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Seminar On :

Brain Fingerprinting
2.Working Principle .
3.Scientific Procedure.
4.Equipment and Technology.
5.Benefits of Brain Fingerprinting.
 History.
 Brain fingerprinting was invented by Dr. B. S. Farwell,
The chief scientist and president of Human Brain
Research Laboratory, USA.
 He had tested Brain Fingerprinting technology in over
170 cases. More than 80 of these were in real-life
situations, and the rest were laboratory studies. Brain
Fingerprinting testing has not made a single error in all
of these cases.
Introduction (Contd.)
 Definition
 "Brain fingerprinting" is a computer-based test that is
designed to discover, document, and provide
evidence of guilty knowledge regarding crimes , and
identify members of dormant terrorist cells.
 Brain fingerprinting is a technique that measures
recognition of familiar stimuli by measuring electrical
brain wave responses to words, phrases, or pictures
that are presented on a computer screen .
Working principle
 The entire Brain Fingerprinting system is under
computer control, including presentation of the
stimuli, recording of electrical brain activity, a
mathematical data analysis algorithm that
compares the responses to the three types
of stimuli and produces a determination of
"information present" or "information absent," and a
statistical confidence level for this determination.
Working Principle(Contd.)
 How the technology works.
 When someone commits a crime, his brain records
it has a memory .
 Brain Fingerprinting seeks to reveal that memory,
by showing the suspect evidence taken from the
crime scene.
 A head band with sensors is placed on the subject.
 A series of pictures or words is flashed on the screen.
Working Principle(Contd.)
 The computer records the brain waves produced in
response to what the subject sees.
 The brain responses called a P300 MERMER
are recorded as a wave form.
 By analyzing MERMER (Memory and Encoding
Related Multifaceted Electroencephalographic
Response) the pattern of waves, Farwell can
determine if the subject is recognizing what he is
Scientific Procedure
 Brain fingerprinting incorporate the following
 A sequence of words or pictures is presented on a
video monitor under computer control. Each stimulus
appears for a fraction of a second.
 Three types of stimuli are presented:
i.) Targets,
ii.) Irrelevants, and
iii.) probes.
Scientific Procedure (Contd.)
 The TARGETS stimuli consist of information
known to suspect about the crime which will
establish a baseline response and elicit a MERMER.
 The IRRELEVANTS stimuli consist of information
that has nothing to do with the crime, which will
establish a baseline brain response for information
that is not significant to the suspect in context of the
crime. These IRRELEVANTS do not elicit a MER-
Scientific Procedure (Contd.)
 Some of the non-target stimuli are relevant to the
situation under investigation. These relevant stimuli
are referred to as PROBES.

 When the information tested is crime-relevant and

known only to the suspect and investigators, then
"information present" implies guilt and "information
absent" implies innocence.
Equipment and Technology.
 The brain fingerprinting system comprises
 A personal computer (Pentium iv,1 GHz, IBM
 A data acquisition board .
 Two monitors.
 A EEG amplifier.
 Software for data acquisition.
 Some electrodes.
Equipment and Technology (Contd.)
 Computer Controlled.
 The electrodes to used to measure electrical
brain activity.
 The software presents the stimuli, collects the
EEG data, and analyzes the data.
 Brain electrical activity amplified and stored
on a memory device.
Equipment and Technology(Contd.)
 Computer Controlled (Contd.)
 During the data collection ,the stimuli are
displayed to the subject on one monitor,
and the investigator views another monitor.
 Investigator gets the summary of the textual
information and the wave form as follows…..
 Identify criminal quickly and scientifically;
 Record of 100% accuracy;
 Confirm innocence, clear the falsely accused, and the
falsely convicted;
 Provide immediate Scientific Result : Information
Present or Information Absent, i.e., the crime-relevant
information is or is not stored in the brain of the
suspect, within a few hours (same day).
Benefits (Contd.)
 Reduce costs and complexities. Provide a
straightforward, scientific method of distinguishing
between perpetrators and innocent suspects.
 Access criminal evidence in the brain. Evidence of a
crime is virtually always stored in the brain of the
perpetrator; fingerprints and DNA, though accurate
and highly useful, can only be collected in
approximately 1% of all criminal cases.
 Support the right to a speedy and fair trial.
 Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new
technology for solving crimes, with a record of
100% accuracy.
 The technology fulfills an urgent need for
governments, law enforcement agencies,
corporations, and individuals in a trillion-dollar
worldwide market. The technology is fully
developed and available for application in the

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