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Letter of Transmittal February 6, 2014

At this very moment, the world stands on the brink of potential thermonuclear
extinction. This does not mean that civilization is doomed. It does mean that
we are very close to a strategic confrontation between the United States and
some NATO allies on the one side, and Russia and China on the other.
The one and only source of the war danger is the desperation among factions
in London, which would rather see the world wiped out, than face the loss of
global financial power. This desperate City of London-centered financial oli-
garchy, and its Wall Street appendage, operate through the vastyet often
underestimatedpowers of the British monarchy, whose stated intention is to
reduce the worlds human population from currently seven billions persons, to
less than one billion.
There is presently a chasm, a fundamental difference in future perspectives,
between the trans-Atlantic region of the world and the Eurasian region of the
The former has abandoned the scientific and technological optimism so char-
acteristic of the Kennedy era, in order to embrace greenism, an oligarchical
unscientific creation that will deliver a future fueled by soft energy sources,
whose low energy flux density will inevitably result in a rapid depopulation of
the planet. That trans-Atlantic regions economic future looks very bleak un-
der the present policies, as the financial oligarchy moves to extend, to every
nation within that region, their Greek model, where the European Troika has
now imposed a bankers dictatorship that has enslaved every man, woman and
child of that once proud and ancient nation, that had been the birthplace of
Western democracies!
The Eurasian sector, with all its imperfections, is nonetheless presently
strongly committed to economic growth and scientific and technological
achievement. Nuclear energy is being expanded throughout that region and, as
exemplified by the recent Chinese rover landing on the Moon, whose primary
scientific task is to explore the possibility of future mining on the Moon of the
helium-3 gas, that would serve as the primary fuel source of future fusion en-
ergy reactors, thereby accelerating both the scientific and economic feasibility
of fusion energy for the nations of the world.
The Immediate Danger
In the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) fact sheet on Ukraine, an impor-
tant and timely featured item included in this Special Report, we warn that the
Ukrainian developments could become the flashpoint for triggering World
War III.

We quote from the opening paragraphs of that report here:
Western nations, led by the European Union and the Obama Administration,

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are backing an outright neo-Nazi regime-change coup in Ukraine. If the effort succeeds, the consequences will
extend far beyond the borders of Ukraine and neighboring states. For Russia, such a coup would constitute a ca-
sus belli, coming as it does in the context of NATO missile defense expansion into Central Europe and the evolu-
tion of a U.S.-NATO doctrine of "Prompt Global Strike," which presumes that the United States can launch a pre-
emptive first strike against Russia and China and survive the retaliation.
The events in Ukraine constitute a potential trigger for a global war that could rapidly and easily escalate to a
thermonuclear war of extinction. At this weekend's Munich Security Conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov had a heated public exchange with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in which the latter
accused Russia of "bellicose rhetoric" and Lavrov responded by citing the European missile defense program as
an attempt to secure a nuclear first-strike capability against Russia.
In his formal remarks at Munich and a week earlier at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, Lavrov
also assailed Western governments for supporting neo-Nazi terrorist organizations in their zeal to place Ukraine
under European Union and Troika control to tighten the NATO noose around Russia.
The Urgent War Avoidance Measures:
Our Special Report urges the appropriate governments to deal with the two immediate measures which would
greatly diminish the threat of thermonuclear war:
1) The removal of President Barack Obama from the Presidency, either through a formal impeachment proc-
ess, or through the application of the 25th. Amendment to the United States Constitution or simply by a Nixon-
style forced resignation.
2) The voting up in the immediate period of a coordinated global Glass-Steagall-type legislation in the major
Parliaments of the trans-Atlantic region, thereby putting in orderly bankruptcy the City of London and its Wall
Street appendage and opening up the possibility of replacing the present bankrupt world monetary system with a
new world economic system based on the principles of Alexander Hamiltons National Bank for productive public
3) Such a Hamiltonian world credit system would then permit worthwhile national and continental great infra-
structure projects to get built over the one or two decades necessary for completion, therefore building the bridges
towards peace based on the leitmotiv of the encyclical Populorium Progressio that the new name for peace is de-
4) Finally, the long-term harmony of interest of all human beings is to get sovereign nations to work towards
the common aims of Mankind and that would certainly put space cooperation at the top of the list, not only for
defence against incoming asteroids, as proposed by Russias present leadership, but in order to reach, within this
Century, a true Age of Reason for Mankind based on Mankinds mastery of space and the exploration of near
earth planets and eventually the Solar System and beyond.

The Editors

LaRouche on the Measures Needed to Stop World War III..6

Part One: The Countdown
The Empire Lashes Out..13
Western Powers Back Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine.15
Vitrenko Appeal to UN, EU and USA Not to Back Civil War and Fascist Coup in Ukraine.21
Vitrenko Warned of Neo Nazi Gangs in April 2013..25
The British Coup vs. Clinton Brought U.S. to Edge of Hell.27

Part Two: The British Goal: Depopulation
Behind Londons War Drive: A Policy to Kill Billions.36
The Empire: In Their Own Words.47

Part Three: The Urgent War Avoidance Measures
To Reject Queens Genocide, Impeach Obama Now.50
Impeachment Closes In on President Barack Obama.52
Appeal For A Global Glass-Steagall Now Sign the petition on-line.54

The Pacific Development Corridor: Maglev Through The Bering Strait.55

The Strategic Defence of Earth (SDE).61


What Must be Understood
LaRouches Opening Remarks to his January 3, 2014 International Webcast:
On the Measures Needed to Stop World War
The NATO ABM system encircling Russia (conjoined with the USA-led system
around China) features the greatest threat now confronting humanity.

LaRouche replies...
There will never be a survival of the United States
within the nominal term of Obama's Presidency. What
you have, is you have many peoplefor example,
probably 60% of the voters in the United States are op-
posed to Obama, and wish he would go away. The prob-
lem is, they're terrified. And Snowden's case tells you
partly a good illustration of what the fear is. So, there-
fore, they hate Obama. But many people hated Hitler
and remember that. The ability of Hitler to do what he
did, did not depend upon the issue of a majority of what
people thought they wanted to see. They gave in to Hit-
ler, under a reign of terror, and the history of that is
well-known to some of us, even of your age.
So, therefore we have to eliminate all these cheerful
things, and trying to put a cheerful note, and talk about a
possible solution. There is, and are solutions, but none
of them are being put forthcoming, now. You have
something in Germany which may tend to be a break-
What's the situation? We're not going to have, under
Obama, continued under the present policy, Obama will
not be the President of the United States. He is on the
end of this thing. He's unimportant! This is not an elec-
tion campaign. The election campaign was made a long
time ago, when people came in with the green policy. It
came in, actually, with the ouster of Bismarck, because
when Bismarck was kicked out, from that moment
on the world in general, especially the trans-Atlantic
region, has been engaged in off-again, on-again con-
tinuation of world war. That's what the truth has been.
Just think of the history. Very shortly: How do wars
start? Well, the war that we're talking about started with
the assassination of the President of France. Then it
came to another one. And then you had the war involv-
ing China, Japan, and so forth. It kept coming, and com-
ing, and coming. And then, in 1914, the Guns of Au-
gust, we had aworld war. But it didn't end there! There
was a peace of a certain kind; it wastemporary. The
United States shot back, with President Kennedy, later,
as they had done earlier, but all these things didn't stop.
LaRouche on the Measures
Needed to Stop World War III
On January 3, 2014, Lyndon LaRouche and Matt Ogden engaged in a dialogue concerning the deadly potential for ther-
monuclear confrontation in 2014 that dialogue represents a revolution in thinking through, and acting to prevent, the
potential war of extinction now facing humanity. The LaRouche/Ogden webcast dialogue completely and clearly exposes
the underlying historical causes of the present U.S./ Trans-Atlantic breakdown, the means to reverse it, and the actual
means to stop the outbreak of war.
LaRouches following opening remarks were spurned on by a question on the destruction of the American labour force
which is now touching 25% in real unemployment figures. The questioner asked LaRouche about his analysis of the U.S.
economy under the remaining time of Obamas term in office and asked how a solution to the crisis could be arranged.
The Full webcast may be viewed here:

For example, Kennedy's success, boosted by Eleanor
Roosevelt, actually turned the tide in a certain direction.
When the tide began to turn, they killed him! They mur-
dered him! and tried to cover up the assassination, and
did fairly successfully.
What happened then? On the successful execution of
President Kennedy, we had a war start in Indochina. For
the first couple of years, it was considered a war. After
that, it was a called a drug orgy. And the drug orgy then
took over the United States. And if you want to take
from the time that Kennedy was assassinated, within that
very period, since that time, the United States and its
population has been degenerating intellectually and mor-
ally. And that's the present condition today.
Now, this condition is leading to
what? What's on the table now?
Ge noc i de: pos s i bl y hu-
man extinction within a matter
it could come in a matter of
weeks now, or it could come in a
longer period of time. We're on
the edge of a thermonuclear war.
Now, a thermonuclear war is
nothing to compare with what had
happened in the earlier wars
World War I, World War II.
These were minor events com-
pared to what's about to hap-
pen right now.
And it's being pushed. Look at the
line-up! You have the trans-
Atlantic region. Now, the trans-Atlantic as a whole is
now in a process of accelerated rates of degeneration.
The United States is now economically hopelessly and
socially degenerating, and the rate of degeneration is
going to accelerate. Everything you thought was bad in
recent experience is going to become much worse, and
very quickly. It could become very quickly.
Now, in the meantime you've got war looking around.
You have a line-up of powers. First of all, you have the
trans-Atlantic region is the concentration of one side of a
world power. The core of that thing is the British Em-
pire, the Anglo-Dutch Empire, headed up nominally by
the Queen. The Queen's intention has beenas she has
made public since the Copenhagen conferenceher in-
tention has been to reduce the human population from 7
billion persons, which it had been approaching just re-
cently, is now in a process of accelerated rate of decline.
And in the case of the United States, in the case
of most countries in western and central Europe, most
countries, most of this world is accelerating: it's dying.
Portugal, Spain. France is now in the process of collaps-
ing, degenerating. It's going, too. Southern Italy. The
Greek population. The only part of the western Euro-
pean, or western and central European part which has an
option in that region, is Germany, and they're fussing
around on that issue right now. Germany is inclined to
disengage itself from the rest of western Europe, be-
cause the rest of western Europe is dyingexpect for
President Kennedy and Elenor Roosevelt in 1961

the Anglo-Dutch region, which ain't doing too good in
terms of their economy there.
All right, now you've got another part of the world. Let's
call it the Eurasian part of the world. We have to call it
Eurasian because it includes Russia and nations associ-
ated with it. And it goes all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
This is the Eurasian part of the world. The Eurasian part
of the world, except for certain areas that we know about
in the Near East and so forth, and from the Uyghurs and
people like that, the entirety of this Eurasian region, as
an entirety, with the dominant forces within it, is actu-
ally on the way up. It has been increasing its technologi-
cal power and capabilities.
The Moon landing! Now, we've discussed that here, and
in our own discussions in other places. The Moon land-
ing, the latest one, goes to the question of Helium-3:
thermonuclear fusion. And that means that suddenly we
have a major power, China, which has a major capabil-
ity, which is not merely a tickle of the type the United
States did on the Moon before. This is a really serious
business. They set up an operation, for
an extended operation into space, and for other kinds of
things. And they are working what had been known be-
fore as a Helium-3 potential of the Moon. If they exploit
the Helium-3 in the Moon, suddenly China and nations
cooperating with it are going to have a source
of power available to them which would be a revolu-
tiona planetary revolution. On that basis, mankind
would get its feet out of the ditches of Earth itself. Be-
cause once you do that, once you go to a Helium-3 op-
eration, milking the Sun regularly to get more Helium-3,
and using that, which is an equivalent of what we've
wanted to do here on Earth.
If we do that, then you have a source for high-speed
really high-speed, relative to anything we've done
nowto moving around inside the area of the Solar Sys-
tem where we're close to, such as Mars. I mean, the area
with Mars and so forth, that area becomes open to us.
Then the natural tendency, the natural ability of man-
kind, as our potential, will now begin to take over, not
just sitting on Earth and grunting and groaning about
what's going on, but actually mankind not living out of
Earth, but actually controlling things out of Earth, such
as some of these asteroids. And we will use themwe'll
not only defense ourselves against them, we'll use them.
So, therefore mankind will be moving off the surface of
the Earth, not where he livesthough some of that may
occurbut in terms of what mankind is able to reach
and control, and develop for the benefit of mankind. And
also we'll begin to get more worried about building up
the Solar System. We'll begin to think about the long-
term question of: Can we maintain the Solar System,
which has been in a long period ofdecline over the re-
cent times? Mars has collapsed because the Sun was
runni ng down. That' s why it col lapsed.
The Moon collapsed; it has been collapsing, because
the Sun was running down.
So, therefore, our developingnot only utilizing,
but developingthese resources like Helium-3 into a
higher form of organization, mankind will become able,
or enable if he chooses to do so, to actually take action
against the continuing decline of a Sun which about to
go dead in about 2 billion years, or something like that,
and then go into an explosion which ends everything.
So, therefore we have before us, we have to have a dif-
ferent perspective than the poor idiots who are whimper-
ing and whining about this and that. Because this is
where we're going.
Now, in this context, what's the military situation? The
trans-Atlantic region is building up for a war, a thermo-
nuclear war in the early future. The intention of that war,
as the Queen of England's actions since Denmark and
subsequently, is committed to the accelerated extermina-
tion of the human population to the degree of probably 1
billion people might be lucky to survive
"China has made no secret of their interest in
lunar Helium-3 fusion resources," said Harrison
"Jack" Schmitt, a former Apollo 17 moonwalker and professional
geologist. Pictured above is the Chang-e 3 lander on the moon.

or unlucky enough to survive under those conditions.
So, therefore, the option The whole process here, look
at it! What is the hatred against human beings? What's
the nature of it? What's the expression of that? It's the
green policy! This was done by the Roman Empire and
other forms of these kinds of people: to reduce the popu-
lation, that is, to have a small oligarchy which dominates
the planet, or parts of the planet, and kill off the excess
population, which is the rest of the people. This is what
the Queen's policy is, and that is what she says it is.
So, who's the key? Well, the key of this is the Anglo-
Dutch system. The center of this whole operation that I
just talked about, is the Anglo-Dutch initiative, which is
really an empire which dominatesdirectly and indi-
rectly combineddominates the world, not only in its
physical practice, but in its cultural extension:
the green policy. How many greenies are there in the
United States and in Europe? They're all brainwashed.
They're condemned to extinction by the things they be-
This is what happened to the Roman Empire. The Ro-
man oligarchy got tired of trying to feed all these people,
and began mass-killing them with experiments like in the
arenas, and in the killing of the Christians. The mass-
killing of the Christians was largely an extinction proc-
ess. And then Rome as such collapsed; the Roman Em-
pire collapsed upon itself. The remnants exist, and the
wealthy Romans picked up their property, their jewels
and so forth, moved up to the northern part of the Adri-
atic, sat around there in the mud for a while, and then
became known as Venetians. Well, this is the new mean-
ing for "Venetian blind," and we have a lot of people
who are Venetian blinds in that sense!
So, this is what we're up against. We're up against a phe-
nomenon which is not uncommon in human history, and
that is in known human history. And the story of Prome-
theus, as against Zeus, is a real story, it's a true story, but
it represents the typification of the kind of policy which
we are faced with right now. The determination is, which
is centered in expression in the Anglo-Dutch Empire,
which is not limited to the British and the Dutch: It's
global. Australia! Most of Africa, the Middle East, the
Saudi Kingdom, for example. These are all extension of
this Empire, which is comparable in its intention to be
something like the Roman Empire was.
So, we've had, in human history, we've had periods of
large-scale extinction caused by an oligarchical tendency
in some population, which goes out to kill people in the
way that the people of Troy were extinguished. They
weren't just killed, they were extinguished! And that's
what we're looking at now.
Now, go back to the strategic issue again. What's the
reality? The greatest power in the world, right now, lies
in the Eurasian area. Why? It is growing. There are some
parts that aren't growing. But China is growing. Russia is
growingit's reversed its population collapse. Other
parts are growing. We now have a coalition emerging in
Eurasia, which is not totally unified, but a very powerful
part is there. The economy of that area of
the world is improving. The policy of the
trans-Atlantic region stinks, it's dying, at
an accelerating rate. As you know now,
after January 1st of this year, that the
death rate in this United States is going to
accelerate immediately, unless we stop it.
That's the key part of the story. But part
of the answer to the question that was
posed to us is, if we don't have the guts to
throw a crooked, evil President out of
office to save the United States, that's the
problem. Forget all this thing about the
coming several years, how things are go-
ing to work out. There're not going to be a
couple, several years, unless we change

Now we have, as I say, about 60% of the eligible voters
in the United States have a rather strong and increasing
inkling toward having this guy go
away, in the very near future, that's
their desire. But at the same time that
this development is occurring, what
you have is the process in which the
enemy, which includes our President,
who's the enemy of the people of the
United States, his policies are the en-
emy of the survival of the United
States. Look at his frauds, look at his
fraud on his health-care fraudhe's
literally killing people en masse, and
they're sitting there, whining, but say-
ing, "We have to work with this, we
have to live with this guy." And the
others are saying, "I hate him." And
some are saying, "Let's get rid of
So that's what the situation is. This is the reality. The idea
of trying to explain things by some little explanation, and
some source that tells you this fact and that factthis is
nonsense! We're talking of a process which has been long
known in the human species, in the human populations,
have been engaging in these kinds of things, with an oli-
garchical movement killing off those who are of lesser
And that's what's happening again. The Queen has made
it plain. Her husband has written it, others have written it;
the Greenie movement entirely is part of that. Every
Greenie that exists, pushing the Green
policy, is actually an enemy of the hu-
man species, in just exactly that way.
And why are we suffering in the United States?
The Green policy killed us. The Greenie policy is what
poisoned the United States.
The people of the United States as they're born are be-
coming dumber and dumber and dumber, and worse than
dumber, generation by generationwe call them success-
ful degenerations. Their education stinks. Education in
the schools today in the United States virtually does not
exist. There's a certain kind of show, manipulation, and
cheap old show. But brain change? Brain development?
Mind development? No, it doesn't exist. It's getting worse
and worse and worse. And together with that degenera-
tion of our young people in California, for example,
with their thumb gamethey're insane! They're not
just dumb they are dumbbut their dumbness
takes a quality of insanity with this thumb and related
business. The education system which produces this
thumb-on-thumb is part of the degeneration.
So therefore the problem is, what do we do practi-
cally? That's the question. You take all of these con-
siderations which I've summarized. What do we do
practically? We've got to reverse the education pol-
icy. We've got to reverse the Green policywe've
got to eliminate the Green policy. Without eliminat-
ing the Green policy, the United States can't exist.
And most of Europe can't exist. Whole nations of
Europe are about to disintegrate, disappear
The more people there are, the more resources
theyll consume, the more pollution theyll create,
the more fighting they will do.
We have no option. If it isnt
controlled voluntarily, it will be
controlled involuntarily by an
increase in disease, starvation
and war. ...In the event that I am
reincarnated, I would like to re-
turn as a deadly virus, in order to
contribute something to solve

-Prince Philip of Edinburgh
Young people have been so miseducated under an imperial school
system such that they dont believe that there is a difference be-
tween mankind and animals. Here, Australian eco-protestors
stand next to a banner that reads We live in an ecology. Not an


from the map.
And how can you stop it? Well, you have one factor.
We have a factor in the Eurasian region, including Rus-
sia, China, and so forth; a number of powerful nations
who are coming together, and forming an aggregation,
not as an empire, but as a coalition. Their intention is
growth. Their intention is typified by what China did, in
landing on the Moon. And when you look a little closer
at what is included in the features of that landing, you
see here's a nation which has picked up on something as
a mission, which could be the salvation of the United
States, if we would join in it.
There is no good reason for a war at this time in the
world, no good reason. If you think the thermonuclear
and related power, which can be assembled for a war of
nearly most of the world, when you think of in terms of
the thermonuclear and related capabilities, of military
forces of the opposing forces from the trans-Atlantic
and the Eurasian area, the possibility of extinction of the
human species is sitting right before us.
The problem here iswhat's the problem? We have
people who are like the poor guys, who didn't have the
authority. They know they were being, as they say,
"screwed," and worse and worse and worse. They know
they're losing their jobs, they're losing their health care,
they're losing their education, they're losing their rela-
tions with everybody. They're being destroyed. They
know it, and they hate it, more and more. But what are
they doing to act, to free themselves of that problem?
And that's what's lacking.
Now what happens is, what's a typical person say, that
knows this, that hates these guys, increasingly, but
really doesn't act effectively in any way? What's the
problem? "Well, I know you're right, but I'm not going
to say anything about it, I'm not going to do anything
about it, because I've to take care of myself, my oppor-
tunities, my family, and so forth. Therefore, I'm not go-
ing to resist, I'm going to protest." And will protesting,
under those conditions, stop a thermonuclear war? No.
So the problem is, lies essentially with the man in the
street in the United States. Because if the United States
were to throw this bum, this so-called President, out of
office, there would be a change in the ability of the typi-
cal citizen, to begin to begin to act to force a change in
policy. Now the typical citizen does not want to have a
part of a thermonuclear war. But what he's going to say
is, "I hope it doesn't happen." But this has to
be made not to happen. And this requires that the peo-
pleI know these American people, I'm very familiar
with them, over a longer period of time than most of
youand I know them. They have these feelings, a
typical American tends to have a generally good ten-
dency somewhere in them, about what they think the
future should be. They think in terms of, you know,
coming generations. They think that their children
should somehow be better off or at least more secure,
and have opportunities. And they know all this. And
they hate it, because they're accepting that being taken
away from them. And from that comes the question of
the ability of a small crew of dirty, evil thugs who
seized as happenedright after Kennedy's, after the
President's death. People caved in, they took it. People
who had been at war, who had been warriors in a victo-
rious war, caved in.
And we divided the American people against those who
were kissing the butt of one class of people, a smaller
number, and doing everything against the really vital
interest and future interest of the majority of our people.
And that's the weakness, because of the corruption
which has occurred with bad Presidents of the United
States, with drug dealers, and simply with these charac-
ters on Wall Street. We tolerate these people, we allow
them to subordinate our people, crush them, cheat them,
loot them, kill them through the effects of what they do,
and we can do nothing for our cause, the cause of the
human species, the common interests of the American
people in particular.
And that's what I say. The greatest danger to us, because
I know what the American people could do if they
would throw Obama out of office, and that's the only
way that I see that the world can survive, avoid a ther-
monuclear war: If the American people were to throw
Obama out of office, given the lack of popularity, esti-
mating maybe running into 60% of our citizens, voting
citizens, we could stop this. We would not allow the war
to start! And if the United States would not start the
war, it couldn't be pulled off!
And that, I think, is the only reality to think about on
this issue.

