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Phloxine Pilot Trial 1

Use a 1% Phloxine B, by weight, with food carrier:

20% ICN east !ydrolysate
20% "r#ctose
$%% &ater
Use ' cages ()* +lastic, clear,
- cages in s#nlight
- cages #nder fl#orescent lights in te.+erat#re controlled roo.
Cage 1 /#nlight 0ales 1reat.ent
Cage 2 /#nlight "e.ales 1reat.ent
Cage 2 /#nlight 0ales Control
Cage - /#nlight "e.ales Control
Cage $ *ights 0ales 1reat.ent
Cage ) *ights "e.ales 1reat.ent
Cage 3 *ights 0ales Control
Cage ' *ights "e.ales Control
Bait Co.+osition (1% Phloxine B,
04$g Phloxine B
1040g east !ydrolysate
1040g "r#ctose
2%4$g &ater
1otal: $040g
"eeding 1i.e: 2 ho#rs4 5#ring this ti.e both sets of flies are obser6ed for
Cotton wic7s (04'.. x 24-c., are sat#rated in dye .ixt#re and +laced in +etri
dishes within fly cages4
"lies: 8osford colony flies a++roxi.ately ) to 3 days old4 1hey ha6e only been
fed s#gar9water (ie +rotein de+ri6ed,4 "lies +laced in cages 1 day +rior to trial4
8i6en food and water o6ernight4
:fter dye .ixt#re is re.o6ed, flies are obser6ed e6ery 20 .in#tes for
.ortality4 1he n#.ber of dead flies in each cage is recorded4 1his occ#rs #ntil
ho.eti.e9 100% .ortality4
*ight, te.+erat#re and h#.idity for o#tside and inside will be .onitored
thro#gho#t the trial by !;B; dataloggers4
Observations (Comments)
Treatment (Males) Treatment (Females)
< 0ales attracted i..ediately (ie
within 20 seconds,4
< 0ale9"e.ale 2:1 feeding within -
< :bdo.ens red within 10 .in#tes4 < "e.ales .ay need to be older=
< :fter 2$ .in#tes .ales still feeding
only -<$ at a ti.e4
< :bdo.en red within 10 .in#tes4
< "e.ales not as strongly attracted
< >ery little flight after feeding (.ales
don?t .o6e .#ch sitting on botto. of
the cage,4
b#t still feeding after 2$ .in#tes (1<2
at a ti.e,4
< >ery little flight after feeding4
< :fter 20 .in#tes 6ery few .ales
ha6en?t fed4
< :fter 20 .in#tes, fe.ales still
Control (Males) Control (Females)
< $ .ales feeding co.+ared to 11
fe.ales after 2 .in#tes4
< "e.ales attracted .#ch .ore than
.ales (-:1 ratio, within 1 .in#te4
< 0a@ority of .ales attracted after 3
.in#tes of bait being +laced in cage4
< 0ost fe.ales ha6e co.+leted
feeding after 10 .in#tes4
< "lies resting on botto. after feeding4 < "lies tend to rest on botto. after
Pilot Trial 2 - Observations (Comments)
Treatment (Males)
No noticeable difference between sexes
for ti.e ta7en to be attracted to the bait
0ales and fe.ales attracted to bait
within 20 seconds
:++roxi.ately 10 .ales initially attracted
to bait
0ost flies had co.+leted initial feeding
after 20 .in#tes
"lies did not contin#o#sly feed on the
bait b#t tended to graAe
0ales wander f#rther fro. +lace of
0ales do not fly and only .o6e slowly
after feeding
Control (Males)
No difference between .ale and fe.ale
controls in ti.e ta7en to be attracted to
the yeast sol#tion4
:++roxi.ately 10 flies attracted to yeast
sol#tion within 20 seconds
0ales fed contin#o#sly for 20 .in#tes
witho#t the sa.e graAing shown by the
treated flies
:fter feeding .ales wandered f#rther
than fe.ales b#t still showed 6ery little
.o6e.ent and flying after feeding
0ost flies had co.+leted feeding by 20
Treatment (Females)
"e.ales attracted to bait as strongly as
:++roxi.ately 10 fe.ales initially
attracted to feed
0ost flies had co.+leted initial feeding
after 20 .in#tes
"lies did not contin#o#sly feed on the
bait b#t tended to graAe
"e.ales stay close to +lace of feeding
