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Instructor: Robby Fabry rfabry@ismonterey.


Course Description:

Physical education significantly contributes to students well-being; therefore it has always been
an instructional priority and integral part of our students educational experience at the
International School of Monterey. Physical education in the MYP is concerned with more than
just participating in sports and games. Its primary aims are to encourage the development of
intelligent performers and to encourage students to understand the importance of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle (IBO, 2009, p. 2). The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program
gives this course a framework through which we are able to incorporate the California State
Standards and the Common Core State Standards.

This course meets two times per week. Middle years students are expected to wear their P.E.
uniforms during P.E. class. The uniform is a grey t-shirt and navy blue shorts with the ISM logos
or no logos at all.

MYP Aims:

The aims of any MYP subject state what the teacher may expect to teach or do and the student
may expect to experience or learn. In addition, they suggest how the student may be changed
by the learning experience. The aims of the teaching and study of MYP physical education
are to encourage and enable students to:

An appreciation and understanding of the value of physical education and its relationship
to a healthy, balanced lifestyle
An interest in the promotion of health and wellness
The motivation to participate fully in all aspects of physical education
Their optimal level of physical fitness
Effective communication strategies, verbal, non-verbal and written
The skills and understanding necessary to participate successfully in a variety of physical
activities, for example, learning, practicing, refining, adapting, thinking, interacting
The ability to reflect critically on all aspects of physical education, including being a
critical performer
An understanding of international perspectives on physical activity, sport and health
A lifelong interest in and enjoyment of physical activities as a participant

Grade Physical Education

Grade Objectives:

A Use of Knowledge:
Demonstrate some knowledge of physical education terminology in context.
Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts, strategies, techniques and rules
related to a variety of physical activities, and apply them in simplified contexts.
Describe and explain basic principles that contribute to fitness, and their importance in
various contexts.
Use their knowledge to identify and assess the impact of factors that influence
situations, and solve problems in familiar situations.

B Movement Composition:
Explore simple movement possibilities and variations according to the basic principles
of a particular aesthetic activity, with minimal guidance from the teacher.
Compose basic aesthetic movements.
Link movements in order to compose simple aesthetic sequences, taking into account
the concepts of space, time, level, force and flow, with some guidance from the

C Performance:
Demonstrate the basic skills and techniques necessary for active participation in
performance situations in a variety of physical activities.
Apply basic tactics, strategies and rules in performance environments in both individual
and group situations.
Perform interpretations of movement concepts and some movement sequences in a
variety of physical contexts.

D Social Skills and Personal Engagement:
Express themselves effectively, including basic verbal and non-verbal forms of
Demonstrate a positive attitude by supporting and encouraging others.
Show respect and sensitivity to their own and different cultures.
Show enthusiasm and commitment when taking part in the activity.
Make a reflection upon their own achievements.
Set simple goals to enhance learning and devise a plan for achieving them.

Units of Inquiry:

These are the proposed units of inquiry for this year. As ISM enters its third year as a candidate
school for the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, these units continue to be a
work in progress. As part of ongoing reflection by students and teachers, changes to these units
might take place throughout the year. Teachers will be in contact with families to keep them
informed about the current units of study.

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Grade Physical Education Units of Inquiry

Uni t Ti t l e
Area of
I nt eract i on
St at ement
Uni t Quest i on
Cri t eri a
Flag Football Environments Strategy
Strategic planning,
communication and
collaboration affects
the overall product.
How can I plan
Ultimate Frisbee Environments
Line of

Correct body
movement will allow
for a straight throw.

How we use line of
sight to hit a
Approaches to

Slow and steady will
make the ball fly

Can patience play
an important role
in the golf swing?
and Service

communication brings
balance and efficiency
to a team.

How does
teamwork benefit
the group?
Health Class

Understanding how
the body works affects
the choices we make.

How does puberty
affect the body?
You Create It, We
Play It

Collaboration and
imagination contribute
to an effective design

What would you
like to play?
Health and
Social interaction can
lead to success on the
How does
collaboration lead
to success on the
Assessment in the MYP follows a criterion-related approach. All assessment in the MYP is
conducted by teachers who rely on professional expertise in making qualitative judgments. This
means that students work must be assessed against defined assessment criteria and not
against the work of other students. When assessing student work, teachers read the descriptors
outlined in the rubrics looking for the highest achievement level demonstrated by the work.

Before summative assessment tasks are given to students, teachers will clarify the expectations
of the task with students by using any of the following:
Task-specific rubrics
Oral discussion of the expectations
A task sheet that explains the expectations

At the end of each trimester students will receive a grade for each of the criteria within that
subject. For the 2013 2014 school year, all MYP subjects have different criteria and the
maximum points for each criterion varies from 6 to 12. Please refer to the chart below to see the
criteria for physical education:

Criteria A Use of Knowledge Maximum 8
Criteria B Movement Composition Maximum 6
Criteria C Performance Maximum 10
Criteria D Social Skills and Personal Engagement Maximum 8

Subject Specific Grade Boundaries:
To determine a students final grade, teachers assess where each student is most consistently
performing with each criterion. Students are given a final criterion grade, not as an average of
the trimester, but rather all their assessments from that criterion are used to determine where
each students current knowledge and abilities most consistently fall. A grade for each criterion
assessed will be reported to students and parents on trimester report cards.

Teachers then add together all criteria achievement levels for that subject. Teachers use the
grade boundaries determined by IB to determine the MYP grade of 1-7 using the best-fit
approach. The best-fit approach allows teachers to use the evidence they have collected
along with their professional judgment to select the achievement level that best describes the
students abilities and knowledge overall. Finally, teachers will then convert the MYP grade into
a local grade A-F letter grade using the conversion chart seen here.

Language Physical Education
Grade Boundaries MYP Grade ISM Conversion
29 - 32 7 A+
25 28 6 A
21 24 5 B+
16 20 4 B
11 15 3 C
6 10 2 D
0 - 5 1 F

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