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How To Attract Abundance With

Positive Thoughts & Abilities

Brought To You By:
Michael Lee, Self-Help Specialist
Author of How To Be An Expert ersua!er
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The information contained in this report is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained
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EVERY EFFRT !"# $EE% &"'E T "(()R"TE*Y RE+RE#E%T T!,# +R')(T "%' ,T-# +TE%T,"*.
!.EVER, T!ERE ,# % /)"R"%TEE T!"T Y) .,** ,&+RVE ,% "%Y ."Y )#,%/ T!E TE(!%,0)E#
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,% )R &"TER,"*.
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Table of Contents

I. It Might Have Been You 4

II. Are You Nine-Tenths Under Water? 10

III. How to Inrease Your !ower to thin" and to Bui#d 1$

I%. How to &ou'#e Your (nerg) *+

%. A ,e) to a -ortune ./

%I. How to 0enerate (nthusias1 4.

%II. The Most Interesting Thing in the wor#d 2*

%III. How to Turn Your Ideas Into Mone) 2/

I3. How to I14rove Your 54eeh6 %oie and Manner /2

3. How to Ma"e Use o7 the !resent $0

3I. How to Ma"e a 54eeh $$

3II. How to Attrat and 0et What You want +/
3III. How the 8aw o7 Averages 9an Ma"e )ou :ih ;+

3I%. How to -ind Your !#ae in 8i7e 104

3%. It Is A## Yours6 Ta"e It (as) 11.
<ne da) not #ong ago6 whi#e standing on the orner o7 a 'us) street in !hi#ade#4hia6 ta#"ing to
a 7riend6 a#ong a1e an o#d 1an. He was a dere4it o#d 1an with swo##en6 tear7u# e)es6 and
his unshaven 7ae was drawn and withered. His #i4s were '#ue with un#ean sores. His toes
were 4ushing through his worn-out shoes. His #othes were torn to rags. He had seen 'etter
da)s. I thought6 how dread7u##) 4overt) has gnawed at )ou. I was stunned 7or the 1o1ent.
With a #oo" o7 sadness6 and with a dirt) '#oated hand thrust 7orward6 he 4#eaded 7or a 7ew
4ennies. He got a 7ew 1ore 4ennies= I got a #itt#e 1ore sense.

As I 4ondered over the iru1stanes whih had aused the de4#ora'#e ondition o7 this 1an6
and had #e7t hi1 a wre" in its ruins6 I 'egan to thin"> It 1ight have 'een )ou?

What ha44ened to this o#d 1an? What 4rei4itated his de4#ora'#e ondition? What aused
suh 4overt)? Wh) had 7ortune turned into 1is7ortune? His 4#ight 1a) have 'een owing to
overindu#gene6 to grie76 to env)6 to @ea#ous)6 to hatred6 to 4re@udie6 to dread6 to se#7-4it)6 to
te14tation6 or to disourage1ent. What- ever it was had hanged his out#oo"6 his attitude6 his
4roess o7 thin"ing and his entire 4attern o7 #iving.

&es4eration6 des4air6 disourage1ent6 disa44oint1ent6 sorrow and sadness were inde#i'#)
sta14ed in the #ines o7 his 7ae. He was a 4iture o7 his thoughts6 a viti1 o7 iru1stanes
and a s#ave to 4overt).

In ana#)Aing the 4#ight o7 this o#d 1an6 I a1e to the on#usion that his ondition was a
de7inite resu#t o7 that des4erate #itt#e ene1)--negative thin"ing.

Negative thin"ing is a snea") #itt#e ene1) whih si#ent#) stea#s its wa) into a 1anBs
onsiousness and6 #i"e a thie7 at night6 stea#s not his 4urse6 'ut ro's hi1 o7 that 4ower whih
1a"es hi1 4oor indeed. It is a sinister and destrutive in7#uene that wor"s night
and da) to 4re) on a 1anBs sou#. It is 1anBs worst ene1)6 and #i7eBs 1eanest 7oe. It is worse
than war6 and #arge#) the ause o7 war. It is the urse o7 the hu1an rae. It is as '#ind to
reason as an ow# is to #ight. It turns 7riends into ene1ies and ene1ies into 7oes.
It ro's a 1an o7 reason. It stirs u4 hate6 greed6 se#7ishness6 )niis16 4essi1is16 anger6
sus4iion6 riva#r)6 @ea#ous)6 revenge6 #ust and env). It tears down on7idene6 under1ines
hea#th6 i14airs harater and auses 4overt).

An o#d #egend re#ates that the devi# was thrown into 'an"ru4t). <ut o7 a## his too#s6 the
reditors 4er1itted hi1 to "ee4 one. The too# he se#eted was the wedge o7 negative thin"ing.
As"ed wh) he #i"ed this too# 'etter than a## the rest6 the devi# eC4#ained6 DIt is 'eause this is
the one too# whih I an use when a## others 7ai#. 8et 1e get that #itt#e wedge into a 1anBs
onsiousness6 and it o4ens ever)thing e#se.

That wedge has o4ened 1ore doors 7or 1e than a## other wea4ons o1'ined.D

5o1eone as"ed one o7 the wor#dBs greatest eC4#orers what eC4#oration he en@o)ed 1ost. His
answer was6 DM) 4ersona# 4re7erene is 7or sitting in an o#d-7ashioned ro"ing hair and
eC4#oring the undisovered regions inside 1) own 1ind.D

In eC4#oring the undisovered regions inside the 1ind6 1an disovers he has interest. His
interest reates a desire. There are two "inds o7 desire. <ne is 4h)sia#. <ne is 1enta#.
5u'sistene and 4ro4agation satis7) the 4h)sia# desire. Thoughts and ideas satis7) the
1enta# desire.

There are two "inds o7 thoughts. !ositive thoughts whih are reative. Negative thoughts
whih are destrutive. I o7ten o14are 4ositive thoughts to #ight6 and negative thoughts to
dar"ness. &ar"ness is nothing. It is the a'sene o7 #ight. Turn on the #ight6 and there is no

Negative thoughts o7 dread6 worr)6 anger6 4re@udie6 @ea#ous)6 env)6 grudge6 stu''ornness6
i14udene6 se#7ishness6 )niis16 g#oo16 hate6 des4air and disourage1ent disa44ear
instant#) when the) 1eet the 4ositive thoughts o7 #ove6 7aith6 onsideration6 res4et6 "indness6
ourage6 understanding6 4ersistene6 7ervene6 #o)a#t)6 @o)6 4ower6 4#ent)6 endurane and
strength. Thin" 4ositive thoughts6 and the a'i#it) an ao14#ish an) desire.

!ositive thoughts are 'ased on understanding and 7aith. Negative thoughts are 'ased on
ignorane and dou't. There is no 4ro'#e1 or ondition that 7ai#s to disa44ear in the #ight o7
4ositive thoughts. -ae one ha#7 o7 )our 4ro'#e1s or trou'#es with 4ositive thoughts6 and the)
wi## disa44ear6 and then 7ae the other ha#76 and the) wi## disa44ear. !ositive and reative
thin"ing wi## 'urn ho#es in 4ro'#e1s6 as a #ighted igarette wi## 'urn ho#es in tissue 4a4er.

In the stud) o7 4h)sis we 7ind <h1Bs 8aw o7 (#etriit). It teahes> 9 E (F:. 9 is the urrent
or the a1ount o7 e#etria# energ) to 'e de#ivered 7or an) given 4ur4ose. ( is the 4ower house
to su44#) the urrent. : is the resistane the urrent 1eets on its wa) to do the @o'. The #ess
resistane o77ered to the urrent6 the 1ore e#etria# energ) avai#a'#e to do the @o'. This
de4ends on the e77iien) o7 the ondutor.

The sa1e a44#ies to )ou. You are a ondutor 7or )our thoughts. A'i#it) is the 4ower house.
!ositive thoughts are the urrent. Negative thoughts are the resistane. 0et rid o7 a## negative
thoughts. 0et rid o7 resistane. 0et rid o7 a## inhi'itions6 a## grudges and a## dreads. The a'i#it)
de1onstrates its 7u## 4ower and strength when unha14ered6 and unenu1'ered ')
resistane. Your ino1e6 )our hea#th6 )our we##-'eing6 )our ha44iness6 and )our 4eae o7
1ind are on#) retarded ') 4er1itting the 4hanto1s o7 negative thin"ing to set u4 a resistane
to )our a'i#it).

A 4h)siian in Boston eCa1ined twent)-7ive 4eo4#e su77ering 7ro1 in7#a11ator) disorders. A
#ose he"-u4 revea#ed that ever) one o7 the1 was ho#ding a grudge. Negative thin"ing
i14airs the 'od)6 and a#so disru4ts the a'i#it).

9ut #oose and 7ree )ourse#7 7ro1 a## 4ett) restritions6 a## 4)g1) notions and a## orroded
resistane. The) retard and ho#d )ou 'a". <4en u4 the hanne# to good. 9ast out a## )our
trou'#es. What good are the)? Turn the 4ower and do1inion o7 4ositive thoughts on worries
and dreads6 and the) are gone. 5ee" good and eC4et nothing 'ut good. :e@oie and 'e g#ad.
It #i'erates and 7rees )ou. You ease to dread6 )ou ease to worr). You 7ee# #i"e a new 4erson.
You 7ee# #i"e starting a## over again. What see1ed a 'urden and a tas" is turned into a
4#easant and interesting adventure.

9onditions are thought-1ade= hange )our thoughts and )ou hange )our onditions.
There7ore6 i7 )our onditions see1 un'eara'#e6 dar" and g#oo1)6 hange )our thoughts a'out
the1 and see how Gui"#) )our thoughts hange )ou.

H. A##en 5tone in his 'oo"6 8etters to 5trongheart6 revea#s the Gua#ities and attri'utes o7 a
0er1an 5he4herd dog who 'ea1e a 1ovie star. To su1 u4 the harater o7 this wonder7u#
dog6 he 4ut ever)thing he had in ever)thing he did. A## o7 his ats were 4ositive and deided.
He s4ared nothing. He gave a##. This teahes a great #esson. Whatever )ou do6 4ut )our a##
into it. 8ose )ourse#7 in that whih )ou are see"ing to ao14#ish. 0ive a## and there is no
roo1 7or negative thoughts.

There7ore6 the re1ed) 7or negative thin"ing is 4ositive thoughts. The a44#iation o7 4ositive
thoughts 7#oods the onsiousness with 7aith6 on7idene6 do1inion and deter1ination and
gives )ou the 4ower to 4er7or1 with deision6 4reision6 s"i## and s4eed. Thin" 4ositive6 'e
4ositive and at 4ositive6 and negative thin"ing goes out the window. <ne 1ight) 'reath 7ro1
Truth wi## satter negative thin"ing and a## its hosts o7 hu1an 1o"eries and 1iseries #i"e a
whir#wind and esta'#ish the reign o7 4ositive thoughts that assure suess in an) endeavor.

!ositive thoughts wi## "no" out )our worst ene1)--negative thin"ing. The 4re4aration is now
#aid 7or )our 'est 7riend--A'i#it). A'i#it) is 4ositive thoughts on the @o' to de#iver to )ou the
things )ou desire.

There is a tide in the a77airs o7 1en whih when ta"en at the 7#ood #eads on to 7ortune. That
tide is the au1u#ation o7 4ositive thoughts that 1ust eventua##) 'urst 7orth into a 7#ood o7
good 7ortune.

(1erson sa)s6 DWe #ie in the #a4 o7 i11ense inte##igene whih 1a"es us reeivers o7 its
truth6 and organs o7 its ativit).D A## around and a'out us this vita# 7ore and reative 4ower is
instant#) avai#a'#e 7or us to draw 7ro16 and to a44#) to our ativities to su44#) a## our hu1an
needs. It is 0odBs gi7t to 1an. It is not owned ') an) one 1an6 or an) grou4 o7 1en. It is the
4ro4ert) o7 a## 1en. However6 to 'e o7 4ratia# va#ue6 eah individua# 1ust see" it6 reogniAe
it6 rea#iAe it6 and de1onstrate it 7or hi1se#7 in his own a77airs. It is 4ositive and ative and an
deve#o4 a## the 7au#ties and ta#ents o7 the individua# into a'i#it) a4a'#e o7 ahieve1ent.

D9ogito6 ergo su1. I thin"6 there7ore I a1.D The 4ower to thin" gives 1an the a'i#it) to ana#)Ae
his own thought. Thought is not an inde7inite a'stration6 'ut a vita#6 #iving 7ore6 the 1ost
vita#6 su't#e and irresisti'#e 7ore in the wor#d. Thought has 7or16 Gua#it) and su'stane.
Thought an originate6 deve#o4 and reate things.

In deve#o4ing the a'i#it) to thin" and reate things to satis7) 1anBs desire6 it is wise to get the
right attitude. Man is greater than the 7#esh and 'ones that arr) hi1 around. His 'od)
'e#ongs to hi16 'ut he does not 'e#ong to his 'od). The 4ower to thin" does not on7ine hi1
to his own s"in. He an 4ro@et thought. He an visua#iAe and reate things to satis7) his
1enta# desires. To do this sienti7ia##) and e77etive#) it is essentia# to organiAe his thoughts
into a 4#an. This 'oo" is an eCa14#e.

What is a 4#an? A 4#an is a 1ethod o7 ation6 4roedure or arrange1ent. It is a 4rogra1 to 'e
done. It is a design to give e77et to an idea6 a thought6 a 4ro@et or the deve#o41ent o7

A 4#an 1a) as"> What do )ou desire? &o )ou desire to se## so1ething? &o )ou desire a @o'?
&o )ou desire an inrease in sa#ar)? &o )ou desire #ients? &o )ou desire usto1ers? &o
)ou desire to invent so1ething? These Guestions 4ertain to )our 4resent or 7uture ou4ation.
The on#) wa) to 1a"e )our desire "nown is through a 4#an. It onve)s to 4eo4#e in 4#ain
#anguage a de7inite one4t o7 what )ou are o77ering 7or their onsideration.

M) 'oo"6 How to 5e## ') Te#e4hone te##s how I so#d I1060006000 worth o7 #i7e insurane to
strangers over the te#e4hone. To ahieve this un4ara##e#ed reord6 it was neessar) 7or 1e to
reate a 4#an to satis7) 1) desire. The 4#an set 7orth in 4#ain6 understanda'#e #anguage the
va#ue and advantages o7 #i7e insurane6 and what the) 1eant to the 4ros4et. A7ter reating
the 4#an it was neessar) to deve#o4 a 4roess to 4ut the 4#an into ation. This reGuired 7aith
to 'e#ieve who#ehearted#) in the 4#an6 re4etition to 4er7et it6 i1agination to visua#iAe it6 and
4ersistene to see it through. -ina##)6 it reGuired the at to idea#iAe the 4#an6 to 7ee# its
4ossession and #ai1 it as rea#it). I 4ut a## the 4ower at 1) o11and in the 4#an and the
desire was satis7ied.

5e#7-disi4#ine6 se#7-"now#edge6 se#7-i14rove1ent6 se#7-eC4ression and se#7-un7o#d1ent are
individua# underta"ings. The word Dindividua#D o1es 7ro1 two 8atin words--Din6D whih 1eans
Dnot6D and Ddivisus6D whih 1eans Ddivisi'#e.D An individua# is not divisi'#e. He is a o14#ete
entit)6 a se#7-ontained unit6 1ade u4 o7 7our 4arts. <ne 4art is 1atterJthe 4h)sia# 'od) to
house hi1. <ne 4art is essene to give hi1 7or1 and to identi7) hi1 aording to his s4eies.
<ne 4art is 1ind to guide and diret hi1.
<ne 4art is s4irit to ins4ire and to enthuse hi1. 5trit attention and are7u# onsideration 1ust
'e given eah 4art. The 4h)sia# 'od) 1ust have the 4ro4er 7ood. The essene 1ust 'e
treated with are. The 1ind 1ust 'e 7ed with 4ositive thoughts. The s4irit 1ust 'e ins4ired
with un7a#tering 7aith. When these 7our 4arts are we## 7ed and we## treated har1on) 4revai#s6
and the individua# 7untions hea#th7u##)6 generates ha44iness and 4rodues wea#th.

How to turn )our a'i#it) into 9ash 4uts the 8aw o7 Wea#th into o4eration. When a44#ied it
never 7ai#s to 4rodue an a'undane o7 wor#d#) goods.

In a44#)ing the ideas and suggestions in this 'oo" it wi## enhane )our a'i#it) to rea#iAe three


-irst> :ea#iAe that ever)thing )ou an thin" o7 eCists now6 otherwise )ou ou#d not thin" a'out
it. There is no #a" o7 an)thing and there shou#d 'e no env) or @ea#ous) 'etween 1en. There
is enough o7 ever)thing 7or ever)one that #ives.

5eond> :ea#iAe that a## things 'e#ong to 0odBs reation and that )ou an on#) have a
te14orar) use o7 the1. There is no #i1it on )our desires6 and )ou an have the use o7
an)thing the a'i#it) an reate.

Third> :ea#iAe that a## things are distri'uted to those who have desires6 'ut a'i#it) 1ust 'e
a44#ied to 7or1u#ate 4#ans to #ai1 these desires.

Here are a 7ew suggestions that wi## he#4 )ou sta"e )our #ai1.


1. Meditate and as" 0od i7 there is an) reason wh) )ou shou#d not have the thing )ou desire.
&is1iss )our desire 7or a 7ew da)s and i7 it is right 7or )ou to have it6 the desire wi## 'eo1e
1ore intense. This re1oves dou't and unertaint)6 and ins4ires deter1ination and ation.

*. Ma"e a strong 1enta# 4iture o7 what )ou desire6 and a77ir1 it severa# ti1es eah da).

.. Be s4ei7i a'out what )ou desire.

I7 )ou desire 1one) visua#iAe the a1ount and 7ee# it in )our 4o"et.

I7 )ou desire usto1ers visua#iAe the nu1'er and see the1 doing 'usiness with )ou.

I7 )ou desire things visua#iAe the "ind o7 thing )ou want and see )ourse#7 with it.

I7 )ou desire a 4osition6 visua#iAe the "ind and it wi## soon 1a"e its a44earane in )our

4. :e#aC6 1editate and 'e 4ositive when )ou visua#iAe )our desire.

2. Be aware that ideas are in7inite and the wa)s to 1ani7est the1 are as unounta'#e as the
stars o7 the heaven. Ma"e )our se#etion.

/. (ngender a 7ee#ing o7 "indness into )our desire. It sends out vi'rations o7 #ove that are the
soure o7 attration.

$. Than" 0od 7or the a'undane that is )oursD now. :e4eat dai#).

+. :e1e1'er--an idea 'ased on good 'a"ed ') a sinere desire and he#d to ') 7aith never
7ai#s to 1ateria#iAe.

The 8aw o7 Wea#th is ideas on the @o'.

&eide now to 'e the 1aster o7 )our a77airs6 the diretor o7 )our a'i#it)6 the ondutor o7
4ositive thoughts6 the doer o7 good and the a4tain o7 )our ativities. Ho#d 7ast to these tenets
with dogged deter1ination6 un7#inhing ourage and un7a#tering 7aith. :e1e1'er6 ever)
e#e1ent in the Universe is here at )our o11and to he#4 )ou satis7) and rea#iAe )our desire.
&raw on these 7ores. 9reate a 4#an6 reah out 7or the thing )ou desire 1enta##)6 and in the
s4irit o7 gratitude #ai1 it as a rea#it). DBe#ieve that )ou reeive6 and )ou sha## have the1.D

The 7u## 4ower and strength o7 the Mississi44i :iver is where it 7#ows into the 0u#7 o7 MeCio. It
is 1ade u4 o7 1an) individua# tri'utaries6 and eah one ontri'utes its share to onverge into
one great strea1 o7 4ower and strength.

You are #i"e this great river. You are 1ade u4 o7 1an) tri'utar) attri'utes and Gua#ities6 and
eah one ontri'utes its individua# share to 1a"e u4 )our a'i#it). The 7u## 4ower and strength
o7 )our a'i#it) is to onverge these individua# tri'utaries. (ah ha4ter in this 'oo" ai1s to
deve#o4 )our individua# Gua#ities and attri'utes and to onverge the1 into one great strea1 o7
4ower and strength. :ead6 stud) and a44#) the ontents o7 eah ha4ter. The) wi## 4ut this
4ower and strength in ation and he#4 )ou turn )our a'i#it) into ash.
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Man is not the #argest 4h)sia# reature in the wor#d6 )et he has do1inion over the earth6 and
a## things in it. 0od gave this do1inion to 1an through Mind and the onsious a'i#it) to 7or1
ideas. The a4ait) to 7or1 ideas gave 1an the a'i#it) to reason. The ativit) o7 reason gave
1an the 4ower to ontro#. Through ontro# 1an 'ea1e the Master. 5ine he is the Master
and has this ontro#6 he shou#d eCerise his inte##igene to esta'#ish do1inion over hi1se#76
and not at as an aident in the wor#d.

<n the wings o7 his i1agination6 1an is a'#e to 7#) around6 and 1a"e an investigation o7
things 'oth 1ateria# and i11ateria#. He 7#ies around a1ong the 4#anets in the so#ar s)ste16
stars in the di77erent ste##ar s)ste1s6 and even 1a"es a s4eu#ative investigation o7 the
Universe6 and his re#ationshi4 to it.

His inte##et is a4a'#e o7 reviewing hi1se#7 and his own ahieve1ents6 and a#so o7
onte14#ating the ause and soure o7 his own reation. Man6 through his i1agination and
aGuired "now#edge6 disovers and eC4#ores the 4h)sia# #aws6 and harnesses these #aws
and 4uts the1 in servie 7or his o17ort and onveniene. With his vast a4ait) to "now and
to understand6 Man 7ai#s to turn the s4ot#ight on hi1se#7. He gets aGuainted with ever)thing
'ut hi1se#7. This he #eaves to the Dis1s6D Dis6D Dties6D Dious6D and 4er1its ignorane and
su4erstition to ontro# the1. <ne 1an a44#ies the sa1e "now#edge and siene to hi1se#7
that he a44#ies to 4h)sia# things6 hu1an 1iser) and 4overt) wi## 'e a thing o7 the 4ast.

In the so-a##ed 'us) wor#d the tenden) is to #ose sight o7 the individua# 1an. Most o7 us are
thing-1inded and #ose sight o7 the 1an in the thing. (ver)thing that 1an reates has its origin
in Mind. It is an invisi'#e idea 'e7ore it is a tangi'#e thing. It is a thought6 then a 4rodut. The
a'i#it) is Mind in ation to reate6 invent and 'ui#d a## things.

54ea"ing o7 #osing sight o7 the individua# 1an re1inds 1e o7 the ti1e when the !ro7essor o7
Astrono1) at the Universit) o7 %irginia was showing 1e through the Astrono1ia#
<'servator). In this o'servator) were harts6 1a4s6 g#o'es6 at#ases6 4itures and diagra1s6
4ortra)ing a o14#ete and o14rehensive 4anora1a o7 our so#ar s)ste16 and other ste##ar
s)ste1s. In desri'ing the in7inite 1agnitude o7 these great s)ste1s6 the !ro7essor turned to
1e and said> DAnd to thin" o7 a## these wor#ds u4on wor#ds without end6 and their in7inite
1agnitude6 and then to o14are the1 to the #itt#e thing we a## B1an.B D

DYes6D I said6 D!ro7essor6 thatBs true6 'ut do not 7orget or #ose sight o7 the 7at that the
astrono1er is sti## a B#itt#e 1an.B D

He #oo"ed at 1e du17ounded and rushed over and gra''ed 1e ') the hand and said> DMr.
!revette6 that is the greatest a44raisa#6 the greatest esti1ation6 the greatest ontri'ution to
1an that it has 'een 1) good 7ortune to hear6 and I than" )ou 7or it.D

Man is the @oint heir to a 9onsiousness that is o11on to a## 1en. It 7urnishes the 1eans
and su44#ies the 1ethod through whih ideas are o11uniated6 otherwise it wou#d 'e
i14ossi'#e 7or us to understand eah other. This 9onsiousness is in7inite6 ideas are
ineChausti'#e6 and the a'i#it) to harness the two is on#) #i1ited ') its own esti1ation.

What is a'i#it)? A'i#it) is the a4ait) to at6 the Gua#it) or state o7 'eing a'#e. It is the 4ower
to 4er7or16 whether 4h)sia#6 1ora#6 inte##etua# or #ega#.

The a'i#it) o7 the average 1an 1a) 'e o14ared to an ie'erg> a'out nine-tenth o7 it is under
water. !ro7essor Wi##ia1 Ha1es6 the e1inent and renowned 4s)ho#ogist6 esti1ated that the
average 1an uses on#) ten 4er ent o7 his rea# a'i#it)6 whi#e the other ninet) 4erent is #atent.
8atent a'i#it) is 4otentia# 4ower6 and an 'e re#eased ') the 4ro4er enourage1ent and the
4ro4er treat1ent. The 1ight and 4ower o7 a'i#it) 7eeds on its own ahieve1ent6 and when
ins4ired it 4er1eates the who#e onsiousness with a s)nhroniAed res4onsiveness and an)
art6 ra7t or 'usiness is 4er7or1ed e77iient#)6 and en@o)ed 7ree#). A su4erior servie is
rendered and a #arger ino1e is earned.

A'i#it) annot 'e deve#o4ed a## at one. It is #i"e 'ui#ding a house. <ne 'ri" 1ust 'e #aid at a
ti1e. Most 4eo4#e want to 'egin with the house instead o7 with the 'ri"s. Things are not 'ui#t
as a who#e6 'ut in 4arts6 and eah 4art 1ust 'e 'ui#t. The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to a'i#it). You
1ust 'ui#d a #itt#e eah da). 5u44ose that )ou deve#o4 three sentenes eah da) on the
i14rove1ent o7 )ourse#76 a 4ro7ession6 ra7t or 'usiness. At the end o7 one )ear )ou wi## have
a tota# o7 e#even hundred sentenes6 and at the end o7 7our )ears enough 1ateria# 7or a 'oo".
This an 'e ao14#ished in 7i7teen 1inutes eah da). A #itt#e 'ui#t eah da) is a1aAing in its

The a'i#it) o7 1an is versati#e. <ne )ear his a'i#it) eC4ressed in #a'or and art is trans7or1ing
1ateria# into i14#e1ents o7 destrution. The neCt )ear using the sa1e "ind o7 1ateria#6 and
the sa1e a'i#it) with a hange o7 1ethod6 he is trans7or1ing 1ateria# into i14#e1ents o7
o17ort. (ither o7 these 4er7or1anes reGuires an a44#iation o7 a'i#it). A44#iation turns the
a'i#it) toward the trans7or1ation o7 so1e 1ateria# into a use7u# servie6 or to i##ustrate so1e
idea in the 7or1 o7 a 4#an. The 4reious 7ruit o7 a44#iation ri4ens in the 1ind itse#7 to esta'#ish
an eC4eriene6 wherein id#eness6 vague and unertain tendenies 4revai#. The a'i#it)
en#ightens and en#arges itse#7 through its own a44#iation.

A 4art) o7 eC4#orers was driven ') a stor1 7ro1 the A1aAon :iver 7ar out into the At#anti
<ean. The) had no 7resh water a'oard6 and 7or da)s the) dri7ted6 su77ering unto#d agon)
7ro1 thirst. The) a#1ost 4erished 7or the #a" o7 7resh water.

To the great de#ight o7 a## a'oard6 a shi4 7ina##) hove in sight. The) signa#ed it 7rantia##) to
o1e near6 and as"ed 7or 7resh water. The a4tain signa#ed 'a"> D8et down )our 'u"ets.
There is 7resh water a## around )ou.D

The eC4#orers were not aware that the A1aAon :iver re1ains 7resh 1ore than a hundred
1i#es out to sea. These 1en were dri7ting in a 'od) o7 7resh water and were a#1ost 4erishing
7ro1 thirst. Man) 4eo4#e are #i"e these eC4#orers. In the 1idst o7 4#ent)6 a wor#d over7#owing
with a'undane6 the) are 'egging 7or o44ortunities. <44ortunities are as 4#enti7u# as the air.
The) are a## around )ou. 8et down )our 'u"ets and draw on that ineChausti'#e oean o7
#atent a'i#it).

The a44#iation o7 what )ou "now revea#s 1an) things )ou do not "now. DBut as it is written6
()e hath not seen6 nor ear heard6 neither have entered into the heart o7 1an6 the things whih
0od hath 4re4ared 7or the1 that #ove Hi1.D A44#iation 4uts this 4rini4#e o7 the Bi'#e in
o4eration. A44#iation o7 a'i#it) is #i"e stea1 to a #oo1otive. It draws into ation a## the
1ehanis1 and hanne#s it into 4ower.

There7ore6 the 7irst wa) to deve#o4 a'i#it) is A44#iation.

The seond wa) to deve#o4 a'i#it) is to #a) down a 9ha##enge.

In ana#)Aing those individua#s who have 1ade a 4heno1ena# suess6 we 7ind that it was not
the resu#t o7 e#a'orate eduation6 or o7 s4eia#iAed training. <n the ontrar)6 1ost o7 these
individua#s had #itt#e 7or1a# eduation and none o7 the1 was trained 7or #eadershi4. What is
the seret 'ehind suh 4heno1ena# suess? These individua#s had one Gua#it) in o11on--
the daring a'i#it) to start so1ething. The) ha##enged their own a'i#it). The) dared to thin" 7or
the1se#ves. The) deter1ined to do so1ething and to re#) on their own. With on7idene
engendered ') ation6 the) drew on their own a'i#it) to do things others thought i14ossi'#e.
The) did not "now the) ou#d not do it6 so the) went ahead and did it.

In 4re4aring this 'oo"6 I was ha##enged. M) wi7e and hi#dren dared 1e to write it. I thought it
was an o44ortunit) to share a 7ew ideas with others. I ae4ted the ha##enge6 and even
though 1) 7ie#d is not @ourna#is16 this is 1) seond 'oo" and a third is on the wa).

!asteur6 who gave 1ore "now#edge 7or the 4reservation o7 hea#th than an) other 1an6 was
not a 4h)siian. Whitne)6 the 1an who invented the otton gin6 was a shoo# teaher in
9onnetiut6 7ar awa) 7ro1 the 7ie#ds o7 otton. Hohn &. :o"e7e##er was a #er" in a 4rodue
house. Andrew 9arnegie was a 'o''in 'o). Tho1as A. (dison was a news'o). Henr) -ord
was an e#etria# 1ehani. Ben@a1in -ran"#in was a 4rinterBs a44rentie. Morse o7
te#egra4hi 7a1e was a 4ortrait 4ainter. Be##6 the inventor o7 the te#e4hone6 was a teaher o7
sound. (ast1an6 the ,oda" "ing6 was a 'an" #er".

Men who '#aAe new trai#s6 harter new routes6 4ioneer new 1ethods6 1a"e new disoveries
and invent new things are 1en who dare to do things that anBt 'e done. Whi#e others 7a#ter6
the) go 7orward. 5ee"6 searh6 and things sha## 'e revea#ed6 even the inner1ost things o7
4er7etion. A 1an does not need 4u##. He needs to thin". A ha##enge to dare6 an inentive to
underta"e6 and an urge to 'egin turns 1ost things into a '#essing. He who dares to thin"
stands seure in the 1a@est) o7 his own 1ight.

The third wa) to deve#o4 a'i#it) is to <rganiAe.

A'i#it) is 4ersona# and on#) )ou an deve#o4 it. <n#) )ou an raise a## or a 4art o7 the hidden
nine-tenths. <rganiAe )our 4resent Gua#ities and attri'utes. Be 7air6 'ut strit. Be true to
)ourse#7 and )ou annot 'e 7a#se to others.

The 7o##owing 4attern is a suggestion 7or organiAation.


!ut down on 4a4er a #ist o7 a## )our 4ast ahieve1ents6 regard#ess o7 their i14ortane.
Ana#)Ae eah one and tr) to visua#iAe i14rove1ent. A review o7 4ast 4er7or1anes on@ures
ourage to atte14t other 4ro@ets. 5o1e o7 )our 'est ahieve1ents have 'een s4ontaneous
with #itt#e or no 4re4aration. This 1a) 'e a #ue to )our rea# 4ower6 and an inentive to
deve#o4 )our natura# ta#ents.

Ma"e a #ist o7 )our 4ersona# attri'utes and Gua#ities. It 1a) assist )ou to answer the 7o##owing
Guestions> What is 1) attitude toward 1)se#76 toward 4eo4#e6 toward 0od6 toward 1)
neigh'or6 and toward 1) @o'? &o I thin" and at 4ositive? A1 I to#erant and onsiderate to
other 4eo4#e? &o I honest#) res4et the rights and o4inions o7 others? &o I interru4t whi#e
others are s4ea"ing? &o I te## 1) a77airs to ever)one I 1eet? &o I 4ratie the 0o#den :u#e?
&o I 4er1it the whi1s and 7anies o7 1is7ortune to deter rea# issues? &o I rea#iAe that #itt#e
issues 1a) 'e 'ig ones? &o I 1ono4o#iAe the onversation with a 'ig DID and a #itt#e D)ouD?
A1 I arrogant and i14udent? A1 I honest with 1)se#7? A1 I 4ersistent and 4rogressive6
without 'eing o77ensive? A1 I '#own around 7ro1 o4inion to o4inion6 #i"e a thist#e in a
windstor1? &o I u#tivate ha'its that 1a"e 1e strong 4h)sia##)6 1enta##) and s4iritua##)? &o I
have on7idene in 1) a'i#it)? &o I dare to thin" 7or 1)se#7? &o I dread to at? &o I hesitate6
7a#ter6 4ost4one and 4rorastinate? &o I #i"e to o-o4erate with others? &o I indu#ge in gossi4?
&o I #i"e to wor" a#one? &o I 4ratie the #itt#e ats o7 ourtes) in 1) dai#) assoiations? &o I
re1e1'er to sa)> DThan" )ou6D D!ardon 1e6D D-orgive 1e6D DIB1 sorr)6D D(Cuse 1e6 4#ease6D
and others? A1 I wi##ing to #ive6 #ove and share? &o I ovet what others have? A1 I envious?
A1 I @ea#ous? &o I 4ra) and wor" against se#7ishness? 9onsious attention to the
i14rove1ent o7 4ersona# Gua#ities and attri'utes i14roves the soia# and 'usiness
re#ationshi4 o7 an) individua# and i7 indu#ged in6 the) wi## distinguish hi1.

Ma"e a #ist o7 )our s4eia#iAed "now#edge. In what 7ie#d are )ou 1ost 4ro7iient? What
'usiness o77ers )ou the greatest sti1u#ation? 9an )ou #ose )ourse#7 in what )ou are doing?
9an )ou 4resent ideas in a sienti7i 4#an? 9an )ou 1a"e an inte##igent '#ue 4rint o7 )our
4ersona# Gua#i7iations? Are )ou versati#e? 9an )ou te## wheat 7ro1 ha77? &o )ou have a new
interest in )our @o'? &o )ou eCerise )our i1agination?

&o )ou ha##enge )our own a'i#it)? &o )ou read eah da) so1ething to 4rovo"e thought? &o
)ou u#tivate )our sense o7 hu1or?

Inte##igene is the a4ait) and a'i#it) to siAe u4 )ourse#76 siAe u4 )our environ1ent and to
organiAe the1 into a wor"a'#e 4#an that )ou 1a) share #i7eBs a'undane.

The 7ourth wa) to deve#o4 a'i#it) is -reedo1.

A'i#it) is see"ing se#7-eC4ression and 7untions 1ore e77iient#) when the 1ind is not #oaded
down with a #ot o7 7a#se and s4eious i14ortations. A## "inds o7 ru1ors6 hearsa)s6 dreads6
su4erstitions and dire s4eu#ations are onstant#) in7esting the air. Ninet)-nine 4er ent o7
these 1enta# vaga'onds have no #eg on whih to stand. The) are on#) 7antasti 4hanto1s to
harass6 su'due and de#a) the a'i#it)Bs ation. Here are a 7ew eCa14#es> DHave )ou heard this
one?D D&onBt te## an)one I said so...D D9on7identia##) s4ea"ing . . .D D&uring 1) #ast o4eration . .
.D DHave )ou heard a'out so and so?D DBetween )ou and 1e
. . .D DI donBt see1 to 'e a'#e to get started.D DThe trou'#e o7 the wor#d is . . .D DM) situation is
di77erent . . .D DThis is a good one . . .D 5o the) trave# ad in7initu1. The 1o1ent an) o7 these
1enta# vaga'onds ross )our 4ath6 do not sto4 the16 #et the1 "ee4 on going.

D<#d !o4 Hudg1entD and D<#d Mo1 AdvieD are on ever) orner to te## )ou how to do it6 or to
advise that it is i14ossi'#e. Then there is 9ousin To16 &i" and Harr) with a wet '#an"et to
da14en the s4irit. The)6 too6 have a 'rand o7 eC4ert "now#edge.

How an an)one "now the va#ue o7 )our ideas when the) have had no 4art in reating the1?
Ta"e suggestions6 'ut #et the ditates o7 )our onsiene 'e the 7ina# @udge. (ver)thing in the
Universe is organiAed. <rganiAation is the seret o7 sienti7i deve#o41ent and 7ruition. It gets
rid o7 eCess 'aggage6 and 4er1its the a'i#it) to 7untion with 7reedo1.

The 7i7th wa) to deve#o4 a'i#it) is %ision.

Most 4eo4#e 'e#ieve on#) in the things the) see. A44earane is ever)thing. To attri'ute 4ower
to a44earane is su4erstitious. A44earane is on#) a 1ani7estation and has no 4ower in itse#7.
A## 4ower is invisi'#e. Mind is invisi'#e. Wind is invisi'#e. 5ound is invisi'#e. 8i7e is invisi'#e.
54irit is invisi'#e. (#etriit) is invisi'#e. !ut two wires side ') side6 harge one with a hundred
thousand vo#ts o7 e#etriit)6 #et the other one re1ain inert6 and )ou annot distinguish
'etween the1. The on#) thing visi'#e a'out e#etriit) is the 1ani7estation o7 #ight. I7 )ou dou't
that e#etriit) eCists touh a #ive wire.

%ision is so1ething seen otherwise than ') ordinar) sight. It is a visua# i1age o7 a 4#an in
ation. It is 4ee4ing through the 7ene o7 a44earane. To 'e#ieve in things )ou an see is
sight. To 'e#ieve in things )ou annot see is vision. When vision 7ai#s6 1en 4erish. %ision is the
a1era o7 the i1agination6 and su44#ies the 7i#1 to register the i1age.

-or thousands o7 )ears the Niagara :iver dashed over the ro") #i776 and was on#) an
interesting sight 7or visitors. A wise 1an6 with a vision6 reogniAed its great 4otentia#ities. Wh)
not onvert this great 7ore into 4ower? Toda) those 7a##s have not hanged6 'ut the invisi'#e
4ower onea#ed in the1 is turning the whee#s o7 a thousand industries6 and su44#)ing
e#etria# 4ower to #ight and heat thousands o7 ho1es. B) drawing on his #atent a'i#it)6 the
1an with a vision harnessed the 4ower o7 ount#ess horses and onverted it into a use7u#
hanne# to serve his 7e##ow 1en.

%ision is one o7 the 1ost i14ortant 7au#ties. It deve#o4s 7oresight and turns hindsight into
4ro7it. (ver) 1an has a 4ortion. Use it.

The siCth wa) to deve#o4 the a'i#it) is 9oordination.

Ideas have a "inshi4 and 7or1 eCe##ent 4artnershi4s to 4rodue har1on). When this "inshi4
is reogniAed it i##u1inates and invigorates the a'i#it). When ideas on7#it6 distration
on7uses and disru4ts the a'i#it). It is una'#e to 7untion with 7u## 7ore to reah its goa#6 or to
en@o) a o14#ete 7ruition.

54eia# 1ahiner) is onstruted to 4er7or1 s4ei7i @o's. A "nitting 1ahine 1a"es hosier).
A #awn 1ower uts grass. Both 1ahines are eCe##ent 4er7or1ers and do a s4#endid @o' in
their res4etive 7ie#ds. However6 it wou#d entai# a severe on7#it to atte14t to 1ow a #awn with
a "nitting 1ahine or to "nit hosier) with a #awn 1ower. The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to a'i#it).
M) a'i#it) has 'een deve#o4ed in the 7ie#d o7 hu1an re#ations6 and regard#ess o7 how good this
a'i#it) is6 it wou#d 'e thwarted and on7used in the 7ie#d o7 o'stetris. The 7ie#d o7 hu1an
re#ations6 and a#so the 7ie#d o7 o'stetris6 are not rowded with 4er7etion6 and eah 7ie#d
o77ers the a'i#it) a #i7eti1e o7 interest and investigation.

A host o7 ideas is see"ing a 4artnershi4 to i14rove and 4er7et )our ou4ation. To 'e
oo4erative6 e77etive and 'ene7iia#6 these ideas 1ust 'e regu#ated and eC4ressed through
oordination. There7ore6 sti" to one 7ie#d6 and as the a'i#it) deve#o4s in that 7ie#d6 the 7ie#d
en#arges and the a'i#it) eC4ands. 8et har1onious ideas o-ordinate and 7eed )our a'i#it) and
)our a'i#it) wi## 7eed )ou.

The seventh wa) to deve#o4 a'i#it) is 9onvition.

(ver) da) !arson Hones visited his hurh to 4reah. 5o1eone as"ed hi1 wh) he 4reahed
siC da)s eah wee" to hi1se#76 and on#) one da) eah wee" to his ongregation. His answer
was> DIt ta"es siC da)s o7 4reahing to onvine 1)se#76 and on#) one da) to onvine 1)

<ne o7 the 1ost di77iu#t @o's is to onvine ourse#ves6 'ut one this is ao14#ished it is 7air#)
eas) to onvine others.

9onvition o1es 7ro1 two 8atin words6 Don6D and Dvinere6D whih 1eans Dto onGuer.D In
order to onGuer dou't a'out )our a'i#it) to 4er7or16 either ') argu1ent or 'e#ie76 it is
i14erative that the 4ro4osition 'e thought through to a on#usion. Ha#7-'a"ed on#usions
are the resu#t o7 7au#t) reasoning. Thin"ing through an on#) reah one on#usion--the
4ro4osition is either true or 7a#se. I7 it is true6 1a"e a deision with onvition6 and at u4on it
with deter1ination. A state o7 'eing onvined is 4rediated u4on the integrit) o7 the hu1an

When 7ed with 7ats the 1ind does not err and the deision reahed ins4ires onvition.

To rea#iAe the 7u## i14etus o7 a'i#it) and to derive the 7u## 'ene7it 7ro1 it6 a thorough and who#e-
hearted onvition 1ust 4er1eate and e1'rae ever) 4hase o7 )our ou4ation. The
ou4ation 1ust warrant this6 otherwise the standard 1ust 'e raised6 or a new 7ie#d o7
endeavor sought to a##ow 7u## eC4ression.

In 1) 7ort) )ears o7 eC4eriene in the 7ie#d o7 se##ing6 I have a#wa)s ated as 1) 7irst usto1er.
M) onvition has 'een i7 it is good enough 7or 1e to 'u)6 it is good enough 7or 1e to se##. <n
the other hand6 i7 it is not good enough 7or 1e to 'u)6 it is not good enough 7or 1e to se##.
Ating on this onvition6 suess 7o##owed.

9onvition 'ased u4on the 4rini4#e o7 good is invini'#e and never 7ai#s to onvine. It 4uts
the a'i#it) in o4eration in high gear. It ats with on7idene and deter1ination. 9onvine
)ourse#76 and )ou onvine a## others. A 7ew strong i14u#ses6 a #itt#e gu14tion6 a ru#e or two6
and a dose o7 onvition6 and the a'i#it) goes in ation.

Be7ore #osing the 'oo" on this ha4ter6 I suggest that )ou read6 review and stud) eah one o7
these seven wa)s and thin" o7 the1 in ter1s o7 )our own a'i#it). As a de7inite re1inder6 I wi##
#ist the1.

1. A44#iation

*. 9ha##enge

.. <rganiAe

4. -reedo1

2. %ision

/. 9o-ordination

$. 9onvition

0od is not 4artia# to a 7ortunate 7ew. His un#i1ited gi7ts and rihes are 7ree to a##. However6
there are ertain #aws that govern the1.

&uring Wor#d War II6 1an) stories were to#d how 1an 7aed and overa1e what see1ed to
'e insur1ounta'#e 4ro'#e1s and onditions. When 7aed with a risis6 hidden a'i#it) o1es to
1anBs resue. He 7inds hi1se#7 doing the i14ossi'#e6 and 4er7or1ing so-a##ed 1ira#es. The
eCigen) o7 the situation 4rovo"es 1eans to so#ve it. 8atent a'i#it) does not see" a 7avora'#e
oasion to wor". It is instantaneous#) avai#a'#e 7or an) oasion and wi## wor" 7or an) one at
an) ti1e. It is not neessar) to get in a 7oC-ho#e or to 'e stranded in a ru''er 'oat to 7ind
0odBs 8aws. The) are where )ou are. Mirau#ous ahieve1ents 'eo1e o11on4#ae one
1an #earns to draw on his #atent a'i#it). A 1ira#e is on#) a 7u#7i##1ent o7 one o7 0odBs 8aws
whih 1an #earns to understand and a44#).

(#etriit) turns the inert e#etri 'u#' into a shining #ight. 0aso#ine va4ors turn a 1otor into
ation6 and stea1 turns a #oo1otive into a vehi#e o7 energ) and 4ower. At this ver) 1o1ent6
)our a'i#it) an revita#iAe and re1a"e )ou. It turns negative thin"ing into 4ositive ation. It
turns 4essi1is1 and des4air into ho4e and on7idene. It turns dissi4ation and de7eat into
a44#iation and 4rogress. It turns a## e77ort into hea#th6 ha44iness and ahieve1ent.

-air) ta#es are 7ounded u4on wisdo1 and 1)stiis1. When )ou #earn to draw u4on the
invisi'#e 8aws o7 0od6 and use )our a'i#it) to a44#) the16 1an) 1ore 7air) ta#es wi## 'e a
drea1 7u#7i##ed.

Your a'i#it) is the 4rodut o7 )our thoughts. Be satis7ied with none 'ut the 'est. :e1e1'er>

A'i#it) is twie '#est=

It '#esses hi1 that gives6 and hi1 that ta"es.
What if your chances of achieing massie !ealth" hot romance and unlimited #o!er
are multi#lied thousands of times oer ordinary #eo#le$ %o! you can" using the long&
lost incredible mind #o!er secrets'
!lick "ere To #ind $ut %ore
You s4rang 7ro1 a e##6 a e## invisi'#e to the na"ed e)e. This e## had the 4ower within to thin"
and to 'ui#d and to do it in har1on) with #aw and order. It used 1athe1atis to deter1ine the
nu1'er o7 things neessar) to 1a"e u4 )our 'od). It used he1istr) to deter1ine the
he1ia# 4ro4erties neessar) to nourish )our 'od). It used 4h)sis to deter1ine the energ)
neessar) 7or )our 'od). In #ogia# seGuene6 this e## drew on the 7ores o7 #i7e6 and through
the division and the 1u#ti4#iation o7 other e##s6 'ui#t into order#) arrange1ent a hu1an 'od).
When o14#eted it de1anded a 'irth erti7iate 7ro1 )our 1other.

At 'irth6 7ive sense avenues were avai#a'#e to s4onsor thin"ing. ()es to see6 ears to hear6
nose to s1e##6 tongue to taste6 and touh to 7ee#. To use these sense avenues6 it was
neessar) to thin". The au1u#ation o7 these sensations deve#o4ed i14ressions. These
i14ressions turned into "now#edge. !ere4tion was 7or1ed. You were aware o7 things. You
ou#d distinguish o'@ets and reogniAe sound. You had the a'i#it) to "now and the a4ait) to
gain "now#edge.

<ne da) a#ong the #ine 1e1or) dawned. You disovered the a'i#it) to rea## events6
re1e1'er na1es and 7aes6 and to retain in7or1ation and "now#edge. You had the a4ait)
to o'serve6 to onentrate6 to re1e1'er6 and to reason. You were a rationa# reature6 a'#e to
ensor and disi4#ine )our own ats. You were aware o7 )ourse#7 and onsious o7 )our own
identit). Who a1 I? Where did I o1e 7ro1? Wh) a1 I here? You were see"ing the ause o7
ti#ings. What was their origin? What was 'a" o7 the1? You were a'#e to o14rehend the
invisi'#e idea 'a" o7 the visi'#e thing. You ou#d see the 1an in the vase6 the artist in the
4iture6 and the thought in the 4rodut. You were aGuiring the a'i#it) to 7or1 ideas6 to
esta'#ish the re#ationshi4 'etween ause and e77et6 and to have a one4tion o7 )our own
a'i#it). You were 'eginning to understand. You were onsious o7 )our 4ower to thin". Toda)
that e## has deve#o4ed into a hu1an 4ersona#it)6 and with the 4ower to thin" is reviewing its
own ine4tion6 its own deve#o41ent6 its own a'i#it) and its own advane1ent.

This 4#an o7 deve#o41ent is the one whih nor1a# hu1an 'eings 7o##ow. It 4roves that 1an is
a thin"ing reature. It is a nor1a# and natura# attri'ute to thin". -ro1 the 1o1ent o7
one4tion6 a 1an is a thin"ing reature. In his ear#) deve#o41ent6 he 7o##owed ertain de7inite
#aws o7 thin"ing in a natura# wa). The a'i#it) to 'e onsious o7 these #aws shou#d 'e an added
inentive and an added ins4iration to 'e#ieve in the16 to de1onstrate and a44#) the1 in a##
ativit). B) adhering to the 4rini4#e that he is a thin"ing reature6 1an an o1e to a
o14#ete 7ruition o7 his 4ower to thin" and to 'ui#d.

I 'e#ieve it was !#ato who said> DThere is nothing great in the wor#d eCe4t 1an6 and there is
nothing great in 1an eCe4t Mind.D The a4ait) o7 the 1ind to thin" is 'ased on ertain #aws.
There are 7ive o7 these #aws6 and an understanding o7 the1 wi## give )ou the 4ower to thin"
and to 'ui#d. The a44#iation o7 these #aws wi## he#4 to turn )our a'i#it) into ash.

1. TH( 8AW <- <B5(:%ATI<N

ManBs 7irst teaher was his e)es. He o4ened his e)es and 1arve#ed at the things he saw. B)
onstant vigi#ane he disovered he not on#) had an e)e to see6 'ut a#so a 'rain to inter4ret.
He 'egan to o'serve the things a'out hi1. He 1arve#ed at their eCistene. He noted the
1an) hanges in nature and the re4etition o7 the 7our seasons. He o'served the sun and the
1oon and noted their various hanges. He reorded these o'servations. The) were 4assed
a#ong 7ro1 generation to generation as 'asi "now#edge. Thus ivi#iAation was deve#o4ed with
its vast store o7 in7or1ation6 7ats6 siene and "now#edge. Most o7 our 'oo"s are a reorded
eC4eriene 'ased on o'servation and inter4reted in re#ation to other 'asi "now#edge.

What is o'servation? <'servation is the at or 7au#t) o7 o'serving or ta"ing notie. It is the
at o7 seeing or 7iCing the 1ind u4on an)thing. It o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word Do'servare6D
whih 1eans Dto save6D D4reserveD or D"ee4.D

The wor#d is a 4anora1a o7 4assing events. It is rowded with 4eo4#e6 things6 words and
1ani7estations o7 nature. (ah one a77ords an a14#e o44ortunit) 7or o'servation and stud).
Ta"e advantage o7 )our surroundings6 o'serve )our environ1ent6 and 1a"e what )ou
o'serve a 4art o7 )our "now#edge.

<'servation is the 'est teaher to deve#o4 the soia# graes. It teahes ourtes)6 whih is the
at o7 'eing thought7u# and onsiderate o7 others. It teahes )ou not to wa#" in 7ront o7
so1eone without sa)ing D4ardon 1e.D It teahes )ou not to 7orget to sa) Dthan" )ouD when
so1eone ho#ds the door o4en 7or )ou. It 1a"es ourtes) ount 1uh in )our #i7e.

