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Persuasive Request Sample 1

Kailua Beautification Council

1234 Kailua Beach Road Kailua, HI 96734

April 17, 20xx

Ms. Kaleo Tanner
45-555 Bay View Drive
Kailua, HI 96734


A Sunday at the beach hot dogs, Spam musubis, cold drinks, good music and new
friends. And you can be a part of it all!

Please join the fun on Sunday, May 5, 20xx for the annual Kailua Beach Clean-Up. If
you provide the muscle power, the Kailua Beautification Council will provide the trash
bags and gloves, the food and the music.

As a member of the Kailua community, you are probably aware of how much trash can
accumulate on the beaches over the course of a year. Cigarette butts, empty suntan lotion
bottles, broken rubber slippers. Thats not what a neighborhood beach should be littered
with. Last years industrious volunteers collected over 200 bags of junk.

To help sustain all the hardworking volunteers, hot dogs, Spam musubis and cold drinks
will be served after the clean up. Music will be provided by popular local bands Aa
Beach Bums and Hana Hou."

Please call me at 555-1234 to sign up as a volunteer. Itll be fun!

Simplified Letter Format
reader benefit helps persuade the reader to donate her
time: helping the community, food and music

Persuasive Sales Letter Sample 2
Hawaii Furniture Company
98-765 Dillingham Blvd.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

December 4, 20xx

Mr. Blaine Osato
56-234 Old Pali Road
Honolulu, HI 96814

Dear Mr. Osato:

Have you taken a good look around your house lately? Does your furniture look drab and
shabby? Does your house give the appearance of warmth and make your guest feel
welcome? Or does your home shout Disaster ZoneDo Not Enter?

Now is a very good time for you to visit Hawaii Furniture Company. Every item in our store
is reduced 15 percent through the month of December. Our consultants can help you select
appropriate matching furniture, rugs, and draperies--and the advice is free. You will be under
no obligation to make your purchases from us, but you can't beat our low prices and large
selection anywhere else in Hawaii.

Please call me at (808) 525-1234. I will be happy to schedule an appointment with you to
help you with your redecorating needs.

You can't afford to miss this once-a-year sale of household furniture and furnishings. So to
take advantage of expert free advice and substantial savings, please call or come in to see us

Sincerely yours,

Cheryl Kajitani

Persuasive messages use the AIDA formula:
A attract the reader's attention with a
provocative first sentence
I create an interest in the reader to read the
letter and learn about your purpose
D create a desire in the reader to help by
showing how the reader will benefit by doing
as you request
A - make it easy for the reader to act by
including a phone number to call

opening attracts the reader's favorable
attention, in this case, with humor
Modified Block Letter
Persuasive Collection Letter Sample 3
Family Practice
680 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii 96857

Business (808) 433-8628 Fax (808) 433-1234

October 28, 20xx

Lisa Kingston
123 Aloha Stadiums
Honolulu, Hawaii 99632

Dear Mrs. Kingston,

Can you please help me solve a puzzle? Your account has been overdue for 90 days, yet you have
been a preferred customer for many years. Because of this, we are sending you this letter in an
attempt to collect payment past due on your account before we are forced to forward your
delinquent account to the Harrison and Ford collection agency.

In an effort to avoid tarnishing your outstanding credit and causing permanent damage to your
reputation we are offering you this final opportunity to resolve the delinquency to your account.
Please send your payment for $2, 138.99 in the enclosed postage paid envelope. If you are unable
to pay the full amount immediately please call me to arrange a possible monthly payment option
as an alternative. If I do not receive a response by November 30, 20xx, I will have no choice but
to refer your account to the Harrison and Ford collection agency.


Carol Goodwill

Block Letter Format
Persuasive messages use the AIDA formula:
A attract the reader's attention with a provocative first sentence
I create an interest in the reader to read the letter and learn about your
D create a desire in the reader to help by showing how the reader will benefit
by doing as you request
A - make it easy for the reader to act by including a phone number to call, a
stamped addressed envelope to use, an application form to fill out
opening attracts the reader's favorable attention
persuasive collection letter plays on fear (of ruined credit) or appeals to the reader's sense of fair play. The purpose is to get payment.
the letter always include one last chance to act to avoid trouble a person to call to work something out and a deadline
This serious letter is usually signed by a higher executive, again to encourage payment. Early stage
collection letters can be signed by lower employees

Persuasive Request Sample 4
Homes First
1234 Union Square Honolulu, HI 96819
phone: (808)555-1234 fax: (808)555-8765

April 16, 20xx

Ms. Maxine Muldoon
4321 Lancaster Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822

Dear Ms. Muldoon:

Are you tired of tripping over boxes of things you havent used in years? Are you
saddened to see the growing number of homeless families? Are you concerned about the
rate at which the landfills are being filled? Are you looking for a way to reduce your
taxes? Well, now you can be part of the solution for all these problems.

