (mgh) m. noise, nuisance
~ U (~ pun) id. to create a stir
u=l u=l u=l u=l u=l (mgh) f. a festival celebrated on the first
day of Magh month
uUH uUH uUH uUH uUH (mchas) f. match-box, lucifer-match,
friction, match
uUl uUl uUl uUl uUl (mchh) m. fisherman, angler
uH uH uH uH uH (maJan) v.t. to scour, to cleanse, to clean,
to scrub (utensils); to extort, to filch, to fleece;
to apply the paste on kite string
uH uH uH uH uH
! !! !!
(mJr) m. happening, event, affair matter;
uH uH uH uH uH
z zz zz
(mJr) m. village
uHl uHl uHl uHl uHl (mJr) f. small village, hamlet
uH uH uH uH uH
! !! !!
(maJ) m. broom
~ = (~ phern) id. to sweep away every
thing, to extort, to filch; to sweep, to broom; to
rob, to steal
~ YU (~ lun ) id. to fleece, to swindle,
to rob
uH uH uH uH uH
z zz zz
(mJ) m. a paste applied to the kite string
for stiffening
~ U= (~ chrhn) id. to give a severe
thrashing, to beat badly
uH uH uH uH uH (maJu ) m. a medicinal plant, gall nut, Quercus
uH uH uH uH uH (ma Ju n) m. medicinal mixture in the form of
sweetened paste
uK uK uK uK uK (mJh) m. a musical mode, a classical raga
uK uK uK uK uK
! !! !!
(maJh) m. central region of Ravi and Bias
rivers in Punjab
uK uK uK uK uK
z zz zz
(maJh) a. pertaining to or of buffalo
~ U (~ duddh) m. buffalo milk
uKl uKl uKl uKl uKl (ma Jh) a. pertaining to Majha region
f. a dialect of Punjabi spoken in Majha
uKl uKl uKl uKl uKl (mJh) m. boatman, ferryman
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mo) m. motto
uJ uJ uJ uJ uJ (mhan) v.t. to get something by deceit,
to filch, to swindle; to buy at dirt cheap rate
u u u u u (mdran) a. modern
uY uY uY uY uY
! !! !!
(mal) a. model, ideal
~ JU (~ un) m. model town
uY uY uY uY uY
z zz zz
(mdal) m. model; pattern
u u u u u (mn) m. respect, regard, veneration, esteem;
honour; pride, arrogance; self-respect, prestige
~ |F HS (~ Izzat) f. respect, regard,
reverence, veneration, honour
~ Jl (~ ha n) f. defamation; humiliation,
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to be proud of; to
honour, to respect
~ S (~ tn) m. honour, respect, regard;
hospitality; hope, trust, expectation, reliance
~ S= (~ tor an) id. to humble one's pride,
to subdue one's vanity, to humiliate
~ S (~ pattar) m. commendation letter,
~ |SHJ (~ pratIshh) f. prestige, honour,
~ uS (~ matt) a. proud, arrogant, haughty
~ H (~ rakkhan ) v.t. to save
someone's prestige; to be considerate of other's
u U T (mn yog) a. respectable,
honourable, reverend, honoured, esteemed
- H=u (- svemn) m. self-respect; self-
regard, self-esteem
uH uH uH uH uH (~ mas) m. man, human being, person
uW uW uW uW uW (~ mak) m. ruby
a. best, excellent
~ UW (~ chakk) m. an ornament
u u u u u (mnn) v.t. to enjoy, to take pleasure, to
relish, to take delight
measles, small pox etc.; goddess Durga or its
other idols
|= ~ (vIdh ~) f. destiny, fate; the
goddess of fortune, weird
uUl uUl uUl uUl uUl (ma dar) m. charmer, spell-binder; conjurer
uU uU uU uU uU
! !! !!
(mda) m. basic element, essence, matter,
pith; innate capacity, strength, energy,
uU uU uU uU uU
z zz zz
(md) m. female sex
uU uU uU uU uU (mada) a. ill, sick, ailing; fatigued, weary
uUl uUl uUl uUl uUl (md) a. material, worldly, mundane, physical
u|mu u|mu u|mu u|mu u|mu (mdhIam) m. medium, means; media
u u u u u (mdho) m. simpleton; an epithet of Lord
Krishna (surname); the Almighty, God
uHW uHW uHW uHW uHW (mnsak) a. mental, pertaining to mind
~ mHSY (~ astulan) m. mental disorder
~ mU (~ apchr) f. mental deliquency
~ m=H (~ avasth) f. mental-condition
~ T (~ rog) m. psychosis, psychopathy,
mental disease
~ Tl (~ rog) m. mentally ill, psychopath
uS uS uS uS uS (mnt) f. recognition, accredition
~ Ul (~ den) v.t. to accord recognition, to
recognise; to reverse, to respect
~ S (~ pra pat) a. recognised, accredited,
uS= uS= uS= uS= uS= (mntv ) f. set of values or beliefs, tenets
u U u U u U u U u U (mn d) m. criterion, touchstone,
u= u= u= u= u= (mnav) m. human being, man
~ m|W (~ adhIkr) m. human right
~ J|Sm (~ hatI) f. homicide
~ |JSWl (~ hItka r ) a. humanistic,
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. anthropology
u=S u=S u=S u=S u=S (mnavt) f. humanity, mankind, human
race; humanness
u =S = U u =S = U u =S = U u =S = U u =S = U (mnavtvd) m. humanism,
u=l u=l u=l u=l u=l (mnav) a. pertaining to man, human
u=lW u=lW u=lW u=lW u=lW (mnavkaran ) m. humanization,
uS uS uS uS uS
! !! !!
(mt) f. defeat, overthrow; chessmate, mate
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to checkmate, to
defeat, to out do
~ U (~ pun) id. to defeat, to out do;
to excel, to checkmate (chess)
uS|JS uS|JS uS|JS uS|JS uS|JS (mtehat) a. subordinate, subservient,
uS|JSl uS|JSl uS|JSl uS|JSl uS|JSl (mte hat) f. subordination, subservience,
u Su u Su u Su u Su u Su (mtam) m. mourning, sorrowing,
bereavement, death, lamentation; grief, plaint
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to mourn, to lament;
to grieve, to plaint
~ U H (~ chh Jn) v.i. for gloom to
prevail, for grief to prevail
~ Hl (~ purs) f. condolence; condolence
uSul uSul uSul uSul uSul (mtam) a. mournful, sorrowful, grievous,
~ Tl (~ gadd) f. funeral van
uS uS uS uS uS (mtar) adv. merely, barely, mere
W|J ~ (- ke hn ~) adv. for the sake of
saying, very little
uS uS uS uS uS (mtr) f. vowel sign; dose, dosage;
quantity, amount (of a thing); extent, magnitude
u|S W u|S W u|S W u|S W u|S W (ma trIk) a. having a vowel sign; quantitative
uS l/uSl uS l/uSl uS l/uSl uS l/uSl uS l/uSl (mtr/matar) a. maternal
~ F= (~ bhav) a. motherly complex
uS uS uS uS uS
! !! !!
(mt) f. mother, mummy; a respectful form
of addressing an old lady
~ U uY (~ d ml) m. good for nothing
fellow, worthless fellow; worthless thing,
useless thing
uS (mt pardhn) a. matriarchal
~ Yl (~ bol) f. mother tongue
~ F ul (~ bhu m) f. motherland, native
uS uS uS uS uS
z zz zz
(mt) f. goddess; small pox, variola
~ U UT (~ de dg) m. varioles
~ |S (~ pIt) m. mother-father, parents
~ l (~ rn ) f. Indian term used for
u u u u u (mno) conj. as if, as though, rather, as
v.t. suppose
u u u u u (mp) m. measure, dimension; measurement;
~ U (~d) m. measure; criterion,
yardstick, touchstone, standard
uW uW uW uW uW (mpak) m. any device that measures,
measurer, measuring instrument
u u u u u (mpn ) v.t. to take measurement; to
measure, to gauge
u V u V u V u V u V (mf) a. pardoned, excused, condoned,
forgiven, exempted, remitted, waived
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to pardon, to excuse,
to forgive; to remit, to exempt, to waive
uVW uVW uVW uVW uVW (mafak) a. suitable, favourable, agreeable,
uVl uVl uVl uVl uVl (mf) f. pardon, condonation, forgiveness;
exemption; remission; apology
~ Ul (~ den ) v.t. to pardon, to excuse, to
~ u Tl (~ mgn ) v.t. to ask for forgiveness,
to apologise, to beg one's pardon
mu/HJl ~ (m/sha h ~) f. general
pardon, amnesty
uVlu ( mfnm) m. written apology;
document granting forgiveness, remission deed;
uu|HHS uu|HHS uu|HHS uu|HHS uu|HHS (mmJIst) m. a metallic jar in which
salt, chillies etc. are powdered
uuY uuY uuY uuY uuY
! !! !!
(mml) m. land revenue
~ UTJ/=HY(~ugrhun/vasulan)
v.t. to collect revenue
uuY uuY uuY uuY uuY
z zz zz
(mml) m. affair, matter, case; dispute,
~ UJU (~ uhun) v.i. to raise the issue
~ J (~ thappan) id. to hush up the
~ (~ pe n ) id. to be involved in a trouble
uu uu uu uu uu
! !! !!
(mm) f. mamma, mummy
uu uu uu uu uu
z z z z z
(mm) m. maternal uncle, mother's brother
uul uul uul uul uul (mm) f. wife of maternal uncle, wife of
mother's brother
uu uu uu uu uu (mmu r) a. assigned (to), appointed, deputed
uu Y uu Y uu Y uu Y uu Y (mmul) m. routine
uu Yl uu Yl uu Yl uu Yl uu Yl (mmu l) a. ordinary, common, customary;
a little bit; petty, trifling; insignificant, trivial,
uU H uU H uU H uU H uU H (myu s) a. disappointed, frustrated, hopeless,
dejected, distressed, depressed
uU Hl uU Hl uU Hl uU Hl uU Hl (myus) f. disappointment, frustration,
hopelessness, dejection, distress, depression
u u u u u
! !! !!
(mr) f. beating, thrashing, stroke, blow; within
reach, distance, range
~ WJ (~ k) f. carnage, massacre, blood-
shed; riot
~ WJ (~ ku) f. beating, thrashing
~ W JFl (~ ku) f. exchange of blows,
scuffle, fight
~ U (~ den) v.t. to kill, to murder
~ (~ pen) id. to get a beating, to get a
thrashing; to get a blow (of fate etc.)
~ FHU (~ bhaJaun) id. to drive away;
to give a defeat
~ u W WUu WV (~ mr ke kachumar
kahan) id. to beat black and blue, to give
a sound thrashing, to beat severely
~ u W SJF YJ (~ mr ke tuhe lhun e)
id. to beat hollow, to beat severely
~ u W F= U (~ mr ke bharth
ban den) id. to beat to a mummy, to beat
to pulp
Tl ~ (garb ~) f. injustice to the poor,
oppression, exploitation
- T= ~ J (- gar e ~ hon) id. to be ruined,
to be destroyed (by hails)
TKl ~ u (- guJJh ~ mrn) id. hit
below the belt
H ~ W Wu W (Jn ~ ke km karn)
id. to work like a horse
Ul ~ (rabb d ~) f. calamity,
misfortune, ill luck
u u |= (mre mre phIrn) id.
to knock about from pillar to post, to be driven
from pillar to post
u u u u u
z zz zz
(mr) f. effective range (of weapons)
u u u u u
a aa aa
(mr) f. plunder, spoliation; prey, victim, target
~ = (~ dhr ) f. plunder, rapine, spoliation,
pillage; fighting and killing; fracas, affray
~ u (~ mrn) id. to score a marvellous
~ Y (~ le n ) id. to misappropriate
(property, money etc.), to filch
U ~ W (yr ~ karn) id. to cheat
one's friend, to betray one's friend
Y Ju (lut t mr) f. plunder, pillage,
spoliation, maraud; robbery, loot
uHY uHY uHY uHY uHY (mrshal) m. marshal
a. martial
~ Y (~ l) m. martial law
Fm UlV ~ (ear chf ~ ) m. Air Chief
WJ ~ (kort ) m. court martial
=lY ~ (phld ~) m. Field Marshal
uWH=U uWH=U uWH=U uWH=U uWH=U (mrkasvd) m. marxism, communism
uWH=Ul uWH=Ul uWH=Ul uWH=Ul uWH=Ul (mrkasvd) a. marxist, communist
uW uW uW uW uW
! !! !!
(mrk) m. trademark, brand, mark
- uW U (mrke d) a. remarkable,
uWJ uWJ uWJ uWJ uWJ (mrk) f. massacre, carnage, bloodshed,
uWlJ uWlJ uWlJ uWlJ uWlJ (mrk) f. market
uWl uWl uWl uWl uWl (mrkn) f. unbleached cotton cloth,
uH /uH /uH uH /uH /uH uH /uH /uH uH /uH /uH uH /uH /uH (mrkh/mrkh/
mrkhor) a. pugnacious, aggressive (animal)
uT uT uT uT uT (mrag) m. path, track, passage, way, route,
course; road; religion, faith
uU uU uU uU uU
! !! !!
(mrch) m. March (the month)
uU uU uU uU uU
z zz zz
(mrch) m. march (walk)
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to march; to go away
u u u u u
! !! !!
(mrn) v.t. to close; to shut (door etc.); to
control (anger etc.)
u u u u u
z zz zz
(mrn) v.t. to beat, to thrash, to strike, to
hit; to kill, to murder, to assassinate; to
misappropriate someone's money etc., to
Ul ~ ( udr ~) id. to make off, to slip
off, to scoot
mT |=U UY ~ (agg vIch chhl ~) id. to
stick one's chin (or neck) out, to take one's life
in one's hand
m S m WJ= ~ (pn e pera te
p kuhr ~) id. to dig one's own grave
HH H J ~ (saJJe khabbe hatth ~) id.
to make a search; to make a vain effort
J S J ~ (hatth te hatth ~) id. to cheat,
to swindle
J ~ (hatth per ~) id. to strive hard,
to struggle
J= |=U SY= ~ (hava vIch talvra ~)
id. to flog a dead horse, to do vain efforts
W U ~ (kachchha ~) id. to be
overwhelmed with joy, to be very happy
TV ~ (gh ~) id. to keep in memory, to
remember; to tie a knot
U= ~ (chhar ~) id. to refuse, to deny
H ~ (Jn ~) id. to toil, to work hard
JJ HJ ~ (thh so ~) id. to call a spade
a spade; to speak bluntly
W ~ (akr ~) id. to belch, to burp; to
misappropriate someone's money, property etc.
U=T ~ (darge ~) id. to walk briskly; to
take big stitch
U ~ (de ~) id. to throw, to cast
~ (pe ~) id. to travel a long distant,
to trek; to achieve a great victory
=W ~ (phkre ~) id. to give oneself
airs, to boast; to hiss; to snort with anger
u JF j ~ (mare hoe n ~) id. to inflict
pain to a sufferer
uY ~ (mall ~) id. to win great laurels, to
achieve a great success; to set the Thames on
UYlm ~ (yabla ~) id. to talk through
one's hat; to talk nonsense
YS ~ (latt ~) id. to leave off, to reject; to
give a kick
u uWU (mr mukun) id. to kill,
to murder, to assassinate, to finish
! !! !!
(mrfat) adv. at the address of, care of,
c/o; through, via; by means of
z zz zz
(mrfat) m. one of the four spiritual stages
of Sufi mat
uVlm uVlm uVlm uVlm uVlm (mrf) m. morphia, morphine
uuW/u|uW uuW/u|uW uuW/u|uW uuW/u|uW uuW/u|uW (mrmak/mrmIk) adv. touching,
moving; vital
ul U ul U ul U ul U ul U (mr d) adv. lacking protection or
support, defenceless; helpless
u u u u u
! !! !!
(mru) m. a classical, musical kettle drum;
martial music
u u u u u
z zz zz
(mru) a. arid, desert, sandy
~ HSl (~ khet) f. crop of desert land
uY ( mruthal) m. desert, the sands
u u u u u (mre) adv. due to, because of, for the sake of
uu (mromr) f. hurry-scurry, flurry
adv. with great haste, speedily, with great
uY uY uY uY uY
! !! !!
(ml) m. cattle, live stock; money, wealth,
riches, pelf
~ mH (~ asbb) m. luggage, goods,
~ HH (~ khazn) m. treasure, valuables;
~ Tl (~ ga) f. goods train
~ =J (~ gh) m. dock, art
~ T (~ dgar) m. cattle, livestock
~ uS (~ matt) m. effects, assets
~ =JW HJH (~ vhak Jahaz) m. cargo ship
Ju U ~ (haram d ~) m. ill gotten
S ~ (tar ~) m. delicious and nutritive
food; valuable things
uY ~ (ml ~) a. very rich, wealthy,
prosperous, immensely rich
uY ~ W (ml ~ karn) id. to enrich
uVS U ~ (mufat d ~) m. free of charge;
easy money
uYU (mldr) a. wealthy, rich,
affluent, well off
uY uY uY uY uY
z zz zz
(ml) m. revenue on land
~ mVH (~ afsar) m. revenue officer
~ TH (~ guzr) m. revenue payer
~ THl (~ guzr) f. land revenue
~ TUu (~ gudm) m. godown, warehouse,
~ u|JWu (~me hkam) m. revenue
~ uSl (~ mtar) m. revenue minister
uY uY uY uY uY (mlh) f. string of buckets of a Persian wheel,
string belt of spinning wheel
uYH uYH uYH uYH uYH (mlash) f. massage, inunction (of ointment)
u YW u YW u YW u YW u YW(mlak)m. owner,master, proprietor;
husband; Lord, God, the Almighty
uYW uYW uYW uYW uYW(mlakan ) f. house-wife, matron; land-lady;
uYW uYW uYW uYW uYW (mlkn) m. ownership, proprietorship
a. proprietorial
uYWl uYWl uYWl uYWl uYWl (mlk) f. ownership, possession
- |Hl ~ (-nIJ ~) f. private ownership
- HSW ~ (-Jantak ~) f. public ownership
uYJ uYJ uYJ uYJ uYJ (ml) m. a kind of citrus fruit, Citrus
uYSl uYSl uYSl uYSl uYSl (mlt) f. a creeper yielding sweet smelling
flowers, moonlight, Jasmimum arborescens
uY = uY = uY = uY = uY = (mlpur) m. an Indian fried fritter made
of wheat flour, sugar etc.
uY uY uY uY uY (ml) m. garland; rosary; string of beads;
series (books); wreath
~ U uW (~ d mank bann) id. to
become an apple of one's eyes, to be very dear
to someone
~ = (~ phern) id. to count one's beads,
to tell one's beads
~ |=U (~ vIch paron) id. to unite, to
make unity
mJSl ~ (ahotar ~) f. rosary having
one hundred and eight beads
|FW ~ U uW (Iko ~ de manke
ban n) id. to become united
H ~ ( Je ~) f. bridal garland, the garland
which the bride puts round the neck of the
bridegroom; ceremony of Jai Mala
S ~ (parbat ~) f. mountain chain,
mountain range
uY uY uY uY uY (mlh) m. buffalo, bull
uYl uYl uYl uYl uYl
! !! !!
(ml) m. cow or buffalo bull
uYl uYl uYl uYl uYl
z zz zz
(ml) m. gardener
uYl uYl uYl uYl uYl
a aa aa
(ml) a. financial, pecuniary, economic,
fiscal; pertaining to revenue
~ HY (~ sl) m. financial year
uYlmS uYlmS uYlmS uYlmS uYlmS (malat) f. value, price, worth
uYlm uYlm uYlm uYlm uYlm (ml) m. land tax, revenue
uY u uY u uY u uY u uY u (mlum) a. having knowledge, known
u= u= u= u= u=
! !! !!
(mv) m. starch
~ YU (~ lun) v.t. to starch
u= u= u= u= u=
z zz zz
(mv) m. a dose of opium
u=U u=U u=U u=U u=U (mrchu) a. weak, feeble, bony, lean, thin
u= u= u= u= u= (mr) a. weak, feeble, bony, lean, thin; bad,
inferior; economically weak, poor; very little,
slight, small, not much
~ Hu (~ sama ) m. bad time, adversity,
adverse circumstances
~ W (~ ku ) adv. just a little bit, a bit, somewhat
~ UT (~ chg) a. good or bad
m. mishappening
~ |HJ (~ Jeh) adv. slightly; a little, a bit; to
a little extent, just a little, slight
~ V T (~ hagg) a. weak, thin, feeble;
penniless, poor
~ l= (~ dhr) a. financially weak, poor,
poverty-stricken; feeble, weak, frail
~ u= (~ mr ) a. light; slight, somewhat
~ uJ (~ mot) a. slight, to some extent,
somewhat; ordinary, general, cheap
|UY U ~ (dIl d ~) a. malicious,
- u= j U YFl WFl J WVl J (mr e n
chdan la ko bahn kaf he) prov. any
stick is good enough to beat a dog with
|uU |uU |uU |uU |uU (mI II IIu) m. ferryman, boatman
| uU HY W| uH | uU HY W| uH | uU HY W| uH | uU HY W| uH | uU HY W| uH (mI II IIu spal kamI II IIshnar) m.
Municipal commissioner
~ WuJl (~ kame) f. municipal committee,
|uU |HW |uU |HW |uU |HW |uU |HW |uU |HW (mI II IIuzI II IIk) m. music
|uU |uU |uU |uU |uU (mI II IIu n ) v.t. to absorb
- m U ~ (pe ch n ~) id. to be
overwhelmed with joy, to be overjoyed
|umU |umU |umU |umU |umU (mun) v.t. to mew
|umU |umU |umU |umU |umU |umU |umU |umU |umU |umU (mI II IIu mI II IIu) f. the sound of cat,
mewing, mew
|umW |umW |umW |umW |umW (mI II IIa k) f. the sound of sheep, bleat
|umW |umW |umW |umW |umW (mI II IIakan) v.i. to bleat (of lamb); to raise
a hue and cry, to cry
|umU |umU |umU |umU |umU (mI II IId) f. tenure, term, duration, period,
specified time; durability
~ T (~ puggan) id. for the tenure to
elapse, to mature
|umUl |umUl |umUl |umUl |umUl (mI II IId) a. for fixed time, for specified
~ HS (~ kht) m. term deposit; fixed
deposit account
~ (~ bukhar) m. typhoid fever, putrid
|um |um |um |um |um (mI II IIn) f. sheath, scabbard
~ |=U U (~ vI II IIch pun) v.i. to sheathe,
to scabbard
~ |=U W V (~ vI II IIcho kahan) v.t. to
unsheathe, to draw out from sheath
|uml |uml |uml |uml |uml (mI II IIn) f. gusset of trousers, gore; a small
room built on stairs; a store with low roof
|um |um |um |um |um (mI II IIr) m. standard, level; criterion
|uml |uml |uml |uml |uml (mI II IIr) a. standardised, of standard
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH (mI II IIs) f. miss, Ms.
a. missed
|u H |u H |u H |u H |u H (mI II IIss) f. mixture of grains or flour etc.
|uHW|F (mI II IIsakbhn) a. perverse,
|uHWY |uHWY |uHWY |uHWY |uHWY (mI II IIskal) m. an instrument to remove rust
|uHJ |uHJ |uHJ |uHJ |uHJ (mI II IIsar) m. mister, Mr.
|uHS |uHS |uHS |uHS |uHS (mI II IIstar) m. wooden mallet of masons used
for levelling
|uHSl |uHSl |uHSl |uHSl |uHSl (mI II IIstar) m. craftsman, artisan; mason;
mechanic, blacksmith, carpenter etc.
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH (mI II IIshan) m. mission
|uHl |uHl |uHl |uHl |uHl (mI II IIshnar) a. missionary
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH
! !! !!
(mI II IIsar) m. a sub-caste of Brahmins
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH
z zz zz
(mI II IIsar) m. Egypt
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH (mI II IIshran ) m. mixture, combination, blend,
melange; adulteration
|uHS |uHS |uHS |uHS |uHS (mI II IIshrat) a. mixed, combined, blended;
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH (mI II IIsr) m. a line of a poem, one-half of a
|uHl |uHl |uHl |uHl |uHl
! !! !!
(mI II IIsr) f. sugar candy, lump sugar
|uHl |uHl |uHl |uHl |uHl
z zz zz
(mI II IIsr) a. Egyptian
|uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY
! !! !!
(mI II IIsal) f. file
~ U |V F (~ d hI II II bharn) id. to
complete the documents
|uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY
z zz zz
(mI II IIsal) f. any one of the 12 sikh groups
which occupied various territories in Punjab in
|u H |u H |u H |u H |u H (mI II IIss) a. of mixed grains; of mixed flours
(of wheat, maize or gram etc.)
~ mJ (~ ) m. mixed flour of wheat and
gram or wheat or maize
~ Y (~ lun) a. ordinary, simple (food)
H ~ (rukkh ~ ) a. ordinary, simple
|uHl Jl (mI II IIss rot) m. chapati made of
wheat and gram flour
|uH|FY |uH|FY |uH|FY |uH|FY |uH|FY (mI II IIsI II IIl) f. missile
|uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY |uHY (mI II IIsl) f. instance, example, illustration;
ideal, model
|u|HH |u|HH |u|HH |u|HH |u|HH (mI II IIsI II IIz) f. Mrs.
|uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ (mehn) m. taunt, gibe, twit, abuse, slur
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to taunt, to gibe
|uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS (mehtar) m. sweeper, scavenger
|uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS (mehtarn) m. the work of or wages
for scavenging
|uJU |uJU |uJU |uJU |uJU (mehd) m. stomach, abdomen
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. gastric
|uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS (mehnat) f. hard work, labour, toil, effort
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to work hard, to do
labour, to toil
~ uHUl (~ mazdur) f. physical hard work,
toil, labour
~ u H WS (~ mushakkat) f. hard physical
work, labour
|uJSWH |uJSWH |uJSWH |uJSWH |uJSWH (mehnatkash) a. & m. labourer, worker,
|uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS |uJS (mehntn) m. remuneration; wages
(for labour)
|uJSl |uJSl |uJSl |uJSl |uJSl (mehnat) a. laborious, industrious, hard
working; labourer
| uJ | uJ | uJ | uJ | uJ (mehar) m. kindness, favour; mercy,
- Hl |uJl (kher mehr ) adv. hale and
hearty, safe and sound
|uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ (meharbn) a. kind, merciful, benign,
benevolent, compassionate
|uJl |uJl |uJl |uJl |uJl (meharbn) f. kindness, favour, mercy,
benevolence; benefaction
|uWHU |uWHU |uWHU |uWHU |uWHU (mI II IIkaschar) m. mixture
|uWHl |uWHl |uWHl |uWHl |uWHl (mI II IIks) f. mixing machine, mixer
|uWU |uWU |uWU |uWU |uWU (mI II IIkdr) f. quantity, doze; amount
|uWSlH |uWSlH |uWSlH |uWSlH |uWSlH (mI II IIknts) m. magnet
|uWSlHl |uWSlHl |uWSlHl |uWSlHl |uWSlHl (mI II IIknats) a. magnetic; charming,
|uUW-|uUW |uUW-|uUW |uUW-|uUW |uUW-|uUW |uUW-|uUW (mI II IIchak-mI II IIchak) adv. with slow pace
or speed, slowly
|uU |uU |uU |uU |uU (mI II IIchan ) v.i. to be closed (eyes); to be
shut (mouth)
|uH |uH |uH |uH |uH (mI II IIzrb) f. an iron ring worn on the finger
while playing sitar, plectrum
|uHH |uHH |uHH |uHH |uHH (mI II IIzJ) a. temperament, temper, mood;
nature; disposition; state of health
|uHHl |uHHl |uHHl |uHHl |uHHl (mI II IIzJ) a. coquettish; prudish; proud, vain,
conceited, arrogant
|u K |u K |u K |u K |u K (mI II IIJJh) m. marrow, bone-marrow; pith
~ WV (~ kahan) id. to make to work
like a horse; to beat like anything, to thrash; to
spoil (clothes, things etc.)
|u J |u J |u J |u J |u J (m) m. minute; very short time
~ |uJ mU (~ mt bd) adv. after very short
intervals, after every minute, in quick
|uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ |uJ (mIan ) v.i. to cease to exist, become
extinct; to be blotted out; to be erased; to be
rubbed off; to be wiped out, to be destroyed
|uJ |uJ J H ( mIt mIt ho Jn) id.
to be reconciled
- |H ~ H (n nIshn ~ Jn) id. to
be eradicated, to be annihilated
|uJ=U |uJ=U |uJ=U |uJ=U |uJ=U (mIvun) v.t. to get or cause to be
erased, to cause to be wiped out; to cause to
be destroyed
|uJU |uJU |uJU |uJU |uJU (mItun) v.t. to erase, to rub; to blot
out; to wipe out, to obliterate, to destroy, to
ruin; to scratch
|u|JmY |u|JmY |u|JmY |u|JmY |u|JmY (mItIl) a. of the colour of dust or earth,
dusty, dirty
|u Jl |u Jl |u Jl |u Jl |u Jl (mI) f. earth, soil, clay; dust; trash, refuse
~ J H (~ ho Jn ) id. to be reduced to
ashes; to be ashamed of
~ W (~ karn) id. to spoil, to ruin, to
~ H J (~ kharb hon) id. to undergo
~ H Wl (~ kharb karn) id. to cause
disgrace, to humiliate, to cast slur
~ H (~ khor) a. & m. geophagous;
~ Hl (~ khor) f. geophagy
~ =J (~ gha) m. dust
~ Ul (~ chhn an) id. to wander
~ K= (~ Jhrn) id. to thrash, to beat, to
chide, to rebuke, to reproach
~ U/ U (~ d/de) a. earthen, clay
~ U =U (~ d gharod) m. house of clay
~ U SY (~ d tel) m. kerosene oil
~ U SY (~ d putl) m. mortal-man,
corporeal body; clay statue
~ U u (~ d mdho) a. clod, lump;
simpleton, dummy, block head, stupid
~ U Fm/~ U uY (~ de bha/~ de mull)
adv. at throw away price, dirt cheap, very
~ Y |uJl J (~ nl mI hon) id. to
labour hard, to toil
~ YlS J (~ palt hon ) id. to be
humiliated, to be put to disgrace, to be put to
destitution; to suffer distress
~ YlS W (~ palt karn) id. to pull about,
to humiliate, to batter
~ U (~ pun) id. to bury the matter; to
cover with soil
~ T (~ rg) a. ashen
~ |=U |uY (~ vIch mIlan ) id. to be
dashed to the ground, to come to dust; to go
~ |=U |uYU (~ vIch mIlun) id. play
the dunce with ,to raze to the ground; to ruin
WYl ~ (kl ~) f. chernozem
H=lm ~ (khar ~) f. clunch
T ~ (geru ~) f. ruddle
UlWl ~ (chkan ~) f. argie
lYl ~ (pl ~) f. ochre
uYSl ~ (multan ~) f. fuller's earth
- JJ ~ |WY (- per hetho ~ nIkaln ) have the shock of one's life
|u JS |u JS |u JS |u JS |u JS (mIhat) f. sweetness, politeness (of speech
& behaviour)
- |uJ Y=/|uJ Y (mIt hbolar /
mIt hbol) m. soft spoken, sweet tongued, fair-
spoken, golden-mouthed
|u J |u J |u J |u J |u J
! !! !!
(mItth) a. sweet, sugary; honeyed, sweet-
tongued; delicious, tasty; pudding
~ H|JU (~ she had) a. sweet like honey, very
~ H Fm (~ subha) m. polite and affectionate
nature, loving nature
~ H (~ sod) m. sodium bicarbonate
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to sweeten
~ SY (~ tel) m. sesame oil
~ l (~ pn ) m. cold drink, squash; sweet
water (of ground), soft water
~ uJ (~ mohr) a. luring but harmful
WU ~ (kacch ~) m. jaggery, gur etc.
H J-|u J (kha-mIh) a. citrus and
sweet, sweet and sour
|u J |u J |u J |u J |u J
z zz zz
(mIh) f. sweet lime, mausmi, Citrus,
|uJH |uJH |uJH |uJH |uJH (mIhs) f. sweetness
|u Jl |u Jl |u Jl |u Jl |u Jl (mIh) f. sweet thing; sweet natured
woman; kiss
~ Ul (~ chhur) f. deceptive politeness;
fraudulent person; an enemy in disguise of
~ lU H (~ n d son) id. to enjoy sweet
m. friendship
|uSl |uSl |uSl |uSl |uSl (mIt) f. date
a. dated
~ WJ (~ k) m. discount, rebate
~ Tl (~ pugan ) v.i. to fall due, to mature;
for the date to be expired
|u |u |u |u |u (mIthan ) v.t. to decide, to decree, to settle;
to suppose, to assume
|u= |u= |u= |u= |u= (mIthva ) a. decided, decreed, settled;
intentional, deliberate
|u|m |u|m |u|m |u|m |u|m
! !! !!
(mIthI) a. pre-planned, pre-designed;
decided, settled; supposed, assumed
~ |u|Fm (~ mIthI) a. pre-planned, pre-
designed; pre-ordained, pre-destined
|u|m |u|m |u|m |u|m |u|m
z zz zz
(mIthI) a. false, untrue, unreal, illusory,
illusive, delusive
m. delusion, lie, falsehood
~ HTS (~ Jagat) m. vanity fair
|u|JH |u|JH |u|JH |u|JH |u|JH (mIthIhs) m. mythology
|u|JHW |u|JHW |u|JHW |u|JHW |u|JHW (mIthIhsak) a. mythological
|u |u |u |u |u
! !! !!
(mIthun) m. third sign of Zodiac, Gemini
| u | u | u | u | u
z zz zz
/u /u /u /u /u (mIthun/me thun) m. mating,
coupling, copulation, sexual intercourse, union
|u |u |u |u |u (mIddhan) v.t. to crush under feet, to
trample; to press, to squeeze
|u S |u S |u S |u S |u S (mnat) f. entreaty, supplication, request
~ SY (~taral) f. request, entreaty,
supplication, imploration
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i.t. to entreat, to beseech,
to supplicate, to implore
|u |u |u |u |u
! !! !!
(mInh) m. seemingly humble but cunning
fellow, insidious fellow
|u |u |u |u |u
z zz zz
(mInh)a. slight, slow (pain etc.); light (rain)
~ |u (~ mInh) a. slight, light
|ul |ul |ul |ul |ul (mIn) a. small sized, mini
|u|umU |u|umU |u|umU |u|umU |u|umU (mImIun) v.i. to bleat; to beseech,
to entreat, to implore, to supplicate
|uT |uT |uT |uT |uT (mIrg) m. deer
~ HY/ UY (~ shla/ chhl) f. deerskin
~ |S H (~ trIshan) f. mirage; illusion,
and sound sleep
|uY |uY |uY |uY |uY (mIal) a. middle; eighth class
~ HWY (~ sakul) m. middle school
|u |u |u |u |u (mI II II) a. snub-nosed, flat-nosed
m. pug nose
|u l |u l |u l |u l |u l (mI II II) f. middy-blouse, a long shirt worn
by young girls
|uSl |uSl |uSl |uSl |uSl (mIn t) f. measurement, measure; quantity,
|TSl~ (gIn t ~) f. calculation,
|TSl ~ U (gIn t ~ d) a. limited (in
quantity etc.)
|uSlm W (mInta karn) id. to
go on thinking uselessly; to be irresolute, to
hover, to linger
|u |u |u |u |u (mIn an) v.t. to measure; to weigh; to
|u-|u |u-|u |u-|u |u-|u |u-|u (mIn-mIn) f. the act of speaking in a
low voice
~ W (~ karn) id. to speak in whispering
tone; to be slow in action, to be slow motioned
|u=U /|uU |u=U /|uU |u=U /|uU |u=U /|uU |u=U /|uU (mIn vun /mIn un ) v.t. to
get to be measured, to cause to be measured;
to assist in measuring
|u=Fl/|uFl |u=Fl/|uFl |u=Fl/|uFl |u=Fl/|uFl |u=Fl/|uFl (mIn v/mIn ) f. the process of
or the wages for measuring something
|u S |u S |u S |u S |u S (mIttar) m. friend, mate, buddy, companion
~ UJ H uHlS |=U Wu mF (~ oh Jo musbat
vIch km e) prov. a friend in need is a friend
~ =S/ J (~ ght/dharoh) m. betrayal
of one's friend, deception of one's friend; killing
a friend
~ Jl (~ dharoh) a. one who betrays
one's friend, a betrayer of friend, friend-
betrayer, in sincere(friend)
WYul ~ (kalm ~) m. pen friend
|u SS |u SS |u SS |u SS |u SS (mIttart) f. friendship, friendly relation,
friendliness, amity
|uS |uS |uS |uS |uS (mItrn) a. friendly
~ U U (~ d bacch) m. fawn
~ l (~ nen) a. having eyes like a deer,
WHSl ~ (kastur ~) m. musk deer
|uTl |uTl |uTl |uTl |uTl (mIrg) f. epilepsy, epileptic fit
~ U U (~ d dor) m. epileptic fit
~ U W = Y (~ de kur all) m. epileptic
~ l (~ pen) f. an inoffensive abuse
v.i. to have epileptic fit
|uU |uU |uU |uU |uU (mIrch) f. chilli, Cayenne pepper, red pepper
~ uHY (~ masl) m. condiments
|HuY ~/J=l ~ ( shIml ~/pahr ~) f.
capsicum, Capsicum frutescens
Jl ~ (har ~) f. green chilli.
WYl ~ (kl ~) f. black pepper, Pepper
Y ~ YU (lu~ lun) id. to add fuel
to the fire; to exaggerate
|uU YT (mIrcha laggan ) id. to taste
the bitterness of truth, to be irritated by
someone's remark, to be angry at (others)
taunt; to feel the pungency of chilly
|uSW |uSW |uSW |uSW |uSW (mIrtak) a. dead, deceased, lifeless, without
m. dead person, dead body, corpse
~ UJ (~ deh) f. dead body, corpse
|uS /u S |uS /u S |uS /u S |uS /u S |uS /u S (mIrtu/mot) f. death, mortality
~ H (~ sarup) a. thanatoid
~ HuU (~ samchr) m. news of death;
~ W (~ kar) m. death duty
~ U (~ d) m. capital punishment, death
punishment, death penalty
~ U (~ dar) m. mortality rate, death rate
~ U F/~ U SH (~ d bhe/~ d tars) n.
~ |=U (~ vIchr) m. thanatopsis
|uY |uY |uY |uY |uY (mIl) f. factory, mill
~ uYW (~ mlak) m. mill owner, industrialist
|uY |uY |uY |uY |uY (mIlk h) f. property, estate
|uYT F |uYT F |uYT F |uYT F |uYT F (mIlgobh) a. consisting of various kinds,
mixed, medley
m. mixture
|uY H Y W |uY H Y W |uY H Y W |uY H Y W |uY H Y W (mIl Jul ke) adv. together, jointly,
|uYH |uYH |uYH |uYH |uYH (mIlansr) a. sociable, social, affable,
courteous, friendly
|uY-|TY (mIlan gIlan ) m.
association, coalition, friendship
|uY |uY |uY |uY |uY (mIln) v.i. to meet, to come across; to
find, to get; to receive; to join (some party), to
affiliate; to have (similar features); to hug, to
embrace; to tally; to heal (wound); to be milked
or to allow milking (for milch animal)
HW ~ (sabak ~) id. to get a lesson
|UY ~ (dIl ~) id. to be in love, to fall in
love; to be in tune
|uYU HYU (mIld Juld) a. resembling,
|uY |uY W (mIl mIl ke) adv. anyhow,
jointly, cooperatively, together
|u|Ym H|Ym (mIle Jule) a. mixed,
|uYl |uYl |uYl |uYl |uYl (mIln ) f. a marriage custom in which the
relatives of bride and bridegroom embrace and
get introduced with one another; reception (of
marriage); introduction, meeting, union
| uY=S | uY=S | uY=S | uY=S | uY=S (mIlvartan ) m. co-operation,
collaboration, friendship, association
|uY=J |uY=J |uY=J |uY=J |uY=J (mIlvat) f. adulteration, spuriousness;
impure; alloy
~ W =Y (~ karan vl) m. adulterator
~ Wl (~ karan) v.i. to adulterate
|uY=Jl |uY=Jl |uY=Jl |uY=Jl |uY=Jl (mIlvat ) a. adulterated, impure; alloyed
|uYlm |uYlm |uYlm |uYlm |uYlm (mIlan) m. million
|uYlT u |uYlT u |uYlT u |uYlT u |uYlT u (mIlgra m) m. milligram
|uYlFTS |uYlFTS |uYlFTS |uYlFTS |uYlFTS (mIlbhagat) f. conspiracy, collusion,
secret understanding
ulm ulm ulm ulm ulm (m a ) m. husband, spouse; a term of respect
affixed to names (usu. for Muslims or Hindus
Rajputs in Himachal Pardesh); father
~ l=l (~ bv) m. husbandwife, couple
~ l=l Hl S Wl WT WHl (~ bv ra z ta k
karega kaz) prov. when two are locked in
embrace third is an outsider
~ |uJ (~ mIhu ) m. an addressing word
for parrot, parrot; sweet tongued person, golden
mouthed person
- m uJ~ |uJ (ape m h~ mIhu
bana ) id. to indulge in self praise, self praise
is no recommendation
ulH ulH ulH ulH ulH (msaa) a. insidious, demure, deceitful,
ul J ul J ul J ul J ul J (m h ) m. rain, downpour, shower
~ J= Jl J= (~ hove haner hove ) adv.
at every cost, in all conditions, in all
circumstances, come what may
~ Wl (~ ka ) f. rain , shower
~ =H/ (~ Vassana/ pea ) v.i. for
rain to fall
~ =U (~ varhaua ) id. to provide
something in plenty or abundance; to spend
ulJJl ulJJl ulJJl ulJJl ulJJl (mh) f. turn, round (game)
ul T ul T ul T ul T ul T (m ga) f. droppings of sheep, goat, hare,
rat etc.
ulU ulU ulU ulU ulU (mchan) v.i. to close, to shut
ulH ulH ulH ulH ulH (mzn) m. sum , total
ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ (m) m. meat, flesh, mutton , pork
ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ (mana) v.t. to close, to shut (eye , palm,
book etc.)
W S =T m H ulJ Y ( kabutar vag
akkha m lea ) id. to close one's eyes from
bare realities
HT ulJl ( Ja go m ) f. half sleep
ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ ulJ (mar) m. metre (of electricity water); a
measurement, meter
HJl~ ( se ~) m. centimetre
JWJ ~ ( he ko ~) m. hectometer, equal
to hundred meter
|WY ~ ( kIlo ~) m. kilometre, equal to
one thousand meter
Hl ~ ( des ~) m. decimetre, tenth part
of the metre
ulJl ulJl ulJl ulJl ulJl (m) f. turn, round (in the game)
ulVl ulVl ulVl ulVl ulVl (mh) f. braid, plait (of hair )
ul ul ul ul ul(ma ) m. a bull with the horns inclined
a. foxy, cunning
ulS ulS ulS ulS ulS(mt) m. friend, hail - fellow, ally, alter ego,
boon companion; a prefix, vice
ul ul ul ul ul(mn) f. fish; twelfth sign of Zodiac, Pisces
ul-u H ul-u H ul-u H ul-u H ul-u H ( mn- mekh ) f. criticism, fault finding,
objection, stickling, cavil
ul ul ul ul ul(mna) m. blue coloured precious stone used
for decorating the ornament; a backward tribe
of Rajasthan; a decanter (for liquor)
ulW ulW ulW ulW ulW(mnakar) m. artist or craftsman skilled
in inset work in stone, metal or stucco; a painter
of intricate designs
ulWl(mnakar) f. enamel work on
gold, silver, enamelling; painting or any other
visual art in intricate designs
ulH ulH ulH ulH ulH (mnabazar ) m. fancy fair, gala fete
ul ul ul ul ul(mnar) m. tower, minaret, minor
ul u ul u ul u ul u ul u (mmo) m. a written reminder, memo,
WH ~( kesh~) m. cash memo
ul ul ul ul ul
! !! !!
(mr) m. a word of respect for hereditary
jesters and mimics (marasies)
ul ul ul ul ul
z zz zz
(mr) m. head, chief, chieftain
~ uYJ (~ mala h) m. captain of a ship , chief
~ uHl (~ munsh ) m. chief clerk or scribe,
head clerk
ulY ulY ulY ulY ulY (ml) m. mile
~ (~ patthar) m. mile stone; land mark,
significant event or achievement
u m WY u m WY u m WY u m WY u m WY (muakkal) m. client
u m HH u m HH u m HH u m HH u m HH (muazzaJ) a. honourable, respectable,
honoured, respected, revered
u m SY u m SY u m SY u m SY u m SY (muattal ) a. suspended (employee or
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to suspend (from
service); to suspend (judgement, operation
u m SYl u m SYl u m SYl u m SYl u m SYl (muattal ) f. suspension
u m|FU u m|FU u m|FU u m|FU u m|FU (muIda) m. agreement, pact; contract
u m|F u m|F u m|F u m|F u m|F (muIna ) m. inspection; examination,
check-up; survey
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to inspect; to examine,
to check -up; to make a survey
u mS u mS u mS u mS u mS (muta ) m. burning wood or stick, igniter
~ YU (~ lun) id. to instigate, to incite,
to provoke
v.t. to set fire to, to ignite
u m=H u m=H u m=H u m=H u m=H (muvza ) m. compensation, recompense,
solatium, reparation
~ U(~ dea ) v.t. to compensate, to give
compensation, to recompense, to make
u HW u HW u HW u HW u HW (mushak ) f. bad odour, bad smell, foul smell,
stink, stench; scent, fragrance, perfume
~ WV (~ na kaha) id. to keep
secret, not to get (anything ) to the public ears,
not to leak out
~ |Yl (~ bIll ) f. civet
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to stink, to give a
foul smell
u HW W u HW W u HW W u HW W u HW W (mushk kapr) m. camphor
u HW u HW u HW u HW u HW (mushkaa ) v.i. to give a foul smell, to
stink, to stench
u H WS u H WS u H WS u H WS u H WS (mushakkat ) f. hard work , labour, toil,
u H WSl u H WSl u H WSl u H WSl u H WSl (mushakkat ) a. hard working , laborious,
u HWU u HWU u HWU u HWU u HWU (muskaraua ) v.i. to smile, to give a
u HWJJ u HWJJ u HWJJ u HWJJ u HWJJ(muskarah ) f. smile
u HWY u HWY u HWY u HWY u HWY (mushkal ) a. difficult, hard, tough, intricate
f. difficulty, hardship
~ mH W (~ asan karn) id. to solve the
riddle , to facilitate an issue
~ JY W (~ hall karn) id. to solve the
~ |=U (~ vIch pen) id. to be in a fix;
to get into trouble, to get into hot water
~ |=U WV (~ vIcho kahan) v.t. to pull
out of trouble
u HW=l u HW=l u HW=l u HW=l u HW=l (muska ) f. a faint smile
uHW=lm JH (muskaa hassaa) id.
to give a faint/ taunting smile
u HW WHlm u HW WHlm u HW WHlm u HW WHlm u HW WHlm/u HW lm u HW lm u HW lm u HW lm u HW lm (muska kasa /
muska bnha ) v.i. to pinion, to tie hands at
the back
u HWl u HWl u HWl u HWl u HWl(mushk ) f. dark, bay
~ T (~ rg) a. black colour, dark complexion
u HJ u HJ u HJ u HJ u HJ (musha ) m. rascal, villain, wicked,
ruffian, rogue; stout, strong, robust (person)
u HSW|Y u HSW|Y u HSW|Y u HSW|Y u HSW|Y(mustkabIl ) m. future
u HS|WY u HS|WY u HS|WY u HS|WY u HS|WY (mustkIl) a. ever lasting, permanent,
constant; fixed, stable
u HSW u HSW u HSW u HSW u HSW(mustarka) a. common, joint
u HSW u HSW u HSW u HSW u HSW(mustak) a. desirous, fond (of)
u H Ul u H Ul u H Ul u H Ul u H Ul(musadd) m. clerk, scribe
u H V u H V u H V u H V u H V (musannaf ) m. writer, author
u H ul u H ul u H ul u H ul u H ul(musm) f. a fruit of citrus variety, sweet
lime, Citrus sinensis
u H S u H S u H S u H S u H S(musaratt) f. delight, happiness, pleasure,
u HYu u HYu u HYu u HYu u HYu(musalman) m. Mohammadan, Muslim
u H Y u H Y u H Y u H Y u H Y(musalla) m. prayer mat of Muslims
u H YJ u H YJ u H YJ u H YJ u H YJ(musallah) a. equipped with weapons,
u H|Yu u H|Yu u H|Yu u H|Yu u H|Yu(muslIm) m.&a. Muslim, Mohammedan
u H Yl u H Yl u H Yl u H Yl u H Yl(musall ) m. a backward tribe of Muslim
faith; a member of this tribe
u H = u H = u H = u H = u H = (musavvar) m. painter, portraitist
u H|F u H|F u H|F u H|F u H|F(mushaIra) m. poetic symposium
u H|J u H|J u H|J u H|J u H|J(musa hIb) m. counsellor/ courtier or
companion of a king , an aide-de-camp
u HV u HV u HV u HV u HV(musa far) m. traveller, passenger, wayfarer
u HVH u HVH u HVH u HVH u HVH(musafarkhana ) m. waiting- room,
inn, serai, hospice; the transient world
u HlS u HlS u HlS u HlS u HlS(musbat ) f. trouble, suffering, misery,
difficulty; misfortune, calamity, adversity,
disaster, affliction
~ mU (~ un ) id. to have befall of
~ HJ=l (~ sahen ) id. to invite a trouble,
to ask for a trouble
~ WJl (~ katt an ) id. to undergo misery,
to endure hardships
~ H=l Wl (~ khah karn ) id. to create
a problem
~ U u|m (~ d ma rIa ) a. struck by
misfortune, adversity stricken
~ U |U(~ de dIn) m. days of adversity,
time of calamity
~ uY Yl (~ mull le ) id. to ask for a
trouble, to bring hornet's nest about one's ears
~ |=U (~ vIch ) adv. on the rack, in trouble
~ |=U (~ vIch pe n ) id. to be in trouble
~ |=U =H (~ vIch phasan) id. to find
oneself in hot waters
uHlS |FWYlm Jl mUUlm(musbata
Ikkala nah a u da ) prov. misfortunes never
come alone, it never rains but pours
~ Jl uHlS J (~ h musbata hon) id. to
have endless troubles, to have no end to
~ S uHlS mU (~ te musbata un)
id. to have a succession of misfortunes
- J HU J HU~ K Y ( hassade hassde ~
Jheln ) id. to face hardships with a smiling
u JFlm u JFlm u JFlm u JFlm u JFlm (muhaa) a. provided, supplied
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to make available, to
u JW u JW u JW u JW u JW(muhka) m. wart, papilla, papule
u J H u J H u J H u J H u J H (muhazzab) a. cultured, civilized
u JS u JS u JS u JS u JS (muhatbar) a. reliable, dependable;
distinguished, prominent, famous, leading
u JSu u JSu u JSu u JSu u JSu/ u JSu u JSu u JSu u JSu u JSu (muhtaram/muhtarama) a.
respected, respectable
u J S u J S u J S u J S u J S (muhabbat) f. love , affection
u J Sl u J Sl u J Sl u J Sl u J Sl (muhabbat) a. affectionate, close, friendly
u J u J u J u J u J (mohar) f. stamp; sign of stamp; block; signet,
seal; gold coin
- U U S ~ J (dae dae te ~ hoa)
id. to have earmark on every grain
- uJU (moharbd) a. sealed
u JW u JW u JW u JW u JW (mohrka) m. typhoid fever
u J u u J u u J u u J u u J u (muharram) m. Muharram
u J u J u J u J u J (muharrar) m. scribe, clerk
u J u J u J u J u J (muhra) m. chessman, pawn
uJl uJl uJl uJl uJl (muhr) f. bottom opening of trousers , pents etc.
u JYS u JYS u JYS u JYS u JYS (mohlat) f. the period given for completing
something, moratorium; free time, leisure,
~ U(~ dea ) v.t. to grant a moratorium
~ u T(~ mgaa ) v.t. to ask for mora
~ |uY (~ mIlan) v.i. to get a moratorium
~ Y (~ len) v.i. to take a moratorium
u J H u J H u J H u J H u J H (muha sra ) m. encirclement, siege,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to encircle, to besiege,
to lay siege
u JH u JH u JH u JH u JH (muhasa) m. pimple, acne
u JH u JH u JH u JH u JH (muhaz) f. warfront, front
u JJ u JJ u JJ u JJ u JJ (muhah) m. door-sill
u J u J u J u J u J (muhaa) m. mouth of a river, stream etc.,
outfall, embouchure; boatman, ferryman
u JU u JU u JU u JU u JU (muha dra ) m. appearance, features,
u J VH u J VH u J VH u J VH u J VH (muha faz) m. defender, protector;
guardian, custodian
u J u J u J u J u J (muha r) f. nose- string of a camel; authority
to control, reins
~ U (~ pun) id. to put a bridle on, to
restrain, to control
~ u= (~ mon) id. to turn back, to make
a return
m uJ ( p muhara) m. self- willed,
m u J ( p muha re) m.
spontaneously, impulsively, automatically
u J ( be-muha re) a. reckless,
thoughtless; unbridled, wayward
u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl (muharn ) f. repeated recitation done
for learning by heart, repetition
u J u J u J u J u J (muhara) a. stack
u JY u JY u JY u JY u JY(muhal) a. difficult, hard, tough
u J= u J= u J= u J= u J= (muhavara) m. idiom, phrase, usage
~ J (~ hoa ) id. to be habitual of, to
have habit of
u |J u u |J u u |J u u |J u u |J u (muhm ) f. military expedition, invasion;
campaign; tough task, arduous job
~ H W (~ sar karn) id. to achieve
victory; to accomplish an arduous task
~ UYU (~chala u) v.t. to initiate a
campaign, to start a movement
u WJ u WJ u WJ u WJ u WJ(muka) m. crown , diaderm, coronet
u W u W u W u W u W(mukka) v.i. to come to an end, to be
accomplished, to be finished; to exhaust; to
cease; to be spent; to be over (time etc.)
|Hm~ ( sIpa ~) id. for a dispute to be
settled; for a problem to be solved; for a tedious
work to be accomplished
u WUl T Y ( mukkd gall) f. final
settlement, conclusion
uW uW ( muk muka ) m. clearance of
accounts; final settlement
~ uW W (~ muka karn) id. to clear the
account; to settle with
u WS u WS u WS u WS u WS(mukat) a. released, freed, liberated; free,
independent; redeemed, emancipated
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to set free, to liberate
~ UU (~ chhd) m. blank verse
H=~ (seva~) a. retired
u WS u WS u WS u WS u WS(mukata) m. a word without vowel sign
u WSl u WSl u WSl u WSl u WSl(mukat)f. salvation, redemption, riddance,
deliverance; freedom, liberation, emancipation,
~ US (~ dat) m. Redeemer, Deliverer,
Liberator, Saviour, Rescuer
u W UH u W UH u W UH u W UH u W UH (mukaddas) a. pious; sacred, holy
u W Uu u W Uu u W Uu u W Uu u W Uu (mukaddama) m. law suit, court case,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to sue , to file a suit, to
~ Y= (~ lan) v.t. to fight a suit
~ Y (~ len) v.t. to take up case
Ul=l ~( dvan ~) m. civil suit
=HUl ~( phoJdar ~) m. criminal suit
u W Uu H u W Uu H u W Uu H u W Uu H u W Uu H (mukaddameba z) m. litigant, law suitor
u W Uu Hl u W Uu Hl u W Uu Hl u W Uu Hl u W Uu Hl (mukaddamebaz ) f. litigation
u W U u W U u W U u W U u W U(mukaddar) m. fate , destiny, fortune, luck
u W uY u W uY u W uY u W uY u W uY (mukmal) a. complete; completed,
finished; entire, whole; perfect
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to complete, to finish
u W u W u W u W u W(mukkarna) v.t. to go back upon one's
u W u W u W u W u W
! !! !!
(mukarrar) a. appointed; fixed, settled
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to appoint; to fix, to settle
u W u W u W u W u W
z zz zz
(mukarrar) adv. once again, once more
u W=U u W=U u W=U u W=U u W=U /u WU u WU u WU u WU u WU (mukarva ua /mukara ua)
v.t. to make one to deny
u W u W u W u W u WY Y Y Y Y= = = = =(mukla va ) m. second visit of bride to her
in law's house
u u u u u W WW WW (mukka ) m. clenched fist, punch, blow, buffer
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to blow with a
clenched fist, to buffer
~ =J (~ vaaa) v.i. to threaten with a
clenched fist
- =H ~/ V~( ghasn~/ dhaffa~) m.
exchange of blows, fisticuffs, scuffle
- uWl Ul (- mukk den ) id. to knead
- |FW ~ Ul u J (Ik~ d mr hoa) id.
to be of no match; to be very weak
uW ~ J ( mukko ~hoa ) id. to come
to blows, to fight, to exchange blows
u WU u WU u WU u WU u WU (muka ua) v.t. to finish, to accomplish
(work); to do away with, to murder; to leave
nothing, to consume all
mY ~ (alk h~) id. to blot out, to
obliterate, to erase, to annihilate
JU~ (hadd~) id. to go beyond limits,
to cross the limit
=W/WHlm ~ (reka/kaJ ~) id. to
settle the dispute, to finish a dispute, to end a
u WY u WY u WY u WY u WY (mukabala) m. competition, contest,
contention; comparison, match; encounter,
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to face, to fight; to
compete , to contest; to compare
uWu uWu uWu uWu uWu (muka m) m. camp, halting place; destination,
goal; stoppage, halt; stage (life)
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to make a halt
(during a journey); to camp
HU ~ (sadar~) m. head quarter, head
u Wul u Wul u Wul u Wul u Wul (mukam) a. local
u W H u W H u W H u W H u W H (mukkebaz) m. boxer, pugilist
u W Hl u W Hl u W Hl u W Hl u W Hl (mukkebaz ) f. boxing, pugilism
u W H u W H u W H u W H u W H (mukesh) f. gold or silver thread like wire
used for embroidery
u H u H u H u H u H (mukh) m. mouth, orifice; face, countenance
u H u H u H u H u H (mukkh) a. chief, head; main
~ m|mW(~ adhIapak) m. head master
~ W (~ karan) m. main reason, root
~ (~ dhara) f. mainstream
~ (~ bdh) m. introduction, preface,
preamble, forward
~ u|Ju (~ mehman) m. chief guest
~ uSl (~ mtr) m. chief minister
~ YHW (~ lekhakar) m. chief accountant
~ =W (~ va k) m. utterance of great people,
great utterances
u SH u SH u SH u SH u SH (mukhatsar) a. short, brief, condensed
u S|Y= u S|Y= u S|Y= u S|Y= u S|Y= (muk hatlIph) a. different, distinct,
dissimilar, unlike
u S u S u S u S u S/ u |Sm u |Sm u |Sm u |Sm u |Sm (muk hta r/muk htIa r) m.
attorney, procurator, agent
~ u (~ na ma ) m. power of attorney,
W ~ (ka r ~) a. all in all, everything
H Uu S(khudmuk hta r) a. self-
governing, absolute, independent
u H u H u H u H u H (mukhbar) m. informer, spy, tout,
intelligencer, reporter
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (mukhbar ) m. the act of informing to
police, govt. etc.; work of an informer
u H= u H= u H= u H= u H= (mukha ) m. face, countenance, the visage
u H|S u H|S u H|S u H|S u H|S (mukhatIb ) a. addressed, addressing
~ J /W (~ hoa/karn) v.i. to
address, to speak
u H| U u H| U u H| U u H| U u H| U (mukharbd) m. pretty face; mouth
u H YV u H YV u H YV u H YV u H YV (mukha lf ) a. opposite, opposed,
antagonistic; adverse
u HYVS u HYVS u HYVS u HYVS u HYVS (mukhalfat )a. opposition, antagonism
~ Wl (~ karn ) v.t. to oppose, to resist
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (mukh ) a. chief, head
u Hlm u Hlm u Hlm u Hlm u Hlm (mukh ) m. headman of a village;
chieftan, head of a clan or a tribe
u H J u H J u H J u H J u H J (mukho ) m. mask; countenance
u TU u TU u TU u TU u TU/ u =U u =U u =U u =U u =U (mugdar/ mughdar ) m. one of
the items of weightlifting, club
u TY u TY u TY u TY u TY (mugal ) m. Mogul, Mughal
u TYFl u TYFl u TYFl u TYFl u TYFl (mugala ) a. pertaining to Moguls , of
u TYl u TYl u TYl u TYl u TYl (mgal ) f. a conical small rod used for
pounding; a heavy conical club used for
physical exercise
u TYS u TYS u TYS u TYS u TYS (muga lta ) m. misunderstanding,
misconception; wrong notion
u U u U u U u U u U(muchaa ) v.i. to suffer sprain; to be
u U YW u U YW u U YW u U YW u U YW (muchallaka ) m. personal bond,
~ F (~ bharn)v.t. to submit
recognizance; to deposit security
u U u U u U u U u U (muchchh ) f. moustaches
~ U =Y (~ d va l) m. intimate, close, nearest
~ l=l J (~ nv hon ) id. to feel
humiliated; to suffer humiliation
~ Jl (~ paan) id. to put someone to
~ = J (~ phut) a. & m. adolescent,
teenaged, juvenile
uU UH= ( (( (( muchchha ukhan) id.
to knock off one's pride, to degrade someone
~ S W ( (( ((~ ta ke) adv. with great pride;
with an air of arrogance
~ Sm U ( (( ((~ n ta dea ) id. to twist
one's moustaches (because of haughtiness);
to show courage
u U u U u U u U u U (muchchhaa ) v.t. to fleece, to filch, to
extort, to squeeze, to snag; to smoothen with
u UY u UY u UY u UY u UY (muchchhal ) a. having long and heavy
u U=U u U=U u U=U u U=U u U=U /u UU u UU u UU u UU u UU (muchhva ua/muchha ua )
v.t. to get or cause to be filched or extorted;
to get the ends (of something) smoothened
u u u u u H H H H H(mJ) m. a kind of long grass used for making
ropes, strings etc., reed fibre
u H Hu u H Hu u H Hu u H Hu u H Hu (muJassam ) a. having body and form;
physical, corporeal, embodied
u H Hu u H Hu u H Hu u H Hu u H Hu (muJassama ) f. statue, idol; sculptured
u H uS u H uS u H uS u H uS u H uS (muzammat ) f. condemnation,
disapprobation, censure, disapproval
~ Wl (~ karn ) v.t. to condemn, to censure
u Hu u Hu u Hu u Hu u Hu (muJram ) a. person proved guilty of crime,
criminal, offender
u Hu u Hu u Hu u Hu u Hu (muJrma na ) a. criminal
u H u H u H u H u H (muJra ) m. musical sitting by a professional
u HJU u HJU u HJU u HJU u HJU (muJahad ) m. warrior for a religious
cause, crusader
u HJ u HJ u HJ u HJ u HJ (muza hra ) m. demonstration,rally, protest
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to demonstrate, to hold
u H u H u H u H u H (muzara ) m. anagricultural tenant, tiller
u u u u u Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl(mJ) f. paddy
u JFl u JFl u JFl u JFl u JFl (mua) f. thickness; diameter
u J/u J u J/u J u J/u J u J/u J u J/u J (muapa /moapa) m. fatness,
obesity, bulkiness
u |Jm u |Jm u |Jm u |Jm u |Jm (muIa r ) f. young girl, damsel, maiden
u J u J u J u J u J (muh ) f. closed hand, fist
a. handful; wisp, swathe
|FW ~ ( Ikk ~) adv. together, collectively
a. united, joined, combined; willing, agreeable
|F W ~J ( Ikk ~hoa ) v.i. to come
together, to unite; to see eye to eye with
Jlm Ul~ ( haa d ~) a. skeleton-
like, bony, skinny, very weak
u J-F = u J-F = u J-F = u J-F = u J-F = (muh-bhe) m. encounter, confrontation,
fight, clash
u J u J u J u J u J ( muha) m. handle, helve, haft, hilt; butt (of
u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl ( muh ) f. fist; handful
~ Tu Wl (~ garm karn ) id. to grease
the palm, to bribe
~ Ul (~ cha p)f. massage; flattery,
~ Ul W (~ chap karn) id. to knead
muscles, to massage; to make feel honoured,
to flatter
~F(~bhar)adv. very few, a little
~ |=U (~vIch)adv. under one's control, in
one's grip, in one's hands
u u u u u tmd an) m. a ceremony (of Hindus ) in which
hair of the head of a small child are got
shaved, tonsure
~ HHW (~sskar)m. tonsure ceremony
u u u u u t t t t tma ) m. boy, lad, urchin; male child, son
~ J (~hoa) v.i. to have birth of a son, for
a son to be born
~ H (~kha)m. youngster, youngman
~ (~pua)m. boyhood
- mYm~ (alu a~)m. young lad, adolescent
- W=lm =T ~ (kua varga ~)m. shy
boy, girlish boy
u u u u u H t H t H t H t H tmasa ) m. muffler type long cloth tied
around head and face
u u u u u l t l t l t l t l tm) f. neck; head
u u u u u t t t t tmu) m. young male servant, scullion
uH uH uH uH uH t t t t tmeba z) a. sodomite, paederast, pederast
u u u u u Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl tmebaz ) f. sodomy, paederasty
u u u u u t t t t tmer) f. parapet
u V t u V t u V t u V t u V tmuh) m. inception, beginning, incipience,
start; source, root, origin; bottom portion of (an
uprooted) plant or tree, stump, stub
~ WUlu (~kadm)m. ancient times, antiquity
~ WUlul (~kadm)a. very old , ancient,
primitive, good old , pristine, primeval, antique
~ S (~ to )adv. from the very beginning,
from the inception
~ (~bnha) id. to lay the foundation,
to begin, to start
- uV (- muho) adv. from the beginning,
since the origin
u VY u VY u VY u VY u VY (muhla ) a. elementary, primary,
preliminary, initial, incipient
~ |Tm (~gIan) m. elementary knowledge
- u VYl |=|Um (mudhl vIda) f. primary
education, elementary education
u V u V u V u V u V (muha ) m. reel of yarn spun on spinning
u Vl u Vl u Vl u Vl u Vl (muh ) f. unhewn wooden piece; snag,
stump, stub
u |mU u |mU u |mU u |mU u |mU (munIa d) f. life, durability; period, tenure,
u u u u u SH t SH t SH t SH t SH tmtshar) a. dispersed, scattered
u SJ W t u SJ W t u SJ W t u SJ W t u SJ W tmutharrak) a. moving, in motion
u S|JU t u S|JU t u S|JU t u S|JU t u S|JU tmutahId) a. united; collective, co-
~ J (~hoa ) v.i. to come together, to unite
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to bring under a single
banner, to unite
u u u u u SWY t SWY t SWY t SWY t SWY tmtkal) a. shifted, transferred
u u u u u SH SH SH SH SH tmtzar) a. expecting, waiting
u uu uu S|VW t S|VW t S|VW t S|VW t S|VW tmutfIk ) a. agreed ; agreeable, willing
u uu uu S S S S S tmutbna ) m. adopted son and heir
u uu uu S W t S W t S W t S W t S W tmutbarrak ) a. sacred, holy, sanctified
u uu uu SUY SUY SUY SUY SUY tmutba dal ) m. substitute, alternative
u uu uu SYW SYW SYW SYW SYW tmutlak ) adv. wholly, completely, entirely
~Jl(~nah ) adv. not at all, not the least
u uu uu S YW S YW S YW S YW S YW tmutallak ) adv. in connection with,
concerning, regarding
a. concerned, related
u uu uu S=S t S=S t S=S t S=S t S=S tmutva tar ) adv. continuously, constantly,
incessantly, without break
u uu uu S H t S H t S H t S H t S H tmuta sar) a. affected; influenced,
u uu uu SW t SW t SW t SW t SW tmutabak) a. suitable, corresponding
adv. according to, accordingly, as per, in
accordance with
u uu uu SY SY SY SY SY (muta lba ) m. demand, claim
u uu uu S|Ym S|Ym S|Ym S|Ym S|Ym (mutalIa ) m. careful reading, study;
u uu uu S= t S= t S= t S= t S= tmuta ) m. swelling or wound on bullock's
neck due to the friction of yoke
u uu uu H H H H H (muthaJ ) a. needy, indigent, in want; poor;
u uu uu Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl t Hl tmuthaJ ) f. needy, indigence, want;
poverty; dependence
u uu uu UFl t UFl t UFl t UFl t UFl tmuda) m. plaintiff, accuser, querent,
claimant, prosecutor, complainant
u u u u u U t U t U t U t U tmdaa ) v.t.i. to close, to shut; to be closed,
to be shut
u uu uu US US US US US tmuddat ) m. time limit, time, duration; long
~ JFl (~ ho )adv. long ago
~ S (~ to )adv. for long age
- uUS U t- muddata da ) a. time worn,
very old
u uu uu U t U t U t U t U tmudabbar) a. sagacious, wise, intelligent,
mature; respected
u uu uu U U U U U
! !! !!
t t t t tmudra ) f. currency, coin; money
~ H=lSl (~ sapht ) f. inflation of currency
u uu uu U U U U U
z zz zz
t t t t tmudra ) f. posture, pose
u U u U u U u U u U tmdara ) f. big ear rings (worn by
mendicants of Jogi sect)
u u u u u Ul t Ul t Ul t Ul t Ul tmdar ) f. finger ring, ring
u uu uu U U U U U
! !! !!
tmudda ) m. issue; aim, object; goal,
objective; substance, gist
u uu uu U U U U U
z zz zz
tmudda ) m. stolen document or thing etc.
u uu uu U HYS U HYS U HYS U HYS U HYS tmuda khlat) m. interference,
intervention, meddling
u uu uu UY UY UY UY UY/u uu uu UmY UmY UmY UmY UmY tmuda la /muda le ) m. respondent,
u U u U u U u U u U (mudhaua ) v.t. to turn upside down; to
throw out (liquid from a vessel), to spill
u HV u HV u HV u HV u HV (munsaf) m. judge, justice, munsif, arbiter
u HVl u HVl u HVl u HVl u HVl (munsaf ) m. justice; work or court of a
u H u H u H u H u H/ u JH u JH u JH u JH u JH (munassar/munhasar) a.
depending (on) , dependent
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (munsh ) m. clerk, scribe ; lawyer's clerk
~ uHUl (~ musadd ) m. clerical staff (of
u Hlm u Hlm u Hlm u Hlm u Hlm (munshana ) m. fee of a lawyer's
u HlTll u HlTll u HlTll u HlTll u HlTll (munshgr) m. the profession of a
u W u W u W u W u W (munkar ) a. atheist, disbeliever, apostate,
~ J (~hoa ) v.i.t. to disbelieve, to deny,
to repudiate
u u u u u tmnaa ) v.t. to shave, to trim; to shear, to
clip(sheep); to strip of money, to fleece
u uu uu= = = = = tmunavvar ) a. lighted, illuminated, luminous
u =U u =U u =U u =U u =U /u U u U u U u U u U (munva ua/muna ua ) v.t.
to get hair shaved or trimmed; to get sheep
u =Fl u =Fl u =Fl u =Fl u =Fl/u Fl u Fl u Fl u Fl u Fl(munva /muna ) f. the process
of or the charges for trimming or fleecing
u uu uu
! !! !!
tmna ) m. an affectionate term for male
child; young boy; son
u uu uu H H H H H tmuna sab ) a. appropriate, proper,
reasonable, suitable, fit, convenient
u uu uu Ul t Ul t Ul t Ul t Ul tmuna d ) f. proclamation (by beat of
drum); announcement
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to proclaim by beat of
u V u V u V u V u V (munafa) m. profit, gain
u VH u VH u VH u VH u VH (munafakhor) m. profiteer
u VH l u VH l u VH l u VH l u VH l (munafakhor) f. profiteering
u u u u u (muna ra ) m. minaret, turret, gazebo,
U ~ ( chana~ ) m. beacon, light
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y (munal) m. pipe of hubble bubble
u |m u |m u |m u |m u |m (munIa r ) m. the person who sells bangles,
cosmetic etc.; bangle-seller
u |ml u |ml u |ml u |ml u |ml (munIar ) f. shop of bangles, cosmetics
etc., general store; general merchandise
u l u l u l u l u l (mun ) m. hermit, ascetic, saint
u l u l u l u l u l (mn ) f. term of endearment for female
child , young girl; a small support
l ~ ( nnh ~ ) f. small girl
u lu u lu u lu u lu u lu (mun m ) m. book keeper, accountant
u lul u lul u lul u lul u lul (munm ) f. book keeping, accountancy
u V HY u V HY u V HY u V HY u V HY (mufassal ) a. detailed, elaborate
u VS/u VSl u VS/u VSl u VS/u VSl u VS/u VSl u VS/u VSl(mufat/mufat ) a. free of cost, free,
~ H H U W (~Ja pese de ke) ph. for love or
~ Ul H WHl JYY JUl J (~d shara b kaJ
n halal hd he) prov. an open door will
tempt even a saint
~ Ul Wl U (~d k puchchh) prov. one does
not look a gift horse in the mouth
u VSH /u VSH u VSH /u VSH u VSH /u VSH u VSH /u VSH u VSH /u VSH