<'servation teahes )ou to o'serve things in nature. A good 4art o7 1) understanding has
'een gained ') o'serving the sun6 the 1oon6 stars6 #ouds and the in7inite variet) o7 natura#
things. The) a## teah and enrih our a4ait) to thin".

The other evening going out to 9hestnut Hi## on the train6 I g#aned through the ar window. A
'eauti7u# sunset was 'eginning. I dro44ed the 4a4er instant#). I 'egan to o'serve the sunset.
Be7ore 1e was nature in a## o7 her g#or). Hue 1e#ting into hue6 trans#uent '#ue and rose6 and
the 4a#est green #ighted with go#den g#ea1s and 7#e"s o7 rega# 4ur4#e a## adorned the s"). Its
1a@est)6 its 'eaut)6 its 1agnitude6 7i##ed 1e with awe and res4et. It aroused in 1e a #ove and
ad1iration a"in to reverene that on#) suh 'eaut) an 'ring. It was a 1enta# 7east. It ins4ired
1) onsiousness with greater a44reiation and a 1ore 4ro7ound understanding. It 1ade 1e

<'servation 'roadens the out#oo"6 en#arges the 4ers4etive6 gives de4th to understanding6
shar4ens the wit and 1a"es )ou 1ore a##ergi to o44ortunities.

:us"in said> DThe o11onest things in the wor#d are the 1ost worth whi#e.D <'servation
trains )ou to see the #itt#e things6 and to rea#iAe that a## 'ig things are 1ade u4 o7 a #ot o7 #itt#e
things. An)one an see the 'ou#ders6 'ut it is the #itt#e 4e''#es that throw )ou. Tr) to see a
thing in a## o7 its o14onent 4arts. <'serve its 7or16 siAe and o#or. It wi## instrut )ou to
o14are. To o14are is to ana#)Ae6 and to ana#)Ae is to thin".

The ins4iration and enthusias1 to invent6 the in#ination to 1a"e new disoveries6 and the
desire to i14rove an) eCisting 4#an or thing are the resu#t o7 o'servation.

Tho1as A. (dison said> DI usua##) 'egin where others #eave o77. Through o'servation and 1)
own "now#edge I a1 ins4ired to "ee4 on.D (dison #earned 7ro1 o'servation that e#etriit)
wou#d 4rodue #ight i7 4ro4er#) resisted in a high#) sensitiAed oi#. He 7ound the answer in the
tungsten oi# to 4rodue the 7a1ous MaAda 'u#'. In a##6 (dison 4atented over twe#ve hundred
ite1s6 and 1ost o7 the1 started with o'servation.

:o'ert -u#ton sat in his 1otherBs "ithen and o'served the stea1 rising 7ro1 the tea 4ot. DIt
has 4ower. I wi## harness it6D he said. The stea1 engine was the resu#t.

9har#es 0ood)ear o'served the 1iCture 'oi#ing on the oo" stove. It over7#owed and
ongea#ed into an e#asti 1ass. -ro1 this o'servation he disovered ru''er.

9har#es -. ,ettering6 4resident o7 the 0enera# Motors :esearh 9or4oration6 was down on the
7ar1 visiting his 1other. 5he was sti## using the o#d-7ashioned oi# #a14s. B) o'serving the
#a146 an idea to invent the &e"o s)ste1 a1e to hi1. Toda)6 as the resu#t o7 that o'servation6
thousands o7 7ar1ers en@o) 'etter #ighted ho1es.

The 7irst 'ed was a ho#e in a ave. The neCt 1an 4ut #eaves in the ho#e. The neCt 1an 4ut
so1e twigs under the #eaves. The neCt 1an 1ade a ot. The neCt 1an 4ut #egs on the ot.
-ina##) 1an 4ut s4rings and 1attress on the ot. Toda)6 as a resu#t o7 o'servation6 )ou en@o) a

The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to the deve#o41ent oK trans4ortation. -irst it was the whee#. The
whee# turned into a art6 the art turned into a wagon6 the wagon turned into an auto1o'i#e
and the auto1o'i#e turned into an air4#ane. The who#e 4roess was 'ased on o'servation.

Thus )ou see the va#ue o7 o'servation to inrease )our 4ower to thin". Tr) to get 7un and
4#easure 7ro1 the things )ou see. You wi## 4i" u4 1an) va#ua'#e ideas. This 'reeds interests
and starts )ou on the road to reative thin"ing. 9reative thin"ing wi## 1a"e )ou rih in 'oth
1ateria# and s4iritua# things. Train )our e)es to see6 and train )our 1ind to inter4ret. The) wi##
teah )ou to thin" and to 'ui#d.

*. TH( 8AW <- 9<N9(NT:ATI<N

&id )ou ever stand on the 'an" o7 a river and wath the water as it whir#ed around a enter or
vorteC in the strea1? &id )ou o'serve how that vorteC or enter drew to itse#7 ever)thing that
a1e 7#oating down on the urrent? That was an ative6 4ositive enter6 distint 7ro1 an)
other enter or vorteC in that strea16 and 'eause o7 its individua#iAed strength it had the
4ower o7 attration6 and ever)thing was drawn into it.

When )ou onentrate )our 1enta# 7ores )ou 'e- o1e the vorteC or enter o7 inte##igene6
and )ou an draw to )ourse#7 an)thing whatsoever )ou desire.

What is onentration? 9onentration o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word Donentru16D whih 1eans
Dto enter.D It is direting the 1ind to a o11on enter. It is 4a)ing strit attention to the @o' at
hand. It is ho#ding the 1ind on an) su'@et to the eC#usion o7 a## others. It is the direting
7ore whih hastens to the 1ateria#iAation o7 )our desires.

8i"e o'servation6 )ou 1ust have a s4ei7i su'@et on whih to onentrate. This 1ust 'e
4eo4#e6 things6 words or ideas. 9onentration is a#wa)s a 4ositive and reative ondition o7
the 1ind.

<ne aid that wi## he#4 )ou to onentrate is to train )ourse#7 to #isten. Man ou#d understand
sounds and ou#d o11uniate with his 7e##ow 1an #ong 'e7ore he deve#o4ed the art to read
and write. He de4ended on sound signa#s. (ars are the 1eans to reord sound signa#s6 and
to deve#o4 the a'i#it) to #isten.

Nature gave 1an two ears and one 1outh. He is su44osed to #isten twie as 1uh as he
ta#"s6 otherwise he wou#d have two 1ouths and one ear. &o not 'e too eager to i14ress
others with what )ou sa)6 'ut 'e eager to hear what the) sa). ,ee4 )our ears o4en and )our
1outh #osed. It wi## he#4 )ou to onentrate and #et )ou in on 1an) va#ua'#e situations.

A 5er'ian she4herd 'o)6 1inding his 7#o"6 stu" the '#ade o7 his "ni7e into the ground o7 a
4asture. He stru" the '#ade and so1e other she4herd 'o)s resting on the ground 1an) 7eet
awa) heard the sound signa#s. This gave the 5er'ian she4herd 'o) an idea. Twent)-7ive
)ears #ater6 this 'o)6 Mihae# !u4in6 ') using the 4rini4#e o7 ground signa#s6 1ade it 4ossi'#e
to ta#" aross the ontinent ') the te#e4hone. He "e4t his ear tuned to the ground.

A wise o#d ow# sat on an oa". The 1ore he saw6 the #ess he s4o"e= The #ess he s4o"e6 the
1ore he heard . . . WasnBt the ow# a wise o#d 'ird?

Another aid to he#4 )ou to deve#o4 the 4ower to onentrate is reading.

Na4o#eon one said> D5how 1e a 7a1i#) o7 readers6 and I wi## show )ou a 7a1i#) that ru#es the

0ood 'oo"s are the 'ri" and 1ortar that ho#d ivi#iAation together. The) "ee4 a#ive the 4ast
and the) a#so en#iven the 4resent.

What is a 'oo"? It is what so1eone has seen6 7e#t6 i1agined6 eC4eriened6 or disovered6
eC4ressed in words to onve) to )ou this "now#edge and in7or1ation. There7ore6 ') reading
)ou ontat the great 1inds o7 the 4ast and o7 the 4resent. You #earn to o14are with
5ha"es4eare6 reason with !#ato6 1editate with (1erson6 visua#iAe with He77erson6 o'serve
with Burroughs6 weigh with Baon6 thin" with 5orates6 @udge with 8ino#n6 dra1atiAe with
9hurhi## and #ove with Hesus.

:eading 1a"es a 7u## 1an. It is a )ardsti" 7or o14arison6 a #eve#er 7or understanding6 a
sGuare 7or siAing u46 and a 4#u1' ru#e 7or onentration. It 4rovo"es thought6 ins4ires
1editation6 engenders re7#etion6 auses de#i'eration6 and gives )ou greater 4ower to
onentrate on the @o'. It inreases )our understanding6 gives )ou an insight into the thin"ing
o7 others. It he#4s )ou to 7or1 a 4attern o7 thought and wi## he#4 )ou to in7#uene and 1otivate
others to thin" and at. It he#4s )ou to ana#)Ae and visua#iAe.
You #earn to thin" around6 and through6 things. It o4ens u4 new vistas6 ri4ens @udg1ent6
sta'i#iAes thought6 and teahes )ou to 'e to#erant and onsiderate o7 others. It he#4s )ou to
grow and eC4and.

5o1e )ears ago a grou4 o7 we##-"nown 'usiness 1en 7ro1 New Yor" were 7ishing o77 the
oast o7 -#orida. The) were 7avora'#) i14ressed with the unusua# dis4#a) o7 "now#edge and
in7or1ation ') the o#d a4tain. The 7at that he was so we## read6 so we## versed and so we##
in7or1ed #ed these 1en to 'e#ieve that he 1ust have a ver) va#ua'#e and eCtensive #i'rar).
Their uriosit) a1used the o#d a4tain. He invited the1 to his ho1e to see his #i'rar). The)
went. The) 7ound the o#d a4tain in his a'in reading ') the #ight o7 a and#e. The) were
astounded as we## as a1used. The) as"ed to see his #i'rar). The o#d a4tain 4ut his ar1
under his oat and 4u##ed out an o#d6 we##-worn 'oo"6 torn 7ro1 use and 'rown with age. It
was an <#d B#ue Boo" 54e##er Lthe "ind that had ever)thing in it 'ut the "ithen sin"M. The o#d
a4tain was 4roud o7 this 'oo". With a s1i#e on his 7ae and a twin"#e in his e)e6 he 4roud#)
dis4#a)ed it and said> D0ent#e1en6 this is 1) #i'rar).D The o#d a4tain "new aurate#) and
thorough#) ever)thing in that 'oo". That "now#edge distinguished hi1. He aGuired it ')
a44#)ing the 8aw o7 9onentration.

The #ate Wi##ia1 8)on !he#4s6 one o7 A1eriaBs 7ore1ost eduators6 urged ever)one to read
and to onentrate on the Bi'#e as a 1eans to a #i'era# eduation. He said> DI thorough#)
'e#ieve in a universit) eduation6 7or 'oth 1en and wo1en6 'ut I 'e#ieve a "now#edge o7 the
Bi'#e6 with a o##ege ourse6 is 1ore va#ua'#e than a o##ege ourse without the Bi'#e. -or in
the Bi'#e we have 4ro7ound thought 'eauti7u##) eC4ressed= we have the nature o7 'o)s and
gir#s6 o7 1en and wo1en6 1ore aurate#) harted than in the wor" o7 an) 1odern nove#ist or
4#a)wright. You an #earn 1ore a'out hu1an nature ') reading the Bi'#e than ') #iving in New
Yor".D This is a s4#endid ti4 on how to deve#o4 the !ower o7 9onentration.

As )ou read6 4i" out "e) words. 0et the 7u## 1eaning o7 these words we## esta'#ished in )our
1ind. Use the1 as 4egs on whih to hang other thoughts. In this wa) a 7u## 4attern o7 thought
is 7or1ed in )our onsiousness and )ou an re1e1'er what )ou read6 and 1a"e it a 4art o7
)our "now#edge.

I never onentrate 7or a #ong 4eriod o7 ti1e on one su'@et. Thirt) or 7ort) 1inutes is
su77iient. When it gets 'oring6 it is ti1e to re#aC. The 'est wa) to onentrate is to read three
or 7our 'oo"s in one evening. :ead 7ort) 1inutes at one ti1e in eah one. The hange o7
su'@et 1atter sti1u#ates new 'rain e##s6 and insti##s Aest and enthusias1. In 7o##owing this
suggestion )ou an read 7or two hours without great eCertion. You an onentrate and retain
what )ou read.

Another good aid to onentration is to 7or1 the ha'it o7 onentrating )our thoughts u4on
ever)thing )ou do in )our dai#) #i7e. I a1 an insurane 'ro"er. I do 1ost o7 1) se##ing ')
te#e4hone. I a#wa)s arr) a 4o"et7u# o7 ni"e#s 7or te#e4hone use. When the hunh stri"es6 I
i11ediate#) a## 1) 1an. I give hi1 the 4#an. I 7ous 1) a'i#it). I arrest his attention. I inite
his interest. I onentrate. I do not wait to a## hi1 neCt wee"6 neCt da) or neCt hour. I a## hi1
instant#). The wa) to do the @o' is now. Hit the iron whi#e )ou are hot. I have 1ade 1an)
su'stantia# sa#es 7o##owing out this suggestion.

Whatever )ou do6 onentrate. When )ou tie )our shoe6 tie )our shoe6 do not tr) to read the
4a4er. When )ou shave6 shave6 do not 1ow the #awn. B) onentrating6 I shave in #ess than
two 1inutes.

Another aid to he#4 )ou onentrate is 7ound in the news4a4ers. Word 4uAA#es6 anagra1s6
#etter-out she1es6 voa'u#aries6 test )our 7ats6 'ridge hands6 twistagra1s6 and 1an) other
ite1s o7 interest an 'e used suess7u##) to he#4 )ou onentrate.

!ut down the word !rorastination. B) using on#) #etters that 1a"e u4 this word6 see how
1an) ever)da) (ng#ish words o7 7our or 1ore #etters )ou an 1a"e 7ro1 it in twent) 1inutes.
It is an eCe##ent ga1e to he#4 )ou onentrate. Tr) it.

A good #ue to deve#o4 onentration is to se#et so1ething )ou #i"e. 9entering )our interest
and attention on one su'@et6 trains )ou to underta"e other things. This 7ee#ing o7
ao14#ish1ent invigorates and enourages )ou.

9onentration 1a) 'e o14ared to swi11ing. You usua##) #earn to swi1 in sha##ow water6
without "nowing it. When )ou get in dee4 water )ou an eCerise that a'i#it). 9onentrate on
the #itt#e things6 and the 'ig ones wi## ta"e are o7 the1se#ves.

(Cerise )our 4ower to onentrate and )ou i14rove )our 4ower to thin" and to 'ui#d.

.. TH( 8AW <- M(M<:Y

You never 7orget what )ou re1e1'er. You 7orget 'eause )ou 7orget to re1e1'er. An) 7at6
"now#edge6 thing6 event6 eC4eriene6 word or 4#an one i1'edded into )our onsiousness
'eo1es a 4art o7 )ou. You never 7orget it. There is no tri" to 1e1or). It is using )our 4ower
to o'serve and onentrate.

Me1or) o1es 7ro1 D1e1orD whih 1eans D1ind7u#.D It is to 'e 1ind7u# o7 the thing )ou want
to re1e1'er. It is the 4ower or 7untion o7 re4roduing6 and identi7)ing what has 'een #earned
or eC4eriened.

The 7untion o7 re1e1'ering. The 7untion o7 1e1or) in#udes #earning6 retention6 rea##6
reognition6 and so1eti1es it in#udes ertain ha'its and s"i##.

To 1e1oriAe a thing ') rote is one o7 the Gui"est wa)s to 7orget it. Me1or) is 1ore than
1e1oriAing. It is the strength and trustworthiness o7 )our 4ower to re4resent or rea## the 4ast
with authorit).

You an train )our 1e1or). Age6 eduation or environ1ent do not enter into it. You have a##
the Gua#ities and attri'utes now6 otherwise )ou wou#d not 'e reading this 'oo". Here are 7ive
suggestions that )ou wi## 7ind 4ratia# and he#47u#.


Ana#)Ae what )ou want to re1e1'er. Ta"e it a4art6 and 4ut it together. You thin" in ter1s o7
words6 and )ou re1e1'er in ter1s o7 words. A word na1es a thing. It 1a) na1e a 4erson6 a
su'@et6 a 4#an6 a nu1'er6 a thing6 or an idea. The word and the thing 7or1 a 4artnershi4 in
)our 1ind. This assoiation 1a"es it eas) 7or )ou to re1e1'er. There7ore6 onentrate on
what )ou want to re1e1'er6 ana#)Ae it and tie it together with words. In doing so6 )ou never
7orget it.

There are 7ive "e) words in this ha4ter. The) are o'servation6 onentration6 1e1or)6
reason and ation. Ana#)Ae these words and thin" o7 the1 in ter1s to i14rove )our 4ower to
thin" and to 'ui#d6 and )ou wi## re1e1'er the ontents o7 this ha4ter.

There7ore6 ana#)Ae words6 get their 7u## 1eaning6 inor4orate the1 into a sentene and use
the1 in )our onversation. In this wa) words 'eo1e )our 4ro4ert) and )ou an turn the1
into ash.

Be aurate. The #ate Hose4h !u#itAer6 one o7 the greatest 4u'#ishers o7 a## ti1e6 had over his
des" in 'o#d #etters one word--Aura).

As" three 4eo4#e 7or the sa1e in7or1ation and in a## 4ro'a'i#it) )ou wi## get three di77erent
answers. In7or1ation or "now#edge is either aurate or inaurate. The e77ort eC4ended to
get inaurate in7or1ation is greater than the e77ort eC4ended to get aurate in7or1ation.
Aurate in7or1ation s4ea"s 7or itse#76 inaurate in7or1ation 1ust 'e eC4#ained. Aurate
in7or1ation is 4er1anent. Inaurate in7or1ation 1ust 'e he"ed.

-ats6 events6 dates6 nu1'ers6 na1es and "now#edge do not hange. The) are 7iCed6 and to
7iC the1 aurate#) in )our 1ind is to re1e1'er the1.

Wh) do )ou re1e1'er the 1u#ti4#iation ta'#e? Beause the "now#edge is aurate and )ou
on#) had to re1e1'er it one.

Wh) do )ou re1e1'er Hu#) 46 1$$/? It is aurate "now#edge and this date ourred on#)

The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to na1es and 7aes. M) na1e is (ar# !revette. I have had that
na1e 7or 7i7t)-three )ears and i7 I #ive another 7i7t)-three )ears it wi## sti## 'e 1) na1e. It is on#)
neessar) to re1e1'er 1) na1e one6 and )ou have it a#wa)s. B) onsidering 4eo4#eBs
na1es in this wa)6 )ou ta"e interest in the na1e6 )ou get it aurate#) and )ou re1e1'er it

In dea#ing with 4eo4#eBs na1es 'e aurate. 0et the na1e orret#). A 4ersonBs na1e is a
s)1'o#Ja trade-1ar"6 a 'adge that distinguishes and identi7ies that 4erson 7ro1 one
hundred and 7ort) 1i##ion other 4ersons in the United 5tates. A 4erson #i"es his na1e. It
individua#iAes and sets hi1 a4art. He #i"es to see it in 4rint and he #i"es to hear it s4o"en6 'ut
he wants it aurate.

A na1e is a 4er7et s)1'o#. M) na1e is (ar# !revette. That na1e is a 4er7et s)1'o#. <ne
#etter in the wrong 4#ae 1a"es it i14er7et. There7ore6 when so1eone addresses 1e as 9ar#
!rivate6 he te##s 1e so1ething. He te##s 1e that he is not interested enough in 1e to get 1)
na1e aurate#). Natura##)6 I 7ee# i7 he is are#ess a'out a #itt#e thing #i"e getting 1) na1e
aurate#)6 he 1ight 'e are#ess a'out other things. 9ertain#) he 1ight 7ai# to get the
onsideration due hi1. The reation o7 others 1a) 'e the sa1e.

B) a## 1eans get na1es6 7ats6 nu1'ers6 "now#edge and a## in7or1ation aurate#). It wi## not
on#) he#4 )ou re1e1'er6 'ut it wi## add to )our 4ower to thin".

%isua#iAe. 9reate a 1enta# 4iture o7 what )ou want to re1e1'er. !ut into this 4iture a## 4arts
o7 the things )ou desire to retain6 and tie these 4arts together with words. 9onentrate on
these words6 stud) their re#ation6 use the1 as 4egs on whih to hang other orre#ative
in7or1ation6 and register the1 on the 7i#1 o7 the i1agination.

5o1eti1e ago I saw a hunting 4iture. I visua#iAed what I saw. (ven now I an see the wide-
o4en 7ie#ds6 the a#ert dogs6 the we##-groo1ed horse6 and the s1art#) tai#ored hunter in his red
@a"et with a4 to 1ath. To te## )ou a'out this I use words. It is neessar) to na1e things and
on#) words an do it.

Idea#iAe. To idea#iAe a thing )ou ta"e it into )our onsiousness6 assoiate it with other ideas6
eC4ressed in words6 and atua##) 7ee# it in ation. When )ou visua#iAe6 )ou see a## the 4arts o7
a thing. When )ou idea#iAe6 )ou not on#) see a## the 4arts o7 a thing6 'ut )ou atua##) 7ee# the1
in ation.

When )ou idea#iAe the hunting sene6 )ou an 7ee# the ground under )our 7eet6 )ou an see
the dogs #ea4ing6 hear the1 'ar"ing6 )ou an see the horse ga##o4ing and hear the hunterBs

To idea#iAe in7or1ation )ou 7ee# )ourse#7 not on#) rea##ing it6 'ut re-4resenting it in detai#.
Idea#iAe )our ativities. It is a 1arve#ous 1ethod o7 rehearsing and 4er7eting )our at. It
e#i1inates 1ista"es6 4revents '#unders6 inreases e77iien) and ta"es the sting and worr) out
o7 )our @o'. Idea#iAe )our errands and a string around )our 7inger to re1ind )ou is

:eview. B) a## 1eans review the ti#ings )ou want to re1e1'er. &o not @ust re4eat the1.
Ana#)Ae the16 'e sure the) are aurate6 visua#iAe the16 idea#iAe the16 and dra1atiAe the1
into ation. It wi## sur4rise )ou how 1an) things )ou an review and rea## in a 7ew 1o1ents.
You an review )our 7avorite 4oe16 Guotation6 Bi'#e verse6 'ridge hand6 da)Bs ativit)6 sa#es
4#an6 interview6 a44oint1ent or an) other s4eia# "now#edge whi#e ta"ing a 'ath6 riding in a
train6 waiting 7or an a44oint1ent6 or @ust sitting around. Tr) it6 it is a sti1u#ant and a toni to
the 1ind and 'od). It "ee4s the in7or1ation 7resh6 and "ee4s )ou 4re4ared.

4. TH( 8AW <- :(A5<N

5o#o1on6 one o7 the wisest 1en that ever #ived6 said> DHe that is s#ow to anger6 is 'etter than
the 1ight)= and he that ru#eth his s4irit than he that ta"eth a it).D 0od gave 1an the 4ower to
reason and ') eCerising it 1an has o14#ete do1inion over his thoughts.

What is reason? :eason o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word Dratus6D whih 1eans Dto re"on6D
D'e#ieveD or Dthin".D :eason is the 4ower to thin" straight. It is 4#u1'ing the 'otto16 and
getting at the root o7 things. It is the a'i#it) to o14rehend a## the 7ators and arrive at a sound
on#usion. It is the a4ait) to arrange 7ats and "now#edge in #ogia# seGuene. Mortar
ho#ds the 'ri"s together and reason ho#ds the thoughts together. :eason 'ased on o11on
sense is a 4ratia# and an e77iient 1ethod to do things e77etive#).

To de1onstrate the 8aw o7 :eason6 I a44roahed a grou4 o7 rai#road 4residents ') #etter on
the su'@et o7 DHow to 5e## ') Te#e4hone.D The 7irst i14ression is6 how an rai#road o14anies
use a 'oo" on se##ing ') te#e4hone?

:eason has a di77erent stor). :eason sa)s that rai#road 4residents are interested in good
ideas6 otherwise the) wou#d not 'e rai#road 4residents. :eason sa)s that these 1en are 'us)
and to 1a"e the #etter 'rie76 onise and to the 4oint. There7ore6 I ut a three-4age #etter down
to siC sentenes. This is the #etter>

Mr. &ona#d -air1an6 !resident

U and M :ai#road 9o14an)

10 Wa## 5treet

New Yor"6 New Yor"

&ear Mr. -air1an>

Thousands o7 te#e4hone a##s o1e in and go out 7ro1 )our o14an) eah )ear.

Thousands o7 o44ortunities to sow seeds o7 good wi##6 'ui#d 4restige6 and i14rove 'usiness.

Ma"e eah te#e4hone a## ount.


B) using> DHow to 5e## ') Te#e4hone.D It is an e77iient 1eans to 1a"e ever) te#e4hone a##
ount6 and get resu#ts Gui"#).

0et a o4) o7 this 'oo" 7or eah "e) 1an and wath the 'usiness ro## in. I a16

5inere#) )ours6

(ar# !revette

This #etter gives Mr. -air1an an idea6 te##s hi1 how to 1a"e use o7 it6 and su44#ies the 1eans
to do it.

This 4#ain #etter got eight) 4er ent 7avora'#e res4onse.

-o##owing out the 8aw o7 :eason6 the 7o##owing sa#es 4#an was deve#o4ed on #i7e insurane. It
has so#d 1i##ions o7 do##arsB worth o7 #i7e insurane.


-irst> This !#an reates 7or )ou and )our 7a1i#) an (state i11ediate#). This (state6 Mr. &oe6 is
un#i"e 1ost (states. It never de4reiates in va#ue6 and is a#wa)s worth one hundred ents on
the do##ar. This (state is 7ree o7 a## #iens6 1ortgages and #ia'i#ities. This (state an 'e
ad1inistered 7or )our 7a1i#) so as to 'e eCe14t 7ro1 ertain t)4es o7 taCation.

5eond> This !#an esta'#ishes a savings aount 7or )ou a7ter the seond )ear. A ver)
va#ua'#e 7eature a'out this savings aount to )ou6 Mr. &oe6 is that it is a#wa)s avai#a'#e. It
stands at )our e#'ow read) at a 1o1entBs notie to 7urnish )ou with read) ash to over an)
un7oreseen ontingenies6 or 1eet an) e1ergenies that 1ight arise.

Third> This !#an 4a)s a## 7uture de4osits 7or )ou in the event )ou shou#d 'eo1e tota##)
disa'#ed through an) "ind o7 disease or aident. This guarantees )our (state6 and "ee4s
)our savings intat.

-ourth> This !#an 1a"es it 4ossi'#e 7or )ou6 Mr. &oe6 to retire with an ino1e 7or #i7e at an)
age 'etween 7i7t) and siCt)-7ive. This ino1e wi## 'e guaranteed to )ou as #ong as )ou #ive
with a'so#ute assurane that ever) do##ar invested in the !#an wi## 'e returned to )ou or to
)our 'ene7iiaries.

This 5a#es !#an has a44roCi1ate#) two hundred words and gives a o14ound idea o7 the
'ene7its o7 #i7e insurane. It is a true and onise state1ent o7 7at. It does not atte14t to
de7ine #i7e insurane with its 1an) tehnia# ter1s. <n the other hand6 it 4resents a ver)
o14rehensive 4iture o7 what #i7e insurane wi## do 7or the 4ros4et and his 7a1i#)= and does
it in a ver) understanda'#e wa). It is s4o"en in his #anguage and he understands it. He Gui"#)
senses that this !#an is an o44ortunit) to do so1e rea# things 7or hi1se#7 and 7a1i#). In doing
this6 and ') ta"ing on the !#an6 he 7ee#s he wi## 'e adding to his ha44iness and to his 7a1i#)Bs

This 5a#es !#an 4uts the 8aw o7 :eason into ation.

In a44#)ing 7or a 4osition6 7o##ow this 4attern o7 reason. 0ive )our na1e6 address6 te#e4hone
nu1'er6 date o7 'irth6 height6 weight6 hea#th and de4endents. !ut this in7or1ation at the to4 o7
the 4age. -o##ow through with in7or1ation a'out eduation high shoo#6 o##ege and s4eia#
training. 5tate su11er shoo# ativities. 5tate eCtra-urriu#ar ativities and s4orts. 5tate
eC4eriene and an) s4eia#iAed training. Te## what )ou an do6 and visua#iAe what )ou are
a4a'#e o7 doing.

<thers on#) "now what )ou te## the1. -o##ow the 8aw o7 :eason and )ou an te## the1
inte##igent#) and e77etive#).

In a44#)ing the 8aw o7 :eason to )our a77airs6 )ou wi## 'e un#i"e the sa#es1an who ta#"s 7or
7i7teen 1inutes to the 4ros4et6 on#) to have hi1 sa)> DWe##6 I do not "now what )ou are
se##ing6 'ut I wi## ta"e one.D

8et the 8aw o7 :eason stand sentine# over )our thoughts6 4er1it it to esta'#ish eGui#i'riu1 in
)our #i7e and what )ou do wi## 'e done with a 4ur4ose. An oune o7 reason saves a 4ound o7
energ)6 and a#so a 4int o7 in".

2. TH( 8AW <- A9TI<N

In the 9it) o7 Bagdad #ived Ha"ee16 the Wise <ne. !eo4#e 7ro1 a## over the ountr) went to
hi1 7or ounse# and advie. He gave it 7ree#)6 as"ing nothing in return.

There a1e to hi1 a )oung 1an who had s4ent 1uh6 'ut got #itt#e 7or his 1one). He said to
Ha"ee1> DTe## 1e6 Wise <ne6 what sha## I do to reeive the 1ost 7or that whih I s4end?D
Ha"ee1 answered> DAn)thing 'ought or so#d has no va#ue6 un#ess it ontains that whih
annot 'e 'ought or so#d. 8oo" 7or the !rie#ess Ingredient.D

DBut what is this !rie#ess Ingredient?D as"ed the )oung 1an.

54o"e then the Wise <ne> DM) son6 the !rie#ess Ingredient o7 ever) 4rodut in the 1ar"et
4#ae is the Honor and Integrit) o7 hi1 who 1a"es it. 9onsider his na1e 'e7ore )ou 'u).D

Ation o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word DagereD whih 1eans Dto do.D It is the a44#iation o7 what
)ou "now to what )ou do. Between the two is a 1idd#e1an. The 1idd#e1an is harater.
9harater is the s4irit o7 honor and integrit) that )ou 4ut into that whih )ou do. It is the s4irit
to 'e )our 'est and do )our 'est at a## ti1es. It is a desire to see the @o' we## done.

It goes 'a" to (1ersonBs 1ousetra4. Bui#d a 'etter one and 4eo4#e wi## 'eat a 4ath to )our
door. !ut the right s4irit into )our @o'6 and 4eo4#e wi## see" )ou out. It 1agnetiAes )our e77orts.
!eo4#e want to do 'usiness with )ou.

It 1a) 'e a servie )ou want to render. It 1a) 'e a 4rodut that )ou want to 1ar"et. It 1a) 'e
a 4#an to i14rove so1e 'usiness. Whatever it is6 re1e1'er that 4eo4#e have the sa1e
inherent Gua#ities6 and what wi## a44ea# to one wi## a44ea# to the other. The) are 1otivated ')
thoughts and ideas. MiC with these the !rie#ess Ingredient. !eo4#e #i"e it. It esta'#ishes )our
va#ue. The 8aw o7 Ation is 1ade e77iient ') doing the @o' we##.

In this ha4ter I have given )ou 7ive de7inite #aws on how to thin" and to 'ui#d. 0o 'a" and
review eah one6 and get the s4irit o7 its 1eaning. The) wi## he#4 )ou. As a re1inder6 I wi## #ist

-irst> The 8aw o7 <'servation.

5eond> The 8aw o7 9onentration.

Third> The 8aw o7 Me1or).

-ourth> The 8aw o7 :eason.

-i7th> The 8aw o7 Ation.

(ver)thing is a 4rodut o7 thought. You thin"6 then 'ui#d. The Gua#it) o7 thought deter1ines the
Gua#it) to 'ui#d. 9o14are an Indian ado'e to a 1odern dwe##ing house.

You have the 4ower to reate thought 7ores. Thought 7ores revea#ing )our Gua#ities 1iCed
with the !rie#ess Ingredient 'ui#t into )our 4#an o7 ation are a vita#6 #iving 7ore6 the 1ost
irresisti'#e 7ore in 'usiness. These thought 7ores give )our 4#an o7 ation o#or6 7or16
essene6 su'stane and the s4irit o7 4ower and d)na1i i14etus. The) de7ine and #ari7) )our
4rodut or servie with si14#iit). The) esta'#ish a 1eaning and 1a"e others 7ee# a'out )our
4rodut or servie the wa) )ou 7ee#. The) arr) a 1essage o7 7at. The) 4ersuade and
onvine. The) 'ring ho1e the 'aon. The) turn )our a'i#it) into ash.

BTis not in 1orta#s to o11and suess6 But weB## do 1ore6 5e14ronius6 WeB## deserve it.
n /ust 10 minutes flat$ The &'( )ecret -ill help you en/oy e0treme self-
confi#ence$ blast through limiting thoughts$ get ri# of absolutely any fear$ an# quickly
cure 1real1 problems such as impotence an# pain.
!lick This )ecret $rder 'ink To *et The &'( )ecret +t + "uge ,iscount
There is a seret in DHow to &ou'#e )our (nerg)6D and I 'e#ieve that I have disovered it. In
1) o4inion6 it 1a) 'e ao14#ished ') a44#)ing the 4rini4#e suggested ') 5ha"es4eare over
three hundred )ears ago. D BTis the 1ind that 1a"es the 'od) rih.D This is a 4ro7ound and
sienti7i state1ent. It revea#s a 1ost va#ua'#e idea6 and 1) 4ur4ose in this ha4ter is to
deve#o4 this idea 7u##)6 and to share its o14#ete signi7iane with )ou.

!eo4#e are interested in having 1ore energ)6 'ut the) are a'so#ute#) a##ous6 indi77erent and
adverse to the o#d s)ste1 o7 a#isthenis. The) re1e1'er too we## the tortures o7 setting-u4
eCerises6 weight #i7ting eCerises6 dai#) doAens6 du1''e## eCerises and a #ot o7 other wear)
and uninteresting 4roedures. Thin"ing o7 it6 to sa) nothing o7 atte14ting it6 1a"es 1ost
4eo4#e ringe with dread and writhe with a tired and wear) 7ee#ing. M) s)14athies are with

5ha"es4eare gave 1e a #ue to a new s)ste1 o7 a#isthenis. I 7e#t that )ou wou#d #i"e to
"now the seret o7 how to 1a"e the 'od) rih in hea#th6 vita#it)6 strength6 vigor6 endurane and
energ)6 and e#i1inate a## the o#d antiGuated 1ethods o7 eCerise that have 'een in vogue
sine the 7irst ave 1an 4ounded his hest and shouted> D8oo" who I a1?D There7ore6 using
1)se#7 as an eCa14#e6 and 1) own 'od) as a guinea 4ig6 I have evo#ved a s)ste1 o7
a#isthenis 'ased u4on the siene and 4ratie o7 7ree 'odi#) eCerise without a44aratus to
4ro1ote strength6 grae7u#ness and energ). This s)ste1 uses )our head as we## as )our
1us#es. It invo#ves no tri"s or 1agi6 and reGuires no hours o7 dri##ing or other weariso1e
eCerises. It e#i1inates 'od) torture6 sti77 1us#es and tired 7ee#ings. You an suess7u##) 4ut
this s)ste1 into 4ratie in the ho1e6 in the o77ie6 on the street6 in the auto1o'i#e o7 an)
other 4#ae )ou 1ight ha44en to 'e. It on#) ta"es a #itt#e thought and a ou4#e o7 1inutes eah
da). But the resu#ts are 4heno1ena#. It has a#wa)s 'een 1) ontention that no one has a
right to o77er6 to suggest6 to 4ro4ose or to advane an) theor) on how to do so1ething6
es4eia##) i7 it in7#uenes others to tr) it6 either diret#) or indiret#)6 un#ess the 4erson
advaning that theor) has used it6 and 7inds through atua# 4ratie that it wi## do a## that is
#ai1ed 7or it. M) song is> D!ratie what )ou 4reah6D otherwise theories are not worth the
4a4er on whih the) are written. This s)ste1 to dou'#e )our energ) 1a) a44ear to )ou to 'e
a theor). It is a theor)6 'ut one that I have #earned 7ro1 atua# eC4eriene. (ver) suggestion
advaned has 'een 4ratied and de1onstrated ') 1e. I have #ived eah and ever) one o7
the1. I "now their va#ue. What the) are doing 7or 1e the) an do 7or )ou. 8earn and a44#).
5tud) and use. -atho1 the serets o7 )our 1arve#ous#) onstruted 'od)6 and are 7or it
sienti7ia##). These serets wi## teah )ou to #ive with Aest and @o). The) wi## dou'#e )our

The 'od) is the house in whih we #ive. It is the te14#e o7 the s4irit. It is the soure o7 a##
energ). It is the organ o7 ativit). However6 the 'od) itse#7 does not reate energ). This is the
7untion o7 the vita# organs within the 'od). (nerg) is reated through the 4roess o7 these
organs 1a"ing and distri'uting '#ood. B#ood is #i7e. In the '#ood #ies )our strength and energ).
As a se#7-4ro4e##ing6 se#7-sustaining and se#7-ating organ6 the 'od) #ives and thrives on '#ood.
B#ood is the soure o7 energ).

0od reated ever)thing and 0od is good. The in7inite variet) o7 things eC4ressed in nature
4roves that we are surrounded with an In7inite Inte##igene and !ower that esta'#ishes #aw
and order in the universe and su44#ies us with a## the essentia# 1ateria# e#e1ents neessar)
7or our we##-'eing. As individua#s we en@o) the right to draw on these e#e1ents and 0od has
endowed us with a 1ind to 1a"e a wise use o7 the1 to 1eet our 4ersona# needs.

DB#essed are the) whih do hunger and thirst a7ter righteousness6 7or the) sha## 'e 7i##ed.D
Ha44) are the) that 1a"e the Dright-use-nessD o7 the e#e1ents6 7or the) wi## 'e 7i##ed with 4ure
'#ood and d)na1i energ).

The 7our 'est-"nown 1ateria# e#e1ents used ') the 'od) to 1a"e '#ood are Air6 -ood6 Water6
and 5unshine. The wisdo1 used to asse1'#e these 7our #i7e-1a"ing e#e1ents deter1ines the
Gua#it) o7 '#ood that 1a"es the 'od) rih.

Nature 4rovides 1an with a## the e#e1ents neessar) to 1a"e stee#. Man a44#ies 1ind in
1a"ing the 4ro4er use o7 these e#e1ents. In doing so he is a'#e to 1a"e the 7inest and
toughest stee#.

8et us disuss and ana#)Ae the 7our e#e1ents that 1a"e 4ure '#ood.

1. air

When )ou were 'orn the 7irst thing )ou did was to 'reathe in air. Nature had 4rovided )ou with
#ungs with whih to do this.

It is esti1ated ') siene that the average 4erson on#) uses a'out 7i7t) 4er ent o7 his #ung
a4ait). The other 7i7t) 4er ent #ies id#e. Nature is not eCtravagant in her gi7ts6 and usua##)
4ortions things out as the) shou#d 'e used. The '#ood needs oC)gen6 and one wa) to o'tain it
is through air. The 7untion o7 the #ungs is to su44#) this need6 'ut with 7i7t) 4er ent a4ait)
id#e6 there is a 4ossi'i#it) that the '#ood 1a) 'e su77ering 7or the want o7 oC)gen. There7ore6
the 7irst suggestion is to 1a"e o14#ete use o7 )our #ungs. Train )ourse#7 to 'reathe dee4#)
and 7u##). It is 7o##owing out a natura# #aw. Ma"e it a ha'it to onsious#) 'reathe dee4#) and
7u##) one ever) hour during the da). In doing this )ou eCerise and eC4and the #ungs6 he#4 to
4uri7) the '#ood and en#arge the dia4hrag1. 9onsious dee4 'reathing a#so aids re#aCation.
A#wa)s re1e1'er that the 7ores in the air are vita# and #iving. The) he#4 grow and sustain
ever) 7or1 o7 #i7e. The '#ood needs it and the 'od) wi## su77oate without it. This air is 7ree.
Breathe it. It wi## he#4 to reenergiAe the entire 'od).

*. -<<&

The seond e#e1ent )ou ried 7or u4on )our arriva# in the wor#d was 7ood. The 'od) 1ust
have 7ood in order 7or the '#ood to have nutrition.

What is 7ood? -ood is the di77erent things we eat. It is a 4rodut o7 the earth6 air6 water and
sun. These e#e1ents 1a"e and su44#) the 7ood with vita1ins. D%ita1inD o1es 7ro1 the 8atin
word Dvita6D whih 1eans D#i7e.D %ita1ins are #i7e-giving 7ores 7ound in the natura# state o7
7oods. The) are essentia# 7or 4ro4er nutrition.

How does this #i7e-giving 7ore get into the 'od)? Through the '#ood strea1. This is
ao14#ished ') a 1anu7aturing and distri'uting 4roess arried on ') the interna# organs.
-ood is ta"en into the 1outh6 hewed6 swa##owed6 then digested ') the sto1ah and 1ade
read) 7or the #itt#e intestines. The s1a## intestines6 through the 4roess o7 os1osis6 4i" out
the 4arti#es o7 7ood whih ontain vita1ins. These 4arti#es are turned over to the vita#
organs6 in#uding the #iver6 heart6 #ungs6 "idne)s and others= and eah one o7 these wor"ing in
har1on) with the others onverts these 4arti#es into '#ood6 and distri'utes this '#ood over
the 'od) to su44#) the e##s with nutrition. Thus )ou have #i7e6 heat and energ).

There is on#) one onsious at on )our 4art in the who#e 4roess o7 onverting 7ood into
'#ood. That at is 1astiation6 whih is to hew6 rush and grind the 7ood with the teeth unti# it
'eo1es a 4u#4. The 7at that this is a onsious at 1a"es it one o7 the 1ost i14ortant ats
onneted with 7ood. It is another 4roo7> D BTis the 1ind that 1a"es the 'od) rih.D

To 4rove the great va#ue o7 1astiation6 4ut a 4iee o7 sta#e un'uttered 'read into )our 1outh
and hew it #ong enough to rush it to a rea1) #iGuid. The indeter1inate taste at the
'eginning now tastes a#1ost sweet as sugar. Thorough 1astiation o7 this 4iee o7 'read
gives the sa#iva digestive 4ower ') sti1u#ating the onstant out4ouring o7 the enA)1es whih
he#4 to turn starh into sugar. When this 4u#4) 1ass reahes the sto1ah6 it is 4art#) digested
and the sto1ah an do a 1uh 'etter @o'. This a44#ies to ever)thing )ou eat. B) thorough
1astiation the sto1ah an digest ever) 4arti#e o7 7ood. The onsious 4re4aration o7 it
through 1astiation 1eans #ess wor"6 and #ess wear and tear on a## the other interna# organs
that 1anu7ature the '#ood. It 7rees )ou 7ro1 indigestion and other distressed 7ee#ings6 and
su44#ies )ou with riher '#ood= and this 1eans 'etter hea#th and 1ore energ). 5o1e da) 1an
wi## disover that 1ost ai#1ents o7 the interna# organs are traea'#e diret#) to 7au#t)

As an insurane 'ro"er6 I had an oasion to a44roah a 1an to 'u) #i7e insurane. He stated
that he was uninsura'#e owing to high '#ood 4ressure. He was a strong6 vigorous t)4e o7
individua#6 and I 7e#t that I had a #ue to his ondition. I invited hi1 to #unh. He ordered a ver)
su'stantia# 1ea# and in a#1ost #ess ti1e than it ta"es to te## it6 the entire 1ea# had
disa44eared. I as"ed hi1 i7 he 1ade it a ha'it to eat his 1ea#s Gui"#) and to 'o#t his 7ood. He
re4#ied that he had never even thought o7 it. I suggested 7or his own hea#th6 ha44iness6 and
4eae o7 1ind that he 4ratie the 4rini4#es advoated in this ha4ter and two 1onths #ater
the high '#ood 4ressure had su'sided. 5earh 7or the ause o7 the ai#1ent6 and )ou wi##
disover the re1ed).

Natura# #aws are 1anBs 'est teaher6 and the o'- serving o7 these #aws revea#s the truth. In
onnetion with the i14ortane o7 1astiation I want to a## )our attention to the ow. &id it
ever our to )ou that a ow 1ust eat su77iient 7ood to 1aintain her own #arge 'od)6 and at
the sa1e ti1e give severa# ga##ons o7 1i#" eah da)6 7urnishing us with a## our va#ua'#e dair)
4roduts? The ow has a seret. 5he hews her ud. The her'aeous 7ood is swa##owed un-
hewed6 and 4asses into the ru1en6 whene it is regurgitated in 1asses. Then it is thorough#)
1astiated and 1iCed with sa#iva whi#e the ani1a# is at rest. Thus6 without 1astiation6 there
wou#d 4ossi'#) 'e no 1i#"6 no 'utter or heese.

That suit whih )ou have on is a#so a 4rodut o7 thorough 1astiation. The shee4 is a#so a
ru1inant ani1a# that hews its ud. This is wh) it is 4ossi'#e to have woo# 7or woo#en #othes.
5hee4 are 1aintained to grow woo# @ust as #ong as the) graAe and hew their ud. When their
teeth wear out6 the) are so#d 7or 1utton. ThatBs the reason the 4eo4#e in (ng#and get tough
1utton ho4s. The shee4 in Austra#ia have worn their teeth out graAing and hewing their ud
whi#e 4roduing woo#. Hene the) are so#d to (ng- #and 7or 1utton.

Most 'irds and 7ow#s swa##ow their 7ood without hewing it. Nature was "ind to the16 and gave
the1 giAAards. The giAAard hews and 1astiates the 7ood 7or the 'irds and the 7ow#s. Nature
was a#so "ind to )ou. 5he gave )ou a 1outh and a set o7 teeth with whih to hew and
1astiate )our 7ood.

The va#ue o7 1astiation was de1onstrated when )ou were a 'a'). <n#) one in )our #i7e did
)ou dou'#e )our 'od) weight in one )ear. That was 'etween the ti1e that )ou were 'orn and
)our 7irst 'irthda). That6 too6 has a seret. A## )our 7ood was #iGuid and did not reGuire

A 7urnae wi## 'urn 'etter and 7urnish 1ore heat one-ha#7 7u## o7 oa# than it wi## ho"ed 7u##.
<ver#oading the 7urnae s1others the 7#a1e6 and a #arge 4ortion o7 )our heat is #ost. The
sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to the sto1ah. When it is over#oaded with 7ood6 1uh o7 the va#ue is
#ost 'eause the sto1ah is using u4 energ) in digesting it. This indues s#uggishness and
tiredness. Thorough 1astiation 4revents this 'eause the 1ore thorough#) 7ood is digested6
the #ess is needed. It is not what )ou eat6 it is what )ou digest. When the e##s o7 the 'od) are
4ro4er#) nourished it is not in#ined toward o'esit)6 nor does it su77er 7ro1 underweight.

The e##u#ar 1ass in the 1arrow o7 the 'ones seretes red '#ood e##s6 and this 1ass is 7ed ')
the 7ood )ou digest. Thorough 1astiation o7 )our 7ood he#4s to 7eed this e##u#ar 1ass6 and
this enrihes the '#ood. This re#eases 1ore vi'rant energ) to 1ore e##s6 and 1a"es the 'od)
g#ow with hea#th and vita#it).

Ta"e 4#ent) o7 ti1e to eat )our 1ea#s6 4ratie 1astiation6 and re1e1'er that the ti1e saved
'o#ting 7ood is #ost a hundred wa)s in hea#th6 energ)6 en@o)1ent6 e77iien) and 4eae o7

.. water

The third e#e1ent to 1a"e the 'od) rih is water. Three-7ourths o7 the earthBs sur7ae is water.
More than three-7ourths o7 )our 'od) is water. This revea#s another #ue> 7urnish the 'od) with
4#ent) o7 water. The 'od) de1ands water at a## ti1es. The at1os4here around us is
ontinua##) a'sor'ing water 7ro1 the 'od). It 1ust 'e re4#enished6 or otherwise the 'od)
su77ers 7or the #a" o7 it. Water is ver) essentia# to 7urnish the 'od) with su77iient 1oisture to
"ee4 the 4ores o7 the s"in o4en. This he#4s the 'od) to get rid o7 toCins and other waste
1atter. The on#) wa) to have 4#ent) o7 1oisture in the 'od) is to "ee4 it we## su44#ied with

0ive a wi#ted 7#ower or a ha#7-dead 4#ant a drin" o7 water6 and o'serve how Gui"#) and
o14#ete#) it revives. The water see1s to sti1u#ate a## the other #i7e-sustaining e#e1ents. This
ho#ds true 7or the hu1an 'od).

The "idne)s are the organs that he#4 to 1a"e and 4uri7) the '#ood. The) need water. Water is
a #eansing agent used ') the "idne)s. It he#4s to disso#ve a## the 4oisons and i14urities out
o7 the '#ood. When the '#ood is 4ure it 7#ows 1ore easi#) and nourishes and restores the e##s
1ore Gui"#). B#ood is the #i7e- giving 7ore o7 the 'od). A 7ree 7#ow o7 it revita#iAes6 reha'i#itates
and re'ui#ds ever) 7i'er6 ever) e## and ever) 1us#e o7 the 'od). When the e##s ting#e with
4ure red '#ood6 )our 'od) 7untions with vi'rant hea#th and g#owing energ).

You ta"e an eCterna# 'ath ever) 1orning. Wh) not tr) an interna# 'ath? &rin" two tu1'#ers o7
water when )ou 7irst get out o7 'ed. It wi## 4ossi'#) 1a"e )ou 7ee# a #itt#e sGuea1ish at 7irst. I7 it
does--thatBs a good reason wh) )ou shou#d drin" it. The sGuea1ish 7ee#ing is a warning o7
toCins and the water is he#4ing to get rid o7 the1.

&onBt wi#t u46 and donBt dr) u4. ,ee4 )our s"in )oung and g#owing with hea#th. Water he#4s.
Train )ourse#7 to drin" two tu1'#ers o7 water on rising6 and drin" at #east one tu1'#er ever)
two hours a## through the da). It is natureBs toni. &rin" it.

4. sunshine

The 7ourth e#e1ent he#4ing to 1a"e the 'od) rih is sunshine. &id it ever our to )ou that a##
the 7ood )ou eat is either grown in the su11erti1e or in the tro4is? The ra)s o7 the sun are
the answer. In the su11erti1e6 the ra)s o7 the sun are intensi7ied 'e- ause the) stri"e the
earth 1ore diret#). The intensi7iation o7 the sunBs ra)s ae#erates the vi'rator) 7ores o7 the
air6 and these are a4a'#e o7 growing a## "inds o7 7oods and vegetation. This ha44ens in the
te14erate Aone during the su11er 1onths6 'ut in the tro4is or territor) 'ordering on the
tro4is6 it ha44ens a## through the )ear. In the tro4is it is 4ossi'#e to grow 7ood at an) ti1e.
54ies are grown on#) in the tro4is. The) reGuire the 1ore intensi7ied ra)s o7 the sun6 whih
the te14erate Aone annot 4rovide. (ver)thing has a ause and ') o'servation and thought
we an 7ind it.

A## vegetation thrives in the sunshine6 and so do we. The 'od) needs it. A short sun 'ath6 not
to the 4oint o7 'urning the s"in6 ta"en two or three ti1es eah wee" in the su11erti1e6 is
ver) 'ene7iia# to the 'od). The ra)s o7 the sun are vita-ra)s6 whih heat and harge the e##s
with vita1ins. These vita1ins are #oaded with energ) and the 'od) a'sor's this energ) 7ro1
the sun @ust as a '#otter a'sor's in". These vita-ra)s ta"en in the su11er wi## inrease )our
resistane against those 'ad o#ds in the winter. Train )ourse#7 to ta"e a sun 'ath
oasiona##)6 and ') a## 1eans get into the sunshine as 1uh as 4ossi'#e. It is a gi7t 7ro1
0od6 and is here to he#4 )ou get 1ore energ). Ma"e use o7 it.

