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PErforM for work teams

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Manual tasks
Manual tasks risk factors
D VD- No sprains, big gains
Meaning of hazardous manual task
Means a task that requires a person to lift, lower,
push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or
restrain any person, animal or thing that involves
one or more of the following:
(a) repetitive or sustained force
(b) high or sudden force
(c) repetitive movement
(d) sustained or awkward posture
(e)exposure to vibration.

[Schedule 19 - Dictionary]

Manual tasks related injuries
Single, one off exposure:
due to maximum exertion or over load
quite rare.
Repeated exposure:
ongoing wear and tear
variety of risk factors
more common.
Combination of both of the above.
Risk factors: Force
Greater force -
greater risk.
Speed and jerk.
Factors that
increase effort.

Risk factors: Working postures

Risk factors: Mechanical vibration
Whole body vibration
vibration is
transmitted through
the whole body

Hand/arm vibration
vibration is
transferred to the
hand/arm via eg use
of a vibrating tool
Risk factors: Duration
Time taken to perform the
task once or repeatedly
without a break.
Amount of time exposed
to a risk factor.
Photos: Daryl Dickenson
Risk factors: Repetition
Short cycle time
< 30 seconds.
Continuously for
one hour.

PErforM risk assessment tool
Worksheet 1 - Manual tasks risk assessment

Date of assessment and location.

Risk assessors.

Task description.

Worksheet 2 - Risk factor assessment
Risk factors:
awkward posture

Body map:
body part.
PErforM risk assessment tool

Upper back






Lower back


Lower legs

Body map
PErforM task - worksheet 2
Scenario lifting lid on pre-heater box
Worker exerting force and awkward
postures to lift the lid on the pre-heater.
Lid was:
catching on the lip of the pre-heater
resulting in forceful jerky movements
heavy and awkward to lift.

Risk assessment - before
PErforM team control measure
Sun Metals reduced the forceful exertions and awkward
postures by repairing the lid so that it no longer caught
on the lip of the pre-heater.
By putting a hinge down the middle of the lid it can easily
be opened from each side.
Pre-heater with lid cut in half
and hinges installed.
Worker opening pre-heater
with lid cut in half and hinges
Case study - control
Hierarchy of control
Work teams are trained
to use control the
hierarchy to eliminate or
reduce risk
Hierarchy of control

J ob rotation
Change of workflow
Task specific training
Preventative maintenance program
Personal protective equipment
Team lift
Risk controls
Developing control ideas:
link the control to the risk factor
consult with workers and others
look for different ways
look at similar tasks for ideas
find out what are others are doing
talk to suppliers
trial before implementation.

Focus controls on sources of risk:
Change design or layout of work areas.
Changing the nature, size, weight or
number of persons, animals and things
Systems of work.
Work environment.
Work area design / layout

Good design includes:
suitable working heights
adequate space
frequently used items
in easy reach
adjustable to suit all workers.

Changing the nature, size, weight or number
of persons, animals and things handled

load handling
tools and equipment

System of work

Guidelines include:
control work load
suitable work pace
task variation
maintenance schedules
match task demands with workers
Work environment
Vibration exposure.
Cold conditions.
Heat and humidity.
Windy conditions.
Floors and surfaces.
short term
medium term
long term.
Maintain ongoing communication and
participation between workers,
supervisors and managers.

Implementing controls
To ensure:
controls are working effectively

risk factors have been reduced

another hazard or risk has not been created.
Monitor and review
Where to from here?
Ongoing risk assessments.
Communication with managers.

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