EP2 Nina Butterfly Week2

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Anuban Weekly Outline

Sitapatr School
Teacher: Nina Class: EP2 Butterfly Week: 2 Dates: 26 300!20"#
This $eek $e are learnin%: Classroom Objects
Circle Ti&e 'e(ie$
In circle we will review last week, and
introduce new vocabulary and ideas
through games and songs / dances.
Pass the hat game.
TPR warm up games.
inging o! alphabet songs.
inging and learning actions to
songs, "Twinkle twinkle little star#,
Acti(ity Ti&e
%e will be learning classroom ob&ects and activities this week. %e will also
review some o! what was learnt last week, !or e'ample, simple greetings and
%orksheets identi!ying classroom ob&ects and activities.
(harades game to identi!y classroom activities. )g. Reading, writing, sitting, etc.
inging and dancing.
Name writing practice.
(olouring in and drawing.
Roll call and introductions. *and shakes and greetings. "*ello my name is+ *ow
are you, I am !ine thank you.-

)e$ *letterss+un,s(+cabulary-
(lassroom ob&ects. Pencil, bag, pen, glue, stapler, desk, chair, punch, crayon,
board, eraser.
*ow old are you, I am+
%hat is this,
%hat am I doing, / %hat is she doing, / %hat is he doing,
.o over colours, days o! the week,
months o! the year, greetings,
stand up / sit down. /y name is+
Nice to meet you. 0$( / abc.
Writin% Practice
%riting names.
1etters o! the alphabet.
Parent .+ll+$ /0 /seful
Websites 1+&e$+rk:

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