The 'od) is a 4#asti6 #a)#i"e asse1'#age o7 4roto4#as1 1ade u4 o7 e##s. These e##s are
"e4t a#ive and revita#iAed and re-energiAed ') the '#ood. The 4rini4#es @ust enu1erated have
shown us how to 1a"e the 'est 4ossi'#e use o7 the 7our essentia# e#e1ents neessar) to
1a"e 4ure red '#ood. Now that we have the '#ood6 what is the neCt ste4? The heart is the
organ that 4u14s the '#ood to a## 4arts o7 the 'od). The arteries arr) the '#ood 7ro1 the
heart6 and it is returned ') wa) o7 the veins. This is natureBs wonder7u# s)ste1 o7 distri'uting
the '#ood. However6 D BTis the 1ind that 1a"es the 'od) rih6D and there is a onsious at
that wi## assist the heart in the distri'ution o7 '#ood. That onsious at ') )ou ena'#es eah
e## o7 the 'od) to 'e thorough#) nourished with 4ure red '#ood at a## ti1es.

What is this onsious at? Again6 we ta"e a #esson 7ro1 nature. It is esti1ated ') siene
that 1ost ani1a#s #ive 7ive to seven ti1es their 1aturit) age. Aording to the A1erian
Morta#it) Ta'#es6 the average age o7 1an is /1.* )ears. This is #ess than three ti1es his
1aturit) age. I7 1an #ived 7ive to seven ti1es his 1aturit) age6 he wou#d #ive to 'e one
hundred to one hundred and 7ort) )ears o#d.

What do the ani1a#s do that 1ost 4eo4#e 7ai# to do? What is the answer? The ani1a#s 1ust
have a seret. B) o'serving the1 and using 1) 'od) as a guinea 4ig6 I ado4t and 4ratie
their seret.

That seret is 5trething.

The ani1a# 7o##ows his natura# instint. How o7ten have )ou o'served the at arhing its 'a"6
the horse swa)ing its 'a"6 the #ion eCtending its 'od)6 and the dog s4reading its 4aws?
These 'od) ations o7 ani1a#s are revea#ing so1ething. The) are setting an eCa14#e. The)
are te##ing us to streth our 'od). 5trething is the on#) 7or1 o7 eCerise that ani1a#s adhere
to strit#). There7ore6 it 1ust 'e the natura# and reasona'#e eCerise.

5trething is nothing 1ore than onsious tension. It is tensing the 1us#es o7 the 'od) ') an
at o7 thought. In 1) own eC4eriene6 I have 4ratied a## "inds o7 eCerises 'ut I have o1e
to the on#usion that strething is the 'est and 1ost natura# o7 a##. It is eas) to do. No
eGui41ent o7 an) "ind is neessar). You an streth onsious#) 7or a'out ten to twent)
seonds6 and i7 )ou 1a"e it a 4ratie to do this )ou wi## inrease )our energ) and 4e4. Ma"e
it a ha'it to streth )our ar1 1us#es6 #eg 1us#es6 'a" 1us#es6 sto1ah 1us#es6 hand
1us#es6 ne" 1us#es6 shou#der 1us#es6 and tr) to streth ever) 1us#e in )our 'od) 7ro1
head to toe. In doing this6 a#so eCerise )our o11on sense.

What does strething or onsious tension do 7or the 'od)? To streth the 1us#es is to
streth the e##s. To streth the e##s is to ause the1 to eC4and and 'rea" u46 and this gives
the 4ure '#ood a hane to 7#ood and 7eed the1. This he#4s to drive out a## toCins6 aids6
4oisons or other i14urities. When the e##s are r)ing 7or '#ood the 'od) 7ee#s tired and ')
strething at interva#s )ou 7urnish the e##s with nutrition and this su'stitutes energ) 7or
tiredness. You wi## have 1ore a4ait) to do things. In 'rie76 it is giving the 'od) a '#ood 'ath.

I7 the e##s o7 the 'od) are not 7ed with '#ood6 the) dr) u4. This is ver) evident in 4eo4#e when
the) grow o#d. The e##s in their 7ae 'egin to dr) u4 7or the #u" o7 '#ood6 and as the '#ood
reedes6 it is #i"e the 1oving out o7 the tides and what we see are wrin"#es6 dried-u4 s"ins and
withered 7aes. This never ha44ens when the e##s o7 the 7ae are 4ro4er#) nourished with
'#ood through onsious tension.

5iene wi## disover one o7 these da)s that 1ost 1a#ignant diseases are on#) an
au1u#ation o7 toCins and 4oisons starting a 4ini on the 1ost vu#nera'#e grou4 o7 e##s.
5trething the 1us#es 4er1its the '#ood to 7#ood6 and to 7eed and #eanse the e##s6 and
there is no o44ortunit) 7or the vu#tures o7 i14urities to start their 4ini.

To i##ustrate the va#ue o7 strething6 dro4 a s4onge in a 4ai# o7 water. Wath the s4onge a'sor'
the water. Ta"e the s4onge in )our hand--sGueeAe it out rea# tight. Now dro4 it in again6 the
sa1e thing ha4 4ens. This i##ustrates how the e##s reat to '#ood when )ou streth the

There is no 4artiu#ar wa) to streth. (ah individua# an wor" this out to suit his own
dis4osition6 ti1e and onveniene. The 1ain thing is to do it. This is the wa) I do it. I ta"e a
dee4 gu#4 o7 air right in 1) 1outh6 a## 1) #ungs an ho#d. I tense the 'od)6 streth a## 4arts6
raise the dia4hrag16 and 4ress down. This throws '#ood to 1) head6 7ae6 shou#ders6 'a"6
#egs6 a'do1en and ne". Then I eCha#e through the nose. This ta"es 7i7teen seonds and
does it 1a"e )ou re#aC? Tr) it. &o this when )ou 7irst get out o7 'ed in the 1orning and at #east
one ever) two or three hours during the da). The great va#ue o7 it needs no 4roo7. &o it6 and
it 4roves itse#7. I7 the 'ones ra"6 then )ou "now )ou are strething. 5GueeAe )our hand rea#
tight and wath how white it gets. The '#ood is sGueeAed out o7 it. Now re#aC and wath the
'#ood 7#ow 'a". That is what strething does 7or )our who#e 'od).

Another 'ene7iia# eCerise I en@o) is wa#"ing. The average it) '#o" is a'out one hundred
and 7i7t) )ards. This is a'out twe#ve '#o"s to a 1i#e6 and when
I wa#" twe#ve '#o"s6 whih ta"es a'out 7i7teen or twent) 1inutes6 I 7ind that I have eCerised
1) #egs seventeen hundred and siCt) ti1es6 'eause there are seventeen hundred and siCt)
)ards in a 1i#e6 and eah ste4 overs a'out one )ard. B) a## 1eans train )ourse#7 to wa#". It
invigorates the 'od)6 sti1u#ates the 7#ow o7 '#ood6 and 4rovo"es 1an) 'ri##iant ideas. Tr) it.

Be7ore on#uding this ha4ter6 I want to a## attention to the :h)th1 o7 the 'od). A## things in
the universe6 in#uding the sun6 stars6 4#anets6 1oon and earth6 1ove in rh)th1. I7 this were
not so6 it wou#d 'e i14ossi'#e to have har1on)6 and the universe wou#d instant#) go to 4iees.
Har1on) esta'#ishes 'a#ane6 and 'a#ane esta'#ishes har1on). Natura# #aws are ineCora'#e.
The) never deviate6 and wor" with 4reision. Your wath is now ti"ing awa) to "ee4 u4 with
the sun. The astrono1er sets his wath ') the sun6 'ut the sun never sets ') the
astrono1erBs wath.

The heart 'eats in rh)th1 and the '#ood 7#ows in rh)th1. Man did not 1a"e the heart 'eat. He
disovered ') eC4eriene that the heart 'eats on an average o7 sevent)-two ti1es 4er
1inute. Man did not 1a"e '#ood 4ressure6 he on#) disovered it ') eC4eriene. The who#e
'od) res4onds to rh)th1. :h)th1 an 'e 4rodued ') 'a#ane.

How an )ou esta'#ish 'a#ane in )our 'od)? B) 'od) 4osture. It is ver) eas). This is how
)ou do it. &raw )our 7eet together. &raw the a'do1ina# 1us#es in @ust as 7ar as )ou an
4ossi'#) get the1--@ust a #itt#e 1ore6 4#ease. Now eCha#e a## the air Lar'on dioCideM )ou
4ossi'#) an 7ro1 )our #ungs--a #itt#e 1ore through )our nose. :e#aC. &o it again. Ho#d this
4osition 7or 7ive seonds. What are )ou 7inding out? This onsious at raises the dia4hrag16
eCtends the 1us#es o7 the a'do1en6 thrusts the hest out6 4#aes the ne" and the
shou#ders in the right 4osition6 1a"es the #ungs hungr) 7or a dee4 'reath o7 air6 strengthens
)our s4ine6 straightens )our 'a"6 gives the so#ar 4#eCus a wor"out6 esta'#ishes rh)th1 and
'a#ane6 and deve#o4s 'od) 4osture. B) 4ratiing this a 7ew ti1es eah da)6 whih ta"es
on#) 7ive seonds6 )ou are going to draw in the waist#ine6 and throw out the #i7e#ine. This at
a#so gives the interna# organs 1ore s4ae6 and the) 7untion without 'eing rowded. Bod)
4osture Gua#i7ies )ou to wa#" orret#)6 thus ta"ing the weight o77 the sto1ah and 4utting it on
the hi4s6 where it shou#d 'e. It a#so aids in the eGua# distri'ution o7 '#ood and a## 4arts o7 the
'od) share it a#i"e. It tones u4 the who#e 'od) and 'ids 7arewe## to o#d 1an onsti4ation with
his who#e gang o7 ene1ies.

8oo" at 9o" :o'in. A44arent#) never si" a da) in his #i7e. There he stands6 #i"e a genera#6 at
4er7et attention. The 1ora# is> D8oo"6 #earn and #ive.D

A surve) o7 a hundred #eading 1en wi## show one attri'ute o11on to a## o7 the1. That is

(nerg) 1a"es the di77erene 'etween a 'oC ar and a #oo1otive. As an i##ustration6 here side
') side are two #oo1otives. The 7inest that were ever 'ui#t. Both have the sa1e
wor"1anshi46 the sa1e eGui41ent6 and sa1e 4otentia# horse 4ower. !ut stea1 in one o7 the
#oo1otives6 and it wi## 4u## a string o7 'oC ars aross the ontinent. The other one sta)s 4ut.
It is nothing 1ore than a 'oC ar. 5tea1-energ) 1a"es the di77erene.

&iso'e) a natura# #aw and )ou 4a) a 4ena#t). <'e) it and )ou reeive a '#essing. A## the
4rini4#es suggested in this ha4ter are 'ased on natura# #aws.

D BTis the 1ind that 1a"es the 'od) rih.D There7ore6 thin" hea#th and visua#iAe and idea#iAe
with 4ositive thoughts the "ind o7 'od) )ou want6 and re- 1e1'er the #egend o7 the !rine
who was 'orn a hunh'a". (ver) da) the !rine stood 'e7ore a 4er7et statue. He visua#iAed
and idea#iAed what he saw. In ti1e he straightened u4 and aGuired a 4er7et 'od) #i"e the

The 4rini4#es and suggestions advaned in this ha4ter wi## not 1a"e )ou a 5a1son nor a
5andow with 'u#ging 1us#es 4rotruding 7ro1 ever) #i1'6 'ut ') ado4ting and 4ratiing the1
dai#) )ou wi## have a strong 'od)6 7u## o7 hea#th and over7#owing with d)na1i energ). You wi##
have the vi16 vigor and vita#it) to do )our @o' e77iient#) and to 1aintain a sustained e77ort.
!ratie these 4rini4#es ever) da)6 and do it re#igious#). The) wi## dou'#e )our energ). The)
wi## give )ou the 4ower to at6 and turn )our a'i#it) into ash.
Are you al!ays tired" because you kee# re#eating these ( crucial mistakes$
!lick "ere To #ind $ut
DIn the 'eginning was the Word6 and the Word was with 0od6 and the Word was 0odD L5t.
Hohn 1>1M.

0od gave 1an the 4ower to invent and reate words. B) the use o7 words 1an is a'#e to
identi7) and #assi7) a## things in nature6 and a#so to o11uniate thoughts and ideas.

Words have a #ong and varied histor). The growth and deve#o41ent o7 words are interwoven
around the usto1s6 #aws and traditions o7 the 4eo4#e who invented and reated the1.

It is 4ossi'#e that words had their ine4tion with the (g)4tians. The Hierog#)4his was the 7irst
1ethod used to reord haraters6 s)1'o#s and signs. This rude "now#edge6 through a
o1'ination o7 written s)1'o#s and a#so a o1'ination o7 s4o"en sounds over a #ong 4eriod
o7 ti1e6 reated the Tree o7 8anguages. LIndo-(uro4ean--2000 to /000 B.9.M

This Tree o7 8anguages was o14osed o7 siC origina# #anguages L1M !ersian. L*M 0ree". L.M
:ussian. L4M Teutoni6 7ro1 whih s4rang (ng#ish6 &uth6 0er1an and 5andinavian. L2M
8atin6 7ro1 whih s4rang Ita#ian6 -renh and 54anish. L/M Ar1enian.

-ro1 these siC origina# #anguages and their o77s4ring originated a## the words in the (ng#ish

With over 7ive thousand )ears6 and a## these di77erent #anguages 7ro1 whih to 4i"6 the
(ng#ish #anguage toda) has a44roCi1ate#) 7ive hundred thousand words. (ver)one has an
invio#ate interest in a## these words. A word 'eo1es the 4ro4ert) o7 an)one who uses it. A
head7u# o7 words is 'etter than a 4o"et7u# o7 1one). Mone) is on#) a te14orar) onveniene.
Words are a 4er1anent asset. Mone) is usua##) #ost or s4ent. It is gone6 'ut words one
aGuired are too#s that 1a) 'e used over and over again. The 1ore )ou use the16 the 1ore
4otent the) 'eo1e. The) do not wear out and wi## #ast 7orever.

Aording to the #atest ensus re4ort6 there are a'out one hundred and 7ort) 1i##ion 4eo4#e in
these United 5tates. A## these 4eo4#e are 4ros4ets 7or words. Words 1ove and in7#uene
4eo4#e to at. 5iene has 7ound 7ro1 eC4eriene that those who ta"e the #ead6 and 4i" o77
the hoie 4#u1s in 'usiness and soia# a77airs6 are those who have at their o11and a
hoie sto" o7 words. A #arge sto" o7 words gives a wide range o7 "now#edge6 and deve#o4s
1ore too#s with whih to thin".

A voa'u#ar) is a sto" o7 words used in a #anguage6 ') a #ass or individua#6 or in an) 7ie#d o7
A voa'u#ar) 1a) 'e o14ared to a de4art1ent store. A de4art1ent store an do 1ore
'usiness than an) other store 'eause it has a #arger variet) o7 1erhandise.

A 4erson with a #arge voa'u#ar) an in7#uene 1ore 4eo4#e a'out 1ore things than a 4erson
with a #i1ited voa'u#ar).

Words are one o7 )our 'est 7riends. 5tanding at attention6 the) are read) to go to wor" 7or )ou
at a 1o1entBs notie.

DAttention6 4#ease?D was the greatest o11and a1ong the ar1ed 7ores. Two words--'ut
what 4ower? DAttention6 4#ease?D DWordsD are the o11and in this ha4ter.

Is there a 4ratia# and interesting wa) to inrease )our word 4ower? Interest in words is
sti1u#ated ') stud)ing their derivations6 1eaning6 and a#so their a44#iation. As a 1atter o7
interest6 #et us o'serve the histor) and origin o7 a 7ew words.

D&ais)D L7#owerM a1e 7ro1 two o#d (ng#ish words 1eaning Dda)Bs e)e.D The 7#ower o4ened at
dawn as i7 it were the e)e o7 the da).

DUniverseD o1es 7ro1 two 8atin words6 Dunus6D 1eaning Done6D and DvertereD 1eaning Dturn.D
DUniverseD 1eans that whih is turned into one6 o1'ined into one who#e. That whih
7untions under one 8aw.

D5andwihD Ltwo s#ies o7 'read with 1eat6 heese6 @e##) or the #i"e6 'etween the1M. In the
)ear 1$40 Hohn Montagu6 the -ourth (ar# o7 5andwih6 was so 'us) at the ga1'#ing ta'#e he
did not have ti1e to sto4 7or his 1ea#s. He ate his 1eat 'etween s#ies o7 'read6 thus the
na1e sandwih.

DTownD Lan) o##etion o7 housesM6 o1es 7ro1 the Ang#o-5aCon word Dtun6D whih 1eant an
en#osed 4#ae.

DHierog#)4hiD o1es 7ro1 two 0ree" words6 Dhieros6D whih 1eans Dsared6D and Dg#)4hein6D
whih 1eans Dto arve.D Hierog#)4hi 1eans D a sared arve.D

D&e1ora)D LA1erian 7or1 o7 govern1entM6 o1es 7ro1 two 0ree" words. D&e1osD 1eans
4eo4#e and D"ratosD 1eans Dto ru#e.D There7ore6 de1ora) 1eans D4eo4#e ru#e.D

D9on7ideneD LtrustM6 o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word Don6D 1eaning Dto6D and D7idere6D Dto trust.D To
trust6 to have 7aith.

DA#ertD Lon the wathM6 o1es 7ro1 the -renh ter1 Da#erte6D Don the #oo" outD or the Dwath

DIn7antD o1es 7ro1 two 8atin words6 Din6D whih 1eans Dnot6D and D7ari6D Dto s4ea".D DIn7antD
1eans Done who annot s4ea".D

DA#4ha'etD Lthe #etters or haraters used in writing a #anguageM has 'een 7or1ed 7ro1 the
7irst two #etters o7 the 0ree" a#4ha'et. DA#4ha6D 1eaning DAD and DBeta6D 1eaning DB.D Thus
the A6 B6 9.

D9erea#D La grain 4re4ared 7or use as hu1an 7oodM. This word o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word
Deres.D 9eres was the na1e o7 the 0oddess o7 0rain.

D(t)1o#og)D Ltrue "now#edge o7 wordsM. This is the su'@et we are stud)ing at the 1o1ent.
This word o1es 7ro1 two 0ree" words6 Det)1os6D whih 1eans DtrueD--Drea#6D and D#ogos6D
whih 1eans D"now#edge.D The true and rea# "now#edge o7 words.

These twe#ve words i##ustrate the interest and 7asination there are in stud)ing and ana#)Aing
the histor) and derivation o7 words.

A## ideas6 aording to !ro7essor Ha1es6 the e#e'rated 4s)ho#ogist6 are instant#) assoiated
with words. There7ore6 words 4#a) an i14ortant 4art in a## 'usiness ativities and soia#
interourse. It is ver) essentia# to use the 4ro4er ones. !eo4#e wi## reat 1ore Gui"#) and
1ore 7avora'#) to word sti1u#i than the) wi## to 4itures or o#ors.

5ine words 4#a) suh an i14ortant 4art6 it is on#) 4ro4er and 7itting that we shou#d 4ause 7or
a 1o1ent to ana#)Ae the1.

What is a word? A word is a na1e. It is a de7inite unit o7 inte##igene. It is a s)1'o# that 1eans
or signi7ies so1ething. Without 1eaning6 it is a noise or @ust a sound. With 1eaning6 it is a
o14#ete unit o7 s4eeh6 whih signi7ies and o11uniates an idea. It is 'eing understood.
There7ore6 we e14#o) words to 'ui#d a dura'#e struture o7 o11uniation.

Ideas and thoughts are o11uniated in two wa)s6 ora# and written. To 1a"e these two
1ethods 1ore vivid and e#asti6 words are inor4orated in the di77erent 4arts o7 s4eeh. The
noun is used to na1e a thing. The ver' is used to a77ir1 or to 4rediate so1e- thing. It is a#so
used to eC4ress ation or 1ode o7 'eing. The ad@etive is used to desri'e. Words are the
#anguage to eC4ress our ideas6 to 1a"e our 1essage understood6 our re4ort #ear6 our deeds
a44reiated6 and to arr) on our soia# and 'usiness re#ationshi4s with eah other. Words
disern and 'eauti7) our re#ations.

A 'ui#ding overs an entire it) '#o". The "e) that un#o"s the door to that 'ui#ding ta"es u4
ver) #itt#e s4ae in )our 4o"et. Yet that "e) 4er1its )ou to 1a"e a o14#ete ins4etion o7
ever)thing in that 'ui#ding. 5tored-u4 "now#edge a'out a 4artiu#ar su'@et6 4ro7ession6
siene or 'usiness 1a) 'e o14ared to this 'ui#ding. The "e) that un#o"s the door to this
"now#edge is words. <ne the door is o4ened6 the "now#edge is )ours.

<n -e'ruar) *16 1;4$6 in :i4#e)Bs DBe#ieve it or Not6D under a 4itoria# s"eth o7 the author o7
this 'oo"6 was #isted the 7o##owing in7or1ation>

(A:8 !:(%(TT(6 88.B.

9<M!8(T(& .* 9<U:5(5 IN 8AW--!A55(& TH( 5TAT( B<A:& <- (3AMIN(:5--WA5
8I9(N5(& A5 AN ATT<:N(Y-AT-8AW AN& 0:A&UAT(& WITH A 9<88(0( &(0:((--
A88 IN 2 M<NTH5

Man) 4eo4#e are interested in "nowing how I ou#d ao14#ish so 1uh in suh a short
4eriod o7 ti1e. I used the "e). A## 'ranhes o7 the #aw6 #i"e a## other 'ranhes o7 s4eia#iAed
"now#edge6 are 'ui#t around "e) words. 0et these "e) words esta'#ished in )our 1ind6 and
the) un#o" a## the other doors. It see1s to 7or1 a hain6 and ') Gui" review o7 "e) words6
de7initions6 ter1s6 4hrases and a## other neessar) in7or1ation 7#ash vivid#) 'e7ore )ou. It is
#i"e a hain o7 #ightning6 one 7#ash instant#) '#ends into another 7#ash6 to 7or1 the one 'ig 7#ash
whih i##u1inates the who#e s"). <ne "e) word #in"s to another "e) word6 and soon the who#e
su'@et is o14#ete#) i##u1inated and oordinated into a o14#ete who#e.

54ea"ing o7 "e) words6 this is the wa) I 1ade use o7 the1 to ao14#ish the resu#ts as to#d
') :i4#e). I redued the who#e su'@et o7 #aw to its si14#est ter1s. 9o11on #aw is o11on
sense6 so I endeavored to a44#) o11on sense in 1a"ing use o7 "e) words.

8aw is a ru#e o7 ation6 to esta'#ish and 1aintain order in 4rivate and 4u'#i a77airs. A vio#ation
o7 this ru#e in 4rivate a77airs is ause 7or ivi# ation. A vio#ation o7 this ru#e in 4u'#i a77airs is
ause 7or ri1ina# ation. ,e) words6 D4rivate6D D4u'#i6D Divi#6D and Dri1ina#.D

A## D4rivate a77airsD in #aw are 'ased on one "e) word6 Dontrat.D 9ontrat is an agree1ent
'etween two or 1ore 4ersons 'ased on a su77iient onsideration6 to do or not to do a
4artiu#ar thing. It is the "e) word to regu#ate a## 'usiness re#ationshi4s dea#ing with tangi'#es
or intangi'#es. It dea#s with individua#s6 4artnershi4s6 or4orations6 4ersona# 4ro4ert)6 rea#
4ro4ert)6 wi##s6 1ortgages6 insurane6 assurane6 or an) other 4ro4ert). A vio#ation o7 the
ter1s o7 a ontrat ') either 4art) onstitutes a ivi# ation.

A vio#ation o7 the ru#e o7 ation in 4u'#i a77airs is
a ri1e or an at or o1ission 7or'idden ') #aw.

9ri1e is eC4ressed in D1isde1eanor6D Dtreason6D D1urder6D D7e#on)6D and Darson.D These are
"e) words in ri1ina# #aw. A "now#edge o7 these words ena'#es )ou to understand the
7unda1enta# 4rini4#es o7 the #aw 4ertaining to ri1e.

In 4rivate a77airs DontratD is the "e) word in #aw. In 4u'#i a77airs Dri1eD is the "e) word. The
"now#edge o7 #aw or an) other su'@et de4ends on "e) words. To 7o##ow the si14#e #ue o7
4i"ing a "e) word wi## ena'#e )ou to 1aster an) su'@et and to 4ut it at )our o11and.

As an insurane 'ro"er6 1 tr) to "now the 7u## L1eaning o7 ever) word onneted with 1)
'usiness. &oes it 4a)? 8isten to this stor).

I was ta#"ing to a 1an who1 I had never seen over the te#e4hone a'out insurane. He as"ed
1e the di77erene 'etween insurane and assurane. This is what I to#d hi1> DInsurane is the
at oK insuring6 where') one 4art) underta"es to inde1ni7) or guarantee another against #oss
') a ontingent event.D A 7ire-insurane 4o#i) is 'ased on a ontingent event6 one whih 1a)
not our. In 7at6 a 7ire insurane 4o#i) 1a) 'e in 7ore 7orever and never 'e a #ai1.
DAssurane is the at o7 assuring6 where') one 4art) underta"es to inde1ni7) or guarantee
another against #oss o7 #i7e6 whih is 'ased not on a ontingent event6 'ut on an event that is
ertain.D A## #i7e DinsuraneD 4o#iies are rea##) #i7e DassuraneD 4o#iies. I7 "e4t in 7ore #ong
enough6 the) 'eo1e a #ai16 either as an endow1ent when the 4roeeds are 4aid to the
assured in ash6 or as a death #ai1 when the 4roeeds are 4aid to a 'ene7iiar). There7ore6
a## 7ire 4o#iies are DinsuraneD that de4end on a ontingen) 7or 7u#7i##1ent6 and a## #i7e 4o#iies
are Dassurane6D 4rediated on a ertaint) that 1ust ha44en.

The 1an was so we## 4#eased with this si14#e eC4#anation that the o11ission 7or the
'usiness he gave 1e a1ounted to over one thousand do##ars. <ne hundred words--one
thousand do##ars. &oes it 4a) to "now )our words?

(ver) digit in 1athe1atis has its 4#ae. An)one out o7 4#ae 1eans a 1ista"e. As an
eCa14#e> 1* 4#us 1. is not *16 it is *2. 5u'stituting the 2 7or the 1 orrets the 1ista"e.

(ver) note in 1usi has its 4#ae. It is the orret o1'ination o7 notes that 4rodues
har1on). An) note out o7 4#ae auses a disord.

As digits s4ea" in 1athe1atis6 as notes s4ea" in 1usi6 so words s4ea" in dea#ing with

A #ot o7 words thrown together 1a) 'e on#) a noise6 whi#e i7 4#aed in the 4ro4er o1'ination
and s4o"en with the right 4ith and te14o6 the) 'eo1e notes and tones o7 4ower and

The ar4enter6 the 1ason and the engineer 1ust "ee4 a #ose wath over the too#s and
instru1ents the) use. It is these that ena'#e the1 to 'ui#d dura'#e strutures and to do the @o'
we##. In dea#ing with 4eo4#e6 )ou 1ust he" u4 on the words )ou 4ut in ation. The words
that )ou use are the too#s that 4ersuade 4eo4#e to at. It is ver) essentia# to get the rea#
1eaning and true signi7iane into eah word. D(ver) #itt#e 1ove1ent has a 1eaning a## o7 its
ownD= so does ever) #itt#e word. Words 1ust 'e o7 suh nature as to arr) the rea# 1eaning to
others. !eo4#e 1ust understand what eah word re7ers to6 and when )ou get this 1eaning
over6 there is a 1eeting o7 1inds. There is an understanding and an agree1ent. This instant#)
esta'#ishes on7idene and 1a"es it 4ossi'#e 7or )ou to 4resent ideas and thoughts with
authorit). 0et 4eo4#e to agree on things to whih )our words re7er6 and the) wi## at.

5iene esti1ates that 4eo4#e wi## res4ond to word sti1u#i within one- to two-tenths o7 a
seond. You an 4rove this ') 1a"ing so1e harsh or utting re1ar" to a 4erson and see his
7ae instant#) turn red. Harsh words o77end the ear and ut to the Gui". In writing or s4ea"ing6
') a## 1eans avoid harsh and 'itter words. The) sting with the tongue o7 an adder.

You an s#a4 a 4erson down with )our 7ist6 he wi## arise6 and 'e )our 7riend= 'ut ut hi1 with a
harsh word and he is an ene1) 7or #i7e. Words ut dee4er than a sword6 and their wound is

Man ou#d 1a"e things #ong 'e7ore he invented words to desri'e the1. He ou#d 1a"e signs
and ta#" #ong 'e7ore he ou#d write. His 4ri1itive nature wi## res4ond 1ore Gui"#) to s4o"en
words than to the written word whih re4resents his u#tura# training. Words s4o"en are sound
signa#s and a 1eans o7 getting the Gui"est reation and6 in 1an) ases6 the 'est res4onse.
!a) strit attention to )our s4o"en words. As &i"ens so a4t#) said> DA word in earnest is as
good as a s4eeh.D

&is4utes and so1eti1es heated argu1ents 1a) instant#) 'e a##a)ed ') onsu#ting the
ditionar). At our house we have one or two ditionaries a#wa)s at hand. In the ase o7 a word
in dis4ute as to derivation6 1eaning6 usage or orret 4ronuniation6 the ditionar) is
i11ediate#) onsu#ted6 and ever)one is satis7ied. The Dditionar) ha'itD is a good one to
u#tivate and 1an) use7u# words 1a) 'e added to )our voa'u#ar) ') using it.

Beware o7 using 'ig words and tehnia# 4hrases. %er'a# ghosts and hi7a#utin ta#" 1a) sound
good6 'ut the) do not 1ean an)thing to 4eo4#e. To diret the thoughts and ations o7 4eo4#e
suess7u##)6 )ou 1ust use 4#ain6 si14#e words that the) an understand.

The #ate Wi## :ogers one said> DIB1 @ust a 4#ain o#d ow-hand 7ro1 <"#aho1a6 tr)ing to get
a#ong= and as #ong as I re1ain a 4#ain o#d ow-hand6 I wi## get a#ong and 'e a'#e to eat.D There
is a great #esson in this 7or ever)one6 es4eia##) when words are used. As #ong as )ou 4resent
)our thoughts and ideas in a sinere6 4#ain6 o#d-7ashioned wa)6 the resu#ts wi## s4ea" 7or

9ertain words6 aording to 4s)ho#ogists6 4rodue an e1otiona# reation in 1ost 4eo4#e. The
word D#e1onD 1a"es )our 1outh water. D:oast 'ee7D reates a gastri @uie and 1a"es )ou
7ee# hungr) 7or a 1inute. 5o1e words ause )our hair to stand on end. 5o1e ause )our
heart to 'eat 7aster. There7ore6 words are a ver) 4otent in7#uene on 4eo4#e6 and ') s4ea"ing
the right word )ou an a#wa)s get 4eo4#e to sa) D)es.D

Na4o#eon had genera#s who were a 7oot ta##er than hi1se#76 )et the) o'e)ed hi1. These
genera#s did not dread Na4o#eonBs 4h)siGue. It was the words he used that 1ade these
genera#s 1ove and aused thousands o7 4eo4#e to 7o##ow hi1. Men an 'e su'dued or #ed to
vitor) ') words.

We a## "now the stor) o7 A#i Ba'a6 when he stood 'e7ore the ave6 and s4o"e the 1agi words
Do4en6 5esa1e6D and the door o4ened and #o? unto#d wea#th and rihes were avai#a'#e to hi1.

The sa#e o7 an) 1erhandise6 servie or 4ro4osition de4ends #arge#) on the words used ')
the sa#es1an. The sa#es1an who uses the 1ost o#or7u# words6 with the 1ost 7ee#ing and
1eaning6 is the one who usua##) #eads the sa#es 7ore.

Using the right word 7or the right oasion is no tri". It is an art an)one an deve#o4 ')
stud)ing the 1eaning o7 words and their a44#iation. 54ea" and write in words that others
1a) understand.

In dea#ing with 4eo4#e stud) and ana#)Ae the words )ou use. 9ata#ogue a 7ew "e) words6
around these 'ui#d )our onversation and write )our #etters. <7 ourse6 )ou an var) the1
with the oasion. 5a) the words a#oud6 4ronoune the1 orret#)6 and tr) not to use du##
words6 7#at words6 or words with no 7ee#ing. 54ea" to so1eone a'out the words whih )ou
1a) thin" are dou't7u#6 and endeavor to 7ind out i7 what )ou are sa)ing is 'eing understood
the wa) )ou want it to 'e understood. The words that signi7) 1eaning6 and words that s4ar"#e
with 1eaning6 are the words )ou want to use. Words that si14#i7) things6 and si14#i7) the
uti#it) o7 the1 are the orret words to e14#o). Use #itt#e words with hoo"s that ath the
attention. Use a4t words and the) wi## nai# )our 1essage to the 1inds o7 4eo4#e.

The a44#iation o7 words starts with an idea in )our 1ind. The words )ou use are the too#s to
get that idea over. A 4oint with an idea6 4resented with right words6 hits the 'u##Bs e)e. You #ive
in a 4ratia# wor#d6 )ou dea# with 4ratia# 4eo4#e6 and 7or their sa"e and 7or )our
4o"et'oo"Bs we#7are6 it wi## 4a) )ou to use 4#ain6 4o4u#ar6 ever)da) words with a 4ratia#
1eaning. No one an 4revent )ou 7ro1 using 'ig words and high-sounding 4hrases6 'ut the)
1a) 4revent )ou 7ro1 'eing 4ro4er#) understood.

There7ore6 in on#usion6 #et 1e suggest that )ou ana#)Ae )ourse#76 ana#)Ae )our @o' or
4osition6 and ana#)Ae ever) word )ou use in )our ou4ation6 regard#ess o7 what it 1a) 'e.
!ut )ourse#7 in the other 4ersonBs shoes. As" )ourse#7> &o these words a44ea# to 1e? Wou#d
the) 1a"e 1e at? Wou#d the) 4ersuade and onvine 1e? I7 )ou thin" the) wou#d6 the) wi##
have the sa1e e77et on the other 4eo4#e. Words usua##) reat on a## o7 us in a'out the sa1e
wa). B) stud)ing words6 the) wi## ta#" 'a" to )ou and revea# 1an) hidden serets that 1ean
1uh to )ou. ,nowing the 7u## 1eaning o7 words teahes )ou to s4e## and 4ronoune the1
orret#)6 and the) 'eo1e 1agnets to attrat others to )ou. A ro'ot or a 4arrot never varies.
The) 4ut no sense in words. You an 4ut 'oth sense and 7ee#ing in the1. Words6 #i"e 1usi6
when har1oniAed6 onve) not on#) 1eaning 'ut 7ee#ing. Hard hearts wi#t in the 7#a1e o7 "ind
words6 and when s4o"en so7t#) and gent#)6 "ind words render a good and #asting in7#uene.
The good6 the @o) the) wi## 'ring6 no one an te##. A o11and o7 words Gua#i7ies )ou to 4resent
thoughts and ideas #ear#)6 7ore7u##)6 and onvining#). The) are the too#s )ou use ever) da)
to 4ro1ote 'usiness6 reate 4#ans and esta'#ish soia# re#ations. The orret words Gua#i7)
)ou to do this with e77iien)6 grae6 ease and har1. Use DThe ,e) to a -ortuneD and he#4
"nloc# the Hi!!en Secret Behin! $The Secret% That The &urus
'e(er )e(eale!* !lick "ere To -nlock This )ecret &ow
It was 9hrist1as (ve6 and <#d Bo' was 'us) as a 'ee de#ivering 4a"ages. He was singing
with @o). At 1idnight so1eone as"ed <#d Bo' wh) he was so
ha44) and wor"ing so #ate. His answer was6 DI donBt want to disa44oint an) hi#dren on
9hrist1as 1orning.D <#d Bo' had enthusias1.

What is enthusias1? (nthusias1 o1es 7ro1 two 0ree" words--D(n6D whih 1eans Din6D and
Dtheos6D whih 1eans D0odD--Din 0od.D To 'e ins4ired or 4ossessed ') 0od is enthusias1. It
is a strong 7ee#ing on 'eha#7 o7 a ause or a situation. An ardent and i1aginative Aea# or
interest that atua##) 7#a1es with ation. %itor Hugo said> D(nthusias1 is the 7ever o7 reason.
(1erson said> D(nthusias1 is the height o7 1an6 the 4assing 7ro1 the hu1an to the &ivine.
8a1artine said> D(nthusias1 is the 'est thing derived 7ro1 histor).D !asteur said>
D(nthusias1 is the onte14#ation o7 the inner 0od.D (4re said> D(nthusias1 is the invisi'#e6
inward6 intensit) o7 'eing.D

(nthusias1 is that 7ee#ing within that ins4ires and 4ro14ts one to at without thought o7
reward. It is that ins4iring6 vita#iAing6 4ro4e##ing 4ower that ta"es 4ossession o7 an individua#
and auses hi1 to #ose hi1se#7 in that whih he is doing. It is the 1ost 4ower7u# 7or1 o7
energ) that one an generate. The in7#uene o7 enthusias1 on the hu1an 1ind and 'od) is
as de1onstra'#e as that o7 'reathing. Its resu#ts an 'e 1easured in ter1s o7 inreased
4h)sia# vita#it)6 greater inte##etua# 'uo)an)6 1ora# sta1ina6 and a dee4er understanding o7
the rea#ities under#)ing a## hu1an ation. (nthusias1 #ights u4 the who#e hu1an
onsiousness6 7#oods ever) e## with energ)6 4uts s4ar"#e in the e)e6 and sinti##ates the
entire 4ersona#it).

(nthusias1 is so i14ortant to sti1u#ate the 7untion o7 a'i#it) that it is on#) 4ro4er to unover
and to revea# ertain 4rini4#es essentia# to generate it. I7 it were 4ossi'#e to ta"e a 1an a4art6
to generate enthusias1 wou#d 'e Guite a si14#e 4roess. However6 1an is an individua# 1ade
u4 o7 4h)sio#ogia# Gua#ities6 4s)ho#ogia# attri'utes6 and s4iritua# as4irations. (ah o7 these
is a ontri'uting 7ator in generating enthusias1. As an individua#6 1an 1ust #ive with a## o7 his
o14onent 4arts. He has interests6 instints6 a44etites6 urges and i14u#ses that s4onsor his
desires. He has ourage6 7aith and deter1ination that s4onsor his a1'ition. He has thought6
inte##et6 and reason that s4onsor his "now#edge. These are a## se4arate attri'utes that #ive
under one roo7 and are on7ined to one house6 the hu1an 'od). The wisdo1 eCerised in the
har1onious use o7 a## o7 the di77erent Gua#ities and attri'utes o7 the individua# #arge#)
deter1ine the Gua#it) and Guantit) o7 enthusias1. (nthusias1 is the ver) sou# o7 1an in
ation and is the 4rodut o7 har1onious re#ations eCisting in his 4h)sia# and 1enta#

The enthusias1 o7 an individua# annot 'e 1easured or 4roved as a 1athe1atia# 4ro4osition
or as a he1ia# 7or1u#a. The 4roo7 o7 enthusias1 an on#) 'e tested ') its 4ratia#
onseGuenes6 and eah individua# 1ust 4rove it 7or hi1se#7. I7 it sueeds in o'taining
resu#ts6 then it 4roves itse#7. DB) their
7ruits )e sha## "now the1.D Nothing I sa) 4roves an) Gua#it) o7 enthusias1. It is #i"e the wind6
)ou annot see or 4rove it6 'ut )ou an 7ee# and see its e77ets.

(nthusias1 s4rings 7ro1 order in the hu1an onsiousness6 and this an #arge#) 'e
ontro##ed and guided ') the individua#. To generate it6 eah individua# 1ust 7o##ow ertain
4rini4#es6 and in 1) own eC4eriene the 7o##owing ones have 4roved ver) va#ua'#e.

1. !:(!A:ATI<N

The 7irst 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is 4re4aration. The e#e1ents are #oaded with 7ores
to 1a"e e#etriit) and are instant#) avai#a'#e 7or onversion 'ut6 to onvert these 7ores6
4re4aration 1ust 'e 1ade. A 1agneti 7ie#d 1ust 'e set u46 and a d)na1o insta##ed to ut the
#ines o7 7ore. This 4re4aration instant#) onverts 4h)sia# 4ower into e#etria# energ) and
this generates e#etriit). This sa1e 4rini4#e is neessar) to generate enthusias1.
(nthusias1 is instant#) avai#a'#e at a## ti1es 'ut6 to generate it6 4re4aration 1ust 'e 1ade.
!re4aration is the at or 4roess o7 1a"ing it read) 7or use.

&isi4#ine is the 7irst reGuisite to 4re4aration. The 4h)sio#ogia# as4ets were overed rather
thorough#) in 9ha4ter -our on DHow to &ou'#e Your (nerg).D B) 7o##owing out the suggestions
out#ined in that ha4ter6 the 4h)sia# side o7 1an wi## 'e we## 7ed and we## treated6 and this wi##
4rodue su77iient energ) 7or the 'od) to 7untion with Aest and har1on).

<n the Te14#e o7 A4o##o at Ade#4hi are insri'ed two 0ree" words o7 wisdo1. Those words
are DMeden Agan=D trans#ated6 the) 1ean6 DNothing in (Cess6D whih is te14erane. The
hu1an 'od) is a #iGuid 1ass and is onstant#) renewing and read@usting itse#7 to its
environ1ent. When we## 7ed and we## treated6 nothing an har1 the 'od) 'ut a'use. A'use is
turning awa) 7ro1 the right use o7 things. (Cessive indu#gene 'eo1es a vie and
deteriorates the 'od)6 i14airs its 7u## and o14#ete 4er7or1ane and hinders its har1onious
7untion. (Cessive sti1u#ants and eCessive 7ood ause toCins6 whih 4oison the '#ood and
s#ow down the e77iien) o7 the 'od). The 'od) tor1ented with toCins and wea"ened with
eCessive indu#gene annot generate enthusias1.

B) 4ratiing the 4rini4#es as out#ined in DHow to &ou'#e Your (nerg)6D there is no oasion
7or an)thing in eCess. The 'od) wi## not overeat nor under heat6 and it ertain#) wi## have no
need 7or sti1u#ants o7 an) "ind. (ah da) 4ratie the 4rini4#es out#ined in> DHow to &ou'#e
Your (nerg)D and the 4h)sia# 1an wi## 7untion har1onious#) and e77iient#). This 4rodues
energ) and ins4ires ation. It generates enthusias1 and 4uts )ou on the @o' with 7u## stea1.

In the 7ie#d o7 ation )ou wi## 7ind other 4rini4#es to he#4 )our enthusias1.

*. A5, NU(5TI<N5

The seond 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> as" Guestions. Begin to as" Guestions. (ver)
Guestion has a hoo" on it6 and i7 )ou 4ut out enough hoo"s6 )ou wi## gather so1e va#ua'#e
in7or1ation and ideas. To assoiate and assi1i#ate this "now#edge in the #ight o7 )our own
eC4eriene generates enthusias1. As" )ourse#7 a## "inds o7 Guestions onerning )our a'i#it)6
)our ideas6 and )our 4rogress. Nuestion what )ou see6 hear6 read and stud). The on#) wa) to
7ind out the 7ats is to as" Guestions. -ats turn into "now#edge. ,now#edge turns into 7aith
and 4ower. This generates enthusias1.

(nthusias1 is athing. Nuestions not on#) generate enthusias1 in )ou6 'ut the) a#so
generate enthusias1 in others. I an 'est i##ustrate this 4oint ') re#ating a 4ersona#
eC4eriene. &uring 1) su11er vaation6 whi#e attending o##ege6 the 4ro4rietor o7 a s1a##-
town hote# as"ed 1e to 1anage it in his a'sene. The 7irst at o7 1) 1anage1ent was to as"
Guestions. I Guestioned ever) e14#o)ee 7ro1 the 'e## 'o) to the house"ee4er. I as"ed eah
one Guestions on how to i14rove the servies o7 the hote#. I insta##ed a Guestion and answer
'oC and gave out 4riAes. I treated ever) e14#o)ee as a unit o7 inte##igene6 and the servie
was i14roved over one hundred 4er ent. The 'us driver at the station6 instead o7 id#)
standing around waiting 7or usto1ers6 ou#d 'e heard 4ro#ai1ing in a digni7ied tone o7
voie> DMa"e Hote# A4eC )our ho1e whi#e here6 eCe##ent roo1s6 hot 'aths6 de#iious 7ood and
de#ight7u# surroundings.D

Under 1) 1anage1ent6 reogniAing a si14#e 4rini4#e to generate enthusias16 we were one
'ig 7a1i#)6 eager and wi##ing to he#4 eah other. (ven the guests 7e#t the g#ow and war1th o7
our enthusias1. The 'usiness o7 the hote# dou'#ed in three 1onths.

5o1e )ears ago in #ine with se##ing #i7e insurane ') te#e4hone6 I had another eC4eriene that
i##ustrates the va#ue o7 Guestions to generate enthusias1. I a##ed a 1anu7aturer who1 I had
never seen on the te#e4hone. A7ter 4resenting 1) sa#es 4#an6 his reation was> DI a1 not
interested in #i7e insurane6 and I thin" )ou wou#d 'e wasting )our ti1e to ta#" to 1e a'out it.D
At that 4oint I had no 1ore to sa) a'out #i7e insurane6 'ut I turned on the Guestion 'oC. I
as"ed hi1 how 'usiness was6 and how he 7e#t a'out things in genera#. This started the 7#ow o7
enthusias1. He was anCious to ta#". In the ourse o7 his re1ar"s6 he to#d 1e that his
o14an) had reent#) 'ui#t a new addition to the 4#ant at a ost o7 I+o6 ooo. I as"ed hi1 i7
the) had a 1ortgage against the 4#ant 'ui#ding and he to#d 1e that the o14an) had a
1ortgage o7 I206000. B) this ti1e 1) own enthusias1 was 'oi#ing. I 7e#t an o44ortunit) to 'e
o7 genuine servie. I 7ee#ing#) re1ar"ed> DYour o14an)6 Mr. Manu7aturer6 4ossi'#) wou#d 'e
interested in a 4#an o7 insurane that wou#d #iGuidate and 4rotet that 1ortgage a## at the sa1e
ti1e.D DWhat do )ou 1ean?D6 Mr. Manu7aturer said6 raising his voie. DI si14#) 1ean this6 Mr.
Manu7aturer6 that i7 )ou an 4ass a 4h)sia# eCa1ination I wi## wor" out suh a 4#an 7or )ou.D
He was eCa1ined and I 4#aed a I206000 ten-)ear endow1ent 4o#i) on his #i7e6 whih
guaranteed to 4a) o77 the 1ortgage at the end o7 ten )ears6 or at an) ti1e 'e7ore i7 Mr.
Manu7aturer shou#d 4ass awa)6 thus 4roteting and #iGuidating the 1ortgage at the sa1e

It a## started 7ro1 a Guestion.

I thin" it was the #ate 9har#es 5hwa' who said> DI onsider 1) a'i#it) to arouse enthusias1
a1ong the 1en the greatest asset I 4ossess6 and the wa) to deve#o4 the 'est in a 1an is to
as" hi1 Guestions a'out his wor". This enourages hi1 and de1onstrates 1) a44reiation.D

As" enough Guestions and )ou wi## 7ind the answer. As"ing Guestions starts an end#ess hain
o7 ideas6 eah one suggesting severa# others. Most inventions and i14rove1ents are the
resu#t o7 Guestions. 5o1eone wanted to "now the answer.

9har#es -. ,ettering6 vie 4resident o7 0enera# Motors6 ') as"ing Guestions6 generated
enthusias1 to 4rodue a 4aint that wou#d dr) on an auto1o'i#e in one da) instead o7
seventeen da)s6 thus inreasing 4rodution 7ro1 two thousand to 7i7teen thousand ars 4er

I have a#wa)s Guestioned 1) a'i#it)6 1) 4rogress6 1) 4roess o7 reasoning and it has 'een
one o7 the greatest 7ores to generate enthusias1 7or i14rove1ent. It is a 4ratia# 1eans o7
se#7-ana#)sis6 ta"ing things a4art without distur'ing their 4resent status6 and a77ords an
eCe##ent 1eans to 4er7et those things. As )our "now#edge inreases6 )our vision 'roadens6
)our i1agination Gui"ens6 and these generate enthusias1. As :ud)ard ,i4#ing said>

I "ee4 siC honest serving 1en

The) taught 1e a## I "now=

Their na1es are What and Wh) and When6

And How and Where and Who.

In as"ing Guestions a#wa)s tr) to 'e sinere. As" Guestions straight 7ro1 the shou#der.
5u'ter7uge and a1ou7#age are on#) tri"s to 'ri'e a 1an into sa)ing )es6 and the) do not
4a). !eo4#e are not du1'6 The) are o4en-1inded and onsiderate. Treat the1 as a unit o7
inte##igene. 5inere Guestions stir u4 ideas6 arouse res4onse6 sti1u#ate interest6 reate a
desire6 and give )ou the inside tra" on how to do #ings. The) generate enthusias1.


The third 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> 0et the right attitude. Attitude is to stud) with a
4urhase. It is getting the right s#ant on the thing )ou are doing6 or the thing )ou want to do. I
was eduated as

#aw)er 'ut I deided to engage in the 7ie#d o7 se##ing. This hanged 1) attitude6 'ut not 1)

With this hange o7 attitude6 I 'egan to a44#) 1) a'i#it) to se##ing. In the 7ie#d o7 se##ing I 'egan
to ana#)Ae hu1an 1otives6 and to unover the ause that 1ade 4eo4#e at. 5e##ing too" on a
new 1eaning. I disovered that it was a de7inite siene o1'ined with a 4ratia# art.
5iene taught 1e what to do and art taught 1e how to do it. I soon rea#iAed that a 4ro7ession
was 4ratiing so1ething that was6 whi#e se##ing was reating a sa#e that was not. With this
new6 a'sor'ing6 eChi#arating6 ins4irationa# idea 4#anted into 1) own onsiousness6 I entered
the 7ie#d o7 se##ing with a new Aest. I #i"ed the idea o7 reating6 deve#o4ing and eC4anding
ideas to he#4 others. It gave 1e the s4irit to se##. I wanted to se##. I did se##. This attitude
generates enthusias1.

The 4er7etion o7 an) 'usiness6 art or ra7t is deter1ined ') attitude. The right attitude toward
)our @o' ta4s a hidden reservoir o7 "now#edge and eC4eriene6 and 4uts to wor" ever)
avai#a'#e 7ore to aid )ou in the ao14#ish1ent o7 )our goa#.

The attitude an 'e i14roved ') reading good 'oo"s. 0ood 'oo"s are the 7oundation stones
o7 ivi#iAation. Tr) to onentrate a 7ew 1inutes eah da) on so1e good 'oo". It wi## en#arge
)our a4ait) to understand. It wi## i14rove )our attitude toward )our 4resent ou4ation. It
wi## ins4ire )ou to #ove )our 4resent wor". It wi## generate enthusias1.

54ea"ing o7 studies to he#4 i14rove )our attitude6 read this 7ro1 BaonBs D(ssa) on 5tudiesD>

D5tudies serve 7or de#ight6 7or orna1ent and 7or a'i#it). Their hie7 use 7or de#ight is in
4rivateness and retiring= 7or orna1ent is in disourse and 7or a'i#it) is the @udg1ent and
dis4osition o7 'usiness.