"e.ales fly and .o6e 6ery little after
Control (Females)
:++roxi.ately 10 flies attracted to yeast
sol#tion within 20 seconds
"e.ales fed contin#o#sly for 20 .in#tes
witho#t showing the sa.e graAing
techniB#e as the treated flies
:fter feeding fe.ales stayed on the
botto. of the cage, with 6ery little .o6ing
or flying
0ost flies had co.+leted feeding by 20
Treatment (Females)
:ttracted to bait within 20 seconds of
*ess treated flies were attracted to the
bait than the control flies to the yeast
sol#tion (ie $ to 1$,
:ttractancy of fe.ales in both treated
cages to the bait was eB#al4
"lies fed for shorter +eriod (ie graAed,
co.+ared to controls
"lies finished first feeding after 20
:fter feeding flies re.ained on the
botto. of the cage .o6ing and flying
6ery little
Control (Males)
Ceacted B#ic7ly (ie within 20 seconds, of
yeast sol#tion introd#ction
"lies .ore strongly attracted to yeast
sol#tion than bait sol#tion (ie $ to 1$,
"lies feed contin#o#sly for a++roxi.ately
20 .in#tes
"lies after feeding do not .o6e far or fly
Treatment (Females)
:ttracted to bait within 20 seconds of
*ess treated flies were attracted to the
bait than the control flies to the yeast
sol#tion (ie $ to 1$,
N#.ber of fe.ales attracted to bait was
the sa.e as the n#.ber of .ales
attracted to the yeast sol#tion (ie
"lies fed for shorter +eriod (ie graAed,
co.+ared to controls
:fter feeding flies re.ained on the
botto. of the cage .o6ing and flying
6ery little
Control (Males)
Ceacted B#ic7ly (ie within 20 seconds, of
yeast sol#tion introd#ction
"lies .ore strongly attracted to yeast
sol#tion than bait sol#tion (ie $ to 1$,
"lies feed contin#o#sly for a++roxi.ately
20 .in#tes
:fter feeding flies do not .o6e far and fly
6ery little
Pilot Trial " - Observations (Comments)
Control (Males)
No noticeable difference between sexes
for ti.e ta7en to be attracted to the bait
&ithin 10 .in#tes, there were .ore
.ales attracted to the feed in contrast to
1hree B#arters of .ales were feeding
after 10 .in#tes4
0ales and fe.ales finished feeding when
bloated which occ#rred before the
treated flies4
:fter feeding, .ales didn?t fly and instead
wal7ed e6erywhere slowly4
:fter twenty<fi6e .in#tes, three B#arters
of the flies re.ain in the botto. half of
the container, whereas the flies in the to+
half re.ain on the lid #+side<down4
Treatment (Males)
1here was no difference between .ale
and fe.ale in the ti.e ta7en to be
attracted to the bait sol#tion4
:++roxi.ately $ .ales attracted to feed
within the first .in#te4
0ales and fe.ales fed for a few seconds
then went for a little wander aro#nd the
botto. of the container before
bac7 to res#.e feeding4
0o6e.ent after feeding was li.ited to
short wanders aro#nd the botto. half of
the container for the next 20 .in#tes4
Control (Females)
"e.ales attracted to bait as strongly as
:++roxi.ately ' fe.ale were attracted to
the feed within the first .in#te4
1% fe.ales were either feeding or
wandering aro#nd the botto. of the
container after 10 .in#tes4 1here was
only 1 fe.ale #+side<down on the lid and
none on the walls of the container4
0ost flies had co.+leted initial feeding
after 20 .in#tes and had fed
contin#o#sly #ntil bloated4
"e.ales fly and .o6e 6ery little after
Treatment (Females)
:++roxi.ately 3 fe.ales were attracted
to the feed +ro6ided4
"e.ales de.onstrated s+oradic feeding
habits4 Dach short feed was se+arated by
slow, brief wanders aro#nd the botto.
