Printer Configuration

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Printer Configuration

1) Check the CSG name for the printer ex: metallurgical coal
2) SAP Printer Name consists of <CSG Acronym>_<Printer Type>_<Print Queue Name/Short name>
Below are the details of the CSG

3. Printer type may be BWOP/LABEL/PICK this we can get from the SR
4. For example the printer name now is MET_BWOP_shortname. For this short name we have to
check the printers which are already mapped in OP1.
5. Now access op1 with your FFID and give the transaction codes (t.code) PAL and SPAD.
Note: give the SR number while using the FF access.
6. GOTO t.code SPAD

Now click on Display and search for the device types which are already mapped in OP1

Now click on the pencil icon for change and click on output device create
It will show you the below screen

Now give the output device name and short name and the device type and set the spool server to
NOW set the device type by checking with IP address mentioned in the description of the incident
Give the ip address in the IE browser of BHPB desktop will show the below screen.

Now check the possible device types for the above example printer in Google.

Fill all the information as shown below

Now click on the access method and fill all the details the host printer and destination host is the IP
address of the printer.

Now click on the output attributes.
Please set the settings as shown in the screenshot

Now click on SAVE. Now change the change setting to display by clicking on the pencil Icon
The created printer will show in device list in op1

Now Goto the t.code PAL.
It will show the below screen

Now select the printer option from show and give the printer name and click on GO it will show the
below screen. We have to click on create button

It will show the below screen

Select the central system and click on NEXT.
It will show the below screen and give the device name and hit enter

Below screen will display

Select the device and click on next
Below screen will appear

Click on yes
Then you will see the below screen

Now click on close
Now select the printer group for the printer for BWOP its HIGHVLOUME BWOP
See the below screenshot

Now click on ADD .It will show the below screen give the device name and hit enter.

Now click on OK
Now click on distribution status
It will show the below screen

Now give the printer name and hit enter
You can see the Below screen select the printer and click on re-distribute

Now it will show the below screen select the printer and click on NEXT

It will show the below screen

Click on YES
Beloe screen appear and give the printer name and hit ENTER

Below screen will appear which shows the distribution of the printer successfully to SPR.

Now check the printer in SPR for confirmation.

NOW you can check the connection by clicking the symbol.

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