:ead not to ontradit and on7ute= 'ut to weigh and onsider. :eading 1a"eth a 7u## 1an=
on7erene a read) 1an= and writing an eCat 1an. And6 there7ore6 i7 a 1an write #itt#e6 he had
need have a great 1e1or)= i7 he on7er6 he had need have 1uh unning to see1 to "now
that he doth not. Histories 1a"e 1en wise= 4oets 1a"e 1en witt)= 1athe1atis 1a"e 1en
su't#e= natura# 4hi#oso4h) 1a"es 1en dee4= 1ora# 4hi#oso4h) 1a"es 1en grave= #ogi and
rhetori 1a"e 1en a'#e to ontend. Na)6 there is no 4ro'#e16 no ondition6 no i14edi1ent o7
the wit 'ut 1a) 'e wrought ') 7it studies.D

4. !U88IN0 T<0(TH(:

The 7ourth 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1> !u## together.

&o not segregate. &o not hi'ernate. &o not 4rorastinate. &o not hesitate. But ') a## 1eans
integrate. !u## )ourse#7 together.

Ho#d a 1agni7)ing g#ass in the sun and see how Gui"#) the ra)s wi## 'urn a ho#e in 4a4er.
9onentration o7 the ra)s is the answer.

To do an) @o' we## reGuires onentration o7 thought. 9onentrate and 4a) strit attention to
what )ou are doing. A o14#ete integration o7 )our 1enta# attri'utes 4rodues eGui#i'riu16
'a#ane and 4oise. The) give )ou the 4ower to 4er7or1 with e77iien). The a'i#it) is
s)nhroniAed into a o14#ete orhestration6 and the @o' is done with 4#easure.

!ee#ing 4otatoes6 she##ing 4eas6 4i"ing '#a"'erries6 1owing the #awn6 4#owing the 7ie#d6
digging a dith6 1a"ing 'isuit6 driving an auto1o'i#e6 se##ing ') te#e4hone6 running
or4orations6 ana#)Aing a- ounts6 auditing 'oo"s6 reading 'oo"s6 4#eading a ase6 4reahing
a ser1on6 4resenting a 4#an6 writing a 'oo"6 or doing an)thing e#se an 'e done e77iient#) ')
onsious attention. (ver) ou4ation has interest. !ut )ourse#7 into it. !u## together. The
satis7ation o7 a @o' we## done generates enthusias1.

The other evening the oo" was out. A 7riend a1e to a## a'out dinner ti1e. I #ove to oo".
5he #oves to eat. The su'@et oK hot 'isuits was 1entioned. A ou4#e o7 1inutes #ater she
said> DI thought we were going to have hot 'isuits?D I to#d her the 'isuits were in the oven
'a"ing. 5he ou#d not 'e#ieve that I had 1ade hot 'isuits so Gui"#). 5trit attention to the @o'
wi## 1a"e 'isuits or do an)thing e#se.

<asiona##) I ondut a 5a#es 9#ini here at the Be##evue-5trat7ord Hote# in !hi#ade#4hia.
Men o1e to these 5a#es 9#inis 7ro1 a## over the ountr)6 even as 7ar west as 9a#i7ornia.
The) do not o1e to see 1e6 'ut to share the ideas revea#ed through 1e. At the #ast 5a#es
9#ini6 I started to revea# ideas at + oB#o" in the evening and at 11>.0 oB#o" the 9#ini
ad@ourned. No one see1ed tired and 1ost o7 those 4resent said that it see1ed on#) a ver)
short whi#e. The seret o7 this 4er7or1ane was enthusias1. It was a o14#ete integration o7
ideas har1onious#) eC- 4ressed and reeived ') a## 4resent. There see1ed to eCist a
o14#ete s)nhroniAation o7 ideas. It wou#d 'e i14ossi'#e 7or 1e to interest a grou4 o7 4eo4#e
7or three and one-ha#7 hours un#ess there eCisted a onord o7 har1onious thought6
engendered ') enthusias1.

9onentrate and 4u## )our 7ores together. It turns wor" into a ho''). 8aAiness6 indo#ene6
indi77erene and stu4idit) give wa) to a#ertness6 earnestness6 ativit) and e77iien). In@et
)ourse#7 into the @o'6 #ose )ourse#7 in what )ou are doing6 and )ou wi## not 'e onsious o7 ti1e
or e77ort. A44arent#) this is what ha44ened to 1e at the #ast 5a#es 9#ini. I was onsious o7
neither ti1e nor e77ort. I #i"e to thin" o7 enthusias1 as the 54irit o7 0od ta"ing over6 '#ending
ever)thing into a "indred 7ee#ing o7 understanding. It generates enthusias1.

2. 8oo" in

The 7i7th 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1> 8oo" in.

Aristot#e said> DWe are the 7rag1ents o7 what 1an 1ight 'e.D Man is in#ined to onte14#ate
hi1se#7 through g#asses o#ored ') dotrines6 reeds6 'e#ie7s6 su4erstitions and i##usions.
5o1e o7 these o#d shi''o#eths eCert a 1ight) in7#uene and are in#ined to ho#d 1an in
su'@etion. Ana#)Ae these things and ta"e the 'est 4arts o7 the1 7or )our own en#ighten1ent.
&o not 'e a s#ave to an) o7 the1. Throw a## eCess 'aggage over'oard. Brea" an) hains that
ho#d )ou. (ndeavor to get a true 4iture o7 )ourse#7 and eva#uate and a44raise )ourse#7 in the
#ight o7 )our own inte##igene. You wi## rea#iAe )our own o14#eteness and )our a'i#it) to

You ta"e a atharti now and then to 4urge )ou 4h)sia##). Wh) not ta"e a good dose o7
intros4etion now and then to 4urge )ou 1enta##)? 8oo" in on )ourse#76 and 4urge )our
onsiousness o7 a## i14urities. The) disru4t har1on) and unit) and hinder enthusias1. A
good 1enta# 4urge en#arges )our horiAon6 and a77ords )ou an o44ortunit) to uti#iAe )our
"now#edge and 4ower. It he#4s )ou to get rid o7 7rustration6 disord and )ou get the 7u## 4ower
o7 )our a'i#it).

8oo" in ever) now and then. 8oo" at )ourse#7 and )our ats in the #ight o7 reason. It is there to
guide and diret )ou. B) #oo"ing in )ou wi## 7ind the inner 1an6 the 1aster 1ind and the
soure o7 enthusias1. :e1e1'er that reason is the seat o7 @udg1ent and gives )ou a'so#ute
do1inion over )our thoughts. Use it6 and )ou generate enthusias1.

/. 98(A: 9<N9(!TI<N

The siCth 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is6 0et a #ear one4tion. 9one4tion o1es 7ro1
the 8atin words DonD and Da4ere6D whih 1ean Dto seiAeD or Dta"e.D To 7or1 the 4ro4er
one4tion6 either o7 a 1ateria# or an i11ateria# 4ro4osition6 is to ta"e into oneBs 1ind a## o7 its
o14onent 4arts. It is to gras4 with 7u## inte##igene6 and to indu#ge in re7#etive thought to 7or1
or devise ideas6 to understand the 1eaning o7 words6 to inter4ret s)1'o#s6 and to reate a
sienti7i 4#an o7 ation.

(dward 0i''on6 a 7a1ous (ng#ish historian who wrote The &e#ine and -a## o7 the :o1an
(14ire6 had this to sa)> DIt was a1ong the ruins o7 the 9a4ito# that a one4tion gave 1e an
idea o7 a wor" whih has a1used and eCerised near twent) )ears o7 1) #i7e.D <ne a #ear
one4tion is 7or1ed6 interest and a1use1ent 'egin and this generates enthusias1.

A new one4tion o7 se##ing ena'#ed 1e to redue se##ing to a siene. I 4roved ') eC4eriene
that se##ing an) 4rodut or servie ou#d 'e o'tained suess7u##) ') 4utting into o4eration the
8aw o7 Averages. I a#so de1onstrated that the 1ost sienti7i wa) "nown to 4ut the 8aw o7
Averages in o4eration was ') using the te#e4hone. 5e##ing on this 4rini4#e ena'#ed 1e to se##
ten 1i##ion do##arsB worth o7 #i7e insurane ') te#e4hone. This 4er7or1ane was a new
one4tion o7 an o#d idea. It generates enthusias1. Tr) to get a #ear one4tion o7 )our
ou4ation. You wi## 'e sur4rised at its 4ossi'i#ities and o44ortunities. The) wi## start#e )ou.
The) wi## arouse )ou. The) wi## enthuse )ou.

In a 4reeding ha4ter6 DThe ,e) to a -ortune6D the 4ur4ose was to enter the attention and to
arouse )our interest in the su'@et o7 words. To 7or1 the right one4tion o7 a word is to get its
orret and o14#ete 1eaning. 5o1eone has advaned the theor) o7 se1antis. This is the
stud) o7 the true one4tion o7 words6 and is advaned as the 4ro4er 1eans o7 'ringing a'out
understanding and 4eae in the wor#d. A true one4tion o7 words teahes us to understand6
and through understanding a## things are 4ossi'#e. It generates enthusias1.

$. :(T:<5!(9TI<N

The seventh 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is retros4etion. :etros4etion o1es 7ro1 two
8atin words6 DretroD 1eans D'a"6D and Ds4eereD 1eans Dto #oo".D It is the at6 4ower or 1ood
o7 reo##eting the 4ast. It is a review o7 eC4erienes6 and the eCa1ination o7 4ast events. To
#oo" 'a" in thought o7ten ins4ires us to #oo" 7orward with ho4e. A review o7 4ast
4er7or1anes ena'#es us to he" u4 on our eC4erienes6 to unover our disre4anies6
a44raise our 4rogress6 overo1e our 7au#ts6 1end our wa)s6 and re4air our de7iienies.

A## 'usiness houses insta## a s)ste1 o7 aounting whih oordinates a## de4art1ents o7 the
'usiness into a o14osite who#e. A## transations are 1inute#) detai#ed and reorded. This is
a Gui"6 visi'#e 1eans to deter1ine the status o7 o4eration. (ah de4art1ent o7 the 'usiness
is he"ed in re#ationshi4 to the who#e unit. (ver) 7ew 1onths an audit is 1ade and eah
de4art1ent is he"ed and o14ared to other de4art1ents. A 'a#ane is stru". A 'usiness
house o4erating under this s)ste1 an easi#) deter1ine 4rogress or 7ai#ure. Through
retros4etion 1an) 'usinesses are saved 7ro1 7ai#ure and 4rogress is 1ade.

The sa1e 4rini4#e o7 retros4etion a44#ies to an individua#. Ta"ing ti1e o77 to #oo" 'a" into
)our eC4erienes and eCa1ine )our 4ast 4er7or1anes ena'#es )ou to ana#)Ae and i14rove
the1. You an deve#o4 and reate a 1ore sienti7i 4#an on whih to o4erate. To eva#uate
)our eC4eriene and visua#iAe it in on@untion with )our a'i#it) is a su't#e and 4ratia# 1eans
to generate enthusias1. The 4re4aration o7 this 'oo" has 'een one o7 retros4etion and eah
ha4ter was an inentive to generate enthusias1 7or the neCt.

In I !eter L4>11M we read6 DI7 an) 1an 1inister6 #et hi1 do it as o7 the a'i#it) whih 0od giveth.D
A 4ersonBs ou4ation is a 1inistr). It is rendering a servie to others. It is 1a"ing a
ontri'ution toward the o14#etion o7 so1ething. The 4er7etion o7 a servie in its detai#ed
4er7or1ane is great#) enhaned through retros4etion. It on7or1s to the a'i#it) whih 0od
giveth and ena'#es )ou to eC4ress 4atiene6 di#igene6 sinerit)6 a#ertness and "indness to
ever) dut). It esta'#ishes a 'roader range o7 thought6 a higher rea#1 o7 insight and
4ers4iait). It 1a"es )ou 1ore a#ert to dut)6 1ore onsiderate to )our 7e##ow wor"ers6 1ore
@ust to those who wor" 7or )ou6 and 1ore #o)a# in )our attitude to )our e14#o)er.
:etros4etion he#4s to hasten the D'#essings o7 the a'i#it) whih 0od giveth?D

:etros4etion is a sienti7i a44roah to eva#uate 4ast 4er7or1anes and reords6 and to #a)
a so#id 7oundation on whih to 'ui#d 7uture 4#ans. :etros4etion in ation generates

(nthusias1 has 'een de7ined. The 5even !rini4#es showing how to generate it have 'een
enu1erated. 0o 'a" and read thorough#) eah 4rini4#e6 and get it we## esta'#ished in )our
1ind. These 4rini4#es are vo#ts o7 4ower with whih to generate enthusias1. Your a'i#it) to
'e e77etive and 7ore7u# 1ust 'e in7#a1ed with enthusias1. As a review6 I wi## enu1erate
these 5even !rini4#es>

-irst> The 7irst 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> !re4aration.

5eond> The seond 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> To As" Nuestions.

Third> The third 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> 0et the !ro4er Attitude.

-ourth> The 7ourth 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> !u## together.

-i7th> The 7i7th 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> 8oo" in.

5iCth> The siCth 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> 0et a 9#ear 9one4tion.

5eventh> The seventh 4rini4#e to generate enthusias1 is> :etros4etion.

It is not 4utting in hours6 'ut 4utting )ourse#7 into the hours that wins 4ro1otion6 earns 1ore
1one)6 4rei4itates an inrease in sa#ar) and gets )ou ahead. D!rorastination is the thie7 o7
ti1e.D !ost4one1ent and indeision are #arge#) owing to #a" o7 enthusias1. Begin now to 4ut
the seven 4rini4#es into ation to generate enthusias1. You have 1an) inentives and urges
to do things. You have an au1u#ation o7 un7i##ed ho4es and desires6 and the on#) wa) to 4ut
the1 into ation is to generate enthusias1 and 'egin. DIndeision 'rings its own de#a)s. And
da)s are #ost #a1enting oBer #ost da)s. Are )ou in earnest? 5eiAe this ver) 1inute. What )ou
an do6 or drea16 )ou an do--'egin it. Bo#dness has genius6 4ower and 1agi in it. <n#)
engage6 then 1ind grows heated and the wor" wi## 'e o14#eted.D

The #aw o7 nature is> D&o the thing and )ou sha## have the 4ower.D There7ore6 whatever )ou
want to do6 'egin it. <ne )ou 'egin to generate enthusias16 )ou wi## have a## the vi16 vigor6
vita#it)6 4ower and 7ore that )ou need to "ee4 it u4. Tr) it. You wi## get resu#ts. Your suess
and 4rogress wi## not on#) 'e 7asinating and sti1u#ating6 'ut it wi## 'e 'e)ond )our own

(nthusias1 is one o7 )our greatest assets. It is 'etter than 1one)6 4ower or in7#uene--with
enthusias1 )ou 'eo1e the 1aster o7 these. (nthusias1 over- o1es a## 4re@udie and
o44osition and engu#7s a## o'sta#es. 9o1'ine enthusias1 with 7aith and initiative6 and )ou
an 1ove 1ountains and ahieve resu#ts unheard o7.

To generate e#etriit) osts 1one) and 4ower o14anies do not waste it. In 7at6 ever)
4reaution is used to onserve it. It is worth 1one)6 so is enthusias1. &o not waste it.
:e1e1'er DMeden AganD --DNothing in (Cess.D This a44#ies to enthusias1. 9ontro#6 hanne#
and diret it with wisdo16 @udg1ent6 and o11on sense. Hesus said> D&o not ast )our 4ear#s
'e7ore swine.D This is on#) another wa) o7 sa)ing6 do not waste )our energ) and enthusias1
on worth#ess things. Being the D#i7eD o7 the 4art) the night 'e7ore 1a) 1a"e a wet '#an"et out
o7 )ou the neCt da).

(nthusias1 used with wisdo1 and disretion ins4ires on7idene and 1a"es 4eo4#e 'e#ieve
in )ou6 wor" with )ou and #ove )ou. It wi## 1a"e what )ou are doing6 or what )ou are se##ing6
'e it )ourse#7 or ideas6 s4ea" with d)na1i authorit) and ring with the s4irit o7 sinerit). It wi##
turn )our a'i#it) into ash.

The 7au#t6 dear Brutus6 is not in our stars6 But in ourse#ves6 that we are under#ings.
2ant to kno- ho- to )3A4 ANY'N35( &N4... Astral Travel... 6re#ict the 7uture...
Heal Animals... (en# 16-&ail1... an# mprove your (e0 *ife8
!lick "ere To -nleash Your )uper."uman (owers
5o1e )ears ago I was instru1enta# in sending out a Guestionnaire to severa# hundred #eading
4eo4#e throughout the ountr)6 whose ativities overed ever) 4hase o7 hu1an endeavor. The
Guestionnaire si14#) as"ed> DWhat do )ou onsider the 1ost interesting thing in the wor#d?D
The answers reeived were as di77erent as the) were interesting. 5o1e said #i7e= so1e said
#ove= so1e said nature= so1e said re#igion= so1e said art= so1e said su#4ture= so1e said
eduation= so1e said siene6 and so1e said 'usiness. 5o1e said one thing and so1e said
another. A## were right in a wa).

The 1ost interesting thing in the wor#d is You. It is on#) 4ro4er and 7itting to 4ause a 1o1ent
and a44raise You ') giving a 7ew esti1ations that 1a) ins4ire )ou to greater ahieve1ent.
5e#do1 do )ou a44reiate what )ou are or what )ou are a4a'#e o7 doing. It 1ust o1e 7ro1
so1e outside soure. You ta"e )ourse#7 too 1uh as a 1atter o7 7at. You have not ta"en ti1e
to ta"e sto" o7 )ourse#76 to ana#)Ae )our a4aities6 to rea#iAe 7u##) )our strength and 4ower6
and rea##) to disover what a wonder7u# reature )ou are6 nor to unover the #atent 7ores and
a'i#ities )ou 4ossess. You 7orget that> DYe are the sa#t o7 the earth.D DYe are the 8ight o7 the
Wor#d.D You 7orget that )ou are the 1ost wonder7u# thing that 0od ever reated. You 7ai# to
re1e1'er that Mind and its ideas have do1inion over the earth and a## things in it6 1a"ing
)ou the Master. You 1ust 'e re1inded that it is You who an thin"6 who an o14rehend6
who an o-ordinate6 who an ana#)Ae and visua#iAe6 who an i1agine and dra1atiAe6 and
see a o14#eted thing 7ro1 the '#ue 4rint. You 1ere#) ta"e as a 1atter o7 ourse that it is You
who invent6 disover and 'ui#d the 1arve#ous things around )ou. It is You who harnesses the
7ores o7 nature and turns those 7ores into #ight6 4ower and heat6 to 1a"e the wor#d
o17orta'#e. It is You who an 1iC ideas with natura# resoures and turn the1 into eono1i
va#ues6 to 'e en@o)ed ') a##. It is You who have the 7aith6 the vision6 the deter1ination and the
ourage to turn )our a'i#it) into ash6 and to 4#ant ideas that wi## not on#) enrih )our #i7e 'ut
a#so that wi## 1a"e A1eria a 'etter nation--a 'etter 4#ae in whih to #ive.

You #ose sight o7 )ourse#7 through the 1ass o7 things )ou reate. You get #ost a1ong )our own
things. You 1ust o1e out in the o4en and 1a"e )ourse#7 "nown.

There is an o#d Hindu #egend that at one ti1e a## 1en on earth were gods. Man sinned6
a'used his 4rivi#ege and destro)ed his right to en@o) his &ivine

Heritage. The Brah1a 0od6 the 0od o7 a## 0ods6 deided to re1ove the 0od-head 7ro1 1an.
He was ver) 1uh 4uAA#ed as to what to do with it. He wanted to hide it where 1an hi1se#7
wou#d 'e un- a'#e to 7ind it. :ather than assu1e this great res4onsi'i#it)6 the Brah1a 0od
deided to a## a 1eeting o7 a## the other 0ods to he#4 hi1 deide where
to hide 1anBs 0od-head.

The 0od o7 Isaa6 0od o7 Hao'6 0od o7 A'raha16 0od o7 Truth6 0od o7 54irit6 0od o7 5ou#6
0od o7 8ove6 0od o7 !rini4#e6 0od o7 !eae6 0od o7 Wisdo16 and a## the other 0ods 1et in a
great on#ave to 1a"e this deision.

The Brah1a 0od as"ed 7or suggestions. <ne 0od suggested that the 0od-head 'e re1oved
7ro1 1an and 4#aed on the highest 1ountain 4ea". The Brah1a 0od said> DNo6 do not hide
it there. Man wi## #i1' the 1ountains and he wi## san its highest 4ea"s and 7ind it.D

Another 0od suggested that the 0od-head 'e 'uried down dee4 in the ground. The Brah1a
0od said> DNo6 do not hide it in the ground. Man wi## dig in the ground searhing 7or go#d6
si#ver and other 4reious 1eta#s6 and there he wi## 7ind it.D

Another 0od suggested that the) sin" it in the dee4est 4art o7 the oean. The Brah1a 0od
said> DNo6 do not hide it in the 'otto1 o7 the oean. Man wi## dive and searh out the 'otto1 o7
the seas and there he wi## 7ind it.D

-ina##)6 the 0od o7 Wisdo1 said> DThen6 #et us hide the 0odhead down in Man hi1se#7.D DYes6D
the Brah1a 0od said6 Dwe wi## hide it there6 'eause Man wi## never thin" to #oo" 7or it within

5o the 0od-head has 'een hidden in Man ever sine. It is sti## there. Most 1en are onstant#)
digging6 #i1'ing6 searhing6 #oo"ing 7or it ever)where 'ut the right 4#ae. The) are tr)ing to
7ind it 7ro1 without.

Turn within6 and there )ou wi## 7ind )our 0odhead. The 1o1ent )ou 7ind it )ou wi## o1e to a
onsious rea#iAation o7 this great reative 7ore with- in )ou. That great 7ore6 that unta44ed
4ower6 that d)na1i so1ething6 that unonGuera'#e sou# within )ou is )earning 7or
eC4ression. It is as"ing 7or reognition. It is 'egging 7or an o44ortunit) to #i7t )ou u4 and aid
)ou to greater ahieve1ents. This great reative 7ore within )ou is an i14risoned giant whih
when un#eashed an arr) )ou on to a suess undrea1ed o7.

DThe s1artest 1an in the wor#d is the 1an inside )ou6D said &r. -ran" 9rane. DB) that other
1an inside )ou--I 1ean that <ther Man within eah one o7 us that does 1ost o7 the things we
give ourse#ves redit 7or doing.D

The Boer 7ar1er so#d his 7ar1 at ,i1'er#e)6 5outh A7ria6 'eause he ou#d not 1a"e a #iving
on it. That 7ar1 toda) is the site o7 the ,i1'er#e) dia1ond 1ines6 one o7 the rihest s4ots on
the 7ae o7 the g#o'e. &r. :usse## H. 9onwe## te##s a si1i#ar stor) in DAres o7 &ia1onds.D The
stor) is a'out a !enns)#vania 7ar1er who so#d his 7ar1 to @oin his 'rother who had stru"6 oi#
in 9anada. The new owner6 in #oo"ing over the 7ar16 7ound that where the att#e a1e to drin"
7ro1 a #itt#e ree"6 a heav) su1 was washed down ') the rains 7ro1 the ground a'ove. The
su1 was eCa1ined and 7ound to ontain oi#. That 7ar1 turned into <i# 9it)6 !enns)#vania6
one o7 the rihest oi# enters in the wor#d.

You 1a) 'e #i"e one o7 these 7ar1ers. You 1a) 'e #oo"ing 7or riher 7ie#ds e#sewhere when
those rihes are right within )ou.

The 1ost undeve#o4ed 7ie#d in this ountr)6 the rihest 1ine that )ou wi## ever "now an)thing
a'out6 #ies right under )our hat--right a'ove )our o##ar. At this ver) 1o1ent this great 1ine is
waiting 7or )ou to deve#o4 it. What it wi## )ie#d6 what it wi## 4rodue6 no'od) "nows6 not even
)ou. You wi## never "now the un#i1ited resoures at )our o11and unti# )ou 'egin to dig into
the1. B) searhing )ou wi## disover hidden 4owers and #atent a'i#ities that )ou never thought
eCisted. B) digging )ou wi## unover droughts and ideas that wi## not on#) enrih )our
4o"et'oo"6 'ut a#so that wi## 7i## )our #i7e with a 7u##er and dee4er a44reiation. B) si7ting6 )ou
wi## see an in7inite variet) o7 o44ortunities. A new wor#d with unto#d wea#th wi## 'e revea#ed to
)ou. Things that )ou never drea1ed o7. You wi## have a 7u##er6 riher and 1ore 'eauti7u# #i7e.

HuC#e) one wrote to ,ings#e)> DThe 1ost sared da) in a 1anBs #i7e is when he an 'e#ieve in
so1ething.D D-aith is reason grown ourageous6 a## 4rogress and a## siene are the resu#t o7

You an have 7aith in so1e su4erstition. You an 'e#ieve in #u". You an have on7idene in
so1e outside #eadershi4. But the greatest 7aith is to 'e#ieve in the great 0od within )ou.

D,now )e not that )e are the Te14#e o7 0od6 and that the 54rit o7 0od dwe##eth in )ou.D

Be7ore he 4assed awa)6 so1eone as"ed the #ate &r. 9har#es !. 5tein1etA6 the e#etria#
wiAard6 in his o4inion6 DWhat 'ranh o7 siene wou#d 1a"e the 1ost 4rogress in the neCt
twent)-7ive )ears?D He shrugged his shou#ders6 "nitted his 'row6 4ut his hand on his head and
thought 7or severa# 1inutes6 then #i"e a 7#ash re4#ied> D54iritua# :ea#iAation. When 1an o1es
to a onsious vita# rea#iAation o7 those great s4iritua# 7ores within hi1se#7 and 'egins to use
those 7ores in siene6 in 'usiness6 and in #i7e6 his 4rogress in the 7uture wi## 'e un4ara##e#ed.D

It was drawing on this great reative 7ore6 this great invisi'#e s4irit within that turned Hohn &.
:o"e7e##er 7ro1 a ho##ow-hested 'oo""ee4er into the rihest 1an in the wor#d. It was this
7ore that turned Andrew 9arnegie 7ro1 a ten-do##ar-a-wee" 'o''in 'o) to the stee# "ing o7
A1eria. It was this sa1e 7ore that turned a 4un) or4ora# into the wor#dBs greatest genera#--
Na4o#eon Bona4arte.

This great reative and s4iritua# 7ore within )ou is greater than 7aith6 greater than
deter1ination6 greater than vision6 greater than a1'ition6 greater than on7idene. It is a##
these o1'ined and 1ore. It is the ver) essene and su'stane o7 what )ou are. It is that
indestruti'#e 4ower within. It is that d)na1i hidden so1ething in )our sou#. B) drawing on it6
') using it6 ') a44#)ing it in turning )our a'i#it) into ash6 )ou wi## dou'#e )our 4resent in-
o1e and have an)thing )our heart desires.

&evote a ertain nu1'er o7 hours eah wee" to stud). Ta"e ti1e to de#i'erate and 1editate.
Ta"e ti1e out to read and re7#et. :eading good 'oo"s inreases )our understanding and
he#4s )ou to eC4ress what other 4eo4#e are thin"ing. In doing this )ou are a'#e to in7#uene
the1 to do the things )ou want the1 to do.

The 4ower and 7ore o7 Bou#der &a1 #ies in the 'a"ground or the tons o7 water stored u4 in
it. (ver) tur'ine whee# has the 7u## 7ore and 4ower o7 a## the water stored u4 in that da1.

Your 4ower and 7ore is the 'a"ground o7 what )ou read6 thin"6 7ee# and rea##) are. <ne )ou
draw on this ineChausti'#e reservoir6 one )ou 'egin to use on#) a s1a## 4art o7 its stored-u4
7ore6 )our 4rogress wi## 'e un4ara##e#ed.

This great s4iritua# and reative 7ore within an transend ever) adversit)6 overo1e ever)
di77iu#t)6 sur1ount ever) 4ro'#e16 unrave# ever) situation and so#ve ever) ondition and
1a"e )ou a verita'#e d)na1o o7 4ower and endurane. This 7ore within wi## trans7er
i14otene into 4ower and ation. It wi## turn wea"ness6 indi77erene and su77ering into hea#th
and strength. It wi## turn 1ediorit) into su4eriorit). This 7ore wi## teah )ou how to a44#) the
great 4rini4#e whih Hesus a1e into the wor#d to teah 1en>

DTo have #i7e and have it 1ore a'undant#).D To have it right here now in this g#orious 4resent.

This great reative 7ore is within )ou right now6 right where )ou are6 read) to wor" 7or )ou.
!ut it in ation6 and use )our a'i#it) to he#4 )ou turn it into ash.
+isco(er How This )u!e An! Arrogant ,er# &ets Anything He -ants
!lick "ere To #ind $ut
There are three se4arate de4art1ents o7 the United 5tates 0overn1ent.

-irst> 8egis#ative &e4art1ent. 5eond> Hudiia# &e4art1ent. Third> (Ceutive &e4art1ent.

-irst> The 8egis#ative &e4art1ent. The 7untion o7 this de4art1ent is to 4re4are 'i##s 7or
#egis#ation. A7ter de'ate and onsideration6 the 'i##s 4ro4osed are either 4assed u4on or
she#ved. Those 4assed u4on 'eo1e #aws.

5eond> The Hudiia# &e4art1ent. The 7untion o7 this de4art1ent is to render @udg1ent and
to deter1ine the va#idit) o7 an) #aw 4assed ') the 8egis#ative &e4art1ent. Is the #aw in
har1on) with the 9onstitution? &oes it on7or1? &oes it 1eet a need? These are Guestions
whih the Hudiia# &e4art1ent 1a) as" onerning an) #aw. The Hudiia# &e4art1ent an
de#are an) #aw 4assed ') the 8egis#ative &e4art1ent nu## and void.

Third> The (Ceutive &e4art1ent. The 7untion o7 this de4art1ent is to eCeute6 and to 4ut
into ation a## #aws that have 'een 4assed u4on ') the 8egis#ative &e4art1ent6 and that have
not 'een disa44roved ') the Hudiia# &e4art1ent. The (Ceutive &e4art1ent 1a"es the #aw
a rea#it).

There are three se4arate &e4art1ents o7 the Mind whih dea# with ideas. The 7untion o7
these Three &e4art1ents o7 the Mind 'ears a stri"ing si1i#arit) to the three &e4art1ents o7
the 0overn1ent.

-irst> The (1otion is the 8egis#ative &e4art1ent o7 the Mind. (1otion o1es 7ro1 the 8atin
word De1overe6D whih 1eans to D1ove out.D It is a vi'rator) thought 1oving out o7 the 1ind6
whih is attrated ') an outside in7#uene eC4ressed or 1ani7ested either in another idea6
suggestion6 s)1'o# or thing. It is to 'e aware o7 so1ething instintive#) or inte##etua##). The
(1otion is the antenna o7 the Mind radiating and e1itting thoughts into s4ae6 and a#so
reeiving the1 7ro1 s4ae. A## ideas6 thoughts6 suggestions or i14u#ses that o1e to the
Mind are reeived ') the wa) o7 the (1otion. An idea o7 Gua#it) and 1erit is given
onsideration and 4assed u4on ') the (1otion6 whih is the 8egis#ative &e4art1ent o7 the

5eond> The Hudg1ent is the Hudiia# &e4art1ent o7 the Mind. Hudg1ent is the at o7 @udging
the o4eration o7 the Mind6 invo#ving o14arison and dis- ri1ination ') whih "now#edge o7
va#ues and re#ations are 1enta##) 7or1u#ated. To ana#)Ae6 to reason6 to inter4ret and to
disern is the 4ower o7 the Hudg1ent.

A7ter the idea has 'een 4assed u4on ') the 8egis#ative &e4art1ent6 the (1otion6 it is turned
over to the Hudiia# &e4art1ent6 the Hudg1ent. The Hudg1ent weighs ever) detai# o7 the idea
to deter1ine its Gua#it)6 its use7u#ness and to asertain whether it 1eet a need and a#so to
esta'#ish its va#idit). The Hudg1ent a#so ats as the su4re1e ar'iter and an de#are an) idea
or i14u#se nu## and void6 even though it has 'een 4assed u4on ') the (1otion.

A7ter the Hudg1ent esta'#ishes the va#idit) o7 an idea6 it is then read) 7or en7ore1ent and

Third> The &esire is the (Ceutive &e4art1ent o7 the Mind.

&esire is the ardor o7 7ee#ing. A #onging to see the idea in ation. The &esire eCeutes and
4uts the idea in o4eration. The &esire trans7or1s the idea into a :ea#it).

It ta"es a## three &e4art1ents o7 the 0overn1ent to 1a"e a #aw a :ea#it)6 and #i"ewise it
ta"es a## three &e4art1ents o7 the Mind to turn an idea into a :ea#it). The (1otion 4asses
u4on the idea6 the Hudg1ent esta'#ishes the va#idit) o7 the idea6 and the &esire eCeutes the
idea into a :ea#it).

An understanding o7 these three &e4art1ents o7 the Mind wi## he#4 )ou to 1a"e )our drea1s
o1e true6 Gua#i7) )ou to have an a'undane o7 ever)thing6 and ena'#e )ou to turn )our ideas
into 1one). A "now#edge o7 a## three &e4art1ents o7 the Mind is essentia#6 'ut the u#ti1ate
and o14#ete 7u#7i##1ent o7 an idea is de4endent u4on &esire. &esire is a o1'ination o7
7ee#ing and ation6 and 'rings into 7ore a## the Gua#ities6 attri'utes and 4owers o7 the Mind.

What is an Idea? An Idea is an i1age 7or1ed in the Mind. It is a 1enta# 4iture o7 so1ething
seen6 heard or thought. The 7or1ation o7 a 4attern ') whih so1ething is deve#o4ed or

Ideas are inessant#) stri"ing the (1otion. 5o1e are de#ared nu## and void ') the Hudg1ent.
<thers are onsu1ed in da)drea1ing6 and 4assed o77 as 7#eeting notions. <thers ta"e wings
and 7#) awa). Ideas o1e and go6 and are usua##) dro44ed with a wish. Thus the o#d sa)ing
goes> DI7 wishes were horses6 then 'eggars wou#d ride.D

A wish is a## right in its 4#ae6 'ut se#do1 does it turn into 1one). <n the other hand6 so1e o7
)our ideas are good6 and an 'e turned into 1one). <n these )ou want to onentrate6 and
onvert into 1one).

How an )ou turn )our idea into 1one)? This is a si14#e and 7asinating 4roess6 and one to

It 1atters not whether )ou wor" with 4eo4#e6 words or things. It is ver) essentia# to have a
vehi#e in whih to onve) )our Idea to others. The 'est vehi#e to onve) an Idea is a !#an. A
!#an gives to the Idea a Bod). A !#an trans7or1s the Idea into an Idea#. An Idea# is a 4er7et
i1age6 and esta'#ishes a true one4tion o7 the thing )ou want to reate6 or the event )ou
want to 'ring a'out in )our eC4eriene.

(ver)thing )ou o'serve in nature is an Idea o7 0od6 and is 1ani7ested in a !#an. This !#an
gives to the Idea a Bod) eC4ressed in 7or16 siAe and o#or. I7 this were not so6 it wou#d 'e
i14ossi'#e to identi7) and #assi7) the di77erent varieties and s4eies as the) a44ear in nature.
This is a de7inite #ue as to wh) a## ideas to in7#uene 4eo4#e or to reate things 1ust have a

This great 4rini4#e is 1ani7ested a## a'out us. (ver)thing reated ') 1an had its origin in
Mind. It is an invisi'#e idea 'e7ore it is a visi'#e thing. It is a thought6 then a 4rodut. A##
suess7u# ideas 7or ao14#ish1ent 1ust have a !#an. A !#an not on#) identi7ies )our Idea6
'ut it a#so distinguishes it and gives it the 1o1entu1 to o4erate.

Three de7inite !rini4#es are essentia# to reate a !#an 7or )our Idea.

-irst> 9reate a !#an 7or the thing )ou desire. 5eond> &eve#o4 a !roess to 4ut the !#an in

Third> !rodue an at to 1a"e the !#an a :ea#it). A 4#an 7or the thing )ou desire entai#s a ver)
de7inite and s4ei7i idea o7 the thing6 4osition or situation )ou want. A7ter a de7inite deision
has 'een reahed6 then 4roeed to 'ui#d a !#an around this Idea.

It is a ver) si14#e 4roess to 'ui#d a !#an6 and do it sienti7ia##). It 1ust 'e 4#anned. A 1ass
o7 1ateria# thrown together wi## not 'ui#d a house. (ver) 'ri"6 ever) 4#an" and ever) nai#
1ust have its 4#ae. The sa1e is true in 'ui#ding a !#an. (ver) word6 ever) thought and ever)
sentene 1ust have its 4#ae. A !#an is organiAed "now#edge 7or 4ortra)ing the reasons wh)
the thing or 4osition desired shou#d 'eo1e a :ea#it). It is the art o7 reating in the 1ind o7
so1eone e#se a 'e#ie7 in the Idea )ou wish that 4erson to ae4t.

The 1ost sienti7i wa) to 'ui#d a !#an is to get a## )our 1ateria# together6 get a## the 7ats6 and
7ind out ever)thing )ou an a'out the thing )ou desire. 0et its histor)6 'a"ground6 eono1i
re#ation and the 4art it 4#a)s in #i7e. Ana#)Ae these data6 ata#ogue the16 #assi7) the16
organiAe the16 de7ine the16 re7ine the1 and ta"e the 'est 4arts o7 the1 and trans#ate the1
into )our !#an. In#ude in this !#an an)thing that wi## i14rove 'usiness6 an)thing that wi##
ontri'ute to the we#7are o7 others6 an)thing that wi## add 4eae o7 1ind to 4eo4#e6 an)thing
that wi## enrih the ha44iness o7 others6 or an)thing )ou an 7ind that wi## he#4 )ou to turn )our
Idea into Mone).

!resent this !#an in seGuene6 enu1erate eah 4oint ste4 ') ste46 and tr) to use 1eat)
words with a 4iture 1eaning. 54ea" or write )our !#an in onrete ter1s6 not in a'strat
4hrases. Ma"e it 'rie76 onise6 diret6 de7inite6 7ore7u# and ') a## 1eans understanda'#e.
5eason the !#an with the savor o7 4ersona# interest6 7#avor it with the s4ie o7 enthusias1 and
sweeten it with the sugar o7 "indness.

5eond> &eve#o4 a !roess to 4ut the !#an into Ation.

B) inaugurating the !#an 7or the thing )ou desire )ou have deided de7inite#) what )ou want.
The !#an to ao14#ish this is now esta'#ished. What is the neCt ste4? To deve#o4 a !roess6
to 4ut the !#an 7or the thing )ou desire into ation. A !roess is the at o7 4roeeding to 4ut
the !#an in o4eration. This is 'rought a'out ') the a44#iation o7 -our &e7inite 8aws6 and eah
one is essentia# to the 7u#7i##1ent o7 the !#an. These 8aws are>

1. TH( 8AW <- -AITH

!au# gave to the wor#d the greatest de7inition o7 -aith> DNow 7aith is the su'stane o7 things
ho4ed 7or6 the evidene o7 things not seen.D -aith is 'e#ieving and trusting who#ehearted#) in
the invisi'#e 7ores o7 0od whih are the su'stane o7 things ho4ed 7or= and ') adhering
strit#) to this -aith6 the su'stane o7 these things wi## 'eo1e the evidene o7 those 7ores6
and 1a"e their a44earane in )our eC4eriene.

5o1eone as"ed Andrew 9arnegie what he onsidered the greatest thing in his 4heno1ena#
suess. He answered> D-aith in 1)se#76 -aith in others and -aith in 1) 'usiness.D The wor#d
a#wa)s 1a"es wa) 7or the 1an who "nows what he is doing6 and where he is going.

<n the evening o7 &ee1'er 1*6 1;006 a )oung 1an6 thirt)-eight )ears o#d6 was invited to
s4ea" at a 'anGuet he#d at the Universit) 9#u' in New Yor". The guests at this 'anGuet
in#uded 1en 4ro1inent in industr) and 7inane6 and was headed ') H. !. Morgan. The to4i
o7 the )oung 1anBs s4eeh was> DThe -uture o7 the 5tee# Industr).D He s4o"e 7or one hour
and thirt) 1inutes. His un7a#tering -aith in The -uture o7 the 5tee# Industr)6 and the !#an 7or
initiating it was so sienti7i6 d)na1i and 7ore7u#6 that a## those 4resent were 1oved to
ation. H. !. Morgan6 was eC4eted to #eave a7ter the 7irst 7ew 1inutes o7 the s4eeh6 was so
entraned and so i14ressed that he deided to 7or1 the United 5tates 5tee# 9or4oration.

The s4ea"er o7 that evening was 9har#es M. 5hwa'. As a reward 7or that s4eeh
de1onstrating the 8aw o7 -aith in an Idea6 9har#es M. 5hwa' was 1ade the 7irst 4resident o7
the United 5tates 5tee# 9or4oration6 at a sa#ar) o7 one hundred thousand do##ars 4er )ear. It
4a)s to de1onstrate -aith.

-aith is a 'e#ie7 in the 7avora'#e outo1e o7 an)thing underta"en. -aith gives #i7e6 4ower and
ation to )our !#an. -aith ins4ires )ou with a'so#ute on7idene to de1onstrate )our !#an6
and Gua#i7ies )ou to turn )our ideas into 1one). B) a## 1eans 4ratie -aith.

*. TH( 8AW <- :(!(TITI<N

In nature the 8aw o7 :e4etition is ontinuous#) and regu#ar#) re4eating the sa1e things. (ver)
da) the sun rises in the east6 and sets in the west6 with a'so#ute 4reision. The night 7o##ows
the da) with i11uta'#e ertaint). The 7our seasons are onseutive#) re4eating the1se#ves
one a7ter the other with ineCora'#e aura). The astrono1er sets his #o" ') this
undeviating #aw.

The 8aw o7 :e4etition has 'een one o7 the ontri'uting 7ators in teahing )ou 1ost o7 the
things )ou "now thorough#) in #i7e. -or eCa14#e> When )ou were #itt#e6 it too" )ou Guite a #ong
ti1e to #earn how to wa#". Then )ou 7ina##) #earned ') the 8aw o7 :e4etition. You "e4t
re4eating the sa1e 1ove1ents ever) da) in ever) wa). -ina##)6 through )our own eC4eriene
)ou aGuired su77iient "now#edge6 4oise6 and on7idene to Gua#i7) and 4er7et )ou in the Art
o7 Wa#"ing. In the 'eginning it was a ver) di77iu#t tas"6 'ut one )ou aGuired the "now#edge
and eC4eriene o7 how to wa#"6 it 'ea1e ver) eas).

You #earned to ta#" ') the sa1e #aw. As ti1e went on6 to shoo# )ou 1ust go6 and again the
8aw o7 :e4etition 'ea1e )our teaher. <ver and over6 it dri##ed )ou in 1e1oriAing the A6 B6
9Bs6 the 1u#ti4#iation ta'#e6 and that 7irst 4oe1 )ou reited 'e7ore the #ass. The things the
8aw o7 :e4etition has taught )ou are e1'edded into )our onsiousness. The) are a 4art o7
)ou and the a44#iation o7 the1 is natura# and eas).

The tri" o7 the 1agiian #oo"s eas). It is eas) 7or hi1. He has 1ade it eas) ') the 8aw o7

As a44#ied to the !roess to 4ut )our !#an in Ation6 the 8aw o7 :e4etition is the at o7
4er7eting )our !#an. You do this ') 4ratie. You #earn to "now it6 )ou #earn to ti1e it. You
"now when to s4ea" and when to 'e Guiet. You sense the 4ro4er 4ith and in7#etion to give
eah word. You have on7idene in )our !#an. You #earn to 7ee# )our #ines and ever) thought
in the1 'eo1es 1ore ins4iring and 1ore invigorating. It 'eo1es a 4art o7 )ou. You an
give it in 4er7et seGuene and in 4er7et o-ordination. You 7ind it has 1agi in it6 not on#) 7or
)ou6 'ut 7or those to who1 )ou 4resent it. B) 4ratiing and de1onstrating )our !#an6 it
gathers its own 1o1entu16 and throws out its own aura. Your thoughts 'eo1e 1agnets and
)ou an 1a"e others 7ee# the i14u#se o7 )our !#an.

(ver) ti1e )ou go over )our !#an6 )ou #earn so1ething new. You #earn to deve#o4 new
ins4iration6 new interest6 new Aest and new enthusias1. B) a## 1eans rehearse and tr) to
4er7et )our !#an ') a44#)ing the 8aw o7 :e4etition.


I1agination is the 4ower to thin" in ter1s o7 i1ages6 words or things. It is the wor"sho4 o7 the
1ind. Here the !#an is given sha4e6 7or16 and 1ade read) 7or ation. This 7au#t) o7 the Mind
is a'#e to visua#iAe and i1agine an idea in ation.

To i##ustrate the d)na1i 4ower o7 the i1agination to deve#o4 an idea6 it wi## interest )ou to
"now this stor). A'out 7i7t) )ears ago an o#d ountr) dotor reated a ver) wonder7u# 7or1u#a.
He did not "now what to do with it6 )et he rea#iAed its great va#ue. He too" this 7or1u#a to a
)oung drug #er" and eC4#ained its ontents. This 7or1u#a was on#) an idea to the o#d dotor
'ut the drug #er" 4aid hi1 7ive hundred do##ars 7or the idea.

What did the )oung drug #er" do? He turned the idea eC4ressed in that 7or1u#a over to his
i1agination. He visua#iAed its va#ue. He disovered that the ontents o7 that 7or1u#a ontained
a## the essentia# e#e1ents to su44#) 4eo4#e with a oo# and re7reshing drin"6 that wou#d 1a"e
the1 4ause and give the1 a #i7t. The idea thri##ed and urged the drug #er" to 7or1u#ate a
!#an6 to 4ut the idea o7 that 7or1u#a into ation. He wasted no ti1e in reating a !#an 7or the
distri'ution o7 a wor#d-7a1ous drin". That drug #er" was Asa 9and#er. The drin" was 9oa-
9o#a. Toda) the na1e 9oa-9o#a is on 1ost 'i##'oards6 and the taste o7 it on 1ost tongues.
That #itt#e 4iee o7 4a4er6 with an idea 1iCed with the i1agination o7 Asa 9and#er6 turned into
hundreds o7 1i##ions o7 do##ars.

A seGue# to this stor) is that so1e )ears #ater when the 9oa-9o#a 9o14an) was we## on the
road to 4ros4erit)6 a )oung 1an wa#"ed into Mr. 9and#erBs o77ie and suggested to hi1 that he
had a !#an to dou'#e the 'usiness o7 the 9oa-9o#a 9o14an). -or this !#an he wanted
I*26000. The Board o7 &iretors 1et and agreed to the o77er. That !#an was short and to the
4oint6 and 4ossi'#) ontained 7ewer words than an) other !#an ever o77ered to dou'#e a
o14an)Bs 'usiness. The !#an was> DBott#e it.D

I1agination is one o7 the 1ost va#ua'#e 7au#ties --') a## 1eans deve#o4 it.

4. TH( 8AW <- !(:5I5T(N9(

You an have -aith in an idea6 )ou an 4er7et an idea through the 8aw o7 :e4etition6 )ou an
use the 4ower o7 the I1agination to visua#iAe the idea= 'ut with a## these )ou 1ust arr)
through. You 1ust de1onstrate !ersistene.

!ersistene o1es 7ro1 two 8atin words6 D4er6D 1eaning Dto6D and Dsistere6D 1eaning Dstand.D
To stand or 'e 7iCed6 and 7ae a## di77iu#ties with un- daunted ourage. To go on reso#ute#)
with )our !#an6 in s4ite o7 a## o44osition or adversit). To 4ersevere with dogged deter1ination
unti# )our !#an is 1ani7ested6 and )our e77orts are rowned with suess. !ersistene is an
attri'ute o7 harater that guarantees the 7u#7i##1ent o7 the !#an.

It is esti1ated that over twent) 1i##ion 4eo4#e have read the 'oo" or seen the 1oving 4iture6
D0one with the Wind.D 5o1ething aounts 7or this 4heno1ena# 4o4u#arit). What is it?
5ar#ett6 the heroine o7 the stor)6 re1ained a## through the 4#a) the 1aster o7 her 7ate6 and
never its viti1. No o'sta#e6 no traged)6 no disaster6 no adversit)6 no atastro4he6 no
iru1stane6 and no ondition daunted her unonGuera'#e s4irit. 5he 1et and onGuered a##
o7 the1 with indo1ita'#e !ersistene. A de1onstration o7 the 8aw o7 !ersistene ena'#ed her
to onGuer 7ate6 and to rown her e77orts with 4ersona# triu14h. This de1onstration was a
ha##enge to others to e1u#ate her. The) were eager to 7ind out how she did it.

(ah )ear at Wa"e -orest6 where I went to o##ege6 &otor To16 the o#d o#ored @anitor6 was
invited to address the student 'od) and to o77er his words o7 wisdo1.

&otor To1Bs great ad1onition was re4eated )ear a7ter )ear. It was DBe sure )ou are right6
and then 'e sure to go ahead.D This is a vivid i##ustration o7 !ersistene.

The !#an is right6 )ou are right and !ersistene wi## not 7ai# to 1a"e the !#an wor"6 and turn
)our ideas into 1one).

5uess o7 an) !#an is #i"e 4ressing out ider with a ider 4ress. You sGueeAe and sGueeAe
and it see1s as though the ider wi## never o1e= and then one 'ig sGueeAe and out it
o1es. !ersistene is the #ast 'ig sGueeAe that 1a"es the !#an suess7u#. It has no
su'stitute and it is we## to re1e1'er that a DGuitter never wins6 and a winner never Guits.D

Third> !rodue an at to 1a"e the !#an a :ea#it).

DA## the wor#dBs a stage6 and a## the 1en and wo1en 1ere#) 4#a)ers.D

In the 7irst !rini4#e we aGuired the "now#edge essentia# 7or the !#an. In the 5eond !rini4#e
we #earned the 8aws neessar) 7or its 7u#7i##1ent. Now o1es the Third !rini4#e6 the At o7
Ma"ing the !#an a rea#it). In the #ast ro#e we 'eo1e a 5ha"es4earean 4#a)er. A## the 7ores
o7 harater and a## the attri'utes o7 4ersona#it) 1ust 'e generated to 4ut the !#an into ation.

An idea is an i1age. An idea with a !#an is a 4er7et i1age. It is an idea#. An idea# is
so1ething rea#6 whether it 'e visi'#e or invisi'#e. It is a o14ound idea 1ade u4 o7 1an)
ideas. What ha44ens when a !#an 'eo1es an Idea#? The idea in the !#an 'eo1es rea# to
)ou. It is a 4art o7 )ou. The !#an is given a 'ig ree4tion in the 0rand Ba## :oo1 o7
9onsiousness. Here it 1eets urge6 s4irit6 1otive6 on7idene6 ourage and i14u#se o7 ation.
At this ree4tion -aith e1'raes the !#an. I1agination 4raises the !#an. :e4etition re4eats
the !#an and !ersistene guarantees the 7u#7i##1ent o7 the !#an. To visua#iAe a !#an is to see it
as a o14osite who#e. To idea#iAe a !#an is to 7ee# it in ation. Idea#iAe is 4utting the DID in the
dea#. You an 7ee# )ourse#7 initiating the !#an with s"i## and 4er7or1ing ever) ste4 with a#arit)
and 4reision. You 7ee# its in7#uene6 not on#) on )ourse#7 'ut on a## those with who1 )ou o1e
in ontat. With this 4ower 'ehind an idea6 the !#an 'eo1es so 4otent that soon it 'eo1es
a driving 7ore 'ehind )ou.

To i##ustrate the theor) on DHow to Turn Your Ideas into Mone)6D I want to te## )ou how I
atua##) do it. 5o1e )ears ago6 I to#d a genera# agent o7 a #i7e insurane o14an) that I
wanted to se## #i7e insurane ') te#e4hone. He said that it was i14ossi'#e. A 7ew )ears #ater
this gent#e1an was sur4rised to "now that I had so#d ten 1i##ion do##arsB worth o7 #i7e insurane
to strangers over the te#e4hone. To ao14#ish this un4ara##e#ed reord it was neessar) 7or
1e to "now so1ething a'out ideas6 and how to get these ideas over to 4eo4#e in order to get
resu#ts. I #i"ed the idea o7 #i7e insurane. This was on#) an idea that stru" 1) (1otion. The
Hudg1ent 4assed on the idea and de#ared it sound. The &esire was aroused and onvined
1e that the idea ou#d 'e turned into 1one). The Guestion was how to do it?