half of the cage4
*i.ited .o6e.ent after feeding as
bloated4 "eeding too7 a++roxi.ately 1$
.in#tes to co.+lete4
Control (Males)
0ales were initially slightly .ore
attracted than fe.ales to yeast sol#tion
0ales contin#o#sly fed (ie contin#o#sly
s#c7 at the yeast9s#gar sol#tion,
0ales ate #ntil their abdo.ens beca.e
6ery bloated
0ales .o6e little after feeding
0ales finished feeding after 10 .in#tes
Treatment (Males)
0ales were a bit slow to be attracted to
bait4 >ery few in the first few .in#tes4
0ales still slow to react to bait e6en after
$ .in#tes
"eeding contin#es #ntil abdo.ens
beco.e 6ery bloated (ie gorging,
Co.+leted feeding after 20 .in#tes
:ll flies had noticeable red abdo.ens
after 2 ho#rs of feeding
Control (Females)
Both .ales and fe.ales attracted to
yeast sol#tion within 20 seconds
"e.ales feed #ntil their abdo.ens
beco.e 6ery bloated
"e.ales contin#o#sly feed witho#t
.o6ing (ie contin#o#s s#c7ing,
"e.ales .o6ed little after feeding
"e.ales co.+leted feeding after 20
Treatment (Females)
0any .ore fe.ales were attracted than
.ales (10 flies, in the first few .in#tes
"e.ales (10 flies, were still feeding after
10 .in#tes
"eeding contin#es #ntil abdo.ens
beco.e 6ery bloated (ie gorging,
Co.+leted feeding after 20 .in#tes
:ll flies had noticeable red abdo.ens
after 2 ho#rs of feeding
#ranine Pilot Trial $
1his trial was r#n with the sa.e ex+eri.ental design as +re6io#s trials exce+t a 1%
Uranine, by weight, bait sol#tion was #sed instead of Phloxine B4
20% ICN east !ydrolysate
20% "r#ctose
$%% &ater
Bait Co.+osition (1% Uranine,
04$g Uranine
1040g east !ydrolysate
1040g "r#ctose
2%4$g &ater
1otal: $040g
Treatment (Males)
"e.ales .ore attracted to yeast sol#tion
than .ales initially
:ttracted to yeast sol#tion within 2
Periodically fed o6er 1 ho#r #ntil their
abdo.ens were 6ery bloated
/+read the.sel6es aro#nd cage after
5id not fly after feeding b#t wal7ed
aro#nd cage
:ll flies had yellow9brown abdo.ens
after 2 ho#rs of feeding

Control (Males)
*ess .ales attracted to yeast sol#tion
than fe.ales (2 to 3, within the first $
/till .ore fe.ales attracted to yeast
sol#tion than .ales after 10 .in#tes4
"lies fed contin#o#sly for a++roxi.ately
3 .in#tes #ntil their abdo.ens were f#ll
&andered aro#nd the cage before
resting after feeding
5id not fly after feeding

Treatment (Females)
:ttracted to yeast sol#tion within a few
Periodically fed o6er 1 ho#r #ntil their
abdo.ens were 6ery bloated
/tayed close to feeding wic7s (ie botto.
of container, after co.+letion of feeding
5id not fly after feeding
:ll flies had yellow9brown abdo.ens
after 2 ho#rs of feeding
Control (Females)
"e.ales .ore attracted to yeast sol#tion
at both $ and 10 .in#tes after
"lies fed contin#o#sly for 3 .in#tes #ntil
their abdo.ens were f#ll
"e.ales after feeding re.ained close to
feeding wic7s (ie botto. of container,
"e.ales did not .o6e aro#nd or fly after
Treate% (Males)
1reated flies not as B#ic7ly attracted as
Control "lies
0ales less attracted to bait sol#tion than
fe.ales (ie too7 a long ti.e to begin
initial feeding,
"eeding for short +eriods
>ery little feeding occ#rring after 1 ho#r
"lies fed for a++roxi.ately 12 .in#tes
#ntil their abdo.ens were f#ll
&al7ed to 6ario#s +ositions aro#nd the
cage after feeding
5id not fly after feeding
Control (Males)
Control flies .ore attracted to baits than
treated flies (ie within 20 secs,
"eeding for long +eriods of ti.e
0ost finished feeding after 12 .in#tes
Dat #ntil abdo.ens are f#ll b#t tend to
wal7 #+ side of cage to rest
Treate% (Females)
"e.ale .ore attracted to bait sol#tion
than .ales
"eeding for short +eriods
"lies fed for a++roxi.ately 12 .in#tes
#ntil their abdo.ens were f#ll
>ery little feeding occ#rring after 1 ho#r
/tayed close to feeding wic7s after
co.+letion of feeding
5id not fly after feeding
Control (Females)
"eeding for long +eriods of ti.e
0ost finished feeding after 12 .in#tes
"eed #ntil their abdo.ens are f#ll b#t
rest on the botto. of the cage after
Phloxine & ' #ranine -Pilot Trial
()* an% +
1his trial was r#n with the sa.e ex+eri.ental design as +re6io#s trials exce+t a 1%
Phloxine B 9 Uranine, by weight, bait sol#tion was #sed instead of Phloxine B4
Bait Co.+osition (1% Phloxine B9Uranine,