Part 1
The Countdown to Nuclear War

The Empire Lashes out
Fact Sheet:
Western Powers Back Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine
Lavrov Cites the Need To Avoid the Tragedy of World War in
Munich Security Conference Speech
Vitrenko, 28 Other Activists Appeal to UN, EU and USA Not
to Back Civil War and Fascist Coup in Ukraine
Vitrenko Warned of Neo-Nazi Gangs in April 2013


by Jeffrey Steinberg
Jan. 25The violent events now unfolding in
Kiev, Bangkok, and Cairo cannot be seen as sepa-
rate and unrelated events. In every case, the hand
of the Anglo-Dutch empire is visible, reflecting
what Lyndon LaRouche has identified as the grow-
ing danger of a global war leading to potential war
of thermonuclear extinction. The driving force be-
hind all of these acts of asymmetric warfare is not
to be found in the local conditions, per se, rather, it
is the desperate and dying forces of the trans-
Atlantic Anglo-Dutch empire who are driving the
The case of Ukraine is exemplary. Since the fall of
the Berlin Wall, it has been the strategic goal of
that empire, centered in the British monarchy, but
extending into the Bush and Obama White Houses,
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and other controlled
assets, to split Ukraine from Russia, and draw it
into the European Union as an agricultural feudal
satrap. That effort was dealt a stunning blow late
last year when President Yanukovych rejected the
Eastern Partnership Agreement with the EU, and
instead moved to deepen economic and political
cooperation with Russia. From that moment on, the
British have been driving to overthrow the
Yanukovych government and install pro-EU
forces. When mass protests fizzled, the British
reached back to longtime hooligan networks, in-
cluding outright fascist gangs and remnants of the
wartime pro-Nazi circles which were absorbed into
NATO intelligence at the close of World War II
through the CIA's Gehlen organization.
Now, those rampaging hooligans, allied with pro-
EU factions of the opposition parties, are demand-
ing the ouster of Yanukovych, rejecting an offer
over the weekend for a stake in a coalition goverm-
nent. Natalia Vitrenko, a leading Ukrainian politi-
cal figure, former President candidate, and former
member of the National Assembly, denounced the
Yanukovych offer of a compromise with the oppo-
sition as a dangerous capitulation, and called on the
government to stand its ground (see below for a
political statement signed by Vitrenko and 28 other
political and social organization leaders).
The use of terrorism has been the hallmark of re-
cent British operations on the ground in Thailand
and Egypt as well, where the ruling parties have
refused to cave in to Western demands for uncon-
ditional surrender.
Geneva II Sabotage
In Geneva last week, a similar scenario played out
at the opening of the Geneva II talks to bring an
end to the three-year conflict in Syria. At the start
of the session, clearly on orders from President
Obama and National Security Advisor Susan Rice,
Secretary of State John Kerry put the removal of
President Bashar Assad on the table as an uncondi-
tional demand. This demand, echoed by British
Foreign Secretary William Hague and representa-
tives of the Turkish and French governments, was
in contrast to the language of the Geneva I agree-
ment of June 2012, in which the Geneva II negotia-
tions were framed.
As the result of this act of sabotage, the outcome of
the talks is now in doubt, and the idea of launching
American military strikes against the Assad gov-
ernment has now been once again put
The Empire Lashes Out

on the table in an editorial in the Washington
Post. President Obama, under extraordinary pressure
from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and from the American
people, cancelled military strikes in early September
2013, after he had given the order to strike. The order
was delayed but never rescinded, and so now, Syria has
again become a flashpoint for war.
As the result of this, the gains made in the recent P5+1
interim deal with Iran are now also jeopardized. As of
Jan. 20, IAEA inspectors arrived in Iran, and verified
that the Iranians were in full compliance with the interim
agreement. In his appearance last week at the annual
World Economic Forum at Davos, President Hassan
Rouhani reiterated his pledge that Iran will never seek a
nuclear weapon, and that he is prepared to normalize
political and economic relations with the rest of the
world. Already, Asian diplomats and business leaders
have begun to resume trade with Iran following decades
of crippling sanctions.
Under the sanctions regime, the hardline factions, led by
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), had
taken over the economy, which largely ran as a black
market enterprise, breaking the sanctions and blockades.
Rouhani represents forces committed to normalizing
Iran's role in the world, and that means stripping the
IRGC "mafia" of much of its economic clout. The Presi-
dent is hypersensitive to the fact that a hardline turn in
Washington or other Western capitals could give the
hardliners the leverage to crush his reform agenda.
Congress Reacts
It was in this context that a group of leading members of
Congress in Washington joined Sen. Dianne Fein-
stein (D-Calif.), chair of the Senate Select Commit-
tee on Intelligence, in putting the kabosh on a new
sanctions bill that has been pushed in the Senate.
The core issue facing the world as a whole is
whether the bankrupt Anglo-Dutch financial sys-
tem, centered in the trans-Atlantic region, will trig-
ger a global showdown with the nations of Eura-
sianotably, Russia, China, and Indiathe part of
the world that is still growing, and has a perspective
of future progress. That future orientation is best
expressed in China's successful lunar exploration
program, including its declared intention to develop
the Moon's helium-3 resources to accelerate the
transition to a thermonuclear fusion economy in the
coming decades.
The Anglo-Dutch, on the other hand, face the problem
that their system is hopelessly bankrupt. Every lever for
global conflict is being pushed to the limit at the same
As LaRouche has warned, so long as Barack Obama, a
certifiable tool of the Anglo-Dutch empire, is in White
House, the world remains on the cusp of potential ther-
monuclear extinction. There are ample reasons for
Obama's immediate impeachment, but the overarching
reason is that his removal is the only assured path to
survival for mankind as a whole. With Obama's finger
on the nuclear trigger, the danger in Ukraine, Syria, Iran,
and elsewhere is that U.S. actions can become the deto-
nator for a conflict that rapidly draws in all of the world
powers in a showdown between the dying trans-Atlantic
forces and the still-advancing Eurasian forces.
It is the clear understanding of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of
Staff that the war danger is real and imminent. This was
clearly reflected last week, when JCS chairman Gen.
Martin Dempsey met with his Russian counterpart Gen.
Valery Gerasimov, and they agreed that even if political
and diplomatic crises erupt between the two countries,
the military commanders must maintain their coopera-
tion as a war-avoidance factor. While invaluable, such
measures are no longer sufficient. Nothing short of
Obama's removal by constitutional means and the imme-
diate passage of Glass-Steagall in the U.S., a move that
will bankrupt the Anglo-Dutch system, can assure true
war prevention at this crucial moment.

By an EIR Research Team
Feb. 2, 2014Western nations, led by the European
Union and the Obama Administration, are backing an
outright neo-Nazi regime-change coup in Ukraine. If the
effort succeeds, the consequences will extend far beyond
the borders of Ukraine and neighboring states. For Rus-
sia, such a coup would constitute a casus belli, coming as
it does in the context of NATO missile defense expan-
sion into Central Europe and the evolution of a U.S.-
NATO doctrine of "Prompt Global Strike," which presu-
mes that the United States can launch a pre-emptive first
strike against Russia and China and survive the retalia-
The events in Ukraine constitute a potential trigger for a
global war that could rapidly and easily escalate to a ther-
monuclear war of extinction. At this weekends Munich
Security Conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov had a heated public exchange with NATO Secre-
tary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, in which the latter
accused Russia of "bellicose rhetoric" and Lavrov res-
ponded by citing the European missile defense program
as an attempt to secure a nuclear first-strike capability
against Russia.
In his formal remarks at Munich and a week earlier at the
World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, Lavrov
also assailed Western governments for supporting neo-
Nazi terrorist organizations in their zeal to place Ukraine
under European Union and Troika control to tighten the
NATO noose around Russia.
If anything, Lavrov understated the case.
Nazi Hooligans Take the Lead
Ever since President Viktor Yanukovych announced that
Ukraine was withdrawing its plans to sign the European
Unions Association Agreement on Nov. 21, 2013, Wes-
tern-backed organizations made up of remnants of the
wartime and immediate postwar Nazi collaborationist
Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) and
their successors have launched a campaign of provoca-
tions aimed at not only at bringing down the government
of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, but at overthrowing
the democratically elected President Yanukovych.
The EU Eastern Partnership was initiated in December
2008 by Carl Bildt and Radek Sikorski, the foreign mi-
nisters of Sweden and Poland, in the wake of Georgias
military showdown with Russia in South Ossetia. The
Eastern Partnership targeted six countries that were for-
merly republics within the Soviet Union : three in the
Caucasus region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and
three in East Central Europe (Belarus, Moldova, Ukrai-
ne). They were not to be invited to full EU membership,
but drawn into an EU vise through so-called Association
Agreements, each one centered on a Deep and Compre-
hensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA).
The prime target of the effort was Ukraine. Under the
Association Agreement negotiated with Ukraine, but not
signed, the industrial economy of Ukraine would have
been dismantled, trade with Russia would have been sa-
vaged (with Russia ending its free-trade regime with
Ukraine, to prevent its own markets from being flooded
via Ukraine), and the European markets players would
have grabbed for Ukraines agricultural and raw mate-
rials exports. The same deadly austerity regime as has
been imposed on the Mediterranean states of Europe un-
der the Troika bailout swindle would have been imposed
on Ukraine.
Furthermore, the Association Agreement mandated
"convergence" on security issues, with integration into
European defense systems. Under such an upgraded ar-
rangement, the long-term treaty agreements on the Rus-
sian Navys use of the crucial Crimean Black Sea ports
would have been terminated, ultimately giving NATO
forward basing on Russias immediate border.
While Western news accounts promoted the demonstra-
tions in Kievs Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezh-
nesti, or Euromaidan as it is now called), as initially pea-
ceful, the fact is that, from the outset, the protests

Western Powers Back
Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine

included hardcore avowed neo-Nazis, right-wing "soccer
hooligans" and "Afghansy" combat veterans of the wars
in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Georgia. According to
Ukrainian parliamentarian Oleh Tsaryov, 350 Ukrainians
returned to the country from Syria in January 2014, after
fighting with the Syrian rebels, including al-Qaeda-linked
groups such as the al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Already, on the weekend of Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2013, rioters
were throwing Molotov cocktails and seized the Kiev
Mayors Office, declaring it a "revolutionary headquar-
ters." Protesters from the opposition Svoboda Party, for-
merly called the Socialist-Nationalists, march under the
red and black flag of Stepan Banderas Organization of
Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Nazi collaborators
who exterminated Jews and Poles as an adjunct of the
Nazi war machine, and in fulfillment of their own radical
ideas on ethnic purity, during World War II.
The slogan of the Svoboda Party, "Ukraine for the Ukrai-
nians," was Banderas battle cry during the OUN-B colla-
boration with Hitler following the Nazi invasion of the
Soviet Union. It was under that slogan that mass execu-
tions and ethnic cleansing were carried out by Banderas
fascist fighters. Ukrainian sources have reported that the
Svoboda Party was conducting paramilitary training du-
ring the Summer of 2013months before President Ya-
nukovych made his decision to reject the EU Association
The neo-Nazi, racist and anti-semitic character of Svobo-
da did not deter Western diplomatsincluding U.S. As-
sistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Af-
fairs Victoria Nulandfrom publicly meeting with the
partys leader Oleh Tyahnybok, who had been kicked
out of the Our Ukraine movement in 2004 for his spee-
ches railing against "Muscovites and Jews"using offen-
sive, derogatory names for both.
The Bandera fascist revival has been underway in plain
sight since the "Orange Revolution" of 2004, when Vik-
tor Yushchenko was installed as President of Ukraine
through a foreign-backed street campaign heavily finan-
ced by George Soross International Renaissance Founda-
tion and more than 2,000 other non-governmental organi-
zations from Europe and America, after he had been offi-
cially declared the loser in a tight presidential contest with
Viktor Yanukovych. On Jan. 22, 2010, one of Yushchen-
kos last acts as President, after losing his reelection bid
to Yanukovych by a wide margin, was to name Stepan
Bandera a Hero of Ukraine, which is a high state honor.
Yushchenkos second wife, Kateryna Chumachenko,
was herself a member of the youth group of the Banderist
OUN-B in Chicago, where she was born, according to
news accounts. In the
1980s, Chumachenko
headed the Washing-
ton offices of the
Ukrainian Congress
Committee of Ameri-
ca (in which OUN-B
influence was great
at that time, accor-
ding to the Internet
Encyclopedi a of
Ukraine) and the Na-
tional Captive Na-
tions Committee, be-
fore moving over to
the State Department
Bureau for Human
The neo-Nazi resurgence leading the revolt n Ukraine has gained the
support of western powers. Here Svoboda youth rally with a picture
of Hitlers key Ukrainian collaborator Stephan Bandera, who was
made a national hero by former Ukrainian President Yushchenko.
Neo-Nazi Svoboda thugs at the forefront of the Ukrainian protests
Kateryna Chumachenko leading a
1989 nazi rally of the Ukrainian Natio-
nal Alliance Party.


In January 2011, President Yanukovych announced that
Banderas Hero of Ukraine status had been officially re-
The OUN-B : A Bit of History
The Bandera OUN-B legacy is critical to understanding
the nature of the armed insurrection now unfolding in
Ukraine. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists was
founded in 1929, and within four years, Bandera was its
head. In 1934, Bandera and other OUN leaders were ar-
rested for the assassination of Bronislaw Pieracki, the
Polish Minister of Internal Affairs. Bandera was freed
from jail in 1938 and immediately entered into negotia-
tions with the German Occupation Headquarters, recei-
ving funds and arranging Abwehr training for 800 of his
paramilitary commandos. By the time of the Nazi inva-
sion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Banderas forces
consisted of at least 7,000 fighters, organized into "mobile
groups" that coordinated with German forces. Bandera
received 2.5 million German marks to conduct subversive
operations inside the Soviet Union. After he declared an
independent Ukrainian state under his direction in 1941,
Bandera was arrested and sent to Berlin. But he maintai-
ned his Nazi ties and funding, and his "mobile groups"
were supplied and given air cover by the Germans throug-
hout the war.
In 1943, Banderas OUN-B carried out a mass extermina-
tion campaign of Poles and Jews, killing an estimated
70,000 civilians during the summer of that year alone.
Although Bandera was still running the OUN-B opera-
tions out of Berlin, the ethnic cleansing program was run
by Mykola Lebed, the chief of the Sluzhba Bespeki,
OUN-Bs secret police organization. In May 1941, at an
OUN plenary in Krakow, the organization issued a docu-
ment, "Struggle and Action of OUN During the War,"
which stated, in part,
"Moskali, Poles, Jews are
hostile to us and must be
exterminated in this
struggle." ("Moskal" is
derogatory Ukrainian
slang for "Muscovites,"
or Russians.)
With the defeat of the
Nazis and the end of the
war on the European
front, Bandera and many
leaders of the OUN-B
wound up in displaced per-
son camps in Germany and
Central Europe. According
to Stephen Dorrill in his
authoritative history of
MI6, MI6 : Inside the Co-
vert World of Her Majes-
tys Secret Intelligence
Service, Bandera was re-
cruited to work for MI6 in
April 1948. The link to the
British was arranged by
Gerhard von Mende, a
former top Nazi who had
headed the Caucasus Divi-
sion of the Reich Ministry
for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Ostministerium).
Von Mende recruited Muslims from the Caucasus and
Central Asia to fight with the Nazis during the invasion of
the Soviet Union. At the close of World War II, he wor-
ked for the British through a front company, Research
Service on Eastern Europe, which was a recruiting agency
for principally Muslim insurgents operating inside the
Soviet Union. Von Mende was instrumental in establis-
hing a major hub of Muslim Brotherhood operations in
Munich and Geneva.
Through von Mende, MI6 trained agents from the OUN-B
and dropped them inside the Soviet Union to carry out
sabotage and assassination operations between 1949 and
1950. A 1954 MI6 report praised Bandera as "a professio-
nal underground worker with a terrorist background and
ruthless notions about the rules of the game."
In March 1956, Bandera went to work for the German
equivalent of the CIA, the BND, then headed by Gen.
Reinhardt Gehlen, the head of German military intelligen-
ce on the Eastern Front during World War II. Again, von
Mende was one of his sponsors and protectors. In 1959,
Bandera was assassinated by the KGB in West Germany.
Banderas top OUN-B killer, Mykola Lebed, the on-site
commander of the groups secret police, fared even better
at the close of World War II. Lebed was recruited by the
U.S. Armys Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) in Decem-
ber 1946, and by 1948, was on the CIA payroll. Lebed
recruited those OUN-B agents who did not go with Ban-
dera and MI6, and participated in a number of sabotage
programs behind the Iron Curtain, including "Operation
Cartel" and "Operation Aerodynamics." Lebed was
brought to New York City, where he established a CIA
Gerard von Mende
Mykola Lebed

front company, Prolog Research Corporation, under the
control of Frank Wisner, who was the head of the CIA s
Directorate of Plans during the 1950s. Prolog operated
well into the 1990s, getting a big boost when Zbigniew
Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carters National Secu-
rity Advisor.
In 1985, the U.S. Department of Justice launched an
investigation into Lebeds role in the wartime genocide
in Poland and Western Ukraine, but the CIA blocked the
probe and it was eventually dropped. Nevertheless, in
2010, after the release of thousands of pages of wartime
records, the National Archives published a documentary
report, Hitlers Shadow : Nazi War Criminals, U.S. In-
telligence, and the Cold War, by Richard Breitman and
Norman Goda, which included a detailed account of
Banderas and Lebeds wartime Nazi collusion and in-
volvement in mass executions of Jews and Poles.
It is this Bandera-Lebed legacy, and the networks spaw-
ned in the postwar period, which are at the center of the
current events in Ukraine.
Speaking Out
On Jan. 25, 2014, twenty-nine Ukrainian leaders of poli-
tical parties, civic and religious organizations, including
former presidential candidate and parliamentarian Nata-
lia Vitrenko, sent an open letter to the United Nations
Secretary General and leaders of the EU and the United
States, decrying the Western support for the neo-Nazi
campaign to carry out a bloody coup against a legitima-
tely elected government.
The open letter read, in part : "You should understand
that, in supporting the actions of the guerillas in Ukrai-
ne ... you yourselves are directly protecting, inciting,
and egging on Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists.
"None of these oppositionists (Yatsenyuk, Klitschko, and
Tyahnybok) hide that they are continuing the ideology
and the practices of the OUN-UPA.... Wherever the Eu-
romaidan people go in Ukraine, they disseminate, besi-
des the slogans mentioned above, neo-Nazi, racist sym-
bols.... Also confirming the neo-Nazi nature of the Euro-
maidan is the constant use of portraits of the bloody exe-
cutioners of our people, Bandera and Shukhevych
agents of the Abwehr."
The open letter posed the question to Western leaders:
"Have the UN, the EU, and the U.S.A. ceased to reco-
gnize the Charter and Verdict of the International War
Crimes Tribunal at Nuremburg, where the Hitlerite Na-
zis and their henchmen were convicted ? Have human
rights ceased to be a value for the countries of the EU
and the world community ? Is the Ukrainian nationalist-
s devotion to Hitler and his mass murders of civilians
now considered democracy ?"
Only in the recent days, with scenes of mass violence by
armed protesters finally breaking through the propagan-
da fog, has the Western media taken up the neo-Nazi
character of the ongoing destabilization. Time magazine,
on Jan. 28, headlined its coverage from Kiev "Right-
Wing Thugs Are Hijacking Ukraines Liberal Uprising,"
profiling one group of neo-Nazi hooligans called Spilna
Sprava ("Common Cause," but the Ukrainian initials
spell "SS"), as being near the center of the protests.
The next day, Jan. 29, the Guardian headlined "In Ukrai-
ne, Fascists, Oligarchs and Western Expansion Are at
the Heart of the Crisis," with the kicker : "The story
were told about the protests gripping Kiev bears only
the sketchiest relationship with reality." Guardian repor-
ter Seumas Milne candidly wrote, "Youd never know
from most of the reporting that far-right nationalists and
fascists have been at the heart of the protests and attacks
on government buildings. One of the three main opposi-
tion parties heading the campaign is the hard-right anti-
Semitic Svoboda, whose leader Oleh Tyahnybok claims
that a Moscow-Jewish mafia controls Ukraine. The
party, now running the city of Lviv, led a 15,000-strong
torch-lit march earlier this month in memory of the
Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera, whose forces
fought with the Nazis in the second world war and took
part in massacres of Jews."
Counterpunch also published a Jan. 29 article by Eric
Draitser, "Ukraine and the Rebirth of Fascism," which
began with the warning : "The violence on the streets of
Ukraine is far more than an expression of popular anger
against a government. Instead, it is merely the latest
example of the rise of the most insidious form of fascism
that Europe has seen since the fall of the Third Reich....
In an attempt to pry Ukraine out of the Russian sphere of
influence, the U.S.-EU-NATO alliance has, not for the
first time, allied itself with fascists."