5e##ing is a good dea# #i"e 7ar1ing. The 7ar1er has to 4#ant the seed. In doing so6 he has no
assurane o7 a ro4. He does "now that he 1ust sow 'e7ore he an rea4. The Bi'#e teahes
hi1> DWhatsoever )e sow6 that sha## )e a#so rea4.D The Mosai 8aw te##s hi1 that ever)thing in
nature inreaseth a7ter its own "ind.

The 7ar1er is #i"e the sa#es1an. The 7ar1er 4#ants seed. The sa#es1an 4#ants ideas. The
ideas o7 )our 4rodut6 #i"e seeds6 wi## never grow a ro4 o7 sa#es un#ess the) are 4#anted. The
sa#es1an rea4s as he sows. The 1ore ideas he sows6 the 1ore sa#es he wi## rea4.

To se## ') te#e4hone it is neessar) to 'ui#d ideas around )our 4rodut. These ideas 1ust
onve) the va#ue o7 the 4rodut to the 4ros4et. He an on#) reat on ideas. He is the
negative 7ore= )ou are the 4ositive 7ore. 5uggestions 1ust o1e 7ro1 )ou. :e- ations wi##
7o##ow 7ro1 hi1. The ideas o7 )our 4rodut are the seed )ou 4#ant. The te#e4hone he#4s )ou to
4#ant 1ore seed in a 1ore sienti7i and s)ste1ati wa).

There7ore6 I rea#iAed6 in order to have a ro4 o7 #i7e insurane sa#es6 I 1ust sow a ro4 o7 #i7e
insurane ideas. I #ost no ti1e in 'ui#ding a 5a#es !#an around the idea o7 #i7e insurane. In
'ui#ding this !#an I studied #i7e insurane 7ro1 ever) ang#e6 not a 4hase o7 the su'@et was
over#oo"ed. I sought ever) avai#a'#e soure 7or "now#edge and in7or1ation. I read ever) 'oo"
I ou#d 7ind on the su'@et. I o14ared a## 1a@or o14anies. I ana#)Aed a## i14ortant t)4es o7
4o#iies6 in#uding Ter1 Insurane6 <rdinar) 8i7e6 8i1ited !a)1ent 8i7e6 (ndow1ents6 a##
7or1s o7 Annuities and :etire1ent Ino1e !#ans. I re"oned with 1orta#it) ta'#es6 o14ound
interest ta'#es6 #i7e eC4etan) ta'#es6 ash reserves6 disa'i#it) #auses6 waiver o7 4re1iu1
#auses6 and ta'#es 7or o4tiona# sett#e1ents. I studied 8i7e Insurane 7or 4artnershi4s6
or4orations and 7or taC 4ur4oses. I searhed taC #aws re#ating to estates6 wi##s and trusts. I
got aGuainted with inheritane taC #aws6 'oth 5tate and -edera#. The soia#6 eono1i and
7inania# as4ets o7 #i7e insurane as an institution were are7u##) weighed and onsidered. I
7ound the institution o7 #i7e insurane was the stee# girder ho#ding together the eono1i
struture o7 the nation.

A7ter getting saturated with #i7e insurane "now#edge6 I 'egan to stud) the 4ros4et. Where
does he 7it in? Where is his 4#ae in this great networ" o7 eono1i6 soia# and 7inania#
re#ations? I deided that the who#e s)ste1 was set u4 7or one 4ur4ose and one 4ur4ose on#)6
and that was to serve the needs o7 the 4ros4et. A #i7e insurane 4o#i) was a de#aration o7
7inania# inde4endene6 e1'od)ing guarantees that wou#d so#ve his soia#6 eono1i and
7inania# 4ro'#e1s6 and 1a"e seure his ho4es6 a1'itions and needs. The 4ros4et did not
"now this. I 1ust te## hi1. There7ore6 I 1ade the 4ros4et the enter o7 interest in the !#an. I
1ade hi1 the hu' in the whee#. I 1ade hi1 the s4ider in the we'. I dra4ed a #i7e insurane
4o#i) around his shou#ders. I idea#iAed the !#an to hi1. I 1ade it ta#". I 1ade it visua#iAe and
revea# its 'ene7its and what these 1eant to hi1 and his 7a1i#).

The idea o7 #i7e insurane inor4orated into a sa#es 4#an o7 two hundred words6 4ut in ation
') -aith6 'ea1e a 7ore. It arrested attention6 it inited interest6 it 4ersuaded and onvined
the 4ros4et to at. It reated sa#es6 it 4rodued resu#ts6 it turned the idea o7 #i7e insurane into
1one). LThe 5a#es !#an I used is Guoted ver'ati1 in 9ha4ter III under D8aw o7 :eason.DM

Ideas are ineChausti'#e6 the) are #i1it#ess. 9a4ture one6 ado4t it6 reate a Bod) 7or it6 and
1a"e a rea# hi#d out o7 it. The hi#d so1eti1es grows to 'e a giant.

Hohn &. :o"e7e##er a4tured the idea to 7urnish #ight to 1i##ions o7 4eo4#e6 ') the use o7 oi#.
He gave the idea a Bod). At 7irst it was a #itt#e6 tin) 'a')6 'ut twent)-7ive )ears #ater it was a
'i##ion-do##ar giant.

Ado#4h <hs6 the #ate 4u'#isher o7 the New Yor" Ti1es6 a4tured the idea to 4resent the news
truth7u##) and i14artia##) and around this idea 'ui#t one o7 the 7inest 4u'#iations in the Wor#d.

Henr) -ord a4tured an idea o7 trans4ortation. He gave the idea an auto1o'i#e Bod)6 4ainted
it '#a"6 and a##ed it Mode# T6 and turned it into a 7ortune o7 over a 'i##ion do##ars.

9)rus M9or1i" had an idea. Around this idea6 he evo#ved a rea4er to ut and 'ind the
wheat a## in the sa1e o4eration. The Internationa# Harvester 9or4oration was the resu#t.

(dison gave his idea a 'od)--DThe !honogra4h. His MasterBs %oie.D He ertain#) had no
worries a'out where the neCt 1ea# was o1ing 7ro1.

A## those who have 1ade ontri'utions in the 7or1 o7 servies6 inventions6 disoveries and
siene6 have given their idea either a Bod) or a !#an. An idea an 1ean nothing unti# it is
inor4orated into a !#an or 'ui#t into a Bod).

A dwe##ing house6 an o77ie 'ui#ding6 a 'ed6 a hair6 a des"6 a #oo1otive6 an auto1o'i#e6 a
stea1'oat6 a &e#aration o7 Inde4endene6 a &e1ora)6 a :e4u'#i and even a !eae
Treat)6 are a## ideas so1eone has given a Bod) or a !#an. An idea to 'e o7 servie 1ust 'e
inor4orated into a 1eans o7 onve)ane.

The Idea o7 &e1ora) L!eo4#e :u#eM had 'een in the 4roess o7 deve#o41ent 7or three
thousand )ears 'e7ore Tho1as He77erson inor4orated the Idea into the &e#aration o7
Inde4endene. In this i11orta# dou1ent6 He77erson denned the Idea o7 &e1ora) in these
words> DWe ho#d these truths to 'e se#7-evident6 that a## 1en are reated eGua#6 that the) are
endowed ') their 9reator with ertain una#iena'#e :ights6 that a1ong these are 8i7e6 8i'ert)
and the 4ursuit o7 Ha44iness--That to seure these rights6 0overn1ents are instituted a1ong
1en6 deriving their @ust 4owers 7ro1 the onsent o7 the governed.D

This is the sou# and essene o7 &e1ora) setting 7orth the 4ur4ose and o'@et o7
&e1ora). The &e#aration o7 Inde4endene gave the Idea o7 &e1ora) a !#an on whih to
wor"6 and #aid the 7oundation 7or a 9onstitution and our 4resent A1erian 7or1 o7

An idea ta"es 7or1 as it is oneived in word6 thought6 thing or ation6 aording to )our 'e#ie7
in it. Be#ieve in )our idea6 onentrate on it6 give it a !#an or a Bod). The 1inute )ou
onentrate on )our Idea6 new thoughts6 new ideas6 new 1easures6 new wa)s and new
1ethods are o4ened u4 to he#4 1a"e it a rea#it). &ro4 a 4e''#e into a 4oo# o7 water. It starts a
series o7 ri44#es that eC4and unti# the) eno14ass the who#e 4oo#. This is what ha44ens when
)ou give )our idea a !#an. It see1s that )ou ta4 that great reative 7ore within. It turns that
d)na1i hidden so1ething 7ro1 within into a thousand 7riends a## eager and wi##ing to he#4
)ou. It 1a"es others 7ee# a'out )our idea the wa) )ou 7ee#. It gives )ou a## the 4ower
neessar) to 4ut )our idea into ation. You an 4ersuade and onvine. It 1a"es the idea a
vita#6 #iving 7ore6 the 1ost su't#e and irresisti'#e 7ore in the wor#d. The idea strengthens )our
harater and gives 7or16 o#or6 essene and su'stane to that whih )ou desire. You an
outstri4 ever) un7avora'#e situation6 so#ve a## 4ro'#e1s6 and 1aster ever) ondition that
stands in the wa) 'etween )ou and the ao14#ish1ent o7 )our idea. You an have an)thing
)ou want--an)thing )our heart desires. You an turn )our Ideas into Mone). Tr) it.
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His 7ather shoo"6 his head. He wondered what wou#d ever 'eo1e o7 his son who was not
on#) 7rai# and de#iate6 'ut who a#so stuttered so 'ad#) that )ou ou#d sare#) understand a
word he said. That #ad was &e1osthenes. He 'ea1e one o7 the 1ost renowned 1en o7
Athens6 and the greatest orator o7 the anient wor#d. How did he do it? He 4ut into ation the
4rini4#es o7 s4eeh and voie u#ture6 and set aside a 7ew 1inutes eah da) to 4ratie
the1. D!ratie 1a"es 4er7et.D It wor"ed two thousand )ears ago6 it wor"s toda).

(ver)one annot 'eo1e a &e1osthenes6 'ut an)- one an i14rove his art o7 s4ea"ing. This
1a) 'e ao14#ished through interest6 onsious attention6 4atiene6 a44#iation and a 7ew
1inutesB 4ratie eah da). A #arge 4erentage o7 our ti1e is onsu1ed in ta#"ing and
4ossi'#) #ess ti1e and thought are de- voted to the i14rove1ent o7 s4eeh than a#1ost an)
other ativit) in whih one 4artii4ates.

54eeh has 'een de7ined as the 7au#t) o7 uttering sounds6 or words. It is the 7au#t) o7
eC4ressing thoughts ') words. It is the 4ower to s4ea". 0ood s4eeh is 1ere#) tr)ing to
s4ea" orret#) so as to 'e understood. 54eeh is the Gui"est and 1ost e77iient 1eans o7
getting )our ideas over to others. It is the swi7test 1ethod to o11uniate an idea. B) ta"ing
a #itt#e 4ains and eCerising a #itt#e are6 )ou an do this 1ore e77etive#). B) he"ing u4 on
the #itt#e things6 )our s4eeh wi## i14rove.

<ne o7 the greatest #essons in s4eeh i14rove1ent 1a) 'e gained 7ro1 the si14#iit) o7
8ino#n. When Guestioned6 8ino#n gave this aount o7 how he gained his a'i#it) to 4ut
DthingsD so that the) ou#d 'e readi#) understood.

DI re1e1'er how6 when a 1ere hi#d6 I used to get irritated when an)'od) ta#"ed to 1e in a
wa) I ou#d not understand. I donBt thin" I ever got angr) at an)thing e#se in 1) #i7e. But that
a#wa)s distur'ed 1) te14er and has ever sine. I an re1e1'er going to 1) #itt#e 'edroo1
a7ter hearing the neigh'ors ta#" during an evening with 1) 7ather6 and s4ending no s1a## 4art
o7 the night wa#"ing u4 and down6 and tr)ing to 1a"e out what was the eCat 1eaning o7
so1e o7 their6 to 1e6 Bdar" sa)ings.B I was not satis7ied unti# I re4eated these sa)ings over and
over6 unti# I had 4ut it in #anguage 4#ain enough6 as I thought6 7or an)'od) to o14rehend.
This was a "ind o7 4assion with 1e6 and it has stu" ') 1e6 7or I a1 never eas) now6 when I
a1 hand#ing a thought6 ti## I have 'ounded it north6 and 'ounded it south6 and 'ounded it east6
and 'ounded it west.D

To 'e understood it is neessar) to s4ea" 4#ain#).

There are three de7inite reasons wh) one shou#d endeavor to s4ea" orret#). Na1e#)>

L1M !eo4#e never @udge )ou ') what )ou donBt sa). The) @udge )ou ') what )ou sa)6 and i7 )ou
an do this we##6 it wi## in7#uene 4eo4#e to have on7idene in )ou. There7ore6 7or1 the ha'it o7
4ronouning eah word orret#)6 and to s4ea" with are and dignit).

L*M 54eeh is the on#) 1eans to 1a"e )ourse#7 understood. B) not 4ronouning )our words
orret#) and ') not s4ea"ing with the 4ro4er are6 )our #istener 1a) get the wrong 1eaning
out o7 what )ou sa).

L.M The orret 4ronuniation o7 eah word6 enuniating eah s)##a'#e6 wi## not on#) i14rove
)our s4eeh6 'ut wi## a#so ena'#e )ou to s4e## orret#) 1ore easi#).

54eeh6 %oie and Manner are a## 7unda1enta# 4arts o7 our #iving. The use one 1a"es o7
these re7#ets how he #ives. The stud) o7 54eeh6 %oie and Manner deve#o4s soia# 4oise
and a 1ore desira'#e and 4#easant 4ersona#it).

The three 4ersona# attri'utes o7 harater enu1erated are a## de4endent to a #arge degree
u4on eah other. The i14rove1ent and deve#o41ent o7 one 1eans the i14rove1ent and
deve#o41ent o7 a##.

To understand %oie !rodution6 it is essentia# to "now the 7untion o7 eah organ ') whih it
is 4rodued. The organs to 4rodue s4eeh are L1M the #ungs and dia4hrag16 whih are the
4owers that 1ove the 'reath6 the su'stane o7 whih the voie is 1ade= L*M the #ar)nC with
the voa# ords6 whih are voie- 4roduing 4owers and L.M the 1outh6 whih in#udes the
tongue6 4a#ate6 #i4s and resonane ha1'ers6 whih are the organs that a14#i7) the voie and
trans7or1 it into s4eeh.

&ee4 'reathing is ver) essentia# to s4eeh. The Gua#it) and 7ir1ness o7 the voie to 4rodue
4ith6 tone and in7#etion an 'e regu#ated and ontro##ed ') onsious6 dee4 'reathing. 5tand
u46 inha#e a dee4 'reath o7 air. This 4resses the dia4hrag1 down. Now s#ow#) and gent#)
draw the a'do1en in. The dia4hrag1 is now ontrating. This 7ores air u4 through the
#ar)nC. The air 4assing through the #ar)nC reates vi'rations. The s4eed with whih the air
4asses through the #ar)nC voa# ords deter1ines the sound o7 the voie. This sound 4asses
into 1outh where s4eeh is 7or1ed. 9onsious dee4 'reathing he#4s to ontro# the rh)th1 o7
the 'reath and 1a"es it 4ossi'#e to give #ong thought 4hrases in one 'reath. It is the seret o7
a good 7ir1 voie. !ratie it.

It 1atters not what )our s4eeh 1a) 'e6 )ou an i14rove it ') using )our voie a 7ew 1inutes
eah da). :ead a 7ew 4ages a#oud eah da). 0et a #ist o7 the states and their a4ita#s--on#)
ninet)-siC na1es. !ronoune the na1e o7 eah state and a4ita# a#oud6 and enuniate eah
s)##a'#e #ear#) and distint#). &o this eCerise three ti1es eah wee". It on#) ta"es a'out
three to 7our 1inutes.

To i14rove the sound6 vo#u1e and resonane o7 the voie sa) the 1u#ti4#iation ta'#e a#oud. It
on#) ta"es a'out 7our 1inutes. &o this three ti1es eah wee".

A## words are 7or1ed 7ro1 #etters. The sound #etters are the vowe#s. In (ng#ish the written
vowe#s are a6 e6 i6 o6 u and so1eti1es w and ). A## the others are onsonants. !ratie a#oud
the a#4ha'et6 giving eah #etter the 7u## use o7 the #ungs and dia4hrag16 and note the di77erent
7or1ation o7 the 1outh as )ou sa) eah #etter a#oud. You wi## notie that a## the vowe#s see1
to o1e out o7 the wind4i4e. To sa) the a#4ha- 'et ta"es #ess than one 1inute. &o this
eCerise siC ti1es eah wee".

5tand 'e7ore the 1irror and see i7 )ou o4en )our 1outh wide enough when )ou s4ea". B)
o'serving )ourse#7 ta#" a#oud and )ou wi## #earn not to drag over )our words. It wi## teah )ou
not to draw# the1 out.

As an eCa14#e to draw# words out6 ta"e the words DNorth 9aro#ina.D To 4ronoune the na1e
o7 this state orret#) )ou 1ust sa) North 9ar-o-#ina. You an draw# it out ') sa)ing North-,-
#ina. To draw# out a word is 1uh easier on the s4ea"er6 'ut so1eti1es it wor"s a hardshi4 on
the #istener. He annot understand what is 'eing said.

(ndeavor at a## ti1es to 4ronoune eah word #ear#)6 enuniate eah s)##a'#e 4#ain#)6 and
artiu#ate eah #etter 7u##). Use the dia4hrag16 not the throat. Be 4artiu#ar#) are7u# o7 4ith6
in7#etion6 tone and vo#u1e. -or1 the ha'it o7 s4ea"ing distint#)6 #ear#) and 4#easant#). Ma"e
it eas) 7or 4eo4#e to understand what )ou are ta#"ing a'out. The a'i#it) to eC4ress )our ideas
is one good wa) to turn the1 into ash. 9#arit) o7 s4eeh is ver) i14ortant. 9u#tivate the ha'it
o7 4er7eting it.

Another suggestion that 1a) 4rove 4ro7ita'#e to u#tivate is the ha'it o7 not hurr)ing. You have
4#ent) o7 ti1e. It is 1ost essentia# to #ear6 distint dition to s4ea" unhurried#). 54ea" s#ow#)
and de#i'erate#). ,now what )ou are going to sa). B) "nowing )our #ines thorough#) and ')
s4ea"ing the1 in a re#aCed 1ood6 )ou disover that what )ou sa) is 1ore 4ersuasive6 1ore
e77etive and 1ore onvining. When )ou s4ea" a#1#) and distint#)6 it is not neessar) to
re4eat and this saves the other 4ersonBs ti1e and 4ossi'#) )our e1'arrass1ent.

When ta#"ing at an ordinar) rate6 a 4erson averages a'out three hundred and 7i7t) words in
three 1inutes. There7ore6 ta"e )our ti1e and s4ea" in a deided wa) and with a 7ore7u#
1anner. To s4ea" #ear#) and distint#) 4revents )ou 7ro1 s4ea"ing too Gui"#). Your voie is
arried 1ost #ear#) when )ou s4ea" diret#) to the 4erson who1 )ou are addressing. I7 )ou
hange this diretion or widen this distane6 the sound that ought to reah the #istener wi##
stra) awa) e#sewhere instead o7 going into the ear o7 the #istener. When )ou do this6 no
shouting or #oud ta#" is neessar). 54ea" #ear#)6 distint#)6 and diret#) to )our #istener.

Another suggestion to 7o##ow is to train )ourse#7 to s4ea" in a onversationa# tone. Breathe
regu#ar#) and o'serve 4ro4er 4ause at interva#s. &onBt tr) to arr) on a o14#ete onversation
in one 'reath. (Cerises to 7o##ow>

L1M :ead a#oud a 7ew 4ages ever) da). At #east three 1inutes.

L*M 5a) the states and a4ita#s a#oud at #east three ti1es eah wee". This ta"es a'out three

L.M 0o over the 1u#ti4#iation ta'#e a#oud at #east three ti1es eah wee". This ta"es a'out
7our 1inutes.

L4M 5a) the a#4ha'et a#oud ever) da). This ta"es a'out one 1inute.

L2M 5tand 'e7ore the 1irror and s4ea" words a#oud 7or at #east two 1inutes three ti1es eah

To 7o##ow through on these eCerises wi## ta"e on#) 7i7t)-7ive 1inutes eah wee"6 #ess than
eight 1inutes 4er da). !ratie these eCerises one 1onth and )ou wi## notie a deided
i14rove1ent. !eo4#e wi## 4a) attention to what )ou sa).

These eCerises wi## a#so he#4 )ou.

L1M !ratie ontro##ed 'reathing whi#e reading a#oud.

L*M <4en )our 1outh and #et )our @aw re#aC when
)ou s4ea".

L.M Artiu#ate sounds6 vowe#s and onsonants #ear#) and distint#) with )our tongue6 teeth
and 4a#ate.

L4M !ronoune ever) s)##a'#e in ever) word.

L2M :e7rain 7ro1 running )our words together. You 7inish eah word ') artiu#ating #ear#) the
7ina# #etter.

L/M ,ee4 a## vowe#s6 sounds6 o4en6 7u## and rounded.

Manner is the wa) )ou a44ear to others. It is that intangi'#e Gua#it) o7 harater that 1a"es
)ou interesting to other 4eo4#e. It is the wa) )ou ondut )our re#ationshi4 with others. It is an
inward 7ee#ing o7 'eing ha44). You "now what 4#eases )ou when so1eone ta#"s to )ou. It is
those nie #itt#e things- itBs ourtes)6 a44reiation6 "indness and thought7u#ness. It is those #itt#e
things that 4#ease and 4ut others in a ree4tive 1ood to #isten to what )ou have to sa). It is
these #itt#e things that 1a"e a wha#e o7 a di77erene. It is these that he#4 )ou to turn )our a'i#it)
into ash.

Another great asset to enrih and 4uri7) )our 1anner o7 s4eeh is to #earn to s1i#e whi#e )ou
ta#". Your s4eeh intere4ted with a rea# s1i#e te##s )our #istener a #ot. It te##s hi1 that )ou #i"e
hi16 that )ou want to 4#ease6 that )ou want to o-o4erate6 and that )ou are wi##ing to serve
and do )our 'est at a## ti1es. !eo4#e an 7ee# )our s1i#e and it enourages the1 to 'e#ieve in
)ou. A s1i#e in )our voie un#o"s the door and
#ets )ou in. It reates 7riendshi4s and o4ens wide the doors o7 'usiness and soia#
re#ationshi4s. (ver)one res4onds to a 7riend#) s1i#e6 so 4ratie it in )our s4eeh.

Being a'so#ute#) natura# in )our 1anner o7 s4eeh distinguishes 1ore than a## other virtues.
!eo4#e are hu1an and #i"e to 'e treated aording#). !eo4#e are #i"e 'ees6 i7 )ou treat the1
right the) wi## 7i## )our o1' 7u## o7 hone). I7 )ou do not treat the1 right6 the) wi## sting )ou.

<ne 1an said> DHe o'serves others and their ats and de1eanors teah hi1 what to do6 and
what not to do.D

&onBt get the idea that )ou are too o#d to i14rove )our 54eeh6 %oie and Manner. An)thing
)ou 4ossess in 4ersona# harateristis an a#wa)s 'e i14roved. Ta"e an o'@etive view.
5tud) )our attitude and 'ehavior. (C4eri1ent6 o'serve and then e#i1inate a## those #itt#e
a77eted ha'its that "ee4 4eo4#e awa) 7ro1 )ou. 9u#tivate those ha'its that 'ui#d and e1ent

It reGuires energ) to 4ut into 4ratie the 4rini4#es out#ined in this ha4ter. :ead DHow to
&ou'#e Your (nerg)D and )ou wi## rea#iAe how #ose#) a##ied 54eeh6 %oie and Manner are
with energ). That ha4ter wi## a#so he#4 )ou to re#aC6 and this 1eans 7reedo1 and ease whi#e

Wa##s and 'arriers o7 resistane in dea#ing with others are 'ui#t ') tense thoughts and rigid
7ee#ings. :e#aC and get rid o7 these. At a## ti1es u#tivate the ha'it o7 s4ea"ing on#) when in a
state o7 re#aCation. It 1a"es what )ou sa) di"6 it esta'#ishes under- standing6 and a s4irit o7
on7idene 4revai#s. You s4ea" with 7reedo1 and sinerit) and what )ou sa) i14resses. It
rings with authorit).

It ta"es two to 1a"e a onversation. Tr) to u#tivate the ha'it o7 'eo1ing a good #istener.
(nourage the #istener to ta#" a'out hi1se#7 and tr) to 1a"e hi1 7ee# i14ortant6 and do it
sinere#). !a) strit attention to what he sa)s. Tr) not to interru4t hi1 in the 1idd#e o7 a
sentene. When he wants to ta#"6 give hi1 the right o7 wa). 0ive hi1 7u## swa). He 1a) give
)ou a #ue to so1e ver) va#ua'#e situation that 1ight turn into ash. B) #istening to what he
sa)s6 )ou o14#i1ent hi1. You 4#ease hi1. !raise his 4oint o7 view and 'e heart) in )our
a44ro'ation. <n the other hand6 i7 he sa)s so1ething )ou do not #i"e6 donBt te## hi1. Agree
with hi1. His o4inion 1a) on#) 'e te14orar)6 'ut res4et it. Tr) to 'e onsiderate o7 his
7ee#ings. A "ind word gent#) s4o"en is a Gui" 1eans o7 re#ieving strain and tension. DA so7t
answer turneth awa) wrath.D Answer a## his Guestions. &onBt ignore the1. He #i"es
eC4#anations6 and not eC#a1ations. B) a## 1eans avoid an argu1ent6 and i7 )ou 7ind )ou are
wrong6 ad1it it Gui"#) and grae7u##). This revea#s to hi1 that )ou are a good 7e##ow.
Har1oniAe 'ut ') no 1eans antagoniAe.

You 1a) a44#) 7or a 4osition6 )ou 1a) see" a 'etter @o'6 )ou 1a) o77er a suggestion to
i14rove 'usiness6 )ou 1a) as" 7or a raise in sa#ar)6 )ou 1a) endeavor to se## a 4rodut or a
servie6 'ut regard#ess o7 the 4ur4ose and o'@et )ou want to in7#uene the #istener. You want
hi1 to do )our 'idding6 )ou want hi1 to do the thing )ou are see"ing. Then a44roah hi1 with
a s4irit o7 hu1'#eness and "indness. -ee# grate7u# 7or the o44ortunit) )ou have to serve hi1.
Ma"e hi1 7ee# that an) idea )ou are giving hi1 is his own.

The 4ower in a #arge da1 o7 water is 1ade avai#a'#e on#) when hanne#ed in the right
diretion ') the 4ro4er eGui41ent. 54eeh6 %oie and Manner are the eGui41ent to eC4ress
)our a'i#it) and to turn it into ash.

Words6 #i"e 1usi6 when har1oniAed6 onve) not on#) 1eaning 'ut 7ee#ing. 54o"en so7t#) and
gent#)6 the) render a good in7#uene and a #asting i14ression. The good6 the @o) the) wi##
'ring6 no one an te##.

9ourtes)6 graiousness6 a44reiation and onsideration are ver) va#ua'#e assets in dea#ing
with 4eo4#e. Use the16 and re1e1'er that )our 54eeh6 )our %oie and )our Manner are
You. The) are the vita# Gua#ities o7 )our 4ersona#it). The) are You in ation. You an 1a"e
the1 1ehania# with no 4ersona# interest and with #itt#e e77et. <n the other hand6 )ou an
1a"e the1 hu1an6 'ri17u# o7 4ersona# interests and har1. You an eC4ress thoughts and
ideas that wi## 4ersuade and 1otivate. &ra1atiAe )our 54eeh6 %oie and Manner with
i1agination6 enthusias1 and o#or.
In the wor#d toda) there are two de7inite trends o7 thought. <ne trend is 'ased on orthodoC
tradition6 whih ho#ds 7ast to ever)thing o7 the 4ast. The other trend is 1i#itant #i'era#is16
whih see"s to iru1vent the traditions o7 the 4ast and to esta'#ish a new regi1e.

Between orthodoC traditions and 1i#itant #i'era#is1 there is a ha44) hunting ground. This
ha44) hunting ground is the wor#d in whih we #ive. It is a 4ratia# wor#d 1ade u4 o7 a## "inds
o7 4eo4#e6 @ust #i"e )ou and 1e. No one "nows where we a1e 7ro16 and no one "nows
where we are going when we #eave here. There is one thing ertain6 we are here and it is ours
to 1a"e 7u## use o7 now.

It is )our 1ission whi#e here to 1a"e use o7 the o11on sense and reason whih 0od has
given )ou. You have the a'i#it) to ana#)Ae and 7atho1 out a## the events6 4ree4ts and
traditions o7 the 4ast. It is )our 4rivi#ege to ta"e 7ro1 these an) "now#edge or wisdo1 that wi##
he#4 )ou to inter4ret and to understand the 4resent.

In 4re4aring a 'oo" entit#ed The 5even 0reat (vents o7 &e1ora)6 I have traed 'a" the
growth and deve#o41ent o7 de1ora) over thirt)-three hundred )ears. <ne o7 the events I
se#eted ha44ened in the e#eventh entur) 'e7ore 9hrist. This is a traditiona# event6 and 7or
the 4ast three thousand )ears the "now#edge and wisdo1 eC4ressed in that event have 'een
a ontri'uting 7ator in 1anBs Guest 7or understanding. It has 'een a 'eaon #ight to guide and
diret 1an in eah sueeding generation in the 4ath o7 righteousness. A## through the )ears it
has given 1an 7aith6 ho4e6 o14#aen)6 ourage and deter1ination. Through its 4ower and
in7#uene6 1an has 'een a'#e to onGuer dread6 dou't and unertaint). Through its ins4iration
1an has 'een a'#e to 4#ow through the Gui"sands o7 disourage1ent6 overo1e the
Guag1ires o7 de7eat6 and 7orge ahead to 4#ae hi1se#7 on the so#id ro" o7 4rogress and good

This event is the Twent)-third !sa#1. These siC verses eC4ress in one hundred and eighteen
words one o7 the 1ost invigorating and ins4iring 1essages ever written. It is a 4ositive
a77ir1ation eC4ressing a'so#ute assurane in 0od as the A##-,nowing6 A##- !ower7u#6 A##-
!resent6 and A##-!roviding 5he4herd to su44#) a## o7 our 4h)sia# needs6 and to give us hea#th6
ha44iness and 4eae o7 1ind to en@o) a## o7 the re- soures o7 #i7e6 in#uding the 4h)sia#6 the
1enta# and the s4iritua#. I have 1ade the 4ree4ts eC4ressed in this !sa#1 a 4art o7 1) #i7e.
The) have 'een a soure o7 strength and endurane. I 'e#ieve and 7ee# the1. I an hearti#)
reo11end the Twent)-third !sa#1 as a 7or1u#a to he#4 )ou 1a"e a wise use o7 the 4resent.

%erse ') verse this is what the !sa#1 1eans to 1e>

1. The 8ord is 1) 5he4herd= I sha## not want. This is a 4ositive a77ir1ation o7 -aith in 0od as
the 5u4re1e Being6 the 5u4re1e Inte##igene6 the 5u4re1e :u#er and a#so the A##-5eeing6
A##-,nowing6 A##-8oving6 A##-!resent6 A##-!roviding and A##-(1'raing !ower and 54irit to guide
and to diret 1e in a## 1) ativities. As the 5he4herd guides6 direts and ares 7or his shee4
with #oving "indness6 so I re#) on the #ove6 the inte##igene6 wisdo16 grae and 4ower o7 0od
to guide6 diret and to are 7or 1e. I7 I #ive6 1ove and have 1) 'eing in 0od6 then it is on#)
o11on sense on 1) 4art to reogniAe His Inte##igene6 to rea#iAe His !resene6 and to
de1onstrate His !ower in 1) ativities. A 7ee#ing o7 this re#ationshi4 esta'#ishes unit) and
har1on) in a## 1) ontats and 4rovides 1e with a o14#ete a'undane o7 a## the things I
need6 'oth 4h)sia# and s4iritua#. Thus6 I sha## not want6 'eause 0od su44#ies a## 1) needs.
When I wa#" out in the ountr) on a o#d6 #ear night6 and o'serve the s"ies tee1ing with
s4ar"#ing stars6 a g#i14se o7 the universe with its in7inite 1agnitude 4asses 'e7ore 1e. I 7ee# i7
0od an ta"e are o7 a## these wor#ds u4on wor#ds without end6 sure#) he an ta"e are o7
#itt#e (ar#. 5o 7ar he has not 7ai#ed. 0#or) to His greatness.

*. He 1a"eth 1e to #ie down in green 4astures= he #eadeth 1e 'eside the sti## waters.

This is a 4ositive state1ent o7 7at. It eC4resses growth6 division6 eC4ansion6 un#i1ited
Guantities6 and ineChausti'#e su44#ies. 0reen indiates ontinued growth6 and this 1eans that
0od wi## ontinue to re4#enish the earth to ta"e are o7 ever)thing that He 9reates. The on#)
thing that wants is 1an and this is owing #arge#) to his own #a" o7 understanding.

!astures suggest wide-o4en 7ie#ds with 7reedo1 to at. As an individua#6 I an roa1 and en@o)
these green 4astures and 4arta"e o7 their 'ount)6 and i7 I do these things with the right s4irit6
hundreds o7 4eo4#e wi## aid 1e. To 7ee# that I a1 in the 1idst o7 ineChausti'#e su44#ies gives
1e a sense o7 seurit).

DHe #eadeth 1e 'eside the sti## waters.D

This state1ent does not sa) to1orrow6 'ut it sa)s now. To 'e onsious o7 green 4astures6
and a wor#d over7#owing with ever)thing I need destro)s worr)6 anCiet) and dread. This 7ee#ing
o7 seurit) 'rings 1e in ontat with the sti## waters6 whih engenders har1on)6 unit) and
4eae o7 1ind.

2. He restoreth 1) sou#= he #eadeth 1e in the 4aths o7 righteousness 7or his na1eBs sa"e.

A wath has the sa1e wor"s6 either running or sto44ed. It needs winding ever) now and then.
A 1an is #i"e a wath6 he needs winding. The on#) wa) to wind a 1an is to give his 1ind
so1ething on whih to 7eed. His s4irit 1ust 'e restored.

In 1) own eC4eriene when on7usion6 on7#it and disord usur4 1) reserve and I 7ee#
de4#eted6 I turn to this !sa#1 I a1 now disussing and endeavor to 7ee# its 7u## ontent 4ouring
into 1) onsiousness. Then6 #i"e a 7#ash6 the radiant #ight o7 the A##-!resent
5he4herd renews6 revita#iAes and restores 1) who#e 'eing with #i7e and 4ower6 and with a 7u##
assurane that a## is we##. Again6 I a1 read) to 'egin anew. I stand revea#ed to 1) true se#7.
Thus6 I an sing with @o)> DHe restoreth 1) sou#.D

DHe #eadeth 1e in the 4aths o7 righteousness 7or his na1eBs sa"e.D

<7 a## the words in the (ng#ish #anguage6 the one that he#4s 1e 1ost in the 4aths o7
righteousness is wisdo1. Wisdo1 instruts 1e to 1a"e the wise use o7 ever)thing. In #i7e6 I
dea# with three 4rini4a# things. The) are 4eo4#e6 words and things. Wisdo1 teahes 1e to
#ove and res4et 4eo4#e. It instruts 1e to use the "ind o7 words that ins4ire 4eo4#e to at. It
direts 1e to 1a"e the 4ro4er uti#iAation o7 things that 'ui#d and onserve. (ver)thing
res4onds to good treat1ent. B) using wisdo1 I 7ind 1)se#7 in the 4aths o7 right-use-ness 7or
the sa"e o7 His na1e. In the Thirt)-seventh !sa#16 I 7ind these words> DI have 'een )oung
and now a1 o#d= )et I have not seen the righteous 7orsa"en6 nor his seed 'egging 7or 'read.D

4. Yea6 though I wa#" through the %a##e) o7 the 5hadow o7 &eath6 I wi## 7ear no evi#6 7or thou art
with 1e= th) rod and th) sta77 the) o17ort 1e.

Whatever the ondition is6 it ou#d have 'een worse. Trou'#es are on#) a te14orar) shadow.
The) are a ra) o7 sun dressed in '#a". !enetrate the '#a" and there is #ight.

-ear has 7our #etters. Three o7 these #etters s4e## Dear.D There7ore6 three-7ourths o7 the word is
ear. It is #arge#) 'ased on hear-sa). It is 4rodut o7 su4erstition. It is the ignorane o7 0od6 the
#a" o7 good6 and the a'sene o7 #ove.

What is evi#? Turn the word around and it s4e##s D#ive.D 8ive 1eans #i7e. 0od is #i7e. I7 I #ive in
har1on) with 0od6 the 4rini4#e o7 good6 evi# has no in7#uene.

When I ana#)Ae evi#6 I 7ind it is on#) a danger signa#. It is a red 7#ag to warn o7 an i14ending
danger. It 1eans DWath )our ste4.D As an eCa14#e6 an engineer on a #oo1otive who ignores
the signa# o7 a red 7#ag 1a) 'e 7aing i11inent danger. There7ore6 when evi# a44ears in 1)
1idst6 I "now it is ti1e to sto46 #oo"6 thin" and right a'out 7ae.

DTh) rod and th) sta77 the) o17ort 1e.D

:od signi7ies authorit) and sta77 indiates the 4ower to diret. <ne o7 the 1ost o17orting
thoughts is to rea#iAe and 'e onsious o7 the 7at that I a1 on this earth ') the authorit) o7 a
5u4re1e Being6 and to "now that this 5u4re1e Being is a#wa)s avai#a'#e to diret 1e.
Another o17orting thought is to rea#iAe that 0od is a 4er7et 9ause. Man is the e77et and the
e77et an never 'e un#i"e the 9ause. No evi# or har1 an touh 0od6 the 9ause. There7ore6 it
an not har1 or touh 1an6 the e77et. Man at a## ti1es 1a) rest assured and 7orti7ied whi#e
#eaning on the sustaining 4ower o7 a !er7et 9ause. When the )o"e is 'inding6 and the
'urden is heav)6 I onso#e 1)se#7. Th) rod
and th) sta77 the) o17ort 1e.

2. Thou 4re4arest a ta'#e 'e7ore 1e in the 4resene o7 1ine ene1ies= thou anointest 1)
head with oi#= 1) u4 runneth over.

Who are 1) ene1ies? Negative thin"ing is 1) worst ene1) and 1eanest 7oe. Most o7 the
ene1ies o7 1an are 7ig1ents o7 the i1agination6 ghosts o7 drea1s and 4hanto1s o7 disord.
As the o#d 1an said6 he had 1an) ene1ies6 'ut he ou#d never 7ind the1. 8#o)d 0eorge so
a4t#) said> D-ae one ha#7 )our ene1ies and the) wi## disa44ear6 and then 7ae the other ha#7
and the) wi## disa44ear.D Under the diretion o7 the 0reat 5he4herd6 I an 7east on 4ositive
thoughts in the 4resene o7 negative ene1ies with a'so#ute assurane o7 4rotetion and

!our oi# on a raging sea and it a#1s the water. -i## )our onsiousness with 4ositive thoughts
o7 good6 and the tur'u#ent thoughts o7 disord6 dread and disunit) wi## give wa) to 4oise6
tranGui#it) and a#1ness.

Ingratitude6 arrogane6 dissi4ation6 i14udene6 greed and se#7ishness are hu1an 7rai#ties6 and
)et underneath a## these there is hidden in the hu1an onsiousness 0odBs #oving u4 that
runneth over with a## the good things o7 #i7e. This u4 ontains the o11on deno1inator
a1ong a## 1en. That deno1inator is 8ove or a 7ee#ing o7 "indness that a#wa)s 1ani7ests it-
se#7 in the hour o7 need. As an eCa14#e> Thousands o7 4eo4#e 4ass the orner o7 a 'us)
street6 a## intent on getting so1e 4#ae with no a44arent interest in eah other6 and )et #et one
1e1'er in that grou4 get into an aident6 and a thousand 7riend#) hands are out to o77er

/. 5ure#) goodness and 1er) sha## 7o##ow 1e a## the da)s o7 1) #i7e= and I wi## dwe## in the
house o7 the 8ord 7orever.

When I "now that I a1 in good hands6 what e#se an 7o##ow 1e 'ut good? I do not worr) and
7ret a'out the neCt wor#d. M) 1otto is6 en@o) the one I a1 now in. Wh) shou#d I s4oi# the
'eaut)6 the 1a@est)6 the g#or) and goodness o7 the 4resent wor#d6 ') s4eu#ating on one
whih no one "nows? 8earn to en- @o) this one. I7 there is another wor#d 7or 1e6 0od is there
to ta"e are o7 it. 5o wh) worr)?

To 4ratie the si14#e 7aith eC4ressed in this !sa#1 ad1its 1e to what I thin" is the house o7
the 8ord. That house is a state o7 onsiousness. It is a state o7 har1on) and unit). It is A##-
Inte##igent and the on#) inte##igene. It is A##-!ower7u# and the on#) 4ower. It is A##-Ative and
the on#) ation. It is A##- !resent6 and the on#) 4resene. When I 1a"e use o7 these 4rini4#es6
#i7e ta"es on a new 1eaning. I 4ut o77 the o#d 1an and 4ut on the new one. The on#) ti1e to
#ive is whi#e I a1 #iving.

DWhat is ti1e?D so1eone as"ed the 54hinC. DTi1e is Now6D re4#ied the 54hinC. No one #earns
an)thing right#) unti# he #earns to "now that ever) da) is the 'est da). No "now#edge an 'e o7
greater i14ortane to 1an than to rea#iAe 7u##) and a44reiate the seret o7 the 54hinC. DTi1e
is in the 4resent.D 8a1enting over the 4ast and 7retting a'out the 7uture ro's 1an) o7 the
o44ortunit) o7 'eing suess7u# and ha44) now.

When 0od reated 1an He gave hi1 toes. Toes are the 1eans ') whih 1an an gri4 the
ground. ,ee4 )our 7eet on the ground. ,ee4 )our ativities entered in the 4resent. The
4resent hour a#one is )ours. The 4ast is histor). It is over the da1. It is gone 7orever. -orget it.
The 7uture has wings. It is a#wa)s one ste4 ahead o7 )ou. The 4resent has toes. It is a#wa)s
where )ou are. The enter o7 the 4ast6 and the enter o7 the 7uture6 are in the 4resent. The
4ast and the 7uture are on#) thoughts in the 4resent. You an thin" on#) in the 4resent. The
4resent owns the 4ast6 and has an o4tion on the 7uture. The 7uture on#) o14#etes the !#ans
1ade in the 4resent. The 'est wa) to 4re4are 7or the 7uture is to 1a"e 7u## use o7 the 4resent.
To1orrow is on#) the shadow o7 toda). Toda) is the to1orrow that )ou worried a'out )ester-

An o#d 9hinese 4rover' sa)s> DIt is on#) the great that tru#) a44reiate that the rea# great
a#wa)s re1ains as a hi#d.D A va#ua'#e #esson 1a) 'e gained ') o'serving the si14#e wa) in
whih a hi#d ats. A hi#d does not 1u## over the 4ast nor antii4ate the 7uture. It is so
earnest#) engaged in 4resent ativities that no ti1e is wasted in s4eu#ation. -ree 7ro1 dou't6
7ree 7ro1 dread and 7ree 7ro1 inhi'itions with whih 4assing )ears see1 to 'urden 4eo4#e6 a
hi#d o7ten eChi'its a #earer6 1ore o14rehensive 4ere4tion than do o#der 4eo4#e.

The a'i#it) is the 4ower to at6 and the ti1e to at is now. It an on#) 4er7or1 in the 4resent.
The a'i#it) annot 7untion 7ree#) when it is weighed down ') ghosts o7 the 4ast or 4hanto1s
o7 the 7uture. To 7untion e77iient#) it 1ust 7untion 7ree#). <ne o7 the indis4ensa'#e
4rereGuisites o7 e77iien) is 4eae o7 1ind. !eae o7 1ind is not a o11odit) that an 'e
!urhased. You annot get it in 'ott#es6 in night ourses or ') ta"ing one or two ta'#ets 'e7ore
eah 1ea#. It is an individua# ahieve1ent6 and 1ust 'e attained through understanding. The
'est wa) to ahieve 4eae o7 1ind is to understand thorough#) what 4eae o7 1ind is.

What is 4eae o7 1ind? It is har1on) and unit) in thin"ing. The 1ind is not stati. It is
d)na1i. It is a ontinuous 7#ow o7 onsiousness. Thoughts o7 a## "inds are onstant#)
4assing through the 1ind. When har1on) and unit) 4revai# in )our thoughts )ou have 4eae
o7 1ind.

How an )ou esta'#ish and 1aintain har1on) and unit) in thought?

The 'est wa) to do this is to e#i1inate on7#it.

The on7#it that distur's the har1on) and unit) in the 7#ow o7 thought is 4rei4itated ') a ivi#
war. The 'att#e in this ivi# war is 'etween the 7ive senses and the inte##igene. An
understanding o7 this 'att#e wi## he#4 )ou to 4ut an end to the ivi# war and win an a## ti1e
vitor) 7or 4eae o7 1ind.

The 7ive senses are inessant#) 4i"ing u4 i14ressions. These i14ressions are onve)ed to
the inte##igene. The inte##igene6 through the 4ower o7 reason6 onso#idates these
i14ressions into thoughts. 5o1e o7 these thoughts want to start a on7#it6 'ut these thoughts
have no 4ower. The @udg1ent whih is the 7ina# ar'iter o7 reason an en@o) an) o7 these
thoughts. <n the other hand it an a#so de#are anO o7 these thoughts nu## and void6 and ')
eCerising this 4ower an disar1 a## inhar1onious thoughts at their soure. This wins the
'att#e and ends the ivi# war. This at on )our 4art 1a"es the inte##igene the 'ig 'oss and
)ou the 1aster. A44#)ing this 4rini4#e )ou an 1anage and train )our 7ive senses and instead
o7 'eing a s#ave to the16 )ou an have the1 wor"ing 7or )ou. As the 1aster6 )ou an
esta'#ish and 1aintain har1on) and unit) in the 7#ow o7 thoughts. You an sit 'a" and en@o)
4eae o7 1ind.

Another thing to rea#iAe is that inte##igene is the 54irit and !ower o7 0od o4erating in and
through )ou. Nothing an har1 0od and no thought an har1 inte##igene. :e1e1'er the
inte##igene has the 4ower to 1aster an) thought whih the 7ive senses an 4i" u4.

Another aid to he#4 )ou to 'e the 1aster o7 thought is to 7orti7) )ourse#7 7ro1 within. As Marus
Aure#ius sa)s> DMan 1ust 'e arhed and 'uttressed 7ro1 within6 e#se the te14#e wavers to
dust.D The wa) to 'uttress )ourse#7 is to 4ratie and de1onstrate )our 4ower o7 reason and
to ae4t on#) as )our o14anion a host o7 good thoughts.

Another aid is to a44raise )ourse#7 4ro4er#). :es4et and a44reiation 7or others starts with
)ourse#7. &o not 'e#itt#e )ourse#76 1aintain )our dignit)6 and endeavor to 1a"e the 1ost o7
)our own a'i#it).

A ra''it does not degrade hi1se#7 or go around o14#aining 'eause he is not a haw". He
'eo1es a good ra''it and 7u#7i##s his 4#ae in #i7e. What )ou have is )ours and6 i7 )ou 1a"e
use o7 it6 )ou wi## have 1ore.

Ae4t )ourse#7 7or what )ou are6 ta"e the good with the 'ad. A7ter a## )ou do not enounter
ange#s on this 4#ane6 and i7 )ou did )ou 4ossi'#) wou#d not reogniAe the1. These 7our #ines
a#wa)s o1e in hand)>

There is so 1uh good in the worst o7 us6 And so 1uh 'ad in the 'est o7 us6 That it does not
'ehoove an) o7 us To ta#" a'out the rest o7 us.

It wi## a#so he#4 )ou to 'e to#erant. You heard a'out the 7e##ow who got 1arried and wanted to
sha4e his wi7eBs idea#s u4 aording to his own. We##6 he didnBt. 8i7e is a o14ro1ise and to
ae4t it on these ter1s is to add to )our own 4eae o7 1ind. A 1an is entit#ed to his o4inion
and to#erane is to res4et this o4inion without 'e#ieving or sharing in it. A res4et 7or
anotherBs 4oint o7 view wi## a#wa)s en#arge )our own. As %o#taire said> DI do not agree with a
word )ou sa)6 'ut I wi## de7end to the death )our right to sa) it.D To#erane is getting rid o7
4re@udie and hatred. It is tr)ing to esta'#ish a true re#ationshi4 'etween situations on an
i14ersona# 'asis. It is a good Gua#it) to 4ratie and 4a)s 'ig dividends.

Another aid to )our 4eae o7 1ind is to get rid o7 vanit). The wor#d was here when )ou a1e.
It wi## 'e here when )ou are gone. You annot hange it. You annot re7or1 it. In 7at6 )ou
annot hange an)thing 'ut )our attitude a'out it. Ad@ust )ourse#7 to the wor#d as )ou 7ind it.
(nter into )our ou4ation with a s4irit o7 s4orts1anshi4. Train )ourse#7 to en@o) it6 and things
wi## o1e )our wa).

Another aid to )our 4eae o7 1ind is to have a s)ste1. It he#4s )ou to 4#an )our wor" and
wor" )our 4#an. It teahes )ou to do things that #ie #ear#) at hand rather than antii4ate or
disount the things that #ie in the distant 7uture.

%itor Hugo one said> DHe who ever) 1orning 4#ans the transations o7 the da)6 and 7o##ows
out that 4#an6 arries a thread that wi## guide hi1 through the #a')rinth o7 the 1ost 'us) #i7e.
The order#) arrange1ent o7 his ti1e is #i"e a ra) o7 #ight whih darts it- se#7 through a## o7 his
ou4ations. But when no 4#an is #aid6 where the dis4osa# o7 ti1e is surrendered 1ere#) to the
hane o7 inidents6 haos wi## soon reign.D

The 4eo4#e who do things in #i7e6 who #ive strong6 vi'rant6 @o)ous6 ha44) and onGuering #ives6
are the ones who 1a"e use o7 the 4resent. <7 ourse6 the) 1a"e 1ista"es6 the) stu1'#e6
the) 7a##6 the) en- ounter o'sta#es6 hardshi4s and heartahes. The) do not Guarre# or
gru1'#e with these adversities. The) use the1 as a ste44ing stone to greater ahieve1ent.

8i7e sa)s> 0o on. Be 7inished with the 4ast. 8et the dead 'ur) the dead. It was good. It was
'ad. It was wea". It was strong. (ven so6 it is a## over. 5o what?

I7 )ou have done right6 "ee4 it u4. I7 )ou have done wrong6 'egin to do right. :e7or1ation and
deter1ination wi## de7eat sin and 'ad ha'its.

An ever#asting Now reigns in nature. (ver)thing on7or1s to the 4resent and ta"es 7u##
advantage o7 its 'ount). The sun never 4uts o77 shining6 the stars never 7ai# to o1e out at
night. The rose '#oo1s one it is read) to 4er7or1 the at. A## ani1a#s #ive on#) in the 4resent.
9onsider the #i#ies o7 the 7ie#d6 the 'irds o7 the air6 the 7ish o7 the sea--the) never #a" 7or what
the) need.

The 'est wa) to 1a"e 7u## use o7 the 4resent is to turn the heat o7 #ove on a## inward grie7Ps6 a##
seret @ea#ousies6 a## si#ent inhi'itions6 a## ingrown se#7ishness6 a## sour grudges6 a## 'itter
envies6 a## 1a#ignant hates6 and a## distaste7u# 1e1ories. 8ove 'rings a 7ee#ing o7 "indness6
that wi## re#aC )ou. It wi## 7ree )ou 7ro1 a## the o#d s"e#etons o7 the 4ast6 and wi## a#so he#4 )ou
to avoid an) new-hathed 4hanto1s o7 the 7uture.

