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1. Put the following into the correct order.

1) suede / Italian / new / red / soft / shoes

2) elderly / tall / Englishman
3) oval / Venetian / ancient / valuable / glass
4) shiny / large /exensive / brown / leather / case
!) s"uare / wooden / old / nice / table
#) modern / stone / large / beautiful / cottage$
%) orcelain / tea / blue / thin / old / cu
&) young / blonde / handsome / tall / man
') old / several / English / beautiful / castles
1() retty / )rench / young / a lot of / girls
11) dar* blue / best / sil* / my / shirt
12) young / many / factory / +erman / wor*ers
2. Put the adjectives in the right order.
1$ ,he ut her coyboo* in a----bag$
.) brown small lastic
/) small brown lastic
0) small lastic brown
1) lastic small brown
2$ ,he had--------eyes and friendly smile$
.) blue big warm
/) big warm blue
0) warm blue big
1) warm big blue
3$ 2hat a--------man he is3
.) leasant young
/) young leasant
4$ 4e was a very good5loo*ing man with
.) dar* long lovely
/) long dar* lovely
0) lovely long dar*
1) lovely dar* long

!$ 6ane has 7ust bought a -----dress$
.) retty urle sil*
/) sil* retty urle
0) sil* urle retty
1) urle retty sil*
#$ 4e was loo*ing for a----------flat$
.) chea modern one5roomed
/) modern chea one5roomed
0) one5roomed modern chea
%$ 4e has bought a---------sorts car$
.) 6aanese red new
/) red new 6aanese
0) new red 6aanese
1) new 6aanese red
&$ 8he only thing stolen was a-----------watch$
.) ,wiss anti"ue gold
/) anti"ue gold ,wiss
0) anti"ue ,wiss gold
1) gold ,wiss anti"ue
opinion adjectives
opinion adjectives fact adjectives
like a, my, some like nice, lovely etc. size age shape colour origin material application
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! "
#ew$ red$
%talian &.'

(he answers)
1) new soft red Italian suede shoes9
2) a tall elderly Englishman9
3) valuable ancient oval Venetian glass9
4) an exensive slimy large brown leather case9
!) a nice old s"uare wooden table9
#) a modern beautiful large stone cottage9
%) an old thin blue orcelain tea cu9
&) a handsome tall young blonde man9
') several beautiful old English castles9
1() a lot of retty young )rench girls9
11) my best dar*5blue sil* shirt9
12) many young +erman factory wor*ers
1$ :
2$ 1
3$ .
4$ 0
!$ .
#$ .
%$ 0
&$ 0

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