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The University Of Asia Pacific

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

ECE 202
Experiment No: 04
Name of the Experiment : Study of Diode Clamping Circuits.
Objective: To study the application of diodes in clamping circuits.
The clamping network is one that will clamp! a signal to a different dc le"el. #n a
essential $asis% the network must ha"e a capacitor% a diode and a resistor. &ndependent dc
supply can also $e used to introduce an additional dc shift. #ne must choose the
magnitude of ' and C large enough so that the time constant ( 'C is sufficient enough
to ensure the capacitor discharge insignificant in the inter"al while diode is non)

p)n *unction diode +
pot ,22k- +
capacitor , +0.-
dc power suply
signal generator
Circuit Diarams:
/i 0 +0 / 1)1% + 234%
S5uare wa"e
/i 0 +0 / 1)1% + 234%
Sine wa"e
!iure ": Clamping Circuit
+. Construct the circuit shown in fig.+,a-. #$ser"e /
and /
on the oscilloscope
2. /ary ' so that amplitude of /
will $e twice of /i . Take the "alue of 6k% +0k%
+6k of the pot.
7. Construct the circuit shown in fig.+,$-. #$ser"e /
and /
on the oscilloscope
Simulate the output wa"eform for the following circuits using 1spice Te8t Editor.
/i 0 +20 / 1)1% + 234% /i 0 20 / 1)1% + 234%
Sine wa"e Sine wa"e
,a- ,$-
!iure &: Clamping Circuit for Simulation
'$ubmit the report part at the (ab)
Course No: ECE &*& Expt+ No: *,
-eistration No: $emester:
-o%% No: Date:
+. 9hat is a clamping circuit:
2. Draw the input and output wa"eshape as shown in the oscilloscope for the circuit of
fig. + in graph paper ,attach the graph paper-.
7. Design a clamper to perform the function indicated in fig. 7
!iure: .
4. 9rite the 1spice Te8t Editor 1rograms used in the simulation of fig.2.
/+ Discussion:

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