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E-Boll League
Red Division ?nd Holf Stondings After Weekz 9 Stondings Updoted: 11-tlior-O8 ot t2t03
Red Division Porticipoting Locotions
Red Boron - 8961 PensocoloBlvd., 476-6910 Brcok ond Runs 5 6omesl5o Points
D&R Lourye - 4680 Cemy Rd., - 455-8227 Jud Whitley L BelindoHunter
Breoker's Lounge - 80O W. rt{ichiganAve-, - 432-9538 DovidMiseroy 1 Eric Woolen
9 A4ileBilliords -- Ninc lAile Rd- Rikki Douglos 1 Christine5t. Aubin
Georgia's Longh Inn - New Worringrton Rd. - 458-1788 Eric Woolen 1 Steve Slode
J & J Billiords - l7O7 W. Foirfield Dr., 32501 - 433-3734 Tony Green 1 Rikki Douglos
Le4ends -244 New Worrington Rood -458-2888
Ookcrest - Fairfield Drive
Rock & Cue II - 37Ol Andnew Ave..434-9431

Richey's 9th Ave., - 6105 9th Aw., 478-3100

Sir Richord's-- 2719 E. Cer*untes--434-9828 8 Boll on the Brcok

None Recorded

Red DivisionZnd Holf Teom Stondinos Of Intef.est: $ in porcnthescsorc $ bchind.

Teom Rds.Won Rds.Los'l Points Ave"aqe Finonces-In- A - Nutshell Locotion 12-Ator-08 Diffcrs
1 ) Mib Billiods I 32 I 1730 0.8000 9 ililc Billiords 1 $?5 $o
2 Storbuck's1 32 8 t72E 0.8000 w l Rock & Cuc 4 $s ($25)
3 Leoerd's 4 31 9 t697 o.T7W Sir Richord's $25 $o
4 Sir Richord's 25 15 1613 o.62W Richey's 2 $25 $o
5 l*gerd's 2 ?5 15 1592 0.6250 Ticket's 3 525 ($2D
6 Ticket's 3 24 t6 t652 0.6000 D&R2 $20 ($o
7 D&R2 20 20 1551 0.5000 Loush Inn 2 $o ($35)
8 Ookcrest 1 t6 24 1510 0.4000 I i."* n"t t"iitg in *;t*tr' I l-oacrd's 2 s25 $o
9 Rock ll Ctp,7 15 25 1551 0.3750 Ookcrest 1 i25 $o
1 0 Rock& Cw 4 15 25 t5t7 $o ($25)

| "5','J:; I
0.3750 Red Boron 2

1 1 Lough Inn 2 13 27 1465 0.3250 lack ll Cue 7 $?5 $o

t 2 lichey's 2 10 30 1507 0.2500 5torbuck's 1 $25 $o
1 3 led Boron 2
t 4 Breoker's
1 5 Bve
| ,.lfT:, I Jreaker's
ttaetd's 4

| -.::l';:, I
y problems???--Corrtad Ken Biles ot
lyc Bye $o

449-OO9l, or Cindy Koklos oi 995-


30 9an6 to qnlify. (d 752 of awilabl. gan

?71 2N 22t76 ffomen: Plqyer Teom Hond. Points

fo be eligible for the Individuol Stondings you must how ployed 757o or ovoiloble gon 1 Diono Corroll 9 Mile Billiords 1 8.293 962
A[en: Ployer Teom Averoge Points 2 Belindo Hunter Breoker's 7.300 730
1 tAike Hodley Storbuck's1 8.9t7 t070 3 CondyceHolden (C) Red Boron 2 7.286 7t4
2 irtitch Bunch Ticket's 3 8 .8 5 9 877 4 Christine St. Aubin Rock & CueT 7.O33 844
3 tromesNims Lp,qend's 4 8 .8 3 5 9 1 0 5 Amber Fenzll Richey's 2 6 . 530 653
4 Eric Woolen ),e,qend's4 8 . 8 1 0 925 6 Donno.ioMcMillon Breoker's 6.529 777
5 trohnny Coburger ( ).cqend's 4 8.699 896 7 Vicki ttAullins Breoker's 6.327 696
6 PrestonPolhill(C) 5ir Richord's 8.66t 996 E Stephonie Sponheim(C) Louqh Tnn 2 6. 076 7?3
7 Olenn McClure D&R2 8.63? 915 9 trennyFouver Rock & CueT 5.991 689
I RickyThornton 9 Mile Billiords1 8.579 978 10 Peoqt Crossmon Ookcrest I 5.972 633
9 Woody Clory Sir Richord's 8.492 1019 dds ond Drups
1 0 Mike Storbuck(C) Storbuck's1 8.443 971 Red Division--Ployers rdded