By William F. Wertz
2 February 2014 (LPAC)Russian Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov began his speech at the Munich Security
Conference today on the necessity of preventing a repeat
of the tragedy of world war. His remarks were made on
the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. His ope-
ning remarks follow:
"It is impossible to overlook the symbolism of the date
of todays meeting. 70 years ago one of the most diffi-
cult, bloody, and crucial battles of World War II the bat-
tle of Stalingrad was over. Hundreds of thousands of my
compatriots who gave their lives for this victory on the
banks of Volga were not only defending the Motherland,
but also fighting for the attainment of universal peace,
just as all our allies were doing.
"The diplomacy efforts were also aimed at the purpose
of not permitting the tragedy of world war to repeat.
They resulted in the creation of the United Nations Orga-
nization. However, soon afterwards the cold war drew
the dividing lines in Europe, putting off the opportunities
for building a system of collective security, which is em-
bodied in the UN Charter, for a long time.
"I speak of this not to provoke another search for the
guilty ones. Stirring up the past is not for credible politi-
cians. As the Russian president Vladimir Putin stressed
in December letter to the Federal Assembly, Russia is
only going ahead, only into the future. Thats why the
meaning of our participation in Munich conference we
see above all in trying to find a joint approach to buil-
ding a security community based on authentic strategic
partnership. That is the very aim that was put by the lea-
ders of Euro-Atlantic countries in 2010 at OSCE sum-
mits in Astana and Russia-NATO Council in Lisbon.
"Certainly, it would be a mistake to state that nothing is
done at all for achieving this noble aim. Russia and
U.S.A. concluded the START, many-sided cooperation
in combating terrorism, narcobusiness, piracy, threats
from Afghanistan, is developing. The rejection of cold
war era psychology is officially proclaimed. Russia and
NATO members declared that they are not seeing each
other as enemies.
"However, we are not here to shower praises and compli-
ments upon each other, but to understand the ways that
need to be coordinated for the successful solving of the
remaining problems. With this in view, we all have to
admit that not in word but in deed we are still nowhere
near the truly collective Euro-Atlantic architecture,
which would be based on solid international legal foun-
dation. Still present is a tendency of building relations on
military-political affairs in Europe not on the base of
principles proclaimed in OSCE and NRC, but by advan-
cing NATO-centric security structure as a single option.
"We consider such a narrow-bloc approach to be of no
avail and difficult to conceive with the help of objective,
rational considerations; it is hardly applicable to building
politics in todays global world, when we share the
threats. It is time to take a broad and comprehensive look
at the whole complex of relations in Euro-Atlantics and
try to define the identity of approaches and the remaining
discrepancies between us, including with regard to
conflict situations in other parts of the world that influen-
ce our mutual security."
Lavrov Cites the Need To Avoid
the Tragedy of World War
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Lavrov Exposes EU Support for
Bloodshed in Ukraine and Syria
Moscow cannot see why prominent European politicians
choose to not denounce the seizure of administration buil-
dings in Ukraine and attacks on police officers, which
definitely does not have to do anything with "democracy,"
the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said when
addressing the Munich Security Conference this morning.
"Why is no one condemning those who seize administra-
tion buildings, attack policemen and chant racist and anti-
Semitic slogans? Why are prominent European politicians
actually encouraging the moves in question, although in
their own countries they immediately clamp down on any
encroachments on the letter of the law?" Lavrov said.
"How would the European Union react if the Russian go-
vernment openly supported street riots in London, Paris or
Hamburg, and sent its ministers to these cities to encoura-
ge the protesters?" he asked.
In addition, Lavrov pointed out that in Syria, while some
are trying to combat the terrorist organizations al-Nusra
Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
through establishing a new association called the Islamic
Front, the groups comprising the Islamic Front are similar
to those terror groups. At least one was involved, with the
al-Nusra Front, in the Adra massacre in Syria, in which
dozens of Christians, Druze, and other minorities were
slain, he added. Militants migrate between the Islamic
Front, al-Nusra Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant depending on who pays more, Russia therefore
has great doubts that the Islamic Front could serve as an
alternative to terrorists, Lavrov said.
These charges were among the most harshly worded pas-
sages in a speech which was otherwise rather reserved
and diplomatic, calling on the West to contribute to insti-
tutions with Russia, to work constructively with and not
against Russialike the Geneva II meetings on Syria, or
the Russian proposal to create cooperation between the
Euro-Atlantic part of Europe and the Eurasian part, by
Another passage with a harsher tone was Lavrovs res-
ponse to charges made earlier the same morning by NA-
TO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who ac-
cused Russia of having a destructive approach on missile
defense and NATO expansion ("partnership" program for
post-Soviet era). Lavrov said that being an integral part of
the U.S. strategic forces, the missile shield built up in
Eastern Europe is offensive, therefore one cannot expect
Russia to applaud it. It is worth special mention that La-
vrov urged the West, particularly the Europeans, to finally
learn the lesson from what caused the outbreak of two
world wars, and focus on cooperation rather on confronta-
tion instead.
The NATO ABM system encircling Russia (conjoined with the USA-led system around China) features the greatest threat now con-
fronting humanity. This was the core of the fight between NATO Sec. Gen Rasmussen and Lavrov

25 January, 2014 -- Economist Natalia Vitrenko, head of
the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, is one of 29
signatories to an appeal released by Ukrainian leftist
political party and Orthodox social organization leaders.
Addressed to the UN Secretary-General and European
and American leaders, it is titled "Stop the Guerrillas
Marauding, Halt the Incitement to Civil War, a Coup,
and the Disintegration of the Country!"
Here is the statement in full:

Vitrenko, 28 Other Activists Appeal to
UN, EU and USA Not to Back Civil War
and Fascist Coup in Ukraine
Natalia Vitrenko features LaRouches Triple Curve collapse func-
tion during her bid for President in recent Ukrainian elections
Appeal from Ukrainian political parties and public orga-
nizations to the UN Secretary-General and the leaders-
hip of the EU and the USA
January 25, 2014
The political crisis in Ukraine is worsening by the day,
taking the country toward fratricidal civil war, the loss
of sovereignty, and the disintegration of the state. This is
a foreign project to seize Ukraine. It is being implemen-
ted against the interests and the demands of our people.
It is being carried out unconstitutionally and in violation
of international norms and principles, which are based
on peaceful action, free elections, freedom of speech,
and respect for human rights.
Since the international media reports deliberately distor-
ted information about Ukraine, stated by politicians and
officials in the EU and the USA, and this is used in sup-
port of the illegal actions of the guerrillas, we are obli-
ged to make the following Appeal.
1. The pretext for organizing the Euromaidan in Kiev
was the refusal of the Government and the President of
Ukraine to sign an Association Agreement with the EU.
We draw your attention to the content of this document,
for the sake of which the Parliamentary opposition led
people to the Maidan. The heart of the Agreement is the
complete loss of Ukraines sovereignty through the
transfer to supranational agencies (the Council of Asso-
ciation and the Committee on Trade) of decision-making
authority, placing them juridically above the Constitu-
tion and laws of Ukraine. It has been unconditionally
proven that this contradicts the Declaration on the Natio-
nal Sovereignty of Ukraine, the Constitution of Ukraine,
and decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. It
also contradicts the expression of the will of the people
of Ukraine in the referenda of March 17 and December
1, 1991.
Implementation of the Association Agreement with the
EU would indisputably lead to the destruction of the
countrys economy, industry, agriculture, service sector,
and science.
Signing the Association Agreement with the EU would
lead to the total annihilation of state property, which is a

competitor of oligarchs in the West.
The Association Agreement with the EU would eliminate
the national and state sovereignty of Ukraine. Its embed-
ded political convergence mechanism would liquidate
political sovereignty as well, drawing Ukraine into the
Joint Security and Defense Policy (JSDP). This anti-
Russian project provides for the expulsion of the Russian
Federations Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol and Crimea
as a whole, and draws Ukraine into the NATO military
The aforementioned arguments confirm that the Agree-
ment on Association of Ukraine with the EU is a project
of the West for the takeover and colonization of Ukraine.
Its implementation has been assigned to the Parliamenta-
ry opposition: the Batkivshchyna (Fatherland), Udar
(Punch) of Klitschko, and Svoboda (Freedom) Parties.
2. We deem it necessary to draw your close attention to
the nature of the political forces that have organized the
Euromaidan and today are conducting combat actions
throughout the territory of Ukraine. The terrorists have
not only launched bloodletting with law enforcement
agencies, but are seizing government buildings, smashing
and burning the party offices of their political opponents,
and applying mob law against the citizens of Ukraine.
This unquestionably threatens the safety and life of citi-
zens, as well as their dignity and the inviolability of their
You should understand that, in supporting the
actions of the guerrillas in Ukraine, by according
them the status of "Euromaidan activists" who
are taking part in so-called peaceful actions, you
yourselves are directly protecting, inciting, and
egging on Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists.
None of these oppositionists (Yatsenyuk, Klits-
chko, and Tyahnybok) hide that they are conti-
nuing the ideology and the practices of the OUN
-UPA. They punctuate all of their speeches at the
Maidan with cries of "Glory to Ukraine to the
Heroes Glory!" This Nazi greeting was adopted
by the Ukrainian nationalists in April 1941 (at
the Second Assembly of the OUN), and was co-
pied from the analogous slogans of Hitlers Nazi
Other regular slogans of the Maidan are "Glory
to Ukraine Death to the Enemies," "Ukraine
above All," "Ukraine for Ukrainians," "Stab the
Muscovites and Hang the Communists."
Wherever the Euromaidan people go in Ukraine, they
disseminate, besides the slogans mentioned above, neo-
Nazi, racist symbols such as the Wolfs Cross one of
the first emblems of Hitlers NSDAP Party; the Celtic
Cross one of the main neo-Nazi and racist symbols,
denoting the superiority of the white race; and the num-
bers 14 and 88. The 14 refers to fourteen words of the
American neo-Nazi David Lane, who was sentenced to
190 years in prison in the state of Indiana, USA, for racist
civil rights violations and racketeering; while 88 is an
encoded version of "Heil Hitler!" ("h" being the eighth
letter of the Latin alphabet). Right Sector, which coordi-
nates the guerrillas, uses the black-and-red flag in all its
actions. It is a symbol of the Nazi ideology of "Blood and
Soil," which in 1930 was consolidated as a certain sort of
national socialist doctrine, which the Hitlerites used to
justify their regime after coming to power in 1933.
Also confirming the neo-Nazi nature of the Euromaidan
is the constant use of portraits of the bloody executioners
of our people, Bandera and Shukhevich agents of the
Abwehr under the nicknames "Gray" and "Taras Chuprin-
ka." On January 14 a portrait of Bandera was hung from
the Kiev City Hall [occupied by demonstrators], as a pro-
vocation. After a scandal ensued, it was removed to the
interior of the building. Also diabolical was the march by
Leader of the opposition groups, Natali Klitchko has already expressed his
dintention to bring Ukraine into NATO. Here, he poses with the NATO logo


Maidan participants with torches through the central
streets of Kiev on January 1, Banderas birthday.
Not only the Kiev Maidan, but also the maidans unfolding
in the regions of Ukraine are massively infected with Nazi
ideology, and they are using the practices of their prede-
cessors in their actions both against law enforcement
agencies and against Ukrainian civilians (including their
political opponents).
Washington and Brussels are either following the risky
course of ignoring the Nazi nature of the Euromaidan, or
they are consciously closing their eyes and covering up
the fascist ideology of the Parliamentary opposition and
the Euromaidan in Ukraine. It is appropriate to ask: "Have
the UN, the EU, and the USA ceased to recognize the
Charter and Verdict of the International War Crimes Tri-
bunal at Nuremberg, where the Hitlerite Nazis and their
henchmen were convicted? Have human rights ceased to
be a value for the countries of the EU and the world com-
munity? Is the Ukrainian nationalists devotion to Hitler
and his mass murders of civilians now considered demo-
3. The rights of those citizens of Ukraine who condemn
Nazism and neo-Nazism, espouse a different ideology,
defend the sovereignty of Ukraine, and categorically re-
ject the Association Agreement with the EU, while seeing
Ukraines integration into the Customs Union as a way
out of the crisis, are being trampled on! Representative
polling shows that over half the population advocates the
integration of Ukraine with Russia and 97 percent are
against Nazism. Do the EU and the UN think that the
rights of tens of millions of these Ukrainians should not
be defended? Do the EU and the UN consider it a stan-
dard of democracy, when the so-called self-defense units
of the Euromaidan, unconstitutionally and in violation of
the norms of international law, kidnap citizens, search
them, interrogate them, torture them, and take them off
for "sentences" to be carried out?
We insist on the inclusion of our representatives in the
negotiation process with the President of Ukraine and the
Parliamentary opposition, and we ask you to support this
demand. We also urgently request that you receive an
authorized delegation of the signatories hereof, in order to
obtain objective information about what is happening in
We, as leaders of Ukrainian political parties and public
organizations, express our concern that politicians and
officials from the UN, the EU, the USA, and the interna-
tional community have a distorted perception of the
events being organized to bring about a coup detat in
Ukraine, and are not taking effective measures to stop this
fascist coup.
We call on the leadership of the UN, the EU, and the USA
to immediately condemn the actions of Ukrainian Nazi
organizations and, on their own part, to take the necessary
measures to prevent a fratricidal civil war in our country.
We are sending a copy of this Appeal to the leaders of the
member countries of the United Nations Security Council.
The full list of signers can be
viewed here:
Pictures of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera abound the protest-
ers in Ukraine
Banderas Jan.1 birthday was celebrated by a large march by torch-
light in Kiev

Baird marching with the protestors on December 6
After marching with the anti-Russian mobs, Canadian Minister of Foreign
Affairs John Baird met with the opposition groups, including Klitchko
(right) and Tyahnybok (left). Baird gave off the impression that all Canadi-
ans gave their support to the fascist mobs.
Svoboda The Nazi connection that only a
British Puppet Could Ignore

Natalia Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics, leader of the Pro-
gressive Socialist Party of Ukraine and the Eurasian Peo-
ples Union of Ukraine, delivered a warning on April
15th, 2013, of the clear and present danger represented by
the Neo-Nazi gangs in Ukraine. The presentation was
delivered at the post conference seminar, of the April
14th, 2013 Schiller institute conference in Frankfurt Ger-
Dr. Vitrenko's Remarks
April 15, 2013
During the two days of the conference and today, we have
looked very deeply into the crisis situation, as one of glo-
bal destruction. But we are not the only ones, we people
of reason, who are preparing for the crisis. I am convinced
that the strategists of the British Empire are also working
on their scenarios and preparing for this collapse. Helga
alluded to this in her remarks, referring to the threat of
And the processes under way in Ukraine are not unique;
in Latvia, Hungary, Romania, and Im sure in Greece and
Spain, the same thing is going on. The economy has been
destroyed, artificially. The oligarchical paradigm has been
established, with the drastic impoverishment of the popu-
lation. And then everything possible is done, to bring neo-
Nazis into the political arena. This is very clear in the
example of Ukraine. We had President Kravchuk, and
then President Kuchma.
They listened to the IMF, they conducted reforms, but
they continued to waver between Russia and the West.
The West then brought Yushchenko into play. Who was
he? His father was in six different concentration camps
during World War II. Well, thats patent nonsense, becau-
se people did not survive even one concentration camp,
never mind six. At the end of the war, he went into the
American zone. I believe that from that point on, his fa-
ther was totally controlled.
Then, Yushchenko was assigned a State Department case
officer, who was to become his wife. Yushchenko became
President not by being elected, but under pressure: Javier
Solana came, others came in, and pressured the Court to
make the decision in favor of Yushchenko [in 2004]. In
the streets, at that time, we had the color revolution, paid
for by George Soros, Berezovsky, et al. Yushchenko be-
comes President. What is the first thing he does? He es-
sentially rehabilitates all the collaborationists. Monu-
ments begin to be built in Ukraine to Bandera, Sukhevich
to these agents of the Abwehr. In western Ukraine the
Nazi movement takes to the streets.
We sound the alarm. We understand that this is even
against UN resolutions. But Yushchenko, Tymoshenko
and Yatsenyuk, the pro-NATO forces, are in power, and
they pursue this policy. In the West, they can see that the
south and the east of Ukraine are against such a scenario.
Then, Washington agrees for Yanukovych to become Pre-
sident. Yanukovych makes his first foreign trip to Brus-
sels, to NATO headquarters. Yanukovych allows the Na-
zis onto national TV. Within six months, the Nazi party
Svoboda wins the elections to the regional parliaments in
western Ukraine. At that point our movement came under
heavy pressure.
We were kept off the air. But the Nazi parties became
more powerful. In the 2009 Parliamentary elections, the
Nazi party Svoboda entered the Parliament and obtained
Parliamentary immunity, substantial state financing, and
guaranteed air time. They proceed to hold their covens
without any obstacles. They march through the streets
with torches and under slogans like Ukraine over All!
Ukraine for Ukrainians! Glory to Ukraine, Death to
the Enemies! Stab the Muscovites, Slash the Russians,
Hang the Communists! This a gross violation of the
Ukrainian Constitution, because it is incitement to ethnic
strife. Nobody does anything about it. Money pours in
from the West.
For the so-called struggle against corruption alone, NGOs
receive $400 million a year from Europe. They start bea-
ting up people demonstrating for other causes: anti-
fascists, Orthodox, etc. We had to set up our own self-
defense units to defend our rallies. Several times, already,
we have had to make citizens arrests of the neo-Nazi
Vitrenko Warned of Neo-Nazi
Gangs in April 2013

thugs and take them to the police station. We would de-
mand that they be prosecuted for impeding our political
The police immediately let them go and they have orders
from above to do this; that Europe would be unhappy
with the violation of democracy in Ukraine, if they touch
these thugs. The government is doing nothing to stop
this. Nazi propaganda is spread openly. Books by
[Dmytro] Dontsov, the Ukrainian Nietzsche, are open-
ly sold in the Parliament building. Yushchenko, before
leaving office, issued a decree that only the nationalists
could be considered fighters for Ukraines independen-
ce. By the logic of this decree, the Red Army were oc-
cupiers. Russia was an occupying force. Only the colla-
borationists are upheld as having defended Ukraines
independence. I filed suit against this decree by Yush-
chenko. Yanukovych could have repealed the decree,
but he did not. I lost the case at the local level, the ap-
peals court, and the Ukrainian Supreme Court, and am
now preparing a complaint to the Supreme Court.
My father fought throughout the war, so how could he
be an occupier? There have already been films shown on
Ukrainian TV about how Ukrainians greeted Hitler with
joy, while Stalin was a demon, the Red Army were oc-
cupiers. Then there are talk shows around these films, in
which young people shout out, Glory to Ukraine! The
Nazis cultivate soccer fans. There have been several ca-
ses during soccer games, when at the 88th minute of the
game, a firecracker is set off. This is a code for HH or
Heil Hitler!
The International Soccer Association had to penalize the
Kiev Dynamo soccer club, forcing them to play a game
with no spectators. I wrote a letter of thanks to [ISA Pre-
sident] Michel Platini, for being the only one to raise his
voice against Nazism in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Nazis
have a headquarters office in Prague. They work directly
with those in Poland, the USA, and Great Britain. I un-
derstand very well that at any moment, passions could
explode in Ukraine and the streets will belong to the
Nazis. Yanukovych is a 100% puppet of the West. His
father was in the Polizei. And so it turns out that all the
people in power in Ukraine are those who hate Russia.
And the fact that our population is dying out, and the
fact that we are deprived of the ability to live together
with our blood brothers of Belarus and Russia, doesnt
bother them at all.
They constantly go running to the U.S. Embassy. There-
fore, what happens in the world will happen, and it will
happen inclusively in Ukraine, as the formation of a Na-
zi state. And I think that a Nazi state in Ukraine is a dan-
ger for the whole world.
(Translated from recording of remarks in Russian.)