(mufatkhor/mufatkhora) a.
living at others' cost, parasite
u VSH l u VSH l u VSH l u VSH l u VSH l (mufatkhor ) f. parasitism, a state of
living in idleness at other's expenses
u VSl u VSl u VSl u VSl u VSl
! !! !!
(mufat ) m. Muslim judge or law-giver,
Mufti, ecclesiastic
u VSl u VSl u VSl u VSl u VSl
z zz zz
(mufat ) f. free of cost, free, gratis
u VU u VU u VU u VU u VU (mufad ) f. benefit, advantage
u VlU u VlU u VlU u VlU u VlU (mufd) a. profitable , useful, advantageous
uSY uSY uSY uSY uSY (mubtala ) a. involved; engaged, engrossed
u |JH u |JH u |JH u |JH u |JH (muba hIsa) m. discussion, debate
|JH ~ ( behas~ ) m. debate, discussion
uW uW uW uW uW (muba rak) a. auspicious, happy, propitious,
blessed, welcome
f. congratulations, felicitation
~ U l (~ de ) v.t. to congratulate, to
u WU u WU u WU u WU u WU (mubarakbad) f. congratulations
u YT u YT u YT u YT u YT (mubalag) m. exaggeration
uuW uuW uuW uuW uuW/ u u|W u u|W u u|W u u|W u u|W (mumkan / mumkIn) a. possible,
feasible; viable, practicable ; likely, probably
u uSH u uSH u uSH u uSH u uSH (mumta z) a. eminent, prominent, reputed,
u U H u U H u U H u U H u U H (muyassar) a. available , attainable
~ J (~hoa) v.i. to be available
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to make available, to
be provided
u HU u HU u HU u HU u HU (murshad) m. spiritual guide or teacher,
u WH u WH u WH u WH u WH (murakkas) m. compound
u W u W u W u W u W (murkaa ) v.t. to crack, to break; to
u Wl u Wl u Wl u Wl u Wl (murk ) f. small ear-ring
u T u T u T u T u T (murga ) m. cock, rooster
uT uHYu (murg musallam ) m. cooked
or roasted chicken
u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl (murgab ) f. water-fowl
u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl (murg) f. hen
~ Y (~ pla) m. poultry-farming
u TlH u TlH u TlH u TlH u TlH (murgkha na ) m. poultry-farm, loomery,
u KU u KU u KU u KU u KU (murJhaua) v.i. to wither, to wilt; to
droop, to fade; to languish
u KJJ u KJJ u KJJ u KJJ u KJJ (murJha h) f. withering, wilting,
witheredness, decadence, drooping
u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul (murdan ) f. gloom, lifelessness
u U u U u U u U u U (murda ) m. corpse, a dead body
a. lifeless, without life, dead, deceased
~ =/ (~ ghar/kna) m. mortuary
~ =J (~ gha ) m. cremation ground,
crematory; cemetery
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. devoid of vigour, lacking
enthusiasm, depressed, listless, languid
~ |UYl (~ dIl ) f. depression, listlessness,
T= u U U H= (ghahe murde
ukhan) id. to rip up old sores
T= uU UH= ( ghae murde na
ukhan) prov. let by gones be by gones, let
the sleeping dogs lie
u UU u UU u UU u UU u UU (murdabad) intj. down with! death to!
uU uU uU uU uU (murda r) a. & m. dead, lifeless; worthless;
carcass (of an animal)
~ H (~ kha) id. to take bribe
u u u u u
! !! !!
(murabba ) m. jam , marmalade
u u u u u
z zz zz
(murabba ) m. square
- - - - - u Ul (murabbebd) f. consolidation
of land
u l u l u l u l u l (murabb) m. guardian; patron, protector,
uuS uuS uuS uuS uuS (murmat) f. repair , mending; renovation;
beating, thrashing
~ UT (~ yog) a. repairable
u u u u u u u u u u (murmura) m.&a. parched and puffed
maize, rice etc.; crisp
u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl (murl) f. flute, pipe
u Yl /-u Ylu J (murldhar/
murlmanohar) m. an epithet of Lord
u u u u u =S =S =S =S =S (muravvat) f. goodness, benevolence,
compassion, politeness
u U u U u U u U u U (murad) f. cherished desire, wish, longing,
craving; meaning, purport
~ Tl (~ pugga) v.i. for desire to be
u U ( na mura d) a. unlucky,
unfortunate, illomened; issueless, childless
f. an inoffensive abusive term
u lU ( murd) a. follower, disciple,
devotee, pupil
~ (~ bana ) v.t. to become a
follower of
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y (mull) m. cost, price, rate; value, worth
~ mW (~ ka ) m. evaluation; estimation
~ J H (~hara s) m. depreci at i on,
~ W (~ karn) id. to strike a bargain, to
haggle with, to settle the price
~ lU(~ khard) m. cost-price, purchase
a. purchased, bought, paid for
~ JW (~ tukkan) v.t. to settle the price,
to haggle with
~ S (~ tarn) id. to pay off; to repay
an obligation
~ U (~ d) a. purchased; valuable, costly
~ U (~ den ) v.t. to pay the price
~ U (~ pa un ) id. to recognize
someone's value or worth; to value, to
evaluate; to appreciate
~ (~ pen) id. for the value to be
~ Y (~ len) v.t. to get the price; to buy,
to purchase
~ |=U |T=J/ =J (~ vIch gIrva/
gha a ) m.&f. depreciation, devaluation; slump
~ |=U = (~ vIch vdha) m. rise in price,
|FW~ (Ikk~ ) m. fixed price
H U ~ (sone de~ ) a. very costly ,
valuable, precious
|uJl U ~ ( mI de~ ) a. very cheap,
dirt cheap, at throw away price
= uY ~ ( va mulla~ ) a. costly,
valuable, precious
u Y u Y u Y u Y u YW WW WW(mulk), homeland, land
u Y u Y u Y u Y u YH HH HH(mulkh) m.large crowd, multitude
u Y u Y u Y u Y u YHu Hu Hu Hu Hu(mulzam) m.alleged offender, accused,
u Y u Y u Y u Y u YS=l S=l S=l S=l S=l(multav) a.postponed , deferred, adjourned
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to postpone, to defer,
to adjourn
u Y u Y u Y u Y u YSl Sl Sl Sl Sl(multa n) f.& a. a dialect of Punjabi
language spoken in Multan; belonging to
Multan region
~ |uJl (~ mI ) f. fuller's earth
u Y u u Y u u Y u u Y u u Y u (mulma ) m. coating (of gold, silver etc.);
false appearance, mask
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y (mulla ) m. Muslim priest
u Y|Fu u Y|Fu u Y|Fu u Y|Fu u Y|Fu ( mulaIm) a. soft,tender; delicate
u Y JH u Y JH u Y JH u Y JH u Y JH/ u Y JH u Y JH u Y JH u Y JH u Y JH ( mula hJa/mula hza ) m.
relationship, friendship; regard, favour,
u Y W u Y W u Y W u Y W u Y W ( mula ka ) m. evaluation, review;
u Y W S u Y W S u Y W S u Y W S u Y W S ( mula ka t ) f. meeting; encounter;
interview; acquaintanceship
u YWSl u YWSl u YWSl u YWSl u YWSl ( mula ka t ) m. visitor, caller; interviewer;
u YHu u YHu u YHu u YHu u YHu (mula zam) m. employee, job-holder,
u YHuS u YHuS u YHuS u YHuS u YHuS (mula zamat ) f. employment, service, job
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( mula a ) m. Mohammadon priest, Maulvi
u = u = u = u = u = ( mu ) adv. again , once more, second time
~ |== W / ~ u= W (~ ghI ke/ ~mu ke )
adv. time and again , again and again ,
repeatedly, ever an anon
~ |== W mJY / ~ |== T= HV=Y (~
ghI ke baba atall/ ~ ghI gea Jafarval)
prov. to argue round and round the subject
~ =H(~ vaseba) m. resettlement
u = W u = W u = W u = W u = W ( muhka ) m. sweat, perspiration
~ mU (~ aun) v.i. to perspire, to sweat
~ U (~ chon) id. to burn the candle at
both ends , to toil hard
- u=W u=Wl(muko muk) adv. in a sweat
a. sweating
u = u = u = u = u = ( muhna ) v.i. to return, to come back; to
desist, to refrain; to turn, to twist; to bend, to
u == u == u == u == u == ( muva ) a.& m. turned; flexible
u ==U u ==U u ==U u ==U u ==U / u =U u =U u =U u =U u =U ( muvaua/muaua ) v.t.
to have or make to return; to cause or get
something to return
u HY u HY u HY u HY u HY ( msal ) m. threshing club, wooden pestle; a
stack of wheat chaff
u HY u HY u HY u HY u HY ( msala dha r ) a. torrential, heavy (rain)
~ ulJ /~ ulJ =H(~ m h pen/~ m h
vasa) v.i. to rain cats and dogs
u HYl u HYl u HYl u HYl u HYl ( msal ) f. cone shaped small iron pestle
u H u H u H u H u H ( msa ) m. a Jew prophet, Moses
u J u J u J u J u J (m h) m. mouth, orifice; face, countenance,
gob; opening, hole, orifice
~ U (~ uan) id. to turn pale, to be
astonished, to be confused, perplexed
~ US/ US H(~ utarna/ utar Jan)
id. to become weak, to become feeble, to have
one's face withered; to become sad, to pull a
long face
~ US (~ utte) adv. on the face
~ US Ul J = (~ utte d hatth pherna)
id. to throw down the gauntlet, to challenge
~ US YFl YJ (~ utto lo lahua ) id. to
become shameless or barefaced
~ mT |= (~ agge phIrna ) ph. to be just
on the tip of the tongue, to know but not to
readily recollect, to have a vague recollection
~ mU (~ aua )m.& id. mouthsore, to
suffer from stomatitis or thrush
~ mFl (~ a ) f. insensible talk
~ H FY W (~ sbha l ke ) adv. sensibly, civilly
~ HFY W TY W (~ sbhal ke gall karn)
id. to talk with restraint, to mind one's
language, to talk with propriety
~ H|=m (~ saIa ) m. an inoffensive
abusive word; foul mouthed, damned
~ |H (~ sIr) m. clear shape;
~ HlU(~ sua) id. to keep one's mouth
shut, to keep mum, to seal one's mouth; to make
one silent, to put or reduce to silence
~ HW (~ sukkaa) id. to feel thirsty; to
go weak or feeble
~ HU H (~ succha rakkhaa) id. to
be empty stomach, to be on fast
~ HHU (~ suJaua) id. to be angry, to
be sullen, to sulk
~ J (~ hanera ) m. twilight, dusk
~ WY W (~ kala karn) id. to have illicit
relation, to commit adultery or rape, to disgrace
~ H(~ khur) m. foot and mouth disease
~ HY (~ khullha) id. to develop the
habit of talking insolently
~ H Y=U (~ khulvau) id. to provoke
someone to speak insolently
~ HY |J H (~ khullha reh Ja) id. to
gape in amazement, to be stunned , to be dumb
~ HY (~ kholh) id. to give tongue, to
break silence, to speak up
~ U H J (~ 'ch zaban na ho)
id. to be humble and meek; to speak too little
~ UJ(~ chaa) id. to fondle, to lick the
face; to kiss
~ UYU (~ chalau) id. to go on eating;
to eat, to chew; to talk too much
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to become
favourite of (someone); to be fed up; to get
~ |U=U(~ chIau) id. to make faces,
to tease, to grimace, to gibe
~ U W W (~ chukk ke) adv. carelessly,
~ U u(~ chma) id. to shower too
much affection, to caress, to fondle
~ UJ |HJ J H (~ chhoa Jeha ho Ja)
id. to pull a long face, to be disappointed, to
feel depressed
~ Hl (~ zaban) a. oral, verbal
adv. orally, verbally; by heart, by rote, from
~ HJ W (~ Juha karn ) id. to take a
morsel, to take bit
~ H (~ zor ) a. blunt, insolent, disrespectful;
arbitrary, unrestrained
~ KYH(~ Jhulsa ) id. to grease the palm,
to bribe; to give something to someone
~ J (~ t aa ) id. to demand
something, to ask for something
~ JJ (~ u ) a. ill-tempered, ill peevish,
~ J W (~ e karn ) id. to be sullen,
to make a wry face, to be displeased
~ SW mU(~ takk au) id. to come to
the tip of the tongue
~ S W|J(~ te keh) id. to say to face, to
be blunt
~ S U=(~ te chahn) id. to be always
on one's lips, to become habitual of using a
~ S HSl u(~ te Jutt marn) id. to offer
indignity to, to insult
~ S SY YT(~ te tala lagg) id. to keep
one's mouth shut
~ S W(~ te thukka) id. to give vent
to one's hatred; to hate, to abhor; to spit on the
~ S u Hl m | FW (~ t e makkh a
bhInka) id. to lose one's lustre, to have
a lack - lustre face
~ S ul(~ te marn) id. to fling in
one's teeth
~ S YFl YJl(~ to lo lahu ) id. to be
lost to all sense of shame , to behave
~ S=/ S==(~ to /tova ) a. hard -hitting
(reply etc.)
~ S= H=(~ to Javab ) m. hard -hitting
reply, flat- refusal, curt reply
~ U F= (~ d bhea) a. foul- mouthed, ill
~ U |uJ(~ d mIha) a. sweet-tongued,
soft- spoken
~ Ul TJl J(~d grah hoa) id. child's
play, without tears ; weak opponent
~ UJl / UJl(~dh / druh ) adv. face to
face, to one's face
~ |m (~dhIa ne) adv. with full attention,
~ (~parne) adv. with face downwards,
in prostate position
~ J (~paa) a. blunt, rude, impertinent,
pert, insolent
~ =/=J(~pa/phat)a. out spoken, blunt,
insolent, pert
~ lY (~ pla pen) id. to lose colour,
to turn pale
~ = Y (~ pher len) id. to abstain
from; to turn one's face, to desert, to shun
~ U (~ baaun) id. to pull a long
face; to make faces, to mock
~ U W(~ bd karn) id. to shut some
one's mouth; to give hush money; to gag
~ W(~ bnh ke) adv. by keeping strict
discipline upon one's expenses
~ YUl(~ bold) a. life like, very
expressive (portrait etc.)
~ |Ym/Yl(~ bolIa/ bol) a. regarded
as, treated as (brother, sister etc.)
~ F(~ bhn) id. to give a crushing
defeat; to give a thrashing
~ F(~ bharn) id. to grease the palm, to
give hush money, to bribe
~ u |Tm(~ mgI) a. wish (for), longed (for),
desired (for), coveted, solicited
~ u Tl u U(~ mg murd) f. cherished
~ u (~ matth) m. appearance, face, form,
features, countenance
~ u YT (~ matthe lagg) id. to keep
relations; to meet
~ u(~ marn) id. to eat; to bite
~ uJU(~ muha dr) m. appearance, face,
features, countenance
~ uYJH (~ mulahz) m. acquaintance,
family relation
~ u=(~ muan) id. to be fed up
~ uJ W (~ mo karn) id. to pull a
long face, to show one's indignation
~ u =(~ mon) id. to run away, to
renounce; to cut off relation (with someone),
to snap relations
~ YT (~ lagg) id. to develop a taste
for; to meet, to face; to make a condolence
call, to mourn
~ YuWU (~ lamkau) id. to pull a long
~ YU (~ lau) id. to give undue lift , to
encourage familiarity
~ |=U UTY U (~ vIch ugla pun) id.
to be taken aback, to be amazed, to be surprised
~ |=U = Tlm U lm (~ vIch ghga
pun) id. to keep mum, to keep silent, to
keep one's mouth shut
~ |=U H J (~ vIch Juban na ho)
id. to be very humble and polite
~ |=U l F (~ vIch pa bharna) id. to
have one's mouth watered
~ |=U uHlm (~ vIch makkha pen) id.
to get nothing
~ |=U =Y |W (~ vIcho phull kIrne) id.
to be sweet tongued, to be soft - spoken
m ~ ulm |uJ ( ape ~ ma mIh)
prov. self- praise is no recommendation
m ~ ulm |u J ( a pe ~ ma
mIh bana) id. to indulge in self- praise
|H ~( sIddhe ~) adv. in a proper way,
happily and properly
WY ~ =Y(ka le ~vala) a. inauspicious,
unfortunate, ill-omened
|=J ~(phIe ~) m. an inoffensive abuse
=J ~( phue ~) a. curse, shame on
you, damn you, fie on you
- uJ ( m ho ) adv. from the mouth
~ Y|J (~ na leha) id. to be very tasty,
to be delicious (for an eatable)
~uJ ( ~m h) adv. full to the brim, up to the
~uJl ( ~m h ) adv. face to face
u JY u JY u JY u JY u JY ( mhrla ) a. front, first, foremost
u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl u Jl ( mhr ) f. circumference of the bottom
openings of a trousers, salwar etc.
u J= u J= u J= u J= u J= ( mha ) m. stool made of reeds
u W u W u W u W u W ( mk ) a. silent, quiet, mute, voiceless,
u T=Yl u T=Yl u T=Yl u T=Yl u T=Yl ( m gphal ) f. ground- nut, Arachis
hypogaea, peanut
u T u T u T u T u T( m gra ) m. seed pods of radish, beans of
radish; salty droplets prepared of fine gram-
flour paste fried in ghee or oil
u T u T u T u T u T
! !! !!
( m ga ) m. coral
u T u T u T u T u T
z zz zz
( m ga ) m. a sea creature
u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl ( m g ) f. a kind of pulse, kidney bean,
Phasealus mungo
u H u H u H u H u H ( mJab ) suff. a suffix meaning according to
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl ( mz) a. tormentor, torturer; evil, wicked
u u u u u ( m ) m. mood
u S u S u S u S u S/ u S u S u S u S u S ( mt /mtar) m. urine
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. urinary
~ U u Ulm == (~ 'cho machchha
phan) id. to flock a dead horse
~ |WY (~ nIkal) id. to be extremely
afraid of, stand in awe of
u S u S u S u S u S/ u S u S u S u S u S ( mt /mtarn) v.i. to pass
urine , to urinate, to piss, to make out water; to
stale (animals)
u u u u u ( mdh ) a. with face downwards; upside
down, procumbent, prostrate; inverted, inverse;
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to overturn; to
prostrate; to turn upside down; to invert
u u J u u J u u J u u J u u J (mdhemu h) adv. face downward, prostrate
~ |T(~ d Ig) id. to have a great fall
JJ ~ =H( huha ~vaJJa) id. to be
reduced to penury; to be completely ruined
u u u u u ( mn ) f. doe, hind
u H u H u H u H u H ( mu rakh ) a. foolish, stupid, idiot, silly, inane
u HS u HS u HS u HS u HS ( murakht ) f. foolishness, stupidity, folly,
idiocy, inanity, ignorance, absurdity
u US u US u US u US u US ( mrchhat ) a. faint, unconscious, swooned
u U u U u U u U u U ( mrchh ) f. unconsciousness, swoon,
fainting, coma
u S u S u S u S u S ( mrt ) f. picture, portrait, image
u Sl u Sl u Sl u Sl u Sl ( mrt ) f. idol, icon; statue, sculpture
~ WY (~ kala) f. the art of making statues
and idols, sculpture
~ HW (~ pJak) a. worshipper of idols,
~ H (~ pJa) f. idol-worship, idolatry
- uSlW ( mrtkar) m. sculptor
-u Sl u ( mrtma n) a. incarnate,
u l u l u l u l u l ( mrdhan) a. retroflex (consonant sound);
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( ml ) m. root, source, base, origin; capital
(amount); principal
~ mH (~ astha n) m. place of origin,
original place
~ m|W (~ adhIka r) m. fundamental rights
~ HS (~ srot) m. source, origin
~ (~ dhan) m. capital amount, principal
(in loans etc.)
~ |=Hl(~ nIva s ) m. native, aborigine
~ uS(~ mtar) m. basic formula, key-note
~ (~ rp) m. original form
uY=U( mlvad) m. fundamentalism
uY=Ul( mlva d ) a. fundamentalist
u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl( ml ) f. radish, Raphanas sativus
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( mlo) adv. totally, from the very root, at the
root, from the very beginning; at all, quite
u =l u =l u =l u =l u =l( mv ) f. movie, picture
~ Wu (~ kemara ) m. movie camera
u = u = u = u = u =( mh) a. & m. foolish, idiotic, stupid, dull,
unwise, unlearned, inane; simpleton, nincom
u = u = u = u = u = ( mha) m. a stool made of reeds and straw
~ (~ bnh) id. to reduce to utter
u m u m u m u m u m( mear ) m. mayor
u H u H u H u H u H( mesaa ) v.t. to erase, to rub off
u W-m u W-m u W-m u W-m u W-m( mekap ) m. make-up
u H u H u H u H u H
! !! !!
( mekh ) f. nail, peg; nose- pin
u H u H u H u H u H
z zz zz
( mekh ) f. the first sign of Zodiac, Aries
u = u = u = u = u =( megh ) m. cloud
u =Y u =Y u =Y u =Y u =Y ( meghla ) a.& m. cloudy; cloud
u U u U u U u U u U/ u U u U u U u U u U ( mech/mecha ) m.& a. measurement,
size; fitting
u U u U u U u U u U ( mecha ) v.t. to take measurement, to
measure; to compare
u H u H u H u H u H ( mez ) m. table
~ H (~ posh ) m. table- cloth
u H u H u H u H u H ( mezban ) m. host
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl ( mezba n ) m. hospitality
u H u H u H u H u H ( meJar ) m. major
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl ( meJar ) m. rank of a major
u J u J u J u J u J ( me ) m. mate
u J u J u J u J u J ( metaa ) m. to rub off, to erase; to blot
out, to eradicate, to annihilate
u V u V u V u V u V/ u V u V u V u V u V ( meha /medha) m. ram, tup
u Vl u Vl u Vl u Vl u Vl ( meh) f. braid
- u Vlm J( meha puaa) id. to
grapple each other, to quarrel, to scuffle (for
u l u l u l u l u l ( meth) f. fenugreek, Medicago falcata
~ u(~ marna ) id. to do a gainful
business, to do a profitable bargain
u /u u /u u /u u /u u /u ( methe/ methare) m. fenugreek plant,
its leaves and seeds
u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul ( medan) f. earth
u u u u u u u u u u ( mem) f. an European lady; fashionable lady;
beautiful girl/ woman; queen (in playing cards)
u u u u u u u u u u ( memaa) m. lamb; kid; innocent person
u u u u u ( mer) f. the feeling of 'my' and 'mine' ; claim
of ownership; affection; favour, partiality
~ S(~ ter ) f. discrimination, partiality
u / u l u / u l u / u l u / u l u / u l ( mera/mer) pron. mine, my
~ ulm = Jl u |WH U Jl(~ ma
ghar nah men kIse da ar nah ) prov.
when the cat is away the mice will pay
u u u u u
! !! !!
( mer) m. a mythological mountain, Sumer
u u u u u
z zz zz
( mer) m. top bead in a rosary
u u u u u
a aa aa
( mer) f. spinal cord
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( mel) m. meeting; compromise, agreement;
attachment, affection; intimacy, friendship;
unity, union; alliance; familiarity; guests/
relatives at a wedding or some family function;
connection; mixture
~ J (~ hoa )v.i. to meet; to be in
harmonious relation
~ T Y(~ gel )m. relatives/ guests at a
wedding or other family function
~ HY(~ Jol ) m. association, intimacy,
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( mela) f. female guest at a wedding etc.
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y/ u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( melaa/melana) v.i. to unite, to
join; to make to meet; to twist, to twine; to
intertwine; to cause to cross (animals or plants
of different races or kinds); to to cause to
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( melha ) v.i. to walk like a snake; to writhe
with pain
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( mela ) m. fair, fete, festive gathering,
carnival; big gathering, crowd
u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl u Yl ( mel) m. guest at wedding etc.; friend,
companion, associate
~ TYl/ HYl(~ gel /Jol )m. friend, chum
u = u = u = u = u =( meva) m. dry fruit; rasin
u u u u u ( me) pron.&f. I; ego,I- ness, self-conceit, self-
pride, self importance
u H u H u H u H u H( mes) m. mess
u THl u THl u THl u THl u THl( megzn) m. magazine
u U u U u U u U u U( mech) m. match
~ W(~ karn) v.i. to match, to compare
~ H (~ khe) v.t. to play a match
~ WH(~ bkas) m. match-box
u |U T u |U T u |U T u |U T u |U T( mechg ) m. matching
u |HHJ J u |HHJ J u |HHJ J u |HHJ J u |HHJ J( me JIsre) m. magistrate
u |J W/ u J|W u |J W/ u J|W u |J W/ u J|W u |J W/ u J|W u |J W/ u J|W (me rIk/me t arIk) m. matric,
u u u u u u u u u u ( meam) f. madam; lady teacher
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( meal) m. medal
~ |uY (~ mIl) v.i. to be awarded a
medal, to receive a medal
u lWY u lWY u lWY u lWY u lWY( me d Ikal) a.&m. medical; medical
~ WU (~ kara u) v.i.t. to get
medically examined
u U u U u U u U u U ( meda) m. fine wheat flour, farina
u U u U u U u U u U ( medan) m. ground; battle- field
~ u(~ marna ) id. to score a victory,
to win; to go to answer the call of nature
~ |=U mU (~ vIch un ) id. to enter the list
=~( ra~) m. plain ground, levelled
u u u u u ( mena) f. a bird having melodious voice,
u l= HJ u l= HJ u l= HJ u l= HJ u l= HJ ( menIpheso) m. manifesto
u u u u u ( men) pron. me, to me
u u u u u ( mebar) m. member
u |H u |H u |H u |H u |H( merIJ) f. marriage
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y( me l) f. dirt, filth, impurity, sludge; malice,
malevolence; grudge, grouse
~ H(~ khora ) a. dust- coloured, gray
J Ul~( hatth d ~) f. money, wealth,
u Y u Y u Y u Y u Y ( mela) a. & m. dirty, filthy, soiled, muddy,
unclean, sluggy; faeces, excreta; blood (of
~ W U Y (~kuche l) a. dirty and
pugnacious, filthy, soiled, dingy, polluted
u Yl m H(me l akkh) f. lustful look,
lascivious stare; malafide look
u mS u mS u mS u mS u mS ( moatbar) a. honourable, respectable,
reputed; trustworthy, reliable
u |Fm u |Fm u |Fm u |Fm u |Fm ( moIa ) a. dead, deceased; an inoffensive
abusive term
u H u H u H u H u H ( moshan) f. motion
u J u J u J u J u J ( moh) m. affection, attachment, love;
attraction, infatuation, fondness, allurement
~ HY(~ Ja l )m. worldly attachment,
mundane- bondage
~ uuS(~ mamta )f. affection, attachment
u J u J u J u J u J ( moha ) v.t. to fascinate, to entice, to allure,
to attract
u |JS u |JS u |JS u |JS u |JS ( mohIt) a. fascinated, captivated, allured,
attracted, charmed, enticed
u W u W u W u W u W ( mok) f. thin dung, loose motion (of animal)
u WY u WY u WY u WY u WY ( mokla) a. loose; wide, spacious, roomy
J ~ J (hatth~ hoa )id. to become
economically sound
J~ W(rah~ karna ) id. to clear
the way, to get aside
uWY J ( mokle ha) m.&a. tall and
broad shouldered physique; free from liabilities
u T u T u T u T u T ( mogara) m. heavy club; shoe- maker's
tool for beating leather; a kind of jasmine with
big flowers, Raphanus sativus
u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl u Tl ( mogar) f. mallet
u = u = u = u = u = ( mogha ) m. a whole in a wall or roof, scuttle;
opening for water discharge especially from
irrigational canal distributaries
~ HY (~ khola) id. to inflict an injury
on the head
u U u U u U u U u U ( moch) f. sprain
~ mU l (~ un ) v.i. to suffer sprain
u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul u Ul ( moch) m. shoe-maker, cobbler, souter
u U u U u U u U u U ( mochhaa) v.t. to lop, to trim, to prune
u U u U u U u U u U ( mochha) m. a sawed piece of log or of a
tree, snag
uU U ( mochhe pun ) id. to inflict
a deep wound; to saw wood into pieces
u J u J u J u J u J ( moar) f. motor
~ HFlWY (~ sa kal) m. motorcycle,
~ Tl (~ ga) f. automobile, motor vehicle
~ J (~ bo) f. motorboat
~ |WH(~ rIksha ) m. autorickshaw
u JY u JY u JY u JY u JY ( moal) m. motel
u J= u J= u J= u J= u J=( moa) a. obese, bulky, fat, hefty
u J u J u J u J u J ( moa ) f. obese, fat, bulky, hefty, corpulent,
plump, chubby, fleshy; coarse, thick, heavy
~ Wu (~ km) m. good trade, flourishing
~ SH(~ ta za ) a. robust, healthy, stout, hefty,
bulky, fleshy , plump
~ |UH (~ dIkhaa) id. to have weak
eye-sight/indistinct vision
~ u J/u J S S (~ moa /moe to r te)
a.&adv. main, selected; roughly, broadly
speaking, by and large
uJl mHul( mo asam) f. rich person,
wealthy man, opulent fellow
~ mWY(~ akal) f. poor intelligence, dull
brain, slow wittedness, thick headedness,
dullness of mind
~ mWY =Y(~ akal va la ) a. unintelligent,
dull, obtuse, duffer
~ mWY =Y J(~ akal vala hoa) id.
to be thick headed
u J u J u J u J u J ( moh) m. a pulse, sugar bean, Phasealus
WW=~ (koka~) m. hard grain difficult
to be rendered soft by boiling; person who does
not mix up easily
u V u V u V u V u V ( moha) m. shoulder
~ VJ (~ hahua) id. to put shoulder
to; to own a responsibility; to support; to help
~ U (~ dea ) id. to give or lend a
shoulder to , to carry a bier; to give support
uVl uVl uVl uVl uVl ( moh) m. pioneer, originator, founder; leader
u u u u u ( mo) m. ghee or oil added to dough for
making an eatable crisp and soft
u u u u uSl Sl Sl Sl Sl ( mot) m. pearl
~ W (~ kerna ) id. to talk sweetly and
~ U U Y (~ chr da la) m. tiny
sweetened balls made of fried droplets of gram
~ (~ paroa) id. to write beautifully
|H U ~ ( sIpp da ~) m oyster pearl
u u u u u Slm Slm Slm Slm Slm ( mota ) a.&m. of the colour of pearl; a
plant and flower, Jasmine, Jasminium zambac
~ |U (~ bd) m. an eye disease
WY~ ( kala~ ) m. glaucoma
|UJ~ ( chIa~ ) m. cataract
u u u u u SlK SlK SlK SlK SlK ( motJhara) m. measles, rubella
u u u u u Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul ( mod) m. storekeeper of provision store;
grain dealer
u UlH( modkha na ) m. provisions
store, pantry; store for grain
u u u u u / u u u u u ( mon/ mon) f. silence, obmutescence,
~ (~ dharna) id. to observe silence,
to remain silent, to keep mum
~ =S (~ varat) m. a vow to keep perpetual
u u u u u ( mona ) a. clean shaven
u u u u u u uu uu( mom) m. wax; honey-comb wax secreted
by honey bees, bee's wax
~ J (~ hoa ) id. to melt, to soften
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. kind-hearted, merciful,
benign, kind, compassionate
~ Sl (~ batt) f. candle, candle stick
u u u u uuHu uHu uHu uHu uHu( momJa ma) m. oil cloth, water proof cloth
u u u u u ul ul ul ul ul( mom) a. prepared from wax, waxen
u u u u u u JT u JT u JT u JT u JT ( momohagaa ) a. soft spoken but
crafty, cheat, inveigler
u u u u u u u u u u( moman) m. Muslim, Mohammedan
u u u u u ( mor) m. peacock
~ UY (~ chal) f. coquettish gait
u u u u u U U U U U( morcha) m. bunker, trench; battle front,
battle - line; political movement, agitation
~ Ul(~ bd) f. entrenchment, fortification;
battle- array
~ u (~ mara) id. to achieve victory,
to win, to be successful
~ YU (~ la ua ) id. to launch an agitation
u u u u u l l l l l( morn) f. peahen
u u u u ul l l l l( mor) f. drain, sewer; hole, perforation; bore;
vent (for air etc.)
u u u u u = == ==( mo) m. turn, turning; bend, curve; recovery
(from illness); change (of views)
~= = /~S =(~ gho/~to) m. distortion, turn
and twist
~ (~ pea) id. to begin to recover
~ u=Fl (~ mua) f. returning
u u u u u =U =U =U =U =U( moda r) a. zigzag
u u u u u = = = = =( mona) v.i. to return, to give back; to turn,
to bend; to change (the direction or attitude or
TY~ ( gall~ ) id. to refuse, to turn away
uJ~ ( m h ~ ) id. to become indifferent,
to keep aloof; to refrain from; to give a defeat,
to defeat
u u u u u = = = = =( moa ) m. return; change (of views etc.);
turn about
u uu uu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu( mosam) m. weather, season, seasonal
u uu uu Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul( mosam) a. pertaining to season, seasonal
~ H (~ bukhar) m. seasonal fever;
u Hul ( bemosam) a. unseasoned;
u uu uu HlWl HlWl HlWl HlWl HlWl( mosk ) f. music
u uu uu W W W W W(mo ka) m. occasion, the moment; opportunity,
chance; place of occurrence, site (of an
accident); situation
~ HH (~ shana s) m.&a. opportunist, time-
server, shrewd
~ H FY(~ sbha lna ) id. to avail an
~ S=(~ tana) id. to wait for a chance,
to look for an opportunity
~ HS (~ parast) a.&m. time-server,
~ HSl (~ parast) f. opportunism
~ |uY (~ mIlaa) v.i. to get a chance, to
get an opportunity
~ YT(~ laggaa ) id. to get an opportunity,
to get time/ chance
u W |H ( mo ke sIr) adv. at the
appropriate time , at opportune time; according
to the time
~ U =|FU UJU (~ da pha Ida uha ua )
prov. strike the iron while it is hot
~ u W (~ bemo ke) adv. in and out of
season; at odd times
u uu uu W V W V W V W V W V( mo ku f) a. suspended, dismissed;
discharged, removed
u uu uu |HW |HW |HW |HW |HW( mo khIk) a. oral, verbal
u uu uu H H H H H

