Digital Logic Design Assignment

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Assignment 1 Date: March 1

Subject: Digital Logic Design Lab Course Code: EEE 241
Due Date: 7
March 2014
Assignment must be submitted by the due date, late submission will be penalized.
Assignment is to be done on plain A4 papers, with first page as the title page.
Show complete steps for obtaining the answer.
Also submit the proteus simulations of Q2 & Q3 by email at

Question 1: Simplify the following expressions using theorems of Boolean algebra

(. +


b) ( )( )
c) +.


Question 2:
a) For the Boolean function given below, draw the circuit diagram & obtain the truth table.
= +

b) Simplify the circuit of part a using Boolean algebra, then draw the simplified circuit using i) only
NAND gates ii) only NOR gates. Obtain the truth table for these circuits and show that it is the
same as that of the original circuit.
Question 3:
a) Implement the circuit given below on proteus and obtain its truth table.
b) Derive the Boolean expression for the outputs of the circuit from the truth table.
c) Draw the circuit using only NAND gates.
d) Obtain simplified expressions for the output using Boolean algebra.

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