1$40g ICN east !ydrolysate
$40g "r#ctose
042--g Ced 5ye E 2' (Phloxine B,
041$)g ellow 5ye E ' (Uranine,
2%4$g &ater
1otal $040g
Pilot Trial ( , Observations (Comments)
Control (Females)
N#.ber of fe.ale and .ale flies initially
attracted to yeast .ixt#re was si.ilar
Nearly all flies feeding or near yeast
sol#tion within first $ .in#tes
0ost finished feeding after 10 .in#tes
"lies fed contin#o#sly #ntil their
abdo.ens were bloated
:fter feeding re.ained on the botto. of
the container
"lies did not .o6e aro#nd or fly after
Treatment (Females)
Initially .ore .ales attracted than
:++roxi.ately $0% of flies attracted to
bait sol#tion within the first $ .in#tes
Periodically fed #ntil their abdo.ens
were f#ll
/tayed close to feeding wic7s after
co.+letion of feeding
5id not fly or wal7 aro#nd after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens after
Control (Males)
Nearly all flies feeding or near yeast
sol#tion within first $ .in#tes
0ost finished feeding after 12 .in#tes
"lies fed contin#o#sly #ntil their
abdo.ens were bloated
:fter feeding flies rested on side and roof
of container
5id not fly after feeding
Treatment (Males)
*ess .ale and fe.ale treated flies
attracted to bait than control flies to yeast
0ales a++ear initially .ore attracted to
bait sol#tion co.+ared to fe.ales
:++roxi.ately two<thirds of flies attracted
to bait sol#tion within first $ .in#tes
Periodically fed #ntil their abdo.ens
were f#ll
/+read the.sel6es aro#nd cage after
5id not fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens after 2
ho#rs of feeding
Control (Female)
>ery little feeding +rior to $ .in#tes
"lies contin#o#sly fed fro. $ to 1$
"lies finished feeding after 20 .in#tes
"lies fed #ntil abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies re.ained close to feeding wic7s
after feeding had finished
"lies did not fly wal7 or fly after feeding
Treate% (Female)
"lies were slow to begin feeding
0ost flies +eriodically fed fro. $ to 1$
0a@ority of flies finished feeding after 20
.in#tes when their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies re.ained close to feeding wic7s
after feeding
5id not wal7 or fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Control (Male)
>ery little feeding +rior to $ .in#tes
"lies contin#o#sly fed fro. $ to 1$
"lies finished feeding after 20 .in#tes
"lies fed #ntil their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies rested on container walls and roof
after feeding
"lies did not fly after feeding
Treate% (Male)
"lies were slow to begin feeding
0ost flies +eriodically fed fro. $ to 1$
0a@ority of flies finished feeding after 20
.in#tes when their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies rested on container walls and roof
after feeding
5id not fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Pilot Trial * , Observations (Comments)
Control (Female)
"e.ales initially .ore attracted to yeast
sol#tion co.+ared to .ales
0ost fe.ales attracted to yeast sol#tion
within first $ .in#tes
0ost flies fed contin#o#sly for 1$ .in#tes
#ntil their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies re.ained on botto. of container
near feeding wic7s after feeding
5id not fly or wal7 after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Treatment (Female)
DB#al n#.bers of .ales and fe.ales
initially attracted to bait sol#tion
:++roxi.ately 20% of flies attracted to
bait within a few .in#tes
0ost flies attracted to bait sol#tion by $
"lies fed +eriodically for 2$ .in#tes #ntil
their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies re.ained on botto. of container
after feeding
5id not wal7 or fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Control (Male)
>ery few .ales attracted to yeast
sol#tion in the first few .in#tes
0ost .ales attracted to yeast sol#tion
after $ .in#tes
0ost flies fed contin#o#sly for 1' .in#tes
#ntil their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies rested on container walls and roof
after feeding
5id not fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Treatment (Male)
:++roxi.ately 20% of flies attracted to
bait within a few .in#tes
0ost flies attracted to bait sol#tion by $
"lies fed +eriodically for 2$ .in#tes #ntil