(mo J) f. impulse; comfort, ease; delight,
enjoyment, pleasure, conviviality; wave
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to have a good time,
to enjoy, to frolic
~ u Y(~ mela ) m. merry-making,
merriment, fun and frolic, enjoyment
uH YJ ( moJa luaa) id. to make
merry, to enjoy, to frolic
u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl u Hl (mo J ) a. happy-go-lucky , carefree, convivial,
merry, gay, mirthful, jovial, capricious,
- uH (- moJu ) m. joke; jest, fun, satire
~ U(~ baaua) id. to scoff at, to
deride, to mock at
u H u H u H u H u HU UU UU (moJu d ) a. present, existing, available, ready,
at hand
u H u H u H u H u H UTl UTl UTl UTl UTl (mo Judg ) f. presence
u H u H u H u H u H U U U U U (moJu da ) a. present, current, existing
u S u S u S u S u S(mot ) f. death, demise, decease, mortality
~ Hl(~ sabdh ) a. obituary
~ U(~ d ) m. death sentence
~ U (~ dar ) m. death rate, mortality rate
~ U WFl Hu Jl (~ da ko sama nah )
prov. death keeps no calendar
~ U (~ da dar ) m. fear of death,
~ Ul HH (~ d saZa ) f. capital punishment,
death sentence
~ Ul ==l (~ d gha ) f. the end of life,
last time
~ U =J US (~ de gha utarna ) id. to
put to death, to slay, to murder
~ U uJ (~ de m h ) adv. in the jaws of
~ Y H (~ na l khea ) id. to risk
one's life
u H u H u H u H u H ( monsn) f. monsoon (a season)
u uu uu ( mo r) m. shoulder blade, shoulder , scapula
~ HW (~ sekaa ) id. to beat black and
blue, to thrash
u uu uu Y Y Y Y Y( mo laa) v.i. to bud, to blossom, to bloom;
to grow; to develop
u uu uu Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l( mo lv) m. Muslim priest; a learned Muslim
u uu uu Y Y Y Y Y( mola) m. God, the Almighty, the Supreme
u uu uu |YW |YW |YW |YW |YW( molIk) a. original; creative
u uu uu |YWS |YWS |YWS |YWS |YWS ( molIkta) f. originality; creativeness
u uu uu Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl( mo l) f. multicoloured untwisted thread of
cotton, considered auspicious and used at
religious ceremonies and wedding ceremonies


(yayy) m. thirty-first letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents the frictionless palatal
UFl -UFl UFl -UFl UFl -UFl UFl -UFl UFl -UFl

(ya - ya ) f. cringe, fawn

(yahd) m. Jew
a. Jewish, Hebrew
~ u (~ dharm) m. Judaism
~ FH (~ bhsh) f. Hebrew

(yak) pref. a prefix denoting one or oneness
a. one, uni
~ HS(~ srta ) m. similarity, uniformity
~ H (~ Jn) a. very intimate, very close
~ |HJSl (~ JIht) f. unity
~ SV (~ tarf) a. ex-parte, one sided;
~ Uu (~ dam) adv. at once, immediately; all
of a sudden, suddenly
~ u HS (~ musht) a. lump-sum, in one
instalment, as a whole
~ YS (~ lakht) adv. all of a sudden,
suddenly; at once, immediately
U W= U W= U W= U W= U W=

(yakka) m. babble, cackle, prattle, silly talk;
chatter, tattle
~ u (~ mrn) v.i. to engage in silly talk,
to talk rot, to babel, to prate; to chatter, to tattle,
to blab

(yakkabz) a. gossiper, blabber, babbler,
tattler, chatterer, chatterbox
! ! ! ! !
(yakk) m. horse driven carriage, tonga
z z z z z
(yakk) m. ace (in cards)

(yak-yak) adv. all of a sudden

(yakn) m. belief, assurance faith; trust,
confidence, credence; conviction
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to be convinced
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to have faith; to be certain
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to believe, to trust, to
have faith, to ascertain
~ |UYU (~ dIlu) v.t. to assure, to
~ K (~ baJJha) id. to have firm faith in
~ H (~ rakkh) id. to keep faith in

(yaknan) adv. surely, certainly, definitely
UWll UWll UWll UWll UWll

(yakn) a. sure, certain, unfailing

(yakh) a. freezing, very cold
f. ice, snow
J V ~ (t hh ~) a. ice-cold, icy, freezing-

(yakkh/yaksh) m. mythological demi-
U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl U Hl

(yakkh) f. gravy (of cooked meat)

(yagg) m. religious sacrifice, oblation, yajna

(yaggshl) f. the place where yajna is
UH = U UH = U UH = U UH = U UH = U

(yaJur ved) m. the second of the four

(yatan) m. effort, attempt, endeavour, exertion
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to make an attempt, to
endeavour, to try

(yatanshl) a. making efforts,
endeavouring, attempting

(yatanprbak) adv. with due care, with

(ytar) m. instrument, tool, implement,
U |S W U |S W U |S W U |S W U |S W (ytrIk) a. mechanical

(ytrkarn ) m. mechanisation
USlu USlu USlu USlu USlu

(yatm) a. bereaved of parents, orphan
USluH ( yatmkhn) m. orphanage
U H|Sl U H|Sl U H|Sl U H|Sl U H|Sl (yath sathIt) m. status quo
U HWSl U HWSl U HWSl U HWSl U HWSl (yath shakt) adv. as far as possible

(yathrth) m. reality, fact, actuality, truth

(yatharthak) a. real, factual, true, right,
accurate, actual
m. reality, fact

(yathrthvd) m. realism

(yatharthvdat) f. realism
U=Ul U=Ul U=Ul U=Ul U=Ul

(yathrthvd) a. & m. realistic, realist

(yabbh) m. trouble, botheration; problem,
inconvenience; difficult task; boring work
~ HJ= (~ sahen) id. to ask for a trouble
or botheration
~ H= J (~ khah ho) id. for a dispute
to be started
~ H= W (~ kha karn) id. to create a
problem; to create a fuss
~ (~ pe ) id. to be in hot water, to be in

(yabbhal) a. fat but lacking strength; stupid,
m. fiddle-faddler
UFYlm u (yabbhal mrn) id. to
fiddle-faddle, to talk rot
Uu Uu Uu Uu Uu(yam) m. the angel of death
Uu- U S Uu- U S Uu- U S Uu- U S Uu- U S (yam-dt) m. the god of death, messenger
of Yama

(yaml) a. clever but pretending to be an

(yamlok) m.hell, inferno

(yarka) v.i. to be frightened, to be bullied,
to get cowed down

(yarku) v.t. to frighten, to bully, to
cow down, to intimidate

(yarkn) m. jaundice, infectious hepatitis,

(yark) a. coward, timid

(yargml) m. hostage

(y) conj. or, either, whether
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul

(yn) intj. that is, i.e. namely, that is to say

(yk) m. yak, Poephagus grunniens

(ykt) m. a precious stone, garnet

(ytr) f. journey, travel; pilgrimage
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to travel; to go on
mSu ~ (tam ~) m. funeral procession
HuUl ~ (samdr ~) f. sea voyage
J=Fl ~ (hav ~) f. air journey
Sl ~ (trth ~) f. pilgrimage

(ytr) m. traveller, way-farer; passenger

(yd) f. memory, remembrance; reminiscence;
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to remember; to recollect
~ HWSl (~ shakt) f. memory
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to remember, to
recollect; to recall, to bring to mind; to
memorize, to learn by heart
~ WU/|U=U (~ karu/dIvu) v.t.
to remind; to memorize
~ |J (~ n reh) v.i. to forget, to slip
from one's mind
~ S (~ pattar) f. reminder; memorandum,
~ uUl (~ manu) v.t. to commemorate
~ H (~ rakkhn) v.i. to keep in mind, to

(ydgr) f. memorial, commemoration,
monument, memento; keepsake, token
~ uU (~ manua) v.t. to commemorate

(ydgr) a. memorial
~ T(~ grth) m. commemoration volume

(yd) f. reminiscences

(ydsht) f. power of remembering,

(yr) m. friend, chum, companion; paramour,
~ UHS/Yl (~ dost/ bel) m. friend, intimate
companion; (pl.) friends circle
~ u (~ mr) a. betrayer of friends
U U ~ (yr d ~) m. faithful friend,
true friend, sincere friend, bosom-friend

(yr) m. yard (railway etc.)

(yr) m. an addressing term for a friend

(- yr) f. friendship; love affair
~ UHSl (~ dost) f. friendship

(yra) m. eleven

(yarn) m. friendship; love affair; illicit
affair, illegal love affair
a. friendly
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to make friends
~ YU (~ lu) id. to fall in love with
U= U= U= U= U=

(yava) a. worthless, absurd, nonsense

(yukat) a. united, combined, joined

(yukat) m. dicaciology

(yug) m. epoch; era; age; period
~ TUl (~ gard) f. revolution
U T U T SW (yuga yuga tak) adv. for
ages after ages, for long times

(yuddh) m. war, battle, combat
~ WY (~ kal) a. period of war, war-period
~ HS (~ khetar) m. battle-field, war-front
~ |=u (~ vIram) m. truce, cessation
a. hostilities
HlS ~ (st ~) m. cold-war
u ~ (dharm ~) m. crusade, holywar
u ~ (parmu ~) m. atomic war
uJ ~ (mah ~) m. great-war
|=H= ~ (vIshav ~) m. world-war
U lmu U lmu U lmu U lmu U lmu

(yurenam) m. uranium
U =W U =W U =W U =W U =W

(yuvak) m. young boy, youth, a young man
~ uY (~ mel) m. youth festival
U =H U =H U =H U =H U =H

(yuvrJ) m. crown prince, heir apparent
U = U = U = U = U =

(yuv) a. youthful, young; vigorous, energetic
~ m=H(~ avastha) m. prime of life, youth
~ l=l (~ prh) f. younger generation, the
~ =T (~ varg) m. young people, the youth
U .m H.m H.m. U .m H.m H.m. U .m H.m H.m. U .m H.m H.m. U .m H.m H.m.

( m. U.S.S.R. (Union
of Soviet Republics)
U .m H.F . U .m H.F . U .m H.F . U .m H.F . U .m H.F .

( m. U.S.A. (United States of
U .m .U. U .m .U. U .m .U. U .m .U. U .m .U.

(y.en.o.) m. U.N.O. (United Nations
U H= U H= U H= U H= U H=

(ysaph) m. very handsome young man;
legendary son of Hazrat Yaqub who fascinated
the empress of Egypt

(yklIpas) m. eucalyptus
U .W . U .W . U .W . U .W . U .W .

( m. U.K. (United Kingdom)

(yunn) m. Greece
U l U l U l U l U l

(yunn) a. & m. Greek
U |J U |J U |J U |J U |J

(ynI) f. unit
U lm U lm U lm U lm U lm

(ynan) f. union
U l=|HJl U l=|HJl U l=|HJl U l=|HJl U l=|HJl

(ynvarsI) m. University

(yne sko) m. UNESCO (United Nations
Educational Scientific and Cultural
U .l. U .l. U .l. U .l. U .l.

(y.p.) m. U.P. (Uttar Pardesh)

(yrap) m. Europe
U l U l U l U l U l

(yrp) a. & m. European
! ! ! ! !
(yog) m. yoga (body posture in yoga); fitness
~ m|FmH (~ abhIa s) m. practice of yoga, yoga
~ mH (~ sa) m. posture of yoga
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. sage Patanjali's treatise
on yoga; one of the six schools of Indian
z z z z z
(yog) a. proper, justified, befitting; able,
capable; fit, worthy, competent, suitable
a a a a a
(yog) m. combination or conjunction of stars;
lucky or auspicious moment
4 4 4 4 4
(yog) m. sum, total (Arith.)
s s s s s
(yog) a. suff. a suffix denoting the meaning
of able as uU T, |=H=HU T etc.

(yogt) f. qualification; ability, capability,
competence, suitability

(yogdn) m. contribution
! ! ! ! !
(yogIk) a. compound; derivative (word)
~ m (~ arth) m. root-meaning
z z z z z
(yogIk) f. pertaining to yoga
U Tl U Tl U Tl U Tl U Tl

(yog) m. practitioner of yoga, ascetic, yogi

(yoJak) m. conjunction, conjunctive
~ |U (~ chn) a. hyphen

(yoJak) a. conjunctive, conjunctional

(yoJan) f. plan, scheme, arrangement
U H Ul U H Ul U H Ul U H Ul U H Ul

(yoJnbd) f. planning

(yoJnbaddh) a. planned

(yodha ) m. warrior, knight
U l U l U l U l U l

(yon) f. vagina
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. vaginal


(rr) m. thirty-second letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, a cerebral, it represents alveolar trill
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl

(ra) f. favour, partiality, concession
~ (~ prn) id. to treat indulgently, to
shower favours, to favour
FlmS FlmS FlmS FlmS FlmS

(raat) f. subjects, public

(ras) a. wealthy, rich, affluent
m. noble man; rich person
~ HU (~ Jda) m. son of a noble man or rich
! ! ! ! !
(ras) m. juice; sap (of tree); essence;
enjoyment, pleasure
~ WV (~ kaha) v.t. to extract juice, to
squeeze juice
~ (~ pe) v.i. to begin to ripen
~ F (~ bharpr) a. juicy, fully ripe
z z z z z
(ras) m. pleasure (obtained from reading
literature or from listening music etc.);
sentiment or emotion (aroused by a literary
writing etc.)
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to take pleasure, to
~ u/ Y (~ mn/ le ) v.t. to take
pleasure, to enjoy; to relish
mUFS ~ (adbhut ~) m. Wonder
HS ~ (sht ~) m. Tranquillity
|HT ~ (shgr ~) m. Erotic
JH ~ (hs ~) m. Humour
W ~ (karu ~) m. Pity
lFSH ~ (bbhats ~) m. Abhorrence
|FmW ~ (bhInak ~) m. Horror
U ~ (ro dar ~) m. Wrath
=l ~ (vr ~) m. Valour
HJl (rash ) a. tasteless, insipid; boring;

a a a a a
(ras) m. very hard toast, rusk

(rashk) m. envy, emulation; jealousy
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to envy, to emulate; to
feel jealous

(ras-kapr) m. chloride of mercury,
calomel (used in medicines)

(rasgull) m. a kind of sweetmeat

(ras) v.t. to be absorbed, to be sucked in

(rast) m. path, road, route, way; track;
manner, method; solution, way out; alternative,
~ WJ (~ kaa) id. to cross the way
~ WV (~ kadha) id. to find a way out,
to find a solution
~ |UHU (~ dIkhu) id. to show the way,
to lead the path, to guide
~ UH (~ dekh) id. to wait for
~ / W= (~ napa/ pakarn) v.i.
to go away
HS S mU (raste te u) id. to come
to the right path
~ S |YmU (~ te lIu) id. to bring to the
right path, to bring round
~ U W (~ d k) m. hurdle of the way
~ (~ pe) id. to be reformed, to adopt a
right path; to leave, to go away

(rasad) f. ration, provisions, victuals, eatables;

(rasdr) a. juicy, full of juice, succulent;
enjoyable, pleasure giving, luscious
! ! ! ! !
(rasbhar) f. raspberry, Physalis peruviana
z z z z z
(rasbhar) a. juicy, full of juice
H |F H |F H |F H |F H |F

(ras bhna) a. steeped in sentiment, full
of pleasure
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu

(rasam) f. custom, ceremony, rite, ritual,
~ |=H (~ rIvJ) m. customs, conventions,
traditions, rituals

(rasmal) f. a kind of sweetmeat
H|uH H|uH H|uH H|uH H|uH

(rasmIs) a. not having much gravy
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul

(rasm) a. customary, ritualistic, conventional;
ceremonial; formal
~ S S (~ tor te) adv. formally

(ras) m. broth of a vegetable, gravy; soup;

(rass) m. rope, lasso, halter
~ WHl (~ kash) f. tug of war
~ |HU (~ khIccha) v.t. to pull a rope, to
play tug of war
~ |VY U (~ hIll chhaa) id. to give
a long rope
~ S=U (~tuu) id. to try to get oneself
~ ==U (~ phau) id. to give in
guardianship of
Hl HY TFl =J Jl |Tm (rass Jal ga
par va nah gI) prov. habits die hard, habits
take long to depart
H|F H|F H|F H|F H|F (rasIa) f. chemical; chemistry; alchemy
~ HHS (~ shastar) m. chemistry
~ |U|WSH (~ chIkIts) f. chemotherapy
~ |=|Um (~ vIdI) f. chemistry; alchemy

(ras) f. approach, access, reach; depth of
HS|uW HS|uW HS|uW HS|uW HS|uW (rastmIk)a. aesthetic; juicy
HSY HSY HSY HSY HSY (rastal) m. under-world, lowest layer
~ SW H (~ tak puJ) id. to be ruined

(rasldr) m. an officer of cavalry
! ! ! ! !
(rasl) m. cavalry, troop of horses
z z z z z
(rasl) m. magazine, periodical, journal,
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (rasIk)m. libertine, a man of taste
a. aesthetic, tasteful; amorous
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl

(rass) f. thin rope, string, cord, twine
~ J (~ app) m. skipping
Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm Hlm

(ras) a. lover of beauty, dance, music etc.;
libertine, amorous; voluptuous

(rasd) f. receipt, acknowledgement
WUl ~ (kacch ~) f. provisional receipt
HlUl |JWJ (rasd Icka) f. revenue stamp

(rasl) a. juicy, succulent; delicious, tasty,
luscious; sweet tongued; amorous; voluptuous
Hl= Hl= Hl= Hl= Hl=

(rasvar) m. receiver (tele.)

