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Nombre: _______________________

Clase: _______
En la escuela: Webquest worksheet
Before you begin your research, think about if you were to make a website for your Spanish class
or school. What would you put on your website? Make a list of features in English.
Las escuelas
Look at the list of links for school in Spanish-speaking countries. Explore at least five of the
websites, and then choose two that you would like to look at more in-depth. Answer the
questions about the websites in Spanish.
Nombre de la escuela
Dnde est?
(ciudad, pas, region)
Es una escuela mixta?
(s / no)
Cmo es la escuela?
Cmo son las salas de clase?
Cmo son los alumnos?
(descripcin fsica)
A qu hora llegan los
alumnos a la escuela?
Hay informacin sbore
eventos extracurriculares?
Qu opines de este sitio?
(fabuloso, bastante bueno,

Una descripcin de los alumnos

Choose one of the schools that you visited and search the site until you find a photograph with
students. Be sure to say which school it is and describe the photo by answering the following
questions in Spanish:
1. Estudian? __________________________________________________________________
2. Toman apuntes? _____________________________________________________________
3. Dnde estn? _______________________________________________________________
4. Hablan con el/la profesor(a)? __________________________________________________
5. Llevan uniformes? ___________________________________________________________
6. Estn aburridos o emocionados? ________________________________________________
Now that you have completed your research answer the following questions in English. You can
use this information in your reflection paper.
1. Compare some of the features of the Spanish-speaking school websites to the list you made
before you did your research. What is similar? What is different?
Similarities: ________________________________________________________________
Differences: ________________________________________________________________
2. What additional features would you include in your own class or school website after view the
Spanish-speaking school sites?
3. List three differences you noticed between Spanish-speaking and American schools.
4. Make a list of new Spanish words that you learned.

**Adapted from Glencoe/McGraw Hill: Buen Viaje! text series

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