By an EIR Research Team
From the moment Bill Clinton en-
tered office as the 42nd President of
the United States, in January 1993,
a new stage of warfare between the
British Empire and the American
Republic began. Faced with the
financial implosion of its system,
the British Empire was determined
to expand its global looting, and
destroy any potential for the U.S.
Presidency to take the lead in
stymying that policy, by imple-
menting new global measures, best
captured in the "The New Bretton
Woods" program then being put
forward by Lyndon LaRouche [1].
That British policy demanded that
the Empire control the U.S. Presi-
dent, in driving a system of eco-
nomic genocide, and global con-
frontation against the resistance
expected from major powers Russia
and China, as well as others.
At the same time, LaRouche, hav-
ing been imprisoned by the Bush
crowd, was putting forward the con-
crete policies for organizing exactly such a new financial
architecture, through promoting new cooperative rela-
tionships among the U.S., Russia, and China
relationships which would effectively serve as a basis
for leaps in economic development and the avoidance of
war. From the earliest days of his administration, Presi-
dent Clinton had indicated that
he was receptive to this point of
This is the strategic backdrop to
the unending campaign of media
slanders, assassination attempts,
entrapment operations, and fi-
nally the impeachment of Clinton
in December 1998. At the culmi-
nation of the attempted coup
run by British Intelligence and its
treasonous assets within the
United States, including the Re-
publican Party leadership and
British agents-of-influence such
as Vice President Al Gorein
1998-99, a full-scale assault was
underway on economic and for-
eign policy, in which President
Clinton expressed his intention to
go with a revival of FDR-like
policies against the economic
and financial collapse, and with
close cooperation with Russia
and China.
During that 1998-99 period, La-
Rouche was actively intervening
to build support for his New Bretton Woods program,
promulgated in 1997-98.
It was to prevent that action that the British and their
agents played their "Lewinsky card," and bludgeoned
President Clinton into submission. One of the crucial,
intended results was the repeal of FDR's Glass-Steagall
act in November 1999, with the passage of what would
appropriately be called the
The British Coup vs.
Clinton Brought U.S.
to Edge of Hell
[1] March 27, 1998 issue Executive Intelligence Review. Toward
a New Bretton Woods by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The EIR cover story of Feb. 6, 1998, warned
that The British monarchy, in league with ele-
ments of a vast Anglophile apparatus inside the
United States, is running a high-risk, high-
stakes assault against President Bill Clinton
and, more broadly, the institution of the U.S.
Presidency, in the midst of the gravest financial
and monetary crisis of the twentieth century.
On Dec. 9, the House Judiciary Committee
voted up a bill of impeachment against the


Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Lewinsky bill. Other results in-
cluded the capitulation of the United States to the Tony
Blair policy of preventive wara shift which began
with the lawless assault on Serbia in March 1999, and
today leads inexorably toward thermonuclear confronta-
tion with Russia.
In other words: One of the most proximate reasons why
the world today stands at the brink of thermonuclear
war, a meltdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system,
and an Obama dictatorship, is the relative success of the
British Empire's impeachment operation against Presi-
dent Bill Clinton. The very same playersincluding
notable Republican Party traitors to the United States
are today continuing that operation, under conditions in
which the British literally control the Presidency of
Barack Obama.
To save the United States and the world from a war of
extinction today, the British Empire's assault on the
Presidency must be understood, and its lessons learned.
As LaRouche said in his March 24, 1994 introduction to
the mass pamphlet "Assault on the Presidency!", "the
global financial crash is now inevitable. It might happen
this week next, a year from now. It will happen, and
soon.... President Clinton must act according to the
precedent set by the first President of the United States,
George Washington, and the Secretary of the Treasury,
Alexander Hamilton.... We can not permit a pack of hys-
terical London freaks to destabilize our U.S. Presi-
That Hamiltonian solution still existsbut the time for
realizing it is much, much shorterperhaps as short as
the time it takes to launch thermonuclear Armageddon.
The British Buildup
The groundwork for the impeachment of Clinton was set
up even before he entered office. It included the activa-
tion of a wide network of right-wing, allegedly Republi-
can Party networks around the likes of Mellon family
scion Richard Mellon-Scaife, who got his start in media
operations in London in the early 1970s; he was then a
primary funder of the Bush operations in Iran-Contra in
the 1980s, and was a known enemy of LaRouche as
well. These networks were interfaced with British-
owned publishing outfits such as the Hollinger Corpora-
tion, theAmerican Spectator, and others. Joining them
were a host of unwashed televangelists dedicated to
whipping up fanatical opposition to Clinton's intention
to promote Middle East peace, and the pro-war Likud-
niks in Israel, with the U.S. supporters. Finally, there
was Clinton's own Vice President, Al Gore, himself a
longtime British asset and comrade of Blair's, buttressed
by other so-called Democrats who marched to the tune
of London and Wall Street.
In addition to the cast of British agents-of-influence,
there was one direct British intelligence agent on the
scene to drive the process: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is a
second-generation MI6 operative (his father, E.E. Evans
-Pritchard, was a top British intelligence "academic,"
focused on Libya and North Africa), the younger Evans-
Pritchard was deployed to the United States as the
Washington bureau chief of theDaily Telegraph (then
owned by Canadian Conrad Black), where he launched
the media assault on the Clinton Presidency in Novem-
ber of 1993. Not only did Evans-Pritchard publish near
daily columns against Clinton, dredging up the Paula
Jones and other scandals, he was a direct MI6 liaison to
radical "militia" networks throughout the United States
who were waging their own campaign of threatened vio-
lence and vile slanders against the President. Evans-
Pritchard was a regular source for leaks from the Ken-
neth Starr Independent Counsel probe of Clinton, and
the starting point for a wave of publicity shopped from
London, into the mainstream U.S. press.
Evans-Pritchard was also a publicly avowed enemy of
On April 6, 1994, Democratic Party consultant and com-
bative supporter of President Clinton, James Carville,
effectively exposed the game. He invited the Washing-
ton, D.C. press corps to a breakfast where he presented a
"Media Food Chain" chart (later dubbed by the White
House as the "Communications Stream of Conspiracy
Commerce"), in which he documented that every single
"Clinton scandal" story that had appeared in the Ameri-
can press and media, had first appeared in the British
As EIR's Debra Freeman reported his presentation in
"First, the story would be published, usually in its most
scurrilous and vicious form, in the British press. Then, a

week or two later, the story
would come out in the Washing-
ton Times, or the American Spec-
tator, or on the editorial page of
the Wall Street Journal. Finally,
the story's last stop would be
under the by-line of some so-
called investigative reporter, in
the pages of the New York Times,
the Washington Post, the Los
Angeles Times, or some other
'authoritative' outlet."
(Carville's documentation later
was picked up by Hillary Clin-
ton, who, in an interview with
NBC's Matt Lauer in January
1998, dubbed the apparatus that
went after her husband a "vast
right-wing conspiracy.")
On the afternoon of April 6,
1994, there was another press
event, this one hosted by La-
Rouche's Presidential exploratory
committee, the Committee To
Reverse the Accelerating Global
Economic and Strategic Crisis.
At that event, LaRouche spokes-
men presented the 64-page dos-
sier "Assault on the Presidency," which documented that
it was British Intelligence that was behind the creation
of the "Whitewater" scandal against President Clinton,
as a means of preventing him from taking U.S. policy
off the Thatcher-Bush track, and acting in the George
Washington/Alexander Hamilton tradition to save the
United States and world economy from the inevitable
impending crash.
The press conference began with a review of how the
attacks on the U.S. Presidency, the recent Hebron mas-
sacre to derail the Mideast peace talks, and the destabili-
zation of Mexico, were all part of a British attempt to
maintain the empire's oligarchical control in a time of
financial collapse. Spokesmen stressed how important it
was for the British, now without an independent power
base, to maintain the "special relationship" with the
United States, to keep themselves in power, and how
this was threatened by certain independent tendencies
shown by the Clinton Administra-
EIR Counterintelligence Editor
Jeffrey Steinberg then reviewed
the workings of the British media
operation whichleft, right, and
centerlaunched the scandals
against Clinton, emphasizing the
role of the Hollinger Corporation.
He detailed the history of Hollin-
ger from its origins in the British
intelligence front, War Supplies
Ltd., and traced its tentacles into
the United States, through media
outlets run by Iran-Contra financi-
ers such as Richard Mellon-Scaife,
and then into the so-called main-
stream press.
As EIR later elaborated in a March
1998 video, this conspiracy could
not honestly be called "right-
wing." Rather, it was a full-blown
mobilization of British assets,
from Wall Street bankers, to Con-
federate sympathizers, to the Bush
wing of the Republican Party, and
the treasonous wing of the Liberal
Establishment, epitomized by the Washington Post.
The scurrilous lies retailed in the press helped to build a
climate of hate against the President, which led to a
flurry of assassination attempts and threats, as well as
the legal actions that ultimately led to the appointment
of Republican Party operative Kenneth Starr as Inde-
pendent Counsel, and Clinton's impeachment.
The Lewinsky Affair
Among the set-up operations to "get" Clinton was the
planting of Monica Lewinsky in the White House.
In July 1995, Lewinsky, a sexual predator who had a
track record of stalking older men in positions of author-
ity, was brought in as an unpaid intern on the staff of
White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta. President
Clinton was already, at the time, a target of a Republican
Party assault, Starr having been appointed Independent
In March 1994, LaRouches Committee To Re-
verse the Accelerating Global Economic and
Strategic Crisis issued the mass pamphlet,
Assault on the Presidency, in which LaRouche
wrote, The global financial crash is now inevita-
ble. . . . President Clinton must act according to
the precedent set by the first President of the
United States, George Washington, and the Sec-
retary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton. . . .
We can not permit a pack of hysterical London
freaks to destabilize our U.S. Presidency. . . .


Counsel on "Whitewatergate" in August 1994. Lewinsky
got into the White House position through family con-
nections. Her mother, Marcia Lewis, was engaged to
wealthy New York City media mogul R. Peter Strauss, a
top Democratic Party donor who served as director of
Voice of America under President Jimmy Carter. A New
York real estate executive close to Strauss and Lewis,
Walter Kaye, called the White House to secure the post
for Lewinsky. At the end of the internship, Lewinsky was
hired to a paid position in the White House Office of
Legislative Affairs.
Lewinsky's profile as a sexual predator became so obvi-
ous, that in April 1996, she was transferred out of the
White House to a post at the Pentagon's Public Affairs
office, explicitly based on her stalking of President Clin-
ton. It was at the Pentagon that she was picked up by
Linda Tripp, a crony of the "Get Clinton" networks, who
passed word of Lewinsky's account of her "affair" with
the President to Independent Counsel Starr.
In reality, Clinton was entrapped, on the basis of his
known weakness. Although Lewinsky's contact with
Clinton occurred during 1995 and 1996, it was only at
the crucial moment when Clinton was making a major
policy shift around the accelerating global financial cri-
sis, two years later, that the plug was pulledspecifically
in August-September 1998, when Clinton had denounced
the $1.5 trillion-a-day market in short-term currency
speculation, and vowed to change the system. He estab-
lished an international commission to study ways to re-
form the global financial system, in sync with La-
Rouche's campaign at the time for just such an overhaul.
To prevent him from implementing a return to American
System methods, Clinton was targeted for removal from
office by a concert of Wall Street bankers, Likud fanat-
ics, right-wing Republicans, and two top Democrats,
Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joe Lieberman. Had
Clinton gone forward with the New Bretton Woods ini-
tiative, there would never have been a repeal of Glass-
Steagall, which was only possible under the conditions of
the concerted right-wing Republican/Wall Street assault
on the Clinton Presidency.
As it happened, the efforts by Wall Street, the Likud, the
right wing, and treasonous Democrats like Gore and Lie-
bermanall British assetsfailed to bring down the
Clinton Presidency. The initiative launched by Helga
Zepp-LaRouche in September 1998, with the Committee
To Save the Presidency, beat back those forces, but
enough damage was done that we are still paying the
strategic consequences.
The Showdown of 1998-99
The "Asia crisis" launched by British financier George
Soros in the Summer of 1997, with a speculative attack
on Thailand, Malaysia, and other Asian nations, proved
to be (as LaRouche insisted at the time) a global crisis of
the system as a whole. When, in August 1998, the Rus-
sian financial system under British puppet Boris Yeltsin
exploded, in part because the just-created Russian bond
market had been flooded with hot money fleeing Asia,
the U.S. hedge fund Long-Term Credit Management
(LTCM) was thrown into default, with $4 billion in
losses on Russian GKO bond-related derivatives, nearly
busting the entire world financial system.
This action coincided with the point at which Clinton
was compelled to testify before a Federal grand jury, that
same August.
British Intelligence agent Ambrose Evans-Pritchard orches-
trated a media assault on the Clinton Presidency beginning in
November 1993. Evans-Pritchard was a source for leaks from
Kenneth Starrs pornographic charges against Clinton, and an
avowed enemy of Lyndon LaRouche. Evans-Pritchard is shown
here at the news conference at which LaRouches Assault on
the Presidency dossier was released, April 6, 1994.

Here are some key inflection points in that process,
showing the interrelationship among the crisis, Clinton's
response, and the British mobilization to stop him.
March: LaRouche's EIR releases a 55-minute video on
the "Assault on the Presidency," in which LaRouche
urges Clinton not to be pushed into war against Iraq, and
to follow his advice on how to resolve the world eco-
nomic crisis.
March 18: LaRouche at a Washingt on,
D.C. EIR seminar elaborates on his policy for a New
Bretton Woods reorganization of the world economy,
based on national sovereignty, bankruptcy reorganiza-
tion, and major development projects.
June: President Clinton visits China, for a summit meet-
ing with President Jiang Zemin, with the aim of improv-
ing relations, despite an enormous outcry from Republi-
can critics.
August: Clinton is hauled before a grand jury to testify
on the Lewinsky affair.
Sept. 2: Clinton makes state visit to Russia, despite huge
Sept. 9: In the face of the gathering momentum, includ-
ing by a faction of the Democratic Party, demanding that
President Clinton resign, Helga Zepp-LaRouche founds
"Americans To Save the Presidency," with the support
of dozens of state legislators and others around the coun-
try, and begins to organize nationwide.
Sept. 10: Yevgeni Primakov is appointed Prime Minis-
ter of Russia after a failed attempt by British and other
international interests to reinstate Victor Chernomyrdin
as prime minister (one of the executors of London-
directed genocide against Russia in the mid-1990s), and
put Russia under the direct dictates of London-selected
finance specialists Boris Fyodorov and Domingo
Cavalho. Primakov appoints an economic policy team
that is committed to reviving Russia's collapsed physical
economy, paying back wages, and renegotiating the
country's foreign debt, while creating a Russia-China-
India alliance, and conducting crucial war-avoidance
diplomacy with Clinton.
Sept. 14: President Clinton, at the Council on Foreign
Relations and related meetings later that week, calls for
reform of the world financial system in keeping with
FDR's policies to "limit swings in the economy," noting
that one-third of the world was living in economies un-
dergoing collapse. The CFR event is the first public ap-
pearance by Clinton since he was dragged before the
"Starr Chamber" (under Special Prosecutor Kenneth
Starr) grand jury in August on the Lewinsky affair.
Sept. 27-29: Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan
visits the U.S., where cooperation on the financial crisis
is discussed.
Sept. 21: Under the aegis of House Speaker Newt Gin-
grich, the House Judiciary Committee turns the Con-
gress into a pornographic witchhunt against Clinton,
releasing the tapes of the grand jury testimony.
Sept. 23: LTCM collapses over its Russia-related losses.
August and September: Al Gore holds a series of
meetings on Wall Street with
Edgar Bronfman,
Hank Greenberg (AIG),
Jon Corzine (Goldman Sachs),
Steven Ratner (Lazard),
D.E. Shaw, and others,
promising to use his influence with the Russian fi-
nancial mafia to assure full payment of the GKO
bonds, and planning joint attacks on Russia over
anti-semitism charges from the Anti-Defamation
League and Bronfman's World Jewish Congress.
Sept. 24: LaRouche issues a statement attacking
Blair for his advocacy of a phony New Bretton Woods,
in fact, a supranational world dictatorship.
Sept. 27: LaRouche issues a statement on world eco-
nomic reorganization, entitled "What Nations Must Do."
Sept. 29: Clinton announces, together with Treasury
Secretary Robert Rubin, that "a new era in U.S.-China
relations" will be launched, after several private meet-
ings with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, spe-
cifically to collaborate on the global financial crisis.

Oct. 1: LaRouche issues a document entitled "People
First!" outlining concrete measures for dealing with the
world financial emergency.
November: Clinton cancels his scheduled attendance at
the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meet-
ing in Malaysia, where he had been expected to pursue
his cooperation with China and the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in dealing with the
global financial crisis. Gore goes in his place, and utters
a diatribe against Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir's
stand against the speculators and the IMF, and backing
British agent Anwar Ibrahim's anarchist demonstrations
going on in the street outside the meeting.
Nov. 13: Blair ups his push for more armed action
against Iraq, for alleged violations of sanctions.
Nov. 21: British establish new closer defense pact with
Israel, now in the hands of warhawk Benjamin
Nov. 23: New York Times author James Risen reports
that Gore, who had co-chaired the Gore-Chernomyrdin
Commission (U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Eco-
nomic and Technological Cooperation) since 1993, "did
not want to hear allegations that Mr. Chernomyrdin was
corrupt, and was not interested in ... intelligence reports
on the matter." Risen writes that one secret CIA report
that went to Gore, containing what was considered
"conclusive evidence" of Chernomyrdin's personal cor-
ruption, was returned to the agency with a "barnyard
epithet scrawled across its cover."
Dec. 9: After two months of widely publicized debate,
the House Judiciary Committee votes up a bill of im-
peachment with four articles, based on the Lewinsky and
Paula Jones affairs.
Dec. 16: U.S. and British planes bomb Iraq, allegedly
for failure to comply with weapons inspectors.
Dec. 19: President Clinton is impeached by the House of
Representatives on a nearly party-line vote.
Jan. 1: LaRouche issues statement "To Defeat Impeach-
ment, Defeat the New Confederacy," to mobilize patriots
against the impending impeachment trial in the Senate.
Feb. 12: Clinton is acquitted by the Senate, with only
Republicans (but not all Republicans) voting for convic-
March: Primakov's planned visit to Washington on
March 22, for a meeting of the bilateral intergovernmen-
tal commission, is upgraded to include a one-on-one
meeting with President Clinton, as well as emergency
efforts to avert the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
March 11-15: Chernomyrdin and Russian moneybags
Boris Berezovsky visit Washington, and meet with Gore
and others in D.C., and on Wall Street.
A climate of assassination threats and attempts was created by
the media witchhunt against the President. Larry Nichols, a
former aide to Hillary Clinton, is shown brandishing a hand-
gun at a May 11, 1994 rally in Boulder, Colo. Nichols vowed to
have a showdown with Bill Clinton at high noon and threat-
ened, One of us is getting out of town.