(raskh) m. influence, access; friendship
mH ~ (asar ~) m. access, influence
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (rasl) m. prophet, divine messenger; prophet
H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl H Fl (raso) f. kitchen; cooked food
~ = (~ ghar) m. kitchen; cook house
(temporary kitchen)
~ |H|Hm/ WY (~ sIkhI/ kal) m. cookery
H Flm H Flm H Flm H Flm H Flm (raso) m. cook, chef
H S H S H S H S H S (rasot) f. a medicinal substance extracted
from the wood or root of Amonium
H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl H Yl (rasol) f. tumour
J H J H J H J H J H (rahass) m. secret; mystery
J H J H J H J H J H (rahasspran) a. mysterious, mystical
J H=U J H=U J H=U J H=U J H=U (rahassvd) m. mysticism
J H=Ul J H=Ul J H=Ul J H=Ul J H=Ul (rahassvd) a.&m. mystic, mystical
J HSuW J HSuW J HSuW J HSuW J HSuW (rahasstmak) a. mysterious, mystical
JU JU JU JU JU (raho) m. refrain (music); pause
|J |J |J |J |J (reha) m. pledge, mortgage
a. pledged, mortgaged
~ W/ H (~ karn/rakkh) v.t. to
pledge, to mortgage
|JU (rehadr) m. mortgagee
|J H =Y (reh rakkha vl) m.
mortgager, mortgagor
|J-H|J |J-H|J |J-H|J |J-H|J |J-H|J (re ha-se ha) m. living, life-style, way
of living; culture
|J |J |J |J |J (reha) v.i. to reside, to dwell; to stay on;
to remain
U |J (dr reha) id. to keep oneself
at an arm's length; to live far away, live at a
distance; to exist
|J H (re h J) v.i. to stay on; to
remain behind; to fail (in exams.); to become
physically weak
! !! !!
(re hat) suff. a suffix meaning without,
except, exempt from
z zz zz
(rehat) m. religious codes of conduct esp.
for the Sikhs; conduct, way of living
~ uUU (~ maryd) f. religious code of
W|JS (kurehat) f. violation of religious
codes of conduct esp. of Sikhism
| JS u | JS u | JS u | JS u | JS u (re hatnm)m. code of conduct,
religious manual, code of religious instructions
|JSlm |JSlm |JSlm |JSlm |JSlm (re hat) a. & m. one who strictly
observes the religious codes of conduct
|J U-H JU |J U-H JU |J U-H JU |J U-H JU |J U-H JU (rehd- kh hd) a. left-overs, residue,
|J u |J u |J u |J u |J u (rehnum) m. guide, leader
|J |J |J |J |J (rehbar) a. guide, leader
|Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju (re hm) m. pity, mercy, kindness, compassion,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to take pity, to have
mercy, to treat kindly
~ |UY (~ dIl) a. kind, merciful, compassionate,
kind hearted, benign
~ |UYl (~ dIl) f. kind heartedness,
mercifulness, tenderness
~ Ul mlY (~ d apl) f. mercy petition, appeal
for mercy
| JuS | JuS | JuS | JuS | JuS (re hmat) f. grace, kindness, favour;
|Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju |Ju (re hmn) a. an attribute of God; merciful,
kind, compassionate
|J |J W |J |J W |J |J W |J |J W |J |J W (reh reh ke) adv. time and again, again
and again
|JH |JH |JH |JH |JH (rehrs) f. 'Bani' of Sikh Gurus (recited in
the evening)
J J J J J (rahu) f. sugarcane-juice
J lS J lS J lS J lS J lS (rahurt) f. custom, tradition, practice
W W W W W (rk) a. penniless, poor
WS WS WS WS WS (rakt) m. blood
~ U (~ dn) m. blood-donation
~ US (~ dt) m. blood-donor
WS WS WS WS WS (rakt) m. blood corpuscle
W W W W W (rakb) f. land area, area
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
! !! !!
(rakam) f. amount, sum; money
~ U= (~ chhn) id. to grease the palm,
to bribe; to enter an amount in the account-
Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu
z zz zz
(rakam) f. a statement of mathematical
question or problem
W=/ W= W=/ W= W=/ W= W=/ W= W=/ W= (raka/rakka) a. & f. hard, barren
(land); barren land , land incapable of producing
any produce
W W W W W (rakn) f. accomplished lady, intelligent
W W W W W (rakb) f. stirrup
~ U W= (~ d ka) m. stirrup-iron
~ U SHu (~ d tasm) m. stirrup-leather,
WS WS WS WS WS (rakbat) f. rivalry
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (rakb) f. disc, plate
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (rakb) m. rival, opponent (in love)
H H H H H (rakkh) f. amulet, phylactery; guarding,
watchfulness; prevention, abstinence
~ Hm (~ rakhaa) m. maintenance, up keep
H H H H H (rakh) m. drawer, pigeonhole (table,
almirah etc.)
H H H H H (rakkh) v.t. to keep; to place, to lay, to
put; to appoint; to get one employed; to
possess; to have; to save; to made to stay
|FU ~ (Ird ~) v.i. to intend
HS ~ (shart ~) v.t. to lay down a
condition; to lay a bet
|JH ~ (hIsb ~) v.i. to keep an account;
to keep accounts
|T=l ~ (gIrv ~) v.t. to mortgage, to pawn,
to pledge
H ~ ( Jer ~) v.i.t. to keep patience; to
have endurance; to have courage
|m ~ (dhIn ~) v.i. to take care
VW ~ (fark ~) v.t. to discriminate
FH ~ (bharos ~) v.i. to keep faith; to
=S ~ (vart ~) v.i. to observe a fast
H=U H=U H=U H=U H=U (rakkhvu) v.t. to cause or have to
put/place, employ etc.
H= Y H= Y H= Y H= Y H= Y (rakhvl) m. protector, saviour;
caretaker, guardian, custodian; keeper; guard,
H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl H=Yl (rakhvl) f. protection, safety; defence;
H=l H=l H=l H=l H=l (rakkha) f. the sacramental thread or wrist
band tied by sisters on the wrist of their
brothers as a token of their love and binding
the brothers to protect their sister's life &
honour, on the full Moon day of Sawan month
| HmW | HmW | HmW | HmW | HmW (rakkhIak) m. Protector, Saviour;
defender, guardian
|Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm |Hm (rakkhI) f. protection, patronage, safety;
defence, security; preservation
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to protect, to safeguard,
to defend
~ = (~ ph) m. defence-fund
~ uSl (~ mtr) m. defence minister
mSu ~ (tam ~) f. self-defence, self-
|HmSuW (rakhItmak) a. defensive,
H Y H Y H Y H Y H Y (rakhel) f. keep, concubine, mistress
T T T T T (rag) f. nerve, vein, artery
~ U (~ pachhn) id. to feel one's
pulse, to know someone's temperament
~ ==W (~ phaka) id. to be excited; to
have throbbing of nerve
~ == (~ phan) id. to find out the root
~ |uY (~ mIl) id. to be chip of the same
block, to be of the same nature
~ T S H J (~ rag to J ho) id. to
know someone out and out
~ T |=U (~ rag vIch) adv. in the whole body
~ =Hl J (~ vakkhar ho) id. to be of
different nature
UHUl~ (dukhd ~) f. weak point
UHUl ~ == (dukhd ~ phan) id. to
know someone's weak point
T Ul HH (rag d soJ) f. phlebitis
~ |=U H U= (~ vIch khn don) id. to
feel agitated, to be excited; to be energetic; to
be alive
T T T T T (rg) m. colour; complexion; dye; paint; trump
suit (in cards); merriment
~ U (~ u) id. to change colour, to turn
pale (fear etc. ); to lose colour; to fade
~ US (~ utarn) id. to fade, to lose colour
~ HH (~ sz) m. dyer; painter
~ WJ (~ kt) m. bleaching powder
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to be under the
influence of (someone), to be under someone's
~ Hu (~ Jma) id. to be in full swing
(party, function etc.)
~ Hu (~ Jam) id. to establish one's
image, to impress
~ V T (~ hg) m. manners, style, ways;
attitude, behaviour; situation
~ SuH (~ tamsh) m. merry-making,
enjoyment, revelry, entertainment, fun
~ |UHU (~ dIkhu) id. to show one's
different facets
~ |=W (~ phIkk pe) id. to lose the
charm; to fade; to lose colour
~ UY (~ badala) id. to change colour
~ T (~ barg) a. multi-coloured, motley,
of various colours, variegated
~ F U (~ bhed) m. colour prejudices, apartheid
~ uU (~ mch) m. stage, theatre
~ T U (~ rg d) a. various coloured,
multicoloured; diverse, multiform, various
~ Ylm (~ ral) f. revelry, rollick, merry-
making; pleasure of the flesh, sensuous
enjoyment, sensuous pleasure
~ (~ rp) a. beauty, comeliness;
appearance, look; complexion & figure
~ |=U FT U (~ vIch bhg pu) id. to
spoil the show
~ |=U FT (~ vIch bhg pe) id. to have
rift in the lute
WU ~ ( kacch ~) m. washable colour,
to cheat, to swindle
T= H (rage J) id. to suffer a loss,
to be cheated
T=Fl T=Fl T=Fl T=Fl T=Fl (rag) f. the process or the wages of
polishing/ grinding/ scouring etc.; polishing,
scraping, rubbing
TFl TFl TFl TFl TFl (rg) f. dyeing; the work of or the charges
for dyeing
T T T T T T T T T T (rgrg) a. variegated, colourful
~ Tu (~ program) m. variety programme,
cultural programme
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (rgn) a. coloured, colourful
Tll Tll Tll Tll Tll (rgn) f. happiness, pleasure, merriment,
TlY TlY TlY TlY TlY (rgl) a. sportive, lively, jovial; fashionable,
foppish, dandy; coloured, colourful
m. man of pleasure
= J = J = J = J = J (rghre) m. convert into Sikhism,
mazhabi Sikh
== == == == == (rgha) a. & m. arrogant, haughty; a sub-
caste of Rajputs
UW / U uS UW / U uS UW / U uS UW / U uS UW / U uS (rchku/rch mtar) adv. very
little, a bit, a little
UJ UJ UJ UJ UJ (rachhr) a. & m. Creator, God, the
Supreme being
! !! !!
(rach) v.t. to create; to make, to form; to
write, to indite, to compose; to fabricate, to
z zz zz
(rach) v.i. to be absorbed, to be imbibed;
to be merged; to mix, to mingle
~ |uU (~ mIch) v.i. to be mixed up, to be
mingled with, to become very intimate
|Um |u|Um (rachI mIchI) a. mixed
up, mingled; intimate, close
U U U U U (rachn) f. creation; literary work;
composition, any work of art; structure
UW UW UW UW UW (rachnakr) a. creator; writer, author;
USuW USuW USuW USuW USuW (rachntmak) a. creative, constructive,
U U m U U m U U m U U m U U m (rachn dub) m. area between Ravi
and Jhanab rivers
fadeable colour
W ~ ( pakk ~) m. fast colour
uHlJ ~ ( maJh ~) m. dark red colour
TU (rgdr) a. coloured
TH (rgrez) m. dyer
THl (rgrez) f. the occupation of dying
T T T T T (rga) v.t. to dye; to colour (hair etc.)
J ~ (hatth ~) id. to earn money through
unfair means; to get great profit
TS TS TS TS TS (rgat) f. colour, hue, tint, tinge, shade
T| Sl T| Sl T| Sl T| Sl T| Sl (ragpItt) f. erysipelas, hives
TS TS TS TS TS (ragbat) f. weakness, liking (for some- -
T J T J T J T J T J (rgr) m. recruit
T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl T Jl (rgr) f. military training given to a
TY TY TY TY TY (rgl) a. coloured, colourful
T=U / TU T=U / TU T=U / TU T=U / TU T=U / TU (rgvu/rgu) v.t. to get
to be dyed, to get something dyed/painted or
T=Fl/ TFl T=Fl/ TFl T=Fl/ TFl T=Fl/ TFl T=Fl/ TFl (rgv/rg) f. the act or the
process of dyeing or the charges for dyeing
T= T= T= T= T= (raga) f. friction, abrasion, bruise, scratch
~ T=Fl (~ rag) f. rubbing; scrubbing,
~ YT (~ lagga) v.i. to have a bruise, to
get a scratch
mlm ~ T= W H U (a ~ raga ke
Jn de) id. to die a dogs death
T= T= T= T= T= (ragan) v.t. to grind, to pulverized; to
scrub, to scour; to grate; to rub, to scrape; to
cause great loss to someone; to harass
T==U /T=U T==U /T=U T==U /T=U T==U /T=U T==U /T=U (ragavu/ragau)
v.t. to get or cause something grinded,
scrubbed/rubbed/scrapped etc.
T= T= T= T= T= (raga) m. the act /process of grinding/
rubbing etc.; dispute, contention, controversy
~ KT= (~ Jhag) m. dispute, controversy
~ (~ bn) v.t. to cause great
harassment, to cause great trouble
~ YU (~ lu) id. to cause a great loss,
U=Yl U=Yl U=Yl U=Yl U=Yl (rachnval) f. anthology
UU UU UU UU UU (rachu) v.t. to make to be absorbed
by rubbing oil/cream etc.
|US |US |US |US |US (rachIt) a. written (by); created; made;
U S U S U S U S U S (rachet) a. author, writer; creator;
U U U U U (rachchh) m. toolbox of barber or weaver
H H H H H (raJJ) m. satiation, one's fill, satisfaction, surfeit
~ mU (~ n u) id. not to be satisfied;
not to be satiated
~ U H (~ nu chaJJ) prov. plenty teaches
H H H H H (rJ) m. grief, pain, sadness, sorrow; remorse,
regret; displeasure, annoyance, grouse, anger
HH HH HH HH HH (rJash) m. annoyance, grouse;
misunderstanding, estrangement; ill-feeling,
H H H H H (raJJa) v.i. to have one's fill, to be satiated,
to be satisfied, to be sated with
H W (raJJ ke) adv. to one's fill, to one's
H= (raJJav ) a. enough, sufficient; plenty,
satiating, full
|Hm J |Fm (raJJI hoI) a. satisfied,
satiated, sated
~ |Hm (~ puJJI) a. well-to-do, well off,
Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J Hu J (raJme) f. regiment
H=J H=J H=J H=J H=J (raJvh) m. distributory
H== H== H== H== H== (raJv) m. erstwhile princely state of
India; territory of a king, dominion; land-lord
H==HJl H==HJl H==HJl H==HJl H==HJl (raJvshh) f. government of a king,
! !! !!
(raz) f. will of God, God's will and pleasure;
wish, desire; permission, consent, assent
~ |=U |J (~ vIch re h) id. to yield to the
will of God
z zz zz
(raz) f. furlough
HU HU HU HU HU (raJu) v.t. to make someone to eat to
his fill, to feed to the fill, to satiate
HFl HFl HFl HFl HFl (raJ) f. quilt
Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U Hu U (raJmd) a. willing, consentient, agreeing
H u Ul H u Ul H u Ul H u Ul H u Ul (raJmd) f. consent, willingness,
agreement, approval, acquiescence, permission
|HHJ |HHJ |HHJ |HHJ |HHJ (raJIsar) m. register
|HHJl |HHJl |HHJl |HHJl |HHJl (raJIsar) f. registration
H T H T H T H T H T (raJogu) m. the second of the three
constituent qualities of living beings and all
material objects
J J J J J (ra) m. repetition, iteration
~ YU l (~ lu) id. to go on saying
something again and again, to say something
time and again, to go on repeating
J J J J J (raa) v.t. to repeat, to iterate; to learn by
heart, to learn by rote, to cram
J J J J J (raan) m. travel, wandering, travelling
J=U /JU J=U /JU J=U /JU J=U /JU J=U /JU (ravu/rau) v.t. to get
one learn by heart, to make one to repeat
! !! !!
(ra) m. cramming, rote
~ U=/ YU (~ chhn/lu) v.t. to
learn by heart, to cram
z zz zz
(ra) m. dispute, quarrel, trouble
~ U (~ pu) id. to raise a dispute
a aa aa
(ra) m. drudgery, unpleasant work
J H J H J H J H J H (raebz) a. quarrelsome; one who learns
everything by heart
(r) m. widower
l l l l l (r) f. widow; prostitute, harlot, strumpet
lH (rbz) a. licentious, lecherous;
one who frequently visits brothels
lHl (rbz) f. lechery, licentiousness;
frequent visits to the brothels
l l l l l (rro) m. all time complaining,
constant whimpering, nagging
~ Fl H (~ p rakkha) id. to go on
complaining all the time, to nag
(ra) m. battle, war, combat
~ HS (~ khetar) m. battle-field, war-front
~ Ul (~ ch) f. goddess of war; sword
~ lSl (~ nt) f. strategy
~ Ful (~ bhum) f. battle-field, war-front
HlS HlS HlS HlS HlS (raJt) m. victor, conqueror
a. victorious
-U -U -U -U -U (ra-yodha) m. warrior
S S S S S (ratt) m. blood
~ T (~ rg) a. blood-coloured, crimson,
- SJl (-ratth) a. bloodless; pale, anaemic
S S S S S (ratan) m. any precious stone, gem, jewel;
precious product
SU W SU W SU W SU W SU W (ratanchok) m. an ornament for the back
of hand to which finger rings are attached with
SH S SH S SH S SH S SH S (ratanJot) f. a shrub or bush, the leaves
and fruit of which are used medicinally and
are also used for changing the colours in
vegetables and oils
S S S S S (rat) a. & adv. a bit, a little; a short while
~ W/ |H/ F (~ ku/ Jn/ bhar) a. just a
little, a bit, somewhat
~ S (~ rat) adv. by degrees, by and by,
gradually; the entire lot, every bit of, whole
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (ratt) f. a small red and black seed Arbus
precatoricis; weight equal to 21 grams of troy
weight, one eighth part of masha
~ F (~ bhar) a. very small (size); a little
(quantity), a bit
S S S S S (rato dh) m. night-blindness, nyctalopia
(rath) m. chariot
= = = = = (rathvn) m. charioteer
U U U U U (radd) a. cancelled, annulled, null and void;
rejected, refuted
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to cancel, to annul, to
abrogate; to reject
U/ U U/ U U/ U U/ U U/ U (rad/radd) m. a layer of bricks; layer
of gunny bags etc.; quantity of fodder put in a
cutting machine
U U U U U (radda) v.t. to cancel, to annul, to
abrogate, to nullify; to reject
U U U U U (rda) v.t. to smooth with a jack plane, to
plane (with a jack plane)
U U U U U (rd) m. a carpenter's smoothing implement,
plane, jack-plane
~ =/~ YU (~ phern/~ lu) v.t. to
smoothen, to plane (wood etc.)
~ uHl (~ mashn) m. planer
UU / U=U UU / U=U UU / U=U UU / U=U UU / U=U (rdu/rdvu) v.t. to get
something smoothened
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (radd) f. & a. wastepaper, junk, waste,
useless; worthless, good-for-nothing; rejected
UlV UlV UlV UlV UlV (radf) m. rhyming phrase, rhyme
U UY U UY U UY U UY U UY (raddobadal) m. alteration, change;
interchange, exchange; shuffling
(ran) f. run (cricket)
(rn) f. wife; woman, lady
~ W (~ kn) m. wife; family
~ ulU (~ murd) a. henpecked (husband)
J J J J J (rapa) f. report (esp. lodged at a police
Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm Jlm (rap) m. reporter; informer
= = = = = (rappa) f. a kind of hard black soil
J J J J J (rapot) f. report
V V V V V (raf) a. rough
~ Wu (~ km) m. rough work
~ Wl (~ kp) f. rough copy
VS VS VS VS VS (raftr) f. speed, velocity, celerity
VS-VS VS-VS VS-VS VS-VS VS-VS (raft-raft) a. slowly, gradually
VY VY VY VY VY (rafal) f. rifle; woollen shawl
~ U SY (~ d tel) m. rifle-oil
V= V= V= V= V= (raffa) m. dispute, quarrel; arduous task;
VWS VWS VWS VWS VWS (rafkat) f. friendship, companionship
V UV W V UV W V UV W V UV W V UV W (raf daf karn) v.t. to settle, to
resolve, to finish (a quarrel, dispute etc.); to
dispose of
|VU Hl |VU Hl |VU Hl |VU Hl |VU Hl (rafIJ) m. refugee
VlW VlW VlW VlW VlW (rafk) m. companion, partner
V V V V V (raf) m. darning
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to darn
V T V T V T V T V T (rafgar) m. darner
V U W J V U W J V U W J V U W J V U W J (raf chakkar ho) id. to make
good one's escape, to show clean pair of heels,
to take to one's heels, to run away
(rabb) m. God, the Lord, the Supreme being
~ mH (~ sre) ph. God willing, in God's will
~ Hl (~ sababb) a. by chance, per chance,
~ H (~ Je) ph. God knows
~ S FY W (~ ter bhal kare) ph. God
bless you
~ Ul HJ (~ d sh) ph. by God
~ Ul Wl (~ d karn) f. miracle of nature
~ U =HS (~ de vste) a. for God's sake, in
God's name
~ W (~ n kare) ph. God forbid
~ |m J (~ nu pIara hoa) id. to pass
away, to expire, to die
~ U|Jm S (~ ne chhI ta ) ph. God willing,
God grant
~ H (~ rkh) ph. may God protect you,
may God be with you
intj. Good-bye, adieu, farewell
~ YH (~ lekhe) a. in God's name, charitably
l |WJ (rabb ke har) m. divine calamity,
natural calamity
~ |uJ (~ mehar) f. Godsend, providence
(rba) v.i. to bellow
= = = = = (raba) m. rubber; caoutchouc; eraser
=l =l =l =l =l (raba) f. an Indian sweetmeat prepared
by boiling sweetened milk
(rabb) intj. o God!
(rb) m. hoe; scraper
(rabb) f. a stringed musical instrument,
l l l l l (rabb) m. rebeck-player
l l l l l (rb) f. shoe maker's scraper; dibble
u u u u u (ram) f. rum
uH uH uH uH uH (ramaz) f. secret, mystery; intention; sign,
uH uH uH uH uH (ramJ) m. the ninth month of the Muslim
calendar, a fasting month of Muslims, Ramazan
u u u u u (ram) v.i. to roam, to wander, to rove, to
ramble; to be absorbed, to be imbibed
ulW ulW ulW ulW ulW (ramk) a. delectable, pleasing, attractive,
pleasant, beautiful; enjoyable, delightful (usually
for place, landscape etc.)
uS uS uS uS uS (ramt) a. roving, wandering
m. rover, wanderer
uUHlm uUHlm uUHlm uUHlm uUHlm (ramds) m. a follower of great saint
~ |HH (~ sIkkh) m. Sikh belonging to low caste
(Chamar caste)
uY uY uY uY uY (ramal) m. future-telling by a throw of dice
(figures or lines), geomancy
uYlm uYlm uYlm uYlm uYlm (raml) m. future teller, geomancer
uU uU uU uU uU
! !! !!
(ramu) v.t. to water, to irrigate
uU uU uU uU uU
z zz zz
(ramu) v.t. to bring into use, to adopt
uU uU uU uU uU
a aa aa
(ramu) v.t. to make and keep a fire
ul ul ul ul ul (ram) f. a game of cards
YT YT YT YT YT (ralga) a. mingled, mixed, blended
Y Y Y Y Y (ral) v.i. to dissolve; to mingle; to mix, to
join, to combine; to blend, to intermix; to match,
to resemble, to be similar to
Y=-|uY= Y=-|uY= Y=-|uY= Y=-|uY= Y=-|uY= (ralv -mIlv ) a. mixed, mingled,
blended; shared, common, composite
Y Y Y Y Y (ral) m. mixture, blend; adulteration, adulterant
YU YU YU YU YU (ralu) v.t. to combine, to merge, to
join, to unite; to compare or match; to get mixed/
mingled, to adulterate; to shuffle (cards)
|Ym |Ym |Ym |Ym |Ym (ralI ) a. destined, fated, in the lot; mixed,
|Ym-|u|Ym |Ym-|u|Ym |Ym-|u|Ym |Ym-|u|Ym |Ym-|u|Ym (ralI-mIlI) a. mixed-up, well
adjusted, familiar; joint, combined (in society,
company etc.)
= Flm = Flm = Flm = Flm = Flm (rava) m. attitude, behaviour, manner
= = = = =
! !! !!
(rav) f. granulated form of wheat flour,
= = = = =
z zz zz
(rav) a. just, proper, lawful
= = = = = (rav ) a. in working order, working smoothly,
running, moving; accustomed
=|FS =|FS =|FS =|FS =|FS (ravIt) f. tradition, convention, custom,
=|FSl =|FSl =|FSl =|FSl =|FSl (ravIt) a. traditional, customary
=J =J =J =J =J (ravh) m. bean, Dolichos sinessis
=Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl (ravng) f. departure, move, going, setting
= = = = = (ravn) a. departed, set out, proceeding to
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to start, to set out, to
depart, to move
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to despatch, to send; to
see off
=l =l =l =l =l (ravn) f. current, flow; fluency; course,
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (ravl) f. dust particle, dust; just a little; a
very small piece, a grain
~ W/F (~ ku/ bhar) a. very little
=W =W =W =W =W (raak) f. irritation, pain (in eye because of
some foreign body); rankle, rancour, enmity,
torment, hostility; pricking
~ WVl (~ kaha) v.i.t. to give expression
to enmity, to retaliate
~ Hl (~ rakkha) v.i. to keep rancour or
=W =W =W =W =W (raka) v.i. to have irritation or pain; to
rankle, to dislike; to pinch, to prick, to sting
=W= =W= =W= =W= =W= (rakav) a. taunting, sarcastic, pricking
a. irritating
=W =W =W =W =W (rak) m. broom
=WU =WU =WU =WU =WU (raku) v.i. to grope the thorn with
touch; to cause irritation; to cause to linger, to
cause to be delayed
= = = = = (ran) v.i. to be fried or roasted hard, to be
baked properly; to be slightly over cooked, to
be slightly overbaked
==U /= U ==U /= U ==U /= U ==U /= U ==U /= U (ravu/rau) v.t. to get
something fully fried/cooked or baked or
=/= u U =/= u U =/= u U =/= u U =/= u U (ra/ra me dn) m. bare ground,
plain ground, devoid of vegetation; clear, clean,
= S u (rae te mrn) id. to kill
~ S H (~ te rakkha) id. to make one to
cool one's heels in vain
|FYJl |FYJl |FYJl |FYJl |FYJl (rIlat ) f. royalty
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (r) f. black mustard, Brassica nigra
~ U J= U (~ d pah bau) id.
to make mountain out of a mole hill
~ F/ uS (~ bhar/ mtar) a. too little, very
small, tiny; very small (quantity)
FlJ FlJ FlJ FlJ FlJ (r) m. right
FlJ FlJ FlJ FlJ FlJ (rar) m. writer, author
! !! !!
(re) f. opinion, view; advice, suggestion
~ Hul (~ shumr) f. referendum, opinion
~ W|Fu W (~ kIam karn) id. to form
one's own opinion
~ Ul (~ de) v.i.t. to give one's opinion; to
advise, to give suggestion
~ uTl (~ mga) v.t. to seek someone's
opinion; to seek advise
~ Yl (~ le) v.t. to take advise; to consult
z zz zz
(re) f. a title of British rule
~ HJ (~ shab) m. title of Rai Sahib
~ JU (~ bahdur) m. title of Rai bahadur
! !! !!
(rs) f. one of the twelve signs of Zodiac
z zz zz
(rs) m. dramatic interpretation of the early
life of Lord Krishna; a kind of dance
a aa aa
(rs) a. befitting, suitable, favourable, proper
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to prove favourable, to
4 44 44
(rs) f. cape, promontory
s ss ss
(rs) m. sum, outlay, capital
~ Hl (~ p J) m. capital investment
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (rshar) m. nation
~ H = (~sgh) m. United Nations Organisation,
~ W=l (~ kav) m. poet-laureate, national-poet
~ T(~ gan) m. national anthem
~ |U (~ chnh) m. national emblem
~ Sl (~ pat) m. President
~ uY (~ mal) m. common-wealth
~ =U (~ vd) m. nationalism
~ =Ul (~ vd) a. nationalist
HJl HJl HJl HJl HJl (rshar) a. national
~ FWS (~ ekt) f. national integration
~ W (~ karn) m. nationalisation
~ W W (~ karn karn) v.t. to nationalise
~ TlS (~ gt) m. national anthem, national song
~ FH (~ bhsh) f. national language
HJlmS HJlmS HJlmS HJlmS HJlmS (rsharat) f. nationality
H H H H H (rshan) m. ration
~ W (~ kr) m. ration card
~ l (~ p) m. food provisions, rations
H H H H H (rsh) m. Pathan, an Afghani, an inhabitant
of Frontier province
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
! !! !!
(rsh) f. Zodiac sign; quantity; capital
~ UW (~ chakkar) m. Zodiac, Zodiac circle
~ =Y (~ phal) m. astrological forecast
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl
z zz zz
(rsh) f. amount, sum; quantity
J J J J J (rh) m. way, road, path; route; manner, mode,
~ HV J (~ sf ho) id. for the line to be
~ |H (~ sIr) adv. properly, methodically,
~ WJ (~ kaa) id. to across one's path
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to find a way out
~ HY (~ khulh) id. for the avenue to be
~ HU Y Y= (~ Jde nl lan) id. to pick
up quarrel with every one
~ S mU (~ te u) id. to be reformed, to
mend one's ways; to adopt the right path
~ |UHU (~ dIkhu) id. to show the right
path, to guide, to advise
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) m. proper way; accurate
action; truth
~ UH (~ dekha) id. to wait for, to await
~ /J (~ pe/rhe pe) id. to
go away; to take to one's course; to follow the
right path
~ |=U mH |=UU (~ vIch akkh vIchhu)
id. wait on hand and foot; to give a warm
J U ( rhe pu) v.t. to show the
right path, to guide; to reform, to mend
- J WJ J (-rho kurah hoa ) id. to go
JW JW JW JW JW (rhak) m. one who tips the millstone
JW JW JW JW JW (rhkr) a. clever, shrewd, cunning, willy
JTl JTl JTl JTl JTl (rhgr) m. wayfarer, traveller, pedestrian
JT H JT H JT H JT H JT H (rhguzar) m. passerby; path, way
JH JH JH JH JH (rhzan) m. highwayman, robber
JHl JHl JHl JHl JHl (rhzan) f. highway robbery, waylaying
! !! !!
(rh) v.t. to cultivate, to till
z zz zz
(rh) v.t. to roughen a millstone
JS JS JS JS JS (rhat) f. relief
~ |uYl (~ mIl) v.i. to get relief
JUl JUl JUl JUl JUl (rhdr) f. passage; transit duty; toll-tax,
J u J u J u J u J u (rhnum) m. leader, guide
J uFl J uFl J uFl J uFl J uFl (rhnum) f. leadership, guidance
J J J J J (rhbar) f. guide, preceptor, leader
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (rhbar) f. guidance, leadership
Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju (rhmr) m. highwayman, robber
Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul (rhmr) f. highway robbery, waylaying
J= J= J= J= J= (rhn) v.t. to bake, to make (something)
crisp, to bake properly, to roast
J J J J J (rh) m. a tool for roughening a millstone;
person who roughens a millstone
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (rh) m. wayfarer, traveller
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (rh ) adv. care of; via, through
J J J J J (rh) m. one of the planets in astrology; the
mythical monster who swallows up the Sun
and the Moon and causes eclipses; wicked
man; pestilent person
~ WS (~ ket) m. most pestering enemies
WHH WHH WHH WHH WHH (rkshas) m. demon, monster, ogre, giant
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (rka) m. rocket
H H H H H (rkh) f. ash, cinders
~ U (~ dn) m. ash-tray
HH HH HH HH HH (rkhash) m. demon, monster, giant, ogre
H= H= H= H= H= (rkhv) a. reserved
JW H= ( hakk rkhve) m. copy-right
H H H H H (rkh) m. guard, watchman, sentinel;
guardian, caretaker, custodian; protector,
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (rkh) f. guard, watch, vigil; protection,
T T T T T (rg) m. musical mode, melody, singing
~ uFl (~ ma) f. musical, melodious
~ uY (~ ml) f. serial wise account of
musical modes (ragas), catalogue of musical
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (rJastha n) f. language spoken in
Rajasthan; resident of Rajasthan
HHF HHF HHF HHF HHF (rJsabha ) m. council of states; upper house
of Indian Parliament
HHl HHl HHl HHl HHl (rJs) a. royal; governmental; political
HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H HJ H (raJahs) m. swan, goose
HWl HWl HWl HWl HWl (rJk) a. governmental
~ HS (~ khetar) m. public sector
HW u HW u HW u HW u HW u (rJkumr) m. prince, king's son
HW ul HW ul HW ul HW ul HW ul (rJkumr) f. princess, king's daughter
H-W H H-W H H-W H H-W H H-W H(rJ-kosh) m. exchequer, treasury
HU/HU HU/HU HU/HU HU/HU HU/HU (rzdn/razdr) a. one confided
in secrets, confident
HlSW HlSW HlSW HlSW HlSW (rJntak) a. political
HlS T HlS T HlS T HlS T HlS T (rJntagg) m. politician, statesman
HlSl HlSl HlSl HlSl HlSl (rJnt) f. politics, statesmanship
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. & f. political science
HY HY HY HY HY (rJpl) m. governor
H H H H H (rJ) m. king, sovereign; barber
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (rz) a. willing, consenting; healthy, hale and
hearty, well; satisfied, contented, pleased,
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to agree, to consent, to
recover (from illness)
~ HHl (~ khush) a. hale and hearty, safe and
Hlu Hlu Hlu Hlu Hlu (rznm) m. agreement, compromise;
deed of compromise
Hl-Hl Hl-Hl Hl-Hl Hl-Hl Hl-Hl (rz-bz) a. hale and hearty, happy, safe
K K K K K (raJh) m. romantic lover; romantic hero of
Punjabi folk-lore, 'Heer'
(r) m. king; chief; a title of Rajput kings
l l l l l (r) f. queen; princess
uJ ~ ( mah~ ) f. empress
lJ ( rhar) m. costly necklace
S S S S S (rt) f. night
~ Hl (~ sabdh) m. nocturnal
~ WJl (~ ka) m. dwelling for a night, nightstay
~ U (~ d) a. nocturnal, nightly
~ |U (~ dIn) m. day and night, always, ever
~ |U |FW W (~ dIn Ikk karn) id. to burn
midnight oil, to toil hard, to work day and night
~ T (~ rg) m. merry-making, enjoyment,
fun and frolic, dance and music
|FW ~ mY ( Ikko ~ alpa) id. to
harp on one string
TY TY TY TY TY (ragl) a. coloured
TS|uW TS|uW TS|uW TS|uW TS|uW (ra gtmIk) a. musical
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (rag) m. hymn singer, hymnist
! !! !!
(rJ) m. kingdom, dominion; reign, rule,
government, regime, administration; state
~ HS (~ satt) f. governing power, political
~ HF (~ sabh) f. council of state, upper house,
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to rule, to reign
~ WH (~ kJ) m. government, administration
~ HH (~ khaJn) m. state exchequer
~ TUl (~ gadd) f. throne
~ T (~ gur) m. royal preceptor
~ =S (~ ght) f. regicide
~ SS (~ ttar) m. monarchy
~ |SYW (~ tIlak) m. coronation, consecration
~ U (~ darbr) m. royal court
~ Ul (~ darbar) m. courtier
~ J (~ dhroh) m. sedition, treason,
rebellion, conspiracy
~ Jl (~ dhroh) m. traitor, conspirator
~ (~ parbdh) m. administration;
~ J (~ p) m. reign, rule, kingdom, dominion
~ FTSl (~ bhagt) f. loyalty (to the ruler)
~ F= (~ bhavan) m. a ruler's residence,
governor's residence; palace, king's palace
~ FH (~ bhsh) f. state language, official
~ u|JY (~ mehal) m. royal palace
~ =H (~ vsh) m. royal dynasty, royal lineage
~ =Hl (~ vsh) a. imperial; dynastic
HUS ( rJdt) m. ambassador
Hl ( rJdhan) f. capital, metropolis
z zz zz
(rJ) m. mason
H H H H H (rz) m. secret, mystery
~ Ul l (~ d r) f. name of a fragrant-
flower & its plant, lady-of-the-night
~ l (~ pe) v.i. for the night to fall
~ S (~ bart) adv. at odd hours; late at
night; occasionally, sometimes
S-Sl ( rto-rt) adv. during a single
night, over-night, by night
S S S S S (rtab) m. animal ration, daily ration (food
for horses and other cattle)
(rdh) f. pus
H mul H mul H mul H mul H mul (rdh sum) m. a religious sect
S S S S S (rbt) m. contact, relation, connection, link
u u u u u (rm) m. God; Lord Rama
~ WJl (~ kah) f. tale of woe; a long story
or narrative
~ H (~ rJ) m. golden rule, ideal government,
utopia, just and equitable rule
~ u (~ rm) m. a greeting word among
Hindus; an expression of pity or grief
f. solemn promise not to do something bad
~ Y (~ rol) m. uproar, commotion, tumult,
uT= lm uT= lm uT= lm uT= lm uT= lm (rmga) a. a class of carpenters
and masons, Ramgarhia
uS l uS l uS l uS l uS l (rmtor) f. sponge gourd, Luffa
uYlY uYlY uYlY uYlY uYlY (rmll) m. a sequential biographical
dramatic portrayal of Lord Rama
u|F u|F u|F u|F u|F(rmI) f. the Hindu scripture containing
the biography and life-struggle of Lord Rama
! !! !!
(rl) m. resin, rosin, saliva
z zz zz
/YY /YY /YY /YY /YY(rl/ll) f. slaver, slobber, drivel
= = = = =(rva) m. king of ancient Sri Lanka, Ravana
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (rval) m. a title for Rajput chiefs
=l =l =l =l =l (rv) f. one of the five rivers of Punjab, Ravi
(eastern western)
= = = = = (rhn) v.t. to roast; to bake fully
|U =l |U =l |U =l |U =l |U =l (rIo) f. a solid but crisp Indian sweetmeat
made of sugar or gur paste, shaped as tiny
balls and covered with sesame seeds
|m|Fm |m|Fm |m|Fm |m|Fm |m|Fm (rIae) f. subjects, public, people
|m|FS |m|FS |m|FS |m|FS |m|FS (rIaIt) f. concession, relaxation; favour,
indulgence, consideration, partiality
|m|FSl |m|FSl |m|FSl |m|FSl |m|FSl (rIaIt) a. concessional; favoured one
|mHS |mHS |mHS |mHS |mHS (rIsat) f. former Indian princely state,
state; estate, dominion, territory
|mHSl |mHSl |mHSl |mHSl |mHSl (rIsat) a. pertaining to state (princely);
|mH |mH |mH |mH |mH (rIz) m. regular practice (in music)
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to practice music
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (rIsk) m. risk
~ Y (~ le ) v.i. to take risk
|HJ- HJ |HJ- HJ |HJ- HJ |HJ- HJ |HJ- HJ (rIsh-push) a. hale and hearty, healthy,
hefty, robust
|H |H |H |H |H (rIs) v.i. to ooze, to leak, to exude, to drip
|HS |HS |HS |HS |HS (rIsht) m. relation, relationship, kinship; link
connection; betrothal, engagement
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to betroth, to engage
~ S= (~ ton) v.t. to break up relations, to
cut off; to break up engagement
|HSU (rIshtedr) m. relative, relation,
|HS Ul (rIshtedr) f. relationship, kinship
|Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu |Hu (rIsham) f. ray, beam (of light)
|HU |HU |HU |HU |HU (rIsarch) f. research
~ m|HHJJ (~ asIse) m. research assistant
~ HWY (~ saklar) m. research scholar
~ =Y (~ phelo) m. research fellow
|H=S |H=S |H=S |H=S |H=S (rIshvat) f. bribe
~ U =Y (~ de vl) m. briber
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to grease the palm, to
~ Yl (~ le) v.t. to take bribe
|H=SH |H=SH |H=SH |H=SH |H=SH (rIshvatkhor) a. & m. corrupt, bribee
|H=SH l |H=SH l |H=SH l |H=SH l |H=SH l (rIshvatkhor) f. bribery, corruption
|HY |HY |HY |HY |HY (rIsala) m. cavalry
|Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl |Hl (rIsh) m. sage, saint
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (rIses) f. recess
|H H |H H |H H |H H |H H (rIsepshan) f. reception
|JHY |JHY |JHY |JHY |JHY (rIharsal) f. rehearsal
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to rehearse, to practice
(a play etc.)
|J m/|J |J m/|J |J m/|J |J m/|J |J m/|J (rIha/rIha ) a. freed from jail,
released, acquitted
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be released, to be
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to set free, to release,
to acquit
|J|FH |J|FH |J|FH |J|FH |J|FH (rIhaIsh) f. house, residence, dwelling;
lodging, stay
|J|FHl |J|FHl |J|FHl |J|FHl |J|FHl (rIha Ish) a. residential; habitable
|JFl |JFl |JFl |JFl |JFl (rIh) f. release (from jail), acquittal
HSl ~ ( shart ~ ) m. parole
|J= |J= |J= |J= |J= (rIh) f. constant crying and whimpering
of a child, whining, fretting; insistence,
obduracy, obstinacy (of a child)
|J=l |J=l |J=l |J=l |J=l (rIh) a. insistent, obtrusive, obstinate
|WH |WH |WH |WH |WH (rIksh) m. rickshaw
~ HJ (~ ste) m. rickshaw-stand
mJ~ (o ~) m. auto-rickshaw
|W=l |W=l |W=l |W=l |W=l (rIkavar) f. recovery
|W |W |W |W |W (rIkr) m. record
~ Wl (~ kpar) m. record keeper
| T | T | T | T | T (rg) m. ring; circle
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to ring up, to telephone
~ uHJ (~ msar) m. ring-master
~ Yl (~ lar) m. ring-leader
| T | T | T | T | T (rga) v.i. to low, to moo; for the child to
cry loudly
| U | U | U | U | U (rIchchh) m. bear
|HW |HW |HW |HW |HW (rIzak) m. livelihood, employment; food,
provisions, sustenance, subsistence, daily bread
|H= |H= |H= |H= |H= (rIzarv) a. reserve, reserved
|HYJ |HYJ |HYJ |HYJ |HYJ (rIzal) m. result
~ |WY (~ nIkal) v.i. for the result to be
| K | K | K | K | K (rIJJha) v.i. to be cooked, to be boiled
(vegetable etc.)
|KU |KU |KU |KU |KU (rIJhu) v.t. to get to be boiled or
cooked; to fascinate, to attract, to entice, to
|J |J |J |J |J (rIarn) a. & f. return
|J|F |J|F |J|F |J|F |J|F (rIIra) a. retired
~ J/ W (ho/ karn) v.i.t. to retire
| | | | | (rI) m. obligation; debt
~ S (~ pattar) m. debenture
|l |l |l |l |l (rI) a. obliged; indebted, debtor
|Uu |Uu |Uu |Uu |Uu (rIdam) f. rhythm
| l | l | l | l | l (rIddh) f. wealth, prosperity, good fortune
~ |Hl (~ sIddh) f. worldly and miraculous
power, mundane and spiritual power
| | | | | (rInh) v.t. to cook (in liquid), to boil, to
||YW ||YW ||YW ||YW ||YW (rIpablIk) f. republic
|= Hu J |= Hu J |= Hu J |= Hu J |= Hu J (rIphreshme) f. refreshment
|J |J |J |J |J (rIba) f. rivet
| | | | | (rIban) m. ribbon; fillet
|u |u |u |u |u
! !! !!
(rIm) m. rim
|u |u |u |u |u
z zz zz
(rIm) m. ream
|u|Ku |u|Ku |u|Ku |u|Ku |u|Ku (rImJhIm) f. light-shower of rain, drizzling
|uFl |uFl |uFl |uFl |uFl (rIm ar) m. reminder
|u |u |u |u |u (rIm) m. remand
|uW |uW |uW |uW |uW (rImrk) m. remark
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (rIvJ) m. custom, practice, usage; vogue,
~ J (ho) v.i. to be in vogue, to be in
~ U (pu) v.i. to set a fashion; to
introduce a custom
~ (~ pe) v.i. to come into vogue, to
come into practice
|=Hl |=Hl |=Hl |=Hl |=Hl (rIvJ) a. customary, traditional, ritualistic
|=Y= |=Y= |=Y= |=Y= |=Y= (rIvlvar) m. revolver
|=Yl |=Yl |=Yl |=Yl |=Yl(rIvl) m. morning bugle, reveille (in military)
|=lU |=lU |=lU |=lU |=lU (rIv) m. review
|=lH/|=lU |=lH/|=lU |=lH/|=lU |=lH/|=lU |=lH/|=lU (rIvzan/rIvyan ) m. revision
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (rIka) v.t. to churn
m. a vessel for the purpose of churning, churn-
|=W=U /|=WU |=W=U /|=WU |=W=U /|=WU |=W=U /|=WU |=W=U /|=WU (rIkavu/rIku)
v.t. to get something churned; to help in
churning work
|= |= |= |= |= (rIhn) v.i. to walk on all fours, to creep
(for infants); to roll, to slip down; to crawl; to
l= |JS l= |JS l= |JS l= |JS l= |JS (rrahIt) a. invertebrate
mU mU mU mU mU (ruu) v.t. to make to weep, to cause
to cry
mH mH mH mH mH (rus) a. on the verge of crying, ready to
cry, tearful; heavy-hearted, sad, disconsolate
H H H H H (russa) v.i. to be displeased, to be sullen
to be angry, to be annoyed
HU HU HU HU HU (rushnu) v.t. to lit up, to lighten; to
illuminate; to brighten; to enlighten
! !! !!
(rushn) f. light, illumination; brightness,
refulgence, glow, radiance
z zz zz
(rushn) f. black-ink
H= H= H= H= H= (rusv) a. ill-reputed, notorious, disgraced,
dishonoured, ignominious
H=Fl H=Fl H=Fl H=Fl H=Fl (rusv) f. ill-fame, disrepute, infame,
disgrace, ignominy
HU HU HU HU HU (rusu) v.i.t. to displease, to annoy, to
make to be sullen or vexed
H = H = H = H = H = (rusev ) m. annoyance, sullenness, vexation,
J J J J J (rohb) m. dignity, influence, sway
~ U (~ da r) m. influential, dignified,
JlmS JlmS JlmS JlmS JlmS (ruhnat) f. spirituality
W W W W W (ruka) v.i. to stop, to halt, to stay; to pause
W W W W W (rukk) m. written message, chit; letter (sent
by hand), note
WU WU WU WU WU (ruku) v.i. to make or get someone
or something stopped; to make or persuade
one to stay
W=J W=J W=J W=J W=J (rukva) f. hindrance, check, restriction,
hitch, bar obstruction, impediment, obstacle;
hurdle, barrier; interruption
~ H=l Wl (~ kha karn) id. to cause an
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to hinder, to impede,
to obstruct, to block, to barricade
! !! !!
(rukh) m. side, direction, facet; face,
countenance; trend; attitude, aptitude,
inclination; the castle (in chess)
~ mU (~ apu) id. to take a stand
~ |H (~ sIr) adv. in a right manner, properly,
slide, to glide
|== |== |== |== |== (rIv ) a. sliding, rolling; sloping; inclined
|==U |==U |==U |==U |==U (rIvu) v.t. to get something rolled
down or rolled forward
|=l |=l |=l |=l |=l (rI) f. part of the produce of a field set apart
to be given free to the labourers or the poor
lH lH lH lH lH (rs) f. an attempt to equal (someone) by
imitation; emulation, habit of copying others
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to emulate, to copy, to
imitate, to vie with
lH lH/lH lHl (rso rs/rso rs) adv.
emulatively, emulously; out of rivalry
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (rh) f. pain in the great sciatic nerve, sciatica
l T l T l T l T l T (r g) f. crawl
l T l T l T l T l T (r ga) v.i. to crawl, to creep
lT =Y H= (r gan vle Jnvar) m.
lK lK lK lK lK (rJh) f. desire, wish, longing, craving, choice;
satisfaction, pleasure
lK lK lK lK lK (rJha) v.i. to become fond of, to fall for;
to be pleased; to be captivated
lKU lKU lKU lKU lKU (rJhu) v.t. to entice, to bewitch, to
allure, to charm; to please
lJ lJ lJ lJ lJ (rh) m. soap-nut, Sapindus detergens
l l l l l (r) f. fine dust of chaff or hay
~ W (~ ku) a. very small quantity, very little
lS lS lS lS lS (rt) f. custom, tradition, practice, convention;
rite, ritual, ceremony; manner, mode, fashion,
~ UYUl (~ chalu) v.t. to introduce a new
practice or custom
lSl-|=H (rt-rIva J) m. custom and
tradition, rites and rituals
lSl=U lSl=U lSl=U lSl=U lSl=U (rtva d) m. traditionalism, ritualism
lSl=Ul lSl=Ul lSl=Ul lSl=Ul lSl=Ul (rtva d) m. stylist; stylistic
lSl-|=|Tm lSl-|=|Tm lSl-|=|Tm lSl-|=|Tm lSl-|=|Tm (rt-vIgIn) m. stylistics
l l l l l l l l l l (r r ) f. whimper, whine
lY lY lY lY lY (rl) f. reel (of thread); spool (of film)
l|=U l|=U l|=U l|=U l|=U (rvI) m. review
l= Ul J l l= Ul J l l= Ul J l l= Ul J l l= Ul J l (r d ha) f. back bone, spine,
l= l l= l l= l l= l l= l (rIdhr) a. vertebrate
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to go towards
~ UH (~ dekha) id. to see which way
the wind blows
~ = (~ phern) id. to turn one's face
~ UY (~ badal) id. to change one's
attitude, to drift away
z zz zz
(rukh) m. rook, castle
H H H H H (rukkh) m. tree
HS HS HS HS HS (rukhsat) f. leave; send off, departure;
discharge, dismissal
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to set out, to take leave,
to depart
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to bid farewell, to see
~ |uY (~ mIl) v.i. to get leave
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to take leave
H H H H H (rukhsr) m. cheek
H H H H H (rukkh) a. rude, harsh, rough, austere, dry,
cruel, indifferent, impolite (person); blunt, curt
(reply); dry, arid (area, land etc.); tasteless,
insipid; inhospitable
~ HW FH (~ sukka bhoJa) m. simple food,
ordinary (food)
~ H= (~ Javb) f. curt reply, flat refusal,
blunt reply
T T T T T (rugg) m. handful, wisp (of fodder etc.)
~ W (~ ku) a. small (quantity)
~ U (~ de) v.t. to feed fodder etc. into
cutting or threshing machine
~ F (~ bharn) v.t. to grip, to clutch (with
hands); to bite
|US |US |US |US |US (ruchIt) a. inclined, interested
Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul (ruch) f. tendency, inclination, propensity,
interest, taste, aptitude, liking
~ Jl (~ ho) v.i. to be interested in, to have
liking for
~ l|Hm (~ parkhI) f. aptitude test
HT HT HT HT HT (ruzgr) m. employment, livelihood;
occupation, profession, service, job, trade
~ U=S (~ daphtar) m. employment exchange
~ U (~ de) v.t. to keep in one's service,
to give employment, to employ
H H H H H (ruzna) a. daily
K K K K K (ruJJha) v.i. to get (oneself) occupied or
engaged in work etc., to become busy, to be
K J (ruJJhe ho) v.i. to be already
busy, to be preoccupied
KU KU KU KU KU (ruJhu) v.i. to make (someone) busy,
to engross, to engage
K K K K K (ruJhn) m. tendency, inclination, propensity,
K = K = K = K = K = (ruJhev) m. engagement, pre-occupation,
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (run) m. routine
J= J= J= J= J= (ruha) a. annoyed, displeased, sullen
(r) m. completely pruned tree, leafless;
~ u (~ m) a. completely pruned, leafless
(tree); completely shaved, tonsured (head)
S S S S S (rutt) f. season
|HH ~ (sIsar ~) f. winter (Dec., Jan. month)
HlS ~ (st ~) f. winter season, winter
J u S ~ (hemt ~) f. winter season
comprising the months of December and
TlHu ~ (grsham ~) f. summer season,
H S ~ (bast ~) f. spring season, springtide,
=H ~ (varkh ~) f. rainy season
S S S S S (rutb) m. rank, designation; status, position,
place, dignity
U U U U U (rudan) m. weeping, wailing, lamentation,
shedding tears
UWH UWH UWH UWH UWH (rudrkash) m. seed of a tree used for
making rosary, Eleocarpus genitruseed
(ruddha) v.i. to get engaged, to be busy,
to be occupied
(rdha) v.i. to have lump in the throat, to
be choked with emotions
|Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm |Fm(rupe) m. rupee; money, wealth
~ H (~ pes) m. money
|JY |JY |JY |JY |JY (rupehl) a. silvery, argentine
(rup) m. silver
Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl (rub) f. a form of poetry, four-foot verse,
lm lm lm lm lm (rub) m. a variety of fine cotton cloth
uW uW uW uW uW (rumka) v.i. to blow gently (air)
uW uW uW uW uW (rumk) m. gust, blast, puff (of air)
uH uH uH uH uH (rumas) m. romance
uH=U uH=U uH=U uH=U uH=U (rumsvd) m. romanticism
uH=Ul uH=Ul uH=Ul uH=Ul uH=Ul (rumsvd) a. romanticist
uU uU uU uU uU (rum ch) m. thrill, horripilation, gooseflesh
uUW uUW uUW uUW uUW (rum chak) a. thrilling, horripilating, hair-
u|JW u|JW u|JW u|JW u|JW (rumIk) a. romantic
uY uY uY uY uY (ruml) m. handkerchief, kerchief, hanky,
uY uY uY uY uY (ruml) m. a square cloth or scarf for
wrapping the Sikh scripture or any other holy
Y Y Y Y Y (rul) v.i. to be neglected, to have no value,
to lose (one's) value, not to be cared; to be
trampled; to be in abundance; to be lost, to be
= = = = = (ruhn) v.i. to be washed away, to be
carried away (by water), to float
= H (ruh J) id. to go to
destruction, to be ruined, to be wasted
m. an inoffensive abusive term usually used
by ladies
= = = = = = = = = = (ruhv) a. floating; sloping
= =U / =U = =U / =U = =U / =U = =U / =U = =U / =U (ruhvu/ruu) v.t. to
cause to be squandered (money etc.), to cause
to be wasted; to cause to be carried away (by
(r ) f. cotton
H H H H H (rs) m. Russia
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (rs) a. language spoken in Russia; Russian
an inhabitant of Russia
! !! !!
(rh) f. soul, spirit; innermost, inner-self; mind,
z zz zz
(rh) m. extract, essence, otto
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (rhn) a. spiritual
JlmS JlmS JlmS JlmS JlmS (rhnat) f. spiritualism, spirituality
T T T T T (r g) m. something additional to the bargain
asked for by a purchaser from the seller
J J J J J (r) m. route
U U U U U (r dr) a. stuffed (with cotton), quilted
(rp) m. beauty, comeliness; look, appearance,
countenance; shape, form; guise
~ U (~ de) v.t. to give shape to
~ (~ dhrn) id. to assume the
appearance of, to be disguised as
~ F (~ bharn) id. to assume the
appearance of , to be disguised as
~ H (~ rekh) f. outline, contour; synopsis;
~ =JU (~ vau) v.i.t. to be disguised
as, to put appearance, to transform, to
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. morphology
~ |=|Tml (~ vIgIn) m. morphologist
HU~ (shabd ~) m. forms of word
W W W W W (rpak) m. metaphor; a kind of dramatic play
= S = S = S = S = S(rpvt) a. handsome, comely, good-looking,
=Sl/ uSl =Sl/ uSl =Sl/ uSl =Sl/ uSl =Sl/ uSl (rpvat/rpmat) a. beautiful,
comely (woman), belle
=/ u =/ u =/ u =/ u =/ u (rpvn/rpmn) a. handsome,
good-looking, beautiful, charming
-|= -|= -|= -|= -|= (rp-vIdhn) m. formal structure
-|=l -|=l -|=l -|=l -|=l (rp-vIdh) f. pattern
S S S S S (rptar) m. & a. transcription, transform,
metamorphosis; inflexion (gr.); adaptation;
S S S S S (rp tara) m. transliteration,
transcription; transformation, metamorphism,
metamorphosis; adaptation
H H H H H (ru posh) a. underground, run away,
absconding, fugitive
~ J H (~ ho J) v.t. to go underground,
to run away, to abscond; to disappear
(rbr) adv. face to face, in front of, in the
presence of
Y Y Y Y Y (rbal) m. Russian currency, rouble
Y Y Y Y Y (rl) m. rule
! !! !!
(rlar) m. roller
|Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T (rlg) f. ruling
=l =l =l =l =l (r) f. dung heap, dung hill; animal manure,
= l = l = l = l = l (rh) f. convention, tradition
= l = U = l = U = l = U = l = U = l = U (rhvd) m. conventionalism,
= l = Ul = l = Ul = l = Ul = l = Ul = l = Ul (rhvd) a. conventionalist,
H H H H H (res) m. race
~ WH (~ kors) m. race-course
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to accelerate
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu (resham) m. silk
~ U Wl= (~ d k) m. silk-worm, Bombus
~ U Wl= Y U Wu (~ de ke pla da km)
m. sericulture
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu U S UW/ HuW U S UW/ HuW U S UW/ HuW U S UW/ HuW U S UW/ HuW (resham utpdak/
reshamkr) m. sericulturist
Hul Hul Hul Hul Hul (resham) a. silken, silky; soft and smooth
! !! !!
(resh) m. fibre; sinew, tendon
z zz zz
(resh) m. cold, catarrh, coryza, bad cold
H U H U H U H U H U (reshedr) a. fibrous
J J J J J (reh) f. manure, fertiliser; chemical fertiliser
JY JY JY JY JY (rehal) m. folding wooden stand for open
books (religious one)
H H H H H (rekh) f. line, streak
~ m|WS (~ kIt) a. underlined, lined
~ T|S (~ gaIt) m. geometry
~ |U S (~ chIttar) m. sketch; diagram,
HumS ~ (samntar ~ ) f. parallel line
HS HS HS HS HS (rekhtar) m. longitude
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu (regmr) m. sand paper, emery paper
|THS |THS |THS |THS |THS (regIstn) m. desert
UW UW UW UW UW (rechak) a. purgative, aperient
H H H H H (reJ) m. range
HTl HTl HTl HTl HTl (rezgr) f. small change (coins), small
H H H H H (rezar) m. razor
H H H H H (reJar) m. ranger
K K K K K (reJh) m. boiling
~ (~ pe) v.i. to boil
J J J J J (re) m. rate
(re) m. raid
lU lU lU lU lU (reo) m. radio
lmu lmu lmu lmu lmu (ream) m. radium
lm lm lm lm lm (rear) m. reindeer
S S S S S (ret) f. sand
~ U |WY U H (~ de kIle usrn) id. to
build castles in the air
S S S S S (reta) v.t. to rasp, to file
SY SY SY SY SY (retal) a. sandy, arenaceous
~ |J (~ Ibb) m. dune, sand-dune, sand-hill
S S S S S (ret) m. sand
Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl (ret) f. file; rasp
W J W J W J W J W J (renko) m. raincoat
(reb) a. diagonal
~ WJ (~ ka) a. diagonal cut
(rer) m. a kind of forest tree
Y Y Y Y Y (rel) f. railway train, rail
~ Tl (~ ga) f. train
~ U =JW (~ d phak) m. railway crossing
~ Ul J=l (~ d pata) f. railway track, railway
Y- Y Y- Y Y- Y Y- Y Y- Y (rel-pel) f. hustle and bustle
= = = = = (reh) m. fast flow, current, effusion (of water
etc.); roll; incline
=W =W =W =W =W (rek) m. dispute, contention, quarrel; churn;
curd or milk being churned, the act of making
~ U (~ pu) id. to prolong a dispute;
to churn
= = = = = (ren) v.t. to push, to move, to roll (cart
etc.); to pull on (life)
= = = = = (reh) m. hand cart; baby walker
= l = l = l = l = l (reh) f. small hand cart
= = = = = (re) a. easy and smooth flow; rolling; slope
m. roller
HJ HJ HJ HJ HJ (res) m. rest
~ JUH (~ hus) m. rest-house
get enraged, to be angry
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
! !! !!
(roha) f. diphtheria
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl
z zz zz
(roha) f. a Zodiac sign, Taurus
J J J J J (rohb) m. dignity, awe, dominance, influence
JU JU JU JU JU (rohbda r) a. dignified, influential
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (roh) f. sandy desert; desolate place,
wilderness, jungle
J J J J J (roh) m. a kind of fish
J J J J J (rohe) m. sore eyes, trachoma
W W W W W (rok) f. ban, prohibition, restriction; hindrance,
interruption; obstacle; check; advance money;
stay, detention, deterrence
~ JW (~ ok) f. check, restriction, obstruction,
~ u (~ thm) f. prevention, precautions
~ YUl (~ lu) v.t. to ban, to prohibit, to
impose restriction
W W W W W (roka) v.t. to stop; to prevent, to check;
to block, to obstruct, to hinder; to ban, to
prohibit; to warn; to detain, to deter
W= W= W= W= W= (roka) m. cash, cash-money
~ HS (~ kht) m. cash account, cash book
~ =Jl (~ vah) f. cash-ledger
T T T T T (rog) m. disease, ailment, illness, malady,
sickness, disorder; defect
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. pathological
~ |U|WSH (~ chIkIts) m. treatment, therapy
(of ailment)
~ Ul SVSlH (~ d taftsh) f. diagnosis
~ Fu (~ bharam) m. hypochondriasis
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) f. pathology
TT HS TT HS TT HS TT HS TT HS (roggrast) a. sick, ailing, diseased, ill,
! !! !!
(rog an) m. oil paint, varnish, polish
z zz zz
(rogan) m. fatty or greasy liquid; fat
~ HH (~ Josh) m. meat dish with gravy
THW THW THW THW THW (rognshak) a. remedial, curative
T T T T T (rog) m. germ, virus, bacteria
~ HW (~ nshak) a. disinfectant, germicide,
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (rog) m. patient
HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J HJ J (resore) m. restaurant
W W W W W (re k) m. rack, stand
W W W W W (re k) m. rank
W|H W|H W|H W|H W|H (reksIn) m. rexine
WJ WJ WJ WJ WJ (reka) m. racket (of badminton etc.)
T Y T Y T Y T Y T Y (regular) m. regular
T Y H T Y H T Y H T Y H T Y H (reguleshan) m. regulation
T Y J T Y J T Y J T Y J T Y J (regulear) m. regulator
U U U U U (rech) m. wrench
Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J Hl J (reze) m. resident
H Y H H Y H H Y H H Y H H Y H (rezuleshan) m. resolution
J J J J J (re) m. rent
W H W H W H W H W H (rekars) f. red-cross
l l l l l (re) a. ready
~ u (~ me) a. readymade
(re) f. night
~ HFl (~ sab) f. night long, till morning
~ H (~ baser) m. night' s lodging;
temporary stay, night's halt
(repar) m. wrapper
Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl (refar) m. referee
J J J J J (reb) m. slap, smack
Y Y Y Y Y (re l) a. easy, light, (of machine), running
easily and lightly
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (rel) f. rally
m m m m m (roab) m. awe, dominance, over-powering
H H H H H (ros) m. resentment, displeasure, anger, protest,
H H H H H (roshan) a. illuminated, lighted, shining,
luminous; famous, known, eminent; bright
~ W (~ karn) id. to win name and fame
v.t. to illumine, to light
~ |HmY (~ khIl) a. wise; broad-minded
HU HU HU HU HU (roshandn) m. ventilator
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (roshan) f. light, illumination, brightness; eye
sight; lamp
H H H H H (ros) m. sullenness, annoyance, displeasure
J J J J J (roh) m. anger, rage, fury, wrath, annoyance
~ U= (~ chahn) v.i. to be in a rage, to
~ (~ dho) m. wailing, crying, lamentation
~ |WY H (~ nIkal Ja) id. to burst into
tears, to start weeping, to be unable to restrain
from weeping
JW JW JW JW JW (rohk) a. on the verge of tears, about
to cry, likely to cry
(ro) m. weeping
v.i. to weep, to shed tears, to cry
~ (roe ~) v.t. to narrate one's tale of
U U U U U (rod) a. & m. snivelling, whiny, weepy,
weeper, sniveller, whiner; foul player, player
who cheats
u u u u u
! !! !!
(rom) m. soft and small hair of body
u u u u u
z zz zz
(rom) m. Rome
! !! !!
(rol) m. role
z zz zz
(rol) f. roll
~ WY (~ kl) f. roll-call
~ (~ nbar) m. roll number
Y Y Y Y Y (rol) v.t. to separate coarser grain etc.
from a mixture by stirring with hands, to pick
over; to spoil, to waste; to vanquish, to subdue
Y Y Y Y Y (rolar) m. roller
= = = = = (ro) m. pebble, gravel
= = = = = (roh) m. flow, effusion, afflux
= = = = = (rohn) v.t. to wash away, to sweep away,
to carry away, to erode; to squander, to waste
= = = = = (ro) m. brickbat, pebble; feet disease of
cattle; bulge caused by an injury, bump
~ mJWU (~ aku) id. to throw a spanner
into the work, to put hindrance in the way
=l =l =l =l =l (ro) f. gravel

! !! !!
(ro ) f. current, flow, stream (of water)

z zz zz
(ro ) f. mood, thought, idea, current of thought
H H H H H (ros) m. terrace, a projected floor on the roof
of a house for sitting; custom, way, practice
TJ TJ TJ TJ TJ (rog) m. small and soft hair on the body
- TJ H= J (- roge khahe ho) id. to
have hair stand on end, to surprise
~ H= W (~ khahe karn) id. to make
hair stands on end
a. sick, ill, morbid, unsound
UW UW UW UW UW (rochak) a. interesting, entertaining, lively,
sweet; piquant, appetising
H H H H H (roz) adv. daily, everyday
m. day
~ H (~ roz) adv. daily, every day
J ~(har ~) adv. every day; day after
HuU HuU HuU HuU HuU (roznmch) m. daily-diary, daily record,
H H H H H (roz) m. fast observed by Mohammedans in
the month of Ramzan, fast, fasting day
~ H (~ rakkha) v.i. to keep or observe
H H H H H (rozn) adv. daily, everyday
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (roz) f. livelihood, subsistence, sustenance,
daily bread; means of livelihood or subsistence,
~ WuU (~ kamu) v.t. to earn one's
livelihood, to make a living
~ Jl (~ ro) f. livelihood, daily bread
Hl Hl Hl Hl Hl (rozn) m. daily wages
K K K K K (roJh) m. a species of antelope, Nilgau, Nylgao
J J J J J (ro) m. large, thick sweet loaf (connected with
religious offerings)
Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl (ro) f. loaf, chapati; bread; livelihood
~ W= (~ kapa) m. food and clothing,
means of sustenance
~ Wl (~ karn) id. to invite (someone) for
formal lunch or dinner; to cook meals
~ JW (~ ukk) m. food, meal; livelihood
~ Jl Ul HK (~ be d sJh) f. social and
marital relations

! !! !!
(ro) f. road

z zz zz
(ro) f. baldness; shaven head
(ro) f. cheating, trickery (in games); denying
defeat by making excuses or complaints
(ro) f. with shaven head, bald; clean shaven
l l l l l (ro) a. cheater
f. cheating, trickery (in games)
(ro) m. weeping, crying, lamentation
U U U U U (rodar) a. fearful, terrible, terrific
~ H (~ ras) m. sentiment of furiousness
Y Y Y Y Y (ro l) f. turn (during non-stop recital of a
Y Y Y Y Y (rol) m. noise, uproar, din, tumult, hue and
cry, clamour; dispute, contention
~ TY/ (~ gol/ rapp) m. noise, din;
hue and cry; tumult, disturbance, confusion;
agitation, unrest
~ U (~ pu) v.i. to make a noise; to
shout, to make loud cry
= = = = = (ro) m. level ground (bare or verdure)
Tl Tl Tl Tl Tl (ro g) f. a variety of beans, Doliches sinedsis;
vigna catiang
H H H H H (ro z) m. tomb of a Muslim saint, mausoleum
W W W W W (ro ak) f. hustle and bustle; habitation; gaiety;
lustre, glow, brightness (of face), gay
appearance, embellishment
~ uY (~ mel) m. festivity
Wl Wl Wl Wl Wl (ro k) a. gay, witty, humorous, jovial, lively,
jolly, light hearted
(ro) m. hammer of a bell; pellets in rattling
l l l l l (ro) f. watering (a field before ploughing)
! !! !!
(rod) f. sound, cartridge
z zz zz
(rod) f. inspection round
U U U U U (rod) v.t. to trample, to crush

