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Features of IT

1. Ubiquitous application
2. Dramatic rate of cost decline:
3. Universal ownership
4. Exponential growth:
IT as a powerful competitive factor for organizations. Value of IT as a viable competitive factor
resulting is increased productivity, improved profitability, and value for customers. IT
professionals must identify information needs of the organization and develop an IT strategy
that is in line with the overall corporate strategic plan. An IT plan includes factors such as a
computer hardware and software re!uirement, systems definition, changes to the e"isting
systems and procedures, and the schedules and resource re!uirements for each pro#ect.
Information technology and Strategy
nformation technolog! "#$ in ever! organi%ation normall! evolves from a means to improve the
efficienc! and effectiveness of an organi%ation to a means to influence the strategic position of the
Steps in Designing IT Architecture and infrastructure
The business architecture in turn will determine the $IT architecture% and $IT infrastructure.
Business Vision
Business objectives
Business Processes and operations
The business architecture is divided into three closel! related blueprints. #hese three together
constitute the business architecture:
1. &usiness function blueprint
2. 'ata access blueprint
3. Application access blueprint
IT Architecture
#he difference between business architecture and # architecture is& in fact& comparable with
the distinction between functional and technical design& which has been used b! s!stem
development methodologies for !ears. #he business architecture is dominated b! managerial
and organi%ational questions "what$. #he answers to these questions are translated& in the #
architecture& into automation directions "how$ and eventuall! in the choice of specific ma'es
and t!pes of technical means: the # infrastructure "with what$.

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