March 22: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gets Pri-
makov to postpone his U.S. visit by a day, meeting first
with him in the Kremlin on March 22.
March 23: While on the plane to Washington, Primakov
receives a call from Gore saying that the U.S. will not
postpone the planned bombing raids against Yugoslavia.
Primakov ordered the plane turned around in mid-flight
and returned to Moscow. EIR's information is that the
decision on the bombing was made by the so-called
Principals Committee, against the will of President Clin-
April 4-14: Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji pays an official
visit to the U.S. at the invitation of Clinton, the first visit
to the U.S. by a Chinese Premier in 15 years.
April 23: British imperial leader Tony Blair gives a
speech in Chicago calling for the end of the Westphalian
system of national sovereignty, and launching the cam-
paign of military intervention for "humanitarian" pur-
poses, so-called preventive war.
May: Russian President Yeltsin fires Primakov, after
Berezovsky and Chernomyrdin visit Primakov to tell
him he is finished.
May 6: The U.S. Senate passes the Gramm-Leach-
Bliley Act, repealing Glass-Steagall.
May 8: NATO fires five bombs at the Chinese Embassy
in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and in-
juring 20 embassy staff. Who ordered that?
June: LaRouche issues "New Marshall Plan for the Bal-
July 1: The House of Representatives passes the Gramm
-Leach-Bliley Act.
Nov. 12: Clinton signs the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
into law effectively destroying Glass-Steagall and usher-
ing in the worlds greatest hyperinflationary derivatives
For the full report on the true
power and Intention of the British
Crown, download the Canadian
Patriot #3 for FREE on
Her Majestys Prerogativers
The Queens Powers in Action: A Case Study
The Royal Familys (shallow) Genepool
The Queen is the Worlds Ultimate Insider Trader
Crown Agents: The Queens Managers
The Queens Corps of Commissionaires
Her Majestys Irregular Forces
Who Controls Africas Raw Materials
Harper and Mulcair: Agents of the British Empire
The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor
Prince Philips Corporate SS
The Inter Alpha Group


Part 2
The British Goal: Depopulation

Behind London's War Drive: A Policy To Kill Billions
The Empire: In Their Own Words

By Nancy Spannaus, Editor of Executive
Intelligence Review
At the conclusion of World War II, all people of con-
science were horrified to learn of the full extent of the
genocide which had been carried out by German dictator
Adolf Hitler. While tens of millions were killed by all
manner of meansfrom the war, to euthanasia, to death
camps, and the likeHitler's attempt to wipe out the Jew-
ish population by killing 6 million Jews, became an em-
blem for his more general extermination policy. "Never
Again," was the cry. "Never again" will we allow system-
atic mass murder to be carried out in order to exterminate
Yet today, it is not 6 million, but 6 billion members of the
human race who are threatened with deliberate mass mur-
der. And it is an unresolved question as to whether patri-
ots of the nations which can stop this extermination, will
act to prevent it, in time.
Adolf Hitler was not representative of the
German nation, of course, any more than
cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer is representative of
Americans, or Jack the Ripper of the Eng-
lish. Hitler was a puppet of ruling circles in
Great Britain, who created the genocidal
ideology he embraced, and deployed the
funds and other resources to bring him to
power. And while Hitler was defeated by a
coalition largely dependent upon Franklin
D. Roosevelt's United States, those evil
British circles, centered on the monarchy,
did not die with him.
So today, as the British Empire again finds
itself threatened with disintegration and
bankruptcy, we find it steering another pup-
pet: this time the President of the United
States. Yes, Barack Obama is also a bought-
and-paid for lunatic, like Hitler, and the
Emperor Nero before him, who has been charged by the
British Empire with the mission of implementing the poli-
cies that will lead to world depopulation, this time on al-
most-unfathomable scale.
In a statement issued today, Lyndon LaRouche again laid
the issue on the line:
"If Barack Obama is not thrown out of office soon, civili-
zation is in mortal danger," LaRouche said. "The British
monarchy is out to destroy the United States as we know
it, and Obama is its puppet instrument for accomplishing
exactly that. The overall objective of this London-
centered oligarchy is to reduce the world's present popula-
tion from the current official level of 7 billion to fewer
than 1 billion.
"That is the issue that can no longer be dodged, if man-
kind is to survive the coming weeks and months.
Behind London's War Drive:
A Policy To Kill Billions
The strategic perspective which must be understood if the financial collapse will not
drive us towards an extinction war with Russia and China is that the Anglo Dutch
oligarchy intends to reduce the worlds population from 7 to one billion souls, and
Obama is their key weapon. Pictured above, Obama greets her highness in 2009

The present drive for World War III, beginning with the
targeting of Iran and Syria, is driven by the British com-
mitment to wipe out more than 80% of the human race,
just as Prince Philip has demanded on numerous public
occasions. Those who try to deny this reality are endan-
gering mankind by their failure to face the truth."
In the pages that follow, I draw on the more than 40-year
history of LaRouche and his movement's war against the
evil genocidalists centered in the British monarchy, to
make it, once again, perfectly clear what the intent of
this enemy of the human race is. The British are not the
first empire to seek global depopulation; indeed such a
policy is characteristic of imperial oligarchies going
back as far as history is known. But, as today's incarna-
tion of the Roman Empire, the British royal family rules
over a global financial imperium which now demands
the culling of the human race, by the killing of up to 6
billion people.
If you think that's irrational, you're right. But face real-
ity: It is just such genocidal irrationality that Prince
Philip, Queen Elizabeth, and President Barack Obama
represent. And if you don't act to stop them, you are as
good as dead.
I. The British Objective: Depopulation
Start with the most outspoken proponent of the British
genocide policy, Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
president emeritus, His Royal Highness Prince Philip.
The sadistic Philip, who founded the WWF in 1961, in
collaboration with his dear Nazi friend Prince Bernhard
of the Netherlands, has no qualms about stating his ob-
jective for reducing the human population. He considers
people to be just another kind of animal, which must be
controlled in order to maintain the kind of world order
over which the oligarchy wishes to exert unchallenged
"In the event I am reborn, I would like to return as a
deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve
overpopulation," Philip told Deutsche Presse Agentur,
during a trip to Germany in August 1988. In fact, Philip
already behaves as a virus, spreading the people-hating
and de-industrializing ideology which lies at the heart of
the so-called environmentalist movement that has been
taking over the world since President John F. Kennedy's
death. With the resources and power of the British mon-
archy at his disposal, he has done a hideously effective
Key to the poison which the WWF and representatives
like Philip spread, is the insidious and anti-scientific
idea of a limited "carrying capacity" for supporting the
human population, in alleged parallel to such a carrying
capacity for animal species. Ignoring the millennia-long
history of human progress, Philip and his passel of aco-
lytes who pollute universities, governments, and civic
institutions internationally, assert that man must
"compete" with "other animals" and nature for the re-
sources to survive, and that even advances in technol-
ogysuch as advances in agricultural productivity
only postpone the "inevitable" barrier to expansion.
Representative is the following statement by the Prince:
"You cannot keep a bigger flock of sheep than you are
capable of feeding. In other words conservation may
involve culling in order to keep a balance between the
relative numbers in each species within any particular
habitat. I realize this is a very touchy subject, but the
fact remains that mankind is part of the living world....
Every new acre brought into cultivation means another
acre denied to wild species."
Bunk, murderous bunk.
Conservation may involve culling in order to keep a balance
between the relative numbers in each species within any particu-
lar habitat. I realize this is a very touchy subject, but the fact
remains that mankind is part of the living world. . . .
-Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Optimum Population Trust
While the WWF itself has generally tried to keep a dis-
tance from outright calls for killing off populations
although its policies against high-technology development
result in precisely that conclusionit has spawned other
organizations to do the job. Most prominent among them
are the Optimum Population Trust (OPT) and the Global
Footprint Network (GFN). Both of these institutions spe-
cialize in coming up with estimates of how
many billion people must be eliminated, in order to "save
the environment."
The OPT, which works closely with the WWF and other
related organizations, has "population reduction" as its
main objective. Its outlook is well reflected by one of its
main patrons, the genocidal maniac Paul Ehrlich, who
kicked off a massive population control movement in the
United States in 1968 with his book The Population
Bomb. Ehrlich, who is still active, won a gold medal from
the WWF in 1987, and established the Zero Population
Growth organization in the U.S. As of 1994, he was call-
ing for a reduction of human population from 6 billion to
1.5-2 billion.
"A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the
population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of
people," Ehrlich wrote inThe Population Bomb. "We must
shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the
cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many
apparently brutal and heartless decisions."
Under this "philosophy," the OPTwhich calls itself a
"charity," has declared that Great Britain has to cut its
population in half, and that, as of 2009, the world popula-
tion has to be cut by two-thirds. In a July 2007 report ti-
tled "Youthquake," OPT compared the births of human
beings to the devastation of earthquakes, and suggested
the need for compulsory birth control. They asked:
"Might humanity have to suffer the kind of death-dictated
control to achieve stabilisation, or reduction by a popula-
tion crasha mass cull through violence, diseases, star-
vation or natural disasterswhich biology dictates for all
other species when their numbers exceed the limits of
their environment's carrying capacity?" (emphasis added)
In a March 2009 press release, entitled "Earth Heading for
5 Billion Overpopulation?" the OPT estimated the world's
sustainable population at 5 billionbut didn't stop at that.
It projected that the addition of more people would mean
that by 2050, "when the UN projects world population
will be 9.1 billion, there will be an estimated 5 billion
more people than the Earth can support."
So, now the aim is to eliminate 5 billion people. You
might consider that mass murder, but the UN Population
Fund does not. It featured the OPT's director, Roger Mar-
tin, as a presenter of its own "State of World Population
2009" report in the run-up to the Copenhagen Climate
Change Conference.

Global Footprint Network
Working with the OPT and the WWF is the Global Foot-
print Network, which, in cooperation with the Zoological
Society of London, has taken up the job of setting up a
Living Planet index, which determines how many people
should live (and die) in every country. According to a re-
port the GFN released on the occasion of the 2009 UN
Copenhagen Summit, three-quarters of all nations on
Earth are using up more resources than they claim the
"Earth's biocapacity" can sustain. They demanded imme-
diate action by governments and international agencies to
reduce population, starting with at least a third (2 billion).
How to do that? First, cut living standards, and "reward"
nations for reducing population. More repulsive methods,
such as war and disease, are left unstated.
But we have not yet come to the most extreme aim, that of
calling for a reduction of human population to below 1
billion. The prize for that goes to John Schellnhuber, head
of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, who was
made a Commander of the Most Excellent Order (CBE) of
the British Empire in 2004, by Queen Elizabeth.
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber

Schellnhuberwho is a longtime collaborator of Presi-
dent Obama's Science and Technology Advisor, John P.
Holdrentold a March 13, 2009 pre-meeting of the Co-
penhagen Climate Change Conference that his studies
had calculated "estimates for the carrying capacity of the
planet, namely below 1 billion people," if his policy of
eliminating all modern energy sources (fossils fuels and
nuclear) were not implemented. In fact, the world popu-
lation would be reduced to that leveleliminating 6 bil-
lion peoplethrough the implementation of that insane
'Natural' Genocide
On March 10 of this year, Prince Philip chaired a meet-
ing of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts
(RSA), of which he is president. There, he cheered on
one of the most anti-human presentations known to this
author, by the knighted "naturalist" Sir David Attenbor-
Attenborough, who was receiving an RSA prize, pro-
ceeded to give a speech which was rallying cry against
the "one element" he claimed was behind all the
"disasters that continue increasingly to afflict the natural
world," "the unprecedented increase in the number of
human beings on this planet." Malthus was right, Atten-
borough said, but people are afraid today to talk about
curbing population. This is "tragic," he said.
Philip virtually beamed as Attenborough spoke. In the
question-and-answer period, he took the occasion to brag
a bit about how he was the one who recruited Prince
Bernhard to be the first president of the WWF, and how
he insisted, against opposition, that the point of
"conservation" was not to please people, but for the ani-
mals' sake.
He could have added, for the sake of the human animals
who make up the British Royal family.
II. Dirty Bertie Russell Lives
As LaRouche elaborated in his book-length feature in the
Fall 1994 Fidelio magazine, "How Bertrand Russell Be-
came an Evil Man," (1) the evil that is the British Empire
came into its own in 1688, when William of Orange in-
vaded the island, and started the process that led to Brit-
ain becoming the "new Venice." By the latter part of the
18th Century, the radical imperialist ideology of depopu-
lation fanatic Thomas Malthus, free-trader Adam Smith,
and liberal imperialist Jeremy Bentham had been put into

The Malthusian doctrine, imported whole cloth from the
Venetian Gianmaria Ortes, took aim specifically at the
recently established United States, which was expanding
its population by leaps and bounds. Malthus wrote "An
Essay on the Principle of Population" in 1798, wherein
he declared that population growth had to outgrow the
increase in the means of subsistence. Thus, punitive
measures had to be taken to discourage population
growth. No welfare, no support should go to poor chil-
drenthey should be left to die (as in California and
other U.S. states today).

Malthus was blunt:
"All children who are born, beyond what
would be required to keep up the population
to a desired level, must necessarily perish,
unless room be made for them by the death
of grown persons.... Therefore ... we should
facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly en-
deavoring to impede, the operations of na-
ture in producing this mortality; and if we
dread this too frequent visitation of the

Partners in genocide. Prince Philip and David Attenborough share a laugh
(1) Lyndon LaRouche, How Bertrand Russell
Became an Evil Man, Fidelio, Fall 1994
Click here for whole article:

Horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage
the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature
to use.
"Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we
should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we
should make the streets narrower, crowd more people
into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the
country, we should build our villages near stagnant
pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all
marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all we
should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging dis-
eases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken
men, who have thought they are doing a service to man-
kind by protecting schemes for the total extirpation of
particular disorders."
Malthus, a demented parson, eventually was hired as a
professor at Haileybury College, for the British East In-
dia Company, and his drivel became establishment
"thought." But it was not until the end of the 19th Cen-
tury that the Malthusian outlook was popularized for the
world at large by those arch-imperialists Bertrand Russell
and H.G. Wells, whose evil went so far that they would
not even shrink from the detonation of nuclear war.

Depopulation, by Any Means Necessary
Lord Bertrand Russell came by his degeneracy hereditar-
ily, from a Brutish noble
family in the late 19th
Century. His sometime
sidekick H.G. Wells had
no such pedigree, but suc-
ceeded in attracting the
attention of oligarchical
circles with his bestial
novels, and entering into
the milieu of the imperial-
ist elite, in particular, the
Huxley family.
The LaRouche move-
ment's book, The New
Dark Ages Conspiracy of
1978 provides the gory
details on the outlook and
activities of this crew,
whose bestiality of out-
lookagainst the "lesser races," the "unfit," industrial
progress, and the American outlook in generalknows
virtually no bounds. But it is in Russell and Wells that we
see the most naked statement of intent for maintaining
the global rule by the oligarchy by any means necessary,
including nuclear war.
First, just to briefly establish Russell's strictly Malthu-
sian, people-hating outlook, I quote two documents. In
his 1923 Prospects of Industrial Civilization, he writes:
"Socialism, especially international socialism, is only
possible as a stable system if the population is stationary
or nearly so. A slow increase might be coped with by
improvements in agricultural methods, but a rapid in-
crease must in the end reduce the whole population to
penury ... the white population of the world will soon
cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and
the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls suffi-
ciently to make their numbers stable without help of war
and pestilence.... Until that happens, the benefits aimed
at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the
less prolific races will have to defend themselves against
the more prolific by methods which are disgusting even if
they are necessary."
Even more shameless was Russell's discussion of popula-
tion in his 1951 The Impact of Science on Society:
All children who are born, be-
yond what would be required
to keep up the population to a
desired level, must necessarily
perish, unless room be made
for them by the death of grown
persons. . . . Therefore . . . we
should facilitate, instead of
foolishly and vainly endeavor-
ing to impede, the operations
of nature in producing this
mortality. . . .
-Rev. Thomas Malthus


"But bad times, you may say, are exceptional, and can
be dealt with by exceptional methods. This has been
more or less true during the honeymoon period of indus-
trialism, but it will not remain true unless the increase of
population can be enormously diminished. At present the
population of the world is increasing at about 58,000
per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on
this increase, which continued through each of the world
wars.... War ... has hitherto been disappointing in this
respect ... but perhaps bacteriological war may prove
more effective. If a Black Death could spread through-
out the world once in every generation, survivors could
procreate freely without making the world too full.... The
state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what
of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to hap-
piness, especially other people's."

You think it would be impossible for an elite to actually
call for the mass destruction of human beings, in order
to make Lebensraum for their desires? Indeed, Russell
does not leave any doubt. And he becomes even more
explicit about the potential "nuclear option" in the post-
war period, when, in the Bulletin of Atomic Sciences and
public radio interviews, he explicitly called for a
"preventive war" with nuclear weapons against Soviet
Russia, in order to enforce a world government. While
he claimed that the proposal was intended as blackmail,
to force the Russians into submission, he did not hesitate
to add,
"Of course you can't threaten unless you're prepared to
have your bluff called."
Yes, this is the same Bertrand Russell who has been ac-
claimed as the "pacifist" leader of the Ban the Bomb
movement. Yet then, as now, there was no excuse for
people not being horrified at the evil in Russell's oligar-
chical policy.
Indeed, a whole grouping of what were popularly por-
trayed as "mad scientists," such as Dr. Leo Szilard, took
up the Russell vision as a mission, developing scenarios
for "controlled" wars through nuclear exchanges. What
would guarantee such wars remained "contained?" Ab-
solutely nothing.
While operating more in the "cultural" field, novelist
H.G. Wells was equally disgusting and vile in his pro-
motion of bestialization, his attack on industrial pro-
gress, and his promotion of civilization-destroying war
as a tool of the oligarchy's determination to eliminate
nation-states, and hold on to world power. This "vision"
is elaborated most clearly in his The Shape of Things to
Come, which was both a movie, and a seemingly endless
academic book, in which the international oligarchy
carries out a decades-long war of annihilation which
bombs civilization back into the Stone Age, in order to
then establish a globalized society based on eugenic, anti
-human "science," which rules by allegedly benevolent
dictatorship of the peoples of the Earth, whose numbers
would be regulated with precision.
'People Are Cancer'
Don't delude yourself that such perverts are Russell and
Wells are restricted to British elite circles. Through in-
fection of all areas of American society, in the wake of
the British assassination of Abraham Lincoln, especially
the world of academia, this British Malthusian outlook
has polluted a huge section of the intellectual elite in the
United States itself. Indeed, that was and is the British
oligarchical plan: to destroy the major threat to their
world domination, the republic of the United States of
Lord Bertrand Russell

In the wake of another British assassination of an
American President, this time John F. Kennedy, the
stage was set for an explosion of anti-human propaganda
which insisted, like Russell and Malthus, that scientific
progress itself led to more and healthier people, and
therefore would push the world to become "too full."
Working in tandem with the explicitly British-run pro-
genocide institutions, such as the World Wildlife Fund, a
whole set of depopulation institutions and policymakers
went into action in the United States.
I will highlight only a few. Start with Paul R. Ehrlich of
"people are cancer" fame, whom we cited above. He
produced his The Population Bomb in 1968, which be-
came a "best-seller" in the milieu of the rampaging
counterculture. Ehrlich forecast immediate mass death
from the shortage of food, and, when asked what must
be done, said, "We must rapidly bring the world popula-
tion under control, reducing the growth rate to zero or
making it negative. Conscious regulation of human num-
bers must be achieved. Simultaneously, we must, at least
temporarily, greatly increase our food production."
Among Ehrlich's proposals was forced sterilization, per-
haps by putting sterilizants in the water supply. Obama's
current "science" advisor Holdren is notorious for hav-
ing studied with Ehrlich, and collaborated with him in
coming up with such hideous, and totally unscientific

Ehrlich was not simply speaking for himself, of course.
He had the political support of the Malthusian lobby in
the U.S., which had promoted these very genocidal poli-
cies before Hitler did, but had to tone them down in the
course of the war. The Popu-
lation Crisis Committee, the
Rockefeller Brothers Fund,
and many others were work-
ing behind the scenes to rein-
troduce their eugenicist vi-
sionnow "revised" to be a
means of "saving the envi-
ronment," and improving the
"quality of life" for fewer,
and fewer, and fewer people.
Simultaneous with Ehrlich,
came a huge international
boost for the anti-population
campaign, with the publication of Limits to Growth,
which projected "inevitable" mass death if action was
not taken to control population. In fact, as MIT-based
authors Dennis Meadows and Donna Forester later ad-
mitted, their projections were a fraud, in that they were
based on no improvements in existing technologies. But
the book served the purpose of popularizing the zero-
growth idea, and creating the climate in which the Club
of Rome was established in 1972.
There was nothing American about the Club of Rome.
Its founders, Britian's Alexander King and Italy's
Aurelio Peccei, both veterans of NATO intelligence,
were aggressive proponents of reducing population (on
the order of 2 billion below what was projected as year-
2000 levels), squelching industry, and eliminating the
sovereign nation-state. They claimed that "limited re-
sources" meant that population had to be contained, and
that "blind human proliferation is the basic factor" in the
major world's problems.
For explicitness, it's hard to beat this Club of Rome
statement from its 1991 The First Global Revoltuion: "In
searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with
the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....
But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the
trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dan-
gers are caused by human intervention and it is only
through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be
overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
"American" academics did pick up on these ideas, in
spades. Take Garrett James Hardin, an ecologist turned

We must rapidly
bring the world popu-
lation under control,
reducing the growth
rate to zero or mak-
ing it negative. Con-
scious regulation of
human numbers
must be achieved.
-Paul Ehrlich

propagandist for cutting population, who
came up with the famous "lifeboat" image for
human survival. In the midst of the 1974
Ethiopian famine, Hardin came forward, in
true Malthusian fashion, to say that providing
food aid to the starving was ill-advised, be-
cause we just had too many people; to sur-
vive, we had to throw the
weaker overboard.
State Department consultant
and academic William Pad-
dock prescribed a similar ap-
proach with Mexico's crisis of
the mid-1970s. In an interview
with EIR in 1975, he said:
"The Mexican population
must be reduced by half. Seal
the border and watch them
scream." When asked how the
population reduction would be
accomplished, Paddock said, "By the usual means: fam-
ine, war, and pestilence."
War on Population
It may appear that the flamboyant calls for genocide,
such as those of Paddock and Hardin, have been
drummed out of public policymaking. Wrong. They
have just become a part of the quiet institutional appara-
tuses which the British financial empire uses to maintain
control, such as the World Bank, the IMF, and even the
U.S. Department of State.
Take the case of the late Robert Strange McNamara,
noted for his "body-count" approach as Defense Secre-
tary to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and his empha-
sis on population control during his presidency at the
World Bank. The following quote conveys his mentality,
in that it starts with the objective of holding down popu-
"There are only two possible ways in which a world of
10 billion people can be averted. Either the current birth
rates must come down more quickly. Or the current
death rates must go up.
"There is no other way.
"There are, of course, many
ways in which the death rates
can go up. In a themonuclear
age, war can accomplish it very
quickly and decisively. Famine
and disease are nature's ancient
checks on population growth,
and neither one has disappeared from the scene...."
The implications of such a mentality governing the
World Bank (not to mention other UN institutions such
as the UN Fund for Population Activities) are vast, of
course. Enter the famous "conditionalities" for popula-
tion control, in order to meet the alleged "carrying ca-
pacities" of various nations. Among the means used,
forced sterilization is known to be one; can one rule out
intentional wars?
Certainly not. During British agent Henry Kissinger's
tenure as National Security Advisor, he oversaw the
drafting of National Security Study Memorandum 200, a
policy statement making population reduction in the
developing sector nations, especially those with raw ma-
terials the United States had determined it needed, U.S.
policy. This document, which has never been repealed,
was not declassified until 1989 but its message is chill-
ing. Discussing the objective of maintaining a reliable
flow of raw materials into the U.S., the relevant section
of NSSM 200 reads:
"Concessions to foreign countries are likely to be expro-
priated or subjected to arbitrary intervention. Whether
through government action, labor conflicts, sabotage, of
civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials
will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is not
Either the current birth rates must come down
more quickly. Or the current death rates must
go up. . . . In a themonuclear age, war can ac-
complish it very quickly and decisively. Famine
and disease are natures ancient checks on
population growth, and neither one has disap-
peared from the scene.
-Robert S. McNamara

the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are
much less likely under conditions of slow or zero popula-
tion growth. Consequently, reduction of population in
these states is a matter of vital U.S. national secu-
rity." (emphasis added)
Subsequent memoranda, not to mention the actions, of
the Kissinger era in foreign policy shaping make it clear
that this was not merely an academic statement, but that
the United States deliberately intervened to promote
"population wars" to reduce such "pressures." The Iran-
Iraq War was one of which he famously bragged. George
H.W. Bush's Gulf War was identified by Lyndon La-
Rouche at the time as another. Then, of course, there is
Africa, which the Malthusians constantly complain has
the highest birth rate in the worldand, by aid of ma-
nipulation and impoverishment from British and other
intelligence services and financial institutions, remains in
a condition of almost constant fraticidal and genocidal
warfare. Obama has jumped in to participate in this pol-
icy with all four feet.