Y YY YY (lall) m. thirty-third letter of Gurmukhi alphabet,
a retroflex
YFl/U YFl YFl/U YFl YFl/U YFl YFl/U YFl YFl/U YFl (la/de la) intj. for, for the sake of, in
order to, on account of, for the purpose of
Y H/Y HY H Y H/Y HY H Y H/Y HY H Y H/Y HY H Y H/Y HY H (lass/lasslass) f. shine, lustre, sheen
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to shine, to glisten, to
YH H YH H YH H YH H YH H (lass) m. license
~ U(~ dar) a. license holder, licensee
YHW YHW YHW YHW YHW (lashkar) m. army, military force; multitude,
crowd, throng, swarm; camp, cantonment
YU~ ( lo~) m. military encampment
YHWl YHWl YHWl YHWl YHWl (lashkar) a. relating to army, military force
! !! !!
(lasa) m. garlic, Allium stivum
z zz zz
(lasa) m. a dark patch or spot on the skin
YHYH YHYH YHYH YHYH YHYH (laslasa) a. sticky, viscid
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lassa) m. a red coloured cloth
Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl (lass) f. cold drink made of churned curd by
adding water, butter-milk; whey
~ l (~ p) m. light refreshment
WUl ~ (kacch ~) f. a cold drink made of
milk and water
HJl ~ (kha ~) f. butter-milk
YH = YH = YH = YH = YH = (las) m. a kind of tree which bears
glutinous fruit, Cordia myxa; gumboil, boil on
the gums
YJU YJU YJU YJU YJU (lahu) v.t. to get something to be
brought down or to be unloaded; to assist in
getting down or bringing down someone or
! !! !!
(lah) f. the work or the process of or
wages for unloading
z zz zz
(lah) f. descent, declivity, recession;
bringing down, unloading
~ U=Fl (~ chah) f. the process of or the
wages for loading or unloading
Y| J T Y| J T Y| J T Y| J T Y| J T (le hg) m. long skirt with big
circumference worn by Indian women (in
society, company etc.)
~ UYl (~ chol) f. a woman's dress with full
skirt and bodice, dirndl-skirt
Y|JH Y|JH Y|JH Y|JH Y|JH (lehz) m. accent; tone; style
Y|J Y|J Y|J Y|J Y|J (leh) v.i. to come down, to descend; to
set (the Sun, Moon); to fade (colour); to
dislocate (of bone); to be demoted; to be paid
off (debt); to subside (fever etc.)
Y|JU (lehedr) m. creditor, money
lender, banker, financier
Y|J U Y|J U Y|J U Y|J U Y|J U (le hd) m. west (direction); west part of
Punjab, western Punjab
Y|JU U=U Ul H J (le hde chade
d khabar n ho) id. to be oblivious of the
world around, to be carefree
Y|J Ul Y|J Ul Y|J Ul Y|J Ul Y|J Ul (le hd) f. dialect of western Punjab
Y|J Y|J Y|J Y|J Y|J (lehar) f. wave, surf, drift, surge, ripple;
emotion, excitement, enthusiasm, zeal;
movement (social, political etc.)
~ |J (~ be har) f. merry-making, enjoyment;
prosperity, affluence, pleasure and rapture
Y|JU Y|JU Y|JU Y|JU Y|JU (lehardr) a. wavy, undulatory
Y|JU Y|JU Y|JU Y|JU Y|JU (lehru) v.i. to wave, to flutter; to
unfurl, to hoist (flag); to fluctuate, to ripple
K ~(Jh ~) v.t. to unfurl the flag, to
hoist the flag
Y|Jl Y|Jl Y|Jl Y|Jl Y|Jl (le har) a. playful, waggish, gay, capricious,
merry, jovial; whimsical, eccentric; inconstant
Y|JYJU Y|JYJU Y|JYJU Y|JYJU Y|JYJU (lehlhu) v.i. to flourish, to be in
bloom; to wave/toss (crops etc.); to be verdant,
to be full of green leaves
Y|JYJU U Y|JYJU U Y|JYJU U Y|JYJU U Y|JYJU U (lehlhud) a. verdant; flourished
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lah) m. blood, gore; lineage, family
~ H=U J (~ sphed ho) id. to be void of
all human feelings
~ HW (~ sukka) id. to be worried; to be
terrified, blood turns to ice, curdle the blood
~ T= (~ ge) m. blood circulation
~ T= (~ ge prabdh) m. circulatory
~ UH (~ chsa) id. to extort, to exploit
~ Y (~ olh) id. to be too much
attached to some one
~ U |mH (~ d pIs) a. blood thirsty, sworn
~ =l (~ n) f. blood vessel, artery
~ l (~ p) id. to get on one's nerves, to
vex; to torture, to torment
a. vexatious, extortioner, tormentor
~ uJ YT (~ mu h lagga) id. to become
habitual of ill-gotton earnings, to get addicted
to take bribe
~ T (~ rg) a. blood-red
~ Y J (~ luh) a. bleeding profusely; badly
injured, bathed in blood, covered with blood,
steeped in blood
~ = (~ vadh) id. to be over-joyed, to
be extremely happy
= ~ (nav ~) m. young blood, new
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lahr) f. wailing, lamentation
YJ l YJ l YJ l YJ l YJ l (laho r) a. of Lahore (city), Lahorean
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (lakk) m. waist, back
~ |H W (~ sIddh karn) id. to rest a
while, to take brief rest, to relax
~ |H J (~ sIddh n ho) id. to be
over busy; to be over burdened
~ JJ H/ JJ (~ u J/ua) id. to
have one's back-bone broken, to suffer a great
loss (of the death of some near & dear); to
lose all hopes of life; to get a set back
~ S= (~ to) a. toilsome, strenuous, arduous
~ UU/ l= (~ dard/ p) f. backache
~ (~ bnh) id. to gird up one's loins;
to bent upon, to be determined
YWH YWH YWH YWH YWH (lakash) m. aim, target, object, ideal, purpose
YWH HWSl YWH HWSl YWH HWSl YWH HWSl YWH HWSl (laksh shakt) f. figurative sense
of a word
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (lakk) v.t. to lap, to lick (dog etc.)
YW= YW= YW= YW= YW= (lakv) m. paralysis, palsy
~ u H (~ mr J) v.i. to suffer from
paralysis, to be paralysed, to have a paralytic
YW= u|m (lakve mrI) a. paralytic
Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= (lakka) f. wood, timber, lumber, log
~ Ul =Y (~ chran vl) f. lumberer
~ U (~ d) a. wooden
~ U W u (~ d km) m. wood work, woodcraft,
carpentry, xylograpy, wood carving
~ ul (~ m) f. timber market
Y W=J Y W=J Y W=J Y W=J Y W=J (lakkahr) m. woodcutter
Y W= = Y W= = Y W= = Y W= = Y W= = (lakkabaggh) m. hyena
Y W=l Y W=l Y W=l Y W=l Y W=l (lakka) f. wood, timber; stick, staff
|FuSl ~ (Imrt ~) f. timber
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (lakk) m. fan-tailed pigeon
YW-S W YW-S W YW-S W YW-S W YW-S W (lak-tuk) m. odds and ends, nick-nack,
miscellaneous things
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (lk) m. Sri Lanka, Ceylon
YWl YWl YWl YWl YWl (lakr) f. line; stripe, streak
~ U VWl (~ d fakr) m. blind imitator,
conventionalist, slave of old customs or
traditions, one who follows the beaten track
S ~ (patthar te ~) prov. never failing
YWl W V (lakr kaha) id. to
apologise, to eat a humble pie, to make a servile
YWlU YWlU YWlU YWlU YWlU (lakrdr) a. striped, streaked, lined
YWl YWl YWl YWl YWl (lakrn) v.t. to draw lines, to scribble
YW YW YW YW YW (lako) v.t. to conceal/hide; to keep secret
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lakkh) a. a hundred thousand, lac/lakh
~ F Ul TY (~ rupae d gall) f. invaluable
remark, very remarkable utterance
YH |=U H (lakkh vIch khea) id.
to deal in millions, to run in wealth, to be very
YH WH J (lakkho kakkh ho) id. to
be reduced from plenty to penury, to be
reduced to sheer poverty
Y HSl Y HSl Y HSl Y HSl Y HSl (lakkhpat) a. millionaire, wealthy, very
rich, opulent
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lakkh) a. (pl.) millions, several lacs
YT YT YT YT YT (lag) f. marks of vowel sound, vowel symbols
~ uS (~ mtar) f. marks of vowel sounds
fixed with letters
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T (-lg) f. limp, lameness, cripplehood
- YTU (lgu) v.i. to limp, to cripple
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T (lagga) v.i. to bear fruit/flowers; to cost;
to get employment/job; to be jealous, to envy;
to begin; to be wounded, to be injured; to be
related to, to have some relation with a person;
to be attached, to be affixed; to be in the
neighbour, to be adjoining; to be spent, to be
consumed (for money or material); to be in
session, to be held, to function (for court, class,
school etc.); to be felt (for heat, cold, etc.); to
appear, to seem; to be guessed, to be surmised;
to get burnt, to stick to the bottom (for food)
- mH ~ (- akkh~) id. to go to sleep
- mT ~ (- agg~) id. to catch fire
-mH ~ (- a khe~) id. to obey
-Wu ~ ( km n ~) id. to set to work
Y ~ ( pa la~) id. to feel cold
|U ~ ( pIchchhe~) id. to hang around,
to follow
=Y =Y ~ ( phull phal~) id. to bear fruit
and flowers; to prosper
FT ~ ( bhag~) id. to have good luck, to
be fortunate
YlW ~ ( lk~) id. to be defamed
Y T W (lagg ke) adv. with full fervour,
YTUl YU (lagd lu) id. to charge
at will
YTUl =J (lagd vh) adv. come what
may, by hook and crook, by all means; in
addition to , besides
YTU Jl (lagde hatth ) adv. along with,
side by side, besides, in addition to, in
continuation of
YTlm S= |FU (lagg to nIbhu)
id. to stand by one's love, to be faithful to one's
Y T Y (lagge le) m. kith and kin,
YT YT YT YT YT (lagan) f. assiduity, devotion, attachment,
dedication; appetence, craving, longing;
concentration, whole heartedness, diligence; an
auspicious time for the performance of
YTFT YTFT YTFT YTFT YTFT (lagbhag) adv. approximately, nearly,
almost, about
YT YT YT YT YT (lagar) f. sprig, tender twig, tender branch,
tender shoot, new sprout
! !! !!
(lgar) m. public kitchen, meal which is
served free at a holy place to all (Gurudwara,
Temple etc.)
~ uHS/uHS J (~ mast/mastn ho)
id. food/meals to be finished
z zz zz
(lgar) m. anchor, kedge anchor
~ HJ (~ sua) v.t. to anchor
Y Tl Y Tl Y Tl Y Tl Y Tl (lgar) f. mortar
Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= (lg) a. lame, crippled, badgerlegged, limp;
a variety of mango
Y T=U Y T=U Y T=U Y T=U Y T=U (lgu) v.t. to limp, to hobble
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T(lg) a. lame, cripple
YTU YTU YTU YTU YTU (lago) m. attachment, affection, fondness;
relation, concern, connection; bent of mind,
YTH YTH YTH YTH YTH (lagakhar) m. suprasegmental sign, stress
or nasalisation symbol ( ) addhak, ( ) bindi
and ( ) tipi
YTS YTS YTS YTS YTS (lagtr) adv. continuously, incessantly,
continually, constantly, at a stretch,
a. incessant, continuous, constant
YTSS YTSS YTSS YTSS YTSS (lagtrt) f. continuity
YT YT YT YT YT (lagn) m. revenue, land revenue; impost,
YTu YTu YTu YTu YTu (lagm) f. bridle, rein, snaffle, bit and reins
~ U (~ de) id. to bridle, to restrain, to
keep under control
YTu |V Ylm U (lagm hIll
chhaa) id. to give a long rope to
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T (lgr) m. shred, rag, torn cloth, rent, slit
~ Y|J H (~ le h J) v.i. to be torn, to be
pulled apart
Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= (lg) a. bummer
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T (lgr) m. baboon, gibbon, langur, lemur; the
common Langur- Semnopithecus entellus; the
capped Langur- Trachipithecus pileatus
Y T J Y T J Y T J Y T J Y T J (lgo) m. loin cloth, a piece of cloth worn
round the loins; napkin, nappy, diaper
Y T Jlm U (lgo yr) m. crony,
playmate, chum, an intimate friend, fast friend,
YT = YT = YT = YT = YT = (lago) f. hanger-on, henchman
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (lgha) v.i. to cross over, to jump over;
to be swallowed; for the time to be passed or
spent; to pass, to transgress
-Y|=m Hu J Jl mUU (lghI sam hatth
nah u d) prov. time past cannot be recalled
Y =U Y =U Y =U Y =U Y =U (lghu) v.t. to help crossing over, to
get someone or something across or through;
to swallow, to gulp; to pass the time or to spend
the time; to pass through
Y =Fl Y =Fl Y =Fl Y =Fl Y =Fl (lgh) f. toll tax
Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= S Y= S (laghut) f. smallness, insignificance,
meanness, paucity
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (lagh) a. short, small, little, trivial
m. short vowel
~ H= (~ svar) m. short vowel
~ uS (~ mtr) f. symbol for short vowel
Y= Su Hu=SW Y= Su Hu=SW Y= Su Hu=SW Y= Su Hu=SW Y= Su Hu=SW (laghtam samvartak) m.
lowest common multiple, L.C.M.
Y Y Y Y Y (ln g) m. lameness
Y Y Y Y Y (la n ga ) a. lame
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lch) m. lunch, luncheon
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to take lunch
~ W (~ barek) m. lunch break
YUW YUW YUW YUW YUW (lachak) f. flexibility, elasticity, resilience;
YUWJl YUWJl YUWJl YUWJl YUWJl (lachakhn) a. inflexible, inelastic, hard;
YUW YUW YUW YUW YUW (lachaka) v.i. to bend, to resile, to have
YUWU YUWU YUWU YUWU YUWU (lachakdr) a. flexible, elastic, resilient
YUWU YUWU YUWU YUWU YUWU (lachaku) v.t. to bend, to jolt, to shake
YUWlY YUWlY YUWlY YUWlY YUWlY (lachkl) a. flexible, elastic, resilient
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lacchar) a. vulgar, obscene, lewd, lecherous
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (laccharpa) m. vulgarity, obscenity,
lewdness, lecherousness, lechery
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lachchha) m. characteristics, qualities,
trait; symptom; sign, indication; conduct,
YUu-K Y YUu-K Y YUu-K Y YUu-K Y YUu-K Y (lachhama-Jhl) m. suspension
Y Uul Y Uul Y Uul Y Uul Y Uul (lachchhm) f. goddess of wealth; wealth,
riches, money; daughter; girl; mistress (of a
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lachchh) m. hank, skein (of thread); a kind
of sweetmeat; an ornament for the wrist
! !! !!
(laJJ) f. shame, abashment; shyness, coyness;
honour, modesty
z zz zz
(laJJ) f. thick rope (for drawing water, swing
Y HS Y HS Y HS Y HS Y HS (laJJat) f. relish, savour, taste; flavour, smack
YHU YHU YHU YHU YHU (laJu) v.i.t. to be shy, to blush; to be
ashamed (of); to put to shame, to disgrace
Y|H S Y|H S Y|H S Y|H S Y|H S (laJItt) a. ashamed, shamefaced
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be ashamed (of)
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to put to shame
YHlH YHlH YHlH YHlH YHlH (lazz) a. delicious, tasty
YHl Y /Y | Hm = YHl Y /Y | Hm = YHl Y /Y | Hm = YHl Y /Y | Hm = YHl Y /Y | Hm = (laJl/laJJIvn) a. shy,
diffident, modest, bashful; hesitant
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (la) f. lock of hair, ringlet; flame
YJW YJW YJW YJW YJW (laka) f. state of hanging or swinging;
anything hanging; pendent, locket pendulum,
YJW YJW YJW YJW YJW (laka) v.i. to hang, to swing, to dangle;
to be in suspense (work etc.); to be hanging in
the air; to be postponed
m |=UW ~ (addh vIchkr ~) id. to hang
in the air
YJW= YJW= YJW= YJW= YJW= (lakav) a. hanging, swinging, dangling;
YJWU YJWU YJWU YJWU YJWU (laku) v.t. to hang, to dangle; to keep
in suspense, to delay (work etc.)
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (labor) a. infatuated, crazy, mad; care-
free, happy-go-lucky
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (laar) a. loafer, vagabond, loiterer
YJu-Ju YJu-Ju YJu-Ju YJu-Ju YJu-Ju (laram-param) m. miscellaneous
articles, knick knack
YJ-YJ YJ-YJ YJ-YJ YJ-YJ YJ-YJ (la-la) a. shining brightly; burning brightly
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to shine brightly, to
~ Y (~ baln) v.i. to emit flames, to blaze
YJ-J YJ-J YJ-J YJ-J YJ-J (la-pa) m. miscellaneous things, knick
knack; bag and baggage, paraphernalia
YJ-l = YJ-l = YJ-l = YJ-l = YJ-l = (la-p gh) a. busy, engrossed (in work)
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (la) a. fallen in love, charmed, enamoured
~ J (~ ho) id. to fall in love with, to be
charmed, to be enamoured
YJ l YJ l YJ l YJ l YJ l (lar) f. a matted tuft of hair
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lae) f. big wooden beam
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lah) f. wooden axle, big and thick stick,
club, cudgel
~ YFl |= (~ la phIrn) id. to be always
ready to pick a quarrel
Y Ju Y Ju Y Ju Y Ju Y Ju (lahmr) a. unmannerly, discourteous,
rude, violent, uncouth, clownish
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lah) m. a kind of cotton cloth, long-cloth
W ~ (kora ~) m. unbleached long-cloth
Y Y Y Y Y (lar) a. & m. loafer, vagabond, vagrant,
loiterer; irresponsible
! !! !!
(l) a. having no tail, tailless; having cut or
short tail
~ U= (~ chha) a. having no family or
children, single, bachelor, unmarried
z zz zz
(l) a. wicked, villainous, rascal, scamp,
ruffian, scoundrel
~ U (~ bucch) a. without wife or children,
single, bachelor; everybody, riff-raff
YU ~ (lucch ~) a. rascal, ruffian, scamp,
Y l Ul Y l Ul Y l Ul Y l Ul Y l Ul (l bucch) f. every Tom, Dick and
Harry, every body, riff- raff
Y Y Y Y Y (la) m. a kind of sweetmeat
U ~ (br d ~) m. worthless but
fascinating thing
Y Y Y Y Y (le) m. a script used by businessmen,
Mahajani script
YS YS YS YS YS (lat) f. addiction, bad habit
~ Jl (~ ho) v.i. to have addiction (of), to
be addicted to
~ l/YTl (~ pe /lagga) v.i. to become
addicted (to), to be given (to), to become
habitual (of)
Y S Y S Y S Y S Y S (latt) f. leg
~ US J (~ utte ho) id. to have the upper
hand, to rule the roast
~ m=U (~ au) id. to poke one's nose
in other's affairs, to interfere, to meddle
~ J J W V (~ heho kaha) id. to
humiliate, to mortify, to get under one's control
or influence
~ JJ |WY (~ heho nIkalan) id. to accept
supremacy, to surrender abjectly
~ S Y S W J (~ te latt dhar ke
be ha) id. to remain idle, to do nothing
~ S = (~ ton) id. to render someone
~ u (~ mrn) id. to forsake, to renounce,
to kick; to put hindrance
J S ~ u (pe te ~ mrn) id. to
deprive (someone) of employment
YS U FS TY Y Jl uU (latt de bht
gall nl nah mnde) prov. rod is the logic
of fools, honey is not for ass's mouth
~ J ulm (~ bh mrn) id. to make
vain efforts; to strive hard; to try one's level
YS YS YS YS YS (lat) f. creeper, tendril, vine
YS= YS= YS= YS= YS= (lat) f. scolding, chiding
YS= YS= YS= YS= YS= (latn) v.t. to massage or to press (body
limbs) with feet, to tread; to trample; to insult
YSlV YSlV YSlV YSlV YSlV (latf) m. joke, tit-bit, witty anecdote, jest,
witty remark
YSlV H YSlV H YSlV H YSlV H YSlV H (latfebz) a. & m. jokester, witty person,
Y Y Y Y Y (lathpath) a. smeared, daubed (with blood,
mud etc.), soaked, steeped
Y l-U= l Y l-U= l Y l-U= l Y l-U= l Y l-U= l (lath-chah) f. good or bad condition,
honour or dishonour, ups and downs
~ Ul =J J (~ d parvh n ho) id.
to be indifferent to everything or every
situation, to be care-free
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (ladd) f. load, burden
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (ladda) v.t. to load, to put load aboard, to
freight; to put burden (on a person); to burden,
to cumber
Y|Um YU|Fm ( laddI ladI) a. loaded,
with load
YU=U YU=U YU=U YU=U YU=U (ladvu) v.t. to have something loaded;
to help to be loaded
YUFl/YU=Fl YUFl/YU=Fl YUFl/YU=Fl YUFl/YU=Fl YUFl/YU=Fl (lad/ladv) f. the process of or
the wages for loading, loading charges; loading
Y Y Y Y Y (lapp) f. hands put together to form a cup;
palmful, handful
~ W (~ ku) a. & adv. handful, palmful; little
~ Y (~ lapp ro) id. to weep bitterly,
to bewail
Y Y Y Y Y (lp) m. lamp
YW YW YW YW YW (lapaka) v.i. to spring, to leap; to grab,
to snatch (something); to swoop; to catch in
the air; to rush forth, to walk fast
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lapa) f. blaze, flame; fragrance, sweet scent,
odour; fragrant breeze
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lpa) a. lewd, lustful, sexual dissolute
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (lapar lapar) f. babble, continuous
chatter, nonsensical talk
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (lappa) m. slap, smack, buffet
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lape) f. wrapping, folding; engrossment;
entanglement, implication; hold, grip, grasp;
~ |=U Y (~ vIch le) id. to implicate, to
entangle; to engulf
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lapea) v.t. to wrap, to pack; to roll up,
to fold; to entangle, to implicate, to involve; to
coil; to embosom; to pack
Y J= Y J= Y J= Y J= Y J= (lapev) a. coiled, rolled; twisted; folding,
Y= T Y= T Y= T Y= T Y= T (laphg) m. rogue, rascal; scoundrel, villain;
loafer, vagrant, vagabond
YVH YVH YVH YVH YVH (lafaz) m. word, vocable; saying
~ YVH (~ balafaz) adv. word by word, word
for word, verbatim
YVHl YVHl YVHl YVHl YVHl (lafz) a. literal, wordy; verbal
YVJ YVJ YVJ YVJ YVJ (lafte) m. lieutenant
YVJ l YVJ l YVJ l YVJ l YVJ l (lafe ) f. post of or rank of lieutenant,
YVV/|YVV YVV/|YVV YVV/|YVV YVV/|YVV YVV/|YVV (laff/lIff) m. envelope; paper-
YVV Hl YVV Hl YVV Hl YVV Hl YVV Hl (laffebz) f. outward show, false-show,
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (laphe ) a. loafer, loiterer, vagrant,
vagabond; knave, roguish
Y Y Y Y Y (lb) m. perpendicular
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (lbko) m. right angle
Y U/Y =U Y U/Y =U Y U/Y =U Y U/Y =U Y U/Y =U (lbardr/lbadr) m. headman
of a village, village headman, lambardar
Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul (lbardr) f. the office or post of a
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (labrez) a. full to the brim, brimful, up to
the brim
YY YY YY YY YY (lablab) a. soft, tender
Y Y Y Y Y (lb) a. tall; long; lengthy
Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl (lb) f. tallness, height; length
YJl YJl YJl YJl YJl (labar) f. laboratory
YU YU YU YU YU (labd) m. cloak, longcoat; disguise
Y /Y S Y /Y S Y /Y S Y /Y S Y /Y S (lb/lbtar) a. & m. very tall,
oblong; elliptical
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (laben) v.t. to besmear, to smear, to dub;
to soil, to stain, to make filthy
Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F (labbha) v.t. to seek, to trace, to search
for; to get; to find, to discover
YFU YFU YFU YFU YFU (labhu) v.t. to help in finding out, to
assist in searching
YuJ YuJ YuJ YuJ YuJ (lamh) m. moment, instant
YuW YuW YuW YuW YuW (lamka) v.i. to hang, to dangle; to
elongate, to become longer; to be prolonged,
to be delayed; to be suspended
YuW= YuW= YuW= YuW= YuW= (lamkav ) a. hanging, dangling; suspended
YuW YuW YuW YuW YuW (lamk) m. delay, lingering
YuWU YuWU YuWU YuWU YuWU (lamku) v.t. to get something hung,
to make to hang; to keep suspended (work
YuU YuU YuU YuU YuU (lamch) a. long-statured, very-tall
~ (~ ber) m. a variety of jujube
YuVl T YuVl T YuVl T YuVl T YuVl T (lamh g) m. & a. stork, crane (a bird);
long-legged, awkwardly tall
Y u Y u Y u Y u Y u (lm) a. long statured, tall; long
~ U = (~ cho ) a. spacious, capacious,
roomy; bulky, hefty
~ U (~ pu) id. to beat bitterly, to thrash
Yu-HYu (lm-salm) a. handsomely tall
Yul UY (lm chhl) f. long jump
Yulm S W H (lm t ke so) id.
to sleep like a log, to have the sleep of the just,
to sleep soundly; to pass away, to die
Yu U= Um ( lme choe dabe
bn) prov. only fools are cock sure
~ Um (~ da) adv. horizontally
YHH YHH YHH YHH YHH (larzash) f. trembling, vibration; shudder;
tremor, rocking
YH YH YH YH YH (larza) v.i. to tremble, to vibrate, to
shudder; to tremor, to rock
YYHU YYHU YYHU YYHU YYHU (lalsu) v.i. to long for, to covet
YYW YYW YYW YYW YYW (lalak) f. intense desire, longing, craving; habit,
YYW YYW YYW YYW YYW (lalkr) f. call to fight, challenge, gage;
loud shout, scream , cry, bawl
YYW YYW YYW YYW YYW (lalkrn) v.t. to throw down the
gauntlets, to call to fight, to challenge; to
YYW YYW YYW YYW YYW (lalkr) m. loud shout, bawl; threatening
cry, challenge
YYUU YYUU YYUU YYUU YYUU (lalchu) v.i.t. to feel temptation (for);
to long for, to covet, to crave; to tempt, to
allure, to entice
Y Y= Y Y= Y Y= Y Y= Y Y= (lalla) a. innocent; foolish, silly, idiot
~ YU (~ lu) id. not to do any work
YYl YYl YYl YYl YYl (lalr) m. dyer
Y|YS Y|YS Y|YS Y|YS Y|YS (lalIt) a. pretty, comely, handsome; fine,
~ WY (~ kal) f. fine art
Y Yl-U Yl Y Yl-U Yl Y Yl-U Yl Y Yl-U Yl Y Yl-U Yl (lall-chhall) m. every Tom, Dick and
Harry, riff raff, every body
Y Y /Y Y Y Y /Y Y Y Y /Y Y Y Y /Y Y Y Y /Y Y (lall/lall) a. foolish, silly, stupid, idiot
~ H (~ pJ) a. & m. ordinary, common
(place, people etc.); every Tom, Dick and
Harry, everybody
Y Y - S /Y Y - Y Y - S /Y Y - Y Y - S /Y Y - Y Y - S /Y Y - Y Y - S /Y Y - (lallo patto/lallo popo) f.
coaxing, wheedling, flattery, cajolement, false
Y=-u |H Y=-u |H Y=-u |H Y=-u |H Y=-u |H (lav-merIJ) f. love-marriage
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (lav) a. tender, young, immature; fresh; soft
Y=U Y=U Y=U Y=U Y=U (lavu) v.t. to get (something) to be
placed/fixed or applied; to get sharpened or
whetted or honed (knife, scissors etc.); to get
someone employed; to get something planted
or sown; to cause to spend money; to get
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (lave) adv. near, close by; aside
~ Y= (~ lave) adv. close at hand, nearby,
close, near
Y= J Y= J Y= J Y= J Y= J (lavhea) v.t. to wrap, to pack, to enfold
Y= /Y= l Y= /Y= l Y= /Y= l Y= /Y= l Y= /Y= l (laver/laver) m. & f. milch animal
(in lactation period), milk yielding animal,
lactative cow, buffalo etc.
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (la) m. corner or end of a cloth, turban etc.;
anything hanging
~ UU (~ chhau) id. to get rid of
~ == (~ pharn) id. to take shelter (of), to
take refuge (of); to depend upon for every
help; to catch hold (of)
~ ==U (~ phau) id. to give in
marriage, to marry (one's daughter)
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to be married to
~ YU (~ lu) id. to marry (daughter,
sister etc.)
Y=W Y=W Y=W Y=W Y=W (lak) m. boy, child, youngster, lad; son,
male child
Y=Wl Y=Wl Y=Wl Y=Wl Y=Wl (lak) f. girl; daughter, female child
Y=H=U Y=H=U Y=H=U Y=H=U Y=H=U (lakhau) v.i. to walk unsteadily,
to stagger, to totter; to lose courage, to wager;
to falter, to stammer (tongue)
Y=H= JJ Y=H= JJ Y=H= JJ Y=H= JJ Y=H= JJ (lakhah) f. unsteady walk,
staggering gait, tottering or faltering or
wavering state
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (la) v.t. to fight, to battle; to struggle; to
quarrel, to wrangle; to bite, to sting
Y==U /Y=U Y==U /Y=U Y==U /Y=U Y==U /Y=U Y==U /Y=U (lavu/lau) v.t. to
make to fight or battle; to incite to quarrel; to
make to bite or sting
Y=Fl Y=Fl Y=Fl Y=Fl Y=Fl (laa) f. fight, battle, war, clash; quarrel,
wrangle, dispute; encounter, clash; enmity
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to fight, to battle; to
quarrel, to wrangle
~ KT= (~ Jhag) m. quarrel, dispute;
wrangle, altercation
~ U = (~ d ghar) a. quarrelsome,
~ Ul H= (~ d Ja) f. bone of contention, cause
of quarrel
~ uY Y (~ mull le ) id. to pick a quarrel,
to provoke a quarrel
Y=Fl Ul ( la bd) f. ceasefire
Y=W Y=W Y=W Y=W Y=W (lak) a. quarrelsome, contentious; fighter,
Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l (la) f. string, chain (pearls, beads etc.); series,
sequence, link; strand; link (in relations)
~ H= (~ Jon) v.t. to connect the sequence
(of talk etc.), to link with
~ JJ (~ u) id. to have interruption (in
talk, ideas etc.)
~ / = (~ baddh/ vr) a. & adv. in a
sequence, serially, serialised, sequential
Y Y Y Y Y (l) pref. a prefix meaning'without' or denoting
negative meaning as' Y=|H ', ' Y|FYH' etc.
Y Y Y Y Y (l ) f. one of the long vowels ( ) in Gurmukhi,
sound like 'e'
YU YU YU YU YU (lu) v.t. to attach, to connect; to fix, to
affix; to spend, to invest; to plant, to sow; to
appoint, to employ; to engage (in work); to put
in a order, to set; to charge, to blame; to apply
(medicine, ointment etc.); to prepare (a betel
leaf); to close, to shut; to slap, to smack; to
make (estimate, guess); to sharpen, to whet,
to hone; to set (fire) to, to ignite; to calculate
~ KU (~ buJhu) id. to back bite, to
instigate, to provoke
- Y W TY W (-l ke gall karn) id. to talk
YU -HlW YU -HlW YU -HlW YU -HlW YU -HlW (lu-spkar) m. loud speaker
Y U -YHW Y U -YHW Y U -YHW Y U -YHW Y U -YHW (lu-lashkar) m. contingent and
paraphernalia, troops with bag and baggage
YmS YmS YmS YmS YmS (lanat) f. damnation, imprecation, curse
Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW Y|FW (lIk) a. intelligent, learned, bright; worthy,
capable, able; fit, suitable
Y|FWl Y|FWl Y|FWl Y|FWl Y|FWl (lIk) f. intelligence; worthiness, ability,
capability, suitability, fitness, worth
Y|F l Y|F l Y|F l Y|F l Y|F l (lIbrer) f. library
Y|F lm Y|F lm Y|F lm Y|F lm Y|F lm (lIbreran) m. librarian
Y|FYH Y|FYH Y|FYH Y|FYH Y|FYH (lIlJ) a. incurable, hopeless, irremediable
YFlJ YFlJ YFlJ YFlJ YFlJ (l) f. light
~ JUH (~ hus) m. light house
YFlJ YFlJ YFlJ YFlJ YFlJ (lar) m. lighter
YFl YFl YFl YFl YFl (ln) f. line; railway track, railway line;
streak; stripe; row, line, series
~ HJ (~ supard ) m. line superintendent
~ JH W (~ hzar karn) v.i. to transfer
a policeman or an officer to district police head
quarters (as a punishment)
~ U (~ dr) a. lined; striped
|HTY ~ (sgal ~) f. single line
U Jl ~ (chho ~) f. small line (small railway
Y ~ (abal ~) f. double-line
U ~ (brch ~) f. branch line
u ~ (men ~) f. main line
Y ~ (lp ~) f. loop line
YFl KFl YFl KFl YFl KFl YFl KFl YFl KFl (l bhuJh) f. back-biting, provoking
against one another
YFlY T YFlY T YFlY T YFlY T YFlY T (llagg) a. too ready to believe every
one, credulous
YH YH YH YH YH (ls) f. wale, welk; long thick rope
YH YH YH YH YH (lsh) f. dead body, corpse
YH YH YH YH YH (ls) v.t. to whip, to lash; to brand
YHl YHl YHl YHl YHl (lsn) a. unique, matchless, peerless,
unparalleled, unmatched, unequalled
YJS YJS YJS YJS YJS(lhnat) f. scolding, reproof
YJ-J YJ-J YJ-J YJ-J YJ-J (lh-ph) f. insult, reproach, rebuke,
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to insult, to reproach, to
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lh) m. profit, gain, benefit, advantage
~ SJ (~ to) m. profit and loss; pros and
~ Y (~ le ) id. to take advantage of, to
take maximum profit
YJ U ( lhe d) a. profitable, gainful;
YJ=U ( lhevd) a. profitable, gainful;
beneficial, advantageous, lucrative
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lhu) v.t.i. to bring down, to alight, to
make to get down; to unload; to take off; to
pay off (debt); to put off; to copy; to draw; to
help in getting down; to assist in unloading
YJ YJ HJ (lh lh sua) id. to offer
indignity to, to insult, to reproach severely
YWJ YWJ YWJ YWJ YWJ (lka) m. locket
YW YW YW YW YW (lkar) m. locker
YW= WW= YW= WW= YW= WW= YW= WW= YW= WW= (lk kk) m. chicken-pox
YH YH YH YH YH (lkh) m. sealing wax, lac; lac, lakh, hundred
YH YH YH YH YH (lkh) a. of the colour of lac, deep red colour
(lg) f. contagion, contamination; infection
(lg) m. customary payment made to family
menials at wedding or on a special occasion
(lg) f. enmity, malice
~ J (~ ) f. enmity, hostility, rancour
~ Hl (~ bz) f. ill-will, rancour, hostility
malice, enmity, animosity
(lg) f. washing soda, soda ash
YT YT YT YT YT (lg) f. a corner of dhoti tucked up at the
Y TS Y TS Y TS Y TS Y TS (lgat) f. cost, out-lay, investment;
YT W YT W YT W YT W YT W (lgbuk) f. log-book
YTl YTl YTl YTl YTl (l gar) m. cook
YTY/YT= YTY/YT= YTY/YT= YTY/YT= YTY/YT= (la gl/la gv) a. adjacent, adjoining;
nearby, closer, near; contiguous
~ UTY (~ chhgla) m. the part or corner of
dhoti tucked up at the back; a strip of cloth
tied at the lower corner of a kite
(lg) m. gall
(lg) m. nearness, closeness
~ UT (~ chg) m. relation, connection,
~ (~ bn) m. surroundings
Y|TU Y|TU Y|TU Y|TU Y|TU (lgIo) adv. close by, near by, near
YTl YTl YTl YTl YTl (lg) m. menial
YT YT YT YT YT (lg) a. applicable, relevant; in force;
adhering to
YT YT YT YT YT (lge) adv. near, nearby, closeby, adjacent,
by the side, adjoining
~ UT (~ chge) adv. near by, around, in the
neighbourhood, near about
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (lgh) m. thorough-fare, passage; living,
~ Y= (~ lgha) v.i. to pass time, to live
YU= YU= YU= YU= YU= (lchan) v.i. to behave mischievously
due to over indulgence
YU YU YU YU YU (lchr) a. helpless; compelled, obliged;
destitute, forlorn
Y U l Y U l Y U l Y U l Y U l (lchr) f. helplessness; necessity;
YH YH YH YH YH (lJ) f. bashfulness, shyness, modesty; honour,
chastity; shame, abashment
~ Hu (~ sharm) f. shame, abashment
~ W YH (~ kulJ) f. shame; honour and
Y Hul Y Hul Y Hul Y Hul Y Hul (lzm) a. compulsory, necessary,
mandatory, obligatory
YH= Sl YH= Sl YH= Sl YH= Sl YH= Sl (lJvt) f. a plant, touch-me-not, Mimosa-
a. modest, bashful, shy
YH=/YH=U YH=/YH=U YH=/YH=U YH=/YH=U YH=/YH=U (lJvar/lJvard) m. blue powder
(of a plant) used as dye for white clothes,
indigo; lapis lazuli, Azurestone
YH=Ul YH=Ul YH=Ul YH=Ul YH=Ul (lJvard) a. of blue colour, indigotic
YH= YH= YH= YH= YH= (lJvb) a. having no answer, speechless;
peerless, matchless, incomparable; unable to
reply or retort
! !! !!
(l) m. lord, governor- general or viceroy
(of British rule)
~ H|J (~ sahIb) m. the person who gives
himself airs, proud person
YJl YJl YJl YJl YJl (lar) f. lottery
Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl (l) f. wooden peg crossed through a
camel's nose
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (l) m. top (toy); electric bulb
YJ YJ YJ YJ YJ (lh) f. pillar, tower
YJl YJl YJl YJl YJl (lh) f. stick, club, lathi
~ UYU (~ chalu) id. to wield a club or
~ UH (~ chrJ) m. lathi-charge
Y Y Y Y Y (l) m. fondness, pampering, indulgence;
fondling, caressing, love
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to rub noses, to fondle,
to dot, to caress, to coddle, to pamper
~ |m (~ pIr) m. indulgence, fondness,
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (lr) f. laundry
YY/YYl YY/YYl YY/YYl YY/YYl YY/YYl (ll/ldl) a. darling, pet, dear,
doting; indulged, pampered
Y Y Y Y Y (lo) f. a term of endearment for girl
Y Y Y Y Y (l) m. heap of reaped crop
Y Y Y Y Y (l) m. family, household; brood, horde
~ (~ b) m. including family and
moveable and immovable possessions
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (ledr) a.&m. head of the family; head
of clan, chieftain
YSll YSll YSll YSll YSll (ltn) a.&f. Latin; Italian
YU YU YU YU YU (ld) m. beast of burden, sumpter
Y Y Y Y Y (ln) m. lawn
YS YS YS YS YS (lnat) f. reproach, reproof; curse
YHl YHl YHl YHl YHl (lps) f. a thin pudding made of flour, sugar,
ghee etc.
YS YS YS YS YS (lpat) a. missing, lost, untraceable;
absconding; disappeared
~ J (~ ho) v.t. to be missing, to go
underground, to be untraceable; to be lost, to
be misplaced
Y = J Y = J Y = J Y = J Y = J (lparvh) a. careless, negligent,
inattentive, heedless; indifferent, inconsiderate
Y=Jl Y=Jl Y=Jl Y=Jl Y=Jl (lparvh) f. carelessness, negligence,
inattentiveness, heedlessness; indifference
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (l p ke) adv. altogether, merely, by all
means, sum total
YVl YVl YVl YVl YVl (lfn) a. immortal, everlasting
Y Y Y Y Y (lb) m. wisp of hay used to set fire to a
funeral pyre; flame, blaze
~ YU (~ lu) id. to set the pyre on fire,
to cremate
YF YF YF YF YF (lbh) m. profit, gain, dividend, benefit;
advantage, usefulness, utility; interest
~ mH (~ sh) m. dividend
~ Jl (~ hn) m. profit and loss; advantage
and disadvantage, pros & con
~ Wl (~ kr) a. profitable, gainful;
advantageous, beneficial, useful
YFU|FW (lbhdek) a. useful, effective;
profitable, beneficial, advantageous
YF YF YF YF YF (lbh) f. side; distance
~ UF (~ chbh) f. vicinity, surroundings
a. hither and thither, around
Y|FU Y|FU Y|FU Y|FU Y|FU (lbhIo ) adv. from some another place, from
aside; from far off place, from a long distance,
from far away
YF YF YF YF YF (lbhe) adv. aside; far off, at a distance
Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu (lm) f. war; army, host; battle-field; crowd;
YuUl (lmbd) f. mobilization
Yu l Yu l Yu l Yu l Yu l (lmor) f. family, wife and children;
brood, horde; assembly; crowd
Y Y Y Y Y (lr) f. drivel; saliva, sputum
- Y JWlm (- lr apk) id. to have
one's mouth watered
Y Y Y Y Y (lr) m. lord
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (lrv) m. larva
Y Y Y Y Y (lr) m. lingering hope, false promise; mere
promise; pretence, an excuse
~ Y (~ lapp) m. dalliance, procrastination,
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to make false promise;
gentleman or Hindu businessman, shopkeeper,
money lender; father, papa
z zz zz
(ll) m. a kind of plant and its flower
YY =Y YY =Y YY =Y YY =Y YY =Y (ll vl) m. a Muslim Saint, a Muslim
YYl YYl YYl YYl YYl (ll) f. redness; radiance, glow (of face)
YYlm U= (ll chahn) id. for the
face to glow, to have lustre on the face; to
have sound health; to be very happy
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y=
! !! !!
(lv) m. lava
-Y= YS (lv lutr) m. back-biter; fire-
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y=
z zz zz
(lv) m. a hired reaper
Y=/Y= = Y=/Y= = Y=/Y= = Y=/Y= = Y=/Y= = (lv/lv phere) f. four rounds or
circumbulations of sacred fire or sri Guru
Granth sahib taken by the bride and bridegroom
at the time of marriage, marriage ceremony
Y=H Y=H Y=H Y=H Y=H (lvras) a. without a heir, heirless;
unclaimed (by heirs); orphan
Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= (l) m. bridegroom
Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l Y=l (l) f. bride
|YUJl |YUJl |YUJl |YUJl |YUJl (leo) f. small udder
|YU= |YU= |YU= |YU= |YU= (leo) m. layer of plaster
|YmU |YmU |YmU |YmU |YmU (lIu) v.t. to bring, to fetch; to carry
JJYl US ~ (hehl utte~) id. to cause a
turmoil, to create a disorder
|YmWS |YmWS |YmWS |YmWS |YmWS (lIkat) f. intelligence, wisdom, astuteness;
worthiness, capability; qualification, education,
learning; merit, skill, proficiency
|YHW |YHW |YHW |YHW |YHW (lIshak) f. shine, sheen, gleam, glitter;
brilliance, radiance, gloss, sparkle, lustre
~ HW (~ pushk) f. pomp and show, splendour,
|YHW |YHW |YHW |YHW |YHW (lIshka) v.t. to shine, to glitter, to sheen,
to gleam, to sparkle
|YHWU (lIshku) v.t. to make to shine;
to polish, to varnish
|YH|Wm H|Wm (lIshkI pushkI) a. well-
dressed, made-up and adorned
-|YH |YH W (lIsh lIsh karn) id. to be
very neat and clean (house); to glow, to shine
to put off
Y J (lre hatth) a. one who makes
false promises; one who makes excuses
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (lr) f. lorry
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lrebz) a. false promise maker, one who
is in the habit of giving false hopes
! !! !!
(ll) a. red, ruddy; red with anger
~ HH (~ surkh) a. dark red, deep red
~ Kl (~ Jh) f. sign of danger, red-flag
~ lY (~ pl) a. enraged, infuriated
~ lY J (~ pl ho) id. to get enraged,
to be infuriated
~ Sl (~ batt) f. danger signal; red-light
~ KW= (~ buJhakka) m. a wiseacre, a wild
guess; sententious, dullard
YYYY (lloll) a. all red; deep red
z zz zz
(ll) f. drivel; saliva, sputum
~ T (~ eg) id. to have one's mouth
watered; to have an eager desire to obtain
a aa aa
(ll) m. precious stone, ruby; male child, son;
a term used as suffix of Hindu male names of
as sham lal etc.; beloved person, darling
YY U ~ (ll d~) a. dearly loved one,
YYH YYH YYH YYH YYH (lls) m. cherished desire, yearning, longing,
Y YU Y YU Y YU Y YU Y YU (llch)m. greed, avarice, greediness,
covetousness, avariciousness; temptation,
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to be greedy
~ U (~ de) v.t. to throw a bait, to tempt,
to allure
~ l Y (~ bur bl) prov. greed is a curse
YYUl YYUl YYUl YYUl YYUl (llch) a. greedy, avaricious, covetous
YYJ YYJ YYJ YYJ YYJ (llen) f. lantern
YY-Y YY-Y YY-Y YY-Y YY-Y (lla-pla) m. bringing up, fostering,
YY |uU YY |uU YY |uU YY |uU YY |uU (ll mIrch) f. chilli, Capsicum frutesens
YY=l YY=l YY=l YY=l YY=l (lla) f. a kind of bird, pie
! !! !!
(ll) m. an addressing word for a Hindu
(face); to glitter, to gleam
|YHWU HWU |YHWU HWU |YHWU HWU |YHWU HWU |YHWU HWU (lIshkad pushkad) a. shining,
glittering, sheeny
|YHW= |YHW= |YHW= |YHW= |YHW= (lIshkav) a. glittering, shining, sparkling
|YHW/|YHW |YHW/|YHW |YHW/|YHW |YHW/|YHW |YHW/|YHW (lIshkr/lIshk) f. flash
|YHJ |YHJ |YHJ |YHJ |YHJ (lIs) f. list
|Y H |Y H |Y H |Y H |Y H (lIss) a. slim, lean, thin, slender; weak, frail
|YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ (lIh) v.t. for the calf to suck milk
|YJ=l |YJ=l |YJ=l |YJ=l |YJ=l (lIh) f. hemming, hem
|YJH |YJH |YJH |YJH |YJH (lIhz) m. favour, consideration, indulgence
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to favour, to be
considerate, to accommodate, to be lenient
~ H (~ rakkha) v.t. to take in to
|YJH |YJH |YJH |YJH |YJH (lIhz) adv. therefore, hence, so
|YJHl/|YJH |YJHl/|YJH |YJHl/|YJH |YJHl/|YJH |YJHl/|YJH (lIhz/lIhz) a. accommodative,
considerate; favoured; close acquainted
|YJV |YJV |YJV |YJV |YJV (lIhf) m. cover of quilt, mattress etc.
|Y W |Y W |Y W |Y W |Y W (lk) f. link
|YH |YH |YH |YH |YH (lIkh) v.i.t. to write, to note down, to jot
down; to make an entry, to enter (in account
book or ledger); to scribe, to inscribe
|YH Hu Tl (lIkha samaggar) f.
|YH H Yl ( lIkha she l) f. style (of
writing), penmanship
|YHlm Jl |uJUlm (lIkh nah mId)
prov. fate is inevitable, what is loted cannot be
|YHlm |uJ (lIkh n mIa) id. to
be inevitable (for the fate), what is loted cannot
be blotted
|YHS |YHS |YHS |YHS |YHS (lIkht) f. writing; anything written, a note of
hand; document, deed; inscription
~ =S (~ paht) f. written deed, document;
written agreement
J ~ (hatth ~) a. manuscript, handwritten
|YHSu |YHSu |YHSu |YHSu |YHSu (lIkhtam) a. an expression used in letters
meaning 'writer' or 'from' (so and so in writing)
|YHSl |YHSl |YHSl |YHSl |YHSl (lIkht) a. written, in writing
|YH=U /|YHU |YH=U /|YHU |YH=U /|YHU |YH=U /|YHU |YH=U /|YHU (lIkhvu/lIkhu) v.t. to
make (someone) to write, to get (something)
written, to dictate
|YHFl |YHFl |YHFl |YHFl |YHFl (lIkh) f. the act or the process of or the
wages for writing; the art of writing
~ =Fl (~ pah) f. education
|YH = l |YH = l |YH = l |YH = l |YH = l (lIkh pah) f. correspondence
|YHl |YHl |YHl |YHl |YHl (lIkhr) a. writer, author; scribe
|Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T |Y T (lg) m. penis; gender, sex
~ |=S (~ parIvartan) m. transformation
of sex; change of gender
|YH |YH |YH |YH |YH (lIJ) v.t. to take away, to carry away
|YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ (lI) f. lock, wisp (of hair)
|YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ (lIa) v.i. to lie down
|YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ (lIar) m. litre
|YJ U |YJ U |YJ U |YJ U |YJ U (lIrechar) m. literature
|YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU (lIvu/lIu) v.t. to make
someone lie down
|Y S |Y S |Y S |Y S |Y S (lIttar) m. an old and worn out shoes, old
tattered shoes
|YS==U /|YS=U |YS==U /|YS=U |YS==U /|YS=U |YS==U /|YS=U |YS==U /|YS=U (lItavu/lItu) v.t.
to get something pressed with feet; to get
oneself pressed with feet
|Y T= |Y T= |Y T= |Y T= |Y T= (lIthogrph) m. lithograph
|Y T=l |Y T=l |Y T=l |Y T=l |Y T=l (lIthogrph) f. lithography
|Y U |Y U |Y U |Y U |Y U (lIdd) f. dung or dropping (of ass, elephant
etc.); horse-turd
~ W U (~ kar de) id. to behave like a
coward, to lose courage
|YH|JW |YH|JW |YH|JW |YH|JW |YH|JW (lIpsIk) f. lipstick, lip-colour, lipper
|YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ |YJ (lIpa) v.i. to cling, to cleave; to embrace,
to hug; to be coiled, to be rolled up
|YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU |YJ=U /|YJU (lIpvu/lIpu) v.t.
to get something coiled up, to cause to fold or
wrap; to embrace
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y (lIppa) v.t. to plaster; to daub, to coat
~ U (~ poch) v.t. to daub, to white wash
|Y|m |Um (lIppI pochI) a. daubed
and white-washed
|YS |YS |YS |YS |YS (lIpt) a. engrossed; absorbed, attached;
|Y-|Y W |Y-|Y W |Y-|Y W |Y-|Y W |Y-|Y W (lIp-lIp karn) id. to be unable to
answer properly; to fawn upon, to flatter, to
|Y=U /|YU |Y=U /|YU |Y=U /|YU |Y=U /|YU |Y=U /|YU (lIpvu/lIpu) v.t. to get
plastered or daubed (wall etc.); to help in
|YFl |YFl |YFl |YFl |YFl (lIp) f. plastering; daubing; the act of or
the wages for plastering or daubing
|Yl |Yl |Yl |Yl |Yl (lIp) f. script
| Yl m S | Yl m S | Yl m S | Yl m S | Yl m S (lIptran) m. transliteration,
|YlW |YlW |YlW |YlW |YlW (lIpkr) m. transliterator; scribe
|Yl |Yl |Yl |Yl |Yl (lIpbaddh) a. transcribed, written
|Y = |Y = |Y = |Y = |Y = (lIpph) f. a disease of enlargement of spleen;
enlarged spleen
|YVJ |YVJ |YVJ |YVJ |YVJ (lIf) f. lift
~ UYW (~ chalak) m. lift man
|Y= |Y= |Y= |Y= |Y= (lIpha) v.i. to bend
|Y= |Y= |Y= |Y= |Y= (lIban) v.i. to be smeared, to be soiled
|YH |YH |YH |YH |YH (lIbs) m. dress, attire, apparel, garb
|Y = |Y = |Y = |Y = |Y = (lIben) v.t. to smear, to besmear, to
bedaub, to soil
|Y Y |Y Y |Y Y |Y Y |Y Y (lIllh) f. raw fruit of jujube
|YY W |YY W |YY W |YY W |YY W (lIlhaka) v.t. to cry, to scream; to
lament, to wail; to entreat, to appeal
|YY W=l |YY W=l |YY W=l |YY W=l |YY W=l (lIlhka) f. entreaty, earnest request,
|YYW=lm Y ( lIlhk le ) id. to pine
for, to long for
|YYl |YYl |YYl |YYl |YYl (lIl) f. lily
| Y= | Y= | Y= | Y= | Y= (lIv) f. concentration, contemplation;
engrossment, absorption; intense love
~ YTl (~ lagga) v.i. to be absorbed, to be
~ YU l (~ lu) v.i. to meditate, to
contemplate; to concentrate
|Y= |Y= |Y= |Y= |Y= (lIvar) f. liver
|Y=Yl |Y=Yl |Y=Yl |Y=Yl |Y=Yl (lIvln) a. rapt; engrossed, absorbed,
enraptured, intent
|Y=YlS |Y=YlS |Y=YlS |Y=YlS |Y=YlS (lIvlnt) f. rapture
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (l) suff. a suffix
YlJ YlJ YlJ YlJ YlJ (lh) f. beaten path, rut; railway track; custom,
tradition; precedent
~ S YJ (~ to lahu) v.t. to derail; to side
YlJ ~ ( lho ~) adv. on straight way; along
with the railway track
YlW YlW YlW YlW YlW (~ lk) f. line; streak
~ YU (~ lu) id. to cast a slur; to defame,
to slander
- S ~ J (patthar te ~ ho) id. to be
a never failing truth; to be fully determined
l S ~ J (p te ~ ho) id. to be
written in water
YlW W V (lk kaha) id. to
capitulate, to raise one's hands, to surrender
YlH YlH YlH YlH YlH (lkh) f. louse egg, nit
YlT YlT YlT YlT YlT (lg) f. league
YlTY YlTY YlTY YlTY YlTY (lgal) a. legal
YlU= YlU= YlU= YlU= YlU= (lcha) a. stingy, mingy, mean, miser,
parsimonious, niggard, bad pay-master
YlUl YlUl YlUl YlUl YlUl (lch) f. litchi, lichee, Litchi chinensis
YlH YlH YlH YlH YlH (lz) m. lease
~ U =Y (~ de vl) m. lessor
~ Y =Y (~ le vl) m. lessee
Yl /Yl l Yl /Yl l Yl /Yl l Yl /Yl l Yl /Yl l (l /l ) m. hard ball of human faeces
~ S W (~ tar karn) id. to puff up
unnecessarily (someone)
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (lar) m. leader
Yll Yll Yll Yll Yll (lar) f. leadership
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (ln) a. rapt, wholly engrossed, fully absorbed
(in thought etc.); busy, occupied (in work)
Yl JFl Yl JFl Yl JFl Yl JFl Yl JFl (lnop) f. linotype
Yl U HY Yl U HY Yl U HY Yl U HY Yl U HY (lp d sl) m. leap year
Yl Yl Yl Yl Yl (lr) f. strip, shred (of cloth); rag
~ Yl W (~ lr karn) id. to reduce to shreds
Yl-WUl (- lr-kachr) f. rags, tatters
~ YuW (~ lamka) id. to wear old worn
out clothes, to be reduced to pauppery
Yl-Yl (lro-lr) adv. reduced to rags or
shreds, badly torn
YlY YlY YlY YlY YlY (llh) f. sportive display, fun and frolic;
wonderful act; an amorous sport
~ UU (~ rachu) id. to show miracles,
to play wonders
YlY YlY YlY YlY YlY (ll) m. a riped red jujube
Yl= Yl= Yl= Yl= Yl= (lvar) m. lever
Yl= Yl= Yl= Yl= Yl= (l) m. cloth
Y m Y m Y m Y m Y m (lub) m. saliva; glue syrup (medicinal)
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lussa) v.i. to scorch, to char, to burn; to
fret and fume
Y H-Y H Y H-Y H Y H-Y H Y H-Y H Y H-Y H (lus-lus) a. soft and plump
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (luhr) m. blacksmith, ironsmith
~ Ul FJl (~ d bhah) f. smithy
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (lukk) m. coaltar, tar
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (luk) v.i. to hide, to conceal oneself, to
be concealed
YW |U W (luk chhIp ke) adv. secretly,
confidentially, stealthily, clandestinely,
Y W |uY (luka nu th n
mIl) id. to be very ashamed of
YW ulUl ( luka mch) f. game of hide
and seek
Y Wu Y Wu Y Wu Y Wu Y Wu (lukm) m. morsel
Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= (lukv ) a. concealed, hidden, secret;
Y W=U Y W=U Y W=U Y W=U Y W=U (lukvu) v.t. to get something hidden
Y W Y W Y W Y W Y W (luk) m. secrecy, privacy; concealment
Y WU Y WU Y WU Y WU Y WU (luku) v.t. to hide, to conceal; to keep
secret; to cover
Y WFl Y WFl Y WFl Y WFl Y WFl (luk) f. masses, people, public
Y WJ Y WJ Y WJ Y WJ Y WJ (luk) m. a tree and its fruit, loquat,
Eriobotrya japonica
Y T Y T Y T Y T Y T (lg) f. small leaves of acacia or tamarind
Y TS/Y TS Y TS/Y TS Y TS/Y TS Y TS/Y TS Y TS/Y TS (lugat/lugt) f. dictionary, lexicon
Y Tl Y Tl Y Tl Y Tl Y Tl (lg) f. striped or checked sheet usually worn
by men as garment for lower body; piece of
cloth wrapped around the waist
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lucchpa) m. villainy; villainousness,
rascality, roguery, wickedness, knavishness
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lucch) a. of bad character, villainous,
depraved, rascal, rogue, wicked, base, knave,
m. vagabond
Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul Y Ul (lucch) f. big, round and thin fried chapati
made of fine flour; Vamp, of bad character
(lady), wicked
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (luchchha) v.i. to writhe, to wriggle (in
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lJ) a. crippled, maimed, disabled
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lu) f. plunder, rapine, pillage, loot, robbery
~ HH J (~ khasu) f. looting and arson,
plundering and destruction; pillage, maraud
~ U uY (~ d ml) m. booty, plunder, loot;
ill-gotten wealth
~ J H (~ pu J) id. to be ruined, to be
~ uUU (~ machu) id. to plunder, to
loot indiscriminately; to over-charge; to make
much profit; to extort (money)
~ u (~ mr) f. plundering and killing, ravage
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lua) v.i. to rob, to plunder, to loot; to
take excessive price, to over charge; to extort
Y J U Y J U Y J U Y J U Y J U (luu) v.t. to spend lavishly, to
squander, to waste, to dissipate
Y JU Y JU Y JU Y JU Y JU (lua) a. squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal
Y JFl Y JFl Y JFl Y JFl Y JFl (lu) f. state of being robbed or exploited
~ Hl (~ kh) id. to be swindled, to be
cheated, to be robbed
Y |Jm- |Jm Y |Jm- |Jm Y |Jm- |Jm Y |Jm- |Jm Y |Jm- |Jm (luI/puI) a. ruined, destroyed
Y J tU WU1 Y J tU WU1 Y J tU WU1 Y J tU WU1 Y J tU WU1 (lu(dukandar)) m. profiteer
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (luer) a. plunderer, predator; robber, bandit,
highway man; pirate; cheat, swindler;
Y Y Y Y Y (l) m. short tail, docktail
Y Y Y Y Y (l) a. having short tail; having no tail, tailless
(bird, animal etc); without leaves and branches
(tree), rampless; having no wife & children,
single, unmarried, having no family
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (lu) f. a folk dance of west Punjab;
dancing and merry making, fun and frolic
~ U (~ pu) id. to be overwhelmed
with joy, to dance and rejoice
Y Y Y Y Y (luo) f. ludo (a game)
Y SV Y SV Y SV Y SV Y SV (lutaf) a. enjoyment, pleasure; taste
Y S-Y S Y S-Y S Y S-Y S Y S-Y S Y S-Y S (lutar-lutar) f. incessant and nonsense
talk, babble, prating, chatter
Y S Y S Y S Y S Y S (lutar) a. & m. incessant and nonsense
talker, babbler, prater; chatterer, tell-tale; back-
Y S Y S Y S Y S Y S (lupt) a. disappeared, vanished, invisible;
concealed, hidden
~ J H (~ ho J) v.t. to disappear, to vanish,
to become invisible
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (lupar) f. poultice
~ YTl (~ lagga) id. to have to bear the
expenses (of)
~ YUl (~ lu) id. to make someone to
bear the expenses (of); to fleece, to extort
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (lupp) f. loop (made of cloth)
Y FU Y FU Y FU Y FU Y FU (lubhu) v.t & a. to tempt, to fascinate,
to attract, to allure, to entice; to be tempted, to
be charmed, to be fascinated, to be attracted,
to be allured; attractive, charming, fascinating
Y F|Fu Y F|Fu Y F|Fu Y F|Fu Y F|Fu (lubhemn) a. tempted, attracted,
allured, fascinated; alluring, charming
Y = W Y = W Y = W Y = W Y = W (luhka) v.i. to fall, to roll down, to
tumble down
Y =WU Y =WU Y =WU Y =WU Y =WU (luku) v.t. to cause to fall, to cause
to roll down
Y Y Y Y Y (l) f. & suff. hot wind, scorching wind; a suffix
which changes a noun into adjective as in
|UmY, HY etc.
Y Y Y Y Y (lu ) m. soft and small body hair; pile, nap,
~ W (~ kde) m. small and soft hair on the
body, goose flesh
~ W H= J (~ ke khahe hoe) id. to
have one's hair stand on end, to be frightened,
to be terrified
~ W H= W =Y (~ ke khahe karn vl)
a. terrifying, horrifying, dreadful
~ uU (~ mach) id. to get enraged, to
become red with rage; to be extremely
perturbed and agitated
~ Y WHFl J (~lu karz ho) id. to
be indebted for life
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lh) v.t.i. to be scorched (by hot wind),
to singe, to burn, to be burnt; to vex; to pester,
to get on one's nerves
Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl (lhr) f. cherished desire, longing, craving;
restlessness, anxiety
YJlm UJ ( lhr uh) id. to be
excited, to be very anxious; to crave, to long
Y Y Y Y Y (l) m. salt
~ Ju W (~ harm karn) v.i.t. not to be
true to one's salt, to be ungrateful, to be disloyal
~ Jul J (~ harm ho) v.i.t. not to be
true to one's salt, to be ungrateful, to be disloyal
~ =J (~ ghoa) m. pestle
~ SY (~ tel) m. articles of basic needs, bread
and butter, basic necessities
~ SY =U (~ tel vecha) id. to deal in
~ |uU YU (~ mIrch lu) id. to
exaggerate (an incident)
HY S ~ |U=W (Jale te ~ chhIka) id.
to add insult to injury
YUl (ldn) f. salt-cellar
Y Y Y Y Y (lu) a. salty, saline, saltish
(lt) f. eczema; infection
(lt) f. leafless, parasitical creeper, dodder
Y Sl Y Sl Y Sl Y Sl Y Sl (lt) f. backbiting
~ YUl (~ lu) v.t. to backbite; to incite, to
Y Y Y Y Y (lp) f. loop
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (lu ba) m. & a. fox; foxy, crafty, sly
Y =l Y =l Y =l Y =l Y =l (lu ba) f. vixen; sly-fellow
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (llh) a. crippled, maimed
~ Y T= (~ lga) a. disabled, crippled,
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (leo) m. layer of plaster; layer of anything,
(les) f. glutinousness, viscosity; stickiness,
Y HY Y HY Y HY Y HY Y HY (lesl) a. glutinous, viscous, viscid, gluey;
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (leh) f. a kind of thorny plant
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (leh) m. moth of woollen fabric
Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W Y |W (lekIn) intj. but, however
(lekh) m. essay, composition, article; anything
written, writing
~ HUl (~ sch) f. list of essays/ articles
|HY~ ( shIla ~) m. inscription on rocks
(lekh) m. destiny, fate, fortune
YH H|=m (lekh saI) a. unfortunate,
~ U |Y|Hm |uJU Jl (~ d lIkhI mIad
nah ) prov. what is lotted cannot be blotted
Y HW Y HW Y HW Y HW Y HW (lekhak) m. writer, author, penman
Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl (lekh) f. pen; style of writing; writings
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (lekh) m. account, reckoning; record of
receipts, cash etc.
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to calculate
~ UWU (~ chuku) id. to pay one's score
~ HH (~ Jokh) m. calculation of accounts,
~ U (~ de) id. to lie in the bed one has
made, to reap the fruit of one's deeds; to render
the account
~ S (~ patt) m. record of income and
expenditure, ledger, accounts
~ lHW (~ parkhak) m. auditor
~ l|Hm (~ parkhI) m. audit
~ =SY (~ patl) m. audit, auditing
WU ~ (kacch ~) m. rough account
YH YT (- lekhe lagga) id. to be of
some use; to be exhausted, to be finished
|WH ~ |=U J (kIse ~ vIch n ho)
id. to be held in no account
YHW ( lekhkr) m. accountant
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lea) v.t. to lie down; to relax by lying
down; to go to sleep
Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl (lea) f. toss and turn, rolling of body
YJlm H/YJlm Y (leta kh/
leta le) id. to writhe with pain, to toss
and turn; to roll
Y J= Y J= Y J= Y J= Y J= (lev) a. horizontal
Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl (le) f. glutinous paste, starch; sweet porridge
for milch animals made of wheat etc.
Y Y Y Y Y (le) m. lead
Y Y Y Y Y (le) m. dropping of camel or horse etc.,
~ =Y (~ phulla) id. to put on airs, to
become proud of, to be arrogant
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (le) f. lady
Y l|u J Y l|u J Y l|u J Y l|u J Y l|u J (leman) f. a kind of silky cloth
Y Y Y Y Y (len) f. lane
Y Y Y Y Y (lep) m. layer, coat; ointment, poultice, liniment,
daub, balm; plaster
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to spread or daub with;
to plaster
Y V Y V Y V Y V Y V (lef) m. quilt, cotton stuffed coverlet
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (lebal) m. label; trade mark, brand
Y Y Y Y Y (ler) f. scream, loud weeping; wail, shriek,
lament, long cry ( while weeping)
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (lel) m. the young one of a sheep, lamb
Y Y - Y Y - Y Y - Y Y - Y Y - (lele-pepe) f. blarney, sawder; attempt
to put off, dilly-dallying, excuses
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y =
! !! !!
(lev) m. udder (of cow, buffalo etc.)
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y =
z zz zz
(lev) suff. a suffix which when headed after
a word denotes the meaning of taker as 'jan
leva' etc.
Y Y Y Y Y(le) v. form. imperative of Y take
~ U(~ uddana) id. to run away with
~ mU (~ aua) id. to fetch, to bring
~ UY/ H (~ chala/ Jaa) id. to take
along; to take away, to carry away
~ (~ ubbaa) id. to spoil others with
~ H (~ rakkha) id. to keep safely; to
keep in custody
~ Y (~ le a ) id. to receive, to get; to accept
Y m Y m Y m Y m Y m(lea) f. rhythm, tune, melody, modulation,
concord, cadence
~SY/ (~ ta l/baddh) a. rhythmic,
rhythmical, melodious, tuneful
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (le s) a. fully equipped, fitted with, accoutred,
ready; lace, an ornamental fabric knitted
crochet; armed; prepared, ready
Y H |FW Y H |FW Y H |FW Y H |FW Y H |FW (les nek) m. a rank of military force,
lance-corporal, lance-jack, lance-prisado
Y WU Y WU Y WU Y WU Y WU (lekchar) m. lecture, speech
~ K= (~ Jhn) id. to speechify; to
administer a lecture
~ Hl (~ bz) f. speech-making;
garrulousness, talkativeness
Y Y Y Y Y (lea) v.t. to take, to receive; to accept; to
hold, to acquire; to borrow, to lend; to attain
|H ~ (sIr ~) id. to own up; to take the
~ (- n ~) id. to lay the blame on someone,
to allege someone
Y -U (le -de) m. give and take,
reciprocation; business dealings, transaction,
money-dealings; trade, commerce
Y U U H (lee de dee pe J)
id. to have the tables turned upon oneself, to
lose instead of winning in an enterprise
Y U Jl (le de h) adv. abruptly, immediately,
at once, forthwith
Y U W (le de ke) adv. with great difficulty,
hardly, scarcely; in all
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y =(ledhar) m. goose grass
Y Y Y Y Y (lep) m. lamp
Y -YW Y -YW Y -YW Y -YW Y -YW (le plak) m. adopted child, foster child,
Y u Y u Y u Y u Y u (leman) m. lemonade; lemon
~ HWH (~ sukesh) m. lemon squash
Y Y Y Y Y (lo) f. light, luminosity, brightness; soot prepared
from earthen lamp's flame
Y |F Y |F Y |F Y |F Y |F (loI) f. eyes, eyesight
Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl (lo) f. woollen shawl/wrapper; a thin blanket
~ YJ U (~ lh chhaa) id. to become
shameless, to loose all sense of shame
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (loshan) m. lotion
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (loh) m. a big iron-plate to bake breads/loaves;
~ U(~ chn) m. iron filings
~ H (~ purakh) m. iron man, strong man
~ uFl(~ ma) f. ferruginous
~ UT (~ yug) m. iron age
Y JJlm Y JJlm Y JJlm Y JJlm Y JJlm (loh) adv. & m. one who deals in iron
wares, iron-monger
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (loh) m. small stew pan of iron/brass etc.
Y J= Y J= Y J= Y J= Y J= (loh) m. wrath, oppression, tyranny;
abundance, exuberance
- Y J= U (lohe d) a. extreme, severe,
Y J=l Y J=l Y J=l Y J=l Y J=l (loh) f. the last night of the tenth month
(Poh) of Bikrami era; a festival celebrated on
the last night of (Paush/Poh)
~ uT (~ mga) id. to collect money and
firewood by children on the festival of lohri
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (loh) m. iron
~ u (~ mn) id. to acknowledge
~ YH (~ la kh) a. burning with rage, flushed
with anger, inflamed, infuriate
~ Y (~ le) id. to cross swords, to fight,
to wage a war
WU ~(kaccha ~) m. pig-iron
|HHSl ~ (JIst ~) m. alloyed iron
UTl ~ (deg ~) m. alloyed iron
- Y J U U UU ( lohe de chane
chabu) id. to do an Herculeas task, to
crack the hard nut, to take upon a difficult/
assiduous task
~ Y YJ H=W (~ nl loh khaka) id.
to have a fierce battle/war
~ YJ WJU J (~ nu loh kaad he) ph.
diamond cuts diamond
Y Y Y Y Y W WW WW (lok) m. people, society, public, folk; world
(upper/lower), universe; any of the metaphysical
regions of creation
~ UWSl (~ ukt) f. proverb, popular saying
~ HS (~ satt) f. people's power
~ HW (~ spark) m. public relations
~ HW |=FT (~ spark vIbhg) m. Public
Relations Department
~ HF (~ sabh) f. House of the People, the
lower house of Indian Parliament
~ H|FmU (~ sabhIchr) m. folk culture
~ H|JS (~ sahIt) m. folk literature
~ |HJS |=FT (~ sehat vIbhg) m. Public
Health Department
~ H=W (~ sevak) m. public servant
~ H= (~ sev) f. public service, social service
~ H= W|uH (~ sev kamIshan) m. Public
Service Commission
~ |JS (~ hIt) m. public welfare
~ W (~ kath) f. folk tale
~ W=l (~ kav) m. folklorist
~ W|= (~ kv) m. folk poetry
~ T (~ gth) f. folk lore, folk tale
~ TlS (~ gt) m. folk-song
~ US (~ chetn) f. public awareness
~ SS /H (~ ttar / rJ) m. democracy
~ SSl (~ ttar) a. democratic
~ |UH= (~ dIkhv) m. ostentation, public
~ (~ dhr) f. social mainstream
~ U (~ nch) m. folk dance
~ J (~ n) m. folk-play
~ Hl (~ pakkh) a. popular
~ YW (~ parlok) m. this world and the next
world, this and the other world, here and the
here after
~ |m (~ prIe) a. popular
~ Y (~ pl) m. ombudsman
~ Hl=U (~ pu Jvd) m. state capitalism,
people's capitalism
~ FYFl (~ bhal) f. public-welfare, charity
~ FH (~ bhsh) f. language of the people
(masses), popular language
~ F (~ re) f. public opinion
~ H (~ rJ) m. democracy
~ Hl (~ rJ) a. democratic
~ YH (~ lJ) f. social approval, public opinion;
safeguard of honour, avoidance of public
~ |=H= (~ vIkhv) m. public-display,
Y WU Y WU Y WU Y WU Y WU (lokchr) m. public ethos or morality,
convention, custom, usage
Y WUl Y WUl Y WUl Y WUl Y WUl (lokchr) f. society sake; the way of
the world, usage, custom
Y Wl Y Wl Y Wl Y Wl Y Wl (lok) m. people, public, society
Y W WSl Y W WSl Y W WSl Y W WSl Y W WSl (lokokat) f. proverb, adage, aphorism,
Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= Y T= (loga) m. cotton which has already been
used in a quilt etc., old, used cotton
Y T=l Y T=l Y T=l Y T=l Y T=l (loga) f. thread used for embroidery;
coarse wool
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (locha) v.i. to desire, to wish, to yearn, to
long for
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lochan) m. (pl.) eyes
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lo) m. direction, side; fit, suitable, correct
~ mU (~ u) id. to suit, to prove
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (loa) a. acrobat (pigeon)
Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl Y Jl (loa) f. toss and turn, roll, acrobatic feat
YJlm H ( loaa kh) v.i. to toss
and turn; to perform acrobatics
YJ J J ( lo po ho) id. to be very
happy, to burst into laughter, to roll with laughter;
to toss/ roll restlessly
~ Jl (~ pota) f. toss and turn, roll
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lo) m. narrow mouthed Indian water vessel
with a spout, a small metal pot
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lo) a. robber, pillager, extortioner, exploiter
Y Y Y Y Y (loth) f. corpse, carcass, deadbody
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (lotha) m. lump of flesh
Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U (lod) m. vaccination, inoculation
Y V Y V Y V Y V Y V (lofar) m. loafer, wanderer, vagabond
~ (~ pa) f. loafing
Y lm Y lm Y lm Y lm Y lm (lob) m. bean, cow-pea, black eyed pea,
Phaseolus olibanum
Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F (lobh) m. greed, avarice; inordinate desire,
temptation, allurement
~ YYU (~ llach) m. greed, avarice, lure
Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl Y Fl (lobh) a. greedy, covetous, avaricious,
Y Y Y Y Y (lor) f. tipsiness, intoxication; engrossment,
emotional momentum, passion, sway
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (lor) f. lullaby, cradle song
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to sing lullaby, to lull a
Y YW Y YW Y YW Y YW Y YW (lolak) m. the name of an ornament worn in
the ears, pendant of an earring
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (lolh) m. imbecile, simpleton, good for
nothing; stupid, foolish; lazy, sluggish, slow
Y Y l Y Y l Y Y l Y Y l Y Y l (lolh) a. & f. irrelevant, pointless, absurd
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (lo) f. necessity, need, requirement, want
Y==U (lovd) a. needy, in want; indigent
Y = Y = Y = Y = Y = (lon) v.t. to want, to need, to desire, to
wish for; to search, to seek for
Y =l U Y =l U Y =l U Y =l U Y =l U (lo d) a. needy, needful, wanted, urgent,
necessary; needed, asked for, required
Y WJ Y WJ Y WJ Y WJ Y WJ (lo ka) m. an ornament worn around the neck
by ladies, locket
Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= Y W= (loka) m. bachelor
Y |WW Y |WW Y |WW Y |WW Y |WW (lo kIk) a. worldly, mundane, earthly
Y Wl Y Wl Y Wl Y Wl Y Wl (lo k) f. bottle-gourd, Lagenaria Siceraria
! !! !!
(lo g) m. clove, Cary ophyllus aromaticus
z zz zz
(lo g) m. nose-pin, nose-stud
Y J Y J Y J Y J Y J (lo h) m. tall-person, tall and healthy youth,
a large stout, tall (person)
Y Y Y Y Y (lo) m. catamite, pathic; boy, brat, lad;
servant, slave-boy
Y l Y l Y l Y l Y l (lo ) f. maid servant; slave girl, bonded maid
Y H Y H Y H Y H Y H (loebaz) m. sodomite
Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl Y Hl (loebaz) f. sodomy
Y V = Y Y V = Y Y V = Y Y V = Y Y V = Y (loh vel) m. dusk, evening-time
! !! !!
(lo ) f. border of a petticoat or shirt
z zz zz
(lo ) m. reaped crop but not garnered
Y U/Yl U uJl Y U/Yl U uJl Y U/Yl U uJl Y U/Yl U uJl Y U/Yl U uJl (lo d/lp da mahn) m.
intercalary month
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (lo l) f. lobe of ear

