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Personal Details
Name : Abraham Arif Wasis, Amd
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesian
Religion : Moslem
Place, Date of Birth : Semarang, December !
Address : #e$o%&s&mo "
Street No' , Semarang
(ontact Person : )*+,-)*.,."
/mail : abraham'0asis1yahoo'com
Formal Educational Background
!!! 2 "))+ M&%tihar$o %id&l ) /lementary School
"))+ 2 "))* SMPN " Semarang 3&nior 4igh School
"))* 2 ") SMAN 5 Semarang Senior 4igh School
") 2 ")- D6III /lectrical /ngineering De7artment, Di7onegoro 8ni9ersity
:ood ;eadershi7, able to 0or% in a team, able to ada7t at ne0 sit&ation, hard 0or%er'
Trainings and Seminars
") <;atihan =etram7ilan Mana$emen Mahasis0a >;=MM? Pra Dasar@,
Di7onegoro 8ni9ersity
")" #raining Analysis and Str&ct&re Design &sing /#AP "))),
")5 Wor%sho7 of S&staineble 8rban #rans7ort De9elo7ment,
Master Degree of /lectrical /ngineering, Di7onegoro 8ni9ersity
")5 In college 7rime of <Ino9asi Ind&stri =onstr&%si ;istri%@,
Master Degree of /lectrical /ngineering, Di7onegoro 8ni9ersity
Organizational Experience
")" (ommittee members of PMB /lectrical /ngineering De7artment
")5 (ommittee members of <;atihan =etram7ilan Mana$emen Mahasis0a
>;=MM? Pra Dasar@, Di7onegoro 8ni9ersity
")5 (ommittee members of ==; D6III /lectrical /ngineering 8ndi7
Ms' Affice, A&to(ad ")", /#AP ")))
S7ort, Reading, and #ra9elling
Lie!s motto
#here is a 0ill there is a 0ay

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