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IV B.Tech – II Semester – IV UNIT Examinations.

Branch: CSE IV year Subject: Neural


I. fill in the blanks 5 X 1 = 5 Marks

1. The Hopfield N/W was developed by___________________________

2. The N/W was very sophisticated and based on___________________________

3. Hopfield provided the important link between_____________________________________________

4. Hopfield applied some ideas to those from an important and developing area

5. The output is again recalculated and this process is


6. The ________________ is defined as the set of the current values of OUT signals from all the

7. A recurrent network forms an_____________________________________________________

8. A Hopfield net is a net of such units subjects to the _________________rule for updating one
neuron at a time.

9. Unstable networks posses interesting properties and are usually studied as examples of
_____________ systems.

10. Define

II. Write equations 5X1=5

1. Hopfield defined the energy ( write energy equation) ________________________

2. Si 0 to 1 transition energy ∆E_____________________________________________

3. Si : 1 to 0 transition energy ∆E _________________________________________

4. Hopfield assumes symmetric weights equation_____________________________

5. the dynamic of the net tends to move E toward a________________________

6. Write recurrent network NET equation with conditions_____________________________________

7. Write recurrent network output equation with conditions ___________________________________

8. The memories are encoded as binary vectors and stored in the weights according to
the formula_______________________________________________

9. This expression may be clarified by noting that the weight array W can be found by
calculating the outer product of each desired vector with itself an summing all of the
matrixes thus formed.________________

10. Define dynamic property of recurrent networks


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