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(a) Distinguish between a letter of transmittal and a memo. (2 marks)

(b) What are the purposes of a transmittal? (3 marks)
(c) List out steps to organize the transmittal. (5 marks)
(a) The difference between a letter of transmittal (Covering Letter) is that
memorandum goes with in our organization. !t is the most common form of
Communication between people or departments. While a letter of transmittal is
written for out side communication providing a comprehensive compact and clear
information about the attached reports" material and an document so that the
reader must have an overview of the enclosed information.
(b) The purpose of a transmittal is to e#plain the procedure in completing the reports
and provide a comprehensive overview of the enclosed documents (of an $ind).
(c) The following are the steps to organize the transmittal.
(%) &uthorization
!nclude the name of the group or individual who re'uested the report.
(() Transmittal details
!ncluded some more material about the a formal distinguished group and
details about report.
()) Back ground methodology
*riefl suggest the research method ou emploed giving limitation of our
(+) High lights
*riefl mentions our conclusion,s and -udgements.
(.) Courteous ending
&c$nowledging those who assisted and showing willingness to assist further
an one who wishes to $now more.
!f he becomes share other information and its interpretation is affected severel
effecting listening.
/o" it ma be concluded that 012 or all our communication efforts are misunderstood"
misterpreted" re-ected" disli$ed" distorted" or not heard (in the same language" same

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