their abdo.ens were f#ll
"lies .o6ed to container walls and roof
after feeding
5id not fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Control (Female)
Controls .ore attracted initially than
"lies contin#o#sly fed for 1' .in#tes #ntil
their abdo.ens were f#ll
:fter feeding fe.ales re.ained on the
botto. of the container
"lies did not fly or wal7 after feeding
Treate% (Female)
"e.ales initially .ore attracted than
"e.ales a++ear to be eating .ore bait
"ed +eriodically b#t re.ained close to
wic7s between each feeding
0ost flies finished feeding after 2$
"lies re.ained close to wic7s after
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Control (Male)
Both .ales and fe.ales eB#ally attracted
to yeast sol#tion
"lies fed contin#o#sly for 1' .in#tes #ntil
their abdo.ens were f#ll
:fter feeding .ales rested on walls and
roof of container
"lies did not fly after feeding
Treate% (Male)
0ales attracted to bait sol#tion b#t not
s#bstantially feeding
0ales tend to ha6e longer brea7s
between feedings than fe.ales
"ed +eriodically b#t re.ained close to
wic7s between feedings
0ost flies finished feeding after 2$
"lies rested on walls and roof of
container after feeding
5id not fly after feeding
:ll flies had red9brown abdo.ens
Pilot Trial + - Observations (Comments)
Control (Males)
No noticeable difference between sexes
for ti.e ta7en to be attracted to the bait
1hree B#arters of .ales were feeding
after 10 .in#tes4
0ales fed s+oradically, that is they fed
for a bit then wandered only to ret#rn a
few seconds later to res#.e feeding4
:fter feeding, .ales didn?t fly and instead
wal7ed e6erywhere slowly4
:fter fifteen .in#tes, thirteen of the flies
re.ain in the botto. half of the
container, whereas the flies in the to+
half re.ain on the lid #+side<down4
Treatment (Males)
1here was no difference between .ale
and fe.ale in the ti.e ta7en to be
attracted to the bait sol#tion4
0ales fed for a few seconds then went
for a little wander aro#nd the botto. of
the container before bac7 to
res#.e feeding4
"eeding was co.+leted after fifteen
"or the sixteen flies in the botto. half of
the container, .o6e.ent after feeding
was li.ited to short wanders aro#nd the
botto. half of the container for the next
20 .in#tes4
Control (Females)
"e.ales attracted to bait as strongly as
0ost flies had co.+leted initial feeding
after 10 .in#tes and had fed
contin#o#sly #ntil bloated4
"e.ales fly and .o6e 6ery little after
:fter fifteen .in#tes, fifteen flies co#ld be
fo#nd in te botto. half of the container4
Treatment (Females)
:++roxi.ately 3 fe.ales were attracted
to the feed +ro6ided4
"eeding was contin#o#s #ntil bloating
*i.ited .o6e.ent after feeding as
bloated4 "eeding too7 a++roxi.ately ten
.in#tes to co.+lete4
Control (Males)
0ales were initially slightly .ore
attracted than fe.ales to yeast sol#tion
0ales feeding habits were to feed for a
few seconds then to wander for a while
before feeding and then
re+eating the +rocess4
"eeding was finished after se6enteen
0ales .o6e little after feeding4
"ifteen .ales co#ld be fo#nd in the
botto. half of the container after fifteen
Treatment (Males)
0ales were a bit slow to be attracted to
bait4 >ery few in the first few .in#tes4
"eeding in short +eriods in between
wanders #ntil abdo.ens beco.e 6ery
Co.+leted feeding after se6enteen
:ll flies had little .o6e.ent after feeding,
and sixteen flies co#ld be fo#nd in the
botto. of the container after fifteen
Control (Females)
Both .ales and fe.ales attracted to
yeast sol#tion within 20 seconds
"e.ales feed #ntil their abdo.ens
beco.e 6ery bloated
"e.ales contin#o#sly feed witho#t
.o6ing (ie contin#o#s s#c7ing,
"e.ales co.+leted feeding after eight
"e.ales .o6ed little after feeding and
se6enteen flies co#ld be fo#nd in the
botto. half of the container after fifteen
Treatment (Females)
0any .ore fe.ales were attracted than
.ales (10 flies, in the first few .in#tes
"e.ales were finished feeding after
twel6e .in#tes
"eeding was contin#o#s #ntil abdo.ens
beco.e 6ery bloated (ie gorging,
1reat.ent flies were slower to finish
feeding co.+ared to Control4
"o#rteen flies were in the botto. half of
the container after fifteen .in#tes4

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