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Sinclaire Cheong

2938 Privet Drive Burlingame, CA 94010

PHONE (!0" ##3$38 E-MAIL %cheong30&'ahoo(com
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
Bachelor o/ Science in Bu%ine%% 0ar1eting )23ecte4 5ra4uation 6une 201!
0inor7 Communication%
5PA7 3(!9
Pro/icient in 0ac -S an4 :in4o;%< 0icro%o/t :or4, Po;erPoint, an4 )2cel
:or1ing 8no;le4ge o/ multi3le %ocial me4ia 3lat/orm% %uch a% ,n%tagram, Pintere%t,
=ace>oo1, an4 +;itter
80 :P0
San Mateo Athletic Club San 0ateo, CA
Swim Coach =e>ruar' 2014$Pre%ent
9ea4 3ractice% an4 organiAe a33ro3riate %;im %et% /or a grou3 o/ 8$10 chil4ren
+each %tro1e an4 techniBue
->%erve %;immer% an4 3rovi4e /ee4>ac1 on 3rogre%%

Lifeguard 6une 2013$Pre%ent
)n%ure %a/et' o/ a>out !0$0 3atron% 4ail' >' en/orcing 3ool rule% an4 regulation%
Prom3tl' re%3on4 to an' emergencie% an4 nee4% o/ mem>er% an4 gue%t%
Provi4e cu%tomer %ervice to clu> mem>er%
Atten4 training %e%%ion% ;ith other %ta// mem>er% in or4er to 1ee3 %1ill% u34ate4
Bursars O!!ice Santa Clara, CA Se3tem>er 2011$6une 2012
Santa Clara University
Student Assistant
Serve4 a% /ir%t 3oint o/ contact >oth in 3er%on an4 via tele3hone
An%;ere4 Bue%tion% /rom 3arent% an4 %tu4ent% regar4ing tuition an4 3a'ment
A4here4 to rule% o/ con/i4entialit' ;hen managing %tu4ent /ile% an4 recor4ing /inancial
C-99)5,A+) A==,9,A+,-.S
"o#ens "ater Polo $ea# San 0ateo, CA Se3tem>er 2012$.ovem>er 2013
College of San Mateo
Team Captain
0anage4 communication% >et;een the team an4 coaching %ta//
Cel3e4 lea4 team 3ractice% an4 3re$game ;arm u3%
0anage4 m' time e//icientl' >' >alancing a 1!D hour ;ee1l' 3ractice an4 com3etition
%che4ule in a44ition to aca4emic

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