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A story

Jakob was absolutely furious when he saw what was going on outside his
His mother was seriously angry with Carla, her neighbour, and all this
because of her little sun, Nick.
Nick was the Marys boyfriend. Mary is Carlas doughter .
Well, at that moment Carla was so annoying because Nick broke up with
Mary and she, Mary, was crying all the day. Mary is a jelous and a proud girl but
her mother didnt knew this. Nick felt miserable and was very surprised when he
discovered that Mary put somebody to follow him all the time for descovering if
he is chiting her or not. Initially everything was fine between they, but nobody
knows how, she transformed in a frightening person. She was in every moment
surprised of how much time he spend with his colleagues and because of this she
decided in one day to employ somebody to follow Nick. After that she felt more
relaxing and pleased to her employee. In few days Nick realized what was going
on around him. This was the reason of their breakup. He was a little worried about
Mary, he knew that she is very proud and he expected at anything from har part.
Well, after these events the depressed girl started to cry and cry all day long.
When her mother heard her doughters story from her point of view, obviously, she
was disappointed and anxious. Carla thought that the Nicks mother is not agree
with their relationship, this was hers doughter story, and for resolve the situation
she gone directly to Nicks mother and started screaming and express her anger.
Nicks mother was confiused because she didnt knew the situation.
In this moment Jakob saw what was going on outside his window. He
guessed what was about the discussion and getting out to resolve the situation with
his brother, Nick, and Mary.
When they were informed about the real situation they started to lough and
Carla said: They are just kids, I dont have any reason to be nervous, Im really
sorry . (almost three hundred words)
The end !

1. Im so worried about my uncle because hes very ill
2. Shes surprised that her husband told her that he loves she for the first time
in twenty years of marriage.
3. My cat is afraid of the new cat because exist the possibility to share its
4. My mother is upset that in this holyday I didnt staiedwith her so much.
5. Im pleased to my new look, its all I wanted in last time.
6. Well, I can say that I am not annoying with anybody for a while

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