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Guidelines for Writing a Paper Review

A paper review should have the following sections:

1- Authors, title, and reference information. Use SPE standard reference
2- Problem. Briefly describe the problem the authors are trying to solve.
3- Approach. Describe what the authors did. Did they do a theoretical analysis,
laboratory work, numerical simulation, collected their and other experience in
a review paper or something else? Did they verify their results using lab
experiments or field data?
4- Solution. Describe the solution the authors developed. Did they develop a
new correlation, a new procedure, a new algorithm, or a new classification?
5- Conclusions. Describe the conclusions the authors reached as a result of
the study.
6- Limitations. List the limitations of the work.
7- Application. How would you apply the knowledge provided in the paper?
8- Critique. What questions did the author leave unanswered? What could the
author have done to make the paper better?

It should take no more than one page to summarize a typical paper. Some
papers may require more; use your judgment. One or more of the above 8 points
may not apply for certain papers; use your judgment.

Examples on writing references (SPE style):
McCain, W.D., Jr.: The Properties of Petroleum Fluids, 2
ed. Tulsa, OK,
PennWell Publishing Co., 1990.
Journal Papers:
El-Banbi, Ahmed H., McCain, W.D., Jr., and Semmelbeck, M.E.: Well
Productivity in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs, JPT, April 2000, 67-68.
Conference Papers:
El-Banbi, Ahmed H. and Wattenbarger, R.A.: Analysis of Commingled Tight Gas
Reservoirs, paper SPE 36736 presented at the 71st SPE Annual Meeting and
Exhibition, Denver, CO. Oct. 6-9, 1996.

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