(Cerise )our sense o7 hu1or. Train )ourse#7 to #augh. &o not ta"e things or 4eo4#e too
serious#) and ') no 1eans )ourse#7. We#o1e irritations and the) #ose their 4ower. I7 4eo4#e
are univi#6 give it no thought. &o not even onsider it. 8augh it o77. A7ter a##6 it is not 1anBs
ation that trou'#es )ou6 it is the thought and onsideration that )ou give the1. :esist the
devi# and he wi## 1a"e it hot 7or )ou6 7ee# good a'out hi1 and he disa44ears. Maintain a sense
o7 hu1or. It wi## re#aC )ou 1enta##) and this 1eans 4eae o7 1ind and e77iien).

The 8ordBs !ra)er sa)s> D0ive us this da) our dai#) 'read.D This is a 4ositive state1ent6 a
4ositive 4ra)er 7or the 4resent. It 4uts into 4ratie the 4rini4#es out#ined in this ha4ter.

The !resent6 the !resent is a## thou hast6 -or th) sure 4ossessing6 8i"e the 4atriarhBs ange#6
ho#d it 7ast6 Ti## it gives its '#essing.

The 4resent is over7#owing with 1i#" and hone). It is 'ri17u# o7 new ideas6 new ho4es6 new
adventures and new o44ortunities. 8et nothing stand 'etween )ou and these '#essings.
!arta"e o7 the16 use and en@o) the1.

D:e@oie and 'e eCeeding g#ad= 7or great is )our reward in heaven.D This is one o7 the great
ad1onitions taught ') Hesus in DThe 5er1on on the Mount.D !ratie this 4ree4t and great
wi## 'e )our reward right here. It wi## ani1ate )ou. It wi## 7ree )ou 7ro1 a## restraint. It wi##
re#ease )ou 7ro1 a## anCiet)6 worr) and dread. You wi## 'e a 7ree 1an in a 7ree wor#d. You wi##
"now the good o#d da)s are right here and now. Heaven is here--are )ou?
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In 1atters o7 1one) )ou either give interest to get do##ars6 or give do##ars to get interest. In
either ase6 it is give and ta"e. The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to those who s4ea" in 4u'#i. It is
1utua#. To get interest 7ro1 an audiene6 it is neessar) to give the audiene so1ething 7or
their interest.

Near#) ever)one is a##ed u4on on oasions to s4ea" a 7ew words in 4u'#i6 and to give his
views6 thoughts and ideas onerning di77erent su'@ets. We 7ind it neessar) to 1a"e a

I have 'een s4ea"ing in 4u'#i ever sine I shouted> DThe 'o) stood on the 'urning de".D
That was over 7ort) )ears ago. In that ti1e I have 1ade 1an) s4eehes overing a variet) o7
su'@ets. I have read 1an) s4eehes 1ade ') others. I have #istened to 1an) s4eehes
1ade 7ro1 the 4#at7or1 and over the radio. I have onentrated on these s4eehes6 ta"ing
4artiu#ar note o7 their tehniGue6 Gua#it) and st)#e. Through 1) own eC4eriene and
o'servation and ') ana#)Aing the s4eehes o7 others6 I have aGuired so1e 4ratia#
"now#edge on the su'@et. I a1 4assing this in7or1ation a#ong to )ou. The 4rini4#es se#eted
have 'een used 1ost e77etive#) and 4ersuasive#) ') others. I 'e#ieve )ou wi## 7ind the1

Ma"ing a s4eeh is one o7 1anBs o#dest arts6 and one o7 the Gui"est and 1ost 4otent wa)s to
get ideas over to his #isteners. The higher t)4es o7 s4eeh de1and not on#) 1ere readiness in
s4eeh6 in grae6 in gesture6 and a 7#uent o11and o7 #anguage= 'ut 'a" o7 these
ao14#ish1ents 1ust rest su4erior 4owers o7 thought6 #ogia# seGuene in reasoning6
Gui"ness and 'ri##ian) o7 one4tion6 ontro# o7 rhetori= and a#so what is "nown as 4ersona#
1agnetis16 whih is the a'i#it) to swa) the 7ee#ing o7 the hearers ') eC4ressing war1#) what
the) are thin"ing. Ideas 1ust 'e ouhed in words that onve) the rea# 1eaning o7 thought.

The 1ost sienti7i wa) to deve#o4 )our a'i#it) to s4ea" 'e7ore an audiene is to 7o##ow ertain
de7inite 4rini4#es whih other suess7u# s4ea"ers have 7ound to 'e e77etive. Tr) to get a
'oo" ontaining 7a1ous #etures or s4eehes. Me1oriAe and reite the o4ening 4aragra4hs6
the #i1aCes and endings o7 the great orations unti# the) 'eo1e thorough#) 7a1i#iar. Man)
sentenes6 4hrases and words 1a) 'e used 1an) ti1es when )ou 1iC and 7#avor the1 with
origina#it). The) inrease )our a4ait) to s4ea" 7#uent#) and give the s4eeh a ertain Gua#it)
that 1a"es an i14ression. &e1osthenes6 as we## as a## other 7a1ous 0ree"6 :o1an and
A1erian s4ea"ers have 7o##owed this 4ratie. &e1osthenes had a 'oo" ontaining 7i7t) or
1ore sto" 4erorations6 #i1aCes6 'eginnings6 endings6 anedotes6 i##ustrations6 and 7or1
4aragra4hs whih he used re4eated#) throughout even his greatest orations. He 1ade
suita'#e variations to 7it the oasion.

(#'ert Hu''ardBs 5ra4 Boo" ontains use7u# 1ateria# that an 'e a44#ied to an) s4eeh.
5tevensonBs The Ho1e Boo" o7 Nuotations6 wi## 7urnish a suita'#e Guotation that 1a) 'e
inor4orated in an) s4eeh. In driving ho1e a 4oint6 an a4t Guotation has no su'stitute. It
1a"es )our #isteners sit u4 and ta"e notie. :ead The Wor#dBs 0reatest <rators and Their
Best <rations ') Morris. (ver) 1an has an oasion to show his stu776 and the ti1e to get
4re4ared is when no one is #oo"ing. It is an advantage to an) one to s4ea" distint#)6 to the
4oint6 grae7u##) and with genuine 7ire. It eCtends )our 4ersona#it)6 enrihes )our harater6
and wi## he#4 to turn )our a'i#it) into ash.

There are three 'odies to a s4eeh.

1. The Introdution. A short stor)6 a 'rie7 anedote or a 4ersona# eC4eriene is 1ost e77etive
to introdue a s4eeh on an) su'@et. A sentene eC4ressing an unusua# ana#og) is a#so
a44ro4riate. (ither the stor) or the eC4eriene 1ust 'e short and to the 4oint.

*. Bod). The 1ain 'od) o7 a s4eeh 1ust set 7orth the 7u## onteCt o7 the su'@et6
onso#idating a## detai#s into one o14osite who#e.

.. The 9#ose. It is 1ost onvining to su11ariAe the reasons and advantages o7 the 1ain
'od) at the #ose. Use short sentenes6 1a"e the1 sna44) and 4ungent. I7 4ossi'#e6 reite a
'rie7 Guotation to a14#i7) )our own thought. Never #ose a s4eeh with a 7unn) stor). DA
#aughing audiene has a short 1e1or).D

A s4eeh is 1ore e77etive and 1ore 7u##) a44reiated when 4re4ared. -o##ow a 4attern.
Arrange )our 4oints in #ogia# seGuene. The introdution and the #ose are ver) si14#e. The
Main Bod) o7 a 54eeh6 to 4ersuade and onvine6 1ust 'e 4#anned on the 7o##owing

1. <:0ANIQ( Y<U: TH<U0HT5

A s4eeh6 to 'e e77etive6 1ust 'e diret and to the 4oint. In 4re4aring a s4eeh6 ta"e a sheet
o7 4a4er6 write down ever) thought and idea )ou an 4ossi'#) thin" o7 4ertaining to the
su'@et. <ne thought suggests another. :ead a## the orre#ative 1ateria# )ou an #a) )our
hands on6 and 1a"e a note o7 ever) thought that wi## add i##u1ination to the su'@et. Ana#)Ae
and review this 1ateria#6 get a## the 7ats6 and 7ind out ever)thing 4ossi'#e on the su'@et. 0et
the histor)6 'a"ground6 eono1i re#ation and the 4art that the su'@et 4#a)s in the #i7e o7 the
audiene. Meditate and re7#et6 and ') the 4roess o7 e#i1ination se#et the thoughts that )ou
7ee# are the 1ost a44ro4riate. Ana#)Ae these thoughts6 organiAe the16 ta"e the 'est 4arts o7
the16 arrange the1 in seGuene6 and trans#ate the1 into the interest o7 )our audiene.

The Bod) o7 a s4eeh is organiAed "now#edge to 4ortra) ideas and to onve) thoughts. (ver)
word6 ever) thought and ever) sentene 1ust have its 4#ae. To 7o##ow a 4attern in the
sienti7i arrange1ent o7 )our data Gua#i7ies )ou to "now eCat#) what )ou want to sa). You do
not 1u1'#e6 )ou do not ra1'#e6 and )ou do not stu1'#e. You s4ea"6 with a o11and and
)our audiene 4a)s strit attention to ever) word.
To "now )our su'@et 1atter6 and to enu1erate it in #ogia# seGuene6 ins4ires se#7-on7idene
and an air o7 assurane. Instead o7 ha#ting and hesitating )ou 'eo1e d)na1i6 'o#d and
ourageous. Your 1essage #i"s and 'eo1es a #iving 7ore 7or good.

*. IN9<:!<:AT( !8(NTY <- M(AT IN TH( 5!((9H

Most s4eehes are #i"e a wagon whee#6 Dthe #onger the s4o"e6 the greater the tire.D Man)
D<h--hu1sD and 1an) 'ored audienes 1a) 'e e#i1inated ') thorough 4re4aration.
:egard#ess o7 the "ind o7 s4eeh6 or the oasion6 the audiene is 1ade u4 o7 4eo4#e. !eo4#e
have the sa1e #i"es and dis#i"es. You #i"e a s4eeh 7u## o7 hu1an interest6 so do others.
Hu1an interest is 7unda1enta#. What a44ea#s to one grou4 a44ea#s to another. !eo4#e are
4ri1ari#) interested in the sa1e things. There7ore6 a s4eeh6 to 'e e77etive6 1ust inor4orate
what 4eo4#e #i"e. Hu1an interest a#wa)s 1a"es an a44ea#. !ersona# eC4erienes6 short
anedotes and #itt#e stories o7 suess engender o#or and 7#avor. !ro4er#) ti1ed and 4#aed6
the) 4ersuade and onvine 1ore Gui"#) than the 1ost e#oGuent utteranes6 or the 1ost
e#a'orate argu1ent.

54ea"ing o7 interest6 this wi## interest )ou.

5o1e )ears ago Henr) Ward Beeher6 one o7 the greatest 4reahers and 4#at7or1 #eturers o7
his da)6 was invited to a town in West %irginia to de#iver a #eture.

In those da)s that 4art o7 the ountr) was wide#) "nown in #eture ir#es as D&eath %a##e).D
Most s4ea"ers wi#ted when the) 7aed an audiene o7 4eo4#e who were rather indi77erent.

It was a ver) su#tr) da) in Hu#) when Beeher arrived in this town to de#iver a #eture. Beeher
had 'een warned. He "new what to eC4et. Beeher was a genius in arousing the interest o7
an audiene. In the a7ternoon6 when he was introdued6 ha#7 the audiene was )awning and
the other ha#7 was doAing. Beeher 'ris"#) rose 7ro1 his hair and6 1o44ing his 'row with his
#arge red hand"erhie76 hasti#) strode to the 7ront o7 the 4#at7or1. DIt is a 0od-da1ned hot
da)6D said the 4reaher. (ver)one in the audiene was e#etri7ied6 and 7or a 1o1ent it
see1ed as though a 'o#t o7 #ightning had stru" the 'ui#ding. Beeher 4aused. :aising a
7inger o7 so#e1n re4roo76 went on> DThatBs what I heard a 1an sa) here this a7ternoon.D -ro1
that 1o1ent a thousand e)es were 7iCed on Beeher. (ver)one in that audiene was eager to
hear hi1. He aroused their interest and his 1essage went over with a 'ang.

5o1e )ears ago6 I was invited to 1a"e a s4eeh. I hose 7or 1) su'@et DThe Three-8egged
5too#6D a dissertation on the re#ation o7 9a4ita#6 8a'or and the !u'#i. Toasts to dou't7u#
haraters and the denuniation o7 the 9onstitution o7 the United 5tates o4ened the 1eeting.
I was unaware that it was a o11unisti 1eeting.

-ina##) 1) s4onsor introdued 1e. I s4o"e 'rie7#) as 7o##ows> D5o1e 4eo4#e here are
denouning the 9onstitution o7 the United 5tates. This is the #aw o7 the #and and guarantees
ivi# rights to ever)one. This #aw 1a"es it 4ossi'#e 7or )ou to 1eet here in 4eae7u# asse1'#)6
and to denoune it is to denoune )our own seurit).D At that 1o1ent so1eone shouted6 D0o
to he##.D I 4aid no attention. In eC4#aining DThe Three-8egged 5too#6D I 4ointed out that 9a4ita#
re4- resented one #eg6 8a'or re4resented one #eg and the !u'#i re4resented one #eg. These
three #egs 1a"e the stoo# and eah #eg was de4endent u4on the other to stand6 and a## three
#egs 1ust stand together6 or e#se 7a## together. Again the voie in the audiene shouted6 D0o to
he##.D I 4aid no attention. In a'out one 1inute the sa1e voie shouted6 D0o to he##.D I 4aused6
s1i#ed and said6 D8adies and 0ent#e1en6 in the 4ast 7ive 1inutes I have 'een invited three
ti1es to @oin the 9o11unist !art).D The audiene rose to its 7eet and heered 1e 7or at #east
two 1inutes. (ver) 4erson in that audiene was 1) 7riend.

M) 7riend6 :a#4h W. !age6 that 'ri##iant news- 4a4er o#u1nist6 te##s a ver) interesting stor)
that gra4hia##) i##ustrates how to get the interest o7 an audiene. A distinguished grou4 1et in
New Yor" to disuss the D-or1 o7 the -uture.D In the 7our sessions6 the thought and 4#ans o7
the 7ree wor#d were eC4#ored6 eC4ounded and #ari7ied. (ver) grou4 had its sa). A 4#an to 7ree
the ens#aved nations was o4en#) disussed. !ro1inent re4resentatives 7ro1 ever)where
aired their views6 and eC4#ored their own 'rand o7 4hi#oso4h). Most s4ea"ers dea#t in
4#atitudes. The a44arent e77et was noise against the wa##s. &otor B. A. 8iu s4o"e 7or 9hina.
He said>

DThe design o7 a @ust and dura'#e 4eae and a va#id wor#d order a##s 7or nothing new. A## we
need to do is to 4ut the good o#d wine in new 'ott#es. The who said over two thousand )ears

D BWhen the 0o#den Age 4revai#s6 the wor#d wi## 'eo1e as one= ru#ers and o77iia#s wi## 'e
e#eted aording to their wisdo1 and a'i#it)= 1utua# on7idene and 4eae wi## 4revai#= the
o#d 7o#"s wi## 'e a'#e to en@o) their o#d age and ever) )outh 'e e14#o)ed aording to his
ta#ents. The widows6 the or4hans and the ri44#ed wi## 'e we## ared 7or. (ver) 1an wi## have
his ou4ation and ever) wo1an her ho1e.

D BNo 1anBs goods wi## 'e wasted6 7or he wi## use an) sur4#us 7or the 'ene7it o7 others--and
those who have 1ore energ) than the) need wi## not have to on7ine their #a'or to their own

D BThere wi## 'e no unning and no intrigue6 and there wi## 'e no 'andits6 and the outer gate
wi## not 'e #osed at night.B

DThis6D said &otor 8iu6 Dis the o#d wine. A## that is needed is to 4our it into the new 'ott#es o7
4resent onditions. The 4rini4#es are a## there.D

(ver) 1ateria# onsideration 'earing u4on a new wor#d organiAation had 'een 4resented ')
eC4erts. DIt is signi7iant6D sa)s !age6 Dthat this ho1i#) o7 an anient 4ro4het u4on @ustie6
a#truis16 "ind#iness and unit) reeived the 1aCi1u1 ovation and stru" the one universa#
hord in this erudite A1erian audiene.D

It on#) 4roves that when )ou stri"e the heart hord o7 1an6 )ou stri"e his interest.

-or rea# 1eat and interest6 read &e1osthenesB 7a1ous oration6 D<n the 9rown6D 9ieroBs6
DThe Trea- son o7 9ata#ine6D !eri#esB6 DThe &ead Who -e## 7or Athens.D

In At III6 5ene Two6 in 5ha"es4eareBs Hu#ius 9aesar is the art7u# and e#oGuent 7unera# oration
over the 'od) o7 the s#ain 9aesar. In this oration6 Mar" Anton) was so 4ersuasive that he
roused the 7ur) o7 the 4o4u#ae against Brutus the s#a)er6 and a## the other ons4irators who
aused the death o7 9aesar6 and 7ored the1 to 7#ee :o1e.

In Matthew6 9ha4ter %6 is the D5er1on on the Mount.D In these Beatitudes6 Hesus gave to the
wor#d enough interest and 1eat to #ast 7orever.

The s4eeh o7 !au# de7ending 9hristianit) 'e7ore ,ing Agri44a6 in the Twent)-siCth 9ha4ter o7
Ats6 is one o7 the 1ost gri44ing s4eehes ever de#ivered. !au#Bs 4#ea was so onvining that
,ing Agri44a said> DA#1ost thou 4ersuadest 1e to 'e a 9hristian.D

An DA44ea# to Ar1s6D ') !atri" Henr)6 was the "e)note a44ea# 7or A1erian 7reedo1. D-or'id
it6 A#1ight) 0od? I "now not what ourse others 1a) ta"e= 'ut as 7or 1e6 give 1e #i'ert)6 or
give 1e death.D These two sentenes 7ired the onsiousness o7 ever) #i'ert)-#oving 4atriot6
and roused the o#onists to ation.

At the on#usion o7 one o7 the greatest s4eehes ever de#ivered in the United 5tates 5enate6
the 1e1'ers o7 that 'od) rowded around &anie# We'ster6 their o##eague6 to ongratu#ate
hi1 on the wor#d- 7a1ed D:e4#) to Ha)neD and his 1aster7u# a'i#it) to 1a"e an
eCte14oraneous s4eeh. DAh6 no6D said he6 Dthis is not an eCte14oraneous s4eeh. I have
wor"ed 1onths 4re4aring this s4eeh and ever) u'')ho#e in 1) des" is 7i##ed to the 'ri1
with notes and #i44ings.D

DYou an do it eCte14ore6 7or it is nothing 'ut roaring.D (Cte14oraneous 1eans without
4revious stud) or 4re4aration. It is endeavoring to o14ose and utter a s4eeh on the s4ur o7
the 1o1ent. (Cte14oraneous s4eehes and i14ro14tu utteranes are usua##) nothing 'ut
roaring6 7u## o7 sound and 7ur)6 signi7)ing nothing. The) 1a"e 4eo4#e Dho hu16D streth6 )awn
and doAe6 and sneering#) re1ar"6 DWh) 'ring this u4?D

(ver)one "nows 8ino#nBs 7a1ous D0ett)s'urg Address6D and this6 too6 is a good one to 4ut in
)our Ds4eeh-1a"ing "it.D DThat this nation6 under 0od6 sha## have a new 'irth o7 7reedo16 and
that govern1ent o7 the 4eo4#e6 ') the 4eo4#e and 7or the 4eo4#e sha## not 4erish 7ro1 the
earth.D These #ines we#ded together the Union and 4reserved the A1erian 7or1 o7

DAres o7 &ia1onds6D ') &r. :usse## H. 9onwe##6 was the 1ost 4o4u#ar #eture ever de#ivered
in the United 5tates. Wh)? Beause it was over7#owing with hu1an interest6 ins4iring 4eo4#e
to 4ratie the 4rini4#e o7 se#7-re#iane.

Another great s4eeh o7 the #ast siCt) )ears was DThe 9ross o7 0o#d6D ') Wi##ia1 Hennings
Br)an. It was a 4assionate 4#ea 7or D-ree 5i#ver.D

In 1;12 at the age o7 1;6 I was awarded the Andrew 9arnegie Meda# 7or writing and de#ivering
a s4eeh on Internationa# !eae. M) su'@et was> DIs War :ationa#?D The o4ening sentene
was> DWar is as o#d as the hu1an rae6 and as )oung as the #ast 'reath )ou 'reathe.D This
sentene was Guoted in news- 4a4ers throughout the wor#d. This introdution aught the ears
o7 the @udges and sti1u#ated their interest in 1) s4eeh. The Main Bod) o7 this 54eeh
endeavored to 4rove that war is not rationa#6 ') the 7o##owing 4ro4ositions>

-irst> War is an into#era'#e 'urden.

5eond> War is an irre4ara'#e hu1an #oss.

Third> War is an inura'#e 7o##).

In on#uding this s4eeh6 I Guoted ten #ines 7ro1 Tenn)sonBs D8o"s#e) Ha##6D in whih he
4ro4hesied that nations wou#d wage war in the air.

-or I di44ed into the 7uture6 7ar as hu1an e)e ou#d see. 5aw the %ision o7 the wor#d6 and a##
the wonder that wou#d 'e6 saw the heavens 7i##ed with o11ere6 argosies o7 1agi sai#s6
4i#ots o7 the 4ur4#e twi#ight6 dro44ing down with ost#) 'a#es6

Heard the heavens 7i##ed with shouting6 and there rainBd a ghast#) dew 7ro1 the nationsB air
navies gra44#ing in the entra# '#ue= 7ar a#ong the wor#d-wide whis4er o7 the south wind
rushing war16 with the standards o7 the 4eo4#es 4#unging throB the thunder-stor1= ti## the war-
dru1 thro''Bd no #onger6 and the 'att#e 7#ags were 7ur#ed in the !ar#ia1ent o7 1an6 the
-ederation o7 the Wor#d.

It has 'een 1) 4#easure to s4ea" 'e7ore 1an) organiAations during the 4ast 7ew )ears6
es4eia##) during the war. To eCite interest6 I 'egan to stud) DThe 0reat 5ea#D o7 the United
5tates as 4ortra)ed on the green 'a" o7 a do##ar 'i##. In the o'verse side o7 the sea#6 whih is
on the right side o7 the do##ar 'i##6 and in the reverse side o7 the sea#6 whih is on the #e7t side
o7 the do##ar 'i##6 are seventeen di77erent s)1'o#s. (ah s)1'o# 4ortra)s a tradition diret#)
assoiated with &e1ora)--our A1erian 7or1 o7 govern1ent. These s)1'o#s are the
introdution to a s4eeh. The Main Bod) o7 this 54eeh is> DThe 5even 0reat (vents o7
&e1ora).D Those events over thirt)-one enturies o7 histor) and tend to show that
&e1ora)6 our A1erian 7or1 o7 govern1ent6 has 'een in the 1a"ing during that ti1e.

It ta"es one hour to de#iver this s4eeh. I use no notes. You an hear a 4in dro4. (ver)one is
vita##) interested6 'eause that s4eeh eC4resses thoughts and ideas #ose to their 7ireside.

.. 9H<<5( ,(Y W<:&5

The hie7 ingredient in a s4eeh is words6 and the) deter1ine the Gua#it) o7 the s4eeh.
Words de7ine )our ideas on a su'@et and onve) the1 to )our #isteners. ,e) Words are ver)
i14ortant in the 4re4aration o7 a s4eeh. The) are the stee# girders that ho#d together the
ontents o7 the su'@et 1atter. The) are the s4ider in the we'. The) are the hu' in the whee#
around whih revo#ves the entire disourse.

To win the Andrew 9arnegie Meda#6 in o14etition with 1an) 1en re4resenting 1an)
universities and o##eges6 I rea#iAed it was neessar) to reate a s4eeh o7 o14rehensive6
'ut si14#e understanding. A7ter a 4roess o7 u##ing and si7ting6 I se#eted three ,e) Words.
L1M Into#era'#e#. Into#era'#e what? An into#era'#e 'urden6 a 'urden a#1ost 'e)ond hu1an
a4ait) to 'ear. L*M Irre4ara'#e? Irre4ara'#e what? Irre4ara'#e hu1an #oss6 a #oss whih
annot 'e re- 4#aed. L.M Inura'#e? Inura'#e what? Inura'#e 7o##)6 a 7o##) as o#d as the
hu1an rae6 and one that 1a) ontinue. These three ,e) Words were the hu' o7 1)
argu1ent to 4rove that war is not rationa#6 and thus answers the Guer) o7 1) su'@et6 DIs War

!eo4#e #i"e a s4ea"er who ta"es the1 into his on7idene. The) #i"e an eC4#anation o7 ter1s. I
eC4#ain ever)thing as i7 I were te##ing a #itt#e hi#d 7or the 7irst ti1e. It wor"s. In the #eture on
DThe 5even 0reat (vents o7 &e1ora)6D I de7ine &e1ora) ') giving its et)1o#ogia#
derivation. I s4e## out the two

0ree" words 7ro1 whih it is derived. D&e1os6D whih 1eans D4eo4#e.D D,ratos6D whih 1eans
Dru#e.D &e1ora) there7ore 1eans D4eo4#e ru#e.D I de7ine Devent.D I de7ine Dre4u'#i6D another
,e) Word in the s4eeh. :e4u'#i o1es 7ro1 two 8atin words6 Dres6D whih 1eans DthingD
and D4u'#ius6D whih 1eans D4u'#iD or Do4en.D :e4u'#i there7ore 1eans things done in the
o4en6 or 7or the 4u'#i. (ver) #aw enated in a :e4u'#i is instant#) aessi'#e to the 4u'#i.
No #aw an 'e a seret. It is 4u'#i "now#edge. There7ore6 a &e1ora) is the wi## o7 the
4eo4#e6 eC4ressed in the o4en ') a 5)ste1 a##ed a :e4u'#ian -or1 o7 0overn1ent whih is
a 4#an to en7ore that wi##. In s4ea"ing to an audiene in this 7ashion6 the) are a## ears. Tr) it.

In the 4re4aration o7 a s4eeh6 se#et a 7ew ,e) Words. Bui#d )our s4eeh around these
words. &e7ine the ,e) Words6 and eC4#ain their 1eaning 7u##). Use 4#ain ever)da) words.
54ea" in the #anguage o7 the audiene. 0et down to earth. Ta#" to others as )ou #i"e others to
ta#" to )ou. 5tud) eah word6 ana#)Ae it. As" )ourse#7--are these words onve)ing the rea#
1eaning o7 1) thoughts? Are the) eC4ressing 1) ideas? When )ou s4ea" 'e7ore an
audiene6 )ou are ta#"ing out #oud to )ourse#7. <thers are #istening. There7ore6 i7 )ou onvine
)ourse#76 )ou onvine others.

There7ore6 to reate a s4eeh6 it wi## he#4 )ou to 7o##ow these three !rini4#es>

-irst> <rganiAe )our thoughts.

5eond> Inor4orate 4#ent) o7 1eat in the s4eeh.

Third> 9hoose ,e) Words.

The 1ea# is 4re4ared. It is seasoned we## and 'a"ed to a ris4 'rown. It is stea1ing hot. It is
read) to serve. !#ease do not s4i## the 'eans.

The art7u# 4resentation o7 a s4eeh de4ends u4on the s4ea"er. How to 'e natura# and
e77etive when s4ea"ing in 4u'#i an easi#) 'e ao14#ished ') adhering to a 7ew ru#es.

L1M Breathe dee4#) and 7u##) 1an) ti1es. 5treth and 4ress down on the dia4hrag1. :e4eat
the 8ordBs !ra)er and 7ee# its 4resene. Than" 0od 7or the o44ortunit)6 the oasion6 the
4eo4#e and as" Hi1 to he#4 )ou do )our 'est. These ats6 overing a 1inute or so6 esta'#ish
4oise and 4#aidit).

L*M As )ou rise to s4ea"6 ast )our e)es easi#) over the audiene 7or a 7ew seonds6 s1i#e and
#oo" 4#eased. Begin to s4ea" in a 4#easant and onversationa# tone. Tr) to 'e 4er7et#)

L.M 54ot a 4erson at 'a" o7 the audiene and regu#ate the 4ith and tone o7 the voie to
ao11odate hi1. I7 in dou't6 as" hi1 i7 he an hear )ou. A #itt#e 4ersona# onsideration
1a"es the 4eo4#e in the audiene 7ee# "ind#) toward )ou.

L4M !ronoune eah word #ear#)6 enuniate eah s)##a'#e de#i'erate#) and s4ea" in a deided
1anner. 9#ear dition adds dignit) to the s4eeh6 and 1a"es it eas) 7or 4eo4#e to hear.

L2M &o not #et )our voie 7ade out at the end o7 a sentene. The end o7 a sentene is as
i14ortant as the 'eginning. The who#e sentene 1ust 'e heard or its 1eaning is #ost.

L/M A hange in the 4rogra1 1a) neessitate a hange in )our s4eeh. %ar) )our s4eeh with
the oasion6 'ut a#wa)s go 4re4ared. &e1onstrate earnestness and re1ain de#i'erate.

L$M 5a) )our s4eeh6 do not read it. To read a s4eeh is #i"e throwing a wet '#an"et on the
7#a1e. You 1a) sti## have the 7#a1e6 'ut not the g#ow. The 7#ash o7 the e)e6 the 7reedo1 o7 the
'od) and the s1i#e add har1 to the s4ea"er and 1a"e the s4eeh 1ore onvining.

L+M &onBt hurr) in s4ea"ing. Ta#" 7ro1 the dia4hrag1. !ause at 4ro4er interva#s and do not tr)
to 1a"e a s4eeh with one 'reath. 54ea"ing hurried#) destro)s the resonant sound o7 the
voie and )our words do not have the 4ro4er 4ith6 in7#etion6 vo#u1e6 and tone. The sound o7
words 4#a)s an i14ortant 4art in )our 1essage.

L;M Tr) to "ee4 )our hands at )our side in a are- 7ree wa)6 and on#) use the1 when )ou are
i##ustrating a 4oint6 or #a)ing e14hasis on a 4artiu#ar 4ro4osition.

L10M The 'est st)#e and 1anner in s4ea"ing is to 'e natura#. Tr) to 'e )ourse#76 at )our 'est.
Ta#" to 4eo4#e in )our ini1ita'#e wa). 5a) what )ou 1ean6 and 1ean what )ou sa).

L11M :ead the ha4ter DHow to I14rove Your 54eeh6 %oie and Manner6D 1an) ti1es. It
gives a 1)riad o7 suggestions that are a'so#ute#) inva#ua'#e in the de#iver) o7 a s4eeh and
wi## Gua#i7) )ou to s4ea" distint#) and #ear#) in 4u'#i.

L1*M Be 'rie76 onise and ta#" with the 4eo4#e. &onBt )e## at the1.

In 1) own eC4eriene6 I s4end 1an) hours in organiAing and arranging 1) thoughts 'e7ore I
atte14t to 1a"e a s4eeh. I 7ee# in de't to an) grou4 o7 4eo4#e who invite 1e to s4ea" 'e7ore
the1. To disharge this de't6 I endeavor to 4re4are so1ething that wi## 'e o7 interest. I never
atte14t to insu#t the inte##igene o7 4eo4#e with an i14ro14tu s4eeh6 or to in7#it an
eCte14oraneous one. There7ore6 when I 7ind 4eo4#e in 1) audiene )awning6 ho-hu11ing6
and doAing6 then I a1 through s4ea"ing in 4u'#i.

8ord 9hester7ie#d said> DBe wiser than other 4eo4#e6 i7 )ou an6 'ut donBt te## the1 so.D I
a#wa)s give 4eo4#e redit 7or "nowing as 1uh as I do. I never tr) to dis4#a) how s1art I a1. I
a44roah 1) audiene with a s4irit o7 hu1i#it)6 as one who o1es to serve. I 7ind as #ong as I
s4ea" in a s4irit o7 hu1'#eness6 1) 1essage has 4ower and 4unh.

In 1a"ing a s4eeh6 )ou want the 4eo4#e in the audiene to #isten. To onvine and 4ersuade
the16 )ou 1ust get their undivided attention. To do this 7o##ow a 4attern. :e1e1'er 7irst> The
Introdution= seond> The Bod)= third> The 9#ose.

In 4re4aring the Main Bod)6 organiAe )our thoughts6 in#ude an) suggestions 7or the
i14rove1ent o7 'usiness6 the inrease o7 ino1e6 the eCtension o7 4u'#i we#7are6 the
4ro#ongation o7 #i7e6 the 4ro1otion o7 hea#th6 the aretion o7 ha44iness6 and the ahieve1ent
o7 suess. -eed )our audiene 4#ent) o7 1eat. Ma"e )our s4eeh s4ar"#e with hu1an
interest6 and re#ate stories a'out suess7u# 4eo4#e and unusua# ao14#ish1ents.

9hoose ,e) Words that sound we##. ,now their 1eaning. Be eC4#iit and i##u1inating in )our

54ea"ing in 4u'#i is on#) onversation e#evated to its 7u## a4ait).

A## dou't6 worr)6 dread and anCiet) in the 1a"ing o7 a s4eeh are instant#) re1oved ')
thorough 4re4aration and ') a 7ee#ing that )ou are ta#"ing to a dear 7riend6 and do not are
who is #istening. An audiene is a grou4 o7 individua#s= when )ou ta#" to one6 )ou ta#" to a##.

In on#usion6 1a"e )our s4eeh as )ou wou#d ta#". Be eC4#iit6 'rie76 and tr) to in@et a sense
o7 hu1or. Ta#" with )our audiene6 and not at the1. Ta"e it eas)6 and enthusias1 wi##
4er1eate the audiene. You wi## s4ea" with har16 with e77et6 with 4ersuasion6 and with
onvition. You an do it. 0et at it.

The 7#oor is )ours.
n /ust 10 minutes flat$ The &'( )ecret -ill help you en/oy e0treme self-
confi#ence$ blast through limiting thoughts$ get ri# of absolutely any fear$ an# quickly
cure 1real1 problems such as impotence an# pain.
!lick This )ecret $rder 'ink To *et The &'( )ecret +t + "uge ,iscount
5o1e ti1e ago I had a drea1. In this drea1 I awo"e to 7ind 1)se#7 a## a#one in the Wor#d.
There was no distration6 no distur'ane6 no on7usion6 no trou'#e6 and no on7#it. Worr)6
are and res4onsi'i#it) were un"nown. In this Uto4ian Wor#d6 with ever)thing 1ine6 and the
Monarh6 I was onsious o7 'eing a#one. A 7ee#ing o7 #one#iness and a sense o7 in- seurit)
too" 4ossession o7 1e. I 7e#t a 'urning desire 7or so1ething not there. What was it? What did
this Uto4ian Wor#d #a"? It #a"ed hu1an 'eings. There was no one to in7#uene6 no one to
a44reiate6 no one to #ove6 and no one to share. Hu1an interest was #a"ing. In this Uto4ian
Wor#d I 7ound 1)se#7 in a state o7 1iser). A #oud "no" a1e on the door. I was thri##ed to
awa"e and 'e onsious o7 a wor#d 7i##ed with 4eo4#e6 a 4#ae where hu1an 'eings an attrat
and 'e attrated.

Has it ever ourred to )ou wh) the oean is onstant#) 1oving u4 and down with the waves
ro##ing and 'rea"ing against eah other with #o"#i"e regu#arit)? Without these inessant u4s
and downs6 the oean wou#d 'eo1e stagnant. (ver)thing in and around it wou#d 4erish.
These 1ove1ents "ee4 the water tee1ing with who#eso1eness and vita#it).

DA #i7eti1e o7 ha44iness? No 1an a#ive ou#d 'ear it= it wou#d 'e he## on earth6D sa)s Bernard
5haw. The sweet is hidden in the 'itter.

U4s and downs in hu1an nature are a toni to 4rovo"e thoughts and to sti1u#ate ation. The
Wor#d is a 4roving ground. The 4eo4#e in it 7urnish a #a'orator) 7or the stud) o7 hu1an
re#ations. Your a'i#it) is the head he1ist to o14ound 7or1u#as6 and i7 these are sienti7ia##)
o14ounded6 )ou an attrat and get what )ou want. In this ha4ter6 there are 7or1u#as
o14ounded in the #a'orator) o7 hu1an re#ations6 tested in the 7ie#d o7 eC4eriene and 4roved
on the 4roving grounds o7 hard "no"s.

(insteinBs 8aw o7 :e#ativit) is a'strat unti# we 'egin to understand its 4rini4#e. To
understand this 4rini4#e we 7ind that this o'sure sienti7i #aw is as #ose to us as our
e#'ows. Aording to this #aw6 there is on#) one "ind o7 1ateria# in the Universe and it is a##
he#d together ') the 8aw o7 Attration. In 4h)sis )ou were taught that the 8aw o7 Attration is
a 7ore ating 1utua##) 'etween 4arti#es o7 1atter6 tending to draw the1 together.

The 8aw o7 Attration o4erates in hu1an re#ations. It is the 7or1u#a6 the 4roess6 the 1ethod6
and the at )ou e14#o) to attrat 4eo4#e. The 1ore )ou "now a'out 4eo4#e and the soures
that ontro# their ats6 the 1ore Gui"#) an )ou attrat the1. The 7or1u#a to do this is a
o1'ination o7 siene and art. 5iene instruts what to do. Art teahes how to do it.
Through o'servation6 eC4eriene6 re7#etion and reason )ou an ana#)Ae 4eo4#e. You an
unover reasons that in7#uene and 1otivate the1 to at.

!eo4#e are in7#uened and 1otivated to ation ') ideas. To o14ound ideas into a sienti7i
7or1u#a6 and to 4resent the1 in #ogia# seGuene6 is the Gui"est wa) to sti1u#ate a reation6
and the 'est 1eans to get resu#ts. Hu1an nature is 7unda1enta#. There is nothing 1ore
ertain to 4redit than the reation )ou wi## get 7ro1 4eo4#e6 when )ou 4resent the1 with a
ertain de7inite idea. A 4ositive idea in ation a#wa)s 4rodues a reation. This reation wi## 'e
7avora'#e i7 the 7or1u#a to onve) the idea is sienti7ia##) 4re4ared.

<ver two thousand )ears ago6 5orates6 the wise o#d 0ree"6 said> D,now th)se#7.D 5o1eti1es
a "now#edge o7 ourse#ves6 and what a44ea#s to us gives us a de7inite #ue to what a44ea#s to
and attrats others. We disover an a44ea# that 1a"es the1 at. Most 4eo4#e are
7unda1enta##) a#i"e. What wi## a44ea# to one wi## a44ea# to a##. Most o7 us are onstant#) and
eterna##) tr)ing to 4ersuade and even onvine ourse#ves that we are di77erent 7ro1 ever)one
e#se. With 7ort) )earsB eC4eriene wor"ing and eC4eri1enting in the #a'orator) o7 hu1an
re#ations6 I "now di77erent#). We a## have a #ot in o11on with eah other. The sooner we
rea#iAe this6 the sooner we wi## generate the 4ower to attrat. We 1ust rea#iAe and a44reiate
one great 7at a'out other 4eo4#e. The) are a## rationa# hu1an 'eings. The) have desires6
4ro'#e1s and needs= and wi## #isten to an a44ea# on how to 1eet and 7u#7i## the16 'ased on
reason and o11on sense.

The Gua#ities6 harateristis and attri'utes o7 other 4eo4#e an usua##) 'e deter1ined ') an
understanding o7 our own. As (1erson one said> DTo s4ea" what other 1en thin"6 to eC4ress
what other 1en 7ee#6 is the essene o7 genius.D There7ore6 with this understanding6 using
other 4eo4#e and their needs as the enter o7 interest6 we an 'ui#d and onstrut thoughts6
4#ans6 s)ste1s6 suggestions and 7or1u#as that wi## i14e# the1 to at. We an attrat the1 and
ins4ire the1 to have on7idene in our 4ro4osition.

In ana#)Aing 4eo4#e6 we 7ind their ats are on- tro##ed ') three soures. These three soures
were disussed in 9ha4ter %III6 DHow to Turn Your Ideas into Mone).D Ideas are the su't#e
4ower we e14#o) to attrat and to 1otivate. 5o i14ortant are these soures that I again
enu1erate the1. B) a## 1eans initiate the1 in )our ativities. The) are>

1. e1otion

This is the 1eans to send out thoughts to attrat attention. Ma"e it eas) 7or 4eo4#e to #isten to
what )ou have to sa).

*. HU&0M(NT

The Hudg1ent is reahed through "now#edge. You 1ust organiAe )our "now#edge and
arrange it in seGuene. This onve)s the 4ower o7 )our inte##igene6 and i14resses others
with what )ou are a4a'#e o7 doing.
.. &(5I:(

This reates the urge to At. To gain attention6 and to get interest is not enough. With a 7ee#ing
o7 on7idene and earnestness6 )ou 1ust arouse the desire6 inite that inward6 invisi'#e
intensit) o7 'eing and 1a"e others want to do what )ou 4ro4ose.

A7ter unovering the soures that ontro# the ats o7 4eo4#e6 )ou 1ust unover the auses
that 4ro14t these soures. These auses are 1otivated ') interests.

What are these interests? There are 1an)6 'ut the three 1ain interests in the #ives o7 1ost
4eo4#e are>

-irst> -a1i#).

5eond> %oation or Business.

Third> The1se#ves.

!ratia##) ever)thing 4eo4#e do in #i7e is entered around one o7 these interests.

In 1a"ing an ana#)sis o7 the auses and the interests to attrat 4eo4#e6 we disover that these
1a) 'e in7#uened ') ertain advantages6 and the e77et the) have on the #ives o7 4eo4#e.
These advantages are>

-irst> 0ain o7 ha44iness or 4eae o7 1ind.

5eond> 0ain o7 hea#th.

Third> 0ain o7 1one) or wea#th.

Thus )ou have a diret road to the soure6 a diret road to the ause6 and a#so a road 1a4 o7
the advantages to attrat an) hu1an 'eing in the wor#d. You have a 4s)ho#ogia#
'a"ground. This is )our 7oundation.

With this sienti7i "now#edge and in7or1ation a'out 4eo4#e6 )ou an reate thoughts and
4#ans 7ro1 within that wi## attrat 4eo4#e6 and6 ') getting the1 to 'e#ieve in )ou6 )ou an get
an)thing )ou want. Thoughts a'out the things )ou want iru1sri'ed ') a servie to others6
and 'e#ieved in6 wi## 1a"e their a44earane in )our eC4eriene.

The 8aw o7 Attration is ver) 4#ain#) eC4ressed in the Bi'#e. It reads> DTo hi1 that hath sha## 'e
given6 and 7ro1 hi1 that hath not sha## 'e ta"en awa) even that whih he hath.D As a44#ied to
attrating 4eo4#e6 this si14#) 1eans that i7 )ou have the thoughts and 7ores to attrat6 and
give the1 out6 then )ou attrat other things to )ou and 1ore things sha## 'e given to )ou. <n
the other hand6 i7 )ou do not 1a"e use o7 the thoughts and 7ores )ou now have6 then even
that whih )ou a#read) have sha## 'e ta"en awa). It 1ere#) eC4resses an ineCora'#e and
i11uta'#e #aw that )ou have got to give to get.

In #i7e )ou have on#) one thing to give and that is )our a'i#it) reviewed and a44raised ') )our
own inte##igene6 and onve)ed to others through a s)ste1 or 4#an o7 ation. You an give this
in a ha4haAard wa)6 or )ou an give it in a sienti7i wa). To attrat and get what )ou want6
the #atter is i14erative.

The 4er7etion o7 a 'usiness6 art or 4ro7ession starts with )ou. How high do )ou register in the
sa#e o7 4er7etion? What are )ou doing to i14rove )our e77iien)? Have )ou #earned to
harness a## )our 7ores and onentrate the1 on the @o' at hand? Have )ou aGuired the
"now#edge and s"i## to do the greatest a1ount o7 wor" with the #east 4ossi'#e a1ount o7 e77ort6
in the shortest 4eriod o7 ti1e? 9an )ou get 1aCi1u1 resu#ts with 1ini1u1 e77ort? Are )our
thoughts #iGuid? 9an )ou ad@ust )ourse#7 Gui"#)? Have )ou the 4ower o7 ada4ta'i#it)? 9an
)ou a44#) o11on sense? &o )ou need a s#ide ru#e to 1u#ti4#) two ') two? &o )ou assu1e
the ro#e o7 se#7-i14ortane when shou#dered with the res4onsi'i#it) o7 direting others? &oes
)our eC4ert "now#edge and "een eCeutive a'i#it) #ose its har1 and savor at the eC4ense o7
i14udene and arrogane? &o )ou use )our head 7or other things6 as we## as 7or a 4#ae to
hang )our hat?

In ana#)Aing and stud)ing the ha4ters in this 'oo"6 )ou rea#iAe that the who#e 4ur4ose o7 it
has 'een to deve#o4 the 4h)sia#6 1enta# and s4iritua# attri'utes6 and to #a) a 7oundation 7or
4ersona# e77iien). It is ti1e to a4ita#iAe )our 4ersona#it)6 and turn )our a'i#it) into ash. The
4otentia#ities are stored u4 within. How an )ou onnet the1 with the tas" at hand? How an
)ou render an e77iient servie to others?

A## soia# and eono1i 4rogress o1es 7ro1 individua# e77ort. (ono1) and soiet) are
re7#eted ') )ou. (nerg)6 ideas and 7reedo1 o7 ation have 1ade A1eria the rihest nation
in the wor#d. The hie7 4ur4ose o7 a## 'usiness is to 7i## in with 1ateria# things what ideas
7or1u#ate. (ono1) is on#) a distri'ution o7 ideas and energ) eC4ressed in things to serve
and 1a"e eah other ha44) and o17orta'#e. New ideas6 or o#d ideas6 with a new 'od)6 new
"now#edge and new s"i##6 on how to do things 'etter6 are a#wa)s in de1and. A need toda) was
on#) a visua#iAation )esterda)6 and what is a need toda) 1a) 'e on#) an antiGue to1orrow.

A'out sevent)-7ive )ears ago an o#d gent#e1an was a'out to ta"e out a 4atent on a ertain
gadget. <n disovering that his 4ro4osed 4atent 'ore nu1'er one hundred thousand6 he
deided to 4roeed no 7urther. He too" the gadget ho1e6 onvined that ever)thing was
4atented. 5ine that ti1e two 1i##ion nine hundred thousand 4atents have 'een ta"en out and
toda) 1ore than one hundred new ones are going through the !atent <77ie ever) da).

A## 'usiness transated is 'ui#t around 7ive genera# 4rini4#es. L1M Things needed. The
'usiness o7 7ood6 #othing6 and she#ter= and a#so running the 0overn1ent in#uding the
-edera#6 5tate and Munii4a#6 are eCa14#es. L*M Things wanted. New ideas reate new wants6
and to su44#) these wants 1an deve#o4s new enter4rises. This 4rini4#e in#udes a##
'usinesses to su44#) the uti#ities o7 o17ort and en@o)1ent. Auto1o'i#es6 househo#d
a44#ianes6 ertain 'ui#ding deve#o41ents6 rai#roads6 stea1shi4s6 'uses and a## ti1esaving
devies are eCa14#es. L.M Things to 1a"e 1one). Ban"s6 invest1ent houses6 sto"
eChanges6 1ortgage o14anies6 underwriting s)ndiates6 invest1ent 1anage1ent and a##
'usiness 4ertaining to 7inane are eCa14#es. L4M Things to satis7) 4ride. A## gar1ents o7 st)#e6
os1etis6 'eaut) 4ar#ors6 hairdressing esta'#ish1ents6 gi7t sho4s6 and a## things to adorn6 are
eCa14#es. L2M Things to satis7) aution. Man is a autious reature and he #i"es to 1a"e sure
a'out the 7uture o17ort and en@o)1ent o7 his 7a1i#) and hi1se#7. To seure this he assoiates
hi1se#7 with others to 7or1 a o-o4erative assoiation 7or the 1utua# 4rotetion o7 eah other
in ti1e o7 need. The insurane 'usiness is an eCa14#e.

A## these di77erent 4rini4#es o7 'usiness are onduted ') and 4artii4ated in ') hu1an
'eings. (ver)one is endeavoring to serve the other6 in order to 'e served. The 'etter the)
serve6 the 'etter are the) served. There7ore6 7or )ou to get )our share o7 these good things6
)ou 1ust evo#ve a 7or1u#a to share )our good things with others.

The highwa) to the average 1anBs interest is through one o7 these 7ive 4rini4#es o7 'usiness.
You have aess to this highwa) and a hoie to o4erate in an) o7 the1. You have a de7inite
ontri'ution to 1a"e and a de7inite servie to render. Your a'i#it) and 4ower as an individua#
1ust 'e eC4ressed through ideas. You 1ust 'e a'#e to 1erhandise these ideas6 either ')
reating so1ething new or ') i14roving so1ething o#d. (ver) ou4ation is a 1erhandising
4ro4osition. The 4erson 4er7or1ing that ou4ation is turning over what he has to get
so1ething e#se. In short6 he is se##ing so1ething.

How an )ou 1erhandise )our ideas?

-irst> 5e#et the idea )ou want to ao14#ish.

5eond> &e7ine and enu1erate the idea in ter1s o7 servie6 thing or 4ro4osition and visua#iAe
its va#ues and advantages in onrete ter1s.

Third> Arrange the idea and its advantage in seGuene and give it a so#id 4#an or 'od).
:eview 9ha4ter %III and a44#) its ontents.

-ourth> Idea#iAe the 4#an6 see and 7ee# it attrating attention and getting resu#ts. :ein7ore )our
4ower to do this ') the 7our #aws6 na1e#)6 the #aw o7 7aith6 the #aw o7 i1agination6 the #aw o7
re4etition6 and the #aw o7 4ersistene.

-i7th> Have 4#an t)4ewritten in 4#ain words or have a '#ue4rint 1ade i7 it is to 4ortra) a thing.
This wi## 1a"e either o7 the1 1ean so1ething to )ou and to others.

In a44#)ing 7or a new @o' or 4osition6 review )our ideas in the #ight o7 )our own eC4eriene6
setting 7orth in detai# 4ast 4er7or1anes6 4resent engage1ents and what )ou 7ee# a4a'#e o7
doing. The e14#o)er an reat on#) on what )ou te## hi1. 8eave nothing to hane. Be
thorough and eC4#iit. No one has a 'etter idea o7 what )ou are a4a'#e o7 doing and no one
an te## it 'etter than )ou.

A44#)ing the a'ove 4rini4#es to 1erhandise his a'i#it)6 a )oung 7e##ow 4resented his
Gua#i7iations to his neCt-door neigh'or. He s4ei7ied his training6 gave a o14#ete review o7
his eC4eriene6 enu1erated his attri'utes and Gua#ities6 visua#iAed and idea#iAed his
a4a'i#ities and gra4hia##) 4ortra)ed how the or4oration ou#d use and 'ene7it 7ro1 his
servies. His neCt-door neigh'or was the 4resident o7 the or4oration. He was so i14ressed
with the 4#an 4resenting the )oung 1anBs wor" s4ei7iations that he i11ediate#) e14#o)ed
hi1 at a su'stantia# sa#ar). Toda) he is vie-4resident o7 the or4oration.

