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1. The temperature control system in the human body is an example of a closed-loop
control system.
a) True b) False
2. In a temperature control system, what represents the output of the system?
a) The reuired temperature. b) The actual temperature achie!ed.
c) The heat produced by the system. d) The heatin" element.
#. $hat is the !olta"e "ain of the followin" arran"ement?
a) %1+AB)&B b) B& %1+AB)
c) %1+AB)&A d) A& %1+AB)
'. (nder what conditions does the "ain of a feedbac) system approximate to 1&B?
a) The loop "ain AB ** 1. b) The feedbac) path "ain B ** 1.
c) The forward path "ain A ** 1. d) The loop "ain AB ++ 1.
,. $hat is the "ain of the followin" passi!e attenuator?
a) -.1 b) -.11
c) . d) 1-
/. $hat is the effect of ne"ati!e feedbac) on the "ain of an amplifier?
a) It reduces the "ain by a factor of %1 0 AB).
b) It reduces the "ain by a factor of 1&B.
c) It increases the "ain by a factor of 1&B.
d) It increases the "ain by a factor of %1 0 AB).
1. $hat is the effect of ne"ati!e feedbac) on the bandwidth of an amplifier?
a) It reduces the bandwidth, often by a factor of %1 0 AB).
b) It reduces the bandwidth, often by a factor of 1&B.
c) It increases the bandwidth, often by a factor of %1 0 AB).
d) It increases the bandwidth, often by a factor of 1&B.
2) $hat are the effects of ne"ati!e feedbac) on the input and output resistance of an
a) It increases input resistance and decreases output resistance.
b) It can either increase or decrease the input and output resistance dependin" on how it is
c) It decreases input resistance and increases output resistance.
d) It increases both input and output resistance.
.) 3e"ati!e feedbac) reduces the noise corruptin" a si"nal by a factor of %1 0 AB).
a) True b) False
1-. The dia"ram below shows a closed-loop control system. $hat element is represented
by the circle labeled 4?
a) The error si"nal. b) The "oal.
c)) The user d) The forward path
11) The open loop transfer function of a unity feed bac) control system is "i!en as
5%s) 6as 0 1s 2 The !alue of 7a8 to "i!e a phase mar"in of ',9 is eual to
a) -.1'1 b) -.''1 c) -.2'1 d) 1.1'1
12)The solution of the first order differential euation x%t) 6 -#x%t), x %-) 6 x - is
a) x %t) 6 x - e -#t b) x %t) 6 x - e -#
c) x %t) 6 x - e -1&# d) x %t) 6 x - e -1
1#)The unit impulse response of a second order under-damped system startin" from rest
is "i!en by c%t) 6 12., e -/t sin 2 t, %t -) The steady-state !alue of the unit step response
of the system is eual to
a) - b) -.2, c) -., d) 1.-
1')The 3yuist plot of loop transfer function 5%s) :%s) of a closed loop control system
passes throu"h the point %-1, ;-) in the 5%s) :%s) plane. The phase mar"in of the system is
a) -9 c) ',9 c) .-9 d) 12-9
1,) '1. Transient response is basically because of
a) <ouplin" b) Forces c) Friction d) =tored ener"y
1/)> ser!omechanism is a feed bac) control system reuires to control
a)position b)a deri!ati!e of position c)?ither a or b d)3one of these
11)Transfer function of a system is used to calculate
a)steady state "ain b)time constant c) order of a system d)@utput for a "i!en input
12)$hich of the followin" is a closed loop system ?
a)?lectric switch b)<ar starter c)A< "enerator d)>uto-Bilot for an aircraft
1.)$hich of the followin" is open loop system?
a) $ard Ceonard control system b) >mplidyne
c) >rmature controlled of A< motor d)Field controlled of A< motor
2-)The difference of the reference input and the actual output si"nal is called
a) error si"nal b) controllin" si"nal c)actuatin" si"nal d)Transfer function
21) In a type1 system, the steady acceleration error is
a) Dero b)(nity c) infinity d)none
22) In a second order system if the dampin" factor is less than unity the system will be
a) (nder damped b) @!er damped c)<ritically damped d)Freely @scillatin"
2#) Ey increasin" the "ain ) of the system, the steady state error of the system
a) decreases b)Increases c)remains unchan"ed d)may increase or decrease
2') <losed loop poles are
a) Feroes of 5%s) :%s) b) poles of 5%s) :%s)
c) Deroes of 10 5%s):%s) d)Boles of 10 5%s):%s)
2,)<onsider a unity feedbac) system
The pea) ma"nitude and the bandwith of the closed-loop freuency response areG
2/)?arly applications of feedbac) control include which of the followin"?