Green Genocide
The British Empire's depopulation policy has one other
major weapon: the "Green" movement. As I will elabo-
rate in more detail in the next section of this report, denial
of the fruits of scientific and technological progress may
be a slow way to eliminate population, but it is an ex-
tremely reliable one. And under conditions of extreme
weather conditions, to which our planet is being subjected
due to galactic forces, it may also become an "efficient"
means of wiping out large sections of mankindas Rus-
sell and Wells might say.
Most relevant to our story here is the Green policy toward
nuclear energy. There is no question but that the survival,
and progress, of our human family of 7 billion people
today, absolutely requires a massive expansion of nuclear
power, combined with a crash program for reaching igni-
tion for nuclear fusion plants and moving on to matter-
anti-matter reactrs. Denial of electric power to a popula-
tion is murderand that's what the Greens intend to do.
Formally, of course, the Obama Administration and the
British government do not eschew nuclear power. The
British are even contemplating a significant expansion of
their nuclear power capacity, although Obama has not.
But both governments, in contrast to China and Russia, in
particular, are carrying out crippling budget cuts against
the science required to expand and maintain nuclear
powerincluding against the space programvirtually
guaranteeing that there will be no skilled manpower
available to maintain nuclear capacity. And, both govern-
ments have carried out a foreign policy toward nations
aspiring to develop civilian nuclear energy, which reeks
of the Malthusian agenda of denying this life-saving ca-
pability to poorer nations.
As Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have documented in-
depth, today's "green" is the new "brown"brown as in
fascist suppression of technologies required for a human
standard of living, and prospect for development. That
Obama would appoint John Holdren, who was not only
notorious for his work with genocidalist Paul Ehrlich, but
also for his work with Bertrand Russell's world govern-
ment Pugwash organization, as his Science and Technol-
ogy Advisor, simply further establishes his credentials as
a puppet of the British Malthusian oligarchy.
III. LaRouche Dared Call It Genocide
LaRouche's breakthroughs in economic science, starting
in the late 1940s/early 1950s, gave him a unique insight
into the genocidal nature of the British oligarchy's
"economics." Through denial of the specifically creative
powers of the human mind, LaRouche understood, the
British-school economists were ultimately committed to
an outlook of zero growth, and collapse of civilization.
The result, as in the case of previous empires, most nota-
bly the Roman Empire, would be genocide and depopula-
tion, because the very nature of mankind and the universe
Henry Kissingers NSSM 200 depopulation program became na-
tional policy under Jimmy Carter. Here, Nixon shares a podium
with Kissinger, who served as his controller

in which we live requires constant qualitative progress, at
constantly higher level of energy flux density, and idea
density as well.
LaRouche took on the Russellites early on, in the form of
anti-human systems analysis freaks like Norbert Wiener.
Once he had established a political association, in the late
1960s, he directed that organization to go after the British
Malthusian zero-growth movement, just as it was being
launched en masse in 1968-172. Most importantly, La-
Rouche and his movement also presented the antidote to
war and genocidea program for scientific progress
based on the highest ideals of the nation state. While the
subject is vast, I shall touch some of the highlights.
One of the LaRouche movement's early pamphlets on the
issue, put out in 1972, asserted that the anti-science move-
ment was nothing but a "Blueprint for Extinction." By
contrast, LaRouche advocated the crash development of
nuclear power, and in 1974, participated in the founding
of the Fusion Energy Foundation.
Also in 1974, Helga Zepp, leader of the newly established
LaRouche movement in Europe, carried out a highly pub-
lic intervention at the UN's decennial Population Confer-
ence in Bucharest, Romania, confronting leading depopu-
lator John D. Rockefeller III as pushing genocide on the
Third World as a "Rockefeller baby." At that point, the
LaRouche movement became the international counter-
pole to the British Malthusian movement, a status which
was further confirmed in 1982, when then Helga Zepp-
LaRouche established the Club of Life, to counter the
Club of Rome.
In his famous election-eve television appearance in 1976,
U.S. Labor Party candidate LaRouche dramatically ex-
posed the genocidal intent behind the Carter election cam-
paign, controlled as it was by Rockefeller's Trilateral
Commission and associated oligarchical institutions. La-
Rouche went after key Carter advisor George Ball, who,
in his Diplomacy for a Crowded World, had called for
triage against Mexico, including the reduction of the
Mexican population from 58 million to 28 million. This is
a war policy, LaRouche saidand Carter must be stopped
to prevent World War III.
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have led the fight against the imperial genocidalists for more than four decades, and are hated
by the oligarchy for that reason.

Carter's election represented a chilling victory for the
British Malthusians, and the newly elected President im-
mediately pressed for both nuclear confrontation with the
Soviets, and a takedown of the advanced technology ba-
sis for industrial progress. LaRouche responded in 1977
with the initiation of his Beam Weapon Defense pro-
gram, which eventually became known as President
Reagan's SDI. The concept represented not only a means
of war avoidance, by making nuclear missiles obsolete
directly countering the Bertrand Russell approachbut
also a scientific revolution into a new plateau of eco-
nomic development for the planet as a whole, all based
on collaboration between the leading nuclear powers of
the time, the United States and the Soviet Union.
In 1978, LaRouche commissioned The New Dark Ages
Conspiracy, whose purpose, as he put it in his "How Ber-
trand Russell Became an Evil Man," was to show the
horrifying things that had happened in the 20th Century,
which would not have happened without Russell's role.
The expos was more than timely, as the Carter Admini-
stration moved to consolidate a depopulation agenda, by
producing such government policy documents as the
"Global 2000 Report," which, like the Club of Rome's
"Limits to Growth," mandated ultimately genocidal
"conservation" and anti-technology measures.
Throughout the 1980s, the LaRouche movement contin-
ued the battle against the de-
populators, and the green geno-
cide movement, even as the Brit-
ish Malthusians consolidated
their intellectual grip over the
political and institutional policy
apparatuses in the United States
and internationally. That consoli-
dation was independent of politi-
cal party, as exemplified by the
formation of a Futures caucus in
the U.S. Congress in 1988,
which included both Newt Gin-
grich and Al Gore.
The fall of the Berlin Wall, and
the collapse of the Soviet Union,
represented a significant turning
point for the British Malthusians,
who, up to that point, had had to
maintain some commitment to
high technology in the face of potential Soviet competi-
tion. Now, finally, they thought they had a free path to
the one-world, deindustrialized, depopulated dictatorship
which Bertrand Russell had envisioned nearly 100 years
To carry that out, however, they would have to destroy
the FDR/American System tradition in the United States,
as well as crush any other potentially challenging nation-
state, especially Russia and China. Over the course of
three Bush terms in the Presidency, and three years of
Barack Obama, they have made significant progress in
destroying the United Statesbut, on the international
front, there is significant resistance.

Which brings us to the current decisive crisis point. The
British Empire is bankrupt, but determined to rule the
planet, and they have a puppet as President of the United
States whom they intend to use to that end. The U.S.,
along with British assets Israel and Saudi Arabia, are
already moving toward accomplishing the British oligar-
chy's goal, by pursuing a confrontation with Syria and
Iran which would lead directly into thermonuclear con-
frontation with Russia and China. Knowledgeable mem-
bers of Obama's Administration, as well as public evi-
dence, confirm that the President is in an uncontrolled
Nero state-of-mind, determined to impose his will on any
one who gets in his way. No one can assert that Obama
would not carry out the ultimate
"irrationality," by detonating
thermonuclear war.
There are many people, survi-
vors of the war and the Holo-
caust, who said to themselves
after World War II, that they
wished they had moved to stop
Hitler while they still had a
chance. There will be very few,
if any, survivors around to
mourn that lost opportunity in
stopping Barack Obama, if he
goes ahead with the British
monarchy's planned war against
Russia and China. There is no
sane alternative, but to remove
Obama from office now.

The oligarchic principle of intentional genocide shines
through clearly in these citations from leading spokesmen
for the British Empire, spanning over 200 years. It is only by
identifying the true ideological strain that is at the heart of
both right wing monetarist, and left wing ecological
thinking in the modern world that true humanists may both
understand and recognize the solution to our many sided
crises now pressing upon our future.

1791, Parson Thomas Malthus, hired pen of the British
East India Companys Haileybury College, wrote in his An
Essay on Population in 1799: We should facilitate, instead
of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the opera-
tions of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread
the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we
should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction,
which we compel nature to use. In our towns we should
make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the
houses, and court the return of the plague.

More from Malthus An Essay on the Principle of Popula-
We are bound in justice and honour formally to disdain the
right of the poor to support.
To this end, I should propose a regulation to be made, de-
claring that no child born from any marriage taking place
after the expiration of a year from the date of the law, and
no illegitimate child born two years from the same date,
should ever be entitled to parish assistance.
The infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to
society, as others will immediately supply its place.

Lord Bertrand Russell writing in his 1951 The Impact of
Science on Society: War has hitherto been disappointing
in this respect [in accomplishing population reduction], but
perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black
Death could spread throughout the world once in every gen-
eration, survivors could procreate freely without making the
world too full.

Paul R. Ehrlich, the mentor of Obamas current Science
Czar John Holdren wrote in his famous The Population
Bomb in 1968: A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication
of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multi-
plication of people. . . . We must shift our efforts from the
treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer.
The operation will demand many apparently brutal and
heartless decisions.

1988, Prince Philip of Edinburgh in a 1988 inter-
view Deutsche Press Agentur said: The more people there
are, the more resources theyll consume, the more pollution
theyll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no
option. If it isnt controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled
involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.
...In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return
as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve

1991, The Club of Rome: Founded officially in 1972 out of
the fraudulent Limits to Growth study, the Club of Rome
is patronized by the monarchies of The Netherlands, Spain,
and Belgium, to this present day. Its 1972 report was spon-
sored by its then patron Pierre Elliot Trudeau using Cana-
dian Tax payer funds during the Clubs 1971 Conference in
Montebello, Quebec. From the Clubs 1991 book The First
Global Revolution, we can read its co-founder Alexander
King state: In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we
came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the
bill. . . . But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into
the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers
are caused by human intervention and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

April 2012, Paul Ehrlich, fellow of the British Royal Soci-
ety, upon the release of the Society report, People and the
Planet, issued this comment to the London Guardian on the
need to reduce population: How many you support depends
on lifestyles. We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you
can have big active cities and wilderness. If you want a bat-
tery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and
food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able
to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. But
you already have 7 billion. So we have to humanely and as
rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage. The
question is: can you go over the top without a disaster, like
The Empire In Their
Own Words

worldwide plague or a nuclear war between India and
Pakistan? If we go on at the pace as we are, theres going
to be various forms of disaster. Some maybe slow motion
disasters like people getting more and more hungry, or
catastrophic disasters because the more people you have
the greater the chance of some weird virus transferring
from animal to human populations, there could be a vast

Ehrlichs protg John Holdren, who has led in the shut-
down of NASA`s manned space systems and fusion pro-
gram as Obama`s science Czar went further when he wrote
on p.942 in his 1977 book Ecoscience:

Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the
United Nations population agencies, might eventually be
developed into a Planetary Regime- sort of an interna-
tional superagency for population, resources, and envi-
ronment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could
control the development, administration, conservation,
and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or
nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implica-
tions exist. Thus the Regime could have the power to con-
trol pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but
also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that
cross international boundaries or that discharge into the
oceans. The Regime might also be a logical central
agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps in-
cluding assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all
food on the international market.

The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for
determining the optimum population for the world and
for each region and for arbitrating various countries'
shares within their regional limits. Control of population
size might remain the responsibility of each government,
but the Regime would have some power to enforce the
agreed limits.

Sir Julian Huxley speaking at the Galton Lecture in 1936
said: The lowest strata... allegedly less well endowed ge-
netically... must not have too easy access to relief or hospi-
tal treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural
selection should make it too easy for children to be pro-
duced or to survive...

Huxley continued this message in his 1946 UNESCO: Its
Purpose and its Philosophy: Thus, even though it is quite
true that any radical eugenics policy of controlled human
breeding will be for many years politically and psychologi-
cally impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see
that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest

Huxley founded the United Nations Education, Science and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1946, revamping all
global educational systems after WWII which was instru-
mental in brainwashing the western baby boomer popula-
tion. Huxley then co-founded the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) with Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard in 1961
while simultaneously serving as head of the Eugenics Soci-
ety of Britain! Prince Bernhard founded the Bilderberg
Group in 1954 as the instrument to advance the eugenics/
world government agenda.

Prince Bernhard and Philips powerful lackey Maurice
Strong let the cat out of the bag in a 1990 interview:
What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude
that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions
of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those
rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing
their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The
group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it.
They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the
group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsi-
bility to bring that about? [1]

Maurice Strong, founder of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, and chairman of the 1972 UN Confer-
ence on the Human Environment, and 1992 Rio Confer-
ence. Strong was also the architect of Canadas foreign
policy towards Africa with his 1968 founding of the Cana-
dian International Development Agency. Strong also served
as early member of the Club of Rome and Vice-President
of the WWF under its then-President Prince Philip.

Lord Lothian : If they are slow in learning we shall be
condemned to a period . . . of strained relations between
the various parts of the English-speaking world. We must
get into the heads of Canadians and Americans that a
share in the burden of world government is just as great
and glorious a responsibility as participation in the war
(Lothian to Lionel Curtis, Oct. 15, 1918, in Butler, Lord
Lothian, pp. 68-70).[2]

Hitler knew he was speaking to a member of the inner cir-
cle of the Empire when he suggested to Lothian, on Jan. 29,
1935 that, Germany, England, France, Italy, America and
Scandinavia... should arrive at some agreement whereby
they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the
industrializing of countries such as China, and India. It is
suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural
countries of Asia of manufacturing industries.-Transcribed
from Lord Lothian, Macmillan and Co., 1960, pp. 332
[1] "The Wizard Of the Baca Grande," WEST magazine of Al-
berta, Canada, May 1990
[2] Lothian (aka: Philip Kerr) had recently completed a term as
Undersecretary of State for India, directing the repression of In-
dias nationalist leaders, Gandhi and Nehru. Lothian was instru-
mental in leading the Round Table Movement in its infiltration of
Canadian foreign policy institutions during WWII. This faction
worked tirelessly against the intentions of true Canadian Patriots
such as C.D. Howe, John Diefenbaker and Daniel Johnson Sr.
who attempted to break Canada free of the Empire.

The Urgent War Avoidance Measures

Impeach President Obama
To Reject Queens Genocide, Impeach Obama Now
Impeachment Closes In on President Barack Obama
Pass The Glass-Steagall Act

Appeal For A Global Glass-Steagall Now Sign the petition on-line

The Vision

The Pacific Development Corridor: Maglev Through The Bering Strait

The Strategic Defence of Earth (SDE)

Part 3

by Nancy Spannaus
Oct. 22By no later than May 15, 2009, Lyndon La-
Rouche had identified the Obama health-care "reform"
as a potentially impeachable crime against the U.S. Dec-
laration of Independence and Constitution. In a short
memo, he wrote:
"The substantive issue is not only the substance of Presi-
dent Obama's offense against the right to life, but the
added odiousness of such conduct as his declared inten-
tion on account of both the identity of pursuit of that ac-
tion to Adolf Hitler's odious 1939 law, and the extensive
proceedings conducted by the United States and other
powers on precisely this account.
"Neither the U.S. Congress, President Barack Obama,
nor a simple act of legislation can undo a principle of
both the U.S. Declaration of Independence and U.S.
A month later, after President Obama went on national
television to insist on rapid passage of his bill to slash
"futile" health expenses for the old and the sick, La-
Rouche went further:
"President Obama is now impeachable, because he has,
in effect, proposed legislation which is an exact copy of
the legislation for which the Hitler regime was con-
demned in the post-World War II trials. It is an impeach-
able offense to propose such a thing in this time. With
this statement from him, the President now deserves im-
That was over three years agoand not only was the bill
passed, but its murderous provisions have begun to be
implemented, with effects we have documented in part
below. This President has carried out other impeachable
crimes in violation of the U.S Constitution, the most sali-
ent being the war against Libya without Congressional
authorization, and the assassination of American citi-
zens, without due process of law. Yet, despite all the
screams of outrage, from all sides of the political spec-
trum, Barack Obama remains in officeand is clearly
determined to carry out the Hitler genocide program em-
bodied in his signature bill, the Affordable Care Act
("Obamacare"), if it takes a full dictatorship to do so.
Indeed, LaRouche's EIR fully detailed the Hitlerian na-
ture of this bill in testimony provided to Congress
in June of 2009. They knew, or should have known.
It's the System That's at Stake
It is clear that the only way to derail this genocide plan is
to remove the President from power, through Constitu-
tional means, such as impeachment, or the "Nixon
route." The American people, in a rage against the as-
sault on their living standards and future, are increas-
ingly in support of that proposal. This rage will increase
as Obama links up with Wall Street-controlled Republi-
cans to demand cuts in Social Security.
But if the substance of Obama's genocide policy is going
to be stopped, what LaRouche called the "root of the
matter" has to be addressed. For Obama is only a tool of
the financial forces, centered in the Anglo-Dutch empire
and Wall street, which have declared their intent to re-
duce the world's population dramatically. If those forces
remain in control, disaster will still be guaranteed.
As LaRouche put it in his Oct. 18 webcast:
"What the root is, is that the Queen of England, in her
policy and the policy of her Dutch allies or partners, has
actually decreed a campaign of genocide whose stated
intention is to reduce the population of the planet Earth
from 7 billion persons to less than 1. This program is
now ongoing. Not only is this the ongoing program, but
this is precisely the program doctored by Queen Eliza-
beth and adopted from the beginning of his Presidency
by this character Obama.
To Reject Queen's Genocide,
Impeach Obama Now

"So Obama is actually an instrument of genocide placed
in government with the aid of a lot of drug money from
the British to back his career, especially near the Texas
border and so forth. And this bum has been committed to
that policy of genocide specified internationally by the
Queen of England and her Dutch accomplices.
"This program is now fully in effect, and has been in ef-
fect since actually the beginning of the George W. Bush
Administration. That has been the policy. It has also been
implicitly the policy of the Bush family since Pres-
cott Bush, who was the guy who bailed Hitler out,
and made Hitler the dictator of Europe essentially.
It was done by the same group. So both of these
factorsthe Bush family from Prescott Bush,
George H.W. Bush, and little Bush, and Obama
are all samples of this problem. So what we're
dealing with is, we're dealing with an international,
effectively global campaign, which has already
virtually taken out the nations of continental
Europe, which are virtually in the process of dis-
appearing under a program which amounts already
to genocide.
"What this means for the United States is that
keeping Obama in the Presidency is condoning
genocide. He should be thrown out of office now,
under the proper procedure; get him out of there so
at that point we can save a lot of human lives."
Glass-Steagall Too!
To permanently eliminate the power of the British
financial empire, and its Wall Street extension
epitomized by such thieves as JPMorgan Chase's
Jamie Dimonrequires more than removing
Obama. Thesystem which controls him, as it did
the Bush presidencies, must be destroyed. For that
system puts the world not only on a course toward de-
population and death, but a thermonuclear confrontation
between the U.S., and Russia and China, which virtually
no human beings will survive.
The destruction of that system starts with cutting off the
predator banks by implementing Glass-Steagall, and then
moving to reassert a system of sovereign government
credit creation, focused around great projects led by space
LaRouche gave the marching orders to American patriots
in his Oct. 21 discussion with the LaRouche PAC Policy
"Throw Obama out now! He's utterly impeachable. Get
him out of office! And let us go ahead with Glass-
Steagall, and by using Glass-Steagall as a vehicle not only
for economy, but for international policy, we can save this
planet from that kind of horror, and that's what we have to

For the full dossier on Glass-Steagall, visit
Three fascist Bush Presidencies is enough.