= H = H = H = H = H (vassa) v.i. to rain, to shower ; to give
vent to one's mind
=HS =HS =HS =HS =HS (vast) f. thing, article, object; commodity,
substance, ingredient, material
=HSl =HSl =HSl =HSl =HSl (vast) f. inhabited place, habitation; small
village, colony, abode
=HS W =HS W =HS W =HS W =HS W (vastpark) a. objective (gr.)
=HS =UW u =HS =UW u =HS =UW u =HS =UW u =HS =UW u (vastvchak nm) m. material
=HlW =HlW =HlW =HlW =HlW (vasnk) m. inhabitant, resident, dweller;
=Hu =Hu =Hu =Hu =Hu (vasm) m. hair dye
=HY =HY =HY =HY =HY (vasal) m. meeting; sexual intercourse,
copulation; union
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (vasu) v.t. to help in settling down, to
settle; to establish a new town or colony, to
colonise; to adjust one's wife in one's family
=HJ =HJ =HJ =HJ =HJ (vash) m. faith, belief, credence, trust,
~ H (~ kh) id. to have faith, to rely, to
~ H (~ n kh) id. not to leave a
person or a thing alone; not to trust
- =HJ (- bevash) a. full of distrust,
distrustful; apt to distrust, untrustworthy
- =HJl (- bevash) f. lack of trust, distrust
=HJ-=S =HJ-=S =HJ-=S =HJ-=S =HJ-=S (vash-gha t) m. treason, betrayal, breach
of trust, treachery, unfaithfulness
=HJ-=Sl =HJ-=Sl =HJ-=Sl =HJ-=Sl =HJ-=Sl (vash-ghat) a. treacherous, traitor,
=HH =HH =HH =HH =HH (vaskh) m. the second month of Indian
calendar beginning in the middle of April
=HHl =HHl =HHl =HHl =HHl (vaskh) f. a festival celebrated on the first
day of Baisakh month
=|HHJ =|HHJ =|HHJ =|HHJ =|HHJ (vashIsha) a. prominent, remarkable;
particular, specific, special
= == == (vv) m. thirty-fourth letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents the voiced labio-dental
fricative consonant (v) and the semi-vowel (w)
= H = H = H = H = H (vass) m. control, will, will-power, controlling
power; authority, power, right
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to have control, to have
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to bring under one's
control, to over power, to control; to tame, to
~ U (~ d) a. with in reach, with in power
~ U T (~ d rog) m. with in one's reach,
with in one's power, with in one's control
~ UY (~ n chal) id. to be beyond
one's reach, to be beyond one's control
~ (~ pe) id. to come in contact with;
to come under someone's control, to come
under someone's authority
~ |=U mU (~ vIch u) v.i. to come under
= H-m W u = H-m W u = H-m W u = H-m W u = H-m W u (vsh-anukram) m. descent
= HH = HH = HH = HH = HH (vshJ) a. lineal
=H =H =H =H =H (vas) m. residence, stay
~ UT (~ yog) a. inhabitable
=H =H =H =H =H