a) $atts flyball "o!ernor
b) ebbelHs temperature re"ulator
c) water cloc) of Itesibios
d) all of the abo!e
21) > model of a machine-tool system with unity feedbac) is
=electin" K
6 1, determine a suitable !alue of K
for a percent o!ershoot of
approximately 2-J.
6 1., b)K
6 ,.-
6 -., d)K
6 2.,
22) <onsider a model of a chemical process with unity feedbac)

2.)<onsider a feedbac) system in which a phase-lead compensator
The feedbac) system is a ne"ati!e unity feedbac) control system. <ompute the "ain and
phase mar"in.
c) <losed-loop system is unstable.
#-)<onsider an adapti!e suspension !ehicle modeled as a unity feedbac) system
a) <losed-loop system cannot trac) a ramp input for any G
#1) The !iable la"-compensation for a unity ne"ati!e feedbac) system with plant transfer
#2) <onsider a space !ehicle model depicted in the bloc) dia"ram.
d) 3one of the abo!e
##) (sin" a 3ichols chart, determine the "ain and phase and mar"in of the system
#') The positionin" system of a printer can be modeled as
where the input K %s ) represents the desired position and L %s ) is the output position. If
the input is a unit step input, the final !alue of the output isG
d) 3one of the abo!e
#,) <onsider a system with the closed-loop transfer function
with input R (s) and output Y (s). $hen all initial conditions are Dero and the input is an
impulse, then the output y (t) is
#/) <onsider a system represented by the bloc) dia"ramG
The closed-loop transfer function T(s)6Y(s)& R(s) is
d) 3one of the abo!e
#1) <onsider the bloc) dia"ram below for Broblems #2 to '-.
#2) The closed-loop transfer function T(s) = Y(s)/R(s) isG
#.) The closed-loop unit step response isG
'-) The final !alue of y(t) isG
'1) <onsider the differential euation
$here is a unit step. The poles of this system areG
d) 3one of the abo!e
'2) > car of mass m 61---)" is attached to a truc) usin" a sprin" of stiffness K 6 2----
3&m and a damper of constant b 6 2-- 3s&m. The truc) mo!es at a constant acceleration
of a 6 -.1 m&s
The transfer function between the speed of the truc) and the speed of the car is G
d) 3one of the abo!e
'#) <onsider the closed-loop systemG
<ompute the closed-loop transfer function and the closed-loop Deros
'') <onsider the feedbac) systemG
>ssumin" R(s) 6 -, the closed-loop transfer function from the disturbance D(s) to the
output Y(s) isG
',)Important modern applications of control systems include which of the followin"?
a) Fuel-efficient and safe automobiles b) >utonomous robots
c) >utomated manufacturin" d) >ll of the abo!e
'/)<omplete the followin" sentence. <ontrol of an industrial process by automatic rather
than manual means is often called MMMMMMMM.
a) a desi"n "ap. b) automation.
c) a specification. d) ne"ati!e feedbac)
'1)<omplete the followin" sentenceG MMMMMMMMM are intrinsic in the pro"ression from an
initial concept to the final product.
a) Flyball "o!ernors b)<losed-loop feedbac) systems
b)@pen-loop control systems d)Aesi"n "aps
'2)<omplete the followin" sentenceG <ontrol en"ineers are concerned with understandin"
and controllin" se"ments of their en!ironments, often called MMMMMMMM.
a) ris). b) systems.
c) desi"n synthesis. d) trade-offs.
'.)?arly pioneers in the de!elopment of systems and control theory includeG
a) :. $. Eode b) :. 3yuist
c) :. =. Elac) d) >ll of the abo!e
,-)<omplete the followin" sentenceG >n open-loop control system utiliDes an actuatin"
de!ice to control a process MMMMMMM.
a) in en"ineerin" synthesis. b) in en"ineerin" desi"n.
c) usin" feedbac). d)without usin" feedbac).