On Nov. 2, 2012, economist and Lyndon LaRouche PAC
founder Lyndon LaRouche held an election-eve press
conference at the National Press Club, where he
and EIR Counterintelligence editor Jeffrey Steinberg pre-
sented the incontrovertible evidence that President
Barack Obama's behavior concerning the terrorist attack
on the Benghazi, Libya consulate on Sept. 11, 2012 rep-
resented an impeachable offense.
They further made the point that, if the President were
permitted to continue on this course of action, he would,
on behalf of his British controllers, lead the United
States, and the world, into World War III.
Since that press conference, Lyndon LaRouche PAC has
uncovered extensive documentation of the President's
impeachable, even treasonous behavior, including his
alliance with, and cover-up for, known enemies of the
United States, including the Saudi-funded terrorist net-
work which carried out both 9/11-One, in 2001, and 9/11
-Two, in Benghazi. These have been detailed in Lyndon
LaRouche PAC fact sheets, the latest of which was is-
sued this week; they have gotten wide circulation on
Capitol Hill.
Now, finally, it appears the Congress is preparing to act.
The hearings scheduled to occur May 8, by the House
Oversight and Government Reform Committee, represent
the potential for exposing the White House's coverup for
jihadi terrorists who are still being protected by the
Obama Administration. What will be critical is whether
Congress focuses not just on the lies and coverup by the
Administration, but on the nature of the illegal arms-
smuggling operation that was being run from Benghazi to
the Syrian rebels.
It should also be clear that the continued coverup for
these terrorists, whom the Obama Administration is sup-
porting in Syria, is not only aiding and abetting avowed
enemies of the United States, but also leading the world
directly toward that World War III confrontation of
which LaRouche warned.
In other words, the failure to remove Obama from office
for his treasonous alliance with these enemies of the
United States, could lead to the extinction of the nation.
Impeachable Offenses
Obama's impeachable offenses, as defined by the Consti-
tutional standard of "treason, bribery, or other high
crimes and misdemeanors," are by no means limited to
the Benghazi atrocity.
Lyndon LaRouche PAC first identified the leading ele-
ments of Obama's impeachable offenses in January 2010,
focussing on the President's adoption of a genocidal
health-care plan, which was, and is, dedicated to carrying
out mass murder against the population of the United
States, and his economic proposals, such as the destruc-
tion of NASA, that would destroy the economic basis for
survival of the nation.
In April 2011, former Assistant Deputy Attorney General
under President Reagan, Bruce Fein, issued a draft bill of
impeachment which charged the President with usurping
the exclusive prerogative of Congress to commence war,
under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution,
specifically in the case of the President's war against
On Oct. 29, 2011, Constitutional law Professor Francis
Boyle offered to draft bills of impeachment against Presi-
dent Obama on the same basis as Fein, as well as for the
President's violation of the Constitutional right to due
process, by killing at least three American citizens, with-
out due process of law.
Impeachment Closes In
on President Barack Obama

Since that time, evidence has arisen of even more of-
fenses, and, most importantly, of other ways in which
Obama has "acted in a manner contrary to his trust as
President and subversive of constitutional government to
the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to
the manifest injury of the people of the United States."
That, by the way, was the standard used in the articles of
impeachment filed against President Richard Nixon,
which led him to resign, rather than be convicted.
A draft outline of Obama's impeachable offenses, in addi-
tion to the treasonous alliance with British-Saudi terrorists
which is being exposed in the Benghazi case, follows.
Counts 1 and 3 are prima facie, and require no further
investigation to make the case. The only question is
whether a sufficient number of Congressmen have the
guts to act to defend the Constitution, in the face of the
President's obvious offenses.
Count 1: Violation of Article I, Section 8, the
Constitutional provision that Congress has the unique
responsibility to declare war, through his pre-emptive
war against Libya without Congressional approval.

Count 2: Prosecution of aggressive war in pur-
suit of regime change in Libya, an action explicitly
condemned as a war crime by the post-World War II
Nuremberg Tribunal, and in treaties signed by the
United States.

Count 3: Violation of the Fifth Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution, the "due process clause,"
through his murder of American citizens, including
Anwar Al-Awlaki, his 16-year-old son, and Samir

Count 4: Violation of the Fourth Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution, the "right of the people to be
secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures," through
the expansion of the Bush/Cheney program of war-
rantless interception of electronic communications of
millions of Americans.

Count 5: Conspiracy to commit Crimes against
Humanity, through the crafting and promotion of a
health-care "reform" which he, and his co-
conspirators, "knew or should have known" would
lead to the "inadequate provision of surgical and
medical services," or worse, to large sections of the
population, and lead to an increase in the death rate
among those considered having lives "not worthy to
be lived."

Count 6: Conspiracy to violate the separation of
powers provision of the U.S. Constitution, Title I,
Sections 7 and 8, through pre-emption of Congress's
powers on behalf of imposing fascist austerity pro-
grams, and the express intent to continue that policy.

Count 7: Conspiracy to commit the United
States to an international genocide policy, through
embracing a Green genocide, depopulation agenda,
which includes the destruction of the high-technology
capabilities of the United States, especially NASA.

Count 8: Conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty
of the United States, through acting to cede U.S. sov-
ereign powers to institutions loyal to the British Em-
pire, and supranational institutions such as the Inter-
national Monetary Fund.

For more information, see "The Case for Impeachment of
President Barack Obama," EIR, Jan. 15, 2010; "Toward
a Bill of Impeachment of Barack Hussein
Obama," EIR, Nov. 11, 2011; "LaRouche at National
Press Club, Benghazi 9/11: Obama's Impeachable
Crime," EIR, Nov. 9, 2012; and
All EIR articles are downloadable on


I support this Call for a Global Glass-Steagall
First name(Required)
Last name(Required)
Phone number
With my signature, I agree that my name may eventually be made public.
The following Appeal for a Global Glass-Steagall was
issued June 17, 2012, for urgent action across the Trans-
Atlantic region.
1. All nations of the Trans-Atlantic region must enact a
law which would separate commercial banks from invest-
ment/speculative banking entities, based upon Franklin D.
Roosevelts Glass-Steagall bill of June 16th, 1933. Up
until the beginning of the 1980s, the principles of Roose-
velts reform were in place in most nations, in the form of
strict regulation, and ensured that the banking sector
mainly took on the character of commercial banks, and
access to private accounts for risky speculative operations
was impossible.
As things stood before Glass-Steagall was dismantled in
1999 through the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, commercial
banks must once again be completely separated from both
investment banks and the insurance sector.
2. Commercial banks must be put under government pro-
tection, whilst the investment banks put their books in
order without any help from taxpayers money, which in
practice means that toxic paper must be written off in the
trillions, even if this leads to the insolvency of the banks
3. A National Banking system in the tradition of Alexan-
der Hamilton, within the framework of a new Credit Sys-
tem, must provide long-term credit with low interest rates
for productive investments, which would in turn increase
the productivity of the economy by promoting an increase
in energy-flux density, and in scientific and technological
4. The reconstruction of the real economy should be fa-
cilitated through long-term treaties of cooperation be-
tween sovereign nation-states, which would launch well-
defined infrastructure and development projects in the
context of the Mediterranean and North-american plan for
an Economic Miracle, seen as a necessary extension of
the Eurasian Land-Bridge. These contracts represent a de
facto new credit system, a New Bretton Woods system, in
the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The purpose of re-enacting Glass-Steagall and implement-
ing a Credit System is by no means only an improvement
of technical details in banking, but rather, how the econ-
omy can ensure the survival of humanity over a period
spanning many generations into the future, whilst increas-
ing the productive powers from one generation to another.
Human beings must once again be at the center, and the
very purpose, of economics.
We, the undersigned, direct our urgent appeal to govern-
ments and parliaments, that they fulfill their constitutional
duty and protect the general welfare of the populations
they represent, by immediately enacting Glass-Steagall
banking separation into law.
Appeal for a Global Glass-
Steagall Now

by Benjamin Deniston
The construction of the northern components of NAWAPA
XXI in Alaska and Canada opens up development pro-
grams with massive international implications, linking the
United States with East Asia in the creation of a high-
technology, fusion- and fission-powered backbone for a
new world economy.
A major geopolitical shift towards the Pacific is already
underway, with a strong pro-growth orientation in Asia,
centered on pro-development factions in China, Russia,
South Korea, and Japan. This directionality stands in stark
contrast with the stagnation and collapse of the trans-
Atlantic sector. In line with this Pacific orientation, Arctic
development is increasingly becoming an area of focus,
with major untapped resource deposits lying in wait, while
the melting of Arctic ice is opening up northern shipping
The development of the nuclear-thermonuclear NAWAPA
XXI system links the United States, Canada, and Mexico
into this Pacific-Arctic perspective. However, the critical
factor must be continually underscored: The success of the
effort fully depends upon the highest levels of technology
and energy-flux density achievable.
The present physical-economic collapse of the United
States is the result of four decades of stagnation and attri-
tion. Living standards have collapsed, industry has been
shut down, power per capita has decreased, and aging in-
frastructure systems are breaking down. The only way to
overcome the accumulated physical collapse
in the United States (let alone the entire
world) is to create greater leaps to higher
levels of progress.
The United States will already need to part-
ner with these Asian nations for the develop-
ment and implementation of the fourth gen-
eration nuclear requirements of the
NAWAPA XXI system itself,[1] but the
The Pacific Development Corridor
Maglev Across the
Bering Strait
NAWAPA XXI is the most comprehensive water and energy management
program which will transform the entire continent. Nothing short of a pro-
ject of this magnitude offers the means to bring about a real economic re-
covery from the past decades of de-industrialization and consumerism.

[1] The basic pumping requirements of the
NAWAPA XXI system will require over 50 giga-
watts of power. Additional requirements for de-
salination systems (up to 42 systems) and power
for industry increase the requirement, all in addi-
tion to the need to replace existing aging systems.
When the requirements of the world population
are considered, it becomes clear very quickly that
mankind needs a lot of nuclear power, and fast.
See "The Nuclear NAWAPA XXI and the New
Economy," by Michael Kirsch.

implications of the construction and development of the
project take the connection deeper, and connecting the
North American and Eurasian landmasses across the
Bering Strait with high-speed magnetic-levitation
(maglev) rail is a keystone.
The gap between Alaska and Siberiathe Bering Strait,
stretching a mere 50-60 milescan be connected by a
set of tunnels, linking the transportation systems of both
continents for the first time.[2] To support the greatest
leap in the productivity of the nations and people in-
volved, the most advanced magnetic-levitation rail sys-
tems are required. Unlike trains with wheels, maglev
trains float above the track, allowing for travel at well
over 300 miles per hour, smoother rides, less wear on
the track, and an improved ability to handle steep
These maglev systems are a critical element of the new
Pacific Development Corridor, connecting the United
States with East Asia through a density of high-
technology infrastructure, supporting the advanced de-
velopment of the entire Pacific coastal basin, including
resource development, new agricultural lands, new cit-
ies, and new nuclear agro-industrial complexes
Because of the density of high-technology develop-
ment, centered on advanced infrastructure
and a high density of power, this corridor
can uniquely enable massive leaps in the
productivity of the high-technology space,
fission, fusion, machine-tool, and related
industries and manufacturing centers needed
to support a global fusion economy.
From this Pacific trunk line, development
corridors can branch off to the rest of the
[2] This project has been discussed as far a
back as the 19th-Century railroad revolution.
See "Origins of the Bering Strait Project," by
Richard Freeman, EIR, May 4, 2007.
[3] See "Nuclear Agro-Industrial Complexes
for NAWAPA XXI" by Liona Fan-Chiang.

world, completing the World Land-Bridge, as envisioned
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche. Thus
the Pacific Corridor is now to be the start of a new global
economy, both in geographical terms, and in physical-
economic terms, because the growth factor provided to
these Pacific Rim populations and territories is what will
make the extensions physically possible.
The Pacific Trunk Line
The program starts with a focus on the development of
the Pacific basin territory. This includes supporting and
expanding the already extensive shipping routes, but the
end goal of an initial generational investment cycle must
guide the policy from day one.
On one end, the manufacturing centers of the Midwestern
United States and the critical Pacific ports in California
and Washington State, can be connected north, into the
Canadian and Alaskan regions of NAWAPA XXI, and
from there, on to the Alaska side of the Bering Strait, all
with maglev rail.
This is premised on the role of the Pacific ports in exist-
ing trade relations (and their physical-economic implica-
tions), and the future role of the Midwest as a new high-
technology industrial base in America.
At the other end, the high-technology re-
gions of China, South Korea, and Japan
can be linked up on the Asian side, with
maglev lines traveling from southern
China, to create a loop connecting China,
North Korea, South Korea, Japan (through
Hokkaido), Russia's Sakhalin Island, the
Russian mainland, and back down into
China. From this, a connection runs north,
through eastern Russia, meeting the
maglev Bering Strait connection from
This East Asia side links the relevant
ports, along with the high-technology and
industrial centers of South Korea, Japan,
and China, including the Russian plans for
an advanced space industry complex
(along the Svobodny-Komsovolsk corri-
dor) in the region, centered around the
new Vostochny Cosmodrome.[4]
Taken together, this defines an initial
functional system, in which high-speed maglev rail and a
nuclear-thermonuclear driver can support the develop-
ment of the Pacific Rim, connecting the high-technology
and industrial centers of the United States and East Asia,
through the NAWAPA and Siberian territories.
However, the key is that the connecting route will not just
be an empty transport line. Fast transportation, water,
high densities of nuclear power, and abundant untapped
resources enable the creation of the most advanced and
productive strip of territory the Earth has ever seen. New
cities and industries can be constructed along the way,
featuring upgraded nuplex systems designed to work with
fourth-generation fission reactors and thermonuclear fu-
sion technologies (see"Nuclear Agro-Industrial Com-
plexes for NAWAPA XXI"). The extensive resources
available in the Arctic can be developed with the most
[4] See "Space Industry Cluster in Russia's Amur Region,"
submitted by Yuri V. Krupnov (then-director of the Institute
for Demography, Migration and Regional Development),
presented by his associate, Ilnur Batyrshin, at the Sept. 15-
16, 2007 conference held in Kiedrich, Germany,
"Reconstruction After the Financial Crash," EIR, Sept. 28,

advanced nuclear and thermonuclear tech-
nologies, and raw, semi-processed, and
processed goods can be rapidly delivered
to the high-technology industrial centers
at each end in Asia and North America,
radiating the effects of a higher level of
productivity throughout the global econ-
The key is achieving the highest level of
energy-flux density accessible, integrated
with the most advanced infrastructure
systems, concentrated to create a revolu-
tionary leap in the physical-economic
productive powers of labor throughout the
region .
As the world shifts to a Pacific orienta-
tion, the Pacific Development Corridor
will be the ultra-high-productivity back-
bone of the new world economy, and NAWAPA XXI
with the Bering Strait connection, can be the critical driver
to initiate the entire program.
Maglev Systems
Germany and Japan have already developed magnetic-
levitation train systems, while other designs have been
proposed by U.S. engineers. While there are variations in
the designs, the general principle is to use the power of
magnetism to create a continuous gap between the entire
train and the track, allowing the floating train to be
smoothly propelled electromagnetically at very high
speeds. This is powered by the electrical grid (eliminating
the need for separate engines and fuel supplies for each
train), and because there is no direct contact on the track,
there is no mechanical wear and tear, allowing for longer-
lasting tracks with less maintenance. And difficult weather
conditions (such as iced tracks) do not pose a problem to
electromagnetic braking and acceleration.
Maglev can also travel up and down steeper grades than
conventional rail, allowing for much easier travel through
mountainous terrainas encountered in the NAWAPA
XXI regions and the Pacific Development Corridor.
The German system is called the Transrapid. Utilizing
electromagnets to lift the train, Transrapid created a test
facility in 1987, but after years of successful demonstra-
tions, the only construction of an operational line has been
in China, with the Shanghai Transrapid running since
2004, achieving a maximum speed of 311 miles per hour.
In Japan, maglev systems are being developed which util-
ize a different technology, superconducting magnets. Al-
though they have to be cooled and are heavier systems,
the superconductivity allows for a much stronger mag-
netic lift, creating a larger gap between the train and the
track, and the ability to handle heavier loads. In June of
2013, officials at Central Japan Railway unveiled their
latest prototype, the "Lo" model, which is planned to be-
gin operations between Tokyo and Nagoya in 2027, oper-
ating at 360 miles per hour.[5]
While much of the discussion has focused on the applica-
tions for passenger transport, the systems can also revolu-
tionize freight and cargo transport. Even the existing
Transrapid systems could be quickly altered for freight,
while additional investments could produce faster and
more advanced second-generation systems.[6] The more
powerful superconducting magnets involved in the Japa-
nese design can carry heavier loads, further increasing the
possibilities for maglev freight transport.[7] Again, the
faster speeds and ability to handle steeper grades and cold
climates make these systems far superior to existing wheel
-based rail, especially for the terrain of NAWAPA XXI,
[5] "Commercial Superconducting Maglev Train on Tracks in
Japan," June 10, 2013, LaRouche PAC.
[6] "Maglev TrainsEven More Powerful as Freight Carriers,"
Oct. 1, 2007, LaRouche PAC.
[7] "Maglev: Transport Mode for the 21st Century," by Drs.
James Powell and Gordon Danby; EIR, Sept. 21, 2007.

accessing Arctic resource deposits, and
traversing the length of the Pacific De-
velopment Corridor.
With maglev, the top speeds are limited
not by the magnetic-levitation technolo-
gies, but by wind resistance as speed
increases. While it will not be worth-
while for freight, ultra-fast passenger
transport can take full advantage of the
magnetic-levitation capabilities by util-
izing enclosed-vacuum or semi-vacuum
tubes, removing the air-resistance factor
(and trouble with sonic booms), and
allowing for speeds of thousands of
miles per hour.[8] Special ultra-fast
passenger transport could bring people
from American urban-industrial centers to those in East
Asia in a matter of hours.
The Nuclear-Thermonuclear Driver
The highest levels of energy-flux density are required to
power this development corridor. While significant
amounts of electricity will be needed to support the de-
velopment of this entire territory, including the maglev
lines and advanced industrial sectors on both ends,
power sources with higher temperatures and greater heat
densities have broad applications beyond electricity gen-
The decades-old concept of nuclear-powered agro-
industrial complexes must be revived and upgraded.
Fourth-generation nuclear-fission reactors provide
higher levels of process heat, allowing for direct applica-
tions to chemical, industrial, and agricultural require-
ments, ranging from the production of metals, to fertiliz-
ers, to synthetic fuels. Centralizing these processes in a
dense cluster maximizes the productivity and efficiency
(see "Nuclear Agro-Industrial Complexes for NAWAPA
Additionally, nuclear desalination and water purification
can provide abundant water where needed along the cor-
ridor as well (see "The Nuclear NAWAPA XXI and the
New Economy").
Even more advanced options are available with fission-
fusion-hybrid systems, controlled high-temperature
plasma-based systems, and full-scale controlled thermo-
nuclear fusion (see "A Call for an International Crash
Program: Creating the Fusion Economy").
High energy-flux-density processing of raw materials
closer to the extraction site enables the transportation of
higher quality goods, translating to a greater value per
ton transported. It also enables the more efficient proc-
essing of ores, cheapening the process and making lower
-grade and lower-concentration deposits valuable and
economically viable resources.
These considerations must be placed up front when con-
sidering the development of the vast Arctic resource
deposits, including the role of strategic Arctic fusion-
fission nuplex power and processing systems along the
Pacific Corridor.
For these reasons, it will be critical to locate demonstra-
tion and experimental fusion systems specifically along
this corridor, with the goal of developing a broad range
of fusion technologies. This includes high-temperature
controlled-plasma technologies such as the plasma torch,
capable of separating any substance (from nuclear
"waste," to chemical waste, to dirt, to basic city trash)
into its constituent elements, turning virtually any input
into useful material. The resulting resources can even be
tuned to the isotopic levelproviding higher-quality
materials than were possible before.
To maximize the benefits received from the surrounding
infrastructure, and contributions delivered back to the
[8] Ibid.

integrated productive processes, the initial experimental
investigation and development of high-temperature
plasma and fusion-related systems should be strategically
constructed as part of the Pacific Development Corridor,
and within proximity to the advanced industry on both
ends, and the resource development along the corridor
when appropriate.

