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like doing, would like to do
Use like + verb + -ing to talk about things you like / dislike now.
+ ?
I / You / We / They like
He / She / It likes
I / You / We / They dont
like swimming.
He / She / It doesnt like
Do I / you / we / they like
Does he / she / it like
short answers
Yes, I / you / we / they do.
Yes, he / she / it does.
No, I / you / we / they dont.
No, he / she / it doesnt.
Use would like + infnitive to talk about things you want / dont
want to do in the future.
+ ?
I / You / He / She / It /
We / They d like to play
I / You / He / She / It /
We / They wouldnt like
to play tennis.
Would I / you / he / she /
it / we / they like to play
short answers
Yes, I / you / we / they would.
Yes, he / she / it would.
No, I / you / we / they wouldnt.
No, he / she / it wouldnt.
>> Now go to exercises 3.1 and 3.2 to practise.
can, could (ability)
Use can for ability in the present. Use could for ability in the past.
+ ?
I / We / He can swim.
I / We / He could swim.
I / We / He cant swim.
I / We / He could swim.
Can I / we / he swim?
Could I / we / he swim?
short answers
Yes, I / we / he can.
Yes, I / we / he could.
No, I / we / he cant.
No, I / we / he couldnt.
Use an infnitive without to after can / could.
We use be able to to talk about ability, e.g. I was able to swim
when I was four. However, this is less common than can / could.
>> Now go to exercise 3.3 to practise.
could (possibility)
Use could to talk about past ability and present possibility.
ability in the past I could read when I was three.
He could run fast when he was a young boy.
possibility in the present We could go to the cinema tonight.
We could play tennis.
>> Now go to exercise 3.4 to practise.
going to (prediction)
Use going to to predict the future, based on things happening now.
+ ?
Im going to cry. Im not going to cry. Am I going to cry?
You / We / Theyre going
to start work.
You / We / They arent
going to start work.
You / We / They going to
start work?
He / She / Its going to fall. He / She / It isnt going
to fall.
Is he / she / it going to fall?
short answers
Yes, I am. No, Im not
Yes, you / we / they are. No, you / we / they arent.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isnt.
>> Now go to exercise 3.5 to practise.
3.1 Put the words in order to make sentences and questions.
Example dancing my like doesnt father
My father doesnt like dancing.
1 like I to Antarctica visit d
2 walking Jim in forest like the Does ?
3 try like we to canoeing wouldnt
4 like swimming they the sea dont in
5 to language a like she learn would foreign ?
6 would drive Helen like a to sports car
7 mountain they go d to like climbing
8 like on you watching do sport TV ?
3.2 Right or wrong? Tick (3) or correct the sentences.
Example Theyd like to swimming in the sea.
Theyd like to swim in the sea.
1 Ivan likes go scuba-diving at weekends.
2 Id like to buy a sports car.
3 Do you like playing tennis?
4 Theyd like to going surfng.
5 We like meet new people.
6 Would Jana like to come climbing?
7 She wouldnt like to trying snowboarding.
8 Alicia doesnt like learn new sports.
3.3 Complete the sentences with can, cant, could, or couldnt.
Example Could you speak French when you were three?
1 My sister swim. Shes frightened of the water.
2 Steve play the piano quite well when he was six.
3 He can speak English but he speak German.
4 Look! You see the sea from here.
5 He dive when he was a child, but he can now.
6 The homework was diffcult. We do it.
7 your children ski?
8 Millie dance well when she was young.
9 My brother could play chess as a child, but I .
3.4 Match 15 with ae. Are the pairs of sentences about ability or
1 c Can you run fast? ability
2 Could you swim well when you were younger?
3 Theres nothing on TV.
4 What would you like for dinner?
5 Could you speak Greek before you started school?
a Yes, I was born in Athens.
b You could watch a DVD.
c No, Im very slow.
d We could have pizza.
e No, I couldnt. I didnt like going in the water.
3.5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to. Some
answers are negative.
Example This is a great flm. You re going to enjoy it.
1 Theyre still packing their bags. they miss their
2 Theyre in love. I think they get married.
3 Its a lovely day. I need an umbrella.
4 Katrin looks terrible. she be alright?
5 Its very cold. I think it snow.
6 Brunos running very slowly. He win the race.
7 Hurry up. You be late for school.

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