(vas) v.i. to dwell, to reside, to inhabit; to
settle; (for a girl) to adjust in one's in-law's
family; to be populated; to be spread all round
~ H (~ ras) v.t. to live happily, to live in
prosperity; to reside, to inhabit; to establish
one's house hold
- = ~ (ghar~) id. to be married; to be settled
- = T~ (ghugg ~) v.i. to be happy and
prosperous; densely populated
- =HU = (vasd ghar) m. inhabited house,
happy and prosperous home
= == ==
=HlmS =HlmS =HlmS =HlmS =HlmS (vasat) f. testament, will
~ WS (~ kart) m. testator
=Hl mS u =Hl mS u =Hl mS u =Hl mS u =Hl mS u (vasatnm) m. written will,
=HlJ =HlJ =HlJ =HlJ =HlJ (vash) a. spacious, vast, extensive
=HlW =HlW =HlW =HlW =HlW (vask) m. written agreement, deed, bond
~ =lH (~ navs) m. deed writer
=HlY =HlY =HlY =HlY =HlY (vasl) m. medium, means, resource, support
=H Y =H Y =H Y =H Y =H Y (vasl) a. realised, recovered, received,
obtained, collected
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to realize, to recover, to
obtain, to collect
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to receive, to obtain
=H Y =H Y =H Y =H Y =H Y (vasla) v.t. to recover, to realise, to
=H Yl =H Yl =H Yl =H Yl =H Yl (vasl) f. realization or collection of dues
~ UT (~ yog) a. chargeable, due, recoverable,
=H =H =H =H =H (vaseb) m. living, dwelling, stay, abode
=H =H =H =H =H (vaso) f. population; habitation, inhabitance,
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i.t. to inhabit, to dwell, to
=J/=JU =J/=JU =J/=JU =J/=JU =J/=JU (vah/vaho) m. flow, current, effusion,
afflux; fluency
! !! !!
(vahu) v.t. to cause to flow; to spend
lavishly, to squander
z zz zz
(vahu) v.t. to make or get to be
=JFl =JFl =JFl =JFl =JFl (vah) f. the work of or wages for ploughing
etc.; ploughing
=|JHS =|JHS =|JHS =|JHS =|JHS (vehshat) f. savagery, wildness, barbarity,
boorishness; uncivility
=|JHl =|JHl =|JHl =|JHl =|JHl (ve hsh) a. savage, wild, barbarian, boorish;
uncivilized, rude, untamed
m. a brute, a savage, barbarian, wild beast
=|JHlm =|JHlm =|JHlm =|JHlm =|JHlm (ve hshI n) a. beastly, barbarous,
brutal, merciless
=|J Tl =|J Tl =|J Tl =|J Tl =|J Tl (vehg) f. two round flat pieces made of
bamboo-sticks resembling scale pans used for
carrying loads across the shoulder
=|J =|J =|J =|J =|J (veha) m. flow, effusion, afflux; thought,
~ |=U (~ vIch pe) id. to be engrossed
in thoughts, to contemplate, to ponder
=|J =|J =|J =|J =|J (veha) v.i. to flow, to afflux, to float
=|J U= =|J U= =|J U= =|J U= =|J U= (ve hda) a. ploughed and cultivated
regularly; under cultivation
=|Ju =|Ju =|Ju =|Ju =|Ju (ve ham) m. illusion, delusion; false notion,
fallacy; doubt, suspicion; irrational belief,
superstition; misunderstanding, apprehension
=| Jul =| Jul =| Jul =| Jul =| Jul (ve ham) a. superstitious; sceptical,
suspicious, whimsical
=|J=W =|J=W =|J=W =|J=W =|J=W (vehk) m. one to three year old calf,
=|J=Wl =|J=Wl =|J=Wl =|J=Wl =|J=Wl (vehak) f. quay, heifer
=Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl (vah) f. account book, ledger
~ HS (~ kht) m. cash-book, account book,
- WUl ~ (kacch ~) f. day-book, log-book
=Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl (vahr) m. throng, crowd, multitude; flock,
herd; horde, band, gang
- =Jl =S W mU (vahr ghat ke u)
id. to swarm like locusts
=J Jl =J Jl =J Jl =J Jl =J Jl (vaho) f. bride; wife, spouse
=WS =WS =WS =WS =WS (vakat) m. time; hour; period, epoch, era,
age; duration, span; opportunity, chance,
occasion; leisure, free-time; moment of death,
last moment; circumstance
~ HFY (~ sbhl) id. to take time by the
forelock, to make best of an opportunity
~ |H (~ sIr) adv. at right time, in time, at the
proper time, timely
~ WJl (~ ka) f. pastime; just passing time,
killing of time
~ WJl W (~ ka karn) id. to pass the time;
to pull on some-how
~ HK U (~ khJh de) id. to miss the
train, not to avail oneself of an opportunity
~ T=U (~ gavu) v.t. to while away, to
waste time
~ S (~ te) adv. in time; at the right time, at
the proper time
~ U u|m (~ d mrI) a. adversity stricken,
struck by misfortune
~ Ul TY (~ d gall) f. matter of chance
~ UH (~ dekha) id. to wait and watch
an opportunity
~ U (~ de) id. to fix time, to give time; to
pay attention to someone, to attend upon; to
give a chance
~ Y (~ nl) adv. with the passage of time;
in time
~ W U (~ nu dhakk de) id. to pass
time, to pull on somehow
~ S (~ pe te) adv. in the time of need
~ =WS (~ bevakat) adv. in and out of season,
at odd hours, at odd times, out of time; at any
time, at all time
~ Y = U (~ lgh de) id. to miss an
opportunity, to miss the train; to spin out (time)
=WS =WS =WS =WS =WS (vakt) m. speaker, orator; narrator,
=WSl =WSl =WSl =WSl =WSl (vakat) a. momentary, temporary, occasional
=WV =WV =WV =WV =WV (vakaf) m. trust, charitable endowment
~ (~ bor) m. board of trustees, trust
=WV =WV =WV =WV =WV (vakaf) m. interval; intermission, interlude,
=Wu =Wu =Wu =Wu =Wu (vakam) m. sappan wood, Caesalpinia sappan
=W =W =W =W =W (vakar) m. curve, bend, arc, curved, bent;
=W WSl =W WSl =W WSl =W WSl =W WSl (vakrokat) f. quibble, pun, quip; innuendo
~ mYW (~ alkr) m. litotes
=W =W =W =W =W (vakr) m. good name and fame, honour,
prestige, dignity
=WYS =WYS =WYS =WYS =WYS (vaklat) f. legal practice, profession of
lawyer, advocacy, lawyering
~ u (~ nm) m. letter of attorney, power
of attorney
=WlY =WlY =WlY =WlY =WlY (vakl) m. advocate, lawyer, pleader, counsel
~ W (~ karn) id. to engage a lawyer/
- HWl ~ (- sarkr ~) m. public prosecutor
=WlYl =WlYl =WlYl =WlYl =WlYl (vakl) f. legal practice, advocacy, lawyering
~ =J (~ ghoa) id. to argue, to plead
=W Hl =W Hl =W Hl =W Hl =W Hl (vake s) f. vacancy, post
= H = H = H = H = H (vakkh) a. different; separate, isolated;
disjointed, disconnected; apart, except
~ = H (~ vakkh) adv. separately, apart,
- =H ~ (vakkho ~) adv. separately; distinctly;
apart, asunder
- = H = H (- vakkho vakkhar ) adv.
separately; distinctly
=S =S =S =S =S (vak ht) m. calamity, adversity, disaster;
trouble, hardship
~ U (~ pu) id. to put into hot water,
to get into trouble
~ (~ pe) v.i. for the calamity to fall
- =HS U u|m (- vak ht d mrI) a.
adversity-stricken, afflicted
= H = H = H = H = H (vakkhar) a. separated, isolated; different,
~ = H (~ vakkhar) adv. separately,
=H|mU =H|mU =H|mU =H|mU =H|mU (vakhrIu) v.t. to separate; to set
apart; to differentiate, to discriminate
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl (vakkh) f. side (of human body), flank
~ (~ parne) adv. on a side, sideways
- = Hlm H W (vakkh seka) id. to
belabour, to thrash, to beat severely
~ U= (~ chahn) id. to be out of breath,
to lose one's breath
= T = T = T = T = T (vagg) m. herd (of cattle), flock, drove
~ =Y (~ vel) m. dusk time
= T = T = T = T = T (vg) f. bangle (glass)
- =T Fl J (vg p beha) id. to
be a coward, to become effeminate
=T =T =T =T =T (vag) v.i. to flow, to course (liquid); to
blow (air)
=TU =TU =TU =TU =TU (vagd) a. flowing
~ J (~ rh) m. busy road
- =TUl TT |=U J (vagd gg vIch
hatth dho) prov. to make hay while the
sun shines, to get an advantage of opportunity
=TY =TY =TY =TY =TY (vagal) f. & a. perimeter; side, near, adjoining
=TY =TY =TY =TY =TY (vagal) v.t. to enclose with fence or
wall, to fence, to surround
= T = T = T = T = T (vagg) m. a small piece of wood placed
between the two rafters of roof
=TU =TU =TU =TU =TU (vagu) v.t. to cause to flow, to let to
flow, to spill
=TJ =TJ =TJ =TJ =TJ (vaga hu) v.t. to throw, to sling, to fling,
to cast
=T =T =T =T =T (vagr) f. forced and unpaid labour or work,
bonded labour; fatigue
~ WJl/ =Vl (~ kaan /vaha) id. to
do some work hurriedly and carelessly
- W S ~ FYl (bekr to ~ bhal) prov.
better wear out than rust out
= T = T = T = T = T (vgr) f. challenge; defy, gage
~ ul (~ mn) v.t. to take up the gauntlet
- =T (vgrn) v.t. to throw down the
gauntlet, to challenge, to gage
=T =T =T =T =T (vager) intj. etcetera, etc., and the rest,
and others, and so forth
=T =T =T =T =T (vago) v.t. to condemn, to calumniate to
=U =U =U =U =U
! !! !!
(vachan) m. number (gr.); speech, talk
- |FW ~ (Ikk ~) m. singular
- J ~ (bahu ~) m. plural
=U =U =U =U =U
z zz zz
(vachan) m. promise, word; utterance,
speech, talk
~ W (~ karn) id. to preach; to give a
~ S= (~ ton) v.i. to break one's promise/
~ U Y W (~ d pla karn) id. to
fulfil one's promise
~ U (~ de) v.i.t. to give promise, to give
a word, to promise
~ |FU (~ nIbhu) v.t. to fulfil one's
promise, to keep one's word
~ Y (~ le) v.t. to take promise, to secure
(someone's) word
- HS ~ (sat ~) adv. yes sir; very well
- =U (vachanbaddh) a. committed,
pledged; bound
- =U S (vachanbaddhat) f.
commitment, engagement
= |US = |US = |US = |US = |US (vchIt) a. deprived, bereft, bereaved
= U = U = U = U = U (vachchh) m. male young one of cow, calf
=U =U =U =U =U (vachher) m. male young one of mare, male
foal, colt
=U l =U l =U l =U l =U l (vachher) f. female foal, filly, heifer
= H = H = H = H = H (vaJJa) v.i. to be struck, to ring; to hit
against, to collide; to strike (hour by clock); to
be shut, to be close (door etc.); to be played at
(musical instrument)
- W ~ (kn ~) id. to hear imaginary sounds
- =H =H W (vaJJ vaJ ke) adv. in the face of
day, with pomp and show, openly, publicly
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (vaJad) m. rapture, bliss, ecstasy
=H =H =H =H =H (vazan) m. weight, burden; load, heavy
luggage; measure (poetry); importance
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (vazandr) a. having weight, weighty,
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl (vazn) a. weighty, heavy
=H=U =H=U =H=U =H=U =H=U (vaJvu) v.t. to get rung, to get struck
(bell etc.); to make or get to be played at; to
get to be shut or closed
=H =H =H =H =H (vaJaha) f. cause, reason, motive
- =H (bevaJah) adv. without any rhyme
or reason, purposelessly, unnecessarily
=HU =HU =HU =HU =HU (vaJu) v.t. to blow, to play (at a musical
instrument); to crack a cracker; to ring, to
chime, to bell; to put (some one) to insult
- JWu ~(hukam ~) id. to accomplish a work;
to execute an order
- VY ~(dhol ~) id. to beat a drum
- =H ~(vJ ~) id. to weep, to cry; to pass
- JW =H W (hok vaJ ke) adv. in the face
of day, openly, publicly
=HJS =HJS =HJS =HJS =HJS (vazhat) f. elaboration, elucidation,
explanation, clarification
=HS =HS =HS =HS =HS (vazrat) f. ministry, cabinet, ministership
=HSl =HSl =HSl =HSl =HSl (vazrt) a. ministerial
~ |=FT (~ vIbhg) m. portfolio
=HlV =HlV =HlV =HlV =HlV (vazf) m. scholarship, stipend
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl (vazr) m. minister; queen (in chess)
~ uY (~ mal) m. cabinet
=Hll =Hll =Hll =Hll =Hll (vazr) f. ministership
=Hl -mHu =Hl -mHu =Hl -mHu =Hl -mHu =Hl -mHu (vazre-zam) m. prime minister
~ mY (~ lh) m. chief minister
=H =H =H =H =H (vaz) m. washing of hands and feet before
prayer (in Muslims), ablution
=H U =H U =H U =H U =H U (vazd) m. existence, being; body, physique
=H =H =H =H =H (vaJe) adv. o'clock; at......o'clock
=H =H =H =H =H (vaJo) adv. as, by way of, on behalf
= KYl = KYl = KYl = KYl = KYl (vJhl) f. flute, pipe, fife
=J =J =J =J =J (va) suff. a suffix which makes a word
abstract noun
= J = J = J = J = J
! !! !!
(va) f. raised edge or raised boundary line
of a field; path, way
~ S |m J (~ te pI ho) id. to have full
hope (of), to be sure
~ U (~ pu) id. to create differences
~ (~ bn) f. demarcation line, boundary,
- =J ~ /=J ~ (vao ~/vae ~) adv. along
the raised edge of a field
= J = J = J = J = J
z zz zz
(va) m. twist, twine; curved, bend; frown;
annoyance; spasmodic pain in stomach
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to set (someone)
right, to prick the bladder
- uU ~ U= (-mchchh nu ~ chh)
id. to twist one's moustaches as a sign of
- =J ~ (vao ~) a. crimpled, crushed
= J = J = J = J = J
a aa aa
(va) m. swelter, sultriness
~ H (~ kh) id. to turn sour (due to heat);
to get annoyed, to be sullen
=JW =JW =JW =JW =JW (vaak) f. (pl.) proceeds, takings (sale)
=J =J =J =J =J
! !! !!
(vaa) m. a paste of flour, mustard oil
and turmeric used as ceremonial massage of
bride and bridegroom; face scrub
=J =J =J =J =J
z zz zz
(vaa) v.t. to get changed, to be exchanged
= J = J = J = J = J
! !! !!
(vaa) v.t. to twist, to twine, to intertwine
- U= ~ (da ~) id. to keep patience, to be
patient, to remain silent
- W Y ~ (nakk bullh ~) id. to turn up
one's nose, to express scorn or dislike
- uJ ~ (mu h ~) id. to take (something) ill, to
pull a long face, to be annoyed, to be sullen
- = J W (va ke) adv. with full force,
- = |Jm-= |Jm |J (vaI-vaI reh)
id. to remain annoyed or sullen
= J = J = J = J = J
z zz zz
(vaa) v.t. to get money by selling
something, to gain (for a thing sold)
=J= =J= =J= =J= =J=
! !! !!
(vav ) a. changed, exchanged
=J= =J= =J= =J= =J=
z zz zz
(vav ) a. twisted, twined, intertwined
=J =J =J =J =J (va) m. twist, twine
= J = J = J = J = J
! !! !!
(va) m. stone, brick-bat; weight; stone-
- ~(n~) m. clod; dunce, dunderhead
stupid, idiot
- |FW Yl U UJ =J J (Ikko the l de chae
vae ho) id. to be chip of the same block
- =l |=U =J U (be vIch vae pu)
id. to put obstacles and spoil the show
= J = J = J = J = J
z zz zz
(va) m. exchange, barter
~ H J (~ sa) m. exchange in marriage;
exchange in trade, barter
~ HJ W(~ sa karn) v.t. to bargain with
~ YJ (~ lhu) id. to avenge oneself, to
be avenged
- =J U HW (vae d sk) m. exchange in
marriage, barter
= J = J = J = J = J
a aa aa
(va) m. discount in weight
~ HS (~ khat) m. bad debt account
= J = J = J = J = J
4 44 44
(va) m. blemish, stigma, slur, calumny
~ YT (~ lagga) v.i. to suffer disgrace
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to cast a slur (to one's
name or fame), to stigmatise, to blemish
! !! !!
(vau) v.t. to assist in twining
z zz zz
(vau) v.t. to assist one to earn profit
a aa aa
(vau) v.t. to exchange, to change, to
- J~ (- hatth~) id. to lend a hand, to help, to
assist, to support
=JFl =JFl =JFl =JFl =JFl
! !! !!
(va) f. the process of or the wages for
twining or intertwining
=JFl =JFl =JFl =JFl =JFl
z zz zz
(va) f. share-cropping
=JU =JU =JU =JU =JU (vadr) m. exchange, barter, swap
~ U (~ dar) m. exchange rate
- |=U ~ (vIchr ~) m. exchange of views,
deliberation, discussion
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl
! !! !!
(va) a. the weight of two or five seers (old
weight); a thing equal to the weight of two or
five seer
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl
z zz zz
(va) f. tablet, pill
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl
a aa aa
(va) f. oilstone, grinding-stone
= Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl = Jl
4 44 44
(va) f. lamp-wick
= J = J = J = J = J (vae) adv. in place of, in exchange of
= = = = =
! !! !!
(v) f. distribution, division, partition;
allocated portion, allocation
~ Wl (~ karn) v.t. to divide; to partition
- Wl ~ (k ~) f. unequal distribution
= = = = =
z zz zz
(v) f. unhusked or unthrashed seeds mixed
with rice or pulses; bran
= = = = =
a aa aa
(v) f. concentrated feed of cattle
~ === (~ vaev) m. concentrated or mixed
feed given to cattle
=J H =J H =J H =J H =J H (vaahs) m. a musical measure in Indian
classical music
=W =W =W =W =W (vaak) m. elder, old man, ancestor
= U T = U T = U T = U T = U T (vayog) a. divisible
= = = = = (va) v.t. to distribute, to disburse; to
divide, to partition; to allocate; to split
- = U (ve d ) a. of one's share
= =Y = =Y = =Y = =Y = =Y (vphal) m. quotient, dividend
=FT =FT =FT =FT =FT (vabhg) m. good luck, good fortune
=F T /=F Tl =F T /=F Tl =F T /=F Tl =F T /=F Tl =F T /=F Tl (vabhg/vabhg) a.
fortunate; blessed
=u Y =u Y =u Y =u Y =u Y (vamull) a. costly, precious
= = = = = = = = = = (vav) a. proportionate
= = U = = U = = U = = U = = U (vvu) v.t. to get something
distributed or divided
= =Fl = =Fl = =Fl = =Fl = =Fl (vv) f. the act of or the wages for
distribution or division
= = = = = (va) a. elder; of advanced age, old; big,
large, huge; great; rich, wealthy; senior; major
~ H (~ sr) a. large, big; grown up; old
~ J (~ ho) id. to be extinguished (for oil
~ W (~ karn) id. to perform with pomp
and grandeur (the obsequies of an old person)
~ = (~ ghar) m. a reputed family, a family
of high status; well-to-do family; prison, jail
~ |U (~ dIn) m. Christmas-day, Xmas
~ = (~ vaer) m. ancestor, forefather
~ =Y (~ vel) m. early morning, dawn
- |UY ~ W (dIl ~ karn) id. to pluck up
courage, to take courage
- =|m |H Ulm =lm l= (vaI sIr d
va pr) prov. noblesse oblige
= = = = =
! !! !!
(v) m. a mixed feed of cattle comprising
crushed grain , oil cake, cotton seed etc.
= = = = =
z zz zz
(v) m. share, equitable portion
= U = U = U = U = U (vu) v.t. to get or cause something
divided or distributed or disbursed
= Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl (v) f. the act of or the wages for
disbursement or division
=|mU =|mU =|mU =|mU =|mU (vaIu) v.t. to praise, to applaud,
to laud, to extol
=|mFl =|mFl =|mFl =|mFl =|mFl (vaI) m. greatness, grandeur; dignity,
respect, honour; praise, eulogy, laudation
=| S =| S =| S =| S =| S (vaItta) m. greatness; dignity, honour
= l uS = l uS = l uS = l uS = l uS (vad mt) f. small pox
= l = l = l = l = l (v) f. share, equitable portion
= = = = = (vaer) a. & m. elder, older; bigger, larger;
ancestor, forefather
= V = V = V = V = V (vah) m. stubble; a field having crop cut
and removed; a field having crop cut and
removed but stubble still there; cut, wound
= V = V = V = V = V (vaha) v.t. to cut; to bite; to kill with a
sharp edged weapon, to slaughter; to reap
- H=~(Ja ~) id. to spoil, to ruin, to undo
- H= ~ (Jao ~) id. to annihilate, to eradicate
- W ~ (- nakk ~) id. to defame, to disgrace
to insult, to dishonour
- =J~ (phh ~) id. to finish (a work)
hurriedly; to come to terms, to do a settlement;
to kill, to murder
- Y ~(bulle ~) id. to have a good time, to
enjoy, to make merry, to live in luxury
- |H =V= = (sIr vahav ver) ph. sworn
enmity, deadly enmity
- J =V W U/ J =V (hatth vah ke
de/ hatth vaha) id. to give in writing;
to sign a written document
- =V H (- vah kh nu pe) id.
to snap at, to speak irritably
~ H (~ kh) id. to get on one's nerves,
to pester
~ JW (~ ukk) f. massacre, carnage
~ (~ pe ) id. to snap at
~ =V (~ vadh) m. mass slaughter of men,
massacre, carnage
- =|Vm J|Wm (vahI ukkI) a. seriously
injured with sharp edged weapon, wounded
- =|Vm J W (- vahIa rh n karn)
id. not to feel like doing any work
- =Vl UTY S uS (- vah u gal te na
mtarn) id. to be good for nothing, not to
shoot for a toffee
- =V HU W (vahu khu karn) id. to
speak irritably, to snap at
= V= = V= = V= = V= = V= (vahav) a. biting; pinching, sarcastic
=VU =VU =VU =VU =VU (vahu) v.t. to get or cause to be
reaped, to get something cut; to cause to be
bitten, to get to be murdered
=VFl =VFl =VFl =VFl =VFl (vah) f. cutting, reaping; wages for the
=V= =V= =V= =V= =V= (vahv) m. reaper, harvester
= Vl = Vl = Vl = Vl = Vl (vah) f. bribe, hush money; bribery
~ Hl/ Yl (~ kh/ le) v.t. to take bribe
~ Ul (~ de) v.t. to grease the palm, to
- = Vl H / = Vl H (vahkhor/
vahkhor) a. one who takes bribe, bribee,
= VlH l = VlH l = VlH l = VlH l = VlH l (vahkhor) a. bribery
= = = = =
! !! !!
(va) m. forest, jungle, woods
~ = Ul YW=l (~ va d laka) m. persons of
different castes and creeds
- =Y (vapl) m. forester, forest-officer
- =uJUSH= (vamah utsav) m. a festival
of planting trees
- ==H (vavs) m. exile, banishment;
dwelling in the forest
= = = = =
z zz zz
(va) m. a wild tree, Salvodara indica
=H =H =H =H =H (vaaJ) m. business, trade, commerce
~ Hl (~ sabdh) a. commercial, mercantile
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to do business
~ = (~ vapr) m. commerce, business,
trade; vocation, profession
=H =H =H =H =H (vaJa) v.t. to buy and sale, to trade; to
be engaged in business, to deal in
=H =H =H =H =H (vaJr) m. trader, merchant; pedlar,
hawker, huckster, hucksterer; bangle-seller;
= S = S = S = S = S (vatt) suff. a suffix used for making an abstract
adv. again, then, afterwards
= S = S = S = S = S (vt) suff. a suffix used for making an abstract
=S =S =S =S =S (vatan) m. mother-land, home land, native-
land, one's own country, native-country
- Ju=S (hamvatan) m. compatriot, fellow-
- HY=S (Jalvatan) a. & m. expatriate,
exiled, banished
- =S HS (vatanprast) a. & m. patriot,
- =SHSl (vatanprast) f. patriotism
=Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl (vatan) m. country man, compatriot, fellow
= S = S = S = S = S (vattar) f. moisture, wetness, dampness (of
earth); proper time (for ploughing)
=SU =SU =SU =SU =SU (vata) m. brinjal, the egg plant and its fruit
=Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl (vatr) m. behaviour, treatment, conduct,
= = = = = (vatth) m. object, material, thing
= U/= U = U/= U = U/= U = U/= U = U/= U (vd/vd) suff. a suffix means 'having'
=U =U =U =U =U (vadn) m. big hammer, blacksmith's sledge;
waning period of moon
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul (vad) m. dark half of lunar month
= = = = = (vaddh) a. more, surplus, in excess
~ =J (~ gha) a. & adv. more or less
~ =J Y (~ gha bola) v.i. to talk offen-
~ H (~ J) v.t. to increase; to grow, to
lengthen; to advance, to progress
~ S = YF U JU (~ to vaddh lbh
uhu) id. to make the most of
~ Fm S (~ bha te) adv. at a higher price
- =-=(vaddho-vaddh) a. maximum
= = = = = (vadha) v.i. to increase, to rise; to grow;
to progress; to advance; to go beyond limits;
to excel, to out do; to enlarge, to swell
~ =J (~ gha) v.i. to wax and wane; to
increase and decrease
~ = Y (~ phulla) v.i. to prosper, to
flourish, to grow, to multiply
- H YJ ~(ser lah ~) id. to be very happy,
to be very pleased; to be encouraged
- W=l =Y =T ~ (ko vel vgu ~) id. to
progress by leaps and bounds, to have a rapid
-U=l Y uU ~ (d nlo muchchh ~)
id. to have more expenditure than expenses
- = W (vadh ke) adv. surpassingly,
- =U H (- vadhde J) id. to bite off
more than one can chew; to go forward
- -- --=-= W TY u (vadh-vadh ke gall
mrn) id. to boast, to brag, to vaunt, to talk
- =|m =|Ym (vadhI phullI) a. having
wife and children, having family; prosperous,
well-to do, flourished
- mTJ = (agh vadh) a. progressive
= l = l = l = l = l (vaddhar) f. strap (of a shoe etc.); string,
thin rope; dog's neck-belt, dog collar
== == == == == (vadhv) a. projecting, protruding; surplus
= /= m = /= m = /= m = /= m = /= m (vadh/vadha) m. projection,
extension; addition, enhancement
~ =J (~ gha) m. rise and fall; ups and
~ U= W (~ chah ke) adv. exaggeratedly;
~ U= W UH (~ chah ke dassa) id. to
exaggerate, to magnify, to lay it with a trowel
=U =U =U =U =U (vadhu) v.t. to raise, to increase
(salary); to extend; to enlarge; to take off; to
put off (jewellery etc.); to extinguish (lamp
etc.); to close (shop); to aggravate, to
exasperate; to exaggerate; to magnify
~ U=U (~ chahu) v.t. to exaggerate,
to aggravate; to magnify
=Fl =Fl =Fl =Fl =Fl (vadh) f. congratulation, felicitation; money
etc. given on a happy occasion
~ U l (~ de) v.t. to congratulate, to felicitate
= = = = = (vadh) m. increase, escalation; projection,
protruding; extension, inflation
== == == == == (vadhv) m. a silver ornament for a child's
=l =l =l =l =l (vadh) f. long life
=lm =lm =lm =lm =lm (vadh) a. excellent, fine, good, nice;
superior, surpassing, of good quality
=lW =lW =lW =lW =lW (vadhk) a. more, extra, in excess; additional
=lWl =lWl =lWl =lWl =lWl (vadhk) f. excess, outrage, an offensive
behaviour, oppression
= = = = = (vadher) a. more, much; extra, spare;
greater in quantity
= H = = H = = H = = H = = H = (vn suvn) a. of various colours, varied,
variegated, multicoloured; diverse, diversiform,
multifarious, of different shapes
~ = U (~ vn d) a. of many shapes or
types, variegated, of different colours,
= Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl (vng) f. specimen, species; category, form
(literature); type, kind
= = = = = (vapr) m. business, trade, commerce
~ |U (~ chnh) a. trade mark
~ u Y (~ mal) m. traders Association,
trade Board
=W =W =W =W =W (vaprak) a. commercial, mercantile
~ uY (~ mull) m. trade price, whole sale rate
=l =l =l =l =l (vapr) m. & a. tradesman, merchant,
businessman, trader; pertaining to trade
=VU =VU =VU =VU =VU (vafad) m. delegation, deputation
=V =V =V =V =V (vaf) f. loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, sincerity,
allegiance; steadfastness in love, fulfilment of
~ W (~ n karn) id. to prove
unfavourable, to be unsuitable, to do infidelity
- -- -- =V (bevaf) a. unfaithful, faithless,
insincere, disloyal, infider
- -- --=VFl (bevaf) f. disloyalty, faithlessness,
=VU =VU =VU =VU =VU (vafdr) a. loyal, faithful, sincere, allegiant
=VUl =VUl =VUl =VUl =VUl (vafdr) f. loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity,
sincerity, allegiance
=VS =VS =VS =VS =VS (vaft) f. death, demise
~ H (~ p J) v.i. to breath one's last,
to die, to expire
= = = = = (vabar) m. storm; violent disturbance,
~ H= W (~ khah karn) v.t. to create a
scene, to cause disturbance
= = = = = (vab) f. epidemic, pestilence, plague
= = = = =
! !! !!
(var) m. bridegroom; husband, spouse
~ = (~ ghar) m. match/groom and family,
husband and home
~ U T (~ yog) a. of marriageable age,
- =uY (varml ) f. wedding-garland
= = = = =
z zz zz
(var) m. blessing, boon
~ uT (~ mga) v.t. to ask for a blessing,
to request for a boon
=W =W =W =W =W
! !! !!
(vark) m. leaf of silver or gold used in
medicines or for decorating sweets
~ YU (~ lu) v.t. to decorate with leaf
of gold or silver
=W =W =W =W =W
z zz zz
(vark) m. work
=WH =WH =WH =WH =WH (varkshap) m. workshop
=W =W =W =W =W (varkar) m. worker
=W =W =W =W =W (vark) m. leaf of a book or note-book, page
~ J H (~ p J) id. to become
impossible (for something)
~ = U (~ p de) id. to wash something
out from one's mind; to lose all hopes
~ =W J (~ vark ho) v.t. to be torn to
- =W WY W (varke kle karn) id. to
write nonsense, to write uselessly
=H =H =H =H =H (varkh) f. rain, rainfall, shower
=T =T =T =T =T
! !! !!
(varg) m. square
~ HS (~ khetar) m. square field
~ uY (~ ml) m. square root
- =TW (vargkr) a. square
=T =T =T =T =T
z zz zz
(varg) m. class, category; kind; group
- =TlW (vargkar) m. classification;
categorisation; assortment
=TYU =TYU =TYU =TYU =TYU (varglu) v.t. to lead up the garden
path, to mislead, to misguide, to lead astray; to
=T =T =T =T =T (varg) a. like, resembling, similar
=U =U =U =U =U (varcha) v.i. to be induced to stop crying
(of a child); to be consoled, to be calm down
=UU =UU =UU =UU =UU (varchu) v.t. to calm down; to divert
the attention, to amuse, to console
=HH =HH =HH =HH =HH (varJash) f. physical exercise, athletics
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i. to exercise
=H =H =H =H =H (varJa) v.t. to prohibit, to prevent; to
warn, to forbid
=|HS =|HS =|HS =|HS =|HS (varJIt) a. forbidden, prohibited, banned
= J = J = J = J = J (var) m. warrant
= = = = =
! !! !!
(vara) m. complexion, colour; caste, class
~ |==H (~ vIvasth) m. class-system
= = = = =
z zz zz
(vara) m. letter of an alphabet
- =uY (varaml) f. alphabet
= = = = = (varan) m. description, elaboration,
=U T =U T =U T =U T =U T (varanyog) a. describable
= SuW = SuW = SuW = SuW = SuW (varna tmak) a. descriptive,
elaborative, explanatory
=|W =|W =|W =|W =|W (varIk) a. pertaining to letters of an
~ UU (~ chhd) m. a poetic verse in which
alphabets are counted
=|S =|S =|S =|S =|S (varIt) a. described, referred to, mentioned
=S =S =S =S =S (vart) m. fast, fasting; vow, pledge
~ H (~ rakkha) v.i. to observe fast, to
~ Y (~ le ) v.i. to take a vow, to pledge
- u ~ (-maran ~) m. fast unto death
- u ~ (-mon ~) m. vow of silence
- =Sl (vart) a. one who observes fast
=S =S =S =S =S (varta) f. social or commercial dealings,
intercourse, use, dealings, business
~ =S(~ varta) m. give and take, social
dealings, business relations, reciprocity
=S =S =S =S =S
! !! !!
(varta) v.i. to make use of, to use; to
have social dealings, to treat
=S =S =S =S =S
z zz zz
(varta) v.i. to take place, to happen, to
occur (a mishappening)
=S =S =S =S =S
a aa aa
(varta) v.i. to be distributed, to be served
=Su =Su =Su =Su =Su (vartmn) m. & a. present time; present,
living, existing
~ WY (~ kl) m. present tense; present time;
recent times, modern age
=SU =SU =SU =SU =SU (varto) m. behaviour, dealing
=SU =SU =SU =SU =SU (vartu) v.t. to distribute, to disburse,
to serve
=S =S =S =S =S (vartr) m. dealing, behaviour, treatment;
social dealings
=S= =S= =S= =S= =S= (vartv) m. one who distributes, distributor
=Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl =Sl (vart) suff. a suffix means 'situated', 'to take
place', 'to be' etc.
=S =S =S =S =S (varto) f. use, application; dealing, friendly
intercourse, give and take; vogue
~ U (~ pu) id. to develop social
dealings with someone
=U =U =U =U =U (vardn) m. blessing, boon, benediction
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul (vard) f. uniform, dress, livery
=W =W =W =W =W (vardhak) suff. a suffix meaning 'booster,'
'increase' etc.
= = = = = (varn) intj. otherwise, else
= = = = = (varhn) v.i.t. to rain; to reproach, to chide
=u =u =u =u =u (varm) m. drill, auger, borer, bradawl
=ul =ul =ul =ul =ul
! !! !!
(varm) f. hole of snakes, snake-hole; the
mound raised by white ants, ant-hill
=ul =ul =ul =ul =ul
z zz zz
(varm) f. a small borer
= = = = = (varh) m. year; era
~ F (~ bhar) adv. & a. for the full year,
year in year out, round the year, year long
~ YT (~ lagga) id. to take too much
- Fl H=l ~ (sv ~) m. Christian year,
ecclesiastical year
- H ~ (sor ~) m. tropical year, natural year,
equinoctial year
- WY ~ (kalar ~) m. legal year
- UU|Fl ~ (chd ~) m. lunar year
- USl ~ (nachhattar ~) m. sidereal year
- |=Sl ~ (vItt ~) m. financial year, fiscal year
- =|m =l (varhI vaddh) adv. for years
- = TV (varhe gh) f. anniversary
~ UuJl (~ chhamh) adv. seldom,
occasionally, off and on
~ U = (~ de varhe) adv. yearly, from year
to year
- J ~ (har ~) adv. every year, year by year,
= U = U = U = U = U (varhu) v.t. to cause to rain, to shower
=U =U =U =U =U (varu) v.t. to cajole, to amuse; to calm
down, to console
=U =U =U =U =U (varchh) f. corners of the mouth; jaw
- =U |H= Hlm (varchh khI J)
id. to be extremely happy, to be overjoyed
=|mu =|mu =|mu =|mu =|mu (varIm) a. brave, bold
m. hero, a brave man
=|JY =|JY =|JY =|JY =|JY (varIhl) f. & a. ploughed field; ploughed
=l =l =l =l =l (var) f. clothes and ornaments given to a bride
by her in-laws in wedding
~ U |SU (~ d tIor) m. three clothes sent to
bride by bridegroom's family
= l = l = l = l = l (varh) m. death-anniversary
= H = H = H = H = H (vares) f. span of life, age
- Y ~ (bl ~) f. childhood
- V ~ (buh ~) f. old age
a. aged, old
= H = H = H = H = H (varhez) f. a ceremony performed on the
first wedding anniversary of a girl
= HU = HU = HU = HU = HU (varosu) v.t. to grant a boon, to
shower blessings; to favour, to please
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (val) m. bend, curve; twist, coil, loop; stretching
of a muscle; pun, quirk
~ WV (~ kaha) id. to set one right; to
straighten (bend etc.)
~ UY (~ chhal) m. crookedness, cant, trickery
~ U (pa ua ) id. to talk in riddles, to talk in
a roundway; to play on words, to quibble; to
make a loop; to spiral
~ U (~ pech) m. complication, intricacy;
~ = (~ pher) m. deception, trickery
~ =Y/~ =Y W (~ val/~ val ke) adv. again
and again, time and again, repeatedly
~ =Y = (~ valev ) m. twist; curve, bend; fraud,
trick, deception
~ |=T |J (~ vg n reh) id. to be set
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
! !! !!
(vall) adv. towards, on the side of, in the
direction of
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
z zz zz
(vall) a. well, hale and hearty
~ J H (~ ho J) id. to be restored to
health, to recover
~ W (~ karn) id. to restore to health, to
cure; to set right
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
a aa aa
(vall) m. knack; manner, way
=YT =YT =YT =YT =YT (valga) f. surrounding wall of a place,
~ |=U Y (~ vIch le) id. to encircle, to
surround; to embrace
=YT =YT =YT =YT =YT (valga) v.t. to encircle, to circumscribe
=Y Jlm =Y Jlm =Y Jlm =Y Jlm =Y Jlm (valar) m. volunteer
=YJ J =YJ J =YJ J =YJ J =YJ J (valoh) m. a big brass cooking vessel
=YJ Jl =YJ Jl =YJ Jl =YJ Jl =YJ Jl (valoh) f. brass pitcher; small brass
cooking vessel
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (vala) v.t. to wrap around; to coil, to wind,
to enclose, to encircle, to circumscribe
=YU =YU =YU =YU =YU (vald) a. son of, daughter of
=YUlmS =YUlmS =YUlmS =YUlmS =YUlmS (valdat) f. father's name, parentage
=Y Y =Y Y =Y Y =Y Y =Y Y (vlall) m. dementia, insanity, lunacy, frenzy;
foolishness, stupidity
~ u (~ mrn) id. to talk nonsense; to
act foolishly
=Y Y =Y Y =Y Y =Y Y =Y Y (valol) a. insane, lunatic, foolish, stupid
=Y=YJl =Y=YJl =Y=YJl =Y=YJl =Y=YJl (valvaltn) f. a kind of velvet made of
silk and cotton, velveteen
=Y=Y =Y=Y =Y=Y =Y=Y =Y=Y (valval) m. sudden and strong feeling or
idea, excitement, impulse
~ UJ (~ uta) id. to get excited
- =Y=Y F|m (valvale bharI) a.
sentimental, impulsive
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (val) m. round about way, longer route; twist,
=YU =YU =YU =YU =YU (valu) v.t. to get to be wrapped
around, to by pass, to side track
=Y|FS =Y|FS =Y|FS =Y|FS =Y|FS (valaet) f. England, Great Britain; foreign
~ H (~ ps) a. foreign educated
~ J W m|Fm (~ ho ke I) a. foreign returned
=Y|FSl =Y|FSl =Y|FSl =Y|FSl =Y|FSl (vala et) a. & m. foreign, imported,
foreigner; pertaining to a foreign country
~ |=U (~ ghIo) m. vegetable oil
=Y= =Y= =Y= =Y= =Y= (valv ) m. loop, turn, tangle, coil, wrapping,
twist, circuit
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl (val) m. prophet; holy man, hermit, saint; the
Supreme being, God
=Yl m|JU =Yl m|JU =Yl m|JU =Yl m|JU =Yl m|JU (val ehad) m. heir apparent
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl (valn) a. merged, absorbed
= == ==Y U Y U Y U Y U Y U/= /= /= /= /=Y Y Y Y Y (valu dar/valu dhar) f. scratch, abrasion
=Y U/=Y =Y U/=Y =Y U/=Y =Y U/=Y =Y U/=Y (valu darn/valu dharn) v.t.
to scratch with nails, to claw
=Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J (valhe) m. wrapping, envelopment; fold;
twist, convolution; entanglement
=Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J =Y J (valhea) v.t. to wrap, to envelop; to
fold; to twist, to convolute
=Y Y =Y Y =Y Y =Y Y =Y Y (valel) m. information , intimation; rumour,
=Y = =Y = =Y = =Y = =Y = (valev) m. luggage, nick-nack, household
=Y = =Y = =Y = =Y = =Y = (valev ) m. twist, coil, convolution
~ W (~ p ke) adv. indirectly, not straight,
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y (valo) prep. & adv. from, on behalf of, from
the side
== == == == == (van) v.i. to enter, to come in; to go in, to
penetrate (one thing in another)
== == == == == (va) m. a small round fried salty preparation
of coarsed pulse paste
==l ==l ==l ==l ==l (va) f. small lump of pounded pulse paste,
dried in the sun and used as vegetable
~ J (~ peh) m. a variety of pumpkin used
for making sweets etc.
== = == = == = == = == = (vaev) m. cotton seed
= = = = = (v) f. air, wind
~ HY (~ sl) m. pain in stomach caused by
~ TY (~ gol) m. a disease of gas formation
in the stomach
~ U (~ chhaa) id. to break wind, to
pass wind, to fart
~ KY (~ Jhulla) id. to be in vogue, to be
in fashion
~ YTl (~ lagga ) v.t. to catch cold, to be
~ =Y(~ vrol) m. storm
- S Sl ~ Y T U ( tatt ~ n lagga
de) id. to protect even from a smallest
=mU =mU =mU =mU =mU (ved) m. promise, word, commitment
~ |HW (~ shIkan) a. who does not fulfil one's
promise, promise breaker, one who backs out
~ W (~ karn) id. to give a word, to promise
~ |YVl W (~ khIlf karn) id. not to
fulfil one's promise, to eat one's word, to go
back upon one's word
~ S= (~ ton) id. to break one's promise
~ |FU / W (~ nIbhu/ pu ra
karn) id. to keep one's word, to fulfil one's
~ Vu H (~ farmosh) a. who eats one's
word, promise breaker
~ umV T=J (~ muf gavh) m. approver
-=mU S |= (- vede to phIrn) id. to eat
one's word, to break one's promise
~ U HU/W (~ d sacch/pakk) a.&m. a
man of his word
~ U HU/W J (~ d sacch/pakk hoa)
id. to be as good as one's word, to be a man of
his word
=FlH =FlH =FlH =FlH =FlH
! !! !!
(vs) pref. vice (as vice-principal, vice-
chancellor etc.)
=FlH =FlH =FlH =FlH =FlH
z zz zz
(vs) f. an appliance of smith, vice
=FlV =FlV =FlV =FlV =FlV (vf) f. wife, better half, spouse
=H =H =H =H =H (vs) m. abode, residence, house, dwelling;
stay; inhabitation
=HWJ =HWJ =HWJ =HWJ =HWJ (vska) f. sleeveless waist coat, jacket
=HS= =HS= =HS= =HS= =HS= (vstav) a. real, true, actual, factual
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. in fact, in reality, actually
=HS==U =HS==U =HS==U =HS==U =HS==U (vstavvd) m. realism
=HS==Ul =HS==Ul =HS==Ul =HS==Ul =HS==Ul (vstavvd) a. realist
=HS|=WS =HS|=WS =HS|=WS =HS|=WS =HS|=WS (vstvIkt) f. reality, truth, actuality
! !! !!
(vst) m. concern, connection, relation,
~ (~ pe) v.i.t. to come in contact with,
to have to deal with
z zz zz
(vst) m. humble entreaty in the name of
deity etc.
-=HS U (vste pu) id. to beseech,
to supplicate, to entreat
=HS =HS =HS =HS =HS (vste) prep. & adv. for the sake of, for, the
object of, on account of, in order to, for the
purpose of
=H =H =H =H =H
! !! !!
(vshn) f. smell, odour; fragrance, aroma
= H = H = H = H = H
z zz zz
(vshn) f. lust, passion, sensuality,
lasciviousness, lewdness; desire
~ Sl (~ prt) f. gratification of lascivious
desire, sexual satisfaction, satiation of lust
=HuFl =HuFl =HuFl =HuFl =HuFl (vshnma) a. sensual, sensuous
=H =H =H =H =H (vshp) m. vapour, steam
=H =H =H =H =H (vshpa) m. vaporisation, evaporation
= Hl W = Hl W = Hl W = Hl W = Hl W (vshpkar) m. evaporation,
=H/=HY =H/=HY =H/=HY =H/=HY =H/=HY (vshar/vshal) m.&f. washer
= H = H = H = H = H (vs) m. inhabitancy, dwelling place,
habitation, living
=|H T =|H T =|H T =|H T =|H T (vshg) f.&.a. washing
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl (vs) m. resident, inhabitant, habitant
-m|U ~ (dI ~) m.&a. aboriginal, tribesman,
indigene, indigenous
=J =J =J =J =J
! !! !!
(vh) m. dealing, concern; connection
~ F S (~ pae te) adv. on occasion, whole
=J =J =J =J =J
z zz zz
(vh) m. attempt, effort, endeavour; strength,
force, power
~ UY (~ n challa) id. to be out of
one's reach, to be beyond one's approach; to
be beyond one's control, to have no control, to
be helpless
~ YT|Um (~ lagdI ) adv. with tooth and nail,
with one's utmost strength
~ YTU (~ lagde) adv. as far as possible
~ YUl (~ lu) id. to strain one's every
=J =J =J =J =J
a aa aa
(vh) intj. well done! wonderful! bravo!
~ =J(~ vh) intj. hurrah !
~ =J Wl (~ vh karn) id. to exalt, to applaud
=J =J =J =J =J
4 44 44
(vh) f. diarrhoea, loose motions (for cattle)
~ Y Tl (~ lagga) v.i. to suffer from
=JW =JW =JW =JW =JW (vhak) m. ploughman, farmer, cultivator;
carrier; driver; bearer
=J =J =J =J =J
! !! !!
(vha) m. ploughed field
=J =J =J =J =J
z zz zz
(vha) m. vehicle
=J =J =J =J =J (vh) a. naked, uncovered (head, foot
=JU =JU =JU =JU =JU (vahad) a. one, single, sole
=JUS =JUS =JUS =JUS =JUS (vhadat) f. oneness of God
=J =J =J =J =J (vhan) m. vehicle, conveyance; an animal
used for riding
=JUS =JUS =JUS =JUS =JUS (vhyt) f. nonsense, absurd; worthless
(object); good-for-nothing (person); vulgar,
=J= =J= =J= =J= =J= (vhv) a. ample, enough, sufficient
= J- = J = J- = J = J- = J = J- = J = J- = J (vh-vh) intj. & f. well-done!,
wonderful!, bravo!; praise, applause
=|JT =|JT =|JT =|JT =|JT (vhegur) m. an epithet for God used
by Sikhs; God, the Almighty
=Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl =Jl (vh) f. the act of or the wages of ploughing,
agriculture, tilth
=JlW =JlW =JlW =JlW =JlW (vhkr) m. ploughman, agriculturist,
farmer, peasant
=J =J =J =J =J (vhu) v.t. to plough, to till; to comb(hair);
to draw (lines etc.); to wield (weapon); to drive
(riksha, tonga etc.)
= J U J/= J U Jl = J U J/= J U Jl = J U J/= J U Jl = J U J/= J U Jl = J U J/= J U Jl (vhodh/vhodh) adv.
swiftly, rapidly, quickly, instantly; continuously,
without stopping
=W =W =W =W =W (vk) m. sentence; utterance, speech; hymn
read out from Sikh scripture opened at random;
usage, saying
~ mH (~ sh) m. phrase; clause
~ HYl (~ she l) f. style of speech, locution
~ H (~ kh) m. part of speech, clause
~ UY (~ chhal) m. quirk, quibble; subtlety of
speech; prevarication
~ l (~ dhun) f. speech sound
~ S/ U (~ batar/ rachan) f. & m.
~ Y (~ le) id. to read a hymn from the
Sikh scripture opened at random (sri Guru
~ |=US(~ vIut) m. sentence structure
=W-mU J =W-mU J =W-mU J =W-mU J =W-mU J (vk-u) m. walk-out
=WFl =WFl =WFl =WFl =WFl (vka) a. in fact, really, indeed
=WV =WV =WV =WV =WV (vkaf) a. acquainted, familiar, known,
knowing, conversant
m. acquaintance
=WVlmS =WVlmS =WVlmS =WVlmS =WVlmS (vkfat) f. acquaintance, familiarity;
knowledge, conversance
=W =W =W =W =W (vkar) m. walker
=|Wm =|Wm =|Wm =|Wm =|Wm(vke) m. incident, event, happening,
occurrence; site of crime or accident
~ Fl/Jl (~ /h) adv. really, in fact, in reality,
~ J (~ ho) v.i. an incident to happen, for
a mishappening to occur
=T =T =T =T =T (vg) f. rein, bridle
~ TUFl (~ gd) f. a ceremony of braiding
the mane of bridegroom's mare by his sisters;
gift (in cash or kind) given to sisters by the
bridgroom for the above ceremony
~ (~ or) f. reins of power, reins
~ ==l (~ phan) id. to take the control of;
to hold the reins
- = T H Y l m U (vg khullh
chhaa) id. to give horse the reins, to
give too much freedom
~ u= (~ mon) id. to come back, to return
homewards, to turn
=T/=T =T/=T =T/=T =T/=T =T/=T (vg/v g) prep. & adv. like, as, similar,
same as
=T =T =T =T =T (vg) v.t. to lubricate
=Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl =Tl (vg) m. herdsman, cowherd, herder
=UW =UW =UW =UW =UW (vchak) m. & a. reader, narrator; signifying,
showing, suggestive, expressive
=U =U =U =U =U (vcha) v.t. to read, to recite; to study
=U =U =U =U =U (v chh) f. corner of the mouth
- =U |H= Hlm (vchh khI J) id. to
be overjoyed, to be extremely glad
=U= =U= =U= =U= =U= (vchha) f. slanting shower, a shower
driven rain
=H =H =H =H =H (vJab) a. proper, appropriate, reasonable,
suitable, fit; necessary
= H = H = H = H = H (vJ) m. a musical wind instrument,
harmonium; band
~ TH (~ gJ) m. pomp and show
~ =HU (~ vaJau) id. to subsist; to pass
=K/=H =K/=H =K/=H =K/=H =K/=H (v Jh/v J) a. deprived, devoid,
=J =J =J =J =J
! !! !!
(v) f. journey; distance
~ HJ (~ Joh) id. to kick one's heels, to
~ (~ pe) id. to face futile journey,
efforts to go unfruitful
- =Jl (v ) adv. via
=J =J =J =J =J
z zz zz
(v) m. watt
- |WY ~ (kIlo ~) m. kilowatt
- uT ~ (meg ~) m. megawatt
=J =J =J =J =J (var) m. water, aqua
~ V (~ prf) m. water-proof
=J =J =J =J =J (ve) adv. on the way
= V = V = V = V = V (vha ) m. a cut for reaping; reaper,
harvester; cut (of wound)
~ (~ dharn) id. to begin, to start; to
~ U (~ pu) v.t. to make a cut
~ YU (~ lu) id. to consume hurriedly
- |FW =|VU (- Ikk vheo) adv. from one
=V =V =V =V =V (vh) m. a place away from one's town or
- =V H (- vahe J) v.i. to go out of
=|VU =|VU =|VU =|VU =|VU (vheo) adv. from another village or
town, from outside
=Vl =Vl =Vl =Vl =Vl (vh) f. reaping, harvesting
=V =V =V =V =V (vhe) adv. out of station
= = = = = (v) m. twine (for cots)
==Jlm ==Jlm ==Jlm ==Jlm ==Jlm (vva) a. one who intertwines twine
(for cots)
=S =S =S =S =S (vt) f. information; problem, matter
~ Ul (~ n puchchha) id. not to care
for , not to bother for, to ignore
~ Ul (~ puchchha) id. to care for, to
bother for
=SH Y =SH Y =SH Y =SH Y =SH Y (vtsall) m. parental affection
=S= =S= =S= =S= =S=(vtvara) m. atmosphere, environment,
= U = U = U = U = U (vd) m. any distinctive doctrine, ism;
discourse, discussion
~ |==U (~ vIvd) m. debate, discussion;
heated conversation, polemics, controversial
discussion; dispute, heated argument
=U =U =U =U =U (vd) f. respite, leisure
=UW =UW =UW =UW =UW (vdak) m. instrumentalist
=UT HS =UT HS =UT HS =UT HS =UT HS (vdgrast) a. controversial
=U =U =U =U =U (vdan) f. the act of playing on a musical
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul
! !! !!
(vd) f. valley, vale, dale
=Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul =Ul
z zz zz
(vd) f. habit
~ l (~ pe) v.i. to become used to, to
- =U=lm HHU=lm |F |H U Y (vda
saJda nIbha sIr de nl) prov. habit is
second nature, a leopard does not change its
spots, habits die hard
= = = = = (vdhar) m. projection beyond the walls;
= = = = = (vdh) m. increase, increment, accretion
extension, expansion; augmentation,
multiplication; profit, gain, benefit; promotion
~ =J (~ gh) m. profit or loss
~ = (~ vadha) id. to get increased
- = S (vdhe te) adv. on the increase
= = = = = (vdh) a. surplus, more than enough,
excessive, in excess; not needed, superfluous
= = = = = (vn) suff. a suffix meaning possessor
=H =H =H =H =H (vpas) a. & adv. returned, given back
~ mU (~ u) v.i. to come back, to return
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to give back, to return;
to repay
~ U (~ de) v.t. to return, to give back
~ u= (~ muan) v.i. to turn back, to return
~ Y (~ le ) v.t. to take back, to withdraw
=Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl =Hl (vpas) f. return, arrival-back; withdraw;
giving or receiving back, repayment
~ W (~ dk) adv. by the return post
~ U (~ pu) id. to return back and
give report about one's return
= = = = = (vparn) v.i. to happen, to occur, to take
=V =V =V =V =V (vfar) a. surplus, spare, abundant, profuse
=HS =HS =HS =HS =HS (vbast) a. attached, linked, connected,
associated, affiliated
=u =u =u =u =u (vm) a. opposite, left, reverse, perverse
~ l (~ pth) a. leftist
=U =U =U =U =U (vy) f. air, wind; gastric, flatus
~ mWY (~ anukla) m. air conditioning
~ H (~ sen) f. air force
~ uY (~ mal) m. atmosphere
~ uT (~ mrag) m. air route
~ U (~ yn) m. aeroplane, aircraft
= = = = =
! !! !!
(vr) m. blow, stroke, attack, assault
~ WJ (~ kaa) id. to avert a blow
~ W (~ karn) id. to strike, to attack, to
~ HYl H (~ khl J) id. for an attempt
to be unsuccessful
~ UU (~ bachu) v.t. to avoid an
attack; to ward off
~ W (~ roka) id. to parry a blow
= = = = =