Studies have shown that up to 85% of people will store away their belongings thinking
that the items may one day come in handy. Instead, the items become rusty, moth-eaten,
mildewy or cracked and end up being tossed in the trashcan. Instead of letting these
items go to waste, and needlessly contributing to the landfill overflow problem, you can
donate your stored items to Homes First. We will gladly provide you with a receipt
that you can use to claim a tax deduction.

In 2001, the generous donations of our supporters helped to get more than 100 families
off the streets and under a roof. Well help you to get rid of some of your stored items
and youll help to save a family from a life on the streets. Our vans will be in your
neighborhood during the first week of May to pick up items that you have placed next to
your mailbox. However, if there is another time that is more convenient for you, please
call us at 555-1234 so that we can schedule a pick up.


Judy Yamada,
Donations Coordinator

opening attracts the reader's favorable attention

Notice how the overall tone is positive and focuses on reader benefit to create a desire to donate

Block Letter Format
easy action encourages
the reader to donate

Persuasive Sales Sample 5

100 Creasy Lane Happy Valley, HI 96789
Ph: (808) 657-9584 Fax: (808) 657-2353

April 25, 20xx

Ms. Amy Sanders
345 Churchill Street
Honolulu, HI 96821


Do you love to shop but are low on time or money? Have we got news got you! At
Shoppers Fantasy, we got what you want at prices you will love. Whether you are
looking for jewelry, household items, or clothes, we have it all. We sell only the best
quality items at the most affordable prices.

Shoppers Fantasy is a new, fun, and inexpensive way to shop. You can request our
monthly catalog and order our products via mail, over the telephone, or even by logging
onto our website. Just visit our website and subscribe to our catalog for free! You may
also call toll-free: 1-800-324-9685 to subscribe. It is simple and convenient for just
about anyone!

As a special bonus to you, we will take 20% off your first purchase!! We provide
excellent customer services and if you are not satisfied with your purchase, we guarantee
a full refund. So come on, join the many others who have found pleasure and
convenience with Shoppers Fantasy. We are here to serve you!

For more information or if you have any questions, please call me at (808) 324-2113.


Simplified Letter Format
Persuasive Request Sample 6
January 19, 20xx

Ms. Marilyn Duvall, President
Mililani Sunrise Rotary Club
PO Box 254
Wahiawa, HI 96786

Dear Ms. Duvall:

SUBJECT: Guest Speaker For PBL Club State-Wide Meeting

Because of your many contributions, you would be the perfect keynote speaker at
our next state-wide meeting.

The Mililani Sunrise Rotary Club is a leader in helping to develop the leadership
skills of young people in our community.

when: May 15, 20xx, 12:30 2:00 p.m.
where: Neal Blaisdell Center Hawai'i Exhibition Room

PBL Leeward CC will be sponsoring the event, which will be attended by about
250 members and their advisors. We are sure you will enjoy meeting our members and
enjoying a buffet lunch with us. If you have any handouts or equipment needs, we will
be glad to prepare them for you.

As you may know, the letters FBLA/PBL are used to designate our organization,
its unit and members. These letters stand for Future Business Leaders of America.

Please consider being our guest speaker. If you have any questions, please call me
at 455-0011.


Leileen Santiago
PBL President

Phi Beta Lambda
Leeward Community College
95-045 Ala Ike
Pearl City, HI 96786
Modified Block Letter w/ Indented
First Lines Format

Persuasive Request request for a favor

Use this sample as a model for your own do NOT plagiarize it.

Persuasive messages use the AIDA formula:
A attract the reader's attention with a provocative
first sentence
I create an interest in the reader to read the letter
and learn about your purpose
D create a desire in the reader to help by showing
how the reader will benefit by doing as you request
A - make it easy for the reader to act by including a
phone number to call

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