Unit Plan Template

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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 1 de 8

Unit Plan Template
Knowing my beautifull school.

Name and last name Alberto A. Prez
Name of the educational institution Once de Octubre Elementary School
Location of the school District of Arraijan, Corregimiento de Burunga,
comunity of Once de Octubre.
Others data from the school Once de Octubre Elementary school,Primary Education
; Phone 256-0187
Description Unit
Unit title
Unit summary
Within the school plan Panamanian study is contemplated English chair as a subject in the
academic curriculum which it have a great importance as second language in our country
now day .In this unit speaks about School which include supplies, areas, and people of the
school where we realize different activities such as:

- Names school supplies, areas and people with correct pronunciation.
- Uses the correct grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation referring to school supplies,
areas and people
- Links the school supplies, areas and people with the school environment.
-Make a short speech about school
These activities will be evaluated through estimate scale and rubric where the students must
follow the rules given to achieve a teaching- learning process, since all this process of
activities help students awareness and reflect about different essential questions about the
After all this activities developed, children will be able answering question about the topic as
the following:
What is school?
What kind of school would you like to study?
Why is important know staff, objects and areas of the school in English?
Why is important the relationship between teachers and students in a school?

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 2 de 8

Space/s curricular/es o Subject/s

Learning objectives:
Uses the English language to interact in different environments.
School, people, classroom, supplies, Areas.

Year and level(initial, elementary and high school)
2014, Basic level (elementary); Third grade.

Aproximate time required
Ten class period of forty minutes, two weeks.

Fundamentals of unit
Conceptual Procedural Attitudinal
School, staff,
classroom objects,
School areas.
- Teacher
- Students
- Principal
- Janitor
- Places in the
- Classroom
- Library Principals
- office
- Bathroom
- Cafeteria/kiosk
- Computer
- lab
- Gym
- Playground
-Identifying vocabulary
related to school, staff,
classroom objects, School

-Asking and answering
questions related to the

-Naming staff, classroom,
objects, and places in the
-Showing respect for the staff of the

-Value the importance of school

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 3 de 8

- Kitchenette

Learning Objetives
-Develop abilities and skills to use the English Language creatively.
-Uses the English language to interact in different environments.
-Value the importance of the school.

Framing questions unit plan

Essential question

Why is important study?

What is school?
Unit questions

What kind of school would you like to study?

Content questions Why is important know staff, objects and areas of the
school in English?
Why is important the relationship between teachers and
students in a school?

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 4 de 8

Evaluation plan
Schedule of assessment
Types of assessment: Rubric, List of Collations, Estimate Scale.

Before starting the
Project work

During Project development

Once the Project is


Diagnostic test on line

Feedback group
Estimate scale
Investigation about the topic
Camp activity
Individual and group
Workshops(Making of the
speech and anecdotal

Estimate scal(notebook)
Rubric (speech)
Formative practices
and test about the topic

Summary of evaluations
Before starting the Project work
Brainstorming to know the knowledge, abilities and needs about the topic of the
Diagnostic test to evaluate the knowledge, abilities and needs of the one of the
students and so, know to work with each one of them.

During development project
Feedback group to evaluate knowledge of the students of the last class.
Estimate scale to evaluate the different activities realized in the classroom.
Investigation about the topic to evaluate the interest and responsibility of the student
about the topic.
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 5 de 8

Camp activity: to note all the extern and intern element necessary founded in the
Individual and group workshop (Making of the album and short speech) to evaluate
the development of the learned knowledge.

Once the project is completed
Estimate scale to evaluate the final notebook and see if the students follow the roles
All this evaluation will be realized in the classroom with the help of the teacher.
Rubric to evaluate the final speech and know if we achieve the goals in the learning-
teaching process.
Formative practice and test to evaluate all the acquired knowledge of the students in the
class given.

Details of the unit
Previuos abilities
The students can read and write some words about the school in English

Warm up
Prayer to God where all lets go to tell the prayer to feedback and practice the values
Participate of a short dynamic to relaxation and so, achieve a good learning- teaching
Listen explanation about the development of the project school.
Participate brainstorming to diagnostic the previous knowledge children bring about

Feedback group to diagnostic the previous knowledge of the students of the diagnostic
test on line of the last activity.
Write in the amendatory notebook the name in Spanish of the all objects of the school
observed in the camp investigation.
In the computer classroom with the help of the teacher, investigate in the google
traductor the meaning of the words observed in the camp investigation within of the
Illustrate the words translate in English with the help of the google traductor
In equipment of three students elaborate short speeches about the element have the
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 6 de 8

The camp investigation Make flashcards in English of the name oft the extern and
intern elements of the school which will be estimate scale
The flashcards making will be ubicated for the children in the specific place
Final speech to know if we achieve the goals in the learning- teaching process about the
topic school and will be evaluate through a rubric.
Formative practice and test to know all the acquired knowledge of the students in the
class given.

Observation:All the students will be involved in the planning their own learning utilizing
techniques, and strategies to achieve together a learning- teaching process

Curricular applications
Students with special needs

To work with students with special needs is a Little difficult
since English teachers are not prepare to attend them of the
better way, the adaptation of the students with special needs
is a Little difficult since it is a different world for them, but
we have that achieve the adaptation and support of the
entire group for the good of them. I work with the students
with special needs orally, modified tasks, a special treatment
and oral tests.
There are no
Talented students
With the talented students always I took several tasks to
resolve, or they help me with the other students to resolve
the tasks where they fell useful and fun in the class.

Materials and resources necessary for the unit
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 7 de 8

Hardware- technology (necessary equipment)

Cmara digital
Reproductor de DVD
Conexin a Internet
Disco lser
Sistema de proyeccin
Cmara de vdeo
Equipo de vdeo
Software technology (necessary)

Base de datos/Hoja de clculo
Diagramador de publicaciones
Programa de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en CD-ROM
Editor de imgenes
Buscador Web

Desarrollo de
pginas web
Procesador de
Printed materials
Texbooks, reference material, etc.
Internet and school supplies
Internet resources (Internet addresses)
Deep zoom de school-1
Direccin para abrir Montage:

Other resources
Parent families
Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la
Corporacin Intel.
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 8 de 8

Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el
logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el Programa Intel Educar son marcas
registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases.
*Otros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

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