$25 end of seoson poyout! 8

lAosf Breok ond Runs (rtlen) l os? 8 on the Breoks (fien) llost 5/5O's (l{en) Red Division- -Ployers dropped
Tied At 5 Eric Woolen 3 Tied At 8
lAost Breok ond Runs(Women) tliost 8 on the Breoks(Women) ftlost 5/5O's (Women)

Diona Carroll 1 Tied At 1 Diono Corroll 4

R.C.O. Memoriol8-Boll League
Summer-Spring?OO7/2OO$ Red Division
of thp znd Half.
Standings After Week 9 of the 2nd Holf. Stondings After Week 9

Teon Tofols (lst Holfl: Teom Totols (lst Holf):

Hondicop Pls GivenlRec.(1st Holf): Hordicop Pls 6iren/Rec.(1st Holf):
Tofol with Hondicop Pts (lst Holfl: Totol with Hondicop Fts (1st Holfl:

Teom Tofols (lst HolO: Teom Tofols (lsf Holfl:

Hondicap Pls 6ivenlRec.(lst Holf): Hondicop Pls 6irenlRec-(1st Holfl:
Totol with Hondicop Pts (1st Holf):

Teom Totols (1st Holf): Teon Totals (1sf Holf):

Hondicop Pls 6ivenlRec-(1st HolO: Hondicop Pts 6iwnlRec-(1st Holf):
Totol with Hondicop Ffs (lsf Holfl: Totol with Hondicop Pts (lst Holf):

Hondicop Fls GirenlRec. (lst Holf): Hcndicop Fts 6iwnlRec-(1st Holf):

Totol with Hondicop Pts (1st Halfl: Totol with Hondicop Pfs (lsf Holf):

Hondicop Pts 6irenlRec.(1st Holf):

Totol with Hondicop Pts (1st
R.C.O. Memoriof8-Bofl Lecrgue
Summe?-Spring2OO7/2OO$ Red Division
Standinos After Week I of the 2nd Holf. Stondims Atter Week 9 of thd Zrd Holf.

Teom Totols (lst Holf): Tcon Totols (lst HolO:

HondicopPts 6iwnlRec.(1st Holf): HondicopPls 6iwnlRec.(1st HolO:
Totol with HondicopPts (1st Totol with Hordicop Pts (lst

Tcon 17

Teom Totols (lst Holf): Tcon Totols (1st Holfl:

HondicopPts GivenlRcc.(1st Holf): FhndicopPfs GivrnlRcc.(lst Half):
Totol with Hondicop Pts (lst Holfl: Totol with HondicopPts (lsf Holfl:

Tcom Totols (lst HolO: Teom Totols (1st Holfl:

HondicopPlts6ivcnlRec.(1st HolO: HondicopPts OiwnlRcc.(1st Holf):
Totol with HondicapFrs (lst Holfl: Totol with Hondicop Frs (1st

Tcom Totols (1st Holfl: Tcom Tolols (lsf Holf):

HondicopPts GivcnlRec.(lsf Holf): HondicopPts 6ivenlRcc.(1st Holf):
Totol with HondicopPts (1st Totol with Hordicop Pts (lst


Tcom Totols (1st HolO:

Hondicop Fls 6ivenlRec.(1st Holf):
Totol with Hondicop Pfs (lst Holfl:

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