,1)> system with more than one input !ariable or more than one output !ariable is
)nown by what name?
a) Kobust control system b) <losed-loop feedbac) system
c) @pen-loop feedbac) system d) Nulti!ariable control system
,2)<ontrol en"ineerin" is applicable to which fields of en"ineerin"?
a) <hemical and en!ironmental b) Nechanical and aerospace
c) ?lectrical and biomedical d) >ll of the abo!e
,#)<losed-loop control systems should ha!e which of the followin" propertiesG
a) Aesirable responses to commands b) Cow sensiti!ity to chan"es in the plant
c) 5ood re"ulation a"ainst disturbances d) >ll of the abo!e
,') The slope of the asymptotic plot at !ery low%O ++P) and %O **1-) freuencies are,
a) >t low freuencyG slope 6 -2- dE&dec and at hi"h freuencyG slope 6 -2- dE&dec
b) >t low freuencyG slope 6 2- dE&dec and at hi"h freuencyG slope 6 2- dE&dec
c) >t low freuencyG slope 6 - dE&dec and at hi"h freuencyG slope 6 -'- dE&dec
d) >t low freuencyG slope 6 - dE&dec and at hi"h freuencyG slope 6 2- dE&dec
,,) The percent o!ershoot of the output to a unit step input is approximatelyG
a) PO 6 1J b) PO 6 2-J c) PO 6 .J d) 3o o!ershoot
,/) (sin" the Kouth-:urwitD criterion, determine whether the system is stable, unstable,
of mar"inally stable.
a) =table b) unstable c) mar"inally stable
,1) > di"ital control system uses di"ital si"nals and a di"ital computer to control a
a) True b) False
,2) The sampled si"nal is a!ailable only with limited precision.
a) True b) False
,.) Koot locus methods are not applicable to di"ital control system desi"n and analysis.
a) True b) False
/-) > sampled system is stable if all the poles of the closed-loop transfer function lie
outside the unit circle of the D-plane.
a) True b) False
/1) The D-transform is a conformal mappin" from the s-plane to the D-plane by the
relation z = e
a) True b) False
/2) The si"nal flow "raph is used to find the
a) stability of the system
b) Transfer function of the system
c) <ontrollability of the system
d) @bser!ability of the system
/#) The transfer function of the linear system is the
a) ratio of the output ,Q

%t) and input Qi

b)ratio of the deri!ati!es of the out put and the input
c) ratio of the Caplace transform of the out put and that of the input with all intial
conditions Deroes
d) 3one of the these.
/')The impulse response of an KC circuit is a
a) risin" exponential function b) decayin" exponential function
c) step function d) Barobolic function
/,)> synchro transmitter recei!er unit is a
a) two phase ac de!ice b) #-phase ac de!ice
c) dc de!ice d) sin"le phase ac de!ice
//) In the deri!ati!e error compensation dampin"
a) decreases and settlin" time decreases
b) increases and settlin" time increases
c) decreases and settlin" time increases
d) increases and settlin" time decreses.