To tr) 1) own 4rowess6 using this 4#an to 1erhandise 1) own a'i#it)6 I a44#ied to a o14an)
7or a @o'. No one in the o14an) "new 1e. I had no #etter o7 reo11endation. I addressed
1) o11uniation to the 4resident o7 the o14an). In 'rie76 I stated 1) na1e6 age6 eduation
and eC4eriene. I enu1erated a## the di77erent de4art1ents o7 this 'usiness 7ro1 the ti1e the
raw 1ateria# was reeived unti# the 4rodut was in the hands o7 the onsu1er. I visua#iAed in
1) a44#iation a## the ins and outs o7 getting this 4rodut to the usto1er. I suggested a
1erhandising 4#an that wou#d 1a"e ever) usto1er a sa#es1an to o'tain a wider distri'ution
o7 the o14an)Bs 4rodut. I 4resented a 4#an that wou#d reate and deve#o4 a 'etter re#ation
'etween the usto1er and the 4rodut. I 1ade the 4resident 7ee# that I ou#d inrease the
'usiness o7 the o14an). A 7ew da)s #ater I reeived a #etter 7ro1 hi16 suggesting an
interview to 1a"e arrange1ents 7or e14#o)1ent at a su'stantia# sa#ar). <7 ourse I did not
ae4t. I a##ed on hi1 as a 1atter o7 ourtes) and to#d hi1 o7 1) eC4eri1ent. He insisted that
I ta"e a 7ee6 whih I re7used.

I did not a44roah the 4resident o7 that o14an) 'egging 7or a @o'. I a44roahed hi1 with an
idea that 1eant 1one) to his o14an). I attrated his attention6 inited his interest6 and 1ade
hi1 7ee# that I had ideas to share. This6 in turn6 1ade hi1 7ee# that he had a 4ro7it to share
with 1e.

Most 4eo4#e are so 'us) srathing in the dirt that the) never sto4 to thin" o7 what the dirt is
1ade. The) wonder wh) the) do not get ahead. Now and then one 4auses6 thin"s and
ana#)Aes the dirt. He 'eo1es a reative thin"er. He uses his head6 and the 1inute he 'egins
to use his head6 at that 1inute he 'egins to get ahead.

Three 1en were wor"ing on a onstrution 7ore. 5o1eone as"ed> DWhat are )ou doing?D
Nu1'er <ne answered> DI a1 utting stone.D

Nu1'er Two answered> DI a1 earning I10 a da).D

Nu1'er Three answered> DI a1 'ui#ding a 9athedra#.D

Nu1'er Three has vision and i1agination. He is thin"ing a'out that whih he is doing.
(ventua##) Nu1'er Three wi## 'e onduting his own 'usiness.

-ee#ing his seniorit) rights had 'een over#oo"ed6 an e14#o)ee went to the 4resident o7 the
o14an) to o14#ain that a )ounger 1an had 'een advaned to a 4osition to whih he 7e#t
entit#ed. DWh) has 1) twent)-7ive )ears o7 eC4eriene 'een ignored?D he Gueried. The
4resident said> DYou have had on#) one )earBs eC4eriene twent)-7ive ti1es.D

Mere#) 4utting in hours does not win a 4ro1otion. It is in@eting )our a'i#it) in the hours that
wins reognition and guarantees a reward. (C4eriene is the "now#edge6 wisdo1 and s"i##
gained through a wise use o7 ti1e.

The use )ou 1a"e o7 s4are ti1e wi## assist )ou in deve#o4ing )our a'i#it). There are twent)-
7our hours in eah da). (ah wee" has one hundred and siCt)-eight hours. Your voation
ta"es u4 7ort) hours. This #eaves )ou with one hundred and twent)-eight hours eah wee" to
s#ee46 to eat6 to entertain6 to re#aC6 and to i14rove )ourse#7. B) using on#) ten 4er ent o7 this
s4are ti1e6 )ou have a#1ost two hours 4er da) to read6 to stud)6 to thin"6 to 1editate6 to
re7#et and to i14rove )our a4ait) to 4er7or1. A 7ew hours eah wee" wise#) used wi## enrih
)our "now#edge6 'roaden )our out#oo"6 season )our eC4eriene and Gua#i7) )ou 7or a
4ro1otion6 or an inrease in sa#ar). (77iien) and understanding o7 )our @o' 'ring added

54are ti1e 1a) 'e organiAed e77etive#). To use it onstrutive#) is 'oth interesting and
4ro7ita'#e. &eide now to 1a"e use o7 it. Wor" u4 a 4rogra1 to use it and adhere to it.

54are ti1e6 either to deve#o4 a ho'')6 an avoation6 or se#7-"now#edge6 he#4s to 7or1 good
ha'its. 54are ti1e is )our 4ro4ert). <ne 1an has as 1uh ti1e as another. No one an
de4rive )ou o7 it. The use )ou 1a"e o7 it #arge#) deter1ines )our 4rogress. -i## eah 1inute
with siCt) seonds. It is not the da)s or hours that )ou waste= it is the 4reious seonds and
1inutes. It is the use o7 these that wi## 1a"e or 'rea" )ou. Ta"e are o7 the 1inutes6 the hours
wi## ta"e are o7 the1se#ves6 and the da)s wi## ta"e are o7 )ou.

As Hohn &. :o"e7e##er one said>

I was ear#) taught to wor" as we## as 4#a)=

M) #i7e has 'een one #ong ha44) ho#ida).

-u## o7 wor" and 7u## o7 4#a)--

I dro44ed worr) on the wa)6

And 0od was good to 1e ever) da).

Here are siC suggestions that wi## he#4 )ou to deve#o4 )our s4are ti1e>

1. Tr) to s4end one hour eah da) in si#ent 1editation. :ead6 re7#et and review.

*. !i" out one su'@et6 ta"e 4eni# and 4a4er and write down ever) thought )ou an thin"
a'out on that su'@et. 54end twent) to thirt) 1inutes eah da) doing this.

.. Write a #etter. Tr) not to use the words DI6D D1e6D D1)D and D1ine.D

4. Tr) to onverse at #east 7i7teen 1inutes eah da) without using the words DI6D D1e6D D1)D
and D1ine.D

2. Tr) to write a #itt#e arti#e eah da)6 either eC4#aining6 re#ating or de7ining so1ething.

/. 54end at #east 7i7teen 1inutes eah da) reviewing and ana#)Aing )our eC4eriene.
(ndeavor to visua#iAe and idea#iAe a## )our re#ationshi4s with 4eo4#e in a s4irit o7 gratitude and
a44reiation. It wi## he#4 )ou to disover other 4eo4#eBs interests. It wi## he#4 )ou to 7or1 ideas
that are wonder7u# to others6 'eause others wi## 7ee# wonder7u# with )our ideas.

A 4iee o7 g#ass s4ar"#es 1ore 'ri##iant#) than a 4iee o7 1agneti iron. There is no
o14arison as to the Gua#it) o7 attration. This 4rini4#e is a44#ia'#e to hu1an re#ations. It is
a si14#e 1atter to attrat 4eo4#e ') su4er7iia# a1enities6 'ut to draw the '#ood and in7#uene
the1 to at6 )ou 1ust have the 4ower o7 attration within. A s1i#e 1a) win attention6 'ut it
ta"es the onsious 4ower o7 ideas to o'tain resu#ts. A h)ena an s1i#e6 'ut when an
e14#o)er wants so1ething done6 he does not e14#o) a h)ena. The 1ora# is6 do not s4end a##
)our ti1e 4ainting the outside o7 the house6 'ut s4end 1ore ti1e on the 7urnishings. It is here
)ou an 1a"e 4eo4#e 7ee# at ho1e6 and ins4ire the1 to do )our own 'idding.

5o1eone has said> D!raise is #i"e a dia1ond. It derives its va#ue 7ro1 its sarit).D

!raise is one o7 the greatest 1otivating 7ores to attrat 4eo4#e. In the Bi'#e is a ver) vivid
stor) that i##ustrates the great 4ower o7 4raise. !au# and 5i#as were un@ust#) aused6 and
were ast into 4rison with- out tria#. It did not daunt their s4irits. At 1idnight the) 4ra)ed and
sang 4raises to 0od. An earthGua"e a1e. The 4rison doors o4ened. !au# and 5i#as were
7ree 1en.

In the 4h)sia# wor#d6 there are two wa)s to eC4and things>

1. B) 4ressure.

*. B) heat.

To eC4and things e#asti6 #i"e an auto1o'i#e tire6 air is '#own into it or water is 4oured into it6
and the 7ore o7 4ressure o7 either o7 these e#e1ents eC4ands it.

The inherent 4ressure 7ro1 within wi## eC4and things when heat is a44#ied. Water is onverted
to stea16 and the stea1 4rodues 4ower. Meta#s are heated to a 1o#ten state6 and whi#e in
this state the) an 'e sha4ed to an) 7or1. Heat a44#ied to oa# re#eases rih gases6 oa# tar
4roduts 7or d)es6 and other use7u# 4roduts6 even n)#on hosier).

In the wor#d o7 hu1an re#ations6 it is not 4ossi'#e to a44#) 4h)sia# 4ressure or heat to
individua#s. An- other 7or1u#a 1ust 'e 4resri'ed. The one 7or1u#a that wi## aid )ou 1ore than
a## others to eC4and and grow in )our re#ationshi4s with 4eo4#e is the heat o7 !raise.

Hesus taught and de1onstrated !raise. -ive thousand hungr) 4eo4#e stood 'e7ore hi1. -ive
#oaves and two 7ishes were the on#) avai#a'#e 7ood. What did he do? He did not o14#ain. He
did not gru1'#e. He '#essed the 7ive #oaves and two 7ishes. He than"ed 0od 7or the1. He
4raised the1. The who#e 1u#titude was 7ed6 and 1an) 'as"ets were #e7t over.

As the 7ather o7 7our hi#dren6 I endeavor at a## ti1es to 4raise their e77orts in a s4irit o7 true
a44reiation. It wor"s. It see1s to ta4 a hidden 7ountain within and 1a"es the1 1ore eager
and a#ert to ao14#ish.

It see1s to 'e an inherent #aw that we inrease whatever we 4raise. 9reation eC4ands to
4raise. !raise a dog and he is )our 7riend. !raise hi#dren and the) wi## g#ow with @o). !raise
4#ants6 7#owers and trees and the) wi## grow 'etter. !raise )our a'i#it) with gratitude and )ou
inrease the 7#ow o7 inte##igene.

9hi#dren #i"e 4raise. Ani1a#s #i"e 4raise6 4#ants #i"e 4raise6 and so do )ou and I. A #itt#e sinere
4at on the 'a" inreases good wi## and in 1an) ases ontri'utes to the suess and
ha44iness o7 others. !ositive 4raise 7ee#ing#) a44#ied is an ative 4ra)er. !ratie it.

Whatever we 4raise 1u#ti4#ies. I7 )ou are in need o7 su44#)6 the 'est wa) to start the 7#ow o7
additiona# su44#ies is to 4raise that whih )ou have. I7 )ou want a 'etter @o' and 1ore 4a)6
start 4raising the wor" )ou are doing. Those around )ou 1a) see1 una44reiative6 'ut "ee4
4raising )our situation and soon the) wi## 'e thin"ing )our wa). You wi## 'e a1aAed how
Gui"#) things 'egin to turn )our wa).

Wi##ia1 8aw one wrote> DI7 an)one ou#d te## )ou the shortest6 surest wa) to a## ha44iness
and a## 4er7etion6 he 1ust te## )ou to than" and 4raise 0od 7or ever)thing that ha44ens to
)ou. -or it is ertain that whatever see1ing a#a1it) ha44ens to )ou6 i7 )ou than" and 4raise
0od 7or it6 )ou turn it into a '#essing. 9ou#d )ou6 there7ore6 wor" 1ira#es6 )ou ou#d not do
1ore 7or )ourse#7 than ') this than"7u# s4irit= 7or it turns a## that it touhes into ha44iness.D

!raise 1agni7ies the good Gua#ities6 and 1ini1iAes the 'ad ones--i7 an). !raise is a 4ositive
eC4ression o7 a44reiation. It is 'eing g#ad over the ao14#ish1ents o7 others. It is
so1ething )ou anBt 'u). It 1ust 'e earned6 and shared ') those who deserve it. It is 1ore
than 7a1e and 1one). It is giving heart) and war1 a44rova# to a 7riend. It is #etting hi1 "now
that )ou are interested in his we#7are. It 'rea"s down 'arriers and #ets )ou in on situations that
wou#d not otherwise 'e 4ossi'#e. !raise 1a) 'e a##ed the 0reat 8i'erator. There7ore6 when
an)one deserves or earns )our a44ro'ation6 ') a## 1eans give it. You wi## enourage the1
and have a greater a44reiation o7 )our own Gua#ities.

I #i"e what Berton Bra#e) sa)s in D&o It Now.D

I7 with 4#easure )ou are viewing an) wor" a 1an is doing6

I7 )ou #i"e hi1 or )ou #ove hi16 te## hi1 now=

&onBt withho#d )our a44ro'ation ti## the 4arson 1a"es oration

As he #ies with snow) #i#ies oBer his 'row= 7or6 no 1atter how )ou shout it6 he wonBt rea##) are
a'out it6

He donBt "now how 1an) teardro4s )ou have shed= I7 )ou thin" so1e 4raise is due hi16 nowBs
the ti1e to 4ass it to hi1 7or he annot read his to1'stone when heBs dead?

!eo4#e sto4 #earning too soon. The) reah the 1ature age o7 thirt) and thin" the) an #earn
no #onger. 8earn so1ething new6 7or1u#ate new ideas6 deve#o4 new interests and generate
new enthusias1. In these )ou wi## 7ind new Aest6 new ourage and new ins4iration to 4er7et
)our @o'. <rdinar) things done in an eCtraordinar) wa) attrat 1ore attention and reate 1ore
interest than eCtraordinar) things done in an ordinar) wa). It is not neessar) to 'e an
eono1i ro)a#ist to have stars in )our rown6 7riends a1ong )our assoiates and 1one) in
)our 4o"et.

Two o7 1) good 7riends are -rederi" Be"husen and ,ar# ,a#tenhauser. The) are head
1asseurs at YoungBs Hea#th Institute. Two 7iner haraters ou#d not 'e 7ound. These two
1en "now the na1es6 harateristis6 idios)nrasies6 and 4ersona# attri'utes o7 over three
thousand 1en. (ver) 1e1'er at YoungBs Hea#th Institute #oves and res4ets these 1en.
Wh)? Beause these 1en do ordinar) things in an eCtraordinar) wa). The) give their 'est
wi##ing#) and heer7u##) at a## ti1es. The) are a'#e to attrat and get what the) want.

54ea"ing o7 'eing too o#d to #earn6 ta"e a #esson 7ro1 Moses. Aording to the Bi'#e6 Moses
was eight) )ears o#d when he started his great wor". He #ed the 9hi#dren o7 Israe# out o7
(g)4tian 'ondage6 and inor4orated the Ten 9o11and1ents through the ins4iration and
guidane o7 0od. A7ter 7ort) )ears o7 stewardshi46 #eading and direting the Israe#ites6 we 7ind
Moses at the ri4e )oung age o7 one hundred and twent)6 with a #ear e)e and a stead) hand.

In attrating 4eo4#e it is not wise to re#) too 1uh on eduation. Inte##igene 4reedes
eduation. Man had inte##igene #ong 'e7ore he aGuired eduation. (duation o1es 7ro1
the 8atin word Deduare6D whih 1eans Dto draw out.D The who#e 4roess o7 eduation is to
draw out and deve#o4 the #atent a'i#ities and to arrange the1 aording to the standard o7
onvention6 that others 1a) understand and 'ene7it ') the1.

The hu1an onsiousness is a 4rodut o7 0od. It is reated and 7or1ed in har1on) with
order. (ven though it is not reogniAed6 #aw and order 4revai# in the hu1an onsiousness6
and an)one s"i##ed in the "now#edge and understanding o7 hu1an re#ations 7or1s ideas on
this h)4othesis.

To have the 1aCi1u1 e77et6 an) 1ediu1 to eChange or to trans1it thoughts and ideas 1ust
7o##ow this 4rini4#e. <rder g#ori7ies the 4rini4#e o7 0od6 and har1oniAes with the os1i
onsiousness whih o4erates throughout the Universe6 and in the onsiousness o7 1an.

I an 1a"e as 1uh sound on the 4iano as Itur'i.Itur'i6 through siene6 "now#edge and s"i##6
arranges those sounds with the "e)s o7 the 4iano to 7or1 a sound 4attern. This sound 4attern
har1oniAes with the order o7 the Universe to 4rodue the onord o7 sweet sound6 whih is
1usi. This 4rini4#e a44#ies to ideas. To attrat and in7#uene the) 1ust 'e 7or1ed into a
4attern with the right words6 and arranged in har1on) with order.

In the Universe6 there is nothing su4ernatura#. A## things are governed ') the i11uta'#e and
unhangea'#e 8aw o7 0od. 0od is Truth. Wh)? Beause Truth is an esta'#ished 4rini4#e with
no eCe4tions. A## natura# #aws are 4rini4#es o7 0od.

The #aw o7 4h)sis6 the #aw o7 1athe1atis and the #aw o7 he1istr) are6 have 'een6 and
a#wa)s wi## 'e Truths. A## o7 these #aws are an esta'#ished 4rini4#e with no eCe4tion. Two
4arts o7 h)drogen and one o7 oC)gen 1ade water 'e7ore 1an wrote the he1ia# 7or1u#a
H*<. Two 4arts added to two 1ore 4arts 1ade 7our 4arts 'e7ore 1an disovered
1athe1atis. An a44#e was 7a##ing to the ground the da) Newton disovered the 8aw o7
0ravitation. (#etriit) was avai#a'#e to #ight the (g)4tian !)ra1ids6 'ut the (g)4tians did not
"now how to ut the #ines o7 7ore6 set u4 a 1agneti 7ie#d and use a d)na1o to onvert
4h)sia# 7ore into e#etria# energ). An air4#ane 7#own over Beth#ehe1 the da) Hesus was
'orn wou#d have 'een onsidered a 1ira#e. Yet the 4rini4#e o7 aerod)na1is was as
a44#ia'#e then as it is now.

The 8aw o7 0od is not 'ased on hane. D9hane is a word void o7 sense and nothing an
eCist without ause6D said %o#taire. 5o-a##ed #u" is 'ased on hane. I7 what %o#taire sa)s is
true6 then #u" an 4#a) no 4art in o'taining resu#ts. Ahieve1ent 1ust have a ause.
Ao14#ish1ents are not 4u##ed out o7 the air. The) are the resu#ts attained ') the a44#iation
o7 ideas in we##-7or1ed 4#ans6 #oaded with 7at6 1eaning and 7ee#ing entered around the
needs o7 4eo4#e on7or1ing to the 8aw o7 0od6 whih is the 4rini4#e o7 0ood.

Another thought that wi## he#4 )ou to attrat and get what )ou want is to reogniAe and rea#iAe
that a## 'ranhes o7 "now#edge teah re#ationshi4. (ver)thing in the Universe is re#ated. To 'e
onsious o7 this 7at and de1onstrate it with "indness and a44reiation toward a## things is to
have a## the 7ores o7 the Universe o-o4erating with )ou. Man an 1u#ti4#) two ') two6 or he
an divide two into two 7ro1 now unti# the end o7 ti1e. This 4roves that 1an is a 4art o7 the
in7inite6 and a#so is a 4art o7 the in7initesi1a#. I "now that I a1 a 4art o7 ever)thing in the
Universe6 and that ever)thing in the Universe is a 4art o7 1e. I wor" on this 4rini4#e. -ee#ing
that I a1 a unit in the Universe and a itiAen o7 the wor#d 'rings 1e in ontat with har1on)
and unit). I a1 at ho1e in the "ithen or the drawing roo1. Man worries 'eause he does not
"now. Man dreads 'eause he does not understand. Man 7ai#s 'eause he does not thin".
When )ou #ove 0od6 )ou #ove 0ood6 and this esta'#ishes order in )our re#ationshi4s that
4rodues unit) and that whih )ou do is done with ertaint) and har1on). This is !eae o7

D,now )e the Truth and the Truth sha## 1a"e )ou 7ree.D

In a## )our re#ations6 endeavor to disover what is true6 and 4ratie what is good. Be#ieve in
)ourse#76 and aGuire the ha'its that wi## 1a"e )ou 'e#ieve in )ourse#7. At as i7 it were
i14ossi'#e to 7ai#. ,ee4 ative. 0enius is one 4er ent ins4iration and ninet)- nine 4er ent
4ers4iration. 0eniuses are on#) 4eo4#e who "ee4 'us) in the 4er7etion o7 a siene or an art.

The heights ') great 1en reahed and "e4t

Were not attained ') sudden 7#ight.

But the)6 whi#e their o14anions s#e4t6

Were toi#ing u4ward in the night.

:e1e1'er these 7ew 4ree4ts.

L1M 0et the attitude o7 suess6 thin" and 7ee# it. A 7#ower gir# o7 8ondon #oo"ed #i"e a duhess6
thought #i"e a duhess6 ta#"ed #i"e a duhess6 ated #i"e a duhess6 and soon 'ea1e a
duhess in the 4#a) D!)g1a#ion.D

L*M <4erate sienti7ia##). ,now a## the 7ats. No 'usiness is good enough 7or a 1an to s4end
a da) in6 'ut an) 'usiness is good enough 7or hi1 to s4end a #i7eti1e in. The road to
4er7etion is not rowded.

L.M An auto1o'i#e 4er7or1s 'etter in high gear6 so does )our 4ersona#it). Throw it in gear and
go 4#aes and do things.

L4M Be heer7u#. 51i#e6 'ut do not de4end u4on it 7or an inrease in sa#ar).

L2M ,ee4 7#eCi'#e. 9hanges are ta"ing 4#ae with #ightning ra4idit). 8earn to ada4t )ourse#7
Gui"#) to onditions and ad@ust )ourse#7 grae7u##) to 4eo4#e.

L/M 5tud) 4eo4#e6 7ind out what the) #i"e6 and 1a"e 4#ans to su44#) the1.

L$M (Cerise tat and di4#o1a). -ee# )our wa) a#ong. It is 'etter to get there who#e than in

L+M Agree with thine adversar) Gui"#). The stor1 does not #ast ver) #ong.

L;M Be 7orgiving. NeCt ti1e it 1a) 'e on )ou.

L10M 54ea" so7t#). Arrogane and i14udene have their reward.

L11M Be de4enda'#e. I7 )ou 1a"e an a44oint1ent or an agree1ent6 "ee4 it. 8et )our word 'e
)our 'ond.

L1*M Thin"6 then at6 and )ou wi## not grow wear) ating. The 1ore )ou thin"6 the #ess wor"
)ou have to do.

L1.M Be a 7riend. The on#) wa) to have a 7riend is to 'e one. (Ceute a## )our ideas with a
hu1'#e and 7riend#) s4irit.

L14M I7 )ou 7ee# the s)14to1s o7 se#7-i14ortane6 and a s#ight atta" o7 'ig-headedness
o1ing on6 ta"e this antidote. DThin" o7 a## things that have 'een done6 a## things that are
'eing done6 and a## things that wi## 'e done6 even without )ou and 1e.D

,ee4 4#anting ideas. 5o1e wi## 7a## u4on ston) hearts6 so1e wi## 7a## u4on 1ar'#e do1es6 'ut
so1e wi## 7a## u4on 7erti#e 'rains and wi## 'ring 7orth so1e thirt)6 so1e siCt) and so1e even a
hundred 7o#d o7 good resu#ts. The 8aw o7 Averages is a ver) eCating #aw. It reGuires that )ou
4#ant ideas6 'ut it never 7ai#s to @ust#) reward )ou. When )ou have earned so1ething6 nothing
in the Universe wi## "ee4 )ou 7ro1 getting it.

You an attrat and get what )ou want ') si14#) 'e#ieving in )our ideas. The) are the
su'stane o7 things )ou want6 and i7 )ou have 7aith in the16 the su'stane o7 the ideas
'eo1e the evidene o7 the things )ou wanted. (ver) suess7u# ahieve1ent has 7o##owed
this 4rini4#e.

In this ha4ter I have revea#ed to )ou the 4s)ho#ogia# attri'utes and the s4iritua# Gua#ities
that ena'#e )ou to attrat 4eo4#e6 and i14e# the1 to 'e onsious o7 )our ideas. Ideas that
on7or1 to a 4attern are #i"e 1usi to the ear6 the) ins4ire on7idene and 1otivate ation ')
virtue o7 their own 4ower. The) are the ver) essene o7 'usiness. The) are irresisti'#e. !eo4#e
7ee# a'out the1 the wa) )ou 7ee#. You an 'ui#d and reate ideas around the needs o7 others
that wi## attrat attention6 sti1u#ate the i1agination6 wa"e u4 the s#u1'ering interest6 e#etri7)
the #atent desires6 inite the 7ee#ing and 1ove 4eo4#e to ation. Your a'i#it) to attrat and get
what )ou want in )our- se#7 does #ie. Use it and resu#ts wi## 7o##ow as the night the da).
+isco(er The Most owerful .os/ic 0r!ering Secrets To Manifest
Anything You -ant 1uic#ly
!lick "ere To -nlock These )ecrets &ow
8ove is the Universa# 8aw o7 Hustie. That is wh) 0od is 8ove. A## natura# #aws eC4ress @ustie.
Natura# #aws have no 7avorites6 and are avai#a'#e to a## who endeavor to understand and a44#)
the1. The 8aw o7 Averages is a natura# #aw. It wor"s with a## and 7or a## with a'so#ute ertaint)6
4reision and @ustie.

Man in his Guest 7or "now#edge unovers 1an) natura# #aws. He redues these #aws to
wor"a'#e things6 and through the e77ets o7 these #aws is a'#e to add to his own o17ort and
en@o)1ent. He is a'#e to 4rove the e77ets o7 these #aws6 and to eC4ress the1 in sienti7i
7or1u#as. The 8aw o7 Averages an 'e redued to a sienti7i 7or1u#a6 and a44#ied in dea#ing
with 4eo4#e. The resu#ts 1a) 'e antii4ated with aura). In 1) 7ort) )ears o7 eC4eriene in
the 7ie#d o7 se##ing6 I have 4roved that the 8aw o7 Averages a44#ies to hu1an 'eings as we## as
to things. A sienti7i "now#edge o7 the 8aw o7 Averages is one o7 the 1ost sti1u#ating and
7asinating 7ators in 'usiness. The a44#iation o7 this #aw guarantees suess in an) 7ie#d o7

In this ha4ter I want to give )ou---irst> A 4ratia# introdution that 4roves the 8aw o7
Averages in dea#ing with things and 4eo4#e. 5eond> I want to give )ou a sienti7i
inter4retation o7 the 8aw o7 Averages. Third> I want to te## )ou how the 8aw o7 Averages an
1a"e )ou rih and a#so how it wor"s with 1e and 7or 1e.

To introdue the sienti7i a44#iation o7 the 8aw o7 Averages #et us o'serve a de1onstration.
Ta"e a oin and toss it into the air one hundred ti1es. Mar" down the nu1'er o7 ti1es it 7a##s
heads6 and the nu1'er o7 ti1es it 7a##s tai#s. What ha44ens? There are two sides to that oin6
and 'oth sides are eC4osed. The 8aw o7 Averages deter1ines the nu1'er o7 ti1es that the
oin 7a##s heads and the nu1'er o7 ti1es that it 7a##s tai#s. As there are on#) two sides
eC4osed6 it 1ust 7a## an eGua# nu1'er o7 ti1es heads6 and a#so an eGua# nu1'er o7 ti1es
tai#s. A oin tossed into the air a su77iient nu1'er o7 ti1es wi## get the sa1e resu#t ever) ti1e.

There is another de1onstration that wi## interest )ou. Nu1'er ten go#7 'a##s6 one6 two6 three
and right on u4 to ten. !ut the1 in a sa" and sha"e the1 thorough#). &raw one. The nu1'er
)ou draw is one o7 the ten. The 8aw o7 Averages )ie#ds nu1'er one ever) ti1e during the ten
draws. &raw these 'a##s one hundred ti1es6 and during the draws the 8aw o7 Averages )ie#ds
the 'a## 1ar"ed nu1'er one and two in suession. &raw these 'a##s one thousand ti1es6
and during the draws the 8aw o7 Averages )ie#ds the 'a##s 1ar"ed nu1'er one6 two and three
in suession. &raw these 'a##s ten thousand ti1es6 and during the draws the 8aw o7
Averages )ie#ds the 'a##s 1ar"ed nu1'er one6 two6 three and 7our in suession. &raw these
'a##s one hundred thousand ti1es6 and during the draws the 8aw o7 Averages )ie#ds the 'a##s
1ar"ed one6 two6 three6 7our and 7ive in suession. ,ee4 the draws u4 to ten 'i##ion6 and
during the draws the 8aw o7 Averages )ie#ds the 'a##s 1ar"ed one6 two6 three6 7our6 7ive6 siC6
seven6 eight6 nine and ten in suession. I7 )ou do not 'e#ieve it6 tr) it.

(ither o7 the a'ove de1onstrations wi## 4rove that the 8aw o7 Averages wor"s. 5ine it does
wor"6 #et us endeavor to de7ine it. 5orates6 one o7 the greatest thin"ers who ever #ived6 had
one great 1otto> D&e- 7ine )our ter1s.D It is on#) #ogia#6 there7ore6 that )ou shou#d "now the
sienti7i 1eaning o7 the 8aw o7 Averages. In 1) atte14t to de7ine the 8aw o7 Averages6 I
wrote #etters6 1ade inGuiries and as"ed 1an) Guestions. -ro1 these di77erent soures I
reeived 1an) ideas and suggestions. To su1 the1 a## u4 the answer was> DI7 )ou 4ut
so1ething in6 )ou get so1ething out.D A ver) good answer and it ontains the e#e1ents o7
truth. However6 it did not satis7) 1e.

Man) 1i##ions o7 4eo4#e had seen things 7a## to the ground #ong 'e7ore 5ir Isaa Newton
disovered the 8aw o7 0ravitation. But Newton wanted to "now the reason wh) things 7e## to
the ground. 5o1eone as"ed hi1 how he disovered the 8aw o7 0ravitation. His answer was>
DB) thin"ing a'out it.D

A7ter thin"ing 1an) da)s a'out the 8aw o7 Averages in ter1s o7 a44#iation6 in ter1s o7
de1onstration6 in ter1s o7 re#ationshi4s6 and in ter1s o7 how it 4rodues resu#ts6 I reated the
7o##owing de7inition.

The 8aw o7 Averages is the #aw that deter1ines the nu1'er o7 ti1es a thing wi## ha44en in
4ro4ortion to the nu1'er o7 ti1es that that thing is eC4osed.

The oin is eC4osed one hundred ti1es. It has two sides on#)6 heads and tai#s. There7ore6 it
1ust 7a## an eGua# nu1'er o7 ti1es 7or eah side and wi## a#wa)s do this in 4ro4ortion to the
nu1'er o7 ti1es it is eC4osed. The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to the go#7 'a##s. (C4ose the1
enough ti1es and the resu#t )ou are see"ing is 'ound to ha44en.

The de7inition o7 the 8aw o7 Averages esta'#ishes it on a sienti7i 'asis. There7ore6 it wi##
4rove ver) he#47u# to )ou to visua#iAe this de7inition6 and get it we## esta'#ished in )our 1ind.
To "now a 4rini4#e thorough#) ins4ires us to a44#) it. An)one who a44#ies the 8aw o7
Averages 'ased on the a'ove de7inition annot 7ai# to 4rodue resu#ts.

5o1e 1a) on7use the 8aw o7 Averages with hane. 9hane o1es 7ro1 the 8atin word
DadereD whih 1eans Dto 7ai#.D 9hane is ta"ing a ga1'#e that a thing wi## ha44en. It is a 4ure
ris" with a 4ossi'i#it) to win 'ased on that i1aginar) thing a##ed #u". The 8aw o7 Averages is
a de7inite #aw that e#i1inates hane6 avoids ris" and 7u#7i##s ever) reGuire1ent to whih it is

The 8aw o7 Averages is used ') a## #i7e insurane o14anies to deter1ine the death rate o7 a
given nu1'er o7 4eo4#e at a given age. It is the sienti7i 4rini4#e on whih to o14ute a##
1orta#it) ta'#es. Wh)? Beause a given nu1'er o7 4eo4#e are eC4osed to death at a## ti1es6
and there7ore6 a ertain nu1'er o7 deaths wi## ha44en eah )ear6 with a'so#ute aura). This
7at6 4#us the rate o7 interest earned on the 4re1iu1s o##eted6 deter1ines the ost o7 the #i7e
insurane 4er )ear.

The 8aw o7 Averages a#so a44#ies to the invest1ent 4ort7o#io. <ut o7 a given nu1'er o7
o14anies doing 'usiness6 a ertain nu1'er o7 these o14anies wi## 'e suess7u#. A
7inania# institution an invest in a su77iient nu1'er o7 these o14anies in order that the 8aw
o7 Averages an o4erate. This 4rovides a reasona'#e seurit) 7or an invest1ent and a#so a
guaranteed interest return on the invest1ent. There7ore6 ') a44#)ing the 8aw o7 Averages6 a
7inania# institution an invest 1one) sienti7ia##).

Most redit ris"s are 'ased on the 8aw o7 Averages. <ut o7 a given nu1'er o7 redit ris"s6 a
ertain nu1'er wi## a#wa)s 'e res4onsi'#e and 4rove to 'e satis7ator).

In a## enter4rises the 8aw o7 Averages o4erates. 5o1e 4eo4#e in 'usiness are onsious o7
this #aw6 and eC4and their enter4rises with s4eed6 a#arit) and ertaint). <thers a44#) it in a hit
or 1iss 7ashion 'ut the) ') no 1eans rea4 the rih and 7u## reward o7 its sienti7i a44#iation.

DIgnorane o7 the #aw eCuseth no 1anD--is an o#d #ega# 1aCi1 a44#)ing to the #aw o7 the #and.
To o11it a ri1e with the 4#ea o7 ignorane does not eCuse the o77ender. The sa1e
4rini4#e a44#ies to the #aws o7 reation6 eCe4t these #aws are 1ore eCating. To 'e ignorant
o7 these #aws in no wa) inter7eres with their o4eration. The #aws are here 7or us to use and not
to use the1 is ertain#) no 7au#t o7 the #aws. The 8aw o7 Averages is a 7unda1enta# #aw o7
reation. To a44#) it is to en@o) its rewards.

The 8aw o7 Averages is eC4ressed no #ess than three ti1es in the Bi'#e--in the thirteenth
ha4ter o7 Matthew6 the 7ourth ha4ter o7 Mar"6 and the eighth ha4ter o7 8u"e. In eah o7
these di77erent ha4ters is 7ound the D!ara'#e o7 the 5ower6D whih 4#ain#) states that the
5ower 1ust sow his seed 'e7ore he an eC4et to rea4 a ro4. 5o1e seed wi## 7a## ') the
wa)side6 so1e wi## 7a## a1ong thorns6 so1e wi## 7a## a1ong the ro"s6 'ut so1e wi## 7a## u4on
good ground and 'ring 7orth a ro4 o7 a hundred7o#d.

The seret o7 the 5ower is the "ind o7 seed that he sows. The seed 1ust 'e o7 good Gua#it) in
order to ta"e root when it 7a##s on the right soi#. That whih he rea4s wi## 'e o7 the sa1e nature
as that whih he sows. I7 he sows wind6 he wi## rea4 a whir#- wind. I7 he sows sawdust he wi##
rea4 sawdust. (ver)thing inreaseth a7ter its own "ind. As the seed ontains a## the e#e1ents
essentia# to the 4#ant6 so 1ust ideas ontain a## the e#e1ents essentia# to in7#uene 4eo4#e.
You 1ust sow ideas 'e7ore )ou an rea4 a reward. You 1ust give 'e7ore )ou an get. 5o
when )ou sow and when )ou give6 do it 7ree#) with no strings to it. As Hesus 4ut it6 D(Ce4t a
"erne# o7 wheat 7a## into the ground and die it a'ideth a#one. But i7 it die6 it 'eareth 1uh 7ruit.D
You do )our 4art and the seed wi## do its 4art.

Most o7 us6 1ost o7 the ti1e6 are thwarted6 distrated and disouraged 'eause we have no
de7inite "now#edge o7 a #aw on whih to eC4and our e77orts. &ou't6 unertaint) and dread
ree4 into our onsiousness6 and there is a tenden) to vai##ate 7ro1 one goa# to another6
7ro1 one interest to another6 and end u4 ') 'eing si14#) 'ewi#dered6 and with a sha##ow
sense o7 'eing heated. In a44#)ing a 7unda1enta# #aw6 'e not anCious or overAea#ous to
hange )our 4roedure. :e1e1'er that natura# #aws do not vai##ate. The #aws that ru#e the
Universe are un- hangea'#e. The) un7o#d #ogia##). <'serve how #ogia##) things in nature
grow and deve#o4. Nothing is aidenta#. The) deve#o4 in #ogia# seGuene and un7o#d in
4er7et 7ruition.

The 8aws o7 0od annot 7ai#. To 7ai# wou#d 'e a vio#ation o7 0odBs own 4rini4#es. This is
i14ossi'#e. &oes the 8aw o7 0ravitation 7ai#? &ro4 what )ou have in )our hand and see what
ha44ens. This #aw is onstant#) on the @o' even though )ou are not onsious o7 it. The 8aw
o7 !h)sis6 the 8aw o7 9he1istr)6 the 8aw o7 Mathe1atis6 or an) other 7unda1enta# #aw is
onstant#) avai#a'#e 7or our use. 5o1eone 1a) as" what a doAen eggs wi## ost at / ents
eah. Instant#)6 through the 8aw o7 Mathe1atis6 )ou 1u#ti4#) 1* C / and so#ve the 4ro'#e1.
The 1o1ent )ou are onsious o7 the 8aw6 it is there to 1eet )our need.

Thus 7ar6 I have given )ou a 4ratia# de1onstration o7 the 8aw o7 Averages. I have de7ined it
and have endeavored to inter4ret it sienti7ia##). -ro1 here on I want to show how the 8aw o7
Averages wor"s 7or )ou and 7or 1e.

The 8aw o7 Averages )ie#ds resu#ts with the sa1e ertaint) and aura) as the 8aw o7
Mathe1atis6 when a44#ied. I not on#) 'e#ieve in the 8aw o7 Averages6 I not on#) have 7aith in
it6 'ut 1ore than these6 I "now the 8aw o7 Averages o4erates. When I 1u#ti4#) / C 1* I "now it
is $*. -aith and 'e#ie7 in the 8aw o7 Mathe1atis 'eo1e read) "now#edge. The a44#iation o7
the 8aw o7 Averages 'e- o1es read) and usa'#e "now#edge the 1inute it is a44#ied.

Not 1an) )ears ago6 I 1ade 1+00 a##s over the te#e4hone. I did not get a 'ite. Was I
dis1a)ed? Was I 7rustrated? Was I disouraged? Not in the #east. I was eC4osing an idea in
the 7or1 o7 a sa#es 4#an 4ortra)ing the 'ene7its o7 #i7e insurane. I was 4utting into o4eration
the 8aw o7 Averages. I "new that this 8aw ou#d not 7ai#. <4erating on this 4rini4#e6 there was
no oasion 7or dou't. I "new that resu#ts were ertain. What ha44ened? Within a 7ew da)s6 I
stru" the @a"4ot. It rained 'usiness. &id the 8aw o7 Averages 4a) o77? In #ess than one
1onth I reeived 1ore than I*.00 7or ever) te#e4hone a## 1ade. In addition6 I reeived a
'onus o7 at #east that 1uh 1ore.

In the 7ie#d o7 se##ing6 the 8aw o7 Averages is ver) eCating as to the a1ount o7 a##s
neessar) 7or a sa#e. It ertain#) reGuires that )ou 4#ant ideas6 'ut it does not 4resri'e the
1ethod to use. In 7at6 the 8aw o7 Averages is a'so#ute#) indi77erent as to the 1ethod )ou
e14#o) to 4ut it in o4eration. In 1) eC4eriene in se##ing6 I have a#wa)s used the te#e4hone. I
7ind that the te#e4hone 1ethod is the Gui"est6 the 1ost 4ratia#6 the 1ost e77iient6 the 1ost
7easi'#e and the 1ost sienti7i 1ethod o7 arr)ing an idea to the greatest nu1'er o7 4eo4#e in
the shortest 4eriod o7 ti1e. It is the Gui"est and 1ost diret 1eans o7 eC4osing an idea in a
4ersona#iAed wa) and6 there7ore6 7u#7i##ing the reGuire1ents neessar) 7or the 8aw o7 Averages
to o4erate.

In a44#)ing the 8aw o7 Averages in the 7ie#d o7 se##ing6 it is a'so#ute#) neessar) to deter1ine
the resu#t )ou desire. The 8aw o7 Averages does not "now the o'@etive )ou desire unti# the
deision is 1ade. <ne a deision is reahed6 the #aw goes into o4eration to 7u#7i## it. The
nu1'er o7 ti1es )ou eC4ose an idea a'out a 4rodut or servie is the nu1'er that deter1ines
how o7ten the eC4osition o7 that idea wi## reward )ou.

Most o7 those 4eo4#e who se## wor" either on a o11ission 'asis or 7or a sa#ar). I7 )ou wor"
on a o11ission 'asis6 4ut a de7inite ash va#ue on eah a##. I7 )ou wor" on a sa#ar)6 4ut a
de7inite esti1ate o7 the nu1'er o7 a##s )ou want to 1a"e to on- su11ate a sa#e. ,ee4 a
reord and wath the 8aw o7 Averages o4erate.

In 1) own eC4eriene6 I have a#wa)s 4#aed a va#ue o7 I*.00 on eah te#e4hone a##.
There7ore6 i7 I 1a"e 20 te#e4hone a##s in one da)6 I "now I have earned I100.00. To i##ustrate
this 7at6 it wi## 'e o7 interest to )ou to "now that in Hune 1;4$ I 'egan to o4erate the 8aw o7
Averages on this 'asis. At the end o7 &ee1'er 1;4$6 I 7ound that I had 1ade .6000
te#e4hone a##s and the 8aw o7 Averages 4aid 1e not on#) I*.00 7or eah a##6 'ut again
rewarded 1e with a su'stantia# 'onus.

You 1a) as"6 D&oes the 8aw o7 Averages wor" a1ong strangers?D &oes the sun "now an)
strangers? The 8aw o7 Averages "nows no strangers6 and one it is 4ut in o4eration it wor"s
#i"e a 1agnet. It attrats and draws to it the thing )ou desire. :e1e1'er the D!ara'#e o7 the
5ower6D a#wa)s re#) u4on good seed. The va#ue and advantage o7 the 4rodut6 or servie6 and
what the) 1ean to the 4ros4et6 are the seed )ou sow. To eC4ose ideas 'ui#t into a sa#es 4#an
and trans1it the1 with a'so#ute 7aith and ertaint) to a given nu1'er o7 4ros4ets 4uts the
8aw o7 Averages in o4eration. Are reations to ideas 4redita'#e? Yes6 there is nothing 1ore
ertain to 4redit than the reation )ou wi## get 7ro1 a given nu1'er o7 4eo4#e when )ou
4resent the1 with a ertain de7inite idea. A 4ositive ation a#wa)s gets a re- ation. This
reation wi## 'e 7avora'#e or un7avora'#e. I7 it is 7avora'#e6 )ou at u4on it Gui"#). I7 it is
un7avora'#e6 )ou 7orget it and go a7ter another one.

Are )ou see"ing a @o'? &o )ou want a #arger sa#ar)?

&o )ou want to i14rove )our 4resent ou4ation? A44#) the 8aw o7 Averages and it an 'e a
deided advantage to 'ring a'out an) o7 the a'ove situations. How an this 'e ahieved?
-or1u#ate ideas a'out that whih )ou want to ao14#ish. Begin to a44#) these ideas. ,ee4
on tr)ing. Be onvined that the 8aw o7 Averages is wor"ing with )ou and through the 4roess
o7 e#i1ination is he#4ing )ou to reah )our goa#. There7ore6 ') 4ersistene )our e77orts wi## 'e
rowned with ahieve1ent6 and that whih )ou are see"ing wi## auto1atia##) 1ani7est itse#7 in
)our eC4eriene.

In a44#)ing the 8aw o7 Averages6 endeavor to 'e 4atient. 5ha"e the #i1' o7 an a44#e tree with
a green a44#e u4on it6 and nothing ha44ens. 5ha"e the #i1' when the a44#e is ri4e and the
a44#e 7a##s o77. A#so re1e1'er the grain--D7irst the '#ade6 then the ear6
and then the 7u## grain in the ear.D The 8aw o7 Averages annot 'e 7ored6 oered6 or
hastened. When the reGuire1ents are 1et6 it o4erates with 4reision. Nothing an 7ore it to
at6 and nothing an 4revent it 7ro1 ating.

The 8aw o7 Averages wi## re1unerate )ou in 4ro4ortion to the va#ue )ou )ourse#7 4ut on it. I7
)ou de1and #itt#e6 it 4a)s #itt#e. I7 )ou de1and 1uh and set a worth-whi#e goa#6 it wi## a#wa)s
1eet )our standard. The o#d sa)ing goes6 DWh) 4ut a 1ountain in #a'or6 @ust to 'ring 7orth a

:e1e1'er the o#d 4oe1 ') Hesse B. :ittenhouse 7ro1 the D&oor o7 &rea1sD whih sa)s>

I 'argained with #i7e 7or a 4enn)
And #i7e wou#d 4a) no 1ore6
However6 I 'egged at evening when
I ounted 1) sant) store.

-or #i7e is @ust an e14#o)er=
He gives )ou what )ou as"6
But one )ou have set the wages6
Wh)6 )ou 1ust 'ear the tas".

I wor"ed 7or 1enia#Bs hire
<n#) to #earn dis1a)ed6
That an) wage I as"ed o7 #i7e
8i7e wou#d have 4aid.

Te## the 8aw o7 Averages what )ou want. As" 7or it6 see" it6 and de1and it in a hu1'#e and
sinere wa)--then sti" to that de1and with 7aith6 with 4ersistene and deter1ination unti# )ou
have ahieved )our o'@etive.

N. W. A)er6 one o7 the greatest advertising 1en that this ountr) ever 4rodued6 had a great
s#ogan> D,ee4ing ever#asting#) at it 'rings suess.D 5o1e 4eo4#e thin" that this i14#ies a
7or1 o7 s#aver). I thin" 4ossi'#) Mr. A)er was re7erring to the 8aw o7 Averages. A hain o7
ideas 4uts into o4eration the 8aw o7 Averages whih 'rings a'out resu#ts. An idea one in
4rint 'egins to ae#erate a 4roess o7 other ideas6 to 7or1 a hain o7 in7#uene6 and
eventua##) through the 8aw o7 Averages the idea 'rings suess.

In a44#)ing the 8aw o7 Averages6 re1e1'er that )ou have no ontro# over its rewards or the
soure 7ro1 whih the rewards o1e. It rewards )ou 7ro1 the 1ost unsus4eted soures and
in the 1ost uneC4eted wa). As a sa#es1an )ou 1a) 'e a## ag#ow with a sure sa#e. <n the
sur7ae the 4ros4et ou#d not 7ai#. What ha44ens? The 4ros4et does 7ai# to 'u). Wh)?
Beause he is hu1an. The 8aw o7 Averages6 on the other hand6 annot 7ai#6 and what )ou
thought on#) a Dsus4etD turns into a genuine sa#e. This 4rini4#e a44#ies a#so to those who
see" a @o'6 a #arger sa#ar) or an i14rove1ent in ou4ation. The reward o1es 7ro1 the
soure #east eC4eted.

The 8aw o7 Averages is un#i"e 1an-1ade #aw. It annot 'e hanged6 a#tered or a1ended. No
at o7 hianer)6 no unning 7raud and no art o7 dee4tion an 7ore it to at6 or ause it to 7ai#.
It an on#) 'e 4ut into ation ') onentrated thought. The true 4ur4ose o7 the 8aw o7
Averages is to give )ou a de7inite 4#an o7 ation with the a'so#ute assurane that the
a44#iation o7 )our a'i#it) annot 7ai# to 4rodue resu#ts. This assurane gives )ou the 4ower
and deter1ination to arr) on.

The eC4erienes whih I have enu1erated are not o4inions or theories a'out the 8aw o7
Averages. The) are the 8aw o7 Averages in ation. This 8aw does not need a 7avora'#e 4#ae
or a 7avora'#e ti1e to o4erate. It wi## o4erate 7or an)one6 at an) ti1e6 or at an) 4#ae. It
reGuires onentration and a44#iation and these 4rovo"e Gui" thin"ing. Man) onstrutive
thoughts and ideas wi## o1e to )ou as )ou 'egin to a44#) the 8aw o7 Averages. Your a'i#it) to
eC4ress these thoughts and ideas wi## inrease as )ou need the1. Your "na" o7 a44#)ing the
8aw o7 Averages wi## give )ou 1an) thri##s and 1an) he"s. It an 1a"e )ou rih.
2ant to kno- ho- to )3A4 ANY'N35( &N4... Astral Travel... 6re#ict the 7uture...
Heal Animals... (en# 16-&ail1... an# mprove your (e0 *ife8
!lick "ere To -nleash Your )uper."uman (owers
The other da) whi#e #oo"ing over the 5unda) 4a4er6 1) e)es were instant#) drawn to a 4iture
o7 a graduating #ass at one o7 the #arge universities. I ana#)Aed that 4iture. The 7aes on
those 'o)s a44eared to 'e unertain6 not unertain a'out #i7e or its 7uture6 'ut unertain as to
the 4#ae the) ou#d ta"e in it. The) see1ed to 'e in a Guandar). Were the) wondering where
it wou#d 'e 4ossi'#e 7or the1 to 7it in? Were the) wondering how to 1a"e the 1ost e77iient
use o7 their ta#ents and a'i#ities to Tender the 'est and 1ost use7u# servie?

Not on#) 'o)s graduating 7ro1 universities and o##eges6 'ut thousands o7 other 4eo4#e are
wondering at a## ti1es i7 the) are in the right 4#ae. A1 I a sGuare 4eg in a Tound ho#e6 or a1 I
a round 4eg in a sGuare ho#e? A1 I 1a"ing the 7u## use o7 1) ta#ents? Are 1) a'i#ities 'eing
hanne#ed in the right diretions? Is there not so1e ou4ation or thing that I an do 1ore
e77iient#)? Are 1) e77orts 'eing 7u##) a44reiated? These are t)4ia# Guestions 4eo4#e as"
the1se#ves. Most ever) one is see"ing to 7ind6 or to i14rove6 his 4#ae in #i7e. He wants a
4#ae in the sun6 where his "now#edge and s"i## 1a) 'e a44#ied with e77iien) and where
unit)6 har1on) and 4eae o7 1ind 1a) 'e en@o)ed.

Is there a s)ste1 or a guide to he#4 4eo4#e 7ind their true 4#ae in #i7e? Is it neessar) to
stu1'#e hither and )on with no de7inite o'@etive? A7ter giving this su'@et 1uh thought6 I
evo#ved 7ive ste4s to he#4 )ou. Ta"e these 7ive ste4s and )ou wi## 'e in )our 4#ae.

1. TA,( 5T<9, <- Y<U: ABI8ITY

I7 )ou were going to engage in a 'usiness6 the 7irst sensi'#e and 4ratia# thing to do wou#d 'e
to ta"e a o14#ete inventor). You wou#d surve) its 4resent #oation6 ins4et the 'ui#ding6 1a"e
an inventor) o7 the sto"6 a44raise the 7iCtures6 #ist its assets and ta'u#ate its #ia'i#ities. You
wou#d Guiet#) ana#)Ae these data. You wou#d visua#iAe the 'usiness in re#ation to the
usto1er. You wou#d stud) his needs and wants6 and 1a"e 4rovision to su44#) the1. Your
hie7 desire wou#d 'e to render a good servie to the usto1er and to earn a reasona'#e
4ro7it. You wou#d stud) a#so the o44ortunities o7 the 'usiness6 wor" out 1ethods to i14rove
the16 and endeavor to rea#iAe and to a4ita#iAe on its 4ossi'i#ities.

The sa1e 4rini4#e a44#ies to )ou. You are in a sense a 1erhant6 and )our 'usiness is to
1erhandise )our a'i#it). When )ou 'ought this 'oo"6 it 'ea1e )our si#ent 4artner. B) using
its ontents in on@untion with )our 'usiness6 there is no #i1it to where )ou an go.

The entra# #oation o7 )our a'i#it) is in )our ou4ation. It 1atters not what it is6 or where it is
#oated6 it has un#i1ited 4ossi'i#ities 7or i14rove1ent and eC4ansion.

