May24.2014drugstore in Every Barangay Sought

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Drugstore in every barangay sought

A lawmaker has reiterated his call for the establishment of a drugstore in every
barangay nationwide to make affordable and cheap medicines accessible to the people.
Rep. Teodorico Haresco Jr. (Lone istrict! Aklan" author of House #ill $%&'! first
aired his proposal in ecember last year! which provides for a three(year program for the
creation of barangay pharmacies to be known as Botica sa Barangay.
)The program shall give priority to barangays on the basis of population! poverty
incidence! e*tent of medical health care and+or services! geographical conditions! financial
and other socio(economic factors and such other considerations as may be deemed
necessary in undertaking the program within the conte*t of national plans and policies on
social services! health and medical care!, Haresco said.
Haresco said the bill! to be known as #arangay -harmacy Act of '.%$! seeks to
supplement /ection %0! Article 11 of the %&23 4onstitution! which states that )the /tate
shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness
among them.,
5oreover! Haresco said! Republic Act 3%6. also known as Local 7overnment 4ode
of %&&%! provides that every barangay should provide basic health and social welfare
services and facilities! which include barangay health center and day care center.
8nder the bill! the epartment of Health! in establishing the barangay pharmacies!
shall undertake prior consultations with the local government units concerned to make an
official list of priority barangays.
The 9H shall also issue the necessary rules and guidelines needed to fully
implement the provisions of the act. ($." mrs
NR # 3476
MAY 24, 2014

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