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Roberto Martinez or
We at Americans Against !e "emocratic #art$ %ould like to sa$ t!ank $ou to t!e men and
%oman %!o !a&e ser&ed and is ser&ing our countr$ and !elp keep t!is countr$ 'ree and sa'e.
oda$ (s a da$ 'or e&er$one to t!ink about t!e people %!o ser&ed our countr$ %!o risked t!eir
li'es to keep us 'ree and sa'e. oda$ %e %ould like e&er$one to go to a &eteran or a acti&e man
and %oman %!o !a&e or are se&ering our countr$ and sa$ t!ank $ou and gi&e t!em a !ug. )o%
%e %ould like to !a&e a pra$er 'or t!e men and %oman %!o !a&e ser&ed or is ser&ing*
+ea&enl$ Fat!er*
On t!is Memorial "a$* %e pra$ 'or t!ose %!o courageousl$ laid do%n t!eir li&es 'or t!e cause o'
'reedom. Ma$ t!e e,amples o' t!eir sacri'ice inspire in us t!e sel'less lo&e o' -our .on* our /ord 0esus
1less t!e 'amilies o' our 'allen troops* and 'ill t!eir !omes and t!eir li&es %it! -our strengt! and peace.
(n union %it! people o' good%ill o' e&er$ nation* embolden us to ans%er t!e call to %ork 'or peace and
justice* and t!us* seek an end to &iolence and con'lict around t!e globe.
We ask t!is t!roug! C!rist our /ord.
And again !ank $ou 'or ser&ing our Countr$*
Roberto Martinez

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