The 'ui#ding 7ro1 whih )ou o4erate is )our 'od). It 1ust 'e 1aintained and "e4t in good
ondition. It 1ust 'e we## 7ed and we## treated. It su44#ies the energ) with whih to 4er7or1
and gives vita#it) to the a'i#it). It Gua#i7ies )ou to wor" with e77iien). ,ee4 it in good ondition
') a44#)ing the 4rini4#es in DHow to &ou'#e Your (nerg).D

Your sto" o7 goods re4resents )our thoughts. Are )ou dishing out negative thoughts to drive
the usto1er awa)? Are )ou using 4ositive thoughts to inrease the 'usiness and to 7u#7i##
)our desires? :ead DIt Might Have Been You.D

Are )ou 1a"ing 7u## use o7 )our sto" in the 'ase1ent? &o )ou 'ring it out6 #et 4eo4#e "now
what )ou have? You an draw on )our sto" in the 'ase1ent6 and 1a"e 7u## use o7 it ')
reading DAre You Nine-tenths Under Water?D

&o )ou o'serve the usto1erBs needs? &o )ou onentrate on 1ethods and 4#ans to satis7)
those needs? Have )ou his na1e #isted orret#) and an )ou re- a## the #ast transation? &o
)ou reason out his wants in advane and onte14#ate how to ta"e are o7 the1? &o )ou stir
in a #itt#e o7 the !rie#ess Ingredient ever) now and then6 that he 1a) "now )our rea# va#ue
and s4read )our na1e around a1ong his neigh'ors? DHow to Inrease Your !ower to Thin"
and to Bui#d6D ata#ogues a## these and te##s )ou how to 1a"e the wisest use o7 the1.

&o )ou use the right words in 4resenting )our sto"6 in order that the usto1er 1a) have 7u##
on7idene and a o14#ete "now#edge o7 what )ou an do 7or hi1? DThe ,e) to a -ortuneD
te##s how.

Have )ou enthusias1 7or )our 'usiness6 and an )ou generate it in )ourse#76 and a#so in the
usto1er? :ead DHow to 0enerate (nthusias1.D

&o )ou #a" 7aith in )our 'usiness? Is )our sto" getting sho4-worn and ragged around the
edges? :ead DThe Most Interesting Thing in the Wor#d6D and wath )our 'usiness i14rove.

Are )ou 1a"ing the 7u## use o7 )our ideas to i14rove the sto"6 sti1u#ate 'u)ing interest6 and
en#arge the 'usiness? New ideas a'out o11on4#ae things o7ten attrat attention6 and
arouse 'u)ing interests in the usto1er. :ead DHow to Turn Your Ideas into Mone).D

Are )ou anCious a'out the 7uture o7 )our 'usiness? Are )ou onerned a'out a shortage in
sto"? Are )ou unertain and dou't7u# a'out onditions? Is )our 4eae o7 1ind 4ertur'ed?
:eview DHow to Ma"e Use o7 the !resent.D

Have )ou ins4eted )our 7iCtures #ate#)? How a'out )our eGui41ent to dis4#a) )our
1erhandise? Your s4eeh6 voie and 1anner are the 'est 7iCtures )ou have. A good
overhau#ing wi## i14rove the1. It wi## he#4 )ou to dis4#a) )our sto"6 and 1a"e it eas) 7or the
usto1er to understand and have 7u## on7idene in what )ou sa). :eview DHow to I14rove
Your 54eeh6 %oie and Manner.D

You are a good 1erhant. You have a wonder7u# re4utation. The :otar) 9#u' wants to "now
how )ou do it. You are a##ed u4on to 1a"e a s4eeh. You an do it. :ead DHow to Ma"e a

&o )ou want 1ore 'usiness? &o )ou want to attrat 1ore usto1ers? &o )ou want 4eo4#e to
7ee# "ind#) toward )ou? &o )ou want to eCtend )our servies? DHow to Attrat and 0et What
You Want6D te##s )ou how to do it.

Is )our 1erhandise on dis4#a) at a## ti1es? Are )ou eC4osing it to the greatest nu1'er o7
4eo4#e6 in order to inrease the nu1'er o7 usto1ers? The 8aw o7 Averages never 7ai#s. :ead
DHow the 8aw o7 Averages 9an Ma"e You :ih.D

When )ou ta"e sto" o7 )our a'i#it) in the #ight o7 this ana#)sis6 and use the ha4ters o7 this
'oo" to oah and guide )ou6 )ou are going to 'e a going onern on an) orner. You wi##
have an un#i1ited wor"ing a4ita#6 and a sur4#us su77iient to weather an) stor1. Your 4#ae in
#i7e wi## 'e seure.

*. !:A9TI9( 5(8--:(8IAN9(

The other da) I too" a wa#" in the woods. I a1e to a ver) 'eauti7u# tree. I 4#u"ed a #ea7 7ro1
that tree. I o'served its 7or16 its siAe6 its o#or6 and a#so the 1an) #ines running through its
'od). In s)11etr) and design6 no artist ou#d have i1itated its 'eaut). In teCture and
onstrution6 no su#4tor ou#d have a44roCi1ated its 7or1ation. (ver) #ine 7ro1 ste1 to ti4
had its 4#ae. It was an eC4ression o7 4er7etion6 the a4eC o7 Gua#it). -ro1 the sa1e tree6 on a
near-') #i1'6 I 4#u"ed another #ea7. <n the tree its a44earane was identia# with the one
that I had @ust eCa1ined. As the) hung on the tree it was i14ossi'#e to te## the1 a4art.
However6 when I 4ut those #eaves side ') side6 and o14ared the16 I instant#) disovered a
deided di77erene. (ah #ea7 was 4er7et6 and eah one had its own 7or16 siAe6 o#or6 #ines
and what I a## its own #ea7-a#it). I 4#u"ed 7ro1 the sa1e tree a doAen 1ore #eaves and6 on
#ose ana#)sis6 I 7ound eah #ea7 had its own individua#it).

I 'egan to stud) the tree. %er) near was another tree. At #ose range the genera# a44earane
o7 those two trees was a#1ost the sa1e. I wa#"ed a 7ew 7eet awa)6 and #oo"ed at those trees.
I disovered a deided ontrast in their ontour. I eCa1ined the #i1's6 the twigs and the 'ar"
o7 those trees= a## 'ore a stri"ing si1i#arit)6 and a#so a stri"ing ontrast. The trees6 #i"e the
#eaves 7ro1 the tree6 have an individua#it).

The ana#)tia# desri4tion o7 the trees and the #eaves6 esta'#ishes one 7unda1enta# 4rini4#e
that eCe14#i7ies individua# se#7-re#iane. 5e#7-re#iane 'e- stows on the1 the 4ower to draw on6
and to a'sor' a## the 7ores around the1 with a a4ait) to 7u#7i## a natura# #aw. The
a44earane o7 eah tree and eah #ea7 indiates a o14#ete 7ruition o7 hea#th6 har1on)6 unit)
and 4ros4erit).

A## ani1a#s 4ratie the dotrine o7 se#7-re#iane. The) 7o##ow their natura# instint6 whih is a
natura# s4ontaneous i14u#se o7 4ro4ensit)6 1oving the1 without reason toward ation6
essentia# to their eCistene6 4reservation and deve#o41ent. B) adhering to this instint6 the)
are 7ed6 sustained and 1aintained in their natura# ha'itat6 and #ive a o14#ete and 7u## #i7e.

A## 'irds and 7ow#s 7o##ow their natura# instint6 and the) too are 7ed6 nourished and sustained6
1aintained and direted in what to do and how to do it.

A## things in nature 4ratie and de1onstrate the 4ower o7 se#7-re#iane. To o'serve the ats
o7 4#ants6 trees6 'irds6 7ow#6 ani1a#s6 7ish and insets shou#d 'e an ins4iration to ever) 1an to
4ratie se#7-re#iane. <'serve the #i#ies o7 the va##e)6 the) toi# not6 neither do the) s4in6 and
)et 5o#o1on in a## his g#or) is not arra)ed #i"e one o7 these. <'serve the ro'in that 'ui#t a nest
in )our 'a")ard6 as he goes south in Nove1'er and returns the 7o##owing s4ring to his o#d
nest. <'serve the ho1ing 4igeon 'eing shi44ed a thousand 1i#es awa) 7ro1 his ho1e. When
re#eased without o14ass or hart6 he ir#es a 1o1ent6 and then 1a"es a 'ee#ine 'a" to
his ho1e. <'serve the sa#1on returning a7ter )ears at sea to the eCat river in whih he was
'orn. <'serve a 'ee 7ive 1i#es awa) 7ro1 its hive LeGuiva#ent to one thousand 1i#es 7or a
1anM returning #aden with its 4o##en. <'serve the horse "ee4ing in the road on the dar"est
night. <'serve the 'ear hi'ernating. <'serve the dog without 1a46 guide or road sign6
senting his wa) ho1e a thousand 1i#es awa). &o not 7orget the e## 7ro1 whih )ou s4rang.
These are on#) a 7ew eCa14#es. The #ist is in7inite. This 1ust 4rove that 0od6 the 5u4re1e
Inte##igene o7 the

Universe6 wor"s in and through a## things6 in#uding 1an.

0od "nows His 'usiness. He 1a"es no 1ista"es. (ver)thing reated ') Hi1 has a 4#ae6 or it
wou#d not have 'een reated. You have a 4#ae. You are an individua#. Your 7inger 4rints
indiate this. <7 a## the 1i##ions o7 7inger 4rints on reord6 no two are a#i"e. Your 7inger 4rints
distinguish )ou. You are a o14#ete entit) 4ossessed with a## the Gua#ities and attri'utes to
un7o#d into a 4er7et individua#. You an- not i1itate anotherBs 7inger 4rints6 and neither an
)ou a4e anotherBs a'i#it). You 1ust re#) on )our own. You 1ust 4ratie se#7-re#iane.

What is se#7-re#iane? It is re#)ing on )our own 1enta# resoures6 @udg1ent and a'i#it) to
4er7or1. It is a'so#ute trust in the integrit) o7 )our own 1ind. Integrit) is the Gua#it) o7 'eing
o14#ete. It is the inde4endene o7 individua#it) and he#4s )ou to rea#iAe that no 4art o7 )ou
an 'e se4arated 7ro1 the who#e o7 )ou. You have got what it ta"es at an) ti1e or an) 4#ae.
A## )ou have to do is to re#) on it. Thin"6 s4ea" and at )our #atent onvitions and the) sha##
'e the 1eans to in7#uene a## 1en. 5e#7- re#iane is the 4ower to 'e#ieve in )our own thought6
and to at as i7 it were i14ossi'#e to 7ai#.

9onventiona# 1ethods and orthodoC 4roedure are eCe##ent guides6 'ut the) are ver) 4oor
teahers. DThat whih eah an do 'est6 none 'ut his 9reator an teah hi1.D In the distane
I an hear a woodthrush. The #oud6 #ear notes are an eCGuisite arrange1ent o7 tone and
4ith '#ending into the onord o7 sweet sound. It is 1usi at its soure. I 4ause. The
woodthrush never had a #esson in voie u#ture. It teahes a #esson on se#7-re#iane.

5ituations arise 7ro1 ti1e to ti1e where it is a'so#ute#) neessar) to 4ratie se#7-re#iane.
9onditions 1ust 'e 1et on the s4ot. You 1ust either sin" or swi1. I enounter 1an) o7 these
situations in se##ing ') te#e4hone. The 7o##owing one is a good eCa14#e.

I a##ed a ver) 4ros4erous woo# 1erhant on the te#e4hone6 who1 I had never seen. His
seretar) answered the te#e4hone and she 4ut 1e through the third degree as to 1) na1e6
histor)6 4edigree6 'usiness Gua#i7iations and #ast6 'ut not #east6 she wanted to "now what I
wanted to ta#" to Mr. Woo#1an a'out. I to#d her 1) 1ission 4oint '#an". I to#d her I was a##ing
Mr. Woo#1an a'out a #i7e insurane 4#an. That 4ositive state1ent o7 7at onneted 1e with
Mr. Woo#1an. DIs this Mr. H. (dgar Woo#1an?D I said. DYes6 what a'out it?D Then with a
1e##ow 'ut 7ir1 voie I to#d 1) stor). Attentive#) he #istened and when I had 7inished he said6 DI
a1 not interested.D I ae4ted his state1ent. 5e#7-re#iane a1e in and suggested that I ou#d
4ossi'#) onvine hi1 1ore thorough#) i7 I "new his date o7 'irth6 and su'1it 1) 4#an in the
7or1 o7 a 'rie7. Be#ieving that disretion is the 'etter 4art o7 va#or6 and that a so7t word turneth
awa) wrath6 I s4o"e to hi1 ver) gent#) and said> DMr. Woo#1an6 I have never 1et )ou6 )et I
"now )ou are #i"e a## other good 'usiness 1en. I "now )ou are natura##) a good s4ort.
There7ore6 Mr. Woo#1an6 I want )ou to do 1e a 7avor and that 7avor is si14#) this> I want )ou
to give 1e )our date o7 'irth.D To whih he re4#ied6 DI do not are to give out 1) date o7 'irth to
a stranger6 over the te#e4hone.D 5e#7-re#iane said> DMr. Woo#1an6 wi## )ou #oan 1e )our date
o7 'irth 7or a 7ew da)s.D 8aughing#) he re4#ied> DAugust 126 1+$2.D

In a 7ew da)s I su'1itted the 4#an 7or Mr. Woo#1anBs onsideration. He #i"ed it and as a resu#t
o7 that te#e4hone onversation6 using the 4rini4#e o7 se#7-re#iane6 I so#d hi1 a one-hundred-
thousand-do##ar #i7e-insurane 4o#i).

Man is 'orn with an instint--the instint o7 se#7- 4reservation. When he aGuired the 4ower o7
onsious thought6 he hanged the na1e o7 instint to intuition6 'ut he did not hange its
soure6 4ur4ose6 Gua#it) or 4ower. Intuition 1a) 'e de7ined as a Gui" 4ere4tion without
onsious attention or reason. It is read) "now#edge 7ro1 within6 "now#edge that is a#wa)s
avai#a'#e to at in an e1ergen)6 to thwart a disaster6 or to avert a a#a1it). I #i"e to thin" o7
intuition as the trun"-#ine o7 o11uniation diret#) to 0od. <7ten hunhes 4resent
the1se#ves. 5o1e- ti1es a hunh te##s )ou what to do instant#).

-o##owing a hunh arries 1e 'a" thirt) )ears ago. I was trave#ing in the 5outh se##ing 4aint
and roo7ing 1ateria#. In 1) territor) was a 4urhasing agent who 'ought 7or 7i7t) di77erent
otton 1i##s. I a##ed at his o77ie and a )oung #ad) too" 1) ard in. A 1inute #ater she returned
and gave 1e a ni"e# 7or 1) ard. A hunh a1e. I sent another ard in with a 1essage that
the ards were two 7or a ni"e#. I was going down the orridor and the )oung #ad) a1e
shouting a7ter 1e that Mr. !urhasing Agent wanted to see 1e. I went in. I to#d hi1 that I was
honest and did not want to heat hi1. -o##owing a #itt#e hunh6 I reeived an order 7or severa#
ar#oads o7 1ateria#.

5e#7-re#iane is one o7 the 7unda1enta# 4rini4#es o7 eCistene. It deve#o4s harater and wi##
he#4 )ou to 4er7et )ourse#76 and to 4er7et )ourse#7 is to 4er7et )our 4#ae in #i7e. DTo re7or1 a
nation6 to re7or1 a wor#d6 no wise 1an wi## underta"e and a## 'ut 7oo#ish 1en "now6 the on#)
so#id and thorough re7or1ation is what eah one 'egins and 4er7ets on hi1se#7.D

This 1a) 'e o7 interest to )ou. Ta"e a one-do##ar 'i## and turn the green side u4. <n the #e7t
side o7 this 'i## )ou wi## o'serve a 4)ra1id6 and @ust a'ove the 4)ra1id is a triang#e6 or the
un7inished 4art o7 the 4)ra1id. 8oo" at the e)e g#owing out o7 that triang#e. It a#1ost s4ea"s.
The e)e in the triang#e re4resents the A##-5eeing and A##-,nowing ()e o7 0od. That triang#e
re4resents the a4eC o7 4er7etion. <ver the triang#e is the 8atin 4hrase DAnnuit 9oe4tis.D
Trans#ated6 this 1eans D0od #oo"s on with 7avor.D

That triang#e s)1'o#iAes the individua# dignit) o7 1an6 and reogniAes his individua# integrit).
That is a traditiona# heritage that guarantees to ever) A1erian the right to 4er7et hi1se#7 in
an) art6 ra7t6 'usiness6 4ro7ession6 siene or in an) other 7ie#d o7 endeavor. He an rise to
the to4. This traditiona# heritage is s)1'o#iAed in the 0reat 5ea# o7 the United 5tates. This
1eans that these individua# rights are guaranteed to )ou ') the entire resoures o7 the United
5tates. It is a 7ranhise to enourage ever)one to 4ratie se#7-re#iane. This heritage and
right shou#d set a 1an on 7ire with ins4iration. It is a wonder7u# ountr) where a 4oor 'o) an
'eo1e the head o7 it.

A#wa)s re1e1'er what Burroughs6 the great natura#ist6 said a'out his 7riend (1erson6 the
great essa)ist. DWhere he was at a## he was a## together.D It 1a"es the 4ratie o7 se#7-re#iane
a rea#it).

.. 8(T Y<U: 8I0HT 5HIN(

Have )ou ever turned on the #ight in a dar" roo1? It 1a"es a vast di77erene. Yet nothing has
hanged. The on#) thing #a"ing was #ight. A #itt#e #ight 1a"es a 'ig di77erene. It 1atters not
where )ou are or what )ou are doing6 the 1inute )ou #ight u4 )our onsiousness )ou #ight u4
the 4#ae around )ou.

The 'est wa) to #ight u4 )our 4#ae in #i7e is to turn on the #ight o7 <4ti1is1. <4ti1is1 o1es
7ro1 the 8atin word Do4ti1us6D whih 1eans D'est.D It is #oo"ing 7or the 'est in ever)thing and
ever)- 'od).

The o4ti1ist is right. The 4essi1ist is right. <ne sees things in the #ight. <ne sees things in
the dar". (ah is right. The) on#) see things 7ro1 di77erent 4oints o7 view. The o4ti1ist sees
things as the) are6 and is a'#e to esta'#ish their 4ro4er re#ations. The 4essi1ist on#) sees a
s1a## 4art o7 things6 and is una'#e to esta'#ish their true re#ationshi4. The o4ti1ist has
"now#edge en#ightened ') 7ats. The 4essi1ist has "now#edge 'ut it is di11ed ') ignorane.
The o4ti1ist sees the doughnut6 the 4essi1ist sees the ho#e.

<4ti1is1 is thin"ing straight. It is an eCe##ent vaine to 4revent 7ai#ure. It is 1aintaining a
sense o7 eGui#i'riu1 regard#ess o7 what ha44ens. It 4uts in 4ratie the adage taught ')
Marus Aure#ius> DWhatever ha44ens at a## ha44ens as it shou#d ha4- 4en.D

A 1an without a 4enn) dro44ed into a restaurant. He ordered one doAen o)sters. He was an
o4ti1ist. He ho4ed to 7ind a 4ear# with whih to 4a) 7or the o)sters. In the #ast o)ster he 7ound
a 4ear# worth one thousand do##ars. &oes o4ti1is1 4a)?

When )ou wa#" toward the #ight6 the shadows are 'a" o7 )ou. When )ou wa#" awa) 7ro1 the
#ight6 the shadows are 'e7ore )ou. !ratie and de1onstrate o4ti1is1 in )our a77airs. A#wa)s
wa#" toward the #ight and endeavor to enourage others to wa#" with )ou. 8et )our #ight shine.
Tri1 the wi" with "indness6 and 7eed it with the oi# o7 o4ti1is1.

<4ti1is1 is #i"e digging a ho#e in the ground6 the 1ore )ou ta"e 7ro1 it6 the #arger it gets. You
an share it with others6 'eause it is ineChausti'#e. It is a#so #i"e a sweet-sented 4er7u1e6
)ou annot s4read it around without getting so1e o7 it on )ourse#7. 5hare o4ti1is1 with
others. Be as ha44) a'out their suess as )ou are a'out )our own. Never "i" a 1an who is
down6 or aid the gossi4 o7 the town= and i7 )ou hear o7 one gone wrong6 thin" )our 'est to
1a"e hi1 strong. A#wa)s re1e1'er to #et )our #ight shine.

4. ,((! <N TH( M<%(

DThe road is a#wa)s 'etter than the inns.D Maurie Mater#in"6 7a1ed author o7 The B#ue- 'ird6
sa)s> DTo 1e6 these words ') the great 54anish writer6 9ervantes6 1ean a wa) o7 #iving. In 1)
)ounger da)s6 I o7ten ai1ed too hard to reah so1e goa#6 7inish so1e @o'. BWhen this is done6B
IBd sa)6 BI sha## 7ind satis7ation and reward.B But #ater I a1e to rea#iAe that eah ahieve1ent6
#i"e eah inn6 is on#) a 4oint a#ong the road. The rea# goodness o7 #iving o1es with the
@ourne) itse#76 with the striving and desire to "ee4 1oving. I 7ind now that I an #oo" 'a" on
1) eight)-7our )ears with 4#easure and what is even 1ore i14ortant6 to 1e6 that I an sti##
#oo" to the 7uture with ho4e and desire. I have #earned to ta"e eah inn a#ong the wa) with a
trave#erBs stride- not as a sto44ing 4oint6 'ut a starting 4oint 7or so1e new and 'etter

There is nothing 4er1anent in the wor#d 'ut hange. (ver)where this #aw is evident.
(ver)thing in nature is a#wa)s on the 1ove. Move1ent teahes a great natura# #aw. It te##s )ou
to "ee4 on the 1ove. It te##s )ou to "ee4 ative. It is 1ore 7un to wear out than to rust out.
,ee4 on "ee4ing on. As an o#d 4rover' sa)s> DHe who ti##s the soi# sha## eat.D ,ee4 on the
1ove. It is the rea# wa) o7 #i7e. Wath the 'ees 7#it 7ro1 '#osso1 to '#osso1 in searh o7
hone). <'serve the ant6 onsider her wa)s and 'e wise. (ver) e## in )our 'od) is ative.
(ver)thing around )ou is on the 1ove6 so wh) not )ou and I?

When )ou "ee4 on the 1ove6 )ou advane. 0rass does not grow under 1oving 7eet. ,ee4 on
the 1ove and )ou 7or1 good ha'its. You turn 4essi1is1 and de7eat into ation and
ahieve1ent. You turn negative thin"ing and disourage1ent into 4ositive thoughts o7
on7idene and 4ower. You turn 7ai#ure into suess.

2. (3(:9I5( !ATI(N9(

A "ing was see"ing a 1otto that wou#d at as a 4anaea 7or a## trou'#es. He invited a## the
wise 1en in his "ingdo1 to o77er a 1otto. Man) 'ri##iant ones were su'1itted and not two
were a#i"e. The "ing ana#)Aed eah 1otto. (ah one was given are7u# thought and
onsideration. A1ong those suggested was one that the "ing se#eted as the 1ost in#usive
4anaea 7or a## trou'#es. It read DAnd this6 too6 sha## 4ass awa).D

This 1otto is the essene o7 4atiene. It denotes a#16 endurane6 or se#7-4ossession.
!atiene is the a4ait) to rea#iAe that a## onditions and situations are on#) te14orar)= and i7
)ou eCerise 7or'earane and re1ain oo#6 a#1 and o##eted6 the 1ost tr)ing ones wi## right
the1se#ves. !atiene teahes us to grin and 'ear? Tria#s6 tri'u#ations6 trou'#es6 o'sta#es6
de#a)s6 disa44oint1ents and 7ai#ures are on#) sta#"ing shadows that instant#) disa44ear in the
#ight o7 4atiene. DIn )our 4atiene 4ossess )e )our sou#s.D

<7 a## the haraters in histor)6 there is one that a#wa)s shines out as a true eCa14#e o7
4atiene-A'raha1 8ino#n. &uring a ritia# 4eriod o7 the 9ivi# War6 when the nation was
7a##ing a4art and ever)thing was going wrong6 !resident 8ino#n sent a ver) i14ortant order to
his 1ost astute 5eretar) o7 War6 Mr. 5tanton. 5eretar) 5tanton read the order6 tore it to
4iees6 to#d the 1essenger that he wou#d not 7u#7i## the order6 and that 8ino#n was a da1ned
7oo# 7or giving it. The 1essage was ta"en 'a" to 8ino#n. DI7 5tanton a##ed 1e a da1nB 7oo#6
then I 1ust 'e one6D said !resident 8ino#n. DI wi## go over and see hi1.D Throwing his #ong
ar1s around the shou#ders o7 5eretar) 5tanton6 Mr. 8ino#n 4#eaded with hi1 7or
oo4eration. -ro1 that da) on 5eretar) 5tanton was Mr. 8ino#nBs 'est 7riend and staunhest
su44orter. !atiene had won the da).

When adverse onditions ross )our 4ath6 these siC #ines wi## onso#e )ou6 and he#4 )ou to
eCerise 4atiene.

5weet are the uses o7 adversit)=

Whih6 #i"e the toad6 ug#) and veno1ous6

Wears )et a 4reious @ewe# in his head=

And this our #i7e eCe14t 7ro1 4u'#i haunts

-inds tongues in trees6 'oo"s in the running 'roo"s6

5er1ons in stones and good in ever)thing.D

Most o7 us are 4rone to 7orget a## things 1ust 'e ao14#ished ') a #itt#e at the ti1e. This
entai#s detai#. 8i7e is 1ade u4 o7 detai#s. It is one thing a7ter another6 and no one esa4es it.
Ta#"ing is detai#6 one word a7ter another. Wa#"ing is detai#6 one ste4 a7ter another. A## 4ersona#
ats and a## ats o7 servie entai# detai#. The house in whih )ou #ive is a 1ass o7 detai#
onstruted in order#) arrange1ent. This 'oo" is a 1ass o7 words arranged in detai# to
4resent di77erent ideas.

(ver)thing in nature o4erates in detai#. The si#ent shining o7 the sun on7or1s to detai#.
!onder on the enor1ous a1ount o7 wor" it ao14#ishes. Mi##ions o7 1i#es to trave#6 a
o14#ete so#ar s)ste16 in#uding eight 4#anets--Merur)6 %enus6 Mars6 Hu4iter6 5aturn6
Uranus6 Ne4tune6 !#uto and our own earth6 to heat and #ight and6 with a## these vast duties to
4er7or16 the sun an sti## ri4en the to1ato in the 'a" )ard.

It too" 8eonardo da %ini over 7our )ears to o14#ete DMona 8isa6D the 1ost 7a1ous 4ortrait in
the wor#d6 7or whih an o77er o7 7ive 1i##ion do##ars was re7used. With untiring 4atiene6 da %ini
inserted ever) detai# and a4tured that 7#eeting so1ething we a## DeC4ression.D A7ter 7our
hundred )ears6 this 1aster4iee o7 art hangs on the wa##s o7 the 8ouvre6 an ins4iration to
ever) 1orta#.

The one wa) to 1aster detai# is to eCerise 4atiene. 8earn to #ove it. With the 4ro4er attitude6
hores are a ver) 4#easant 4asti1e6 es4eia##) when )ou rea#iAe that ever)one e#se is doing
the1. (ver) tas" 'egins in detai#6 and ends in detai#. To 7ee# "ind#) toward detai# re#ieves
tension and strain6 deve#o4s the 4ower to onentrate6 and the tas" is soon o14#eted. :e#ish
detai#6 and detai# #oses its sting. &onBt 1ind detai#6 and detai# wi## 1ind )ou. With a## )our
1ani7o#d detai#s6 eCerise 4atiene. It wi## reward )ou.

It is esti1ated that it ta"es #ess than seven 4er ent o7 a #oo1otiveBs 4ower to 4u## a train o7
'oC ars6 'ut that it needs one hundred 4er ent o7 a #oo1otiveBs 4ower to start the train. The
tas"6 the di77iu#t) and the @o' see1 to 'e in starting. 5tart so1ething. Ta"e sto" o7 )our
a'i#it)6 ana#)Ae it6 and siAe u4 )our 4#ae in har1on) with the ha4ters in this 'oo". !ratie
se#7-re#iane6 #earn to de4end and re#) on )our own a'i#it). It is a#wa)s where )ou are6 and is
instant#) avai#a'#e 7or )our use. B) a## 1eans draw u4on it. 8et )our #ight shine. &e1onstrate
o4ti1is1. 8oo" 7or the 'est and eC4et the 'est. It is a#wa)s 4resent. ,ee4 on the 1ove. 0o#d
is 7ound ') those who #oo" 7or it. It is no 7arther awa) 7ro1 )ou than the 7ive ste4s in this
ha4ter. ,ee4 on the 1ove. You wi## 7ind it. (Cerise 4atiene. Tria#s6 tri'u#ations and adverse
onditions are on#) te14orar)6 and 4atiene is a read) so#vent to disso#ve the1. A## things
o1e to hi1 who thin"s and has 4atiene to wait.

<44ortunities are as 4#enti7u# as the air )ou 'reathe6 and a#so as ineChausti'#e. The) are a##
around )ou. Ta"e the 7ive ste4s in this ha4ter and onvert these o44ortunities into rea#ities.
Ahieve1ent is the resu#t o7 invested e77ort. DHe that #oses his #i7e sha## 7ind it.D Harness )our
7ores6 1easure )our ti1e6 1arsha# )our energies6 and onentrate )our a'i#it) on the @o' at
hand. 8ose )ourse#7 in the a77airs6 servies and needs o7 others. Ma"e their interest )our
ause6 #et the resu#ts ta"e are o7 the1se#ves6 and 'e7ore )ou "now it6 )our 4#ae in #i7e wi## 'e
seure. You wi## turn wish'one into 'a"'one. You wi## rown )our e77orts with ahieve1ent.

Be #i"e the 4ostage sta146 sti" to one thing unti# )ou get there. You wi## disover that )our
4#ae is where )ou are6 and )our suess is on#) a ')-4rodut o7 what )ou are.
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(ver) da) I than" 0od 7or two things> -irst6 that I was 'orn a hu1an 'eing. 5eond6 that I a1
a itiAen o7 the United 5tates. As a hu1an 'eing I a1 a'#e to visua#iAe and i1agine 1)
o44ortunities. As a itiAen o7 the United 5tates I a1 a'#e to rea#iAe and en@o) the1. This great
heritage gives 1e ause to 'e tru#) than"7u#.

(ver)one in the United 5tates has ause to 'e grate7u#. No nation in a## histor) has 'een 1ore
generous#) '#essed. Most assured#) the United 5tates is the garden s4ot o7 the wor#d. Her
geogra4hia# 4osition6 o1'ined with her var)ing a#titudes6 4rovide a greater variet) o7 soi#
and vegetation than an) eGua# eCtent o7 territor) in the wor#d. There is no #ogia# or o11on-
sense reason 7or an)one to 'e a 4essi1ist #iving in the United 5tates6 i7 he wi## on#) o4en his
e)es and see. A surve) o7 the 1ateria# resoures with whih )ou have to wor"6 and a#so a
surve) o7 the 7unda1enta# 7ats a77eting the 4ros4erit)6 seurit)6 deve#o41ent and 4rogress
o7 the United 5tates wi## ena'#e )ou to have a 'etter a44reiation o7 these resoures.

<n the north is eC4anding 9anada6 with whih to trade. <n the east is the At#anti <ean6 to
onnet us with a## (uro4ean and Near (ast 4orts. <n the south is the 0u#7 o7 MeCio6 the
Mediterranean o7 the New Wor#d6 with uneCe##ed natura# 7ai#ities to en#arge our eC4ort and
i14ort 'usiness with 5outh A1eria. <n the west is the !ai7i <ean6 to onnet us with the
<rient and the -ar (ast.

In the United 5tates there are eight great rivers6 the Hudson6 the &e#aware6 the !oto1a6 the
Mississi44i6 the <hio6 the Missouri6 the 9o#u1'ia6 and the 9o#orado. A## these rivers and 1an)
1ore are natura# arteries 7or o11ere6 waiting 7or the ingenuit) and s"i## o7 1an with vision
to dot their 'an"s with thriving industr)6 and to set a7#oat on their surging 'oso1s argosies o7
o11ere to enrih the o17orts o7 4eo4#e ever)where. 5o1e da) 'oats 4ro4e##ed ') e#etri
waves wi## 'e serving the 4eo4#e a#ong these rivers.

The water4ower resoures o7 the United 5tates an 4rodue annua##) 7ive hundred 'i##ion
"i#owatt hours o7 e#etriit)6 or enough to give eah 7a1i#) a44roCi1ate#) 7i7teen thousand
"i#owatt hours o7 e#etriit) eah )ear. This soure o7 4ower has hard#) 'een ta44ed. It is
waiting 7or deve#o41ent.

The United 5tates6 in#uding 4ossessions6 has a tota# area o7 a#1ost 7our 1i##ion sGuare 1i#es.
I7 this #and were divided6 it wou#d 'e enough to give ever) 1an6 wo1an and hi#d a 7ar1 o7
nineteen aresB eah.

The United 5tates ontains on#) siC 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs area6 seven 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs
4o4u#ation. It nor1a##) onsu1es>

-ort)-eight 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs o77ee= 7i7t) 4erent o7 the wor#dBs tin= 7i7t)-siC 4er ent o7 the
wor#dBs ru''er= twent)-one 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs sugar= sevent)-two 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs
si#"= thirt)-siC 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs oa#= 7ort)-two 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs 4ig iron= 7ort)-seven
4er ent o7 the wor#dBs o44er= siCt) 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs rude 4etro#eu1.

The United 5tates 4rodues over three 'i##ion 'ushe#s o7 orn6 one and a ha#7 'i##ion 'ushe#s
o7 wheat and 7i7teen 1i##ion 'a#es o7 otton eah )ear.

With thirt) 1i##ion auto1o'i#es6 ever)one in the United 5tates an ta"e a ride at one ti1e.

The United 5tates has over siCt) 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs te#e4hones.

The United 5tates has two hundred and 7i7t) thousand 1i#es o7 rai#roads with 7i7t) thousand
#oo1otives6 and over two 1i##ion 'oCars.

The United 5tates 4rodues>

5event) 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs oi#= 7i7t) 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs o44er= siCt) 4er ent o7 the
wor#dBs wheat= siCt) 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs otton= 7i7t) 4erent o7 the wor#dBs 4ig iron= 7ort) 4er
ent o7 the wor#dBs #ead= 7ort) 4er ent o7 the wor#dBs oa#.

The 4urhasing 4ower o7 the 4o4u#ation o7 the United 5tates is greater than that o7 7ive
hundred 1i##ion 4eo4#e in (uro4e.

The 4eo4#e o7 the United 5tates have their #ives insured 7or 1ore than one hundred and
sevent)-7ive 'i##ions o7 do##ars. This is a#1ost an average o7 twe#ve hundred do##ars 7or ever)
1an6 wo1an and hi#d.

The United 5tates has over three 1i##ion o11eria# 'usiness onerns and over two
hundred thousand 1anu7aturing esta'#ish1ents.

The United 5tates has a#1ost twent)-two 'i##ions o7 do##ars in go#d6 over sevent) 4er ent o7
the wor#dBs tota# su44#). It has siCt)-siC 4er ent o7 ivi#iAationBs 'an"ing 7ai#ities6 with 7i7teen
thousand 'an"s and one hundred and 7i7t)-three 'i##ion do##ars on de4osit.

The nationa# ino1e o7 the United 5tates is 1ore than three hundred and 7i7t) thousand
do##ars 4er 1inute. To 1eet this ino1e6 -ordBs 7ortune wou#d #ast #ess than one ha#7 a da).
There are over twent)-nine 'i##ion do##ars in iru#ation6 or over one hundred and ninet)-siC
do##ars 4er a4ita.

The United 5tates a44raised toda)6 in#uding its deve#o4ed and undeve#o4ed resoures6 its
1an4ower and 4otentia#ities6 wou#d 'e worth in eCess o7 one thousand 'i##ion do##ars. It is a
tri##ion-do##ar onern. To divide this aggregation o7 wea#th ') one hundred and 7ort) 1i##ion
su'@ets we 7ind the 4er a4ita wea#th is over seven thousand do##ars. Are )ou a '#ushing

What a'out de't? &e't is a 4art o7 the eono1i s)ste1. It is #i"e other su'@ets and to 'e
understood it 1ust 'e treated with o11on sense6 or no one understands it. &e't does not
1ean an)thing so #ong as it is in the 7a1i#). The 4u'#i and 4rivate de't o7 the United 5tates at
the end o7 1;42 was 7our hundred 'i##ion6 7ive hundred 1i##ion do##ars. It was divided as
7o##ows> Two hundred and 7ort)-seven 'i##ions o7 do##ars in the -edera# 0overn1ent and
-edera# Agenies. Thirteen and seven-tenths 'i##ions in 5tate and 8oa# 0overn1ents. (ight)-
7ive and eight-tenths 'i##ions in or4orate 'onds6 in#uding 'oth short- and #ong-ter1 issues.
Twent)-seven and three-tenths 'i##ions in ur'an rea# estate and 1ortgages. -ive and two-
tenths 'i##ions in 7ar1 1ortgages6 and twent)-one and 7ive-tenths 'i##ions in non-or4orate
'onds. &e't6 'eause it is owned ') the 4eo4#e6 inreases the nationa# wea#th.

A thousand-do##ar United 5tates 0overn1ent 'ond is a de't and an o'#igation against the
United 5tates6 and it is treated as a #ia'i#it). The sa1e 'ond in )our sa7e de4osit is 7ar 7ro1
'eing a de't or a #ia'i#it)6 in 7at6 it is a gi#t-edge seurit) and a Gui" #iGuid asset.

A thousand-do##ar 'ond issued ') the !enns)#vania :ai#road 9o14an) is arried on its 'oo"s
as a de't6 and #isted as a #ia'i#it) in its 7inania# state1ent. The sa1e 'ond is #isted as an
asset in the 7inania# state1ent o7 the New Yor" 8i7e Insurane 9o14an).

&e't is a #arge 4art o7 our wea#th. In 7at6 1ost o7 the assets o7 insurane o14anies and
other savings institutions are 4rediated on de't.

The 1ost sienti7i wa) to treat this de't is to have so1e o7 it trans7erred to )our own sa7e
de4osit 'oC.

What a'out do##ars? &o##ars are 'ased on wea#th. As the nationa# wea#th inreases so do

Most o7 the enig1as o7 our eono1i s)ste1 easi#) so#ve the1se#ves ') thought.

The United 5tates has 1i##ions o7 o4inions and the 'est 4art o7 these o4inions 1a"e our #aws6
and "ee4 our ountr) seure. As #ong as these o4inions 4revai# in a 7ree 1ar"et6 this nation
wi## re1ain intat.

I #i"e to thin" o7 the 1a@orit) o7 these o4inions eC4ressing the A1erian 9reed. DI 'e#ieve in the
United 5tates o7 A1eria as a 0overn1ent o7 the 4eo4#e6 ') the 4eo4#e6 7or the 4eo4#e=
whose @ust 4owers are derived 7ro1 the onsent o7 the governed= a de1ora) in a re4u'#i= a
sovereign Nation o7 1an) sovereign 5tates= a 4er7et union6 one and inse4ara'#e= esta'#ished
u4on those 4rini4#es o7 7reedo16 eGua#it)6 @ustie and hu1anit) 7or whih A1erian 4atriots
sari7ied their #ives and 7ortunes.

DI6 there7ore6 'e#ieve it is 1) dut) to 1) ountr) to #ove it= to su44ort its 9onstitution= to o'e)
its #aws= to res4et its 7#ag6 and to de7end it against a## ene1ies.D

As an individua# itiAen in the United 5tates )ou have 7ree aess to its giganti wea#th
through )our own initiative and a'i#it). As #ong as )ou do not enroah u4on the rights o7
others6 )ou an aGuire as 1uh o7 it as )our a4ait) warrants. It is a## )ours.

A## these un#i1ited resoures are )ours to draw u4on. A## these ineChausti'#e su44#ies are
here to satis7) )our desires. You have the a'i#it) to onvert the1 into eono1i va#ues to 1eet
)our own o17orts and en@o)1ent. There7ore6 there shou#d 'e no oasion 7or want6 and
ertain#) no reason 7or dou't6 unertaint)6 anCiet)6 worr) or dread. However6 a 7ew
suggestions on how to re#aC and ta"e it eas) 1a) he#4 )ou.

!h)sia# 7itness6 1enta# a#ertness and 4ersona# e77iien) are #arge#) deter1ined ') )our
a'i#it) to re#aC. You are at )our 'est 4h)sia##) and 1enta##) when )ou are re#aCed.

:e#aCation is on#) 7o##owing out a natura# #aw. A## things in nature grow with ease and grae.
There is no 7rition. It has a#so 'een 4roved ') o'servation and eC4eriene that the 4ower o7
1ost #iving things #ies in their a'i#it) to re#aC. The dog an #ea4 three ti1es as 7ar 7ro1 a state
o7 re#aCation. The ratt#e- sna"e an stri"e its 7u## #ength 7ro1 a state o7 oi# or re#aCation. The
#ion6 the tiger6 the 4anther a## #ea4 with dead#) ai1 7ro1 a re#ining 4osition.

When )ou are in a state o7 re#aCation water wi## ho#d )ou u4. A 4erson drowns 'eause he
7ai#s to re#aC.

:e#aCation te##s )ou to #oosen u46 to ta"e it eas)6 to re#ieve tension6 and #et go. It te##s )ou to
ta"e the 'ra"e o776 to o4en u4 and to #et the 7ores o7 nature 7#ow into )our 'od). These 7ores
wi## restore6 reu4erate6 revita#iAe and reha'i#itate )ou. These 7ores annot enter )our 'od)
when it is rigid and tense. The) on#) o1e when )ou ease tr)ing or straining.

:e#aCation is ver) i14ortant to the 4h)sia# 'od). The 'od) is 1ade u4 o7 'i##ions o7 e##s.
A1ong these e##s are the nerve e##s. The nerve e##s in#ude the sensor) nerves6 whih
onve) i14ressions 7ro1 the sense organs to the 'rain6 and the 1otor nerves whih ause
and diret 1ove1ent. These nerve e##s get their nourish1ent to 4er7or1 7ro1 the '#ood.
When the) are we## 7ed and we## nourished with 4ure '#ood6 the) 'eo1e strong6 #i"e nerves
o7 stee#. The) are a'#e to withstand stor1s6 @o#ts6 and hard 'u14s. There7ore6 the ha4ter on
DHow to &ou'#e Your (nerg)D is ver) i14ortant. B) a## 1eans read6 stud) and 4ratie the
4rini4#es as out#ined in that ha4ter. Train and disi4#ine )ourse#7 to 1astiate )our 7ood
thorough#). Train and disi4#ine )ourse#7 onsious#) to 'reathe dee4#). Train and disi4#ine
)our- se#7 to ta"e sun 'aths. Train and disi4#ine )ourse#7 to drin" 4#ent) o7 water. Train and
disi4#ine )ourse#7 to streth as out#ined in 9ha4ter I% and do it s)ste1atia##). When a di77iu#t
situation on7ronts )ou6 ta"e a dee4 'reath6 a## )our #ungs an ho#d6 and ount to ten.

B) 7o##owing out the a'ove suggestions )ou are going to have a strong 'od) with the 4ower to
re#aC6 to do the @o' e77iient#). These suggestions wi## a#so he#4 to "ee4 )ou )oung and vi'rant.
The) wi## re- 1ove the wrin"#es 7ro1 )our 7ae. 5treth and )ou 7eed the e##s o7 the 7ae with
'#ood. B#ood and wrin"#es do not go together.

(ver)one wants to 'e we##6 ha44)6 tee1ing with energ)6 on7ident6 a4a'#e and 7ree 7ro1
are. !ossi'#) a 7ew suggestions on how to re#aC 1enta##) 1a) he#4 )ou to rea#iAe this. Here
are a 7ew that he#4 1e.

1. 8<%(

8ove 1eans to 4ratie a 7ee#ing o7 "indness in a## ativit). The 'rain is the enter o7 a## ativit)
that ta"es 4#ae in the hu1an 'od)6 whether the at is vo#untar) or invo#untar). The 1aster
over a## ativit) is the inte##igene6 the seat o7 reason.

A7ter 7ort) )ears o7 eC4eriene tr)ing6 testing and eC4eri1enting with ever) 4ossi'#e 1otive6 I
have disovered that #ove has 1ore 4ower and in7#uene over 1) 1enta# ativities than an)
other Gua#it) or attri'ute. When I 4ratie a 7ee#ing o7 "indness it see1s to ta4 a great
reservoir o7 4ower and strength that ena'#es 1e to 4er7or1 with s"i## and a#arit). It e#i1inates
dou't6 unertaint)6 anCiet)6 worr) and dread6 and direts 1e without on7#it or on7usion. It
re1oves a## stu''ornness6 tenseness and rigidness. It 1a"es 1e 1ore to#erant6 1ore #i'era#
and 1ore 7orgiving. It 4#aates and soothes 1e. It 7rees 1e 7ro1 stress and strain. It re#aCes
1e. I an at 7ree 7ro1 a## are. It 4a)s 1e #arge dividends.

*. ,N<W Y<U: BU5IN(55

0et a thorough6 o14#ete and o14rehensive "now#edge o7 ever) 4hase o7 )our 'usiness
regard#ess o7 how uni14ortant it is. 5o1eti1es the #east i14ortant 'eo1es the 1ost
i14ortant. 5tud) )our ou4ation and a44raise )our a'i#it) in on@untion with the ha4ters in
this 'oo". A thorough "now#edge o7 what )ou are doing gives )ou on7idene and this gives
)ou the 7aith and 4ower to at.

.. 0(T :I& <- 5(8-I5HN(55

There are severa# grades o7 se#7ishness. The worst o77ender is arr)ing the wor#d around on
)our shou#ders. It is ta"ing to heart ever)thing that ha44ens. 5)14ath) is a## right6 'ut 7a#se
s)14ath) 1a) i14air )our e77iien). You 1ust #earn to onsider things6 4ersons and events
i14ersona##)6 and this wi## he#4 )ou to re#aC. &o not 'other a'out other 4eo4#eBs trou'#es. Most
trou'#e wi## go to s#ee4 i7 )ou do not "ee4 it awa"e. Be onsiderate a#wa)s 'ut ') no 1eans

4. 5H<W 0:ATITU&(

Nothing see1s to re#aC the 1ind so Gui"#) and o14#ete#) as a state o7 'eing grate7u#. A
s4irit o7 than"7u#ness 7or what )ou are and what )ou have see1s to 4enetrate ever) 4art o7
)our 'eing. It see1s to #oosen the ver) 1arrow in )our 'ones. When )ou sto46 4ause and
thin" 7or a 1o1ent. You 7ind 1an) things 7or whih to 'e than"7u#. 5o1eone has said that the
<#d Testa1ent has over siC hundred thousand words6 and on#) siC o7 these words are as"ing
0od 7or so1ething6 whi#e a## the rest are a song o7 4raise6 than"ing 0od 7or a## His wonder7u#
reation. Turn )our da) into a da) o7 than"sgiving. The wa) to re#aC and 'e ha44) is to 'e
tru#) grate7u#.

2. T:AIN Y<U:5(8- T< 8AU0H

8augh and the wor#d #aughs with )ou. Wh) does a 1an #augh? Beause he has an
i1agination. What 1a"es a 1an #augh? Beause with i1agination he is a'#e to o14are the
ridiu#ous with the su'#i1e. This Gui" o14arison ti"#es his 7an) and auses hi1 to
hu"#e. 5o #earn to o14are and eCerise )our i1agination. You wi## 7ind 1an) situations and
onditions that wi## 1a"e )ou #augh. This wi## re#aC )ou.

/. !:A9TI9( TH( 8AW <- A%(:A0(5

This #aw guarantees resu#ts and 1a"es )ou indi77erent as to resu#ts. This attitude wi## a#so he#4
)ou to re#aC. When )ou have done )our 'est6 there is on#) one answer--resu#ts. Then too )our
#ot or 4ortion o7 #i7e is see"ing a7ter )ou6 there7ore 'e at rest 7ro1 see"ing a7ter it. WhatBs the
wisdo1 o7 7retting6 worr)ing6 7u1ing and 7ussing? Bi##ions o7 4eo4#e have 1ade their ho1e on
this earth 7or thousands o7 )ears. The) te## us that a## o7 the1 have 'een 7ed and sustained.
The) a#so te## us that the) have not used u4 a thing. It is a## sti## here. The on#) thing to do is
4ratie the 8aw o7 Averages6 do the @o' we## and trust in that ineCora'#e #aw o7 re1uneration
whih never 7ai#s to 4a) or reward )ou 7or honest e77ort.

The a'i#it) to re#aC is a great asset. It ats as a #u'riant to s1ooth and sooth the wa)
'etween a## 'usiness and soia# re#ationshi4s. It tears down and 4enetrates the 'arriers o7
rigid 7ee#ings. It re#ieves stress and strain6 and 7rees )ou 7ro1 a44rehension and dread. When
)ou re#aC6 )ou ause others to re#aC. It esta'#ishes 1utua# understanding and on7idene
4revai#s. B) a## 1eans re#aC and ta"e it eas). It wi## give )ou 1ore a4ait) to do6 1ore a'i#it)
to thin"6 and 1ore energ) to at. It wi## ta"e a## the stu''ornness6 tenseness and rigidness out
o7 )our 1ind and 'od). It wi## un#eash a## the 4ositive and reative 7ores within )ou. It wi##
ena'#e )ou to turn )our a'i#it) into ash. It wi## 4ut )our share in )our #a4.

The &e#aration o7 Inde4endene was a 'irth erti7iate6 giving 'irth to a new 7reedo1. In this
erti7iate was hidden a drea1 that 1an ou#d eC4ress the thoughts o7 his own hoosing. A
ho4e that 1an ou#d 4er7et hi1se#7 in siene6 in 4hi#oso4h)6 in art6 in 'usiness6 in
ra7ts1anshi46 or in an) other 7ie#d o7 endeavor6 and en@o) the 7ruits o7 his own e77orts with
4eae o7 1ind. A 4ra)er that 1an ou#d worshi4 0od in his own wa)6 and share the truth o7
his own onvitions. That drea16 that ho4e6 that 4ra)er6 'ea1e )our nation--A1eria.
Individua# a'i#it)6 individua# industr)6 individua# initiative6 individua# integrit)6 enouraged ')
7reedo1 o7 ation6 sti1u#ated ') o44ortunit)6 ins4ired ') 7aith and sustained ') ahieve1ent6
turned this drea1 into a rea#it). Toda)
A1eria has one hundred and 7ort) 1i##ion 4eo4#e who rise to a## her '#essed. Her ities are
vast hives o7 thri7t and industr)6 and her ountr)side is tee1ing with agriu#tura# enter4rise.
The United 5tates is one thro''ing neigh'orhood o7 4eo4#e6 who #ive6 #ove and share. It is
)ours toda)--so1ething 7or whih to than" 0od.

:e1e1'er that )our suess #ies in )our drea1s6 in )our ho4es and in )our 4ra)ers.
:e1e1'er a#so that the destin) o7 these United 5tates6 and the 7uture we#7are and ha44iness
o7 )our hi#dren de4end on )our dignit) and )our no'i#it) as a hu1an 'eing. There7ore6 4ut
)our 7aith in the great reative 7ores within6 and 1a"e ever) da) the 'est da). Ins4ire and
in7#uene others to en@o) the a'undant #i7e with )ou. B) 4#anning and wor"ing together with a
s4irit o7 #iving and #oving and sharing6 A1eria is seure6 not on#) 7or )ou6 'ut 7or )our hi#dren
and )our hi#drenBs hi#dren.

Ma) He who #othes the #i#ies and 1ar"s the s4ar- rowBs 7a##6 4rotet and save )ou and guide
)ou sa7e through a##?

n /ust 10 minutes flat$ The &'( )ecret -ill help you en/oy e0treme self-
confi#ence$ blast through limiting thoughts$ get ri# of absolutely any fear$ an# quickly
cure 1real1 problems such as impotence an# pain.
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