/1)In the position control systems,the de!ice used for pro!idin" rate feedbac) !olta"e is
a) Botentiometer b) =ynchro- transmitter c) synchro transformer d) Tacho"enerator
/2) The ac motor used in ser!o application is a
a) sin"le phase induction motor b) two phase induction motor
c) three phase induction motor d) synchronous motor
/.) The steady state error of a stable type - unity feedbac) system ,for a unit step
function is
a) - b) R c) I
d) 1& %10I
1-.Koot locus can be used to predict the system transient response
a)true b)false
11)The most common use of the synchros is
a)as error detector
b)for transmission of arithmetic data
c)for transmission of an"ular data
d)for synchroniDation
12)=ynchro transmitter acts li)e
a)an induction motor b)a transformer c)an alternator d)a rectifier
1#)The followin" de!ice may be used to control the position of a !ery small load
a)an >< ser!o motor b)a A< ser!o motor c)a synchro d)none of these
1')The phase cross freuency is the one at which the phase an"le is
a)- b).- c)-.- d)12-
1,)5ain mar"in is the reciprocal of the "ain at freuency at which the phase an"le is
a)- b).- c)12- d)-.-
1/).Cead-la" compensation is needed for
a)transient response impro!ement
b)steady state response impro!ement
c)both transient and steady state response impro!ement
d)none of these
11)>ddition of poles in transfer function causes
a)lead compensation b)la" compensation c)la"-lead compensation d)none
12)>ddition of DeroHs in transfer function causes
a)lead compensation b)la" compensation c)la"-lead compensation d)none
1.)Bresence of non-linearities in a control system tends to introduce
a)transient error b)instability c)steady-state error d)all the abo!e
2-) > phase la" compensation will be
a) impro!e relati!e stability b) increase the speed of response
c) increase Eand width d) increase o!ershoot
21) For ma)in" the unstable system stable
a) "ain of the system should be increases
b) "ain of the system should be decreases
c) the number of Deroes to the loop transfer function should be increased
d) the number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased
22) >s compared to a closed loop system, an open loop system is
a) more stable as well as more accurate
b) less stable as well as less accurate
c) more stable but less accurate
d) less stable but more accurate
2#) The phase lead compensation is used to
a) increase rise time and decrease o!ershoot
b) decrease both rise time and o!ershoot
c) increase both rise time and o!ershoot
d) decrease rise time and increase o!ershoot
2') > linear discrete time system has the characteristic euation , F
The system is
a) stable b) mar"inally stable c) unstable d) stability cannot be accessed from the "i!en
2,) 3on minimum phase transfer function is defined as the transfer function , which has
a) Feroes and poles in the ri"ht half of s plane
b) Deroes in the left half of s plane
c) poles in the ri"ht half of s plane
d) poles in the left half of s plane
2/) For a second order system, the dampin" ratio,-+S+1,then the roots of the
characteristic polynomial are
a) real but not eual b) real and eual
c) complex con;u"ates d) ima"inary
21) Cead compensator
1)increases the mar"in of the stability
2) speeds up transient response
#) does not affect the system error constant
a) 2 T # are correct b) 1 T 2 are correct c) 1 T # are correct d) all are correct
22) In a synchro error detector, the output !olta"e is proportional to UO %t)V
, where O%t)
Is the rotor !elocity and n euals
a) -2 b) -1 c) 1 d) 2
2.) The constant N-circles correspondin" to the ma"nitude %N) of the closed loop
transfer function of a linear system of !alues of N "reater than one lie in the 5 plane is
a) ri"ht of the N61 line
b) left of the N61 line
c) upper side of the N60;1 line
d) lower side of the N6-;1 line
.-) >n effect of phase-la" compensation on ser!o system performance is that
a) for a "i!en relati!e stability, the !elocity constant is increased
b) for a "i!en relati!e stability, the !elocity constant is decreased
c) the bandwidth of the system is increased
d) the time response is made faster
.1) The transfer function of the tachometer is of the form
a) Is b) I&s c) I&%s01) d) I&s%s01)
.2)The principles of homo"eneity and superposition are applied to
a) linear time !ariant system b) non-linear time in!ariant system
c) linear time in!ariant systems d) non-linear time in!ariant systems
.#) the final !alue theorem is used to find the
a) =teady state !alue of the system output
b) intial !alue of the system output
c) transient beha!iour of the system output
d) 3one of these
.')For a feedbac) control system of type 2, the steady state error for a ramp input is
a) infinite b) constant c) Dero d) indeterminate
.,) The transfer function of the system is 1-&10s.$hen operated as a unity feedbac)
system ,the steady state error will be
a) Dero b) 1&11 c) 1- d) infinity
./) If the "ain of the open loop system is doubled ,the "ain mar"in
a) is not affected b)"ets doubled c) becomes half d) become one fourth
.1) sinusoidal oscillators are
a) stable b) unstable c) mar"inally unstable d)conditionally stable
.2) phase mar"in of the sytem is used to specicy
a) relati!e stability b) absolute stability c) time response d)freuency response
..)$hich of the followin" is an example of an open loop system ?
a) :ouse hold refri"erator
b) Kespiratory system of an animal
c) =tabiliDations of air pressure enterin" in to a mas)
d) ?xecution of a pro"ram by a computer
1--) In a Eode plot of a unity feedbac) control system , the !alue of phase of 5%; O) at
the "ain cross o!er freuency is -12,W. The phase mar"in will be
a)-12,W b) -,,W c) ,,W d)12,W

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