Bering Strait and the World Land-Bridge
Integrating the NAWAPA XXI, Bering Strait, Arctic De-
velopment, and Pacific Corridor projects will provide the
needed economic leaps for the nations involved, creating
a density of productive potential that will drive the
growth of the entire world.
Done properly, this can be the physi-
cal-economic foundation for a new
global economy.
Branching off the East Asian side,
the northern, central, and southern
corridors of the Eurasian Land-
Bridge can be upgraded to maglev
and high energy-flux-density devel-
opment corridors, reaching back into
Europe, where the Paris-Berlin-
Vi enna Pr oduct i ve Tri angl e
(see EIR, Feb. 2, 1990) can become
the high-technology center of west-
ern Eurasia. Through Spain and the
Middle East, two branches reach
down into Africa, bringing the same
density of development and advanced
infrastructure throughout the conti-
On the North American side,
branches from the main Pacific De-
velopment Corridor can expand
across the rest of the continent, inte-
grating national and international
high-speed maglev rail grids through-
out the United States, Canada, and
Mexico. From Mexico, the lines con-
tinue into South America across the
Darien Gap, connecting the tip of
Argentina with the tip of South Af-
rica in a single high-speed maglev
The first stage is the development of the Pacific Develop-
ment Corridor, with NAWAPA XXI and the Bering Strait
connection being the critical driver. Done with a fusion-
fission driver applied to the most advanced infrastructure,
industry, and resource development, this high density of
high-technology development is the only way to provide
the needed physical-economic leaps, overcoming the past
four and a half decades of attritional collapse by reaching
farther and faster into the future.
These are requirements, not options.

Watch the full documentary overview of every major devel-
opment project that begins with the World Land-Bridge on

The placement of new strike weapons in the south and
northwest of Russia against [NATO] missile defense
components, including the deployment of Iskander mis-
sile systems in the Kaliningrad region, is one possible
way of incapacitating the European missile defense in-
frastructure.... Taking into account the destabilizing na-
ture of the [NATO] missile defense system ... a decision
to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if
the situation worsens [emphasis added].
This was the warning issued by Russia's highest military
official, Chief of the Russian Armed Forces General
Staff Gen. Nikolai Makarov, speaking at an international
conference on ballistic missile defense systems (BMDS),
hosted in Moscow by the Russian government. The two-
day event (May 3 and 4) featured Russia's clear warning
that it recognizes NATO's planned development of
BMDS in Eastern Europe as a strategic threat to Russia,
and, more importantly, that it will not back down to such
threats. This missile defense conference was timed in an
attempt to preempt the NATO summit in Chicago, start-
ing May 20. It included statements by the secretary of
Russia's Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, who also
emphasized Russia's view in no uncertain terms:
"The geographical regions and technical characteristics
of these [NATO] missile defense systems create the foun-
dations for additional dangers, especially considering
the current and future levels of high-precision armament
of the United States.... [T]here simply are no targets for
the missile defense shield other than Russia."
Rounding off Russia's clear warning that it will not back
down, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov described
the status of Russia-U.S.A. talks on missile defense as
"So far, we have not found a mutually acceptable solu-
tion to the missile defense issue, and the situation is at a
dead end.... There is a dilemma facing our countries
now.... Either we pass this test of cooperation and re-
spond together to new missile challenges and threats, or
we will be forced to undertake the necessary military
And to underscore the timing of this missile defense con-
ference, Alexander Lukashevich, the Russian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs spokesman, stated outright the deadline
that Russia is setting in stone:
"I think that the signals sent not only by General
Makarov, but also by other senior military officers, were
intended to make the participants of the upcoming Chi-
cago NATO summit understand the how serious the
situation is and to reconfigure their thinking to take the
Russian arguments into account in the further develop-
ment of their BMDS."
At the present moment, due to the failure of the U.S. in-
stitutional forces to remove Barack Obama from office
for his constitutional violations, we now sit at the brink
of conflicts that would rapidly escalate into full scale
thermonuclear war.
These are not statements of Russia as an aggressor; these
are warnings from a threatened Russia being told to sub-
mit to the global dominance of a bankrupt trans-Atlantic
financial empire.

Look at the clear ironies of the present situation (Figure
1). These recent warnings from Russia come in the con-
text of a longer period of such warnings. In November
2011, President Dmitri Medvedev issued similar warn-
ings, and over the past six months, Dmitri Rogozin, ear-
lier speaking as Russian ambassador to NATO, and since
December as the Deputy Prime Minister, has repeatedly
condemned this NATO activity.
However, the Russian leadership has also proposed an
The Thermonuclear Option:
Extinction or Existence
[1] For further coverage of this Moscow conference see
"Russians Warn of Pre-Emptive Strike Against Missile Defense

As early as October, Rogozin proposed to break the im-
plicitly thermonuclear showdown over the NATO ballis-
tic missile defense systems by offering joint cooperation
between Russia and the United States on both missile
defense, and, raising the focus of discussion, on the de-
fense of all of mankind from the threat of asteroid or
comet impacts.[2]

This has been followed by a pattern of activity coming
out of Russia, taking up exactly this issue.
On March 2, speaking to a meeting of space experts,
Rogozin repeated the need to
take up the issue of defense
against asteroid or comet im-
pacts. Then on April 26, the
head of the Russian Federal
Space Agency (Roscosmos),
Vitali Davydov, proposed the
creation of a new Russian fed-
eral program to address these
threats, saying, "Various means
of acting on potentially danger-
ous space objects should be
developed and perfected in
space, using both powerful one
-time actions, and those em-
ploying weak influence over
long periods of time," and im-
plying the need for interna-
tional collaboration. Davydov
made this statement at a scien-
tific conference, "Russia's National Interests in the Con-
text of Global Security."
The keynote speaker at that conference, Nikolai
Patrushev, also reiterated the importance of global de-
fense against the threat of impacts, announcing that the
Russian Security Council (of which he is the head) is
going to, for the first time, place this issue of asteroid and
comet impacts on the agenda of its upcoming global se-
curity conference (June 6-8 in St. Petersburg). The cover-
age in the Russian daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta stated:
"In addition to the traditional international security
problems, entirely new threats will be discussed in Pe-
tersburg [in June]. For example, ones such as counter-
acting the asteroid danger. This is not a joke and not
science fiction." If the attendance at this June global se-
curity conference is similar to the previous two, we can
expect 50 nations to be represented, including China and
the United States.[3]
This underscores the pattern coming from the top levels
of the current Russian government, a refusal to back
down under imperial pressure of thermonuclear war,
while at the same time offering the United States an
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dimitry Rogozin
[2] See Benjamin Deniston, "As
World War Threatens, Russia Pro-
poses 'SDE', " EIR, Nov. 25, 2011.

alternative route, one towards
collaboration in overcoming the
threats plaguing the future exis-
tence of all of mankind.
But perhaps the most significant
factor in this pattern of activity is
both the implicit, and explicit,
focus on the work of Lyndon La-
Rouche. Russia's October 2011
"Strategic Defense of Earth" pro-
posal was properly covered by
Russia Today ( as named
in an explicit reference to the
Strategic Defense Initiative pro-
gram of the 1980sof which La-
Rouche was the key author and
organizer. More recently, the
online Russian website Terra
America has initiated a series of
articles focusing on LaRouche
[see article, this issue]. In their comprehensive coverage
of LaRouche and his activity, they provided, as one Rus-
sian specialist described it, some of the most honest cov-
erage of LaRouche's authorship of the SDI to ever come
out of Russia.[4]
As those knowledgeable in matters of global strategy
have stated, the SDI is still, to this day, a living factor of
Extinction or Existence
There is a common underlying question posed by these
threats, both thermonuclear war and asteroid or comet
impacts: Can mankind demonstrate its fitness to exist in
this universe?
Countless species have come into existence on our planet,
and countless have then leftrendered extinct by the
forces inherent in a developing and changing solar-
galactic system.[5]

At the same time that Russia is calling out the threat of
NATO's BMD systems in Eastern Europe, we also look
to the United States' fleet of Ohio Class military subma-
rines, 14 of which are loaded with Trident multi-warhead
thermonuclear missiles. Each submarine alone, if fully
loaded, has the capacity to deliver from 96 to 192 nuclear
warheads (each warhead being either 8 or 40 times more
powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945).
Some of these submarines are currently deployed in the
Pacific Ocean, in positions from which hundreds of loca-
tions across Asia can be targeted for annihilation.
This is only a part of the total U.S. thermonuclear capac-
ity, not to mention the thermonuclear arsenals of Russia
and China (Table 1).
Thermonuclear war is unlike any other form of warfare
ever to have taken place. It is total annihilation warfare,
in which the first strike immediately ensures the last
strike, as the first confirmation of a launch on either side
triggers immediate full retaliation from the other. Within
[3] See Rachel Douglas, "Strategic Defense of Earth: Russia
To Put SDE at Top of Agenda," EIR, May 4, 2012.
[4] This coverage started with an interview with LaRouche,
and continues with a series of articles on LaRouche.
See, "The SDE and Mankind in the Cosmos,"
and, "LaRouche Responds to Questions from Russia," in
EIR, April 20, 2012; and "Russian Website on LaRouche's
SDI," EIR, April 27, 2012.
[5] For a more detailed discussion of the galactic determina-
tion of the conditions of life here on Earth, see the La-
RouchePAC report "Planetary Defense: An Extra-Terrestrial


a few minutes, human civilization could
be over.
Beyond the hundreds of immediate tar-
gets, the carryover effects of hundreds
to thousands of thermonuclear detona-
tions would produce a so-called thermo-
nuclear winter, from which we have no
guarantee that the human species would
But what does such a power express?
Among all forms of known life, man-
kind is absolutely unique. Whereas all
simply animal species are characterized
by a fixed, biologically defined mode of
behavior, the human species is not de-
fined biologically. Mankind's existence
is defined by the scientific and cultural level of
our economic activity, in which transitions
from one cultural-scientific mode of existence
to the next are strictly qualitative transforma-
tions (Figure 2).[6] As Lyndon LaRouche has
rigorously defined in his science of physical
economics, a rough, but very important meas-
ure of mankind's advance is the physical eco-
nomic metric of energy-flux density.

A "thermonuclear mankind" requires that we
either end warfare as we have known it over
the past few thousand years, or we end human
civilization by the continuation of such forms
of warfare.
That is one strategic aspect, but there is an-
A thermonuclear mankind also carries, for the
first time in the entire billions of years' history
of life on our planet, the possibility for the con-
tinuation of advanced life in our Solar System's
travels through the Milky Way galaxy.
[6] For an illustration of this qualitative nature of
human existence, see the important new La-
RouchePAC Basement report, "The Riemann
Project: Economic Reflections," by Jason Ross,

Near-Earth Objects as a Step
into the Galaxy
Take the already mentioned vital issue of defending man-
kind against asteroid and comet impacts.
Despite decades of growing interest (especially increas-
ing over the past 10-15 years), resulting in studies, con-
ferences, reports, and coordinated observation programs,
there is currently no serious program to ensure the pro-
tection of the human species from even the most basic
inevitability of future impacts.
The energy released from comet or asteroid impacts can
be hard to even conceptualize, and could easily supersede
even that of nuclear war, including the global atmos-
pheric effects (Table 2).
Based upon our best understanding of the activity within
our Solar System, the problem of an impact is not an is-
sue of if, but when.
Based on work initiated in the early 1990s, the U.S. Con-
gress has mandated that NASA find, catalog, and track
asteroids and comets that have orbits either near to, or
crossing the Earth's orbit. These are often referred to as
Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Over the past nearly two
decades, a loose affiliation under the name of Space-
guard, has coordinated the efforts of telescopes around
the world to find, track, and forecast the future orbits of
NEOs, including by centralizing the observational data,
data processing, and orbital forecasts (often attempting to
forecast the NEO orbits 100 years into the future to see if
there are any possible impacts with the Earth[7]).
This is an important and crucial effort, as far as it goes.
However this does not include so-called "long-period
comets" (whose orbits take them to the farthest outskirts
of the Solar System), which, though rarer, are generally
significantly larger and come at us faster. These are cur-
rently classified as "too difficult to deal with," and using
present observation technologies, we would be lucky to
have a few months to maybe a half-year of advance
Six months may sound like a long time, but any current
intercept mission, based on mankind's existing space-
faring capabilities, would take many years to design, con-
struct, and execute.
Our best defense absolutely depends on early detection
and early action. Attempting to move an NEO off an im-
pact course at the proverbial last minute would require an
impossible amount of energy. Our planetary defense de-
pends on moving NEOs when they are much farther from
the Earth, where a smaller (but possible) effect on their
trajectory can ensure that they miss the Earth.
Even considering the years of lead time needed to design,
construct, and launch an intercept mission, we have to
add the time it takes to reach the asteroid (which could
also be on the order of years, depending on where in the
Solar System we wish to intercept it). In the case of a
serious threat, we could obviously attempt to speed up
each of these steps, but the point is that right now we are
talking about years to just reach a potentially threatening
NEO. We still then have to move it.

The best chance of moving an object off its collision
course depends upon affecting either its speed or its orbit,
years before its expected impact date. Because of the
immense size of these space rocks, it takes a tremendous
amount of energy to affect them, but a small change in
either the speed or the orbit of an NEO will cumulatively
add up to a larger effect over a longer period of time.
The earlier we affect a dangerous NEO, the more of a
change we will have made in its trajectory by the time it
reaches, and hopefully misses, the Earth.
With the present observation technologies, we may well
be able to get decades of warning time for a threatening
NEO (at least for the larger ones which are easier to see,
though many medium and smaller sized NEOs remain
undiscovered[8]).[9] This is still only the detection side.
Effective defense also requires more detailed characteri-
zation of the potentially threatening object (for example
its composition, general structure, or spin rate), and a
means to alter its trajectory, so we can guarantee that it
won't impact anywhere on the Earth. Having a detailed
[7] Though numerous uncertainties in the forecasting capabil-
ity often remain, such as the NEOs' spin and tumble rates,
mass, composition, solar heating and radiative effects, close
fly-bys of other objects, etc. These can pose challenges to
determining the exact likelihood of a potential impact decades
into the future.

characterization is crucial to any attempt to move an
NEO, as some are solid rock, others are referred to as
"loose rubble piles"; some spin fast, some spin slowly,
etc. These and other properties of a particular NEO will
have to be understood in order to determine the best
method of affecting its trajectory.
There have been a number of proposed methods which
could be attempted to alter the trajectory of a threatening
NEO. Table 3 highlights some of the more prominent
Among these proposed options there are various benefits
and shortfalls depending upon the characteristics of the
target object: for example, its size, its composition, and
how much time we have to act will determine what op-
tions are best suited for that particular situation.
Here we must emphasize, despite extensive written re-
ports and concept proposals, and although we have de-
veloped many (but not all) of the technologies that would
be involved, we have yet to test or demonstrate the capa-
bility to deflect a potentially threatening object.
To quote from a 2009 report of the International Acad-
emy of Astronautics, which summarized a decade of se-
rious research into this subject:
Given the wide diversity in characteristics of these ob-
jects and the continuing dynamics in the NEO popula-
tion, the certainty of a successful deflection, even if all
systems of the [deflection mission] work as designed, is
not great. Furthermore, neither today's technologies, nor
those likely to be available in the next decade or two lead
to systems with extremely high reliability.
Thus the probability of a successful deflection of an
NEO with a single mission using any known concept is
far lower than desired, given the likely horrendous con-
sequences of a failure. It is therefore clear that the devel-
opment and deployment of a robust, multiple option,
redundant, coordinated system of multiple and diverse
systems is needed; and that the deflection of an NEO
cannot be a mission but must rather be a campaign of
multiple orchestrated missions.[10]
Immediately, years of preparation time can be saved by
designing, developing, and demonstrating deflection sys-
tems, and creating the international cooperation and
structure to achieve these goals. This presents a current
challenge for the international community, to take ad-
vantage of all existing technologies, space launch sys-
tems, etc., and create a defense capability for the entire
planet which no animal species has ever had before.
Certain significant steps can be initiated in the relatively
short term; however, the only way to actually ensure the
continued existence of the human species is to engage
nations in a very specific form of economic activity
known as a science-driver program.

Energy-Flux Density
The immediate economic crisis that plagues the world,
centered on the hyperinflationary bankruptcy of the trans
-Atlantic economic region, sufficiently demonstrates the
deadly failure of the vast majority of present economic
It also demonstrates the genocidal nature of the green/
environmentalist ideology generally.
Real value, real wealth is produced only by mankind's
uniquely creative capability, and its application to in-
creases in man's power in the universe. Lyndon La-
Rouche's physical economic metric of energy-flux den-
sity is a crucial correlative of this power. A mankind
embarking upon the mastery of the atomic domain
(fission, fusion, matter anti-matter) is simply not the
same mankind as one defined by simply chemical modes
of action. Therefore, as a fundamental economic

[8] A NASA release from September 2011 provides an up-
dated estimation of the total NEO population (based on data
from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infra-
red space telescope), and new estimations of what percent-
age we have yet to find. See, "NASA Space Telescope Finds
Fewer Asteroids Near Earth,"
[9] However this is presently not the case for long-period
comets, an issued that has been raised by concerned scien-
tists. Again, although they are significantly less frequent,
they are generally much larger and are faster. Currently,
little or no action has been taken to improve our chances
against long-period comets, because the task is deemed too
difficult to handle with existing capabilities.
[10] "Dealing with the Threat to Earth from Asteroids and
Comets," p. 66, International Academy of Astronautics, Janu-
ary 2009.

principle, the human species must always engage a lim-
ited, but significant portion of its economic activity in
task-oriented challenges whose solutions require science
and technology beyond the present scope of what is im-
mediately available to mankind. Science-driver programs
which increase the range of available technologies are the
most effective and useful economic programs available to

They are not just profitable, as the threat of NEO impacts
demonstrates, they are absolutely necessary for the con-
tinued existence of mankind.
Too much of the present planetary defense discussion is
characterized by the present economic paradigm of ridicu-
lous budget restraints and obsessive focus on the mone-
tary costs. In response we can obviously present the inevi-
table cost to life and our planet if we don't develop such
defense systems, but there is a more fundamental point to
be made. NASA's Apollo program is a prime example of
how a science-driver program can transform the entire
economy of mankind. After the mission was completed,
financial analysts calculated the ratio of the investment
made by the government into the Moon mission, to the
profits for the economy generally which resulted from the
program (focusing on the benefits of so-called spinoff
technologies[11]). The Apollo program was probably the
most profitable national investment of the century, with
some analysts giving a figure as high as a 14:1 payback
The prospect being put forward by the top levels of the
Russian government, for collaboration on both missile
defense systemsto eliminate the threat of thermonuclear
missile exchangeand defense against threatened im-
pacts of asteroids and comets, presents an incredible op-
portunity for mankind as a whole. If this were taken as a
science-driver program, and part of a first step towards
man's colonization of the Moon, Mars, and beyond, then,
for the first time, we have a truly viable option for the
future existence of the human species.
On that note, we end with an excerpt from an April 12
interview that Lyndon LaRouche conducted with the new
Russian online publication, Terra America:
Terra America: How realistic would it be for Russia and
the U.S.A. to unite efforts, possibly with other countries,
too, for implementation of a Mars program? Does man-
kind need to colonize Mars?
LaRouche: It is not merely realistic; it is an urgent need
of all mankind. Whereas, the factor of national and cul-
tural sovereignty must be maintained during foreseeable
generations now before us, the fact that human culture
has already reached a point at which general warfare
were virtually unthinkable, especially in the presence of
an inevitability of thermonuclear weaponry, and, soon
higher energy-flux densities, we must be working for the
goal of concurrence of efficient national sovereignties
and accelerating rates of general development and em-
ployment of accelerating rates of increase of energy-flux
densities. War as we have known it must be prevented by
means of advanced productive technologies, rather than
curbing their combined development and employment.
To speak of a notion of the colonization of Mars, falls far
short of the reality which we must accustom ourselves to
foresee. We must approach the process of what some
might consider colonization of Mars, by taking into ac-
count the challenge assumed by Russia's SDE project.
The deployment of systems of management within the So-
lar System which we require as preparations for human
habitations and related activities, can not be competently
confined to the localities of a planet, or Solar System.
We must begin to clear our minds by taking into account
the implications of a thermonuclear-fusion-impelled craft
reaching Mars from our Moon within a duration of a
week between launch and arrival at destination. That will
not be the limit of the needed instrumentation of the Solar
System. We must instrument more and more features of
the Solar System to the effect that primitive beliefs in a
fixed order of space and of time no longer exist for those
in times to come, even within our presently advancing
century. We should aim to have entered the early phase of
man-Mars developments within the range of leading de-
velopments to be accomplished within the coming quarter
[11] That is, technologies that were developed for the space pro-
gram objective of landing a man on the Moon, but then found
many other applications in the economy generally.
[12] Again here we must refer to Jason Ross's presentation of the
qualitative, not merely quantitative, nature of fundamental eco-
nomic progress. Simply put, the post-Apollo dollars are not the
same thing as the pre-Apollo dollars. Money is a tool and an effect,
nothing more. See, "The Riemann Project: Economic Reflections,"
[13] See The English version of the
entire interview can be found on the Lyndon LaRouchePAC web-

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