z zz zz
(vr) f. ballad
~ H|JS (sahIt) m. balladry, ballad literature
~ W (~ kr) m. ballad-writer
= = = = =
a aa aa
(vr) f. turn, times
~ = (~ vr) adv. again and again, time and
again, repeatedly
- =l U =J (vr d va) m. tit for tat,
blow for blow; revenge, retaliation
~ =J (~ va) m. exchange
~ =l/- = ~(~ vr/- vro~) a. turn by turn,
in turn, in rotation
= = = = =
4 44 44
(vr) m. layer (of bricks)
= = = = =
s ss ss
(vr) m. day of the week; Saturday
~ W= UH (~ kuvr n dekha) id.
not to be superstitious
- |U ~ (dIn ~) m. festival day; good or bad
= = = = =
6 66 66
(vr) m. war
=H =H =H =H =H (vras) m. heir, successor, descendant
=HW =HW =HW =HW =HW (vrshak) a. yearly, annual
=HWl =HWl =HWl =HWl =HWl (vrshak) f. annuity
= = = = = (vr) m. ward
= = = = = (vran) m. warden
= = = = = (vrar) m. warder
=SW =SW =SW =SW =SW (vrtak) f. prose
=SWW =SWW =SWW =SWW =SWW (vrtakkr) m. prose-writer
=SWl =SWl =SWl =SWl =SWl (vrtak) a. prose like, prosaic
= S = S = S = S = S (vrt) f. story, narrative; dialogue,
negotiation, talk
=SW =SW =SW =SW =SW (vrtkr) m. narrator; negotiator
=SY =SY =SY =SY =SY (vrtlp) f. conversation, dialogue, talk,
discourse, negotiation
- W ~ (kath ~) f. religious discourse
=US =US =US =US =US (vrdt) f. incident, happening, accident,
mishap, affray, untoward event
=H =H =H =H =H (vrnash) f. varnish
= = = = = (vrn) f.&v.t. a ritual of devoting
something (normally money) to avert evil by
waiving around the head of a person; to offer
something to a deity
- l ~ (p ~) f. the act of drinking water
by waiving it around the head of bride by the
bridegroom's mother
- = H/= H (vrne J/ vre
J) v.i. and f. to be a sacrifice to; an
expression of affection and love
= H = H = H = H = H (vr kh) v.i. to suit, to be
acceptable, to be agreeable
~ H Y (~ sr le) v.t. to resist equally
=l =l =l =l =l
! !! !!
(vr) f. turn, opportunity, time; inning
~ |H (~ sIr) adv. turn by turn, in one's turn
~ U (~ d) a. turn wise
~ U S (~ d tp) m. malaria fever
~ U =J (~ d va) ph. tit for tat
~ mU (~ n u) id. not to get any
~ Y (~ nl) adv. turn and turnabout, in turns
~ =l (~ vr) adv. by turns, turn by turn, one
after the other
~ =l Y Wu W (~ vr nl km karn)
id. to take turns
~ =J (~ vae) adv. by turns, in turns, turn by
- | ~ U (bIn ~ de) adv. out of turn
=l =l =l =l =l
z zz zz
(vr) a. sacrificing oneself (for); intensely
devoted , deeply loving
~ H (~ J) v.t. to be a sacrifice for
~ H= (~ Jv) ph. may be a sacrifice to you
intj. a term of endearment
- = mU U (vre n u de) id.
not to allow to supersede
~ |m J (~ nIre ho) id. to roll in wealth
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y
! !! !!
(vl) m. valve
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y
z zz zz
(vl) m. hair
~ W (~ ku) adv. minute; very little
~ K= (~ Jhan) v.i. for hair to fall
~ S= (~ to) m. boil caused by uprooting of
~ Ul HY USl (~ d khall utrn) id. to split
hair, to petti fog
~ W (~ pakka) id. to become mature,
to have one's hair turned grey
~ | (~ pIn) m. hair-pin
~ =Y (~ vl) adv. entirely, fully
~ =Y U (~ vl bacha) id. to have a
hair breadth escape, to have a narrow escape
~ |=T J (~ vg n ho) id. to escape
- U S ~(duddh dhote ~) m. grey-hair;
old age
- ~ |UJ J (dhuppe ~ chIe ho)
id. to gain no experience with one's age
- |H U =Y mU (sIr de vl nu u)
id. to snap at, to be impertinent
=YU =YU =YU =YU =YU (vlad) m. father
=YU =YU =YU =YU =YU (vlad) f. mother
=YU =YU =YU =YU =YU (vlden) m. parents
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y
! !! !!
(vl) m. big ear-ring
- Wl ~ U (kn ~ pu) id. to whisper
in one's ear
=Y =Y =Y =Y =Y
z zz zz
(vl) suff. a suffix meaning 'doer', 'owner'
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl
! !! !!
(vl) m. Protector, Lord; guardian
a. owner, possessor
~ =H (~ vras) m. owner, master, lord; heir
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl
z zz zz
(vl) f. ear-ring
=Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl =Yl
a aa aa
(vl) f. volley (in the game)
=YlY =YlY =YlY =YlY =YlY (vlbl) m. volleyball
== Y == Y == Y == Y == Y (vvarol) m. whirlwind
== Y == Y == Y == Y == Y (vvel) m. uproar, clamour, hue and cry
outcry, tumult; lamentation, wailing; entreaty,
~ u U (~ maccha) id. to have a great
== == == == == (v) f. fence, hedge, fencing, thorn hedge
~ U HS H (~ d khet nu kh) id. the
protector to be destructor; defender to be
== == == == == (vn) v.t. to thrust, to insert, to drive in, to
push in, to stuff
== == == == == (v) m. enclosure, corral; a sheep-fold;
stockade; compound, ring, fold
- HY Hl U ~ (khl J d ~) m. an easy-
- == == (ve n van) id. to roam
about, to wander
==l ==l ==l ==l ==l (v) f. flower-garden, orchard, garden;
family, children
|=U S |=U S |=U S |=U S |=U S (vIu t) f. scheme, plan, design; order,
sequence; technique, method
- |=USW (vIutkr) m. planner; designer
- |=USWl (vIutkr) f. planning; designing
- |=U S (vIuta) v.t. to plan, to make
scheme; to design
- -- -- |=U S (vIutbaddh) adv. planned,
|=U SSl |=U SSl |=U SSl |=U SSl |=U SSl (vIutpat) f. etymology, root, derivation,
|=mHS |=mHS |=mHS |=mHS |=mHS (vIast) a. busy, preoccupied, engaged
|=mWS |=mWS |=mWS |=mWS |=mWS (vIakt) a. expressed, uttered, articulated;
obvious, manifested
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to express, to articulate
|=mW|SS= |=mW|SS= |=mW|SS= |=mW|SS= |=mW|SS= (vIaktItav) m. personality, individuality
- H|S ~ (- khIt ~) m. split personality
|=mWSl |=mWSl |=mWSl |=mWSl |=mWSl (vIakt) m. person, individual
|=mWSlTS |=mWSlTS |=mWSlTS |=mWSlTS |=mWSlTS (vIaktgat) a. personal, individual
|=mWSl=U |=mWSl=U |=mWSl=U |=mWSl=U |=mWSl=U (vIaktvd) m. individualism
|=mWSl=Ul |=mWSl=Ul |=mWSl=Ul |=mWSl=Ul |=mWSl=Ul (vIaktvd) m. individualist
a. individualistic
|=m T |=m T |=m T |=m T |=m T (vIg) m. satire, sarcasm, ironic-remark,
irony, joke
|=m TuFl |=m TuFl |=m TuFl |=m TuFl |=m TuFl (vIgma) a. taunting, ironical, sarcastic,
|=m TSuW |=m TSuW |=m TSuW |=m TSuW |=m TSuW (vIgtmak) a. satirical,sarcastic,
~ W|= (~ kv) m. satire, parody, lampoon
~ |US (~ chIttar) m. caricature, cartoon
|=m H |=m H |=m H |=m H |=m H
! !! !!
(vIJan) m. consonant
~ TJ (~ gu) m. group of phonetically similar
consonants in Gurmukhi alphabet
|=m H |=m H |=m H |=m H |=m H
z zz zz
(vIJan) m. delicious food, dish
| = | = | = | = | =m H m H m H m H m H (vIJan) f. suggestive meaning,
metaphoric quality of words; irony, sarcasm
| = | = | = | = | =m u m u m u m u m u (vIm) m. delivery, confinement,
~ WJ (~ kaa) id. to lie in bed
|=m |=m |=m |=m |=m (vIarth) a. useless, worthless; futile,
meaningless, fruitless
adv. of no use, in vain
~ J (~ ho) v.i. to be in vain
~ H (~ J) v.i. to go waste; to end in
|=mS |=mS |=mS |=mS |=mS (vIarthat) f. meaninglessness
|=mH |=mH |=mH |=mH |=mH (vIs) m. diameter
|=mJ |=mJ |=mJ |=mJ |=mJ (vIh) m. marriage, wedding, matrimony
~ H l (~ sabdh) a. marital, conjugal;
~ HUl (~ shd) f. marriage or any auspicious
~ WVU (~ kahu) id. to fix the date of
~ W (~ karn) v.t. lead to the altar, to
marry; to get married
~ W=U (~ karvu) v.i.t. to get married;
to arrange a marriage
- mUYSl ~ (adlt ~) m. court-marriage
- T T l U ~(gue gu d ~)m. an
easy task
|=mJU= |=mJU= |=mJU= |=mJU= |=mJU= (vI hada) a. prospective groom or
bride, about to be married
|=m|Jm J |Fm |=m|Jm J |Fm |=m|Jm J |Fm |=m|Jm J |Fm |=m|Jm J |Fm (vIhI hoI) a. married
|=mJ U T |=mJ U T |=mJ U T |=mJ U T |=mJ U T (vIhuyog) a. of marriageable age,
- HH|=m|Jm (saJvIhI) a. newly married
|=mJ |=mJ |=mJ |=mJ |=mJ (vIhu) v.t. to marry, to get someone
|=mJ S |=mJ S |=mJ S |=mJ S |=mJ S (vIhut) a. married (woman); lawfully
married, wedded (wife)
| =m J Y /| =m J Yl | =m J Y /| =m J Yl | =m J Y /| =m J Yl | =m J Y /| =m J Yl | =m J Y /| =m J Yl (vIhul/vIa hul) a.
prospective groom or bride
|=mW |=mW |=mW |=mW |=mW (vIkara) m. grammar
|=mWW |=mWW |=mWW |=mWW |=mWW (vIkarak) a. grammatical
|=mWW |=mWW |=mWW |=mWW |=mWW (vIkarkr) m. grammarian
|=mW Y |=mW Y |=mW Y |=mW Y |=mW Y (vIkul) a. anxious; restless, uneasy,
|=m|Hm |=m|Hm |=m|Hm |=m|Hm |=m|Hm (vIkhI) f. explanation, annotation,
description, elaboration, elucidation
~ Wl (~ karn) v.i.t. to explain, to elucidate,
to elaborate
~ W (~ kr) m. commentator, elucidator,
|=m|HmU |=m|HmU |=m|HmU |=m|HmU |=m|HmU (vIkhIu) v.t. to explain, to
elucidate, to annotate, to elaborate
|=m|HmSuW |=m|HmSuW |=m|HmSuW |=m|HmSuW |=m|HmSuW (vIkhItmak) a. explanatory,
|=m|Hm |=m|Hm |=m|Hm |=m|Hm |=m|Hm (vIkhIn) m. speech, lecture, oration
|=mH |=mH |=mH |=mH |=mH (vIJ) m. interest
~ H (~ kh) id. to lend money on interest
~ U-|=mH (~ dar-vIJ ) m. compound
|=mHl |=mHl |=mHl |=mHl |=mHl (vIJ) a. borrowed or lent on interest
|=m W |=m W |=m W |=m W |=m W (vIpak) a. wide spread, pervasive;
extensive, comprehensive; Omnipresent, God
~ HuSl (~ smt) f. general consensus
- H |=ml (sarb vIp) a. Omnipresent;
|=m |=m |=m |=m |=m (vIpa) v.i. to occur, to happen
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIsh) f. poison, venom; toxin
~ =Y (~ ghola) id. to smoulder, to be
~ U= l (~ chahn) id. to be affected by
~ u U=Fl (~ mr dav) f. antidote, anti
venom, antitoxin
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. toxicology
| =HFl | =HFl | =HFl | =HFl | =HFl (vIsha) a. lustful, lewd, voluptuous,
licentious, lecherous
|=HWl |=HWl |=HWl |=HWl |=HWl (vIsk) f. whisky
|=HJ |=HJ |=HJ |=HJ |=HJ (vIsh) f. excreta, faeces, excrement
|=H|S S |=H|S S |=H|S S |=H|S S |=H|S S (vIstrIt) a. extensive, expansive, spacious,
|=HS |=HS |=HS |=HS |=HS (vIstr) m. expansion, extension; details,
elaboration; scope, span
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to expand, to extend, to
enlarge; to elaborate
- |=HS (vIstrpran) a. in detail,
detailed, elaborate
|=HS=U |=HS=U |=HS=U |=HS=U |=HS=U(vIstrvd) m. expansionism
|=HS=Ul |=HS=Ul |=HS=Ul |=HS=Ul |=HS=Ul (vIstrvd) a. expansionist
|=HS |=HS |=HS |=HS |=HS (vIsthpat) a. homeless, displaced,
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H(vIsthpan)m. replacement, displacement
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIshn) m. one of the trinity, Lord Vishnu
|=H= J |=H= J |=H= J |=H= J |=H= J (vIspho) m. explosion, outburst
|=H= JW |=H= JW |=H= JW |=H= JW |=H= JW (vIsphotak) a. explosive
~ U (~ padrath) m. explosive substance
|=HuW |=HuW |=HuW |=HuW |=HuW (vIsmak) m. interjection, exclamation (gr.)
~ |U (~ chnh) m. exclamation mark,
|=Hu |=Hu |=Hu |=Hu |=Hu
! !! !!
(vIsma) v.i. to restore, to recuperate,
to relax
|=Hu |=Hu |=Hu |=Hu |=Hu
z zz zz
(vIsma) v.i. to be happily surprised
|=HuU |=HuU |=HuU |=HuU |=HuU (vIsmd) m. ecstasy, rapture, bliss
|=HuUW/|=HuUHW |=HuUW/|=HuUHW |=HuUW/|=HuUHW |=HuUW/|=HuUHW |=HuUW/|=HuUHW (vIsmdak/vIsmdJanak)
a. full of ecstasy, ecstatic, rapturous, blissful
|=HuUl |=HuUl |=HuUl |=HuUl |=HuUl (vIsmad) a. blissful, ecstatic, rapturous
|=HT |=HT |=HT |=HT |=HT (vIsarg) f. the colon-like sign (:) in Devnagri
denoting the sound similar to the pure
consonantal sound of ( 'j' or 'h')
|=HH |=HH |=HH |=HH |=HH (vIsarJan) m. disposal; dispersal
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIsarn) v.i.t. to forget, to be out of mind,
to slip from one's mind
- F |Ym |=H|m (buhlIa vIsrIa) a. out of
mind, forgotten
|=Hu |=Hu |=Hu |=Hu |=Hu (vIsrm) m. rest, repose, relaxation; stay,
stop; stand-at-ease (command word)
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to take rest, to repose,
to relax
~ = (~ ghar) m. rest-house
~ |U (~ chnh) m. punctuation mark
~ |U YU (~ chnh lu) v.t. to punctuate
|=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY (vIsal) f. whistle
~ ul (~ mrn) v.t. to blow whistle
|=HY HW |=HY HW |=HY HW |=HY HW |=HY HW (vIshleshak) m. analyst
|=HY HU T |=HY HU T |=HY HU T |=HY HU T |=HY HU T (vIshleshayog) a. analytical
|=HY HSuW |=HY HSuW |=HY HSuW |=HY HSuW |=HY HSuW/| =HY Hl /| =HY Hl /| =HY Hl /| =HY Hl /| =HY Hl (vIshleshtamak/
vIshlesh) a. analytical, analytic
|=HY H |=HY H |=HY H |=HY H |=HY H (vIshleshan) m. analysis
~ HHS (~ shstar) m. analytics
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to analyse
|=HY |HS |=HY |HS |=HY |HS |=HY |HS |=HY |HS (vIshleshIt) a. analysed
|=H= |=H= |=H= |=H= |=H= (vIshav) m. world, universe, cosmos
~ H l (~ sabdh) a. universal, cosmic;
worldwide; mundane, worldly
~ WH (~ kosh) m. encyclopaedia
~ W (~ be k) m. world bank
~ U (~ yuddh) m. world war
~ U U |HS (~ rachn d sIdht) m.
~ |=mW/ |=ml (~ vIpak/vIp) a.
universal, worldwide, all pervading
~ |=|UmY (~ vIdIl) f. university
|=H=Wu |=H=Wu |=H=Wu |=H=Wu |=H=Wu (vIshavkarm) m. the architect of the
|=H= |=H= |=H= |=H= |=H= (vIsv) m. a measure of land area equal to
the twentieth part of a bigha
- -- --|=H=U (vIsvedr) m. landlord, landowner,
- -- -- |=H= Ul (vIsvedr) f. feudalism,
- H |=H= (- so vIsve) adv. totally, absolutely;
surely, certainly
|=H=H |=H=H |=H=H |=H=H |=H=H (vIshvs) m. trust, faith, belief, confidence
~ Jl (~ hn) a. sceptical, without faith,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to rely upon; to have
faith, to trust, to believe, to have confidence
~ =S (~ ght) m. betrayal, breach of trust,
~ = Sl (~ gha t) a. betrayer, traitor,
treacherous, perfidious
~ S (~ ptar) a. reliable, trustworthy
~ U T (~ yog) a. trustworthy, reliable;
believable, credible
~ U TS (~ yogt) f. credibility,
trustworthiness, reliability
- m |=H=Hl (- dh vIshvs) a. one who has
blind faith, one who believes blindly
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIsh) m. subject, topic
~ HUl (~ sch) f. contents
~ =HS (~ vast) m. plot, subject-matter,
|=HJ |=HJ |=HJ |=HJ |=HJ (vIsh) m. faith, belief, trust
~ H (~ n kh) id. not to leave alone,
to keep (person or a thing) very close
~ (~ n pe) id. not to believe
|=HH |=HH |=HH |=HH |=HH (vIsakh) m. the second month of the Hindu
|=HHl |=HHl |=HHl |=HHl |=HHl (vIskh) f. the first day of Visakh month
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIsrn) v.t. not to remember, to forget
|=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY |=HY (vIshl) a. huge, large, vast, immense,
capacious, spacious; extensive
|=|HHJ |=|HHJ |=|HHJ |=|HHJ |=|HHJ (vIshIsh) a. special, particular, specific;
prominent, notable, distinguished
|=Hlm |=Hlm |=Hlm |=Hlm |=Hlm (vIsar) a. poisonous, toxic, venomous
|=H H |=H H |=H H |=H H |=H H (vIshesh) a. special, distinct, specific,
particular; peculiar, distinctive, unusual
~ mW (~ k) m. special issue
~ m|W (~ adhIkr) m. privilege, special
~ W (~ kathan) m. remarks
|=H HT |=H HT |=H HT |=H HT |=H HT (vIsheshag) a. specialist, expert
|=H HTS |=H HTS |=H HTS |=H HTS |=H HTS (vIsheshagat) f. specialisation
|=H H |=H H |=H H |=H H |=H H (vIshesha) m. adjective
|=H Hl |=H Hl |=H Hl |=H Hl |=H Hl (vIshesha) a. adjectival
|=H HS |=H HS |=H HS |=H HS |=H HS (vIshesht) f. speciality, peculiarity,
distinction; characteristic
|=H Y |=H Y |=H Y |=H Y |=H Y (vIshel) a. poisonous, virose, toxic
|= JU -|= JU |= JU -|= JU |= JU -|= JU |= JU -|= JU |= JU -|= JU (vhde-vhde) adv. before one's eyes;
at once, immediately
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J (vIharn) v.i. to defy, to resist
|=JY |=JY |=JY |=JY |=JY (vehl) f. leisure, free time
|=JY= |=JY= |=JY= |=JY= |=JY= (vehla) m. idler; unemployed, unoccupied
|=JY |=JY |=JY |=JY |=JY (vehl) a. not busy, idle, free; unemployed;
relaxing, leisured
~ Hu (~ sam) m. leisure, free time
~ u HS Ul JWHY (~ man she tn d aksal)
prov. an idle man's brain is the devil's workshop
- |=JYlm H/= (vehl kh /pn)
id. to be a hanger on, to remain idle
~ u (~ mrn) id. to indulge in useless
talk, to gossip
|=J==l |=J==l |=J==l |=J==l |=J==l (vehv ) f. deep fried chapati stuffed with
paste of pulse
|=J= |=J= |=J= |=J= |=J= (veh) m. compound, courtyard
~ HK J (~ sJh ho) id. to be issueless
~ uY (~ malla) id. to make a long stay,
to encamp
- |=J= FT Y T (vehe n bhg
lagga) id. to become prosperous
|=JH |=JH |=JH |=JH |=JH
! !! !!
(vIhaJa) v.t. to purchase, to buy; to
establish relation
|=JH |=JH |=JH |=JH |=JH
z zz zz
(vIhJa) v.i. to pass, to be spent, to
elapse (time etc.)
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J
! !! !!
(vIhr) m. behaviour, treatment; dealings,
business, trade
~ U H (~ d khar) a. fair in dealings,
honest; straight forward
~ Ul TY W (~ d gall karn) id. to deal
- W ~(kr ~) m. occupation, business,
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J
z zz zz
(vIhr) m. monastery (Bhuddhist)
|=JW |=JW |=JW |=JW |=JW (vIhrak) a. commercial; professional;
|=Jl |=Jl |=Jl |=Jl |=Jl (vIhr) a. reasonable
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J (vIhu) m. poison, toxin, venom
|=J Y |=J Y |=J Y |=J Y |=J Y (vIhul) a. poisonous, virose, toxic,
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J (vIh) a. bereft, without, deprived of
|=WH |=WH |=WH |=WH |=WH (vIkasa) v.i. to bloom, to grow; to
flourish, to progress
|=W|HS |=W|HS |=W|HS |=W|HS |=W|HS (vIksIt) a. developed; flourished
|=WJ |=WJ |=WJ |=WJ |=WJ
! !! !!
(vIka) a. difficult, arduous
|=WJ |=WJ |=WJ |=WJ |=WJ
z zz zz
(vIka) f. wicket
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (vIka) v.i. to be sold, to sell
|=WY |=WY |=WY |=WY |=WY (vIkrl) a. terrible, horrible, dreadful,
frightful, ghastly, awful, hideous
|=W|S/|=|W S1 |=W|S/|=|W S1 |=W|S/|=|W S1 |=W|S/|=|W S1 |=W|S/|=|W S1 (vIkarIt/vIkrIt) a. deformed,
|= Wl |= Wl |= Wl |= Wl |= Wl (vIkkar) f. sale, sale proceeds, selling,
vending, disposal
~ W (~ kar) m. sale-tax
~ uY (~ mull) m. selling price, sale price
~ UT (~ yog) a. saleable
|=W S |=W S |=W S |=W S |=W S (vIkret) m. seller
|=WY |=WY |=WY |=WY |=WY (vIkalp) m. choice, option, alternative,
|=WYl |=WYl |=WYl |=WYl |=WYl (vIkalp) a. optional; alternate
|=WU /|=W=U |=WU /|=W=U |=WU /|=W=U |=WU /|=W=U |=WU /|=W=U (vIku/vIkvu) v.t. to
get to be soled, to assist in disposing of
|=WU |=WU |=WU |=WU |=WU (vIk) a. saleable, marketable, for sale
|=WH |=WH |=WH |=WH |=WH (vIks) m. development, evolution; progress,
~ H l (~ sabdh) a. evolutionary,
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to develop; to progress,
to rise
- |=WHHlY/|=WHuFl (vIksshl/vIksma) a.
developing, progressing; progressive
- |=WHHlYS (vIksshlt) f. progressiveness
- |=WH=U (vIksvd) m. evolutionism;
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (vIkr) m. sensual flaw; defect, fault,
disorder, flaw; deterioration; transformation;
disease, sickness; immoral deed, perversion
|=Wl |=Wl |=Wl |=Wl |=Wl (vIkr) a. liable to change, changeable;
declinable; immoral, evil, sinner; defective,
faulty; bad
|=Wl |=Wl |=Wl |=Wl |=Wl (vIkran) m. radiation
~ |=|Tm (~ vIgIn) m. radiology
|=W U|S |=W U|S |=W U|S |=W U|S |=W U|S (vIkedarIt) a. decentralised
|=W UlW |=W UlW |=W UlW |=W UlW |=W UlW (vIkedarkaran) m. decentralisation
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIkhan) m. fission
|=H=U |=H=U |=H=U |=H=U |=H=U (vIkhvu) v.t. to get or make to be
shown or displayed
|=HU |=HU |=HU |=HU |=HU (vIkhu) v.t. to show, to exhibit, to
display; to point out
- mH ~ (akkh ~) id. to cast angry look
- J ~ (hatth ~) id. to fight with courage
- |U S ~ (dIne tre ~) id. to get on one's
|=H Y |=H Y |=H Y |=H Y |=H Y (vIkhl) m. outward-show, display,
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to show off
|=|HmS |=|HmS |=|HmS |=|HmS |=|HmS (vIkhIt) a. famous, renowned, eminent,
|=|Hm |=|Hm |=|Hm |=|Hm |=|Hm (vIkhIn) m. lecture, speech, oration,
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIkhe) intj. in; to
|= T |= T |= T |= T |= T (vg) m. bend, crookedness, curve, tilt
~ S|= T (~ tag) a. not straight, crooked,
curved, bent, winding
~ (~ pe) v.i. to become curved or bent
|= T=/|= T |= T=/|= T |= T=/|= T |= T=/|= T |= T=/|= T (vga/vg) a. bent, curved, not
straight, crooked
|=T= |=T= |=T= |=T= |=T= (vIgan) v.i. to be spoiled, to become
bad; to go out of order, to develop a fault; to be
annoyed, to be angry
|=T|=m J |Fm |=T|=m J |Fm |=T|=m J |Fm |=T|=m J |Fm |=T|=m J |Fm (vIgI hoI) a. spoiled; to be out
of order; angry, sullen, annoyed
|=T= |=T= |=T= |=T= |=T= (vIg) m. defect, fault, disorder; flaw,
shortcoming; break in relations, estrangement
~ =U/U (~ pavu/pu) id. to
create a rift, to cause misunderstanding
~ (~ pe ) id. to develop a rift in relations
|=T= |=T= |=T= |=T= |=T= (vIgn) v.t. to impair the qualities, to
spoil, to lead astray; to put out of order, to
|=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm (vIgIn) m. science
|=|TmW |=|TmW |=|TmW |=|TmW |=|TmW (vIgIanak) a. scientific
~ UT (~ yugg) m. scientific age
|=|Tml |=|Tml |=|Tml |=|Tml |=|Tml (vIgIn) m. scientist
|=|TmS |=|TmS |=|TmS |=|TmS |=|TmS (vIgIpat) a. advertised
|=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm |=|Tm (vIgIpan) m. advertisement
|=T U |=T U |=T U |=T U |=T U (vIguccha) v.i. to come to grief, to
become helpless
|=T U/|=T S |=T U/|=T S |=T U/|=T S |=T U/|=T S |=T U/|=T S (vIgucch/vIgutt) a. engrossed,
absorbed, lost (in oneself)
|=T U |=T U |=T U |=T U |=T U (vIgoch) m. miss, want (of a person);
scarcity, shortage (of a thing)
~ mU (~ u) v.i.t. to miss, to lack
|==J |==J |==J |==J |==J (vIghaan) m. disintegration, breaking up;
dissolution, disruption
|==JWl |==JWl |==JWl |==JWl |==JWl (vIghaankr) a. disruptive
|==|JS |==|JS |==|JS |==|JS |==|JS (vIghaIt) a. disintegrated; dissolved
| == | == | == | == | == (vIghan) f. interruption, obstruction,
impediment; obstacle; hitch
|= = |= = |= = |= = |= = (vIggh) m. a measure of land equal to one
fifth or one fourth of an acre
- |=|=m |=U =|Ym J (vIgghI vIch phe lI
ho) id. to be very spacious, to be very
capacious, to be roomy
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIch) intj. & prep. in, into, inside; among,
between, in the middle
~ mU (~ u) id. to mediate
~ Y UJ (~ bol uha) id. to cut in, to
interpose in conversation
~ Y (~ bol) id. to interpose, to interfere,
intervene, to meddle
~ |=U (~ vIch) adv. internally, secretly; off
and on, occasionally
~ |=UY (~ vIchle) adv. in the middle of, in-
the midst of, in-between
- |=U ~ / |=U ~(vIche ~/ vIcho ~) adv.
internally, secretly
- |=U (vIcho ) prep. out of, from
~ |=U (~ vIcho) adv. selectively; at intervals
|=UW |=UW |=UW |=UW |=UW (vIchkr) adv. in the middle of, in the
centre of; in the midst; in, between, among
|=UWY |=UWY |=UWY |=UWY |=UWY (vIchkrl) a. middle, central
~ uY (~ mel) a. of middle quality, mediocre
|=UW |=UW |=UW |=UW |=UW (vIchkre) adv. in the middle of
|=UW |=UW |=UW |=UW |=UW (vIchkro) adv. in the midst of, in the
middle of
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIcharn) v.i. to walk, to stroll about, to
|=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY (vIchal) v.i. to be spoiled; to turn sour;
to be annoyed, to be angry
|=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY (vIchalan) m. divergence, deviation;
|=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY (vIchl) a. inner, internal, inward; middle,
|=UYU |=UYU |=UYU |=UYU |=UYU (vIchlu) v.t. to spoil, to molly-coddle
|=U|YS |=U|YS |=U|YS |=U|YS |=U|YS (vIchlIt) a. agitated, disturbed, shaky,
wavering, unsteady
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIchr) m. idea, thought; view, opinion;
consideration, consultation; feeling, notion
~ ml (~ adhn) a. under consideration
~ HWSl (~ shakt) f. thinking faculty, reason,
~ HlY (~ shl) a. thoughtful, considerate,
sensible, rational
~ Jl (~ hn) a. unthoughtful, thoughtless,
mindless, irrational
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to think, to consider, to
ponder, to discuss, to contemplate
~ TU (~ gochar) a. under consideration
~ (~ dhr) f. ideology
~ =JU (~ vadar) m. exchange of views,
discussion, deliberation, negotiation
~ = (~ vn) a. thoughtful, thinker,
- |=UW (vIchrak) a. & m. thinker,
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIchrn) v.t. to think, to brood, to
deliberate, to consider, to ponder, to
|=U=U |=U=U |=U=U |=U=U |=U=U (vIchrvd) m. idealism (philosophy)
|=U=Ul |=U=Ul |=U=Ul |=U=Ul |=U=Ul (vIchrvd) a. idealist
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIchr) a. poor soul, poor; helpless;
humble; unlucky, hapless
|=USuW |=USuW |=USuW |=USuW |=USuW (vIchrtmak) a. contemplative,
| =U Y= | =U Y= | =U Y= | =U Y= | =U Y= (vIchla) a. middle, central,
|=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY (vIchl) m. midst, middle, centre
|=U|YU |=U|YU |=U|YU |=U|YU |=U|YU (vIchleo ) adv. from the midst of
|=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY |=UY (vIchle) adv. in the centre, in the midst; in
the middle; in mid stream, in the lurch
|=|U S |=|U S |=|U S |=|U S |=|U S (vIchIttar) a. strange, peculiar, queer;
unusual, wonderful, surprising
|=|U SS |=|U SS |=|U SS |=|U SS |=|U SS (vIchIttart) f. strangeness, queerness,
unusualness, wonderfulness
|= U |= U |= U |= U |= U (vIcche) adv. in the middle, in the midst, in
the lurch, in mid stream
|= U -|= U |= U -|= U |= U -|= U |= U -|= U |= U -|= U (vIccho -vIccho) adv. from one's heart,
|=U YTl |=U YTl |=U YTl |=U YTl |=U YTl(vIcholg)f. match-making, middlemanship;
mediation; arbitration
|=U Y |=U Y |=U Y |=U Y |=U Y (vIchol) m. match-maker (for marriage);
middleman, mediator, conciliator
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIchha) v.i. to lie flat (crops with rain
etc.); to be spread, to be unrolled
- WUu |=U ~(kadam vIch ~) id. to give
warm welcome; to show great reverence, to
give too much regard
- |WH S |=U H (kIse te vIchh J) id. to
be ready to sacrifice oneself (for someone)
|=U=U |=U=U |=U=U |=U=U |=U=U (vIchhvu) v.t. to get something
spread (bed, carpet etc.)
|=U= |=U= |=U= |=U= |=U= (vIchhan) v.i. to part, to depart, to be
|=UU |=UU |=UU |=UU |=UU (vIchhu) v.t. to spread; to make (bed)
- u u |=U U (mr mr vIchh de)
id. to beat black and blue, to beat severely, to
|=UFl |=UFl |=UFl |=UFl |=UFl (vIchh) f. the process of or the wages
for making bed or spreading
- |=|Um |=U|Fm (- vIchhI vIchhI) a.
already spread; already made (bed)
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIchhn) a. parted, separated
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vIchho) m. bedding; mattress
|=U = |=U = |=U = |=U = |=U = (vIchhon) v.t. to separate, to part
|=U = |=U = |=U = |=U = |=U = (vIcho) m. separation, parting
|=HFl |=HFl |=HFl |=HFl |=HFl (vIJa) a. victorious, winner, conqueror,
triumphant, victor
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIJe) f. victory
|=H S |=H S |=H S |=H S |=H S (vIJet) a. victor, victorious, winner,
triumphant, conqueror
|=H T |=H T |=H T |=H T |=H T (vIJog) m. separation, parting, disunion (from
a dear one)
|=H TSuW |=H TSuW |=H TSuW |=H TSuW |=H TSuW (vIJogtmak) a. separative
|=H Tl |=H Tl |=H Tl |=H Tl |=H Tl (vIJog) m. man separated from the beloved
one and feeling the pangs of separation
|= J |= J |= J |= J |= J (vIarn) v.i. to get annoyed, to become
estranged, to be angry
|=J|u |=J|u |=J|u |=J|u |=J|u (vImIn) m. vitamin
|= J |= J |= J |= J |= J (vIh) f. dropping of birds, mute
|= |= |= |= |= (vIba) f. irony o fate
|= /|= V |= /|= V |= /|= V |= /|= V |= /|= V (vI /vIh) m. supporting poles of a
well pulley; undertaking, project; preparations
(for project)
~ |=V (~ vIha) v.t. to start a work, to
take a project in hand; to make preparations
for a project
|= V |= V |= V |= V |= V (vIha) v.t. to make preparations, to
plan, to launch (a project)
| = S | = S | = S | = S | = S
! !! !!
(vItt) m. capacity, capability, power,
~ mH/ |H (~ anusr/ sIr) adv. according
to one's capacity
- |=S J (vItto bhar) a. beyond one's
|= S |= S |= S |= S |= S
z zz zz
(vItt) m. finance
~ uSY (~ mtrl) m. finance ministry
~ uSl (~ mtr) m. finance minister
~ |=FT (~ vIbhg) m. finance department
|=SW |=SW |=SW |=SW |=SW (vItkar) m. discrimination, partiality
~ W (~ karn) v.i.t. to discriminate, to be
- |=SW F|m (vItkare bharI) a.
discriminating, partial
|=S |=S |=S |=S |=S (vItaran) m. distribution, disbursement
|= Sl |= Sl |= Sl |= Sl |= Sl (vItt) a. financial, fiscal
~ HY (~ sl) m. financial year
|= |= |= |= |= (vItth) f. distance, space; interstice, chink;
differences, estrangement in relations
~ l (~ pe) v.i. to be estranged
|=|m |=|m |=|m |=|m |=|m (vIthI) f. tale of one's woes, sad account;
story, account, narrative
|=Uu |=Uu |=Uu |=Uu |=Uu (vIdmn) a. existing, present
|=UuS |=UuS |=UuS |=UuS |=UuS (vIdmnt) f. existence, presence
|=U J |=U J |=U J |=U J |=U J (vIdroh) m. rebellion, revolt, insurrection,
|=U Jl |=U Jl |=U Jl |=U Jl |=U Jl (vIdroh) a. rebellious, rebel, insurgent
|=U=S |=U=S |=U=S |=U=S |=U=S (vIdvat) f. scholarship, learning, erudition
|=U=S |=U=S |=U=S |=U=S |=U=S (vIdvatpran) a. scholarly, learned,
|=U= |=U= |=U= |=U= |=U= (vIdvn) m. scholar, learned, intellectual
|=U |=U |=U |=U |=U (vId) f. departure, farewell, adieu
~ W (~ karn) id. to see off, to bid, to
farewell, to adieu; to see off one's daughter or
sister (a part of marriage ceremony)
~ Y (~ le ) id. to take leave of, to take
permission to go
|=U|FTl |=U|FTl |=U|FTl |=U|FTl |=U|FTl (vIdIg) f. departure, farewell, adieu;
send off; parting gift; the ceremony of bidding
farewell to a bride with bridegroom by her
|= |UmW |= |UmW |= |UmW |= |UmW |= |UmW (vIddIak) a. educational, academic
|=|Um |=|Um |=|Um |=|Um |=|Um (vIdI) f. education, learning
~ m|Ful (~ abhImn) a. pedant
~ Yl (~ pral) f. education system
~ uSl (~ mtr) m. education minister
~ = J (~ va dhan he ) prov.
knowledge is power
|=|Um |=|Um |=|Um |=|Um |=|Um (vIdIrtha) f. a female student
|=|Uml |=|Uml |=|Uml |=|Uml |=|Uml (vIdIrth) m. student, pupil; a male
|=|UmY |=|UmY |=|UmY |=|UmY |=|UmY (vIdIl) m. educational institution,
|=|US |=|US |=|US |=|US |=|US (vIdIt) a. understood, known
|=U HW |=U HW |=U HW |=U HW |=U HW (vIdshak) m. clown, joker, jester,
comedian, buffoon
|=U H |=U H |=U H |=U H |=U H (vIdesh) m. foreign country/land
|=U Hl |=U Hl |=U Hl |=U Hl |=U Hl (vIdesh) m. foreigner; alien, foreign, exotic
|=uS |=uS |=uS |=uS |=uS (vIdhmat) f. weird; fate, destiny
|== |== |== |== |== (vIdhv) f. widow, relict
~ mHu (~ shram) m. home for widows
|=|FW |=|FW |=|FW |=|FW |=|FW (vIdhek) a. member of legislative body;
legislator; law-maker
|=S |=S |=S |=S |=S (vIdht) m. & a. Creator, Maker, God
|= |= |= |= |= (vIdhn) m. legislation, law; constitution;
rule, regulation
~ HF (~ sabh) f. legislative assembly
~ |HU (~ parIshad) f. legislative council
~ uY (~ mal) m. legislature, law-making
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (vIdhnak) a. legislative; constitutional,
|=W |=W |=W |=W |=W (vIdhnkr) m. legislator
|=l |=l |=l |=l |=l (vIdh) f. method, mode, manner, technique,
~ |Tm (~ gIn) m. methodology
~ W (~ prbak) adv. methodically, as per
rule, duly
|= |= |= |= |= (vnh) v.t. to perforate, to pierce (ear,
nose); to hurt one with poignant remarks
|= = |= = |= = |= = |= = (vnhv) a. piercing, poignant
|= =U /|= U |= =U /|= U |= =U /|= U |= =U /|= U |= =U /|= U (vInhvu/vInhu) v.t.
to get to be pierced or perforated (ear, nose
|= =Fl/|= Fl |= =Fl/|= Fl |= =Fl/|= Fl |= =Fl/|= Fl |= =Fl/|= Fl(vInhv/vInh) f. the act of or
the wages for perforation
|=H/|=H |=H/|=H |=H/|=H |=H/|=H |=H/|=H (vIns/vInsh) m. destruction, ruin,
devastation, disaster, subversion
|=HWl |=HWl |=HWl |=HWl |=HWl (vInshkr) a. destructive, disastrous,
|=HuFl |=HuFl |=HuFl |=HuFl |=HuFl (vInshma) a. mortal, destructible
|=H=U |=H=U |=H=U |=H=U |=H=U (vInshvd) m. nihilism
|=H=Ul |=H=Ul |=H=Ul |=H=Ul |=H=Ul (vInshvd) a. nihilist
|= U |= U |= U |= U |= U (vInod) m. jollity, humour, jest, amusement
|= H |= H |= H |= H |= H (vIpakkh) m. opposition, opposite group;
opponent, adversary
|= HS |= HS |= HS |= HS |= HS (vIpakkhat) f. opposition, adverseness
|= Hl |= Hl |= Hl |= Hl |= Hl (vIpakkh) a. opponent, antagonist
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIparaJ) m. metathesis
| =l S | =l S | =l S | =l S | =l S (vIprt) a. contrary, contradictory;
opposite, against
|==Y |==Y |==Y |==Y |==Y (vIphal) a. unsuccessful; useless, ineffective,
futile, vain
|==YS |==YS |==YS |==YS |==YS (vIphalt) f. unsuccessfulness, failure;
uselessness, ineffectiveness
|=FWSl |=FWSl |=FWSl |=FWSl |=FWSl (vIbhakt) f. inflexion, case (gr.)
|=FU |=FU |=FU |=FU |=FU (vIbhchr) m. adultery, licentiousness,
debauchery, fornication
|=FUl |=FUl |=FUl |=FUl |=FUl (vIbhchr) a. adulterate, licentious,
debauch, debaucher, fornicator, libertine
|=FT |=FT |=FT |=FT |=FT (vIbhg) m. department, office; branch,
|=FTl |=FTl |=FTl |=FTl |=FTl (vIbhg) a. departmental
|=FH |=FH |=FH |=FH |=FH(vIbhJ) a. dividend, partitioned
|=FHW |=FHW |=FHW |=FHW |=FHW (vIbhJak) m. dividend, divider
|=FH |=FH |=FH |=FH |=FH (vIbhJan) m. division; partition
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to divide, to do partition,
to partition
|=|F |=|F |=|F |=|F |=|F (vIbhn) a. various, different, diverse
|=u |=u |=u |=u |=u (vImn) m. aircraft, aeroplane
~ UYW (~ chlak) m. pilot, flier
|=H |=H |=H |=H |=H (vIrs) m. inheritance, heredity, heritage
- |=H |=U |uY (vIrse vIch mIln) v.t.i. to
inherit, to be inherited, to get in heredity
|=WS |=WS |=WS |=WS |=WS (vIrakt) a. indifferent, detached; stoic;
| =WSS | =WSS | =WSS | =WSS | =WSS (vIraktat) f. indifference, non-
|=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y (vIral) f. interstice, chink; space, distance,
|=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y (vIrl) a. rare, exceptional, uncommon;
thinly placed, not dense, sparse
~ |=Y (~ vIrl) a. rare, exceptional,
|=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y (vIrlp) m. wail, wailing, lamentation,
|== |== |== |== |== (vIrv) a. devoid, deprived; in want, in need,
| = HS | = HS | = HS | = HS | = HS (vIra sat) f. inheritance, heritage,
|=HSl |=HSl |=HSl |=HSl |=HSl (vIrst) a. pertaining to inheritance
|=J |=J |=J |=J |=J (vIr) a. gigantic, huge, enormous, very big
|=u |=u |=u |=u |=u (vIrm) m. pause, stop, cessation; rest,
respite; punctuation
~ ==l (~ gha) f. stop watch
~ |U (~ chnh) m. punctuation mark
|= |= |= |= |= (vIruddh) a. opposed to, anti; against,
contrary to
|= |= |= |= |= (vIrp) a. disfigured
| = | = | = | = | = (vIrodh) m. opposition, opponency
antagonism, rivalry; protest
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to oppose, to resist, to
protest against
| = SuW | = SuW | = SuW | = SuW | = SuW (vIrodhtmak) a. contradictory,
|= FH |= FH |= FH |= FH |= FH (vIrodhbhs) m. oxymoron; paradox;
|= l |= l |= l |= l |= l (vIrodh) m. rival, opponent
|= Y |= Y |= Y |= Y |= Y (vIll) f. a disease of the cattle
|== WHlY |== WHlY |== WHlY |== WHlY |== WHlY (vIvekshl) a. rational, reasonable, wise,
intelligent, prudent
|== WJl |== WJl |== WJl |== WJl |== WJl (vIvekh) a. irrational, unthinking,
|== W=U |== W=U |== W=U |== W=U |== W=U (vIvekvd) m. rationalism
|== W=Ul |== W=Ul |== W=Ul |== W=Ul |== W=Ul (vIvekvd) a. rationalist, rationalistic
|== U/|== U |== U/|== U |== U/|== U |== U/|== U |== U/|== U (vIvechan/vIvechana ) m. critical
study, evaluation, disquisition
|== l |== l |== l |== l |== l
! !! !!
(vIh) f. partnership, joint business
|==l |==l |==l |==l |==l
z zz zz
(vI) f. turn (in game etc.)
~ U =J (~ d va) m. exchange by way of
barter, exchange
=l =l =l =l =l (v) intj.&adv. also, too, as well as, even
=l. Hl. =l. Hl. =l. Hl. =l. Hl. =l. Hl. (v.s.) m. vice-chancellor, V.C.
=l. Hl. m. =l. Hl. m. =l. Hl. m. =l. Hl. m. =l. Hl. m. (v. s. r.) m. video cassette recorder,
=lJ =lJ =lJ =lJ =lJ (vh) a.&m. twenty
~ W (~ ko) a. icosahedral
~ Hl HWY H UlH (~ pakkh shakal J chz)
m. icosahedrom
~ |=H= (~ vIsve) adv. undoubtedly, certainly,
-U H ~ (chr so ~) f.&a. fraud, deceit,
cheating, dodge, deception; fraudulent, cheat,
=lJ= =lJ= =lJ= =lJ= =lJ= (vhv) a. twentieth
=lJl =lJl =lJl =lJl =lJl (vh) f. lane, street
=lH =lH =lH =lH =lH (vz) m. visa
=lJ =lJ =lJ =lJ =lJ (vo) f. veto
=l =l =l =l =l (v) f. a type of stringed musical instrument,
lute, lyre
=ll =ll =ll =ll =ll (v) f. wrist
~ Ul Jl (~ d ha) f. wrist-bone, carpal
=l l/ =l l l =l l/ =l l l =l l/ =l l l =l l/ =l l l =l l/ =l l l (v. p/ v. p. p) m. value payable
post, V.P.P.
=lFSH =lFSH =lFSH =lFSH =lFSH (vbhatas) m. seventh of the nine sentiments
(Rasas) of literature, abhorrence, disdain,
loathing; repulsion
=l =l =l =l =l
! !! !!
(vr) m. brother
=l =l =l =l =l
z zz zz
(vr) a. brave, valiant, gallant, stalwart,
|=YW |=YW |=YW |=YW |=YW (vIlka) v.i. to lament, to weep; to cry,
to whimper; to crave, to yearn; to writhe, to
squirm (with pain)
|=YWl |=YWl |=YWl |=YWl |=YWl (vIlka) f. lament, whimper; beseeching
|=Y H |=Y H |=Y H |=Y H |=Y H (vIlakkha) a. peculiar, unique, distinctive,
uncommon; quaint, queer, strange
|=Y HS |=Y HS |=Y HS |=Y HS |=Y HS (vIlakkhat) f. peculiarity, uniqueness,
distinctiveness; quaintness, queerness,
|=Y T |=Y T |=Y T |=Y T |=Y T (vIlg) f. suspended bar for keeping clothes
|= Y |= Y |= Y |= Y |= Y (vIlla) v.i. to be ginned (cotton); to be
rolled (dough)
|=YU |=YU |=YU |=YU |=YU (vIlu) v.t. to get cotton ginned; to get
dough rolled
|=YFl |=YFl |=YFl |=YFl |=YFl (vIl) f. the process of or the wages for
ginning or rolling
| =Y H | =Y H | =Y H | =Y H | =Y H (vIls) m. enjoyment, merriment;
wantonness, lustful enjoyment; luxury
~ Ul =HS (~ d vast) f. luxury
|=YHS |=YHS |=YHS |=YHS |=YHS (vIlst) f. licentiousness, lewdness,
voluptuousness; luxury
|=YH=U |=YH=U |=YH=U |=YH=U |=YH=U (vIlsvd) m. epicureanism
|=YH=Ul |=YH=Ul |=YH=Ul |=YH=Ul |=YH=Ul (vIlsvd) a. epicurean
|=YHl |=YHl |=YHl |=YHl |=YHl (vIls) a. pleasure seeking; amorous,
licentious, lewd, voluptuous; luxurious
|=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y |=Y (vIlu dharn) v.t. to scratch (with nails),
to claw
|=Y -|=Y |=Y -|=Y |=Y -|=Y |=Y -|=Y |=Y -|=Y (vIlu -vIlu ) m. whimper; beseeching
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to whimper
|==H |==H |==H |==H |==H (vIvasth) f. arrangement, management;
system; order
|==J |==J |==J |==J |==J (vIvhr) m. behaviour, dealing
|== |== |== |== |== (vIvar) m. detailed account, details,
description; commentary
|==U |==U |==U |==U |==U (vIvd) m. dispute, controversy
-=U ~(vd ~) m. discussion, debate;
wrangle, quarrel
|==UT HS |==UT HS |==UT HS |==UT HS |==UT HS (vIvdgrast) a. disputed, controversial,
| == W | == W | == W | == W | == W (vIvek) f. reasoning power, reason,
rationality, intellect; wisdom, prudence,
~ W|= (~ kv) m. heroic poetry/verse
~ TSl (~ gat) f. heroic death, martyrdom
~ T (~ gth) f. eulogy of a hero
~ UW (~ chakkar) m. an award given for
~ H (~ ras) m. heroic quality in poetry, valour
-=l | Jl (vr pI) f. an inoffensive abusive
=lH =lH =lH =lH =lH (vraJ) m. semen
=lS =lS =lS =lS =lS (vrt) f. bravery, gallantry, heroism, valour
=l=J Jl =l=J Jl =l=J Jl =l=J Jl =l=J Jl (vrvoh) f. velvety insect
=l= =l= =l= =l= =l= (vrvr) m. Thursday
=l=l =l=l =l=l =l=l =l=l (vrvr) f. pertaining to Thursday
=lT =lT =lT =lT =lT (vrga) f. brave lady, valiant woman
=l/=l =l/=l =l/=l =l/=l =l/=l (vrn/vrn) a. uninhabited,
deserted, desolate, solitary
=ll =ll =ll =ll =ll (vrn) f. desolation, deserted place,
=lY =lY =lY =lY =lY (vl) m. colic
= WS = WS = WS = WS = WS (vukat) f. respect, honour; power, position,
say, status
= H = H = H = H = H (vuz) m. ablution (before Muslim prayer)
~ W (~ karn) v.i. to perform ablution
= = = = = (ve) intj. o! (used as addressing word by women
for males)
= Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl = Fl (ve ) f. streamlet, water-course
= H = H = H = H = H (ves) m. dress, costume, garb, raiment; attire
~ FH (~ bhsh) m. style of dress, apparel
and get-up etc.
= H = H = H = H = H (vesa) m. gram flour
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl (vesa) a. made of gram flour (chapati)
= H= = H= = H= = H= = H= (vesv) f. prostitute, harlot, whore, call-girl,
~ |= Sl (~ vrItt) m. prostitution, harlotry,
= HU T = HU T = HU T = HU T = HU T (vekhanyog) a. worth seeing, viewable
- = H |=U (- vekhan vIch) adv. in outer
appearance, outwardly, outward
- =H UH (vekhn chkhn) v.t. to see
& observe; outwardly
- mT |U ~(agg pIchchha n ~) id. to
leap in the dark, to act blindly
-Wl m H ~ (kn akkhe ~) id. to look
- Wl mH Y ~ (ker akkh nl ~) id. to look
black, to look daggers
- JW =H W ~ (thok vaJ ke ~) id. to try &
test, to observe closely
- =H|Um |J H (vekhdI re h Jn) id. to
wonder struck, to be amazed; to miss train
- =HU-=HU (vekhde-vekhde) adv. before
one's very eyes
- = |Hm U|Hm (vekhI chkhI) a. tried
and tested; well-known, familiar
~ H (~ n Jn) id. to be unable to
tolerate, to be difficult to tolerate someone's
- = H -= Hl/= H-= Hl (vekho-vekh/vekh-
vekh) adv. following a vogue, imitatively
= H = H = H = H = H (vekha) v.i. to see, to look; to observe, to
perceive; to try, to test; to seek, to search; to
look after; to think, to consider
-=H W m|J W (vekh ke aIh karn)
id. to close one's eyes to, to ignore some one's
~ W FH Y|J (~ ke bhukkh leh) id. to be
very beautiful, to be very pretty
~ H HU (~ n sukhu) id. to feel
~ FY W (~ bhl ke) adv. with open eyes,
carefully, cautiously; after testing
~ Y (~ le ) id. to understand
= Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl = Hl (vekhn) f. look, gaze, glance
= T = T = T = T = T (veg) m. flow; stream; high velocity, rapidity;
impulse, excitement, gush
= U = U = U = U = U (vechan) v.i. to sell, to dispose of, to vend
- =U W H H (vech ke kh Jn ) id. to sell
one a pup, to cheat
~ uY (~ mull) m. selling price
~ =J W (~ vatt ke) adv. having disposed
= J = J = J = J = J
! !! !!
(ve) m. wait
= J = J = J = J = J
z zz zz
(ve) m. weight
= S = S = S = S = S (vetan) m. salary, pay
~ u (~ mn) m. pay-scale
= S = S = S = S = S (vet) suff. a suffix meaning learned, knower
= U = U = U = U = U (ved) m. four ancient Hindu Scriptures, Vedas
~ = (~ pahn) id. to do Herculean task,
to do an arduous work
= U = U = U = U = U (vedn) f. mental agony, pain, anguish,
sorrow, grief
=US =US =US =US =US (ved t) m. highest form of Hindu philosophy,
Vedant; one of the six branches of Vedas
= USW = USW = USW = USW = USW (vedtak) a. pertaining to vedas
= Ul = Ul = Ul = Ul = Ul (ved) f. altar (for Hindu-marriage)
= = = = = (ver) f. turn, time
= = = = = = = = = = (verv) m. detail, description, particulars
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (vervevr) adv. in detail; serialwise
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
! !! !!
(vel) f. creeper, climber; linear floral pattern
embroidery, painting etc.
- mWH/ mu ~ (aksh/amar ~) f. dodder,
Cascuta epidendron
- W =l ~ (kor~) f. bitter creeper, (having
many varieties) Cascuta reblxa
- W=l ~ =T = (kor ~ vg vadhan) id.
to have a rapid growth
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
z zz zz
(vel) f. progeny, children
~ = (~ vadhn) id. to have a birth of male
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
a aa aa
(vel) f. money given to folk-artists; money
given to menials by passing around the head
of someone
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
4 44 44
(vel) f. whale, Physeter catodon
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
! !! !!
(veln ) v.t. to roll (dough); to gin (cotton)
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
z zz zz
(veln) m. rolling-pin; sugar-cane crusher;
hand operated ginning machine; roller; cotton
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (vel) m. time, hour; opportunity, occasion
~ mU (~ un) id. for the right time to
come; to be on the death bed
~ H (~ srn) id. to stand in good stead
- =Y |H (- vele sIr) adv. in time; in the time
of need
~ W=Y (~ kuvele) adv. at odd hours, in late
~ U =Y (vele de vele) adv. on the time
- mS ~ (- t ~) m. last time, time of death
-m|uS ~ (- mrIt ~) m. early morning, dawn
= = = = = = = = = = (ver h) m. courtyard, compound
= H = H = H = H = H (vesh) m. one of the four Hindu castes
= H= = H= = H= = H= = H= (veshnav) m. worshippers of God Vishnu
= H = H = H = H = H (veshnu ) a. vegetarian
= HYl = HYl = HYl = HYl = HYl (vesln) f. vaseline
= H = H = H = H = H (ves) m. like that, similar
= WHl = WHl = WHl = WHl = WHl (ve ksn) f. vaccine
= T = T = T = T = T (vegan) m. brinjal
= Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl (vegan) a. of purple colour
= T = T = T = T = T (vegan) f. wagon
= = = = = (ven) m. lament, dirge, wail
= U = U = U = U = U (ved) m. Ayurvedic physician, Vaid
= UW = UW = UW = UW = UW (ve dak) a. & m. pertaining to Vedas;
Ayurvedic System of medicine
~ WY (~ kl) m. the Vedic age
= UH = UH = UH = UH = UH (vedkhn) m. Ayurvedic hospital
= = = = = (ve r) m. enmity, hostility, animosity; feud
~ HJ= (~ sahern) id. to invite trouble
~ W V (~ kad d han ) id. to take one's
~ F= (~ bhv) m. ill-will, rancour, enmity
~ |= (~ vIrodh) m. hostility, enmity,
- |H =V= ~ (sIr vaddhav ~) m. sworn
enmity, mortal-enmity
- |UY Hu U ~ Y (pIchhle Janam d ~
len) id. to take an old revenge
= T = T = T = T = T (verg) m. renunciation, detachment
~ H (~ Jn) id. to miss someone
= Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl = Tl (verg) a. & m. one who has renounced
the mundane affairs, recluse
= l = l = l = l = l (ver) m. enemy, foe; opponent, rival
~ T = U W u (~ nu gur de ke mrn)
id. to give a sugar-coated quinine treatment
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
! !! !!
(ve l) m. bad habit, addiction, lewdness, vice,
~ YT (~ laggan) id. to become addicted
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y
z zz zz
(ve l) f. voile (cotton cloth)
= YWu = YWu = YWu = YWu = YWu (velkam) m. welcome
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (veldar) m. welder
= Y| T = Y| T = Y| T = Y| T = Y| T (veldg) m. welding
~ W (~ karn) v.t. to weld
= Y= J = Y= J = Y= J = Y= J = Y= J (ve lve ) f. velvet
= Y = Y = Y = Y = Y (vel) m. wool & cotton yarn mixed cloth
= Yl = Yl = Yl = Yl = Yl (ve l) a. addicted; lewd, licentious, depraved,
= J = J = J = J = J (vot ) m. vote
~ U m|W (~ d adhIkr) m. right to vote,
~ U m|W U (~ d adhIkr den) v.t. to
~ Ul (~ parch) f. ballot paper, ballot
~ U (~ pun) v.i.t. to cast vote, to vote
~ WH (~ baks) m. ballot-box
~ FTSU (~ bhugtun) v.t. to make to
cast vote
= J = J = J = J = J (votar) m. voter
~ HUl (~ such) f. voter's list
~ Ul (~ parch) f. ballot paper, ballot
= = = = = ()m. thirty-fifth letter of Gurmukhi
alphabet, it represents the retroflex flap
= == ==

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