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Ancient Egypt

The Nile
Ancient Egypt is one of
the most important
civilizations in History.
It emerged more than
5000 years ago, along
the River Nile in
north-east of Africa.
Ancient Egyptians lived
near the River Nile,
because the land was
The River Nile was also
the main mean of
Sailing ships transported
People and goods
along the river.
Egyptian civilization would not have existed without the Nile.
The Egyptians built dams
and canals to carry
water inland.
Sailing ship
Who were the pharaohs?
Egyptians called their
king a pharaoh.
The pharaoh was all-powerful:
He passed laws.
He ruled the country.
He owned most of the land.
He controlled trade.
He led the armies.
Egyptians believed that the
Pharaohs were gods.
The Ancient Egyptian society
What was the Ancient Egyptian society like?
The elite
The noblemen: They received land and treasure from
the pharaoh.
The priest: They organized religious rituals and owned land.
The scribes: They were able to read, write and count.
Priest Scribes
The majority of the population
Peasants : They cultivated the lands
Craftsmen: They made sculptures and pottery.
The also made papyrus.
Merchants: they sold wood, minerals and perfumes.
Servants: They were free people who worked for a salary.
Slaves: They were war prisioners and had no rights.
They build monuments, worked in mines and fought
Servants Slaves
The role of women
Egyptian women had
some rights and more
freedom than other
woman in Antiquity.
They could inherit.
They own property.
They could get divorced.
They worked as peasants or
These two women became pharaohs
What were the Egyptian religious beliefs?
The Egyptians were
polytheistics:They worshipped
many gods.
The principal god was the SUN,
called Ra, Amun or Atum.
Other gods
Egyptians believed there was an afterlife.
Dead bodies were dried to make mummies
A mummy was put in a Sarcophagus.
The biggest toms were the spectacular
pyramids for the pharaohs.

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